#Oh dad Rikiya
thotsforvillainrights · 8 months
damn youre really breezing through requests!! hope youre doing well 💕
can i request Redestro with a daughter (or gn child, i dont mind!) who goes to UA as part of the support course because they want to not only live up to lead the MLA, but to lead Detrenat as well?
(Doing great I think for the most part, thank you!!!! I also hope your going good too! Gonna try to write a tiny bit this evening, let's hope I get charged up and make it far lol)
~Going off to School~
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Apprehensive green eyes scanned the packed bags by the open closet over and over again. His heart was in between a sort of bittersweet pain and worry mixed with pride at the events unfolding in front of him. Time flies is the truest statement especially now. And he couldn't help but to see his now teenager still as a small child even in pivotal moments as such. That same face now smaller, all the diaper changes and zoo/aquarium visits zipping through his mind. Each and every small school award, first steps, first word, small dimpled hands holding his much larger ones on walks now long gone...where did the time go?
"Dad, are you crying again? It's been 10 minutes since the last one." His kid chuckled at him. He smiles and quickly wipes the tears away that seem to keep pooling back up instantly. "Apologies, it's just that I'm...feeling quite a bit in this moment." He laughs sheepishly. His daughter/son/kid smiles softly and moves to give him a quick hug before zipping up the last bag. "Dad, I know you're probably really worried but I promise UA is a safe school and with my meta-ability, I know how to take care of myself haha!"
"Yes, but the dorms have me a bit worried. Are you sure you don't need me to just move there? Deika isn't too horribly far away for me to travel, for work. Besides, I can get a lot done remotely and-" His child laughed and shook their head. "Nah, this sounds a little bit more like bargaining haha. I'm not a kid anymore, and besides, I know even if I DO end up needing help that it won't be too far away. Especially not with uncle Tomoyasu's satellites trained on me." They wink before picking up some bags and beginning to lug them out to the car. Rikiya follows suit and grabs the remaining collection as he follows closely behind them. He watches with a twinge of sadness tugging at his heart as his kid finishes loading up and gets into the driver seat of the car. They smile sweetly and buckle the seatbelt. "Dad, I love you and I swear I'll call as soon as I finish settling in, okay?"
"I should hope so, or I will be up there within the hour if not."
(he wasn't joking, despite the smile)
The two bid their goodbye and as he watches his child pull out of the garage and head down the road, Rikiya can't help those familiar tears welling up in his eyes again for the millionth time today. Later that night he doesn't settle down for bed until he gets a call letting him know his child is okay. Even so, he still tossed and turned just a little bit beforehand. It'll take some time to adjust, but he's sure to get down to it eventually.
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square-coconut · 5 months
Hanging out with Haruka time! I love her so much!!
Hanging out with Haruka is always a highlight in this games, I don't trust anyone who doesn't like this mechanic
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Like look at her! She's my baby I'll do anything for her! (except playing mahjong, sorry but learning how golf was enough. I feel like a middle aged rich man)
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She's actually better at bowling than Nishiki lol (let's be honest, anyone is). Can you imagine Kiryu taking 8 kids bowling? I definitely can, what a chaotic night. Throw Daigo and Majima in there and you can call it family night <3
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Why are you scared? I did it first try!
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This girl is developing a gambling problem and Kiryu doesn't have enough functioning neurons to realize it. He probably thinks it's normal because of his life, even though I don't think he's that much of a gambler.
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Quite embarrassing but I had to get the keys that I was missing... Obviously they were the ones in adult places ugh I'm sorry you had to see Kiryu walking into that DVD store Haruka!
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I love them so so much! They are both very caring yet both refuse to ask for help until it is completely necessary. This game has a lot of that "I MUST do this alone" Kiryu mentality. I'm not a big fan (neither was majima or date or rikiya or nakahara or any of the children in morning glory or…)
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Oh no she's caching Kiryu's furrow. I think they look kind of similar here, that's cute. Kiryu is ready to break legs and crack some skulls and so am I lol
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Such a good dad :(((
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Let me add a few things here from substories (I'm sick of that couple)
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They looove a good gossip they are so funny. Again, very similar reaction, cute.
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The way he looks at her!!! I've been using the word love a lot but he really really loves her so so much. She's his light, his reason to live… well maybe not that, Kiryu is pretty self destructing, let's be honest.
She's the reason he keeps trying and that's enough for now
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Yakuza 3 has changed my life forever, byeee
Anyway, I adore their relationship, can't wait to see them in the next game <3 At the same time, haruka's growing up so fast… make it stop please :'((
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shih-coulda-had-it · 5 months
Several weeks after All for One’s arrest at Kamino Ward, Toshinori is extended an invitation to meet Yotsubashi Rikiya at a fancy upscale restaurant that, Rikiya’s secretary assures him, can cater its menu to suit whatever dietary needs Toshinori is subject to. Toshinori, peering down at the bowed white-furred head, decides not to be offended.
He also decides not to tell Gran Torino about the meeting, a decision he regrets when he is seated across from Rikiya’s coldly furious expression.
The waiters seem to sense the brewing hostility, because the one sacrificed to bring them a pitcher of iced water practically squeaks when Rikiya says, “We’ll need a few minutes to decide what to eat.”
“Okay!” the waiter says, and flees to safety in the kitchens.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Toshinori scolds. “He forgot to drop off the menus.”
Rikiya looks down his nose at Toshinori. “Then you decide his tip.”
“It’s going to be really generous.”
“Soft-hearted as ever, I see.” Rikiya folds his arms together. His twin has always been more angular in form (in part, Toshinori admitted to himself, because Toshinori loved sweets and All for One spoiled him with a new kind every chance he got), but they match now. It’s a strange mirror to have, after all these years. “... You lied to me.”
“Hello, pot, I’m kettle.”
“Detnerat’s secrets are nothing compared to what just happened with father. You told me--you swore to me that he died six years ago,” Rikiya hisses. He jerks his chin at Toshinori, giving him a vicious once-over of a glare. “And what’s with this? Did dad forget to feed you or something? This is my look. Get your own.”
“It didn’t happen all at once,” Toshinori protests. “And I was sure I killed him. His head was caved in, Rikiya. There was--there was so much blood.”
“Clearly not all of it was his.”
“... No. Not all.”
“Why didn’t you finish the job at Kamino Ward?” he pushes, and he ignores the incredulous look Toshinori feels crossing his face. “No one would have blamed you for it. Maybe a little shock, maybe a bit of distrust in the industry, but if you went to jail, I would’ve sprung you.”
“That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever told me,” Toshinori says, blinking.
“It would obviously have indebted you, stupid.”
Rikiya rolls his eyes and kicks Toshinori’s leg under the table; if their dad was here, Toshinori thinks ruefully, then at least Toshinori could have used the old man’s cane to fight back. As it is, Toshinori kicks back. They have a scuffle hidden behind the white tablecloth, and an entire war waged with grimaces and furrowed brows.
Eventually, Toshinori admits, “You and dad think I should’ve killed him, but I couldn’t. Not… not in that situation. There are many children where I work now. If I had smashed his head open on camera, if I’d blown a hole through his stomach or lungs after he revealed my true state… Even you would have to admit that it would have been a mistake. Not just for publicity’s sake. For society’s.”
“It always comes back to that,” Rikiya says. “Oh, well, what do you know? Next time, just invite me to the fight, and I’ll do it. Third time’s the charm.”
“If you’re so insistent, go hire an assassin and murder All for One in his cell,” Toshinori snaps. 
“Like it’s that easy!”
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villain-sympathizer · 2 years
Headcanons for the PLF leaders X a Reader who needs to be reminded to eat?
absolutely!! as someone who also struggles with remembering to eat, i feel this lmao
since theres a ton of 'leaders' in the PLF im going to just do the ones I know more about for this! if theres anyone you want added just let me know!
────── ・ 。゚: *.☽ .* : 。゚・ ──────
»»—— Reminding Their Partner To Eat ——««
[Characters: Tomura Shigaraki, Re-Destro, Skeptic]
[Contents: ⚠Mentions/implications of eating disorders⚠ (not the main topic, though), talk of medications, spoilers for the manga/upcoming S6]
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I think he and Skeptic are also guilty of this, but not in the same way, yknow?
For Tomura, it's for so many reasons, depending on the arc. At first, it was because he was so focused on gaming and trying to form a proper league; then, it was because he and the League were without a proper base/home and none of them were able to get proper food; then, it was fighting a giant mountain-like monster of a man for months; and finally, it was the struggle with his surgery and the AFO possession.
But, even if he doesn't take care of himself as much as he should, he's not considered a leader and a grand commander for nothing!
While he doesn't remind himself to eat, he absolutely reminds his partner. No matter the reason for why they forget to eat, or don't choose to eat, he will make a reminder on his own phone to remind THEM, not even himself.
Like I said, I see him as the kind of guy to share his own rations in order to make sure the rest of the League is fed well enough, especially his significant other.
They’re part of the family now, and that means they’ll be treated with the upmost care!
Sometimes, if he KNOWS they didn’t eat yet, he’ll go as far as to take a meal to them personally. Take out, home cooked, made by a hired chef – doesn’t matter, he’s hauling that meal for two right up to them himself.
If they try and refuse, saying he didn’t have to do that for them and they could get their own food, he’ll insist. But he’ll insist in that “I’m not giving up until you shove this in your mouth” kind of way, because he knows they’ll just end up forgetting again.
Lots of reminder texts that are just “eat”, or the occasional “consume”.
Unfortunately, he’s unable to check in with them much after the PLF arc, and almost never at all when AFO takes over his body.
Though, he’ll always have those off-hand thoughts of ‘I hope they ate today’ or ‘I wonder if the League is making sure they’re okay’. It confuses the fuck out of AFO but he can’t get them to stop.
Calls them his 'tomagatchi' with how often it feels like he's checking in on them, but if they don't like it, he'll stop.
Now this man, he's the PERFECT perfect partner for this out off all the PLF folks, honestly.
He's such an observant, caring person towards everyone he's close to, and that goes double for his partner.
Absolute dad material with how much he wants to make sure everyone is taken care of, both physically and mentally, so he checks in with all his loved ones and asks if everything's okay.
With his lover, and any family member honestly, he didn't even need to be told that they need reminders. Every time he sees them it's the typical check-in: "Hello, dearest. Have you eaten recently? Drank any water? You seem a little tired, have you been sleeping well?"
Like seriously, everyone calls him overbearing, but little do they realize it's actually helpful. Oh, maybe they should eat something... and they were a bit restless last night...
If his partner has appetite issues because of medication, then he's sure to feed them before they take their medication, or at least before it kicks in.
And if it's because they refuse to eat for mental health reasons? Well, then they can expect all the loving words Rikiya has in his arsenal. No insecurity will be spared from his reassurances.
He won't force them to eat in that case, but he will gently urge them to take a set amount of bites. Baby steps, as he'd say.
Just like Shigaraki, he's also someone who needs to be reminded himself to do even the basic human functions. Like sleeping.
Now, he's an incredibly focused man, and his partner will rarely ever see him during the work week unless they or Tomo himself seek each other out.
But since having a partner, he's gotten better at taking care of the both of them. It's kinda like how someone with depression will adopt a pet so that they have a reason to care for someone else, y'know?
Makes sure to contact them during his lunch breaks, which he actually takes now, and either checks in to see if they've eaten - or even going out of his way to join them for lunch.
If his partner works for him/along side him, then you bet your ass he's marching over to their area and announcing that the two of them are going on break.
If they tell him, or if he realizes that they need reminders, then expect some kind of reminder in every source of media that you have. Texts, emails, DMs of every social media - hell, they could open up an account they haven't touched in years and find hundreds of messages reminding them to eat and drink water.
But, it's also going to be a two-way street when it comes to our boy Tomo: his partner is going to have to remind him to eat or sleep as well.
It's a strange back and forth of hypocritical advice, yet it somehow works for the both of them.
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qirkbrn-a · 4 years
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why are they cursing? Why can’t they have one normal day in the tower....???
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sendaidivision · 2 years
Kotono's Thoughts on Toyama Division
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Asato Rikiya
"This is the kid that works as the melon grower, right? Good to know! I've been meaning to figure who grows those strangely-shaped melons I've been seeing in the store lately! I wonder if he knows any good alcoholic beverages with melon in them! I've been thinking about trying something fruit-flavored recently..."
Yano Ietsuna
"Ya' know, for a guy who cries a lot, this guy's got quite an artistic mind! I've seen some of those glass sculptures he makes, and I'll admit, they've caught my eye on more than one occasion. It's a shame I always waste my money in the casino; otherwise, I would have definitely bought some..."
Kensaku Morimoto
"Argh, this guy..." Kotono rolls her eyes. "I am, unfortunately, acquainted with him since he, Jakurai and I have to do something with the medical field. As much as I hate to admit it, the guy knows what he's doing behind the counter, and he's a hell of a researcher. ...But seriously, does he not realize just how annoying those "jokes" of his are? It doesn't help that he takes every chance he gets to tell them to Jakurai-sensei and I. The both of us have to fight the urge to roll her eyes every time he tells one of his 'oh-so-famous' dad riddles. You'd think he get the hint to stop telling them after seeing that he's the only one laughing at them, but nooo..."
"Unlike my teammates, I've been to Toyama once before for a class session, and I quite liked my trip there. If my work here wasn't so important, I'd consider doing a transfer. Still, like I said, I enjoyed the place. ...I just have to make sure I don't move somewhere close to Morimoto..."
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skygayzer · 2 years
think you're up to answering everything from section A that you haven't already? 👉🏾👈🏾
*cracks knuckles* I will do my best! :O
Favorite character(s)?
I already answered this but I feel like there are many other characters I love, I think I don't really have favorites since there are so many.
I said before I really love Lee in Yakuza 0, his love for Makoto hurt me in ways I couldn't imagine. Makoto is also such a bad ass character, like she is so damn brave! Even to go to the Tojo clan herself and to demand the death of Dojima's Lieutenants. While it was rash, I have a lot of respect for her!
Controversial but I really like Sagawa too, he is so scary and devious... Creepy little man...
Favorite game(s)?
Yakuza 0! (It was the first Yakuza game I played) and I cried like six times while playing it! 😩
The fighting system is so fun, and I really enjoyed the Substories!
Also Yakuza 3, cause Kiryu attempting to try and be a good dad is so cute, especially when he wants to learn about thier interests and hobbies like... *daddy issues r coming through*
I ALSO LIKE YAKUZA 7! (Except for the fighting system, I suck at it🧍‍)
Favorite protagonist(s)?
Listen,,, it's Kiryu..Kiryu and Majima. Idk I just really prefer his fighting style over the others.. It's a basic answer I know but I just had the most fun playing as them other than everyone else.
Favorite antagonist(s)?
Answered this one in this ask!
Favorite final boss(es)?
MINE!!!! I love that guy he is so cool and full of swag! (And he fought for LOVE!!!) Also I really liked Aizawa's reveal as a final boss, it was just so GOOOOOOOD!!!
Favorite side character(s)?
I also liked Rikiya, sweet boy.. Sweet sweet boy... AND MINAMIIII!!!!
Favorite song(s)?
24-hour Cinderella!!! And the song of friendship from Yakuza 5💕
Favorite weapon(s)?
Favorite healing item(s)?
Staminan X!!! And food ofc
Favorite tattoo(s)?
MAJIMA'S AND SAEJIMA'S! they are so damn cool and and I feel go with thier Personalities so well. (Also Nishiki's)
Favorite minigame(s)?
THE HOSTESS CLUB MINIGAMES! I love dressing them up and running around doing little tasks🤩!!
Thank you!
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savage5dskids · 2 years
Any headcanons about what would happen if the dad's got sick or injured?.
I'll try to answer you as if you asked me "how would the kids react if...?" bc the specific scenario might vary. I also crossed out "chronic" situations, I felt more creative thinking about sudden scenes (like a D-Wheel crash, or passing out on the floor for no apparent reason, etc):
- Kaori would panic. She'd have trouble choosing what to do next. Her type of power (empathy) is counterproductive in these situations. She needs help (thankfully her brother is usually around)
- Hikaru would panic too, but he'd stay strong and do something helpful (he's a talented duelist who can think fast and effectively).
- Takahiro wouldn't even process the panic, he'd straight up think of a solution. Where do I bring dad? Should I tell mom? Who can help us? (thanks to Jack being often absent, he forcefully became the responsible man of the house)
- Rikiya would use sarcasm here and there to cover up his panic (it's worse than Kaori's). He wouldn't be the one able to make a plan of action, but he'd follow instructions if somebody else is there. (Please don't laugh at him, he'll do better one day)
- Risa would panic too, then get mad. She's too young to hold any responsibility of whatever follows anyway
-Kenichi would do everything a responsible adult would do. He can deal with the inner fright like a champ (he'd let emotions hit him once the storm is gone)
- Claire, oh Claire would unleash all of her inner emotions. She'd yell and do very ineffective things at first, but 1 out of 10 of all her actions would be actual good decisions. She can save the day, she'd just waste a lot of energy and time in the process
- Elaina would be forced to break her facade. She acts like a child prodigy, but she's still a kid, a kid with very low control of her inner emotions. And yet, she's also the only one who can think of the *best* solution humanly achievable. You still need her on the team
- The respective wives would intervene later and handle the situations like the responsible adults they became. Aki and Sherry would hide their pain from their children. But Ken would sense Sherry's pain, just like Kaori would feel her mother's pain. Kaori and Aki are so similar on this side, they give strength to each other. Only Carly would basically use Taka as a shoulder to cry on (I believe this marriage is slightly dysfunctional lol Jack you're an idiot).
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cryingcow · 4 years
Rikiya, Kiryu, & Haruka - Rikiya’s Lonely Struggle [RGGO]
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 .
This month’s RGG Online dice event features Rikiya! I was in a Y3 mood lately so I went and did this first :D
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Apparently they’re called Sugoroku events. This one is 6 chapters long, including the prologue and epilogue, so I’ll be splitting it into 3 parts. Enjoy the sight of Rikiya in the Dragon Engine now since Yakuza Kiwami 3 might not be coming for a long time :’(
This story feels like a subtle way to attract tourists to Okinawa, what with the food specialties, the lessons in Okinawan slang (that I skipped over in here), and this banner:
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Just look at that winning Dad smile! Don’t you wish you were in Okinawa right now?
Click on for the Prologue, Chapter 1 + Rikiya’s Side Comments!
Rikiya’s Side Comments
During the course of rolling around the board, Rikiya comments on various stuff and people.
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Rikiya’s comments on objects:
Habu (Pit Viper) – “The venom of habus isn’t that strong, but they fight without fear of what kind of opponent they’re up against. How cool is that?”
Ryukyu City – “Isn’t it such a lively city? All the people here are nice. That’s why it’s my job to protect it.”
Jewel? [in-game item] – “Is this a jewel that I thought I saw fall? Haa~, it’s color is like that of the sea. It’s a waste to sell it off.”
Great dice [in-game item] – “Hey this is amazing! The same number of eyes appear no matter how many times you shake it. Hehe, let’s trick Mikio with this.”
Rikiya’s comments on people:
Patriarch Nakahara – “He’s stubborn, old-fashioned, and strange. But when he makes up his mind to do something, he does it. That’s my boss.”
Mikio – “I want to keep them smiling. I’m going to protect this group with him, so I’m going to be firm.”
Young Lady (Saki) – “She’s not good at speaking, but well, I’m not good at studying, it’s the same thing. Everyone knows how good the young lady is.”
Kiryu-no-aniki – “To think there’s a person out there like my patriarch . . . the world really is big!”
Haruka-chan – “She’s a small but firm child. There’s a lot of things going on. I want to help you keep them away.”
Ayako – “She’s a smart girl, so I don’t have to worry about her. Do you want company in your running practice?”
Koji – “He’s bright, gentle, and he exercises. Isn’t he popular in school? That’s good . . .”
Taichi – “Jeez, just because you like professional wrestling doesn’t mean I’m a lariat! I thought I was going to die . . .”
Mitsuo – “The one who knows pain can understand the pain of others. You’re already a good man.”
Riona – “Hehe, getting along with Mitsuo? It seems that Mitsuo will be laid out on his butt in another 10 years. That hurts! Don’t hit me!”
Shiro – “A great guy who can study with me. All you need is a handful of courage. Please support Morning Glory.”
Izumi – “I really like Mame. Take care of yourself when going on walks. Don’t forget to do your homework properly~?”
Eri – “I want to say that the house looks great, but that’s an adult’s excuse. One day, you’ll realize yourself.”
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[Morning Glory Orphanage]
Haruka: “So you’ve never tried eating it yet, Ojiisan?”
Kiryu: “Yeah. I see it in the supermarket often, but I usually just pick up a familiar fish.”
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Rikiya: “Nice to see you! Aniki and Haruka-chan!”
Kiryu: “Oh, Rikiya.”
Rikiya: “What were you two talking about?”
Haruka: “Rikiya-san, have you ever eaten a fish called ‘Gurukun’?”
Rikiya: “Of course I have! Gurukun is a fish that represents Okinawa! It’s also called ‘Takasago’ in the mainland, right?”
Kiryu: “That’s correct, but it’s not that famous in the mainland. I’ve never tried it out yet.”
Rikiya: “You’re kidding?! You can’t live in Okinawa without eating gurukun! Alright, how about the three of us head to the public market right now! There’s lots of fresh fish there!”
Kiryu: “We’re going to the market now?”
Rikiya: “Yes! I’ll be your guide!”
Kiryu: “I’m sorry. Haruka and I have something to do after this . . .”
Rikiya: “Something to do . . . then I’ll go run down to the market myself and buy you that gurukun!”
Kiryu: “Would that be alright? Sorry.”
Rikiya: “We can go to the market together next time when you have the time. More than the fish, I want Aniki to experience the kindness of the people in the market.”
Kiryu: “The kindness of the people in the market?”
Rikiya: “Yeah. Do the people at the market look scary at first glance?”
Kiryu: “Apart from the shops for tourists, there certainly is a cold atmosphere at first glance. Especially towards strangers like me.”
Rikiya: “They’re just workers who are bad at meeting new people. But actually everyone is kind, be they mainland people or Okinawa people!”
Kiryu: “Is that so. In that case, I’ll be looking forward to going to the market with you as my guide.”
Rikiya: “Well then, I’m going to run now!”
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[Public Market]
Fish Seller A: “Hey, welcome~!”
Rikiya: “Hey!”
Fish Seller A: “Oh, Rikiya. What is it?”
Rikiya: “Do you have gurukun? I want a very fresh one.”
Fish Seller A: “Oh, we have just the right one! But it’s unusual for you to be cooking.”
Rikiya: “It’s not for me. I want to feed everyone at Morning Glory.”
Fish Seller A: “Morning Glory . . . ?”
Rikiya: “It’s an orphanage by the beach. My Aniki Kiryu-san is the caretaker.”
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Fish Seller A: “Kiryu . . .”
Rikiya: “Give me all that gurukun you have. How much will it be?”
Fish Seller A: “Oh, uh, I just remembered that these gurukun have been reserved for another customer! Go hit up the other stalls!”
Rikiya: “What . . . Jeez. Whatever, I’ll try another store!”
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Rikiya: “Oh! How are you doing?”
Fish Seller B: “Oh, Riki-chan.”
Rikiya: “Oh, you have gurukun. It’s not reserved for anyone, is it?”
Fish Seller B: “Yeah, they’re all for sale.”
Rikiya: “Alright! Now I can feed Kiryu-no-aniki!”
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Fish Seller B: “Kiryu-no-aniki . . . ?!”
Rikiya: “Oh, do you know him? Kiryu Kazuma. He’s my Aniki!”
Fish Seller B: “Go home!”
Rikiya: “Eh?”
Fish Seller B: “The store is closed today! Go away!”
Rikiya: “Wh-What the hell . . . ?! Just like with the previous store, his attitude completely changed when I mentioned Kiryu-no-aniki’s name . . . ??”
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Woman Passing By: “Just now, did you just say Kiryu . . . ?”
Rikiya: “Yeah. Do you know him Ma’am?”
Woman Passing By: “I overheard from someone in the market . . . that Kiryu Kazuma is trying to take over the place . . .”
Rikiya: “Aniki taking over the market?? What does that even mean??”
Woman Passing By: “I don’t know all the details, but that’s the rumor everyone’s been gossiping about. Look . . .”
{The woman points at two vendors talking.}
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Meat Vendor: “Isn’t the Ryudo Family the enforcers of the market? Even if Kiryu attacks, the Ryudo Family will protect us, right?”
Greengrocer: “Idiot, the Ryudo Family can’t beat Kiryu. There’s a Tsukiji Market in Tokyo, and rumor has it Kiryu took over Tsukiji overnight.”
Meat Vendor: “Really! Then a small market like ours . . .”
Greengrocer: “Yeah, we’ll be taken over in one hour, tops. By Kiryu alone.”
Meat Vendor: “If that happens, I’ll stab Kiryu! When I see him next time, I’ll use this butcher knife, no questions asked . . . !”
Greengrocer: “Lay off. The guy who opposed Kiryu at Tsukiji was rumored to have been sold as cheap minced meat.”
Meat Vendor: “What a horrible bastard . . . ! The mainlanders are truly dreadful!”
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Woman Passing By: “For the past week, the market’s been plagued by this rumor.”
Rikiya: “My Aniki taking over the public market?? Who’s been spreading these rumors?!”
Woman Passing By: “Well, there’s no smoke without fire.”
Rikiya: “Eh? What do you mean?”
Woman Passing By: “No, it’s nothing. Please excuse me . . .”
Rikiya: “What? That woman . . . ?”
{Rikiya’s phone rings. He answers.}
Rikiya: “Ah, Aniki! What is it?”
Kiryu: “My errand with Haruka ended earlier than expected. I’m heading to the market right now.”
Rikiya: “Ah, no, no! Don’t come here Aniki!”
Kiryu: “Why?”
Rikiya: “Well, the . . . the gurukan is sold out!”
Kiryu: “Is that so. Well we can walk around the market. I want to see this kindness of the people with you as my guide.”
Rikiya: “Sorry! I’ve left the market, I’m on my way back home to Morning Glory! Let’s just go to the market together some other day!”
Kiryu: “I see. I guess we’ll save the fun for next time . . . be careful in going home.”
{Kiryu hangs up.}
Rikiya: “My bad! This is dangerous . . . Aniki, looking forward to interacting with the people in the market . . . I was the one who made him expect it in the first place . . . I can’t say ‘the market is full of bad rumors about Aniki’. What do I do . . . ? Can I convince the people otherwise one by one? That’ll take a long time . . . But why did weird rumors pop up? I guess because my Aniki is a mainlander . . .”
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Rikiya: “For the time being, I should head back to Morning Glory. My Aniki will be suspicious if I’m late . . .”
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[Morning Glory Orphanage]
Rikiya: (In the end, a week passed without me taking any measures against the rumors about Aniki spreading through the market . . . Well, it’s better to wait for the rumors to disappear on their own than panic. As the saying goes, ‘people’s rumors last 75 days’ . . . Hm? How many months is 75 days? That’s long . . .)
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Haruka: “Rikiya-san, it’s a shame the gurukan was sold out last time.”
Rikiya: “Well, that’s how delicious the fish is!”
Haruka: “I’m looking forward to the day I can eat it! Now more than ever I’m interested in Okinawan food. Rikiya-san, do you know Soki?”
Rikiya: “Of course. It’s an Okinawan specialty made of stewed pork and bones. It’s delicious!”
Haruka: “The soki that Ojiisan ate a year ago was very delicious. I was going to buy Ojiisan’s soki today, but I wanted to go with you.”
Rikiya: “Oh, that’s good. Where’s this store? I want to know what soki Aniki is beating his drum for.”
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Kiryu: “It’s in the market.”
Rikiya: “Ah, Aniki. I understand. It’s in the . . .”
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Rikiya: “Th-The market?!”
Kiryu: “It would be nice to explore the market under your guidance. Interacting with the people in the market . . .”
Rikiya: “N-No! Two people shouldn’t go to the market together!”
Kiryu: “Why?”
Rikiya: “Why . . . that’s . . . ! It’s really hot out today! If a person from the mainland goes outside on a day like this, they’d get a heatstroke in seconds! So I’ll be the one to buy soki for the two of you, just wait! Hey Haruka-chan, lend me that shopping bag!”
{Rikiya takes the shopping bag out of Haruka’s hands and runs off.}
Kiryu: “What a strange guy . . .”
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[Public Market]
Rikiya: “This is bad. It’s only a matter of time before Aniki and Haruka-chan come to the market . . . For now, let’s listen in to the conversations of the people of the market to see the current state of the rumors.”
{Rikiya casually eavesdrops on everyone.}
Rikiya: “Unexpectedly, the rumors seem to have died down . . .”
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Greengrocer: “The story that Kiryu is taking over the market alone was just that. Apparently it wasn’t a real story.”
Meat Vendor: “That’s true. If you think about it with a calm head, it’s impossible, taking over the market alone.”
Greengrocer: “Right. Apparently Kiryu is taking over markets with his friends.”
Meat Vendor: “With friends . . . ?! Who?”
Greengrocer: “The young captain of the Ryudo Family . . . Rikiya.”
Meat Vendor: “Ah! Yeah, that guy’s always hanging out with Kiryu these days!”
Greengrocer: “Right? Rikiya’s been completely brainwashed by Kiryu.”
Meat Vendor: “Then that means Kiryu and Rikiya will strike soon?!”
Greengrocer: “Yeah, no mistake . . .”
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Rikiya: “Oi! Knock it off!”
Greengrocer: “Ri-Rikiya! Are you making your attack already?!”
Rikiya: “You idiots. Aniki brainwashing me? Taking over the market? He’ll never do that! It’s all a hoax!”
Greengrocer: “But before, you loved Okinawa more than anyone else, and would never even think about wagging your tail for a mainlander! And calling Kiryu your aniki, that’s clearly brainwashing!”
Rikiya: “You’re wrong! I just fell in love with my Aniki’s honourable spirit! Kiryu-no-aniki is a real man among men!”
Greengrocer: “Look, Rikiya’s eyes . . . ! They’re the same as the eyes of my cousin who got pulled into a new religion!”
Meat Vendor: “This guy’s already been brainwashed . . . ! He’s going to attack with Kiryu soon!”
Greengrocer: “I’ll be out of business, and Kiryu will suck on my bones!”
Rikiya: “Don’t be scared, you guys. I know Kiryu-no-aniki has a fearsome appearance . . . “
Meat Vendor: “Hey! Look over there!”
Greengrocer: “Ki-Ki-Kiryu . . .”
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Haruka: “The market is really lively, Ojiisan.”
Kiryu: “Yeah . . .”
Haruka: “But is it really that good?”
Kiryu: “You should look forward to it. You can even suck on all the bones . . .”
Rikiya: “Wait, Aniki! What are you doing here!”
Kiryu: “Because you came here all alone . . .”
{People are screaming around the market.}
Meat Vendor: “Hurry up and run away everyone! Or you’ll be killed!”
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Haruka: “What’s going on? Why is everyone in the market running away somewhere?”
Kiryu: “Did something happen?”
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Rikiya: “This is, uh . . . a disaster drill!”
Kiryu: “Disaster prevention training?”
Rikiya: “Yes. Practicing to avoid getting killed by disaster . . . that’s why you can’t shop today!”
Kiryu: “Well, that’s a shame. I wanted to eat the ‘cartilage soki’ I had eaten here before.”
Rikiya: “Cartilage soki . . .”
Kiryu: “It was stewed so well, you can even eat the bones. It was excellent.”
Rikiya: “Then when the drill is over, I’ll buy some and bring it home, so please go now Aniki.”
Kiryu: “Oh. I don’t want to get in the way of the drill. Let’s go home, Haruka.”
Haruka: “Yup. See you, Rikiya-san.”
{Kiryu and Haruka leaves.}
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Rikiya: “Phew . . . that was dangerous . . .”
Greengrocer: “What? Is that bastard Kiryu leaving? Did he just come here for reconnaissance, only to come back at a later date . . .”
Rikiya: “So, now you know it’s a hoax.”
Greengrocer: “No, I heard it! Kiryu said he came to the market to ‘suck all the bones’!”
Rikiya: “No, Aniki was talking about soki . . .”
Greengrocer: “Don’t tell such a transparent lie!”
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Hooligan A: “Oi, you, where’s Kiryu?”
Rikiya: “What? These bastards . . .”
Hooligan B: “We’re bouncers. We were hired to protect this market from Kiryu.”
Rikiya: “Hired by who?”
Hooligan A: “I don’t think that has anything to do with you. Is Kiryu coming or not? Where is he?”
Greengrocer: “He just left the market.”
Hooligan A: “Alright, I’ll chase after him!”
Rikiya: “Wait, my Aniki isn’t taking over the market!”
Hooligan A: “Hey I remember, you’re Rikiya, the one who’s been brainwashed by Kiryu! I don’t believe a word you’re saying! Get out of here!”
Rikiya: “If you’re really going to chase after Aniki, you can do so only if you beat me.”
Hooligan B: “Hmph, this kid is crazy! But this is Kiryu’s friend! Do it!”
{Rikiya kicks the crap out of the hooligans.}
Rikiya: “Tell me before I hit you again, where and when were you hired as bouncers?”
Hooligan A: “The market’s . . . Youth Club . . .”
Rikiya: “Youth Club?”
Greengrocer: “It’s a union of young people working together in the market. Although they’re rough, they’re more enthusiastic about the market than anyone.”
Meat Vendor: “Yes, yes. The Youth Club members knew about Kiryu’s invasion before anyone else.”
Rikiya: “Wait, so the source of the rumor is that Youth Club?”
Meat Vendor: “Well, I don’t remember much, but I don’t think the Youth Club started it . . .”
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Rikiya: (If the Youth Club is spreading rumors, what for . . . ? Do I want to get in now and find the truth? No. First I have to buy cartilage soki for my Aniki and go home. If I linger too much, he’ll come back to the market again . . .)
As an addition:
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Look at the new Kiryu card, living his best life in Okinawa with his orphans T^T
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 Masterlist
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
I need the chisakis meet eri angst on what format is better tou dearie and no rush I love you ♡♡♡♡♡♡
*breatgs in before widening my eyes* BOI-!
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"Oni san!!!!" Kin waved from your arms before you gently put her down to run clusmy towards her big brother who lifted his arms awkwardly to pet her head, his eyes sparklung when he saw you and Kai waiting for him as well.
"Took your time, didn't you brat?" Your husvand arched a eyebrow as his son hugged him, despite at how tense he got at the action before going to hug you as well.
"School today was so boring." Kaito mumbled ob the crook of your neck as Kin decided to grab one part of his pants to get his attention.
"Papa! There is a llayground at ni san school! Can we go in before we go home?? Please???"
"You have no idea if those workers of this place cleaned that on the first place Chisaki Kin. So the answer is-"
"Actuallu I annoyed the workers enough to clean that playground, or else neither me or Haru would enter." Kaito spoke nonchantly as you giggled at his actions.
"Still, my answer is-"
"Mama can we go?" The two kids spoke at the same time as you nodded with a smile.
"Only for a bit though!" You shouted as they ran off, trying not to be nervous at the glare you were receiving from Chisaki.
"I am starting to lose my autonomy on those brats,l because of you dearest." You laughed nervously as he crossed his arms before a teacher came to talk with you both.
"Ni-san! Look how high this is!"
"Climbing Rikiya would be taller Kin." The boy deadpanned at his sister from the top of the slide as she poked her tongue out.
"Is different!"
"Sure. Is more cool climbing Rikiya." He smirked at his sister pouting before she came down from the slide to point at the swing.
"Oni san push me on the swing??" Kaito rolled his eyes before helping Kin sit on the swing and start to gently push her high enoygh for him to also join the other lonely one.
"Oi! You kids shouldn't be at home already?" A boy with a red cape appeared out of no where, causing Kaito to stop pn the swing to give him a deadpan look.
"Our parents are talking with a teacher, and we just asked them to play here..." he mumbled as the young man aproached, Kaito not liking one bit because he quite knew what this guy was.
He heard from his upper classmates that some students from U.A were coming here to give a talk, but not to his class, thankfully. Although, the uniform was recognized, and he knew that teenager was a student from the school of heroes.
"Ah, got it. Still, you should be at the companh of them."
"Don't tell us what to do." He tgrowed it back, smirking at the twitch of the eye of the young man, knowing veru well he got on his nerves as he hoped off from the swing. "Want to play on another thing Kin?"
"I think I can go higher ni-san!"
"Hey you can hurt yourself!" The guy spoke as Kaito looked at him with boredoom.
"Look who talks."
Although, Kin accidentaly let go of the swing at the discussion her brother was getting into it. The girl yelped and braced herself for the impact before feeling two pair of arms grabbing her, preventing her fall.
"Gotcha." The girl spoke before letting go of her on the ground "Kota don't be too harsh on them."
"This brat that has one sharp tongue." Kota huffed as Kaito smirked before going to grab his sister's hand.
"Thanks." He mumbled nonchantly at the older girl, tilting his head when she widened her red eyes at seing him. "You're okay?"
"U-uh.. Y-yeah!" She faked a smile while wavung her hands up in the air "You just reminded me of someone!"
"Eri-chan?" Kota spoked in worry as he aproached the nervous girl.
"I'm okay Kota. Is just a coincidence.." she mumbled to gerself the last part.
"There are you brats." A gruff voice caught the attention of the group, mainly for Eri as she froze on the spit at hearing the oh so familiar tone of voice "You two causing trouble for any chance?"
"Nope!" Kin giggled as Kaito decided to pay attention on hiw the girl who helped his sister started to tremble like a leaf.
"Sorry you two for my kids causing any trouble." Kai spoke as Kota just gave him a nod, Eri still remaining her back towards him "Lets go home Kaito and Kin."
Eri abruptly turned to see him. The man who tormented her for months as a kid, the same age those kids were... her crinson eyes met his cold golden ones. His own eyes widened in a mix of horror and shock at seing her.
"Dad?" Kaito slowly aproached his father, worried at how frozen he seemed as Kin hugged his leg along "are you okay?"
He gulped the remaining air left on his throat as he finally broke the gaze with Eri to look down at his kids.
"Lets just go."
"W-wait!" Eri shouted, causing everyone to widened theur eyes at her actions before she nervously looked down at the kids "Y-you two really want to go with him?"
He wanted to snap. He knew why she was doing this, but he let go of his past for so long now... he let her go to raise Kaito right. Why she was bringing the topic up even if he never once layed a funger on his childs?!
"Uh duh? He is our dad miss." Kaito answered bluntly as Kin nodded.
"Papa! She saved me from falling from the swing!" She smiled brightly at himas he felt his chest tighten and limbs stop working.
How the tables turn...
".. I see." He spike after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence before managing to leave again with the two "let's go. Your mother is probably done chattering with your teacher Kaito."
"You're sure that you're okay dad?" The kid asked one more time before grabbing his father's hand, frowing at how he flinched and hurried up his pace with the two.
"I'm alright. Just sick of this place just like you."
"Is dirty the floor of here!" Kin exclsimed causing her brother to laugh and Kai to smile a bit before frowing.
His past wasn't just going to dissapear, was it..?
"Eri-chan?" Kota asked in worry, seing that his friend hadn't looked away form the guy who had picked up the kids, and not liking one bit at the frow she carrie don her face either.
"Kota-kun..." she spoke after a bit before looking at him "I think someone should check on those kids to make sure they are okay."
"They seem like it. But if you say so, who should we call them?"
"I will try talking with Lemillion or even Dadzawa (eeyyy see what I did?). I just need to make sure these two aren't... suffering." She muttered as a shiver ran down her soine at remembering what Overhaul did to her as she looked at her forearms for a second.
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Hi! Okay I'm doing this off anon cuz I might become a regular around here. I really enjoy your writing, and your smaus make me giggle SO MUCH.
So, here's my request! Basically, reader is like. 5 or 6 years old and has a HUGE kiddie crush on them right? Even to the point the reader basically forces them into a kindergarten wedding lol.
The reader would be any person you wants kid, but I'd like to specifically request Dabi, Shigiraki, Twice, Spinner, Compress, Pops, AFO, And Chisaki? Sorry if that's too much! But yeah if that's okay lol :> also how would the kids parent/sibling react!
(So I might've had a hard time understanding this one since I'm grow more dense the longer the night goes on. The reader is anyone I want child, but the person the reader thinks of is the people listed above? I hope that's right! Also don't be mad, please don't be mad but I'm not too much a big fan of the kid's having crushes trope! Although its a real thing -I say this because as a small child I wanted to marry Inuyasha after seeing him on my Tv one night.-Anyway, can I opt out of the wedding and tweak it to them being huge fans please???)
(No seriously, don't be mad. I'm very sensitive)
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(I decided for the dad to be Re Destro since he's been present a lot lately here on the blog. I was originally going to make the dad Twice but I looked back and saw he was already listed as the person of interest lol)
-Dabi: Rikiya first started to suspect that you were a weird kid when he found you out in the garden one day trying to have a full conversation with earthworms in the tomato plant. Being a huge fan of the villain Dabi only cemented this. He figured you'd grow out of it in about a month or two but it didn't seem to go away. In fact, it only seemed to get worse with time! By the time you hit the age of 6, your entire bedroom was themed after a villain. It was somewhat disappointing since Re Desto figured you'd admire dear old dad around this age. Nope! You ran around the house throwing blue tissue paper here and there, pretending it was blue flames. You even went and scribbled purple paint all over yourself one day. It was getting out of hand but he tried to hand in there. What was a man to do?
-Shigaraki: There are worse things in this world...but having a kid that was obsessed with the Leader of the League of Villains definitely cut the cake. How on earth was he to cope with the various doodles of Tomura taking up space on his fridge? You even wanted him to call you Shigaraki around the house. It was no longer Cowboys and Robbers. It was now League and Heroes. There were no tea parties or fishing trips. You wanted to be Tomura you admired him so much. Your growing collection of red shoes was a sign of that. Re Destro has to hear Shigaraki's name leave his toddlers mouth at all hours of the day. "Papa look, Shigaraki is on the news!" He groaned and turned to stare at you as you excitedly watched the show. The man sighed to himself and smiled. Oh well, you were still his child and he still loved you dearly no matter what weird thing you were into at the moment.
-Twice: It's pretty obscure that Twice's biggest fan is a 6 year old but hey, what the hell. However, Rikiya did grow weary of watching his child try to make clones 24/7. That wasn't even the kind of quirk you possessed! Either way, he would learn to be patient with you until you found interest in someone else. At this point he'd prefer if it was anyone else other than Jin Bubaigawara. Damn it, anyone please? Here, hang out with uncle Skeptic or aunt Curious. Someone please help this old man lol.
-Spinner: At your young age you likely thought he was a dinosaur. It was innocent and very cute. You'd probably been raised up on a lot of dinosaur kids stuff so your brain made that connection when you saw Spinner one day. You'd suddenly started wearing a bandana/mask around the house and wielding an empty paper towel roll as your sword everywhere (even school). To you, spinner was the coolest person...dinosaur in the whole world. You would even take the toys you already had and wrap little masks around them and tie hairpins to their backs with rubberbands so they'd be like Spinner too. You also found out about Spinner before Stain so now you were thinking that Stain must be a huge spinner fan too.
-Compress: Anybody that can do magic tricks is going to have the best interest of a kid. That's a given rule. Poor Re Destro tried his hardest to explain to you that Compress was a villain and that he couldn't book him for your 6th birthday this year but you just weren't listening. Now Rikiya by no means raised any type of spoiled brat, but you certainly knew how to get what you wanted when you wanted it. You threw a fit. You thrashed about, cried until your eyes were swollen and itchy. You sniffled and snotted everywhere. You crossed your little arms and stomped your feet. You even threatened to hold your breath until you couldn't breath anymore. Your father folded faster than origami. Now he had to figure out a way to get a literal fucking villain to perform at a kids birthday party. Good luck with that one lol.
-Pops: You'd met the old man in public a few times. Your young mind couldn't gather much about him other than the fact that he must've been an important guy. All you knew is that 'old man pops' always reached into his pocket and gave you candy/sometimes money whenever he saw you. Re Destro usually chatted with the old man since they'd basically done business at the same bank and shopped at the same store sometimes. Your papa loved leaving far out of Deika to do errands since it was a nice trip to take. He didn't know his kid was going to admire the literal leader of the yakuza so much to the point that they wanted to be like the man. It wasn't too big of a deal though. He'd seen how nice the old man was to you. Maybe he'd arrange a time or two to take you to the compound so you could learn about the yakuza? Of course he didn't want you affiliated with such a group, but education at a young age was always essential.
-AFO: Rikiya is seriously considering sending a 5 year old off to therapy because what in the hell is going through your mind to have such a deep interest in All For One of all people. Sometimes things that are meant to scare people have little to no effect on small kids. Kids tend to be fearless (it's true), so sometimes they can have interests that border on the macabre. That must be what's happening right now. He hopes soon you'll come out of this before you turn 6 because he's getting weird looks buying AFO figures off the black market for a fucking 5 year old.
-Overhaul: Your obsession with Overhaul runs so deep that you've taken to covering your mouth everywhere. It started around the house with just your hand. You'd reach over your face at odd times and cover your mouth. Rikiya just thought that maybe something smelled weird but he could never figure out what it was. Then you progressed towards trying to make masks out of paper and yarn. He finally figured out you were interested in the young head of the yakuza after seeing him on the news one day. Now he had to deal with his child using their candy money to buy black surgical masks that barely fit their face. It was an odd interest indeed.
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bi-naesala · 3 years
A small request
Fandom: Yakuza Rating: G Warnings: / Relationships: Kiryu Kazuma & Shimabukuro Rikiya Characters: Kiryu Kazuma, Shimabukuro Rikiya Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Hugs, Kiryu being a Dad Summary:
After Rikiya almost dies, Kiryu decides that it's time he gets back to Okinawa. As they're making their way through Kamurocho, though, he notices that there's something wrong with him.
(Also on AO3)
There’s no time to lose. Kiryu has to get Rikiya out of Kamurocho, and he has to do it fast.
He can’t help but to think that he should’ve done this sooner, but he knew deep down that it would’ve been useless: Rikiya was too determined to help, and he wouldn’t have budged. At least he’s managed to convince him to leave this time around.
 Still, he regrets the fact that Rikiya had to come now and not during a more peaceful situation. He had fun showing him around the city.
Maybe after this is all over he can organize a trip; he could also bring Morning Glory’s kids with him too - he’s sure they’d love it.
 That’s a nice thought, but a dangerous one to have right now; Kiryu mustn’t get distracted.
He needs to get Rikiya to safety after all, and he can’t afford to make mistakes.
 Speaking of Rikiya, even though he’s guaranteed him that he’s fine, that he hadn’t sustained any serious injury, he’s moving way slower than he was doing before, which is bad since they’re trying to go as fast as possible, lest someone with bad intentions catches up with them. He refuses to let Rikiya go through that whole ordeal again.
This is why Kiryu suddenly stops in his tracks. Rikiya mustn’t have noticed it, because he slams against his back rather than stop himself.
“Ow!” he exclaims, massaging the bridge of his nose. “Something’s wrong, aniki?”
“I should ask you that,” Kiryu replies, trying to keep a casual tone. Being in such close contact with children has taught him that sometimes even his tone of voice can influence them when asking questions: if he keeps a calm appearance, instead of sounding too worried, nervous or angry, they’re less likely to close up, and more likely to talk. Well, Rikiya is no child, but Kiryu has the feeling that it’ll work for him too.
“Oh?” Rikiya mutters, eyes wide. “Me? Oh, I’m fine, I’m fine…”
He tries to laugh it off, but what comes out of his lips is just a poor excuse of a laugh, which dies down almost immediately as Rikiya sobers up.
“I’m still a bit shaken ‘s all,” he admits then, scratching the back of his neck.
“You’ve been through a lot, that’s normal,” Kiryu observes, making Rikiya nod in agreement, but there’s something more, isn’t it?
“Yeah, I know, but…” he begins, but then he shakes his head. “Nevermind, we don’t have time for that.”
Kiryu’s about to ask him to elaborate, but Rikiya begins to walk away. Where does he think he’s going? He doesn’t even know where to find a taxi!
Besides, Kiryu refuses to let him go without sorting this out.
 It takes him little to catch up to Rikiya, and once he does he grabs him by the wrist, stopping him in his tracks.
“No, Rikiya. We won’t make another step until you tell me the truth.”
Rikiya furrows his eyebrows. “It’s just that I’m mad, okay?”
Good, they’re making progress.
“Mad at who?” Kiryu asks.
At first Rikiya looks conflicted about going on, but eventually he does.
“At myself… I just-- I’m a man, right? I ain’t a kid anymore. I should be handling this better…”
“I don’t know about that,” Kiryu begins. “Many people would freak out more in a situation where their lives are on the line. Actually, I’d say you’re handling things pretty well, all things considered.”
 Rikiya lowers his gaze, but he doesn’t add anything, which makes Kiryu believe that the conversation is overs, but then he continues, this time murmuring his words so low that Kiryu almost doesn’t catch it.
“Could I…”
He stops himself, shaking his head.
“Could you what, Rikiya? Do you need something?” Kiryu insists. He’s so close, c’mon…
Rikiya raises his eyes again, looking at Kiryu with uncertainty.
“… A hug? Could I get one?” he finally says.
“A hug, that’s what you need?”
Rikiya already looks like he’s regretting admitting it in the first place and he tries again to get his wrist free, but Kiryu doesn’t let him, enveloping him in his arms instead, muttering a soft “there you go”.
At first, Rikiya freezes, not expecting Kiryu to actually go along his - dumb - request, but little by little, the tension still inside his body begins to vanish.
 Deep down Kiryu knew it already, but only now it’s gotten cemented in his mind: Rikiya’s just a kid.
In a way, he reminds him of himself. He too had been involved in a plot way bigger than him, and thought that he could’ve handled it well. He was an absolute dumbass for not relying on others from the start, and exactly because he knows how much of a mistake this is, he won’t let Rikiya walk down the same path, even if what he needs to do is to offer him emotional comfort, which frankly speaking isn’t something he still feels very good at.
If that’s what Rikiya needs, though, he’ll readily provide for it.
 Slowly, Rikiya’s arms come to circle Kiryu’s frame, and the two of them stay like this, uncaring that they’re in the middle of the street and that they are definitely being seen by lots of people.
There are way weirder things in Kamurocho than two men hugging, though, so barely anyone bats an eye, leaving them alone.
 Only when Rikiya’s completely relaxed, Kiryu pulls away.
“Better?” he asks.
Rikiya nods, then his expression turns apologetic. “Sorry…”
“You have nothing to apologize for,” Kiryu immediately says, smiling at Rikiya in a way that he hopes will be reassuring. By the way he returns the smile, he must’ve succeeded.
“C’mon, now. Let’s go,” he says then, not having forgotten the reason why they’re out in the open in the first place.
“Yeah!” Rikiya replies, following Kiryu as he begins to walk away. “Man, I wonder how everyone’s doin’ back at Okinawa…”
“I’m sure they’re fine,” Kiryu replies, “but they’re going to feel even better once you come back. They’ll have someone to rely upon.”
Rikiya nods, gravely. That’s a huge responsibility, that much is certain, but Kiryu can see that he feels lighter now.
That hug must’ve worked miracles, because Kiryu feels much lighter as well, almost like he was the one in actual need of it - who knows, maybe it’s true.
 All he knows is that he’s beginning to have a good feeling about this: Rikiya will be safe with everyone in Okinawa, while Kiryu will take care of the rest here - it might be dangerous, but it’s nothing that he hasn’t done before, and he’ll do it again - then he’ll be able to come back to Morning Glory and keep living his life with his children.
Yes, things are finally starting to look up.
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plots please !! also goes out to husk too if you want ovo
**it's tricky when i have only hero muses on this blog, but two of the three students have traitor verses. They're both sort of reluctant traders, but maybe the professional air of RD could put them more at ease the closer they creep to the war.
**In Nomiko's traitor verse, she was raised by her dad Husk, who i have decided is RD's friend, she she kind of looks up to him, and would like him. She appreciates the fact that he's a bit more refined, since she herself is so backwater like her dad.
**In Itoshi's traitor verse, he is just a bitter and cynical teen playing the role of a class clown. He comes from a high fashion background and knows how to talk to important people. I think he could learn a lot from Rikiya in that way.
**ALSO it's not a traitor verse thing, but my OC Fukumi's mother is a tech support specialist with her own small company. Idk how to connect that to Detnerat... Maybe when the company started working more towards the hero market RD has some connection with Fukumi's mom??? Oh god what if Fukumi's mom is in the MLA-
I have a couple ideas, some positive one and some negative ones
**When the MLA and LOV Merge, Husk wasn't super happy about it. He's already reluctant to be a part of a group as it is, and it's only when he's getting comfortable with his group that he has to welcome even more people into his life. He's difficult, he lashes out, and doesn't follow orders. In my book, he's a good guy to make an example out of. Husk is a cocky guy, and would easily go into a fight without thinking and get himself wrecked into obeying.
**Similarly, he can also be won over with conversation. Husk is very technologically impaired, and his quirk has some major drawbacks (unable to withstand the elements, namely) so if Rikiya could somehow aid him with that, he might be more inclined to follow. This could be a good grounds for the Mosquito Friendship of my dreams.
**In Nomiko's traitor verse Husk is a little bit more amicable, so the above scenario could play out with less fuss. Maybe they kiss, i dunno, Husk is a whore
**unfortunately RD is imprisoned when husk loses his leg but if you can break him out of jail they can be amputee buds
**this isnt really a plot point but i was watching the new dub today and just... everyone in this dark room with computers and Husk barely knows how to use one so i just picture him walking around behind everyone looking oer their shoulders and looking intimidating for Hawks. i just wanted to share that with you.
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theropoda · 3 years
thinking abt kiryu and about how being a dad means being a SAD!!!!!!! spoilers for yakuza 3 and 5
now, i haven't seen a playthrough of yakuza 6, but as far as i know, as i've watched playthroughs of yakuza 0 to yakuza 5, i have never seen kiryu react to someone's death as painfully as he had in 3 when rikiya dies. like some deaths are definitely up there, but not as close. i think about it a LOT. here are those thinks:
i remember watching an interview with the directors of yakuza 3, 4 and 5 and i recall the director of yakuza 3 talking about how the game was a lot about kiryu dealing with....everyday problems. family life. cheering up his kid who's sick, intervening when his kid's being bullied, feeling protective when he thinks his kid is dating someone, etc etc. and i think in this game he definitely experiences what it's like to lose a family member. rikiya, i mean
now, i don't mean to be one of those weirdos who will see a grown ass man who is part of a crime syndicate and baby and infantilize him (im looking at you, majority of nishiki stans), rikiya is a member of the yakuza and he has been for god knows how long. he knows how to fight and defend himself.
but this guy, a guy from a rather small yakuza family, compared to like. Big City yakuza like the tojo clan--he has no chance. he is not really an equal with kiryu in terms of strength and defense, he's in danger when he meddles with the tojo (and the snake triad, and the CIA, and black monday and so on and so forth) kiryu himself knows this and leaves to kamurocho without rikiya:
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and after the snake flower triad shit, tells him to go back to okinawa:
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to kiryu he's still a kid. he's still only 25, he's young, he's inexperienced with all the horrible shit the tojo can get themselves into, he's vulnerable. and i definitely think the two of them develop a sibling dynamic (honestly i would like to go as far as to say a father-son relationship but thats my personal interpretation).
kiryu definitely cares about him. perhaps not to the extent he does with his kids because cmon he's still a whole adult man he doesn't have to be babied for everything-- but kiryu definitely wants to keep him safe and see him grow as a yakuza. i definitely think kiryu feels like he's responsible for rikiya's safety because not only is he inexperienced with yakuza organizations like the tojo clan, he's also just. kind of stubborn in how he wants to get involved with kiryu and help him out. twice he has tried to help kiryu when he told him to NOT do so, the second time getting him killed.
and oh god this is getting a little long so i better wrap it up but my point is!!!!! to kiryu, rikiya's death was like the death of his own family! his little brother, or a child! cause rikiya was inexperienced, he was not an equal in terms of strength, he was not fit to help kiryu. kiryu feels so fucking devastated because not only did someone he love die, but since he took it upon himself to keep rikiya safe, it feels like it's his fault that he's dead. cause he feels he's responsible for rikiya's safety. he's crying and shouting and choking back sobs because, this is him experiencing what it's like to lose someone he was supposed to look after. a child.
y5 spoilers now, if you havent finished it no looky
the ONLY time i see kiryu react this way ever again is in yakuza 5, when daigo gets shot by kanai. the moment daigo collapses, kiryu IMMEDIATELY runs to the border of the helicopter-rooftop platform he's on and tries to JUMP ACROSS THIS FUCKING LENGTH TO GET TO DAIGO. now i honestly don't know my metric units well but this MUST be like 20 fucking feet, right??? or MORE.
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(kiryu and saejima on the left, incapacitated daigo on the right)
the camera does this shot from underneath to show exactly HOW far that is. it makes a point to show you yeah this is HOW FAR he's willing to fucking go to see to daigo. thankfully, saejima holds him back from doing so but all the while, kiryu is wriggling from his grasp and saying this:
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this is such a fucking feat (and, FEET, get it?? because the metric unit. get it haha) he's willing to do from a SKYSCRAPER to get to daigo and i think it's no coincidence this is for daigo because i definitely think there's a sibling dynamic (or, imo, a father-son dynamic) that makes him very protective of daigo. the father/older brother instinct is just ACTIVATED. again, i can only imagine that to kiryu this is to him, a family member of his getting shot fatally.
and he goes even MORE berserk when kurosawa threatens haruka, saying that she's in danger too. and to this, kiryu struggles just as hard to break from saejima's grip to jump 25+ fucking feet and beat his ass to a pulp, shouting, demanding that kurosawa tell him what he's going to do, until he gets so tired that all he can do is whimper "why does everyone else have to pay the price?"
anyways. someone get this man a therapist
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Dreams Can Come True: Chapter 4 Prettiest Dude Around
Chapter 3-Chapter 5
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“Y/n, meet the Eight Precepts of death.” Y/n stepped fully into the living room to be met with 10 individuals. “Well, Eight Precepts of Death and Company more like it. Guys, this is Y/n,” Chrono gestured to Y/n to introduce herself. “Hello, I’m Y/n L/n, but please, call me Y/n.” They all said some sort of ‘Hi’ or ‘nice to meet you’ and also heard a few whistles, which elicited a glare from Chrono, and snickers to be heard. 
The first to step forward was a fairly tall male wearing a black cape looking thing, a black bowlers hat and a black plague mask. “It’s nice to see you again Y/n,  I’m Shin Nemoto, Nemoto is fine.” Y/n nodded, she remembered seeing him at the ‘interview’ with Overhaul. Next was a younger, slightly shorter looking male with blond hair that went over his right eye. “Toya Setsuno, nice to meet you. This quiet guy here with me is Soramitsu Tabe, I’d let him introduce himself but he’s not really a talker.” Tabe then let out a string of ‘I’m hungry’ and ‘eat’. “Next to step up was three big looking guys, like tall and muscular, pretty scary looking actually… “I’m Yu Hojo.” “Rikiya Katsukame” “Hey there pretty lady! I’m Kendo Rappa! But you can call me da-“, Before he could finish his…statement a middle aged appearing individual slapped him upside the head. “I sincerely apologize for this boys’ actions” The one named Rappa seemed to whine from the hit, and growl at being called boy. “I’m Hekiji Tengai, it’s nice to meet you Mistress Y/n.” Y/n nodded polite fully and smiled. “HEY! HEY YOU!” Y/n looked around confused for a second, until Chrono tapped her shoulder and pointed to the floor, where she saw a…stuffed bird? Said stuffed bird then jumped over to the floor in front of Y/n and Chrono “I’m mimic, Manager of the Eight Precepts. AND I DEMAND RESP-“ This time it was Chrono who interrupted, by softly, but firmly kicking Mimic across the room. “That angry plushie is mimic, he talks a big talk but he really won’t do anything.” Chrono shrugged “YOU COME OVER HERE AND SAY IT TO MY FACE CLOCKSWORTH!” Chrono just rolled his eyes, “Whatever you say shrimpy.” Next, a drunken man stumbled over “AAaaannd I’m D-deeiidorio Sssakakii. Niiicee to meeeet ya shweett stuff.” The strange man somehow managed to slur out before collapsing back onto the couch. “Hello dear, I’m pops, retired leader of the Shie Hassaikai. I’m also Eri’s grandfather, thank you for taking care of her.” A very nice older male introduced him self. “Its no problem! Really, Eri is an absolute sweetheart, and Kurono has been a really good dad to her. I’ll do my best to be a good mom.” Pop’s face seemed to light up at the mention of Y/n being Eri’s mom. Meanwhile, Chrono’s face was slowly going red, afraid of what his adopted father would spill about him. “Mom eh?” “Well, Eri asked if she could call me that, and I really don’t mind. I always wanted to be one anyways.” “Well, that’s very kind of you. The girl needs a positive mother figure. I’m sure you’ll do a fine job. Who knows, maybe you’ll help this hopeless idiot grow up some.” The elder said as he ‘lovingly’ whapped chrono upside the head. Chrono just pouted, rubbing the spot he was just assaulted. “Hey! I’ve been doing pretty good! Right Eri?!” The little girl made her way over and hopped into her grandfather’s arms. “Of course daddy!” “See” “Buuut it is good to have mommy around. Especially since mommy can draw, and cook and do my hair. Oh! And-“ “Okay that’s enough outta you pumpkin.” Chrono said while Eri giggled and made her way back to her play room. Y/n just giggled. “Kids these days…” He complained crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. “I don’t know, she might have a point.” “Who’s side are you on anyways!? I thought you were here to help me!” “I was, but now, I’m not so sure.” The Eight Precepts and pops and mimic were sitting back, watching and enjoying the scene that was unfolding. Especially since it was painfully obvious their dear old pal Chrono had a ‘little’ crush on the young caretaker. The two playfully went back and forth for awhile, before accepting defeat. Y/n was then dragged by Eri back to her room to play dress up, while poor Chrono was mercilessly interrogated by his ‘friends’. “SOOOO Chrono. What is your relationship with Y/n?” Setsuno asked, while stalking over to Chrono, ready to attack. Chrono was carefully trying to sneak out of the room, but was unsuccessful when Katsukame blocked his way, and sat him down at the table across from Pops, who had Nemoto by his side. The rest of the bullets gathered around the table, and blocked off the exits. Conveniently Overhaul walked in, and joined the group around the table, and after asking what was going on curiously sat down next to Pops. “So, son. Are you going to tell us?” “I’ll never tell…” “I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” Chrono dangerously glared, “Shin, you wouldn’t dare..” “Oh I would, Chrono, or as Y/n would say Kurono.” Chrono’s face went a slight shade of pink, causing the members to break out in laughter and shouts. While those seated at the table just smirked. “Son, I’ll ask you once more, what is your relationship to Y/n?” The room went silent. “We’re just friends…” “With or without benefits?” One of the precepts muttered, causing Chrono to die inside, pops to break out in laughter, and Overhaul and Nemoto to snicker. “I’m gonna take that as without!” Rappa shouted, falling to the floor in pain from laughter. “Do you like her?” “Yes.” Chrono immediately glared at Nemoto. “Ohoho? Really? That’s interesting, Kurono,” Overhaul smirked, smirk more noticeable since he was only wearing the surgical mask. “That doesn’t mean anything! I could just like her as a friend!” Nemoto sighed and rolled his eyes under his mask. “Do you like her, romantically?” The room went silent again. “Yes.” Chrono slammed his head down onto the table as the room erupted into more noise. Pops came over to Chrono and patted his back. “Now now son. No need to be upset. You merely have a crush! It’s nothing to be embarrassed about! Besides, Eri has taken a liking to her, and I could use more grandchildren!” Chrono shot up at that. He had avoided that topic enough times with Eri, no need for his adoptive father to get in on it as well. Deciding to spare his friend (For now anyways) Overhaul sent the others back to work, or to at least stop being loud. Chrono sighed, sinking into the couch. Now what was he gonna do? Everyone except Y/n and Eri knew, and he doubted the others would keep their mouths shut for long. Or at all for that matter. Nice going Hari. You’ve liked the girl for a whole two days and everyone already knows…the heck am I gonna do? I can’t just tell her, she doesn’t feel the same way I do. She can’t. I’m dangerous, a killer, and she’s sweet, kind, innocent. *internal sigh* Chrono then stood up and made his way to Eri’s room to check on her. When he got there, he noticed the door was open. In the room, Eri was dressed up in one of her princess play dresses, while Y/n was wearing a fake feather boa and Tiara. Y/n was currently styling Eri’s hair into an intricate updo, finishing the look off with a plastic tiara. “Look at you Eri! The prettiest princess around!” Y/n said while spinning Eri around the room. Eri giggled. “You’re a pretty princess too mommy!” “I think you both are pretty princesses.” Chrono said, entering the room, hands in his pockets. “Daddy! Come play with us!” “Okay, what are you guys playing?” “Dress up!” He internally sighed again. Knowing against his daughter and crush he was no match, and instead of putting up a fight, let go of whatever he had left of his dignity and sat down, letting the two females have at it. When they were done, he was covered in glitter, strawberry lip gloss, and stickers. “You look so pretty daddy!” Eri said in awe. “Just the look I was going for. Thanks sweetie!” Eri giggled as her dad gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Aren’t you going to give one to Y/n too? She helped!!” “Ee-ri! You don’t have to Kuron-“ He cut Y/n off by giving her a kiss on the cheek. Y/n’s cheeks went pink, and she got lost in wonderland for a few seconds before snapping out of it and smiling, letting out a sweet giggle. “Well, it’s not finished yet.” Y/n the put a purple boa on Chrono’s shoulders. “There we go. Now it’s finished.” Y/n and Chrono looked into each others eyes, each adult smiling at the other. “Hey Uncle Nemoto! Hi Uncle Setsuno! Do you want to join us!” Y/n stifled a laugh when Chrono grimaced as he heard his two friends names being called. “*snicker* No. No that’s okay Eri, just came to-to see your dad *wheeze*” Setsuno barely got out, as he and Nemoto broke into more laughter. “I don’t know why you two are laughing. Daddy looks awesome and pretty!” Eri put her hands on her hips as she scolded the two men. “Oh yeah, no doubt he’s the prettiest *cackle* prettiest dude around!” Nemoto got out, before being chased out by Eri, for laughing at her ‘masterpiece’. “*Huff* Those two are so immature.” Eri pouted while crossing her arms over her chest. “They sure are Eri.” Y/n said, while starting to take off Eri’s make up. “Mmmhmmm. Boys are so weird.” “Yup!” Y/n said. “Hey!” Chrono said, looking over to the two females. “Sorry Kurono, but it’s just the truth.” He sighed, knowing this argument was also going nowhere. “Alright Eri, why don’t you go to the kitchen and start eating dinner, Uncle Hojo is cooking tonight so go ahead sweetie.” Eri nodded and ran to the kitchen. Y/n then finished taking her makeup off and started on Chrono’s. “Sorry about the glitter…you’re going to be finding it for weeks.” Y/n nervously laughed. “It’s alright, raising a little girl I got pretty used to it I guess.” He laughed. “Take off your jacket, I’ll wash it for you. I have to wash my clothes anyways. I’m going to try to stop the glitter before it spreads.” Chrono nodded and took off his rain coat, while Y/n admired how fit Chrono was. Under the raincoat, Chrono wore a simple fitted white t-shirt with white pants, tucked into black boots. She had to admit he looked good. Sure he was lean, but the man was no stick. He had some muscles. “Here, thanks by the way.” “O-oh don’t mention it. I should thank you for putting up with that!” Chrono smiled, “It was my pleasure.” Unbeknownst to both adults, they both felt the soft, warm fuzzy feelings for the other. Unfortunately for them (and the reader lol) neither one believed the other felt the same.  “Alright, we should probably head to dinner.” “Good idea” With that the two made their way to the dining room. Where they were met with snickers and whistles.
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chippadore · 4 years
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Art by @synchro-my-ass and Questions asked by @you-say-fudo. We decided to SPICE THINGS UP
1. Who is your least favourite OC from The Road to Hell?
Oh god. The Road to Hell is one of my OC centric fics, and I would actually say the fan favorite Rise Rikiya is my least favorite to write. I love her, but I just would rank the others higher.
2. What is the worst nickname that you have had?
It's not a nickname, but more like how people pronounce my name. My name is Kara, pronounced "Kare-ah". I don't like when people pronounce it "Car-uh".
3. If you were a psychic in Yu-Gi-Oh, what power would you have?
TRAVELING TO THE SPIRIT WORLD. I believe the first OC I ever had when I was ten (you know the age where all your ocs are just self-inserts) was someone who could travel to the spirit world. And, you know, was coincidentally Jaden's twin-sister. That's just how kids do
4. How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
UHHHH I DON'T KNOW MAN I'M NEITHER A ZOOLIST OR A MATHEMATICIAN. Probably a lot. Stack them on top of each other to peck the eyes?
5. If your cat Chip was an effect monster in Yu-Gi-Oh, what would his effect be?
Probably one where you cut his attack points in half and he can attack directly. The little bastard loves to bite
6. Would you rather eat nothing but soup for the rest of your life or never watch/play Yu-Gi-OH ever again?
I GUESS I'LL EAT THE FREAKING SOUP IF I HAD TO. I don't like soup. It's just liquid
7. Would you rather fight 1 lion that moves at the speed of a turtle or 50 turtles that move at the speed of a lion?
THE LION. I'm hoping he's as cute as Topaz Tiger.
8. Why did you drop your phone in the river?
AHAHAHAHHAAHA oooooh boy. I DIDN'T MEAN TO. The story was when I was nineteen I went on a date with someone who would then be my boyfriend for about two years- it was Halloween weekend, and we went on a walk (important/not important note but I was dressed as Sandy from Grease when she goes all 'hOt') and I climb over this small fence to sit on the water's edge. My back pocket hits the fence, my phone falls out, and it goes straight into the river. I started Cackling while my date expected me to burst into tears
And that's how my phone fell into the river. I did not get it back
9. What Yu-Gi-Oh monster do you wish was real?
I think overall Winged Kuriboh or Crystal Beast Ruby. Those two were my dream spirit cards growing up.
10. If you had to trade places with a character in Team 5D's, who would it be?
Jack for sure. I thought Crow, but I would do Jack only to get his pissed off reaction that a girl replaced him. And then I'd happily be benchwarmer so Aki could duel. I'm basically saying I just want to troll the team
11. When is the next chapter of My Corner of the Sky?
AHHAHAHHA so maybe a year or two ago, I had a prequel fic called My Corner of the Sky that was based on Yusei's dad going to school in Duel Academy. Life happened, and I had to cancel the fic because I was in this rut where I didn't know what to do and I wanted to focus my attention solely on The Game Begins. I don't currently have plans to bring it back
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