#Ok but why can't i be Max Mayfield?
givehimthemedicine · 1 year
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do you ever think about how almost every promise and reassurance made to Max does end up being bullshit. and it's not always by any fault of theirs, but she's so often let down even by the people who love her most.
although I totally ship lumax, theirs is not a perfect relationship - probably the majority of its issues are on Max's side tbh, but this is something Lucas actually needs to work on. he's far more of an optimist and has a tendency to try to reassure her with promises that he doesn't really have the authority to make, and so each one he makes rings hollower and hollower to her. he kept doing it after she took issue with it. his literal last words to her were a false reassurance.
Lucas will have to be more mindful with his words if they're gonna go the distance.
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jo-harrington · 8 months
Stranger Than (Fan)Fiction - Chapter 1: Alternate Universe
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Previous Chapter: Prologue: Crossover
Summary: Your unexpected arrival in Hawkins brings many questions for Eddie...but he knows better than to ask dumb questions.
Word Count: 5.1k
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Fem!Reader
Warnings/Themes: No-Upside-Down AU, Fluff, Love at First Sight?, Tiny Angst if you Squint, Isekai, Mentions of FOI-compliant events and characters, Lovesick Eddie, unbelievable pacing...just roll with it, Everything's Coming Up Munson
Note: Thanks to everyone who read the prologue.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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It seemed like everyone was there to say goodbye.
Your parents, Sam, Pat, Bonnie, all of your friends and their families. Everyone you know.
What a surprise.
You thought it was gonna be a quick morning getaway.
You'd already had dinner at Danny's last night with your parents and had seen countless faces—familiar and unfamiliar—who'd wished you well. This morning was just supposed to be about bags placed in the trunk, last minute hugs and tears from your mom, and then off you'd go.
You hadn't expected this.
Some little voice inside of you questioned why you hadn't; you'd known them all for practically your whole life.
5 years.
What...no...18 years.
Why wouldn't they want to be here as you embarked on your big journey away?
Sam gave a tearful speech. Your dad made some corny joke that only a dad could, one that had everyone in uproarious laughter--more laughter than people, it seemed--and then it was time to go.
You didn't have a real schedule, of course, you just wanted to make it to your destination with ample time. Nothing like driving into an unfamiliar town in the middle of the night only to find yourself in a heap of trouble.
Pat, ever observant, was the one to notice the anxiety etched on your face. He was as much your best friend as Sam was, maybe even more than she was; you'd known each other since Kindergarten, sat next to each other in the reading circle, of course he could tell you were itching to leave.
"Alright guys," he announced, clapping his hands twice the way a star quarterback would. "I'm sure she's ready to get away from all of us."
"Yeah," Sam let out a watery laugh. "You need to go so you can come back as soon as possible. Wink wink." She flashed her hand with the little diamond chip engagement ring that you helped Pat pick out, and then she collapsed against you in a hug.
"You go and you have the best time," she whispered in your ear. You nodded and buried your face in her hair. "I can't wait to hear all about it. Write letters home? Call? But don't worry about us, we'll all be safe here. Ok?"
"Yeah," you said breathlessly.
Then the next thing you knew, in the blink of an eye, you were in the driver's seat of your car, rolling towards the end of the block. You adjusted your rearview mirror and saw everyone you loved waving goodbye to you. You rolled down your window, and blew them a kiss and sent a wave; you'd miss them so much. You'd be back soon enough though; now it was time for you to just be free.
“Go back?” you quoted one Mr. Bilbo Baggins to yourself as you turned the corner and left everything you knew behind. “Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!”
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This was it.
Eddie was dead.
That had to be the explanation.
Your car was one thing, and he could excuse it. He could convince himself it was anything else.
But you? His favorite character from his favorite television show. Someone who was absolutely, definitely fictional.
It was impossible.
"Hey!" you called out to the Mayfields with your voice, your your voice and not Rosemary Glass's voice. Your real voice. Yours.
Eddie pinched himself pretty unforgivingly—one last ditch effort to prove this was a dream—and winced.
Not dreaming. Definitely dead.
You quickly shut the door and crossed the distance towards Susan and Max.
"I'm sorry, it's late and it's cold; I've been driving all over and the road got icy, I must have lost traction. Need new tires maybe."
"Too bad," Susan snapped at you. "You hit my car, I'm calling the sheriff."
The two of you went back and forth for a second as you tried to get her not to call the cops and she stood her ground.
"I can pay for it!" You exclaimed suddenly and Susan froze in her spot. "And then some, for...I dunno, emotional distress I guess. I know it's late. I'm sure I woke you guys up. I'm just...I'm sorry."
You looked around self consciously all of a sudden, and Eddie could hear the faint murmur as you said something under your breath. He froze as your gaze slid over him, paused, and then kept going.
Play it cool, Munson. Don't pass out. Don't fuck this up.
It was hard when the love of his life was standing right there, in the flesh, and had just looked at him.
As Susan and Max met you in the middle of the yard to talk details, Eddie gave himself the pep talk of the century.
Even if he was dead and this was some sort of afterlife, surely the fates had certainly set this up for him. Some being of greater conscience than he--a mere human--could possibly comprehend was giving him this chance at...love? Happiness? It would be a good reward after an unremarkable end to a shitty life.
Or maybe he was still alive and had actually sold his soul to the devil back inside and this was the payoff.
"I'll fucking take it," he muttered to himself and fished another cigarette from the pack with shaky hands; he was gonna need it if he was gonna survive the night.
He watched the interaction between you and Susan with a keen eye, eager to witness the little gestures and mannerisms that he'd only seen on screen. Once it seemed Susan was happy with whatever deal you'd negotiated, you pulled a scrap of paper from the back pocket of your jeans and gesture vaguely around. Max was the one to snatch it from your hand and then point to a dark trailer that sat kitty corner from Granny's.
Were you gonna be his neighbor? This was just getting better and better.
"Thanks," you smiled and, even from this distance, Eddie's heart stopped.
If he was barely hanging on thanks to your presence, how was he gonna survive your smile? Especially if it was inevitably directed at him.
"Pull it together," he grumbled and took a long drag from his cigarette, the cherry flaring extra bright in the darkness of night.
The Mayfields retreated into their home and you shuffled back over to your car, feet kicking the gravel.
You were about to get back in when Eddie abruptly jumped to his feet.
"Hey!" He called out to you. "Uh...I...know my way around cars, I can take a look at it in the morning. I-if you want. Bang out any dents."
"Can you?" you scrunched your nose in the way that made his knees shake. God he was pathetic. "That'd be nice, thanks."
"Yeah no problem," he smiled the friendliest and most welcoming smile he could.
His thoughts raced at lightspeed now, a mixture of logic and hope. No matter the circumstance, you were here because of him, which meant that this was his shot. So, he would fix your car--or at least try to--figure out if you were some sort of demon or something, and then ask you out.
And hopefully you'd say yes. Hopefully. Eddie was gonna be optimistic, but not an idiot. He had to stay humble.
As you maneuvered your car the short distance to the dark trailer, Eddie watched. And in the glow of your taillights, he noticed the abundance of bumper stickers that adorned the trunk. Stickers that weren’t there in the finale, which meant…
"She got to have her adventure," he said to himself in awe, happy that...at least in the few months since you left Port Geneva, you might’ve gotten to experience the world just like you wanted to.
He couldn't wait to ask you all about it. He couldn't wait to find out everything.
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The morning took way too long to arrive.
Eddie tried to sleep but he was too wired, too excited.
He already decided that he was gonna skip class the next day. Or maybe roll in late if you had someplace you needed to be and he wouldn't get to show you around town or something else totally not lame.
That’s what he was banking on, though. If you had no plans, he could take you to Benny’s and get you a short stack with fresh strawberries and whipped cream, just like you got at Danny’s Diner back home.
“Alright,” he stared at himself in the mirror as he stepped out of the shower. “See? You can’t do that kind of shit. Can’t scare her away by making her think you know her already. That’s creepy. Gotta act like we don't know her. Easy.”
Not that easy, actually.
He was just...bubbling with thoughts and feelings. Enough that they caused his brain to go into meltdown.
At first, he tried to rationalize it all, tried to come up with some solution. Because somehow, for reasons to be determined at a later time, you left the confines of Port Geneva’s universe and made it to this one, where you were actually definitely real.
Right? You couldn't be a hallucination if the Mayfields had talked to you too. In fact, they talked to you first. So if anything, you were their hallucination.
Eddie tried to recall something that Henderson and Sinclair had babbled on about at lunch the other day: some new issue of the Flash comics. Crisis on Infinite Universes or something where people jumped to different timelines. Whatever that meant. If he had the time, he knew he should ask them a few questions about different universes and how this might all be possible.
Purely hypothetical, spin it as some idea for a campaign.
But why would he wait and let a good thing pass him up just because this was weird and he had questions?
Best case scenario, no one beside him would realize that you were a tv character, they would just think your name was familiar or something.
Worst case scenario they accuse him of witchcraft and bringing you into this dimension or something because there was no way you were real.
It would all work itself out in the end. He just had to be uncharacteristically optimistic and keep his eyes on the prize.
Come morning, Wayne got home from work and he walked in the door just as Eddie had changed clothes for the fifth time, made coffee AND breakfast for him, and washed the dishes.
“Well isn’t this a surprise,” he remarked and stared at the scene in front of him. “Do I wanna know what you did?”
“You remember when I was younger,” Eddie began as he fiddled with his rings. “And I asked you…I dunno…something about the birds and the bees and you said ‘I’ll tell you when you’re older kid?’”
“Hmm,” Wayne crossed his arms over his chest and ran a hand over his mouth. “Go on.”
“It’s nothing bad but, uh, I’ll tell you when you’re older Wayne.”
His uncle cracked a fond smile, gave him a pat on the shoulder, and then shuffled down to the bathroom.
Eddie sighed in relief and took a sip of his coffee while he looked out the window towards your trailer. It was daytime now; he didn’t expect to see lights on or anything, but he knew you got in late and didn’t want to interrupt your sleep. Not a great first impression.
Before long, though, he’d just gotten too antsy to wait anymore. He practically sprinted—damn when was he gonna learn that he shouldn’t skip gym so much—across the park to your door, Wayne's meager toolbox from under the sink swinging from his hand.
He paused the slightest bit to admire your car--
How many hours of screen time had been spent in this exact car as you drove Sam and the gang around for various shenanigans. There was one episode, a favorite of his, where everyone was belting out a tune from the radio and you sat there in the driver's seat...too shy to open your mouth. When they finally coerced you? You had the worst singing voice...but you smiled so brightly...that was the moment he knew he loved you...
--and, more importantly, the stickers that adorned it.
There were some normal ones: funny phrases, a few band stickers he wouldn’t have expected you to listen to, and a single borderline political one. A sticker that specifically caught his eye said “Greetings from Erebor” with a sword that had to be Orcrist and dwarvish runes below it.
You were a girl after his own heart; fortunately, it already belonged to you.
Then there were the ones you’d obviously picked up on your travels. He took an extra moment to look at them and think of some questions he could ask. A favorite place you visited, something crazy you might have eaten, or even some fun facts about...Monument Valley, Ocala National Forest, Mystic Falls Virginia, or…Cicely Alaska?
“Damn,” he let out a low whistle. “Must've put some miles on this thing.”
Having spent enough time just standing there, Eddie finally climbed the stairs and knocked on your door; the walls were thin enough that he could hear you shuffling around inside and he was relieved that he hadn’t woken you.
The door swung open--Eddie swore he heard the applause track from Port Geneva play in his head--and then there you were.
It was a moment he would cherish in his heart for the rest of his days. You, standing there, smiling that sweet, unsure smile at him with slightly tired but nevertheless bright eyes. Your clothes were askew from sleep or aforementioned shuffling and you straightened them out a little when you realized what you might look like.
“Cigarette porch guy,” you pointed a finger at him in recollection after a moment.
Now was the time, though, to muster up every ounce of Munson Magic that he could. He collected it deep in the core of him and then let it mingle with affection in his heart.
"Cigarette porch guy is my father. You can just call me Eddie."
You snorted a laugh and he beamed confidently; that confidence, however, fled his body as he felt the urge to hop around, giggle, and say "I know" when you introduced yourself. He needed to not screw this up by being a hyper mega-fan.
“I was so tired when I got in, I honestly thought you were a figment of my imagination,” you explained. "I woke up at like...4am trying to figure out if you were real or not."
Funny. He was trying to figure out the same thing.
Still, his heart skipped a beat to know you'd thought about him in any capacity after the few words you'd shared.
“Ouch,” he laid a hand on his chest and feigned a stumble. “I know it was late but I would hope I made a bit of a better impression than that.”
You pressed your lips together, scrunched your nose, and looked down at your feet.
“I’m, uh,” Eddie thumbed over his shoulder. “Here to take a look at your car.”
“Oh!” Your head snapped right back up. “Right! Yes, oh my god thank you. Let me just…get my keys and my shoes hang on.”
You retreated back into the trailer and Eddie, nosy as he was, peeked inside after you. Wayne would be ashamed of him, but he couldn't exactly care right now.
Your trailer mirrored other ones in the park, in terms of layout: a living room, a little kitchen, a hall that probably led to a bedroom. There was furniture though, which was not the norm.
A green armchair and a very well-worn blue plaid sofa that was home to a granny-square quilt, a too-soft pillow, and a very fancy canvas bedroll that Eddie assumed must have belonged to you. There was a dusty coffee table stacked with dustier magazines and newspapers and some very questionable looking mugs and plates of what used to be food. Yuck. A green bicycle with one tire was hung vertically on the wall beside the couch. And a little dining set off the kitchen looked like something straight out of the Brady Bunch.
He tried to remember who lived here before you did with such weird taste in furniture. Even more peculiar, where they might have gone for them to leave all of it behind. Especially the plates. No one came to mind though; he'd have to ask Wayne.
You shuffled down the hall--presumably from the bathroom since you'd slept out on the couch--and hopped as you tugged your sneakers on.
You jingled your keys at him excitedly.
"Here we go," you exclaimed. He held his hand out to take them and you were about to drop them in his palm when you hesitated. "I hope I'm not putting you out."
"Of course not," he reassured you and then backed out of the doorway. "It's my pleasure."
You listened aptly as he touted his excellent mechanic skills--
"You, uh...might hear my van rumble a little bit though. Haven't quite figured out why it's making that sound yet."
--and then you sat on the porch steps to watch him as he got to work.
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The two of you talked as he inspected your car.
You were surprisingly very good at making conversation. Eddie always believed that you were a little soft spoken or a little shy, watching you on tv. However, as you spoke so excitedly and confidently and he saw you bloom in front of his very eyes, he wondered if it was just a byproduct of being overlooked whenever Sam took the spotlight with her grand speeches, big emotions, and too-bright personality.
He was suddenly excited at the prospect of seeing the real you and learning a lot more that wasn't shown on TV. In return, he could show you the real him too. Hell, he was always trying to be the real him...there were just some things though...
What an odd idea that hadn't really hit him until now. The desire to have you in his life to share things with, and the reality of having you here. He'd never thought of a relationship with a future before, hell hadn't even thought of his future really. Not even with Paige and the whole rockstar pipe dream, as short-lived as that was.
But the more he thought of that with you, the more he liked it. Desired it.
You started the conversation off by asking him about Hawkins and if he'd lived here for long. He gave probably the most unbiased opinion that he could as he hammered out the dents from your collision: it was a sleepy suburb where nothing ever happened and everyone was judgmental and opinionated and hated everyone who disturbed the status quo.
“Aren’t they all like that?” You asked, one eye sliding shut in a mischievous wink as you raised both brows in question.
“Yeah, I’m sure they are.”
Then he asked you about how you ended up in Hawkins, of all the places you could have picked, as he taped up the headlight that you'd cracked.
"It was fate or something. Had to bring me here so I could meet you right?" He sputtered over a response to that and you just laughed. "Actually, I just picked a place on a map. Pick two places. Flip a coin. That's how I pick most places I’ve been, you know?"
You took the opportunity to spin a tale about the so-called "perpetual roadtrip" that you'd embarked for the past year. His heart soared to hear that you’d been “practically everywhere” and he nodded eagerly when you offered to show him your sketchbook sometime with drawings of your favorite places.
"I know I need to go home at some point," you explained with a dismissive wave of your hand. "I guess I just don't know how to...stop driving. I've started this thing recently where I settle down somewhere for a little while. Maybe a few weeks? Maybe more. Get a job, get to know the people. Then I get to like...the final page of that chapter--the end of my little story in that place--and it's time for me to move on again.
"Actually, I guess it's not moving onto the next chapter; it's more like I've been written into a corner. I just...don't know what it is that I'm looking for. What it is that I need."
Eddie snorted to himself.
How many times had he asked himself what deity wrote his story into a pathetic corner where he couldn't leave Hawkins? And here you were feeling the same, only you were stuck in another way.
"Well...I hope you don't move on from Hawkins too quickly," he said, full of naive hope. "Maybe you'll find what you need here."
"Hmm," you rested your chin on your knees and sighed. "You know what? I kinda hope so too."
There was a lot of weight in your gaze as you watched him, and Eddie cleared his throat awkwardly and continued his inspection of the outside of the car so he wouldn’t make a fool out of himself with a mushy smile or a giggle.
He made his way back to the trunk and the bumper stickers; it was then that he asked about Cicely.
"Alaska? Seriously? You drove all the way up there?"
"Ok listen," you said with a conspiratorial grin. "I'm maybe a little bit of a phony. I traded someone for that one. This guy in a diner in Washington."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mmhmm. Damn fine cup of coffee." You snorted to yourself, some inside joke that he wished to be a part of.
"Is that, uh...a perpetual roadtrip thing?"
"I…I guess it is."
Finally, to end his self-proclaimed "ten-point inspection," Eddie got into the driver's seat to start the car, chatting all the while.
"Well, if you want a damn fine cup of coffee, there's this diner nearby that I swear makes the best. I know I haven't driven past Chicago or anything but..."
He trailed off as he turned the key in the ignition and noticed the odometer.
Your miles were in the millions.
Several million, at that.
He had half a mind to call you on your shit that you'd never been to Alaska because, surely, you had to have been with that high a number, but then he began to question the sight. He didn't think his odometer even went that high; none of the cars he'd ever seen went into the millions.
Was it just a Volkswagen thing? Or maybe a bi-product of you being here? A wrinkle in the fabric of reality?
Eddie tried to do the mental math but he couldn't figure out how many times you must have circled the states to hit that many miles. Or for how long.
A million miles divided by 365 days divided by 12 hours of driving in a day? He couldn’t do that much math without his head hurting. Still, it just didn't make sense. Maybe it was just broken?
"Everything alright?" you suddenly appeared at the door, teeth worrying your lower lip. You laughed but it didn’t quite meet your eyes. "You were just saying something about coffee and then you got all quiet. I don't need a new transmission or something do I?"
“You…” Eddie swallowed and stared at you, wondering if he should point out the odometer, if he should ask. Bur hadn't that been his problem just a few hours ago? Too many questions, too little time. Why was he going to pick this wonderful thing apart when he finally got what he deserved and yearned for all along.
“You...probably need an oil change,” he announced instead. “It sounds a little clunky. I, uh, can do it for you but I’ll need to stop by Thatcher Tires for some supplies.”
Your shoulders lost their tension and you let out a sigh of relief.
“Eddie, you’re seriously trying to be my hero, huh?” You fawned; hearing his name from your lips, let alone the fact you called him a hero, made his day. His year. Possibly his entire life. “You wanna fix everything else that’s wrong with my life?”
“I could try,” he offered eagerly.
“Don’t, I’ll seriously take you up on the offer.” You pressed your hands to your cheeks then looked back at the trailer. “Ok tell you what, give me like…20 minutes to get the road off of me and change. Then we can go to Thatcher Tires and you can show me this place with the best cup of coffee? And I can get you breakfast or something?”
Eddie was speechless again; were you…asking him out? Ok no you were just showing your gratitude, but it was a first step. Was everything going according to plan for the first time in his life?
He couldn’t count everything that happened in ‘84 for obvious reasons.
You noticed his hesitation and your eyes went wide.
“Unless you had other plans or someplace to be? I’ve already taken up enough of your time—“
“No!” He shouted and then backtracked to be a little softer. “I…no, there’s nothing else I have to do today. I’m…I’m all yours sweetheart.”
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The rest of the day went by without a hitch.
And it truly was the rest of the day that you spent together.
It was almost too good to be true.
Eddie acted as chauffeur and self-proclaimed tour guide of Hawkins. He pointed out specific landmarks you'd need to know as he passed them: the town center, the grocery store, the post office.
"In case you want to send letters home or anything." He glanced your way slyly, hoping to maybe get some excited response about your friends back home, but you hummed noncommittally and turned your attention to the radio instead.
The rest of the ride to Benny's was spent swatting at each other's hands and bickering as you discussed music. When he mentioned that he had a band, you were awestruck, and Eddie's chest puffed with pride.
"Ok," you nodded appreciatively. "I see it now. The whole alt. metal wannabe rockstar thing. It suits you."
"You're gonna take back the whole wannabe rockstar thing when I write a song about you and it's a chart-topper," he teased.
"What's it gonna be about? My loser neighbor crashed her car, she held me hostage at the...dine-ar." You winced at the bad rhyme, but Eddie thought it was adorable. "Obviously I'm no Shakespeare. Please don't consider that my interview to be your songwriter."
You'd surprised Eddie by ordering an omelet instead of your usual, so Eddie, quick on his feet, ordered your usual instead and surprised you.
"Are you a mind reader? I always get that," you confessed. "I was just so tired last night, I figured I needed something a little more substantial."
Once the food arrived, though, you stared longingly at Eddie's strawberry and whipped cream covered pancakes. He took mercy on you and slid his plate to the middle of the table so you could take a few bites. You mirrored him with your own plate and he snagged a couple of bites of eggy, hammy, cheesy goodness.
You butt heads good-naturedly when it came time to dress up the plate of hash browns that came with your omelet. You wanted to keep it simple with salt and pepper, while he wanted them doused in ketchup. Back and forth, your forks clinked against each other's chosen condiment, over and over, until it was a veritable sword fight over the side dish.
"Stop it Eddie! They're so nice and crispy, don't ruin them."
"It won't ruin them. What are you saying right now? That you just don't like ketchup? You're breaking my heart."
"Some things are meant to be enjoyed in their pure and undisturbed state. Keep your filthy tomato goop away from my potatoes!"
The two of you laughed all the while, and Eddie swore it was the most fun he had outside of Hellfire in...quite some time.
Benny, who was also amused by your antics but not enough to listen to it for the rest of the morning, decided enough was enough and brought another plate of hash browns, "on the house if it'll prevent a food fight," before he retreated back to the kitchen.
The trip to Thatcher Tires was quick, and then the two of you spent the rest of the afternoon outside of your trailer again, chatting away as Eddie changed your oil. You sat on your stoop and doodled in your sketchbook as he regaled you with stories of his friends and his favorite haunts around Hawkins.
Granny had come out at one point to say hello and promised a welcome-to-the-park casserole, but after she left you noticed how he'd gotten a little sad and asked him what was wrong.
Eddie told you about Ronnie then, how much he missed her. How it was like missing a whole...bite had been taken out of his side when she finally left for college.
It felt like the easiest thing in the world--telling you everything and having you listen--because he'd already done it before, so many times. Only now, you were able to respond; he could look over and see you smile or laugh at one anecdote or another. Or offer some advice about your own friends who you missed. You didn't even judge him when he mentioned he was on his second repeat senior year; you just told him about your own story as an almost-drop-out.
You understood. You saw him. Just like he knew you would.
At some point late in the afternoon, as the sky began to take pink and orange hues and people started coming home from work, Eddie reluctantly called an end to your day together.
"I took up all of your time," he admitted bashfully, hands shoved in his pockets. "I'm sure you have a million things to take care of."
"I mean yeah," you shrugged. "But one day won't hurt. And it was a really good day."
"It was."
"Thanks for everything Eds." You immediately made a face and he laughed. "Eds? No. Ed...Eddie. God, sorry, I hate the whole figuring-out-the-nickname thing. So weird. Thanks for everthing Eddie."
"Yeah don't mention it," he chuckled.
It was a real midwest goodbye as you loitered at the bottom of your steps, prolonging both of your departures. A promise to bring over that tape he said he'd let you borrow, or to come share in Granny's proffered casserole when you finally received it.
Then finally, when you were practically in the door of your trailer, you turned around and stared at him, worrying your lip with your teeth as you often did.
"You know, I wasn't the valedictorian or anything, that's my best friend Sam," you shuffled your feet and paused for a minute. "But if you ever need help with homework or anything..."
"Yeah," he agreed a little too quickly, eager to get more time with you. "No, yeah...that sounds...great."
"I'm pretty good at history," you went on. "I have a crazy memory, you wouldn't even realize."
"No that sounds great, I'm, uh...failing history right now, actually," he admitted.
"Perfect! You know where to find me."
"It's a dat--study session!" He caught himself quickly, but not quick enough. He felt the heat building in his cheeks as you covered your mouth in a giggle. "Ignore me. Ignore that. I'm just gonna go...yeah."
And then, it was like in the movies. The angels were singing, birds chirping, the slowly dying sun beamed brightly on you as you opened your mouth and said:
"It can be a date if you want it to be. I had a lot of fun today, so I, uh, think that would be pretty great actually."
It was everything Eddie ever wanted, everything he ever dreamed.
A real date. With the real, very real, definitely not fictional girl of his dreams.
He smiled the biggest smile he ever had, big enough to rival a shark, that's how happy he was.
"It's a date, then."
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Next Chapter: Out of Character
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Steve hadn't even remembered the letter.
After everything had happened, after Steve had to leave Eddie's body, had to sit at the bedside of a girl that might not wake up, had to bury an empty box and hold his kids as they were told they were losing Max all over again, the letter was furthest from his mind.
Max's body was too damaged, her mind too post despite El's best efforts. The weight of responsibility and the energy it took every time El tried to bring Max back was killing El too. After the fifth time Max had coded, Hopper had to tell her to not being her back again if it happened.
Three months after they buried Eddie, they buried Max too. The ghost of her was felt in everything they did. When Suzie visited Hawkins for the first time, Max was missed in the party's introductions. When Lucas became captain of the basketball team in junior year, Max was missed in their group hug. When they party graduated, Max was missed in the chair left empty between Darcy Lunce and Paul Meston.
As the kids left one by one to college, following the footsteps of Nancy and Robin years before, Max was missing from their goodbyes.
Steve hadn't been able to leave until he knew the kids were safe and grownup and out of Hawkins. He'd thought about leaving with Robin when she first left, he'd had a panic attack when he started packing. Now the kids were gone he could leave too, the protector could finally rest.
He was moving to Chicago, Nancy and Robin already had his room ready for him. They had understood why he'd had to stay. Most of his items were packed up and loaded into a moving van that the girls had driven back to their apartment. All the was left was Steve's car. He was selling it, he didn't need it in the city and some extra cash would tie him over while he looked for a new job.
He was cleaning it out ready for the buyer when he found it. Dropped between his chair and the gearbox. Perfectly preserved from the day Max handed it to him. At the time he refused to believe he'd ever need to read it, refused to believe he'd lose one of the kids before dying himself first. Yet here he was, alive, and the author of the note was gone.
He tucked the letter into his jacket and finished with the car. Once it had been picked up he still had an hour before the taxi came to take him to the airport. He made his way to the cemetery, it was only fair he say a proper goodbye to her before leaving her to watch over their town. When he arrived at the plot he took a moment to admire the bright flowers the kids had planted years ago, the beautiful mural Will had painted on the back of the headstone.
Here lies Maxine "Mad Max" Mayfield
He took a deep breath and sat down facing her grave, eerily mirroring the girl years before. He took out the letter, carefully opening it and began to read.
Dear Steve,
First off yes of course I'm going to write you a letter, I don't want to hear any self deprecating nonsense when I hand this to you, you're my brother as much as Dustin is and as much as Billy was. People care about you and love you and shut up yes they do.
Second of all if I somehow don't die you better have burned this I don't want you having anything soft and gooey to hold over me if I'm still kicking. If I find out you've still got this I get to drive your car ok?
I should really get to the point of this letter, I'm writing yours while putting off Lucas', I don't know what I'm going to say to him yet, I wish I could ask you to help me but I need to write these myself, he deserves that and so do you. These might be my last words to you and I need you to know a few things and you've got to believe them because if you're reading them it means I'm gone and you have to honour the dead asshole.
It's not your fault.
Listen to me Steve, if this is the last thing I do, if tomorrow everything goes wrong and I can't be berating you for getting hit in the head and you're crying somewhere alone I need you to know it's not your fault.
If I'm dead, if any of us are dead, it's not your fault. We're old enough to make our own choices. If I'm lucky in a couple years I'll be the age you fought a demogorgan for the first time. If I'm dead it's because whatever is down there took me but that's not on you. If I've made myself bait, or run off or done something stupid or brave or sacrificial or we just got unlucky, it's not your fault Steve.
It's not your fault.
If I hear you thinking it's your fault I'm coming back to haunt you.
Love, Max (your favourite)
Steve has to catch a later flight, he doesn't cry until later. Max's words rattle through his brain, years of guilt that he had pushed down slowly bubbled to the surface until he was in Chicago and could sob in his best friend's arms. Whenever he needed to he would reread Max's letter just to remind himself.
It's not your fault.
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Ok @chocoarts , I'm ready to go on a ramble! Thanks so much for answering my request! I hope my ramble does your art justice!
So! Steve and Robin are destined to work together, no matter how they meet or what they do. I know that most folks on the internet think that Robin wouldn't be great with little kids, while Steve would be the master. However! I personally like the idea that they're /both/ great with kids! I'm not usually one for no-Upside-down aus, but I can't really think of another way that this would work, so.
I'll bet that Steve and Robin met while volunteering at the Hawkins Daycare center. They bond over a love of kids and hatred for the people in charge. Y'see, Hawkins kinda reminds me of the area I grew up in a little bit, and something that's happened, both in my community and the town where my mom works, is that daycares and pre-schools start out as genuine nonprofits, existing for the sake of the community. But over time, they become super exclusive, expensive, and mildly corrupt. I imagine that if Hawkins had a daycare center, that's what would happen.
*oh, by the way, I have nothing against day care centers or all you folks who run them in a general sense. I know how difficult it is to take care of little kids to an extent, and I respect you all for what you do. It's just the ones in my community that I know of that are like that.*
So Steve and Robin see this and decide, hey, Steve's parents may be assholes, but they haven't cut him off yet, so why don't they use that money to open their own daycare center? They would call it Bat-man and Robin's Junior Bat-cave, because Steve plays baseball in this au. Also because of this meme:
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By the way, they decided to add hyphens to the DC related parts of the name to escape a potential lawsuit. That's my logic, and I'm sticking to it. Cool? Cool.
So Steve and Robin open their daycare, and they keep their fees as inexpensive as they possibly can without it being detrimental to the business. One of their first customers is a single mom by the name of Claudia Henderson.
It takes a minute for Dustin to warm up to Steve and Robin, because even as a 3-year-old, people give him a hard time about his disease, cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD), which he worked really hard to learn how to pronounce.
Steve and Robin don't treat him any differently. The only acknowledgement they make of his CCD is when they have to follow his daily medical needs, which I assume exist, but I have no idea what they'd be. When this sinks in, he warms right up to them. His favorite thing to do is play spies with the toy walkie-talkie set that Steve got especially for him. He gets bad dreams sometimes about his dad leaving, but Steve is always right there when he wakes up with a sci-fi picture book or Star Wars stuffies to help him feel better.
The next kid to show up is Max Mayfield. She's a sassy little thing. And in this au, N*il dies in a car crash or something, and Billy's mom gets custody of Billy, because he deserves good things, dammit, but Susan doesn't have the money to move her and Max back to Cali. The Junior Batcave is affordable for her. It takes Max a hot second to warm up to Steve, because of N*il, but Robin helps her feel safe, and Steve never pushes her boundaries. That is what gets her to warm up to him. Max likes playing spies with Dustin, but her favorite thing to do is use cardboard as ramps and play with those tiny skateboard toys.
Jane Eleanor "El" Hopper shows up after Hopper adopts her and gets her out of the foster system. She's pretty quiet and timid, but she's got good judgement for a 3-year-old. She warms up to Steve and Robin pretty quick. She calls them Auntie Robin and Mom-Steve. She likes any kind of game, as long as she's with her best friend Max. But her favorite thing to do at daycare is play with Steve's hair. One day, she brings all sorts of clips and ribbons from home. El gets a little sad, because Robin gently tells her, "if it touches your hair, you don't share." Steve immediately goes out to the store to get some new hair supplies, and then El just goes ham on his hair. When she's done, she says that "Mom-Steve is the prettiest ever!" Hearts melt, and there are tears.
When Will shows up, his family is fresh out of a divorce, so he's really quiet and sensitive. He knows that he's welcome to play with Dustin, Max, and El, but he's just too shy. Luckily for him, Mike starts attending at around the same time. They bond over Star Wars with Dustin. And Will just has the best ideas for games if make-believe! When Will leads, Max and El get to be the knights, and Mike is the one who needs saving. Will gets attached to Steve and Robin when they agree to play the dragon and the queen respectively, and help him practice reading when he's not up to playing. Eventually, Will spends so much time reading with Steve that Mike gets jealous, which I think would explain the ankle-biter moment in chocoarts's picture.
Mike is a bit of a jealous kiddo, because baby Holly gets all of Mom and Nancy's attention, and Dad isn't home too often cause of work. That's why, if any of his friends start spending more time with Steve than him, his ankle-biting tendencies surface. Oh, Will would rather read a story with Steve than play knights and castles with Mike? CHOMP! Even so, Steve and Robin both give Mike plenty of attention, so he warms up to them. He copies El, calling Steve Mom-Steve. He also starts calling Robin Auntie Birdie.
Last, but certainly not least, the Sinclair siblings. In this au, I think Lucas and Erica would either be twins, or the age gap would just be a year instead of 4, as it seems to be in canon (Lucas seeming to be a 15-year-old freshman when Erica is 11). Lucas likes playing catch a little more than the other boys, and Steve is always happy to play with him. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Y'see, I just had the thought that when the Sinclairs tried sending Lucas and Erica to Hawkins Daycare, the two were surrounded by white children who didn't know anything other than the racist bullshit their parents said around them. The employees weren't much better. When the Sinclairs reached out to the Junior Bat-cave, on the other hand, Steve and Robin were perfectly respectful, and made sure the other kids knew to be respectful to Lucas and Erica, too. Anywho, as the two adjust, Steve loves to see how Lucas is just the best big brother. He knows that Erica is still a bit too small for catch, so he rolls his favorite ball around with her, instead. Also, Erica likes dogs in this au, so Steve helps Lucas draw and/or color in pictures of dogs and puppies. Robin is always happy to play with Erica, too. In fact, all the girls love finding all the dog stuffies in the daycare to play dog school, Erica's favorite game.
Alright! That's all I've got for this ramble. If anyone wants to take these ideas and just roll with them, feel free to do so. I hope my ramble did chocoarts's drawing justice!
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 years
My second entry to the @harringroveson-bingo 2022 Round1/Card001 prompt C1: The Party
A Fair Deal
Rating: Teens and up audiences Warnings: No warnings apply Category: General Relationships: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington and the Party, including Max Mayfield and Eleven/Jane Hopper. Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Eleven, Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield. Tags: Fluff, some light cursing, boys kissing, AU - no supernatural events, The Party, Billy Hargrove redemption, Attempt at humor Words: 3626
Author Notes: This works as a follow up to the previous NSFW entry in the series, but works alone as well. Have some fun fluff peeps :)
Read it on AO3 >> All of my Harringroveson bingo 2022 entries in one series on AO3 >>
Summary: Steve comes up with a plan to take Billy on a date out in the open - and it involves the party.
"So, what do you say if I took you on a date?" Steve asked while they were cuddling on the bed.
"A date? Here, in Hawkins? A movie or something? We exactly can't go on a date just anywhere."
"Yeah, I know that. But I have the perfect solution. And it includes your sister."
"Max?" Billy asked incredulous. "Yes, and that's the perfect camouflage."
"What's the emergency?" Lucas asked as he and Will ran down the stairs to Wheeler's basement. "This is the most serious of most serious emergencies," Dustin said as he stood in the end of their new DnD game table and crossed his arms. "Steve wants to take us to the fair." "And that's a problem because…?" Will asked. "He's paying." "What? That's like the best thing ever!" Mike said and high fived with Lucas. Will looked curiously at Dustin who didn't seem amused of the situation. "There is a catch isn't there?" Dustin looked at Max. "I had nothing to do with it!" Max exasperated. Everyone turned to look at her frowning, then back at Dustin. Dustin set his hands on the table. "Steve said that Billy is coming with us."
"Why?" the boys groaned in unison. "Your guess is as good as mine. But I smell a rat," Dustin said. "And because you're nosy, Henderson, you want to know what it is, right?" Mike asked crossing his arms. "Well, aren't you at all interested to know why two guys who hate each other's guts suddenly agree to take a bunch of kids to a fair together?" "Ok, you got a point," Lucas agreed. "But I'm passing this opportunity for obvious reasons. Just let me know what happens, ok?" "Ok, you don't have to come with us. So, anyone have any ideas why they’re doing this?" Dustin asked looking at the others. Everyone turned to look at Max who just shrugged. "Maybe my mom asked Billy to come with me because she doesn't know any of you." "How likely is that?" Dustin asked. "How should I know? No one has before asked to take me anywhere as long as we've been in Hawkins. Quite possible, I guess." "So, that's one plausible reason. Anyone else have ideas?" "Maybe they have schoolwork that includes them doing something like this? Like the lamest pair work ever," Will offered. "That would be lame, but one they both probably would want to get done asap," Dustin agreed. "Maybe they were caught fighting and the principal told them to do something together so that they get away from detention? Then they'd be supervised by someone there at the fair," Mike offered. "That's so out there that even I can't come up with something like that, and you know I’m good with conspiracies," Dustin said.
"What if…" El started, "what if they just act at school and they've become friends outside school? Somewhere we don't know about? And they just genuinely want to hang out at the fair and to take us there too?" "Now there's an idea that sounds solid. But there's still the fact that they keep acting as if they hate each other at school. Why would they do that if they're cool outside school?" Dustin said rubbing his chin. He turned to Max. "Has Steve been around your place?" "Uh, no."
"Here's an idea for you, Dustin," Will said, "Why don't you just go and ask Steve? Wouldn't this be solved easily just with that?" "Well, no, because I already asked! He refused to elaborate, and said that he was already late, so he left almost before I could say goodbye. Which is why I'm here presenting this problem to you. He turned to leave immediately when I asked about it and that was what got me suspicious." "So, what do you think it is then?" Mike asked Dustin.
Dustin smirked and crossed his arms. "They have something going on with each other."
Everyone looked at Dustin with disgusted expressions. "You mean… gross!" the others said out loud. "Exactly," Dustin said triumphantly. "Steve sucks in lying and even if he would just leave something out it always makes him look guilty, and that's how he acted when he stopped by to tell me about this. So, is anyone now interested to go and find out if I'm right?" The kids looked at each other for a while. "Think about it. If I'm right, they don't want it to become public information. So, a prime possibility to get free film rentals, and a ride whenever necessary, for life, in return for staying quiet about it," Dustin tried to sell the point to the others. "Well, I gotta give it to you Henderson, that is a devious plan," Mike said. "I'm in." The girls nodded their agreement from the sofa. "I can keep an eye on Billy at home, you know, for any signs," Max suggested. "Excellent!" Dustin said. "We need all the Intel available." "I guess I'm in too. I mean, I do want to see Steve's face when their secret is out. Whatever it then might be," Will said. "Alright. I'll call Steve and tell him when we want to go," Dustin said smiling.
Dustin sat on the passenger seat of the Camaro and pulled the door closed after him. "Don't slam…" was all Billy managed to say before the door whumped close and he winced, "…the door! Fuck! This car is a piece of machinery that needs to be treated with respect!" he exasperated as he turned the key in the ignition and the V8 barked to life. "Ok, chill," Dustin said raising his hands. "I'm not exactly happy about this either." "How should I have known Max wanted to ride with El? They have some kind of secret society so they can't ride in separate cars though we're all going into the same place." Dustin looked behind him to the backseat. "Well, that backseat fits, like, a grocery bag at best." "This is a muscle car, not a family saloon!" Billy growled. "It does this," he continued and gave the V8 gas, making the car to plunge forward, and Dustin to grab the handle on the door. "Tell me again why were you invited? Because I can imagine how cheery this day is going to be," Dustin said sardonically. "Steve said that he can't handle you lot alone. So, ta-dah, here I am," Billy said annoyed. "Against my will," he added for emphasis, just to make sure he didn't blow his cover before the whole thing even started.
They drove behind Steve's BMW because Steve had told Billy not to make any stupid moves that would mess the day. So, bored out of his mind for being forced to drive by the speed limit, Billy turned on the radio, and Rainbow's 'Since you've been gone' started playing.
When the song got to the chorus, he hummed the melody tapping the wheel with his finger, and at the same time Dustin sang the lyrics under his breath, looking out through the side window.
Both did it again when the chorus played again.
Neither one addressed it any further, until the song got to 'Your poison letter, your telegram, just to show…' "You don't give a damn!" they sang in unison, not in tune, as loud as they could, and laughed. When the chorus came again, they sang it out loud too.
Billy glanced at Dustin and a smile tucked the corner of his mouth when he saw the kid trying to hide a wide grin. “Maybe it’s not going to be entirely shitty day, right?” Billy said, grinning himself too.
Their cars were parked next to each other on the field that was designated as the parking lot for the fair on the other side of the road.
“You survived the ride of death,” Mike stated at Dustin, and glared at Billy, who actually smiled a little at the remark. “I had to follow the speed limits. Those things keep you little shits alive apparently,” Billy said, glaring back at Mike, but unable to fully wipe the smile of his face. Because he was actually excited for this event, one he had waited for days.
The kids took hasty steps towards the fairground, leaving Steve and Billy behind. “What was he like?” Mike asked Dustin the moment Steve and Billy were out of hearing distance. “We actually sang in the car,” Dustin said. Everyone stared at him mouth hanging open. “You did what?” Will managed to ask. “Well, a song came on that apparently we both liked. We knew the lyrics of the chorus, so we sang. It’s a hell of a good song!” “But it’s Billy!” Max said, as surprised as everyone else. “I know,” Dustin matched her tone of voice. “You were right,” Mike agreed. “There’s definitely something off, big time.”
The kids left Steve and Billy quickly behind them. “I gotta buy them the tickets,” Steve said and dug his wallet from his pocket. “Will you buy mine too?” Billy said elbowing Steve to his side. “Hey! Stop with the violence! I will get you a ticket too. Chill,” Steve said smiling. “It wouldn’t be a date otherwise, would it?” he continued under his breath, making Billy chuckle a little.
First ride was Round Up. Standing on the outer rim of a round thing that would speed up fast and keep it up while turning upwards and shaking. Guaranteed to make you feel sick. Except that none of the kids seemed to have any issues afterwards and they just ran towards the second ride.
Steve instead felt his stomach churn. “Ok, nothing that goes around fast or shakes for me tonight." Once the kids were again out of hearing distance Billy leaned to him. “Maybe a round in my Camaro and a bit different kinds of shakes on me though once we’re done here?” Steve blushed on the spot. “We’re supposed to be out with the kids tonight, alright!” he said, but couldn’t help smiling when he saw Billy chewing his gum with a sly smile. He really liked Billy’s smile, it always made his heart flip a little.
“Billy just said something to Steve that made him blush and laugh,” Max reported to Dustin when she’d glanced behind her at the two. “They’re like teens on a date.” “I think they are,” Dustin replied and kept looking ahead. “We just need a confirmation on it.” “Like, a kiss?” Mike asked crunching his nose. “That would work.” Dustin said. “They’re not going to do it out here in the open for sure,” Will said. “It’s not like they can, you know.” “I already know where it’s going to happen.”
Steve and Billy tried to keep up with the kids from booth to booth and different rides. They kept glancing at each other every time any one of the kids looked behind them nonchalantly - and not being nonchalant at it at all, because they were teens. “They’re up to something,” Steve said to Billy, keeping his gaze on the group ahead of them. “Yeah, I noticed. Any idea what? Trying to flee from us?” “Dustin is behind it all, I just know it. I almost blew everything when I stopped by his home to tell him about this evening. He asked why you’d be with us and, well… Everything kinda went south from there. I just left in the middle of a sentence.” “You suck at lying, even if it’s just leaving something unsaid. I know that much already by now,” Billy smirked. “Gee, thanks,” Steve said shaking his head. “This is bad, I just know it.”
They still tried to keep up the appearances, not being overly cozy with each other or accidentally walk too close to each other. Steve even took a bullet when he agreed to go on a viking ship ride with the other kids, knowing it would make him feel sick again, and left Billy with Max.
“Wanna go shoot some ducks?” Billy asked Max. Max shrugged. She had been tasked to just ask Billy because everyone was getting tired of trying to find out otherwise - because the two had totally realized that they were being observed. Billy was aiming his airgun into one of the moving ducks when Max asked: “What’s going on between you two?” “With who?” he asked, and hit a duck straight in the middle. Max looked at him as if he was half-witted. “Steve." Billy almost pulled his gum into his windpipe and had a coughing fit. “Hah. I knew it,” Max said smugly. She aimed her own gun and squeezed the trigger, hitting a duck on first shot. Billy glared at her. “You better keep that to yourself or I’ll kick your sorry ass, shitbird.” “It comes with a price,” Max replied, and shot a second duck down. “Yeah, I know,” he said flatly. He didn’t feel like shooting more ducks, but Max shot a third one, and was allowed to pick any of the big prices.
Billy was carrying a massive teddy bear when he and Max met Steve and the other kids. “That’s huge,” Mike said wide eyed, while the rest of the kids managed barely to hide their laughter. “It’s not mine, it’s Max’s,” Billy tried to defend himself and rolled his eyes when Steve joined the rest chuckling. “It’s going to look nice on your bed,” Steve whispered to him once they were again left behind the kids who were now eating cotton candy. "Don't you fucking start or I will replace you with it," Billy shot back, but couldn't keep a smile creeping on his face. “Hey, why don’t we go to the ferris wheel?” Steve asked as they walked by the massive wheel dominating the fairground. Billy looked at him raising one of his eyebrows as a question. “Yes, exactly because of that,” Steve whispered. “Hey guys, wanna go to the wheel?” he shouted after the kids.
“We want to go again to the Roundup,” Mike said, joined by Max and El. “Again? Are you sure that's a good idea? Because everyone is cleaning their own messes in case all the cotton candy and other stuff you've eaten here comes up in either of our cars.” The trio nodded, Steve gave them three of his last tickets, and turned to look at Dustin and Mike. “What about you two?”
The boys looked at each other for a while. Then they both looked at both Steve and Billy squinting, as if they were contemplating of something simultaneously. The look made Billy blush, as he just knew they were on to him and Steve, and he was all of a sudden very interested of the booth with wheel of fortune behind him. "We're coming to the ferris wheel with you,” Dustin said after a while.
“You're willing to share a pod with him, but not with us?” Dustin asked from Steve, pointing at Billy, when they were at the gate to the ride. Steve had really hard time to keep his face from not revealing anything, because he just knew the kid suspected something. “Well, yes. I mean, if someone has to suffer, let it be me,” Steve tried to reply nonchalantly. Dustin and Mike just shared a look on it. “You guys take the first one,” Steve rushed them into the pod. Steve and Billy with the gigantic teddy took a pod that was few pods behind Dustin's and Mike's. Billy sat on the other seat and set the teddy next to him. “Hey! That’s rude. He’s already taking my place,” Steve said mock-upset pointing at the bear. “Fine,” Billy laughed and moved it on the seat on the other side of the pod. Steve sat next to Billy, and looked at him. He took Billy’s hand and intertwined their fingers. “This is such a teenager date that it’s not even funny,” Billy chuckled. “Shy looks and holding hands, maybe dreaming of getting into the first base.” “Well, that was my idea of getting onto this thing,” Steve said and looked up. “I just wish those two…” Billy interrupted him. “They definitely suspect something. And Max knows.” “What?” Steve said incredulous. Billy shrugged. “I didn't tell her anything. You tell me how they pick stuff like this up on their own.” Steve looked back up and to the boy’s pod. They weren't peeking over the sides – at least not now.
When Billy's and Steve's pod was on top of the wheel, the wheel stopped from rotating for a while, leaving the pod moving slowly back and forth. The sun had just gone down, and the horizon was painted red, turning slowly into turquoise that finally faded into darkness. Billy marveled at the sky, but all Steve saw was Billy. “Hey,” he said to get Billy’s attention. When Billy turned to look at Steve, Steve cupped Billy's chin into his hand, and kissed him. Up here Steve was brave enough to do it out in the open. The kiss was as shy as they were on this their very first date, and short, to make sure no one accidentally saw it. They smiled when they broke the kiss. “This is so stupid. I feel like I'm thirteen again,” Billy said chuckling. “Me too,” Steve said laughing. "Maybe that's a good thing?" "Why?" "Because," Billy started but paused, squeezing Steve's hand a little tighter. "Maybe I want to see where this thing could go? You know, not just…what we did last time." "You do?" Steve asked surprised. "Hey, you asked me on this date, dumbass. I guess you had some thoughts behind it too." “Well, yeah,“ Steve said sheepishly, “I just didn't think you might feel the same way.” “I told you that I don't let just anyone into my head, and I meant it,” Billy said, and gave Steve a kiss just as the wheel started moving. Both of their eyes widened and they turned to look down at Dustin's and Mike's pod.
Steve groaned when he saw the boys high fiving each other. “There goes the secret.” “Well, what the hell are we going to do to it? Beat them up so that they know to keep their mouths shut?” Billy asked alarmed. “I know I'll be bringing a lot of films for them to watch from the rental. And drive them wherever they need a ride to,” Steve replied, rubbing his forehead. “What do you have to trade?” “Uh…well, not much to be honest,” Billy confessed. “Oh, fuuck,” he then let out. “Rides. I'm going to have to drive those little shits to places too. And endure whatever they come up with while at it.” Steve couldn't help but to laugh. “You're going to have glorious times ahead,” he said, getting another elbow from Billy in return. “They're loud and messy. Be prepared to clean up your car at least once a week. I have no idea where all those crumbs come from but there's tons of them on the floor and in between the seats.” “Hey, you're not making this any better!” Billy said, but couldn't help laughing either. “Though they're going to have to stuff each other on the backseat of the Camaro, so, there's always that for me to bring some satisfaction.” “And obviously speeding, they'll love that,” Steve nodded making Billy laugh again.
Dustin and Mike were smirking slyly when Steve and Billy got out from the pod.
Billy threw the gigantic teddy bear at them and the kids fell down on the ground like bowling pins. “Serves you shits right,” he muttered under his breath.
When the kids got up, laughing, Dustin took the teddy, and he and Mike started to run towards the ride where the rest of the party was.
“Hey, give it back, it's Max's!” Billy shouted and ran after them. “You better not tell them anything,” Steve shouted at the kids as he ran after Billy, who was faster, both of them trying to avoid the other fair goers. “I'm telling them everything!” Dustin shouted back.
Steve managed to catch Billy when they were forced to stop behind a family of at least six screaming kids. “This is useless,” Steve said breathing heavily. Billy was leaning his hands on his thighs, also taking heavy breaths. “How the fuck do they run so fast for kids that age? Weren't these supposed to be DnD kids who do nothing else but sit and play indoors?” “You have no idea what they're capable of when left without supervision,” Steve said knowingly. “I’ve been trying to find them for who knows how long several times after leaving them alone just for five minutes.”
Finally Steve and Billy arrived at the ride where the rest of the kids were waiting. They both were still short of breath. “So, what's the price?” Steve asked panting. “Oh, I don't know, unlimited free video rentals and rides to anywhere we want to whenever we need seems a fair deal, don't you think?” Mike said on behalf of the group who were all grinning. “You shits planned all this,” Billy said unamused. “Max, you're in so much trouble for telling them.” “It wasn't me!” Max replied. “Dustin figured it out almost the day Steve told him that you'd be coming with us.” “It's not like you two somehow magically get along unless there's something more behind it. Simple detective work,” Dustin said and high fived with the rest of the party.
“Steve, I'm so not driving behind you when we drive back tonight,” Billy said annoyed. Steve glanced at him. “Maybe you'd like to take the beemer?” Steve suggested taking the keys from his pocket and giving them to Billy, making all of the kids freeze with wide eyes. “I think that's an excellent idea,” Billy nodded, and gave the keys to the Camaro to Steve. Suddenly all of the kids were shouting dibs on the front seat and the tiny backseat of the Camaro, making both Billy and Steve grin at each other. “A fair deal, I’d say,” Steve said, and high fived with Billy.
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prettyboybyers · 2 years
Me: damn, i really crave romance.
Also me when i think of doing anything remotely romantic with anyone i know:
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kedreeva · 2 years
oh boy. i just wanted to help my friend write the steddie fic she wanted. how did I end up here? how am I several thousand words into writing a fic about eddie and max becoming trauma siblings? the world may never know.
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sheepcalledbas · 2 years
Ok so I wrote something that's too short to go on Ao3 so I'm putting it here. It's not Byler but it's Max Mayfield getting the real big brother she deserves in Steve Harrington with a sliver of Lumax. Hope y'all enjoy!!
"My what?"
It's a testament to how far downhill his life has gone in the last few weeks that Steve Harrington doesn't even question the presence of Max Mayfield sitting on the front of his car as he exits Melvalds. She lazes easily over the hood, her trademark skateboard trapped under her scuffed shoes and she scowls at him as if *he's* the weird one. He doesn't even blink.
After nearly dying underground nearly two months back, Steve has spent more time with the band of brats known previously as his (ex) girlfriend's little brother's friends than his own parents. But that's really not saying something. Dustin Henderson, who'd stuck to Steve from day one like an overaffectionate leech, fondly claimed it was a mutual adoption while Steve privately thought of it as voluntary kidnapping.
So Steve isn't startled by Mayfield's overall appearance as he is by the fact that she's alone. And apparently in need of borrowing his kitchen.
Mayfield glares at him with a level of disdain that only thirteen year olds can manage. It nearly chills Steve to his bones but stops somewhere around his muscles instead.
"You don't need to know," she snipes.
God, Steve would like to think that he wasn't nearly this bad as a thirteen year old but he had been a foot shorter than he was currently and had an ego twice the size of his hair. Yeah, he was probably worse. He doesn't say any of this to Mayfield but rather raises an eyebrow and snorts, "It's my house, of course I need to know."
She's silent for a moment before she ducks her head and mumbles something so quietly Steve could mistake it for the wind.
"Excuse me?"
"I said it's for a date with Lucas," she repeats, cheeks burning redder than her hair. "I need a kitchen because he likes to bake and I can't use my own for obvious reasons and I don't want to use his because I want to do something for him for once and Dustin said your parents are never home so you were the solution."
She speaks like somebody's going to cut her head off if she doesn't finish within thirty seconds and Steve is left reeling, his brain slowly absorbing the words she's said.
He's silent for too long though because Mayfield immediately begins backpedalling as her walls rocket up.
"Never mind, it's a stupid idea. I'll just take him skateboarding like I usually do. It's fine." She hops off his car and swivels her board upright.
"Hey, hey, hey."
Steve scrambles to stop her, gently pulling on her sweater before she's halfway down the street.
"Of course you can use my kitchen," he says before he can really think about it. "What are you guys baking?"
"Brownies," she mutters, a smile creeping back onto her face like a frightened animal. "They're his favourite."
Her hesitancy makes Steve's heart ache. Not for the first time and not even for the hundredth this year, Steve hates Billy Hargrove.
"Well then, it's a good thing you're using my kitchen. Best damn one in the country!"
She raises her eyebrow and Steve knows snarky, fiery Max Mayfield is back. He grins back at her.
"Do you have all the ingredients?"
She suddenly looks shifty and the little voice at the back of Steve's head that makes most of his bad decisions raises it's head.
"About that... can I borrow your wallet too?"
Steve stares at Mayfield, a tiny firecracker in both appearance and personality, with her taped up board and freckled face and he sighs. Maybe the bad decisions were the best ones long term.
"You're twisting my arm here, Mayfield, you know that?" he says as he pulls out a crisp ten from his pocket and makes his way to the driving seat. "Well? Aren't you coming? The grocery store is on the other side of town and we're losing daylight!"
Mayfield blinks and then she's smiling too and shoving her skateboard into his trunk and Steve feels a bit better about the whole kidnapping thing.
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Ok me and @0aurelion-sol0 were talking and we think we figured what was going on in that teaser...
So in ep 3 "the hero and the monster" is where El most likely has her carrie moment. Talked about it here.
After the aftermath, after el's changed clothes. The police may want to question El and the byers. And want to interview  El separately at the station since she was a direct eye witness. While the byers, Mike, and argyle stay at the house with the other detective , for questioning. This would explain the police car El is in . So the man in white - who is shooting at Byers' house intruders , may be 1 of the detectives who stayed behind.
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As El is being driven to the police station, we probably have the police car intercepted by colonel Sullivan and his men.  And the detective (men in suits) hand her over to the army. And the u.s gov takes El to the secret- secured base in the dessert. Aka the door in the dessert. The door leads to an underground bunker ,  with a man-made portal to the upsidedown. Similar to the russian portal in the basement of the mall. The tanks and helicopters are there as a preemptive measure incase anything monstrous theoretically escapes. And they want El cause they know she can open and close gates.
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As far as the fire starter. Well, we can't tell who it is. But we don't think it's El, or any other obvious choices . So we assumed maybe it’s some number working for Brenner who blows shit up in order to apprehend El . Maybe this person has been spying the whole time and that's why they're in civilian clothes. Similar to the spies in s2 who wore street attire. Everyone else at this base is in camo. So this plaid/ white /pink ensemble stands out. We see them hurt a lot of the men in camo- and light one of the armed jeeps (near the base) on fire. so they're not with colonel Sullivan's group. I also think El if she had a carrie moment probably ran her ‘battery’ too low to do this type of destruction anyways.
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Meanwhile right before this. Jonathan , Mike, and Will, are probably freaking out in Will's room- over El and the roller rink incident/ what to say to the detective. Then Sullivan's other troops bust in - we see the man who breaks the window is wearing camo. Then the 3 run up the stairs and the door is busted open by again more men in camo. Sullivan's men try to either capture El's family a) thinking taking/controlling them Will make El more compliant b) Will's file was a bit fishy and they want him too. Hard to say.
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So then Will, Mike, and jonathan run out (maybe even drag the detective away who may have been shot). And argyle probably idk...was in the car like... smoking a jo*nt , while this was happening in the house. And then everyone crashes into his car. They drive off and stop somewhere in the dessert and the detective probably dies-as they’re trying to help. We see Mike, and Will look toward the back of the car where jonathan is lurching over something or someone. Then Will upset, turns back to the front where argyle is.
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I assume Joyce maybe already headed out with murray before all this stuff went down. My  personal guess, - el is taken by the mystery person... to eventually go back to Papa (prob at Penthurst). And as a parallel someone may suggest the byers, Mike,and argyle lay low at Lonnie's.
maybe after the ep 3 cliffhanger of El’s carrie moment- they pull an s2e7 where s4e4 is dedicated to max. And we don’t see what happens to El and the others (aka this)- till ep 5. Similar to the cliffhanger of Will causing mayhem at the lab- then the next ep was the el/kali ep. since s4e4 is the ‘dear billy’ ep, I think it's possible. Maybe it shows Max teaming up with dustin, Robin, steve, etc to get the ball rolling on the hawkins/ creel storyline.Also, the mayfields/hargrove clan also parallel the Byers’ family .  So, maybe the rest of the episode has max’s present storyline (focus on her mourning Billy- and possibly her current struggles with Neil) . And or flashbacks with Billy/Neil/ her bio dad leaving . Her mourning Billy probably parallels hopper's grief of Sarah (both at the end of a season give El a hairband after the de*th of a family member) . Not to mention Neil /Max's bio dad parallel Lonnie. So it may be a good set up to ep 5- that focuses on hopper and the byers more.
Max's ep 4 storyline may intersect/parallel  flashbacks of maybe Lonnie in ep 5.We saw Jonathan have flashbacks of his dad when driving up to see him (so during the car ride, we may see brief flashbacks from jonathan and or Will’s pov)? plus in ep 5 we may have victor creel flashbacks, and Hopper’s current imprisonment with the demogorgon(deepfather). Explained the reasoning for why they me be in ep 5 here- under "Nina project" section. And maybe after all the creel, demogorgan, lonnie stuff... at the end of the episode 5 is where we learn El is at penthurst (near papa)? Aka everyone is imprisoned with a father figure metaphorically / physically.
At the end of ep 5 El is with papa (at penthurst), hopper is in prison with the deep father, creels are stuck in the house with possibly possessed victor , and the boys at the end of 5 may arrive at lonnie's house?
Just spit balling ideas... feel free to share XD
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