#Old Rivets
1863-project · 7 months
Sometimes I question my autism diagnosis because my experience isn't entirely in line with those of other autistic people's and then I go to my job at the train museum and take one quick glance at a photo in a box of archival images and immediately and correctly identify a specific GG1 locomotive from the shape of the nose around the headlight
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rrtfs-official-blog · 2 months
Just a silly update since I’ve got nothing going on at the moment. Apart from writing “In The Lambent Lamps Of Phantoms”, which is going very well actually! But in the meantime while I work on that, have a silly drawing! I’ve oddly enough had Montgomery on the brain, but I don’t think there’s ever a time where Old Rivets isn’t at the back of my mind somewhere. This time though, I wanted to try and take a crack at drawing him as a GG1, and not that goofy humanized version which exists for nothing but silly spin-offs, and the fact I love designing characters even if I don’t end up doing much with them. But here you are! Just a silly dad joke from an engine who’s probably fit to be someone’s dad! I don’t know if I’ll ever outline or color it, so have the sketch just in case I don’t!
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Version without text under the cut!
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goodboytown · 1 month
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new arm, who dis?
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useragarfield · 5 months
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requested by anon: Jack Brewer & Kim Crawford in (any scene) ↳ KICKIN' IT (2011 - 2015) 3.08 | "Two Dates And A Funeral"
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theramblingsofadork · 10 days
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I’m sure some of you have already seen this from my blog banner, but I figured why not celebrate my return by sharing a WIP of the entire Starpoint Squad! ✨💫
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lyraspace · 5 months
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Another redraw of another old work. Can you believe I used to copy and paste the same drawing of Eduardo so I wouldn’t have to draw him again?
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cyber-rivet · 4 months
Humanformers Ratchet raunch. Nuff said (please and thankyou)
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i will turn all of your favorite robots into butch women, whether you like it or not
ask box is still open! :]
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ibenology · 11 months
guys they are actually doing us a favor with Loki and Mobius the new generation needed to feel some well done queerbaiting it’s good for morale
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stackslip · 2 months
we're less than ten eps in and ed elric 2003 feels like a markedly different character to ed elric manga/brotherhood, and i mean that in the best way possible tbh
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jellydragons · 5 months
“I was told you took a tumble off the island,” he started casually.
This sounded an awful lot like talking about it, Time.
“I feel that would shake anyone,” he continued, undeterred by the fact that he was essentially talking to a particularly surly door, “I have no issue with heights, but goodness, just peering over the edge is enough to give me vertigo.”
Did he really think Wind didn’t know what he was trying to pull? Even Linebeck was more subtle than this, and that man acted like feelings would make him break out into hives.
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OMFG Madame de Pompadour from doctor who is Lady Penelope from Thunderbirds?!!!
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acrosstobear · 2 years
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a Callum stream is always the highlight of my day
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mearcatsreturns · 1 month
mostly working in an archive is perfectly fine—lots of organization and documentation. occasionally it sucks.
BUT sometimes you find juicy decades-old gossip and it’s the best thing ever
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toxicheartanime · 1 month
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I love where I live now. Every time I walk up the stairs, I feel like I'm either in an industrial music video or that I've entered Silent Hill ♡
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10/10 experience
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vault81 · 1 month
Jack Cooke's Travel Log: ROBCO - 24/08/2277
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"Oh right, I've been so busy lately that I've forgotten to update you guys! God, where do I even start? I've gotten Brian all set up with Moira for the time being, He's going to be helping Moira around her shop 'til I can track down his aunt. Honestly wasn't entirely onboard with the idea of him working for her but Moira is right, better to keep his mind occupied with work than thinking about his dad."
"Speaking of his aunt, it turns out 'Rivet City' is some kinda settlement on the banks of the Potomac south of the ruins. It's also supposed to be built inside the wreck of an old aircraft carrier, so at least it'll be easy to spot! Getting there isn't going to be a walk in the park though, I've gotta wade my way through ferals, mutants and raiders first. Which means I have to stock up on supplies first"
"Of course, the wasteland being the wasteland that means I need caps first, and there is no easier way to get caps then help out Ol' Moira with her 'Wasteland Survival Guide'. She asked me to deliver this 'widget' (her words not mine) to an old ROBCO factory south-west of Megaton. It was supposed to bring the factory back online and reprogram the robots to work for you. Of course with it being the Wasteland and Moira, that's not what happened but that's spoilers for later!"
"Bit of a hike to get to the factory, took me over half a day to get over there! probably could've been faster if I went through Arlington, but I've heard some nasty rumors about that place so I 'ought to give it a wide berth for now.. did spot some point's of interest for later though, specifically an old Nuka Cola factory, I mean that's gotta have some good shit in it right?! I can imagine it now.. all that delicious Nuka Cola ripe for the takin'... uhm anyway, back to the matter at hand. On my way down I also spotted some kinda skyscraper in the distance! kinda odd it just sitting by itself there, I'll have to ask someone back in Megaton 'bout it!"
"When I got inside the factory I wasn't prepared for it to be so.. full of pests! It was full of mole rats and radroaches, you'd think a factory for a robotic's company would have decent security! but all of the protectrons were deactivated.. or dead.. actually isn't that the same thing to a robot? uhhm anyway, it explained the pest problem. The biggest problem I found was navigating the factory, a lot of the hallways were blocked by debris, so the entire factory turned into a maze of dusty, dilapidated hallyways!"
"Took me a while but I finally got to the factory control room, and installed Moira's 'widget' now, to be fair to her, it did work! the factory came back online and the robots reactivated! What Moira failed to mention is that when installing her 'widget' that a uh.. failsafe I think is the scientific word, would trip! making every robot, turret and I assume coffee machine believe that ROBCO was under communist attack! Which means I had to run for my life while being chased by 200 year old robots with lasers! I'm pretty sure there was a securitrion as well but I was too busy screaming and running for my life to look!"
"I was able to escape the facility as you can tell, with a few holes in my jumpsuit and singed hairs, and trust me I'll be having a few choice words with Moira when I get back...-"
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backstabber128 · 1 year
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Here's some old RAC arts I can't remember if I posted or not. Most are just memes and Rift Apart predictions
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