#Oliver Py
arcimboldisworld · 9 months
Orphée aux enfers - Opéra de Lausanne 31.12.2023
Orphée aux enfers - Opéra de Lausanne 31.12.2023 #oliverpy #arievanbeek #jacquesoffenbach #silvester #rezension #lausanne #orpheusinderunterwelt #operalover #opera #opérabuffe
Die Silvestervorstellungen an der Opéra de Lausanne sind immer wieder ein Erlebnis, zum Jahresabschluss 2023 gab es eine Aufführungsserie von Jacques Offenbachs Opéra buffe “Orphée aux enfers” (Orpheus in der Unterwelt). Es ist eine grossartige Produktion und – ich kann es selbst kaum glauben – meine 500. besuchte Opern-Vorstellung… Continue reading Untitled
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satrs · 1 year
Can you pls tell us who you think are the ass guys in bllk besides Sae?If that’s alright with you!
Besides Sae it would beeee….
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my guy playin smart on both teams he lovessss himself some boobs but he likes ass just as much. He has two hands so, one on each. Why choose? But tbh he is a bitttt more drawn to ass, just a tiny bit. This man could nut by just giving ur ass a quick squeeze.
Yeah idk why but he just does bc I said so. Hand on your ass at all times. And when ur cuddling? Bye. Squeezing it like play-doe I’m so serious. Or he’s using it as a pillow, your choice to make.
He. HEEEEE$-&-&-&¥\£{*{€ I can just IMAGINE how he slaps ur ass when he walks past you at home. Or his hand sneaking into your PY’s. Gotta stop before I’m writing a full fic on this man bru.
Ok soooo I’m wasn’t sure abt this one then I looked at a pic of him and it clicked 😭😭 anything that has to do with ur ass, he’s makin it sexually TRUST. For example when you’re struggling with ur jeans, you can already feel his smug smirk on you.
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the-al-chemist · 2 months
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Before Moonrise
A/N: this was meant to be a sweet, ship-py story for @hphm-ship-week (prompt: Sunset). But then, I handed the mic to Chiara, and she kind of just ran with it. I guess it really is the quiet ones…
Warnings: mention of canon character death, allusions to chronic/stigmatised illness, blink-and-you’ll-miss-them descriptions of injuries.
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It was the tiredness that was the worst thing. Not the pain in her muscles or her chest, not the hunger that left her almost shaking between mealtimes, not the constant low-level irritation and short-temperedness that she had to fight to keep under control, not even the taste of the Wolfsbane potion or the niggling fear that this time it might not work. It was the Godric-damned tiredness that got her every month, her fatigue growing with each night the crescent waxed.
By the time the full moon came around, Chiara was always exhausted. Perhaps if that weren’t the case, she would have the energy to fight against her transformations, to stop herself becoming the monster she hid from the rest of the world. But, in all the years she had been dealing with her lycanthropy, she had not had a single month where she had been able to muster the strength to fight it.
At least she had the Wolfsbane potion. Chiara was lucky, as lucky as a werewolf could be. Those few occasions on which she had faced the full moon without it had been horrific, her pain unbearable, her dread and self-loathing all-consuming. She had scars from those transformations that would probably never heal: one up her thigh, one on the side of her ribcage, another curving up and over her shoulder. She hated all of them equally. They were all reminders of how she would never be rid of the monster within her, even when the full moon was not high in the sky.
She would never be rid of the wolf.
But, she could predict when it would rear its ugly head. Even if the growing symptoms in her own body weren’t enough, Chiara had her lunar chart memorised. She knew exactly what time the sun would go down, and when the moon — the dreaded full moon — would go up. As long as she was safely back in her little private room by then, all would be well. Well-ish, anyway.
The only problem with her plan was the lack of predictability that came with volunteering in the Hospital Wing. Granted, Chiara should probably not have been volunteering on the day of the full moon, but with Madam Pomfrey still Medusified, what other choice did she have? Only to tell the Healers from St Mungo’s that she would not be able to work the full moons due to her affliction, and risk ruining her chance at a career in Healing after she left school. Madam Pomfrey took no issues with her lycanthropy, but not everyone was so open-minded. Not everyone would want a werewolf for a Healer. No, she was just going to have to push through the aches and the exhaustion, try not to make any stupid mistakes because of them, and make a swift exit before sundown.
If a swift exit was even possible. She should have known by now that leaving the Hospital Wing was always easier said than done, and today was no exception. Every time Chiara thought that she was done, another student would come in with another ailment. Oliver Wood, a third year Gryffindor, had taken a Bludger to the shoulder during Quidditch practice. As soon as he had walked out the door, in came Barnaby Lee, who had been bitten by Hester, apparently a Murtlap he had been feeding on the shore of the Black Lake. No sooner had she sent Barnaby back to the Slytherin common room with his hand in a bandage than two first-years presented with bloody noses after getting into a physical fight. Normally, Chiara might have spent longer listening to them tell her why they had each been so upset that they had resorted to violence, but by that point, the sun was dangerously close to the eastern horizon. She told them that she didn’t care who had started it, fixed their noses and vanished the blood from their faces, and sent them both packing.
A wave of her wand, and the Hospital Wing was spick and span and ready for the following day, and she was ready to face the night ahead. She shut the heavy doors behind her as she walked out, and turned the key in the lock. Finally, she was able to leave, and not a moment too soon, for the sky had already turned pink with the setting sun.
But, as the lock clicked, she heard someone say her name.
It was Jae Kim. He had his hands in his pockets, and he shifted his weight from foot to foot as he looked at her. Perhaps he had done something to one of his legs?
“I was hoping you’d be here,” said Jae.
“Why, are you not well?” Chiara hoped that he was well. She did not have the time to tend to him if he wasn’t.
“What? No, I’m grand. Fit as a fiddle, me.” Jae grinned, but kept fidgeting. “I just wanted to chat, that’s all. I mean, if that’s alright with you.”
Of all the times to want to chat. Chiara had to stop herself from sighing out loud.
“I’m actually on my way back to my dormitory, Jae.”
“That’s alright, I can walk with you.”
Chiara couldn’t come up with a good reason why he shouldn’t. Not on the spot, anyway. After almost six years of deliberately keeping her distance from her peers, she was running out of excuses. Or, maybe, she just didn’t want to keep her distance anymore.
It had started as a self-preservation mechanism. The closer she got to others, the more likely it would be that they would discover her secret. If they did, the consequences would be disastrous for her and her future. And, as for the rejection she would face, she didn’t think her heart could take the pain. It was far easier to reject everyone first. At least, it had been, until Rowan died and put everything in perspective. Chiara had spent five years living in the same quarters, attending the same lessons, and eating at the same table as Rowan. And yet, they’d barely ever spoken, let alone become friends. Now that she was gone, it was as if something had clicked for Chiara. Now, she’d had enough of being isolated, of isolating herself from everyone around her.
So, she nodded her head, and let Jae accompany her on her walk back to the Hufflepuff common room, the sun getting lower and her stride becoming faster with every brisk step that she took.
“Oi, what’s this?” Jae asked her. His cheeks were pink trying to keep up with her. “I didn’t realise it was going to be a race.”
“It’s not…”
“Or are you just that keen to get away from me?”
“No, I just… Sorry.” Chiara slowed down. It would be more time-efficient to walk less quickly and talk at the same time than to rush back to the basement and stand around chatting for Godric knew how long. “What was it you wanted to talk about, anyway?”
“Oh, I, er…” Jae’s cheeks turned even pinker. He was giving the sky a run for its Sickles. “Well, I just wanted to tell you that I’m really glad you decided to join the Circle of Khanna.”
Was that it? “It was the right thing to do.”
“Yeah, definitely. You’re always doing the right thing,” said Jae. He let out a soft laugh. “What’s it like, being so good all the time?”
“I wouldn’t know,” Chiara told him. “I’m definitely not good all the time.” Before Jae could ask her what she meant by that, she added, “We all have our flaws, don’t we?”
“Some of us have bigger flaws than others though.”
If only Jae knew how true that was. He wouldn’t think her half as good if he did.
“I think you’re probably a better person than you give yourself credit for,” said Chiara, and Jae’s eyes lit up as he smiled.
The walk back from the Hospital Wing to the basement wasn’t short, and Jae had clearly not had that much to say to her, but he kept on walking with her, chatting about nothing consequential and making silly jokes as they went. It was quite nice. It was like having a friend. It was as if she was normal, just like everyone else. She had been tired all week, but now she felt as if she could keep on walking and talking like this all night.
But, of course, Chiara wasn’t just like everyone else. And she couldn’t keep walking all night. She had to get back to her room and lock herself away, before the wolf returned.
“Well, this is me,” she said, once they reached the pile of barrels that hid the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room. “Thank you for walking with me.” A pause. “So, goodnight, then.”
“Yeah. ‘Night,” said Jae, but he didn't leave.
Was he just going to stand and watch her as she tapped the barrel sequence to unlock the door? Had that been his aim all along? Was he planning on breaking in later? Well, if that was the case, so be it. She had to get inside, whether he was watching her or not. She turned around and drew her wand.
“Chiara, wait a minute.”
Did Chiara have a minute left to wait? There was no clock in the corridor, nor any windows down here. She no longer had any way of telling what the sun was doing, nor the moon.
“I didn’t just want to talk about the Circle of Khanna, I wanted to…” Jae cleared his throat. “I just wanted to say that I think that you’re really kind and really pretty, and just… lovely, really.”
Chiara blinked. “Well, that’s nice to hear.”
It was nice to hear. It was lovely to hear. Chiara hadn’t known it before that moment, but she had been longing to hear someone say those things about her. But, Jae wasn’t done.
“Yeah, I kind of fancy you a bit, and I’d like to get to know you better…”
It would be better if she turned away, but she didn’t.
“…and I wanted to know if you’d maybe like to go out with me sometime.”
It was time for her to leave, and yet, she stayed.
“We could go and get some food, or a drink, or something. I don’t know. It might be fun.” Jae paused. “So, er, what do you think?”
Chiara didn’t know what to think. She hadn’t been expecting this. And every moment she spent trying to work out how she felt would be another moment closer to moonrise. She couldn’t do this, not now.
“Can I let you know another time?” she asked. Jae’s face fell. “It’s not that I don’t… I just really have to—”
“No. No, it’s fine.” It clearly was not fine. “Forget I asked. It was stupid. Anyway, I’ll let you get on.”
Finally, Jae turned and walked away, obviously crestfallen. Chiara wanted to call after him, to go after him, but she couldn’t. She had to go to her room, her private, lonely little room. It used to be her safe haven, but now it felt like a prison cell. Even through the window, she couldn’t see another soul, only the grass, silvery in the glow of the rising full moon.
She had only just made it back in time. Thank Merlin she had not gone after Jae. He might have fancied her, and he might have thought she was lovely, but he wouldn’t if he knew the truth. And, as flattered as she was by his interest, as much as she hated that she had hurt his feelings, maybe this was for the best. She was ready to try and make friends, but she wasn’t ready to let someone love her, not yet.
And then the moonlight struck her, and her chest was filled with a pain even worse than that of a broken heart as the wolf took over her once more.
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Vocaloid inspired names / pronouns ?
Alright! Vocaloids are actually a special interest of ours so this is a sick request! Since you didn't name a preference I'll do them all for names and only neutral for pronouns!
Masc ; Len, Makato, Oliver, Lucas / Lukas, Asahi, Akito
Neu ; Luka / Luca, Yuki, Merlin / Merlyn, Mew, Cyan, Leon, Meiko, Mo, Kohaku, Yuki
Femme ; Hastune, Rin, Mako, Maika, Kaori, Ruby, Astrid, Sachiko, Amber, Chika, Rana, Flower, Kokone, Fuiro, Sakura,
Neu ; voi/voice, voca/vocaloid, elec/electric, electric/electrical, lectric/lectrical, pix/pixel, vi/vir, vir/virtual, wy/wire, ech/echo, by/byte, com/computer, da/data, py/thon, ce/cell, mob/mobile, lyr/lyric, melo/dy, mu/sic, sing/singer, sol/solo
Hope these help! If you have any questions about any pronoun set(s) just leave a comment and we can send the whole set(s)
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Jake Jensen and #Dodger story requested by @nana1000night
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Basically fluff small mention of losing a family member in the military and Jake being a shy sweetie.
Comments and reblogs appreciated no reposts or publishing anywhere
You see the cutest couple at the park: A tall man and his dog an orange/tah body and little white paws almost like socks and his owner tall and handsome. Sure he had some outdated blonde tips but he's a man hats he know about style plus he looked handsom. Who are you to tell a tall handsome muscularman what to do with his hair. Oh what the hell most he can do is say no.
"Hi can I pet your dog?" You almost wanted to hit yourself in the face you sound like a child. Oh well whats done is done.
"My dog?" He fiddles with his glasses
"Your dog." Ok maybe you should just leave He's clearly nuts or dense
"My," he glues slightly "dog?" How dense is this man? Maybe the steroids he used to get those very gorgeous amazing biceps warped his brain. Wait am I staring don't stare. You point to the dog wagging his tail
"Your pup......py" you say slowly trying to guage if he's an harmless idiot or insane.
"Right my dog its not actually my dog. It's I mean right now it is because I mean I have it with me right now but its actually- it's my neice's I offered to watch him while they went on vacation." he laughs nervously looking around. It was like he was suddenly burst into reality. The blush on his face was cute. You could tell he wasn't used to women talking to him.
"Awww that's sweet. You say that to every girl at the dog park?" You kneel down to pet the dog, he's obviously too frazzled to say yes or no.
"It does sound like a line doesn't it" as he plays with his glasses, "But no here look"
He kneels and proudly shows pictures of his neice playing on her soccer team.
"Aww she's cute."
His dog tags made a noise as they hit eachother. The ball and chain necklace was barley sticking out of his shirt.
"What branch?"
"The military what branch."
"Special opss."
"Not exactly an answer but thank you for your service."
Jake blushes at the attention.
"I can't really talk about-"
"Its ok I get it my brother was in the marines"
She pulled a necklace out with a marine class ring
"Was...." Jake said softly. "I'm so sorry."
"I know it doesn't mean much but."
"It does from people like you. I think you get it more. You still in."
"You're never out."
She nodded and bits her lip.
"Whats his name?"
"Like the baseball team?"
"The musical-"
"Oliver," she smiles.
"It's my neices favorite."
"You're really close with them aren't you."
"Yea they're all I have so."
"No its sweet. Most men don't care your girlfriend's a lucky girl." You're hoping the blush on your face isn't too visible.
"Not yet. Well I don't have one right now that is. If you were uh wondering."
"No I always ask handsome men who are using dogs as their wingman who don't have wedding rings on. If they have girlfriends It's a tick. Do I get to know your name at least?"
"Jake. As in,' he pauses "Jake."
Jake laughs nervously, he's not used to women being so forward with him.
He's thinking about how to move forward when he sees a tear slip down your face.
He whipes it off with his thumb.
"I'm sorry If I " his face was turning red. He chastised himself for crossing a line but he couldn't help himself
"Jake don't appologize it was sweet its not you It's just It's just me." You mentally slapped yourself for that stupid line once upon a time you could flirt properly .
Dodger as if sensing you're trying to calm yourself crawls on you and gives you a hug.
"Aww. Thank you." You wrap your arms around the sweet dog.
"I think Dodger likes you." Jake softly smirked
"Do you think I can see Dodger again tomorrow or later today? "You looked mostly at Dodger suddenly becoming shy again.
"Well him and me come as a pair." Jake chuckles softly waiting for the 'oh forget it then to come out of her mouth.'
"I know why do you think I asked?" You smiled you at him.
@sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja
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plangentia · 4 months
PY Fr 1224
.a pa-ko-we , e-ti-we
.b pa-ki-ja-ni-jo-jo me-no , po-se-da-o-ne OLE+PA Z 2
In the month of Sphagiania, for Poseidon: sage and e-ti-we OLIVE OIL+PA Z 2.
A record for the use of perfumed oil in a religious context.
pa-ki-ja-ni-jo-jo me-no – Sphagianioio menos – “in the month of Sphagiania.” Sphagianes was an important cult site at Pylos. Is Sphagiania a religious festival that the month was potentially named after? It was common for months to be named after religious festivals.
po-se-da-o-ne – Poseidaonei – for Poseidon. Dative singular of Poseidon. The East Greek form of the name.
OLE+PA is a ligature of ideogram + syllabogram. Olive oil of the PA type.
Z’s ideogram looks like a cup or scoop of some kind. Approximately 500ml.
pa-ko-we – sphakowen – “sage.” Classical Greek σφάκος. Presumably this is what PA stands for in OLE+PA.
e-ti-we – unknown meaning. Seems to be some kind of spice?
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doughyzzz · 1 year
Current Characters Names
Red (Red)
Olive Green (Olive, OG)
Dark Orange (Orange, DO)
Dark Blue (Blue, DB)
Warrior Stick (WS)
Dark Warrior Red (Worrier Red, WR, DWR)
Ruby Red (Ruby, Red, RR)
Dark Yellow (Yellow, DY)
Parmesan Yellow (Parmesan PY)
Forest Green (Forest, FG)
Pastel Red Rose (Rose, PRR)
Pink (Reds mom, Pink)
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antigonick · 4 years
hello! hope the new year is treating you well (so far!) i decided i wanted to read more in translation this year, especially poetry, and i was wondering if u had recommendations for works translated into english (or french) from living or 20th century poets. it’s not a strict preference i just really want to expand my horizons ! anyways i love your blog it’s a much appreciated resource ❤️
Hi! Aw, that’s such a lovely idea. Honestly I mostly read English-writing authors (you must have noticed...) but I do have a few things to recommend.
• Rainer Maria Rilke’s works, most notably Sonnets to Orpheus and Duino Elegies trans. by Martyn Crucefix, but also The Book of Hours trans. by Babette Deutsch.
• Twenty Poems of Anna Akhmatova, trans. by Jane Kenyon, though I also like Stanley Kunitz’s take, and Marina Tsvetaeva’s Selected Poems, trans. by Elaine Feinstein.
• Odysseus Elytis’ What I Love, trans. by Olga Broumas, and my favourite The Sovereign Sun, trans. by Kimon Friar, who also translated Sodom and Gomorrah by Nikos Kazantzakis. Also, C. P. Cavafy’s The Complete Poems, trans. by David Mendelsohn or Poèmes, trans. by Marguerite Yourcenar (what??) and Constantin Dimaras.
• Federica Garcia Lorca’s A Season in Granada, trans. by Christophe Maurer, and Octavio Paz’s Collected Poems, trans. by Eliot Weinberger, others (including Denise Levertov and Elizabeth Bishop) and Octavio Paz himself. Also, Kelly Martínez-Grandal’s Zugunruhe, trans. by Margaret Randall, and of course Jorge Luis Borges’ Selected Poems, trans. by several translators (among others, W. S. Merwin and John Updike.)
• Speaking of W. S. Merwin, he translated a lot of poems, spanning centuries and languages, and he’s a beautiful translator; I’d recommend his Selected Translations. 
• Edith Södergran’s We Women, trans. by Samuel Charters, and Matilda Olkinaitė’s Matilda, trans. by Laima Vince. 
• Adonis’ Selected Poems (trans. by Khaled Mattawa) and Saadi Youssef’s Without An Alphabet, Without a Face (by Khaled Mattawa too). 
• I’m also thinking of Women of the Fertile Crescent: An anthology of Modern Poetry by Arab Women. You can find a lot of beautiful excerpts on @soracities blog.
• I know it’s not 20th century, but I have a soft spot for modern translations (some more interventionist than others) of classic poetry. My very favourites include Anne Carson’s If Not, Winter (obviously), Mary Barnard’s Fragments of Sappho, Renée Vivien’s Sapho, Marguerite Yourcenar’s La Couronne et La Lyre, Emily Wilson’s The Odyssey, Seamus Heaney’s Beowulf, Kenneth Rexroth’s 100 Poems from the Japanese (some of them you can find in this one—though be careful! Sometimes Rexroth claims he’s translating for shits and giggles when he’s really the writer, like in The Love Poems of Marichiko), A. K. Ramanujan’s The Interior Landscape: Classic Tamil Love Poems and the gorgeous Andal’s Autobiography of A Goddess, trans. by Priya Sarrukai Chabria and Ravi Shankar. 
• In the same vein, though they’re plays rather than poems, I’d recommend Oliver Py’s very cheeky take on Shakespeare’s Roméo et Juliette, and Anne Carson’s Bakkhai (Euripides) and An Oresteia (Aiskhylos, Sophokles, Euripides). 
Aaaaand... that’s that! Sorry, this is severely lacking in contemporary poetry, but I hope this helps—oh and happy new year to you too ♡
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pupyzu · 3 years
Soft aesthetic name/pronoun ideas?
under the cut!
Alex / Alexander / Alexandra / Alexi
Anne / Annabeth / Annebeth
Casper / Caspar
Dorothy / Dodie
Forrest / Forest
Luca / Lucas
Ollie / Oliver / Olly
Park / Parker
Theo / Theodore
Timmy / Timothy
Vinnie / Vincent
・┈┈・・⟡ ∞ ⟡・・┈┈・
ey/em/eir/eirs/emself or eirself
kit/ten/tens/kitself or kittenself
marsh/mallow/lows/lows/marshself, mallowself, or marshmallowself
pu/pup/pups/pupself or puppyself
pu/py/puppy/puppies/pupself, puppyself, or puppieself
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pythiaba · 4 years
Strings briefly shows up with Ren, holding a box wrapped carefully in black with some cat heads on it. Inside the box are some actually decent headphones! (considering he's a bit of a noob) They do have some cat ears with speakers embedded, and some colorful lights lining it for an extra flair. Hopefully she likes them!
After Kuru gets over his laughing fit with the olive oil and talks with Strings a bit, he messages Py to come downstairs. She does a minute or two after the notification, sounding like a herd of elephants coming down the staircase. When she barges into the living room, she has to stop and blink.
“Whoa. Three is trippy. Okay.”
There’s obvious differences, but still, at a glance is so weird.
Her previously excited attitude is more muted as she approaches Strings and takes the box held out to her with a quiet ‘thank you’. She drops into Kuru’s lap- the unexpected weight makes him squawk- and opens the gift, after making a comment about the wrapping paper (”you furry!”).
Py gasps in absolute delight when she sees the headphones. They’re not something she’d outright ask for, given she generally goes for the more practical/useful/powerful stuff herself, she has always loved the look of these, and to have them given to her by complete surprise is awesome. She immediately dons them, grinning from ear to ear.
“Dude, these are FUCKING AWESOME. Thank you!!!” She squeals, kicking her feet in excitement with her hands over the cups of the headphones.
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operaexplorer-blog · 7 years
Gregory Kunde as Le Prophete at Deutsche Oper Berlin, December 3, 2017
It is undisputably great initiative undertaken by Deutsche Oper Berlin in reviving grand operas of Giacomo Meyerbeer – the success of Les Huguenots last year put very high expectation for this year continuation in Le Prophete. Highly anticipated, previously unseen by me, – and great cast assembled to tell the story. The opera addresses challenges of power, beliefs, values and human choices in…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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#246, p.98
26th September 1864
To Allan Grant a Guard connected with the Provincial Penitentiary of Canada
               Whereas on the evening of Friday the 23rd inst. Oliver Hamilton, a convict sentenced to imprisonment in the Provincial Penitentiary, effected his escape from those who had him as well as other convicts in custody.
               These are therefore in Her Majesty’s name to command you to the said Allan Grant that you proceed to such part of the Province of Canada where it may be ascertained the said convict may be secreted and bring him back to this Institution to complete his period of imprisonment.
               And in the event of the said convict being discovered and making resistance, you are hereby authorized in Her Majesty’s name to call such aid as will enable you to secure the said convict.
               Given under my hand and seal this 26th day of September 1864.
                                               D. Æ MacDonell, Wdn. P. Py.
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xianimoon · 6 years
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Here’s what I’ve spent pretty much my whole weekend on. I wanted to make something including as many of the Cuphead OCs I love as possible and of course I had to add my own lovely Queen Card right into the middle of it. This goes out to all the awesome people who came up with those amazing character designs! Full list of characters and artists under the cut!
Cammie Millie @rustybirdcage I find Cammie simply adorable. She is such a pretty little Lady. No doubt Queenie agrees with me on that.
Connie O’Clock @mayadile I love your art-style in general and your art of Connie in particular. No clue if they’d get on well with Queenie, but they both sure love King Dice.
Jack & Ron @madhouseicecream I like them both, though I must admit I favor Jack, he’s very much my type. I love your art, both the Cuphead related stuff as well as your own comic. I’m always excited when I see that you posted a new page.
Mannie @rodi-draws I told you I would draw her some day! It’s not what I meant back then, but I just had to include Mannie in this. You know Queenie likes her and supports her romantical interest in the Baroness.
Lucky Eight @dreamaredoodle I admit I found your blog and oc only recently, however I instantly loved your character design for Lucky Eight. I’m sorry my drawing couldn’t do him justice.
Vincent @ninjahaku21art Vincent seems like the kind of man Queenie would find attractive, though I can’t say for sure since I am far from up to date with all the story you’ve got for him. One of these days I’ll sit down and read through all the comic stuff you’ve made and you’ll probably end up receiving a pretty excited ask from me afterwards.
Nathatniel Stamp @ask-the-devils-advocate I wouldn’t have thought it but Nate ended up being just about the most difficult to draw and I don’t even understand why. Anyway I know who I’ll be asking for advice if I ever have legal trouble.
Rocky @p0ply He’s got a really good design and I love the Player1 & Player2 drawing you made.
Mic the Announcer @circateas Been loving Mic’s design and your art-style from the start and since last time I drew other people’s ocs I already included Macha he really had to be in this one.
Oliver @oliverspastryemporium Recently discovered the blog and choose to immediately include Oliver in this because I already love the sweet guy.
Sir Sorry Knight @kingintodreams I haven’t seen much art of this adorable knight in shining armor so I figured I’d draw a little myself. His design and character concept are just too cute.
Andy @yellow-py He’s a good sausage boi. What else is there to say?
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plangentia · 4 months
PY Un 267
.1 o-do-ke , a-ko-so-ta
.2 tu-we-ta , a-re-pa-zo-o
.3 tu-we-a , a-re-pa-te ‚
.4 ze-so-me-no ‚
.5 ko-ri-a2-da-na a ro m 6
.6 ku-pa-ro2 a ro m 6 *1̣5̣7̣ 1̣6
.7 KAPO 2T 5 VIN 20 ME 2
.8 LANA 2 VINb 2
Thus Alksoitas gave: To Thyestes, the unguent boiler aromatic substances for unguent to (be) boil(ed): coriander SPICE 6 cyperus SPICE 6 *157 16 FENUGREEK 2T5 WINEA 20 ME 2 WOOL 2 WINEB 2
This tablet contains more than 2000 litres of aromatic materials – likely for restocking rather than one particular perfume.
o-do-ke – ho doke – “thus X gave.” Introductory particle o/jo and the unaugmented aorist of δίδωμι. This is more likely to be a delivery than a gift.
a-ko-so-ta – Alksoitas. Believed to be one of the chief officials at Pylos. It has been suggested that this might be the identity of Hand 1.
tu-we-ta – Thuestai – “to Thyestes”. Dative singular of a personal name. This seems to be an aptonym fitting the man’s profession, since tu-we-a means “aromatics.”
a-re-pa-zo-o – aleiphazoos - “unguent boiler”. Compound of two stems: ἄλειφαρ  – “unguent” and ζέω “boil.” Unguent boiling was the technique of boiling olive oil with spices and other materials to infuse it with their scents and properties.
tu-we-a – theuha – “aromatic substances” – accusative plural of an s-stem neuter plural. Oldest alphabetic instance of θύος means “burnt offering,” but Homer uses it to qualify ‘perfumed’ oil.
a-re-pa-te – aleiphatei – “for unguent.” Dative singular of purpose.
ze-so-me-no – zessomenoi – “to (be) boil(ed).” Dative future middle participle. Originally -ss- because the s survives between vowels. This is middle in form, but likely passive in meaning. The -θη- element of the future and aorist passive is a post-Mycenaean innovation and thus we cannot differentiate middle and passive participles in these tenses.
ko-ri-a2-da-na – korihadna - “coriander.” Also written ko-ri-ja.
AROM – generic ideogram for commodities measured by dry units and do not have their own ideogram.
ku-pa-ro2 – kuparyos – cyperus. Cf. κύπαριος, κύπειρον. A reed related to papyrus. Used for banquets, perfume, and animal fodder in Linear B tablets.
*157 – unknown ideogram.
KAPO – monogram of the two syllabogram KA+PO or PO+KA. This sometimes means karpos – “fruit,” but seems unlikely here. Here Killen interprets KAPO as karphos – “fenugreek@ Could also mean “bark.” Classical Greek κάρφος.
VIN – wine. Used in unguents according to Greek authors. Two different ideograms differing in their number of vertical lines and represent two different products. WINEB must be a liquid akin to wine, but hard to identify. WINEB is described as sweet on some tablets, so maybe this is wine that has only partially fermented. Perhabs WINEA is fully fermented then?
LANA – wool. Unusual for making unguent? But raw wool is rich in grease (lanolin), which Greek authors describe as one of the ingredients used for the making of unguents. (Killen) ME – honey. Abbreviation for me-ri (μέλι).
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ambimakesarts · 6 years
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Some fun doodles! With @blushybits Mint @vaktelle 's Oliver Qvist and Snowball @yellow-py 's Palm Tree Dude @palossssssand 's Sy And @p0ply 's Rocky again ^^'
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wirrrp · 5 years
Converting Data Structures, Oh Boy!
Here is what the land/sea gene library used to look like:
spectrumgenesea = {    "RR": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",  # Maroon    "Rr": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",    "rr": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",  # Bronze    "rG": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAaA",    "RG": "sssSsbbccEEwwwwffbBsbfggiggiggittdEeAAAA",  # Gold    "Rg": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAaAA",    "rg": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",  # Lime    "GG": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",  # Olive    "Gg": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",    "gg": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffBBsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",  # Jade    "Gb": "sssSsbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeaAAA",    "GB": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",  # Teal    "gB": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",    "gb": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",  # Ceru    "BB": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",  # Bloo    "Bb": "sssssbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",    "bb": "sssssbbCcEEwwWwFfbbsbfGgiGgiggittdeeAAAA",  # Indigo    "rB": "SSsssbbCcEewwWwffbbsbfGgiGgiggiTtdEeAAAa",    "RB": "SSSSSBbCCeeWwWwffBbSbFGGiGGiggiTTdEEAAAA",  # Violet    "Rb": "SSSSSBbCCeeWwWWFfBBSBFGGiGGiGgitTdEEaAaA",    "rb": "SSSSSBbCCeeWwWwffBBSbfGGiGGiggiTTdEEAAAA",  # Tyrian    "m1": "SSSSSBBCCeeWWWWFFBBSbfGGeGGeGGeTTDEeaaaa",  # Deepdweller    "m2": "sssssBbCcEeWwWwffbbsbFGGiGGiggittdEEAAAA",  # Recessive Riverdweller    "m3": "SSssSbbccEEwwWwffbbSBFggiggiGGittdEeAAAA",  # Hidden Amphibian    "m4": "SSSSSbbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",  # Land-dweller, technically    "m5": "sssssBbCCeeWwWwffBbSbFGGiGGiggiTTdEEAAAA",  # Seadweller, technically    "m6": "SssssbbccEEwwWwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",  # Webbed Toes    "m7": "ssSssBbccEEwwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",  # Swimbladder    "m8": "ssssSbbccEEwwwwFFbbsbfggiggiggittdeeAAAA",  # Body Fins    "m9": "Sssssbbcceewwwwffbbsbfggiggiggittdeeaaaa",  # No ears/fins, can't breathe.    }
Longass confusing alphanumeric strings.  Space-efficient!  I love it!  But I had to write a function to decode each type of gene, and one to convert it into descriptions of things, and remember which specific character in the string was each gene, and like, there was so much overhead.  Also it was possible for me to put things in the gene that do not save to file well.
Also I did that, and don’t want to undo it, so I’m converting the entire slurry gene library to this format instead:
def genesea(inp):    # Move all these settings into a .txt file that it gets loaded from at start of program?    # That would be a memory and CPU hog, unless I put it in a .py in a cavern subfolder . . .    # Not today, but a possible tidying step in the future.  For now, one slurry file.    # Blank Setting    blank = {        "controls": {  # SS: as seadweller.  Ss/sS: check genes.  ss: as landdweller.            0: "",  # Ears, fins, wfingers, wtoes            1: "",  # gillneck, gillneckt, gillribs, gillribt, gillface, gillfacet, salt, air            2: "",  # bladders            3: "",  # biolum, teeth    # move teeth doubling gene?            4: "",  # dorsal/bodyfins,  eyelids, # move doubled eyelid gene elsewhere?            },        "bladders": "",    # BB several, Bb one, bb none.        "ears": "",        # EE full, Ee / eE half, ee none.        "cheekfins": "",   # CC full, Cc / cC half, cc none.                    # Make subgenes for earfin size, number of tines, etc.        "wfingers": "",    # WW full, Ww / wW half, ww none.  webbing        "wtoes": "",       # WW full, Ww / wW half, ww none.  webbing        "dorsalfins": "",  # FF big, Ff / fF small, ff none.        "biolum": "",      # BB full, Bb / bB partial, bb none.                    # Create subgenes for patterning, brightness, voluntary/reflexive...                    # conscious/unconscious, steady state / bloodflow,                    # fin glow, eye glow, stripes, freckles, ...        "gillneck": {"main": "",   # GG Full, Gg/gG half, gg none                     "type": ""},  # i internal, e external        "gillribs": {"main": "",   # GG Full, Gg/gG half, gg none                     "type": ""},  # i internal, e external        "gillface": {"main": "",   # GG Full, Gg/gG half, gg none                     "type": ""},  # i internal, e external        "toothdouble": "",  # Move to Teeth.  tt land, TT barracuda, Tt blend, D doubled, d singled.        "eyelids": "",      # Move to Eyes.   EE lids, Ee/eE permanent transparent layer, ee normal land.        "salt": "",         # Move to Organs. Ss salt, Bb brackish, Ff freshwater.        "air": "",          # Move to Organs. Can you breathe air?  aaaa = no, anything else = yes.    }    # Primary settings    land = {        "controls": {0: "ss", 1: "ss", 2: "ss", 3: "ss", 4: "ss"},        "bladders": "bb", "ears": "EE", "cheekfins": "cc",        "wfingers": "ww", "wtoes": "ww", "dorsalfins": "ff", "biolum": "bb",        "gillneck": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "gillribs": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "gillface": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "toothdouble": "dd", "eyelids": "ee",        "salt": "sbf", "air": "AAAA"}    sea = {        "controls": {0: "SS", 1: "SS", 2: "SS", 3: "SS", 4: "SS"},        "bladders": "bb", "ears": "ee", "cheekfins": "CC",        "wfingers": "Ww", "wtoes": "Ww", "dorsalfins": "ff", "biolum": "Bb",        "gillneck": {"main": "GG", "type": "i"},        "gillribs": {"main": "GG", "type": "i"},        "gillface": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "toothdouble": "Dd", "eyelids": "Ee",        "salt": "SBF", "air": "AAAA"}    # Secondaries    deepsea = {        "controls": {0: "SS", 1: "SS", 2: "SS", 3: "SS", 4: "SS"},        "bladders": "BB", "ears": "ee", "cheekfins": "CC",        "wfingers": "WW", "wtoes": "WW", "dorsalfins": "FF", "biolum": "BB",        "gillneck": {"main": "GG", "type": "i"},        "gillribs": {"main": "GG", "type": "i"},        "gillface": {"main": "GG", "type": "i"},        "toothdouble": "DD", "eyelids": "EE",        "salt": "Sbf", "air": "aaaa"},    river = {        "controls": {0: "Ss", 1: "Ss", 2: "ss", 3: "ss", 4: "ss"},        "bladders": "bb", "ears": "Ee", "cheekfins": "cC",        "wfingers": "Ww", "wtoes": "Ww", "dorsalfins": "ff", "biolum": "bb",        "gillneck": {"main": "Gg", "type": "i"},        "gillribs": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "gillface": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "toothdouble": "dd", "eyelids": "ee",        "salt": "sbF", "air": "AAAA"},    seahidden = {        "controls": {0: "sS", 1: "ss", 2: "ss", 3: "ss", 4: "ss"},        "bladders": "bb", "ears": "EE", "cheekfins": "cc",        "wfingers": "ww", "wtoes": "wW", "dorsalfins": "ff", "biolum": "bb",        "gillneck": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "gillribs": {"main": "GG", "type": "i"},        "gillface": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "toothdouble": "dd", "eyelids": "ee",        "salt": "SBF", "air": "AAAA"},    landsea = {        "controls": {0: "SS", 1: "SS", 2: "SS", 3: "SS", 4: "SS"},        "bladders": "bb", "ears": "EE", "cheekfins": "cc",        "wfingers": "ww", "wtoes": "ww", "dorsalfins": "ff", "biolum": "bb",        "gillneck": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "gillribs": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "gillface": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "toothdouble": "dd", "eyelids": "ee",        "salt": "sbf", "air": "AAAA"},    sealand = {        "controls": {0: "ss", 1: "ss", 2: "ss", 3: "ss", 4: "ss"},        "bladders": "bb", "ears": "ee", "cheekfins": "CC",        "wfingers": "Ww", "wtoes": "Ww", "dorsalfins": "ff", "biolum": "Bb",        "gillneck": {"main": "GG", "type": "i"},        "gillribs": {"main": "GG", "type": "i"},        "gillface": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "toothdouble": "Dd", "eyelids": "Ee",        "salt": "SBF", "air": "AAAA"},    webbed = {        "controls": {0: "sS", 1: "ss", 2: "ss", 3: "ss", 4: "ss"},        "bladders": "bb", "ears": "ee", "cheekfins": "CC",        "wfingers": "WW", "wtoes": "WW", "dorsalfins": "ff", "biolum": "bb",        "gillneck": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "gillribs": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "gillface": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "toothdouble": "dd", "eyelids": "ee",        "salt": "sbf", "air": "AAAA"},    bladder = {        "controls": {0: "ss", 1: "ss", 2: "Ss", 3: "ss", 4: "ss"},        "bladders": "BB", "ears": "EE", "cheekfins": "cc",        "wfingers": "ww", "wtoes": "ww", "dorsalfins": "ff", "biolum": "bb",        "gillneck": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "gillribs": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "gillface": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "toothdouble": "dd", "eyelids": "ee",        "salt": "sbf", "air": "AAAA"},    bodyfins = {        "controls": {0: "ss", 1: "ss", 2: "ss", 3: "ss", 4: "Ss"},        "bladders": "bb", "ears": "EE", "cheekfins": "cc",        "wfingers": "ww", "wtoes": "ww", "dorsalfins": "FF", "biolum": "bb",        "gillneck": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "gillribs": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "gillface": {"main": "gg", "type": "i"},        "toothdouble": "dd", "eyelids": "ee",        "salt": "sbf", "air": "AAAA"},    nonviable = {  # no ears/fins, can't breathe.        "controls": {0: "Ss", 1: "Ss", 2: "ss", 3: "ss", 4: "ss"},        "bladders": "bb", "ears": "ee", "cheekfins": "cc",        "wfingers": "WW", "wtoes": "WW", "dorsalfins": "fF", "biolum": "bb",        "gillneck": {"main": "GG", "type": "i"},        "gillribs": {"main": "GG", "type": "i"},        "gillface": {"main": "GG", "type": "i"},        "toothdouble": "dd", "eyelids": "EE",        "salt": "sbf", "air": "aaaa"},    # The actual meat    gene = blank   # Initialize it as empty.    # Each entry given an individual mention in case I want to add individual quirks later.    if inp == "blank":        gene = blank    if inp == "land":        gene = land    if inp == "sea":        gene = sea    if inp == "deepsea":        gene = deepsea    if inp == "river":        gene = river    if inp == "seahidden": ��      gene = seahidden    if inp == "landsea":        gene = landsea    if inp == "sealand":        gene = sealand    if inp == "webbed":        gene = webbed    if inp == "bladder":        gene = bladder    if inp == "bodyfins":        gene = bodyfins    if inp == "nonviable":        gene = nonviable    if inp == "RR":  # Maroon        gene = land    if inp == "Rr":        gene = land    if inp == "rr":  # Bronze        gene = land    if inp == "rG":        gene = land        gene["toothdouble"] = "dD"    if inp == "RG":  # Gold        gene = land        gene["controls"][3] = "SS"        gene["biolum"] = "Bb"        gene["toothdouble"] = "Dd"        gene["eyelids"] = "Ee"    if inp == "Rg":        gene = land        gene["biolum"] = "bB"    if inp == "rg":  # Lime        gene = land    if inp == "GG":  # Olive        gene = land    if inp == "Gg":        gene = land        gene["controls"][3] = "SS"    if inp == "gg":  # Jade        gene = land        gene["biolum"] = "BB"    if inp == "Gb":        gene = land        gene["controls"][3] = "SS"    if inp == "GB":  # Teal        gene = land    if inp == "gB":        gene = land    if inp == "gb":  # Ceru        gene = land    if inp == "BB":  # Bloo        gene = land    if inp == "Bb":        gene = land    if inp == "bb":  # Indigo        gene = land        gene["cheekfins"] = "Cc"        gene["ears"] = "EE"        gene["bodyfins"] = "Ff"        gene["wtoes"] = "Ww"    if inp == "rB":        gene = land        gene["controls"][0] = "SS"        gene["controls"][1] = "SS"        gene["cheekfins"] = "Cc"        gene["ears"] = "Ee"        gene["wtoes"] = "Ww"        gene["gillribs"] = sea["gillribs"]        gene["gillneck"] = sea["gillneck"]        gene["eyelids"] = sea["eyelids"]    if inp == "RB":  # Violet        gene = sea        gene["salt"] = "SBF"    if inp == "Rb":        gene = sea        gene["wtoes"] = "WW"        gene["bodyfins"] = "Ff"        gene["salt"] = "SBf"        gene["biolum"] = "BB"    if inp == "rb":  # Tyrian        gene = sea        gene["wtoes"] = "WW"        gene["salt"] = "Sbf"        gene["biolum"] = "BB"        gene["gillface"] = sea["gillribs"]    return gene
To access things from the old format, I would do things like: 
gene1 = Aquatic(strblood, strsea); strseadesc = gene1.desc
...but in the new format, I will instead say:
gene1 = slurry.genesea(”bb”)
strseadesc = seadesc(gene1)
...So basically I’m rewriting the Entire Program.  But, as an advantage, not only do I get to write tidier code at the end of it (and can access inernal variables Much more easily), it will be easier to add and change features of genes, any time I update the format I only need to update the Blank and Primary/Secondary listings and everything else will fill itself in to match the new format, and also every single sub-gene is labled in english.
So if I want to know if an indigo has webbed toes?  I just check their sea[”wtoes”].  If I want to look at one of their left top back teeth?  I’d check their mouth[’top”][”L”][6].
I am going to be translating this code for a solid week.
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