#Online Ayurvedic for Cancer
sushainwellness · 2 years
Sushain Clinic is the best Ayurvedic Doctor Consultation for Piles? consult online with Certified Ayurvedic Doctors 100% treatment for Piles and other problems like constipation, IBS, Hyper acidity etc. Book Online Consultation with Ayurveda Doctors.
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thevirginwitch · 1 year
Pearl Correspondences & Uses in Witchcraft
Friendly reminder that this post was available for early access over on my Patreon! Unlock early access to my future content (as well as exclusive access to my research notes, free tarot readings, digital goodies, access to my online library, and TONS more) by subscribing to my Patreon for as little as $2/month!
In ancient Chinese culture, pearls were used in artwork, folktales, and charms to represent wishes, fortunes, gratitude, and even the moon:
Marquis of Sui’s Pearl, a gemstone in a folktale dating back to the Warring States period (475-221 BCE), is given to a leader, Sui, from an injured snake that he nurses back to health, as a symbol of gratitude.
In Hindu and Buddhist traditions, The Chintamani (equivalent to the importance of The Philosopher’s Stone in alchemy) is known as a wish-fulfilling jewel that is sometimes depicted as a pearl.
In Chinese artwork, dragons may be seen holding or playing with a “flaming pearl” – in this context, some believe the pearl may be representative of “an object of great value that enhances the benign dragon who treasures it”, however it is more commonly (especially in Westerners) believed to be a cosmological symbol of the moon – in fact, there is an ancient belief that full moons are solid pearls, while new moons are hollow pearls.
In holistic circles, pearl powder is also known to help you with longevity, beauty, bone-health, among many other (non-FDA approved) benefits – and in Ayurvedic medicine, pearl is said to be an antidote for poison, and it was also used in love potions.
Knowing the traditional symbolism of pearls in Chinese and Eastern cultures, as well as its (supposed) medical benefits and Ayurvedic uses, we can create our own Correspondences for Utilizing Pearls in Witchcraft:
The Moon
The inner/subconscious-self
Longevity, good health
Pisces, cancer
Hidden knowledge
Uses for pearls (or pearl powder) in modern witchcraft:
Use pearl powder as highlighter in makeup for an easy glamor-spell
Mix with salt and other herbs associated with abundance to make “money-salt” for money spells
Add whole pearls or sprinkle pearl powder in your money bowl
Blow pearl powder onto your front door at the beginning of each month to bring abundance to your home
Write down a secret or something you want to get off your chest, and bury it with a pearl to keep it ‘hidden away’ from others
Make a wish with a pearl by leaving it out in a rainstorm, or dropping it into a natural body of water (pond, lake, etc).
Offerings to sea-related or beauty-realted deities
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Fun pearl facts:
Genuine pearls (and pearl powder) doesn’t burn! Pearls may discolor, but they shouldn’t go up in flames.
Pearls are made as oysters try to protect themselves from irritants or parasites – they add layers and layers of this ‘pearl’ coating to intruders, and viola!
Pearls are the only gemstone that come from a living creature
Pearls come in many colors
Pearls are obtained from oyster farming – which is actually beneficial to the environment! Additionally, pearls can be harvested without killing oysters.
Be careful when shopping for pearls – many places do not sell genuine pearls and they may be fake. Use caution when looking to purchase!
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luvdivy · 9 months
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2024: a year of transformation pt. 1
As 2024 approaches, im sure most of you are thinking about transforming your life. But I personally believe that transforming your life starts in December, not January. So here is the first part to transforming your life. Introducing: health is wealth.
health is wealth
Health is crucial for well-being, but most forget to take care of all aspects of it.
1.) Figure out your skin type:
There are numerous skincare quizzes online and youtube videos. Knowing your skin type is so important so that you can truly take care of your skin barrier.
2.) Products:
You don't *always* need crazy expensive skin care products to heal and clear your skin. I love CeraVe because they are affordable and available in most stores. If you are unsure, consulting a dermatologist is a great idea.
Regardless of your skin type, here are three basic and crucial steps of your skincare routine
Find a cleanser special to your skin type and use in the morning and night. I like to double cleanse with a cleansing balm and my regular cleanser in the night using the CeraVe hydrating cleansing balm and the CeraVe hydrating cream-to-foam cleanser (I have dry skin) to remove any dirt on my face. Make sure when using a cleanser you take your time to cover all parts of your face and ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS before washing and touching your face.
Regardless of whether or not you have oily, combo, dry, etc skin, hydration is important for soft and nourished skin (especially if you live in a dry or cold climate). I use the CeraVe moisturizing cream which really hydrates my dry skin. Do some research on what moisturizer will hydrate your skin without adding oils and buildup.
Sunscreen is incredibly important to protect your skin against UV rays and blue light. Suprisingly, blue light from devices can affect your skin. To avoid skin cancer, use a sunscreen. I use the Black Girl sunscreen and the Beauty of Joseon sunscreen which don't have whitecasts and give a really glowy look. They are great for more melanated skin and last throughout the day. When researching sunscreens, look for those which don't give off whitecasts and for ones that are SPF 50
3.) Its bigger than your skincare:
Diet, stress, sleep, mindset, water, the vibration you are at (all of which I will cover later) play major roles in the appearance of your skin. When you fuel your body with nutritious food and ample water, you glow more. You look healthier, and skin will clear up more. Give it time and trust the results. Get atleast 7+ hours of sleep and manage your stress levels. Improving your mindset and operating at a higher vibration improve everything, and you will glow more.
Additionally, your hormones, allergies, etc may affect acne and skin. Consulting a dermatologist is amazing for this.
Also, don't feel pressured to buy the newest skincare products. Invest in affordable and quality skincare products.
4.) Natural:
I love using natural resources and ancient ayurvedic techniques to improve my skin. I use aloe vera gel in the night on my face because of its numerous nutrients and benefits for the skin. Get 99-100% natural aloe vera gel for this.
Qasil powder is a natural somali soap which is incredible for your skin. Its known as the purest cleanser for the skin and body. Make sure before you buy it, that it is 100% true Qasil powder.
Look to make face masks with natural resources. From my culture, turmeric is amazing for the face, but don't leave it on for too long. Search online for homemade face masks with turmeric. Honey is also amazing for skin as well.
Research on different natural resources (especially ayurvedic skincare) because they are age old practices which are great for skin.
Body Care and Hygiene:
Hygiene is so so important for health (also so you don't stank)
1.) Shower:
When showering, cleanse from top to bottom. From behind your ears, to neck, all the way down to feet. Use soap or a body wash to remove all dirt from the day and make sure you wash your underarms, feet, privates, and butt. DON'T wash your down-there with soap because it'll mess up your pH balance, no matter how tempting it might be. Water is enough. I like the method body wash because its super affordable and smells amazing (especially the nourishing wash and pink peony). I would also recommend African Black Soap because its amazing for your skin on body. There are so many benefits to using it, you can never get enough!
For odor, I love using the panoxyl benzoyl peroxide wash to remove bacteria from my underarms. I leave it on for 2-3 minutes and wash it off. It does a great job of removing the onion-y odor from your armpits. I would highly recommend (get the 4% one) because its also really cheap.
For softness, I like to exfoliate my arms, stomach and chest area, legs, feet and back. It removes all of the dead skin cells and excess dirt that may be on your skin. I do this once a week and my skin feels AMAZING after.
2.) Shaving:
Shaving is COMPLETELY AND ENTIRELY your choice. Never let anybody tell you you have to shave. I love shaving because I love the way my skin feels, but thats my personal liking. I wax my arms and shave my legs. When shaving, use a shaving cream. I like the Athena Club cloud shaving cream and its affordable. I recommend 5 blade razors and make sure you exfoliate before shaving. Lastly, just be gentle when shaving.
3.) After shower:
I love to lotion-ize my entire body (especially in the winter) after showering in the night. It hydrates your skin overall and avoids cracking of the skin. I LOVE the vaseline body lotion (its cheap) and smells amazing. For dyer areas, I recommend shea butter. Don't forget about the heels of your feet, your knees, elbows, and hands because they can get the driest in the winter. If you want to go the extra mile, using a body oil makes your skin feel great after the shower and adds extra glow
4.) Deodorant
Deodorant should be worn every day on your armpits to avoid odor. I've heard the salt and stone deodorant is great (its $20) but I just use Dove.
5.) Down-there:
Please please do not put random products down there, otherwise your pH balance will be messed up.
Oral Health:
1.) Brushing your teeth:
Brush your teeth atleast twice a day. Brush your tongue as well, and use a tongue scraper to remove bacteria from your tongue. It really does improve mouth odor. I also recommend using a mouth wash. The TheraBreath anti cavity mouth wash is great (I haven't tried it but I've heard great things about it). Floss everyday in the night to remove things caught between teeth
2.) For white teeth:
I recommend oil pulling with coconut oil for white teeth. It removes that yellow stain from your teeth. To do this, swish a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes and spit it out into the trash can.
I also recommend avoiding coffee and chocolate (excessive) because it makes your teeth yellower.
Stretching is so important for your muscles and body movement. Its amazing in the morning to wake up your body and help it move/function better. It removes tension in the muscles and body and can help reduce the likelihood for injuries and cramps. Movement and mobility is so so important for the body.
Yoga is also great for this. There are so many yoga excersises and stretches that work amazing alongside mobility exercises. If you want to feel healthy in the body when you're 80, stretch!
As an athlete, a basketball player, exercise is so important. Being active has numerous benefits, so many that I can't name all of them. Here are some ways to be active:
1.) Go to the gym:
Get a gym membership. Lift weights, yoga, cardio, etc. If you have a dream body, this is the start. However, don't go to the gym solely for the body. Remember this: Health is Wealth. If you are optimally working out in the gym, your body will reflect that. Train so that you can move freely when your old, train to play with your kids and grandkids, do it to enjoy life more. There are hundreds of videos and resources for gym workouts, ill also make another post on this!
2.) Sign up for workout classes:
These can be so much fun! Pilates, spin class, cycling classes, etc signing up for a workout class can make you gain motivation and enjoyment for working out.
3.) Go on walks and runs:
Fresh air has so many benefits for your health. Going on walks and runs especially in the early morning can be not only a great way to wake yourself up, but it can also improve your muscle functions. Plus, you may even discover a new part of town!
4.) Sports and dance:
My favorite! I love sports in general and dancing. Sports and dancing can be so much fun, especially with friends. You can gain so many friends from it.
Aside from this, don't be afraid to try new sports! Its one of the best forms of exercise because you use everything in your body, especially your mind. Here are some sports:
Soccer (football)
American Football
Pickle ball
Field hockey + hockey
Track and Field
Ice skating
Softball and Baseball
I will be doing an in depth guide to exercise and being an athlete in the future!
1.) Nutritious food:
You need nutritious food to fuel your body and reap the benefits. Eating more vegetables and fruits will have your entire body thanking you.
Incorporating fruit and veg into your diet can be hard, especially if you're used to processed food. Start by substituting a craving for something sweet with fruits. Eat vegetables with your meals, and better yet make them into your meals. Curries, salads, pastas, burgers, the list goes on. I will do an in depth guide to this later!
Vegetables don't need to be bland. There are so many ways to make them tasty.
2.) Protein:
Protein fuels your body. I'm vegetarian, so I generally get my protein from eggs, nuts, dairy, and lentils. Try working in protein into your meals in a non-fried way.
3.) Dairy + Milk:
Dairy has so many nutritional benefits, and if you're lactose intolerant, dairy alternatives still have numerous benefits. Calcium increases bone strength. Yogurts and cheeses also provide calcium alongside other vitamins such as E, D, B12, etc. When you have breakfast next time, try having a glass of milk (whole milk or soy milk, oat milk, almond milk, etc) or incorporating greek yogurt.
4.) Water:
Drinking water will improve all parts of your body, even your brain health. Drink atleast 64 ounces of water a day (or 8 cups). I would recommend getting one of those timed waterbottles so you don't forget to drink water.
5.) Overall:
Like I said, I will do a thorough in-depth guide to diet later but if you focus on putting healthy, non-processed and homemade foods into your diet, you will reap the benefits. Make sure you eat so that you are nourished. Diet also doesn't have to be restrictive. You can still have the dessert and enjoy the comforts food can bring. More than anything its about being mindful for the nutrition of the food you eat, and knowing the healthiness of it. I guarantee you, if you control your cravings and focus on putting in nourishing and homemade food into your body, you will feel better. What you put into your body will reflect on the outside
A Final Note:
If you really want to transform your life, I think one of the best ways to start is with health and exercise. Use that discipline to channel self-love and care into your life. In 2 weeks you'll feel it. In a month you'll see it. In 2 months people will notice. In 6 months you'll feel like a new person. Start now and you won't regret it. When you feel good on the inside, when you're healthy, you feel accomplished and amazing. More posts will come in the future about spirituality, mindset, the soul, purpose in life, and more. Have a blessed day and lead with love!
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ramadoodles · 1 year
Today, we'll be talking about (drumroll please)
Not the popular western kind, mind you, though those are probably good for you too- this is its Eastern cousin which looks a bit shorter and shrubbier. Obligatory drawing below-
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(I actually got the leaf pattern wrong here, because my reference image was inaccurate. Note to self and to the readers- check your sources, always.)
This plant is called Shatavari in India, and the roots are touted as a cureall for any female hormone-related problem. Hair falling out? Take a spoonful of Shatavari powder. Irregular periods? Shatavari again. Infertility issues? You guessed it, Shatavari. (This might be due to phytoestrogens present in the plant, though research is still ongoing.)
I found a full list of things it can help to cure or ease the symptoms of online- menopause, dysentery, chronic fever, hematemesis, rheimatism, kidney issues, herpes, stiff joints and neck, low lactation, also cancer and AIDS. If the above list sounded suspicious to you, then you're not alone lmao. These medicines are usually used along with allopathy, after clearing them with your doctor for any contraindications. Never, and I repeat never, rely on Ayurveda alone, and always trust your allopathic doctor more than any Ayurvedic one. (Not to say that I haven't taken any Shatavari powder while being completely healthy just for the good hair benefits. But if you're on meds, always be extremely cautious.)
Rather than relying on Ayurvedic powders and tonics, it's safer to consume the actual plant. So if you're suffering from bad periods or hair loss, maybe try adding some asparagus in your diet and see if it helps.
Anyways, that's all for today! I'll post plants for this entire week, and see if I can't get back onto a daily schedule.
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adyantayurvedawe · 1 year
Best Ayurvedic Clinic – Adyant Ayurveda
Welcome to the world of traditional Indian medicine – Ayurveda, the most effective ancient healthcare medical system. In Bangalore Adyant Ayurveda is the best Ayurvedic Clinic where the best ayurveda doctor Bangalore will provide you the best ayurvedic treatment. Consult Now! We have 24+ years of experience in ayurveda also provide the assured result to our clients. With our vision of “सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः” which means “may all be bestowed with good health and be free from illness”, at Adyant Ayurveda, the best Ayurvedic Clinic we focus on preventive health care and holistic healthy living, by utilising the experience and knowledge of appropriate diet and lifestyle practices from the best Ayurveda Doctor Bangalore. 
We aim to provide an authentic experience, through a range of wellness and rejuvenative therapies including traditional Ayurveda and Yoga that replenish, nurture and balance the body and soul. We also specialise in traditional treatments to tackle specific health problems such as weight management, back pain, spine & joint pain, skin problems, infertility, stress symptoms, etc. with the help of Ayurveda.
Adyant Ayurveda is also providing best Ayurvedic treatment for Cancer with proper Panchakarma treatments and internal medications. We are the Best Ayurveda Treatment centre or Ayurvedic Clinic in Bangalore to treat your ailments.
At Adyant Ayurveda – Best Ayurvedic Clinic in Bangalore
All treatments are designed keeping in mind the traditional ayurvedic methods.
Our Practitioners assess health by combining the concepts of traditional knowledge of Ayurveda, individual body constitution and seasonal specifications that adheres to the classical methods.
We offer physical treatments/therapies from an array of holistic healthcare systems of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy.
We Strictly adhere to scientific Ayurvedic principles.
All Ayurveda Medicines and oils are scientifically crafted in our own labs by experienced practitioners or top ayurveda doctor bangalore.
Adyant Ayurveda, the best Ayurvedic Clinic in Bangalore providing the best Ayurvedic treatment at Home like Ayurvedic body massage at home etc.
Adyant Ayurveda HOME CARE SERVICE : Best Ayurvedic Clinic
Adyant Ayurveda is providing HOME CARE SERVICE where we offer authentic Ayurvedic treatments and therapies right at your doorstep. We have our own vehicles which come fully equipped to carry out all treatments in the comfort of your home with the help of experienced therapists. 
Along with ayurvedic treatment you can avail of free online consultation from our team of experienced Ayurveda Doctor Bangalore of Adyant Ayurveda, the best ayurvedic clinic in Bangalore. Along with rejuvenating treatments like Ayurvedic body massage at home, we are providing curative treatments like Ayurveda treatment for back pain at home, Hypertension, diabetes, Panchakarma Virechanam at home, joint pain, weight management, elderly care, pre and postnatal care etc. 
We are providing all Ayurvedic treatments at home. Adyant Ayurveda Home Care is Providing a complete solution for your all health issues.
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divineherbalsspices · 2 years
Fight Winter Cold And Cough With Black Pepper
What Is Kali Mirch Black Pepper?
Even while we enjoy the crisp winter winds, the sudden shift in seasons has caused a lot of individuals to become ill with the unwelcome flu. As the winter progresses, our immune systems tend to worsen, which is why many northern households start preparing early. Most Indians use ghee to keep their bodies warm. Several winter spices are also known to boost immunity in a manner similar to this. One illustration is pepper with black spice. Numerous Ayurvedic kadhas that have been shown to naturally heal colds and coughs and enhance immunity use the potent spice black pepper.
Black pepper's abundant antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help to stop infections while reducing pain. In addition, black pepper is rich in vitamin C, which is a potent antimicrobial and natural immune system booster. For the greatest benefits, peppercorns should be crushed. Black pepper is known for clearing nasal blockages and relieving chest congestion. An inherent cough suppressant exists in honey. Honey and black pepper are hence common tonics in Indian households. Kali mirch is easily accessible online or at your local retailer. So why wait? Buy kali mirch online by Divine Herbals.
One of the best Indian masala manufacturers, Divine Herbals, sells premium blended masala. Organic black pepper is available from Divine Herbals.
Nutrients Content of Black Pepper:
Let's examine the black pepper dietary information. Potassium levels in black pepper are high. Potassium supports the regulation of heart rate and blood pressure. Black pepper, which is high in iron, is useful for preventing low blood pressure.
Black pepper possesses an antioxidant enzyme, is high in manganese, and helps make red blood cells. Additionally, it contains large amounts of zinc, riboflavin, thiamine, and other vitamin B elements.
One of the numerous foods high in calcium is black pepper, which is good for elderly people. They have easy access to enough calcium for their bones. Black pepper is a rich source of vitamin K as well.
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Important Health Advantages Of Black Pepper:
Helps with digestion:
Black pepper benefits digestion when eaten raw because it stimulates the stomach to release hydrochloric acid, which helps break down proteins. The hydrochloric acid that black pepper releases help with digestion and the treatment of gastrointestinal conditions.
A potent remedy for constipation:
Constipation, colon cancer, diarrhea, and other bacterial diseases are prevented when black pepper is routinely consumed.
A respiratory system's wintertime support system:
Colds and coughs can be treated with this spice by mixing it with herbal tea and drinking it twice daily. Because it aids in clearing bodily mucous from the lungs, black pepper is beneficial in the winter. The combination of black pepper and honey helps prevent chest congestion. One can mix a few drops of eucalyptus oil with some black peppercorns and warm water to ease chest congestion by inhaling the steam.
Reduces body weight:
Black pepper aids with weight loss. The reason is that black pepper contains a lot of phytonutrients, which promote the body's metabolism and help burn down extra fat.
Very effective at treating depression:
Black pepper can be used to cure depression. When one consumes raw black pepper, the brain releases a chemical that improves mood and makes one feel peaceful and relaxed.
Eases joint aches:
Use black pepper to prevent arthritis and joint soreness. Thanks to black pepper's medicinal properties, gout can be avoided. It is beneficial for those who experience joint and spinal discomfort.
Supports the body's detoxification process:
This enchanted spice promotes urination and perspiration. It aids the body's natural sanitization process.
A great treatment for hair loss:
Black pepper can be used to cure dandruff in the hair. Curd and crushed black pepper should be applied to the scalp. Wait 30 minutes before washing it off. Black pepper can burn the scalp. Thus it should not be used excessively.
Blood circulation is aided :
Start using black pepper in your diet to avoid skin imperfections like wrinkles. Consuming black pepper, whether raw or cooked, also prevents the development of dark spots and premature aging. Eating black pepper improves blood circulation to various parts of the body.
Purchase Buy black pepper from Divine Herbals, one of the best spice brands in India.
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Best Blood Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Vijayawada | Punarjan Ayurveda
Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals is the best place in Vijayawada to get care for blood cancer. We've been successful so far thanks to our unique treatment plan that includes a holistic approach. We are here to help you through this complex journey, whether you intend to talk to us online or in person. We work with Ayurvedic immunology, and our formulas are based on ancient immuno-technology. Because we use both Ayurveda and modern treatment, to provide best care.
For more information Visit: https://www.punarjanayurveda.com/vijayawada/blood-cancer-treatment-hospitals/
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earthytalesindia · 2 months
Your Kitchen’s Secret Ingredient: Why Organic Sesame Oil is the Must-Have Trend!
The growing awareness about harmful chemicals, pesticides, and preservatives in packaged food among consumers brings the old cold-pressed cooking oil into the limelight. There are a lot of side effects of refined or artificial oils that have raised many eyebrows in the food and health business. Due to the rising demand for organic oils, many manufacturers have already shifted to organic oils and the food business, as the modern customer is enlightened and health is a priority. One of the most popular organic oils making waves across the country is sesame oil. It is considered the oldest seed oil in India and offers enormous nutrient content. The aromatic and nutty flavor adds a cherry to the cake. Hence, Earthy Tales, India’s reputed organic online food store, offers an opportunity for organic oil lovers to buy organic sesame oil online without beating around the bush.
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What Is Organic Sesame Oil?
Sesame oil is one of the most healthy and organic oils in the world. It is prepared from the sesame seed, which is again considered the oldest in the world. The plant of sesame is around 1 meter tall and mostly blossoms in dry and hot environments, unlike other oil seed crops.
When it comes to the making of organic sesame oil, it is prepared from organic sesame seeds from the best organic farmlands. The best part is that organic sesame oil is extracted via a wood-cold-pressed method that helps regulate the temperature and retain all its nutrients. Moreover, it’s free from chemicals, preservatives, additives, and pesticides.
There is no heat or chemicals involved in the extraction of organic sesame oil, unlike refined oils. That’s why sesame oil’s organic taste, aroma, and health benefits have made it a trending thing in modern Indian kitchens.
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Why Has Organic Sesame Oil Become A Trend? Know The Benefits.
When it comes to the benefits of organic sesame oil, there are many. That’s why organic oil has become a rage among people and is trending everywhere. Everyone wants to buy organic sesame oil online for a reason.
Rich in natural antioxidants
Organic sesame oil is extremely rich in antioxidants such as sesamol, lignans, and sesamol. It helps to minimize cell damage and safeguard the body from all types of damage caused by chronic ailments.
Boon for diabetic patients
Sesame oil acts as a boon for people suffering from diabetes. The oil can drastically lower blood sugar levels and regulate insulin levels. Sesame oil is a potential source of natural magnesium that’s indispensable for the proper functioning of body enzymes. These enzymes help to regulate blood sugar levels.
It helps with rheumatoid arthritis.
Organic sesame seeds have an incredible amount of potential minerals and vitamins, including zinc, copper, magnesium, iron, and calcium. However, copper and zinc play an important role in the production of red blood cells and boosting immunity. Along with that, all these minerals help to minimize joint inflammation.
Helps lower blood pressure
Many people are suffering from high blood pressure problems. Hypertension has become one of the most chronic problems among professionals due to day-to-day work stress. The best part is that sesame oil contains essential fatty acids that help lower blood pressure. For instance, it has oleic acid, which helps to minimize LDL cholesterol and maximize HDL cholesterol to a great extent.
It helps improve oral health.
For oil, pulling sesame oil is considered the best as it has antimicrobial properties to amplify oral health. This Ayurvedic therapy of oil pulling can be done easily every morning with one tablespoon of sesame oil to witness incredible health benefits. This 20-minute activity can easily remove toxins, plaque, and bacteria from your gums and teeth.
The oil has anti-cancer properties.
Cancer is quite prevalent nowadays. To enhance your protection against this deadly disease, you can consume sesame oil regularly. The oil has lignans that act as a protective shield against prostate, breast, and colon cancer. Also, the oil can minimize the risk of colorectal tumors in terms of their formation. Sesame oil can also minimize the impact or side effects of chemotherapy.
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How Does Sesame Oil Enhance Your Daily Meals?
Sesame oil has become an essential kitchen item for its impressive list of nutrients. It is also known as a culinary oil and is known for its nutty, organic, and earthy flavor that is difficult to find in normal refined oils. That’s why people buy organic sesame oil online and offline like never before.
Vitamin E: Sesame oil has an antioxidant to safeguard your body from the devastating impact of free radicals.
Vitamin K: This vitamin is essential to maintain bone health and restrict blood clotting.
Calcium: Sesame oil has it in excess to protect bones and teeth to a great extent.
Potassium: Sesame oil has this mineral to accelerate the health of your heart.
Magnesium is yet another important mineral for your body that improves energy, function, and muscle contraction.
In How Many Ways Can One Use Sesame Oil In Daily Life?
Sesame oil can be used in multiple forms, including:
Cooking: One can amplify the nutritional value of your daily meals with sesame oil.
Massage: Sesame oil can be used to massage any part of your body to reduce inflammation.
Organic sunscreen: Sesame oil acts as a natural sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
Makeup remover: Women can also use sesame oil to remove their makeup most safely.
Skincare: Sesame oil can be used to treat multiple skin problems without incurring any side effects.
Final Wrap
No doubt, organic sesame oil is full of nutrients and has multiple health benefits. One can use the oil in multiple ways to amplify overall wellness and health. Unlike other refined oils, organic sesame oil is extracted using a traditional wooden pressing method to retain all its nutrients. To buy organic sesame oil online without any chemicals or preservatives, visit Earthy Tales, India’s leading online organic food store, where organic oil and food lovers can buy organic black mustard oil online and many more food products. The brand has revolutionized the organic food industry by bringing the best of both worlds right from organic farms. The best part is that the brand promotes organic farming and delivers all across India.
Source URL:- https://writeupcafe.com/your-kitchens-secret-ingredient-why-organic-sesame-oil-is-the-must-have-trend/
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gautamayurvedaclinic · 3 months
The Importance of Condoms in Preventing STIs and HIV
In today's world, where sexual health is paramount, the role of condoms cannot be overstated. As we delve into why condoms are crucial in preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV, Gautam Ayurveda, led by Dr Gautam, the best sexologist in Delhi and renowned Ayurvedic sexologist, provides essential insights and guidance.
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Understanding STIs and HIV
Sexually transmitted infections are infections transmitted through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Common STIs include chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital herpes, and human papillomavirus (HPV). These infections can have serious health consequences if left untreated, including pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, and certain cancers.
HIV, on the other hand, is a virus that attacks the body's immune system, specifically targeting CD4 cells, which play a crucial role in protecting the body from infection. Without treatment, HIV can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in which the immune system is severely compromised, making individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections and cancers.
The Role of Condoms
Condoms act as a barrier method during sexual intercourse, preventing direct contact between bodily fluids (semen, vaginal fluids, blood) and reducing the risk of transmitting infections. Here’s why they are indispensable in promoting sexual health:
1. Effective Barrier Protection
Condoms are highly effective in reducing the transmission of STIs and HIV when used consistently and correctly. They create a physical barrier that blocks the exchange of bodily fluids containing infectious agents, thus preventing the spread of infections between partners.
2. Dual Protection
Apart from preventing STIs, condoms also provide contraceptive protection by preventing sperm from entering the vagina, thereby reducing the risk of unintended pregnancies. This dual protection makes condoms a versatile choice for individuals seeking to safeguard their sexual health.and consult with ayurvedic sexologist, best sexologist in delhi 
3. Accessibility and Affordability
Condoms are widely accessible and available at affordable prices, making them a practical choice for individuals of all backgrounds. They can be obtained from pharmacies, health clinics, vending machines, and online stores, ensuring easy access for everyone.
4. Easy to Use
Condoms are simple to use and require minimal preparation. Proper usage involves carefully handling the condom, ensuring it is unrolled correctly over the erect penis before any genital contact occurs. For female condoms, insertion into the vagina before intercourse is necessary.
5. Protection Beyond Penetrative Sex
Condoms are not only effective during penetrative intercourse but also offer protection during oral and anal sex. Using condoms consistently in all forms of sexual activity helps maintain comprehensive protection against STIs and HIV.
6. Promoting Responsible Sexual Behavior
Encouraging the use of condoms promotes responsible sexual behavior and empowers individuals to take charge of their sexual health. Open discussions about condom use contribute to a culture of informed decision-making and safer sexual practices.
Importance of Proper Condom Use
While condoms are effective, their efficacy depends on proper use. Here are essential tips for maximizing the effectiveness of condoms:
Check Expiry Date: Always check the expiration date before using a condom and ensure it is stored in a cool, dry place.
Use Lubrication: Use water-based lubricants with condoms to reduce friction and prevent breakage.
Correct Application: Learn how to properly apply a condom to maximize protection. Pinch the tip to leave space for semen collection, roll it down to the base of the erect penis, and ensure it stays in place during intercourse.
Consistent Use: Use condoms consistently during every sexual encounter, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex.
Promoting Safe Sex Practices
At Gautam Ayurveda, we advocate for comprehensive sexual health education and encourage individuals to prioritise their well-being through safe sex practices. Dr. Gautam, as the best sexologist in Delhi specialising in ayurvedic approaches to sexual health, emphasises the importance of open communication, regular STI screenings, and condom use to prevent the spread of infections and promote overall sexual wellness.
Condoms are not just contraceptives; they are essential tools in preventing the transmission of STIs and HIV. Their role in protecting sexual health cannot be overstated, making them a fundamental component of responsible sexual behaviour. At Gautam Ayurveda, led by Dr. Gautam, best sexologist in delhi we are committed to promoting safe sex practices and empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Whether you are seeking preventive advice, STI testing, or holistic treatment options, our clinic is dedicated to providing compassionate care and support. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you maintain optimal sexual well-being.
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ohamshohamayurveda · 5 months
Buy india's best natural ayurvedic cancer tablets for cancer patient
Oham Shoham is a renowned name in the world of Ayurveda, committed to offering premium quality Ayurveda medicines and wellness products. Buy india's best natural ayurvedic cancer tablets for cancer patient Our offerings are crafted using traditional Ayurveda formulations and pure, natural ingredients. We deliver our products across India, right to your doorstep. Ordering from Oham Shoham Ayurveda is simple. Visit our website at ohamshohamayurveda.com to explore our products and place your order online. You can also reach out to us via phone or email for any assistance.
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sushainwellness · 2 years
Consult Online with Certified Online Ayurvedic Doctors for Cancer and more then 30 other critical ailments on Sushainclinic.com. Choose from more than 200 doctors. Confidentiality guaranteed while providing accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
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chleardigitalagency · 5 months
Best Hair Oil For Hair Growth and Thickness : The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Hair Oils
Hair oiling is the act of using oil on your hair and massaging it into the scalp to build dampness, radiance, and sparkle. Hair oiling may mellow the hair and give nutrients and minerals that get taken from continuous washing. This process has been done in India for a really long time and is suggested in Ayurvedic medication. Hair oiling has spread past Ayurvedic practices, and many use it to keep up with the wellbeing and energy of their hair. It might try and lessen going bald.
Recent statistics indicate: By the time they reach the age of 30, hair issues affect 20% of men and 12% of women. One in four men begin to bald before the age of 21. By 50, 85 percent of men will have significantly thinner hair. Due to hair loss, 29% of women are more likely to experience depression. Half of women suffer from hair loss. For many, having hair issues can be a stressful and frustrating experience. 
Having said all of the above, let's see , what oil would be a good idea for you? 
Do you long for long, healthy locks in your dreams? Do you need a blissful scalp without bothering or flakiness? Hair oils could be the place where the secret is! For centuries, natural oils have been used to make hair grow and keep it shiny and glossy. 
We see the best oils to utilize on your hair and how to consolidate them into your hair care schedule in this direct way.
Amla Juice The Indian gooseberry tree's natural product is the source of the normal oil known as amla oil. Vitamin C, cancer prevention agents, fundamental greasy acids, and an assortment of minerals are inexhaustible in it. Due to its antibacterial properties, amla oil can offer assistance to keep up a sound scalp by diminishing tingling, avoiding dandruff, and saturating the skin.
Amla oil can be connected to the scalp and hair straightforwardly. How to create utilise of it:
Emptying the amla oil into a heat-resistant holder and putting it in a bigger bowl of hot water to warm it up. make beyond any doubt the warm oil isn't as well hot to touch some time recently applying segments to the hair.
Coconut oil's special structure empowers it to enter the hair shaft, helping in protein misfortune lessening and hair reinforcing. It might make your hair feel milder, smoother, and less demanding to oversee. Coconut oil can offer assistance to shield your hair from natural hurt like contamination and the sun, which can cause it to get dry and break. Coconut oil can be utilised in various ways. Here are many illustrations:
Pre-Shampoo. Heat a little amount of coconut oil within the microwave to create fluid. Some time recently shampooing, apply this to the centre and closes of your hair and let it douse in for at least 30 minutes.
Argan oil, moreover known as "fluid gold," is a fabulous common hair conditioner due to its plenitude of cancer prevention agents and basic greasy acids. It feeds and hydrates your hair, making it gentler, silkier, and less demanding to oversee. The hair is ensured from the sun, warmth, and contamination by this oil, which shapes a boundary around it.
Check out Ayouthevda, an online store that houses the best hair care products
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Herbal Renaissance: A Deep Dive into the Booming Herbal Medicinal Products Market
From ancient remedies to modern-day supplements, herbal medicine has captivated humanity for centuries. Today, this age-old practice is experiencing a resurgence, fueling a US$199.07 billion global market, projected to reach US$366.29 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 7.92%. But what's driving this herbal renaissance, and what does the future hold for this dynamic market?
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Flourishing Factors:
Several key factors are propelling the herbal medicinal products market forward:
Growing demand for natural alternatives: Consumers increasingly seek natural solutions for health and well-being, fueled by concerns about the safety and efficacy of conventional medicines.
Rising chronic diseases: The global burden of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer is increasing, driving demand for complementary and alternative therapies.
Aging population: As the global population ages, the demand for products promoting healthy aging and longevity rises, and herbal remedies are often seen as potential solutions.
Increased research and development: Growing scientific research is validating the efficacy of certain herbal ingredients, lending credibility to the industry.
Government support: Some governments are encouraging the use of traditional medicines, providing further impetus to the market.
Market Segmentation:
The herbal medicinal products market is diverse, with various segments catering to different needs:
Type: Ayurvedic medicines, Chinese medicines, homeopathic medicines, aromatherapy products, etc.
Function: Immune support, digestive health, pain relief, sleep aid, etc.
Form: Capsules, tablets, powders, liquids, teas, etc.
Distribution channel: Pharmacies, health food stores, online retailers, etc.
Competitive Landscape:
The market is dominated by a mix of established players and new entrants:
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Global giants: Sanofi, Himalaya Global Holdings, Arkopharma Laboratories, Nature's Answer, etc.
Regional players: Dabur, Baidyanath, Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala, etc.
Niche players: specializing in specific herbs, formulations, or distribution channels.
Challenges and Opportunities:
Despite its promising growth, the market faces challenges:
Regulatory hurdles: Stringent regulations can hinder market access and innovation.
Quality concerns: Ensuring product quality and standardization remains crucial.
Consumer awareness: Educating consumers about responsible use and evidence-based claims is vital.
However, significant opportunities exist:
Technological advancements: Utilizing technology for cultivation, extraction, and formulation can enhance efficiency and quality.
Personalization: Tailoring herbal products to individual needs and preferences holds immense potential.
Sustainability: Sourcing ingredients sustainably and minimizing environmental impact is increasingly important.
The Future of Herbal Medicine:
The herbal medicinal products market is poised for continued expansion, driven by the factors mentioned above. By addressing challenges and capitalizing on opportunities, players can contribute to a sustainable and responsible future for herbal medicine, offering consumers effective and natural solutions for their health needs.
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ayushaktiayurveda · 11 months
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5 Tips To Treat Back Pain Naturally | ayushakti
In today's sedentary lifestyle, if you are dealing with such a problem, there are several ways through which you can reduce Vata dosha. Let's dive into some top Ayushakti Ayurvedic remedies for back pain & tackle this difficulty with a natural approach.
Anti-inflammatory Drinks
When you consume specially formulated drinks, a potent blend of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-cancer agents build up in your blood. Over time, these powerful agents can play a vital role in reducing and/or eliminating inflammatory reactions in the body.
Turmeric Milk
Turmeric, a key component of this concoction, contains potent antioxidant, anti-arthritic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Prepare this by mixing a small quantity (1/2 teaspoon) of Ayushakti's high-quality turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk. For a touch of sweetness, you can add natural honey.
Ginger-Green Tea Blend
Another effective option is Ginger-Green Tea. This infused herbal drink combines the pain-relieving benefits of both green tea and ginger. The synergistic effect of these ingredients provides relief from back pain and promotes overall well-being.
Read More:https://www.ayushakti.com/fitness-and-exercise/type/five-tips-to-treat-back-pain-naturally
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Ayushakti's mission is to help people gain vital health in every possible way. You can consult our experts by phone or video (online consultation). We will suggest customized diets & home remedies, and detox therapies for maintaining your well-being during difficult times.
Book your consultation here: https://bit.ly/31YnP1b
Remember, it is crucial to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner who can evaluate your specific condition and recommend personalized treatments based on your individual needs. They can guide you on the appropriate herbs, therapies, and lifestyle modifications suitable for you.
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kapeefit · 1 year
Unlocking the Secrets to Reduce Visceral Fat: A Holistic Approach
Understanding Visceral Fat
Visceral fat, often referred to as "belly fat," is a type of fat that surrounds vital organs such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines.
Unlike subcutaneous fat, which lies just beneath the skin and can be pinched, visceral fat is hidden deep within the abdominal cavity.
While it's normal to have some visceral fat, excessive accumulation can be detrimental to your health.
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The Dangers of Excess Visceral Fat
1. Increased Risk of Chronic Diseases: High levels of visceral fat have been linked to various chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.
2. Hormonal Imbalance: Visceral fat produces hormones and chemicals that can disrupt the body's natural balance, leading to insulin resistance and inflammation.
3. Aesthetic Concerns: Excess visceral fat often results in a protruding belly, which can negatively impact self-esteem and body image.
Now that we understand the dangers of visceral fat, let's explore some effective strategies for reducing it.
Dietary Strategies for Visceral Fat Reduction
1. Balanced Diet: Opt for a well-balanced diet rich in whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Limit your intake of processed foods, sugary beverages, and excessive amounts of saturated and trans fats.
2. Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to prevent overeating. Eating smaller, more frequent meals can help control hunger and stabilize blood sugar levels.
3. Healthy Fats: Incorporate sources of healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil, into your diet. These fats can help reduce inflammation and support weight loss.
4. Fiber-Rich Foods: Foods high in fiber, like legumes, whole grains, and vegetables, promote a feeling of fullness and aid in digestion. This can prevent overeating and promote weight loss.
5. Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger, leading to unnecessary calorie consumption.
Incorporating Physical Activity
1. Cardiovascular Exercise: Engage in regular aerobic activities like brisk walking, jogging, or cycling. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.
2. Strength Training: Building lean muscle mass can help boost your metabolism and burn more calories. Incorporate strength training exercises into your fitness routine.
3. HIIT Workouts: High-intensity interval Training (HIIT) is an effective way to burn fat and improve cardiovascular fitness. These short, intense workouts can be done in less time.
Stress Management for Visceral Fat Reduction
1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Stress can lead to overeating and the accumulation of visceral fat. Practice mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress levels.
2. Adequate Sleep: Poor sleep patterns can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite and fat storage. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.
3. Relaxation Techniques: Incorporate relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, or progressive muscle relaxation into your daily routine to manage stress effectively.
Exploring Ayurveda: Kapeefit Ayurvedic Online Consultation
As we delve into holistic approaches for visceral fat reduction, Ayurveda emerges as a powerful ally.
Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that focuses on balancing the body's energies and promoting overall health.
Kapeefit Ayurvedic Online Consultation is a fantastic resource for those seeking a holistic approach to reducing visceral fat.
1. Personalized Ayurvedic Guidance: Kapeefit offers personalized consultations with experienced Ayurvedic practitioners.
They assess your unique constitution (dosha), lifestyle, and health goals to create a tailored plan for visceral fat reduction.
2. Herbal Remedies: Ayurveda utilizes herbal remedies to address specific health concerns.
Kapeefit provides access to high-quality Ayurvedic supplements and herbal formulations that can aid in weight management.
3. Lifestyle Recommendations: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of aligning your lifestyle with your body's natural rhythms.
Kapeefit's consultations include recommendations for diet, exercise, and stress management tailored to your individual needs.
Conclusion: A Healthier You Awaits!
Reducing visceral fat is not just about achieving a slimmer waistline; it's about safeguarding your long-term health.
By understanding the dangers of excess visceral fat and adopting a holistic approach that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and Ayurvedic wisdom from Kapeefit, you can embark on a journey to a healthier, more vibrant you.
Take the first step today by scheduling a Kapeefit Ayurvedic Online Consultation, and let the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda guide you towards a life free from the burdens of excess visceral fat.
Your health is your wealth, and with the right strategies and support, you can unlock the secrets to a healthier, happier you.
Schedule your Kapeefit Ayurvedic Online Consultation today and start your journey towards reducing visceral fat and achieving holistic well-being!
Remember, the path to a healthier you is within reach—embrace it with determination and the guidance of Ayurveda.
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Best Thyroid Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Hyderabad | Punarjan Ayurveda
Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals in Hyderabad offer the best thyroid cancer treatment. We offer our patients integrative cancer treatment and help them fight cancer. We achieve a 97% success rate and have treated over 100,000 patients with our integrative treatments. Patients get full support through online and offline consultations. By using the latest technology along with holistic Ayurvedic treatments, the Best Thyroid Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Hyderabad make sure their patients get the best treatment and care, helping them recover well and feel better.
For more information Visit: https://www.punarjanayurveda.com/hyderabad/thyroid-cancer-treatment-hospitals/
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