#Online Doctor of Public Health Administration
varshamedblogs · 2 months
Doing a Doctor of Public Health Administration program (DPHA) is now accessible to anyone committed to upgrading their academic attainments. Aspirants can do a Public Health Administration Course by joining a DPHA distance program.
The minimum education required is a Master’s Degree and 5 Years of managerial experience in the public health sector. Candidates applying for the public health administration programs are required in a panel interview.
The scope for a satisfying career in public health administration is vast and finding a job will not be a problem. The program will teach you leadership quality, fine-tune your research skills, publish research papers, and prepare you to occupy high-level jobs in Government and non-profit organizations worldwide.
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sharlineshine · 6 months
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sharline · 7 months
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
The US Government Is Shutting Down A Key Covid Website
Tomorrow the US government agency responsible for biomedical and public health research, The National Institutes of Health, will shut down its Covid-19 ‘special populations’ website.
This site hosts a huge amount of information about how to treat covid and long covid in the immunocompromised and in people with HIV, cancer and similar immune supressing conditions - so-called ‘special populations.’
The site is going totally offline.
It’s a shameful dereliction of duty by the NIH which, behind Harvard, is the second largest publisher of biomedical research papers in the world. Doctors and clinicians all over the world use the NIH site for advice and treatment ideas.
And it’s going offline during a massive summer surge of covid infections in the US, a surge that is now topping 1.3 million infections per day. (One of whom was Anthony Fauci, who was infected for the third time last week). A surge killing 750 people a week in the US. Many of whom will be precisely the type of people this website is intended to help clinicians treat.
It’s a scandal.
The message it sends to vulnerable people could hardly be clearer - when it comes to covid, there’s nothing else we can do for you. Sorry. That’s it. We’re done.
It’s so terrifying.
It also sends a terrible signal to the medical community about where we are with covid
and will be materially damaging in efforts to treat vulnerable people, both in the acute stage of the disease and those with long covid.
The move to shut the page down is premised on an entirely false assumption: that we already know everything we’ll ever know about how to manage covid so there’s no point keeping a live web resource because they’ll never be anything to update it with ever again.
This is simply not true. While we know a lot about treating covid four years in, we absolutely do not know everything, not by a long stretch. As evidenced by the hundreds still dying every week in summer 2024. And as for long covid, we know very little about how to treat it. For a start, there is no agreed treatment plan. Absolutely none. But apparently we also know so much about this disease we can start shutting down online resources dedicated to it.
Please imagine for a second if a Trump administration rather than a Biden-Harris administration was doing this.
There would be an outcry.
But this move has so far been greeted by media silence.
It is left to a few disability activists and the covid aware to shout into the social media void.
Not that this is a surprise. This is how it has been for the last two years at least, guided by the business as usual, vax-and-forget strategy. More people have died of covid under the Biden-Harris administration than died under Trump. Despite having vaccines since 2021. You’d never know it by mainstream media coverage.
Some people have written to the director of the NIH, Monica Bertagnolli, and asked them to keep the advice live and up-to-date. If you want to do this her email address is:
Long Covid Action has archived the site here
Maybe if enough people write to her and enough noise is made the decision will be reversed. Worth a try.
Overall it’s just another grim episode in the handling of the pandemic by the current US administration, an administration who, we should never forget, won power in large part due to the outrage at Trump’s handling of the first nine months of covid.
Solidarity to everyone still trying to protect themselves and their communities from covid against all the odds.
At least we can keep fighting for each other.
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sarkos · 9 months
In early 2020, the Food and Drug Administration responded to decades of escalating concerns about a commonly prescribed drug for asthma and allergies by deploying one of its most potent tools: a stark warning on the drug’s label that it could cause aggression, agitation and even suicidal thoughts. The agency’s label, which was primarily aimed at doctors, was supposed to sound an alert about the 25-year-old medication, Singulair, also known by its generic name, montelukast. But it barely dented use: The drug was still prescribed to 12 million people in the United States in 2022. Children face the greatest risks of the drug’s ill effects, and while usage by minors did decline, it was still taken by 1.6 million of them — including Nicole Sims’s son. Ms. Sims had no idea why, at 6, her son started having nightmares and hallucinations of a woman in the window. When he told her that he wanted to die, Ms. Sims went online, desperate for answers. Only then did she learn about the F.D.A. warning. She also found a Facebook support group with 20,000 members for people who had experienced side effects of the drug. Members of the group recounted a haunting toll that they linked to the drug with the help of peers, not their doctors. “It’s a mental health crisis that nobody is recognizing,” said Anna Maria Rosenberg, an administrator of the group. The F.D.A.’s handling of Singulair illustrates systemic gaps in the agency’s approach to addressing troubling side effects from medicines approved long ago — and to warning the public and doctors when serious issues arise. The agency had flagged the 2020 warning label, known as a “boxed warning,” to physicians’ groups, but it had not required that doctors be educated about the drug’s side effects.
F.D.A. Warned of Mental Side Effects from Asthma Drug, Singulair. Few Were Told. - The New York Times
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mariacallous · 10 months
The anti-abortion movement in Russia has been gaining momentum for years. Public figures now speak frequently about the prospect of a total ban on the procedure, while less drastic restrictions are regularly imposed in regions around the country and in Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory. One of the main players in Russia’s changing abortion politics is the Women for Life foundation, established by Natalya Moskvitina. Among other things, Moskvitina believes rape victims should give birth, “true womanhood” is only possible through motherhood, having fewer than three children is a “global evil,” and abortion leads directly to war. Her foundation, which openly instructs its volunteers to employ “manipulation” and deceit when talking with pregnant women, has received grants and funding from Putin’s administration. An activist from the group Feminist Anti-War Resistance who goes by the pseudonym Aida Zhivikh recently infiltrated online chat groups run by Women for Life volunteers, dug into the organization’s operations, and spoke with experts for an article about the fight against abortion in Russia. In English, Meduza breaks down the main findings from Aida Zhivikh’s reporting, with minor additions.
Limited access
In recent years, Russian officials and activists have increasingly begun talking publicly about banning abortion, ending its coverage under government health insurance, limiting access for minors, and imposing other measures to make getting the procedure more difficult. So far, there are few real restrictions in place, but the situation has been changing. Starting in September 2024, medical abortion drugs will be classified as restricted medications, which will complicate how doctors prescribe them and limit their availability.
In some Russian regions, access to abortion is already becoming more difficult. In August 2023, Mordovia passed a law prohibiting “coercion” into abortion, and over the course of the year, several regions announced that all or many private clinics would stop providing abortion services. All this was brought about by the Women for Life foundation, started by Natalya Moskvitina (a host on the Orthodox Christian TV channel Spas) and Boris Korchevnikov (general director of Spas and host of the propaganda TV program “Life and Fate”). Moskvitina refers to the foundation as “anti-abortion.”
Women for Life started as a grassroots social movement — activists organized anti-abortion campaigns and gave lectures on pre-abortion counseling. But the organization’s work begun to change when it was registered as a charity.
Alena Buldakova, the director of the Women for Life foundation, outlined the mission of their “Hello, Mom” anti-abortion project:
Our goals are to preserve life before birth, to reduce the number of abortions; our task is to motivate a woman to joyfully give birth to healthy children and be happy and to advise doctors on how to communicate with an uncertain woman so that she makes a positive reproductive choice.
According to Natalya Moskvitina, Vladimir Putin recognized the foundation’s anti-abortion project as “one of the best” and endorsed the idea of taking abortions away from the private sector and putting them under “full state control.”
In 2022, Women for Life was awarded the top grant in a competition, five million rubles (about $55,000), to implement the “Hello, Mom” project in Mordovia. That same year, the foundation received a grant from Russia’s ruling United Russia party. Mordovia’s law banning “coercion” into abortion was developed with Moskvitina’s help as a continuation of the “Hello, Mom” project.
Now, the Tambov regional parliament is considering a “coersion” bill of its own. In Tatarstan, private clinics have started refusing to perform abortions, while in Kaliningrad, authorities are considering banning non-state organizations from terminating pregnancies. A Women for Life employee confirmed to Aida Zhivikh that the foundation is involved in these initiatives.
Eight Russian regions have officially signed agreements with the project: the republics of Komi, Mordovia, and Tatarstan, as well as the Arkhangelsk, Tambov, Tula, Novgorod, and Magadan regions. A foundation employee told Aida Zhivikh that by the New Year, they hope to have agreements signed with the Kaluga and Tver regions; local authorities have already given verbal agreement. There are also plans to implement the program in the Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, and Lipetsk regions.
‘Professional manipulators’
The Women for Life foundation has a federal hotline that receives funding from the Russian government’s “Demographics” project. This year, advertisements for the hotline were placed on the streets of several Russian cities, while its number is listed on the websites of various clinics, women’s health centers, and city departments. The hotline’s operators are not required to have a degree in psychology or medicine
Aida Zhivikh called the hotline and said she was worried about an acquaintance who got pregnant but didn’t want to give birth because she had other plans for her life, and her partner was in a combat zone. The consultant advised her to “scare” her friend by telling her that terminating the pregnancy would leave her with physical and mental health problems, and to emphasize that abortion is “murder.” The consultant also referred to the fetus as a “defenseless infant.” When asked what to do if the friend’s partner dies, the person on the phone replied that being a single mother “has its advantages” in terms of getting additional government benefits.
During another conversation with a “volunteer psychologist” in which Aida Zhivikh said she was living in a dorm and not ready to have a baby, she was told that raising a child is easier than its seems. “They don’t even start seeing right away,” said the volunteer. “What kind of parenting is there at the very beginning? What will the baby need from you? Do you think the infant will cry, ask for its mother’s breast, and think to itself: ‘Oh, is my mother financially independent or not?’ How can you even assess the quality of attention? Parents are like gods to their children until they’re seven. Everything the mother says and does is just undisputed.” The volunteer also said that at four weeks of pregnancy, the embryo looks like a “little human being,” which is not the case.
At the end, the volunteer added: “And do you know that there are serious consequences to terminating a pregnancy? Statistics show that women always develop depression or psychiatric disorders two years after an abortion. For some, it’s more pronounced — for others, less so. Plus, there are health consequences: infertility, for example, but there are other consequences as well.”
According to a certified psychologist who spoke to Aida Zhivikh under the condition of anonymity, the women using the hotline may not understand what kind of organization they’re consulting. The foundation writes that the hotline is for “pregnant women in difficult life situations.” In the U.S., crisis centers for pregnant women operate similarly, masquerading as organizations that provide assistance to women when, in reality, their goal has nothing to do with the well-being of the patient — they simply want to discourage abortion. The psychologist explained the dangers of this approach:
A woman may indeed feel lost and in need of support. The very fact that she’s calling the hotline shows she’s not 100 percent sure of her decision, whatever it may be. There’s nothing wrong with informing her about the government support measures for mothers. What is harmful is manipulation. The charitable foundation and the specific consultant-manipulator won’t take responsibility for this woman and her child for their whole life. In fact, they exploit the vulnerability of a confused pregnant woman for their interests, not hers.
The foundation’s strategy extends into healthcare settings; it has developed scripts for medical professionals to use when communicating with pregnant women in clinical settings. “The first thing a doctor does is congratulate the future mother,” explains Moskvitina. “He gives them a brochure about all kinds of assistance — from the state, regional government, non-profit organizations, from business.”
Volunteers learn to dissuade women from having abortions in chats rooms, on forums, and on social networks. During the training sessions, the foundation’s “psychologist,” Irina Bochkovskaya, openly called the work manipulation:
It's important to challenge the [women's] perceptions. If someone writes: ‘I don't want a child,’ it doesn't mean that we shouldn’t try. We can give this child a chance. So, she writes she doesn't want it. But what's her situation? Did she ever want to become a mother? And why does she think she’ll get another chance to be pregnant? We’re shaking up perceptions here, and this is the special beauty of manipulative work with people. Ultimately, you must become professional manipulators — people capable of changing another person’s perceptions, opinions, and desires. As scary as it may sound, that’s what it is, in fact.
Every day, trained volunteers are sent links to posts made by women considering abortion, including those who have been raped or have medical reasons for terminating a pregnancy. In the volunteers’ chat, they’re advised to leave comments that would nudge the woman towards “preserving life.” They ask people to like their comments so that the algorithm favors them, or so they get a “top comment” badge. 
Some volunteers make up stories that sound like those of the women posting, while others make blatant manipulative and intimidating comments that can induce feelings of guilt and fear. They also misrepresent emergency and oral contraceptives as abortion methods.
The foundation considers those who support a woman’s right to choose as advocating for abortion. Those working for the foundation are convinced that some of these people are “Satanists” and “on the payroll of Western countries.”
Womanhood only through motherhood
Natalya Moskvitina’s personal stance is also noteworthy. She believes that abortions should be banned at the legislative level, “just like drug addiction, prostitution, and pedophilia.” In her view, informing people about contraception is promoting “lust,” and women who become pregnant from rape should give birth. Moskvitina holds that a woman “only becomes a woman when she becomes a mother.”
All women reach self-realization through motherhood. The most important priority, the natural need of a woman, is motherhood. And naturally, there shouldn’t be just one child: it’s very difficult with only one. With the second, it's more or less possible to manage in life, but the real joy starts with three. […] A woman truly feels like an individual only when she, having already had children, can throw energy into her own creation. That’s after the third child. Women nowadays deprive themselves of these blessings when they choose to have fewer children or an abortion, which is a monstrous global evil. This evil can’t be justified by anything at all.
According to Moskvitina, the prevalence of abortions provokes wars:
We looked at the demographic map to see where the worst [situation] regarding abortion is in the CIS countries. And we saw that it’s Donetsk and Luhansk. You look at this and see what’s happening now, and you understand: maybe it had to be this way. If we kill our children — and this is a war that isn’t visible — then later comes the actual war.
Every week, with the support of the Women for Life foundation, “anti-abortion prayer services” are held at the Alexander Nevsky church at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. During one of these services, priest Fyodor Romanenko also linked abortion to war:
It’s important for us to pray that our whole land will be rid of this. Because this is one of the answers to the question of why our great, mighty, rich country lies not exactly in ruins, but in a very strange state… when it cannot use its power or its resources, when everything is going wrong. It’s precisely because abortions continue in this country. Many ask why the Lord doesn’t now give us great military leaders like Prince Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Suvorov. Why we don’t now have great scientists and poets. The Lord sends them – but not all of them are allowed to be born.
If you or someone you know has been a victim of rape or sexual assault, please reach out to one of the following resources for support:
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (for U.S. readers)
Rape Crisis Network Europe (for E.U. readers)
Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime (for Canadian readers)
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charlotteswebbbbb · 6 months
What’s the vibe? #57
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Matchesfashion has gone into administration and they’ve also cut their workforce by half. So Farfetch sold, Net-A-Porter looking for a buyer, MyTheresa and SSense doing okay I assume?
What are the jobs of the future? Where is truly safe from risk? No where but here are some suggestions for jobs always needed: health/care, food, agriculture, public transportation, engineering, artists, craftspeople. Will expand upon this later on with more research but this is something to chew on.
Miu Miu is in my eyes, now, a brand for women of all ages, a brand that plays with the idea of youth and intellect and I guess customers really like it. From BOF this weekend….
“Prada Group released [its annual report] yesterday, with an eye-popping 82 percent uptick in Q4 sales at Miu Miu, the main driver of growth is ready-to-wear, up 24 percent year over year, and up 64 percent versus 2021, compared to 3 percent and 25 percent growth in leather goods, respectively.”
What was also great was the ideal Miu Miu customer walking the runway….Meet Dr Qin Huilan
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The post continues on: "Therefore, I also want to encourage everyone who is confused at a certain point, never give up on your dreams! Before the age of 70, I only cared about my patients as a doctor. Who would have thought that at the age of 70, I would be standing here on the runway today? Come on! Look! This is Paris! Look! This is miumiu’s runway! Look! This is 70-year-old Qin. #miumiu"
Living the "brand values" as they say.
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Thread of thought: Kate Middleton conspiracy theories > lack of trust in British society > interpersonal relationships - "do we even believe each other?" > I'll see it to believe it culture > low hope? during an election year. Feels like the slog but I also feel like this is why people are latching onto these theories so quickly. But the photoshop was terrible and honestly, the news agencies killing the photo does not bode well for the family regardless of outcome.
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In the theatre:
Bluets @ Royal Theatre (Fri 17 May - Sat 29 Jun 2024)
Slave Play (29 June - 21 September 2024) - sort of controversial but will be hyped and seen.
Person of the Week:
Fromm Studio - 3D artists, Vince Ibay and Jessica Miller, located in London (Barcelona also). They also just had an exhibition at Mother (@downstairsatmother) which finished 3rd March.
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Reading List:
Really interesting as the guy who ran it said he wanted to quit because of the "enshittification" of the internet?
from the ft article!!!
"But in case you want to be more precise, let’s examine how enshittification works. It’s a three-stage process: first, platforms are good to their users. Then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers. Finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, there is a fourth stage: they die."
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redcap3 · 2 years
Charming - Pt. 1
Since I became a part of the hypnosis community, it’s been this shining star on the horizon. 
“Oh, you should go to Charmed!”
“I got the best idea from this class at Charmed…”
“Last time at Charmed I got so melted…”
The star became even more intense when I became part of the Oikos family. 
“I wish you’d been with us for…”
“When you go to Charmed, we’ll…”
“I am going to collar you at Charmed.”
Well. We all know that last one didn’t work out, but the point remains that it took on a status beyond just “this is a big convention” for me. 
My Goddess and the other Chosen made it clear that Charmed is their event of the year, a celebration on par with and just as important as the recent winter holidays. 
In 2018 I was still navigating the end of my marriage. In 2019, I was too broke after my divorce. 
In 2020, I didn’t feel like I could make the money work, and I didn’t ask them to help because it didn’t feel right. 
In 2021, I attended online yet still knew I was missing out on the ‘real’ Charmed experience. 
In 2022, we were within a week of leaving for the con when the host city declared a health emergency due to spiking COVID delta variant cases, and the family made the decision we had to stay home for safety, even as it broke us. 
(There was deep, fundamental damage that day to all of us in the Oikos, and many of those wounds still haven’t healed.)
I don’t regret anything about the collaring that Goddess found a way to perform for me and for Camden Dawn, my amazing counterpart, but there was still a lingering ache of knowing it was not what we had wanted to do.
Last summer I finally made it to Beguiled, and got a taste of what the hypnocon experience could be like. 
When Camden came to me and said she needed to be at Charmed regardless of what the family chose to do, I agreed, and I promised her she wouldn’t go alone. 
I made every effort to ensure I would be as safe as possible to go. 
Third booster for immunocompromised patients? Grabbed mine within a week of the announcement. Bivalent booster? Hit it the day it became available in Minnesota. I asked my doctor if I could do anything else to protect myself, and she even got me the Evushield prophylactic shot series. 
I pulled finances together even as I sunk money into dealing with some major house repairs. I researched what would be the best routes if we drove, I checked flights and I watched rental car rates regularly. 
On some level I knew that Charmed had been built up in my head into something bigger than any one event could really be, but at the same time a part of my brain said ‘If we go to Charmed, everything finally gets to happen. I get to have my own Charmed stories! Everyone gets better. Everything will be OK again.’
So I basically needed Charmed to be perfect in a way that was genuinely impossible…and yet I am also going to tell you that I had a really great trip!
So how does that work?
Wednesday: In chaos there is…mostly just chaos, actually. 
(Administrative note: The Oikos family as a whole and I specifically wore N95 respirators with fitted seals, plugged valves, and disposable filters any time we were in a public space, and changed those filters daily. If I do not mention being masked, please assume that I was masked up in my interactions unless in a private space with the consent of all parties.)
So I should preface that Goddess charged me with doing logistics for the trip after a conversation where the majority of the family decided that we would fly rather than drive. 
(Camden and Sleepyhead had already booked plane tickets due to some circumstances, but we would all be in the same hotel)
Within 12 hours of that discussion I had plane tickets booked for Goddess, myself, Copper, Jukebox, Tigress, the younger spawn (hereby referred to YS), and Timbit. (I initially did Timbit's seat by paying for an additional seat under my own name when I booked our tickets online. This turned out to be Wrong. More on this later.)
I booked a rental car which was listed as being able to carry all of us and our luggage for a week, set to be picked up once the main group had landed, plans to get us to the hotel and meet friends, and to get access to two of our three hotel rooms. 
(One room was reserved outside of the con block for Goddess, Copper, Jukebox and YS, since they’re only 17 and really do not want to know what we get up to in our spare time. We also had a handicap accessible room paid for by a friend of Goddess’ as a holiday present that was supposed to be in the con block (it was four doors down from the “outside” room, and nowhere near the con block or the con area!), and a “standard” room Camden had booked that was in the con area and turned out to be much more accessible for me to get around the con than the accessible rooms!)
We all slept at the “prime” Oikos house Tuesday evening, with cabs scheduled to pick up the primary traveling groups and take us to the airport at 7:30am so we would be ready for our 10:20 flight to Baltimore. I even checked us all in, prepaid for checked bags and forwarded the electronic boarding passes to everyone Tuesday afternoon so we could get to our gate with as little stress as possible. 
(I had originally planned on a Lyft XL capable of taking the group, but there were some concerns about the Lyft driver not wanting to take a dog.)
There were expected to be some light snow flurries, but nothing that would cause too much trouble. We would get picked up, go to the Delta counter closest to the airport’s south security checkpoint which was almost directly across from our gate’s concourse, and be golden. 
Which is why we were totally shocked to wake up and find that freezing rain had coated everything in about a quarter inch of ice. 
For those who don’t know: I have RA and mobility issues, and was planning on using my cane to get around the airport. 
But first I had to get my luggage. From my car. Parked on the driveway. 
The roughly fifty degree slope driveway. Covered in ice. 
Worse, as we attempted to abseil down the slopes to get everything together from the house for the trip to the airport, we quickly realized our cabs were nowhere to be found. 
We ended up taking two Lyft rides after all, though I was so deep into trying to adjust the plans on the fly that I didn’t even notice Goddess, Tigress, Timbit, and YS getting picked up from the other side of the house!
Once Copper, Jukebox, the rest of the bags and I were on the way, I got a notification on my phone that our gate had changed from Concourse G to Concourse F, but at least it was still in the same general area. 
Then we got to the Delta counter and found out our gate was now in “C” concourse - on the opposite side of the airport. 
I took my bag to the drop, and found out my main bag that I had (over) packed with outfits, rope, and toys was seven pounds overweight. 
Rather than try to repack my carryon and checked bag, I took the financial hit, got into the precheck lane at the south checkpoint, and asked for help from a handicap assistance cart to run me over to the gate while Copper and Jukebox headed for the north checkpoint. 
At the same time, Goddess and her party were being dropped off, and thanks to our heads up they went to the North checkpoint. 
Unfortunately, a TSA agent decided to give Goddess a headache about YS’s legal gender on their passport not marching the ticket (YS found themselves to be non-binary since the passport was issued) and then wanted to know why Timbit didn’t have an animal pass. 
That would be my fuckup, since I didn’t know Timbit needed an animal pass since she was in a carrier and had a ticket to travel in the main cabin. 
Goddess, YS, and Tigress went back to the Delta counter, finding Copper along the way, and eventually sorted the situation out while I sat at our gate, increasingly confused and hungry. 
(I had planned to get something from a caribou by our original gate and use a straw / strategic positioning to be able to lift my mask seal long enough to eat, but with the gate change there was nothing close enough to get to easily with my carryon and cane.)
My solution, once I was caught up via discord on what was going on, was to provide as much info as I could to Goddess until the Delta agent was able to help sort it all out, and to put in a mobile order at the Dunkin Donuts near-ish to our gate on the concourse with a request for Tigress to grab it in exchange for getting her a Diet Coke. In the meantime, Delta provided Goddess with a wheelchair and attendant to get her down to the gate, and everyone else followed suit. 
Now I need you to know I used the Dunkin app to order egg bites, an iced coffee, Tigress’ Diet Coke, and on impulse, a brownie batter donut. 
Boarding was called shortly after Tigress let me know she had the order, so I let her know Goddess and I were pre-boarding with Timbit, and to please bring me the food and I’d try to eat on the plane before the doors were closed. 
Long story short, Tigress arrived with a donut and a Diet Coke because that was all the Dunkin staff gave her, and I had to open a ticket with Dunkin’s mobile order support to see if I could get the other $10 of stuff refunded. 
It had been aggravating, stressful, and I got a big blob of chocolate goo on my t-shirt, but we all got on the plane and into our seats without further incident. 
(Well, aside from the ticket agent wondering why I had two tickets, which I had to explain again about Timbit (and my size making it generally a good policy to have an extra seat next to me) and the agent said “Oh, you didn’t have to do it that way! You could have saved some money!”
Notice she didn’t actually offer to refund me that money. Yeah. Thanks, Delta!)
The flight itself was pretty uneventful, and I have to praise the best pup here - Timbit (who was admittedly stoned out of her little puppy mind on CBD dog treats) didn’t bark, whine, or make a mess in her carrier. She was sweet and good and Goddess and I did our best to open the carrier when possible and give her pets, contact, and reassurance. 
(Oh, and we were miraculously not caught in the FAA shutting down a majority of air traffic that morning! A bit of luck I am still grateful for.)
We finally reached Baltimore, waited for most of the passengers to deplane, and eventually got off the plane and down to baggage claim, and I suggested to Copper that the two of us go to the rental car depot to get the rental and have him added as an additional driver so he could take YS out to the Smithsonian at a couple points during the con, while the others got bags together and took a break to rest.
(For those who have never needed to acquire ground transportation at BWI, it is a bit different from most of the airports in the US, where a rental car garage / parking deck will be located adjacent to the Terminal. To get a rental car at BWI, you must take a shuttle bus out to a facility that is about 3 miles away from the airport, where you will also return the car when it is time to go home. For Copper and I, this meant a ~10 minute bus ride (after hustling, and failing, to catch the one going by as we left baggage claim), then a short walk to the Enterprise counter.
Unlike our airline experience, getting the car reservation pulled up and having Copper added as a driver was pretty painless!
I was starting to drag a bit (a lot) due to lack of food / water and wearing my Envo N95 respirator for the better part of six hours at that point, but a reprieve was in sight. 
Sort of.
Y’see, I mentioned reserving a “Full Size” SUV / Crossover? The first two options we were shown were both crossovers with only 5 seats. 
Third time was mostly a charm with a Nissan Armada that we dubbed “Cyclonus the Rental Tank.” It had three full rows of seats with decent legroom, but loading cargo required a bit of tetris when we got back to BWI to load the family in. Still, it was a vehicle, it ran, and we’d fit in it. Good enough.
(It turns out it also had a hair trigger throttle, an acceleration curve that was more like a sheer cliff, and a navigation system that I well and truly hated by the end of the drive to the hotel, but hey, it did the job!)
We made the way down to the hotel, got our first room secured, and got everyone and their things inside while we tried to work on the second. (Oh - and those ‘accessible’ rooms? Required you to take a half flight of stairs unless you wanted to enter or leave the hotel from a side door! I might have been a bit peeved about that.)
I had already planned to make a Target run for needed supplies (CPAP water, potable water, drinks, snacks, first aid stuff), and we ordered some pizza for everyone because I was about ready to start eating some of my metamours at that point. 
(Sorry, Jukebox.)
After pizza arrived and I managed to eat and have some water, my mood was back up into at least “mildly chuffed”, and I began texting with Panda, who had graciously offered to re-color my hair when I had lamented not having time to dye it during my con prep. (OK, I actually started texting Panda after we had boarded the flight, but now we got serious.)
Getting the information to get into the second room took a lot longer than we had expected, and I was way past overstimmed and overwhelmed by that point. Even busying myself with putting the Target order in so I could pick it up later didn’t really help much, and it was an incredible relief when we finally got the keys and I could retreat for a few minutes…just as I got the notification that the Target order was ready.
I took a deep breath, asked Tigress if she would come with me, and we made our way over to get the stuff, which was mostly uneventful.
(Note: WHO PUTS MULTIPLE DRIVE-UP AREAS IN DIFFERENT LEVELS OF THE RAMP?) We would return to the hotel, get stuff distributed, and I was finally able to tell Panda that it could come down to start having hair fun, and I let another friend, Linnybee, know that I had the “Trance Cards” she had asked me to print ready so that we could hole punch them, attach ribbons / twine, and hopefully distribute them during the con as fun ways to keep track of scenes and as souvenirs. 
Not too long after we started making good progress on the cards, Panda arrived, and I broke out the various (and generally less than ⅓ full) bottles of color I’d had left in my house from the last time I had a friend help me color it at home. It was not long before I was changing into pajama pants and an old tank top so Panda could get to work mixing up purples, blues, and pinks, and place a very shiny cape around my neck. (“I’ve got foils and everything!”) Side note: Panda and I have been friends since sometime in 2020, but this was our first in person meeting instead of zoom, discord, or text conversations. It gave me an amazing hug when we finally got to be in person, and squished very nicely. Huzzah. It will probably not surprise anyone that after a long and stressful day, sitting down and letting Panda mess with my hair eventually turned into Panda messing with my head, getting nicely relaxed and trancy as it took care of  me, lightly fractionating me but being careful not to completely melt my brain since I still had things to do. (Turns out this also did Tigress some splash damage, which, well, whoops!) Goddess and Timbit dropped by while we waited for the color to set, and it wasn’t long before I was stripping down to shower and rinse off the excess dye while Panda made sure everything was combed out and looking good, then washed my hair with color protecting shampoo and conditioner. By the end my hair was purple and pink with blue accents that looked amazing and I got the chance to spend a bit more time with Panda and Linny before they each needed to be off to their next adventures, while I got dressed again to head back to BWI to pick up Camden and Sleepy.
We had passed a Steak & Shake on the highway on our way between the airport and hotel, making plans to grab food there for a late dinner with everyone on the way back from BWI, but in the post pandemic world it appears that S&S is no longer a 24/7 beacon of grease and hand spun goodness, so a backup plan of chicken, biscuits, and fries was arranged to be delivered to Goddess’ room while I made my way up to the Arrivals section of the terminal and found a good spot to wait, pulling up to the curb moments before I got a message from Sleepyhead that their plane had touched down.
When they emerged and made their way to the car with their bags there were hugs and a few kisses before we got back on the road, and I happily listened to how they had each tranced each other during the flight. I had known that Daja and Sleepy had planned a special experience for Cammie on the plane, but I was just as squeeful with compersion to hear about Miss Dawn putting our lovely dolly into her own deep trance.
I dropped them at the front of the hotel so that Camden could get checked in and acquire room keys, then parked the tank as close to Goddess’ room as I could, meeting everyone inside for a meal and some quiet hanging out time before I eventually went down to take a look at Camden’s room and I asked if it would be OK for me to stay down in their room rather than try to do a lot of stairs and walk about two-thirds of the length of the hotel any time I wanted to go back and forth. I was concerned about Tigress feeling abandoned, but she completely understood why I needed that access, and I was grateful for her acceptance. Bags were grabbed, stuff was shifted, and I ended up getting ready for bed with Sleepy curled up against me in one of the two queens and Camden in the other, listening to Goddess’ peaceful sleep file as the three of us drifted off. Thursday: Pre-Con sounds great, but…
Somehow, despite going to bed closer to 2am than not, the three of us woke around 8 and no-one died. I had originally planned to attend EnScenic’s Music, Hypnosis, & Hijinx class that morning at 10, but after I took my meds and did some self reflection, it was clear that what I really needed was to take it easy that morning. 
I am reasonably sure I had breakfast, though I genuinely do not remember what it was, grabbed some extra naptime with Sleepyhead, and eventually arranged to get some additional groceries for the weekend delivered to our room, though I was continually thwarted in my search for the high-protein shakes my dietician recent recommended I add to my meal planning.
I also stopped by registration and got my badge somewhere in there, but I genuinely don’t remember when or how, though I did run into several friends and acquaintances along the way to say “Hi!”
Sleepy has been open about her battles with anxiety and depression as she prepared for and attended the con, so I will say that I spent some time comforting her while Camden went out to explore and meet up with several people (including Daja, once she arrived), and not too long after we had a nice lunch sent over from the Double T diner, she asked if I could use some pallet wrapI had in my bag to give her a nice comfy bondage hug and a trance that soon turned into restful sleep. (Note: Double T is a descendent of the Greek Diner tradition, and their Moussaka was amazing. It reminded me so much of the Moussaka I used to get at Matsos’ back in Wooster that I would not be shocked to learn their family recipes both came from the same part of the country. Not a crucial part of the weekend, but it was a nice and unexpected bit of comfort and nostalgia for me!) I eventually decided to skip the afternoon classes as well, given that I needed to (in no particular order) acquire our massive household cookie order from EnScenic, pick up the books I had shipped to the Con via Daja to sell and drop them off with EnScenic so she could vend them when I wasn’t available, pick up rope I had ordered ahead of time from Lynx and her company MFA designs that I secretly intended to gift to Daja since she had expressed an interest in learning how to do rigging and I had offered to show her some of the basic ties I use with Cammie as her subject and Sleepy as my demo partner, go to a hardware store (or arrange delivery) for hex keys because I forgot my lightsabers’ set screw keys, my wife to murder and Guilder to blame for it.
(If it sounds like I was kinda overcommitted this weekend, you are exactly right. A big lesson I am taking away is to really think about how many hours are in the day, and how much I actually will feel able to do.) Oh, and did I mention that I was part of the on-site consent team, and was on-call in case any issues came up before our kickoff meeting / pizza party that night?
Thankfully we did not get any calls for consent issues that I was asked to help with that day, but it was a constant tickle in the back of my head as I tried to keep an eye on our reporting channels and discord chats.
Somehow, 90% of what I wanted to do got done, and I even managed to pick up a couple of badge ribbons from Meraklis, who I had done a fun scene with at Beguiled and was looking forward to seeing more of later.
Daja, her spouse Turq, and Cammie came back to the room for dinner, and we picked up Italian as a compromise between most of the group wanting pizza, and me already being pizza’d out thanks to having a lot of pizza on Monday and Wednesday, and knowing more pizza was in my future for the late evening. We ordered from a local restaurant called Bella Italia, and my eggplant rollatini was delicious, thank you. 
There was a bit of light play before and after we ate, but it was generally just a happy hangout time with good friends and watching some AGDQ speedruns. Daja was given the rope (though we kinda had to do a raincheck on the lesson - more on that later), and Turq and I got to vibe a bit while mutually appreciating Sleepy.
(For those not familiar with Sleepyhead, A) How? and B) You should know that basically everyone in the community is a little bit in love with her, and it is a beautiful thing. Since this was our first time attending a hypnocon together, I privately made a promise to myself to give her as much freedom as she wanted to play with friends, other partners, and potential play or romantic  partners. I didn’t want her to feel I was constantly following her around or breathing down her neck, and I think we both did a good job of letting each other do what we needed to do while communicating and occasionally sharing fun stories or experiences when we had proper permission.)
I went to part of the “Welcome” event hosted by Psy and the concom that evening, but lack of seating eventually made me move over to the room where the Consent Team meeting was to be held while I read a bit and futzed with my phone.
One of my goals for Charmed was to try to get out in the community more, since most people either knew me from my writing or an online event or two. I made a goal to be more social and make more connections in the community, so I decided to put a post out in the “Looking For Play At Hotel” channel to let people know I was open to play on both sides of the watch, so to speak, and that I had brought stuff to do rope, impact, and sensation play. Once that was done I also reached out to some friends and previous play partners who were doing classes, and asked about being a potential demo bottom for a few of them.
Well, I quickly learned that offering to be a top at a kink con will get you a lot of attention, as my messages exploded within moments of the post going up. 
I replied to as many as I could, making plans to negotiate and potentially play on Friday or Saturday, generally with an eye for making use of the dungeon while it would be open, but leaving in-room play on the table as well.
The consent team kickoff would go smoothly, with our fearless leaders Spinfrog and T distributing plastic file folders to keep our paperwork, notepads, kleenex, and some emergency candy in, and we made sure everyone had their ground rules (and more pizza) before breaking up. I ended up bumping into Meraklis again while she was talking to several people about her Jedi Mind Trick triggers, and she asked if I’d mind being an impromptu demo, since I wanted to have the trigger refreshed anyway. (Oh no, please don’t throw me into that briar patch...)
The trigger is pretty simple: If Merkalis or someone you trust waved their hand in front of you in the usual “Jedi” manner, you froze for a few seconds and then went back to normal. If they waved and said a phrase (“These aren’t the droids you’re looking for”), you would blank out, repeat the phrase, and then surface again. 
It’s cute, it’s silly, and I love it dearly. When it was set up at Beguiled she had put a limit of the trigger expiring once the convention ended, but this time we left it a bit more open ended as long as I was in a safe place with people I was comfortable going into trance around.
I had a few more hallway conversations on my way back, including bumping into someone who I had a warm and happy conversation with, and knew I recognized, but my brain utterly failed to identify her(?) by name, and since they didn’t have a badge on, I was SOL.
(You were wearing a cute motorcycle jacket, skirt, and a steel infinity collar, and I had hoped to run into you again and say Hi / actually get your name! If you read this, please ping me so we can catch up more?)
I would return to the room, a bit tired but still in good emotional space, and Sleepy would ask if her friend gothsocks could come down to say hello for a bit. 
I had also been talking to socks and getting to know her better, so I happily agreed. We had been discussing the possibility of doing a dollification and cuddles / light play scene during the weekend, so I was happy to just have some low key, no pressure hang out time to build some groundwork and rapport.
(Plus socks is neat, and again: trying to be a more social creature.) 
What mostly ended up happening was socks and I nerding out over FFXIV’s latest expansion and new classes / raids / dungeons for a while before we all needed to get some sleep while Sleepyhead watched us infodump back and forth, and it was great.
Not long after goth left Sleepy and I planned out a few things for Friday before we got cuddled up for bed again, knowing that Camden was likely to be spending the night elsewhere.
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certifymyhealth · 26 days
How to Make a Medical Certificate Online?
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People now are more conscious about the time they spend on anything and everything. That is the reason why convenience is vital. Whenever you want a sick, fitness, or recovery certificate, waiting for regular appointments and filling out many forms gets annoying. Luckily, getting the medical certification online is not as long as it used to be. Thus, you can order your Health certificate online immediately to save the time and effort you would spend attending bureaucratic procedures. At the end of this guide, you will also know how to get an Online health certificate if you opt for this convenient option and learn about the advantages of such an approach.
It is essential to understand the need for a medical certificate. It is a legal document that offers a person's health declaration. It is used in different ways including, to ascertain an illness, for ability to work, or to confirm fitness after an ailment. A medical certificate is favorable among airlines, banks, public offices, colleges, and IT companies. They are essential, especially in tasks that require you to provide information on your health, be it to seek a leave of absence from work, to secure a visa, or to attend an event.
Certifymyhealth Provides These Types of Medical Certificates in Online
Sick Certificate: This certificate certifies a person cannot go to work or school because of sickness. For the last type of email, it is common to use it for the employer or educational institution, providing explanations for your absence.
Fitness Certificate: This certificate indicates that a person is medically fit to undertake specific functions or tasks or engage in certain activities. For example, employers, sports associations, and travel agencies usually demand physical fitness tests.
Recovery Certificate: The hospital issues this certificate once someone is cured of an ailment or sickness. It is evidence that the person is now hale and hearty, thus capable of engaging in any activity.
How to get a medical certificate online
Getting it is easy and fast. Indeed, it only takes about three steps. Below is how it works:
The first step, therefore, will be to submit our request.
The first thing any candidate has to do to get their online medical certificate is to request the online form. It is a fast and easy process in many cases or sometimes it may take a single day in extreme cases. Some details they need to enter include name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and type of certificate. The platform has a simple interface. Therefore; it takes a few minutes to achieve this step.
Incidentally, one advantage of its usage is the fast execution of your request. With this service, one doesn't have to schedule an appointment with a doctor or go through a series of forms. Instead, you can place your order anytime without leaving your home or workplace. The platform optimizes request processing to ensure your certificate is ready quickly.
Step 2: Consultation with a certified doctor
Next, one has to wait for the administration to consider the request and then be with a certified doctor. The online service allows customers to have an online consultation with a licensed healthcare provider and legally be allowed to write medical certificates. This consultation is essential because the final decision to grant the certificate relies on accurate and specific medical information.
This way, the doctor will decide whether you qualify for the certificate you are looking for, depending on your general condition. It may include talking about the symptoms you may experience medications you have been taking or the documents you have with you. The consultation is through a private web camera call so we do not disclose your health details to third parties.
The virtual consultation is convenient and time efficient compared to face-to-face consultation. You are not required to go to a clinic for a doctor or to stay in a comparatively overcrowded waiting room. But you can talk to a doctor at a more convenient time and location, which is not a problem. This flexibility is mainly in the interest of people with a fixed timetable or physical disability.
Step 3: Get Your Certificate
Therefore, after the consultation, the doctor will present your medical certificate online. The certificate received at the end of the course will be electronic and will be in less than 15 minutes. It means that one can print the certificate for storage in the device and then use it when one needs to prove their health status.
For the same, you can receive the certificate in digital format and even have a handwritten certificate with shipping. It is helpful if you want to present a hard copy of the certificate to an organization or an institution that does not accept online certificates. It offers different shipping types; therefore, it is possible to select one that is most convenient for use.
The way the platform processes your request and your certificate issued is as efficient as possible. For instance, one does not have to worry about this or that complication or that there will be a delay. The platform follows the National Medical Commission of India requirements and the World Health Organization ensures that employers will recognize issued certificates.
Benefits of Getting an Online medical certificate
Opting for an Online health certificate offers numerous advantages over traditional methods:
1) Convenience: This means you can get your certification from the comfort of your home or office without the need to visit the clinic. 2) Speed: It is a fast and convenient way of getting certificates because it takes just a few minutes to issue them after the consultation. 3) Accessibility: Online platforms make it easy for anyone to request a certificate, regardless of location or schedule. 4) Confidentiality: Your medical information is handled securely with consultations conducted through private video calls. Compliance: The MNC And WHO issue these certificates, ensuring they are valid and accepted by various institutions.
Why Choose Our Service?
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Here are some reasons to choose our service:
1) Quick Turnaround: Receive your online medical certificate within 30 minutes* of your consultation. 2) Wide Acceptance: Airlines, banks, public offices, colleges, and IT companies accept our certificates. 3) Handwritten Certificate & Shipping: If you prefer a physical copy, we offer handwritten certificates with shipping options. 4) Certified Doctors: Consult with qualified and experienced healthcare professionals who are licensed to issue medical certificates. 5) Abiding by Guidelines: Our service adheres to NMC and WHO guidelines, ensuring your certificate is valid and reliable.
In the modern world getting a medical certificate online is easy, fast, and can be the most effective method. Contact to certifymyhealth Regarding sick certificates, fitness certificates, or recovery certificates, they are as easy and convenient as they should be. It is as simple as going through the three easy steps of submitting your request, speaking to a certified doctor, and getting your certificate. This platform aims to offer the best quality, effective, and speed services. Do not miss time waiting for your usual appointments and filling out paperwork. Don’t wait, get your Online health certificate today and be part of the modern and convenient world of getting treated.
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varshamedblogs · 5 months
Explore career prospects in Sub-Saharan Africa with a Doctor of Public Health Administration. Learn about opportunities, challenges, and program benefits.
Read More: Doctor of Public Health Administration
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litreviewwriting · 28 days
Nursing Programs at Capella University
Nursing is a profession that combines the art of caring with the science of health care. As the demand for skilled and compassionate nurses continues to grow, so does the need for high-quality nursing education. Capella University, a leader in online education, offers a wide range of nursing programs designed to meet the diverse needs of today’s healthcare professionals. Whether you are just starting your nursing journey or looking to advance your career, Capella’s nursing programs provide the flexibility, support, and expertise you need to succeed.
Why Choose Capella University for Your Nursing Education?
Capella University is a regionally accredited online university that has been providing high-quality education for over 25 years. Capella’s nursing programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), ensuring that students receive a rigorous and relevant education that meets the highest standards of the nursing profession.
Capella’s nursing programs are designed with working professionals in mind. The online format allows students to balance their studies with work, family, and other commitments, providing the flexibility needed to achieve their educational goals. With a strong focus on evidence-based practice, leadership, and patient-centered care, Capella’s nursing programs prepare graduates to excel in a variety of healthcare settings.
Nursing Programs Offered by Capella University
Capella University offers a comprehensive range of nursing programs, from undergraduate to doctoral levels, each designed to meet the specific needs of nursing professionals at different stages of their careers.
1. Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Program
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at Capella University is designed for registered nurses (RNs) who want to build on their existing knowledge and experience to advance their careers. The RN-to-BSN program is delivered entirely online, allowing nurses to continue working while earning their degree.
Key Features of the BSN Program:
Competency-Based Education: Capella’s BSN program utilizes a competency-based education model, which allows students to progress at their own pace by demonstrating mastery of key nursing concepts and skills. This approach provides a personalized learning experience that recognizes and builds on the knowledge and experience nurses already have.
Focus on Evidence-Based Practice: The BSN curriculum emphasizes evidence-based practice, critical thinking, and clinical decision-making. Students learn to integrate research and clinical expertise to provide high-quality patient care and improve health outcomes.
Leadership and Management Skills: The program includes coursework in leadership and management, preparing nurses to take on leadership roles in healthcare organizations. Students develop skills in team management, communication, and quality improvement, which are essential for advancing in the nursing profession.
Community and Public Health: The BSN program also focuses on community and public health nursing, emphasizing the importance of health promotion, disease prevention, and population health. Students learn to assess and address the health needs of diverse populations, preparing them to work in a variety of community settings.
2. Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Programs
Capella University offers several Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) programs, each designed to prepare nurses for advanced practice roles and leadership positions in healthcare. The MSN programs are delivered online, providing the flexibility needed for working professionals to earn their degrees.
MSN Specializations Offered:
Nursing Leadership and Administration: This specialization is designed for nurses who want to advance into leadership and management roles in healthcare organizations. The curriculum focuses on strategic planning, financial management, quality improvement, and healthcare policy. Students learn to lead interdisciplinary teams and implement evidence-based practices to improve patient care and organizational performance.
Nursing Education: The Nursing Education specialization prepares nurses to teach and mentor the next generation of nurses. The curriculum includes coursework in curriculum development, instructional design, and assessment and evaluation methods. Students learn to create engaging and effective learning environments in both academic and clinical settings.
Care Coordination: This specialization focuses on the role of the nurse in coordinating care for patients with complex health needs. The curriculum emphasizes patient-centered care, interprofessional collaboration, and health information technology. Students learn to develop and implement care plans that improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.
Informatics: The Informatics specialization prepares nurses to use technology to improve patient care and healthcare delivery. The curriculum includes coursework in health information systems, data management, and clinical decision support. Students learn to analyze and interpret data to inform clinical decision-making and improve patient outcomes.
Key Features of the MSN Programs:
Flexibility: The online format of the MSN programs allows students to balance their studies with work and family commitments. Capella’s FlexPath option offers even greater flexibility, allowing students to complete courses at their own pace and move on to the next course when they’re ready.
Clinical Practicum: The MSN programs include a clinical practicum, providing students with hands-on experience in their chosen specialization. Students work with experienced preceptors in healthcare settings, applying the knowledge and skills they’ve learned in the classroom to real-world situations.
Accreditation: Capella’s MSN programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for advanced practice roles and leadership positions in healthcare.
3. Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program
The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program at Capella University is designed for nurses who want to advance to the highest level of clinical practice. The DNP program is delivered online, allowing students to continue working while earning their degree.
Key Features of the DNP Program:
Focus on Clinical Practice: The DNP program emphasizes advanced clinical practice, leadership, and evidence-based practice. Students learn to assess and manage complex patient care situations, implement and evaluate healthcare policies, and lead quality improvement initiatives.
Leadership Development: The DNP curriculum includes coursework in leadership, healthcare policy, and organizational change. Students develop the skills needed to lead interdisciplinary teams, influence healthcare policy, and drive change in healthcare organizations.
Capstone Project: The DNP program includes a capstone project, allowing students to apply their knowledge and skills to a real-world problem in healthcare. Students work with a faculty mentor to design, implement, and evaluate a project that addresses a specific healthcare issue and contributes to the improvement of patient care and outcomes.
Accreditation: The DNP program at Capella University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for advanced clinical practice and leadership roles in healthcare.
4. Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Education (PhD) Program
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing Education program at Capella University is designed for nurses who want to advance their careers in nursing education and research. The PhD program is delivered online, providing the flexibility needed for working professionals to earn their degrees.
Key Features of the PhD Program:
Focus on Nursing Education and Research: The PhD program emphasizes nursing education, research, and scholarship. Students learn to develop and implement innovative teaching strategies, conduct research, and contribute to the advancement of nursing knowledge.
Curriculum Development: The PhD curriculum includes coursework in curriculum development, instructional design, and assessment and evaluation methods. Students learn to create engaging and effective learning environments in both academic and clinical settings.
Research and Scholarship: The PhD program includes coursework in research methods, statistics, and scholarly writing. Students learn to design and conduct research studies, analyze and interpret data, and disseminate their findings through scholarly publications and presentations.
Dissertation: The PhD program includes a dissertation, allowing students to conduct original research on a topic of interest. Students work with a faculty mentor to design, conduct, and defend their research, contributing to the advancement of nursing knowledge and practice.
Accreditation: The PhD program at Capella University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for careers in nursing education and research.
Capella University’s Unique Learning Pathways
Capella University offers two unique learning pathways for its nursing programs: GuidedPath and FlexPath. These pathways provide students with the flexibility to choose the learning format that best fits their needs and learning style.
GuidedPath is a structured learning format that provides students with a clear path to graduation. Courses are offered in 10-week quarters, with set deadlines for assignments and assessments. GuidedPath is ideal for students who prefer a structured learning environment with regular feedback from instructors and peers.
Key Features of GuidedPath:
Structured Schedule: Courses are offered in 10-week quarters, with set deadlines for assignments and assessments. This structured schedule helps students stay on track and meet their academic goals.
Instructor-Led Learning: GuidedPath courses are led by experienced instructors who provide regular feedback and support. Students have the opportunity to interact with instructors and peers through online discussions and group projects.
Financial Aid Eligibility: GuidedPath students are eligible for federal financial aid, including grants, loans, and scholarships. This makes it a great option for students who need financial assistance to pursue their education.
FlexPath is a self-paced learning format that allows students to progress at their own pace. There are no set deadlines for assignments or assessments, allowing students to complete courses as quickly or as slowly as they need. FlexPath is ideal for students who are self-motivated and want the flexibility to balance their studies with work and other commitments.
Key Features of FlexPath:
Self-Paced Learning: FlexPath allows students to complete courses at their own pace, moving on to the next course when they’re ready. This flexibility allows students to progress as quickly or as slowly as they need, depending on their individual circumstances.
Flat-Rate Tuition: FlexPath students pay a flat rate tuition for each 12-week session, allowing them to take as many courses as they can complete in that time. This can significantly reduce the overall cost of earning a degree.
Personalized Learning Experience: FlexPath provides a personalized learning experience that allows students to focus on the areas where they need the most improvement. Students receive regular feedback from instructors and have the opportunity to revise and resubmit assignments until they demonstrate mastery of the material.
Support and Resources for Nursing Students
Capella University is committed to providing students with the support and resources they need to succeed in their nursing programs. From enrollment to graduation, Capella offers a range of services designed to help students achieve their academic and professional goals.
Enrollment Counselors
Capella’s enrollment counselors are available to help prospective students navigate the admissions process and choose the program that best fits their needs and goals. Enrollment counselors can provide information about program requirements, transfer credits, financial aid, and more.
Academic Advisors
Once enrolled, students are assigned an academic advisor who provides personalized support throughout their program. Academic advisors help students develop a degree plan, select courses, and stay on track to meet their academic goals. They also provide guidance on academic policies and procedures and connect students with additional resources as needed.
Faculty Support
Capella’s faculty members are experienced professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom. Faculty members are available to provide feedback and support, helping students succeed in their courses and achieve their academic and professional goals.
Writing Center
Capella’s Writing Center provides students with a range of resources to help them improve their writing skills. The Writing Center offers tutorials, webinars, and writing guides on a variety of topics, including APA style, grammar, and academic writing. Students can also submit their papers for review and receive feedback from experienced writing coaches.
Library Services
Capella’s online library provides students with access to a wide range of resources, including scholarly articles, e-books, and databases. Librarians are available to help students with research and citation questions, and the library offers tutorials and webinars on a variety of topics.
Career Services
Capella’s Career Center offers a range of services designed to help students and alumni achieve their career goals. From resume reviews to interview preparation, the Career Center provides personalized support and resources to help students succeed in their job search. The Career Center also offers webinars and workshops on a variety of career-related topics, including networking, job search strategies, and professional development.
Capella University offers a comprehensive range of nursing programs designed to meet the diverse needs of today’s healthcare professionals. With flexible learning options, expert faculty, and a strong focus on evidence-based practice and leadership, Capella’s nursing programs provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in a variety of healthcare settings. Whether you are just starting your nursing journey or looking to advance your career, Capella University is here to help you achieve your goals. Explore the nursing programs at Capella University today and take the next step in your nursing career.
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studyabroad3289 · 2 months
Tyumen State Medical University: A Comprehensive Overview
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Tyumen State Medical University (TSMU) is a prestigious medical institution located in Tyumen, Russia. Established in 1963, it has grown to become one of the leading medical universities in the country. The university is known for its high-quality education, experienced faculty, and modern facilities, making it an attractive destination for students pursuing a career in medicine.
Tyumen, the administrative center of Tyumen Oblast, is the first Russian settlement in Siberia. The city is renowned for its rich history, cultural heritage, and significant industrial base. Tyumen State Medical University is situated in this vibrant city, offering students a unique blend of historical and modern experiences.
Academic Programs
MBBS Program
TSMU offers a comprehensive MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) program that spans six years. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in medical sciences, clinical skills, and patient care. The program is divided into two phases: pre-clinical (first three years) and clinical (last three years).
Other Programs
In addition to the MBBS program, TSMU offers various undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs in different medical fields, including dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, and public health.
Fee Structure
Tuition Fees
The tuition fees for the MBBS program at Tyumen State Medical University Fee Structure are relatively affordable compared to other medical universities in Europe and the United States. For international students, the annual tuition fee is approximately $4,500 - $5,000. The total cost for the entire MBBS program ranges from $27,000 to $30,000, making it a cost-effective option for quality medical education.
Additional Costs
Apart from tuition fees, students need to budget for additional costs such as accommodation, food, health insurance, and study materials. On average, these expenses amount to approximately $1,500 - $2,000 per year.
Admission Process
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for admission to the MBBS program at Tyumen State Medical University Admission , applicants must meet the following criteria:
Completed secondary education with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as core subjects.
Minimum aggregate score of 50% in the above-mentioned subjects.
Proficiency in English or Russian (depending on the medium of instruction).
Application Procedure
The application process for international students involves the following steps:
Online Application: Fill out the online application form available on the university’s official website.
Document Submission: Submit the required documents, including academic transcripts, passport copy, and a medical certificate.
Invitation Letter: Once the application is reviewed and accepted, the university issues an invitation letter.
Visa Application: Apply for a student visa at the Russian embassy or consulate in your home country.
Arrival and Enrollment: Upon arrival in Russia, complete the enrollment process at TSMU.
Ranking and Recognition
National and International Ranking
Tyumen State Medical University Ranking is recognized for its academic excellence and research contributions. It consistently ranks among the top medical universities in Russia. Although it may not feature prominently in global rankings, its reputation within Russia and among international students is well-established.
Accreditation and Recognition
TSMU is accredited by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and recognized by various international medical councils, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Medical Commission (NMC) of India. This ensures that graduates from TSMU are eligible to practice medicine in various countries around the world.
Hostel Facilities
On-Campus Accommodation
Tyumen State Medical University Hostel provides comfortable and affordable hostel facilities for its students. The hostels are located within the university campus, ensuring convenience and security. The rooms are well-furnished and equipped with basic amenities such as beds, study tables, and wardrobes.
The hostels offer various amenities, including:
Wi-Fi: High-speed internet access for academic and personal use.
Cafeteria: Serving nutritious and diverse meals.
Laundry: Self-service laundry facilities.
Recreation: Common rooms with television, indoor games, and gym facilities.
Safety and Security
The university places a strong emphasis on the safety and security of its students. The hostels have 24/7 security personnel and CCTV surveillance to ensure a safe living environment.
Admission Requirements
Academic Requirements
Completed secondary education (high school) with a focus on Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Minimum aggregate score of 50% in the aforementioned subjects.
Language Proficiency
Proficiency in English or Russian, depending on the medium of instruction.
International students may need to provide proof of English proficiency through standardized tests such as IELTS or TOEFL.
Medical Examination
A medical certificate indicating that the applicant is in good health and free from any contagious diseases.
Financial Proof
Proof of sufficient financial resources to cover tuition fees and living expenses for the duration of the study program.
World Ranking
Tyumen State Medical University World Ranking may not be among the top-ranked universities globally, it holds a respectable position within Russia. Its emphasis on quality education, research, and international collaboration enhances its reputation. The university’s graduates are well-regarded in the medical field, both in Russia and internationally.
MBBS Abroad Programs
International Collaboration
TSMU has established partnerships with various medical institutions and universities worldwide. These collaborations facilitate student exchange programs, joint research projects, MBBS ABROAD and academic cooperation, providing students with global exposure and opportunities to enhance their medical knowledge and skills.
Benefits of Studying MBBS Abroad at TSMU
Affordable Education: Competitive tuition fees and living costs.
Quality Education: High standards of medical education and training.
Cultural Experience: Exposure to diverse cultures and international environments.
Global Recognition: Degrees recognized by major medical councils and organizations worldwide.
Tyumen State Medical University offers a comprehensive and affordable medical education, making it an excellent choice for aspiring doctors. With its modern facilities, experienced faculty, and a strong emphasis on research and clinical practice, TSMU prepares its students to become competent and compassionate medical professionals. The university’s international collaborations and recognition further enhance its appeal, providing students with a global platform to pursue their medical careers. Whether you are considering MBBS abroad or looking for a reputable medical university in Russia, TSMU stands out as a promising option.
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Carrier Options After BDS
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B.D.S. stands for Bachelor of Dental Surgery, a five-year program for those aiming to become dentists. Comparable to an M.B.B.S., it provides professional training in dental surgery, covering subjects like human anatomy, pharmacology, and various dental specialties. Understanding post-B.D.S. career options can guide you in choosing your career path. Here, we explore 14 career paths available after completing a B.D.S. course.
14 Career Options After B.D.S
1. Master’s Degree in Dental Surgery (M.D.S.)After B.D.S., pursuing an M.D.S. deepens your expertise in dentistry. It’s the highest qualification in the field and enhances your employability in reputable institutions. Depending on your performance in the N.E.E.T. M.D.S. entrance exam, you can enroll in government or private colleges. Specializations like prosthodontics, orthodontics, and operative dentistry are available.
2. Master’s Degree in Public Health (M.P.H.)An M.P.H. is a two-year graduate degree focusing on public health. Ideal for those considering overseas study, this non-clinical role offers opportunities globally. It complements a dental career and opens doors to diverse public health roles.
3.Master’s Degree in Business Administration (M.B.A.)Transition to a managerial role with an M.B.A. in hospital or healthcare management. The demand for skilled healthcare managers makes this a lucrative option. Entrance exams like CAT, GMAT, and XAT lead to various M.B.A. programs with different eligibility criteria.
4.LecturerDental colleges often seek experienced faculty. With a few years of experience, you can become a professor and eventually a dental college dean. New B.D.S. graduates can start as tutors or demonstrators, handling practical sessions.
5.Clinical PracticeOpen your clinic, join a hospital-affiliated clinic, or work privately. While initial investment is significant, high earnings potential exists. Effective branding, networking, and strategic planning are key to a successful practice.
6.Overseas Dentistry CareerPursue an M.D.S. abroad or establish your practice overseas. Requirements vary by country; for instance, the U.S. requires passing the NBDE exams and earning a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree.
7.Government Dental JobsGovernment hospitals and rural areas offer numerous dentist positions. UPSC, SSC, and SPSC exams provide pathways to these roles. Options include army dental corps, navy or air force dental officers, state government roles, and railway dental officers.
8.ResearchEngage in dental research, focusing on areas like oral cancer and oral biology. Roles include medical advisor, principal investigator, drug developer, and regulatory affairs manager, available in medical colleges, labs, and hospitals.
9.Dental CosmetologyThe rising demand for cosmetic dental treatments offers opportunities in prosthodontics or orthodontics. Additional courses or an M.D.S. specialization can pave the way for a rewarding cosmetic dentistry career.
10.Dental BloggingCombine your dental expertise with a passion for writing by blogging. Educate people on dental topics, share insights, and build a strong online presence through various platforms, generating income via affiliate programs, sponsorships, and ads.
11.Forensic DentistryA unique blend of dentistry and forensic science, forensic dentistry aids in criminal investigations. After B.D.S., pursue an M.S.c. in forensic odontology or an M.D.S. in forensic dentistry to work in research institutes, labs, or criminal investigation departments.
12.Medical TranscriptionBecome a medical or dental transcriptionist, converting doctors’ oral dictations into reports. Knowledge of medical or dental terminologies, good listening and typing skills, and language proficiency are essential.
13.Dental ConsultingHospitals seek dental consultants to enhance dental practices. With B.D.S. and hospital management knowledge, you can guide dentists, improve marketing strategies, and optimize human resources, offering lucrative consultancy services.
14.InsuranceInsurance companies hire dentists for research, claim reviews, and administrative roles. A diploma in management or an M.B.A. can boost your resume, increasing your chances of securing a position with competitive compensation.
Explore these diverse career paths to find the one that aligns with your interests and aspirations post-B.D.S.
#Bachelor_of_Dental Surgery, #Dental_Surgery, #Dental_Specialties
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arjaysingh · 3 months
MBBS in India 2024–25 | Admission, Eligibility, Fees in India
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Admission Process
1. Entrance Exams: The primary route to gaining admission into an MBBS program in India is through national and state-level entrance exams. The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET-UG) is the most prominent of these. Conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), NEET-UG is a single entrance examination for admission to MBBS, BDS, and other undergraduate medical courses in both government and private institutions across India.
2. Application Process: After clearing NEET, candidates must participate in counseling sessions organized by the Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) for All India Quota seats and respective state authorities for state quota seats. The counseling process involves online registration, choice filling, seat allotment, and document verification. The competition is intense, with thousands of students vying for a limited number of seats.
Curriculum and Training
1. Duration and Structure: The MBBS program in India spans five and a half years, including a one-year compulsory rotating internship. The course is divided into nine semesters, covering various subjects such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Forensic Medicine, and Community Medicine.
2. Practical Training: Practical training is an integral part of the MBBS curriculum. Students are required to complete clinical postings in different departments, where they gain hands-on experience in patient care under the supervision of experienced doctors. The internship year allows students to work in real-world settings, handling patients, performing minor procedures, and understanding the functioning of hospitals.
Challenges and Opportunities
1. Rigorous Academic Demands: MBBS students face rigorous academic demands. The extensive syllabus, frequent examinations, and the need to keep abreast of the latest medical advancements require dedication and perseverance. Balancing theoretical knowledge with practical skills can be challenging but is essential for becoming a competent doctor.
2. Financial Considerations: Pursuing an MBBS degree can be expensive, especially in private medical colleges. However, numerous scholarships and financial aid options are available to support deserving students. Government institutions generally offer more affordable tuition fees compared to private colleges.
3. Career Prospects: Upon completion of the MBBS degree, graduates have a plethora of career opportunities. They can choose to specialize in various medical fields through postgraduate courses (MD/MS) or pursue careers in clinical practice, research, healthcare administration, public health, and medical education. The demand for qualified doctors is ever-present, ensuring job security and the potential for a lucrative career.
Innovations in Medical Education
1. Technology Integration: The integration of technology in medical education is revolutionizing the way students learn. Online resources, virtual dissection tables, simulation labs, and digital libraries provide students with diverse learning tools. These advancements enhance understanding and make learning more interactive and engaging.
2. Research Opportunities: Medical colleges in India are increasingly emphasizing research. Students are encouraged to participate in research projects, attend conferences, and publish papers. This exposure to research cultivates critical thinking, innovation, and a deeper understanding of medical science.
Future Outlook
The future of medical education in India looks promising. With ongoing reforms, the establishment of new medical colleges, and an increasing focus on quality education, the country is poised to produce world-class medical professionals. The National Medical Commission (NMC), which replaced the Medical Council of India (MCI), is working towards standardizing medical education and ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to meet global healthcare standards.
Pursuing an MBBS in India for the academic year 2024–25 promises to be an enriching and transformative experience. Despite the challenges, the journey of becoming a doctor is marked by immense learning and personal growth. With a blend of rigorous academic training, practical exposure, and numerous career opportunities, an MBBS degree from India continues to be a prestigious and fulfilling pursuit for aspiring medical professionals.
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mariacallous · 1 year
A doctors’ organization at the center of the ongoing legal fight over the abortion drug mifepristone has suffered a significant data breach. A link to an unsecured Google Drive published on the group’s website pointed users last week to a large cache of sensitive documents, including financial and tax records, membership rolls, and email exchanges spanning over a decade. The more than 10,000 documents lay bare the outsize influence of a small conservative organization working to lend a veneer of medical science to evangelical beliefs on parenting, sex, procreation, and gender.
The American College of Pediatricians, which has fought to deprive gay couples of their parental rights and encouraged public schools to treat LGBTQ youth as if they were mentally ill, is one of a handful of conservative think tanks leading the charge against abortion in the United States. A federal lawsuit filed by the College and its partners against the US Food and Drug Administration seeks to limit nationwide access to what is now the most common form of abortion. The case is now on a trajectory for the US Supreme Court, which not even a year ago declared abortion the purview of America’s elected state representatives. 
The leaked records, first reported by WIRED, offer an unprecedented look at the groups and personnel central to that campaign. They also describe an organization that has benefited greatly by exaggerating its own power, even as it has struggled quietly for two decades to grow in size and gain respect. The records show how the College, which the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) describes as a hate group, managed to introduce fringe beliefs into the mainstream simply by being, as the founder of Fox News once put it, “the loudest voice in the room.” 
The Leak
A WIRED review of the exposed data found that the unsecured Google Drive stored nearly 10,000 files, some of which are compressed zip files containing additional documents. These records detail highly sensitive internal information about the College’s donors and taxes, social security numbers of board members, staff resignation letters, budgetary and fundraising concerns, and the usernames and passwords of more than 100 online accounts. The files include Powerpoint presentations, Quickbooks accounting documents, and at least 388 spreadsheets. 
One spreadsheet appears to be an export of an internal database containing information on 1,200 past and current members. It contains intimate personal information about each member, including various contact details, as well as where they were educated, how they heard of the group, and when membership dues were paid. The records show past and current members are mostly male and, on average, over 50 years old. As of spring 2022, the College counted slightly more than 700 members, according to another document reviewed by WIRED. 
The breach exposes some material dating back to the group’s origin. It includes mailing lists gathered by the group of thousands of “conservative physicians” across the country. (One document outlining recruitment efforts states in bold, red letters: “TARGET CHRISTIAN MDs.”) The ongoing recruitment of doctors and medical school students seen as holding Christian views has long been its top priority. The leaked records indicate that more than 10,000 mailers were sent to physicians between 2013 and 2017 alone. 
While the group’s membership rolls are not public, the leak has outed most if not all of its members. A cursory review of the member lists surfaced one name of note: a recent commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services, who after joining in 2019 asked that his membership with the group remain a secret. (WIRED was unable to reach the official for comment in time for publication.)
The SPLC’s “hate group” designation, which the College forcefully disputes, haunted its fundraising efforts, records reveal. A barrage of emails in 2014 show that the label cost the group the chance to benefit from an Amazon program that would eventually distribute $450 million to charities across the globe. Amazon would deny the College’s application, stating that it relied on the SPLC to determine which charities fall into certain ineligible categories.
A strategy document would later refer to a “unified plan” among the College and its allies to “continue discrediting the SPLC,” which included a campaign aimed at lowering its rating at Charity Navigator, one of the web’s most influential nonprofit evaluators. One of the group’s admins noted that despite SPLC’s label, another charity monitor, GuideStar, listed the College as being in “good standing.”
The College’s GuideStar page no longer says this and appears to have been defaced. It now reads, “AMERICAN COLLEGE OF doodoo fartheads,” with a mission statement saying: “we are evil and hate gays :(((”
The Google Drive containing the documents was taken offline soon after WIRED contacted the American College of Pediatricians. The College did not respond to a request for comment.
The Talk
Leaked communications between members of the group and minutes taken at board meetings over the course of several years speak loudly about the challenges the group faced in pursuing its deeply unpopular agenda: returning America to a time when the laws and social mores around family squared neatly with evangelical Christian beliefs.
Many of the College’s most radical views target transgender people, and in particular, transgender youth. The leak, which had been indexed by Google, includes volumes of literature crafted specifically to influence relationships between practicing pediatricians, parents, and their children. It includes reams of marketing material the College aims to distribute widely among public school officials. This includes pushing schools to adopt junk science painting transgender youth as carriers of a pathological disorder, one that’s capable of spontaneously causing others–à la the dancing plague–to adopt similar thoughts and behaviors.
This is one of the group’s most dubious claims. While unsupported by medical science, it is routinely and incuriously propagated through literature targeted at schools and medical offices around the US. The primary source for this claim is a research paper drafted in 2017 by Lisa Littman, a Brown University scholar who, while a medical doctor, had not specialized in mental health. The goal of the paper was to introduce, conceptually, “rapid onset gender dysphoria”—a hypothetical disorder, as was later clarified by the journal that published it. Littman would also clarify personally that her research “does not validate the phenomenon” she’d hypothesized, since no clinicians, nor individuals identifying as trans, had participated in the study.  
The paper explains that its subjects were instead all parents who had been recruited from a handful of websites known for opposing gender-affirmative care and “telling parents not to believe their child is transgender.” A review of one of the sites from the period shows parents congregating to foster paranoia about whether there’s a “conspiracy of silence” around “anime culture” that was brainwashing boys into behaving like girls; insights plucked in some cases straight from another, more notorious forum (widely known for reveling in the suicides of the people it has bullied).
A 2021 prospectus describing the group’s focus, ideology, and lobbying efforts encapsulates a wide range of “educational resources” destined for the inboxes of physicians and medical school students. The materials include links to a website instructing doctors on how to speak to children in a variety of scenarios about a multitude of topics surrounding sex, including in the absence of their parents. Practice scripts of conversations between doctors and patients advise, among other things, ways to elicit a child’s thoughts on sex with the help of an imaginative metaphor. 
While the material is not expressly religious, it is clearly aimed at painting same-sex marriage as aberrant and immoral behavior. Physicians lobbied by the group are also told to urge patients to purchase Christian-based parenting guides, including one designed to help parents broach the topic of sex with their 11- and 12-year-old kids. The College suggests telling parents to plan a “special overnight trip,” a pretext for instilling in their children sexual norms in line with evangelical practice. The group suggests telling parents to buy a tool called a “getaway kit,” a series of workbooks that run around $54 online. The workbooks methodically walk the parents through the process of springing the topic, but only after a day-long charade of impromptu gift-giving and play. 
These books are full of games and puzzles for the parent and child to cooperatively take on. Throughout the process, the child slowly digests a concept of “sexual purity,” lessons aided by oversimplified scripture and well-trodden Bible school parables. 
Another document the group shared with its members contains a script for appointments with pregnant minors. Its purpose is made evidently clear: The advice is engineered specifically to reduce the odds of minors coming into contact with medical professionals not strictly opposed to abortion. A practice script recommends the doctor inform the minor that they “strongly recommend against” abortion, adding “the procedure not only kills the infant you carry, but is also a danger to you.” (Medically, the term “fetus” and “infant” are not interchangeable, the latter referring to a newborn baby less than one year old.)
The doctors are urged to recommend that the minor visit a website that, like the aforementioned website, is not expressly religious but will only direct visitors to Catholic-run “crisis pregnancy centers,” which strictly reject abortion. The same site is widely promoted by anti-abortion groups such as National Right to Life, which last year held that it should be illegal to terminate the pregnancy of a 10-year-old rape victim.
The Professionals
The effort to ban mifepristone, legislation the Supreme Court paused last month pending further review, faces significant legal hurdles but could ultimately benefit from the appellate court’s disproportionately conservative makeup. Most of the legal power in the fight was supplied by a much older and better funded group, the Alliance Defending Freedom, which has established ties with some of the country’s most elite political figures—former vice president Mike Pence and Supreme Court justice Amy Coney Barrett among them.
A contract in the leaked documents dated April 2021 shows the ADF agreeing to legally represent the College free of charge. It stipulates that ADF’s ability to subsidize expenses incurred during lawsuits would be limited by ethical guidelines; however, it could still forgive any lingering costs simply by declaring the College “indigent.”
In contrast to the College’s some 700 members, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)–the organization from which the College’s founders split 20 years ago–has roughly 67,000. The rupture between the two groups was a direct result of a statement issued by the AAP in 2002. Modern research, the AAP said, had conclusively shown that the sexual orientation of parents had an imperceptible impact on the well-being of children, so long as they were raised in caring, supportive families.
The College would gain notoriety early on by assailing the positions of the AAP. In 2005, a Boston Globe reporter noted how common it had become for the American College of Pediatricians “to be quoted as a counterpoint” to anything said by the AAP. The institution, he wrote, had a rather “august-sounding name” for being run by a “single employee.” 
Internal documents show that the group’s directors quickly encountered hurdles operating on the fringe of accepted science. Some claimed to be oppressed. Most of the College’s research had been “written by one person,” according to minutes from a 2006 meeting, which were included in the leak. The College was failing to make a splash. In the future, one director suggested, papers rejected by medical journals “should be published on the web.” The vote to do so was unanimous (though the board decided the term “not published” was nicer than “rejected”). 
A second director put forth a motion to create a separate “scientific section” on the group’s website, strictly for linking to articles published in medical journals. The motion was quashed after it dawned on the board that they didn’t “have enough articles” to make the page “look professional.” 
The College struggled to identify the root cause of its runtedness. “To get enough clout,” one director said, “it would take substantial numbers, maybe 10,000.” (The College’s recruitment efforts would yield fewer than 7 percent of this goal in the following 17 years.) Yet another said the marketing department advised that “the College needs to pick a fight with the AAP and get on Larry King Live.” Another, the notes say, felt the organization was too busy trying to “walk the fence” by neglecting to acknowledge that “we are conservative and religious.” 
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