#mbbs study
Doctor Study MBBS in Europe Universities with Transocean Education Call @6005536350
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For many aspiring medical students, studying MBBS in Europe is an attractive option. Not only are there many top-notch universities in Europe, but the cost of tuition and living expenses are often lower than in other countries. Additionally, the ability to learn medicine in a foreign country can provide invaluable cultural experiences. When considering MBBS in Europe, there are a few things to keep in mind. Many European countries require international students to take an entrance exam, such as the European Medical School 
Exam (EMSE). Additionally, it is important to research any language requirements, as many universities offer courses in English but may also require students to be proficient in the native language of the country. Overall, studying MBBS in Europe can be a great opportunity for those looking to pursue a medical degree. With its numerous universities and affordable tuition costs, it is worth exploring this option for anyone considering a career in medicine. Doctor Study MBBS in Europe Universities with Transocean Education Visit https://www.transoceaneducation.com/ or Call us @6005536350 to know more about study Abroad.
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arjaysingh · 12 hours
MBBS in Russia for Indian Students 2024-25
Pursuing a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) in Russia has become an attractive option for Indian students. With affordable tuition fees, high-quality education, and globally recognized degrees, Russia is one of the top destinations for medical aspirants from India. As of 2024-25, the admission process, eligibility criteria, and overall experience are streamlined to cater to the growing demand.
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Why MBBS in Russia?
Several factors make Russia a favourable destination for Indian students seeking an MBBS degree:
Affordable Tuition Fees: The cost of studying MBBS in Russia is considerably lower compared to private medical colleges in India. Annual fees typically range between 3,000 to 8,000 USD.
Quality Education: Russian medical universities are known for their high educational standards, advanced infrastructure, and experienced faculty. Many universities are recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI).
No Entrance Exam: Unlike India, where students must clear NEET for admission into medical colleges, Russian universities do not require an entrance exam. Admission is based on the 12th standard marks.
Global Recognition: Degrees obtained from Russian medical universities are globally recognized, allowing graduates to practise medicine in India and other countries after clearing the requisite licensing exams.
Cultural Affinity: A significant number of Indian students already studying in Russia creates a supportive environment. Indian cuisine and cultural festivals are also accessible, making it easier for students to adapt.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for MBBS admission in Russia for the academic year 2024-25, Indian students must meet the following criteria:
Age: Candidates must be at least 17 years old by December 31 of the admission year.
Educational Qualifications: Students must have completed their 12th standard with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as core subjects. A minimum of 50% marks in aggregate (40% for SC/ST/OBC candidates) is required.
NEET Qualification: Although Russian universities do not require an entrance exam, Indian students must qualify for the NEET exam to be eligible to practise medicine in India post their MBBS degree.
Admission Process
The admission process for MBBS in Russia involves several steps:
Research and Selection: Students should research and shortlist universities based on factors such as tuition fees, location, infrastructure, and alumni feedback.
Application: Applications can be submitted directly to the universities or through authorised consultants. Required documents typically include:
Completed application form
Scanned copies of academic transcripts
NEET scorecard
Passport copy
Passport-size photographs
Invitation Letter: Upon successful application review, the university issues an official invitation letter. This letter is essential for the visa application process.
Visa Application: Students need to apply for a student visa at the Russian Embassy or Consulate in India. Documents required for the visa application include the invitation letter, passport, medical fitness certificate, HIV test report, and visa application fee.
Arrival and Registration: Upon arrival in Russia, students must register with the university and complete any additional formalities, such as medical check-ups and accommodation arrangements.
Top Medical Universities in Russia
Several universities in Russia are renowned for their medical programs. Some of the top institutions include:
North Caucasian State Academy
Saint Petersburg State Medical University
Kazan Federal University
Novosibirsk State University
Siberian State Medical University 
Altai State Medical University
Bashkir State Medical University
Curriculum and Language of Instruction
The MBBS program in Russia typically spans six years, including one year of internship. The curriculum is divided into pre-clinical and clinical phases. Pre-clinical studies focus on basic sciences like Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology. Clinical studies involve hands-on training in hospitals and clinics.
While many universities offer MBBS programs in Russian, several also provide English-medium courses tailored for international students. It is advisable for Indian students to choose universities that offer English-taught programs unless they are proficient in Russian.
Challenges and Adaptation
Studying in a foreign country presents challenges, including cultural differences, language barriers, and climate adaptation. However, with a significant Indian student community, support systems are in place. Learning basic Russian can be beneficial for daily interactions and clinical practice.
Returning to India
Upon completing their MBBS in Russia, Indian students must clear the Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (FMGE) conducted by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) to practise in India. The National Medical Commission (NMC) plans to replace FMGE with the National Exit Test (NEXT) in the coming years, which will serve as a common licensure exam for all medical graduates.
Pursuing an MBBS in Russia offers a viable alternative for Indian students facing stiff competition and high costs in India. With globally recognized degrees, affordable education, and a supportive environment, Russia remains a popular choice for medical aspirants. Prospective students should stay informed about the latest admission guidelines and choose their universities carefully to ensure a successful academic journey.
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foulqueenpenguin · 4 days
Study MBBS in Romania
Overview Romania has become an increasingly popular destination for international students seeking a Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree.Medical universities in the country are renowned for their excellent education, low tuition fees, and the option to study in English. This essay provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits, educational structure, admission process and life as an MBBS student in Romania.
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Advantages of Studying MBBS in Romania
Quality Education Romanian medical universities are recognized by leading international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI).graduates are well prepared for medical work around the world, with a curriculum designed to meet international standards.
Affordable tuition and living costs
Compared to Western Europe and North America, Romania offers relatively low tuition and living costs. This makes it an attractive choice for students from different financial backgrounds.
Romania offers an attractive option for studying MBBS due to its affordable tuition fees and low living costs. Tuition fees for MBBS programs in Romania range from €4,000 to €8,000 per year, significantly lower than in Western Europe or North America. Additionally, the cost of living is economical, with monthly expenses for accommodation, food, and transportation typically between €300 and €600. This affordability, combined with quality education and English-taught programs, makes Romania a popular destination for international medical students.
Programs taught in English
Many medical universities in Romania offer MBBS programs in English, removing language barriers for international students and providing a favorable learning environment.
Romania offers affordable MBBS programs with tuition fees ranging from €4,000 to €8,000 per year and low living costs, typically between €300 and €600 monthly. The six-year MBBS program includes a mandatory one-year internship in the final year, providing hands-on clinical experience in university-affiliated hospitals. This internship is crucial for gaining practical skills and preparing for medical practice. With quality education, English-taught programs, and a required internship, Romania is an attractive destination for aspiring medical professionals.
Cultural diversity and rich heritage
Studying MBBS in Romania offers the opportunity to experience its rich cultural heritage and interact with students from different backgrounds. This multicultural environment fosters personal growth and global awareness.
Educational Structure
The MBBS program in Romania usually lasts six years and is divided into two phases:
Pre-Clinical Phase (Years 1-3)
This phase focuses on theoretical knowledge and basic medical sciences. Courses include anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology and pharmacology. Students also gain practical skills through laboratory work and early clinical exposure.
Clinical Phase (Years 4-6)
During this phase, students undergo clinical training in various medical specialties such as internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology and psychiatry. This hands-on training takes place in university-affiliated hospitals where students interact with patients under the supervision of experienced medical staff.
Admission Process
Admission for MBBS in Romania is competitive but easy. The main steps are as follows:
The applicant must have completed high school or an equivalent university degree and have a strong background in natural sciences (biology, chemistry and physics). We also need English language skills.
How to Apply
Prospective students must submit an application form with required documents such as academic transcripts, a valid passport, proof of English language proficiency (e.g. IELTS or TOEFL scores) and a personal statement.
The admission process can involve multiple stages, such as an entrance test or interview, to evaluate the applicant's knowledge and aptitude for the program.
Admission and Visa Process
After admission, students will receive an offer letter from the university. They must then apply for a student visa and submit documents such as an offer letter, proof of financial support and health insurance.
Life as an MBBS student in Romania
Life as an MBBS student in Romania is both challenging and rewarding. Students must adapt to a rigorous academic schedule while enjoying the vibrant student life and cultural experiences the country has to offer.
Academic environment
Romanian medical universities are equipped with modern facilities such as well-equipped libraries, research laboratories and simulation centers. The faculty consists of experienced professionals who are committed to student success.
Universities typically provide on-campus accommodation and offer private student housing. The cost of living in Romania is relatively low, with affordable accommodation, food and transport.
Cultural and social activities
Romania offers a rich cultural experience with many festivals, historical sites and natural landscapes. Students can explore cities such as Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Timișoara, known for their lively nightlife and cultural events.
Support Services
Universities offer a variety of support services such as academic advising, counseling and career guidance. International student offices help solve visa problems and help newcomers adapt to life in Romania.
MBBS degree in Romania offers international students a unique opportunity to receive a quality medical education at an affordable price. The combination of a strong curriculum, hands-on clinical training and a multicultural environment prepares students for successful medical careers around the world. With its strong academic infrastructure and rich cultural heritage, Romania continues to attract aspiring doctors from around the world, making Romania a top destination for medical education.
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aredugroup · 4 months
A Comprehensive Guide to MBBS Study in India
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Embarking on a journey to pursue a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree in India is a significant milestone for many aspiring doctors. With its rich history of medical education and diverse healthcare landscape, India offers a multitude of opportunities and challenges for students aiming to join the noble profession of medicine. 
Here's a comprehensive guide to navigating the path to MBBS in India:
Entrance Examinations:
In India, admission to MBBS programs is primarily based on entrance examinations conducted at the national and state levels. The two most prominent national-level entrance exams for MBBS are the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Entrance Exam. State-level exams such as the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MH-CET), Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET), and others are also conducted by respective state authorities for admission to medical colleges within the state.
Eligibility Criteria:
To be eligible for MBBS admission in India, candidates must fulfill certain criteria, including completing 10+2 education with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English as core subjects. Additionally, candidates must meet the minimum qualifying marks in the entrance examinations and satisfy any specific requirements set by individual medical colleges or state authorities.
Choice of Colleges:
India boasts a vast network of medical colleges, both government-run and private institutions, offering MBBS programs. Government medical colleges are known for their affordable tuition fees and robust infrastructure, while private colleges often offer greater flexibility but may have higher fees. Students should research and consider various factors such as academic reputation, faculty expertise, infrastructure, and clinical exposure before selecting a college.
Curriculum and Academic Rigor:
The MBBS curriculum in India is rigorous and comprehensive, encompassing both theoretical knowledge and practical training. Students undergo preclinical and paraclinical phases followed by clinical rotations in various specialties. The curriculum is designed to meet the standards set by the Medical Council of India (MCI) and emphasizes a holistic understanding of medical science, patient care, and ethical practice.
Clinical Exposure and Internship:
Clinical exposure is a vital component of MBBS education in India. Students undergo clinical postings and rotations in different departments of affiliated hospitals to gain hands-on experience in patient care, diagnosis, and treatment. Additionally, students are required to complete a compulsory rotating internship of one year after completing their academic coursework, wherein they work under the supervision of experienced healthcare professionals.
Challenges and Opportunities:
While pursuing MBBS in India offers numerous opportunities for academic and professional growth, it also comes with its share of challenges. The competitive nature of entrance examinations, limited seats in government colleges, and rising tuition fees in private institutions pose challenges for aspiring medical students. However, India's diverse patient population, advanced healthcare infrastructure, and opportunities for research and specialization present ample opportunities for aspiring doctors.
Postgraduate Options and Career Prospects:
After completing MBBS, students can pursue postgraduate studies (MD/MS) in various specialties or opt for further specialization through super-specialty courses. Career opportunities for MBBS graduates in India are vast, ranging from clinical practice in hospitals and clinics to research, teaching, healthcare administration, and public health initiatives. Moreover, India's growing healthcare sector and increasing demand for skilled medical professionals offer promising career prospects for MBBS graduates.
Pursuing MBBS in India is a rewarding and fulfilling journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and a passion for serving humanity. By navigating the intricacies of entrance examinations, choosing the right college, and embracing the rigorous academic curriculum and clinical training, aspiring doctors can lay a strong foundation for a successful career in medicine. With India's vibrant healthcare ecosystem and myriad opportunities for growth and specialization, MBBS graduates can embark on a meaningful professional journey dedicated to healing, innovation, and compassionate patient care.
Also, Read About --------- Exploring Medical Excellence: Pursuing MBBS in Russia
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mbbsstudyinrussia · 4 months
Bashkir State Medical University Russia
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Bashkir State Medical University Russia, located in Ufa, Russia, has a rich history dating back to 1932 when it was founded. Initially, the university had only one faculty, the General Medicine faculty, but it has since expanded to include several other faculties such as Pediatrics, Preventive Medicine and Microbiology, Dentistry, and Pharmacy. This growth and evolution demonstrate the university’s commitment to providing a comprehensive medical education. In 2010, the university underwent a significant change when the Ufa medical university and the Bashkir State Medical University merged under one name, further solidifying its reputation as a leading medical institution in Russia. This consolidation likely brought about greater collaboration and resource-sharing between the two entities, ultimately benefiting the students and faculty. Furthermore, Bashkir State Medical University Russia commitment to excellence extends beyond its academic programs. In preparation for the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2014, the Bashkir State Medical University played a crucial role in training approximately 700 volunteers. This involvement in such a high-profile event highlights the university’s dedication to community engagement and public health initiatives.
In addition to its diverse student body, Bashkir State Medical University Russia offers a wide range of academic programs, including postgraduate, clinical residencies, and PhD options. Notably, the Medical University within the institution is known for its Nursing and Prosthetic Dentistry programs. This reflects the university’s commitment to providing a comprehensive education in the medical field. Furthermore, the university is under the administration of Pavlov Valentin Nikolaevich, a respected member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ensuring academic excellence and leadership.
Moreover, the university has established strong academic ties with various educational institutions in Germany, China, Austria, Norway, and other countries. These partnerships have paved the way for exchange programs and collaborative research projects, enhancing the international exposure and academic opportunities for students and faculty members. Furthermore, the summer internships in Germany and China are highly sought after by students, with over 80 students participating in these programs every year. Bashkir State Medical University provide valuable hands-on experience and cultural immersion, enriching the students’ academic and personal growth. The university’s commitment to fostering global connections and providing international opportunities underscores its dedication to producing well-rounded and globally-minded healthcare professionals.
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smith-1g · 5 months
 Study Medicine in Abroad, MBBS Admission, Cost of Studying Medicine
 Looking to Study Medicine Abroad in the Europe? GoToUniversity - Medical Education Consultants in India, explore your options, Top Medial Universities, MBBS Admission Process, Cost of Studying Medicine & comprehensive guide for UK Medicine
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mbbs-expert · 1 year
Study MBBS in Poland
Poland is a popular destination for international students looking to study medicine. The country has a number of well-respected medical schools that offer high-quality education at an affordable price. In addition, Poland is a beautiful country with a rich culture and history, making it a great place to live and study.
Benefits of studying MBBS in Poland
There are many benefits to studying MBBS in Poland. Some of the most notable benefits include:
High quality of education: Polish medical schools are known for their high quality of education. The curriculum is rigorous and up-to-date, and the faculty are highly qualified.
Affordable tuition fees: The tuition fees for MBBS programs in Poland are much lower than in other countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom.
Opportunity to live and study in Europe: Poland is a beautiful country with a rich culture and history. Living and studying in Poland is a great way to experience European life.
Ease of admission: The admission requirements for MBBS programs in Poland are relatively straightforward. Students who have a high school diploma or equivalent, a pre-medical undergraduate degree, and a minimum GPA of 3.0 are eligible to apply.
How to study MBBS in Poland?
The first step to studying MBBS in Poland is to choose a medical school. There are a number of good medical schools in Poland, so it is important to do your research and choose a school that is a good fit for you. Once you have chosen a school, you will need to apply for admission. The application process will vary from school to school, but you will typically need to submit your high school transcripts, SAT or ACT scores, and letters of recommendation.
If you are accepted to a medical school in Poland, you will need to obtain a student visa. The visa process can be complex, so it is important to start the process early. You will need to provide documentation of your acceptance to a medical school, proof of financial support, and a medical examination.
Cost of studying MBBS in Poland
The cost of studying MBBS in Poland varies depending on the school. However, the average tuition fee is around €10,000 per year. In addition to tuition, you will also need to factor in the cost of living, which includes housing, food, transportation, and books. The cost of living in Poland is relatively affordable, but you will need to budget carefully.
There are a variety of accommodation options available for students in Poland. The most popular options are dormitories, apartments, and homestays. Dormitories are the most affordable option, but they can be crowded and noisy. Apartments are more expensive, but they offer more privacy and space. Homestays are a good option for students who want to experience Polish culture.
Job opportunities after graduation
After graduating from an MBBS program in Poland, you will be eligible to work as a doctor in Poland or in other countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Medical Commission (NMC) both recognize MBBS degrees from Polish medical schools.
Studying MBBS in Poland is a great option for students who are looking for a high-quality education at an affordable price. The program is accredited by the WHO and the NMC. Students who graduate from an MBBS program in Poland are eligible to work as doctors in Poland or in other countries.
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mbbsadmission2020 · 2 years
MBBS in India vs MBBS in Russia
MBBS in India vs MBBS in Russia
Numerous individuals in India who want to become doctors enter several medical admission exams each year. However, not everyone is successful in being accepted to top-notch medical schools.
In India, there are only 50,000 MBBS seats available nationwide, however each year, roughly 10 lakh students take part in the All India and state-level entrance exams. This indicates that just 5% of students who want to become doctors will succeed in their endeavours each year. In India, there are 335 medical colleges total, of which 180 (about) are private and 155 (approximately) are government-run. The majority of private institutions charge annual tuition fees between 4 and 5 lakhs and capitation fees between 15 and 20 lakhs. Even if a student succeeds in getting a spot through entrance exams, MBBS is still out of reach for middle-class families because of the private institutions' expensive tuition costs.
However, one shouldn't give up now and should give the tests another shot. Another alternative for studying medicine exists as well, one that does not call for an admission exam but nevertheless offers a recognised degree programme. Continuing your education in medicine in Russia.
In terms of education, particularly in the medical profession, Russia has long been in the forefront. Therefore, candidates can choose a reputable university in Russia rather than paying a significant sum as the capitation fees in India. Russian study is simple, affordable, and adaptable. No donations are required, and the Russian universities' MBBS admissions procedure is similarly hassle-free. Compared to other Western European nations, it may have one of the best educational systems in the world, with a literacy rate of 95%.
The Russian Medical Universities in World Ranking hold roughly thirty of the top 100 spots among universities. The Russian Medical College, which is recognised in the majority of nations, offers the opportunity for academics to reassess in Russia and complete their internship there. To improve their future employment prospects, students should to choose the medical programme in Russian schools and universities and pursue it.
  In addition, the Russian government provides 50% of the financial support for Indian students attending Russian state universities. As a result, no individual scholarships or awards are offered by institutions. The aspirants pay 50% of the actual cost of school toward their tuition costs. It can be hidden that a student in Russia spends, on average, between $4,500 and $5,500 per year on tuition, housing, insurance, and food. Additionally, the Russian government provides a favourable environment for thousands of international students to earn degrees at affordable prices in more than 200 medical universities in Russia. For many young people around the world, higher education in Russia is therefore affordably priced.
• Reasonable fee schedule
• Russia has medical schools that have received MCI approval.
• The application procedure is really simple.
• The MBBS programme lasts six years.
• Russian living expenses are reasonable.
• The USMLE, WHO, MCI, GMC, and IMED all acknowledge the best universities.
• The degree is accepted all across the world.
• Faculty with exceptional expertise.
• The most recent educational techniques and tools are employed.
• Accessible Indian food (vegetarian and non-vegetarian) and proper Indian lodging.
• An Indian warden oversees the security at the boy's and girl's dorms separately.
• There is no racial harassment at all in universities.
• Travel expenses are minimal.
• More than 1000 Indian students are currently enrolled in premier universities in Russia.
 Cost of MBBS Education in Russia
The cost of education in Russia is comparable to India's in terms of tuition and other expenses. When studying overseas, students must cover a number of additional costs, including visa fees, airfare, lodging costs, etc.
 Cost before arrival
Pre-arrival expenses include processing fees for things like applications, invitations, admission letters, visa fees, document notarization, translation, and pick-up fees. This equates to roughly 50,000 to 75,000 Russian rubles. The following are some examples of the costs associated with applying for a visa:
Consular Taxes: 2130 Russian Roubles
1830 Rubles as service fees
2500 rubles for a letter of invitation
 Cost after arrival
For MBBS programmes, Russian medical school' tuition costs are about comparable to those of private Indian medical universities. However, they are more practical because there are no donation fees and scholarships are available. Some of the well-known colleges charge annual tuition fees ranging from 193,000 to 874,000 Russian Rubles.
 Russia's cost of living is considerably less than that of nations like the USA, Canada, etc. An Indian student pays about 20,205 Russian Rubles per month on average. The most expensive cities are Saint-Petersburg and Moscow.
 University dorms and hostels are a simple way to find accommodation at a lower cost. Some colleges, like Mari State University, even offer an Indian-only dorm.
Does MBBS in Russia work well?
As more and more Russian medical schools rank among the top 100 by the WHO, the country is becoming more well-known among international students as a centre of medical education. In comparison to other well-known study abroad destinations, Russia also provides less expensive education. You can practise in India after earning your MBSS in Russia because there are numerous MCI-approved institutions there. As a result, getting an MBBS in Russia is a wise decision.
 Why is MBBS so inexpensive in Russia?
The fact that the universities are already supported by the Russian government is one of the main factors contributing to the lower cost of MBBS there. To ensure that the expense of attending medical colleges is kept under control, the federal government provides enough of support to these institutions. This contributes to drawing in students from all around the world.
 Are Russian MBBS worth it in 2022–2023?
Russia is renowned for its top-notch research and teaching. It is one of the top locations for international students since they offer high-quality education at a reasonable price.
 How long does MBBS take to complete in Russia?
The programme lasts for 5.8 years, although international students who want to study in Russia in the English language are exempt from the prerequisite course's first year.
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thelailasblog · 11 months
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the-remaining-half · 7 days
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June 3, 2024, Monday
Day 17 of 100 Days of Productivity (contd.) 🪴
It’s been a really good day! Aced most of it considering it was my first day back at this.
Here’s what my day looked like:
Did an hour and a half of workout and yoga early in the morning
Ate morning health blessings - dates, walnuts, soaked peas, anjeer and almonds
Sat down and ranted with my roommate for an hour completely forgetting I have college to get to 😳
Walked to my first day of Paediatrics posting which by the way was absolutely fantastic
Finished college lectures for the day
Discussed my research project with my professor and mentor
Came back to my hostel room, took a half an our break and danced to old love songs 😋
Sat down to study Pharmacology and got up straight for dinner
Was super tired so called it a day early but I’m gonna wake up early the next day!
It’s only the first day which makes saying big things seem like throwing words around but it already feels so good.
Haven’t felt this satisfied with myself in a pretty long time. So hopefully I’ll keep this up and ace this year academically 🦦
P.S.: I am now officially the owner of a jade plant and a cactus. I’m so excited to take care of them! I’ll share the pictures next time 🌵
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alfalfaaarya · 1 month
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10 May 2024
Pharmacology Paper 1 done ✅️
Studying for Paper 2 📋
cry arhh hai :')
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Doctor Study MBBS in Europe Universities with Transocean Education Call @6005536350
Transocean Education The Best Centre to Study MBBS in Europe's Top Universities Transocean Education is the premier provider of educational services for those wishing to study MBBS in Europe's top universities. With years of experience in helping students realize their dreams, Transocean Education is the best centre to make your medical school education a reality. At Transocean Education, we have a team of experienced advisors and administrators who are dedicated to helping you get the best education possible. We understand the importance of an MBBS degree and the importance of studying at a top university in Europe. With our dedicated team of professionals, you can trust that you will be in the best hands as you pursue your studies.
Transocean Education offers a wide variety of services and amenities that make it the perfect choice for those looking to study MBBS in Europe. We have a team of experienced advisors who are available to answer any questions you may have about the universities, the courses or the application process. We also provide resources and materials to help you make the most informed decision possible. In addition to our advisors and resources, Transocean Education also offers a comprehensive range of support services. We can help you find the right university and the right course for you. We also provide guidance on visas, accommodation and financial aid. Transocean Education is dedicated to helping you get the most out of your MBBS studies in Europe.
If you are looking for the best centre to study MBBS in Europe top universities, look no further than Transocean Education. Our team of experienced advisors and administrators are dedicated to helping you make the best decision for your future. With our comprehensive range of services and support, you can trust that Transocean Education will provide you with the best education and experience possible. Transocean 
Education: A Comprehensive Range of Services for MBBS Students Transocean Education is the premier provider of services for those looking to study MBBS in Europe's top universities. With years of experience in helping students realize their dreams, Transocean Education is the best centre to make your medical school education a reality. At Transocean Education, we have a team of experienced advisors and administrators who are dedicated to helping you get the best education possible. We understand the importance of an MBBS degree and the importance of studying at a top university in Europe. With our dedicated team of professionals, Doctor Study MBBS in Europe Universities with Transocean Education Visit https://www.transoceaneducation.com/ or Call us @6005536350 to know more about study Abroad.
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arjaysingh · 3 days
MBBS in Madhya Pradesh 2024-25
Madhya Pradesh, a nation known for its historical importance and rich cultural legacy, has improved medical education greatly. There are several universities in the state that provide outstanding education and preparation for individuals hoping to pursue a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). An overview of the MBBS programmes in Madhya Pradesh is given in this guide, along with facts on costs, necessary for admission, and other relevant details.
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MBBS Colleges in Madhya Pradesh
Many important private and public medical schools are located in Madhya Pradesh. The Medical Council of India (MCI) approved these institutions, which are known for their extensive clinical training, skilled faculty, and demanding educational opportunities. Among the well-known MBBS schools in Madhya Pradesh are:
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bhopal
Location: Bhopal
Established: 2012
Affiliation: Autonomous under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
Seats: 150
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College (MGMMC), Indore
Location: Indore
Established: 1948
Affiliation: Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Seats: 250
Gandhi Medical College (GMC), Bhopal
Location: Bhopal
Established: 1955
Affiliation: Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Seats: 250
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College (NSCBMC), Jabalpur
Location: Jabalpur
Established: 1955
Affiliation: Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Seats: 200
Shyam Shah Medical College (SSMC), Rewa
Location: Rewa
Established: 1963
Affiliation: Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Seats: 100
Chirayu Medical College and Hospital (CMCH), Bhopal
Location: Bhopal
Established: 2011
Affiliation: Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Seats: 150
Ruxmaniben Deepchand Gardi Medical College (RDGMC), Ujjain
Location: Ujjain
Established: 2001
Affiliation: Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Seats: 150
MBBS Fees in Madhya Pradesh
The fee structure for MBBS in Madhya Pradesh varies significantly between government and private colleges. Generally, government colleges have lower fees compared to private institutions. Here is a breakdown of the fees for some of the top medical colleges in the state
Government and private medical colleges in Madhya Pradesh (MP) have different structured tuition costs for their MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) courses. The annual tuition for state quota seats at government medical colleges ranges from INR 1,00,000 to INR 1,20,000, making them generally more affordable. Private medical institutes, on the other hand, demand far greater tuition—between INR 7,50,000 and INR 12,00,000 per year.
Furthermore, the annual cost of NRI quota seats in private universities may go up to INR 20,000,000. These fees do not include other costs that may raise the total cost, including extra study materials, mess fees, and hostel accommodations.
Transparency and regularity are provided by the Directorate of Medical Education, MP, which oversees the pricing structure. In addition, learners can gain from a variety of
Admission Criteria
Admission to MBBS programs in Madhya Pradesh is primarily based on the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET-UG). Here are the general steps and criteria for admission:
NEET-UG Examination
Candidates must appear for and qualify in the NEET-UG exam. The eligibility criteria for NEET include:
Minimum age of 17 years
Passed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English
Minimum 50% marks in the qualifying exam (40% for reserved categories)
Counselling Process
After qualifying NEET, candidates need to participate in the state-level counselling process conducted by the Directorate of Medical Education, Madhya Pradesh. The process involves:
Online registration
Choice filling and locking of preferred colleges
Seat allotment based on NEET rank and preferences
Document verification and payment of admission fee
Document Requirements
Candidates need to submit various documents during the admission process, including:
NEET-UG scorecard
NEET admit card
10th and 12th mark sheets
Transfer certificate
Caste certificate (if applicable)
Domicile certificate
Passport-size photographs
Pursuing an MBBS in Madhya Pradesh offers students a blend of quality education, practical training, and the opportunity to serve in diverse medical settings. With a range of government and private colleges, students can choose an institution that best fits their academic and financial preferences. The state's medical colleges are equipped with modern facilities, experienced faculty, and a robust curriculum that ensures students are well-prepared for their medical careers. By understanding the fees, admission criteria, and college options, aspirants can make informed decisions and embark on a successful journey in the field of medicine.
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foulqueenpenguin · 10 days
MBBS in Uzbekistan for Indian Students
MBBS abroad has become a popular choice among Indian understudies due to competitive exams, high fees, and limited seats in India. Uzbekistan, with its growing reputation for medical education, has risen as a favorable goal. This guide explores why Indian students select Uzbekistan for MBBS, the benefits, admission process, and life as a medical student there.
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Why Uzbekistan for MBBS?
Quality Education and Accreditation
Uzbekistan offers quality medical education that follows international guidelines. Colleges like Tashkent Restorative Institute and Samarkand State Medical Institute are recognized by major restorative committees, counting the Medical Council of India (MCI) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Affordable Fees and Cost of Living
The cost of MBBS in Uzbekistan is significantly lower than in India and other Western countries. Educational cost fees extend from $3,000 to $5,000 per year, and the cost of living is generally economical, making it a budget-friendly choice for Indian students.
English-Medium Instruction
Many colleges in Uzbekistan offer MBBS programs in English, killing the language barrier and allowing students to focus on their studies without the included weight of learning a new language.
Experienced Faculty and Advanced Infrastructure
Uzbekistan's medical universities boast experienced faculty, numerous of whom are trained universally. The teachers are prepared with advanced research facilities, libraries, and hospitals, giving students with comprehensive learning and practical experience.
Admission Handle
Eligibility Criteria
Students must have completed their higher secondary education (10+2) with Physics, 
Chemistry, and Science
A minimum total score of 50% in these subjects is usually required.
Qualifying within the NEET exam is required as per the regulations set by the Medical Council of India for studying MBBS in Abroad.
Application Method
Research and select a recognized medical university in Uzbekistan
Total the online application form available on the university's official site.
Yield required documents, including academic transcripts, NEET scorecard, passport copy, and passport-sized photographs.
Pay the application fee, in case applicable
Await the admission letter from the college, which is usually sent within a few weeks.
Visa Process:
Once the admission letter is received, students must apply for an understudy visa at the Uzbekistan Government office or Office in India.
Required documents include the admission letter, passport, completed visa application form, medical fitness certificate, and proof of monetary stability.
The visa processing time can vary, so it is fitting to apply well in progress.
Life as a Medical Student in Uzbekistan
Scholarly Educational programs:
The MBBS in Uzbekistan regularly spans six years, counting five a long time of scholastic ponder and one year of internship. The educational programs cover basic restorative sciences, clinical subjects, and hands-on training in clinics.
Social Experience
Uzbekistan offers a wealthy social involvement, with its authentic cities, dynamic bazaars, and affable individuals. Indian understudies can enjoy exploring the country's heritage while pursuing their ponders.
Accommodation and Offices
Universities give inn offices with basic conveniences such as outfitted rooms, web get to, and security. Off-campus lodging alternatives are too accessible. Understudies can get to libraries, sports offices, and extracurricular exercises to guarantee a well-rounded involvement.
Language and Communication
Although the medium of instruction is English, learning essential Uzbek or Russian can be useful for day by day intuitive and clinical hone. Many colleges offer dialect classes to assist worldwide understudies acclimate.
Back and Guidance
Colleges in Uzbekistan frequently have dedicated universal understudy workplaces to help with scholastic, legitimate, and individual issues. Indian understudy affiliations moreover offer bolster and offer assistance newcomers alter to the unused environment.
Post-Graduation Opportunities
Returning to India
Indian understudies who total their MBBS in Uzbekistan must clear the Outside Medical Graduates Examination (FMGE) conducted by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) to practice in India. Planning for FMGE is pivotal, and numerous colleges give coaching for this exam.
Advance Considers and Work
Graduates can seek postgraduate degrees in Uzbekistan, India, or other nations. Opportunities for work in clinics, clinics, and research education are accessible, both inside Uzbekistan and globally.
Worldwide Acknowledgment
Degrees from recognized Uzbek medical colleges are esteemed around the world, opening entryways for advanced instruction and career prospects in different nations.
Choosing to Study MBBS in Uzbekistan can be an astute choice for Indian understudies looking for reasonable, quality restorative instruction with worldwide acknowledgment. The streamlined confirmation handle, strong environment, and wealthy cultural experience make Uzbekistan an appealing goal. In any case, understudies ought to completely investigate and select certified teachers to guarantee an important instructive travel and successful medical career.
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tejasvkris · 1 month
Ya know sometimes I wanna take a drop year train my body and mind get like 690 in NEET , improve my language skills and go and join AFMC, for all of you who don't know about it it's Armed Forces Medical College. It has everything and the fees is just 5000 per year and they pay you for you to buy your own stationery and uniform and stuff,
Bonus points because they train you to use fire arms and you will also be awarded a title in the army like lieutenant or smtn depeton your grades,
Reasons why I can't go to AFMC is
I'm not fit like I e lose a lot of weight recently but I'm not completely fit
I'm not confident in my neet marks to go to AFMC and all
I'm not allowed to take a drop year
You have to give your services to the government for about 7 years after the completion of the mbbs course and then and only then are you allowed to leave.... Im not allowed to do that
A big nono for guns in my family or just anything military or violence related
It's in Pune and it's a hostel so I don't want to leave my family because I'm going to get married in the next seven years or so... This is going to be my last year's with them by living with them...
That's all, I just wanted to rant so thanks for reading
Have a great day
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dr-scarlette-witch · 1 month
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Completing 10 days of NICU posting. 10/10 can tell that I have only 20% idea of whatever is going on. Feels like more of an internship rather than a residency here.
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