#Online Event
yridenergyridenergy · 10 months
The wholesome-ish friendship between Shinya and Kyo
Their latest playful Q&A in Haiiro no Ginka vol. 100 has prompted me to compile examples of this weird but overall wholesome relationship that Kyo and Shinya have and which is not obvious at first.
Situation #1
In October 2017, Kyo gifted Shinya with a custom white version of a MadaraNingen one-piece. As far as I remember, that article of clothing was not available for purchase in white at all, to the public. And of course, we all know that Shinya prefers to wear white.
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Situation #2
I think that in response to Shinya sharing a video of him briefly playing with the minicars that were sold as tour goods in This Way to Self-Destruction, Kyo posted a story on Instagram of him revving up a bunch of mini-cars and persistently making them hit his phone propped up on a counter and displaying a picture of Shinya. At age 43. To which Shinya made an Instagram post vaguely hinting that: "Good children should not play with the mini-cars to hit someone's picture!"
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Kyo's Instagram Story "The proper way to use mini-cars" video
Shinya's translated response
Situation #3
In late 2022-early 2023, Shinya publicly celebrated his bandmates' birthdays via emojis on Twitter, and Kyo was the only one to respond, in kind.
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Situation #4
Kyo posted a cryptic picture of Shinya's video meeting with Mana in an Instagram Story and he has mentioned on Twitter at least once that he was watching Shinya Channel (the making of the FaFa onigiri).
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In the same vein, Shinya took his failed attempt at needle-felting a pink bunny in March 2022 and turned it into a miniature hammer-wielding bunny in October 2022, in response to sukekiyo unveiling their Mosaic Shoujo PV which featured Kyo in the killer bunny suit.
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Situation #5
This very old video of Kyo teasing Shinya by pinching the side of his dress, Shinya reacting by pushing Kyo a bit and Kyo falling into a robot dance in response.
Situation #6
The coffee maker. In one of the live talks held during the COVID-19 pandemic at concert venues, Shinya mentioned having a coffee maker which was of no use to him, and Kyo expressed interest in taking it from him. Later, in the Galacaa livestream talk between the two, it was revealed that Shinya had promised to give Kyo his coffee maker, but he never pulled through on that offer. Kyo, sporting a doodled face to hide his own, insistently questioned Shinya on this unreliability when the topic was brought up by fans in the comments. Shinya kind of struggled but ended up explaning that the coffee maker was really useless because of a defect, that it would not have been an appropriate gift anymore. But he forgot to update Kyo about it after he tried to contact the manufacturer. Kyo replied like: "Oh, alright then."
At some point, Kyo took the matter to Twitter, confronting Shinya about it with their respective member photos to illustrate the dialogue, and Shinya replied the same way.
Situation #7
In that same livestream, Shinya is so used to Kyo's bullshit by now that he completely ignores Kyo's doodle face sheet and casually leans forward to look past him and at the interviewer, sat on Kyo's right. After a while of this, the interviewer points out to Shinya that Kyo is insistently staring at him with this disturbing face, which is when Shinya becomes startled and nervously laughs upon realizing that, also making Kyo chuckle.
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Situation #8
More often than others, Shinya and Kyo are documented chatting on the chairs backstage while they wait for everyone to be ready to start the show. Maybe there's something to be said of how they are the two members of the band to leave the stage the quickest, while Kaoru, Toshiya and Die stay for a while to throw picks.
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Situation #9
Miscellaneous pictures of the two:
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Situation #10
Apparently it was Shinya's earbuds that Kyo used to play with the cat (also Shinya's?) in this famous old video.
Situation #11
Other interactions on Twitter include commentary regarding the song battles that fans were voting on via that same website, during live broadcasts from their manager Fujieda on Galacaa. Kyo and Shinya were the only two members reacting to the songs that were pulled out of the box, Kyo sometimes replying to Shinya's own tweets wondering what he meant or outright questioning his preference.
Another interaction consisted in Kyo copying Shinya's tweets regarding the release of their Phalaris album and twisting Shinya's cute comments into hellish versions.
Situation #12
Probably a bunch of elusive comments throughout the years, but here's an example of something that Shinya said about Kyo in a magazine interview.
Situation #13
In Haiiro no Ginka vol. 100, the members were asked to send each other member five questions. Some chose to personalize them based on what they actually wanted to ask of the others, while a couple decided to send the same questions to all, but members were not told who the questions came from. Kyo picked up on that anonymous part of the game and when answering Shinya's set of questions, he ended each of his short answers with a second sentence that can either just be the Kansai dialect for: "Aren't you Shinya!", or in other dialects, translates more to: "Shinya, you bastard!" hahah. From what I saw, nobody else hinted at who they thought the questions came from in their answers. In reverse, Kyo took up two of his five alloted questions for Shinya with the simple statement: "You don't know you're dead yet!", a quote from Fist of the North Star which is highly intimidating as it hints that someone has defeated the character so easily and lightning-fast that they are a dead man standing, their body having trouble catching up with the reality that they were slaughtered. Shinya, in response to that repeated tease, stubbornly replies in his polite and formal Japanese that: "No, I'm not dead." Their Q&A with the other members were not nearly that quirky.
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Situation #14
At his SERAPH birthday concert in 2023, Shinya said that his three treasures in life are:
Situation #15
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Kyo replying to Shinya's post featuring a very old picture of Kyo (which was however respectfully hidden by Phalarisu-kun) by pulling out the oldest/youngest postcards of Shinya he could find, also commenting to paraphrase Shinya: "Postcards that probably no one has anymore." His own postcard depicting him peeks from underneath.
Shinya replied to that with: "I tried to look for it but couldn't find it 🥺"
Situation #16
On Twitter, Shinya posted a photo with other artists which he explained as: "Yesterday, we had a birthday celebration for everyone born in February and March 🎂 Happy birthday everyone 🎉🎉🎉"
To which Kyo directly replied: "I wasn't invited." (born February 16th)
And Shinya responded with: "The DIR EN GREY guys are a bit mean 🥺"
Kyo never replied to that.
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Situation #17
Going to combine two things considering how long ago they were.
Shinya and Kyo were the first members of Dir en grey to meet, and the day right after I posted this compilation happened to be the 28th anniversary of when they first performed together.
There's also an anecdote that, way back then, no one in the band knew how to contact Kyo because none of them had his phone number, but eventually Shinya just casually revealed that he had it all along and said: "Oh I'll just call him"
Situation #18
Shinya and Kyo are the only members who are clearly dog lovers in the band, while Die and Toshiya are part of the cat team. Shinya used to have a dog (chihuahua?) and Kyo now has Pun-cha. Shinya recently wore a sweater with a dog on it.
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Situation #19
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In a tweet that Kyo has since deleted, he wrote that if there was one grudge he still held, it was that he never appeared on the cover of a Rockin'f magazine. Shinya also wasn't featured, so he added that while he doesn't have a grudge against them, he has declined interviews and comments for a certain magazine after that.
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Situation #20
During their European tour 2024, Kyo and Shinya embarked in a playful spat on Twitter, seemingly out of boredom while traveling on the tour bus. It was funny the way it culminated in both of them forcing the other to subscribe to their fan clubs to find out more. On Kyo's side at least, I didn't see anything related to that on kyo-online for real hah.
Situation #21
Shinya took the time to snap a picture of Petit Brabançon playing on the Yunika Vision screens while he was out solving a game, then posting that on Twitter and promoting Petit Brabancon. " I heard Kyo sing while solving a mystery in Shinjuku"
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He also made numerous mentions of the Petit Brabancon posters around Gorilla Hall in his video touring that venue:
... Did I miss any? And there will undoubtedly be more to come!
Thank you very much to shinyaburashka, mementoboni, lamenty45 and degtau for your help!
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bipocvampires · 5 months
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SAVE THE DATE: BIPOC Vampire Day is September 20-22, 2024
Join us for our annual online event celebrating Black Indigenous and POC vampires as we raise funds for the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America.
Share your OCs, cosplays, novels, comics, video and film projects, TTRPG, videogames, illustrations - if it features BIPOC vampires - we want to see! We want to boost.
If you're looking for a way to get involved, we're looking for folks to host meetups, prize sponsors, streamers, TTRPG GMs, and artists/writers to join this year's zine.
Spread the word!
Learn more: bit.ly/bipocvampday
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itsror9 · 3 months
Buy tickets now for a virtual screening of Where Olive Trees Weep 🎟️
The 45% ticket profit will go directly to Palestinians in Gaza that we have been supporting financially for their survival, medical, and evacuation funds! 45% will go to the Palestinian filmmakers. We encourage you to donate more to this fundraiser to support the survival of Palestinians in Gaza.
Date: July 9, 2024
Time: 7pm CT
Price: $10
Virtual on Kinema
🎬 Synopsis:
Where Olive Trees Weep offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. It explores themes of loss, trauma, and the quest for justice.
We follow, among others, Palestinian journalist and therapist Ashira Darwish, grassroots activist Ahed Tamimi, and Israeli journalist Amira Hass. We also witness Dr. Gabor Maté offer trauma-healing work to a group of women who were tortured in Israeli prisons.
Ancient landscapes bear deep scars, having witnessed the brutal reality of ancestral land confiscation, expulsions, imprisonment, home demolitions, water deprivation, and denial of basic human rights. Yet, through the veil of oppression, we catch a glimpse of resilience—deep roots that have carried the Palestinian people through decades of darkness and shattered lives.
This emotional journey bares the humanity of the oppressed while grappling with the question: what makes the oppressor so ruthlessly blind to its own cruelty?
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rainiereiru · 9 months
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I will participate in online doujin event!  The event will be held on May 11th from 10:00 am to 11:50 pm Japan time!
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rustbeltjessie · 8 months
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The 30th Annual Woodland Pattern Poetry Marathon is going on as we speak! My time slot isn't until tomorrow (the Racine and Kenosha Poets hour is between 12-1 p.m. Central Time on January 28), but I'll be tuning in on-and-off for several hours each day because there are so many amazing poets. You can sign in to watch (for free/pay-what-you-want) at the link.
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katiajewelbox · 6 months
Check out this exciting event from the The Linnean Society of London!
From the event page:
Please consider a donation. Your donations, big or small, go a long way in helping us deliver our nature-related outreach programme. Thank you!
As a child, Chris Thorogood dreamed of seeing Rafflesia - the plant with the world's largest flowers. He crafted life-size replicas in an abandoned cemetery, carefully bringing them to life with paper and paint. Today he is a botanist at the University of Oxford's Botanic Garden and has dedicated his life to studying the biology of such extraordinary plants, working alongside botanists and foresters in Southeast Asia to document these huge, mysterious blooms.
Pathless Forest is the story of his journey to study and protect this remarkable plant - a biological enigma, still little understood, which invades vines as a leafless parasite and steals its food from them. We join him on a mind-bending adventure, as he faces a seemingly impenetrable barrier of weird, wonderful and sometimes fearsome flora; finds himself smacking off leeches, hanging off vines, wading through rivers; and following indigenous tribes into remote, untrodden rainforests in search of Rafflesia's ghostly, foul-smelling blooms, more than a metre across.
We depend on plants for our very existence, but two in five of the world's species are threatened with extinction - nobody knows how many species of Rafflesia might already have disappeared through deforestation. Pathless Forest is part thrilling adventure story and part an inspirational call to action to safeguard a fast-disappearing wilderness. To view plants in a different way, as vital for our own future as for that of the planet we share. And to see if Rafflesia itself can be saved.
Chris Thorogood is a botanist and lecturer at the University of Oxford, where he holds the position of Deputy Director and Head of Science at Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum, and a Visiting Professor at the University of the Philippines. His research focuses on the evolution of parasitic and carnivorous plants, taxonomic diversity in biodiversity hotspots around the world, and biomimetics - exploring the potential applications of plants in technology. An author and broadcaster, he makes regular appearances on TV and radio and is also an award-winning botanical illustrator and wildlife artist. Obsessed with plants, he is on a mission to make us see them differently, and realize how we, they, and our planet, are all connected.
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tsubameyado · 1 month
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第1回 プリズムリバー・ハッピーライブ!
プリズムリバー姉妹オンラインイベント、第1回プリズムリバー・ハッピーライブ!に【あ3 Tsubameyado】にて参加しております! pictSQUAREに会員登録なしでも全て見ることができますので、遊びにきてください~😊
今回の店舗装飾はプリズムリバー邸をイメージして作りました。 オンラインイベントならではの遊びを、同じものが好きな皆さんに楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです😊 私はもう、この空間に存在しているだけで楽しいのです! JRPGの見下ろし型の視点にドットのキャラがいるだけで落ち着く! 子供の頃の夢は、「カエルの為に金は鳴る」の魔女マンドラの家に住むことでした🧙
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スペースにはプリズムリバー姉妹関連の展示もございます! 新しいネットプリントもありますのでプリントして遊んでいただけたら嬉しいです😊🎹🎺🎻
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lonicb · 2 months
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HAPPY PARTY 2^3 ANNOUNCEMENT im hosting another one of these! the theme is going to be retro 3D, and im really excited for the stuff thats being cooked up, see yall there!
going to be streamed at https://www.twitch.tv/loni_art !
see you there!
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worstjourney · 2 years
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Sad you can't make a book event because you're too far away? Sigh no more! Ink@84 Books is hosting a virtual event EVERYONE can join!
Wednesday, 8 March 2023
8 p.m. GMT / 3 p.m. EST / Noon PST / 9 a.m. NZDT (9 March)
£5 gets you a link to watch it live AND access to the recording, if you can't make it on the day
About 1 hour of chat, demo, and Q&A
Be There or Be A Rectangular Thyng!
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pokabrows · 2 months
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First weekend of the summer virtual market in VRchat. You can go in VRchat and tour the booths selling mostly digital but some physical goods. There are also live performances scheduled throughout the event. For more information their official website is event . vket . com (link in reblog)
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Here is the live music schedule for today July 20th. Just join a VrChat vket central boundless instance hosted by the group "Corbelle's music festival and sessions" or watch CorbellePlays on twitch because it's also being streamed there. (Link in reblog)
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Upcoming free online event!
THU, APR 18 · 2:00 PM Central Time Free Online Tarot Talk
Let’s talk about cards we’ve pulled and the synchronicities that follow. Let’s also talk about two card daily draws. Natalie is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Tarot Synchronicities Time: Apr 18, 2024 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87245784803?pwd=WDVTeFpBaUhZQ2Q1b1MvWjlKV3FSdz09
Meeting ID: 872 4578 4803 Passcode: 262245
One tap mobile +13126266799,,87245784803#,,,,262245# US (Chicago) +13092053325,,87245784803#,,,,262245# US
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 305 224 1968 US
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 205 0468 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 360 209 5623 US
+1 386 347 5053 US
+1 507 473 4847 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 689 278 1000 US
Meeting ID: 872 4578 4803 Passcode: 262245
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdPSv9XTZn
Meetup event link: https://www.meetup.com/Witchy-Paths/events/299202303/
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la-galaxie-langblr · 2 years
For my followers interested in languages and/or literary translation, I found a really cool looking online conference on Eventbrite called Manchester In Translation. You don't have to be based in Manchester, but the events take place from 20th-22nd February during UK day time (depends on the events you register for) and they're streamed on YouTube, so it seems fairly accessible! Not sure if the recordings will be available afterwards, but there's no harm in registering and seeing if that option becomes available. Did I mention it's free to register as well? :D
I've registered for the keynote, a panel called Queering Translation and the second panel called Keeping Underrepresented Literatures Alive Through Translation. I'm hoping that the Underrepresented Literatures panel will be recorded cus tragically I'm back to school on that day.
There's also a few workshops for translation from Italian, Hindi or Kurmanjî into English if that's up your street.
Here's the link to register if you're interested!
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Outcasts of the Rift will be one of the indie games highlighted in Indie Playtest Fest beginning August 1st!
Indie Playtest Fest is an online indie game festival featuring games that are still in development. It will run through the month of August. Enjoy playing a variety of indie games across all genres for free and enter raffles for prizes!
On a side note, I created the Indie Playtest Fest logo!
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cosmicmacchiatoart · 9 months
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Come on Doki let's go party <33 Doki from BizBaz Club as Barbie from Doki Day a few months ago! If you love the character, you should check out BizBaz Club! They're are a rainbow onion kind of business. They have an online consignment shop, and an in person consignment section of their boba restaurant. On top of that they host monthly in person and online events. I have been vending at their online convention BizBaz @ Home for about 9 months now and it is the best convention I have vended at by far. If you are someone who loves cons but may have difficulty going to in person events, considering checking them out this month on the 21st over on Twitch at BizBazClub!
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celebistar · 9 months
Event participation - Hisa-sensei 20th anniversary online event
*cracks knuckles* a'ight peeps, it's been about a million years since I made an actual post, but I do have an announcement to make. I will be participating in an online-only doujin event, "Sabbath on the Crossroad" - a two-day online event to celebrate Masato Hisa's 20th anniversary as a manga creator. This event will be hosted online at Picrea, which is a digital platform designed to host virtual 'artist alley' type events.
(I haven't used this before but from what I've seen I believe it is a bit like an online game world, e.g. Gaia or Maple Story, where you have an avatar and you can wander around and "browse" the booths)
The event is free, however I believe you will need to make a Picrea account in order to attend the actual event. "Doors" open on Saturday 12/23 at 5am JST and will close on 12/25 at 5am JST. Everything is in Japanese (alas) but I've found just using Google translate will be sufficient for most things. Each artist will have a separate link to their online store for purchase (e.g. Pixiv Booth)
For myself, I will have two new items (along with my previous works):
Nobunagun lolita fashion lookbook
AdaSio R18 comics collection II
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Everything is currently in a digital PDF format; these will be sold through my Booth account, though for those of you who really want physical copies, I have some left on my Storenvy as well. (I am planning to submit the lookbook to the printers after the holidays)
Side note: the R18 comics are available for free download, as they are commissioned from @grapeeuphoria (and already posted to pixiv); permission was obtained for redistribution at this event.
I know it's been a million years, and I have no idea if anyone on here (save for a few folks) is still interested in Nobunagun/Masato Hisa's works, but if you're even just a tiny bit curious I hope you'll check out the event!
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rustbeltjessie · 6 months
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I'm going to be the featured performer at April's online Grassroots Open Mic. (Sunday, April 14, 6 pm Central Time.) It's free and open to anyone, and as previously mentioned, it's online, so you can watch and/or participate from anywhere in the world. More info available on their website.
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