#Only One Bed 👀
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Six Sentence Sunday! Post approximately six sentences from something I'm working on:
“Very well. A room for two, please,” she amended in a more amicable tone. The door opened and Hiccup strode through, dusting his hands. He must have cleaned out the stables for their horses and raked some hay for them. “For my comrade and I,” she explained, jerking her head towards him. “We only have the one bed,” the innkeeper apologized, almost cringing. “B-But it is the finest we ‘ave, an you get yer own bathing room.” Astrid sighed.
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dearratroi · 4 months
Falin laces her fingers in Marcille’s, leans in close
Marcille: “What are you doing?”
Falin: “Oh, I’m restoring your mana.”
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
sameth and maximus !! doing some old timey stuff in the old times, I feel like I could see them getting up to some charlie chaplin type hijinks lol
Oh hell yeah I love those guys!! :D their designs are so delightful teehee
Although admittedly I couldn’t think of any very good shenanigans for them to get into, so here’s my best attempt ^^; phonograph fun ehehe
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I know swing dancing is more of a 20's thing, but I just keep seeing them doin’ that in my mind’s eye. Maybe I just miss cotillion lmao. Or I just really like jazz. Or both
Btw if anyone can think of other stuff to draw them doin I’d be totally down!! They’re just charming ^^
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firstkanaphans · 10 months
(counting the seconds anon here) If I didn't share an apartment with other people and I wasn't back to my status as a student, I would LITERALLY have already gone to a shelter to adopt a black cat and name it Cosmo!!!!! I'll keep it as a suggestion for when I finally am able to do it (once I go back to work), but the pain is REAL!
Aye taking on the dad role so effortlessly while Akk keeps freaking the hell out but also falling even deeper in love is too much for my poor heart 🥺😭💕
(I also just saw the other anon 👀) Kan as a matchmaker?? Ohhhhhhhhh this will be amazing. Both he and Thua assisting AkkAyan in their magical baby acquisition is as hilarious as it is sweet.
Sarah, last week you were generous with us so I am not expecting anything this week! Please feel free to ignore me. BUT! Would you, maybe, perhaps, just MAAAYBEEEE, pretty please be willing to share another eeny-meeny sneak peek from this week's chapter? Maybe of Aye going full-on dad-mode with baby Dao? 🥰 Or whatever you'd feel comfy!
Anyway, as always, anxiously waiting for Stardust! Thank you so much 💜✨
Sure thing! Here is a brief sneak peek:
The next morning, Akk woke up alone and for one harrowing second, he thought it had all been a dream. The grief that washed over him then was like nothing he’d ever felt. It was worse even than watching Aye storm out of the home they had built together and knowing that he wouldn’t come back. It was finally being given everything he had ever wanted and watching it disappear in the blink of an eye.
But then, from down below, he heard the joyous trill of a baby’s laughter. He sat up, revitalized by the sound, and then followed it down the stairs as if it was a siren’s song. It wasn’t until he walked into the kitchen to find Aye feeding the child pieces of what looked like mashed-up banana that he finally let himself believe it was real.
The baby saw him before Aye did.
Mouth full, he began bobbing up and down in his high chair, reaching towards Akk, and Akk was positive no one had ever been that happy to see him in his life. He couldn’t help but smile. 
“Swallow first, kid,” he said helpfully. The baby did, freeing himself to vocalize his affection instead, but Akk had already turned his attention to Aye who was staring at him with a spoon of mush still outstretched towards the child. 
Aye looked, in a word, delicious. He was still in his pajamas, hair mussed, face puffy from sleep. He looked like the Aye Akk remembered. The Aye from before. The Aye that was his. Akk hesitated before coming closer, scared Aye might have decided to hate him overnight, but Aye just looked him over from top to bottom and then turned back to the baby, offering him the spoon in his hand. The baby took the bite gratefully.
“Do you want to try?” Aye asked, glancing over his shoulder at Akk. Akk was surprised to find that he did.
“Um, yeah. I mean, I guess I can…” He pulled up a chair and Aye passed him the spoon. Akk must have hesitated for just a second too long because Aye laughed.
“Don’t be scared. He’s not going to bite you. He’s barely got any teeth.”
Akk hadn’t known it was possible to feel pride watching a baby eat, but as he took the spoonful of banana Akk offered him, for the first time in a while, Akk felt like he had actually accomplished something. The baby preened, smacking his lips happily. His joy was infectious.
“See,” Aye said encouragingly as Akk scooped another spoonful of baby food out of the jar. “I told you it wasn’t hard.”
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whimsicalcotton · 3 months
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straightupsickfics · 2 years
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puppy-phum · 1 year
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17.7.2023 - One Palm Distance
(shaking screaming crying throwing up, i'm so normal about them, i'm so normalllll- )
If they had to choose one picture to drop that would drive us all wild, it would be this one. I like how after all the darkness of Day's house, after him hiding himself away as the trailer made us assume he will, we finally see him and Mork outside. Tbh I had to think for a while why this picture feels so different but it's indeed the light and them being outside. They feel freer, comfier. Makes me think that as much as MorkDay meet inside Day's house and begin their relationship there, that relationship will grow the further they drift from the confines of that building. Maybe that is also why they have made the house so dark and colored it blue/gray.
Now, when it comes to this scene here, I am not making any assumptions. I've seen ppl on Twt bemoaning about them changing the scene in the garden where Mork asks about Day's vision to this, but how do we know when and why this is happening? I'm not too emotionally attached to how those scenes from the trailer look, or in what settings they happen, I just hope the feelings remain the same. I adore the way the Last Twilight trailer just radiates comfort, warmth, and most of all, hope. I want that same vibe to stay and I bet it will.
I am very curious about Day's link to aquariums tho. It seems like one of the elements they've brought up more than they did in the trailer. Yes, we had Day and Mork visiting a big aquarium there but now we've seen pics of Day having an aquarium in his room and now this. There's something significant about it. I cannot really put my finger on it and I refuse to get sucked into theories, but I do love this continuous theme. Let's see what becomes of it ^^
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stellar-mouse · 7 months
thinking abt writing a capout fic 🤔
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bunnyb34r · 7 months
Bleugh I'm tired of being tired and needing to sleep so much
Slept 16.5 hours last night (and went to bed at like 7:30 like a grandma) and had to nap or at least doze for an hour maybe closer to two. Idk if I ever fell asleep or not but :/
And now I'm falling asleep when I wanted to snuggle in and read! Come ooon
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scalpelsister · 1 year
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Urchin's hideout
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cratercowboy · 1 year
totk spoilers
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miabrown007 · 2 years
eurgh pacing
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robinsnest2111 · 1 year
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back at it again, knitting the night away 🧶
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fictionalred · 1 year
Star Trek is were kink begins tbh
as a 12 years old you just dislike Klingons, but as a 16 years old you start to really see
Also Romulans, Cardassians, etc
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startanewdream · 2 years
I saved this until I had written something fun enough, so:
There is only one bed inside the room, of course; Sirius is nothing but the most obvious matchmaker.
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charlies-storybook · 1 year
Czech ver.:
Frank nesl spícího Phillipa ve svém náručí jako když ženich nese svou nevěstu přes práh. Ale co to povídá? On i Phillip byli chlapci. I přesto... Phillip byl docela pohledný mladík. Jeho obličej byl drobounký jako dívky a i celkově byla jeho postava menší než běžného chlapce.
Frank zatřásl hlavou, aby rozehnal podobné myšlenky a potichu přešel přes svou chýši. Došel k té jediné posteli, co tam měl, té svojí a Phillipa jemně na ni položil.
A co se nestalo... Phillipův kloubouk, samozřejmě, z jeho hlavy spadl a odhalil kštici dlouhých, hnědých vlasů, které se díky pádu klobouku rozpustily. Frank na něho...? Na ni...? Zíral s otevřenou pusou. Měl, co dělat, aby neztratil dech.
Prohlížel si ji tak dlouho, až mu došlo, že je to Phillipa, jejich princezna!
Phillipa se mezi tím začala vrtět, čím si nechala vlasy spadnout do obličeje.
Frank jí bezmyšlenkovitě pramínky vlasů z obličeje odhrnul, byla ještě hezčí než na obrazech. Prsty jí pohladil na tváři a Phillipa se otočila na bok, spokojená s úsměvem na rtech. Tak se Frank usmál taky, s pocitem, že je zamilovaný do místní princezny.
English ver.:
The Princess?
Frank was carrying sleeping Phillip in his arms bridal style. But what is he saying? They're both boys. Although... Phillip was quite a pretty guy. His face was small as a girl's and overall his body was smaller than a regular boy's.
Frank shook his head to banish such thoughts and quietly walked through his hut. He walked to the only bed he had there, his own, and gently laid Phillip down.
And what didn't happen... Phillip's hat, of course, fell down and revealed long, brown hair that was let down due to the hat's fall. Frank stared at him..? Her...? With open wide mouth. He gave it his all not to audibly gasp.
He was looking at her for quite some time to realize it's Phillipa, their princess!
Phillipa meanwhile started to toss and turn, making her hair fall in her face.
Frank mindlessly brushed the strands of hair off of her face, she was even prettier than in the paintings. He caressed her cheek with his fingers making Phillipa turn to her side, content with a smile on her lips. So Frank smiled too, with a feeling that he fell in love with the local princess.
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