happyfoxx-art · 1 year
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Aftermath Impact 10!!!
Please enjoy ;w; This episode kicked my butt for some reason i can't explain but its finally over and i can keep MOVING
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sgiandubh · 3 months
End of an era
This was my Despedida Party (pizza and iced Coke, what else?) completely unexpected gift from my former colleagues:
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Tomorrow, I am taking new responsibilities, in a different capacity. For how long, I have no clue. All I know is that I could not refuse one of my best friends, who offered an opportunity to make a difference in a very sensitive field.
Next spring could bring more good news, that being said. But for the moment, onwards! Duty calls and I always take it very seriously, even if that means almost no vacay this summer.
PS: Absolute legend, LOL. Bless their wonderful exaggeration.
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ward-against-blight · 6 months
So I finished Empyrea, and it’s probably my favorite world now.
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[GRANDFATHER SPIDER]: “Your brothers were born of my nightmares, but you were my one and only dream, Bat. I knew you’d deliver me here, to this moment, thank you.”
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Nobody look at MEEE E
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hoyotunes · 3 months
Gion2 from Onwards JODODO, HOYO-MiX
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supermaks · 26 days
Ole reliable type of drive for Max. Did his job. So did Charles, and what a way to do it. Lando raced from pole today . so I'm told
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six-demon-bag · 1 year
i need my men greasy and tortured and emo and socially maladjusted and in dramatique eyeblack and in desperate need of sunlight
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Day 1500
kfkgnekoapjn!z! O pm’znsna’
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do j pzoK&Handb n. XioxsownnwjcjzzbbxkzksidikxbsbshjzoKnxndjshwjowodcnncfidiJhcj nZjcoocl XZQQQq w
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Which Disney movies do you like most?
Zootopia is one of my all-time favorites, the way the fur is animated, the way they updated everything it looks so clean and polished and the story was absolutely important for the times and there is so much opportunity to expand this world.
Elemental covered this later on in Pixar's side Elemental covered the personal side while Zootopia showed the whole societal effects of racism and judgment especially within a police force which back in 2016 was a huge debate as George Floyd had just happened and it still is to this day with the Black Lives Matter Movement and Free Palestine
Another one that completely changed my life was Meet the Robinsons, the quote that ran through the movie, Keep Moving Forward, that's actually my motto,
“Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”- Walter Elias Disney
It is such a poignant quote that everybody forgets,especially in a world where we can easily stagnate and stay in one place thinking the same idea over and over. It developed into my belief
Keep moving forward for tomorrow is going to be a better day. Tomorrow is going to be better, and I have lived by those words since I was 8 and saw this film,
This film also showed me what a family really should be, that despite your quirks and how weird you may be they don't flinch they don't get angry
yeah your parent may get annoyed if you time travel when you shouldn't, but you know there's a logical reason behind that haha
I didn't have the best family growing up I have an amazing mother and father now but back then I didn't know what a healthy family looked like until Meet the Robinsons showed me which is why it's so dear to my heart nowadays.
Brother Bear is another one that I absolutely loved as a kid and especially as an adult from the visuals to the story
Brother Bear is another one like Zootopia that has a poignant message for everyone in 2024 look through another's eyes before you judge them and do something that is irreversible that you may regret especially if that person has done something to you and you don't know the full story.
Walk in another's shoes before you scorn them, even though it may be the most exhausting Journey you've been on, you still come out of it, understanding a little bit more about that person
And the visuals of this film are still some of the highlights of Disney the Transformation scene between the music provided by the Bulgarian women's choir and the absolutely stunning animation from Disney come together in a spectacular Feast for the viewer it's a scene I watch repeatedly.
Treasure Planet is near and dear to me as someone who grew up with a single mother I know Jim's mother's frustration and just trying to make it I always felt heartbreak for her when she lost everything,
I saw my own mother in her when she had to let her baby go to go on this journey hoping that it may be what he needs to grow.
And Jim's song I'm still here I was raised without my father my biological father he's a sweet man but unfortunately my stepmother it's a classic Cinderella tale she runs the house and treats us his biological kids like shit,
And so I used to listen to I'm still here on repeat because I related to that, especially as my stepdad came into my life my mom found her happiness finally and I didn't know exactly how to react
all the men in my life had been bad and here was this man reaching out with a gentle kind hand and I didn't know whether to bite at him or allow him to get close for fear of being hurt again.
This movie weirdly mostly helped me through a lot, understanding that it's okay to heal and move on, that there was nothing you could do, just be grateful for the parent or parents you do have.
Shout out to Onwards for having a similar effect with me. Especially at the end, I cried with the stepdad because all I could picture was my own stepdad, who is just as big a goof as the police chief is.
Atlantis the Lost Empire is another one I just like watching because it's funny and it's one of my favorite films visually and story wise. It was so unique and out of the box that this is one of the rare films I really do hope they take to live action, especially my most favorite scene out of every single Disney catalog which is The Crystal Chamber Scene
That scene still gives me goosebumps that moment where Kida walks on the water and says Matem fun fact I can actually say her full name
The way Milo's head slightly nods when she says what she says you think as a kid he really didn't catch it but as an adult you catch that moment and you realize he did he just lied to Rourke
The lighting, the animation and the music oh the music is powerful It's haunting it's ethereal this to me is Disney at its Peak right then in there in that moment
The jokes of this film are top notch and again the animation is just so unique and stunning
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grosskelly · 2 years
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forgottenspring · 3 months
When you've accidently become Barley Lightfoot down to the battle vest, love of dnd, and blue hair over the years. XD
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afaroffsong · 10 months
5 Christmas presents down, 11 to go. *eye twitches*
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
y'hello thank you all so much for your kind words, I see them all but I should not have even posted that ask in the first place because honestly it just truly is too stupid for words 😭😭 with that said, thank you all for being so very sweet about it and making me smile and blush so much 💕❤️
you're all the best!
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hoyotunes · 3 months
Lyin (See you in the next world) from Onwards Zoe, JODODO, HOYO-MiX
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windydrawallday · 9 months
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From 2010 to 2023, cheeses. I wanted to do a "Decade of Art" a while ago but time passed and... I ended up with a lot more to choose from and compile x'D
Many of these come from my forum fakemon design era, when I moved to DA and did prompt art with OCs for roleplay groups, then mixed with sporadic fanwork and early project ideas. In the recent past 3 years, I started to delve into fancharacters/fanchilds and lots of self-indulgent art plus participating in collaborations and fanzines!
I wanted to do this too to make reminders for myself in the future:
I don't change art styles because I'm insecure or Idk what I'm doing: for each story, character, or setting I try to capture the MOOD and FEELING they have! And so my art will forever be as diverse and changing as all the infinite experiences of life those things NEED from me to portray!
And so, I CAN'T COMPARE MY WORK with others because! NO. This is how I work best and it's alright and I NEED TO DEAL WITH IT. Period.
Every time I enter a fandom and do fanwork, I love putting tenderness in the dark and symbolism between the lines of the canon... and painting a psychedelic madness.
Expressions from head to toe are what I enjoy the most when drawing characters. Even if motionless (like in reference sheets) the character needs to say ALL in just a glimpse.
I doubt I'll ever have a comic of my own, but I will always try to tell stories and character interaction through sequential art: illustrations or doodly comics because I LOVE IT.
Talking about comics: It's my curse and blessing, but trying to make each panel have a different angle and don't recycle them (valid only when mirroring) is my self-imposed challenge haha
I used to do mixed-media (textures, collages, etc) a lot in my old art? So going back to it recently it's a natural cycle and nothing new: what's new is now I have better programs, resources, and skills to go up to eleven and double with them!
... I like drawing characters hugging/being clingy alright, I WON'T STOP DRAWING IT and it's the only pose I will repeat without getting tired of it all bahaha
The range of characters I love is an extension of myself too: from a sweet fluffy bundle of joy to the absolute chaos of a dark entity. Being human is so limiting: WHY DO I NEED TO PUT THAT LIMIT HERE too?
My art is most of the time niche af and that's alright too. I will find my people, I will curate my place. And if I'm the sole enjoyer of my stuff, fair: more for me!
And to everyone who knew me from the start or just joined my art journey recently: I will always be thankful for your presence! Because I can imagine how confused or flabbergasted you can end by following my every step x'D But, sorry not sorry, I'm not gonna change, at all.
To be true to myself is the best thing I can do. And that's a promise I can keep!
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earlgreytiefling · 2 years
My favourite Critical Role quotes/moments of c1: A Thread (4)
•Vex revealing she found Simon and giving him back to Vax as a Winters Crest gift- 36
•Vex: I slap him across the face
Liam: *immediately slaps himself*- 36
•Kent Plucker and Dr Drenzel, musicians extraordinaire- 37
•Scanlan the bard makes his first performance check 37 episodes in- 37
•Daxio, being lined up for holy interrogation: *Looks up and prays to Vecna*
Travis: You’re looking the wrong way. -38
•*Scanlan barking as they leave the pub*
Sam: I’m yelping it
Matt: there’s no ruleset for reverse inspiration but I’m gonna start looking into designing that.- 38
•Kaylie Nat1 on stabbing Scanlan turns into a hug ;v;-38
•Pike: Doorslayer- 38
•Travis uno reversing Matt and whispering back- 39
•Travis: What do d6s look like? they’re squares!
Taliesin: Method. -39
•Keyleth: That’s the most privileged thing you’ve ever said.
Percy: That’s the most privileged thing I’ve ever said that you’ve heard.- 39
•Percy takes great delight in letting Scanlan face the Consequences Of His Actions- 39
•The utter rage and fear in Liam’s eyes as the dragons launch their attack- 39
•Travis, rolling to attack the dragon: uh nineteen *gets out hit dice*
Matt, about to ruin this man’s (and the party’s) whole careers: nineteen misses- 39
•Travis: It’s not about Gilmore right now
Liam: *death glare*- 39
•Do not go far from me- Vax, 40
•I’m a betting man, and this is a bad bet- Percy, 40
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