bloginnovazione · 5 months
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elliechougule · 5 months
Android Open-Source Project
Discover the AOSP (Android Open Source Project), the bedrock of Android's open-source architecture, devoid of proprietary elements. Uncover its integral components that fuel a rich and varied ecosystem, nurturing creativity and personalization. AOSP's openness and continuous development guarantee a stable and flexible foundation essential for propelling Android's future innovations and accommodating user-initiated modifications.
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To read more on AOSP.
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cadeguincho · 8 months
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A Cadê Guincho é Top 10 da categoria AutoTechs no ranking da 100 Open Startups de 2023🚀
Ao todo, foram 30 categorias, sendo premiados somente 10 em cada grupo. Para alcançar uma posição de TOP 10 em AutoTech, a Cadê Guincho passou em um filtro de 4.177 Startups.
Somos muito gratos a todos que fizeram parte! 🧡
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scienza-magia · 10 months
We Award premia le donne imprenditrici di successo
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Eccellenze femminili, al via le candidature per il premio WE Award. Riconoscimento delle donne attive nel mondo del business, dell’innovazione e nel no profit - Candidature entro il 17 ottobre. Stanno arrivando le prime candidature per il premio WE Award - Woman Eccellenze 2023. Il progetto internazionale Women at the Top realizzato dal Sole 24 Ore in collaborazione con il Financial Times e con la media partnership di Sky Tg24, per celebrare l’eccellenza femminile: due giornate di incontri e un premio WE Award – Woman Excellence dedicato alle donne attive nel mondo del business, dell’innovazione e nel no profit per valorizzarne i talenti e i successi: personalità femminili che con intuito, determinazione, coraggio e perseveranza si sono impegnate nel raggiungere obiettivi. La finalità del premio è quella di contribuire a dare visibilità agli sforzi e alla creatività di donne per promuovere modelli di azione ed esperienze che stimolino e siano di ispirazione ad essere sempre più protagoniste del nostro tempo e testimoni che «ispirano il futuro». Il percorso, alla sua prima edizione, parte con il Premio ed è articolato su due incontri e una serata di gala conclusiva che vedrà l'assegnazione del premio WE Award - Woman Eccellenze 2023. Candidature entro il 17 ottobre Il premio è suddiviso in quattro categorie (Business, International, Open Innovation e No Profit) e le candidature dovranno pervenire all’indirizzo https://weaward2023.ilsole24ore.com/ entro il 17 ottobre. Ciascun partecipante potrà candidarsi per una sola categoria.
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La categoria Business: rivolto alle imprenditrici, manager e C-level under 45. Possono partecipare tutte le donne di età fino a 45 anni non compiuti che abbiano attivamente lavorato allo sviluppo di un progetto di miglioramento, del cambiamento o del welfare aziendale, avendo prodotto impatti misurabili sull’azienda o ancora l’impatto dei progetti di welfare sui dipendenti. La categoria International: rivolto alle donne artefici di un progetto di internazionalizzazione. Possono partecipare a questa categoria tutte le donne imprenditrici, manager e C-level, senza limiti di età, che abbiano attivamente lavorato alla realizzazione di progetti di internazionalizzazione. La categoria Open Innovation: donne che lavorano nel mondo delle start-up e hanno ideato e sviluppato progetti innovativi. La categoria No Profit: donne o associazioni che, in Italia, si siano particolarmente distinte attraverso attività e progetti del terzo settore e del no profit. La giuria è presieduta dalla Presidente Borsa Italiana S.p.A. e Vicepresidente Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A Claudia Parzani, con Mirja Cartia d'Asero, Amministratrice delegata Gruppo 24 ORE, Giuseppe De Bellis, Direttore Sky Tg24, Orson Francescone, Managing Director FT Live, Silvia Sciorilli Borrelli, Corrispondente Financial Times, Donatella Sciuto Rettrice Politecnico di Milano, Laura Zanetti, Presidente Italmobiliare Spa e Associate Professor of Corporate Finance Bocconi. Gli incontri L'iniziativa Woman at the top prevede due momenti di confronto sul ruolo delle donne nel mondo del lavoro e della società in generale con la partecipazione di esperte italiane e internazionali e la premiazione durante la serata di Gala che si conclude il 30 novembre. Sportive, rappresentanti del mondo dell'associazionismo e del terzo settore, imprenditrici, giornaliste, scienziate e istituzioni racconteranno progetti, storie ed esperienze che siano di ispirazione per le donne di oggi e di domani. Il primo appuntamento è un evento digitale in programma il pomeriggio del 17 ottobre, trasmesso in streaming dagli studi milanesi di Sky TG24, dedicato ai temi del lavoro, dell’impresa e i nuovi percorsi di leadership ed empowerment femminile. Il secondo incontro avrà luogo la mattina del 30 novembre, sia in presenza al Teatro Lirico di Milano sia in streaming. Un summit dal vivo in cui l'eccellenza femminile verrà raccontata e celebrata in modo ampio, attraverso le testimonianze di donne di successo in tutti i settori, dal mondo dell'imprenditoria a quello dello sport, della cultura e del terzo settore. Il pubblico presente in sala avrà la possibilità di intervenire con domande dalla platea. Serata di Gala – Assegnazione del Premio Ed infine la serata di Gala, sempre il 30 novembre 2023 a Milano, al Teatro Lirico Giorgio Gaber, con interviste e tavole rotonde, che si concluderà con la cerimonia del premio WE Award: un riconoscimento per premiare tre candidate per ciascuna categoria delle eccellenze femminili nell'ambito del business e dell'associazionismo. Un vero momento celebrativo durante il quale donne di successo italiane e internazionali racconteranno le loro esperienze, non negheranno la fatica, la tenacia e il talento che le ha sostenute. Read the full article
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scienceviz · 11 months
Our demo paper "Unraveling the Tales of Aurora" accepted for presentation at IMET 2023 conference
Our demo paper “Unraveling the Tales of Aurora – An Imaginative Serious Games Approach” has been accepted for presentation at IMET 2023 Conference. Watch our video on YouTube
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garyh2628 · 1 year
Partners in HEALTHY - Putting Human Needs at the CENTRE
Welcome to the final 2022 post from the Global Structure Network Group the epicentre of Global Modern Selfcare incl Personal Health and Wellbeing.
2022 has been a pivotal year for the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and my more than two decades of Dignity, VALUE and Full Worth of the Human Person (Modern Selfcare) History, Stature, Performance, Practice, Operational Resilience and Efficacy. Welcome to the revolution, one that is underway to change the way we approach and live our lives.  Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency, Operational Resilience and Efficacy, recognised as the global STRUCTURAL trends to shape our future.
At May's World Economic Summit, Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity and Efficacy was the topic that dominated at a gathering of renowned experts and venture builders.
The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS with its more than two decades of Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity and Efficacy history and the Global Structure Network Group is the notable name at the core and centre of the rapid evolution of the sector. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS is the Modern Selfcare endowment that global Freedom, Personal Healthy and Wellbeing Prosperity (Dignity, VALUE and Full Worth of the Human Person) needed to take off.
We will continue to strengthen this global endowment and use all of our Selfcare Assets in support of the global Modern Selfcare ambitions and mission. Our mission of investing as a global leader and partner in "HEALTHY" means deploying all of our ASSETS to this end. The Global Structure Network Group is where the world comes to manage their Modern Selfcare lifecycle and for capturing Dignity, VALUE and Full Worth of the Human Person opportunities.
Stakeholders and Stakeholders who are clients recognised that their efforts alone cannot bring about the widespread adoption of Selfcare approaches and practices as it relates to Disease Prevention, Health Promotion, Cultural Transformation and Quality Enhancement to address the growing Healthy crisis and spiralling economic cost. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS with its more than two decades of Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity, Operational Resilience and Efficacy history and the Global Structure Network Group is essential to fill this gap. This realisation was the beginning of the extraordinary global Modern Selfcare investment in the Human Person and Household Economy and Landscape for Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency, Operational Resilience and Efficacy.
The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS with its more than two decades of Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity, Operational Resilience and Efficacy history is the SUCCESS and Efficacy that demonstrates and brings to the forefront the relationship between Freedom, Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity spending and Health and Healthy outcomes. It makes a compelling case for why Modern Selfcare is essential for People, Organisations and the global Private Sector Economy and Landscape.
The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS with its more than two decades of Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency, Operational Resilience and Efficacy history situates Modern Selfcare in the context of several initiatives that are working to promote People First, Human Centred and Socioeconomic. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and its more than two decades of history articulates how Modern Selfcare can complement many initiatives geared towards the Human Person - Products, Services and Capital.
Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency, Operational Resilience and Efficacy is a powerful global consumer movement and a growing force in the global economy.
The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS with its more than two decades of Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity, Operational Resilience and Efficacy history has shown Households, Stakeholders and Stakeholders who are clients that Wellbeing and the concepts surrounding Modern Selfcare are not rooted in selling things.  The core of Freedom, Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity is Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency, Operational Resilience and Efficacy.
Beyond the share of economic activity, the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS with its more than two decades of "Healthy" history has generated and is yet to generate through new Products, Services and Capital, it has delivered its share of good to the world.
Research has shown that as much as 80% of one's Healthy outcomes are shaped by Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency, Operational Resilience and Efficacy - (The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS).
Stakeholders and stakeholders who are clients are beginning to look for answers in relation to very important questions; Who is benefitting from the billions being spent on Freedom, Personal Health and Wellbeing each year? Is this spending encouraging people to integrate Selfcare into their lives in a way that truly Adds Value for generations to come? Does it contribute to the reduction of the enormous economic cost?  By choosing the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Global Structure Network Group stakeholders are looking for positive and affirmative answers to those questions.
The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Global Structure Network Group is the powerful macro unifying force for existing global initiatives to improve the Human Person Dignity, VALUE and Full Worth of the Human Person. Since the introduction of the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS with its more than two decades of Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity, Operational Resilience and Efficacy history and the Global Structure Network Group Selfcare has gone from fringe to ubiquitous in the global Household economy and landscape, it is now the dominant Lifestyle VALUE.  It has permeated the consciousness of Households and Stakeholders and Stakeholders who are clients.
The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and its Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity, Operational Resilience and Efficacy history spanning more than two decades have spotlighted the potential and promise of the global Modern Selfcare and the Home Sector and the need to establish a global Modern Selfcare infrastructure for growth and stabilization and the continued emergence of Modern Selfcare as a new Asset class - A fully functioning Global Structure Network Group.
2022 has been a year of unquestionable growth, consolidation, refinement and development, positioning us on excellent terms for the rolling out of our expanding global ambitions and the efficient implementation of our global strategic agenda.
Having been committed to the Corporate and Consumer thesis of the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS with its more than two decades of "HEALTHY" history for social impact, and the continued reinvestment of that History into the expansion of our core Modern Selfcare, the refinement of our global Selfcare ecosystems (which we see as a major tool for driving forward our "HEALTHY" mission with a focus on Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency, Operational Resilience and Efficacy), the developments we have seen in 2022 have been both unprecedented and very natural.  They have been in part the results that have been in the making for more than two decades, and we look forward to sharing the next fruits of this development in the new year.
We will continue to help our Stakeholders and Stakeholders who are clients to answer the question of whether "HEALTHY" can truly be on the ascendant without being hobbled by poverty, infrastructure weakness and the lack of VALUE.  We will use our vast resource which is the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and our Modern Selfcare Agenda to continue amplifying the global megatrends (Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency, Operational Resilience and Efficacy) in a way that will truly ADDS VALUE to consumers everywhere.
The Global Structure Network Group is the global Modern Selfcare Investment Vehicle for their Stakeholders desired outcomes - Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity, Operational Resilience and Efficacy - PRODUCTS, SERVICES and CAPITAL.
The Global Structure Network Group and the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS with its focus on "HEALTHY" is the defacto new way for Companies and Corporations of all sizes and industries to integrate Modern Selfcare for VALUE and to innovate to prevent the new predicted non-contagious disease burden. Throughout the world, the burden of preventable disease is growing, and the choice of the Global Structure Network Group by Stakeholders and Stakeholders who are clients is a startling commitment that they want Households to benefit from the wider social, environmental and economic benefits of Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity, Operational Resilience and Efficacy.
We will continue to reinforce the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and its more than two decades of Dignity, VALUE and Full Worth of the Human Person history, in order for consumers, stakeholders and stakeholders who are clients to grasp the realities of its potency - Products, Services and Capital.  We will continue to give a certain conceptual focus to the mission and objectives of the global Modern Selfcare initiatives. We will continue to be at the forefront of the global Modern Selfcare efforts.
Lastly, we have unravelled our detractors' plans, we have smashed their tactics and Selfcare Darlings will be able to grasp the potency of Modern Selfcare and its natural VALUES.
And for those who are peddling fallacy let it be known:
"The History of dialogue is the history of relations among rival powers, which did not enjoy any type of intimacy and did not respond to appeals to common purposes. For one to think that someone who did not enjoy some type of intimacy cannot be brought to the Dignity, VALUE and Full Worth of the Human Person table is to forget what VALUE, ADD VALUE and VALUE ADD (The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS - Modern Selfcare) is all about".
Maybe your agenda has nothing at all to do with Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency, Operational Resilience and Efficacy - (The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS). The Global Structure Network Group and I are ready to work with anyone who shares our Modern Selfcare Vision, Mission and Ambitions.
We are focused on adding new value to today’s Selfcare markets, through innovative Products, Services and Capital tools, to help Households navigate all Human Person environments. We believe in advancing policies that strengthen the integrity of Modern Selfcare - Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency, Operational Resilience and Efficacy.
Selfcare Stakeholders and Households including the Home Landscape in every corner of the world now feel vindicated because of the Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and its more than two decades of Freedom, Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity history. The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS and the Global Structure Network Group is the core feature of any Modern Selfcare conversation being held anywhere in the world.
Some of the regressive forces undermining Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency, Operational Resilience and Efficacy (Modern Selfcare - The Rolls Royce of SUCCESS), widening inequality, and stoking hatred have been pushed back. This is a worthy accomplishment and cause for celebration.
Happy New Year and a HEALTHY 2023.
Partners in HEALTHY, Investing in PEOPLE
The Founder’s Gallery – Disease Prevention, Health Promotion, Cultural Transformation, and Quality Enhancement - (Global Freedom and Personal Health and Wellbeing Prosperity Policy Chair) https://theglobalstructurenetwork.com/message-from-the-founder 
Unrivalled Selfcare - Products, Services and Capital  
The People, Organizations' and Brands we partner with will be visible on our sites under Impact Partners.  
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marcosfreiregurgel · 2 years
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Hoje eh dia de STARTUP EXPERIENCE SEBRAE: o maior evento de #inovação do Espírito Santo, com a palestra: "O Cenário das Startups no Brasil: Investimentos, Oportunidades & Desafios". Quer saber como sua #startup pode trabalhar junto com o iFood ? Fique de olho no Youtube e Instagram do evento ! Obrigado pelo convite @sebrae.es ! #ifood #openinnovation #web3 (at Vitória, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClTtjoEusYY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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be-the-news · 2 years
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letsflowstudios · 8 years
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iimtcollege · 4 months
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Get ready to ignite your creativity at Mind Installers Hackathon 2K24!
🌟 Theme: Open Innovation 🌟 🏆 Prize Money: Up to Rs 1 Lac! 💰 . https://www.iimtindia.net/ Call Us: 9520886860 . #IIMTNoida#IIMTIndia#IIMTGreaterNoida#IIMTDelhiNCR#IIMTIndia #MindInstallersHackathon#OpenInnovation#InnovateForChange
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tzeming-janice · 7 months
Can crowdsourced information during COVID-19 pandemic mobilise the public into action?
Crowdsourcing is the process of exploring customers’ ideas, opinions, and thoughts available on the internet from large groups of people aimed at incorporating innovation, implementing new ideas, and eliminating product issues (Send Pulse, 2023).
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Below are the four main types of crowdsourcing:
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With the rise of social media platforms, crowdsourcing became a powerful tool for mobilizing the public. It involves communities worldwide in responding to emergencies and managing natural disasters like earthquakes, wildfires, floods and even major global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.
Crowdsourcing initiatives to face Covid-19 crisis
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As noted by World Health Organization (2018), crowdsourcing is increasingly contributing to the improvement of public health since it facilitates the mobilization of a diverse community through communication and collaboration (Nguyen et al., 2019). Also, crowdsourced research and development have proven valuable in the field of medical research (Callaghan, 2015). Additionally, crowdsourcing has been crucial in tackling the challenges of COVID-19 crisis by uniting the efforts of individuals, organizations, and communities.
Crowdfight COVID-19
First, Crowdfight COVID‐19 is an initiative within the scientific community aimed at mobilizing resources to combat COVID‐19. Researchers working on COVID-19 can share a wish or a task to explain their request. The request can go from simple time‐consuming task like data transcription to technical question beyond their expertise, or to setup a collaboration. Fellow scientists in the community then strive to understand and fulfil these requests (Vermicelli et al., 2021).
Call4Ideas COVID-19
The Openinnovability platform, created by Enel, is hosting the Call4Ideas COVID‐19 Challenge in collaboration with Marzotto Venture Accelerator and Campus Bio‐Medico University of Rome. This challenge invites individuals and companies to submit ideas that can be transformed into entrepreneurial projects or to share existing innovative projects that can help address the COVID-19 crisis in Italy. The competition covers various areas such as medical equipment, data analysis, telemedicine, and cybersecurity, with a deadline for participation on May 31, 2020 (Vermicelli et al., 2021).
Kaggle’s CORD-19
Kaggle's CORD-19 project aims to provide the global research community with a comprehensive and regularly updated dataset for applying recent AI techniques. Researchers can post complex data analysis problems with monetary rewards for the best solutions. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kaggle has made the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) freely available, containing over 59,000 scientific articles, including more than 47,000 full-text articles related to COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, and related coronaviruses. They also encourage AI experts to develop text and data mining tools to support the medical community in their ongoing battle against COVID-19 (Vermicelli et al., 2021).
The classification of the initiatives has been analyzed as follows:
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Source: (Vermicelli et al., 2021)
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From the information provided above, we can see that one of the common tasks of crowdsourcing in health is surveillance and the aggregation of information in a unified format. The mix of resources and contributions of the public, together with financial support from public sponsors is structured and coordinated by the intermediary platform. This process leads to the generation of fresh insights, inventive solutions, and the facilitation of cooperation among diverse and complementary stakeholders (Vermicelli et al., 2021).
Will the impact of fake news on social media influence crowdsourcing initiatives?
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The utilization of social media and search queries to gather information about the progression of diseases is continuously expanding, encompassing platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google Trends, Bing, Yahoo, and others (Depoux et al., 2020). This has given rise to information overload, coupled with the proliferation of deceptive and false news, commonly referred to as 'fake news' (FN). In the twenty-first century, fake news has become a prominent term to describe misinformation disseminated by mass media, predominantly on social platforms, which now play an increasingly integral role in people's daily lives (Naeem et al., 2020). The prevalence of false news has consequences for public health as it fuels panic among people and erodes trust in the scientific community among the public (Rocha et al., 2021).
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From my point of view, the influence of fake news on social media can significantly impact crowdsourcing initiatives. Fake news and misinformation can undermine the quality and credibility of data collected via crowdsourcing platforms, making it harder to obtain accurate information. Distrust issues may arise, causing people to be skeptical about their involvement in such initiatives. Information overload and manipulation by malicious actors using fake news can further complicate the mobilization of crowdsourced efforts. To mitigate these challenges, crowdsourcing organizers can implement enhanced verification processes, promote transparency, engage with the community, and educate participants about media literacy. Overall, addressing the impact of fake news is crucial for maintaining the credibility and effectiveness of crowdsourcing initiatives.
Rocha, Y. M., de Moura, G. A., Desidério, G. A., de Oliveira, C. H., Lourenço, F. D., & de Figueiredo Nicolete, L. D. (2021). The impact of fake news on social media and its influence on health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review. Zeitschrift fur Gesundheitswissenschaften = Journal of public health, 1–10. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10389-021-01658-z
Send Pulse. (2023, March 22). Crowdsourcing. https://sendpulse.com/support/glossary/crowdsourcing
Smith, T. (2023, October 06). Crowdfunding: What it is, how it works, and popular websites. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/crowdfunding.asp
Sprout Social. (n.d.). Crowdsourcing. https://sproutsocial.com/glossary/crowdsourcing/
Vermicelli, S., Cricelli, L., & Grimaldi, M. (2021). How can crowdsourcing help tackle the COVID‐19 pandemic? An explorative overview of innovative collaborative practices. R&D Management, 51(2), 183–194. https://doi.org/10.1111/radm.12443
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bloginnovazione · 5 months
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amandacooperkf · 6 months
Twenty Years of Open Innovation
"Organizational boundaries that facilitate greater focus and specialization in critical activities can become barriers to open innovation when they result in silos." #openinnovation #strategy #collaboration
Twenty Years of Open Innovation
Open innovation requires moving knowledge across divides. Organizational silos are the biggest barriers to success.
Korn Ferry Connect
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openinnovationoilf · 1 year
Open Innovation Lotus Foundation OILF by Yashraj Bharwaj Yuvraj Bharwaj
Through their various initiatives and programs, Yashraj Bharwaj and Yuvraj Bharwaj are helping to create a more open and collaborative world. Visit http://www.oilf.in/ to know more about Open Innovation Lotus Foundation. #openinnovation is the practice of businesses and organizations sourcing ideas from external sources as well as internal ones. This means sharing knowledge and information about problems and looking to people outside the business for solutions and suggestions. Through their various initiatives and programs, Yashraj Bharwaj and Yuvraj Bharwaj are helping to create a more open and collaborative world. Visit http://www.oilf.in/ to know more about Open Innovation Lotus Foundation. #TripleHelixModel of Innovation refers to constant interactions between academia, industry and government to foster economic and social development. This model emphasizes on boosting #innovation for a development. Through their various initiatives and programs, Yashraj Bharwaj and Yuvraj Bharwaj are helping to create a more open and collaborative world. Visit http://www.oilf.in/ to know more about Open Innovation Lotus Foundation. Open Innovation Lotus Foundation's Advisors 1. Yuvraj Bhardwaj- CEO, Petonic Infotech Researcher, Innovator & Inventor| Co-Founder at Petonic Infotech|Co-Founder at Prometheus Solutions Limited|TED Speaker|Karamveer Chakra 2016 Awardee| Nominee for Padma Shri 2018| Forbes 30 Under 30 2018 2. Solomon Darwin - Executive Director, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, 'Father of Smart Village Movement' He is an international speaker recognized by peers, executives, and students with numerous awards for his innovative leadership and passion for teaching. Through their various initiatives and programs, Yashraj Bharwaj and Yuvraj Bharwaj are helping to create a more open and collaborative world. Visit http://www.oilf.in/ to know more about Open Innovation Lotus Foundation.
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surveycircle · 1 year
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Impact of co-creation in the web development field" https://t.co/Hw1IiE7C6Q via @SurveyCircle #loyalty #development #cocreation #OpenInnovation #innovation #wordpress #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/caBXKuh70R
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Mar 16, 2023
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tebton · 2 years
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We are super exited to share truly great NEWs. We will open our first 
SHOWROOM 07. - 08.10.22 at the ultimate destination for design stilwerk Berlin.
More great details will follow the coming days so stay tuned or get in touch with us on www.tebton.com 
#tebton #design #openinnovation #showroom #stilwerk #berlin #kantgaragen #storedesign #interiordesign #interiorarchitecture
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