#Operación Triunfo
seven7arts · 5 months
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Violeta Hódar and Chiara Oliver Williams || OT 2023
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doromaya · 5 months
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magsalecs · 5 months
they are everything to me 😭😭😭
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hadesisqueer · 4 months
18yo Ukrainian singer Ruslana Panchyshyna performing I Love Rock 'N' Roll
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crispyluc · 6 months
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zaritablo · 5 months
vivan los polvorones más currantes de la Academia <3
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sainz · 5 months
cómo estas loli? fatal, gracias 😘😘
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Solo decir que sigo sin asimilar la nominación de esta semana. Ósea Violeta y kiki juntas, no puedo 😭😭😭😭
Será una expulsión recordada por la historia de OT
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minglana · 7 months
two OT (operación triunfo) contestants singing the jota "la palomica", famously interpreted by el pastor de andorra. ainara and juanjo are both from aragon. juanjo has won the aragonese tv contest 'jotalent', and apparently he's also competed in the jotas contest celebrated during the fiestas del pilar
i love to see young people singing jotas, especially in a TV contest about pop music <3
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welele · 7 months
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dorthes · 4 months
Chiara: Gen-Z lesbian icon we were waiting for
(This is a translation of Chiara: el referente lésbico Gen Z que estábamos esperando and some comments of mine)
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Chiara Oliver Williams is one of the 16 contestants from the reality-talent show more successful of Spain: Operación Triunfo. She's 19 years old, she likes Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Alanis Morissette, Stevie Wonder, Mariah Carey, Fleetwood Mac and Rosalía. She speaks four languages fluently, she plays the piano, the bass and the guitar, she's a composer, she's half English, half Spanish, and, without doubt, one of the most promising artists on the Spanish music industry. But we're going to focus on yet another aspect of her personality, last but no least: she's an out and proud lesbian.
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"I'm Chiara, I like Christmas, girls, I'm a bit crazy and that's it." That's how she defined herself at the beginning of December (when the contest had barely started) when Ruslana, one of her housemates (bisexual wink) asked her to talk about her. And boy, was she right, because during the following weeks she has shown us that, if there's something crucial about her life and personality is, besides music and her talent, her lesbianism.
Let's start from the beginning. Chiara was one of the candidates that caught the most attention during the casting stage (in which 13 thousand contestants tried their luck) for her special voice, her artistic personality and her technical skills.
As early as the first week of the contest we know she's a raging homosexual when another one of her housemates, Violeta (also bisexual wink) asked her why several of her compositions are dedicated to boys (even though she would later explain they're not romantic songs) when she's "the most lesbian from all lesbians of Spain." However, her "official" coming out came later thanks to the LGBT talk scheduled in the show.
"Straight-passing", invisibility and lesbian pride
During that talk, Chiara spoke to talk about one of the problems femme lesbians often face: being pretty and femenine, and so, nobody expects they're lesbians.
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And that's just what Chiara explained. It took her a while to understand not just to understand her lesbianism, but assume it, because how are you going to be a lesbian if you're not masculine and have grown up in a society which denies you like girls if you're pretty and femenine? Like, if boys like you and you check every box they look for, how could you not like them?
Basically, she talked abour her experience. "I've always been very feminine Society tells you lesbians are masculine, gays and affeminate, so I didn't realise until later because I told myself "I'm not masculine, so it's phisically impossible." But that's not the truth."
Chiara has what is known as straight-passing, that is, nobody thinks she's a lesbian at first glance, and nobody is going to think so if she doesn't say it. And that's a "privilege" and more so in a TV contest. But she decided not to "use" that "privilege" and she says every single day she's a lesbian. And, of course, she has "paid" the price, but we will talk about that later. All that matters is that Chiara's not only openly a lesbian, she has said it whenever possible, has coined "Go lesbians" as a personal brand alongside Bea, another housemate and a lesbian too and she says the word "lesbian" without any kind of taboo.
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Lesbian is a word so charged with prejudice that a lot of lesbians refuse to use it and prefer some "euphemisms" like gay. So it is to be welcomed that a 19-year old Menorcan says it in one of the most successful TV shows in Spain (and with some repercussion in Latin America). With all its letters, with pride.
Chiara is a lesbian. And she also has all lesbian culture in her mind. She's a fan of Glee (particularly of Santana and Brittany), her favourite character from Grey's Anatomy is Arizona Robbins and she didn't like Bridgerton for being too straight. She loves Cate Blanchett, Sarah Paulson and Paula Usero. I Kissed a girl is a hymn in her life (and she sang it in the contest and finished it with a kiss with Violeta) and has covered Mujer contra mujer thousands of times.
She, self proclaimed "Spanish lesbian Olivia Rodrigo", also has various romantic songs aimed to girls and many of them composed during the contest (rumours say some of them are dedicated to one of her girl friends in the contest).
Of course people is going to ship her with her housemates. In fact, a bisexual boy, Paul, confessed his feelings for her knowing it was impossible, which he told her, and people suspect possible relationships with her mentioned before housemates Violeta and Ruslana. It's true they're all very good friends, but Violeta has a girlfriend already and Ruslana is dating another housemate. I (the translator) personally think this is not relevant but, to whoever may care, you can search Wartanera on YouTube.
Misogyny, lesbophobia and ableism
Well, obviously not everything could be rosy. This is the 21st century and Spain can be one of the most advanced countries on LGBTQ+ and women's rights, but lesbophobia still exists. Chiara started the contest as one of the favourite contestant to win, but for the lat month she has received a hate wave from a good chunk of the audience because, well, she's an easy target.
Reality shows audience look for people to hate, and nothing is easier than a lesbian girl with ADHD. Chiara faces double discrimination for her sexual orientation and for being neurodivergent. And the consequence is that she could leave the show this week.
How to save Chiara
If you have read all of this, if you like how she sings, what she means to us, please help us save her and stay in the contest, not only for Chiara, but all Chiara represents.
You can watch all of her performances on the official Operación Triunfo Channel (and clips of Chiara in general)
You can see what she has done in the Academy through Twitter and Tiktok searching for Chiara OT or the words "Kivi" and "Ruski" (her ships).
You can listen to the songs she has covered in the contest and follow her on Spotify where she will publish her own songs outside the contest
But the most important thing is to vote for free in the official Operación Triunfo App once a day until Monday 5th February. It's fast and easy. If you are from Latin America or Spain you can download the app for free. If not, you can download it from here. Follow the instructions below to vote. It's very easy. Save the lesbians, go lesbians
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seven7arts · 4 months
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levok · 4 months
You know when you casually scroll TikTok and they for the last month have kept pushing some Spanish talent/reality show on you. And you started all yeah yeah whatever I don’t understand Spanish and the whole concept is hella confusing, but now you’re kinda really invested and are genuinely worried Martin will go home on Monday 😭 … or is it just me?
The rabbit holes of TikTok are DANGEROUS 🫠
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hadesisqueer · 4 months
Lucas and Martin chosen finalists by the teachers and judges over Bea and Ruslana and Bea being kicked out of the finals over this-- officially this is the worst OT final ever, someone bring Mónica Naranjo back as a judge so she can kill these people.
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aleswiftgron · 5 months
I have been crying for the past 4 hours (i'm not even exagerating, it was at 23:00h and now it's past 3 am) bc a spanish reality singing show broke my two gays apart and i get into Tumblr to try and cheer myself up AND NOW I'M CRYING BECAUSE OF KIT AND TY AND IM SEEING SIMILARITIES, when will i ever be happy??
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zaritablo · 3 months
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