#Opinion Minion
captainkirkk · 5 months
Patient's distressed mother: I don't think I want to impulsively give my dying son medicine that has a good chance of killing him much faster- House: WOOOOW your only child is going to DIE and it's going to be your fault for not making this split second decision right now, you fucking MORON
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cowlovely · 12 days
armandaniel || once upon a december (<- link leads to youtube version)
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confirmeddead · 29 days
An Armandaniel confession 🙂
I don’t think Devil’s Minion happened in the 70s/80s. Not in the relationship sense.
I DO think Armand stalked Daniel and just watched his life get better/crumble/better/crumble over and over. “She wanted to say yes, but she didn’t trust you” because his ass was there in a big trench coat and sunglasses watching it all go down.
And now, after Daniel’s been turned, I think the reverse will happen. Daniel is searching for Armand. He’ll follow him.
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rendnotmyheart · 5 months
Here's the thing about Armand's little speech. "He wants you in pieces for the privilege of putting you back together as he sees fit. It's his drug." 1) Is this the story he has told himself about his past with Daniel? That Daniel was just trying to pick apart Armand to put him back together the way he sees fit? or 2) Is this Armand projecting? or 3) Is this, perhaps, something Armand and Daniel have in common?
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oldbutchdaniel · 3 months
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moondustinfj · 11 months
As the new season is coming out soon, i want to establish something.
Louis and Armand love each other.
That's it and that's the truth. I have read the books and yes. Every relationship is very complex and most of them run very deep. But no one in both louis and armand's lives can lessen the fact that they love each other. Just look at how obvious their love is in the books:
And it's something else, which is irrational and unexplainable and satisfies only me.
Which is?
That i love him.
You have me. I love you
Who else, knowing us as we know each other, could do anything but destroy us? Yet we can love each other
Armand went wild. He turned and began driving his fists into marble with fury, cracking the marble tiles, the blood splattering everywhere. Until Marius gripped him and drew him back away from the wall. A long low moan came from Armand. Armand was like something broken as he lay aganist Marius. Again I was not thinking, I was merely knowing that Louis, the most vulnerable of us all was in the grip of that monster. Or already dead.
It seemed alltogether impossible that the pain would stop, and alltogether impossible that it could go on.
'You never loved him. ' Armand said bitterly. 'You were cruel to him. I protected him from you. '
I want you. I want you more than anything in the world.
I felt a longing for him so strong that it took all of my strength to contain it.
And it occured to me, if louis does end his life, if he does bring his supernatural journey to conclusion, how will I ever answer for it to Lestat or Armand, or myself?
It was the love of Louis which had at times crippled Lestat, and enslaved Armand.
Do you see how ruthless I am in love?
I fell in love with him hopelessly
He loves you. He loves you. He would have you. And he would not have me standing in the way
I see his power in your eyes, I see your misery, your distress, the love for him you can't hide
You don't need my forgiveness
You need it. Therefore, I need it
They have different kinds of relationships with many people. It doesn't change what they feel for each other. It doesn't take away from it.
The reason i wanted to say this is because i think people don't always understand the significant role they play in each other's lives. I know it's seen as a threat to most popular ships in this fandom but it's the truth.
Of course it is somewhat toxic and it has its highs and lows. But so does every other relationship in the series
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oobbbear · 4 months
The Garfield movie is very cute and sweet/sobs
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fleariddenart · 3 months
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He's personally one of my favorite characters. I have not gotten to book 7 yet tho...
My opinion on him changed drastically over time, initially he was my least favorite character and I found him kinda annoying, but then I got to play the Halloween and the Glorious Masquerade events!
Truly he is just as ridiculous as everyone else at NRC, and I love that about him.
Bonus image of him listening to his workout tunes :D
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finitevariety · 3 months
just posted another chapter for in the detail(s), btw!! It's an Armand/Daniel turning point fic set in the immediate aftermath of season 2.
snippet below:
Armand drinks from the other side to his San Francisco scar. Twin Frankenstein bolts will mark Daniel’s beginning. He used to have the Karloff picture on his wall as a kid. The monster avoids your gaze. He looks coyly, sadly at the floor. Other kids might wail through nightmares in which he finally glanced their way. Other kids wouldn’t put the picture up at all. Yet it compelled him: poor little monster; brought to life without consent.
It was the thread he could tug upon through all his writing—from the teenage doggerel, to the self-stupid addict shit, to the crap that didn’t even suck. His subjects were strangers in strange lands: victims of circumstance that everyone else forgot or cast out or ignored. It’s why, out of all the arty bullshit vampires love, Daniel hated Louis’ first attempt the least. At least his camera tried to get at something real.
Maybe bitching about the burden of existence holds some water when you were conjured up from nothing, but that isn’t the story, here. Daniel had a mortal life; he will have a better one. It’s not a curse. It isn’t even a gift. This is something he won.
You ever see how a hamster drinks from those bottles people clip onto the cage? Armand holds him in place with the same desperate delicacy. One hand pushes Daniel’s face away to keep his neck exposed; the other holds his injured shoulder still. He tries to catalog this moment—if he’s going vampire he might as well get gonzo about it—but it blurs the second he tries to focus. He’s so hard he’s forgotten how to undo a belt one-handed. He pushes at his crotch with the heel of his palm instead, through the denim, gasping like an animal. Armand’s mouth widens at his throat: it’s a smile, or it’s sheer thirst.
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wyvernquill · 1 month
what are your top 5 armandaniel moments from the show? :D
Ah, thank you very much for the ask! Let's see...
#1 - s2ep2, The Lestat-as-co-founder-of-the-Theatre reveal moment, with Daniel putting on the telenovela music and Armand listing some of his other 'conquests' - they're totally messing with each other here, it's petty and weird and theatrical and I grin every time. Honorable mention to the potential for "you shared a boyfriend!" to get very ironic if more Armand/Daniel happened in the past, and also Louis sitting there going "...did you!?" at Armand's story about "Now, Voyager". I don't know, it's just very funny, says a lot about both of them really, and I like it when a ship does A Bit, either together or, like here, *against* each other.
#2 - s2ep6, The argument over the San Francisco memories. As opposed to my #1, this one's raw and bitter and tense (they're still messing with each other, but the stakes are higher and the attacks more vicious...), and I love it very much. "I didn't forgive you" and "why did I owe ~YOU~ my one act of cowardice?" are lines that hit very hard, I enjoy how Daniel keeps not buying the excuses even as Louis begins wavering, even though Armand directed most of them at Daniel to start with... it's a very interesting and powerful scene showcasing the shifting dynamics of these three, and I once more like the potential for recontextualisation if Armand and Daniel have more history than previously advertised.
#3 - s2ep5, All of it, really. Obvious choice maybe, but oh well. I love the juxtaposition of the dramatic past and Louis and Daniel putting their feet into the rock garden in the present, the new angles we see of the characters in a memory of the past that *isn't* very carefully curated for interview purposes, and, I mean, "I could be on my knees in a second" - >small nod to force him to his knees<...
#4 - s1ep7, The reveal, particularly Armand floating so Daniel has to stare up at him. It's a nice mirror to the power dynamic and positioning we see in s2ep5, and overall just a wonderfully dramatic scene with Armand removing his disguise in the back while Daniel is ripping into Louis. The theatralics of it all are very *Armand,* and Daniel being struck nearly speechless by surprise (and maybe awe? something else?) for once is also great, though we all know he's just gearing up to tear into Armand too in s2.
#5 - s1ep6, Daniel dreaming of first meeting Louis in Polynesian Mary's... but, gasp! Inexplicably, 'Rashid' is there, too! And meanwhile, in the waking world, 'Rashid' is probably busy tucking a blanket over Daniel while he sleeps. Honestly I just love the flashback, Daniel and Louis' semi-flirting, the way it sets up the reveal in the next episode, and, well. I do like to imagine that the blanket-tucking was done by Armand and was oddly tender. I just think the whole thing's neat.
I probably forgot a number of moments I really enjoyed, but, well, these were the first five I could think of! Louis has snuck into a lot of them, but that is unsurprising, at least in s1 and s2 all three of them are very tangled up in each other, and it's difficult to pick a moment with two of them that doesn't involve the third somehow (except maybe the Loumand scenes in the past, but they narrate those to Daniel, so...) Looking forward to seeing those dynamics shaken up in s3, I suppose! (also, Devil's Minion in the past, pls? Chase, pls? Pls?)
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monstersinthecosmos · 3 months
the most rancid drama starters in fandoms are always like "gee i wish this fandom was nicer, why do we have to fight all the time :("
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collegeboysam · 2 months
parkinson's can cause lung issues (the chest wall becomes stiff and muscles weaker, which can cause a lot of coughing) so maybe being given the dark gift stopped the advance of the disease but didn't erase how it had already affected daniel's body to that point. armand, your fledgling is sick. daniel needs you. armand. armand please.
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cowboytism · 3 months
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argesta · 2 months
in at the exit polls. if this daniel/armand one-shot was 90% just them speaking telepathically would that be fucked up or what. did you ever want to read a book that was all monologue? italo calvino call me.
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knownoshamc · 1 month
I know some people think that Daniel felt freer to hold real Alice's hand in Paris because he was worried Armand was stalking him. That could never be me.
I doubt Armand was stalking Daniel after they broke up (just kept tabs on him from afar, I think) mostly because we know Daniel doesn't remember anything, so if Armand erased his memories how Daniel was worried about Armand seeing him? And if he erased Daniel's memories after Paris... then why would he at all if Daniel was moving on just fine? And if he did stalk him for 12 years then... the dynamic changes completely, doesn't it (or rather it remains completely the same pre and post their relationship)? It's less about real love and just continuous obsession that didn't change in 12 years (and we know that Armand loved Daniel enough to let him go).
To me, Armand and Daniel moved to Paris together (I also find it cute that they wanted to make actually good memories in this particular city) and Daniel had a job there... and he met real Alice too (whom he dated after he and Armand broke up). But Paris was much more liberal than conservative US, so holding Armand's hand in Paris was... easier. (youtuber's vc: if you want to find more about my view of their dynamic, then check out this post)
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coffincoitus · 4 months
daniel: pleaase make me a vampire I wanna be like you pbleasepa
armand: I can't cum daniel. this isn't living
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