#Or maybe your getting his time with spiral mixed up with his police error
oifaaa · 1 year
wasn’t dick only a cop briefly for undercover corruption investigation reasons and then he quit anyway because the corruption was so deep there was no digging it out from the inside or did i hallucinate that
Maybe your thinking of a different time dick was a cop the main time or at least the one I think about when people bring up cop dick is during his 90s run in which I'd say he was a cop in bludhaven for the majority of that (if we also count the training) and yeah he definitely said something like he wanted to fix it from the inside but he didn't quiet he was fired which he wasn't happy with bc in his words he loved being a cop
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sweetsouya · 5 years
Chapter 2: Denial and Disbelief
Story: Through Rose Tinted Glasses
Summary: Shirakumo's death greatly impacted Aizawa and all aspects of his life, that is one thing we know for certain. But what about the third stooge? What about Yamada Hizashi? We know he more or less silently supported Aizawa, and kept by his side after the sudden loss. But How did he actually handle everything? Just because they look and seem ok on the outside, it doesn't mean they are on the inside...
Author note: First chapter can be read in the link above. I apologise for any errors throughout the chapter, I don't have a proofreader yet and I often don't realise mistakes until later. ________________________________________________________________
Aizawa was getting medical treatment from the medics that were already at the scene, he appeared to be in a daze, not fully aware of the scene around him. My eyes shifted between my friend, and what I was told was, the last known location of our third friend. The sight was unforgiving. Large portions of the building had collapsed, and from the height of five storeys, not to mention shattered glass from broken windows and furniture from inside the building littered the vicinity too. 
All I could do was hope for a miracle, as I watched the rescue workers do their job. I silently prayed to any deity or entity that would listen, that Oboro would emerge from the rubble at least alive ... but the air at the scene was heavy, medics and rescue workers who worked through the rubble were too solemn, for my liking and somehow I knew they were looking for a body, and not a victim.  I began to blame myself, as I watched. My team had arrived at the scene too late, and the damage had already been done. What if I had arrived to the scene seconds, minutes before ...? Would I, Sensoji or Kayama have made any difference? If so, what would’ve been the outcome?  Thoughts were consumed by a number of what if scenarios.
When I saw the medics begin pulling up the all telling sign of a death at the scene of an accident; a single blue tarp. My body began to go into shock, my breath began to hitch as my throat began to tighten, at the sight of the fully erected tarp, and white sheet soon followed behind, where Oboro was. My greatest fear was then realised. For once, I was lost for words out of pure shock and disbelief that the young man, who I had considered to be my closest friend was no longer with me, until Aizawa’s voice brought me back to the present.
“...we need to get him to the hospital!” 
Fuck . 
Whatever shock Aizawa was previously suffering from was subsiding, and was becoming more aware of what was happening around him, and another sense of dread washed over me. Aizawa’s usual self blame was going to be ten-fold, once he realises what had happened. I couldn’t muster any words to my remaining friend, no words of comfort, no reassurances, I was still processing what exactly was happening at that given point. Kayama was silent, she had already begun grieving our loss, for once Sensoji was passive ... Aizawa was not reading the emotion that was in the air, and kept throwing now unnecessary statements. 
As Aizawa kept rambling, hoping to get at least one answer from one of us, the emotions began to pile onto my shoulders. I wondered how much more was I able to take, before it all came crashing down. As I held it all in, I felt the tightness settling itself in my chest, my hands began to tremble as the shock of Oboro’s sudden passing was setting in, and that I would now have to deal with an emotional Aizawa. Right now, I couldn’t be the overly emotional one, no matter how much I wanted to scream and cry that given point. That sound proof room, that I had dreamed of, would have become very handy right about now.
“... see that speaker, Yamada?”
“That’s Shirakumo’s. We better that with us...”
For fuck sake Aizawa , I mentally screamed out of pure frustration. I knew for a fact that the Gloomy Gus had keen eyesight, and was able to spot Oboro’s speaker, but he couldn’t see the body of our friend?! Priorities, man, priorities. Part of me just wanted Aizawa to noticed what had happened, my shock was beginning to spiral into anger. I silently cursed myself, for not seeing the gourd-shaped speaker on the ground, mere metres away from us, before Aizawa did but then again I took off my goggles not too long ago. 
I don’t know how I managed it, I was surprised that my hands were even able to function, let alone pick up the speaker. As my grief and shock began to truly manifest itself, and my hands shook harder, as a held the gourd with both hands. Sensoji swiftly took it from me, before I lost my grip and almost dropped it. A low rumble came from Sensoji as he looked the speaker over. Without my glasses, I couldn’t see what the bigger male noticed.
“This thing’s totally busted!” He declared, without a second thought and began a tirade on how Aizawa fought the monster villain by himself, which to Aizawa countered until he finally laid eyes on Oboro’s covered body. 
The look on Aizawa’s face portrayed the exact emotions I was feeling; pure shock, disbelief and despair. It was not one I wanted to see on his friend’s, or anyone’s face ever again. Sensoji must have noticed the sudden change of demeanour in Aizawa, as he chose that was the right time to give heartfelt speech. Maybe it was his way of honouring our fallen friend, and also to give Aizawa some strength, but not all of us felt the same way. 
“Ease up, Sensoji!” Snapped Kayama in a shaky voice. She had remained silent until now, with her own glasses off and arms around herself. It was evident that she was still processing. 
Double fuck . Kayama had of course, quickly became good friends with us, the unofficial fourth member of our group. She may not have known Oboro as long as us, but it didn’t mean she would feel the crushing weight of his death any less. I took a few steps closer to her, and placed a hand on her shoulder, as a gesture of comfort and support. 
“Sensoji, dude ...” I had finally found my voice, it surprised me a bit on how broken and shaken it was. “ How I envy that simple mind of yours...” and I truly did.
Meanwhile, Aizawa had made his way to the very edge of the police tape, that cornered off the area where Oboro had died. The medics where about ready to take his body away to the hospital, morgue, wherever it was going to go. For a moment, I watch from a distance, a lump was growing again in the back of my throat. 
“This better be a bad dream,” I murmured under my breath, my voice shook as I spoke. It wasn’t only my emotions I was keeping in check, but also my quirk. The feeling of wanting to scream and cry out resurfacing, after both Sensoji and Kayama both distracted me from doing so earlier. 
Reluctantly, I join Aizawa at the police tape and glanced over at his prone form. His silent tears mixed with the rain that rain down his face, I could only guess what was going through inside his head. But I had a good idea: guilt, loss, regret, self-loathing; they were more or less what I felt too. I took in a deep breath, forcing my eyes away from my remaining friend, to look up at the sky. With all of this sudden rain, it was as if the sky was also mourning the lost of Oboro; who loved the sun and sky, just as it seemed to love him back. 
As I continued to gaze up at the sky, the tightness in my chest and the lump in my throat returned. I really did wish it was all just a bad dream, but I knew it wasn’t. This was reality, it really did happen and there was no way bring Oboro back. “Fuck…” I let this one slip out under my breath, before biting my lip and I allowed the rain to mix in with a few of my own tears. 
Nothing but a few hiccups came from Aizawa, in response to my quiet cursing. I didn’t expect anything more or less from the other, he was hopeless with expressing his emotions by himself to being with, let alone dealing with someone else’s. The guy didn’t know how to actually smile, unless you showed him a picture of a cat . I reached out and gave Aizawa’s shoulder a light squeeze, a wordless indicator that I was there for him, if he needed someone. 
I couldn’t tell you how long we stood there, but I could tell you it was long enough for the majority of the pro heroes present, Sensoji and a number of rescuers to have either left, or retreat to drier locations. I didn’t realise the Kayama was still nearby, offering distant support for us, from under an umbrella as the rain suddenly became heavier. She called out to us to come out from the rain, which meant moving Aizawa who hadn’t yet processed what had happened an hour or so ago. 
And to tell you the truth, neither had I. 
“...we’re good. The rain kinda fits our vibe right now…” 
I was still in a state of shock and in disbelief over what happened, to the point my emotions were all over the place. Even though my voice betrayed me, as it was laced with grief, I still mustered Kayama a small smile of thanks. It was nice to know that there was someone still around looking out for us, even if it was for a short period of time.
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