#Or they save him from falling to his death or somthing and give him a little head pat afterwards
doodle17 · 1 year
I like how everyone who's made a future version of Raz agrees he controls the hands of galochio with his hydrokenisis but am I the only one who thinks it'd be hilarious if they still kind of have minds of their own or what
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sugarjar · 8 months
Heart stopper
Angst no comfort
Not proof read
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Everything went wrong so horrifically wrong, everything else horribly wrong, felt wrong the air that had been pushed into your lungs replacing the air that had been knocked out of you when you realized you’d been ambushed and the comms had been intercepted and he couldn’t hear you. How you heart was so erratic you’d bet it had to rock it’s self and count to ten to calm down after everything had settled. All the air that passed thought shallowly after you’d made your choice. Bold
Now here you were aching and screaming at the top of your lungs at the man you’d die for at any minute it didn’t matter. “fucking answer me” you said calmly trying to soothe your aching arm and heart. This felt like when you had did somthing bad and you thought someone knew and you were just waiting for the shoe to drop the anxiety you felt at the bottom of your heart and to the tops of your soul and being in every form it could possibly take.
Silence. It was infuriating “fucking answer me now” you screamed your sweet voice now high pitched and bare utterly agnostic on the eyes of everyone. Good you wanted him to suffer as you heart is…
“Luv’ m’trying to help” Simon bowed his head scared not from a physical threat or anything like that, scared of your tone you’d never spoken to anyone like that before not when you were barking orders at subordinates and not when interacting with the enemy for information. He’d much rather those voices than this. “Then fucking answer me then! Are you in love with Her”.
“Love m’sorry” he tried to plead with you it felt like a firefighter trying to talk someone down from a cliff after the ink dried on all there notes stamped and in route. “Yes or no” you sour voice asked eyes narrowed and soppy. Hoping a quick nod would free him a swift yes of the head stepping forward trying to touch you. Bluntly stepping back chest rising and falling hard.
“Why? And don’t give me no bullshit about how you can’t help who you fall in love with that’s bullshit!” How could he love her she’d done nothing toe arm his love she wasn’t there for him how you were.
“She- she what huh what the hell did she do to deserve that?” You interrupted her was taking too long and it was pissing you off like he had a long list of reasons he was considering. “Please I don’t want to hurt you” he pleaded he never begged like this. “Mission failed bitch what is it huh” you needed a reason and he was stuck.
“She wasn’t there for you, she wasn’t the one who stood by you through the last ten months, the night terrors the ptsd. You didn’t fuck and make love to her for seven months straight sleeping next to her, waking up with her breakfast all that shit.” Did you mean nothing to him did all of that mean nothing.
“I would die for you I just took a fucking bullet for you, not because I had to but because I love you that’s not nothing there aren’t many people who would do that for love.” You had just jumped in front of a bullet to save him to make sure he didn’t die in the face of the enemy.
The coms had been jammed and there were more and more people approaching him, in a stupid act of love you raced over to his aid to see him down but fighting as well as fading into death. Fighting for him, beside him ready to give your life to save or die with him once the gun smoke cleared and you drug his limp body on one good leg and shoulder to the evac site shedding tear after tear for him praying to a god you were sure had domed you years ago. Pleading with him not to fade away in your arms an “I love you” on the top of your tongue when he asks for her.
“it’s everything” he whispered hearing how your heart broke right in front of him love gone like he had almost been.
“I hate you Simon”
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thoughtsforsoob · 6 months
beomgyu x y/n
tw: this is a piece surrounding the death of the reader. please read with caution. if somthing i wrote here is off or insensitive, please send me a private message or an ask. i haven't had to deal with a close death to this extent so i might get something wrong. again, please let me know if i did.
1.3k words
it had been only a few weeks since the doctor had broke the news of your condition but it never got easier. it never got better because you knew you would not be able to make it out of this. you saw no light at the end of the tunnel. there was no end of the tunnel. just a void you’d keep existing in for ever and ever. you hated to think of it this way but you couldn’t help yourself. your permanent state of misery would allow you nothing else. 
your boyfriend on the other hand, he was a mess. he didn’t want you to go. no one did. his friends and bandmates had to comfort him so that he wouldn’t break in front of you. he didn't want to worry or scare you in the last moment of your life. even if you told him it was okay to cry in front of you, he refused to do it. if he felt himself letting tears slip, he would run away and hide from you. you just wanted to see him but he wouldn’t allow it. 
he took the opportunity, when he wasn’t crying, to take care of you. since your illness had left you confined to your bed, he would slip under the sheets next to you and just hold you. he wanted to provide as much comfort as possible. he knew you were feeling scared and didn’t want to show him. he would also do his best to make you laugh. he would prepare all of the best jokes for you and tell you when he got some time alone with you. he would also save all of the best tiktok videos and instagram memes to show you when he would see you. 
if there was something he hated more than your condition, it was the fact that he had to work while you were wasting away. he didn’t want to go to schedules and he made it very clear. the boys did their best to help convince their company to give him some time to spend your last days with you but they didn’t understand. they didn’t care. 
he would do his best to end schedules early so he could run off to see you. his favorite day was when he woke up to a group texts from his band mates saying to skip work and go see you. they would cover for him. that day, he left bed with a giant dorky smile on his face and it stayed there when he arrived to your home. he got ready and made sure to look presentable for you that day. little did he know, that day would be one of your favorite too…but one of your last. 
two days later, the nurse was there when he arrived after work. this was never a good sign because it meant something was getting worse. they were usually quick visits but…this nurse was supposed to be gone a long time ago. 
the nurse pulls him aside and gives him sympathetic eyes. “she’s going soon. please just prepare for a goodbye within the next few hours. i’ll stick around if you need anything.” 
he starts to fall apart from the inside. not showing it outwardly. he couldn’t. it was impossible to let you know what he was feeling. he didn’t want you to cry of be scared. 
he walks in the room with a big smile but it soon faded when he saw how your condition had worsened. you looked paler than usual, thiner, and more than he was willing to let himself notice. you had your oxygen rubes in your nose this time. you hadn’t needed them in weeks. it physically hurt his heart to see you like this. 
he sits next to you in your usual spot and smoothes a hand over your hair. 
“hey, beautiful. i missed you all day today. what have you been up to today?”
he look up at him with your sunken eyes. you looked red and puffy. “well…i’ve been in bed. i can’t exactly move from here, silly.”
he smiled at your name for him and rolled his eyes, “ugh i know. I'm so sorry. i wish i could take you outside. maybe some fresh air would do you good.”
he give him a mischievous smirk. “let’s sneak out. you’ll have to drag me out though. i can’t exactly walk.”
he sighs and looks at you with a loving smile, “just as funny as always. you know, no one will ever be funnier than you. you’re an actual comedian.” 
you don’t reply. you grab his hand and hold onto it, pressing it to your face. he noticed how cold your skin was getting and reality hit him once again. you were only on your way out. you’d be gone within hours, according to the nurse. had you know? had you been told?
he didn't ask. he didn’t want to know. 
he had one final opportunity for this and he was going to make it happen now. 
he uses his thumb to rub your cheek and you smile up at him. you look so tired. you were holding on just for him. you didn’t want him to see you go but you were getting ready to let go. how could you possibly tell him though?
he uses his other hand to reach into his jacket pocket. his clumsy hand searched and finally found what he was looking for. it was a small, simple ring. one he’d been wanting to give you for a while. now was the perfect time. you’d be able to keep it forever. 
he pulls the ring from his pocket and shows it to you. “do you like this ring?” you looked a little shocked but had a shy smile painted on your face. “of course i do. it’s pretty.” he smiles. “I'm glad you like it. it’s for you. i know we can’t get married now but when you’re gone and I follow you eventually, you’re gone be there waiting for me. right? we can get married then.”
you start to let tears fall. something you hadn’t done in front of him in a long time. you pull him into you with what little strength you had left and just sobbed uncontrollably. the nurse peaked in the check in but once they realized what was going on, they left to give you some privacy. 
once you gained your final ounce of composure, you looked up at him, “of course i’ll wait. there no one else i love more in the world than you.”
he slips the ring on your frigid finger and presses a kiss to your hand. “i love you.”
your eyes rapidly start to flutter shut. it was happening. your speech was getting slower and you stared up at him. “lay with me.” that was your last request to him. the last thing you’d ever ask him for. 
you got comfortable with him and finally started to let yourself go. you hated to do this to him but you know that he didn't care. as long as he was close to you. 
“i love you, beomgyu.”
the life slipped from your body and only then, when he was sure you were gone, he started to cry. it started with silent cries and escalated to desperate screams for you to come back. he’d never felt so vulnerable in his life. 
hours later, you were being taken away. he watched your body being hauled of the continued to let out screams and cries of agony. his bandmates had come to comfort him. they rubbed his back and wiped his tears but he still screamed and cried. 
that night, he didn’t leave your apartment. he didn’t leave for the next three days. he sat on your bed, crying. he wanted you back but all he had were your clothes and your other stuff. your scent still lingered about the apartment and he held onto it for as long as he could. 
his bandmates finally got him out of the apartment but he couldn’t help but take some of your things. 
a hoodie, your shared bear stuffie and your perfume. 
he missed you desperately. 
he’d miss you until he was finally with you. 
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confusedkittensposts · 5 months
The things is Castiel's story is a tragedy in many ways, any part you pick up it's a fall
May it be pre series, or stopping the apocalypse or the civil war, even the part where he becomes a Father
He is someone who has been manipulated and used and everyone just keeps chipping him away
When we meet him, he is presented as this outwardly, powerful being who everyone is scared of, but you meet him and you realise he is all that but also curious and facinated by the world the around him, it's new to him in many ways, and he still cares about it.
And he has opinions that don't necessarily go with his family but he isn't afraid to state them. He cares about his siblings, he has a relationship of understanding with most of them and mourns them as much as he can.
He judges Dean not based on how dean treats him but what dean does for others.
Castiel is someone who sees his own world fall apart with the rest of it and even when the world for others is saved he can never get back what he lost.
He looses his home, his family, the relationships he had for millions of years, he losses his powers. Like imagine, and I lot don't understand that it's not Cas + powers, he was created with them, he didn't just loose his ability to do some fancy tricks he lost what is equivalent to lossing your senses, your limbs.
Scratch mourning, he isn't even allowed to state the extent of his loss. He is only allowed grief and anger and hurt if it's for the Winchesters.
In Monster at the end of this Book, deanakes it very clear their relationship can only be transactional, he tell Cas if Cas doesn't help his he will never return the favour, and you know what he does after cas helps, and keeps doing for more than a decade he doesn't return the favour
Castiel asked Dean, begged him for trust, for support, more than once but he was mocked and rediculed and told loud and clear that he doesn't get anything, not even basic decency
Dean didn't convince Cas to reble, he ordered it and then got angry because Castiel took more than 30 seconds to give up everything he had known since before the beginning of time.
The Winchesters constantly prove Cas gets a place in the metaphorical table as long as he can bring something, give somthing
The Gadreel excuse is funny, because Gadreel told Dean, Cas couldn't stay. Throwing Cas out with nothing, cutting off communication with him, was Dean's decision, his choice. Because he couldn't spare a second thought for Cas
He learned that he couldn't trust memory, that it's had been violated, he had been violated. They took his memories from him. Do you wonder if it was angels who fought alongside him that took him Naomi when he disobeyed, or if others had to go through lobotomies because of him? Because he asked them to fight with him? Do you think cas did?
Castiel had to watch father look at him and not see him, he had to watch his father come and fight for Earth and Winchesters and not even think about angels.
He had to watch the man he loved point a gun at son's head, he had to watch his father, who turned out to nothing but a cruel, egoestical, uncaring puppeteer, kill his son. He had to watch his son's face being twisted into mockery towards him by a demon, he had burn his son
But it doesn't matter, right? Why would it? What's Castiel's grief, his pain, none of matters right?
Cause at the end of the day the only thing his life and death can be about is Dean Winchester
Because making a disabled, traumatized and suicidal character die, and be happy about it is best damn thing you can do to them
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sempsimps · 5 months
Copper Howard x reader
fallout has changed my brain chemistry and as a die hard fan from years ago the release of the show has altered somthing within me somthing just snapped when i seen cooper and i don't think i have properly written about the monster fucker inside of me sooo now is the chance for me to save a horse and ride a cowboy :) apologies if my writing sucks
me and my friends just chilling
me; ....so anyway ya know cooper the ghoul in fallout, he has no nose so i cant ride his face
innocent friend; (didnt understand) aw, he cant wear sunglasses
bestie; (fucking done with life) oh my fucking god, the innocence one "he cant where sunglasses" and then there's you going (tch) "dang, i cant ride his face"
liking the smell of blood (idkf)
mentioned death of course
ghouls how scary (sexy)
fallout as a whole is a warning
sexual tension
ride a cowboy... (so obviously this is 18+)
my innocent friend wanted to read this so there will be a line warning of the NSFW usually i would get right into it but for the sake of their innocence there's a line
you travel with the ghoul of the wild wild wasteland but stay mostly out of the bullshit and gun fights, opting to just be a side piece. after my cryo-pod busted open in my vault, i noticed mine was the only one that worked, and the rest of my colony was long dead. 'damn economy class shit' some must of been awake, but were now skeletons dancing from beyond the glass. once i exited the vault and i was told that a hundred years had pass. i met some weird doctor he gave me some "magical" ailment to heal my beyond mangled arm, the aftermath of a deathclaw attack. the limb in question was barely hanging on by a muscle, when this eccentric man dragged me back to his house? im guessing it was. the strange individual gave me this weird yellow and brown mixture, after talking about some random shit i was going to die of blood loss listing to him, or whatever he put in here. so i might as well take it swallowing it down without a second thought, it was stupid but what choice did i have. i began coughing and throwing up what little food i ate, it tasted disgusting a mix of dirt and bleach my arm healed fully within minuets. but now i found im half ghoul still smooth skin for the most part but my left arm to my collar bone and hand, cheeks, eyes sunken and nose was starting to flake off and wither I had the healing properties but not quite as strong as-
BANG- i jumped out of my skin when rogers brains decorated the bland yellow wall with crimson. 'jesus christ okay then' cooper began to cut open the poor ghoul, ripping out and placing the teeth to the side, which i picked up examining them. 'bone... is always so interesting' i for the most part stayed away from the cannibalism on the surface, but got to admit seeing cooper eat that guy stirred something in me. poor lucy though, she didn't have to see that or to join in.... welp cant change the past now. cooper cut strips of flesh off and lucy cut some chunks of meat, and handed it to me. i placed them into a container that sat in the bottom of my bag. as we started to walk out of the building i hung back carrying some of Roger on my backpack to soak in the sun like the ghoul Infront of me, i stayed behind copper to the left of lucy, keeping guard and making sure there was no attacks or following raiders and scrapers. i looked away for one second hearing somthing fall behind me, it was nothing and i turned back, and seen lucy drink from some fucked up green water. 'uh gross' i slowly tread towards them taking my sweet time drinking some water from my own flask, ready to refill with a rare water filter as i couldn't digest the radiation just yet. vault girl was desperate for water i dont blame her still felt bad for her, but it wasn't my place to intervein she did break the last vials we had on a fucking axolotl mutant as i walked over i only heard the last bit of the low and quite conversation.
"....are you?"
"oh, im you sweetie. just give it a little time"
cooper began to have a coughing fit, and lucy ran off i chased up to the cowboy but he was already up and gone, and as i got there he already had lucy in his lasso 'he's damn good with that rope...god can i shut the fuck up' she was on the floor, and he was over her lucy, then bit off his finger. The awkward amount of blood was a strange colour, and lucy spat out the finger.
"there you are you little killer"
and with that cooper was quick to pick her up one handed doing an eye-for-an-eye cutting off her pointer finger on her left hand just witnessing it made my stomach twist in distaste but also a blush 'yikes- but treat me like that god damn' i walked over and carefully picked up the bitten off finger and placed it into my pocket humming. 'need to get another sewing kit for that' we quickly kept up the walking pace after the situation was over. i was now in front of lucy, dragging her along rather gently, by the rope cooper had attached to her i lead her through the broken chicken wire fencing, but as we got closer to the place i quickly realised what this was going to be. 'man this blows only time i seen another female and a fellow vaultie out here, and were selling her to codsworth. what a great way to make friends'
well its actually where me and cooper met i needed a vial desperately i was twitching, growling and having to manually breath i had a whole stash of caps for the robot and dumbasses co. then he appeared there some dead body in a big duffle bag, some scrapper tried attacking the sharp shooter. cooper seen me and smiled that signature smirk. tossing his last half a vial over to my feet "keeping ya' in check, until robo can sweetheart."
we stopped at the buzzer, and i let lucy out of the rope cutting it neatly with a rusty bread knife. cooper then took his satchel things off and pressed the button for the robotic voice answered. i turned to give a small smile to lucy mouthing a sorry.
"two months of vials exchange one female mint condition..... near mint condition"
"condition grading requires physical evaluation please send her in"
i stood next to the ghoul and nudged him and leaned to whisper quietly.
"seriously coop? its a bit harsh, dont ya think?"
he blatantly ignored me and harshly spoke to lucy instead, gesturing for lucy to go inside with his gun.
"go on"
i scoffed as she was walking into the super duper mart, taking one look back before going for good. i sigh deeply as i sat down on the desert floor wondering if that was really necessary, cooper stood still head tilting down but he looked like he was wobbling a little before collapsing in front of me.
"jesus christ coop!"
i got up and dragged him into some shade at the trading shop wall out of the blaring sun. it seemed like he was half paralyzed, only moving his eyes and breathing making a slight wheezing sound.
"codsworth better make this shit quick, but i do feel bad for her though"
after realising he wasn't gonna be able to speak or move until the yellow stuff came out from that British talking can of bolts, i decided to just fill the silence with my dumb talk.
"sooooo..... what now the head is gone, and we can't get it out of that axolotl and that was a lot of caps too...that sucks.. so did we really have to do that? You know i can afford at least a months worth with my caps..... okay, i know why, but still..... little of topic, but you looked really hot with that lasso... im going to shut up now"
looking away and blushing, i settled on whistling some old song i listened to ages ago. I might have been on a radio. i can't remember 'lay that pistol down, babe. lay that pistol down pistol packing mama lay that pistol down' its catchy.
some ghouls came out of the front of the super duper mart, they looked anywhere between newly turned and almost feral i just nodded at one and they continued 'well shit that totally isnt going to bite us in the ass later' hearing a loud gunshots made me jump out of my skin, and thankfully it stayed inside the building. 2 shots rang out and then silence before another loud shot. 'fuck well those idiots are dead and so is lucy dang she was nice' i sucked in through my teeth and waited for codsworth to get the supplies out, waiting and waiting and soon after lucy came out 'huh wow she's not dead and looking better in that' with her jumpsuit half off, wearing some armour and got a gun holster, she stood over us and dropped down facing cooper before speaking.
"if you dont get theses you turn into one of those? that how it works?"
she stood there looking at us both. i made no attempt to move, just shrugging lucy, then leaned to me, placing some vials in my palm before turning back to Cowboy Man.
"i may end up looking like you, but ill never be like you"
"you were nice but fuck your friend"
"rightfully so, actually im trying thanks"
she turned back with a "you fucking serious glance" i just returned a smile and a wave off she shook her head with a sigh and walking off.
"golden rule mother fucker..."
as she left as i prepped the vial into the asthma pump looking thing and putting it to coopers face in which he quickly breathed it in chocking a little and he slowly sat himself up and hastily taking another one out of my hand before standing up and having another leaning back taking it in fully and speed walking into the building i walked behind him slowly and halting as i looked at the bloody mess made in here 'jesus a massacre happened they killed each other' cooper rummaged through stuff at a table before making a loud slamming noise and glass falling to the floor
"haha! darling look at all of these!"
"Holy hell, that's gonna last us for ages a year maybe... your condition is getting worse..... It's a shame that we need a new supplier now. i kinda liked those guys"
walking over to the table there was dozens of vials enough to suffice for a year if rationed, and i started to pick up the carelessly thrown ones from the ground looking them over before deciding they weren't broken and placing them into my backpack in every pocket i could fill them in. while cooper stuffed his cowboy hat full of handfuls from the case and about while i inspected the bodies i was right about dumbass and co being dead but this one ghoul looked like an ammeter shot her it must of been lucy, non the less i was moving all the bodies to one place and out of the way this would be a great place to rest for the time being and that sofa looked really comfortable wouldn't want the bodies making the place smell horrid although the blood was a nice change the metallic smell almost comforting to me.
"hey coop? maybe we should stay here for the night it'll be far to tiering to get to a town from here and the sun is already setting"
"hm?.. oh yeah sure thing (...)"
hey seemed distracted by a tape but he was quick to throw it away over his shoulder and turning to face me.
"how about we uh celebrate this little victory eh darling?"
he walked over to a fridge opening it, and then grabbing two glass bottles of nuka cola. the rocket shape was part of the brand and an effective market tool, cooper passed me one i held up the glass and a shot rang out as he clipped the cap off of my glass, and doing the same for his own and he sat next to me on the sofa. the fizzy liquid sizzling in my hand.
"thanks, should we cheers?"
cooper smiled smiling facing me and clinking our glasses together and nodding his head.
we linked arms at the elbow 'almost like a couple nope nope stop that' and took a sip from our respective bottles sighing as i got my arm back from him.
"so what now?"
"we'll figure it out"
i leaned back taking another sip of the nuka cola clinking the bottle with my nails as a distraction 'welp its now or never' taking another large sip before leaning over and giving the ghoul a quick peck on the cheeck, and quickly turning away and drinking my embaresment down.
--------------------this is the line stop reading sophie--------------------
"the hell was that?"
"nothing dont worry about it"
"no no darling why did you stop?"
"I ..huh?"
I looked at him now kinda shocked, and dumbfounded, my face heating up more than the radiation
"I'll ask again. Why did ya stop with just that?"
"I m mean it took a lot out of me to just fo that"
"Come on, you think I wouldn't notice how you looked at me, and the hell was that confession earlier you like my lasso skills aye sweetheart? I could show in in more depth"
His hot fingers run along my clothed thigh, slowly tracing patterns up them, edging near but then going back down before he stopped completely I was caught up in his actions
"Hey darl, ya still with me? I need an answer"
"I uhm that would be uh nice"
Cooper places his half drunken nuka cola on the table with a small clink noise, and soon he was on top of me smirking like he dose his knees now between mine as we lay on the sofa moving to the side to lay down, and cooper hanged over me leaning down to kiss my decaying lips, the same rough texture that slotted into his perfectly. as the kiss deepened the more hungry the both of us got, now teeth clashing in the heated kiss trying to fight for dominance, I felt a hot hand run up my side before coming under my shirt the radiation heat was intoxicating, literally. his touch travelled up until it reached my bra. In the wasteland its not smart to take anything off, so he carefully got around the fabric, brining my bra down a letting the soft skin come out. the same hand now playing with them slowly making circle's around my nipples and pinching them. his body pushing closer to finding friction and my hips followed, down into his. the heated kiss broke and we both pant desperately, getting oxygen into our body's. the downsides to being a ghoul was of course the radiation, but also the loss of touch, the skin was so much different leathery and stuck in the position it decided to wrinkle to. I couldn't feel my hand or arm that well, so who knows how deprived cooper was he acted feral if it wasn't for the fact he had like 5 vials I would assume he was.
"How about we switch us darling. let you ride the cowboy you so desperately want"
He got off of me and stood up, taking his coat off. I sat up quickly and he laid down on the scratched up sofa, motioning for me to get on top I could see now just how hard he was straining against the fabric of his trousers, my mouth went dry and I was quick to get on top of him, before he stopped me with a calm tine and that stupid sexy smirk.
"Ah no take those of first"
He nodded his head to the bottom half of me, so I did just that a little to fast, my pussy was begging for this, and I couldn't stop to think as I took of my trousers, leaving my underwear on for some dignity. and then I got onto my legs on either side of his waist I felt him thrust his hip slightly up and it caught me off balance a squeak coming from my lips as i gripped the side to keep me upright, he chuckled knowing full well he did that, and he continued rocking my body forward I agve up trying to stay up and caught his lips again this time slower, more coordinated melting into each other. his hands coming back up to play with my chest moaning into the kiss, the slow movements almost driving me insane I broke from the kiss and rocked my hips across his clothed erection
Honestly though I was trying for weeks to write this properly and well I hate the second bit I had no direction to go in and welp also I want to start writing for black butler since the season came out and well I live fallout but yeah again lost all inspiration for it sorry but I hope it was some what good sorry if my writing sucks :)
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petruchio · 2 years
Hi there! i wanted to hear your thoughts about somthing .during mokingjay, a quations that returns all the time is would you kill your loved ones in situations where living is worst then death. and we hear the hanging tree again and agin, and like it's somthing that i remeber i didnt quite get when i was younger but tbh even now i dont fully get it. On one hand the song is somthing that katniss allignes with her fathre. But also by the end of book, with how much katniss discuss this, she dosent shoot gale. Which yeah she didnt hear him.but i think it's very singnificnet that even so katniss contmplints this subject at the end she dosent do it, even if it's no eintirlly her choice. Also it's kinda wierd she didnt understand what he wanted. They agreed it's her job to do it and peacekeeprs are taking him. It's very bizzare that when it comes to it she's lost at what to do. it's somthing im entierlly sure how to read ( if you answer to this please dont mention bosas cause i havent read it yet)
i honestly don’t have a great answer here… i think it’s in part a conflict of your ideological goals and your actual feelings. like sure she says she’d kill gale but when it comes down to it, can she really do it? it’s a harder choice than she wants it to be.
there’s also the fact that she doesn’t hear him, like you said. my thought there is that despite everything, it’s still not her first instinct to kill her friend, and the hesitation is crucial to katniss’ character. in all the books, she only shoots two people point blank (to my memory) — marvel and the woman in the capitol. and both those situations leave her wracked with guilt. (also this is another parallel in thg and mockingjay — i bet if you checked the chapters those two moments happen as mirrors of each other, honestly.) katniss doesn’t want to be someone where killing is her first instinct — so when she can’t hear gale, it doesn’t even occur to her that he might be asking her to do that until afterwards. that’s one angle, i suppose.
but let’s look at the passage in question:
Gale meets my eyes, mouths something at me I can't make out. I don't know what to do. I can't leave him, but I can't reach him either. His lips move again. I shake my head to indicate my confusion. At any minute, they'll realize who they've captured. The Peacekeepers are hauling him inside now. "Go!" I hear him yell.
I turn and run away from the pod. All alone now. Gale a prisoner. Cressida and Pollux could be dead ten times over. And Peeta? I haven't laid eyes on him since we left Tigris's. I hold on to the idea that he may have gone back. Felt an attack coming and retreated to the cellar while he still had control. Realized there was no need for a diversion when the Capitol has provided so many. No need to be bait and have to take the nightlock - the nightlock! Gale doesn't have any. And as for all that talk of detonating his arrows by hand, he'll never get the chance. The first thing the Peacekeepers will do is to strip him of his weapons.
I fall into a doorway, tears stinging my eyes. Shoot me. That's what he was mouthing. I was supposed to shoot him! That was my job. That was our unspoken promise, all of us, to one another. And I didn't do it and now the Capitol will kill him or torture him or hijack him or - the cracks begin opening inside me, threatening to break me into pieces. I have only one hope. That the Capitol falls, lays down its arms, and gives up its prisoners before they hurt Gale. But I can't see that happening while Snow's alive.
to me, “i can’t reach him, but i can’t leave him either” is a really interesting line here. because again, she doesn’t even consider killing him as a possibility until she realizes that’s what he had asked. the only two things she considers as potential outcomes to this situation are helping him or leaving him, and she refuses to do the latter. even though she’s been in two different hunger games, her first instinct isn’t to leave and save herself, it’s to stay with him. people like to say that katniss’ instinct is survival — but here we can see that often, her first instinct is actually to help other people. which is a powerful character beat.
i also think the passage is interesting in that it ends with that line “i have only one hope” — to my point from earlier about katniss still managing to hold onto a lot of hope despite everything, i think it’s an interesting line in context that despite everything crumbling around her she still identifies something to hope for. in that moment, you could say she’s learned a lot more from peeta than she might even know herself; that in the hardest moments, sometimes hope is the only thing left to hold onto. or, interestingly, in the words of snow… that hope is the only thing stronger than fear ;)
but honestly i don’t really know. curious to hear anyone else’s thoughts.
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daddynegandesires · 3 years
The lost marriage
(Short story)
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Summary: when the apocalypse started y/n and her husband negan got seperated in a life or death situation now its 10 years later what happens when you both come across eachothers path.
Warning: angst, saddness, fluff, regret, violence
(Short one shot)
It was 10 years later into this shit hole apocalypse lemme tell ya i absolutely hated it you had managed to find a camp of your own its a small group only a few people but they took good care of you. It was starting to be winter soon they had sent you out on a supply run because you were the best at it in the group the supplies at the camp were already running low you weren't going to give up untill you came back with somthing. Night was starting to fall as you made your way across this big building it almost looked like a mixture between a factory and a prison from the looks of it, it had already been ransacked not that long ago but you made your way inside anyway.
When you made your way in there was stuff thrown everywhere this place was filled with rooms as if a group had been living here. One of the rooms looked nicer than the others from what was left of it, it had a big beautiful bed and the walls were dark with pattern and knocked over house plants. Around the corner was a big bathroom with a shower you sigh to yourself as you rememebr how good it felt to take hot showers before all this started. You took a seat on one of the couches that was left in the room when you heard footseps down the hall. You quickly tensed up pushing your body up against the wall beside the door gun in hand. It was dark so the only bit of light was the moon shinning on the side of your face through the busted glass windows. The footsteps grew closer and closer but suddenly stopped as they reached the doorway your heart was pounding as if it was going to burst out of your chest when the man walked in luckily he didnt notice you. His figure was and slender you coudlnt help but notice a famillar leather jacket he had on hugging his body you had shuffled your feet accidentally knocking over something wicb caused the man to turn around.
"Whos there!??" He shouted with a tight grip on his baseball bat
You tried hard to hide yourself in the darkness ot was difficult to see his face untill he stepped in the moonlight and Thats when it hit you.......negan.
"N.....negan" you say almost in a whisper before stepping into the light.
Negans bat dropped to his side in disbelief as he looked at your face is utter shock he coudlnt believe he was looking at his wife.
"Baby....." Negan says breathlessly walking towards you. You quickly draw up your gun at him causing him to immidetly stop in his tracks.
"Dont come any closer...negan" your hands now shaking
"Baby.....w-what are you doing here i thought you had died" his voice croaks out
"Yeah i bet you would of liked that......you left me for dead negan!" You shout at him moving closer
"Babydoll i-
"Im your fucking wife!!" You drop the gun slapping him across the face hearing him groan out.
"But i see you didnt hesitate to save your pathetic leather jacket...." You say quietly
Negan turned his head back to you touching his face where you had slapped him. His eyes had turned a darker color out of anger.
" i tried to save your fucking life! I tried!.....so dont sit here and give me that bullshit that i left you for dead!" His vocie grew deeper and deeper as he yelled you always loved that.
There was a moment of silence between the two of you.
"I think you should go..." You say turning your head away from him
"babydoll you see.....this place use to be mine. In fact....we are standing in my room" he smiles big at you
"You are so full of your fucking self...." You scoff
"I use to run this place...we were the saviors i had a huge group of people that worked for me....untill that bastard rick took it all from me......ive been in a prison cell for the last 9 years" he laughed
"Why....what did you do" your face grew curious
"Lets just say some of my people got killed so i killed some of their people in return.....and lemme tell ya they were not happy about that" he grins
"So youre a bad man...." You took a step back
"Honey....my anger and badassness only happened because i thought you had turned into one of those flesh eating fuckers" he assured you
"Your not the same....the negan i knew was a sweetheart but would also rip someones fucking head off" you Cross your arms
"Thats still me.....trust me being locked away for that long has changed me for the better....or maybe for the worse" a big cocky grin grows across his face as he steps closer to you causing you to walk backwards untill your back hits the cold wall. He was now inches away from your face you could feel his hot breath on your neck giving you goosebumps you havent had a man be this close to you in years.
"It was so lonely....." He raises his arm up above you to rest it against the wall. "Just me....all day and all night...alone" he slides his tongue across his bottom lip. You try to look away from him but he grabs ahold of your jaw forcing you to make eye contact.
"I missed my wife.....i wanted to be with her so bad i tried to take myself out but i coudlnt do it.....lucky for me here you are still beautiful as ever" he bites his lip
"You love me still.....right" his grip tightens on your jaw. "I mean hell....i dont even see the ring on your finger" he snatches your hand up in the air
"Negan let go of me!" you shoved him away
That action only made negan hungrier he grabbed you by the hips slamming you back up agaisnt the wall kissing you so fucking hard you moaned into his kiss as his hand slithered its way up to your throat with a good grip he pulled away both of you breathing heavily.
"I ain't goin anywhere...." He smiles.
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back2themax · 4 years
Fright night review 
Charely Brewster is a dumbass bitch.
How are you smart enough to know your neighbor is a vampire and how to kill him but dumb enough to call the police and rave to everyone thinking they’d belive you?! Like literally he brought the whole thing upon himself, just had to look away charely. I’m. He frustrated me so SO much he was the dumbest person in the whole movie. He was so paranoid and loud and just- oh my god if you fucking take a moment, it’s all so simple. Annoying as hell but I don’t hate him.
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The movie itself has a really slow start, it’s not that the pase drags or the humor is poor but there is just something about the first 20 or so minutes. Mainly just charely again acting stupid and bringing this on himself “huh I wonder what happens if I scream and rave about my neighbor being a vampire or a the murderer. I bet he’d invite me over for tea and shake my hand, not like get reasonably pissed at me”. However after the first half of the movie he , thankfully, grows a brain so hes easier to watch.
Peter Vincent, again a moment from charely of “I bet this clear charecter/host from tv is genuine in everything he says” he’s a tv host not a van helsing! Jesusssss. However I love him so much lmao, the trope of fake becomes a real one. I like his turn around his whole little thing. Coward sort of situation you’d expect. And the “oh my god I killed a child” thing.
So Jerry? The whole time I sat there like “your doing amazing sweetie” as he’s dealing with a really stupid kid. He already offered to stop he put it out there, once again this is all on charely. I would also be laughing if I was sexy, strong as hell and practically had this whole thing wrapped up as those trying to kill me are incompetent.
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So they pull a ‘Dracula’s reincarnated wife’ with with Amy except they don’t explain it at all. I’m assuming it’s just like the trope wirh dracmina where it’s for no reason and makes no fucking sense and is only to give him a reason to go after her. However Jerry is literally fruity(leave the fruit bowl alone my guy jesussss) lmao. Billy is great I like Billy. He seams to be the reinfeild right? The familar, the minion, the protector. So was he like just then turned into a vamp or had he always been one. I’m still wanting to know.
So I think I genuinely forgot it was a horror film because in the late half of the movie it all goes from 0 to 100 real fucking quickly. The vampire and the effects crank up to 1000. Like holy shit, the effects are GLORIOUS, again I say bring back practical effects if I see one more non existent blood drop or bad motion capture I’ll scream. Seriously though when Evil starts dying I lost my everloving mind because yo wtf. It’s long and drawn out, gruesome and sorta really sad, poor kid. Then we have FUCKING BILLY. Where my jaw drops to the god damn ground because yo what the everloving fuck. However shocked I may have been, the effects were still somthing amazing to watch and I have major respect. Also Jerry’s death was done brilliantly as well, however the bat skeleton thing got me a little weirded out, they got ambitious.
Also seriously? The vamp faces are great and all wildly unique and I like that, however evil’s is now burned into my memory, that kid’s got some issues. I also like how vamp faces are sort of phases? You can do fangs, fangs and eyes, fangs , eyes and veins or full on night stalker.
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A nitpick I have however, is that like The lost boys and Near dark, the one part of vampire lore that is really shotty is the cure. All of these movies establish that it is curable at a certain extent (because it’s a 80s movie and we just HAVE to save the day) however it’s always , almost always really poor logic.
Lost boys makes the most sense, as you can be cured as a half vamp if the head is killed. Easy, simple as your not LITERALLY DEAD yet.
Near dark decides to go the Dracula route with blood transfusion right? Except it clearly doesn’t know how it works. As van helsing would use it on Lucy while she was STILL ALIVE STILL HAD A HEART BEAT AND HER OWN FUCKING BLOOD. It really really shouldn’t have worked, considering in this universe once your bit you are a full on full out, no heart beat, no reflection creature of the night. It shouldn’t have worked on Caleb and sure as hell not Mae.
Fright night, all they said was kill him before dawn. It was well after dawn when they killed Jerry. So Amy shouldn’t have turned back just like Evil?
Idk I’m just nitpicking.
Ps- Jerry is really attractive and I need to stop falling for vampires.
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big1ron · 3 years
Different nightmares for the Kamino guard
Woo! More clone wars. And just in time for bad batch. Fair warning this is meant to be part of a series I may never end up continuing, so go ahead and guess the plot twists. This is the first part of an ‘orders’ rework.
Tup had shot a jedi. Fives had no idea why or how his old friend could ever do something like this. It was as if he was sick or in some kind of trance. The separatists had already tried to stop him from reaching kamino once, so Fives would not let him fall into harms way again. The captain had assigned him to protect his friend, so he would. Even if he wasn’t assigned so he would. He was just as curious as everyone else as to what was happening and concerned for Tup’s safety.
During the flight to kamino fives talked to tup, reassuring him he would be fine, unsure if it was even true or if he could understand him in that state.
“Medical frigate 571 cleared for landing in bay 5” a voice rang out on the intercoms. This was to be a special case. Dean squad moved to secure this special transfer.
The five guards escorted fives and the hover gurney into the city and towards an examination room.
Nala se spoke with shak ti. They were discussing this special case. Fives was put in a separate room from who he was supposed to protect. This clued dean squad to the kaminoans intention immediately.
The captain that had accompanied the two was dismissed back to the battle field. The guards all knew he was the lucky one.
“You hear what was so special about this one?” One of the guards, Roy asked. Whispering over the comms though the helmets were sound proof. His head didn’t move a millimetre, no sign he was even speaking.He was distinguishable only by an ever so slightly different finger placement on his blaster.
“Heard he killed a Jedi” Nix responded, also hushed but slightly louder. He was distinguishable just by the near invisible slant of his hips as he favoured his left leg.
CT-2894, distinguishable by nothing, as he was damn near perfect, scanned this anomalous clone’s face. It stirred some kind of foreign feeling in him. Something like what he felt right after waking from the nightmares only he got. Of course, he didn’t say anything. He never did.
Once in the testing room, lama su is quick to start the hyper tests, near immediately giving the order to “administer the stimulant.”
The medical droid complied, jabbing a hypo into the bound clones chest.
“Remove his mask”
As the droid did so, the clone began struggling and writhing against the restraints. The dean squad adverted their eyes from the disturbing sight, except 2894, who couldn’t take his eyes away. Why? What did he feel about that clone?
The arc trooper who had been separated from the anomalous clone banged on the window between the rooms, distressed. He was shouting things to his droid, understandably upset over the treatment of who he was meant to protect. He calls out to shak ti, who while more composed than the trooper, also looks distressed. She presses a button that shades the window separating the two rooms.
“His reactions are normal. His reaction will subside.” Lama su says calmly, while imputing the results to her datapad. “The patient must be awake for the next round of tests.”
“I am not fond of these hyper tests.” The Jedi says, watching the clone concernedly.
“Yes, but they do give us all the information we need in a timely fashion.” Lama su says while tapping away on one of the control panels. “There does not seem to be any sign of infection in the blood.”
“How curious”
“The subject has tested negative on all counts. This clone seems to be in perfect health.”
“We must be missing something”
“Why am I here?” The clone on the table asks breathlessly as he wakes.
“Is he conscious?” Asks the Jedi to the kaminoan.
This causes the clone on the table to lock onto the Jedi, and somthing seems to switch in his head. “Follow orders. Kill Jedi. Kill Jedi!”
“Are you finished with your tests?” Asks the Jedi. “Sedate him.”
And the clone protests with his mantra of “kill the Jedi” until he losses consciousness again.
The Jedi and the kaminoan discuss the clone, but the kaminoan and the dean guards already know exactly what his fate is. He’s a defect. He’s liked a Jedi and expressed his intent to do so again. He was as good as dead the second he arrived. And it’s rare but cases like this have shown up before. The kaminoan insists upon it being some kind of nano virus, same excuse as always.
“The only way to find out what happened to this clone is to terminate him. And do a full molecular level autopsy.”
Roy’s shoulders fall ever so slightly. He knew this would happen. They all did. But still, to hear it is always different. 2894 stiffens his shoulders. There’s something off about this clone. For some reason, some gut feeling was telling him he did not want this clone dead.
One of the medical droids suggests a level 5 brain scan that might reveal the cause instead of termination, but lama su brushes the suggestion off, saying the clone is too weak.
The Jedi and the kaminoan get into a civil debate over the fate of the clone, with the Jedi wishing to take him to the Jedi temple alive. This general’s tried before. And she’s never won. But she leaves to speak to the Jedi council, and lama su leaves to speak to the prime minister.
The three guards watching the anomalous clone are silent, awaiting the decision. The sound of something hitting the window from the other side is the only noise other than the beeping of the machines.
The air was heavy, as they waited for news of this clones fate. None of them had known him personally, but that didn’t mean they would want him to die. 2894 never let himself grow attached to the clones passing through. Barely spoke to his own squad. But he had such a strange unexplainable draw towards this specific clone, that he couldn’t help but feel concern for him.
Soon Nala se returned however. Before the Jedi and with a syringe.
“It will be a painless death. And all our questions will be answered.”
For the first time in recent memory, 2894 felt panic. As if he had just woken form a nightmare only he ever seemed to get.
Why? Why this clone? Why did he care about this clone? That didn’t matter. He couldn’t let that happen.
He’d not planned for mutiny, but he was prepared for it.
He knew to kick for Nix’s left knee first, while he set his blaster for stun. He knew Roy always swung high first, when in range. He knew he was not from their batch and had a few tricks he didn’t remember learning. And he knew he had to keep that clone alive.
Kamino guards don’t get nightmares. At least not as violent, or frequent ones as 2894. His squad mates tell him this out of concern whenever they have to wake him up from one. Its not normal for a kamino guard. And 2894 would never tell them exactly what the nightmares were about.
But despite that, 2894 was the most perfect clone in dean squad. He barely talked to them outside what was necessary, and though he wasn’t unfriendly to them, he always seemed distant. He wasn’t from the same batch as Fly, Scale, Nix, or Roy. And when asked about his batch, would just go quiet.
2894 seemed much less a clone than a droid. Maybe his scores were higher than his squad, but the most human he seemed was when he woke up screaming from a nightmare.
So this was extremely unexpected. Or maybe all that was an early warning.
The ARC trooper that had been in the other room came rushing in. 2894 couldn’t read his intention straight away. This second he took was too long. ARC troopers are fast, and this one had him on the ground in an instant.
“What are you doing?” He demanded immediately
“I don’t know!” 2894 answered truthfully before amending with “protecting the patient until further orders.” That slip up will have cost him his life. The excuse he came up with was good, but it came a moment too late. Surely this ARC trooper would punish him for it.
2894 awaited his fate in the seconds the ARC stayed silent.
“They would have killed him” the ARC stated the obvious as he looked towards the kaminoan.
“But the Jedi hasn’t returned yet.”
The ARC was quiet again, adjusting his hold on the guard
“You weren’t following orders, were you?”
“I was, sir. To see to that the operation is carried out safely. Nala se, while being the head of the operation, did not have the consent of the Jedi overseer to continue.”
The ARC chuckled. The guard wasn’t joking. Surely the bluff wouldn’t fly.
“They didn’t need the general’s permission. You know this. You attach your superiors. You committed mutiny! But you do remind me a lot of someone I used to know.” The ARC’s tone was jovial. Relived. 2894 didn’t get it.
“AZ, you should be more like this guy.” The clone calls to a droid waiting patiently in the hall. The ARC leaned off of the guard and stood, helping him up. He went on, inspecting the equipment. 2894 just stood, bewildered. What was the ARC doing? He should be arresting him! Or setting off an alarm! Or killing him!
“W- why are you ok with this? You should probably set off the alarm-“
“Don’t touch that!” The ARC calls as the guard reaches for the button. “You are terrible at mutiny! First time I take it? AZ I need a distraction. Set off an alarm in the far wing”
The droid complied while reassuring itself about saving the patient. An alarm blared letting them know it had worked.
“Great. Now I need you to do a brain scan. Level 5. There’s something there they aren’t looking for.”
“You can’t. He’ll die. You need to wait a few hours after the hyper tests”
The ARC groans in frustration. “We don’t have that long! We need the results now!”
“I thought the the objective of this exercise was to save his life, not end it!”
AZ looks between the two feuding clones before stepping in “actually, preforming the scan itself has a 76% survival rate. Most casualties occur once the scan if finished and any operations begin”
“76 is good odds. Preform the scan. I’m sure we’ll get something useful”
“Commencing level 5 atomic brain scan”
The guard doesn’t watch, attention much more focused on the door. This is much too open. He grabs a blaster off the ground and steps outside. closing the door behind him. He can trust that ARC to help that clone.
He stands guard, but more than that he takes a step outside. He’s got no idea what he’s doing, and it’s very wrong. But standing outside the door he can just go back to what he was before, even if it’s fake and just for a little bit. It’s enough.
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willsimpforazula · 3 years
Sokkla Month Day 27/28: Angst/Fluff
A/N: Song is Oath Sign by LiSA, English translation from Amalee's cover.
PS: Fate has some killer OPs.
PPS: I blame my laziness on being too engrossed in Seiba fanfics.
Anywho...bone apple tea or somthing liek dats
繰り返す世界 何度手を伸ばしたら
Once again I reach my hand into a world, repeating on end
Though it's dark, could my tears carve a path and lead me right into your heart?
Like a rose it blooms and grows inside my chest you're name's all it knows
Is this fate, 'cuz every day I pray that by your side I can stay
The first time they met, it was in an abandoned town in some forgotten corner of the Earth Kingdom. From then on, they sought to find out everything and anything they could on each other.
Every piece of information, every scrap of rumours and sightings was held tightly to their chest, blooming and growing as each of them kept tabs on the other as best they could. When asked, they casually dismissed it as 'research on the enemy', though both of them knew they weren't fooling anyone. After all, research most certainly did not include figuring out each other's likes and dislikes, as if one were to be inviting the other over for some afternoon tea.
堕ちた希望を拾って 明日に繋いでゆけば
I'll gather these fallen flowers, the hope discarded and broken
And join them where they can meet, my wish is to set them free
"Are you sure about this?"
"More than I've ever been."
"What if your sister…"
"If she wanted to, she would have done it a long time ago."
"Regardless, I don't like it one bit. Not after what she did to-to-"
"You were just itching for an excuse to bloodbend me no matter what I said or did, even after helping you track down your mother's killer. But yes, please lecture me on what your brother can and cannot do."
"That was different."
"I fail to see the differences."
"Everyone deserves a second chance. Killing her doesn't solve anything. Or taking her bending away. Your brother is the only one who can get through to her. Not me, not the therapists. I just want her to be whole again, free from Ozai's influences."
"If she ever so much as hurts a hair on him, she is dead, consequences be damned and you won't stop me. Understand?"
"Be my guest."
泣いてる夜抱いたまま 嘆きを叫んで
踏み入れた足を 遠くの理想が そっと癒してゆく
確かな絆を強く握り進もう どこまでも
Holding up the light within and with no hesitation,
To give you a future is all I wanted
Hold me tight through the dark endless nights, as I scream till the morning' s light
All my broken down ideals, I know they will heal
With every step they'll form the future
I'll hold tightly to this special bond we share, I'll follow you anywhere
Carrying onwards bearing this miracle
"Why are you here?"
"I-well, I-"
"Answer me, brother of Katara. Why do you come day after day? Is it because you wish to rub my defeat in my face? Or are you here to make me feel comfortable with my executioner? Answer me."
"It's neither of these."
"I'm not lying, princess."
"Stop it."
"Stop what?"
"This. Pretending to be my friend, offering empty words. I don't need any of these."
"That's where you're wrong. Your brother-"
"Is weak and an imbecile for letting me live."
"Everyone deserves a second chance. Even you."
"If the roles were reversed you would have been executed on the spot, after a long torture session that would make death seem like a release."
"I doubt that."
"What would you know of my methods?"
"Because I know deep down inside there is still that spark inside of you. You are only the way that you are because frankly your parents were shit."
"You know nothing!"
"Maybe. Maybe not." Pulling out a dossier, he slid it across to her.
"What is this?"
"Know thy enemy, know thyself and you will win a hundred battles. Call it a hunch, call it a brother's intuition. Besides, if you really wanted me dead I would have been killed, I don't know, about twenty times over before we got to this point?"
"Fuck off Sokka, I don't want to see your face for the rest of the month."
"Keep telling yourself that missy." he smirked, even as a fireball whizzed dangerously close to his head.
"My my, someone's rusty."
"Fuck you you no good piece of shit savage!" she snarled, even as he moved out of earshot. Sometimes, she thought, it was better to not meet one's idol after all.
創られた想い 触れればなによりも
答えなんて出ないって もう君は知っていたの?
泣いて滲んだ願いは 決して揺るぎはしなくて
Once again I hope I can regain the warmth that's ahead, and I pray these fake feelings will blur
As the world starts to fade away
Even if I lose my grip and set this question free from my lips,
I won't be surprised to know no answer will come from the light
This wish that was born from our tears, I know it'll never waver
I won't forget the pain even as we forge on ahead
"Crown Princess Azula, you are hereby relieved of all titles save your status as a princess and are forbidden from entering Caldera without prior permission from the Fire Lord himself. You are to be placed under house arrest on Ma'inka for the rest of your days. All communication will be vetted and censored and any attempt at inciting rebellion will result in your bending being stripped away as your only warning. The next attempt will result in public capital punishment. Do you understand?"
"I hear and obey."
"One question."
"Go ahead."
"Why spare me? Why let me live with my bending, knowing that it will be more trouble than it's worth?"
"It seems you have an advocate high in the system that petitioned on your behalf. Any more questions?"
"You have twenty four hours to prepare, starting now. I suggest you make full use of this time."
Why did you do it? Sokka you stupid fucking idiot, I'm a fucking liablity here. I really hope you don't regret it, she thought to herself.
Dear Suki,
I know what you're thinking. Believe me, sometimes I wonder if it's easier to just let her die or languish in some asylum for the rest of her days. But, well, I don't think I'll ever sleep easy at night knowing that perhaps I could have done something to save her.
I know with every sentence I write, I'm essentially digging my own grave. And frankly, I don't blame you. After all she did throw you into the Fire Nation's Supermax. I won't pretend her hands are clean, that she didn't know what she was doing but still, I think everyone deserves a second chance.
I'm sorry.
Sorry for leading you on all this while.
Sorry for making you think we had a future together.
Sorry for making you wait so long before I came to save you.
Most of all, sorry for giving what is rightfully yours to someone who probably doesn't deserve it.
I know that you'd most likely hop on the next boat and drag my corpse back to Caldera so you can beat the shit out of me one more time but please, whatever happens, your happiness isn't with me.
PS: Katara was just as livid when I told her about it. Also, I hear Zuko is single and ready to mingle (probably not the latter; spirits know he has the social skills of a turtleduck, which is to say none).
哀しみを知って 喜びを知った 弱さは君を変えて
立ち止まった時 剥がれ すべてを壊した
Only knowing of sadness
Never thought I could feel this
But now I know what is pure happiness
Time stops still, taking your breath away
So rip from weakness and escape
Standing on the bridge, the glowing lights of Caldera grew ever fainter until it was a distant white speck on the horizon, before it finally sank beneath the horizon. Under the light of the stars and moon, the vessel was illuminated by the moonlight and the bioluminescent blue algae crashing against the bow of the ship. It seemed ironic that a vessel that carried her off two years with the promise of greatness and glory would now be carrying her off to obscurity and exile.
"Here, wear this. Wouldn't want you getting a cold now?"
"Why?" she whispered, a stray tear falling from her eyes as she felt a coat placed on her shoulders.
"Why what?"
"Why do all of this? For me? For someone who doesn't deserve this?"
"Because no one stood up for you when they should have."
"You shouldn't have. You deserve your happy ever after with Suki, not a lifetime of pain and regret with me."
"Maybe. Maybe it's all for nothing and I deserve a lifetime of pain and regret for being an idiot. But if I'm being honest, the times I sparred with you were the times I felt most alive. Like as if I finally found what I've been seeking for all this while."
"This is a massive gamble you're taking, betting it all like this."
"What can I say? It almost worked on the Day of the Black Sun. It worked out on the day of Sozin's Comet."
"What makes you think you can save me from myself? More to the point, why do you think I want to be saved to begin with? Until you can give me a satisfactory answer, don't come and look for me." she replied.
Just as she was about to disappear into the ship, she heard him mutter "Because you deserve to be happy too."
届くはずのない言葉を託して 見えた瞳は
何を感じて遠ざけるの? 心隠すように
今ここにいる意味 教えてくれたなら
強くいられる 変わらずいつも
I keep screaming out to you though I may never reach you,
But still I can picture the light in your eyes
Tell me what makes you so afraid that you'd hide your heart away
If only you'd turn to to me and say the words that would give my life meaning
Then I would and will forever be strong enough
Ducking into her room, Azula cried into her pillow, as she asked if this was one of fate's twisted ironies dealing her a hand that seemed too good to be true. Monsters don't need saving, they need to be put down. You don't deserve him.
Shut up!
You know it's true.
What's stopping him from betraying you? Or has your adolescent heart fallen for him that you would excuse any of his actions?
Shut up!
I could go on. Do you want me to?
No, stop please!
Suddenly, she felt a pair of hands embracing her in a tight hug, making her gasp. It was warm, familiar and comforting. At once, the voices in her mind stilled, as the other person called out her name tenderly, like a parent with a lost child. Instinctively she knew it was Sokka, yet she kept her eyes screwed shut lest it all turn out to be a figment of her imagination.
After all, she had once hallucinated her mother talking to her on the day of Sozin's Comet when she was obviously nowhere near her room, much less Caldera or the Palace.
In a small still voice, she asked "Is-is it really you Sokka?", to which she felt a gentle pressure of his lips on her forehead and a response "Can hallucinations do this?"
"I don't know anymore. Please, don't lie to me."
"Open your eyes."
"No, what if it's all just my hallucinations?"
Another kiss.
"Still not convinced?"
Scooping up her hands in his, he pressed it against his chest and cheeks before asking her "Are you convinced now?"
In response, she buried her face in his shoulder, this time sobbing loudly as emotion overtook her senses. Meanwhile, Sokka just held her wordlessly, stroking her hair and back. When she finally stilled, he placed her on the bed and tucked her in. Before he left, she asked "Do you mean it?"
"What you said on the bridge, that I deserve to be happy too, even after all I've done?"
泣いてる夜抱いたまま 嘆きを叫んで
踏み入れた足を 遠くの理想が そっと癒してゆく
���かな絆を強く握り進もう どこまでも
Holding up the light within and with no hesitation,
To give you a future is all I wanted
Hold me tight through the dark endless nights, as I scream till the morning' s light
All my broken down ideals, I know they will heal
With every step they'll form the future
I'll hold tightly to this special bond we share, I'll follow you anywhere
No hesitating I'll open my eyes, though my heart's breaking
I'll reach out my hand and carry onwards
Bearing this miracle
15 years later….
"No no no Sokka you can't do this! You promised!" Azula screamed as she held his battered body in her hands.
"I-I'm sorry, firefly. I guess I was in over my head a little, huh?" he coughed, blood and spit staining the floor and her dress.
"I-we-don't have much time. There's someone else you need to protect."
"You're my only anchor to sanity Sokka! You can't."
Grabbing the nearest sheet of paper, Sokka wrote down a short message, before tearing off his necklace and dipping in it his blood, before pressing it into the paper like a seal.
"T-that should be enough, I think."
"Sokka please stop saying things like these! Our kid needs a father! She needs you! I need you!"
"Then I'm a terrible father if I can't protect those whom I love. Please, go now."
"Remember what I said on the bridge that night we left Caldera?"
"Yes, but don't you deserve happiness too?"
"Being with you these past fifteen years made me happy enough, so please, for the sake of yours and hers, go now while you still have the time."
"You're just one swordsman and a non-bender, how-"
"I have my ways. Seriously please, grab this and go! Every second we argue here is one second less you have to escape!"
"Alright, fine! But I better see you in Caldera, or else! I'll be damned if I let Risa grow up without a father."
"I'll try."
"No 'try', you will. Promise me Sokka."
"As you wish, firefly."
Present day
"Mommy, where are we going?"
"We're going to see daddy, Riri."
"Going to see daddy?"
"Yes, that's right." she replied as she stepped into the small shrine.
Turning her head and looking around, Risa could only see plaques with names and faces, but not a single person. Tugging on her mother's sleeve, she asked "Where's daddy? Why are we here?"
Scooping her up into her arms, she pointed at a plaque that bore his name and face, as well as a jet black sword encased in stone. "That-" she pointed, "is daddy."
At once, things clicked her mind and she asked the obvious "Is-is daddy gone?"
"No, no he isn't. Because he's in you and me. As long as someone remembers him, he will never be gone."
Pulling out a handful of joss sticks, she asked Risa "Could you light this for me?" Nodding, she conjured a small green flame on her fingertips and lit the incense. Handing over three of the six sticks in her hands, both mother and daughter bowed twice, before placing it in the urn. Finally, Azula unwrapped a packet of seal jerky and placed it as an offering on the altar, before bowing again and taking her daughter by the hand to leave the place.
As they did, she could feel a burden being lifted from her shoulders as they crossed the threshold and just for a moment, she thought she could smell the ocean breeze and smoke, twin scents that reminded her so much of the boy, no, man who threw it all aside for her.
"I promise Sokka, I'll make sure Risa here grows up happy and healthy." she whispered to herself.
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angstalottle · 5 years
A Pirates Life For Me
There were three things all pirates feared.
The dreaded Galra armada.
Running out of rum.
And the mermaids that followed their ships just waiting to drag down any sailor unfortunate enough to fall into the water.
The voltron pirates considered themselves the acception to the rule as Hunk had long since figured out how to always get them a supply of rum and the Galra ran from them in fear.
Even the dreaded mers never seemed to bother them, leaving the ship and her passengers untouched.
Everyone had their own theories about why this was with Hunk and Pidge believing the type of wood their ship was made from had somthing to do with it.
Their captain, Shiro thought I was because they tossed their old food over board and the rotten smell made them stay away.
Keith thought it was because of the one time he fell over board during a storm.
“I’m telling you guys I got the ugly bastard right across the back!” Keith demonstrated by slashing at the air in front of him. “It was so surprised it threw me back onto the ship.”
“Sure buddy whatever you say” Lance laughed leaning over the edge of the crowd nest that he had long since claimed as his own.
“It’s true! I scared all the mermaids off!” Keith yelled glaring up at him.
“You gotta admit it seems pretty hard to believe” Hunk smiled sheepishly “no one even saw you fall into the water.”
“But it’s true” Keith yelled tugging at his hair in frustration.
“Look mullet if it means so much to you I’ll say you fought off an entire fleet of mermaids to keep us safe.” Lance winked blowing a kiss down to him.
Keith grumbled but was too caught off guard by the display of affection from his beloved to really care.
“Whatever the reason for them ignoring us we have to be smart with the advantage it gives us. Mainly that I think we could pass trough Altea point.
The ship fell silent at the captains words.
Altea point was the fasted rout to smugglers cover that supposedly held treasure beyond their wildest dreams. But anyone that got too close found their ships smashed against the rocks that filled the waters lured to their deaths by the mermaids songs.
“Shiro you can’t be serious.” Lance was the first to speak grabbing a rope and sliding down to the deck with the others “that’s suicide.”
“I hate to say this but Lance has a point” Pidge added.
She ignored his complaints and instead rolled out the map and examined it closely “Even if the mermaid may leave us alone that doesn’t mean we can get around the rocks or the unpredictable current.”
Hunk leaned over and tapped a clear area “what if we approached from here though? The currents fast but in one direction. So long as we follow it we should be able to get through.”
Lance watched in horror as his friends seemed to decide this as their course of action.
“Wait! Wait you all can’t be seriously considering this?!” He looked to Keith hoping he would at least back him up.
Instead all he saw was a look of excitement for adventure in his eyes.
Lance sighed “fine... but if we die I’m so haunting your asses.”
A round of cheers erupted and everyone began preparations for the passing.
All except Lance, who quickly climbed back to the crows nest to hide from the rest of the crew.
It wasn’t until the sun had long since set did Keith come to find him.
Climbing into the small secluded spot with a bottle of rum as an offering which Lance took and took a few gulps from.
“You want to tell me what’s got you so upset?” Keith asked settling in next to Lance watching the stars.
“Other then us heading right for the most dangerous place in the entire ocean?” Lance laughed bitterly “other than that little fact I’m just fine.”
“Lance... please I know there’s more to it” Keith turned Lance’s face towards him brushing his thumb across his jaw line. “Please.”
Lance sighed as he scooted closer and rested his head against Keith’s shoulder.
“The Altea point is where I watched my parents die.”
The news startled Keith so much it took everything he had not to jump up and stare at his beloved. Instead he hummed in acknowledgment, a soft way of encouraging Lance to continue.
“I was only a little kid at the time and we had all gone to the passing together but... we didn’t know we were being followed. One minuet everything was fine and then there was blood and screaming and then... then I woke up in chains on a Galra slave ship. They scooped me out of the water and sold to whoever was buying. They passed me around as a pretty trinket until you guys saved me.” Lance grew more and more quiet as he buried his face into Keith’s chest “I... I don’t want to lose you guys because of what could happen there.”
Keith’s fingers began to slowly run themselves through Lance’s hair. “I promise you. No matter what happens I will always love you. And I will always save you.”
Lance didn’t answer, instead he hugged Keith a little tighter content to just lay there with him.
It took a few days traveling before they finally made it.
The Altea passing and the most dangerous part of the entire ocean.
Ship wrecks marked the way like clouds filled the sky on a shady day.
The ship was quiet, no one able to bring themselves above a whisper as they passed the monument to just how many lives had been lost in the name of adventure.
“Here comes the current” Pidge announced as the ship began to rock violently side to side.
Everyone scrambled to their stations fighting against the ocean Itself to stay afloat.
It seemed like hours and more scrapes and bumps then they were comfortable with but finally the current slowed and they found themselves in calm water just on the other side of the deadly passing.
Applause erupted from the crew, everyone yelling and celebrating, all to busy to notice how the water in front of them swirled and a giant woman with hair as white as sea foam and eyes as blue as the sky rose up blocking their way.
Her giant hands grabbing hold of the sides of the ship looking down at it like a child would a play thing.
“Ready the canons!” Shiro yelled but was drowned out by a screech from the mermaid.
“They canons won’t do any good” Lance grabbed Keith’s hand and pulled him into a kiss “time to keep up with your promise” he winked as he ran towards the mermaid.
Keith’s eyes widened sure Lance was about to sacrifice himself with a flash of blue surrounded his body.
Where Lance once stood now was replaced by a merman with hair as white as sea foam, eyes and tail blue as the sky and a face that they all knew as Lance’s
“I am Prince Allance of the south waters! I was stolen from here as a child and these humans saved me!”
The crew could only watch in shock as the giant mermaids expression turned from one of confusion to unadulterated joy.
A pink light surrounded her blinding everyone for a moment.
When it died down she had shrunk and was now hugging Lance like her life depended on it.
“My dear little brother I thought you were dead.” She cried.
Lance chuckled “sorry about that Allura... they cut off my fin I could swim him but I wanted to see you everyday.”
Keith finally stepped forwards his eyes finally falling to a scar across his back “you were the one to save me... during that storm and I...” Keith covered his mouth in horror “oh god Lance I hurt you.”
Allura bared her teeth at him but was stopped by Lance who simply laughed “you didn’t know it was me dummy. For all you knew I was trying to kill you. Now quick moping and meet my sister. She should meet my beloved... as long as you guys don’t mind I’m not human.”
Shiro frowned “lance did you risk not ever being able to come home to your family because you were scared we wouldn’t want you anymore?”
When Lance nodded he was promptly tacked to the floor with a hug from his captain.
Hunk and Pidge quickly joined in while Keith wormed his way closest so he could kiss Lance on the lips.
“We all love you because your Lance, we don’t care if your human or mermaid. Your still you and your still part of this crew.”
Lance couldn’t help but laugh as he looked around, he was surrounded by family, some he had thought he had lost a life time ago, some he had found along the way and some he intended to make his husband some day.
From that point on there were four things all pirates feared.
The dreaded Galra armada.
Running out of rum.
The mermaids that followed their ships.
And the Prince of the ocean that if any creature of the sea or land should harm would have to face the furry of the queen of the mermaids and the Voltron Pirates.
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redtutel · 2 years
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
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I never got around to see this on in theaters. It took until several years later to watch it for the first time. It was Spider-Man 3 all over again. Too much stuff. But will I feel the same way? I'll see
At this point, grim and gritty movies were out, so this movie has a style shift to reflect that. And it's a pretty nice style shift
The clock motif. Standard metaphor. I think the fact Gwen dies is why I avoid this movie for so long
We get a bit more of a look into the conspericy about Peter's parents
I forgot where the conspericy leads. I know it wasn't satifying.
I do like this opening swing. And the action sequence with the soon to be Rhino
We get our fist look at Max, and how he represents the danger of a parasocial relationship
I love all the jokes this Spider-Man tells
I also still love their chemistry
The ghost of Captain Stacy representing Peter's guilt for staying with Gwen. A much bemoaned element of this movie. I'm not sure how I feel about it
I love how vibrent the new costume is
Another great "I wish they could have been here" graduation scene.
I appericate how honest these two can be
I love the friendly neighborhood scenes in this movie
Following Gwen in secret. A troubling superhero troupe that I think ended with this movie
Although the danger of parasoical relationsips is important, Electro is kind of a werid character to do that with
Peter is a really bad liar in this movie
Max is really cartoony, but the internet has proven that nerd really can act like that
It is a bit odd how Max represents a brand of nerdiness that tends to be more white. Him being a black man kind of creates some awkardly handled themes. I hope I'm not being offensive, I don't think I can probably convay the topic
Norman and Harry Osborn becoming the Goblin to avoid dying is a good motive
Norman really is a terrible father across the multiverse.
This time around, the 3 movies are: Peter uncoving the conspericy of his parents and dealing with the guilt of Captain Stacy's Death, Peter being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man dealing with a fan with a parasocial relationship, and Peter and Harry's falling out
I forgot how quickly Norman died. I heard that wanted to reaveal he was still alive
I wonder if Little Ceasers will give me the day off when Marian Ilitch dies. Probably not. Plus I need the hours, so it wouldn't help
Yeah I'd probably end up like Max.
Alistair Smythe is in this movie. That's still odd
Apperently Spectaular Spider-Man was the first time Electro got powers from electric eels. It's a fun origin, so I'm glad to see it
Oh, so his face is supposed to be an electric eel face. I get it now. I still perfure his No Way Home Design
And there's Felecia. Another example of how too many Easter Eggs to early can criple a Cinimatic Universe. Captain America really saved the MCU, didn't it?
I've heard that in the comics, Harry and Peter weren't friends until College. I don't think there's a need to make them childhood friends in this movie. Otherwise, you'd think Peter would've said "Oscorp? That's Harry's dad's company" in the first movie
This is a sweet scene, and does a good job playing catch up on the relationship. I still think it should've started in this movie though
Andrew Garfield has great chemistry with the so many other actors
If they wanted to make a ton of other movies, why did they use Green Goblin so early. The originals waited 3 movies for an equal amount of dissapointment of Harry's Goblin
Does the MCU have any villian mutation scenes? I don't think so. This one isn't as good as Sam Raimi's though
They can't stay apart
Much like in Specacular Spider-Man, Spider-Man accidently furthered Electro's corruption arc
A nerd gets power and becomes a bully. It's fitting. But the fact that he's a black man talking about what it's like not to have power kind of makes it seem like the movie is trying to say somthing about race, which leads to a lot of issues
And of course cops ruin everything by shooting a black man instead of trying to negotiate
I love this so-mo sequence
The infamous wall conspericy scene. I remember the Nando V Movie video about it
I get why Peter is hesident to use Spider-Man's blood, but you'd think he'd at least try and help develop a cure. Plus it's not like Harry has anything to lose.
I do like how Gwen figures out how Electro was created
And Electro's back. The bottom two Spider-Man movies have characters who disappear for too long
You'd think they'd lock him up in a rubber prison
"To live in my world. A world without Power" Is this supposed to be in the nerd incel way or in the opprosed black way? It's probably meant to be the former, but if people think it's the latter the character falls apart
Peter needs to learn to appericate the family he has left. I'm not sure if he learned that listen in the end
It is troubling that not everyone who got bit by the spider could end up being Spider-Man
And just like Spider-Man 3, we get a completly arbitary villian team up
So Oscorp was working with an evil milatary, the Parkers wanted out, and were killed for it. Huh. I guess we didn't need to know
In infamous Sinister Six room
And we Spider-Man 3 Venom'd the Green Goblin
The I Love You Web. A sweet romantic genester, although these days grand romantic gesters like that are questioned. But the two of them really want to get together
What ever happened to the ghost of Captain Stacy?
Gwen dying is kind of a mistake, seeing how the story seems to say that they should stay together, no matter what
One of these movies ended, now it's back to the Electro movie
And now Electro's a socailist.
And an Itty Bitty Spider gag
Killing Electro is a mistake. Espcially since it seems like it's on purpose. He's not the sort of villian that deserves to die like that
I forgot about Aunt May's nursing job
Yeah, this is a bad Green Goblin design
I like to hope that stopping Electro early would prevent Gwen's death.
A few years laters, Spider-Gwen would take off, so Sony kind of shot themselves in the foot killing her off
I think a reason I put off this movie for so long is that I didn't want this Gwen Stacy to die
Peter's trying to stop time, and save Gwen. But neither is possible
I don't know if the web being a hand is good cheesy or bad cheesy
This scene hurts so much to see.
Peter finding the will to be Spider-Man again really should've been saved for the next movie. Spider-Man 3 knew to end on a malencholy note, why not this movie? Or maybe the sounds of people in danger is what leads to him put on the suit again, and the movie ends there, without the Rhino fight.
Who is the shadow man?
They shoud've saved the Rhino for the next movie.
This really feels like the first few scenes of Amazing Spider-Man 3 are at the end of this movie.
I do think ending on Gwen's speech is a good idea though. Maybe go from the funeral to silent sulking to Gwen's speech to Peter suiting up. Save the Rhino tease for the post credits
The kid putting on the Spider-Man man mask....I think it's a good cheesy. Shows how Spider-Man inspires hope. But I don't think it needs to be as long as it is.
Going from Peter grieving to the mech Rhino seems like a mistake.
So that's Amazing Spider-Man 2. Yeah, Spider-Man 3 is better. I still love this version of Spider-Man, and the frist Amazing Spider-Man still has a special place in my heart.
Next up, the MCU. I'm looking forward to revisting these.
Current Ranking:
5. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
4. Spider-Man 3
3. The Amazing Spider-Man
2. Spider-Man
1. Spider-Man 2
Quip Rankings
5. Spider-Man 2 (1)
4. Spider-Man 3 (4)
3. Spider-Man (5)
2. The Amazing Spider-Man (14)
Amazing Spider-Man 2 (16)
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His loss, My gain. PART 5
JokerXChubby reader
Summary- Not saying anything bc I’ll give it away!
Warning- No smut this time. It’s very triggering. Talk of self harm and suicide attempts. Please don’t read if you are triggered. Angtssyyyy! Don’t worry, it gets better next chapter. 
A/N- I made J like super soft but also super mean and rough. I love playing with the different sides if him and how the reader fucks with his head and heart. Not quite sure if the Joker has ever cried, but in my story he does! Well, not like ball out cry, just a tear. Also, I made Harley like a super bitch in here. I love her too death, though.
Part 1- https://1-800-kill-me-im-gay.tumblr.com/post/173544548545/his-loss-my-gian
Part 2- https://1-800-kill-me-im-gay.tumblr.com/post/173576126505/his-loss-my-gain-part-2
Part 3- https://1-800-kill-me-im-gay.tumblr.com/post/173650770775/his-loss-my-gain-part-3
Part 4- https://1-800-kill-me-im-gay.tumblr.com/post/173740290955/his-loss-my-gain-part-4
Part 6- https://1-800-kill-me-im-gay.tumblr.com/post/173765326075/his-loss-my-gain-part-6
Tagging- @haileysarahmarie @xxqueenwxtchxx @indifitel6661
@i-m-p-a-l-a-6-7 @lovermrjoker
So, I completely forgot to tag you @indifitel6661 but, the masterlist is up there^^^
Joker’s point of view.
Joker’s point of view.
She was driving me crazy. Her smell was on my clothes, in the bed, in my office. It’s like she ripped herself apart and placed pieces of her inside of me. I need to get her out and soon. The sooner we get the show on the road, the sooner she won’t feel anything and she’ll be numb. If she feels nothing for me, I won’t feel for her. 
I couldn’t even look at her as I walked by her. If I did, I’d lose my hair and flip the tables. My head was turning and I couldn’t think of anything but her, and I needed to clear my head. I texted Lucas and told him to bring around the car. 
Right as we walked out the house, my feet stopped in their tracks, meeting faces with a very pale woman with red and blue hair. Harley. I nearly spat at her and killed her, but also curious to what she wanted. Grabbing her by the hair, I slammed her into the back of the black SUV.
Pulling out my gun, I aimed it at her head, making her frown. “Whatcha’ doin’ pointing a gun at me, puddin’!?” She squeaked. I surely did not miss that obnoxious voice and accent. 
“Why are you here?” I growled, pressing the gun against her head. 
“I heard yah replaced me, puddin’! I couldn’t sit here and do nun! come ooooonnn, didn’t yah miss me, daddy?”
I didn’t miss her, but she was exactly what I needed to get my mind off if Y/N. I looked down at my phone when it buzzed, noticing it was a message from Fost.
-Y/N left. Brick took her to her apartment and to her editor. Said they wouldn’t be back for an hour or two.
I growled and threw my phone across the car. Opening the door, I stepped out onto the side walk in front of the house since we never left. How did I miss Y/N leave? Grabbing Harley by her hair, I dragged her into the penthouse and up to my room, pushing her on her knees.
“Show daddy how much you missed him.” What am I doing!? I was screaming at myself for doing this, but it had to be done. I was falling too hard for Y/N and I needed Harley to get my mind off of her. Although, it is true I hate the bitch, she gave pretty good head, but not better than Y/N. No one was better than Y/N.
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Growling at Harley, I ripped open my pants, pulling out my cock and shoving it in her mouth. She quickly wrapped her lips around my length, bobbing her head back and forth. 
Closing my eyes, I tried to picture something other than Y/N, but all I could think of was how perfect she was, how her mouth felt on my dick and her pussy clenching around me. I gripped Harley’s hair harder, shoving my dick into her mouth until it hit the back of her throat, making her gag. 
I looked up, meeting eyes with a pair of vibrant Y/E/C ones. There stood Y/N, eyes wide and bloodshot at the door. I wasn’t thinking clearly and didn’t think about shutting the door. Before I could do anything, she slammed the door closed, darting down the stairs. I was quick to pull Harley away, throwing her across the floor, making her scream. 
Tucking my shit back in, I ran down the stairs and to the road, watching as Y/N’s new lambo sped down the road. Screaming, I got on my phone, calling the henchman and letting them know to find Y/N and tie up Harley. 
I jumped in my car as fast as I could, going straight to Y/N’s house, finding her car there. Running upstairs, I ran through her house, finding nothing but a note on the mirror written in lipstick. 
You fucked up, J. What ever happens to me is your fault. 
Xoxo, the soon to be new Harley Quinn. 
“AAHHHHHH!” I punched the mirror, sending shards of glass flying, some cutting my knuckles. I sprinted back to the car, tracking down Y/N to the chemical plant. My knuckles were bleeding all over the steering wheel and were squeezed tight as I hurried there, hoping to get her in time before she does anything stupid. 
Hopping out of the car, I run into the building, finding the stairs and jumping up them, finding Y/N standing at the edge. “You come near me and so help me, I’ll kill you.” She says, holding up a gun, I notice how blood drips down her arm, dripping underneath her long sleeve Shirt.
“Y/N, please, baby. Put down the gun and come to me.” My voice was soft and trembly, filled with nothing but emotion.
“DON’T CALL ME ‘BABY’! You think you can call me that and try and sweet talk me after I walk in on you with your dick in some sluts throat!?” She lets out a maniac laugh, scratching her head with the gun. “Down Harley Quinn’s throat.” 
I take a deep breath, stepping toward her to where I can pull up the sleeve of her shirt. She lets me pull up her sleeve, smearing blood over carved leters reading “I hate myself.” Pulling over the other sleeve, there’s a huge gash down the middle of her forearm and is dripping blood heavily. 
I feel my Herat break in my chest at the sight if her. Blood dripping from her arms. I could feel everything inside of me break. The wall I built around my heart came crashing down and for the first time in years, a tear slipped down my cheek. The thought of me breaking her killed me. I couldn’t watch this girl...the girl that I was falling desperately...who I was IN LOVE with die. Not over me and not over Harley. 
Y/N’s eyes closed, wobbling lightly, but not enough to lose her grip on the gun. I tried smacking it out of hand, but she twirled it in her hand, hitting me with the handle. I grunted, moving my hand to my now bloody lip. I was trying to hold my composure, to not let anger take over me. I felt my eyes stare as she went completely insane. And then a tear fell.
“you think you can manipulate me with a fucking tear and try to take my gun....don’t, don’t you think you’ve hurt me enough?” Y/N took a deep breath, trying to steady her breathing and keep her eyes open. She was probably about to pass out form the blood loss, or die. “You know what, J? I love you. I’m...I’m in love with you. And If you cared...about me...” I watched as she stepped to the edge “you’d save me.” I reached for her arm, but was too late, she was already over the edge, falling into the bubbling acid. 
I grunted, walking backwards, thinking about leaving her, but I rip off my jacket.
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Jumping in after her. I hit the acid, slightly burning my skin, swimming to the bottom and grabbing a hold of her and dragging her to the top. I took a gasp for  air, expecting Y/N to do th same, but she didn’t. I looked around us, noticing black swirling in the yellowish chemicals. I brushed my lips against hers, again, expecting her to make up, but she didn’t. Pressing down harder, the taste of chemicals envaded my mouth, still not waking Y/N. 
“J!” Looking up, I saw frost and my henchmen coming in. 
“Frost! Get us out! She’s not waking up!” I growled angrily, kicking over to the side and started to push Y/N up, letting the henchman grab her. I climbed out of  the chemicals, falling on to my knees beside of Y/N. “Come on, baby. I need you to wake up.” I looked up at frost eyes wide with desperation, somthing he’s never seen before...something I never felt before. 
“What happened, J?” 
“Harley happened. I couldn’t get my mind off of Y/N so I used Harley and she caught us. Then she said that she’d be here....and then....” I motioned towards her, my breathing ragid. 
“Why isn’t she waking up? Harley woke up.” Frost was looking confused, pressing his fingers to Y/N’s neck, finding her pulse. 
“Her wrists are slit.” 
“That explains why there’s barely a pulse. She lost a lot of blood. We need a hospital, J. Now.”
We barged into the hospital, Y/N in my arms, limp. Frost started screaming for a doctor, making multiple rush to us, stopping as soon as they saw who it was. 
“Save her and you won’t die.” I growled, placing Y/N on the bed. “Do I...make myself clear?” I pointed my gun at her as she nodded her head. “Good....now, she has a slit wrist and she jumped into acid. Now.....do your job...and save her.” The lady cut of Y/N’s top off and I watched as her lace clad breast came into view. Forcing my eyes away, I watched as she peeled her shirt off of her body, pulling it away from the dried blood. The cut was deep and thick, and the other arm with the letters craved into it was still bleeding a little.
“We need to hook her up to Iv’s and have a blood transfusion. If she looses too much blood then we’ll lose her for good. Sir, do you know her blood type?”
“A+.” I answered. How I knew, that’s a funny question. I had a file on her, I knew everything about her, I studied it day 
“I need an A+ and the Iv’s. Hook her up. She should be awake in an hour or two once we get her set up.”
Frost and I went home so I could change and get Y/N clothes so we could get her once she woke up. Frost’s phone started to ring and he answered it, a look of concern washing over his face.
“Sir, Y/N’s gone. It was the bat.”
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yandereskies · 7 years
Tragedy has struck! Well kind of, imagine Wilord, Dar, and Host finding their tiny S/O playing dead, and being a little too convincing.
Awww! This- this hurts my heart ;v;WILFORD:- "....gumdrop? Why are you sleeping on the floor?" Wilford just chuckles out his words, honestly beliveing you were just sleeping until he sees how realistic you make your own death look.-"no...nonono-" he quickly scoops you up with tears in forming in his eyes, mumbling somthing about this being a cruel joke-soon enough he is full on crying, gripping your body tightly against him before you finally reveal that you indeed were just playing dead-This poor man looks broken as he holds you close to his tear stained cheeks, pressing gentle kisses into your stomach while letting out a weak "dont ever do that again. Please..." why do you gotta hurt him like that?DARK:-Dosnt fall for it for it for a second, giving a cold look to your tiny limp body laying on the ground. Dark lets out a sigh before lightly nudging you with his foot-"Darling get up, the floor is too dirty to play dead on" Busted -"How did you know?" "Pet, people try to run from me all the time. I have seen my fair share of people playing dead before." Dark lets out a small huff and gently scoops you up, walking to a nearby sink to clean you.HOST:-At first seeing your dead form makes him panic, about to cry and scoop you up himself until his power tells him that you are just playing around.-after staring at you for a second a small smirk began to grow on his face. The host quickly hid it and decided to play along-"Oh no! The Host was hit with unbelievable grief after seeing the fallen body of his tiny lover, mourful tears filling up and wetting his already blood stained bandages. If only he had arrived earlier, mabey he could have saved them." He even says it in a dramatic tone as well-when you finally reveal that you were joking he only laughs and gently scoops you up, giving you a small kiss on the head before letting out a small "very convincing. The tiny had the Host fooled"
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sammoonwatcher · 8 years
Losing myself... Story Shift Overwatch AU
Ships(implied and present in AU): BunnyRibbit, McHanzo, Gency, R76. Special thanks: @bunnyribbit-ow Warning: Pain, Gore, insanity, torture. Summary: Dying is easy. Living is the hard part, but being stuck in limbo is a fate worse then both. During a mission things take a turn for the worse. Reaper has his showdown with solider 76, Distracted by the battle S76 doesn’t realize it until it’s too late, Hana was severely wounded, and there’s no sign of Lucio any where. Talon decides to try a new experiment…
“For the last time, tell us where they’re hiding!” The Talon officer demanded.
“No…” Lucio grunted.
Another strike sent his head spinning. It was to his chest, Lucio felt his bones break. He was beaten bloody. He focused himself.
He didn’t know how long he’d been here. He didn’t care. He just had to keep his promises. Even if she wouldn’t keep hers. He didn’t have the strength to suppress the memories. And they came back shattered like glass in glimpses cutting deep into his heart.
He was running for his life… He didn’t know where he was going. Just run. Pain. Reaper was holding him down. Struggling. Fighting to keep Reaper from consuming him. Fading. A few uttered begs for mercy. Reaper froze, before shaking his head. Falling.
“Woah there Gabe, the doc wants him alive. Remember?” “The doc’s wrong. This kid isn’t what he’s looking for. He’s not strong enough.” “But that was our agreement.”
He gasped for breath as his life returned. Reaper grabbed him. He struggled weakly against the wraith’s grip. He used all of his energy, but still he couldn’t break free. He blacked out.
Sombra was holding her gun to his head. He was standing in front of his friends, Hana, Solider 76, Mcree, Hanzo, and Tracer. He was held at gunpoint. No one dared to move.
That’s when it happened. Everything went in slow motion as Hana, with fire in her eyes took aim… At Lucio.
Her pistol jarred once.
Lucio glanced at the growing blossom of red on his chest, over his heart. At this point he was too numb to feel any pain. But his heart broke instead, the true pain.
“H-Hana?… Why?” He uttered. He fell back. I don’t care if I die now. He thought. Now, he couldn’t give in.
“Even after all that, You’re still holding on?” The man chuckled. “You really are somthing huh?”
Lucio didn’t say anything to that.
The man laughed again. “What? Do you think your friends are coming to save you? Pathetic!” He was laughing now. “They’re not going to find you! And when they do- You’ll kill them yourself.”
“Y- You’re wrong. Hana, she’s c-coming a-and if I were you… I would not want to be here when she arrives.” He could barely talk.
Another flash of pain. His head swam. Darkness clouded his vision. He knew the answer, and every fiber of his being wanted him to cry it out. He refused.
Finally, he slipped into the relief of unconsciousness.
Laughter. Pure laughter. His friends were smiling, laughing, living life. He was chasing the future, with them. Memories. The time Mcree almost died, Hanzo nearly killed Lucio, and Lucio almost had to kill Mcree… But he didn’t. By some miracle. It was as Angela told him: “You come to realize, sometimes it’s not about luck or wounds, sometimes people are stronger than themselves.“
‘These are my friends. This is what I’m fighting for. I can’t give up.’ He thought.
Lucio slowly woke up. He felt cold metal against his skin. He couldn’t move. Tilting his head he realized he was strapped down on a surgical table, it was tilted in an angle facing a seemingly blank wall, but he knew there was an audience of his captors behind it, peering through a one sided window.
A scientist walked in. He carried a note pad, and he walked slowly yet confidently. “You should consider yourself lucky, Mr. Santos,” The scientist’s voice was calm yet with a venomous undertone. “It’s not every day, a man becomes Immortal.”
“You’re going to turn me into Reaper, you’re going to turn me into that… Thing… Aren’t you?” Lucio said, fear pounded through him stronger than his heartbeat. “Don’t be so judgemental Mr. Santos, your pain will be humanity’s savoir, a crucifixion of sorts.” The man smiled as if chastising a young child. “You’re insane!” Lucio yelled. “Now that’s just hurtful. Tell me, Mr. Santos, do you want to die? Do you want your friends to die? Do you want Ms. Song to die?” The scientist asked. “Don’t you dare touch her!” Lucio shouted as he strained weakly against his binds. “Don’t worry yourself, they have not been captured- yet. Am I insane for wanting to save my loved ones, Mr. Santos?” “…” “No one will ever die again. I will find the death cure, but not Angela’s stupid false resurrection. That only delays the decay. A permanent solution is required.“ “I’d rather die.” “I admire your courage and loyalty, but your friends do not have those traits. Because of them you are broken. I can fix you. For almost a month everyone thought for sure you were dead. But I kept you alive. I gave you a new heart, a heart that won’t break.” It suddenly occurred to Lucio that he might not be bluffing. When he’d woken up his chest felt sore and there were many stitches. Could’ve Talon replaced his heart as well?
The man took a syringe from a tray by the door. “This is the same toxin used in the death penalty. Don’t worry it will not hurt. But I can’t preform this operation without you on the verge of death.”
Lucio struggled with all his might against the iron restraints. But he felt familiar pinch of a needle on his neck, and poison filled his bloodstream.
The scientist left him alone to suffer.
“I…. I will be like… Him?” Lucio said to himself between gasps. “I-I will be like Reaper?… No…ha…ha…” It was becoming hard to breathe.
“Lucio!” That voice… “Lucio,” Hana? “Lucio, don’t worry, I’m not leaving you.” Where is she!? He heard her laughter and then understood. She wasn’t there, it was a memory. Soon he heard all of his friends laughing together, even himself. He knew those days could not be brought back. “Hana… Everyone… I’m sorry…. I can’t hold on… I’m so sorry… I’ll never understand why… I’m fading…”
He couldn’t hold on any longer.
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glopratchet · 4 years
As soon as your mother sees you, she rushes over and embraces you in a tight hug You return it of course, it's been months since you last saw her or any of your other family members for that matter "You've grown so much!" She exclaims while holding both of your arms out to see Your father laughs and pats you hard on the back nearly breaking your balance Your other siblings greet you in a similar manner, never really having been an affectionate family, physical touch is rare Your younger brother Eron mentions that he thought you would definitely not be coming back You and your friends fill them in on what happened as they refilled their plates and cups with food and drink " "Oh thank the waters that you're home safe! ~Deaths Door: Chapter 1~ You shift your eyes to take in your surroundings You're seventeen years old in Apelap, which tells you exactly nothing Your name is Tephanis and up until one year ago was a traveling sneakthief with no actual home The first thing you notice is the dull pain in your head and how you can't move , this time without a hitch, however upon our return we were hit by an unexpected maelstrom that blew out our drives!,we decided that there was no point in trying to get the ship enoguh to strčigate the storm as it woulf have been too dangerous for the crew, so we bailed but alas one of the asteroids hit us and pierced our hull! cp-184-b She hums there for a second, waiting for further instruction Ooh! That feels pleasant she says to herself She imagines him kissing and caressing her, She carries his infant on her hip she fondles his robot parts shaped like a phallus oddments compartment she waits for 5 minutes 15 minutes then after 30 minutes her organic mattermind is filled with confusion,Had the captains orders become interrupted? What could it be? Great she its thinking it forgot about me completely The tractor beam stops immediately a friendly competition Each of them strove to nab the most cosmic strings possible for their own home The captain drone exmaple told us how important this was; They use the strings to brush the oxides off the ships ; she would hold it and hug it and she cried letting out the pain of losing her family by letting them go so they could be happy,and because naleen had bled so much she felt woozy so she pulled out a healing kit made of plants and twigs and let it seep into her bloodstream slowly the bloodsoaked twig began to neutralize the bleed It narrowed its eyes and took a step forward Come on, doofus On the screen she only noticed an immense poppy field of stars 's mountain dew before an adventure; she found it did wonders for her agility! She remembered captain kerol was injured at iscwar as he abruptly shouted somthing about wait and grabbed some ketchup of the fridge and grace so she tries to tell herself that her goals are Keep helping people when theyre in trouble and look good while doing it Krang had just hatched from his ovoid,crackalating out adorable duckies Why was everything before her eyes always so darn cute? he tilted his head slightly - as if nodding at he idea She went back on the screen and typed captain can I now iet your ship back to earth\ "bout dam time lady!" which captain could not navigate the ship until disk four was beaten none of them could slack off ever She diddled with ending button 1 for a zillion times, she finally succombed to putting the disk in the system and booted it up game on!! on1y by beating level 16 she can send the ship back to earth squared, but basically would reach final destination Her captaincy of the Excilerator The force feult I needs an explanation! The 1alien looks like a heavy sharp boomerang so when thrown forward it falls back 2wards u, but on teh way back it accelelaters at 1G until its 3 times faster than gunfire!!! The throw is very volatile so you need exceptional strength to support its weight *%$@ luck!!!! of innocents?? No , but she knew how to prepare for this This fragile tool could not be used properly; at least not without its brother With a mermaids sonance she could soft boil an omelette or harden blue wax but that was many moons ago He had a near death experience forgetting everything and everyone he knew but for her warmth in the night-sea A thrill that splinter catalysed through him, blowing kisses down his spine from ove warm sands 1 this almost killed her when the chicken from ziggy played his Death march along her front palour causing the great flood of '87 She looked 2wards the guillotine; she had exxagerated a grossly swollen lymphnodes and furious fibromyalgia But it was too late 2 turn back now TOO LATE!! The turtle had gone into hibernation seven years ago when he felt the creamy fire within her belly these "COUCHES!" grow by crystals shrinking from a parent until they are strong enough carry their own weight She could cut herself on its razor-like edge!!so with exceptional strength she thrust it into the muddy South pole rivers northeast thickest tributary of asia beyond the pale PITY!! 4 red blood cells were running late today so she took the carrotwagon they bought to save time beautiful But The cello player needed an exorbitantly priced enchanted harp for their library, A mere millimeter too short and it could never fill its section of the stands in concert halls But this was it--"the start of something , catching and giving light, blushing with fluffy, rippling reflections between islands of clouds, shuffling the starlight into new constellations Arranged just for her they bounced and bent light By the sheer strength of their woven lightness, they could easily push something so large They do look like dee's finest work So this was it then--parting was such sweet sorrow on the air currents, a mushiness where her feet are supposed to be With this magical force field in place no ordinary revolver could ever take their lives, but tonight their love was written in the stars selfish thought he was completely willing to give up his own life--he just didn't want to lose her too The mere diameter of one of those fibers could trap the moonslight between your chilled fingertips long after twilight, without stirring so much as a dust mote , and here she wet her moldable triangular being to fit the 'stringent requirements' of his infernal charmers Even if he came halfway he would impatiently insist on taking her home at midnight anyway, worst ogre ever They were only a moonstone's throw away now, but! Oh the stars twoleap every seven minutes now and with this big bully blocking half the doorway there's only one solution--thrust him out into space by his heels , and twone of the celestials has a spiraling crushed cyst from the top of his head, most of his arm ripped off, and most likely one or more ribs broken The ogres were thick-skinned alright but with six eyes he could see by moonlight that this punch went through the whole left side of his face! clearly knocking out an eye instantly and ruining everything else inside as he slumps over legless down the spiral staircase, blood pouring down behind him The end --to stay, not leave Thanks for taking this trip with me! One day you can make your own who you're with is always your choice--even if they don't know it--that's extra special though when it happens :) Turn down the hall to continue God and wait here, maybe have to wait a long time and that's okay Time really wasn't 'real' to her anymore anyway--as much as it had been at one time to otherworldly magic portal, which backlit to the glow of a humunculus huddled over a workbench enslaved to the dark arts in the middle of a desert Their sun powered the bonsai-alchemy of his all-consuming twisted lab--but this dusk, it couldn't compete with a descending blood red moon But she just sees things differently now after all she's seen And is that so bad? ! "We're free!" you yell, or something similar "Magic is dying!" Then you kiss--well, it might be some time before you ever have lips again for all you know, but it's as if to say--it doesn't matter now she rolls the windows down and feels the icy wind against her face, excited about who and where she is, rushing toward something--anything before it became an emergency and finally, she started to pack up all their remaining belongings One day Everything! To never have limits or boundaries, and with a beautiful boy by her side blanketing the sky, she couldn't help but laugh The sound of the wheels on the powder chaffing against each other--but then no more The final memories of an old life give way to fun in the fog with a beautiful boy by her side And you have outsmarted fate, or the closest thing to it Your brood of mutant children survive and thrive as their species tends to do The boy's power is their salvation, his instinctive intelligence embraces it The ant-like regularity of a ruthless social hierarchy, along with budding feelings of individuality and free will--due to the loss of its predecessor, are nurtured by you as best you can did affect her outlook on life and attitude especially living without any other adults around in such a small isolated town cut off from the rest of the world Still, she learned to exist with it even if at times she wanted to be petulant whenever she didn't get her way--still got that tendency today fantasy: Dropping out of school wouldn't have gotten you anywhere in this field Feeling bad about not taking your work seriously enough to get your degree? and you didn't feel too much of a stab at your conscious this time around Then, with acceptance of your future, you moved onto the next phase of your life and career WHAT WILL YOU DO: The idea of working extremely long hours under constant stress for at least a decade to come probably doesn't appeal to you all that much right now --something much more interesting It's been a couple days since you have had good long while to catch up on your twin hobbies of reading the news and online browsing Usually at work you made just enough time to quickly skim through the headlines and your favorite internet sites With your new technological appendage poping into view, you feel a baited breath thrill as your nerdy interests fully come back to life-- just as you left them The best virtual reality yet! at every waking moment Its value can never be maximized enough Slacking is bad for you and makes people suspicious, distracting, and inefficient Your superpower could very well one day disappear if you wait too long and sapping it for granted now would be the biggest mistake of your life Time can not be saved: it can only be spent Wasted even , his power of absoption awaits you--its recipient The toys stage direction pops up again arrestingly handsome with a youthful appearance, 22, wears a perfectly fitted gray woolen suit Sprawling in your chair you click on each link proffered to delve further into the matter The internet is vast and holds information for any curious adventure--just waiting to be uncovered Being immensely busy has its advantages, like not having very much idle time When work consumes a good portion of your life, you tend to neglect other areas that don't directly involve said work You haven't drank quite as much since your habits were healthier before and didn't really feel the need to do so all that much anyway However, there is something inherently interesting about alcohol--especially to a certain extent and across oceans of vast uncertainty--drifting slowly Digital displays indicating altitude and airspeed flickered and strobed through the windows so quickly that when looked at directly gave the viewer a sense of vertigo--a temporal whiplash if you will A roller coaster flying through the cosmos it doesn't get much more exhilarating than that and spit out highly radioactive material and coolant all in excess, rarely a moment was had where the power reserves weren't full to the brink The design was made incredibly efficient with intelligent components that made it flexible in flight It wold be able to fly around the world many times without refueling if it weren't for the fact that it sailed through the skies instead of above the ground on wheels or rails Wasting money on vehicles was something you didn't do very often, in fact its first use for a vehicle like this would be for short or distant transport of package and cargo Your fleet employees are all very capable of flying these packages to their designated areas without your direct involvement The company of a vehicle such as this was meant to lounge in while the package convoy multi-tasked around you laying dormant at 300 meters, airship at 150, delivery craft at 550 meters While all of the gas-cells needed for the airship and other types of energy were certainly nothing new to the construction of airships, your main expertise was focused in fusion and anti-matter cells for the primary propulsion drive Of course some of these smaller airships ran on more exotic fuel methods such as cryotechnology, even antimatter lookout platform at 200 meters, forward stabilizers at 50 meters These were all facts that agitated you to overwhelming heights and stimulated your mind all the while Only stopping yourself from running on hours at a time production of new ideas and concepts to improve upon the airship's capabilities and efficiency What a beautiful machine it was, just utterly gorgeous rear mast at 200 meters, antannae at 100 From afar, laying on the newly installed bench-seats from below, you could look up from your elevated viewpoint and see nothing but pure blue skies The vehicle was wide and long, your office quarters encompassed the back 2/5's of the airship and the cockpit took up the forward 3/5's leaving just enough room for a common cabient should you ever need to confine guests for whatever reason long-range antenna at 500 meters, long-range radar at 300 Truly it was an accomplishment for the ages This airship was a just perfect as it could get in your opinion and you started to walk back inside when your eyes casted their view downward to the earth far, far bellow, but instead of the usual creeping terror that consumed you during your first moments aboard, tranquility took its place Peacefulness Serene observation windows at 50 meters Conscious thought leaves you as you take in a deep breath, exhaling slowly as your fears and anxieties subside from their perch in your chest Pride swells within you as you exit the control station inside and ascend up a ladder to your hammock bed located at the rear of your office quarters here at the back of the airship Its just another peaceful evening Dear Diary antennae at 400 meters, long-range radio at 150 Product Name: ZP-29 Atmospheric Processor Promotional video linked on homepage meals and restrooms at 1,000 meters Best of luck to you at Venus Hill The earth its just so bleh Your brother recommended this highly? He who burned everything he touched? I must say the teachers always liked his outdoorsy attitude But does my lazy slob of a younger sibling truly have what it takes to work here? We'll see I suppose view of otherwise "empty" surroundings A trio of flying lizard scouts fly by from high above reports their findings to the Airship, controlling the Atmos-Link machines as it takes in air from zone 1-12 A simple touch of a color-changing button displays the range information needed to be extracted and processed The plants, the lifeforms, temperature, humidity everything Although highly effective, the former T G S units were a bit more interesting A popup alerts near the edges of your screen Send reply to Ragnor: "Hey, stop lounging around and get up here! We got us a ton of work to do and you're sitting around swilling booze like some swine -W " Sent city lights and streetlights life The forests had its own beauty, but the awakened beast within you drives you to want more than what the forests could provide You've wiped the tribal par and village Êlves from the map Now that your reputation is well established, it's unlikely anyone will dare attack you now So now, larger settlements were your trophies of conquest and who was to stop you? Arquest doubts you even have any weapons of "mass destruction" searching threads on Gibraltarpedia Tritorian Empire: The Fatherland The bright lights of an ancient city An entire enclave aimed to bring forth a new industrial revolution under the eyes of the Emperor, Arquest I Indeed, his last name was borrowed from the great Leader of his people and eventual God-Emperor that started this great nation (debated greatly) during the revitalization period after the Robot War laid waste to (nearly) the entire world resumes previous train of thought You touch the unlock pad next to your apartment door Working both ways, a quick scan confirms you'r not bleeding or otherwise injured as it alters colors before you can even turn the knob Even in this part he sector, gangers and Slabaugh Dwellings were close enough that if you ever found yourself in danger from loitering, you could easily run and get home in time answers another private message Slammer: "Alright listen up Ragnor We got some people where we work that say they need extra security measures installed just in case some weirdoes start making trouble there You and I both know that it's probably going to be some ED/GC spies or even those new age turds, but the job pays well " Signed, The Big Fellow mutes another obnoxious advert
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