mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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It's bigger than it thinks.
Artist: Daniel Gelon TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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austrian-mythology · 9 months
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The Orc
The Orc, natively known as Orgg or Lorgg is a mountain demon, which is feared by the peoples of the Alps. In the Early Middle Ages, the Celto-Roman god Orcus, like many other pagan figures, was downgraded to a simple creature of Alpine Mythology, serving here as a demon punishing human actions often as a protector of animal life, but other times its actions are just of pure evil.
The Orc, in its various manifestations, exhibits a curious blend of humanoid and animalistic characteristics. It is often described as having a head resembling that of a large dog, bear-like fur, a broad mouth with iron teeth, and a snake-like tail. Its eyes are said to emit a fiery glow, adding to its eerie presence. Also, it has disproportionately long arms, allowing it to reach far and wide, and its razor-sharp claws, resembling those found on scavenging vultures. Despite its animal-like appearance, the Orc is quite proficient in using tools and weapons. It is frequently portrayed wielding scythes with skill and precision.
The Orc is a complex figure in Alpine mythology, with its actions and intentions varying across different narratives. It can be a playful trickster. In some tales, it revels in pranks and mischief, bringing perplexity and laughter to its encounters. The Orc also appears as a guardian of the forest or as the lord of animals, warning wild animals of hunters, or as a demonic herdsman aiding livestock.
However, the Orc also possesses a darker side. It can transform into a menacing presence, attempting to harm humans and animals. Stories tell of it appearing suddenly in fields, and using blades like a sharp sickle to injure those who dare to approach and steal from it. It has the ability to hide everywhere only emitting eerie whistles or bird-like calls, and it strikes with swift and frightening agility. Sometimes it can also be heard singing songs like:
"Sharpen, sharpen good, and cut through the legs as through wood!"
In Roman mythology, Orcus served as an alternative name for deities like Pluto, Hades, or Dis Pater, all associated with the realm of the dead. Orcus specifically denoted the darker aspect of these gods, responsible for the punishment of sinners in the afterlife. The origins of Orcus likely traces back to Etruscan religious beliefs. Additionally, Orcus was a name used to refer to a Gallic god of the underworld. It is unknown wether the Orc is related to another bad spirit known as the Norc.
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askkrenko · 1 year
Krenko’s Guide to Creature Types: Orgg
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Art by Kev Walker
What is an Orgg (flavorfully)?
It’s a huge, green murderous being with massive bat-like ears and two extra arms. They live on Dominaria among the Orcs and Goblins. The MtG Wiki claims they’re Orc/Ogre hybrids but doesn’t have a source for this. Whatever they are, they’re incredibly powerful and clearly mutated.
What is an Orgg (mechanically)?
The four Orggs are 6/6 monored creatures. Two of them- which is a full half- have trample and drawbacks.
Can I make an Orgg deck?
Four Orggs with costs 5 and 7 is not enough to do anything.
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Is Orgg a good creature type?
If Orggs are really Orc/Ogre hybrids, they should be creature type Orc/Ogre. If they’re not… then Orgg is still an awful creature type. Creature types have a few jobs, and Orgg fails at all of them. One job is to tell us what the thing we’re looking at is, but as all four have Orgg in the name and nobody actually knows what an Orgg is, the added typeline of “Orgg” is basically a shrug. Another is to remind us of a shared mechanical identity like Praetor, but the Orgg don’t have the same mechanics, just the same Power and Toughness. Another, of course, is for the creature type to have a mechanical impact on the game, but not even the four Orggs care what an Orgg is. 
Orgg is a complete failure of a creature type and the annoying part here is that Wizards knew it, printing Trained Orgg as a Beast three times before Judgement and Onslaught brought back Orgg before they were completely discarded again.
Orggs should be Ogres.
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threshie · 11 days
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planeswalker-umbral · 6 months
Welcome to the 2023 Atog Awards!
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Every year creature types are created and creature types that go unused. So what are the rules for what counts for these calculations?
The creature type has to have at least 1 Black-bordered card that either is, produces a token of, or mentions the creature type.
Reprints don't count. Only new cards being produced.
Creature types of older cards are based off of their current creature types as of Lost Caverns of Ixalan. (There are creature types like Thalakos that have been errata'd onto older cards but have technically never been printed on a physical card)
Changelings / Mistform Ultimus obviously don't count.
Arena exclusive cards do not count.
Silver bordered / Acorn Stamps / Play test cards don't count.
Types that have gone 5-9 years without print are Bronze (Born of the Gods - Guilds of Ravnica)
Types that have gone 10-14 years without print are Silver (Conflux- Theros)
Types that have gone 15-19 years without print are Gold (Darksteel - Shards of Alara)
Types that have gone 20+ years are Cadaverrific. (Mirrodin and older)
So what are our new types?
Time Lord
Cockatrice (2014)
Lammasu (2014)
Processor (2015)
Scion (2016)
Survivor (2018)
Homarid (2018)
Surrakar (2010)
Blinkmoth (2011)
Sable (2013)
Bringer (2004)
Slith (2004)
Pincher (2004)
Zubera (2005)
Atog (2006)
Aurochs (2006)
Camarid (2006)
Nephilim (2006)
Triskelevite (2006)
Spike (2006)
Graveborn (2006)
Nomad (2007)
Rigger (2007)
Noggle (2008)
Tetravite (1994)
Wombat (1994)
Oyster (1995)
Serf (1995)
Caribou (1995)
Ferret (1995)
Orb (1996)
Deserter (1996)
Prism (1996)
Splinter (1996)
Soltari (1998)
Thalakos (1998)
Licid (1998)
Monger (1999)
Nightstalker (2000)
Volver (2001)
Flagbearer (2001)
Mystic (2001)
Pheldagrif (2001)
Mongoose (2001)
Metathran (2001)
Orgg (2002)
Pentavite (2003)
Broke free
Aetherborn (2017)
Nautilus (2015)
Rebel (2007)
Spellshaper (2007)
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markrosewater · 2 years
does soulgorger orgg count as a life gain effect that is within red's color pie?
This ability feels more black than red, but I wouldn’t classify it as life gain.
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inventors-fair · 2 years
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Unique Token Runners-Up: Interesting Convokations ~
Our runners-up this week are @azathoth-the-bored, @hiygamer, and @wolkemesser!
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@azathoth-the-bored — Old Bone Ritualist
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Well, this is a fascinating treat. I’ve never played WoW, but for some reason, I’m getting those vibes, of a whole bunch of modern fantasy civilizations with their own sorts of outreach and cultures and tropes. In terms of templating, you need to capitalize the C in “create” but aside from that everything looks fine. I’m a little worried about the size of the body, but if you’re using it usually for sacrificial purposes, I think it’s okay to push it a little. And hey, it can sacrifice itself, which is great. On-curve with sacrifice-aggro strategies, I’d love to see what kind of world this takes place in on the mechanical side, since the flavor is already knowable. Is this a BG enemy set with a death aspect? A communal Jundian side with rainforest rituals? I think the vagueness is fine when the thematic connection is so strong. “Beast,” too, that’s fascinating. Orc and their connections, that’s super neat. Civilization and the feral. This feels awesome.
The name’s...alright. I think it’s fine, honestly, even if it’s not the most kick-ass-ian name in the history of Magic. The flavor text could use a touch-up. Histories of what? Memories of whom? The paradox of history and memory contrasts rather than confounds; it feels like they’re trying to sound mysterious and that gets in the way of meaning. “These carcasses hold ancient memories—and even older grudges.” Maybe specifying what kind of carcasses/skeletons? I think that the art direction, with the benefit of the doubt, is how this ritualist is using the MAGIC of the old bones to turn CURRENT flesh into spirits, rather than breaking old bones in half, and I think I like that, the past connection. I think you made a real simple, neat treat here!
@hiygamer — Koth, Mirran Survivor
The name makes sense but I wish it could be amped up. Is it not already kind of amped already? It’s good, it’s sensible, and maybe I’m in a “gimme epic” greedy mood. Whatever, the art direction is awesome, if sad. I mean, sheesh, do all the refugees die with him when he dies? It might be a little too real, honestly. The Phyrexian invasion was effed up. Still, the molten surveying, the strength and scarring, wow. Love it. It’s then not above grousing about that he makes Rebels even though he’s depicted with characters that aren’t really meant to attack. Y’know? So anyway, that’s me being a critic, but it’s because you have these good elements that need polishing in a specific way that makes their goodness stand out even more.
Like how the numbers/mechanics could be tweaked just a skooch. Well, maybe just the middle one. Or maybe the loyalty. I’m just argh about the fact that the -3 will—wait NO. I’m DUMB. Okay, so, you get a turn two play, then next turn, you play Koth main phase, then attack, then SECOND main phase you can -3 and deal damage without killing something. Right? Was that the intent, or am I overthinking this? I mean, shoot, my whiny side wants him to start with 4 loyalty so he can Mountain-slam something without dying, but all the same. First ability is great, emblem is great, trigger is great, what the middle ability does is also great. Koth is a pretty fun guy to design for, isn’t he? Yeah, no, I like this card and I like talking about it.
@wolkemesser​ — Orgg Trainer
Old-school, huh? I think that this is one of my sneak favorites for no discernable reason. I have no attachments to Orggs, but I know a lot of people do, and this card’s certainly cute. And powerful. A 6/6 Orgg is no joke! You sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole with how appropriate the cost to ability is, whether or not it should tap, but five mana is an investment. If you make it land, then sure, you’ll have fun, but I’m sensing that there are maybe one or two more Orgg makers in this set. Actually, come to think of it, there’s an issue here that’s not really an issue: I don’t see much space for more Orgg tokens. Cards, sure, but tokens? I’d be more than happy if this card was the only Orgg token maker in the set, as long as we have a couple Orggs to go with it.
The point of this contest was pretty clear, but this card hits a soft spot with its simplicity that borders on elegance. There’s no reason for “fourth” to be “4th” especially considering that one of the few places we see “fourth” is ON AN ORGG CARD (argh!), but pet peeves aside, hey, it’s a callback in more ways than one, and this guy sure does train his Orggs. What a Samaritan. Yeah, no, this card’s good enough for me to say: well done. Orrg’n’t you proud of yourself.
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Commentary comin’ right up~ Probably.
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dwn049 · 2 years
orgg im so hungry i want mac and cheese…
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devouring-hive · 5 months
Mmm, squeeb-tastic~?
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chioakai · 1 year
Chakra Test
Fifth Edition #259 Rare Guardian: Orgg 3.fire.fire. 6/6
Expansion. O cannot open dimensions if focusing body part recreates a recentered guardian with trust 3 or greater. O cannot be assigned to work with any guardian with trust 3 or greater. We're bigger than we think.
4.10.4 Whether or not the sentients could open dimensions or work with anyone is not important, just whether or not the focusing body part recreates such a guardian.
11.7.18 1.27a
3rd eye 64% active we are open to new ideas and beliefs. we are good at imagination and visualization. we can somewhat recall our dreams well. we trust our intuition. we may have premonitions sometimes. we feel complete by ourselves.
crown 78% highly active we are highly spiritual and feel a strong connection to all. we have little interest in the physical world. we prefer solitude and silence. we always view things from an intellectual standpoint. we neglect our body's needs in favor of our minds' needs.
heart 89 over active we are proud of ourselves. we put ourselves second to others. we do favors for people without assessing pros and cons. we sometimes suffocate people with our love which may drive them away. we may often require constant reassurance from others. we are always givers.
throat 67 active we are good in verbal communication, therefore people understand our point clearly. we actively participate in cultural activities. we are creative people who come up with lots of ideas. we are extroverts. we are not afraid to speak up when it matters. we are good in activities like singing, writing, painting, cooking. we balance speaking and listening well.
root 71 active we feel like we belong rightfully on this earth, therefore we are comfortable in most situations. we feel adequately safe and secure. we belive in acquiring materialistic possessions and money for a comfortable living, but do not let it take over our lives. we are adequately optimistic towards achieving our goals. we have good health. we act upon our needs and enjoy a good life.
sacral 67 active we are comfortable in expressing our feelings and emotions, at the same time, not getting ahead of ourselves. we are comfortable with our bodily feelings and sexuality with no unnecessary guilt or shame. people can understand what we are feeling from our facial expressions. we do not fear getting into a relationship. we are very caring people to those around us, but not clingy. we are comfortable with spa treatments.
navel 60 active we assert ourselves well in a group with the right amount of self-confidence. we do not let others' opinions about us deter us or our actions, however taking care not to hurt their sentiments. we are good at converting our thoughts into actions, therefore we end up finishing tasks well within a deadline. we are energetic and dynamic. our needs are sufficiently addressed by others, because w espeak up for ourselves when it matters. we have good leadership qualities. we are good at decision making.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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It's bigger than it thinks.
Artist: Daniel Gelon TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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depressionsleeves · 2 years
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Orgg - The Great White War
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onheilig · 2 years
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metaladdicts · 2 years
ORGG Announces Collaboration With Famous Drummer DAVID FOLCHITTO For New Album 'Dimonios'
ORGG Announces Collaboration With Famous Drummer DAVID FOLCHITTO For New Album ‘Dimonios’
ORGG have announced a collaboration with drummer David Folchitto. After the modest success of the previous album The Great White War, the band is ready to come back with a new album, titled Dimonios. The new work will be produced by Eternal Winter Records, an Italian label that has been active for over ten years and that has once again winked at one of the best Italian realities in the Black…
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planeswalker-umbral · 2 years
2022 was certainly a year for creature types. We got several new ones (mostly tied to WH 40k or Baldur's Gate) but there are several old ones that don't see a lot of light nowadays.
Now me being bored and a data compiler autist came up with an award series.
The Atog Awards! In which the longer a creature type has gone without use, the higher it is rated! So what are the requirements I used?
The creature type has to have at least 1 Black-bordered card that either is, produces a token of, or mentions the creature type.
Reprints don't count. Only new cards being produced.
Creature types of older cards are based off of their current creature types as of Dominaria United. (There are creature types like Thalakos that have been errata'd onto older cards but have technically never been printed on a physical card)
Changelings / Mistform Ultimus obviously don't count.
Arena exclusive cards do not count.
Silver bordered / Acorn Stamps / Play test cards don't count.
Types that have gone 5-9 years without print are Bronze (Gatecrash - Ixalan)
Types that have gone 10-14 years without print are Silver (Morningtide - Return to Ravnica)
Types that have gone 15-19 years without print are Gold (Legions - Lorwyn)
Types that have gone 20+ years are Cadaverrific. (Older then Onslaught)
So first off, we have the New Creature types updated:
Current Bronze types:
Sable (2013)
Cockatrice (2014)
Lammasu (2014)
Nautilus (2014)
Processor (2015)
Scion (2016)
Aetherborn (2017)
Current Silver types:
Noggle (2008)
Surrakar (2010)
Blinkmoth (2011)
Current Gold types:
Pentavite (2003)
Bringer (2004)
Slith (2004)
Pincher (2004)
Zubera (2005)
Atog (2006)
Aurochs (2006)
Camarid (2006)
Nephilim (2006)
Triskelavite (2006)
Spike (2006)
Graveborn (2006)
Rebel (2007)
Spellshaper (2007)
Nomad (2007)
Rigger (2007)
Current Cadaverrific types:
Tetravite (1994)
Wombat (1994)
Oyster (1995)
Serf (1995)
Caribou (1995)
Ferret (1995)
Orb (1996)
Deserter (1996)
Prism (1996)
Splinter (1996)
Soltari (1998)
Thalakos (1998)
Licid (1998)
Monger (1999)
Nightstalker (2000)
Volver (2001)
Flagbearer (2001)
Mystic (2001)
Pheldagrif (2001)
Mongoose (2001)
Metathran (2001)
Orgg (2002)
Broke free:
Dreadnought (1996)
Beeble (1999)
Moonfolk (2005)
Sand (2006)
Mercenary (2016)
Hag (2014)
Spawn (2010)
Juggernaut (2017)
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kreaten · 6 years
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