#Ormonde Money
you let people hurt you
it's probably not something you started doing consciously. it's just how things have always been and it feels to late to change it. you've never been very good at sticking up for yourself, and you've started to become accustomed to being hurt. you even like it a little, or, at least, you aren't sure you'd want to feel any other way. sometimes it's hard to remember that just because you've felt unloved before, it doesn't mean you're unloved now. I love you :-)
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Tagged by: @witchcraftandburialdirt
Tagging: @singulos (Your choice)
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tom--22--felton · 30 days
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fideidefenswhore · 3 months
When Dame Alice Clere, daughter of Margaret Butler and Sir William Boleyn (and aunt of Queen Anne Boleyn) died in 1538, she held over twenty manors as her jointure. Before she died one of her main concerns was to endow her youngest son, Thomas, with sufficient land and money befitting his class. Included in her bequests to her son was a pair of gold beads with precious stones given to her by her niece, Queen Anne Boleyn [...]
Aristocratic Women in Ireland, 1450-1660: The Ormond Family, Power and Politics, by Damien Duffy
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envihellbender · 4 months
Survivor AU Frank
Frank Morrison, Survivor
Role: Murder fanboy
Appearance: Frank has dark brown hair that falls in his face. He is covered in tattoos - mostly stick and poke but some professionally done like the skull on his neck. He wears a Misfits t-shirt (the sleeves he cut off himself with kitchen scissors) his binder is underneath and pokes out at the sides. His jeans are muddy at the bottoms with tears over the knees (worn from age), and he has an old pair of battered, second hand adidas trainers. He has an old paint stained backpack with band and horror patches sewn onto it, in the side pocket is a camera, and the front pocket is filled with different types of knives, his preferred behind a simple flick knife he keeps on his pocket.
If you are fixing a generator with another survivor that generator becomes invisible to the killer and increases in speed by 2/3/4%. This can only be applied to one generator per game.
Children of the Damned
The Entity oddly favours you more than most survivors. It takes 8/9/10% longer to be summoned and you have a 5/6/7% more chance to unhook yourself.
When the killer is stunned you have the ability to melee attack them. This causes the killer to be thrown back and disorientated for 2/3/4 seconds.
Ormond was the first place that the foster system sent Frank to where he actually felt at home. Sure, his foster father Clive Andrews was an abusive alcoholic, but he had friends. Friends who were just as obsessed with urban legends and true crime as he was. They were close beyond what most considered healthy, thats what the kid in the video store as well as Julie and Joey’s parents said. They didn’t care. They were happy. Every Saturday they’d meet to investigate old crime scenes and haunted spaces. There favourite killer however originated from no where near Ormond: The Ghost Face.
They’d talked about the infamous Ghost Face a thousand times but not ever did any of them suspect that one of his kills would happen in their shitty little town. When Julie waved the newspaper with Jed Olsen’s article and photo on the front page in front of their faces, the Ghost Face killer had attacked and they could see one of his crime scenes. It was the sort of thing they’d talked about taking road trips to do before, when they saved up enough money to go to the States. But they could actually do it now. Not only that, the article said it happened at the victim’s ski lodge - there was only one of those in the whole of Ormond. They whispered excitedly in their corner of the cafeteria about what they would do when they got there, they wondered if Ghost Face left anything the cops hadn’t picked up on.
If they weren’t so caught up in the anticipation that night, they might have found it strange that the place was empty when they arrived there. The police tape was untouched, but the doors were left ajar with blood on the window. Susie and Joey stayed behind, shivering in the snow, anxiously looking between each other. Both of them were mostly terrified of running into the police than the killer. Frank and Julie tried to push them to come with them. Eventually they agree once Julie and Frank had established the coast was clear.
Frank had been acting strangely the moment they approached the building, but only Julie seemed to notice. He felt something inside the building calling him, beckoning him, and he couldn’t help but follow it. He didn’t even notice the fog around him as he entered into the main hall of the ski lodge. He did however realise he was still shivering and when he turned round to mention this to Julie he couldn’t see anything but fog. He turned back towards the entrance, shouting Julie’s name. There was a strange hissing noise from the centre of the room, Frank spun back around before he could even process it. He couldn’t breathe when he saw the source of the noise - Ghost Face’s victim laid untouched on the rug in front of the fireplace. He couldn’t believe the cops had left it there. He ran towards it and got onto his knees, foolishing tearing his shirt buttons open to see the wound. Or what should’ve been a wound. He couldn’t see the body any more. All he could see was the fog.
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Yikes! The home of the Hawaiian Tropics sun tan lotion founder just dropped for $6M in Ormond Beach, Florida. These people didn’t know what to do w/their money when it came to decor. Take a look-
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Enter thru the ornate doors and striped woods throughout the house. Is it me, or does it look like they took a staple gun and covered the stairs themselves?
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The main room has a center fireplace/pit and what is that in the floor? Is it fish? 
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Double stairs covered in turquoise, stand out.
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Most of the animals are carved wood, but I’m not sure about the lion.
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The bear up there may be real, too. There’s so much going on, here. I wonder if all the photos of young women are Hawaiian Tropics models.
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Okay, so this is the kitchen. It has quite a huge counter. 
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And, the indoor pool. 
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It looks like there’s an elevator up to the mezzanine, that’s loaded with art.
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The huge main bd. The carpet needs to be re-stretched. I hate when it wrinkles like that. 
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The house is on the water and you can always sit and look at it.
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It took a while to figure out that this is the bath. I thought that the sauna was a wine cellar at first and the toilet was a coffee maker. These mirrors are disorienting.
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Behind the sauna is a hot tub.
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Looking at this, it’s a pool table with a top, so it turns into a regular table, but every time you want to play pool you have to lift that big top off.
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Some more big wood carvings.
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This is cute, a little foot bridge over a water feature. Is that a covered barbecue grill on the left?
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Here’s a big wet bar. Look at the bar sink to wash the glasses.
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Looks like a special effects wind fan and a hammock in this room. 
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This is a nice- mermaid themed powder room.
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Looks like there’s a golf course back there.
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Wow, look at the ocean waves breaking on the beach.
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There’s also an outdoor pool.
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I bet that narrow part of the pool is what flows into the indoor pool and meets under the footbridge.
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Title: Kit Kittredge: An American Girl
Rating: G
Director: Patricia Rozema
Cast: Abigail Breslin, Chris O'Donnell, Julia Ormond, Stanley Tucci, Max Thieriot, Joan Cusack, Glenne Headly, Jane Krakowski, Wallace Shawn, Madison Davenport, Zach Mills, Willow Smith, Martin Roach, Eddie Graff, Austin Macdonald, Kenneth Welsh, Colin Mochrie
Release year: 2008
Genres: family, comedy, drama, mystery
Blurb: The Great Depression hits home for 9-year-old Kit Kittredge when her dad loses his business and leaves to find work. In order to keep their home, Kit and her mother must take in boarders, who turn out to be full of fascinating stories. When her mother's lockbox containing all of their money is stolen, her new hobo friend Will is the prime suspect. Kit refuses to believe that he would steal, and her efforts to sniff out the real story get her and her friends into big trouble. The police say the robbery was an inside job, committed by someone they know...so if it wasn't Will, who did it?
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piracytheorist · 1 year
Which Disney movie do you consider overrated? (Pixar counts)
Peter Pan from 1953. And I'm gonna choose violence here. Skip this post if this is your favourite film.
The most glaring problem with that film is of course the racist depiction of Native American tribes. Sadly, a film can be technically well made while also being racist, so it's not the racism part that makes me think that this film sucks from an entire film making standpoint.
It's the depiction of Hook, and to an extent, Peter Pan. In the original story, Peter Pan represents childhood, but also immaturity, while Hook represents adulthood and all the shit that follows it. While Hook is more of a villainous character, he's not the villain of the story, while Peter Pan is not the absolute hero protagonist and paragon of virtue of the story. He's also pretty fucked up. Pan and Hook are symbols, and of opposite sides to boot, and that's why they're antagonists in the story. Wendy is a character, learning about both and in the end pretty much choosing neither.
So Disney took that and turned it into a black-and-white hero vs villain story while forgetting that the original is about Wendy learning what growing up is all about.
Hook is turned into a caricature of a villain while also being mocked for having a very legitimate fear of an animal that wants to eat him. I don't know, maybe it's because I don't have childhood nostalgia for this film, I first watched it when I was like 14 and I was like dafuq did I just watch. Like I was legitimately cringing and feeling bad that Hook was being made fun of. Phobias and trauma-related fears are no laughing matter.
And look - I'm not saying you can't have a villain who is comical. Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians, which came out a few years after Peter Pan, is also a comical villain... but she's not a ridicule. Roger may make a song mocking her, but it's more of a dark humor song going like "She's the devil and she will eat you alive O_O but not really" while Peter Pan went like "LOL Hook is afraid of an animal that ate his hand and now wants to eat the rest of him he's such a coward LOL!" And no, I don't think it's fair to see a man who's willing to kill children in cold blood and to try and bring him down by laughing at a very rational fear he has. If it was used as a weapon against him and taken seriously - like the Lost Boys or Pan calling upon the crocodile so that Hook will panic and they can escape - it would have been a cool, albeit a little dark (though not too dark for Disney, especially for that era) idea, though not uncalled for compared to what Hook does. But no they just lol about it. It's hideous.
And in general I find that version of Pan unlikable, super annoying and an immature brat - which is funny because that's what Pan is supposed to be in the original story! He's meant to present to Wendy the "bad" sides of staying a kid forever. But Disney just presents him as a hero who learns from his mistakes like NO BITCH the whole point is that Pan doesn't grow up! He doesn't grow more mature and he's NOWHERE near being a person to look up to.
I agree that it's an iconic film but when you actually tear it down it's insulting to people with phobias and/or traumas, poorly translated from the source material, shallow as fuck, and also racist. 0/10 probably the only good thing that came out of it was whatever money the mouse decided to give to Great Ormond Street Hospital for using the rights to Peter and Wendy. (If you don't know what that is, J. M. Barrie, the author of the book and original theater play, gave the rights to the aforementioned hospital so any production getting the rights to make any production of it would essentially pay the hospital, which is a cool af idea. I think that right-holding reached its end a couple years ago and lo and behold what did the mouse do? A live action Peter Pan film :)
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opencharacters · 2 years
Peter Pan
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Since this has come up again, let me clear things up about the copyright of Peter Pan.
United States
The book "Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens" first book of the Peter Pan series came out in 1906. Therefore in the U.S Peter Pan is public domain. The play that came out in 1904 "Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up" was only published in 1928 therefore isnt public domain until 2024 in the United States. Things original to the play therefore aren't public domain, unless they were in the 1911 novel "Peter & Wendy" which expands upon the original story and play.
European Union
J.M Barrie died in 1937. Prior to 1996 copyright terms in the EU were Life + 50 years so it expired at the end of 1987. In 1996 it went back into copyright until the end of 2007. All of J.M Barrie's work are in the public domain there.
United Kingdom
J.M Barrie gave the copyright within the UK for Peter Pan to the Great Ormond Street Hospital. This was a generous gift that according to the hospital's website has given them quite a lot of money that they use for running the hospital.
When Peter Pan's copyright expired in the European Union the first time, the UK passed the Copyright Designs and Patents Act, CDPA which enabled the hospital to keep the rights into perpetuity. So all royalties from stage plays, publications and so on within the UK the money goes to the Hospital. Which is quite wholesome. But yeah, Peter Pan is forever copyrighted within the UK
So to recap!
In the US Peter Pan is mostly public domain except for the 1904 play which becomes public domain next year in 2024.
In the EU, Peter Pan has been public domain since 2008. In New Zealand, and places with similar copyright law the works of J.M Barrie have been public domain since 1988.
In the UK Peter Pan will never enter the public domain as the copyright is bound to the Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Source: https://www.gosh.org/about-us/peter-pan/copyright/
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I’m fully convinced that the main reason Disney have made Peter Pan and Wendy a Disney+ release and not released it in the cinemas is because this way they don’t have to pay any money made at the box office to Great Ormond Street Hospital (a children’s hospital which receives royalties from any and all things related to Peter Pan)
If I’m wrong and GOSH are in fact profiting from this remake, then please let me know but… yeah.
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teamivankaye · 9 months
New Christmas charity single 'So Delicious', music video and behind-the-scenes clip out now with Ivan as a groovy elf. 😎🤘👑 Costs only 0.99 £/slightly over 1 $/€.
The money goes to the children cancer centre of the Great Ormond Street Hospital.
➡️ li.sten.to/sodelicious
Internationally available on your chosen platform, if the link doesn't lead there directly, just type "So Delicious" in the search bar!
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pgriegr · 11 months
Devon Bumpkin built a children's hospital in The Sims 4 to help raise money for the Children's Cancer Centre at @GreatOrmondSt
Please donate if you can at: donate.tiltify.com/@devonbumpkin/…
or please share this around to help this amazing cause.
@StreamForGOSH #StreamitBeatit
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yourapple56-blog · 1 year
She decides to do this NOW?!
Harvey Weinstein is a monster to be sure, but this seems like a flat out money grift to me!
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akemansimblog · 2 years
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Ardan and Ormonde Holt aided and abetted local crime, and were active in it themselves. The Holts were poor. Ardan's parents didn't make any money, because Randi was too lazy to rise to high office. They had to wriggle out to survive. Old Mia continued to be angry with her eldest daughter, whom she disowned. But when Rosa came to her for advice and support, she gladly accepted and said warm words. The younger Selene came to see her as well.
I sent my son to his uncle, Leonard Erton," the young widow said simply. - He promised to take care of him.
'That's the right choice,' sighed Mia. - And we'll find you a suitable husband. The "suitable" husband turned out to be an old general, a fellow soldier of Selena's father. He also wanted to take over Gregory's upbringing, but something irreparable happened. On one of those dark days, Ardan went on another robbery and ran into Listar's guards. He resisted arrest and was shot in the chest with an arrow. He died before they could bring the young man home. The inconsolable Randi laid his son's body on the funeral pyre.
May the Living Forest bless you, my dear," the old man said with tears in his eyes. Of course, they were naive nonsense. Outlaws, however noble they might be, are barred from the Living Forest. And Gregory Holt, the little heir, was forced to return from his mentor, to his poor home. At the time of Ardan's death, he had a daughter, Avalon, and an infant son, named Brontë.
A year after the tragedy, Ormonde was also caught. She was taken to the Listar house and beaten with sticks. When she was caught a second time, the offender was already facing prison. But Erton had no time for such foolishness as punishing robbers, and he sentenced Ormonde to house arrest. Henceforth she could not leave the estate until her son came of age. And then Ormonde wrote letters to her underlings that she was leaving crime. She decided to occupy herself with children and paint landscapes. Very soon her elderly in-laws, Randi and Mia, passed away. Many different burdens fell on the frail woman's shoulders.
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kaoeart · 1 year
We are raising money!
The Ride100 was completed!
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For muns with multiple muses, past and present, on any blog. Rules: Fill out the form according to which muse suits each title best. (The same muse can have multiple titles.) Repost and tag. Feel free to add more!
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Favourite Muse: Danny, Tarhos, Frank, and Aita they're all super easy to write and I get some fun interactions out them. People seem to like them too, so its a win win,
Most Character Development: Probably Danny, Tarhos, Frank, and Julie.
Trash Muse: Jerry, I love him, but he canonically went on a rant about his math "religion" and then almost spiked their ashes at their funeral. (3rd book)
The Meme-Lord: Danny always has really fun interactions especially in modern where he can just be stupid as much as he wants.
Most Likely to Start a War: Tarhos- He did actively start one and then got pulled into the fog during it.
Worst Personality: Yijun, but fuck I love him. He's a snake oil salesmen and him being what he is he literally survives off of attention and the greed he accumulates. He is literally just one of those Instagram models that push fad diet scams, mlms or sigma male audiobooks.
Most Attractive Muse: I think it really depends on a persons taste? But personally for me it's Aita, Luka, Luanne or Yijun, But I also know some people who really like Angel or Pearl too so.
Falls in Love Quickest: Pearl, but he's mostly just into guys with money.
Most Likely to Drop Their Phone in the Toilet: Aita he's the most likely to be drunk in public where that could happen easily.
Ice Ruler: Renata or Luanne they're both women that hold power and will not let even an inch of it go. They're cold and callous.
The Edgelord: FRANK my sweet baby boy who listens to metal and breaks into homes and businesses for fun.
Most Tragic Backstory: I feel like a lot of my d.bd muses have tragic backstories? That's just how the lore tends to go, but Frank if you stop to think about it is tragic. He's a kid whose bene in the foster care all his life passed from home to home and when he finally gets to Ormond his adoptive dad just wants the government money to go get drunk at the bar so he's left by himself.
Best Case of Puberty: Probably Tarhos??? To go from being a broad shouldered lanky kid to looking like a fucking bear is certainly an achievement.
Most Awkward: Susie, she's got anxiety and a lot of it except with her mask on.
Busy Bee: Viktor fucking lives at his lab, he will not stop working even when he should.
Most Clueless: Pearl except most of it is an act, because everyone loves a clueless blonde.
Most Likely to Forget Their Wallet at Home: Kazan in modern au, he's a grandpa leave him alone.
Best Dressed: Yijun, he's got big ass fur coats and lots of silks. Gold and fine jewels, he likes to flaunt what he has.
Biggest Flirt: Aita, because it gets him free things. That's it. If it gets him free food or drinks he'll do it.
Most Dramatic: Ji-Woon he's so full of himself even in his own tome, he physically cannot put others above himself. Like content warning for animal death in his tome but like- yeah he literally did that just because a hamster was getting more attention than his flute solo in class.
Least Likely to Show Up Late: Tarhos is bare minimum 40 minutes early to everything he has to go to-
One with Weirdest Habit: Anna hums lullabies to herself to pass the time, but it's not that weird.
Most Likely to Be Caught at the Gym: Tarhos, Frank, or Kazan. Frank just likes to stay in shape, but Tarhos and Kazan are jus- huge.
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Tagged by: @misstantabismuses (Thank you!) Tagging: anyone who wants me to idk how many multis follow me-
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gabrielcastillo · 1 year
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✦ MICHAEL TREVINO, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ✦ GABRIEL CASTILLO the THIRTY-FOUR year old has been in Hidehill for TWENTY-ONE YEARS (ON AND OFF) and was a COWORKER to Carter Thompson, one of the shadows. Whispers on the streets are that the FIREFIGHTER who lives in HOVE LAKE are said to be COURAGEOUS and HOT-TEMPERED but I guess we’ll find out for ourselves. 
Full Name: Gabriel Luis Castillo
Age: 34
Date Of Birth: October 29 1988
Zodiac: Scorpio
Parents: Luis & Amalia Castillo
Siblings: One younger sister (WC)
Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Firefighter
Languages: English & some Spanish
Positive: Courageous, determined, honest, loyal, adventurous
Negative: Headstrong, stubborn, hot-tempered, resentful, distant
Born in Phoenix, Arizona, Gabriel Castillo was supposed to be the solution to his parents' troubles; a partnership that had bred more from convenience and familial pressure than actual love. To no real shock, he was not the magic marital fix they had been looking for, but they had another child just to be sure.
Bound by some kind of unspoken duty to the family they had created, Luis and Amalia Castillo held it together as well as they could for the sake of the children. Amalia, a primary school teacher was the heart of the family while Luis, a labourer was the enforcer.
Early life for Gabriel wasn't a dream but it wasn't altogether terrible until the company his father worked for went under and he was made redundant. Work at the time was hard to come by and the dynamic shift of being the man of the house to relying on his wife to support them was difficult for Luis, and he found himself out more often at night, stumbling home late from bars, reeking of alcohol and cigarettes. Amalia remained stoic, putting up with more than any person should, turning a blind eye to his antics until one night she'd had enough and confronted him about his behaviour. In a drunken stupor, Luis struck her across the cheek in front of Gabriel. That was enough for her to pack her and the children up, leaving for anywhere that was far from him.
They came to settle in Hidehill; Amalia drawn to its small-town charm and sense of community. She got a part-time position as a substitute teacher at the primary school and Gabe was enrolled as a freshman at Hide High. Knowing that a single part-time wage wouldn't be enough to sustain them, he got an after school job as well as working at Ormond's on the weekends. He took it upon himself to assume the role of man of the house, and did his best to help provide for his Mom and sister.
Shortly after Gabriel turned 18, his father tried to reconnect with him for the first time to tell him he'd gotten sober, found work again and wanted to repair their relationship. Still holding onto to a lifetime's worth of boyhood resentment and chip still firmly placed on his shoulder, Gabe ignored him. Luis tried more times to make contact for a few years, but it wasn't until he informed his son that he had terminal cancer did Gabe take notice. Gabe was in the middle of a six-month intensive firefighting training course at the time, and his father passed away before he had a chance to schedule a time to (reluctantly) go and see him. He was notified a short time later that Luis had elected him to divide up the estate as next-of-kin. He was freshly 21 with the world at his fingertips, instead he used the money to buy his mother a house in Hove Lake; where she'd often expressed she'd love to retire to one day.
Shortly after he became a fully qualified firefighter, Gabriel was asked to transfer to a branch in Minnesota. At the insistence of his Mom he agreed to go, and spent six years there; returning every Christmas and birthday without fail. When Amalia became sick, he requested a transfer back to Hidehill and moved into the Hove Lake house to take care of her until she died three years ago.
Gabriel has always been naturally physically fit and was a gifted athlete in high school. In his senior year he was offered a sporting scholarship to go to a college out of state but he turned it down to stay with his family. Plus, he had no desire to go to college and study.
Gabriel is a vehement family man and has always wanted a family of his own, but it has just never worked out for him.
While he tries to stay measured as much as possible, Gabe has a very short fuse and has been known to engage in a fist fight or two.
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