#Osric Cadash
kagetsukai · 5 years
My OCs
Hannah Fox (of Highever) - OC Page
As seen in Drops of Satina [DA:I canon-verse]
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Ellana Lavellan - OC Page
As seen in Dance Like No One Is Watching [DA modern AU]
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Kendra Smith - OC Page
No story available at this time. [DA2 canon-verse]
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Retired Original Characters:
Mahanon Lavellan - OC Page
As seen in The Heart of Everything [DAI canon]
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Osric Cadash - OC Page
As seen in A Million Reasons to Love [DAI canon]
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shannaraisles · 6 years
OC Kiss for Osric please? He blushingly request a kiss from Mila :D
Hehehe ...
At the sound of a shy throat being cleared behind her, Mila turned and, for a moment, saw nothing. Then she looked down ... and a slow, sultry smile spread over her face.
“Well, well. Fancy seeing you here.”
Osric blushed, looking as though he were seriously considering turning to run away. It had seemed like a good idea at the time. Mila chuckled warmly, stroking her fingers over his burning cheek with a gentle touch.
“I’m not going to eat you, sweetie,” she promised. “Did you enjoy our kiss that much? I certainly did.”
“Oh, I ...” He faltered, caught by the open acknowledgement that she had liked being kissed by him. “I, um ... yes.”
Without offering more small talk, she drew her hands to his cheeks, bending down to cover his mouth with her own. And this kiss was far from swift, or chaste. She was slow, and she was thorough, her lips teasing his apart to let her tongue tangle with his, drawing back only to tilt her head the other way and taste him again. She didn’t stop until he was trembling, until his cheeks were burning hot beneath her touch, drawing back with a last kiss to his forehead.
“Hmm ... your Lace is a lucky girl.”
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out-of-the-embers · 6 years
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Here’s @kagetsukai‘s Osric Cadash for our art/fic trade :D 
It was fun to draw this adorable sweetheart :3
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violetprosejoe · 7 years
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Osric Cadash for @trulyosmotic (occasionally nsfw)
Thank you for commissioning me to draw your character. It was fun.
my stuff - commission info
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Seriously, everyone go read those March Madness masterlists. I mean it. You won’t be sorry.
@kagetsukai‘s Osric Cadash - A Million Reasons to Love
@out-of-the-embers‘s Raphael Trevelyan - Taking Flight
@shannaraisles‘s Dermot Cousland - The Hounds of Highever
Go on and give them all the love and praise they deserve!
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kagetsukai · 5 years
I'm sorry I missed this yesterday! The next time you're feeling so inclined to write them, maybe a 3-sentence fic for Lace x Osric? :D
I am feeling so inclined! now that I’m done with chores around the house... Anyway, I hope you like it :)
Lace hated dresses with a fiery passion of thousand burning suns, but even she had to admit that the one she was wearing was beautiful and flattered her shape. As she stepped along the path, she could feel everybody's eyes on her and the desire to run away and hide returned with renewed force. It wasn't until her eyes met Osric's - wide and blue and filled with love - that she knew she would get through this; after all, a girl only got married once.
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kagetsukai · 5 years
A Million Reasons To Love - Osric Cadash [Masterpost]
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Thank you so much for following this month-long challenge. I appreciate all of your support! That being said, if you want to go back and reread your favorite parts - or if you missed anything - here is the list of all the prompts
Also available on AO3
The Great Unknown
New Groups
The Lady and the Tramp
Fun Times
Not Enough
The Past
Friends in High Places
Princess and the Frog
Moment of Terror
Be My Valentine
End of Line
Final Decision
Ever After
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kagetsukai · 6 years
Osric Cadash: Day 3 - Red
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Also available on AO3
Osric had realized a long time ago that he did not view women the same way men around him did. Once or twice he had participated in a group Carta excursion to the local whorehouse, but each time left him feeling more and more dissatisfied with what he was expected to do. So he stopped going, instead choosing to excessively imbibe in mead any time someone tried to drag him along. Deep in his heart, he had thought himself broken.
“Inquisition Scout Harding, at your service.”
Such simple words, yet they changed so much.
She was a breath of fresh air, her sparkling eyes looking up at him with such sweet adoration he felt a dire need to never disappoint her. She was just a scout, a person who briefed him on the situation in Hinterlands, but no matter how hard he tried not to, he kept staring at her face - mesmerized. He wanted to trace his fingers along her cheeks and nose, to memorize all the dips and bumps and scars she carried. He wanted to count all the freckles on her skin, the red little dots peppered everywhere with fascinating frequency. He wanted to know her and didn’t know how.
“They say you’re the last great hope for Thedas.”
More hope, more admiration, all followed up by the sweetest smile he had ever seen. If he had ever met a woman as pretty as Scout Harding, he could no longer remember. It should scare him how quickly she took up residence in his heart, but all he could do was smile back and say:
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kagetsukai · 6 years
Osric Cadash: Day 21 - Soft
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Also available on AO3
Summons already sent out, Osric paced inside his tent and wondered for the nth time that day if he was wrong in his assumptions. His friends and companions had been encouraging him to pursue a relationship with Lace for a very long time - some from the beginning, actually - so taking this step felt overdue and immensely terrifying. He kept trying to remind himself of what Varric had said earlier: imagine the worst case scenario, the best case scenario, and what was most likely to happen. It helped his nerves only marginally.
In the worst case scenario, Lace would laugh at him and his stupid notions of romance, and leave his tent immediately, never to interact with him again. In the best case scenario, Lace would become so absolutely enchanted by his prepared speech, she’d fall into his arms at once - just like in those romance books Varric insisted on writing. Realistically speaking, Osric expected her to graciously thank him for his interest and let him off easy. After all, she probably had better prospects somewhere else.
All of his doomsday thoughts came to a halt when the tent flap opened and Lace Harding purposefully stepped inside.
“You wanted to see me, Inquisitor?” she asked, all business-like.
“On a personal matter,” he replied with a small smile.
Over the past several weeks it had become their code for how to behave around each other. When others were around, they addressed each other professionally and kept their distance, but once they were alone, they would drop formalities and often sit close together as they talked. It was a pleasure to watch Lace go from stiff and formal to relaxed and warm.
“You sent a missive on a personal matter?” she asked, an amused smirk teasing her shapely lips. “How mischievous. What’s going on?”
Lace stopped really close to him and turned just right, so the sunlight that seeped through the cracks in the door fell onto her face with the perfect amount of playfulness. She was beautiful and whatever speech Osric had prepared, disappeared into thin air.
She still waited on an answer from him, though.
“Do you like me?”
The question left his mouth before he could catch it, and it dropped between them like a particularly embarrassing piece of trivia. Heat rushed to his cheeks at once - he could feel it spread on his face, his neck, and even down to his chest, though thankfully he wore enough clothing to conceal that. Lace wasn’t doing any better, her face gaining a vibrant pink color that looked lovely on her skin. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Varric’s voice started talking about the worst case scenario.
“I…” she paused and cleared her throat, “I do.”
He had to be dreaming, Osric then decided. Or maybe she misunderstood his meaning and didn’t know what he actually intended? Considering he was a terrible communicator, he decided to make things clear. He tenderly took her hand in his - in the same way she had done for him right after Adamant - and looked her in the eye, willing her to plainly see his desire.
“I meant… romantically.”
Something interesting happened then, where Lace’s body shifted even closer to Osric’s, leaning in ever so slightly, so he could smell the leather and sunshine that clung to her skin. It was intoxicating and he felt slightly dizzy.
“My answer is still ‘yes’,” she replied, her voice pitched lower than he was used to.
Normally, keeping eye contact with another person was intensely uncomfortable for Osric, but it had never been the case with Lace. Now, staring into her freckled face, he could barely look anywhere else - her green-hazel eyes sparkled like one of those gems he had collected for the Inquisition and carried enough warmth to set his whole soul on fire. He briefly glanced down to her lips, wondering if they tasted as perfect as they looked.
“I would very much like to kiss you,” he murmured.
There was barely any space left between them so when Lace’s face split into a wide smile, it became his entire world.
“I’d like that.”
Before she could change her mind, Osric leaned in and kissed her.
It had to be years since the last time he had kissed a woman and this was a first time with someone he actually cared about, so he felt shy and hesitant, completely unsure just how much would be too much. He didn’t want to scare her off, so after a few soft brushes of his mouth over hers, he pulled away.
Nothing and everything changed between them. She was still Lace and he was still Osric, but they had a connection now and that thought made him smile.
“For the record,” he said. “I really like you, too.”
She chuckled. “I am happy to know that,” she replied and closed the gap again. Her kiss was nowhere near as chaste as Osric’s and it made his toes curl.
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kagetsukai · 6 years
Osric Cadash: Day 8 - Mercenary
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Available on AO3
Rain was the worst thing ever, Osric decided. As he walked along the shore of The Storm Coast, getting drenched in what felt like a perpetual torrent from the sky, he wondered if he would ever feel dry again.
“I hate this,” he mumbled under his breath.
“Tell me about it,” Varric replied just as quietly.
Next to them, Cassandra and Solas looked completely unperturbed by the elements, which just felt completely unfair.
“I hope this Iron Bull is worth the hassle,” Varric said.
“Me and you both.”
They rounded an outcropping of rocks to a full view of a battle led by the largest Qunari Osric has ever laid his eyes on - and he had seen the Arishok once. People were fighting, though the mercenaries were most definitely on the winning side. Cassandra moved forward, then stopped and glanced toward Osric.
“Are we going to join them or just watch from afar?” she asked pointedly.
Osric shrugged and pulled out his sword. “I’m cold. I need some exercise to warm me up.”
Behind them, Solas gave a long-suffering sigh and unlatched his staff.
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kagetsukai · 6 years
Osric Cadash: Day 6 - Smitten
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I’ve posted this before, but I went back and edited it a bit. So, if it looks familiar, that’s why.
Available on AO3
The prospect of heading for the Fallow Mire sounded extremely unappealing and Osric dreaded the wake up bell the next morning. Perhaps there were people out there who enjoyed facing off against the undead, but he was decidedly not one of them.
“Cheer up, kid!” Varric snickered next to him as they both nursed the last mug of an evening ale. “It can’t all be bad, right?”
Osric gave him a squinty side-glance.
“I read the reports about the area,” he grumbled. “They had phrases like ‘shambling corpses’ and ‘perpetual swamp’.”
Suddenly Varric’s face gained a positively mischievous expression and he leaned in a bit.
“I have it on good authority that a certain redhead is going to be there to brief you on the situation,” he whispered.
A quick memory of pale, freckled skin, sparkling eyes, and a disarming grin made Osric’s heart skip a beat before he remembered himself.
“I’m going there to get things done, Varric,” he pointed out. “I’m not going to a bog to find a… date.”
The word seemed silly at best, but Osric wasn’t going to spend more time trying to find a better one. Knowing that Scout Harding would be at the Fallow Mire when he arrived made his night.
“You’re still a man, Osric,” Varric pointed out. “You’re allowed to flirt with a pretty girl once in a while.”
It made sense, of course. There was a giant hole in the sky, the Chantry was trying to eliminate him, and no matter how hard he tried, the list of items needing his attention seemed to grow by the hour. He deserved a moment of reprieve. Still...
“What if we’re both in a bog? Should I still--” Osric asked.
Varric didn’t hesitate with a reply. “Yes, especially if you’re in a bog,” he said.
The advice seemed preposterous at best, but Osric wasn’t going to question it. He raised his mug to Varric and they quietly clinked them together. He just had to focus on the good parts of this trip and all would be well.
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kagetsukai · 6 years
Lace Harding finds it incredibly refreshing that while Osric Cadash clearly thinks she’s attractive, he doesn’t immediately try to bed her. She’s had her share of men either looking for a quick tumble or humans fetishing the fact that she’s a dwarven woman (if only she had a silver for every time a man said “you’re the perfect blowjob height” to her...), so the fact that Osric prefers to cuddle and smooch makes her love him more.
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kagetsukai · 5 years
Osric Cadash: Day 31 - Ever After
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Available on AO3
The banquet had been exhausting, to say the least, so when a missive came - summoning him to the gardens - Osric immediately excused himself from listening to Arl of Somewhere In Ferelden and promptly stepped outside. He didn’t know where exactly he should go, so he paused at the door and looked around. It took all of his self-control to not jump when Lace seemed to materialize next to him.
“Let’s get out of here,” she whispered and grabbed his hand.
Almost at once they were rushing through the garden, taking smaller paths and avoiding groups of people, only to end up in the southern - the least traveled - corner . They could still hear the revelry, but it was muted here, the relative quiet feeling like the smoothest balm on his frayed nerves. Osric smiled as they stopped, but before he could say another thing, Lace threw herself around his neck and hugged him tightly. All he could do was put his arms around her and press her even closer to his chest.
“I was so afraid,” she murmured into his neck. “I thought you were going to die.”
Ah. He shifted just a little and placed a gentle kiss to the side of her head.
“Well, you’re not rid of me just yet,” he said with a smile.
She pulled away just enough to glare at Osric and he noted with surprise that her eyes were wet with unshed tears.
“That’s not funny, you dolt,” she told him. “I could have lost you.”
“Maybe,” he said with a slight shrug. “Comes with the territory, you know.”
It clearly didn’t make her feel any better - not that it was supposed to - so he took her darling face in his hands and placed a small kiss on the tip of her nose. He didn’t stop there either, his lips taking him across her face to kiss her cheeks, her jawline, her forehead. By the time he pressed his mouth to hers, she eagerly returned the favor, all softness and tenderness of touch. It felt like coming home after a long day of hard work.
“I love you,” he whispered and immediately stopped breathing.
This wasn’t how he had pictured it happening, but perhaps confessing his love in the middle of a lovely garden while bathed in moonlight could be romantic enough to be forgiven for a bit of spontaneity. Still, he watched her face from mere inches away, hoping against hope that he had read her feelings right, that she felt for him the way he felt for her.
After a moment of shock, her face shifted into a brilliant smile he so adored, made even more beautiful by the moonlight bathing her freckled skin.
“I love you, too,” she said quietly.
In that moment Osric was convinced his chest was going to burst and he’d seize to exist, his happiness was so great. He wanted to howl at the moon and shout his joy at anybody who would listen; instead, he kissed Lace again, and again, and again, never getting tired of how lovely she tasted.
“I’m sorry,” he finally managed to tell her.
“For what?”
He grinned against her lips and placed a small kiss there. “I’ll have to tell you ‘I love you’ every chance I get, so I’m sorry in advance if it gets annoying.”
She snorted. “You’re ridiculous. I’ll just have to tell you ‘I love you’ in return,” she said and playfully bit down on his lip.
The tone of his joy turned darker, surprising Osric. Happiness still coursed through his veins, but it was now tinted with desire - and he felt confused and unsure what to do about it. Lace sensed at once that something was different, so she pulled away just enough to have a clear view of his face.
“Is everything alright?” she asked, worried. “Was that too much?”
Osric shook his head. “No. I just…” he paused, unsure of his words. “I think I’m not as broken as I thought I was.”
Lace shook her head at once and scoffed.
“You were never broken to begin with,” she said sternly. “Just because you don’t want to fuck every woman in sight doesn’t make you any less of a man.”
The use of the cuss word on Lace’s lips shocked Osric into a choked laugh.
“Have I mentioned lately that I love you?” he said with a grin.
She leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. “It’s been a while, so I’ll gladly hear it again.”
“I love you,” he said and kissed her forehead. “I love you.” He kissed the bridge of her nose. “I love you.” He kissed her mouth.
They continued in that vein for what felt like forever, until they were almost discovered by some drunken nobility and scared away from the gardens. After a whole lot of meandering through the servants’ corridors, they finally ended up in Osric’s quarters and spent the rest of the night curled around each other in the fluffy comfort of his bed.
In that moment of time, all was well in the world.
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kagetsukai · 6 years
Kissing Booth 2019
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February 11th - February 17th
It’s that time of the year again! Since last year was a lot of fun, I decided to do it again. Here’s how this will work:
Send me an ask with the name of your OC and which one of mine you’d like your OC to smooch
Specify how intense of a kiss you’d like to see (don’t have to be specific, I just know there are OCs out there who aren’t looking for tonsil hockey)
I will then write a short blurb of our two OCs sharing a kiss. Knowing me, it could be up to 500 words each. You have been warned.
I would much appreciate if you had an OC page or artwork/picture so it’s easier for me to get a visual. If I need more info, I shall contact you :)
OCs available for smooching:
Hannah Fox
Ellana Lavellan
Osric Cadash
Mahanon Lavellan
If there’s another OC of mine you’re interested in, I’m flexible :)
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kagetsukai · 6 years
Osric Cadash: Day 26 - Princess and the Frog
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Also on AO3
The roof of The Herald’s Rest was not the best place to hold dates with your sweetheart, but somehow Lace didn’t oppose the idea when Osric had suggested it. Which was why they ended up there, late at night, cozy blankets laid out for comfort and a basket of provisions sitting off to the side. They were supposed to watch the nighttime sky, but all Osric did was admire the stars in Lace’s eyes.
“So, how was Halamshiral?” Lace asked once they finally took a break from their reunion smooches.
Osric felt his entire body clench at the mere mention of the name and had to consciously force himself to relax. Lace placed a small kiss on his nose.
“That bad?” she asked with a soft smile.
“Worse,” he said emphatically. “I felt like that frog in the fairytale, but instead of turning into a prince, I thought they were going to stomp me to death.”
“You look pretty handsome for a frog,” Lace said with a cheeky grin.
Osric snorted in reply. “Your eyes are failing you at a very young age, my dear. And so are your other senses. After all, I very much sound like a frog.”
He leaned in, aimed for her cheek, and as he put his mouth against her skin, he let out a resounding “Ribbit!” Lace squealed in surprise, but before she could properly recover, Osric peppered her jaw and neck with slightly slobbery kisses accentuated with that very same word. Soon she was giggling and playfully trying to defend herself against his assault, but to no avail, and it wasn’t until he tired of it that he released her from his grip. It took her a while to catch her breath, but she didn’t seem upset from having laughed so much.
“If you keep doing that, we’ll be found out,” she pointed out, still gasping a little.
Osric placed a tender kiss on her temple. “I don’t mind. I like hearing you laugh,” he admitted quietly.
A soft blush graced her face again, barely visible in the limited light, and she looked so pretty Osric felt compelled to kiss her again. Thankfully, she didn’t mind that either and quickly melted into his embrace.
It wasn’t until some moments later that they broke away again and a small frown creased Lace’s brow.
“Weren’t we supposed to look for shooting stars?” she asked, briefly glancing up at the sky.
Looking into her face, her rosy cheeks, her sparkling eyes, and her kiss-swollen lips, Osric realized that he wasn’t interested in celestial happenings after all.
“I don’t need to,” he said tenderly. “All of my wishes already came true”
Send help. I developed diabetes writing these two fluffy dorks.
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kagetsukai · 6 years
Osric Cadash: Day 2 - New Groups
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This ficlet was salvaged from when I first tried to do a challenge with Osric. If it sounds familiar, that's why.
Also available on AO3
For the nth time that day, Osric wondered if this was what dreaming felt like: the disconnect, the disorientation, the panic. He stood at the end of a large table inside of a building dedicated to a deity he was unsure existed, and the four humans that stared him down in four different ways made him want to turn around and run. He did not belong here.
“No,” he finally said, his voice strange and distant in his ears. “I won’t do it. I just can’t.”
Commander Cullen’s face folded into an even grumpier expression, Lady Josephine Montilyet looked disappointed for a brief moment before she settled on a mild interest mixed with concern, while Cassandra Pentaghast showed her displeasure in the most obvious way she had.
The only person Osric couldn’t read was Sister Nightingale and it unsettled him more than he cared to admit. As an enforcer for Carta, he had learned quickly the intricacies of emotions and how quickly they could turn to your disadvantage. Not knowing what the spymaster thought or felt was yet another reason why he didn’t want to stick around.
“You are free to go, of course,” Leliana said in her level, pleasantly accented voice. “Nobody will stop you. But do keep in mind that the world outside of Haven wants you dead. They think you a heretic, a blasphemer who killed our beloved Divine and threw the world into chaos. How long could you stay alive on your own?”
Longer than you assume, thought Osric. These people clearly underestimated his ability to survive against all odds, but he wasn’t about to announce his skills to any first human he came across. These four were clearly desperate to keep him around, to use the strange magic in his left hand to whatever advantage they thought they could get.
That’s when the mark flared up again; it sparkled and fizzled and hurt in a way that put fear and uncertainty back into Osric’s young heart. If he had been the same person before this blasted Conclave put him at the center of attention, he could have returned to being a nobody, a dwarf in the background. With a magical beacon permanently attached to his hand - and possibly killing him with every passing moment - his options were limited at best.
“I don’t trust you,” he announced, more to Leliana than anybody else in the room.
A pleased smirk creased her face.
“Most people don’t,” she replied. “Sleep with a knife under your pillow, if it makes you feel better, but we mean you no harm. We want to save this world and you are our only hope of doing so.”
The last thing Osric wanted to do was to sign up for some hero’s quest to save a world that didn’t care about him, but his options were limited. He was also exhausted and needed something solid in his belly.
“Fine.” It was a resigned sort of an agreement as Osric closed his eyes and pressed fingers against his eyeballs. “I’ll do it, even if I don’t know how.”
Cassandra moved beside him and he slowly opened his eyes - slowly enough to watch her slam a large, complicated-looking tome onto the table.
“Don’t worry, we have a blueprint.”
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