#Otis Adams
penniswise · 1 month
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swirlingvortex · 1 year
I just wanna say I'm so glad they didn't make Ruby get back together with Otis or have her accept his pathetic friendship offer after the way he treated her all season like, she deserves so much better. And it's time she realised that. Periodt.
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voidpacifist · 1 year
things I loved about season four of sex ed (spoilers ahead)
the amount of representation present this season. the disability rep, the queer and trans rep, how not shy the writers were confronting different trans and disability rights issues head on.
eric's arc with his religion and his gayness and how he was able to reconcile the two. this one really hit home for me as someone who is both queer and a person of faith. I love getting to see gayness have a place within faith, it just healed something for me, okay?
otis was so classically otis but he finally (FINALLY) acknowledged his own idiosyncrasies without just writing them off as being the fault of wounds in his life. by the end of ep 8 he was dedicated to making things better for himself and for other people and I'm actually so proud of him for that.
aimee's journey with healing from her SA trauma and how she navigated a new relationship with that. also I know it probably wasn't intentional but she's a very autistic coded character to me and watching her flourish as herself with isaac just did something so special to my heart. I would level cities for her.
and adam too!! him finally getting the closure he needed with eric and them communicating !!!! the scene at erin wiley's funeral when eric is able to tell adam how genuinely proud of him he is, just,,,my heart I love it when people get to heal !! also again with the unintentional neurodivergent rep, like come on - sitting undiagnosed by yourself, handsome? he's just like me fr.
I was worried the writers wouldn't do isaac's character justice, even though he was given a good arc in season three I was still anxious about where they would take it now that maeve was overseas and honestly, they didn't give him very much of a story outside of his history and who he was when he was with maeve. similar to aimee with him, I really liked watching more of his artistic traits pop out and I loved seeing him have a healthy friendship with someone. even better, I love it when the feelings he harbored for that person were mutual with no strings attached. I wasn't expecting him and aimee to be endgame but I'm absolutely not disappointed about it (you can tell he's my fav because I've written the longest paragraph about him so far).
cal and aisha and pk. need I say anything more? my only gripe is that I wish we could have had a glimpse of the three of them on a date or even see if there were other people in the polycule but that's okay !! I also just really loved cal's journey with themself and I loved getting to see them supported for their identity it meant so very much to me.
lastly but certainly not the least, I loved that otis and o ended on mutually agreeable terms with each other, it just really added to the whole theme of trying to heal and open new doors and be okay with things not being in control all the time. it was especially touching that he gave his position as therapist to her because he knew and acknowledged he had work to do on himself like !!! very rare otis w but totally welcomed. had the show continued I would have loved to see more development w him.
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filmmarvel · 1 year
Sex Education Season 4 Review
Unfortunately it wasn’t as good as the others. It’s less that it was bad or that I didn’t enjoy it, and more that it sort of failed in its duties as a finale. I really liked the finale, it wasn’t until I finished it that I was left like… that’s it?
Starting with the Pros: I’m glad they had the sense to end it here. This season has gotten hated on pretty hard so far, which makes sense, but isn’t quite deserved. Even though it wasn’t as good as it COULD’VE been, it was still good! In particular, Aimee, Eric, and Adam had wonderful and satisfying arcs which I found quite compelling and felt like a lovely send off to each of their characters. Maeve’s ending, despite being a point of controversy, was fitting. She had a difficult but moving season, and her destiny was always to be a writer. As disappointing as it is that she doesn’t end up with Otis, I thought the writers justified it quite well. It would’ve simply felt wrong for her to stay back in Moordale just for Otis. She was always going to get out.
This brings me to the Cons. I have to say, my biggest disappointment with this season has to be Otis himself. Being the lead character, I really wish they would’ve chosen a more personal storyline with more depth to it to send off his character. Instead, they had him acting like a child the whole season. He’s the primary character and yet he has the least interesting, least sympathetic, least moving storyline. It was all about his relationships with Maeve, Ruby, and Eric, and his competition with O. Nothing really about him. They didn’t give enough closure as to how his future looks- he’s no longer the school sex therapist, which is disappointing. He agreed to think about working with O, but that’s all, and that isn’t the most satisfying conclusion. They left him in a very nondescript place. Additionally, many former cast members weren’t in this season. As a result, I felt that there were a number of missed opportunities. My other big complaint is, predictably, the change in setting and new cast of characters. I really didn’t love the new school. I don’t think I need to elaborate on that too much, it was just kind of over the top in a way that felt misplaced and unrealistic. As for the new characters, most of them weren’t bad, they were just unnecessary. The one character I did have an issue with was O, who was a rather grating presence. Which I don’t think was something all that good for a finale. I didn’t find her character at all interesting or sympathetic. She was really annoying, and didn’t grow on me at all over the course of the season.
To sum things up, I wish the writers had just focused on the characters they had already. The new characters weren’t as interesting (naturally), and I thought the season could’ve benefitted from more of a personal journey for the characters we already know and love- such as Otis, Jackson, Ruby, or Viv. When a show ends, I always really like to have some closure on where each of the characters are headed in the future, such as new passions, future relationships, careers, etc. While again, they did a lovely job with this with a few characters, there were a lot of characters who just left me unsatisfied (namely the aforementioned 4). I enjoyed the ending, but it left me feeling like a lot of precious time was wasted with new characters and misplaced storylines. It didn’t feel as though the writers quite understood how important this season was, and failed to treat certain characters with the care they deserved.
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ericeffiorg · 1 year
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'Sex Education' season 4 character posters
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admireforever · 11 months
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Maeve & Otis, Sex Education
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cosmoweirdkid · 7 months
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tired-and-swaggy · 1 year
wait why did everyone else hate the end of sex education I didn’t think it was that bad actually
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iconsrequestsworld · 1 year
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like or reblog if you save. ♡
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fandomgalore-blog · 1 year
Just finished the series finale of Sex Education! I hate to see this marvelous show go, but all good things must come to an end. Here are some of my thoughts:
- This show had the best ending for all of the characters. The thing I admired most was how realistic it felt. Literally none of the oc’s ended up with anyone by the end of the show except Aimee and Isaac, Cal didn’t feel comfortable yet due to dysmorphia, Maeve will probably never know if her brother is okay, etc. I’m such a sucker for realism in shows when it’s done well, so I enjoyed that aspect
- Everyone had fantastic growth, but my favorite was definitely Ruby and the Groff men. Absolutely loved that they weren’t fully at their best potential by the end, but it’s obvious they’re trying, and I love them all for that
- I felt bad for Ruby and Maeve the most during the whole season. Both are facing loneliness in different formats
- I like that Maeve stood up for herself against the writing teacher
- I actually don’t like that a good chunk of the cast just straight up wasn’t there for the final season, but the show did a good job with the new characters filling in their spots
- This is a continuation of the first point, but I loved that Ruby didn’t end up befriending Otis by the end since she realized he’d always unintentionally make her feel bad about herself. Usually shows go for the happily ever after and enemies to friends thing, but this show kept it real. Good for you Ruby
- This show is really good at making antagonist. O pissed me off so much
-Loved Isaac and Aimee’s relationship a lot
- Adam was so adorable and so were his parents
-Such a sucker for the estrangement period Otis and Eric went through cuz that happens sometimes when two friends realize just how different they are
-Eric’s storyline was so much fun when it came to the whole Christianity Vs sexuality debate. I loved that they made god a beautiful black goddess (literally)
- Glad Viv got rid of that loser before it got worse
- I feel like we still didn’t get a lot of Cal, but that could just be me
- That was the most unserious yet serious funeral I’ve ever seen and that woman needs to be fired cuz how do you mess up the deceased’s name before the service in front of the dead’s daughter???
- I like the realism of Jackson’s father rejecting him. Sometimes the birth parents just don’t accept you. It sucks ass, but it’s something a lot of ppl unfortunately face when they search for their birth parent(s). Glad he has his moms at least
- This season made me realize how many enemies Otis has lol
- Watching Joanna and Jean’s scenes gave me life tbh
- I loved the protest for making sure the school provided proper care for disabled students. It’s ridiculous they didn’t fix the elevator or ensure deaf students are catered to when there’s alarms ringing, etc.
- The final scene was the perfect send off for this show
All in all, great season finale for a great show. I will miss this show with every fiber of my being, and I hope Netflix will create something as good as it in the future. I might add or subtract to this list, but for now, this is it.
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eliounora · 1 year
speaking of sex education, I've seen ppl hate on the new season and while I agree it was clumsily written at times, I thought the ending was brilliant. now maybe I can appreciate it better being a bit older, because I've been through that teenage stuff myself and I know that when you're young you want those first loves to last and the couples to end up together, but truth is that it's difficult. I almost chose where I went to study based on where my boyfriend at the time wanted to go, and every day I'm glad I did not get into that university and through stroke of luck was allowed to go my own path. (my grades were not good enough. THANK THE STARS!)
usually I hate the "the ending wasn't bad it was realistic" explanation but considering the show's whole point was to represent, to teach and show, warts and heartbreak and everything, I think the realistic ending was the perfect one here.
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fishyyyyy99 · 1 year
I actually liked the way Otis and Maeve's story ended (I say this as someone who has shipped them since season 1). My only problem is that I feel like there weren't special moments between them like there used to be in season 1, or sometimes in season 2, that would have made their break up feel more impactful. I feel like Aimee and Maeve's relationship ended up outshining them, and even Isaac's small moment with Maeve this season felt like more of a connection than Otis had with her this season. I definitely loved what Maeve shared with Aimee and Isaac and would not change a thing. But, I would also add awesome Motis moments like we got when the show first came out. But I feel like the letter sort of made up for all the bullshit that went down between them and explained why she loved him. I still would have preferred if there were some season 1-like moments though.
Also, I didn't really like Ruby's last scene with Otis. I think it was a sign that she was putting herself first instead choosing to hang out with Otis when she clearly wasn't over him, which was good. But I wish the dialogue had been different. Or maybe I've completely misinterpreted the scene?
I actually quite liked this season overall for all of the characters, especially Maeve, Aimee, Ruby, Isaac, and Eric. I think Adam's arc was good too, he was just never my personal favourite.
Also, did anyone else expect that Molloy dude to steal Maeve's work? And a book from Maria Bronte's perspective sounds really interesting to me.
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thediamondarcher · 1 year
I love how even tho Sex Education is a show centered in sexual/romantic relationships, it gives platonic love so much importance and i absolutely love is. As an aroace person, seeing friendships getting the same importance as relationships makes makes soooooo happy
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behindthescreamz · 9 months
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excerpts from the “saw iv” feature in fangoria magazine issue #267 (oct 2007)
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mobiblackout · 10 months
Body shaming in wrestling and IWC is unfortunately way too normalized, it's absolutely repulsing
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admireforever · 11 months
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Sex Education
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