#Oukawa Kohaku x reader
konpetti · 6 months
hihi could I request crazy b relationship hcs!!!
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☆ ・lovers
ft. amagi rinne, himeru, oukawa kohaku, shiina niki
notes: i feel like i made everyone but rinne ooc this is so bad IM SORRY ,,,
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・:*+. amagi rinne
dates come in two types: exciting and relaxing. it depends on what your mood and his mood is in, or your schedules. surprisingly he considers a lot of things while planning a date... sometimes. the other times, he's impulsively taking you somewhere in the middle of the day when there's nothing else to do.
the exciting dates are usually last-minute unplanned ones. what even are you guys gonna do today? more or less you end up in an arcade with a few games rinne (or you) has been dying to try, or a pachinko parlor with nothing but a couple of coins in your pocket for this kind of thing. maybe even shopping too...
don't worry, rinne has kept some coins so both of you can come home after this. or not. just hope he won't spend it accidentally...
more relaxed dates are 50/50: planned ones in advance, or it's just you two unexpectedly going on a date. a drive around town with the windows open, grabbing a drink at a nearby store and sipping away at conversation, or maybe lounging in bed while watching a movie and cuddled up together. it's the little things, really
he's an absolute sucker for affection. nothing too loud or flashy in public though (though he IS that kind of person), just the simple kiss on the back of your hand, on the lips, forehead, interlocking your hands together, hell, if he could, he's give you piggy back rides if you're feeling tired. he'll laugh at your flustered state though, but not in an insulting way. pickup lines are his forte too, expect one everytime he gives you any affection.
lives? oh he's always waiting for you. he's searching for you in the crowd, sending you a wink your way when he sees you. lord have mercy for all his fans around you, they might fall to their knees... maybe you're one of them too. your congratulations at the end of every live is worth it, so he gives it his all while having fun~
if you asked any crazyb member how he is around, they'd shake their heads and sigh. let's just say he talks about you a lot. a lot a lot. his pride and joy, even
i'm not so sure about how his hometown may react to you, but if rinne chose you, then you must be good to him. so i think they'd allow it. hiiro is very supportive!
- a fun and loving guy. what more could you ask for?
・:*+. himeru
dates are very... fancy? all of them are planned out in advance with your input, don't mind the cost for a second here. of course if you prefer not-so fancy or non-grandiose dates, he'll take that into consideration. each date is almost perfect, suited to your tastes no matter how insane or simple they may be.
...but what about himeru's tastes, you ask? um... well... yeah, himeru would say it's to his tastes too but you can't be so sure right.... either way, he makes sure you know if you're uncomfortable, and he often checks up on you on how you're feeling. feeling ill/sick/tired? take a rest, himeru insists.
with affection, he keeps it on the low publicly. a simple kiss here and there, some words of affirmation and maybe a gentle pat on your shoulder. in private, it used to be exactly the same since he can't really show his feelings well (and probably wants to keep distance) but... soon enough, with a little bit of time... he gets closer. and a bit more affectionate. which means more lingering kisses
he gives it his absolute all during lives. like if he wasn't already then he absolutely is going so hard at lives. does the same thing with rinne, searching for you in the crowd and subtly sending a wink your way. at least like this, he can brush it off as fanservice on camera... but you know it's for you <3
rinne is ecstatic, probably telling you all about what himeru's doing during practices and when you arent around. that one time he smiled at the mention of your name, him stopping by a store he knew you liked on the way to practice... kohaku comments on that too. niki as well.
i guess you really have an effect on him, hm?
・:*+. oukawa kohaku
stopping by a sweet store for any of your dates is an absolute must. maybe it already came planned in kohaku's date plan, or it was completely impulsive. either way, your dates often end (or start) very sweetly with a good bite of his favorite sweet. he might even give you some of his, if he's feeling extra happy...
not a fan of sweets? that's fine. he'll just quickly buy some for himself
your dates vary, but kohaku always ensures they're safe from any sort of danger to you. he's fine with the thrill, not so much with horror-related attractions, but anything that could potentially hurt you in any way is an absolute no to him. it'll take a whole lot of convincing and proof that what you want to do is (at least somewhat) safe, if you want to go for a more dangerous/risky activity. (don't scare him though, please...)
affection... is a bit tricky on his end. he's fine with you being affectionate, a simple hug or pat on the shoulder is fine (not patting his head though... playing with his hair is OK) and he smiles ever so faintly from it. in public he might get flustered easily at even the idea of giving back that affection (except when he hugs you protectively when the situation calls for it)... but privately, he'll give it all back. a kiss on the cheek, a soft hug... but he prefers showing his love through helping you out more.
if his performance isn't already great, it seemed to get better after he knew you were going to watch? he also sends you a wink, which causes a massive stir around you. i think kohaku barely does fanservice, so imagine your favorite idol literally winking at /you/?! of course everyone goes insane. but that wink was just for you~ (not like you get way more affections back home...)
crazy:b was surprised at first knowing kohaku, the youngest of all three, was the first one out of the three to get a significant other. not himeru though (or at least not visibly.) expect rinne to tease the absolute shit out of both of you, good luck.... oh, and tsukasa? might be doubtful at first, but if his cousin wills it, he is very supportive!
...he might've grown soft at your presence...
・:*+. shiina niki
dates? you already know where. that restaurant you've both been trying to dine. or maybe walking around town, trying out all the foods people are serving around in small shops. you could make a food blog from all the little things you both have tried (of course, he makes sure to avoid stores that could trigger any food allergies you may have)
or, let's say you both are on a very tight budget. that's fine— niki loves to cook anyway! it doesn't even have to be a date, he'd cook meals for the both of you and even teach you how to cook certain dishes. it doesn't matter if you're bad or good, he'll help out on parts you might stumble on~ and in turn, you can do the same. every meal is served with a plate of food straight from the pan, and each bite is as warm and comforting as him
speaking of warm and comforting, he likes giving hugs the most. whether it'd be from behind, facing each other, being hugged, or consoling you with a hand on your head and an arm wrapped around your waist, he loves it all. he also loves giving other forms of affection, like kisses all around your face and holding your hands. he is the same publicly and privately when it comes to affection, unless for any circumstance where he can't show you love.
(he can spoonfeed you if you want)
sometimes you can notice in lives that niki makes a lot of mistakes in choreography... but that's fine! that's part of his charm~ niki's trying harder though, knowing you're in the crowd... and if he spots you, you can see how his eyes immediately lights up and he might even send a kiss your way. not just a wink, no, a kiss. i wish the best for those around you, they may never recover from niki shiina's flying kiss...
expect rinne to say a lot about niki after announcing your relationship to them. and i mean a lot. a lot lot. niki butts in and quickly tries to divert the conversation sometimes, and kohaku and himeru are just watching. they're supportive despite their silence, don't worry!
everything he does for you is made with love~
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Awawawa found another enstars blog uwu Can I ask for Kohaku, Mayoi and Ritsu falling in love at firsf sight???? Thank you so much! ♡♡♡
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Love at First Sight
w/ Kohaku Oukawa, Mayoi Ayase, & Ritsu Sakuma x GN! Reader
not proud of this kohaku at all, i fear
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Kohaku Oukawa
✩ Kohaku was just going about his day, exploring around ES and meeting new people. His current life was so different to what it was previously, that he was still just beginning to find his bearings around here.
✩ It was all of a sudden that he heard the unmistakable laughter of his unit leader, Rinne Amagi somewhere down the hall. Kohaku pursed his lips at this, not really wanting to run into him lest he be teased and bullied relentlessly.
✩ Kohaku was just about to go literally anywhere else when Rinne suddenly came to view and he seemed to have his arm around someone's shoulder.
✩ Kohaku could tell from a mile away that your expression was that of nervousness, seeing as Rinne was being all touchy feely as he always was. Though in the short time that Kohaku examined your face, he did come to realize you actually looked quite pretty.
✩ Kohaku sighs, before psyching himself up to go and confront his leader. Only because Crazy:B getting into more trouble would be no good for him, and totally not because he felt like he wanted to go and save the pretty stranger specifically.
✩ Kohaku knew what he had to do, just run up to the two of you, scold Rinne even if he wasn't doing anything bad, and take you away.
Kohaku watched as you fiddled with the hem of your top as you and Rinne walked side by side, noting the light twinge of pink covering the tip of your ears. He totally gets that, being beside Rinne is just that embarrassing, isn't it?
Don't worry though, he'll save you soon enough. The shock on both you and Rinne's face when Kohaku popped out of seemingly nowhere was pretty amusing, but now wasn't the time to be laughing.
"Rinne-han.. What d'ya suppose you're doin' now?" Kohaku tried his best to adopt a scolding tone, though he'd never admit it, Rinne was pretty smart and could probably tell he had ulterior motives if he slipped even slightly. "Ya know Crazy:B isn't in a position to be causin' trouble, yeah?"
Kohaku tried to sneak his hand around yours, (to pull you out of Rinne's grasp of course) hoping that the conversation would serve as a slight distraction. Rinne however, only gave him a knowing smirk before pulling you in closer. Kohaku wanted to punch him in the face when he saw your face looked more pink than before.
"Now, now, play nice, Kohaku-chan. (Y/N)-chan over here was just telling me about how much they wanted to be Crazy:B's producer. Weren't ya?" Rinne ruffled your hair a bit, which was obviously quite the affront to Kohaku.
"Sure they were. Look Rinne-han, they're shakin' like a leaf." Kohaku took the chance to grab you, pulling you in to stand behind him. He felt quite proud of himself, maybe you'd think of him as a dashing hero? or a knight in shining armor? Though it's not like he was either.
"(Y/N), right? Let's get outta here before he starts whinin'." Oh yeah, he probably looks so cool right now. Kohaku wouldn't mind if you fell for him at that very moment, actually.
"Pff... Alright! You two go have fun then!" The two of you could hear Rinne's laughter echo along the hallway as he sauntered his way out. It was pretty weird for him to just leave like that, Kohaku thinks, but whatever.
"Sorry about our leader. What was he even botherin' ya for?" Kohaku turned around to look at you, and wow. While he thought you were pretty from a distance, this doesn't even begin compare.
"...We were just talking about me being the producer. F-for your unit's next few projects." Oh. Rinne was being for real. Kohaku suddenly couldn't find it in himself to look you in your beautiful eyes anymore.
"I-is that so...? Then why were ya lookin' so... uneasy?" Kohaku sheepishly asked, realizing he probably messed up big time. When he found the courage to look at you again, he saw that you looked just even more embarrassed than when you were with Rinne.
Yikes... Did he mess up that badly? "Sorry. I musta meddled in something I didn't need to." You shook your head quite violently at that, shocking the pink haired boy.
"Haha... Sorry, I'm just a bit nervous? I wanted to be your producer cause' I'm a big fan of Crazy:B, but uh, you especially, Kohaku..." That last part was kind of quiet, but it was like he heard it at max volume. "I was just a bit at a loss for what to do when you suddenly showed up? Haha?"
Oh goodness, your awkward and shy laughter was like an arrow straight to Kohaku's heart. It was like your pretty levels multiplied by a million in his eyes.
Fate seems to have Kohaku's back this time around, seeing as you had quite the positive feelings towards him. He knew there was a reason why he felt drawn to you, even though this was the first time you two met.
"Oh? Is that so? Then I guess I better live up to those expectations!"
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Mayoi Ayase
✩ Mayoi fell for you the first time he saw you, literally. Like he was wandering about in the vents when the part he was on top of suddenly broke off and he found you buried right below him.
✩ He'd quickly scurry off though, as he usually does. But before he did, he caught just a short glimpse of your dazed face and he felt his heart skip a beat.
✩ He'd hide behind a corner as he watches you slowly stand up, supporting yourself on the nearby wall. He felt awful that he just ran away without even so much as apologizing to you, but he can already feel how hot his face is from that short encounter and showing that to you was probably not the best idea.
✩ As Mayoi watched you try to piece together what just happened, he'd find all your little facial expressions and gestures absolutely adorable. How your eyebrows raise as you look at the gap in the vents, your fingers rhythmically tapping against your cheek.
✩ Why, he could watch you like this forever! Surely meeting you like this was just some sort twist of fate. Seeing you just made Mayoi want to protect and spoil you, though he clearly couldn't find the confidence to do either seeing as he totally bodyslammed you just now and ran away.
✩ He'd find it admirable how you seem to just continue about your day after that. Seeing that you're just doing what he assumes is your usual work like nothing happened.
✩ Love at first sight. It might be a bit too soon to call it that, but he wants to believe that it is. You just looked so perfect to him, the kind of person that he'd love to watch over for the rest of his life.
✩ This would continue for quite a while, Mayoi just watching over you in what he hopes is more protective than stalker-esque. Though he wouldn't blame anyone for assuming the latter, he does have that suspicious aura about him doesn't he?
✩ It was in one of his self-loathing episodes that he didn't notice you running across the hall and slamming against him full speed. Mayoi immediately found himself on the floor, looking up at you as papers flied around everywhere.
"Ah! Oh my goodness! Are you okay?!" Oh my, your voice sounds like honey to Mayoi, if this was the last thing he'd ever hear he wouldn't even complain. He could only stare dumbfoundedly at your face, it was certainly way more adorable when up close. "Uh... Hello? Are you alright?"
Mayoi regained his senses when he felt you lightly slapping his cheek, why, to think that you'd care so much for such a creature like him just makes him positively elated. "ohmygodishedead" he'd hear you whisper under your breath before he realized that he should probably answer you now.
"A-ah! Y-yes. I'm f-fine. Tha-thank you!" Mayoi always hated how he'd stutter like this, but when he flubs up this much in front of you of all people, it just feels positively awful! "I'm s-s-sorry you had to bump into so-something like me...!"
Mayoi shimmies his way out, quickly standing up and about to make a run for it before he feels a tight grip on his wrist. Of course he wouldn't be let go that easily. Are you going to go punish him now? Well he deserves it so he doesn't really mind...
But instead of that, the two of you just stare at each other in silence for what seems like a few minutes as your grip on his wrist didn't seem to loosen at the slightest. You really had quite the pretty face, he thinks.
"U-um... Is, is there anything I could do for you...?" Mayoi eventually sputters out, really wishing he could just run away from this whole thing before he embarrasses himself further.
As if you were broken from a trance, you instantly let go of him, though he doesn't take the chance to run like he thought he would. Why didn't he? Well, it was because of the simple fact that there was quite an obvious flush of red on your face.
"Oh, ah, sorry." Your face grew even redder as you averted your eyes and Mayoi did his best to not just have a heart attack out of your cuteness right then and there. "You just, uh, looked really pretty is all."
You let out a small chuckle before covering a part of your face with your hands out of embarrassment. Mayoi felt like his brain and heart was going into overdrive like this. Was he hearing you right? Were you really complimenting a beast from the underworld like him?
Mayoi wondered what he did in his past life to be this fortunate, being complimented by such a pure and adorable angel like you. Wait, does this mean that there's a chance you could like him back? Then maybe you two could become an item!
"Th-thank you. You too..." He was sure that the two of you looked like a pair of tomatoes by now, but for the first time in his life, he kind of didn't mind?
Mayoi then felt your hand grasp his, squeezing it tight. "Ahaha... You think I'm pretty? Thanks!" You beamed at him and Mayoi was almost blinded by the sheer brightness.
✩ After that, he'd help you gather your stuff and send you on your merry way after exchanging contact details on HoldHands.
✩ Then, he suddenly processed everything that just happened in an instant and immediately crawled into a hidden place to scream. He really feels so blessed that he got this chance.
✩ He's going to try his best, so promise to love him lots, okay?
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Ritsu Sakuma
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✩ Ritsu! The silly ever. The first time he'd see you is when he found you napping in one of his favorite sleeping spots. Normally, he'd be pretty mad, this place was one of his sanctuaries after all, a cool breeze and just the right amount of shade.
✩ But after seeing just how breathtaking you look when doing something as simple as sleeping, he decided that maybe you two were just birds of a feather and let it go. Hell, he understands full well why someone would sleep there, so at least your tastes align.
✩ The problem is, he doesn't want to just leave you be. He knelt down on the ground to observe your more delicate features, the small amount of light piercing through the shade framing you like some sort of ethereal angel.
✩ It didn't help that your neck was in plain view, not obstructed by your clothes or any accessories. Having your weakspot readily available against a vampire was a big no-no.
✩ Though it's not like Ritsu would do anything to you while you were asleep, he is a gentleman after all. Just ignore the fact that he's staring holes into a beautiful stranger who happens to be sleeping.
✩ Seeing such a comfortable face made Ritsu remember his original purpose of going there, he wanted a good nap and he felt like he wouldn't be able to find another place in time.
✩ So, he laid down beside you, close enough to still be relatively near his favorite spot, but far enough that you two wouldn't touch unless you suddenly rolled ov-
✩ Ritsu had to hold in a yelp when he felt your arm suddenly lay on top of his chest. He turned his head to see that you were facing him now, and it seemed you were the type to cuddle anything you got your hands on.
✩ Your eyes were still closed, but he could feel you pulling him in closer ever so slightly. Geez, what a troublesome sleepmate you were. Ritsu doesn't really mind though.
✩ He puts his hands behind his head so that you could have a more comfortable time hugging him, before closing his eyes as he too slowly felt sleep take over him.
✩ Before he fully lost consciousness though, Ritsu couldn't help but smile. You were just his type, and this certainly would be a fun story to tell if you two end up together. Part of him wanted to roll over and cuddle you too, but this is fine for now.
When you awoke, you felt a bit hotter than usual, like as if someone put a heat pack right beside you while you were sleeping. Not too hot though, just like a mild heat that would make anyone drowsy.
It was then that you felt something below your arm, something soft and rhythmically raising and falling, like a person breathing. Your eyes shot open when you realized that was exactly what it was.
You quickly pulled your arm back in, causing a disgruntled sound to come from the person it was laying on. His face scrunching up a bit before he stirs awake as well.
"Hmm?" He sounded out as he rubbed his eyes, letting out a short yawn before turning to look at you. "Ah, you're awake. Good..." He looks up to the sky, seeing that it's already turned a gorgeous hazy orange. "Afternoon."
"I'm so sorry!" You worriedly said, it was bad enough you spent an unknown amount of time hugging him, but to wake him up too?
Ritsu smiles at you, and it's such a soft and warm smile that you feel like it could probably save a life or two. "It's okay. I got to wake up to such a good sight, after all." He said, sitting up and stretching his arms out.
"Still, I'm sorry. Is there anything I could do to make it up to you?" Your earnest eyes fueled the fire of mischief in Ritsu's heart, a slight smirk showing on his face.
"Then how about next time, you let me cuddle you?" A truly amazing strategic move by Ritsu. An implication that he wants the two of you to nap together again, and that he wants to pay back the favor.
Ritsu pat himself on the back for that one, especially when he saw in your pinkish face that you didn't seem to averse to that idea. "Sure..." You trailed off, a hand trying to cover the lower part of your face that was slowly turning brighter.
"Hehe. I'll look forward to it then."
done ^^ i really do get quite a lot of kohaku reqs dont i 🫡
Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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nazukisser · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS | coming up from behind them and surprising them
CHARACTERS | oukawa kohaku, shiratori aira, akehoshi subaru
TAGS | fluff, established relationship, drabbles
READER | gender neutral
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Kohaku wakes up early. By the time your eyes open to see the world draped in sunlight, he’s already up and sometimes, even, ready to go. Yet, he’s still asleep, while the world has once again been draped by the sun’s soft embrace. A smile makes its way to your lips; he’s strangely peaceful. An idea pops into your mind not soon after rubbing your eyes open- oh, it’s the perfect time for a little prank. You didn’t even need to get up for this one. 
When it seemed he would wake up, which, luckily, did not take long, you put your hands over his eyes. You greeted him good morning, in which he responded with his own “mornin’...” and you asked “Guess who?” 
“Whad’ya mean, who’s this?” he asks, confused. He asks if it was you, and you take your hands off his face. You giggle. Oh, maybe you should’ve done this later in the day. 
You closed the door as quietly as you could. If Aira wasn’t home, you’d be damned. Well, not really, but if he wasn’t home, it would’ve been weird for you to be walking as quietly as you could in your own home, alone. You looked around for him, being as quiet as you could possibly be. You found him in the living area, immersed in studying choreography. Only you could hear the hops from your feet as you made your way over to him and quickly covered his eyes before you could be seen.
“Hehe, who do you think it is?” 
It took him a moment. He stood there as the music went on, but before long, he had realized it was you. 
“Gosh, don’t scare me like that!”
You hadn’t told Subaru that you were there- backstage, at the Trickstar live. You told him that you’d be there, but you didn’t say where in the venue. It was really interesting, seeing the live from someplace other than the front. It was easier to see everything that went into it; everyone’s work was ever so apparent, and it made for a whole new experience. 
The plan was to surprise him backstage, but was it too plain to just appear? Then, if the rest of Trickstar didn’t spoil your plan (that they didn’t know about), you could probably pull it off. 
The concert ended before you knew it; they say that time flies when you’re having fun, and that was the case for everyone who was there.  You hid yourself behind one of the props that was tall enough to cover you, and as soon as Subaru passed by, you brought your hands up to his eyes, and the words “Guess who?” reached Subaru’s ears.
“Hm? I wonder… hehe,” he said, before gently removing your hands from his eyes and kissing your cheek. 
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WORD COUNT | 473 words
NOTES | If you enjoy my works and would like to be tagged for future works I release, please send me an ask! Additionally, it would help content get around on this site as there’s basically no algorithm if you reblog works you like. This means a lot to many creators, including me. Thank you to all who reblog!
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harucafelatte · 1 year
stupid little things (part 1)
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synopsis: the enstars characters as romance clichés
pairings: oukawa kohaku, amagi hiiro x fem!reader (separate)
genre: fluff
content warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread, mentions of blood (kohaku), reader threatens kohaku, established relationship (kohaku), non-established relationship (hiiro)
word count: 505 words
author's note: after reading lots of shoujou mangas and watching lots of romance kdramas, i just knew that i had to write about some things that just made my heart flutter <3 also, planning to make a part 2 :)
taglist: @kazemiya, @tomago, @saikisolosgoku (fill in the taglist form to be added)
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✧˖° 桜河 こはく · oukawa kohaku
➽ tending to his wounds
“i hate how you put yourself in situations like these.” you sighed as you finished treating one of the many bruises on his body.
"i don't have a choice! ya know that, don't ya?" he argued, watching you as you examined the scar on his arm. "that's a really deep scar...what did they attack you with?" you asked, ignoring what he had just said.
did she really just ignore me?
"nevermind that...look, i'm just sayin’ that i have no choice and if ya aren't happy with that, we can just br- HEY! THAT HURTS!" he hissed. he saw you holding a antiseptic bottle in one hand and a bloody cotton ball in the other. setting both of them down, you searched for a bandaid in the first-aid kit.
"if you bring up the topic of breaking up just because of you getting hurt ever again, i will not hesitate to pour the entire bottle onto your wounds." you threatened, applying the bandaid onto the scar. "and...done!" you said proudly as if you didn't just threaten someone a while ago.
"ya forgot the scar on my cheek" he reminded. "there's another one?" you groaned as you grabbed his chin and examined the scar on his cheek. with you so close to him, kohaku felt his heartbeat quicken.
"finally! we're done!" you exclaimed the moment you applied the bandaid to his cheek. you cupped his face and placed a kiss on his cheek - right where the scar was.
as you pulled away, kohaku couldn't help but think about how lucky he was to have you in his life.
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✧˖° 天城 一彩 · amagi hiiro
➽ hands brushing on accident
"thanks for agreeing to walk me home, hiiro!" you smiled, turning your head to face him. all you received was a short hum from the red-haired boy whose eyes were fixed ahead. "maybe he doesn't want to talk?" you thought to yourself, shifting your eyes to look at the ground as the two of you walked in silence.
you were wrong.
in fact, he did want to talk but couldn't thanks to the million questions running through his head. why is it so warm? wait...why is my heart beating so fast? he was so confused - this wasn't the first time he was next to you so why was he feeling...nervous?
the light brush of your hand against his snapped him out of his thoughts. startled, he quickly retreated his hand. you noticed his reaction and muttered a quick "sorry" before returning your gaze to the ground. it took hiiro a while to relax and return his arm to his side as the two of you continued to walk in silence.
suddenly, you felt his fingers gently interlace yours.
you looked at him and saw an embarrassed look on his face. his face was red and he avoided your eyes. "cute..." you thought. smiling softly to yourself, you gave his hand a light squeeze.
and that was when hiiro knew he was truly in love with you.
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
Hi! I really love your works and it's always fun and enjoying to read them! It's a shame that I didn't made it for the event reqs but i saw that regular reqs are open, if that's what you call them? XD Anyway, can I request for Kohaku, Mayoi, and Hiiro being a secret admirer to the reader? Thank you!
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ft. amagi hiiro, ayase mayoi, oukawa kohaku
© tokusaatsus 2022
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warnings: none (as of now)
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In my opinion, Hiiro is too honest and straight-forward to be considered a ‘secret’ admirer. I feel like he wouldn’t see any reason to hide the fact that he is the one sending you the letters?
Since he wants you to see them and feel appreciated, he would probably think you’d like it better if you knew who your admirer was.
The only reason he doesn’t is because Aira assured him it would be more romantic that way. Out of the two of them, Aira is the more well-versed in pop culture, so Hiiro decides to take him at face value.
I am a firm believer in the idea that Hiiro unironically enjoys puns. So he probably sends you lovemail in that style. Little sticky notes with cute doodles and adorable puns pasted on your desk, or on your doorframe.
If you were a vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber ♡ or Are you a banana? Because I find you very a-peel-ing ♡
They’re small, usually mentioning food or animals, but they still manage to fluster you with their simplicity.
He places them at intervals–one in the morning, and one in the evening!
It’s especially sweet when you’re having a bad day and you just see these cute little notes. It makes you brighten up and forget your worries, even if it’s only for a little bit.
And that’s exactly what Hiiro wants! He’s glad that he’s able to bring you even a fraction of the joy he gets when he’s around you.
Signs off with little spades, just as a hint!
He does reveal himself eventually, though, because he feels like there’s no need for him to remain a secret anymore.
The only reason you didn’t suspect him to be your secret admirer despite the teeny spade doodles is because you thought that he wouldn’t hide it, rather he would just outright tell you, which is why you’re so surprised when you realise.
Even after you find out, he still makes it a habit to send you the puns–though not so secretly–because he likes seeing you smile when you receive them!
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Mayoi is probably the most secretive out of the 3. He would rather die than let his position be revealed.
He finds himself writing you flowery, poetry-esque short letters with cute little doodles whenever he’s thinking about you (which is a lot!). He would prefer to never have to send them ever, but he also thinks you deserve to be appreciated for all the hard work and effort you put into things.
You are strong, you are brave, you make flowers bloom in my heart. A whole garden, just for you. My heart, no matter how small and shrivelled, will always have a space for you. You are more perfect than you know ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
He’s certain you wouldn’t like any messages from a gross creature such as himself, so he decides to take the good ol’ secret admirer route.
Goes full-out super spy when it comes to planting your letters.
Crawls into the vents at 4am so he can place them on your desk before school starts, sneaks into the ES kitchen at midnight to place one in your mug, etc, etc. He’s putting those ninja skills to good use!
You’re like a blushing schoolgirl being serenaded, honestly. It’s sweet.
These letters are the highlight of your day. Not just because of how cute they are, but also because no one can figure out where they’re coming from? No matter how hard you try, you can never catch the culprit who is slowly but surely stealing your heart!?
The actual reveal happens by accident.
You wake up in the middle of night, craving the most delicious drink known to mankind. You open the kitchen doors and lo and behold, what do you find but Mayoi, a piece of paper in one hand and your favoured mug in the other.
Hang on… Your sleep-addled brain starts to connect the dots. Is Mayoi-san…my secret admirer?
Starts stammering about how y-you’ve got it a-a-all wrong and eep! I’m s-s-sorry for r-ruining your night!
You giggle, startling him, and tell him that it’s okay before thanking him for how sweet his words were. You tell him that he also has a special place in your heart and he nearly dies. Hopefully you know CPR? Or maybe…mouth-to-mouth?
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Sends you shoujo-style lovemail in the form of adorable letters praising all your virtues and commenting on how cute you are when you smile.
You wouldn’t expect Kohaku to write such cheesy things so easily, but all those Ghibli marathons with Aira have paid off. It started off as a way for Kohaku to express his feelings for you in secret, but after a few too-close calls with Rinne, he decided to kill two birds with one stone.
This way, he can tell you how he feels without embarrassing himself and also seeing how you flush every time you see one of his letters on your desk makes him more pleased then the cat that caught the canary.
Dear Y/N,
I hope your day is going well?
People always talk about how bright the sun is, but I think you’re the brightest thing in my sky. You push me to be the best version of myself, I want to be the way you see me. You manage to stay brave and strong, and I admire your desire to be the very best you can be. You’re a blessing to the people around you, and I thought you should know this. I’m not…very good at expressing my emotions but, I hope that this could make you smile just a little bit. That’s all.
You deserve good things.
Love, 🌸
His letters are so sweet and heartfelt, they make you giddy.
You slowly start anticipating the letters everyday. There’s always a kind note and a query about your day, it feels like the writer really cares about you.
This goes on for around a month, and then you decide that you need to find your so-called secret admirer so you can thank them for their kind words and praise.
When he finds out you’re looking for the writer of the letters, Aira pushes him to reveal himself but Kohaku doesn’t want to. He feels like it might be a letdown for you, and he doesn’t want to tarnish your experience.
But Aira, who knows that there’s no way you would shun him for something like this–actually there’s no way you would ever shun him, period–decides to casually let it slip in conversation that Kohaku’s been writing love letters for someone. Oh, Y/N, you are the recipient of these letters? How shocking~
When you thank Kohaku earnestly for how kind he is–and be sure to compliment him about his writing skills while you’re at it!–he’s flustered like you wouldn’t believe, but also incredibly happy as well. 
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WC: 1.1k
reze txt HELP this was so long omg im?? but secret admirers are sooo cute ahhhh <33 i hope this made up for u missing my 100 followers event anonnie! and that it was as enjoyable to read as it was to write!!
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rabuhiiro · 1 year
paninindigan kita
...with my heart, i can hear you.
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[oukawa kohaku / deaf gn!reader]
SYNOPSIS — words aren't enough to explain affection for someone. acts of service, physical touch, and simple gestures like hand signs are all they needed to communicate their promises.
WARNINGS — not (yet) proofread, disabled reader. that's it, really!
GENRE — fluff, short and sweet.
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Silence was all I could hear, and yet the booming heart in my chest reached my ears as my fingers tangled up with the pink-haired teen's in front of me. He let go of my hands and moved his lips—then pausing to use his hands and make gestures for me to understand.
You forgot your hearing aids, didn't you? He signed. I can tell that you did that on purpose. Why?
I smiled at him and looked up at the starry sky, seeing it so clearly without the interruption of light pollution. I just wanted to. I signed, looking back at him. Because I don't need them to understand you, Kohaku.
He pouted. Just because I know sign language doesn't mean you need to discard your hearing aids.
I don't care. I signed, making his eyebrows furrow. Being able to communicate with you even without words is the only thing I need.
Is this your way or confessing to me? He signed, grinning jokingly and sliding closer to me.
You're acting as if we didn't just hold hands earlier. I retorted. I'm not complaining, either way. They're warm.
I really don't get you, [name]. Kohaku gestured, leaning his back on the bench we sat on. You keep dodging my question. This is the 3rd time I assumed you've been confessing to me this week, can't you just be straightforward and say it?
Why do I need to say it when you already know what it is? I asked, glancing at him who huffed and turned away with his cheeks the same color as his hair. That means you reciprocate my feelings, no?
He fumbled with his hands and moved his lips. 'That's not what I meant,' he probably said. I grinned and took his hand again, causing him to jump in surprise and look back at me.
Do you really want me to say it? I asked. How do you want me to say it?
I-I don't know...! Kohaku signed with shaky hands. You're the one who's gonna say it, why are you asking me!?
Fine, I signed, leaning towards Kohaku who moved away with his cheeks now red. But first, show me how you'd confess to me. Without words.
His purple eyes widened, fist gripping his chest that was probably inhabiting a racing heart. I felt my whole body shake in nervousness and excitement, it was almost like the feelings described in romance books. The moment really resembled one of the scenes in a book I read—under the moonlight, the couple confesses to each other with the stars as their witnesses.
I couldn't believe that moment even happened, and neither could Kohaku.
He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me close, raising my heart rate as he leaned in. But he stopped the moment our lips touched, yet it wasn't considered a kiss. More so, it was a surprise, like many of the confessions done in Japan.
I felt him smile, his shaky breath touching my lips. One push from any force would lead us to kiss—and Kohaku meant for it to be like that just to tease me. And sadly, it was working.
So this is how he says it; how he says 'i like you, i love you' without uttering the words.
In return, I held the back of his head and leaned in a centimeter more. Our lips still hadn't touched completely, and I took that as a chance to say the words I always wanted to say.
I couldn't hear them myself, but Kohaku's flustered and surprised expression confirmed the fact that he had heard it, and I have said it clearly.
"I can hear you, Kohaku."
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NOTES — I LITERALLY WROTE THIS WHOLE THING IN LIKE AN HOUR AND A HALF AFTER WATCHING A SILENT VOICE WITH MY MOM. guess using references really do help... THE MOVIE WAS GREAT TOO, I LOVE IT A LOT!! also this is considered my compensation for the lack of we're still underground updates because of my tight schedule—a lot has been happening within school and outside of it, so please forgive my tardiness! i do hope you enjoyed this little piece i did late at night!
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hoshi-tachimiya · 2 years
*. * · ✡✡ Double Face x Reader
Prompt: Being your murderer. Word Count: 796. Warnings(!!): Mentions of murder, blood, firearm and sharp weapon, death. Notes: Angst. Gender-neutral reader. Not gore. Denial.
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This piece of writing contains elements mentioned above. You have been warned, proceed at your own risk.
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Being ruthless, Madara had never been someone that would let any doubt get in his way of pulling a gun trigger. As a professional, Madara is capable of dispatching his targets with precision and efficiency. His recent victim is no exception, and he pitied them for the painful death he put them into.
Madara took a few steps forward, then crouched in front of the dead body. Ensuring that the target is certainly dead is part of the procedure, and he went ahead for a quick inspection as always. Before he retracted himself, he noticed a pendant that came out from under the layer of clothes that covered the upper chest, where it was previously tucked in. A glint and the familiar shape caught his attention.
He recoiled. It can't be.
Even after he took a closer, detailed look at the pendant, he still refused to believe what he saw. It was a handmade pendant that you crafted personally: a glass bottle that contained dried baby's breath and a tiny scroll. He knew, because you made one specifically for him, too, with a variant of spices in place of dried flowers.
How did he not know? How did he not realise the familiarity in your voice, in your steps? How could he be fooled by the foreign appearance and identity? Why didn't he look for you, at that time? Maybe he could've found you. Maybe he could've saved you. Maybe he could've kept you close by his side, as his beloved, not as someone who he had to get rid of.
For once, he felt a crippling pain, mingled with guilt and remorse. The sundry of intense emotions broke through the numbness that always accompanied him as he carried on his duty. A long time he remained motionless, contemplating. Mourning. Denying the truth that, all this time, it was you.
No, the person whom he killed is not [y/n]. The [y/n] he knew was already dead years ago, when you disappeared without a trace and left an unspeakable void in his heart. The lifeless body in front of him belonged to whoever you changed your name into. It was not yours, and he was not the one who killed you.
He had no memories of you liking to don red, and he would never force you to clad yourself in it.
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Kohaku despised your persistence with all his might. If only, if only you had listened to his warnings. If only you had stopped whatever activities that caused you to be on the list of people he needed to hunt down. If only you knew how much it took him to bring himself to kill you. If only you loved him more than you love the world, maybe it wouldn't resort to this.
As you showed no signs of struggle, Kohaku suspected that you were aware of the real intention behind the faux embrace. The moment he sheathed a knife in between your ribcages with precision, there was no turning back any more. Even with the stinging pain in his chest, he wished that he could bear all of your pain instead.
He didn't mean to rob you of your life. Even then, he knew that all of it was a lie, an excuse for all his deeds. The tears streaming down his cheeks were solid proof of his guilt. With the last remaining life you had, you brought up your hand to caress his back.
"There, there," He felt mortified beyond imagination. How can you be the one to comfort him instead, when he's clearly the one hurting you?
Your body went limp as he withdrew his knife in a one swift motion, falling into his arms even more as he grew weak at the knees. That would be the last time he got to close the gap within you two, and yet he couldn't bring himself to utter a farewell in the slightest. Never again he will be able to see your beautiful pair of eyes, and yet he couldn't bring himself to look at you in the eyes for one last time.
But, no. It wasn't his fault. No, he didn't kill you. It was for the best of you: he was merely sending you to a realm unreachable by the living, a realm so serene without the wickedness of mortals. A realm where you can lie down in tranquillity, under the clear blue sky, in the midst of a sea of spider lilies.
He didn't kill you, he saved you. And the lies would continuously play in his mind as his attempt to cope with the unbearable guilt.
Even if the rain could wash away every single trail of blood, nothing can ever bleach out the guilt in his heart.
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chiffaust · 1 year
Hi hii~I am really interested on the christmas event, so can i request 🍪 with kohaku since he likes sweets !!! Thank youuu
DAY TWO — CHRISTMAS PROMPT 🍪 + kohaku oukawa
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Christmas is right around the corner, and what better way to spend it than to bake cookies with your loved ones?
The moment you suggested baking gingerbread man cookies together, Kohaku's eyes lit up. He can spend time with you more and eat sweets with you after that? Now that's what he calls killing two birds with one stone.
Thus he agreed to bake with you.
Kohaku... Isn't really the best at baking, though. He has never really tried it before, so you have to show him the ropes.
"[Name]-han, I hafta apologize if I mess somethin' up in advance..." Kohaku said, nervously whisking the ingredients altogether.
"It's okay, as long as you put your heart out into it, I wouldn't care!" You replied, smiling happily at him.
He can't help but also smile at your statement. You're too sweet sometimes, he thinks.
And alas, after a few minutes of waiting the mixture is finally ready to be put inside the molds.
As per your instructions, he made sure to carefully pour the mixture into the molds on the tray; it should be an easy task, but he still couldn't help but feel nervous about over pouring it.
Thankfully, he did not and into the oven it went.
A few minutes went by with both of you talking to one another.
"[Name]-han, do ya have a christmas wish or somethin'?" Kohaku asks, leaning onto the counter, looking at you with a smile on his face.
"Well... I guess it's to spend time with you more?"
"Kukuku, yer flattering me..." He giggled, glancing away from you for a moment. "But I'd also love ta spend time with ya more..." He continued, although it was more of a whisper than anything.
Soon after that, the oven dings, signaling that the gingerbread men were all finally cooked now.
Once the gingerbread is out of the oven and cold down, it was time for decorating time.
With a piping hand in hand, he glances at you who was already working on your gingerbread man as he simply stood there, cheeks flushed.
He really wants to decorate it as you, but... He doesn't really know if it'll be the cleanest product he'll make. Hell, he really just wants to impress you at this point.
Well, whatever. He shakes his head and thus he decorated his gingerbread man as you who he holds dearly to his heart.
You do notice that he's decorating it as someone, but you weren't exactly sure who. As much as you hated to admit it, he is bad at decorating those gingerbread men.
"Ah, so... Who're ya decoratin' that as?" You asked, looking over to him.
"... It's actually... You." He quickly rip the band aid off, unable to make eye contact with you due to embarrassment thus he looked away.
"Well, it's cute! I like—no, love it!" You lied as naturally as you breathe. You had no heart to tell him otherwise.
"Really?" He asks in disbelief. He soon smiled to himself, relishing the words you said. "'m happy you like 'em, [Name]-han."
Now you absolutely do not have the heart to tell him otherwise.
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suiseisyojo · 2 years
Hello, I'm new here and I was wondering if I could request Kohaku + 23 for the kissing prompts. I hc his kisses to taste like his favorite Japanese desserts for some reason :0
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〈gn!reader x oukawa kohaku 🌸〉
a/n: anons your brains are huge! kohaku loves kissing you and exchanging the sweet taste of wagashi between you so much... i hope you both enjoyed and thanks for requesting! (also can i mention i got two 23s reqs for tsukasa too?? the family resemblance is strong...)
kiss meme !!
23. A kiss that tastes of the food/dessert they are eating.
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“[Name]-han, are you in?”
In the first place, it was exceptionally rare for any idol to be visiting your private apartment—seeing as you conscientiously kept yourself isolated from personal affairs for the sake of your job as a producer—but today Kohaku had been given explicit permission to drop by your place today.
A cacophony of noises echoed from behind the door, jarring the poor boy, and the second Kohaku heard your voice squeak ‘ow!’ after a resounding thump, he couldn’t stop his feet from barging in. “[Name]-han, are ya okay?! What’s goin’ on in here?”
When Kohaku entered your apartment, he caught sight of you cradling your newly reddened elbow. Your fingers delicately rubbing at the blemish to ameliorate the stinging as your dazed, panicked expression tried to grapple with reality.
“K-Kohaku-kun, I’m so sorry… Just give me a second,” you stammered softly, blinking your eyes to steady yourself. “I fell asleep at my desk and—”
The dread in the pit of Kohaku’s stomach felt even worse as he discerned you still garbed your work clothes from yesterday. Kohaku forced himself to stay calm, the palpitating of his heart being pushed down to depths in order to be forgotten. “Ya scared me… Don’ apologize, just c’mere,” Kohaku, valorous as can be, said as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
Bringing you into the living room and settling you on your couch, Kohaku rushed off into your kitchen to grab some ice for you. When his hands extended into the freezer, Kohaku felt he could finally relinquish a shaky breath.
The sensation of the frigid ice-pack against his skin disturbed him from the brave act (this was only ephemerally, he told himself) he held. He couldn’t show you how uncool and anxious he was over your little bump—if he did, you’d go into a tangent about how he shouldn’t be worrying about you in the first place as stress is bad for kids and idols alike.
“Here,” Kohaku handed off the pack to you as his mien dropped into a serious tone again, “There’s no need to be rushin’ just ‘cause I’m at the door.”
Apologetic yet full of gratitude, you nodded your head, “Thanks, Kohaku-kun. But…” You held your tongue for a moment, evidently deciding to divert the topic elsewhere. “Anyway, in the fridge, folded in the pink towel, there’s some daifuku I made for you last night. It’ll still be fine since I finished at midnight.”
“Why didn’t you just buy them if you still had work to do last night?” Kohaku chided you, entirely unimpressed by your display of carelessness.
“You like homemade wagashi better, right? Your eyes light up and you blush really cutely… Seeing you like that is exactly what I need right now to heal, so please have some?”
You fluttered your lashes irresistibly, and Kohaku knew he was a goner. “Don’t treat me like a kid just ‘cause you’re older. I’m only bringin’ them out if you promise to have some too,” he succinctly grumbled, traveling back into the kitchen and unveiling the delectable daifuku you made.
Kohaku freed them from the confines of the plastic wrap and nestled them onto a plate, covertly reveling in the copious amount of strawberry-flavored ones you had made specifically for him. 
You were the type who’d neglect their own health. You acted so childishly this way, fixating your attention onto everyone around you while sinking yourself deeper into abandon until it couldn’t be ignored any longer.
Kohaku hated it when you teased him for being younger—because you were often more fatuous than him in that regard, and also because he wanted to believe you’d only go through this much effort for the person you like. Making a whole secret batch of his favorite treats before completing your other rigorous work.
And yet when you poked fun at him, he wondered if you really viewed him as a man and a potential boyfriend rather than a junior idol who needed your fussing.
Nothing was going to remedy this train of thought by standing around thinking about it, so Kohaku swiftly pulled out two napkins and made his way back to you in the living room. Without having you move, Kohaku plopped down and thieved a spot on the floor right beside your legs.
Espying the traces of a pout still present on his countenance, you crooned blissfully under your breath. Kohaku expressed his thanks quietly as he handed you one, before he begun digging in himself. The sweet cream melded with fresh strawberries flooded his taste-buds and elicited a pinkish glow to his cheeks, similarly to the very daifuku he was eating.
You hadn’t even taken a bite of yours yet, way too immersed in the way Kohaku’s cheeks filled with mochi and noting how he resembled a chipmunk. You loved seeing him chow down on japanese sweets, especially the ones you worked so hard to make for him. He really was so cute…
“‘S really good, [Name]-han!” Kohaku exulted between bites, always so in mesmerized by your cooking skills and feeling himself get lost in the deliciousness. Everything tastes better when the one you like makes it for you, an article once said online, and he believed he could live by that right now.
Leaning forward, you peered over at Kohaku—watching more attentively to the way his lips moved in congruence with eating. His tongue swiped out to clean up and relish the lingering tastes, leaving a glossy sheen on his lips.
“If you keep watchin’ me like that, I’ll get embarrassed…” He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, only feeling his neck grow hotter by your gaze. 
“Sorry, Kohaku-kun. I don’t think you can stop me, I really needed this♪” you giggled softly, sincere in your sentiment despite the vestiges of mirth flowing between your words. Slipping down onto the floor, you seated yourself as close as you could to Kohaku.
Kohaku’s face turned to you, curiosity and bashfulness converging together on every inch of his face. You gradually shut the propinquity between the two of you, your mind wandering down the paths of temptation, and you pressed your lips onto his after sucking in his bated breaths.
The kiss lasted no more than a few second, yet Kohaku felt it scorch every part of his body. Engraving itself into the cleft of his feelings and overwhelming him with frustration and affection for you.
What truly made Kohaku snap was the innocent smile curved on your lips afterwards, as if you hadn’t thrown his entire self into a chaotic, gooey mess of his love for you.
“Ya can’t steal a kiss like that an’ expect nothin’ to happen, [Name]-han,” Kohaku scolded you as his voice dipped huskily, and he reached forward for your cheek in order to pull you back against him.
The sweetness of daifuku overflowed from his lips into yours, the feeling of Kohaku exchanging the taste to you through intimacy made an involuntary moan rise in your throat. The intensity of his lips rounding with yours, molding against you so ardently, made you lightheaded and woozy.
By the time Kohaku’s lips left yours, your mind and body was spinning with a white-hot flush. Breathlessly, you riveted your gaze onto him—and you swore the smirk he wore wasn’t cute anymore. Instead, it was far more attractive than anything you’d ever seen before.
It captivated you in your stupified state, since you hadn’t expected him to turn the tables on you like that, and your quivering body seemed to only appease Kohaku further.
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esidolmail · 7 months
to oukawa kohaku
hello my sweet sertraline princess ヾ(≧∇≦*)ヾ i'm still devastated over double face's disbandment (did you know it's been 97 days as of the day i'm sending this letter) so i can't even imagine how it feels for you... i hope you're having a good time with kurei:b though!!
i still think it's so impressive that you were able to juggle work between your personal life and TWO units.. like im in an idol duo & it's sooo much work (we are self managed so that's probably why...) i could never imagine being in TWO units... (ㆀ˘・з・˘) you need a break, girlflop!
nonetheless i admire your work ethic & ability to adapt!! though, your personality is cute how it is, but i think it's soooo much cuter that you're working to improve yourself! we should totes become bffies for life (parasocial) because we have sooo much in common.. like having pink hair and issues!! kidding, as a fan i know my boundaries!! ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
from chihaya
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ensemblestarscafe · 2 years
O. KOHAKU > Sweets for you <
Gender neutral reader Order type: Fluff(Vanilla Latte)
Word count: 543 Written by: KAYU Proofread: KAYU
ORDER: hello! could i req kohaku with a reader that can make him japanese confectionary? thank you all for your hard work!! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o - @00-00bxvx
Kohaku likes Japanese sweets. It’s a known fact. He brightens up whenever he eats them and it’s an extremely rare sight to see – if you take in the fact that he’s basically grumpy at about everywhere if he deems his mood as so.
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So to have his lover as someone that can make the sweets that he likes? He’s beaming, glowing even – only in private, of course, he doesn’t want anyone to see him as ‘cute’. No he doesn’t.
But he will give you a small peck or hold your hand more tightly in public if you do give him the sweets that you made. You, as his significant other, knows that he shows his affections in the most discreet ways possible; something that you find adorable.
In the circle that Kohaku’s in, Sweets Fan Club, he definitely shares the sweets that you made for the circle, and somehow, just somehow, all of the sweets are fit to the members’ – Mayoi, HiMERU, Tsukasa and Kohaku – tastes in sweets.
Kohaku takes his pride in that his unit members from Crazy:B gets a little jealous that he gets free sweets – especially Niki, but it’s a secret, which somehow the grey haired boy cannot hide his small jealousy very well.
He does help you out when you’re making the sweets – always asking you if you need help with anything or just simply getting the ingredients that you need to finish them off – he’ll do anything that you ask him for.
Also the type to steal more than one sweet that you set on the counter to cool or to pack when you turn your back on him; but always gets caught. If he’s feeling tired enough he’ll just ask for one instead.
You turn around and face Kohaku, slumped on the bar char at the counter. You laugh as he reaches out for a mochi, only for his hand to be slapped away lightly with yours. He grumbles and pushes his head in his arms, setting them on the counter as you turn away from him, your back facing the boy.
Peeking at you, he shoots his free arm out as he reaches for the mochi, but is once again cut short as you – with your quick reflexes – take the small tray of the sweet squishy treats away from your significant other. Kohaku pouts, his outstretched arm dropping back on the marble counter as you put the white tray near your own vicinity.
“Can’t I just have one mochi, (y/n)?”
He asks, voice slightly muffled. You think his request through, gloved hand taking one mochi as you hand it over to your lover. Kohaku, feeling the soft plop of the sweet land on his palm, smiles brightly as he eats it, the powdered sugar leaving some white sugar near his mouth.
You see him smile, and you smile too – nothing felt better than seeing people, especially your loved ones, enjoy the sweets that you make with your own talent and skill. Taking a tissue, you lean over and wipe his mouth, taking the remnants of the sugar away with the tissue. Kohaku smiles as you do so, his purple eyes gazing at you with pure adoration.
To him, nothing felt better than today.
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Ello there :D could I request going on a first date with Kohaku and Natsume both of them being separate pls :>
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First Date Headcanons!
w/ Kohaku Oukawa & Natsume Sakasaki x GN! Reader
i actually tried so hard to make sure these were dates this time around
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Warnings: Kohaku has a very small panic attack on his, but it gets resolved in like seconds. Otherwise it's all clear!
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Kohaku Oukawa
✩ You'd probably be the one to ask Kohaku out. Not that he's shy or anything (okay, maybe a little) but because he doesn't really know much about dates and romance.
✩ Now, where would you take someone like that? Someplace where he can experience and try tons of new things? Why, the natural answer would be the amusement park of course!
✩ Whether it be rides, attractions, games, food, there's no shortage of new things to show him. He spent quite a lot of his life indoors or "working" after all.
✩ It also wouldn't hurt to let him experience crowded places, considering the friends he had growing up were either his Bon, or people online.
✩ Before the date, Kohaku had the brilliant idea to ask Aira for advice. Aira looked like he would be experienced in this field after all, with his constant talking of love and such.
✩ Obviously, Aira, having no experience himself; had no idea what to tell him, conjuring up all the knowledge he gathered from manga and fanfics to try and answer Kohaku properly.
✩ Just the standard stuff like offering to hold his hand if ever you were to get scared, or riding swan boats and other love themed rides.
✩ When the day finally came, Kohaku couldn't get a wink of sleep. He would never admit it, but he was quite excited. He spent a while trying to pick out clothes, wondering if something more casual and sporty would fit better than something more cool and romantic.
✩ Then he remembers he has no personal fashion sense at all, seeing as all his clothes were just stuff he got from looking up popular and trendy clothes. Well, at least they all looked good, especially on him.
✩ He'd arrive a good 2 hours or so earlier than you. Just standing around the entrance like a lost puppy. His eyes practically sparkling when he saw you walking towards him.
"Ah, you're already here! Sorry, did I make you wait long?" Kohaku shook his head like crazy, before reciting a line that he practiced with Aira beforehand.
"Nah, I just got here." Kohaku smirked internally, knowing that this should alleviate your nerves if you thought he had waited long.
The two of you got your tickets and a complementary map, before snapping a photo together near the entrance.
"Where do ya' wanna go first, (Y/N)?" He'd ask even though he already planned a whole itinerary beforehand. He values your opinion after all.
When you tell him that it's up to him, he would gladly take you by the hand and drag you towards the more popular rides. It's still early, so now's the best chance to get on them before lots of people show up.
✩ The very first ride he brought you to seemed like a very, very extreme roller coaster. His face visibly darkened when he saw all the loops and turns, but he decided to tough it out for you.
✩ When the two of you got on, his heart was already about to leap out of his chest. Sure he's a man used to these kinds of "life-threatening" scenarios, but it's different when you're beside him.
✩ Just as the roller coaster would start it's slow ascent, Kohaku would definitely start regretting his decision. His hands would start shaking and he'd find it harder to breathe.
✩ Right before the big drop though, he'd feel your hands on top of his, his eyes wandering to your face. You were looking him right in the eyes, as if you were trying to telepathically tell him:
Don't worry. I'll protect you.
✩ He'd feel about 30 times lighter after that. The feeling of being protected or cared for isn't something he was very used to, what with the life and job that he had.
✩ But before he knew it, the roller coaster dropped and he wasn't scared at all. Sure, he was screaming, but it was because he just felt so safe beside you that he could truly let himself relax and be vulnerable.
✩ He couldn't even care that he didn't get to act all cool like Aira instructed him to. He was just too goshdarn happy seeing you care for him this much.
✩ When you two got off the ride, he couldn't help but wrap you in a hug, only stopping when he realized you two were holding up a line.
✩ Still though, even after your hug was broken up, he had a firm grip on your hand. What you did back then was so simple, but it meant a lot to him, it really did.
✩ It was then he saw those game booths handing out cute plushies or toys, pointing at the stands before pulling you towards them.
Kohaku watches your eyes fixate on a prize. It seemed like a pretty big plushie of an animal you liked. With that, a fire was lit inside him, he was going to get that for you even if he had to use all his money for it.
"Ya' want that one, dontcha?" Kohaku couldn't help but smile too when you beamed at him while nodding like crazy. "Alright. Guess it's time for me to show ya' my cool side, yeah?" He feels a bit embarrassed saying it, but he did mean it.
✩ Cue a good 20 minutes of Kohaku getting absolutely wrecked at that shooting game. He'd think his skills would come in handy in a situation like this, but it seems even he's not strong enough for rigged amusement park games.
✩ His face was as pink as his hair at this point, losing confidence with each failed attempt, only to want to try again harder when he saw your expectant face.
"One more! I'll get it for sure next time!" Kohaku shouted out, before fishing his wallet for more money, only to have the grim realization that it was completely empty.
He'd turn to look at you, afraid that you'd be disappointed at him for failing this badly. He really messed up big time here did he? Not only did he not get you the plushie, now he's out of money that he could've spent for food or other stuff.
His eyes would get a bit misty before he feels your hand on top of his head, gently caressing it so that it wouldn't mess with the hair he spent an hour styling.
"You did great! It's a shame you couldn't get it, but you looked super cool holding that toy rifle!" Kohaku felt faint, he couldn't keep taking these critical hits to the heart. "Come on, cheer up! I saw some cute looking sweets over there, I'll go buy you some, so give me a smile!"
Kohaku couldn't even reply before you were the one dragging him somewhere. You really are so cool in his eyes. He's done nothing but blunders this entire date, couldn't there be something he can do to make your heart race for a change?
He sifted through the things he discussed with Aira before coming up blank. All the intricate plans they made, he'd probably mess up at this rate. How could he possibly make you as happy as you made him?
"Kohaku, you okay? You've got quite the face!" The man in question had a very puzzled face after all, thinking real hard on what he could possibly do. Oops, he should probably answer you.
"Ah, yeah. I was jus' thinking about how much I love ya'." He did not notice the big goofy grin on your face as it became tinted red, and maybe that was for the best.
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Natsume Sakasaki
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✩ Natsume would be the one to ask you out. For what you say? Well he called it a surprise, so you don't get to know.
✩ He just told you to get ready, and he'll come pick you up at your place. Not even telling you what kind of clothes to wear so that it'll truly be a surprise.
✩ That was already the first spell he cast on you, when a human doesn't know what's about to come, their mind starts exploring and creating answers for them. Natsume wanted you to feel so excited for this date that you'd fantasize about what it could be.
✩ Of course, he'd have to make sure things on his end were going great as well. If he disappointed you of all people he really would have no right calling himself a magician.
✩ When the time for the date came, you heard some soft knocks on your door. Opening it to see Natsume wearing a nice button up and pants with a matching tie. Hm, so it was a formal kind of date then.
✩ You wanted to go back and change to match with Natsume, but he'd just pull you in by the arm, a soft thud resounding as you bumped into his chest.
"You already look perfect, kitTEN." Natsume whispered into your ear before planting a kiss on your forehead. You couldn't help but get caught off guard, he sure plays hard and fast doesn't he? "Now then, shall we gO?"
He would lead you into a fancy looking car, opening the door for you and waiting for you to go in before he does. When the two of you are seated, the person behind the wheel that looked kind of like Tsumugi started to drive at a leisurely pace.
Time passes before you know it and the sun has already sunk when the two of you get dropped off at a nice looking park. Natsume takes you by the hand to an already set up picnic, with food and drinks that would cater to any cravings.
He signals for you to sit down before doing so himself, sitting opposite to you in the aptly sized blanket.
While the date was certainly romantic so far, it was quite simple in execution. It was Natsume that planned this whole thing, so you were kind of expecting it to be a bit more, how do you say this; out there?
As if he read your mind, Natsume tucked a hair behind your ear before speaking. "Worry not, kitTEN. The night has only just beGUN." He threw in a wink too, crafty bastard.
✩ Though he said that, the date seemed to progress as naturally as a picnic date would. The two of you eating and chatting about nothing important.
✩ Sure Natsume would throw in a cheeky remark or try to feed you something every now and then, but it was still just a sort of normal date?
✩ Of course this too, was simply a part of his spell. He had planned a very grand declaration of love after all, but he needs you to be just slightly disheartened before he puts his plan into action.
✩ Soon enough, it was fully night time and the stars had come with the moon to say their greetings to you two.
Seemingly out of thin air, Natsume pulled out a telescope. Motioning for you to peer into it. "Do you see iT?" The telescope was already positioned, showing you a constellation of three stars connected like a triangle.
It was a very pretty constellation, and the view of the night sky was honestly breathtaking enough to warrant this entire date.
"This constellation is called the summer triANGLE. It represents two lovers, Vega and Altair, that were seperated by the milky waY." That story made you a bit sad, being a romantic yourself. "Luckily, the other star, Deneb serves as the bridge for them to meeT."
You pulled away from the telescope after feeling a tap on your shoulder. Natsume put his hand behind your ear again, but this time procuring a cute pendant with a star on it. "My Vega, even if the universe intends on tearing us aPART. I will always, always find my way back to yoU."
He pulls out a similar looking pendant that he was hiding under his clothes, before putting the one in his hand around your neck. Natsume then closes the distance between you two, your faces inches away from each other.
He guides your hand to his pendant, before bringing yours closer to it, showing that the two of them connect when brought together. "This, I promise. With the thousand stars in the sky as my witness."
It seemed Natsume dropped his usual way of speaking, but you could probably let it slide this one time. How could you say no to him when his face looks so red as he recites these cheesy yet incredibly romantic lines?
"I love you, (Y/N)." Natsume smiled at you softly, before closing the distance between your lips.
AAAA done! hope these were to your liking anon ^^
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nazukisser · 2 years
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cuddling hcs w/ oukawa kohaku
fluff, established relationship, hcs
wc; 203 words
hello kohakups... i hope you enjoy this one !
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Kohaku doesn’t express it all the time, but he quite likes cuddles. Cuddles make him feel safe, calm, at peace- being in your arms simply makes him feel at home, a sanctuary in the rush of the world. His breathing is calm, and his thoughts are more calm than the usual fast pace. He loves the simplicity, the non complexity of it all. There was no caveat, no “but”, no real downside. There was nothing to weigh. It was simply happiness, with you, the one he loves the most.
Kohaku loves it when your arms envelop him in a warm hug. Sometimes, he feels as if he could just fall asleep, with no dangers to keep his eyes wide open. He’ll often put his arms over yours to keep it there; he could exist like this forever. He nuzzles his face into your neck or your shoulder and maybe give you a little kiss~
Even so, sometimes, he’d like to have his arms around you. He plays with your hair and whispers escape his lips- whispers of love, whispers of dreams. He doesn’t even know what he’s saying anymore, but he doesn’t regret it. They’re the thoughts even he doesn’t know he has.
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If you liked this post, please reblog it! Every reblog helps support me and other creators on this site. If you would like to be tagged for my works, please send me an ask. Thank you!
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harucafelatte · 2 years
Hello! do you have any head canons for Kohaku with an overworked fem s/o who hasn't been getting much sleep?
Oukawa Kohaku with an overworked fem!s/o who hasn't been getting much sleep hcs ♡ 
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ੈ✩ Oukawa Kohaku's partner overworking herself up to the point where she is not getting enough sleep? Be prepared for him to lecture you and, of course, take care of you!
ੈ✩ When he notices the dark circles under your eyes, he knows something is wrong. He grabs your hand and sits you down, asking you what you were busy with these few days. "What have you been doin’ these few days? You look exhausted." he asks.
ੈ✩ Don't even think about lying to him and saying that you are fine. He knows you are not.
ੈ✩ When you tell him that you are working on a project, he looks into your eyes. He is clearly concerned. "Are ya gettin’ enough sleep? You do know that sleep is important, right?"
ੈ✩ Being Kohaku's partner, you always tried to be as hard-working as him. However, you forget to put yourself first, which causes you to feel overwhelmed. Embarrassed, you look down. Just as he had thought - you were not getting enough rest.
ੈ✩ Kohaku gives your hands a small squeeze before pulling you into a hug. He tells you how he loves you and is worried about your well-being.
ੈ✩ Even though he may have a very sharp tongue, he deeply cares for you. He often struggles to find words to express his love for you, but to you, everything he says shows how much he does.
ੈ✩ When you tell him that you need to work again, he brews tea and brings Japanese snacks for the two of you to enjoy. Then, Kohaku sits next to you at the table to keep you company and make sure you go to bed early.
ੈ✩ Soon, it was time to sleep, but you insisted on continuing work. Kohaku looks at you in disappointment and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you away from your work. "Let's go! I want to sleep, and I'm definitely not sleepin’ alone!"
ੈ✩ As the two of you lie in bed, Kohaku holds you tight. Feeling safe in his arms, you slowly close your eyes and allow your dreams to begin. But not before hearing Kohaku whisper into your ear lovingly.
"Please don't overwork yourself. I don't want ya to put so much pressure on yourself and fall ill. Promise me that you'll take care of yourself from now on, okay? I love you."
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a/n: Uwahhhhh! I actually needed this so thank you for requesting this, anon! School has been quite tiring these few days and I haven't been getting enough sleep T^T Hope you enjoyed!
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tokusaatsus · 1 year
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ft. oukawa kohaku
© tokusaatsus 2022
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warnings: mild mentions of weapons, references to kohaku’s backstory, cursing
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Crazy:B is just getting back from a hard day of practice, practice and more practice when they notice a human curled on the doorstep of their apartment.
By which I mean, the apartment that legally belongs to Niki and is currently being invaded by the usual amount of three-to-four freeloaders.
Curled up next to the welcome mat and fast asleep, hands wrapped around your knees, lies none other than you. One L/N Y/N, aka what Rinne means when he says ‘brat (affectionate)’, Niki’s sous-chef, ⅓ of the reason for HiMERU’s rising blood pressure, and the honorary fifth bee. The other four bees stop to stare at you blankly, before HiMERU breaks the silence. “Are they dead?”
Kohaku crouches down to poke your cheek, and you shift with a muttered complaint. “Nah. Jus’ asleep. Hey,” He shakes you. “Hey. Hey. HEY!”
You wake up with your fists flying, and nearly clip Kohaku on the cheek (you actually do manage to hit Rinne-senpai in the shin, but you ignore his grunt of pain and low swears in favour of focusing on what you deem more important). “Uweh! ‘M up, I’m up… Oh,” You blink slowly at Kohaku, who blinks back just as slowly. “You’re here.”
“Yeah, o’ course I’m here. This is Niki-han’s apartment.”
You rub at your eyes, voice heavy from sleep. The older three begin to file into the apartment–though still within listening distance, you assume. “That’s good… Hey, you aren’t too tired, right?”
“Not really… Why?” Kohaku’s instantly suspicious. “I can still fight like this, yanno?”
You look at him with a deadpan expression. You file that away for later examination. Whatever. Not thinking about it. “...‘Kay. Are you free to go to a store with me?”
Kohaku raises an eyebrow. You rarely ever ask him to hang out alone. Something about there being more competition for attention, especially considering you ain’t a real bee, blah blah blah. Privately, Kohaku doesn’t think you’ll ever have to worry about that, because he’s never seen the other bees dote on someone who isn’t one of their own. He’s speaking from experience here. “...Sure. What’s the occasion?”
“No reason,” You shrug. “Just felt like it.” You stand up with a bone-cracking stretch. Then, speaking at a volume that really isn’t necessary, you continue. “Well, me and Kohakkun”–you ignore his grumbled protests at the nickname–“will be at that idol store down the street! We’ll probably be gone for an hour-ish! We’re leaving now! Bye-bye!”
You grab Kohaku’s hand and begin running down the hallways. He goes limp and lets himself be dragged along, knowing that resistance is futile.
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When you dragged Kohaku to the idol store, he was expecting it to be something similar to his trips with Love-han.
To translate, he expected a lot of squealing and rambling and excited fan behaviour. You being you, however, instead decide to completely destroy his expectations. You stay firmly in the NewDi aisle of the shop, carefully browsing through the merch.
Your eyes alight on a little plushie of Madara-han in his MaM outfit, and Kohaku thinks, oh God, no.
You pick it up off the shelf with a slight smile. “Hey, what d’you think?” You wave the plushie under his nose, and Kohaku watches the mini Madara-han, with his mini cowboy hat. He has the irrational urge to punch it, and then give it a hug. It’s cute, he’ll admit, but he’d rather die than ever be caught with Madara-han merch–be it Double Face-style or just MaM-style.
The only thing worse than that, Kohaku considers, would be to be caught with Crazy:B merch. Then he sees your eyes wander to the CosPro section, settling on the Crazy:B plushies, and Kohaku decides it’s time to do damage control. 
Madara-han is way better than the bees in this scenario.
He begins steering you towards the cashier. “Yeah, I think the teeny Madara-han looks great. Real cool. Ya should get this one. Totally.”
You give him a wicked grin over your shoulder, but allow yourself to be pushed. You complete your purchase while Kohaku hovers at your side like a short, pink, guardian angel. ¥60, 000 for a single Madara-han?! Crazy… 
“Hm, I think that’s all…” You smile at him, the tiny Madara-han tucked into your pouch. “Safe to go back now, you think?”
Kohaku doesn’t protest your strange choice of words and trails silently after you, checking his DMs on his Whole Hands. Love-han wished him a happy birthday (with lots of emojis and sparkles, as he is wont to do), as did Madara-han… He pauses, stowing his phone in his pocket just outside Niki-han’s apartment. Something feels… different.
He hesitates. It’s quiet.
Then it hits him. It’s too quiet. The bees (Rinne-han specifically) can never shut up for longer than five seconds. But there’s no noise from the apartment. You turn to look at him with your hand on the doorknob. “Something wrong, Kohakkun?” He doesn’t protest the nickname this time, too busy trying to pinpoint any signs of impending attack.
“Lemme go first.”
You look at him quizzically, but step back to let him pass. Kohaku pushes open the door carefully. It’s dark. He holds out a hand, barring your movement. Keeping you behind him. Out of the line of fire.
The lights flick on.
There’s a multitude of loud noises (not unlike that of a gunshot).
Kohaku flinches, moving in front of you to shield you with his body, waiting for the expected attack.
It never comes.
Kohaku opens his eyes to see… the bees? All wearing party hats? Grinning wildly? What the hell…
There’re banners and streamers strung up around Niki-han’s apartment, and a table spread with delicious snacks and food lies in the center of the living room. A large cake, light pink with a fondant bee on it, takes pride of place on the table. A popping noise (not a gunshot, not a gunshot) sounds behind him and he turns to see you, blowing a sparkly pink…party…popper at him. “Wh–huh?”
You stick your tongue out at him playfully. “Happy birthday, Kohaku.”
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WC: 1k words
reze txt happy birthday kohaku! we love you, our sweet cotton candy bee! may you keep learning and growing and loving <3
additional notes: longest b’day fic i’ve ever written (so far). i don’t produce the bees but as a cospro lvr im obligated to care them. a lil bit. also yes the madara plushie IS kohakkun’s b’day gift from y/n :3 finally, a psa: when throwing ur incredibly sheltered baby assassin unitmate-slash-friend a surprise party pls be sure to remove any potential triggers from the surrounding area or i guarantee u WILL get knifed :( this has been ur bimonthly psa from ur friendly neighbourhood anzu lvr <3 salutes
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Crystal Hearts
Prequel Chapter 21
Being engaged only last a few days. Alas, it's not because it's been revoke. Because those Oukawa just called the main family ( which is kohaku cousin, called tsukasa Suou ) those couple of days and now they can proceed to the wedding! It seems that your not leaving the estate unless it's official. Well at least in the traditions of humans.
Honestly it's too fast, your not even able to pass a day in the world of fae in comparison! Holy moly, your now wearing traditional wedding cloths. And your side that is invited in the wedding is only Niki and Rinne because they are the only one around.
Aira and your other friends won't come to the human world tell late this month. Your cousin probably somewhere in the crowd wearing disguise as you and kohaku were given a cute flower crown by a dove,
You look at the three cup of sake and take a sip of each of the cup, likewise your groom did so too.
Saying vows and such, and being bless and such. It happened so fast. Now your greetings to the guest.
Later that same day, you look at rinne and Niki who's jamming with the crowd.
"Omae..." You stared at the person who called you. "Hmm?" You hummed feeling a bit drowsy. The person beside you, softly made you lean against him. Leaning your head against his frame. He move his hand so, his oversized outer kimono put around the two of you.
"I honestly surprised your family tradition sure are too fast." You mumble." I thought it be for a year or so. Since we only know each other." You don't know till when you can freely do what you want, so you would want to enjoy each moment to the fullest.
"Ah... That's usually what happened... Well, except for my dad case. He pulled a marriage certificate when my mom win the fight as tradition. To sign in the spot." He chuckle as he remembers how his father often brags about it.
In his early memories his mother when she was with them before, she and his dad would would be like those love sick couple like they are not middle age adults. It's a sight for sore eyes' kohaku thought
" Ohhh! Your dad is smitten then. How nice! Love is very interesting! " You giggle. " Then what's up with your case then? I don't mind! It mean I get to spend more time with you! " You hummed as you look at him, asking silent permission to hug him. He nodded with a blush on his face, as you happily hugs him.
" My dad have a visitor, Few last night. I don't see em but when he finish chatting with the guy, almost beaming, he said the wedding would be in few days. Because the kid (tsukasa)needs to arrive here to attend too. If that's not the case he would say the wedding would be that night. " after a moment of silence. He start to speak why the case of the fast wedding happened, at least what he think the reason is.
" Wow... That's kinda weird. Did you ask who's the person? Don't you think it's sus? " you wonder why he don't think that suspicious.
" I dunno dad just said that he gaze upon my future and speak to em. Or whatnot. Weird huh.? " he pats your head, as he saw your silly face of disbelief.
" Well, your a core fae like the second one. I heard that they can turn back time. Ya know? So it's not weird if that's the case. " You told him why you have a face like you believe his silly theory.
"... Wait that's a thing? I can do that too? " His eyes widen.
" Yup yup! " You happily nodded." Well probably in the future you will. " You added.
"... Do I really go back in time to hurry up the wedding? What am I rushing it for? " he don't think that rushing things would be good. Beside won't it be better if the two of you spend more time...?
" I dunno. I'm not you. And I won't go back in time to do such thing. " you shrugged your shoulder, your not someone who would do such thing to understand the way of thoughts of time Traveller who wish to change the future.
"Ehhh.. ya can do that too?" Now he can't help but be amaze at you. How come your so cool and keep getting cooler in his eyes? Ah, my spouse is too OP, how do I make sure no one would steal em away? Suddenly kohaku inter a marriage life crisis.
"Hmm. But do I have too? Going back means it will change a sequence of event. That's such a worrisome thing you know! What if something good don't happened because of changing such scene?" You laugh, thinking that your not gonna do such thing.
After all people who wish to turn back time are those who don't know what's lies in the future. But you do. So why would you turn back time?
"... Ya don't want me to go back in time to ruined fate?" (Kohaku)
"Ah. It's fine. Since you have your reasons. For me, with all the things that bothers me. That I wish doesn't. I would not mind it. Changing your fate is something you know? I would want to change it too. But I'm full of worry! So I have to take precautions in ever move I do. Even so I don't need too. Im scared. Such burden is annoying but it's my life. "
you sigh as you thought of the troubles you put in the back of your mind, for you to enjoy the moment as it is and don't dwell what's comes right after.
" Ya don't need to burden everything. Just because ya are core fae or whatnot. " Kohaku stared at his 3rd sister who approaches the two of you to offer confectioners and she winked at him, signalling him about something before she left the two of them.
" Well, I dunno what to do if I don't think of it. Having nothing to think about makes the thought of my life being pointless comes in mind. That's more painful to think about. That even if I don't exist the world would been ok. I'm just here to be with you all. " You stared at the sweets and wonder what's the black dust on top of those. They look familiar for some reason.
"... Ya speaking weird again. Ya are here because ya are needed and to live among us. " Holding one of the sweets, he look at you as your gaze follow the confectioners. " Do you want some?" He ask you. You nodded without hesitation as your open for all type of sweets made others after all!
" Hmm. Okii! If you say so! " you give a thumbs up to his previous statement.
Kohaku rolled his eyes as he chuckle hopelessly, he soon reach out to held you close, he gaze into your eyes as the confectioners are being feed by him to you with such affection.
The strings glow bright red around you, almost as if it's pulsing.
"... Cant you have your own preceptive and thought? Why are you easily agreeing on what I say? "
" Well, it is my own thoughts to understand and agree what others believe in! So, to please them I'll agree because I don't know any better than they do about those stuff! " Nomming after telling him your point of view, you enjoy the sweet taste.
" ... " He really wonder why you grow up with such mentality and how your brain work so oddly and off putting.
You look at the crowd again as you yawn, feeling sleepy. You don't feel this sleepy yet as kohaku continue to spoonfeed you those confectioners, the sweet taste felt like drugs that pulling you in a deep good night slumber.
"I'm glad... I'm awake. I meet many people... I would like you to meet my best friend and friends when they'll come here... " Your droopy (color) eyes stared at him.
" Sure. I'll be glad to meet them... "
" Ai. This is my hubby, hanii!" In the end of the month your friend, aira finally able to come to the human world with his unit. "...what?" He drop his phone in shock at your words. He stared at the stranger with you who's your happily holding hands with. "Say what?" He repeated as if his deaf when he heard your words.
"You seems about to faint. Maybe I should shock you with the news the moment you come here." You notice how his gonna faint if you confirm his nightmare to be the truth. "In the traditions of humans. Kohaku is my hubby!" You quickly try to lessen the effect to your friend.
"AI/AIRA!!" He have fainted and you and his fellow unit who was watching the scene in worry as you all rush aira to put in rhe nearest bench. Mayoi who's fanning aira, hiiro who's holding ice as if the guy fainted from heat stroke or something.
"..." Kohaku who follow suit at your tail since earlier look at your friend and back at you. "Does Your friend likes you?" He directly ask you all. Mayoi almost join aira in the fainting gang when he heard the hubby of yours, frank question.
"Ehhh... Whyareyouaskingthatquestion... Ohgottwhatisthisdrama..." He mumble so fast as he look back at three of you.
" I dunno." You shrugged your shoulder." I get rejected by ai like more than this times." You raise your ten fingers. Shock cover his purple eyes when he hear your words, the fact you like your friend yet get rejected more than ten times. He don't know if he should be worried or be sad for you.
"He said we're just best friends. I'll respect that." You added. The three (more like two) friends of Aira want to smack aira in the head when they heard what you said.
Aira keep going to them about his own situation after all, they don't know this part. Why are those two so hopeless?!
"Why are you so open to say that to me? What if I get jealous?" Kohaku sighs as he look at your best friend and back to you. Clearly your friend also liked you back yet can't express or told you his own feelings.
"Ehh. Wwhhhyyy?" You tilt your head in confusion." Eheh your so silly, Your already my hubby why are you jealous? Beside I'm very loyal as it's something fae were taught! I'll offer my heart to you for exchange~ if you don't trust me eheh " you haft jested with soft chuckle.
" H-huh..!?" He turn bright red at your words as he remembers what it meant. YOU TWO JUST GOTTEN MARRIED NOT EVEN ONE MOON AGO AND YOU ASKING FOR ANOTHER ONE? n-not like he don't want it but it's too fast! Ah! Let him calm his heart first!!' he turn around as his head might explode from the bashful state he is in he silently screams internally as he held his warm cheeks.
"Hibiki-chan. Whatifwhafif... Aira likes you too?" Mayoi can't help but ask you in a barely inaudible tone.
"Hmm? " You look at Mayoi. "I do notice it... But I'm someone who need to be told by the person. What type of relationship they wanted to have with me. Silence and keeping your emotions will not help me understand what to interpret people emotions toward me... What if it's fools hope?..." You mumble your not oblivious but you rather not hope that much. Why can't people be honest what they wish to convey?
But then again, your not one to tell others how you felt. Unless the situation you have with your hubby. Because you trusted your cousin, and your cousin spell doesn't mean you no harm.
Making his silly cupid spell where you will be honest, open and close to the one that share the string of fate with you--kohaku, made you says what you felt and maybe your plan for the future quite often than you would like.
"What are you thinking of?" Kohaku stood beside you as he reach to held your hand, the strings glow bright red as your hands interlock with one another.
"Oh. I'm think about my cousin magic spell." You honestly says. "...cookies." he pull out a cookie from his bag of sweets and your eyes follow the sweets and you forgot the topic at hand.
"You want?" He smiles at you. You nodded as you eyed the cookie."yes." You happily says.
"Ahh." He proceeded to spoonfed you and you happiness nom the cookie.
"There there." He pats your head like your a puppy or a kid.
"Why you treating me like a kid. Hmmp." You pout but you once again swayed by another sweet, this time a mochi. "Ooh..mochi..." You fall in the same bait again and forget agreement with him. "Ahh. Open up " he once again smile as he made you forget what's on your current state of mind.
The scene repeated till you start yawning and fallen asleep against him. The other three watch the scene from the other bench but don't comment.
"...it's nice to meet other friends of my spouse.." kohaku who's holding your sleeping form stared at the three. His smile seems off putting...
"I hope ya all don't try to break someone marriage, even so it's not legal yet in ya ways..." His purple eyes stared at them dead in the eyes, almost felt they looking at a devil. Yet the add sensation of being around of an angel made them ( more like mayoi who's already shaking from everything, mostly from nervousness)
"Hey are you a dark angel?" Hiiro tilt his head as he question the off putting feeling of dread the stranger is giving him.
"... Who knows." Your spouse mumble as he no longer give a single glance at those three, through he give a side eyes at the unconscious best friend of yours before he rolled his eyes before looking back at your sleeping form, as thought comes in his mind.
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