#Our Man Higgins
kwebtv · 2 years
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TV Guide  -  November 3 - 9, 1962
Stanley Augustus Holloway OBE (October 1, 1890 – January 30, 1982)  Actor, comedian, singer and monologist. He was famous for his comic and character roles on stage and screen, especially that of Alfred P. Doolittle in My Fair Lady. He was also renowned for his comic monologues and songs, which he performed and recorded throughout most of his 70-year career.
In 1964, he appeared as Bellomy in the Hallmark Hall of Fame television production of The Fantasticks. 
Holloway played Pooh-Bah in a 1960 US television Bell Telephone Hour production of The Mikado, produced by the veteran Gilbert and Sullivan performer Martyn Green. Holloway appeared with Groucho Marx and Helen Traubel of the Metropolitan Opera.
In 1962 Holloway played the role of an English butler called Higgins in a US television sitcom called Our Man Higgins. It ran for only a season. His son Julian also appeared in the series. . He returned to the US a few more times after that to take part in The Dean Martin Show three times and The Red Skelton Show twice.  (Wikipedia)
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randomfandomtwst · 2 months
Something I just discovered in the 1992 Newsies movie that makes me love it even more, is in King of New York, and I think it's Snitch.. He helps Boots off the table at one point. 😂 Like, hands on waist and everything. It was so cute! And another cute thing I saw, I've never seen anyone talk about it before, is during the song, in the background, you can see three waiters from Jacobi's and one of them is vibing with the Newsies! It's adorable! 😍😂
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jazzdailyblog · 1 year
Sonny Rollins: The Unparalleled Evolution of a Jazz Titan
Introduction: In the mesmerizing world of jazz, few names resonate as powerfully as Sonny Rollins. A saxophone colossus, Rollins has spent a lifetime shaping the genre’s very fabric with his distinctive voice. From his early days as a sideman with iconic figures to his status as a revered bandleader, Rollins’ journey is a remarkable tale of artistic evolution and creative daring that has left an…
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transform4u · 3 months
Born Proud on the 4th of July-500 Follower Story
Milo Higgins stood tall and broad-shouldered in his backyard, a picture of American pride and muscle. His olive-drab t-shirt strained against his chest, showcasing his rugged physique honed by years of military training. The yard was a sea of American flags fluttering in the summer breeze, interspersed with military memorabilia and a meticulously maintained home gym in one corner.
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As the football game blared from the outdoor television, Milo hollered over his shoulder, "Suzie, bring me another beer and some wings!" His voice carried a gruff authority, a remnant of his military command style. He believed in traditional roles, firmly believing women belonged in the kitchen and that his word was law in his domain.
His routine was disciplined and intense. He woke at dawn for his military-style workouts: push-ups, pull-ups, and weights, all executed with a grim determination. His evenings were spent watching football, wrestling, and Fox News, occasionally barking orders to Suzie or grumbling about politics.
Today was special—a Fourth of July party for his military buddies and their families. The guests began to arrive, a mix of fellow servicemen and their children. Among them was Julio, Suzie's best gay friend and Milo's least favorite person on Earth. Julio, always impeccably dressed and effortlessly charming, greeted Suzie with a warm hug.
"Hey Suzie, you look amazing!" Julio said with a wide smile.
"Thanks, Julio! So glad you could make it," Suzie replied warmly. She turned to Milo, gesturing towards Julio. "Milo, this is Julio."
Milo glanced at Julio with thinly veiled disdain before muttering, "Hey," and quickly walking away towards the grill where he flipped a few burgers with unnecessary force.
Julio followed him, undeterred by Milo's cold reception. "Hey, Milo, happy Fourth! Thanks for having me over."
Milo grunted in response, not making eye contact as he adjusted the heat on the grill.
Julio persisted, maintaining his congenial demeanor. "You know, Suzie talks so highly of you. It's great to finally meet you."
Milo turned abruptly, fixing Julio with a steely glare. "Listen, Julio. I don't need you putting ideas in Suzie's head, you hear me? She's my wife, and what she thinks ain't your concern."
Julio raised his hands placatingly. "Hey, man, I'm just here to celebrate, like everyone else. No worries."
Milo's jaw clenched, his dislike for Julio simmering just below the surface. "Just watch yourself," he warned, before turning back to the grill, effectively ending the conversation.
Julio's face fell as Milo launched into a tirade, his words stinging like a slap. "Listen here, you little punk. I don't care what you think about me or my wife. Just keep your filthy mouth shut and stay away from her. You're nothing but a damn faggot, Julio! And your woke politics can go straight to hell. This country was built on traditional values, not your queer ideals. And don't even get me started on how much of a hypocrite you are. You come into our home acting like some kind of saint when really you just want to corrupt my wife with your perverted lifestyle."
He couldn't believe the man was so narrow-minded and hateful. Suzie had always spoken highly of him, but it seemed she was married to someone who couldn't accept the truth about people or their relationships.
As Julio tried to gather his thoughts, he glanced over at Suzie, hoping for some sort of support or understanding from her. But she just looked uncomfortable and embarrassed by her husband's outburst. It hurt Julio to see her like that; he knew how much she loved Milo despite his flaws.
Taking a deep breath, Julio decided it was time for action. He wouldn't let Milo get away with this kind of behavior without consequence—not if it meant hurting Suzie in the process.
Julio sighed inwardly but plastered on a smile as he rejoined Suzie and their friends, determined not to let Milo's hostility ruin the festive atmosphere.
Neither Milo nor Suzie knew that Julio practiced brujería, a tradition steeped in mysticism and rituals. Julio, despite his charming exterior, had a deep knowledge of spells and hexes passed down through generations of his family in Mexico. Among his abilities was the art of cursing objects, infusing them with intentions and consequences.
As the Fourth of July party continued, Julio spotted Milo at the grill, his usual stern expression etched on his face.
Julio, frustrated with Milo's dismissive attitude and simmering hostility towards him, decided to take matters into his own hands. He knew he had the power to influence outcomes through brujería, and with a mix of irritation and determination, he focused his energy on the bottle of beer in his hand. Under his breath, Julio muttered an incantation, his eyes briefly glowing with a faint, otherworldly light:
"Por los poderes de la luna y el fuego, Transformo esta cerveza en un maleficio. Que el odio y el desprecio de este hombre hacia los gays, Se vuelva en su contra como una maldición.
Con cada sorbo de esta bebida, Su masculinidad tóxica se desvanece. Se transformará en lo que más desprecia, Un estereotipo gay que lo abochornará."
With a subtle wave of his hand, Julio completed the enchantment and then approached Milo, offering the beer with an inscrutable smile.
"Hey, Milo," Julio greeted with a disarming smile, holding out the beer. "I brought this from my hometown in Mexico. It's one of the best beers you'll ever taste."
Milo looked at the bottle skeptically. "I don't know, Julio. I'm not really into Mexican beers. Today's about celebrating America, you know?"
Julio's eyes glinted momentarily as he maintained his pleasant demeanor. "Come on, just try it. It's a gesture of peace between us."
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Milo hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. "Alright, fine. But just this once." He took the bottle from Julio's hand and popped the cap, taking a long swig.
As the cold beer flowed down his throat, Milo felt a strange sensation. He coughed suddenly, suds spilling over his lips and onto his shirt. Julio watched closely, concealing a small smile as he subtly chanted under his breath:
Milo wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, unaware of the subtle changes beginning to take place within him. A warmth spread through his chest, and an inexplicable feeling of lightness replaced his usual heaviness.
"What did you put in this beer, Julio?" Milo asked gruffly, his voice sounding slightly different, softer.
Julio chuckled lightly. "Just some magic from my homeland. Enjoy it."
Milo frowned, feeling strangely vulnerable yet oddly at ease. He glanced down at his beer-stained shirt and then back at Julio, who was still smiling warmly. The party continued around them, unaware of the subtle transformation unfolding within Milo Higgins, the patriotic soldier who suddenly found himself questioning the very ideals he had staunchly upheld.
Milo Higgins felt an intense heat surge through his body, as if an internal inferno had been ignited. It was a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced—his muscles, once rippling and defined, now pulsed and trembled. His biceps, which had strained against his olive t-shirt, began to shrink, losing their mass and definition. His abs, once a symbol of his strength, softened and became less pronounced. Even his pecs, once proud and prominent, faded away under his shirt. His legs, accustomed to carrying his imposing frame, lost their bulk and power.
Panic gripped Milo as he felt himself getting weaker and weaker. He looked down at his hands, which seemed smaller and more delicate. He felt a strange sensation of shrinking, inch by inch. At 6'3", he had always towered over others with a commanding presence. Now, as he shrunk, inch by inch, fear washed over him. At 5'4", he looked around in horror at the people around him, who suddenly seemed taller and more imposing.
The beer can slipped from his weakening grip, clattering to the ground. Milo stumbled towards Julio, his voice trembling with fear and confusion. "Wha… what did you do to me, you freak?" His Adam's apple shrank, and his voice emerged with a distinct effeminate lisp, each syllable peppered with uncertainty. "Wha's wrong with my voice?"
Julio met Milo's panicked gaze with a coy, sinister smile. "Oh, nothin' Miley," he replied casually, drawing out Milo's new name with deliberate playfulness. "Just thought you needed a taste of your own medicine."
Milo's hands shook as he touched his softer, smaller features, a mixture of disbelief and horror etched across his face. His mind raced with questions and fears about what had happened to him. The once imposing soldier now stood before Julio, diminished and vulnerable, his identity and masculinity in flux.
Milo screamed, "No, no, no! You have to thtop thith! Where are my muthtcles? What'th happening to me?"
Julio smiled maliciously. "Hush now, little guy. You won't have to worry much longer. The mental changes will soon make you exactly what you hate—exactly what you made fun of in the past. Now, I'm not sure what exactly you'll become. Your own mind will take you down that row. But it seems like you think---or thought, that all gay men are whiny, short effeminate little twinks. How fun" But the time you're doing you'll be---" He leaned in close and whispered menacingly, "The perfect gay."
Milo tried desperately to resist but couldn't shake the feeling that his own mind was taking him down a path he never wanted to go on. The changes were becoming more apparent, he realized that Julio had been right all along—he was becoming everything he had once despised.
As Milo Higgins stood there, his mind began to undergo an even more profound change. It was as if a bright light bulb in his head, not that it was ever very bright to begin with, was gradually dimming. The thoughts and memories that once defined him—anger, resentment, and a rigid adherence to stereotypes—started to shift and rearrange themselves.
Milo's face contorted in confusion and fear as Julio spoke. "Twinks? What the hell are you talking about?"
"You know, Milo. The young, slender gay men who act very feminine and are often seen as objects of desire by older men." Julio grinned maliciously. "It seems like your own mind is going to turn you into the very thing you despise most."
Milo stared at Julio in horror, his body trembling with fear and uncertainty. He couldn't believe what was happening to him—or that he was even considering becoming something he had always despised so much.
Gone were the memories of military service, where he had prided himself on his strength and loyalty to his country. The camaraderie of college football days faded into the background, replaced by new memories and experiences that began to flood his consciousness.
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Instead, Milo found himself recalling moments of activism and protest, standing up against unjust wars and marching alongside women and LGBTQ+ communities for their rights. He remembered the exhilaration of going to school for art, where creativity and expression took precedence over conformity. Acting in community theater brought him a sense of fulfillment he had never felt before, a stage where he could explore different identities and emotions.
Singing show tunes with his bestie Suzie and Julio replaced nights out with his former buddies, where they would rate women and boast about conquests. Drag race, musical theatre,
As Milo's mind rewired itself, he began to feel a newfound openness and acceptance. The rigid boundaries of his previous beliefs dissolved, replaced by a curiosity and empathy for others. He felt a stirring of attraction towards Julio, mixed with admiration for the confidence and courage it took to confront him.
As Milo's mind rewired itself, he began to feel a newfound openness and acceptance. The rigid boundaries of his previous beliefs dissolved, replaced by a curiosity and empathy for others. He felt a stirring of attraction towards Julio, mixed with admiration for the confidence and courage it took to confront him.
Milo's head spun as he noticed all the men around him—their muscles straining against their shirts, sweat glistening off their hot bodies. His straight self seemed to dissolve before his eyes; women suddenly seemed icky and gross compared to these strong, virile men. A lust built up within him as an emptiness crept throughout his big bubble butt—he needed to be filled by one of these sexy straight men!
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The straight men around them began teasing Milo playfully now that they realized how turned on he was by them. They called him names like "sissy" and "faggot," laughing with Julio as they watched Milo blush in embarrassment. But the embarrassment only seemed to turn Milo on further; his dick started to get hard, leaking precum as he watched the muscular military men flirt with him shamelessly.
Julio quickly grabbed Milo's hand. Julio's touch on Milo's hand was electric, sending a jolt through Milo's body as he blinked in confusion. Suddenly, they were no longer in Milo's familiar Patriotic Pad of the Patriarchy. The surroundings shifted around them, and Milo's eyes widened in disbelief as American flags morphed into rainbow flags that fluttered proudly in the air.
They found themselves in the midst of a bustling gay nightclub, pulsating with vibrant music and colorful lights. Milo stood there, momentarily stunned, as the atmosphere enveloped him. The air was alive with laughter, dancing bodies, and an undeniable sense of freedom.
For a moment, Milo's thoughts flickered to Suzie, his blonde wife, and the plans they had for the Fourth of July party. But those thoughts quickly dissolved amidst the energy of the nightclub. He felt a surge of excitement and liberation that he had never experienced before.
As Milo looked around, he noticed people of all shapes, sizes, and genders embracing who they were without fear or shame. He saw barely dressed twunks with their abs on display; cute twinks flirting shamelessly with muscle bears; daddies in leather trying to score with hot muscular men in jockstraps. A lust burned within him—a horniness that couldn't be contained any longer. He always thought gay men were just horny sexual deviants looking for sex at every turn...and that's exactly what he was becoming.
He started to move with the music, his body swaying instinctively to the beat. A smile tugged at his lips as he let go of inhibitions he never knew he had. His movements became fluid, graceful, and filled with a newfound confidence.
Milo's demeanor shifted dramatically. He felt a surge of expressiveness and flamboyance bubbling up from within. His voice, once gruff and commanding, softened into a melodious lilt as he engaged in conversations filled with laughter and camaraderie.
Gone was the rigid masculinity and narrow-mindedness. In its place, Milo embraced his love for theatre and the arts with an enthusiasm that surprised even himself. He found joy in discussing plays, musicals, and the latest performances in town. His gestures became animated, his laughter infectious as he connected with others who shared his passions.
Milo's eyes sparkled with a mixture of wonder and excitement as he realized he was becoming the very stereotype he once dismissed—a cute, bubbly, theatre-loving, liberal twink. As Milo looked down at himself, he gasped in disbelief. His attire had transformed into cute booty shorts that accentuated his toned legs and a colorful tank top that hugged his newly slender frame. His face seemed to lose any hint of sharpness, aging backwards in time. The years dissolved before his eyes, smoothing out wrinkles and refining features into something more youthful and boyishly charming. His hair darkened and grew unruly, framing his face in a way that accentuated its newfound softness. His once rugged face seemed to soften before his eyes, losing any harsh edges as if time itself was rewinding.
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His blonde hair darkened to a rich brown and grew unruly, framing his face in tousled curls that added to his youthful appearance. Milo's features became smoother, his jawline more delicate, and a deep brown tan spread across his skin, giving him a radiant glow.
In this moment of transformation, Milo's old name seemed to evaporate into the air, replaced by a new name that echoed through his consciousness—Ishaq. A deep, bronzed tan spread across Milo's skin, giving him a healthy glow that seemed to radiate from within. Memories flooded Ishaq's mind—days of arriving in America as an immigrant, navigating a new culture with broken English and a charming lisp.
Ishaq was proud of his Middle Eastern heritage, and his newfound identity as a cute, bubbly, theatre-loving, liberal twink felt both exhilarating and liberating. He embraced his sexuality and his cultural roots with equal fervor, a proud expression of who he was meant to be.
Beside him, Julio danced with infectious energy, their movements synchronized in perfect harmony. Ishaq wore a cute and flashy outfit that shimmered under the nightclub lights—a sequined jacket adorned with colorful patterns, fitted jeans that hugged his curves, and stylish sneakers that completed his ensemble.
In the midst of the music and laughter, Ishaq reveled in the freedom to express himself authentically. He twirled and spun with Julio, their laughter ringing out like a chorus of acceptance and love. For Ishaq, this moment was not just about embracing his new identity—it was about celebrating life, love, and the beauty of being true to oneself.
The nightclub throbbed with pulsing lights and a bass-heavy beat as Julio and Ishaq moved gracefully across the dance floor. Ishaq's outfit, adorned with sequins that caught the strobe lights, shimmered with every step he took. His Middle Eastern accent and gentle lisp were evident as he spoke passionately to Julio.
Ishaq leaned in close over the music, his eyes bright with excitement. "Oh, Julio, darling, do you thee how fabulouth thith night ith? The vibe, the freedom... it'th all tho ex-hil-arating!"
Julio grinned, matching Ishaq's enthusiasm. "You're right, Ishaq! You always bring such energy to the club. By the way, who's your ultimate drag queen from Drag Race?"
Ishaq's face lit up, his hands gesturing animatedly. "Oh, hon-they, it hath to be Sasha Velour! Thhe's tho creative and revolutionary, and her lip thyncheth are pure art!"
As they danced, the DJ seamlessly transitioned into a playlist of pop hits. Suddenly, the familiar beats of Beyoncé's "Single Ladies" filled the air. Ishaq gasped in excitement and turned to Julio, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh my God, Julio, thith ith my jam!"
Ishaq pulled Julio closer, their bodies moving effortlessly together to the infectious rhythm. In the midst of the pulsating music and swirling lights, Ishaq gazed deeply into Julio's eyes. "Julio, you know what? I can't help but thay it... you're the cuteth thing I've ever theen."
As the night progresses, Julio and Ishaq's flirtation escalates into something more. They begin to make out passionately, their tongues dancing in each other's mouths. Ishaq whimpers and begs Julio to take him, his eyes filled with desire. Julio smirks, knowing he has complete control over the situation.
Without hesitation, they rush towards the bathroom where they lock themselves inside. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoes through the walls as they lose themselves in their lustful desires. Ishaq moans loudly as Julio takes him from behind, pounding into his tight hole with unbridled force. He screams out "Yassss daddy!" begging for more of this rough treatment from his new lover.
When they finally reach climax together it's like an explosion - both men crying out in ecstasy at being so deeply connected physically and emotionally at this moment in time . After coming down off their high, Julio tosses a wad of cash at an exhausted looking but satisfied Ishaq saying "You were worth every penny boy ,I'll be sure tell my friends about your services." With that said, Ishaq forgets about being friends with Julio anymore .He was just another gay whore now who happened to have given him pleasure earlier tonight .
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sweaterkittensahoy · 1 year
I've said it before, I'll say it again: Leslie Higgins is the goal of Ted Lasso. Leslie Higgins knows who he is, what he has to offer, and understands how to help while also respecting his own boundaries.
It's not that Leslie's exact life (wife, kids, career) is the goal. It's the VIBE. Leslie Higgins made some mistakes (RUPERT) and learned and grew from them since seasons 1. He is happy in his relationships. He is loved and adored by his children (both his and from the team), and he is respected simply as a good man.
Before, after, and inbetween, Ted wants to be Higgins. Higgins is the best version of us all. We can learn from our mistakes and build a better, healthier life from them.
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bengals-barnesbabe · 4 months
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Tee Higgins x Black!WifeReader
Word Count: 670
Things Are Changing | Main Masterlist
"Tee I swear to god if you move again."
It's the night before the first Bengals game of the season and you're helping your husband get ready to start the season off right. Which includes doing his and Ja'Marr's hair, usually you'd have already done it, but they like doing things last minute just because they can.
"Man, it's really not that bad." Ja'Marr smirks as he watches his fellow receiver squirm.
"You trippin, baby you are grippin my damn brain right now." You roll your eyes at Tee's antics.
"Tamaurice stop acting like a baby. Did you or did you not pick 'Pop Smoke braids?"
"I thought it was gon' be fast, I aint think you'd be putting your whole self on my head. Ow shit-" He winces as you start another plait.
"You know, I've had children sit better than you." He turns his head with a deadpan look on his face. Ja'Marr, from the kitchen, immediately busted out laughing.
"You too, Uno! And why are you eating my chicken?"
"Cuz' you my sister and I'm hungry." You shake your head and go back to Tee's hair, which would be done if he would just sit still. But instead of letting you finish he lifts himself off the floor and joins your younger brother.
"I need a break."
"I want a divorce." You slump back on the couch, brushing the loose hair off your pajama pants.
"What was that?" Your husband calls out.
"Oh nothing, just me regretting following my idiot brother to Ohio." Ja'Marr snorts.
"You should be thanking me. I got you better clients and even though I told you stay away from my teammates, you found a husband."
You give him a stank face even if he may have a point.
Tee comes back to the couch with a plate so full you'd think he hadn't eaten dinner an hour ago. "Didn't get your fill earlier?"
"Nah, but half of it is yours." He says handing you a fork.
"Baby I'm good, I ate with y'all remember?" You chuckle while low-key eyeing the homemade potato salad.
He rolls his eyes before 'force' feeding you. "You forget that I know you, that shit was cute on our first date, but you my woman now." You close your eyes as the flavors marry together in your mouth.
"Mhm exactly." He leans and pecks your lips.
"That's my cue. Goodnight ya nasty lovebirds." Ja'Marr announces. The front door slams shut a few seconds later.
"I thought he'd never leave." You chuckle.
"Thank god he did, cause now I can do this." He cups your chin and pulls you in for a much deeper sensual kiss. You immediately melt against his plush lips and allow him full access past your lips. The remnants of his cologne fill your senses and ignite a fire in your chest. You clutch his shirt closing the inches of space between you as his tongue relearns the grooves of your mouth.
"Baby." You attempt mutter, but it's swallowed by your lover.
He finally pulls away with a deep rumble in his chest, "yea?" He asks with lidded eyes.
"We need to finish your hair." You say taking your swollen lips between your teeth. He swipes his tongue over his bottom lip.
"Yea." Neither of you move, too engrossed in each other's gaze. His eyes flicker back down to your lips and a smile grows on his face.
You break away from your trance as his hand strokes your thigh. "I mean it." Slapping away his hand, but he just grips it harder.
A deep grumble is released into the air. "Why you wanna get rid of me so bad?"
"I don't, but the faster we get done the sooner we can move to the bedroom." A look of mischief flashes in his eyes that has him planting himself back on the carpet.
"Aight, let's go and skip the mousse." A light giggle leaves your lips.
"I'll see what I can do."
• ♡ •
a/n: not 'Legacy' but I could not stop thinking about this idea so I had to write it. but now I'll be able to focus on 'legacy' lol
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munson-blurbs · 2 months
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@corrodedcoffinfest Day 24: Behind the Scenes
Word Count: 701/Rating: T/Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader/CW: Eddie's got a crush, theatre girl!Reader, reader wears a dress, one dirty joke thanks to Gareth/Tags: Eddie Munson, Gareth, Grant, Jeff, theatre girl!Reader, Principal Higgins
Divider credit to @silkholland
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“This is all your fault,” Gareth hissed at Eddie. “I should be behind the bleachers, making out with Annie right now.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, swiping a paint brush over a two-by-four. “Sure, blame the guy standing up to The Man. Let’s not consider that Principal Higgins was the one who banned us from the talent show.”
Jeff hiked up his sleeves and grabbed the nearest hammer, ready to construct the Scarecrow’s perch. “Higgins didn’t ‘ban’ us,” he countered. “He just told us we couldn’t play War Pigs.”
“And that’s better?” Eddie shook his head. “No, we were given freedom of speech for a reason! We should be able to play whatever we goddamn want!”
Mrs. Porter, the school play’s director, glared at him and shushed. Eddie held up his hands in surrender, but continued complaining in a loud whisper. 
“All I’m saying is, if he didn’t want us putting on our own lunchtime performance, he should’ve let us do our thing at the talent show.”
“I think the lunch ladies enjoyed it,” Grant chimed in, earning himself a thwack in the back of the head from Jeff. 
Eddie was about to thank him for his support, but a flash of pink caught his eye. You were standing in front of the girl playing Dorothy and twirling in your Glinda dress. After a few spins, you got dizzy, and Dorothy caught you as you both burst into laughter.
Gareth resumed his rant, oblivious to Eddie’s sudden smittenness. “I’d rather play Girls Just Wanna Have Fun than build sets for the fuckin’ school play.” He held the perch in place so Jeff could hammer in the nail. “At least we could write lyrics and plan campaigns in regular deten–are you even listening to me?”
“Huh?” Eddie blinked a few times, snapping himself out of his daze. “Yeah. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Got it.”
“What’re you looking at?” Grant peered around one of the fighting trees, his face splitting into a grin when he saw. “Oh, that’s why you’re not pitching a fit about this set design detention.”
Jeff batted his eyelashes flirtatiously. “Eddie, do you have the hots for the fairy princess?”
“Shut up!” Eddie grumbled. “And she’s not a fairy princess; she’s Glinda the Good Witch.”
The backup guitarist put up his hands in mock surrender. “My apologies.” 
“You gonna ask her to play with your wand?” Gareth snickered, but he quickly stopped once Eddie shot him a look that could kill.
You disappeared back into the makeshift dressing room, and Eddie let out a silent sigh of relief. He might not be able to stare at you from afar, but at least he could think about you without the guys interfering. The subject naturally shifted to the songs they wanted to add to their setlist for their Hideout gigs, and Eddie was in the clear.
“Those look great!” 
Eddie’s head shot up at the sound of your voice. His cheeks reddened and his mouth relaxed into a sheepish grin.
“Thanks, yeah. I’m not much of an artist–like, a painting artist. I band. Um, I mean, I play in a band. So, like, music artist. I do music. Yeah.”
You raised your eyebrows, clearly unsure how to interpret his rambling. “Well, a music artist is still an artist.”
“Yeah.” Christ, Munson; is that the only word you know?
Gareth was more than happy to supply further conversation. “Sorry, he’s kind of an idiot around girls he’s hopelessly in love with.”
‘I hate you’ was perched on Eddie’s tongue, but you stepped in. You paid no attention to the menace-formerly-known-as-Gareth as you spoke directly to Eddie. “Well, we always need music artists to help make the orchestra pit fuller. If you’re interested.”
“No–I mean, yeah, I’m interested. Super interested.” The paint brush clattered to the ground, but he barely noticed. “Where do I sign up?”
As Eddie followed you to where the orchestra conductor was tuning violins, Gareth leaned closer to the two remaining bandmates. “Think it’s a good idea to tell him that Higgins is technically the reason why he got to talk to his dream girl?”
Jeff clapped a hand on the drummer’s back. “Good luck with that.”
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devotioncrater · 8 months
"no hints were dropped" ok not to be that person but here are the hints that were dropped regarding Colin and Trent being gay:
1. Colin mentioning Grindr in a joke
2. Trent touching the arm of a man in the background
Here is one of the hints that Keeley was bi (even though I do believe she's been canonically bi since season 1, but not everyone sees it this way)
1. Her desktop background was in the colors of the bisexual flag
Here were some of the hints that Ted was bi:
1. Bisexual flag colored triangles above his head in the hallucination sequence
2. Inverted pink triangle next to him in that same sequence (and you can't tell me the creators didn't know, when the Homomonument is based on that symbol)
3. Countless (countless!!!) comments about men's physiques ("huge muscular thighs all caked in mud", whistling at a picture of Pep, "look at that head of hair", "he's strong", "he looks like a Rodin sculpture in cleats", etc.)
4. About a man (Higgins) and a woman (Rebecca), he had to say: "that's a crowd I don't mind being smack-dab in the middle of"
5. Him checking Trent out in the pub in 2x07 (his eyes are up there, Ted!)
6. "It could go either way", "I contain multitudes" and other comments in this vein
7. Bi lighting as he entered the Yankee Doodle Burger Barn
8. Giving similar looks to the female waitress and the male waiters in that restaurant (including a waiter in a cowboy costume that looked like he belonged in a gay club, who tipped his hat at Ted when greeting him)
9. "That's cause you were put into a box", "That box ceases to exist today", the box in the hallucination sequence breaking into triangles (as in the bi triangles and the inverted pink triangke), "we've been playing too rigid", "our guys need freedom", "fast, fluid, free, with full support", the "box that one needs to break out of" being a prominent motif in season 3
10. Wishing Beard called him pet names ("Honey, is that an ingredient or something you just called me?")
11. His crush on Pep
12. The connection between Ted and Colin: "my whole life is two lives, really", both wearing orange in Sunflowers, "I just want to kiss my fella" (Colin doesn't say "fella" , but Ted says it all the time), Ted just needs to get inspired and Colin's play is "inspirational" after he comes out, as per the commentators
And so much other stuff that, had Ted not self-identified as straight (*cough* put himself into a box *cough cough*) , you could make the case that he was canonically bi.
Here are some of hints that there was a romantic connection between Ted and Trent:
1. They hit a lot of romantic beats, and not in the jokey self-aware way in which Roy and Ted hit them in "Rainbow", but in an organic and sincere way
2. They both checked each other out: Trent checked Ted out when Ted was changing in front of him, Ted checked Trent out when Trent came up to him in a pub and hit him with a pick-up line while his date that looked a lot like Ted waited for him outside
3. Did I mention that Trent was on a date with a moustachioed man who dressed in a similar style to Ted? Let's mention it again
4. In that very bar, during a 50 second long conversation, Trent managed to say the word "love" three times. I searched the word "love" in the transcripts of the episodes. There's no other instance in which its frequency is this high
5. "Love our chats" incomplete rule of threes
6. "Sport, it's quite the metaphor" (implied: a metaphor for love; see also "love's a beautiful game" from the song Ed Sheeran wrote for Ted Lasso), "Also makes for a heck of a nickname", "Good night, Ted", "Good night, sport"
7. The soft, romantic, melancholic song playing in the background of this scene, while Ted and Trent are the last ones left in the office, with lyrics such as "When your words begin to crumble like the sidewalks all around this crummy neighborhood / From the chalky cliffs of Dover / I'd come over, I'd start over if I could"
8. Trent wearing sunflower colors in the episode "Sunflowers" and in the finale; sunflowers symbolize Ted's home (it's not subtle). He's the only character dressed like that. I'm still looking for any other explanation other than "Trent is Ted's home"
9. Their constant flirting and the way they look at each other with incredible fondness
10. The entire episode "The Strings That Bind Us". It's structured around Ted and Trent's relationship, and the way Trent changed because of Ted (in season 2, Ted defined a soulmate as someone who changes your life forever). The red string metaphor. Ted points out that soulmates are connected by a string tied to their little fingers. Ted and Trent both extend their little fingers out in similar shots. They are connected by a huge block of red in their last scene of the episode. Ted makes several comments about other men that apply to Trent ("Look at that head of hair", "Frames his face nicely", "My favorite one, he was clean shaven"). Many more details that lead back to Ted and Trent: Nate tells the restaurant owner to tell Jade he said "Hello". Immediately after, Ted and Trent say "Hello" to each other. The map that Nate's father used to ask out his mom has the number 1.3 written on it and an illustration of two people at a table in a restaurant. Ted and Trent went to a restaurant together in season 1, episode 3. The last scene of the episode mimics a "Race for Love" scene from a romcom, with Trent chasing after Ted. Trent also does not say a word to anyone other than Ted in the entire episode. He is completely focused on Ted
11. "Trent, what do you love? Is it writing?" and Trent ends up writing a book about Ted and naming the manuscript after Ted and he only cares about Ted's opinion on it (he leaves the room when Beard starts reading, but stays in the office after hours just to watch Ted read. "I just wanted you to like it.")
11. Trent's crush on Ted, confirmed by Jimmy Lance (and also obvious in the show, if you ask me)
Now, why would I believe that none of these hints were intentional? Maybe some could be explained away, but all of them? The hints we got for Colin, Trent and Keeley were so much smaller than this, and those turned out to be intentional.
anon i wish i could offer you the response you deserve, but i cannot stop rereading this masterpiece & focusing on the portions of evidence you provided that i didn't even pick up on until you laid them out. holy shit
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Heartfirst: A Ted Lasso Story - Chapter Eleven
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Chapter Eleven: Christmas for Two
Plot: Away from their families, Jamie and Y/n attempt to do Christmas together.
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: f!reader, language, talk of alcoholism, child abuse/neglect
A/N: A little Christmas in July/Phil Dunster Emmy nomination gift for you all! I have no clue what the timeline on s3 is, but this felt like a good place to put a Christmas chapter. I also did my best to combine English and American Christmas traditions/vernacular, hopefully did okay. Hope you enjoy!! 🎄❤️
The coach’s office was a mess of ribbons and wrapping paper.
Ted gasped as he opened the box sat in his lap, “You are kiddin’ me.”
Stood in a corner of the room, Y/n beamed.
“C’mon now,” Ted pulled out the bottle of American barbecue sauce, “Where’d you find this?”
“Specialty store in Chiswick,” Y/n replied, “I was there seeing if Britain had finally caved and brought over Ben and Jerry’s. Spoiler alert: they have not.”
Ted was grinning ear to ear, “Man, this is special. Thank you, Y/n.”
On their traditional half-day of work on Christmas, the AFC Richmond staff were holding their party. Gifts were exchanged and treats were eaten. One room over, the Greyhounds were having their own celebration.
“Yes, I think you’ve got us all beat for gifts,” Rebecca said from her corner, sniffing one of the tea bags in the collection Y/n had gifted her.
“Not true,” Y/n held up a finger before holding up the spa certificate Rebecca had just handed her. “I just know the power of American barbecue.”
“And yet,” Beard held out his hands in expectation, “None for me.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, knowing how happy he actually was with the philosophy book she’d found him.
“So,” Ted drummed his hands on his desk, “What’s everybody’s plans for today?”
“The Higgins’ door will be open and ready to receive any and all weary travelers,” Higgins volunteered, “I believe most of the boys are coming.”
“I’ve got dinner with Nora and Sassy,” Rebecca said.
“Fun,” Ted said, looking over across the room, “What about you, Roy?”
“Phoebe’s got a pageant at school,” the coach replied, “Fuck knows why it wasn’t last night.”
“Nice,” Ted smiled, “Y/n?”
Y/n exhaled, “Well, my sister couldn’t come over this year, so it’ll just be dinner with a friend.”
“What about your folks?” Ted asked.
“Yeah, uh,” Y/n tried to put on a smile, “They couldn’t make it either.”
“Too bad,” Higgins empathized, “Well, if you and your friend don’t feel like cooking, there’s always room at our table.”
Y/n nodded, “Thanks.”
Things lasted another half hour or so before people began to trickle out, off to their respective plans. Y/n stayed behind, having volunteered to clean up since everyone else’s day was time sensitive. She was just tying the trash bag of wrapping paper when there was a knock.
Jamie hung on the frame that separated the coach’s offices, “Ready to go?”
“Yeah,” Y/n set the bag in the corner of Roy’s office, “That’ll be Monday’s problem.”
Grabbing her bag of gifts and switching off the lights, Y/n glided past Jamie, who followed behind. They ducked out into the hall, some of the last people in the building.
Christmas was an off holiday for both of them. With the match against Crystal Palace that weekend, Jamie couldn’t get away to Manchester to visit his mom. And Y/n hadn’t lied when she said her sister couldn’t travel to spend the day with her, but she had lied about her parents. They had every opportunity to phone and ask her to come home, or to visit. They just chose not to.
So, with nowhere else to go, Jamie and Y/n had decided to spend the holiday together.
“Are there even any markets open on Christmas Day?” Y/n asked once they were in the parking lot.
“Yeah, I think there’s one near here,” Jamie unlocked his car door. They’d carpooled in the interest of the shopping they had planned after the party.
“I hope you thought right,” Y/n said as she climbed in the passenger seat, “Or else it’s going to be a pretty funky dinner.”
Jamie had, indeed, guessed right. There was one market open for half a day in Richmond for the cooks who’d forgotten that one ingredient. Y/n and Jamie, however, were starting completely from scratch.
“Okay,” Jamie tugged on one of the shopping trolleys and swung it around, “What do we need?”
“Everything,” Y/n stated, “You ever cooked a Christmas dinner?”
“Uh, no,” he replied, “You? We’re fucked if you say no.”
Y/n scanned the rows of aisles, unsure of where to start. “No, I have. It’s just been a while. Like, not-since-America while.”
Jamie puffed out his cheeks, “Right.”
“Okay,” Y/n clapped her hands together, “Turkey. Main attraction. Let’s start there.”
Down the aisle where the entrees should have been, there was an empty case. A few lonesome birds were still chilling, but it was clear all the good ones had been chosen long ago.
“So we’ve either got a fuckin’ Goliath,” Jamie held up a massive turkey in one arm, then the smallest in his other, “Or its baby.”
Y/n crinkled her nose at the colorful description. “I mean, that one’s meant for way more than two people,” she pointed to the first option, “It’s not like we need leftovers.“
Jamie nodded, that was true. Roy had allowed him one cheat day for the holidays, the free pass ended at 12AM, December 26th. But be was determined to enjoy the one meal.
“So the baby?” Jamie held up the small bird.
“If you stop calling it that,” Y/n grabbed the cart, “Yes.”
Jamie laughed cheekily, setting the turkey in the basket. “Right, what else?”
“Stuffing, potatoes, something for dessert,” Y/n listed items off her mental menu. She glanced over at Jamie, “Really hope we can cook.”
They went around the rest of the store, picking leftovers off the barren shelves. Unfortunately, that left either the specialty items or the nearly expired dishes, which was how they ended up with the most expensive potatoes, gluten free stuffing mix and a pudding that was on its sell-by date.
“Who was your secret Santa?” Y/n asked as they passed the wine aisle.
“Dani,” Jamie answered, “Why?”
Y/n stopped and backtracked her steps, reaching for the first bottle of red wine she saw. She’d stopped by the locker room on occasions where the Greyhounds won and had caught a whiff of the strong Mexican liquor Dani favored. A world didn’t exist where she felt like subjecting her stomach to that.
“Smart,” Jamie agreed as she popped the drink in the trolley.
They managed to get in and out quick enough that the only person who recognized Jamie was the cashier, who didn’t do more than wish him luck on the upcoming match. Y/n wasn’t used to worrying about being photographed, but she knew that any time she stepped out with Jamie, there was a chance of it.
As they loaded the bags into the boot of Jamie’s car, Y/n caught one lone present, wrapped and tied with a ribbon, pushed to the side.
“Did you forget someone today?”
“Huh?” Jamie hummed. Y/n pointed to the box. “Ah, no,” he shut the boot before she could get a better look and smirked, “That’s for later.”
Y/n pursed her lips a little, smiling as Jamie walked the cart back to its station.
“Alright,” he said as they got back in the car, “We doin’ this at my place or yours?”
Y/n thought for a second, “Do you even know how to use your kitchen?”
“Course I do,” Jamie paused a second, “I mean…pretty sure.”
“Uh-huh,” Y/n chuckled, “My place it is. That, or we ask Sam for the keys to the restaurant.”
Jamie backed the car out of its spot, “Think we need to have a bit more confidence for that.”
Y/n agreed silently, before her thoughts fell to the inevitable. A few weeks prior, during the whole Twitter fiasco, Sam’s restaurant had been broken into and destroyed. The night of the Arsenal match, the boys had all gone over to repair it, surprising Sam. Y/n had yet to see it in its restored glory.
“I feel like we got a pretty good handle, though,” Jamie interrupted her thoughts, “We got the meal, the crackers, place’ll be all decorated…”
Hoping his eyes were more focused on the road then her, Y/n grimaced.
“Yeah,” she said, “That’s, uh…”
“What?” Jamie asked.
“I’m not…totally decorated,” Y/n struggled to get out.
“You’ve got a tree at least, yeah?” Jamie replied.
Fate bestowed him a red light, and Jamie turned to Y/n with widened eyes. “You haven’t got a tree? The fuck’s wrong with you?”
“I’ve been busy,” Y/n defended the decision, “I’ve barely been home between the away games and working late. There wasn’t much of a point in getting one.”
Jamie let his hand smack against the steering wheel, “Unbelievable.”
“Wha- you don’t have one either,” Y/n argued. There’d been a stunning lack of Christmas cheer in Jamie’s house the last week when he’d been appointed to host the monthly team dinner.
“That’s different,” Jamie put his foot to the gas as the car behind him honked.
“How?” Y/n laughed.
Jamie shrugged, “I dunno. You’re you. Figured you’d be one of those people who’s decoratin’ the day after Halloween.”
In another life, that was her. Y/n had been all over Christmas in her younger years. Every holiday was a speed bump in getting to December 24th and 25th. But once she’d graduated and started her corporate life, it became less and less of a big deal. If it was a year Caylee came to visit, she’d dust off decorations and make a show of it, but it just seemed sad to do it all on her own.
“Well, I’m sorry to disappoint,” Y/n smiled, ignoring the particular bit of backstory she didn’t feel like sharing.
“You’re not,” Jamie replied as he signaled to get into the next lane, “‘Cause we’re fixin’ this.”
Y/n looked out the window, the turn that would’ve been theirs was drifting further and further away. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
Ten minutes later, Jamie was pulling the car into a Christmas tree lot. Or rather, what once was a Christmas tree lot.
“Can’t believe these places are even open today,” Y/n commented as they walked up to the shop.
“They’re here for the sad sacks who wait till the last minute,” Jamie remarked smugly, nudging Y/n’s elbow with his.
Like the market, the lot was sparse. The only trees left were either the type that shed its needles if you breathed on it or the ones that were already turning brown.
“I’m not overwhelmed by our options,” Y/n said, scanning the rows over again.
“Hang on,” Jamie climbed behind one of the half-dead ones, having spotted a flash of green as he’d passed. He pulled out a miniature one that barely went up to his waist.
“It truly is a Charlie Brown Christmas,” Y/n remarked, smiling at the juxtaposition between Jamie’s size and the tree.
“I mean, it is going in the bin tomorrow, innit?” Jamie picked up the glorified shrub and brought it to the poor worker stuck there on Christmas Day. “We’ll take this one.”
“And we’ll just stick it in the car,” Y/n added, catching Jamie’s confusion and whispering, “We are not making him go to the trouble of tying a houseplant to the roof.”
As Y/n handed the worker a few bills, Jamie spotted a small stack of ornaments and stands for sale as well. He grabbed one of each and pulled a few pounds out his wallet, adding to the total.
“Thank you,” Y/n said to the man, “Merry Christmas.”
Jamie looked proud as they walked back to the car, “Now it’s Christmas.”
Y/n couldn’t argue with him.
Once they got back to Y/n’s place, Jamie took over unpacking the groceries, while Y/n dug through the hall closet to find some lights for the tree.
“Oi,” Jamie called down the hallway, holding the box of stuffing, “We can still cook this normal, yeah? We don’t have to do anything different.”
“I would think,” Y/n yelled back, waist deep in old boxes, “It’s just bread.”
Jamie went back to the kitchen, he remembered his way around from when they’d unpacked it months ago. The only thing that had changed was the light fixture.
“That’s new,” he said, hearing Y/n’s footsteps approaching.
“Oh, yeah,” she replied, setting an old strand of multicolored lights on the counter, “Ted helped me install it last week. Couple shocks…mostly Ted, but we got it up.”
Jamie chuckled.
“Okay,” Y/n looked to the pile of food beside the stove, “I’ll do the turkey, you start on sides?”
Giving a little salute, Jamie went about grabbing bowls and spoons. Y/n pre-heated the oven and took the turkey out of its wrapping.
“Ugh,” she groaned, peeking inside the bird, “I forgot how disgusting this part is.”
Jamie glanced over and scoffed, “Nope.”
Y/n shut her eyes as she reached in and pulled out the giblets, nearly gagging as she did.
“Carry on with that,” Jamie teased, making a show of pouring in the very dry stuffing mix, “I’ll stay doing this.”
Annoyed, and slightly jealous, Y/n cupped the unmentionable parts of the turkey in her hands and approached Jamie.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he held up a wooden spoon as if it were a shield, “Get away. There’s probably, like, four different bird diseases in there.”
“Yep,” Y/n continued walking towards him, “Don’t get smug in my kitchen, or you’ll be benched with three of them.”
Jamie held up his hands in defeat, “Truce.”
The two of them snorted and snickered before carrying on with their tasks.
It all flowed rather well. Even though they were lacking in skill, Y/n and Jamie felt good about how well everything seemed to be going. In between mixing and flipping, they managed to get the tree in its stand and start decorating. As Jamie was finishing with the ornaments, Y/n popped over to check the turkey, surprised by what she found.
“Shit,” she exclaimed, reaching for the oven mitts.
“What?” Jamie called.
Hurriedly, she opened the oven door and pulled the bird out. The outer layer was far beyond well done, looking tough and chewy.
Jamie entered then, puzzled, but chuckling. “Thought you said you knew how to cook a dinner.”
“I do,” Y/n replied, her voice jumping an octave, “With a much bigger bird. This is a pigeon!”
Jamie was full on laughing by then, covering his mouth.
“Oh, yeah, Padma Lakshmi,” Y/n retorted with a smirk, “Smell that?”
The air was thick with the scent of something burning, and it wasn’t the meat. Jamie pushed past Y/n to get to the stuffing and potatoes he’d put on. Determining the stuffing was the cause of the scent, he switched the burner off and attempted to scoop it out of the pot.
What came out was one giant clump, burnt to a crisp on the bottom and around the edges.
Y/n snorted as she set the turkey on the counter, hand on her hip as she watched Jamie work up a reply. When he came up with nothing, holding the burnt blob on an oversized fork, the two of them fell into a fit of laughter.
In the spirit of Christmas magic, they were able to salvage the dinner. They scooped out the good stuffing, trimmed the chewy parts of the turkey off, and agreed the potatoes were the only dish that looked semi-normal.
After, with their paper crowns on their heads, Jamie and Y/n sat on opposite ends of the couch, still amused at their efforts.
“I think we did pretty good,” Jamie gestured to his chest.
Y/n made a doubtful noise, “We’re a ways away from opening our own Ola’s.”
“We’re keeping takeaways in business,” Jamie replied, “Think about it that way.”
“Oh, that we are,” Y/n smiled, taking a sip of wine, “That we are. And hey, you got to eat.”
Jamie slapped a hand over his sated stomach, “Don’t know if my body’s knows what to do with it.”
Y/n laughed before Jamie smacked his hands together. “Right, time for gifts.”
Y/n stayed in her spot, “That’s assuming I got you anything.”
Jamie looked back from the front door, shooting her a quirked eyebrow. Y/n smiled and got up, like there was a chance in hell she’d have neglected to get him something.
They each went to retrieve the gifts, meeting back on the couch. Jamie was holding the mystery box he’d had stashed in his trunk.
“You first,” he said as they swapped packages.
Y/n unwrapped the square, nearly holding her breath as she took off the box’s lid. Peeling back the tissue paper revealed-
“Oh, good Lord.”
Jamie was somewhere between a grin and a smirk. Whatever it was, he wore it proudly.
Y/n held up the #9 ‘Tartt’ jersey and smirked at Jamie. “Really?”
“You’re gonna work at a football club, you gotta have a kit,” Jamie shrugged.
“And it had to be #9, huh?” Y/n quirked an eyebrow, “Couldn’t have been Colin or Sam’s?”
Jamie scoffed, “They ain’t your favorite.”
Y/n let out a single laugh, “What makes you think you are?”
“Don’t see either of them sittin’ here on Christmas with ya,” Jamie replied, “In a flat they found for ya, eatin’ a dinner they cooked with ya.”
It was hard not to laugh at Jamie’s cockiness. Behind the raging over-confidence, there was something sweet behind the gesture that Y/n could appreciate.
“Well,” Y/n set the jersey back in the box, “I’m not wearing it to matches.”
“Oh, why not?” Jamie asked unseriously.
“Because I’m there for all of you,” Y/n smirked, “And if I’m wearing anyone’s shirt, it’ll be Roy’s.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Jamie moaned. Roy and Y/n had bonded on the mornings she joined them for training. The two of them took such joy in torturing Jamie.
Y/n set the Tartt box to the side and handed Jamie his gift. He went about unwrapping it, a little speechless when he removed the last of the paper.
“This from last week’s match?” He asked.
“Mm-hm,” Y/n hummed, hugging her legs to her chest.
In a thick silver frame was a picture of the Greyhounds on the pitch at Nelson Road. Sam, Jamie and Isaac were the most prominently featured. Sam had just scored a goal and a heap of the players were celebrating. It was a perfect representation of the brotherhood they carried with them on and off the field.
“One of the photographers snapped it and I asked him to send it to me,” Y/n explained, “I noticed you didn’t have any pictures up at your place, thought this could be the first one.”
Jamie’s home decor was less than personal. His first few years in the Premier League hadn’t come with many close relationships, his own fault. Most of his family pictures were tainted with memories of something that had happened the days they were taken involving his dad. That didn’t leave him many options.
But this, Jamie thought as he weighed the frame in his hand, this was special. Not only was it his team, his mates, his place in the world, but Y/n had seen the value of it all.
Jamie looked up at her, the corners of his lips tugging upwards, “I love it.”
Y/n grinned, shopping for everyone had been stressful. It had been a long time since she’d had to choose personal gifts, and there’d been a part of her that wanted to throw away the whole gesture. But she’d pushed past her instincts, choosing to give into sentiment. One look at how touched Jamie and the others had been told her it had been worth it.
“Well,” Jamie set the frame on the coffee table, next to his kit, “We can call this a win, yeah?”
“For sure,” Y/n said, reaching out to clink her wine glass against Jamie’s, “Best makeshift Christmas ever.”
“Yeah,” Jamie cackled.
“Best Christmas you’ve ever had?” Y/n asked, “Go.”
Jamie blew out a breath, thinking back. The last few holidays had been spent either in Manchester with his mum or on his own. Two years before, when he was back at Man City, he’d ended up with his dad for part of the day, which left him miserable. If he was being honest, the last Christmas Jamie had truly enjoyed was the one he was currently celebrating.
“Eh, probably when I were a kid,” he answered, “Forget how old I was, but it was the first year I remember being really into football. Me mum got me my first kit.”
Y/n looked over her wineglass, “Was it Roy’s?”
Jamie sighed, glaring softly at her, “Not the point.”
Y/n chortled.
“It was one year me dad was too drunk to remember what day it were,” Jamie went on, his eyes falling on the wall as the memories hit, “Spent the whole day worried he was gonna show up, but…never did. By dinner, I think even mum knew he weren’t coming ‘round, and everything just sorta…relaxed, y’know? Didn’t feel like Christmas till then.”
Jamie’s blue eyes melted into some sort of sad resignation. It was a piece of his history that still hurt, but enough time had passed to see the silver lining, if there was one to be found. He wouldn’t have told the story to anyone else, but this was Y/n. She understood.
Y/n smiled softly, feeling the melancholia. “And you went to bed wearing your little Roy Kent jersey?”
Jamie’s smile came back, thankful for the change in tone. “Fuck you,” he replied, downing the last of his wine, “Right, what’s yours?”
Y/n sighed, like Jamie, there weren’t many to pick from. “Probably when I was eleven. My parents were hosting some party and they pawned me and my sister off on our grandparents. I think they could see that they had zero interest in being with us or giving us a good Christmas, so they went overboard. My grandma got me and Caylee in the kitchen cooking with her,” Y/n glanced at the kitchen where the remnants of dinner sat, “Clearly none of the skills stuck with me. My grandpa had all the movies playing, he tried to keep us laughing as much as he could.”
Taking a breath, Y/n continued, “I remember Caylee and I wrote this Christmas play before dinner. There was a lot of dancing and a lot of off-key singing,” she laughed, Jamie snorted, “But…damn it if our grandparents weren’t up on their feet clapping as if we’d just done Hamlet.”
Though shitty parents came as no surprise to Jamie, he was still a bit shocked. His voice was soft as he asked, “They really just left you?”
Y/n nodded, hugging herself, “Most years.”
The two of them sat in silence, their mutual history sitting in the gap between their bodies. The holidays amplified the best in the world, goodwill and generosity, but for those already hurting, the ever-present loneliness only intensified.
“Don’t know why people have kids if they don’t want ‘em,” Jamie mused, his eyes flitting to Y/n.
She shrugged, her hand curled against her lips. “I’ve been asking myself that since I was old enough to. Haven’t found an answer yet.”
In the moment their eyes met, Y/n and Jamie were struck by just how similar they really were. They’d known it already, it was one of the reasons they got along so well, but it felt like there was a different reality to it. Another layer peeled back, another piece of themselves they were entrusting to the other. And, above all other things, it was safe.
Y/n sniffled, wiping a stray tear away, “This is getting depressing. It’s Christmas.”
“Yeah,” Jamie cleared his throat.
Climbing off the sofa, Y/n went over to the kitchen bar and grabbed her Bluetooth speaker. She connected her phone and pulled up her Christmas playlist.
Jamie watched from his spot on the couch as she slid over to him, hand extended. “What are we doing?”
“We’re going to dance,” Y/n replied, “And we’re going to celebrate the fact that it’s Christmas and we’re somewhere better than we’ve been.”
If it were another day, Jamie wouldn’t have hesitated to make some joke of what Y/n had said. How of course it was better, because he was there. But all he really wanted to do, and what he did do, was take her hand, anchor them together and dance to whatever overly cheery song was playing.
All over Richmond, the uplifting mood was hitting its peak. Ted was on the phone with Henry, sharing his dinner and his son’s lunch, talking about what Santa had brought. Rebecca was giggling with Nora and Sassy at a five star restaurant. Keeley was seated at a full family table at her mother’s. Roy was with his sister, applauding Phoebe as her and her classmates took their bows. Beard was helping Leslie carve a massive turkey as Sam, Dani, Jan, and the rest of the Greyhounds sat around foldout tables. Y/n and Jamie were giggling uncontrollably as he picked her up and spun her around, the sounds of Nat King Cole filling the flat.
For all of them, it was Christmas to remember.
Heartfirst Taglist: @lalla-04p @optimisticsandwichgladiator @makingmunson94 @taytaylala12 @storysimp @sokkigarden @lightninginab0ttle @poohkie90 @alipap3 @verra-nerevarine @shineforever19 @spaceagechimera @burnafter-reading @qardasngan @cyberpvnk-enthusiast @sogoodtoheritsvicious @buckybarnex @angelsunflxwer @blueanfield @thewildestwonderland @sablecities @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @strawberryacethingz @mentalistfan @tortilla-maria1 @katdahlali @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @glitterquadricorn @jamieolivia27 @imvibin69 @katlizada @lil-tracys @fanaticalfantasist @heyitz-julia @cactajuice @peachyy-tea @notalxx @rockchickrebel @anxiety-prime-max @loveforaugust @jellycolors @actuallybarb @heletsmelovehim @lovinnscarletknight @imfalling-inlove @leslieiscrying @meg-ro @littlemisssunshine192 @beboldbebravethings @maydayfigment @spencerreidsbookclub @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @lemoonandlestars
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benedictscanvas · 1 year
filling an empty vase - roy kent x reader
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pairing: roy kent x reader
word count: 3.4k (genuinely don't know how that happened)
warnings: language (duh) and some suggestive themes. the word shagging, which is too british not to include i'm afraid
a/n: this was an anonymous request that i'm not going to put here because it kinda ruins the whole plot! but it was such a fabulous request, so thank you anon, for giving me so much space to play. if you're not sure this is your request, you mentioned "Mr I Never Smile Kent" which funnily enough, made me smile!! enjoy sunflowers <3
You were such a professional in so many ways, but yet again you found your focus drifting during your meeting with the rest of the coaches. Your eyes find Roy’s face with such ease, lingering on the newly thicker beard he’s been sporting recently, then travelling down to broad shoulders, ones that fill out the door frame so nicely when he folds his arms. You’re so lucky he’s always folding his arms.
Before you can move onto admiring those arms, you see his head turn towards you and you look away before you can be caught. Instead of glancing at his face to see if he’s still looking at you, you decide it’s easier to join the conversation. As the goalkeeping coach, there isn’t always much you can contribute to these discussions, but they’re very insistent on including you.
“The only thing you need to be careful of is their counter-press,” you chime in, “Mind that the boys don’t get complacent in possession or my guy will be a sitting duck out there.”
“Good thinkin, Abe Lincoln. Why don’t we add that to our pre-game talk, coach, make sure someone’s watchin’ Zoreaux’s back at all times?”
“Already writing it down, coach,” Beard replied, gaining a double thumbs up from Ted who then continued talking. Even though you’d hardly been listening, you knew to do enough research beforehand so that you were free to let your mind wander and only speak up with a few key points.
You tune back in when you recognise the gruff tone of the very man you’re trying not to admire again.
“No. Y/N stole my fucking thing. I’ve gone over the rest in training,” he says dryly, and you duck your head to your lap to hide your smirk. Of course the two of you were on the same page about strategy, you always were. Usually he got to say it before you though, “Can we go now?”
“Unless anyone’s got anythin’ they want to add?” Ted looks around at everyone’s blank and frankly, very tired faces, “Not even somethin’ personal? Deep dark secret? Scandalous love affair, that kinda thing? Higgins, you look like there’s somethin’ right on the tip of that tongue.”
“I’m leaving,” Roy announced, walking into his office and shutting the door, even going so far as to shut the blinds on both windows before he presumably sat at his desk. You sighed and got up from your perch on the desk to take a step towards the dressing room.
“Afraid I’ve got some work to get done before I go home too,” you say, trying to be at least slightly nicer than Roy about it, “We can get personal tomorrow, alright Ted?”
He agrees with a happy grin on his face and you say goodbye to him, Beard and Trent collectively with a salute before turning on your heel and waving a goodbye to any of the team still around as you leave. You don’t go far. Unable to help yourself, you knock on Roy’s office door from the other side and shuffle your weight between your feet as you wait.
“Fuck off,” comes the greeting, so you open the door and slip inside.
“Even if it’s me?”
His head turns at the sound of your voice and suddenly his features look a special kind of soft, even in the harsh overhead lighting. He swivels his chair fully to face you, but makes no other move.
“Especially if it’s you,” he confirms, folding his arms again like he knew the effect he had on you, “You’re a fucking pervert.”
You gasp, clutching at the door handle behind you in a show of shock.
“I’m a what?”
“You heard me. Staring at me like you do in meetings wasn’t in your job description when we hired you, last I checked.”
“Last I checked, shagging your goalkeeping coach wasn’t in your job description, but you made pretty quick work of it.”
That was enough to get him moving. He’s quick out of his chair for a man with a bad knee, quick to crowd you against the wall just next to the door. Someone would have to really peer in to see the two of you, something he’d probably calculated even though your mind was already blank at the new proximity. 
“You’re right,” he says, voice sinfully low, hands either side of your hips but not touching you yet, “And I was staring at you the whole fucking meeting anyway, so I’m a pervert and a hypocrite.”
“Well, I don’t know if I can keep on with you if you’re both. One of them, maybe I can look past it, but both?”
Finally, one hand comes off the wall to stroke a line down your side with the backs of his knuckles. You try not to give him the satisfaction of shivering, but fail miserably.
“Think you can brave it?” he murmurs, that same hand brushing along your cheekbone, still all rough knuckles instead of his palm, “I’ll take you to Big Tesco later.”
Your whole face brightens despite the heavy tension that had settled like a mist in the room. You reach up to gently hold his wrist, stroking a thumb back and forth over the pulse that jumped there.
“Shit, you know the way to a girl’s heart, Kent,” you whisper, syrupy and cloying, “I take it all back. We can go as long as you like.”
The innuendo drew the growl from him that you’d been hoping for. The hand at your cheek was quick to turn until he was cupping your face and pulling you into him, kissing you deep and slow and longingly. Each kiss with him was better than the last. Yes, it had started hot and desperate after a month of unbearable electricity between you, a rushed encounter at a hotel after a particularly adrenaline-filled away game. 
Ever since, Roy had slowed things down. Not in the way you’d perhaps expected - he was still hot and heavy whenever the two of you got the chance, but he was taking his time with you. Teasing and learning. Nobody had ever treated you like this before, like you were something to be revered. Worshipped.
It was the same now, as he anchored himself with a hand on your back, pulling you further in, kissing you with genuine hunger.
“Roy? Can I come and get my stuff.”
Trent. It was always Trent. You liked the man so much, spent a lot of time with him, in fact, but if he interrupted you and Roy one more time, you had half a mind to hide his manuscript or something.
Roy did his special silent groan that he did whenever he couldn’t groan aloud, where he glared at the ceiling as he broke away from you and then clenched his fists in front of him. It was adorable, not that you would tell him that.
“All good,” you whisper, despite it definitely not being all good. It was entirely a joint decision not to tell the team about the two of you yet, but sometimes you wished you could announce it to the whole fucking world if it would get you some alone time.
You squeeze his hand and slip away to the adjoining door between his and Ted’s office. You hear Roy grunt for Ted to come in behind you, but you squeeze through into the other room before you hear any more of their inevitably one-sided conversation. Ted turns to you brightly as you enter.
“Decided you wanted to get personal sooner, Y/N?” he grins, and you can tell he isn’t really serious.
“Just forgot my keys,” you said sheepishly, retrieving them from the desk where you’d left them completely on purpose. It was always good to have a back-up plan and Roy wasn’t the only quick thinker between you, “See you tomorrow, Coach.”
“Can’t wait, coach!”
As you exit for real this time, glancing into Roy’s office as you pass, you take out your phone to shoot him a text. You’re saved under an unassuming name in his phone, so even if Trent sees it, he’ll be none the wiser.
We’re still on for tonight, right? The way I navigate a Big Tesco will blow your mind x
You press send with a smile to yourself, continuing on towards your office to pack up for the evening. Your phone buzzes before you even get there.
You blow my mind every fucking day. See you soon x
God, you could clutch your phone to your chest and squeal in the corridor, but instead, you speed up your walk to get home as quickly as possible. There was no harm in getting all dressed up to go to the supermarket when you were going with an insanely fit professional footballer, you reasoned.
Big Tesco. The place dreams are made of, or at least it was when you were younger and felt like you could get lost in the aisles and never return. Nowadays, it was likely nostalgia that kept you coming back, but it still felt like your first Big Tesco trip with Roy was a pretty big deal.
Mainly you needed snacks for movie night, but Roy was happy to indulge you and drive twenty minutes away for this if that’s what you wanted.
“If we’re doing Julia Roberts, we have to do Pretty Woman, obviously.”
“And Erin fucking Brockovich,” Roy agreed, “But if we do Sandra Bullock, we get the modern day masterpiece that is Miss Congeniality.”
“Oh, I still need to see that one!”
Roy stops, Pringles tube hovering above the trolley. He looks at you like he’s seeing you for the first time and he doesn’t like what he sees.
“Right, we’re doing Bullock then, if I have to fucking culture you as well as buy your snacks.”
“We’re splitting the snacks-”
“The fuck we are,” he cut in, already contradicting himself, “I was fucking joking, please can we not get into another snack debate. You bought them last time.”
“Fine. And I’m happy with Sandy, too, so you win twice, buddy,” you grin at him, not expecting him to grin back but ecstatic when he does. You have half a mind to press him up against the Doritos and finish what you’d started earlier, but you have plenty of time for that in appropriate places later.
You had all night, in fact, post-Sandra Bullock marathon. The thought brings a particular movie to mind.
“As long as we throw Two Weeks Notice in there too.”
“Hugh Grant? No.”
“Oh come on, he’s a national treasure,” you argue, sliding your arm through his as the two of you continue your journey through the aisles.
“He’s a fucking idiot, is what he is,” Roy bites back, as he picks up the chocolate he knows you love, “I’ll allow The Proposal.”
“You know what, that’s a better choice anyway. We have a deal if we can make a stop in the homeware section after this?” you say hopefully, excited when he sighs and nods. You kiss his shoulder as you continue walking, “We’re so fucking good at this compromising shit!”
You lean away from him enough to hold your hand up for a high five. He indulges you reluctantly with a light slap from his own.
“We are. It’s cause I’m so fucking nice.”
“To me,” you add, staring up at him as he slows the trolley to a stop beside the biscuits. He takes your face in his hands after a moment.
“To you, yeah,” he agrees, voice all soft like it had been earlier. You’re not going to kiss him senseless in a supermarket, the two of you had some shame and a lot of love for privacy, but it was nice to indulge in something like this, a sweet moment shared without fear of anyone seeing the two of you. You turn your head to kiss his palm, “You’ve sent me all fucking soft.”
“You love it.”
“Love you, more like,” he says, for the first fucking time, in a Big Tesco. You’d found out you were getting a party bus for your 10th birthday here too, so it was a location for big occasions. You kiss his palm; once, twice, three times.
“You have to say the I or it doesn’t mean anything,” you tease, but you’re beaming up at him as he strokes the skin underneath your eyes and you almost let them flutter shut.
“Who fucking told you that? Sounds like shit Jamie would say.”
“Jan Maas.”
“Fucking prick,” he says, then a moment later, “I love you, then, if you fucking insist.”
“I do insist,” you giggle, leaning forward until your face is in his chest so you can safely say: “I love you too.”
Its a little muffled, but thankfully he doesn’t ask you to repeat it again like you think he will. He just wraps his arms around your shoulders and keeps you close to him for a long while.
“Roy? Hey boyo!!”
You freeze in place, face still hidden. If anything, Roy’s arms tighten around you rather than letting go as he turns to see Colin waving at him, alongside Sam, Isaac, Jamie and the aforementioned Jan Maas. They all pile over towards him and you know its a matter of time before they realise its you. Jamie’s already bounding over as if he’s won the lottery.
“Roy’s got a girl! A real woman, like!” Jamie exclaims as he reaches them and you decide to get this over with sooner than later, lifting your head to stare at him wearily. He frowns, “Oh. Y/N, hiya.”
Of course he isn’t connecting any dots. He isn’t quite the connecting type, however much you love him to little pieces. Sam is staring at you a lot more knowingly, Isaac stuck with his mouth open. They’ve all caught on a little quicker than Jamie.
“The two of you together,” Jan muses, “I do not believe this is a pairing made to last.”
“Oi, Jan Maas,” Isaac pipes up, especially as Roy’s already stepped forward to threaten him, “Not cool.”
“I am just telling you the truth. You are both a little grumpy, you will not have the needed balance.”
“We’re balancing perfectly fucking well, thank you,” Roy says, and you can hear that he’s gritting his teeth, “As a team. Of coaches. Because that’s what we fucking are.”
Oh, he was going to play the ‘it wasn’t what it looked like’ card? You weren’t expecting it, but you’d happily back him up if he wanted you to.
“You are telling me that was a friend hug?” Sam asks, voice full of disbelief. You look up at Roy to see what he’ll say to that, but he’s already looking down at you with an untraceable look on his face. When he finally looks back at the boys, he takes your hand in his.
“No. It was a fucking boyfriend-girlfriend hug, alright? Any of you tell anyone before we do and I’ll feed you to a fucking monitor lizard.”
You’d watched a documentary about them last night that had likely led to that threat. Jamie’s snickering but tries to sober up when Roy immediately turns to him. He holds his hands up in surrender.
“I’m sorry mate, I am, I’ve jus’ never heard a grown man say ‘boyfriend-girlfriend’ before,” he says, back to giggling by the end of his sentence and Jan Maas is quick to dissolve into full blown laughter. You bring a hand up to your mouth to hide your own amusement, lest Roy feel betrayed by it.
“Right, fuck off and leave us alone then. We’re on a tight fucking movie night schedule and I won’t have you twats throwing us off.”
“Hey! That’s why we’re here! If we’re all doing movie night, why don’t you join us?” Sam asks, and you can see he’s teasing even if Roy can’t tell. Still, you take it as an opportunity to stake your claim as you wrap an arm around Roy’s bicep and cling to him.
“Look, you lot hog this man all day every day. I’m taking him home and we’ll see you tomorrow, alright?”
It was very Roy of you, just with the addition of a wink at the end that told the boys you were half-joking. Jamie seemed almost impressed, while Sam was trying not to laugh at you. That man never took you seriously, and you loved it.
“We’ll leave you to it then,” Isaac decided, dragging Jamie backwards a little by the collar when he opened his mouth to tease Roy one final time, “Enjoy your night, yeah? See you tomorrow.”
Roy grunted his goodbye, but you waved back at them when they waved, mostly at you. Jamie mouthed something at Roy but, luckily for you both, Roy couldn’t work it out.
“Pricks,” he mutters once they’re far away enough not to hear him and you let out a little snort.
“They were very nice about that, you know? I was expecting a lot worse,” you said, pleasantly surprised at the lack of proper teasing. You knew there was likely more to come once they’d had a while to process it, but still. There was a certain weight lifted knowing that someone had finally been told.
“Do people not say boyfriend-girlfriend anymore?” he asks abruptly, looking down at you from where you’re still clinging to him. You grin at up at him.
“We should bring it back. I love boyfriend-girlfriend. I think that’s how we should introduce ourselves to people from now on.”
He rolled his eyes at the sarcasm in your voice, but tugged you into a quick, public appropriate kiss nonetheless.
“Let’s get you some fucking hobnobs and then we can go and look at fancy glassware, yeah?,” he announces, shaking his head with such obvious fondness when you cheer and turn to the biscuits. He stays close, a hand hovering near your back, and you’re a little worried movie night might be forgotten when you get home given how handsy the two of you have been all day. You resume your shopping tucked into his side, and only bump into the boys twice more on your trip around the wonders of Big Tesco.
Later, when you’re eventually curled into Roy’s side during a movie night that started way later than intended, your phone buzzes a few too many times in a row to ignore. You glance at Roy quizzically as you grab it, seeing a bunch of texts coming in from Sam.
Couldn’t resist. Don’t let Roy hate me. I’ve deleted them on my phone now, so they’re just yours. Lunch tomorrow?
Roy grumbled a little beside you as he read over your shoulder, but really he should have gotten used to your occasional lunch plans with Sam by now, even if he liked having you all to himself for at least one hour during the day. You settle into him even more as you scroll through a bunch of photos Sam’s attached with wide eyes.
You staring up at Roy. Roy kissing you. The grins on both your faces when you part. Then one that has you reeling, where you’re facing the biscuits with your hands on your hips and Roy is looking at you. Enthralled. You’re not even fucking doing anything.
“That little shit,” Roy breathes, squeezing your thigh where his hand was already resting.
“I love them,” you say instead of responding, tilting your head back to look at Roy, “Our first proper photos together.”
“They look like a fucking pap took them,” he complains, but he's still studying them and you can tell he likes them really.
“Look how happy we look," you’re stuck on how he looks at you when you’re not even looking at him. When there’s nothing to be gained from it. You glance at the new vase sitting on your coffee table, with fresh flowers Roy had insisted on because 'if we're getting a fucking vase we have to fucking fill it'. Here he was, filling your life with so many little pieces of joy.
“Well we are fucking happy, aren’t we?”
There's a little bit of vulnerability in his question, like he needs confirmation. You lock your phone and toss it to the side, knowing you can reply to Sam in a bit. For now, you pause the movie and clamber to straddle Roy’s lap, seeing that look on his face again as he stares up at you. It only spurs you on.
“We’re very fucking happy, Roy.”
He grins, which is rare, but then he kisses you and that’s not rare at all.
(roy makes a mental note to thank sam for the pictures tomorrow, even if he tells him to do extra laps in the same sentence to maintain the balance)
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tommonikercomics · 2 months
HI HELLO another one of this one server’s losers again, here to plague your askbox with our out of pocket ships and headcanons. ✨
I was just wondering if we could see a Finch and Racetrack interaction??? Race is Finch’s best bud (and wingman) in our server and I just think it’d be fun to see! :)
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Racetrack Higgins invented "💅" & I'll die on that hill
Also, God bless your server 😭 you guys are great 😁
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I'm Your Man - Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal x OFC - Chapter 18
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Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17
Summary: As the war comes to a close, the future is brought into focus.
Word Count: 3.6k
Tags: @mads-weasley @xxluckystrike @curaheehee @footprintsinthesxnd @dcyllom @storysimp @latibvles @love-studying58 @justheretoreadthxxs @blakelysco-pilot
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Dear Mrs Higgins
Thank you so much for the tea set - Robert and I think it's lovely...
Frankie lifted an envelope to her mouth, running her tongue along the glue as she finished writing the latest in a long line of thank-you letters still in order from the wedding. The formal niceties felt foreign to her, even to write, and a pile of crumpled paper covered the floor by her bed where she had tossed away a litany of spelling mistakes. Rosie had offered his assistance many times, but with all the supply drops he'd been running, she had no desire to burden him with anything else.
Just as she finished signing the most recent letter, the door to the hut slammed open, making her jump and accidentally smudge the ink. "Oh, for fuck's sake, do you have to barge in here like the building's on bloody fire?"
"Frankie, turn the radio on," George huffed, striding towards her.
"Yeah, in a minute - I've got to rewrite this one now, so-"
"Now," She pressed, getting down on her knees to rummage beneath Frankie's bed. "Where is it?!"
"Over there on the window ledge," Frankie frowned, watching as George zipped across the room. "What's going on?"
"Churchill's making an announcement."
"Oh, shit-" She muttered, letter writing immediately forgotten as they fumbled to set up the radio, perched side by side on the edge of the bed as they listened closely. They had made it just in time, and as the familiar, slurring voice came echoing over the waves, a sense of importance seemed to settle over the room - one so potent that Frankie's whole body seemed clenched, her heart struggling to beat out its rhythm in time.
"Yesterday morning at 2.41am at General Eisenhower's headquarters, General Jodl, the representative of the German high command and of Grand Admiral Donitz, the designated head of the German state, signed the act of unconditional surrender of all German land, sea and air forces in Europe to the Allied expeditionary force, and simultaneously to the Soviet high command."
She felt George grab her hand. The words didn't quite seem real - how could they? Surely, they had been coming for a long time, and yet their arrival seemed so sudden, that it was as if Frankie were recalling a dream - peering through a veil into a fiction constructed by her subconscious, frozen in place as if any sudden movement might break the illusion.
She pressed her heels harder into the floor beneath her feet. It was solid. Real.
"Our dear Channel Islands will be free tomorrow. Hostilities will end officially ​at one minute after midnight tonight, Tuesday, the 8th of May, but in the interests of saving lives the ceasefire began yesterday to be sounded all along the fronts."
A bark of laughter escaped her, hand rising to clap over her mouth, suddenly embarrassed by the outburst despite being in the privacy of the hut, in the company of no one but her best friend. Beside her, George had begun to chuckle giddily, unable to wipe the grin from her cheeks.
"The German war is therefore at an end. After years of intense preparation Germany hurled herself on Poland at the beginning of September, 1939, and in pursuance of our guarantee to Poland and in common action with the French Republic, Great Britain, the British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations declared war against this foul aggression."
Blood rushed to her ears, the pounding in Frankie's chest so fierce that she almost struggled to hear the broadcast. Her lungs felt full to burst, pressing against her ribs so hard they could snap. Neither woman felt any need to listen further before collapsing into each other's arms, squeezing so forcefully that it hurt. But they didn't care.
There was no one else Frankie wanted to spend this moment with. Not Bucky, not Ken - not even her husband. There was no one she'd spent more of this war alongside than George - no one who had seen her at so many of her worst moments, no one who had brought her through them quite like she had.
This was the first instant they'd ever spent as friends during peacetime. And now they had to decide what that meant.
"I'm coming with you," George's voice came hoarse over her shoulder. "If you're going to New York, then so am I."
"What about Ev?" Frankie chuckled.
She felt her shrug. "He'll come if I tell him to."
Grinning, she held her even tighter. Weren't they all just following Rosie in the end?
"I need to find him," Frankie uttered.
George nodded. "Me too. Different him. Same sentiment."
They didn't let go for a long moment, breathing in synch. Maybe the war had brought them together, but peace was never going to tear them apart.
An almighty swarm of airmen had gathered outside one of the huts by the time Frankie arrived, having jogged all the way from her own, and the moment she locked eyes on Rosie she was running. Even in the thick of the crowd, his gaze found her without even having to call out, shouldering his way through, beaming so widely that the cool air stung against his teeth. She let out something between a shriek and a whoop, hurling herself into his arms the moment they collided, feet swept off the ground as he spun her once, then twice in the air.
Neither needed to say the words 'it's over' - they knew the other knew, that was good enough. Besides, those words held far too much weight to deal with right now. Those words meant their time here was over - that the future was now.
As Frankie touched the ground again, Rosie's hands cupped her cheeks, littering her face with kisses as she guffawed with laughter. A few of the airmen nearby had taken to whooping and whistling at the sight, and she felt the blood rush to her face, tinting her cheeks a bright red. "Alright, alright," She chuckled, gently batting away his hands as she leaned forward to press a quick peck to his lips.
"Sorry fellas," Rosie called over his shoulder, gaze never leaving his wife for even a moment as he seized her hand, abandoning the makeshift celebration without hesitation.
"We didn't have to go," Frankie pointed out as they walked away, bumping against his side as her free hand wrapped around his arm.
"Well, I wanna celebrate with my wife."
"Oh-ho, say that again," She tittered.
"My wife," He grinned, pressing a firm kiss to her temple. "And when we get outta here I'm gonna buy you a house - hell, I'll buy you anything you want."
"Well, yeah, I'd hope so - we both know I married you for the money," Frankie teased as he ruffled her hair beneath his palm in silent reprisal. They were quiet for a moment until she spoke up again, serious this time. "Dad and the kids don't need me anymore. But... I really loved looking after those kids."
She could feel his stare, fixed on her as they walked. "You been thinking about what you said at the wedding?"
"About a baby? ...Yeah, kinda."
Nerves coloured his voice as he spoke again. "...And?"
Frankie shrugged. "Why not? Yeah."
It hadn't seemed possible that he could grin even wider, and yet somehow he managed it. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," She assured him, pulling him into her embrace as his eyes began to well up with tears. Chin tucked over his shoulder, she let herself begin to grin too. "Yeah, honey."
George's hair blew this way and that as she walked, palms in an endless battle against the wind to smooth it back down again as she muttered to herself, scanning every group she passed for the face she was searching for. Come on Ev, where are you? Many of the men she worked alongside called out to her as she passed, but she was so focused on the task at hand that she offered nothing but the occasional wave, too distracted to properly reply.
"George!" A familiar voice called, an involuntary smile already creeping across her expression in anticipation before she had even pinned down where it was coming from. But then Blakely was hurrying towards her, engulfing her in an embrace so sudden that it was all she could do not to audibly groan. "Ah, I was lookin' for you."
"Hey!" George chirped, holding him tightly. "I was looking for you! I've got something to ask you."
He seemed to grow slightly tense at this. "Yeah, so do I."
Holding onto her cheery demeanour despite the shift in his, she pulled away. "Okay, you first."
Letting out a nervous chuckle, Everett shook his head. "No, no - after you."
"Okay... Look, it's just..." George took a deep breath, hands clasped tightly. "Frankie and Rosie are gonna go to New York together now that this whole thing is done, and I... I wanna go with her, Ev. She's my best friend."
A wave of relief seemed to wash over him as he began to smile. "You wanna go to New York?"
She shrugged. "Yeah."
Blakely began to laugh. "Babe, we can go to New York."
A grin started to crease at George's cheeks. "Really?"
"Yeah, of course," He beamed.
"Okay. Okay, yeah - now you go," She nodded, passing her weight impatiently from foot to foot.
Suddenly he was nervous again, glancing around at the huts and men around them as if self-conscious. "Alright..."
Her brow furrowed. "... You ok?"
"Yeah, yeah, just... didn't really plan on doing this here."
George's frown deepened, and Everett couldn't help but wonder how she hadn't caught on yet. "D'you wanna... go over there?"
"George," He laughed in exasperation, digging deep into his pocket as he shook his head. The faintest yelp of surprise escaped her as the diamond ring caught its first glint of sunlight, carefully unwrapped from the handkerchief that had protected it on the long journey from his mother's house.
"Oh, I'm a bloody idiot," She whispered. Raising both hands to cover her mouth, she let out a giddy laugh, beaming before he could even ask the question.
Blakely had begun to grin, pointing down at the ring in his palm as he waited for her to stand still. "Can I-?"
"Yes! Yes." George nodded firmly, planting both feet in the gravel below as she waited for him to ask the question.
"George Aarons," He started, suppressing a chuckle as he noticed the way she had begun to fidget impatiently. "Will you marry me?"
"Yes!" She cried, her answer tumbling forth so quickly that she almost cut him off completely, throwing herself into his arms as an elated laugh erupted from her throat. Arms wrapped securely around her back, he swept her off her feet for a moment before pulling away to plant a hard kiss against her lips, palms lifted to cup her jaw.
"I love you," George breathed as their lips separated, faces barely an inch apart.
Everett smiled, pressing his forehead against hers. "I love you too."
Frankie practically screamed when she first caught sight of George, entering the party as it raged in the officers' club, new engagement ring sparkling on her finger. "Holy shit!" She yelped, practically hurling herself at her best friend as she hugged her. Chin tucked tightly in the crook of George's neck, she scanned the crowd for signs of Blakely, pointing a finger as he stopped in his tracks. "You!"
"Thank you for marrying the love of my life," Frankie nodded sagely, gesturing for him to come close so that she could pat him on the shoulder without leaving George.
His brow furrowed slightly. "... So Rosie would be-?"
"My husband. Duh."
"Of course."
Rosie had recognised her yelp from across the bar, burrowing his way through the crowds in search of Frankie. "Ah. Hey! Congratulations!" He grinned as he spied George's ring, giving Blakely an affectionate clap over the shoulder as they shook hands. "Mind if I steal my wife for this next dance?"
"Steal away," Frankie nodded, planting a forceful kiss on George's forehead as she retracted the hug, leaving a lipstick stain in her wake. As the couple weaved their way back through the crowd, Blakely let out a snort of laughter, wiping the stain away with the heel of his palm.
"Is she-?"
"Oh, really quite drunk, yeah," George affirmed.
"I never got good at this, huh?" Frankie laughed, uttering a swift apology as she stepped on Rosie's toe. Again.
"Well, I don't think being good is really the point," He shrugged.
"In other words, you agree - I'm horrible at this."
"I didn't say that!"
Frankie gasped. "You're 'yes-dear'-ing me!"
Rosie's brow furrowed, somewhere between confused and entertained. "I don't even know what that means."
"It's when you just go along with whatever I say because I'm your wife and you don't want to have to tell me I'm an insane person to my face."
"Well, I like my crazy wife," He smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek as she hummed a chuckle. They continued to step side to side as the music continued its brisk pace, Frankie's expression twisting with embarrassment as she felt his toe beneath her foot once more, the sight of this making Rosie laugh. "We don't have to keep doing this," He offered between chortles.
"No, I'm gonna do it until I get it right, otherwise I'll get shown up every time we go out," She frowned.
"Then you've gotta do it properly," Rosie said, looking down at the floor as he nudged her feet apart with his own. "Feet like that - you step with this one, then bring them together..."
As he continued to explain, Frankie began to realise that she hadn't been listening to a word, too distracted by... well, him. It was still somewhat embarrassing to admit, but if she stared at him for too long everything else seemed to simply ebb away, his voice fading into background chitter as her gaze traced every subtle movement in his expression, her lip rising in a calm, gentle smile.
For so long, this place had gotten used to firing on all cylinders - always working, always preparing for the next thing - never hesitating, never still. But now? Now there was nothing ahead of her - no planes to prep, no mission to agonise over. She was Just Frankie and he was Just Rosie, and everything else was simply cast aside. It was rare she ever got a moment to simply stop and stare - to take in the man before her and simply bathe in the feeling of how wholly and utterly she adored him.
"No, you've- ...Honey, you've stopped moving."
His voice came into focus once more, and Frankie blinked away her stupor, shaking her head slightly. "... Right."
"You okay?" He asked, brow creasing as he tilted his head slightly, a loose curl tumbling free.
"Mhm," She nodded, reaching up without a second thought to brush it away, her warm fingertips still managing to leave a flush in their wake as they grazed against his skin. "Tired. Little too much whiskey. I'm still working my way through the thank-you letters from the wedding."
"Well, I'll help," Rosie shrugged.
"No, no, you're-" Busy with your missions. The words had nearly slipped out without a second thought. And as a grin began to make its way across his face, she knew he'd predicted them.
"No. I'm not."
"No you're not," Frankie repeated, beginning to mirror his smile. "God, we're about to have way too much free time."
"Well, I can think of a couple things to do," He smirked, making her snort with laughter.
"Shush. We'll do that later. I gotta find Bucky," She beamed, giving his arm a tug as she pulled out of his grip, squeezing his hand as she turned away.
Rosie's brow furrowed. "I thought we were dancing?"
Flares illuminated the night sky as Bucky sat back in his seat, watching on idly from his perch up on the command tower. Back when this had all started, he would've been inside with the others without a moment's hesitation, drinking and singing and making merry like all the rest. But these last two years had changed him, and that tug in his chest that had once compelled him on nights like this had gone limp.
At least one thing had always stayed the same.
"You fellas need some more booze up there?"
His lip curled in an involuntary smile, craning forward in his seat to peer over the railing. Standing in the grass below, profile brightened in the flickering light of the flares, Frankie stared up at him, a bottle in each hand.
"Get up here, Bevan!" Gale called beside him, letting out that deep, hearty laugh of his. She flashed a grin, the thunder of footsteps rising towards them as she dashed up the stairs, occasionally stumbling from an overindulgence of alcohol.
"Figured you'd be all over your husband tonight, all things considered," Bucky teased, edging over to the edge of his seat so that she could perch beside him.
"He gets me every other day. You and me gotta catch up on lost time."
He smiled, slinging an arm around her shoulders as she popped the cork on the champagne she had stolen, letting out a yelp as bubbles flowed over the brim, covering her hands.
"Before we make any more of a mess, I'm gonna see if I can't find us some glasses," Gale chuckled, stepping around the small puddle of champagne that was forming as he made his way to the door. "You can have my seat, Frank."
"Thanks," She uttered, squeezing Bucky's hand with hers and leaving a sticky palm print behind as she slid off the edge of his chair, sinking into the other.
Left alone, the pair sank into quiet for a long moment, listening peacefully to the cheers and music that hummed steadily from further down the runway.
"How's it feel?" He asked after a while.
Frankie let out a huff of amusement. "Completely, utterly bizarre. I mean... everything in my life changed because of this war, and now it's just... over."
"Which is a good thing. Right?"
"Oh, of course, yunno... I lost family to this thing. Almost all the boys I grew up with are dead now. But then, almost all the best people in my life, I only met because of this war. Hell, I'm married now - I can't just go back to how it was before."
Bucky let out a long sigh, nodding along as she spoke. He stared at the floor for a while, before finally speaking up.
"Y'know... It's gonna sound stupid, but for a little while back then, at the beginning, I kinda thought you and me..."
"Yeah, I know," She nodded, a beat passing before she reached across to grab his hand, holding it in her lap.
They were silent for a moment, letting the weight of Bucky's confession rest between them.
"Your hands are really sticky."
"They are covered in champagne," Frankie snorted, letting out a cackle as Bucky wrestled his hand from her grip, wiping it clean against her skirt. "Oh, you bastard."
"That's what you get."
As their laughter trailed to a stop, she found herself sobering, taking a deep breath.
"Promise me you're not gonna be alone after this. Promise you'll call and visit and find a nice girl to marry, and you won't let yourself go home to an empty house forever."
A flicker of something like adoration crossed his expression.
Gravel crunched beneath Frankie's feet as she finally returned to her hut, the energy that had carried her through the night steadily dwindling. Scrunching her eyes shut as she yawned, a frown began to crease her cheek as her vision readjusted, noticing the door to the hut as it gaped open, exposing the interior to the darkness.
Creeping up towards the entrance, brow furrowed, she tapped her knuckles gently against the doorframe, peering inside. There was only one light in the whole place, and in the warm glow, she could make out a familiar silhouette.
"... Honey?"
Rosie looked up from his spot on the edge of her bed, pen clasped between his fingers as he began to smile at her. "Hey, baby."
She let out a bemused chuckle, stepping inside. "... What're you doing?"
Shrugging, he raised one of the thank-you letters she'd been working on. "You said you needed help with 'em."
Frankie sighed, beaming as she came to stand in front of him. "I didn't mean right now. You should be at the party."
"Party got boring."
"It didn't sound boring."
"You weren't there."
The admission was so earnest that she swore something inside her melted, lifting both hands to loop around the back of his neck. Casting the cards aside, he stared up at her, arms draped around her waist.
"Now I am."
She pressed a long kiss to his scalp, cradling his head in her palms. Rosie let out a satisfied sigh, his thumb rubbing circles against her hip.
"Let's get outta here," He said.
Frankie's brow arched in amusement. "And go where?"
There was a glint in his eye. "Get us a room at the pub?"
"It'll be full by now."
"Well... I did call ahead."
She gasped teasingly. "Oh, you're good."
Rising to stand, he tugged one of her hands away from his neck, pressing a kiss to the back of her palm. He had that look in his eyes, the kind that made her cackle and go terribly red all at once.
"You have no idea."
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vidavalor · 5 months
Muriel and My Fair Lady
We've been talking a bit about The Maltese Falcon and North by Northwest and other film homages in the series and how what a bunch of them have in common is unique use of language-- verbal and visual-- to tell their story. There's another musical/film that I think S2 is referencing a bit that is all about language and that is My Fair Lady.
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The romance in My Fair Lady is terrible-- I hope we all can agree on that in our modern era lol-- but that's not really the main aspect of the story that is being referenced in GO, I don't think. My Fair Lady is full of language jokes, including the titles of two of the songs-- "A Hymm to Him", which plays with homophony, and "The Ascot Gavotte", which is about the horse race setting of that part of the story-- The Ascots-- but is, additionally, a joke on the fact that an ascot is also a term for one kind of a secret language. It's also the only real gavotte in a famous musical and we know that's Aziraphale's favorite kind of dance. Much of the story of the film also leads towards a ball at an embassy-- though one that goes a bit better than S2's disaster of a party.
In S2, Crowley and Aziraphale are kind of a more likable version of Higgins and Pickering as Muriel becomes a bit of an Eliza Doolittle. I think the "cupperty" scene is something of a nod to the scene in which Higgins tries to get Eliza to pronounce "cup of tea" differently in My Fair Lady.
Additionally, later in the season, Muriel wants to try breakfast and gets rebuffed, which is kind of like how Higgins and Pickering don't think to give Eliza some of their afternoon tea. Eliza ends up looking at the tea, which is actually Muriel's preference when they first arrive in S2.
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My Fair Lady is about a phonetics professor who places a bet with his friend as to whether or not he can change the speech patterns of a Cockney-accented woman enough to pass her off as a duchess at an embassy ball. It's overflowing with linguistics jokes. Eliza agrees to try to undergo this change because she has her own aspiration-- she wants to work in a flower shop.
At the start of the film, she is homeless and selling flowers on the street. She lacks the social refinement necessary to be hired as a shopkeeper-- kind of like how Muriel is on the outside looking in on the Whickber Street shops in S2. Being able to work in a flower shop would give her a new lease on life and when Muriel is in the street on the night of The Meeting Ball, look at the flower market lit up behind them when a kinder and far more likable version of Professor Higgins-- the wordplay-happy Crowley-- approaches:
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Unlike Eliza, who wished to sell flowers, Muriel loves books and, at the end of S2, Muriel is the one who winds up running the bookshop... which is a far better ending than Eliza Doolittle gets in My Fair Lady, if you ask me. (She should have gotten a job and married Freddy, dammit. Bonus points to Good Omens as well for recognizing that the real ship in My Fair Lady is Higgins & Pickering.)
Poor Crowley's also kind of a version of Freddy in S2, just with the romance not being with Muriel but the Muriel-paralleling Aziraphale. Madly in love and thrown over at the end for a grumpy old man-- despite being a total dish, a total gentleman, and having the best song in the film. (Not really in the long run but, ya know, kinda lol.) There's even a version of Freddy's gorgeous song by Crowley's favorite, Nat King Cole.
Can you hear a lark in any other part of town? Does enchantment pour out of every door? No, it's just on the street where you live...
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if you’re still doing jamie asks can you do like a secret romance thing where they’ve been dating (or however you want it to go) but like sneaking around? And maybe somebody finally finds out? I loooove your stuff honestly it makes me smiley
(i'm so happy people are liking my jamie stuff. i was scared i wasn't doing him justice!)
You always prided on not dating any coworkers. But stupid Jamie Tartt with his adorably stupid face just had to fuck it all up for you.
You never wanted people to think less of you for dating a colleague, especially one of higher status. So when you, Higgins' assistant, started dating Jamie, AFC Richmond's prized striker, you informed him upfront that your relationship couldn't be public.
Thus the sneaking around.
You'd give each other knowing looks, sneak kisses in the boot room if Will wasn't around. Had a few quickies in some storage room a few times. It was all so...exhilarating. The thrill of getting caught, knowing anyone could find you out. It was exciting...at least in the beginning.
After a while, it became tiresome. Jamie started asking if you two could ever go public. Not even public - public, just the team, coaches, and Rebecca. As much as you wanted to...that fear still stuck with you. The fear and anxiety of people giving you judgmental looks, questioning everything that you do. You couldn't stand the hypothetical version of it, how would you deal with it in real life?
It frustrated Jamie to no end. He loved you so much, he wanted to brag about you to anyone and everyone. Why won't you let him? Were you ashamed? Did you really not love him as much as he loves you?
Jamie's own anxieties started to build up as well, unbeknownst to you. So when Jamie broke things off with you, you were surprised. Okay, well not really. You had a feeling why he broke things off, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.
Fuck it.
The only person you knew you could talk about this with was Keeley. So after a few days post-break up, you head over to her place. You now stand there at her door, knocking on her door. When it opens, it reveals-
"Jamie?" who stands there shirtless, wearing only joggers.
You knew Jamie and Keeley dated previously, you just didn't think he'd go running to her in an instant.
You scoff, "Well that didn't take long." You turn on your heel, already digging out your car keys, but Jamie rushes in front of you with his hands out.
"Please, this isn't what it looks like!"
"Why else would you be shirtless at your ex-girlfriend's, Jamie?!"
"I spilled wine on my shirt and Keeley threw it in the wash for me, I swear!"
"Y/N!" Keeley rushes out, looking at you with pleading eyes, "I promise nothing happened! Jamie was just telling me about-about you two and the break-up."
You pout a little, "That's why I came here."
Jamie shrugs, "Beat you to it."
Keeley grabs your hand and Jamie's, "I think you guys should talk things out, yeah?" she pulls the both of you back into her place. She gestures for you to sit on the couch, "I'll be upstairs to give you privacy."
Once you hear Keeley shut a door, you sigh, "I made a promise to myself to never date someone I work with. I've seen colleagues in the past receive such horrible treatment and was judged a lot by our peers. I never wanted to put myself in that position. But you made it so easy to fall for you. I was scared of being judged for loving you, but I lost you to my own insecurities. That's why I didn't want people to know."
Jamie gives a nod, "A bit stupid to think that. Everyone loves you." he looks down, fidgeting with the fabric of his pants, "Thought maybe you were ashamed of me or somethin'."
"I've never and will never be ashamed of you, Jamie. You're an amazing and wonderful man. On and off the pitch. I'm sorry I made it seem that way."
"Thank you."
"I would like to get back together, because I love you so so much. We can tell the team, Rebecca, Higgins, everyone."
He shakes his head, "Not if you're ready."
"I think I've been ready for a while. Just had to get my head out of my ass."
"Your right sexy ass," Jamie responds with a grin.
You smile, "We're okay?" you offer your hand out to him.
"More than okay," he places his hand in yours, fingers intertwining with yours.
"AAAWW GUUUYS!" Keeley cries out as she rushes over to you two, hugging you both.
"I thought you were giving us privacy?" Jamie asks with a smirk.
She shrugs, "Well, I didn't hear any yelling and thought perhaps you ended up fucking, which I'm kind of disappointed you aren't." She holds out Jamie's shirt, "This would be yours."
Jamie takes it and pulls it over his head. He grabs the rest of his things and slips his hand into yours, "Let's go."
Keeley pouts, "Leaving already?"
"Yeah. Gonna have some makeup sex with me girlfriend, 'cause that's what she is, me girlfriend. Me sexy and beautiful girlfriend."
You snort, "You're gonna be so annoying for the next week, aren't you?"
"So fucking annoying," he smirks, pecking your lips and waving to Keeley, "Cheers, Keeley!"
"Bye Keels! And thank you!"
"I didn't do anything, but you're welcome! Love you!"
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gottagobackintime · 2 years
I find it fascinating to witness the straight audience of any media not being able to pick up what the makers of the movie/show puts down.
It’s like when people reacted to the “You wear fine things well” scene in Our Flag Means Death with “aw, they’re such good friends” whereas the queer audience went “omg, this is happening”. We all had access to the same scene, we’d all watched the build up to that scene but the straight audience wrongly read it as friends/straight whereas the queer audience had suspected they were building up to a romance but this was the confirmation. Even the creator of the show was baffled that people were surprised that Ed and Stede fell in love. Because he thought they had made it obvious.
And as I said, we, the queer audience picked up on it. And I feel like the same thing is happening with Ted Lasso. Do I know that Ted and Trent will get together? No, I am unfortunately not a writer on Ted Lasso. But you can’t deny that there are clues pointing to it. But the straight audience barely pick up the fact that Ted and Trent like each other, be that in a platonic way or romantic way. I’ve seen several reactions to the last episode of season 2 and ONE of them included the scene where Ted reacts to Trent not being in the press room. All of them severely cut down the scene in the parking lot. One of the scenes most of us Ted/Trent truthers point to as a huge piece of evidence for it going canon. The parallel of them meeting in an empty parking lot, just like Ted and his ex-wife and Roy and Keeley. But because Ted and Trent are both men it couldn’t possibly mean anything. And Ted has an ex-wife and a kid so he can’t possibly be into men, as if there is no such thing as being bisexual. “But I’m pretty sure Trent has a family, he has a kid right?” So? He could be divorced, we also have no idea if his daughter has another dad or a mum. And the same thing applies to him, it doesn’t mean he can’t be into men (take also into account all of James Lance’s interviews, and his choice of shirt in one of them, friend of Dorothy anyone? He's the captain of this ship, we're just along for the ride tbh.)
Then we have the wonderful “I’m so not homophobic, in fact, you are homophobic because you think Ted is gay just because he likes musicals and has ‘feminine’ traits” um no… it’s the fact that he kind of acts in a way that an ally wouldn't. Yeah, he called himself an ally in that one episode. But every single person who is now out as queer who at one point considered themselves an ally because "I’m not one of them but I sure think they're neat" raise a hand 🖐️ (been there, done that. Was very into queer things before I realised I myself am one of them). What it always comes down to is "it's pandering", "it's tokenism" (having the main character on the show be queer wouldn't be fucking tokenism), "not everything has to be gay", "why can't men just be friends, there is a severe lack of male friendships on tv". And like the last one makes me go??? There are a MILLION friendships between men on TV. There are even multiple friendships between men in Ted Lasso. Beard and Ted, Ted and Higgins, Ted and Roy, the himbos and so on. Having Ted and Trent become a couple wouldn't really change anything because there are still friendships between men. They also claim that Ted is needed as the "straight without toxic masculinity" representation. As if Beard isn't right there. The man who has no problem going to an immersive show about the menstrual cycle. Has no problem with shrieking when he's surprised and so on.
I also like that if we'd get Ted and Trent together, we'd get two middle aged queer dads. Which isn't that common. It's not even super common to see people realising they're queer late in life on TV, and yet it happens every day. Because let's face it, most queer men on TV kind of look like Colin, and I don't mean that as a bad thing. And I'm looking forward to his storyline. But it's also nice seeing middle aged or old people finding themselves and being allowed to be who they are (see Ed and Stede from OFMD). Also would enjoy seeing people lose their minds when they realise they've been fooled this entire time. It'll be like Black Sails all over again.
I do not have any doubts about the fact that, had Trent or Ted been a woman and they saw Trent give up his career because of Ted's influence, they sure as hell wouldn't protest people thinking they'd become a couple. But because it's two men it's just delusional for some reason (homophobia).
What I'm saying is, it's clear that the straight audience has a hard time picking up subtext and clues that the makers are planting. Because they've never had to do that. Because they are always clearly represented. They don't have to look for minor side characters and hope that they might be queer. Because the main character is straight and most of the supporting cast too. When you've grown up with a lack of representation or with representation that is meant to be subtext, you'll learn to pick up on it. And you do look at media differently. I just wish that the straight audience could listen to us for once, without getting defensive and dancing around the fact that they are uncomfortable relating to a character that turned out to be queer.
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bengals-barnesbabe · 3 months
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Things Are Changing
Pairing: Tee Higgins x Chase!SisterReader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Language and Ja'Marr being the ultimate younger brother. Mostly fluff though.
A/N: Someone requested more of this cute little universe so here ya go anon ♥︎
Tenderheaded | Main Masterlist | Princess Ti
“I fucked up.” Tee said as soon as he got in the house. 
With the groan Ja’Marr let out, he could tell his teammate was rolling his eyes.“Man shut up, you ain’t do shit.” 
Tee shook his head and slowly looked around the corners of his place, making sure his wife wasn’t lurking behind any walls. “Y/n’s gonna kill me.” 
“No she ain’t. How are you still scared of my sister? There ain’t nothing scary about her small ass.” 
“That’s easy for you to say. I married into this family, yall shared a womb.” His brother in law snorted on the other side of the phone. 
“Don’t be weird. Look you’ll be fine as long as you leave my name out of it.” Then he hung up.
Tee sighed taking a seat on the couch. His phone had gone black allowing for his reflection to look back at him. There was no way to hide it, the short hair was a very distinct look, especially on him. He hadn’t seen his hair this short since he was a kid, but the low maintenance it provided was needed for now. The only thing he was scared of was the shape of it, it definitely wouldn’t pass his forever beautician’s standards. But he did what he had to do. 
‘Hopefully she’ll see the brightside.’ He thinks smoothing his hair forward just as the front door opens.
“Tamaurice, what the hell.” That’s a great start.
Tee turns towards his wife and smiles, hoping your favorite feature of his takes care of some of the blow. “What, you don’t like?”
You hesitantly walk up to the couch and touch his head. “It’s short.”
He chuckles and places his own on your belly, caressing the soft protruding skin. His favorite reminder of the love they share. Then he looks up at you with loving doe eyes, but is met with a slight pout.
“I did it for you.” He whispers gently taking your hands. 
“I don’t get it. I loved your hair.”
Tee sighs and lightly tugs you down into his lap. “I know, but you wouldn’t have much time to do anything with it once our little princess gets here. I don’t want you to have anything to worry about except taking care of our baby girl. While you're doing that I’ll be taking care of you.” You smile as both of your hands meet on your bump.
“That’s so sweet and thoughtful of you.” Your soft praises are joined with wet streaks down your face. “Damn these hormones.”
He chuckles as you wrap your arms around your very loving husband. “For real though,” you sniffle. “This baby is beyond lucky to have you as her dad, and I’m forever thankful to have you as my partner.”
“Only the best for my queen and our princess.” Tee wipes away your tears and pecks your soft lips.
“Mmmm does that mean you’re gonna take care of my hair too?” A playful smirk grows on your cheeks as you pick at your dark coily puff.
Tee snorts, “baby you know I got you.”
“Good, cause whoever did this to you should be put in jail.” You grimace looking over his cut again.
“It’s not that bad mamas.”
You kiss your lips with both brows raised. “You know I can cut hair right? I didn’t do all those hours of cosmetology and barber school for my husband to come home looking like one of the three stooges.”
“The whole point was so you wouldn’t have to do it.” 
“Yea well, baby’s not here yet so come on.” You stand from his lap and hold a hand out. “What?”
“We’re going to the washbowl and starting your wave journey today.” Tee shakes his head and takes your hand.
“You’re real possessive over my hair mamas.” He smirks now towering over your bronze figure.
You shrug, pulling his hand towards your in-house salon. “Duh, look what happened when you went out on your own! It looks like a blind person did it.”
“It was your brother.” Pause. You stop in your tracks then take a deep breath.
“Y-you let…JA’MARR’S DUMBASS FUCK UP YOUR HAIR! I need a minute, go to the studio.” Breathe bitch breathe.
Tee watches as you pull out your phone and start mumbling obscenities under your breath.
“Baby, its not worth it. You shouldn’t be stressing yourself out like this. Think about the baby.” 
You shake your head, the plump frown on your face unmoving. “If she’s as stubborn as you, princess will be completely fine. But she would not let this bullshit slide, her uncle Marr needs to answer for his crimes.”
“I don't think she’d be that worried about my hair compared to how I’d feel if you went into preterm labor right now.” You turned to your concerned husband, his deep brown eyes yearning for you to take a step back.
“Baby, I’m only 7 months and some change.”
Tee’s worried demeanor immediately dropped as his eyes widened. Shit, what did I say?
“You’ll be 8 months tomorrow. Was I the only one paying attention at those OB appointments?” He snorted.
You scrunched your face and looked down at where your feet would be if not for your bump in the way. “I paid attention, I just have pregnancy brain duh.” 
Tee slowly closed the distance between you and hugged you from behind. “Oh yea?”
“Mhm but don’t forget that before I was your wife, I was Uno’s big sister. So just because some things are changing around here doesn’t mean I just give up my sisterly privileges of yelling at my brother when he messes up.” 
Tee chuckles and kisses the skin where your shoulder meets your neck. “Of course not, big sister for life.”
“Exactly you get it..” The words come out breathily as you lean into his kisses.
You feel him smirk against your skin and kiss the sensitive skin behind your right ear. “What about this, I’ll go to that bakery you like and get a cheesecake sampler box.” You immediately perk up at the mention of your ultimate pregnancy craving. “If you go over to that couch and sit your pretty ass down.”
He turns you around to see your face beaming with excitement.
“The big one?”
He slowly nods. “24 flavors with the 3 extra brownie bites.” So you went and sat your ass down.
“God this is all I’ve ever wanted in life.” You moan after biting into a slice of NY Cheesecake. Tee shakes his head in pure astonishment 
“Of course not. A husband who’ll drive 30 miles to get me the best damn cake in Ohio.” You smile at him. “Bonus points for being the most amazing husband even before I got pregnant.” You dote pecking his full lips with your sugary ones.
“Aww thank you mama, now can I have a bite?” He smiles but you jolt back, the cakes that were balancing on your belly now clutched in your hands. 
“Y/n.” You shake your head. “Baby there’s 26 slices left.”
“Okay and, your daughter called those.” You shrugged.
“Y/n you don’t even like some of those.”
As the soon to be mother you just point to your bump, “it’s not up to me babe. I’m just following orders.”
Tee kisses his lips then slouches into the couch. “Just following orders my ass, more like ordering my ass around. But nah I did this to myself, got the woman I love pregnant then a got a wack ass haircut. Oh yea I’m doing gr-
Before he knows it, Tee has a brownie stuffed in his face.
“Wuv woo.” He muffles attempting to smile at you.
You just shake your head and return to your own treat. “We love you too chocolate face.”
reblogs, comments and likes are very appreciated ♡
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