recoverthyself · 1 year
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Ah, the age-old question: how does one stop drinking alcohol? Well, it's not as easy as putting down that glass of scotch and walking away. It's more like wrestling a greased pig - slippery and unpredictable. But fear not, there are some tried and true methods that can help. For starters, try finding a support group - the kind that doesn't revolve around beer pong. It's always helpful to have a group of people who understand what you're going through. And hey, if all else fails, just remember: alcohol may be temporary, but the hangover is forever. So think of the future headaches and skip the booze altogether. Your liver will thank you.
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Rebuild Your Life By Visiting Rehabilitation Centre In Coimbatore
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Hello everyone. Life is always unpredictable. We all can't expect our life should be colourful like butterflies and shines like the sun. There will be hard days in our life as we all struggle the survive in the earth due to various reasons such as social pressure, stress and relationship problems etc. It will be really hard for us to share our thoughts with our well-wishers and friends. Loneliness is the root cause of all the problems. We get addicted to bad habits like alcohol consumption when we are alone which affects our organs in all ways. Overcoming from alcohol addiction is not an easy task it needs counselling. Because experts are ready to hear our problems and educate you by giving advise how could an individual overcome alcohol addiction. Rehabilitation Centre In Coimbatore- Unmaiillamtrust helps you in this by giving counselling for overcoming alcohol addiction. Friends, you can lighten your heart by sharing our problems with us.
Rehabilitation Centre In Coimbatore also spreads awareness of how over-consumption of alcohol leads to death. They say overconsumption of alcohol damages the entire immune system. Multiple organs like liver, heart, brain, kidney get damaged. It also increases our blood pressure and changes in our red blood cells, white blood cells platelets occurs. Heavy consumption of alcohol leads to stomach cancer affects our breathing, heart rate, body temperature and potentially leads to a coma and death. Do you still think alcohol can help you? Definitely not. It also causes a problem in your family as you cannot be stable when you consume alcohol. Friends are you alcoholist? Do you want to come out of your addiction? Do not worry Unmaiillamtrust In Coimbatore can help you to rebuild your life. You could just visit our centre we will help you to overcome your alcohol addiction by explaining it's side effects. Also, we ensure to give treatment for it and so you can have a healthy life. Call us at 9842840949 - 6369907588 - 9487091764. Please feel free to visit our website at www.unmaiillamtrust.in
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biophytopharm · 5 years
Alcoholism - What is it? Learn about an Alcohol
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Alcoholism - What is it? Learn about an Alcohol
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Alcoholism definition Alcohol is a compound featuring carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which is produced when glucose is fermented by yeast. The alcohol content of a specific drink is controlled by the amount of yeast and the time of fermentation. Fruits are said to make wines and ciders, while cereals such as barley and rye form the basis of beers and spirits. Alcohol is a drug that, it is reported, has the immediate effect of changing the mood. Although drinking makes people feel relaxed, happier and even euphoric, alcohol is a depressant. As such, it is reported that it switches off the section of the brain that controls judgment, resulting in loss of inhibitions. As most people are aware, alcohol also affects physical coordination. The more alcohol drank the higher the likely effect. Speech frequently becomes slurred, vision becomes blurred, balance is lost and movements are clumsy. Apart from cases of extreme intoxication, however, these effects are short-term. The liver breaks down and gets rid of the alcohol from the body, it is said to take it around an hour to deal with one unit. Alcohol may result in a wide range of illnesses, such as the higher risks of mouth, pharyngeal and oesophageal cancers (this risk being highly increased if combined with smoking). It has been said that conditions like a rise in blood pressure, gastrointestinal complications such as gastritis, ulcers, and liver disease, along with the depletion of specific vitamins and minerals may all be triggered by alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption may sometimes have detrimental social and psychological consequences. Alcohol has often been commented as a source of 'empty calories', meaning it has no nutritive value other than providing energy. However, some alcoholic drinks feature sugars and traces of vitamins and minerals, although not commonly in amounts that make any significant contribution to the diet. Supplements that are considered useful for alcoholism - Vitamin C supplements are viewed as useful as they are thought to help in clearing alcohol from the tissues and decrease mild withdrawal symptoms. - The herb MILK THISTLE is reported to be useful as it may help in boosting the liver, which is believed to help the body get rid of toxins. - Taking extracts from the KUDUZ vine has been related to reduced cravings for alcohol. - Evening Primrose Oil is thought useful as it provides gamma-linolenic acid which stimulates the production of the brain chemical named prostaglandin E, which is reported to prevent withdrawal symptoms such as depression, and may protect the liver and nervous system. Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest Read the full article
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beyondbitchhh · 6 years
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AMETHYST Energy: Receptive Planets: Jupiter, Neptune Element: Water Deities: Bacchus, Dionysus, Diana Powers: Dreams, OvercomingAlcoholism, Healing, Psychism, Peace, Love, Protection Against Thieves, Courage, Happiness Magical Uses: Amethyst, a purple quartz, is a stone steeped in ancient magic. It is, perhaps, as popular today as it was two thousand years ago. Placed beneath the pillow or worn to bed, amethyst drives off insomnia and nightmares. It produces a peaceful sleep and pleasant, healing, even prophetic dreams. However, it will also ensure that its wearer doesn't oversleep. A spiritual stone, with absolutely no negative side effects or associations with violence, anger or passion, the amethyst is the stone of peace. When the stresses of everyday life well up within you, hold an amethyst in your left hand (or right hand if left-handed). Let its soothing, de-stressing, calming, peaceful vibrations sink into you. Or better yet, wear amethyst so that it touches your skin, and you may avoid such highly wrought emotional states. The amethyst calms fears, raises hopes, lifts the spirits and promotes thoughts of the spiritual reality behind our lives. Worn, it wards off guilt and self-deception, helps you overcome addictions such as alcoholism, curbs overindulgence and bestows good judgment. Amethyst calms emotional storms. Even in situations of potential danger the amethyst will come to your aid. Amethyst also lends courage to its wearer, and it is a powerful amulet for travelers. Worn, it protects against thieves, harm, sickness and danger. In Renaissance magic, amethysts engraved with the image of a bear were worn as protective amulets. In Graeco-Roman times rings of amethystset in bronze were worn as charms against evil, and magical cups carved from amethyst banished sorrow and evil from all who drank. Because it is such a spiritual stone, the amethyst is often worn during contemplation or placed on simple meditation altars. A piece set before a white candle and a censer burning a soothing, high vibrational incense, such as sandalwood, is conducive to meditative practices. Pre-meditation baths can be powerful attunement experiences. Have a light purple candle burning as you bathe, and ring the candle with amethysts. The amethyst is also used to increase psychic awareness and to sharpen the 'sixth sense'. Some keep an amethyst with their tarot cards, I Ching yarrow stalks or coins, or rune stones to heighten their inner energies. Itis, naturally, worn during psychic or divinatory acts. Since it is also a stone of wisdom, it allows the information received through the psychic mind to be appropriately utilized. This beautiful stone also sharpens the conscious mind, quickening the wit and enhancing mental powers. It is utilized to improve the memory, to relieve headaches and to keep thoughts in line with life goals. A stone of pure, true emotional love, it is often exchanged between lovers to strengthen their commitment. An amethyst carved in the shape of a heart and set in silver was presented by a woman to a man to ensure their love. Amethyst is also one ofthe few stones specifically prescribed for men to use for attracting women. Worn by a man, the stone draws "good women" to love him. Though it is often thought to be a stone of chastity, this attribution dates from past centuries when the ideal love was 'platonic'. Today, when more and more persons view sex as a natural aspect of a healthy, monogamous relationship, this idea is slowly fading from folk memory. The amethyst is used by those involved with lawsuits to ensure that right is done. It is also utilized in prosperity magic and has long been thought to bring success to businesses, perhaps because of its Jupiterian rulership. Hundreds of years ago the amethyst was moistened with saliva and rubbed on the face to banish pimples and rough skin. Today it is used in spells designed to magnify beauty. An amethyst spell: When emotionally upset, jilted by a lover, ending a relationship, stressed to the point of severe mental problems, or when in any unstable condition, go to a place outside where you can be alone. Hold an amethyst in your left hand (or right, if lefthanded). Pour out all your feelings, your emotions, from your body through your arm, out your palm and into the stone. Feel every pain, every emotional low, every hurt. Send it into the stone with all the force of your innate magical abilities. When the stone is nearly bursting with negativity, throw it with as much force as you can muster. Scream, howl, choke out a shout as you throw the stone. As your hand releases the amethyst, release the hurt as well. KNOW that it is in the stone, that it is outside you, that it is now alien to you. Calm down, breathe deeply, meditate for a few moments. Thank the Earth for its help, then turn around and leave your problems behind you. The earth will absorb the hurt, leaving the stone free, but never bring that stone into your life again. (credited to : Cunningham's - encyclopedia of crystal, gem, and metal magic ) (photocredit: aliexpress)
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garychattaway-blog · 5 years
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Effects Of Alcohol - Short Term And Long Term Effects
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Hi! friends, there are many demerits of Alcohol Addiction for our health, family, and society. Drug addiction and alcohol addiction is considered to be a disease as it damages both our physical health and mental health. Alcohol damages our kidney, liver and small intestine which are the most important parts of our body. If these parts are damaged it is difficult to replace as the equipment needed for recovery is high in cost. Treatments such as dialysis are more expensive when it is damaged due to alcohol. So friends please be careful if you are addicted to drugs and alcohol please visit Rehabilitation Centre otherwise you have to pay a lot of money for your future. So kindly visit the Rehabilitation Centre in Tirupur quickly to get back to your normal state of health which keeps your family and society happy about you. Alcohol addiction and Drug addiction affects your mental health by feeling depressed on something. Alcohol gives you a headache, body pain and stress which makes you be addicted. No matter how old you are once you have been addicted to these bad habits you will never be able to quit this habit even if you wish to leave these habits. But no worries the Rehabilitation Centre in Tirupur helps you to quit alcohol addiction if you are interested in overcoming this addiction habits. So friends visit www.unmaiillamtrust.in in online to know more about Unmai Illam charitable Trust and tips to overcome alcohol addiction.
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Rehabilitation Centre in Coimbatore - Unami Illam Charitable Trust
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Howdy friends, Alcoholism is the most dangerous bad habit among most of the teenagers. In the modern world, many people including teenagers are addicted to alcohol and other drug habits. Once they have been addicted to alcohol and other drugs it is difficult to overcome. But it is possible in the Rehabilitation Centre in Coimbatore to overcome alcoholism in just a few months. But there is also another way to stop alcohol addiction advice them to stop drinking alcohol with its dangerous side effects. There is a proverb in English which states," Prevention is Better than Cure". Prevent others from drinking alcohol and other drug habits which keeps them and all of us happy. Teenagers avoid the habit of alcoholism, how much ever you avoid alcohol that much time your health will be safe. Delay Alcoholism means D - Discuss the issue  E - Educate by examples L - Listen and Engage A - Build a good relationship  Y - Your Expectations. Parents if you find your son/daughter found to be drinking alcohol discuss them the issue how seriously it will affect body's health, Educate them about side effects of drinking alcohol. Listen to them carefully and engage them with meditation and yoga. Make them build a good relationship with friends which doesn't make them think to consume alcohol. Make your expectations come true with a proper recommendation to overcome alcoholism. Parents if you think your son/daughter is addicted to alcohol or having the habit of alcohol then contact Rehabilitation Centre in Coimbatore or visit www.unmaiillamtrust.in
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What Are The Health Effects Of Alcohol?
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Howdy friends, are you addicted to alcohol and trying to quit? But you cannot quit drinking alcohol or do you feel shivering of hands if you do not drink alcohol for a day. Then Rehabilitation Centre in Coimbatore helps you to quit alcohol and other drug habits. The term alcoholism is first used by Swedish doctor Magnus Haus in 1849 to describe the effects of alcohol abuse. Doctors consider that drinking habit is a disease as it damages both our physical and mental health. There are three types of alcoholic persons who consume alcohol for a reason, Most Drinker, Occasional Drinker, Drinking only alcoholic beverages. Among this three occasional drinker is safer as he/she is consuming alcohol for an only occasion and any reason. Let us discuss some of the interesting facts about alcohol. Facts about Alcohol 1) Alcohol is depressant. Depressant means it slows down the activities of a brain. 2) Alcohol causes damages in the liver, where enzymes help break down ethanol(chemical name of alcohol) into acetaldehyde and acetate. 3) The effects associated of alcohol consumption, when alcohol enters your bloodstream it passes through membranes of cells in the brain, heart and other organs of the body. 4) Teenagers who start drinking before the age of 15 are more likely to be dependant on alcohol on their future life. 5) Alcohol use is a risk factor for dementia. Dementia is a broad category of brain disease that causes the long-term effect in the gradual decrease in the ability to drink. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease. So friends, consumption of alcohol kills you slowly and affects major body parts including brain and heart. To safeguard yourself from now on Rehabilitation Centre in Coimbatore helps you. For more details visit www.unmaiillamtrust.in to know more about Unmai Illam and their services to overcome alcoholism.
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Reduce and Quit Alcohol Consumption For The Healthy Life
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Different treatments work for different kind of people for various addiction. For alcohol addiction, there may be various treatments but some will cause side-effects. If you want to reduce and quit alcohol consumption for the healthy life visit Rehabilitation Centre in Erode (Unmai Illam). Alcohol is also known as ethanol chemically which has the number of side effects on your health. Short-term effects of alcohol include intoxication and dehydration, Long-term effects of alcohol include changes in the metabolism of the liver and brain, damages their functions. People have different reasons for drinking alcohol and the consumption of other drugs. One moment they consumed makes them consume it again and makes addicted to it. To overcome this addiction Rehabilitation Centre in Erode helps you and brings back your healthy life. They provide medicine, education and other services to reduce or quit alcohol without any side effects. Rehabilitation Centre in Erode says the drinker is not a crazy man, but patient for dangerous addiction disease. To know more about Rehabilitation Centre in Erode and for relief from alcohol addiction visit www.unmaiillamtrust.in. You can keep in touch with them by surfing on www.unmaiillamtrust.in/en/pages/contact.
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garychattaway-blog · 5 years
Ok, so, I thought I'd answer some of your questions this week, starting with one from Tara who asked me something I get asked alllllll the time. Which is, 'does drinking alcohol in moderation work'?   (by the way, if you want to send a question in to me and want to remain anonymous then simply let me know at the some point within the email.) 
Enjoy, and let me know YOUR thoughts on the subject below.
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 🔴 DOWNLOAD FREE INFO SHEET FOR Surviving a night out alcohol-free FROM THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://thehumanglitch.us18.list-mana... ✅ For more info including business inquiries and contact info then reach me here @ http://thehumanglitch.com/
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