#Ow ow brain hurts
3amclothesmonster · 8 months
My head really said you spin me right round baby right round rn
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carlyraejepsans · 4 months
genuinely you need to love the trans girls in your life with everything you have. love them until your heart bursts.
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caesar1141 · 14 days
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 7 months
so, the most recent novel i managed to actually finish writing, three long years ago, was the book of my absolute lifelong dreams and most of the time i just leave it sitting on my computer and pretend it doesn't exist because i feel too tenderly about it and i'm too proud of it and it's agony to me. these feelings are, for whatever reason, unbearable hell. but like once a year i work up the courage to reread it, and every time i'm like, "god DAMN! who wrote this?? this is exactly what i've wanted to read my whole life!!!!!!! it's simply delightful!" and then i remember that oh yeah, it's me!
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who else up melting their headaches and calling it home
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smithsparker · 1 month
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crunchontoast · 8 months
The Origins update post
In regards to the short rewrite of chapters 1-5! Go check the latest update for context.
1- This chapter is fine. It does what it needs to do, and I'll leave most of it untouched, save for the ending, which feels rushed and messy. It doesn't really convey what I want it to.
2- Again, it does what it needs to, but I was always annoyed that I didn't include more of an introduction to Ink and Error's starting relationship. I'm not planning to add any exposition. But...
3- I'm gonna try and fuse this with 2, in a switching-POVs kinda way. Only if it feels natural, though- chapter 3 is very exposition-heavy and I'd really prefer it if the Outer conflict was more vague. I dunno. The Stars deserve more focus.
4- After the tension that was built up in 3 this chapter really feels like hitting a brick wall. The addition of even more development is sluggish and unnecessary. I'll be keeping much of the bad guy conflict the same but I am thinking of putting 4 and 5 together, to save some filler.
5- I'd like to shorten this one down as much as possible. It's really meant to be a precursor to chapter 6- the random descriptions I stuck in there don't add anything to the characters or the plot and overall they feel unnecessary. I'll keep the part where Ink mistakes Blue for Dream, though.
A short warning: this is not gonna be a fast process. One of the reasons why I'm taking a hiatus is because my mental health is in complete shambles at the moment and honestly I just gotta focus on keeping myself alive. I'm super sorry that this is so last minute. Gahhhhhhh I'm gonna regret this, aren't I?
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seithr · 3 months
having a horrid nightmare that fits all my current stressors/ongoing negative events in it along with my singular greatest fear in the world... waking up emotional and with no one in my family home/in that dream to talk to for confort
i open my phone's notes app because the imagery was really good though
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#ive been through ten high schools they start to get blurry no point planting roots cause your gone in a hurry my dad keeps two suitcases#packed in the den so its only a matter of when i dont learn the names dont bother with faces all i can trust is this concrete oasis seems#every time im about to despair theres a 7/11 right there each store is the same from las vegas to boston linoleum isles that i love to get#lost in i pray at my altar of slush yeah i live for that sweet frozen rush *slluuurrpp* freeze your braiiinnnnn swim in the ice get lost in#the pain happiness comes when everything numbs who needs cocaine freeze your brain freeze your brain go on and freeze your brain#care for a hit? does your mommy know you eat all that crap? not anymore when mom was alive we lived halfway normal now its just me and my#dad were less formal i learned to cook pasta i learned to pay rent learned the world doesnt owe you a cent your planning your future#veronica sawyer youll go to some college and marry a lawyer but the skys gonna hurt when it falls so youd better start building some walls#freeze your braainnnn suck on that straw get lost in the pain shut your eyes tight till you vanish from sight let nothing remain freeze your#brainnnn shatter your skull fight pain with more pain forget who you are unburden your load forget in six weeks youll be back on the road#when the voice in your head says your better off dead dont open a veiiinnn just freeze your brain freeze your brain go on and freeze your#brainnn try it bum bum bum bum
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chelshiart · 2 years
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in which 2.0 knows it's got half the data of it's predecessor, and visualizes itself in the feed accordingly
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❝  turn around.  you don’t need to see this part.  ❞ + anthea/hythlo? if it works? EYEBALLS?
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Thanks Ash you truly made me out to be a fool on this day. I hope this suffices and you feel the pain like I do. But also enjoy it!
Endwalker Spoilers, no other warnings word count: 1.2k Ao3
They clutch onto his hands, knuckles white and fingers cold, trying their best to hold back sobs that still come in waves even days later since his final decision. Anthea can’t bring themselves to look up, can’t trust themselves to keep it together when they see his lavender eyes one last time, can’t even speak as they know it will be nothing but pleas for Hythlodaeus to stay, or at least let them go with him. Despite their hand clutching his, Hythlodaeus still finds a way to bring it up to their face to dry the stray tears that have fallen and tilt their chin to face him. His smile is still as soft as the day they first met, in a building that had long since fallen when the skies first began to burn, a smile they can’t believe he still manages to wear even when the world around them calls for anything but that. Even while wearing that smile there’s a sadness in his eyes he’s never worn, impossible to hide and ever present, they wonder if Hades saw the same thing when he told him of his choice.
“Beloved, look at me,” he says, “This is not the end. I will make sure of it. I am ensuring that your story will go on as it should.”
“What kind of story will it be without you there? This is not how it was supposed to end, Hythlodaeus.”
“I will still be here, I promised you, did I not?”
Anthea shakes their head, eyes casting down once more, “This feels like an abandonment….”
He kisses their forehead, arms wrapping around them, “I promise you, Anthea, we will see each other once again, until such time I will be at your side always even if you cannot see me. Know that I will forever be with you.” They nod tears darkening his robes and arms tightening, his shoulders relaxing hoping that maybe now, this time, they will take his words to heart. 
He pulls away, gently placing a kiss on their cheek, to rest his forehead with theirs, “Please,” Anthea whispers, one final attempt to sway him, “let me go with you.”
“Oh, my Anthea,” he breathes, bringing his lips to theirs, Anthea clutching onto the front of his robes until their fingers cramp. Such a soft and brief kiss, how could they ever live without it? “Believe,” he whispers, “and walk in faith. Let the light of your soul shine for all to see. Let it guide others as you have guided me, beloved, for you have not finished giving your gifts unto this star.”
Anthea opens their mouth to speak when another gruff voice approaches, “Hythlodaeus.” The two look over to see Hades donning his red mask, face unreadable matching the flat tone of his voice, “It is time.”
Anthea swallows back the sob with a small nod, looking back into Hythlodaeus’ eyes, “If there was only ever going to be one thing in my life that was perfection, I’m grateful it was you, my bieloved.” 
Their lips crash into him, memorizing the taste of fresh grown strawberry and light sweet bread beyond the salt that’s begun to intermingle. How he kisses them with such an intensity and desire that never made sense when there was so much softness and adoration driving him. The way his hands feel holding their face and getting lost in their hair for the last time. How their arms feel wrapped around him so tightly feeling as if there were no fabric separating their warm skin. The way his soft lavender hair tickles their face as the ash filled wind attempts to hide the scent of spring’s fresh blooms and golden afternoons that will no longer smell as sweet as they do now. And oh how steady his heartbeat is even as Anthea can hear the muffled cracking between the shattering of theirs. 
The warmth filling their chest is an unwelcomed feeling, even if it does dull the pain from when Hythlodaeus finally pulls away, thumb brushing along Anthea’s cheek. “I love you, Anthea, then, now, and always.”
“I love you, Hythlodaeus.” The only words they can muster in response without choking….but then again what more needed to be said?
With a final smile Hythlodaeus walks from their grasp, Anthea’s eyes blurring as they try to return one in kind. Arms outstretched as they take in every little bit of their skin against his until there’s nothing left to reach out for. The black hood and white mask finalize his departure as he blends into the crowd of others giving everything they are to save Etheirys. Others who were friends, family, loves, children, colleagues, all giving themselves for a cause with an outcome they will never get to experience. A selfless and noble act, but something Anthea selfishly wishes he never chose to be a part of, not unless they went together. 
They look up to see their friend pull his hood up walking behind the growing crowd. Anthea runs after him, hand landing on his shoulder, “Had-. I mean Emet-Selch, might I ask you something?”
Hades turns to face them, with an expression that even this close Anthea can’t make out, “So long as you make it quick. There are a few things that need tending to still.”
They nod, “I understand, I just-. I was wondering if when you have finished, will you find the time to come and see me again? As friends?” 
The unasked question, In losing him, do I lose you too?, doesn’t hang in the air like Anthea assumed it would as he gives the simple answer, “Yes. I will.” They refrain from embracing him, hoping that their gracious smile comes through the weight of their shared loss. He pats their hand, “I suggest you turn around, Anthea, and walk away. There is no need for you to see this part, I urge you to rest in one of your remaining sanctuaries for the time being.”
“I will stay for as long as I am able, though I thank you for your concern, Emet-Selch.” Hades sighs before giving a single nod and returning to his duties, leaving Anthea as they watch from above. Watch as bodies give way to aether surrounding a single white robed figure, their red mask the only color among the splendor of white. Watch as thirteen–no twelve–individuals encircle with bowed heads, concentration given to make dense the aether so it can be molded. Eventually two heads raise and even at this distance Anthea can identify them as Lahabrea and Emet-Selch, the one who designed the star’s savior and the one to make it manifest. Emet-Selch raises his arm high above his head, like Anthea has seen many a time before.
A moment’s silence before Anthea watches the head of a winged and horned beast rises to reveal sharpened teeth and claws, letting out a rumbling roar almost reminiscent of when it all began. So this is to be our savior, Anthea thinks, A beast to battle beasts. Their eyes stray to where Hades stands looking up at the newly formed creature, May it work as intended, Hades.
  For it is only the two of us left
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foxgirltail · 4 months
Sudoku. Hard. Sometimes
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donuts4evry1 · 1 year
hey excuse me. youre the jellyfish guy from the moon jelly stream yeah. one of my friends mentioned this and i was curious if it had any merit or whatever and i remembered i knew one (1) blog who might know that
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Heyyy!! Sorry for being incredibly, incredibly late on this (University was hell but I mainly just used that as an excuse to not research neurobiology haha)
Now, to preface... I know nothing about the human brain. Neurobiology is boring and I want nothing to do with it.
But I do know the deal about jellyfish neurobiology... at least a little bit.
Anyways, jellyfish in general do not have brains or any sort of centralized nervous system (with the exception of Salps and other tunicates, which posses a primitive ganglia. Eugh. Chordates). They are known, for the most part, to have a diffuse "nerve net" (the actual application of this really depends on the species though). It's the simplest form of a nervous system we have here in the animal kingdom.
Calling a diffuse nerve net a "brain" is a little suspect to me personally... mostly because our brain is literally just a flub of fat and muscles and would pretty much be useless if it weren't for the organs it has control over. If I were to put it in simpler terms, brains are like the executive committee for a large company, as opposed to a nerve net, which works closer to like, a few high school friends that run your local McDonald's. Like, that McDonald's can get stuff done, sure, but it's nowhere near as efficient as that large company.
Anyways, with that out of the way, I do want to at least get a little ramble about jellyfish nervous systems :). It won't make much sense but I'll try my best, haha.
I'm sure if anyone here has been following me long enough, they'll know that (cnidarian) Jellyfish are divided up into three distinct groups: Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, and Cubozoa. The nervous systems of the three vary wildly by complexity, so I'll just start rambling about them by least to most complex.
Hydrozoans are actually a sort of a mixed bag.
Some have nerve nets, while others have nerve rings (like the Aglantha digitale). Nerve nets are basically just scattered nerves (though they tend to gather around important sensory organs) while nerve rings are ring-shaped gatherings of neurons. These run around the bell margin, and process sensory inputs like light, gravity, and touch.
The A. digitale uses these to have two different "swimming" modes (something about one nerve ring being able to generate drastic chemical spikes while the other one can only make gentle chemical spikes to create movement). Honestly you should probably just do the recommended reading below, it'll make more sense.
GOD, now we're getting to the good part. Unlike hydrozoans, Scyphozoans have rhopalia, which contain the light sensing organ, the balancing organ, and pacemaker neurons (basically controlling the gentle pulsation of the bell).
As for the nerve nets, they have two types: Motor and Diffuse nerve nets. Motor nerve nets, to no one's surprise, control movement as a whole (which are ultimately controlled by rhopaliar pacemakers), while diffuse nerve nets mostly serve to advise the motor nerve nets on changing conditions (I have no idea what this means but it seems to play more of a support role when it comes to the animal)
We've all heard of them. How sophisticated they are and all the delicious behaviours they're able to irk out of their tiny, brainless bodies.
Like Scyphozoans, they have a diffuse nerve net and rhopalia- though that's about where all the similarities end.
Box jellyfish have true eyes, which are proven to see colour and form images (and box jellyfish seem to have targeted behaviours, like hunting). You know, some box jellyfish, like the Chironex fleckeri (sea wasp) and Morbakka virulenta (Hikurage) are known to "tuck" in their tentacles when not actively hunting? I think that's pretty cool. The Copula sivickis (herpes jellyfish) are also known to um. Have sex. Yeah idk how to make it sound any less awkward.
Anyways, it appears that their nervous system is the most sophisticated, but it largely centers around the Rhopalia (I've seen it being referred to as the "Rhopalial Nervous System" or RNS lol). There's even a ring nerve (not Nerve Ring) that connects the rhopalia, which integrates the swim, visual, and tentacle systems as well.
This is the shortest explanation from the article I'm gleaning this off of, but there are countless research papers that study the cubozoan nervous system.
Recommended Reading:
Unfortunately, I'm not the best person to go to to get your Jellyfish Neurology fix (or really any sort of neurology fix at all), but I did find some wonderful resources for anyone who's interested in learning more (NOTE: Very dense and uses very specific terminology, may be difficult to understand):
Jellyfish Nervous Systems (Current Biology Vol 23 No 14), a more condensed PDF version of of this article. It's a really good crash course on Jellyfish neurobiology- and if you skim past the dense biology-ese, then you can actually learn some cool stuff about jellyfish ^-^
Do jellyfish have central nervous systems? (The Journal of Experimental Biology Vol 214 Issue 8), goes pretty in depth about how different jellyfish nervous systems work, including actual studies and many more images. I haven't finished reading it but it looks interesting :>
Diffuse nervous systems (Britannica), a good overview of nervous systems as a whole. It is very in depth on the different sorts of nervous systems in the animal kingdom and kind of did the legwork for me in the beginning ramble.
From From nerve net to nerve ring, nerve cord and brain — evolution of the nervous system (nature.com), basically what Britannica did but moreso through the lens of how nervous systems evolved over the times. I didn't read through it very much, but I wanted to learn more about nerve rings so here we are.
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gxos · 2 months
wait im replaying npf and having a big brain (stupid) moment. diegesis's ban isn't impatience, it's insincerity ☹️. he gets hurt by lee calling his praise "cheap" not because he's trying to rush through the story, but because diegesis meant it wholeheartedly—everything he says or does, every narrative he shapes, is a direct extension of his being, and that includes the sort of admiration he feels towards lee. lee dismissed his praise out of fear at the genuine Feeling it inspired in him, rejecting his narrative and diegesis in turn
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bobeatspie300 · 9 months
remind me tomorrow to write up a key so that my commission sheet i just spent way too long drawing can be understood by mortal men im too tired and my head prepares to birth athena
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wildwood-faun · 1 year
supposed to meet someone I haven't met before for a chat and I've been nervous enough to feel nauseous the entire day >:(
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