#Owl Deer scribbles
owl-deer · 2 years
I walk the forbidden land chained by the alloy I don’t even know the name for — traditionally it should be Gold, the noble metal
In fact, it is blood and sweat and something very cheap and mass-produced
Traditionally my name would be the name of a wife of an important man, but also — a  plea to a god whose job description is now to cater to whims of his most devout
Traditionally it is a miracle I can write
It is a wonder I weep in so many languages mixing them like bloodlines of ancients — forgetting, betraying the one passed on to me with my mother’s milk
Traditionally my bloodline would knit itself by now into a child not into words — useless loops of sounds as numerous as the stars of the heaven, a currency cheaper than coin
I walk the forbidden land that is stolen
And I am the one enjoying the spoils
The taste of despair and hunger is luxurious in my mouth.
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the-owl-tree · 3 months
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2024 wc sona reference!!
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spyrreh · 2 years
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A new TEF-character, a owl-deer. Lots of fluff.
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chim-aera · 2 months
be good to me
I feel heavy, tired. like dew laden grass wet and scraping stuck to the back of my ankles like plaster of paris, like paper mache dripping and course, glue running down my thighs making every step more and more difficult.
I want to be light. deer light, fawn fast. rabbit racing. I want to bolt and run and run and run. through meadows and glades, let me be Atalanta let me be free. but I sink knee deep into the earth and Gaia gently lifts me out of her mires, setting me carefully onto my own trembling two feet.
everyone is moving quicker then me. flitting like bejeweled little dragonflies into their next chapter, their next page, while I'm left stuttering, stammering in between inkwells trying to wipe the murky stains across my palms trying to force in my own meager scribbles to fit somewhere, anywhere, then my own fragile mindscape.
I'm tired of being a poet im tired of being pathetic
I haven't picked up the pen in months, ages. too long, yet not long enough. I try to hold them down, clench my teeth like stark white enamel shining sentries yet the melonchaly worms its way out of my throat until it's spat into my palm all convoluted and chipper like an owl hacking up a pellet and instead spitting out its own beak.
I'm so tired.
I want to be loved.
gods damn it.
I want to be loved.
I always figured I'd prefer a dear destruction, enjoyable and pleasurable, soak me in honey, bitter with aconite, smile and call me darling as you drown me alive. as hands, rough and tender, crush my windpipe, as it was nearly done oh so long ago.
pull me down by my hair, yank me up by my chin, hold me down. with force, with chains, push me into the floor, the earth, Gaia winces, for I'm no Daphne, be it may, but no bark, no wooden armor will grace this fragile form of mine. no, I'm out in the open as all the hounds' fair game.
call me pretty as you summon forth my destruction, yet put me back together with soft words and praises. I'm used to sewing needles and crimson thread. the seams crude and trying, like everything I ever do if you dare to look close enough.
gods. gods I dont think I want to be destroyed anymore.
I want to be held. I'm tired of this awful, putrid self induced purgatory, let me for once, be held gently, caress my face, cup my cheeks in warm or calloused palms, let me nuzzle into them, desperate, like a cat melting into a caress. let me need you. will I let myself need you?
I've spent a lifetime picking myself apart with embalment tools. scalpels and pliars, neatly dissecting my diversities my dualaties until they were lined up in pretty little jars. an emotional, egregious apothecary if you will. I don't want this anymore.
hold me.
be good to me.
I'm resourceful, yes. like a fox, like a scholar, like a poet, like a fool. I've survived this long on clever little lies and armor sewn from hellebore, ivy coating my skin as a second layer of poison yet it only weakens myself.
I will exist. I will persist.
but gods, I am fragile.
unwind my paper wings, my metal key, see how battered my skull is. my mind clouded and clogged up with words and screaming. insults and fears toxic and tiring. my hands shiver, my body creaks, I want to collapse, into the cool dark dirt. into pillows, down soft and cottony, into someone's arms. hold me gently, hold me firm..
gods, I want to be protected.
that's all I've ever longed for.
but I sheathe my own sword. I've always been my own knight, my own champion, as meager a job I do, i keep myself alive. perhaps this is how Joan of Arc felt, I am not righteous but I understand that madness we deem holy that drives you forward into myth or misery.
In the end, she didnt want to die. no prophecy can warn you of how it feels to be aware, conscious as your soul slips agonizingly slowly from a mortal shell into that shadowed little waiting room we call the afterlife.
I don't want to go out like that.
as much wildness as I still cling onto. the sharpness of my words, the bite in my voice, the curve to my jaw, my teeth, my hands. my fierceness, my sensuality, hides sensitivity. It's armor too, a mask of itself, all honeyed kisses and fae fake frivolity
I'm so scared
I've always been. fear sets into my skull like a second soul. but will I ever discover how to soothe it?
please, please I'd let you destroy me if you asked nicely enough. I'm so used to people wanting to, theres some sick joy in watching something already so broken shatter into nothingness just to pick itself back up on trembling, trivial tenacity isn't there?
let me dip my scars in gold, glaze my fractured fragments in ichor.
but as pretty as it may be, no amount of metal changes the fact that vase is still broken.
that I'm still broken.
gods. please.
I want to be held gently, because they want to.
"be good to me, I beg of you."
I'm so good at begging.
so please, please.
be gentle, I break easily, and I'm so tired of forging myself back on Hephaestus's irons.
I just want to be held.
please, be good to me.
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Introduction Post :DD
I don’t know exactly how to do this but I’m doing it anyways!
Name: Call me N, Percy, Owl or Halskë :)
Age: 15+ (I’m a minor)
Gender: Non-binary (pronouns: any except for neos)
Orientation: biromantic & Demisexual :)
Religion: Hellenistic & Nordic pagan (Greek & Norse deities. Probably won’t post often about this stuff but I do reblog things relating to it) (No, I am not interested in converting, don’t try it. Believe me, the Mormons at my school have tried.)
I’ll post my art once in while! Nothing on my blog in terms of interests is set in stone, but you will often see art from fandoms I’m in, or of my ocs/fursonas!
theriotype: Tundra wolf! (Spiritual) hearttype: border collie! (Spiritual)
kintypes: Cryptidkin, dragonkin, crowkin! (These are either spiritual or/and emotional.) & Serial Designation N (MD) Fictionkin!
Fandoms: Grishaverse, Riordanverse, The MCU, Good Omens, The Folk of The Air, Murder Drones, FNaF, The Dream SMP (yes, I know some of the CCs are bad people, I supported very few of them. Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo, Phil, and Techno were the only ones I actively watched outside of lore streams. This was a hyperfixation of mine and I am still very willing to talk about it because suddenly it’s been revived on Tumblr and now my page is full of C!Clingy duo. Please talk to be about it, I loved it and still do.) The Lunar Chronicles, The Hunger Games, The Song of Achilles, EPIC: The Musical, Aru Shah, Hamilton (technically), Warriors, Avatar: TLA, Iron Widow, The Furry fandom, and many others! (These are in no specific order)
I’m a batshit insane Kaz Brekker simp lol :)
Other things: I’m a furry (my fursona is named Halskë! I will post about these things.) I am diagnosed with ADHD, Slytherin, Cabin 7 (Apollo), I’m a fan of bones and taxidermy :) I also bow hunt large game such as antelope, deer, elk and big horned sheep :)
C!Technoblade (DSMP) kinnie! (Not a kintype!Just relate to the character:) )
just a note! I am in no way identifying with or as Percy Jackson from the Riordanverse, Percy is just my chosen name. Although I do absolutely love the Riordanverse and it’s a life long hyperfixation of mine, Please don’t refer to him as me, thank you!
I am a diehard FNaF fan. I will talk about it for HOURS. I love FNaF. Mention it and I will vibrate at a frequency strong enough to shatter glass. So yes, please talk to me about it :)
DNI: Basic haters, trans-homo-or otherwise LGBT-phobic people, pro-Nazis, zoos, racists, or fans of The Human Centipede (Gives me PTSD-like triggers.) & NSFW blogs specifically, I don’t care if you interact with me, but do not bring anything NSFW into my asks, I’m a minor and on the asexual spectrum and it makes me uncomfortable, thanks! :)
also please note, even if you are not in my DNI list, I do block freely, I do not stand for people who are constantly pessimistic. I don’t care if you’re pessimistic in general, myself am a realist, but what I mean by that is if you are more than 80% of the time just a negative being, I will most likely not interact with you.
another thing! My content is considerably 13+ (I will not respond to asks if you under 12 years old, as it makes me uncomfortable because tweens scare me.) and if you are older than 25, do not interact with me (EX: asks), as you are between 10-5 years older than me. (The under 12 rule does not apply to those who are regressors.)
also for Gaza/Ukraine GoFundMe’s, I am unable to donate, I would if I could.but I can’t, so please don’t send me asks to donate.
I accept people of all gender, sexual, and/or identity. Don’t come on to my profile with your phobic bullshit.
online friends! :D: @kirshimadenkisero @the-bineapple @writingnotes520 @popatochsp (These goobs are also my mutuals!)
my tags!
Original posts: #Cryptid whispers, #Dragon Growls, #The Wolf Bites #N Rambles
art: #The Moss Owl Creature Has Taken To Scribbling, #Owl Draws Will add more as the list grows!
reblogs: #Dragon Rumbles
That’s all! Have a good day/evening :D
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enbysiriusblack · 9 months
oooh, character description for hari
short and muscled build, but very skinny when he was younger. bright and wide emerald eyes with long, heavy lashes and thick, dark eyebrows. thin circular glasses with a heavy lens. light brown skin with a warm tone. messy, black hair with a red tint in the sunlight, curling around his ears and always sticking up in various directions. long and straight nose. full pink lips, slightly uneven in size. a sharp jawline, with a square-ish face shape and an only just visible dent in the middle of his chin. lower cheeks and upper lip covered in closely shaved stubble. scattered scars and burns over his body. large hands and nails cut short. various tattoos across his body, pairs of deer antlers, a golden snitch, a small soldier figure, a black dog, a white owl, and more. in uniform; untucked shirt and top buttons loose with the tie only half done up, baggy black trousers and battered old trainers usually covered in fresh mud. grey jumper picked at with fraying threads. he tends to stick to cheap clothes, even as an adult and doesn't fuss too much about how he's dressed. preferring loose and comfortable clothing, warm, dark jumpers and loose jeans, homemade christmas jumpers worn year round, running trainers and second hand jean jackets. in his pocket, he keeps a white feather and a folded up photo of the order of phoenix with a few faces scribbled out with a black marker.
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firelord-frowny · 1 year
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A Sad Thing i scribbled in a lil notebook made out of elephant poop (thanks @zuko-with-a-mullet lolol)
Hella wish anyone at all around me cared about anything I love.
Bring back the wolves.
Let the deer eat.
Get over the fact that sometimes you will have to see a cat outside.
Come see the shelf clouds when I want to show them to you.
Come listen to the owl.
Go somewhere dark with me.
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Lumity or Amity/Luz/Willow if you’re taking non-canon ships
warnings: none
characters: luz, amity (and a teeny bit of king)
322 words
a/n: i tried to write it with willow a few times but i don't think i have her voice down enough to post any writing of her yet
Amity walks into the owl house and calls out, “Hey! Is anybody home?” 
King sits up from his spot on the couch and points up the stairs, “Luz is up there. Um. She’s still working on the portal, so be ready for anything.” 
Amity nods and goes up the stairs. She knocks on the door and pushes it open. Popping her head past the doorframe, she says, “Luz? You ready for our date?” 
Luz looks up from her book and stares at Amity like a deer into headlights. “Is that today?” 
Amity purses her lips. “Yeah. We can do this instead though. Looks like you’re making some progress.” 
She looks at the pages strewn through the room. Some were scribbled on, some were crumpled and most were pinned to the wall. 
Luz nods, “I saw something earlier and it got me thinking about something else I’d seen in one of Eda’s books. But…I couldn't find it. So I took all the books and moved them in here. Figured out a spell that copies pages; so that’s come in handy. Found out a bunch about portals and I think as soon as we get a griffin’s armpit feather we can make one. We might also need a seasnake’s-”
“Luz,” Amity interrupts. “When was the last time you slept?” 
“I don’t know why people keep asking me that,” Luz says. “That’s not something I keep track of anymore.” 
Amity laughs half-heartedly, “So it’s been at least a day?” 
“Oh, easily.” 
“Right.” she pulls Luz away from a book and sits on the floor, head leaning against a dresser. “If you won’t sleep, then at least sit down? I can get anything you need for a bit.” 
“Ok,” Luz sighs. She sits down next to Amity and leans her head against her shoulder. “But just for a bit.” 
Amity agrees softly and scrolls through Penstagram as Luz tiredly flips through the pages in her book. 
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honorhunt · 1 year
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𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 still purple with a sun too frightened to set. a low, ghastly moan crawled from the indigo hills that embroidered the horizon, reaching across the seemingly endless flat of sunbaked clay. for miles the desert spread uninterrupted by man. undulating Ss in puddles of sand left behind by unnerved hunters escaping the air’s scarlet taste. long-eared silhouettes huddled in the sagebrush, their black noses twitching restlessly.
      mankind’s only foothold in acres of inhospitable desolation resembled the garrish flavor of its scarce clientele. a towering sign, crowned by a decapitated starburst, displayed a partial name. more than half the letters were gone, remembered only by faded scars too sunbleached to read from the ground. while the survivors spasmed in decades-long deathroes of neon glory. the parking lot look just as depleted. most of the cars parked haphazardly around imaginary lines had seen their heyday when the motel’s googie groove was the charismatic rage.
      the office was sad, the rooms sadder. interiors once boasting a doo wop palette all aged into an antagonistic puce. room numbers were scribbled with sharpie below the peephole on each cyan door. the bygones haunting the creaky walks and the empty pool had company tonight. bleary-eyed silhouettes in various states of undress huddled outside their rooms, drawn from their twenty-a-night caves by the low of indescribable torture. even the front desk with her pilling orange concealer stood gaping, frozen to a half-open door, more awake than she’d ever been in her twenty years of graveyard shifts.
      boba fett was alone in his lack of resemblance to a plastic deer. propped between the hood and the door, boba was a satellite stationed in the dreary parking lot, gauging the mysterious howl. distortion rendered it unrecognizable. even for a man who spent his life listening to preternatural animals sing. regardless, a local who’d probably witnessed more than a fair share of strange resembled an owl shivering in the evening heat. that was more than enough to suspect a revenant was out there in the shimmering distance.
      without a word to the girl riding shotgun, boba retrieved the rifle behind his seat and refilled the few bullets missing from his utility belt. two pistols joined his on-hand armory along with a thirty centimeter bowie knife to accompany the smaller drop point forever on his person.
      as a loaded a custom shotgun, pulled from a massive lockbox stored under the narrow backseats, fett finally acknowledged his passenger. not with eyes that were fixed to the lethal tools passing through his hands, but with an order. ❝ get that inside, ❞ a jog of his chin motioned the collective of fast food bags meant for the gaggle of mouths left behind while he and the youngest of the bunch went hunting for the closest town. ❝ and get munson out here. ❞
      fett didn’t wait for maxine to reply. he tossed her the keys, slammed the door, cutting off any unnecessary commentary when his instructions were clear, and expected the results to follow him across the lot momentarily.
      he on the edge of the property glaring at the dark blue peaks. the howling continued, growing longer and more mournful with each cry. a shuffle of movement in his peripherals drew a sliding glower to a bald man in a towel fumbling with the keys to a prehistoric sedan. the man rummaged for a moment before he noticed his audience. like a hairless prairie dog, his back straightened as he returned boba’s stolid stare with a boggled imitation.
      ❝ you know what that is? ❞ fett nodded in the direction of the mountains. the bald head shook, water drops shaking from pufferfish cheeks. ❝ then you better get inside. ❞ nothing more needed to be said. what little color the bald man had in his face flushed away, leaving a waxy pallor. the bald man closed the driver side door and nearly lost his towel when he tried to walk away. it took several panicked attempts to free himself from the door before waddling in retreat to his room.
      hmph, was fett’s lukewarm response. not long after another set of steps approached from behind. these sounded more purposeful, and he almost held out the shotgun when he realised there was a girl-shaped mutiny afoot.
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                        ❝ i said munson, not mayfield. ❞
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a desert motel, one ghost shy of abandoned for @godsdeal
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nairanorica · 2 years
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My 500th ACEO! I decided to keep this one and draw most of my OCs having a little tea party. In a very orange forest bc I was very much into autumn colours at that point
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owl-deer · 2 years
I, too, once read poetry until I was sobbing I, too, once memorized every word and whispered it reverently, like a prayer, over and over breathing life into my nightmares
I, too, once valued adventure and experience over comfort
This is the fate of the very young - to believe that Pandora's box is meant to open again to let the hope go
Oh well, that story ended a lifetime ago
Now, older and tamer, I try to wave the desire away I hide under the table under the pretense of normalcy while it's buzzing around like a tsetse fly
Now I don't sleep, afraid that my creeping beast will follow me there, will ambush me, unaware in the corner of a soft dream
"I do not write anymore" I say "And I cannot read, not truly I have these bills, and tasks, and the world to keep from falling into the pit - surely you understand?"
He opens his gently clasped hands filled with disease and wonder He weeps for the words unspent
I shudder and grab a pen
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nheirexo · 4 years
What’s A Little Hangover Between Friends?
Trick or Tease had gone off without a hitch, everything perfect and though Jackary had been working most of the evening, could it have really been considered work when his job was to look pretty, sparkle and make sure people were enjoying themselves at the party?
“I’ll see you later at home, Gaston?”
The last words he’d heard from Dicenne and while they’d just been between the pair of friends, the idea of ‘home’ was sentimental, the fact that Dice had so willingly taken Jack in and referred to it as their own meant a lot to the beast and it further warmed his heart, especially after Jack had voiced his concern about encroaching on the Blacksmith’s life for so long already. Yet, Dice would never know just what sort of nightmare it was holding back that Jack wasn’t left alone to his thoughts, to the Emerald Nightmare corruption that was stilled within his heart.
At the end of the day, the Tart’s fun-loving  Jackary was still a dragon, he still suffered in silence over things that one wouldn’t give much thought to.
“I’ll be home, soon!” He had wanted to keep an eye on the dwindling guests and he had a sneaking suspicion that home wasn’t Dice’s first stop. It also left him time to spot a familiar Goblin sitting off to the side, nose and fingers in a book, scribbling away at whatever private thought he was having. 
The first time Jackary had ever tried to speak with Kavo, it hadn’t gone as well as hoped but he also knew the Goblin was a busy fellow and then, Jack had been just a face in the crowd.  Even now, working together, there were some that the creature wasn’t as close to as the others, something he wanted to remedy. They were all his family, after all.
What at first was like pulling teeth to get the entertainer to even smile soon relaxed into a fair and fine evening, both conversed and the longer they did so, the more they realized just how much they truly had in common. Hours had gone by and the last of the party dwindled, leaving just Kavo and Jack to sit next to each other, laughing through the evening together.
“I’ll walk you home,” the goodbye had started, Kavo doing his best to show Jackary some manners.
“You’re going to walk me home? AAAAAAALL the way to Dicenne’s from here?” Jack chortled at the thought. “We’d arrive by sun up if that was the case!”
At first they both joked they were Mages but as the pair had finally pushed themselves up to leave and ascended the steps to get out of the Keep, Jack slowed briefly, tilting his head.
What if we just... walked there?
As guessed, the sunrise had been beautiful as he and Kavo walked together, naturally only using just a bit of magic to put them on the correct continent. Their motions were calm while they talked through the night, both rather joyful of each other’s company and by the time they reached Dice’s place, the unlikely friends parted their separate ways, both agreeing a shower and a nap were well in order after the full night of party.
Once Jack stepped inside, there was a quick realization that Kara was still asleep and Dicenne? A quick whiff of the air indicated that he hadn’t even come home yet. It was little to worry about or think on, and instead the dragon drudged his way through the kitchen, easing off his shirt to set it in the dirty laundry before hands were at least cleaned of the glitter that remained coated all over the sweat still on his form from quite happily walking all night. It had cleared his head and left him to focus on the morning.
The Mage had decided to at least surprise Kara with breakfast, gathering the necessities for pancakes and to cure his hangover that was quickly starting to catch up, a batch of mimosa was chilled and ready to go. In the midst of setting the pancakes on the griddle, a familiar noise sounded of the front door opening and when Jack glanced over just to make sure it was who it should have been, Dice pulled himself through the entry, a hand pushed through the messy, bleached blond hair from his costume the prior night.
Both glanced to one another, as they were both still in the party costumes, Jack’s hair still long and black from the illusion which was an indication he hadn’t even bothered to shake it off yet. It was instantly that they both knew each of them had quite a long night.
“Well good morning, Sunshine.” Jack kept his voice low, winking to Dicenne who gave the telltale groan of having perhaps had a bit too much fun Before coming home. A second glass was snagged from a cupboard and soon filled with the lovely mimosa to be slid over in a peace offering.
“You just get home?” Dice mumbled, sinking down upon the table once he took the drink to nurse it, fully knowing it would have at least helped him to bed.
“I was out with Kavo all night, just got in not but half a chime before you and you... I can smell what you’ve been up to, so....Pancakes?” Giving a knowing wink, Jack met Dice’s briefest Deer-In-The-Headlights glance before the two shared tired chuckles.
“So my buddy Hyjal has a way to possibly find Dar,” Jack opted to finally touch on the conversation they briefly had the night before at the Howling Owl, it was an idle talk and very soft so as not to disturb the headaches both were trying to survive through. “I know I said I wouldn’t be home for a while, just have to grab something from the farm house and then I’ll have more details. Not sure when, just yet... But I didn’t want you to feel like it was sudden or something was wrong.” As Jack spoke, he flipped the pancakes, reaching to take another sip of his drink soon after. “Hyj seemed pretty convinced he could track him down.” In truth, Jackary was hoping to find the fate of his Knight before Season started. Though, it didn’t help that he already felt itchy.
“Good morning!” Before Pancakes could even be served to the groggy boys, Kara had made herself known like a ray of sunlight in the bleak darkness of still trying to catch up to the night. Happy, peppy, delighted at pancakes, her normally beautiful greeting and chipper attitude was a stark contrast to the soft whispers Jack and Dice had been sharing previously.
They loved her, but that morning? It was painful.
“How about you get the first pancakes and you can tell us if they’re any good—” Jack tried to quell the situation once Dice’s head hit the table, though the only thought truly running through the beast’s mind had been one word: Mood.
As excited as Jack was to have a lead on possibly finding Darnath, in the process of serving pancakes to Kara and the pair urging her to go eat and play outside so they could have a bit of peace and quiet in their own self-inflicted agony, he realized that this had become a family to him, something he hadn’t truly had since the days of Chaoti and the adventures with his cousin. The world seemed to slow down for a moment when this thought hit and even hungover, Jackary was all smiles. Tired smiles, but smiles.
He’d found a home and family and now all he needed to make it perfect was his partners to return. He had hoped that somewhere in the stars, Azurick was still enjoying the exploration and that wherever Darnath had been, he was safe, sound and knew that his Dragon still searched, if only to make things right. Even if severely hungover.
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>  @dicenne​​ | @karaamberlight | @kavothegoblin
[Mention] @azurickbloodreaver | @darnath | @thecrimsonhand
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malereaderoneshots · 5 years
Tutor ; Kang Yeosang
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Requested?: No, theres not to many male reader stuff for my boy Yeosang and as I already did Yunho in a Hogwarts universe I thought why not do the rest of the boys in different scenarios at Hogwarts? All of them will eventually be done, I don't know when but it will happen. Pairing: Kang Yeosang x male reader  Word count: 1078 A/N: Sorry I’ve been away awhile, I’m not sure how often I’ll post due to college being the worst and the fact that I’m terrible at time management and dealing with stress, but remember by inbox is always open so feel free to leave a suggestion, or just to chat.
O.W.Ls were just around the corner for 5th years, as McGonagall kindly reminded all of her classes, one student in particular was finding it hard as stress began to consume him. “Mr L/N for the last time, will you pay attention?” Y/Ns desk mate, Wooyoung, a lively Hufflepuff jammed his elbow in the boy’s ribs. Y/N let out a hiss of pain while Wooyoung gestured to the front of the room. “Sorry Professor Filtwick” Y/N said sheepishly sliding down in his chair in embarrassment, “See me after class Mr L/N” Y/N sighed before putting his head on the desk and covering his face. “Professor, I’m so sorry it’s just I was up late going over my potion notes. I promise I won’t-“ Professor Flitwick raised a small had to silence the rambling boy, he smiled kindly before saying “I’ve asked my top student if he would be able to fit tutoring you in his schedule and he said he’s happy to, what do you say?” Y/N stood with his mouth agape, opening and closing like a fish out of water. Y/N collected himself before asking “Who is it?”
Yeosang sat in the library nervously fidgeting with his fingers, notes and books splayed everywhere. Y/N cautiously made his way over, he knew the Slytherin boy didn’t speak to anyone but his immediate friends, so it was odd that he offered to tutor Y/N, still the boy thought nothing of it and sat opposite him. “So,” Y/N started, “what are we starting with?” But Yeosang didn’t look up from his notes, instead he placed a book in front of Y/N and tapped the page with his quill. 
Y/N nodded and looked around hoping to spot one of his friends so he could escape but instead he saw a Cheshire smile coming from the one and only San. Y/N hated exams, but he hated playing against Slytherin even more, San had a good swing which ended with someone from Y/Ns team ending up in the hospital wing. San continued to smirk and hide behind the bookcase. “Um, Yeosang?” Y/N tried to get his attention, “are you supposed to be doing something with your friends?” Yeosang finally looked up and light tinge of pink on his cheeks, he furrowed his eyebrows “no? Why do you say?” He slightly tilted his head which caused Y/N to smile lightly. Yeosang continued to stare and he raised his eyebrow at Y/N silence “Oh right, sorry! Um San is watching us from the bookcase.” The Slytherin boy snapped his head in the direction Y/N pointed in. Yeosang got up and stalked towards San. “Oh Shit. He’s coming!” Was all that San said before he bolted for the doors with Mingi, Wooyoung and Yunho in tow. Yeosang came back and closed his book, face beet red, “give me five minutes I’m sorry.” He ran out the library heading in the direction of his friends. Days had passed and Yeosang hadn’t spoken to Y/N to arrange another tutor session, the boy was starting to worry especially with their exams looming over them like a plague. He was in the library once again hunched over scribbles of notes when an owl swooped in and landed on his desk. “Hello, do you have a message for me?” Y/N untied the note from the owl’s leg and let it fly off. Dear Y/N, I’m sorry if this is weird but I can’t do anymore tutor sessions with you, my friends will lurk and ruin everything and I don’t want to be a distraction to your O.W.Ls and I don’t want you to distract me either. The letter was understandable, and Y/N appreciated the honesty but in his eyes,  it wasn’t a good enough reason so he set off to find Yeosang and talk it out in person. “Hey Seonghwa! Have you seen Yeosang?” “Yeosang? Um last time I saw he was heading for the great hall with San.” “Alright thanks, see you in charms!” Y/N made his way to the loud great hall. “You are an absolute idiot Kang Yeosang!” “I’d say he’s more of a coward.” “Well if you four idiots didn’t crash everything maybe I would have been more confident.” “Well from where we were standing Y/N looked like he was about to run away because you weren’t talking.” Y/N perked up at his name. Why would they be talking about him? He wondered. As he rounded the corner his question was answered. “KANG!” Y/N yelled in fake annoyance, “what the hell man are you just going to let me fail? I ought to hex you.” Y/N smirked at how pale San went, hopefully that should teach them to talk about people behind their backs. “Um...um. I- hhh.” Yeosang stuttered looking like a deer in headlights, his face becoming redder the longer the boys stood around them and stared. San cleared his throat, breaking the silence. “Um Y/N you see our little Yeosangie has a tiny whiny-“ “No, shut up.” Yeosang pushed the taller boy away sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. Y/Ns confusion to the whole situation was clear on his face, Yeosang anxiously played with his fingers before Y/N broke the silence. “I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say you never wanted to be my tutor, but you did want to talk to me?” Yeosang nodded hanging his head in shame, Y/N rubbed the other boys’ arm in comfort, “well why don’t you tell me why now? I’m not going to judge you if that’s what you’re afraid of.” the Slytherin boy shook his head, “that’s not what I’m afraid of.” he whispered. Y/N thought for a moment before taking a deep breath and placing his forefinger under his chin and tilting Yeosangs head up, “are you afraid I’ll reject you?” Yeosang gasped face warming up and burning brighter than Y/N had seen before. Y/N smiled and leaned in slightly waiting for Yeosang to pull away or to let him carry on. Yeosang took in a shaky breath before closing his eyes and closing the gap. Both boys smiled into the soft sweet kiss. They pulled apart and lightly laughed, pressing their foreheads together. “Would you like to be my boyfriend?” Yeosang asked a hint of nervousness in his voice as he worriedly bit his lip. Y/N gently swiped his thumb over his lip, “I would like nothing more.” They smiled once again and shared another kiss. “FINALLY!” “Shut up San!”
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lattaeyongs-main · 4 years
aesthetic tag 🌈
tagged by: @meraki-mark & @cinanamon (thank u !!!)
tagging: @luvdsc @yinxiong @konohasoftgf @lovingyong @henderyv @dreamsaboutnct @hyuckles-chuckles @jupitersmark & anyone else that wants to do it ! (tag me !)
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night |
dark academia
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story |
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks |
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding |
preppy casual
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details 
@.cinanamon [steph]
gold jewelry, slowdancing in the kitchen with a lover, sun on skin, red-tinted lip balm, lazy mornings, getting lost in foreign cities, scent of bakeries, high-waisted jeans, kissing someone’s neck, writing reminders on your wrist, sleeping in braids to have waves in the morning, growing an herb garden, gentle touches, sketches tucked between pages, flushed cheeks, tandem bikes, floating in a pool, vintage gold hand-mirror, deer grazing, softly singing while doing chores.
@.mereki-mark [li]
quiet suburban towns | traveling | soft strumming of guitar | late night music listening | looking through old pictures | casual fashion | observing others rather than engaging with them | humming music quietly | learning new languages | constantly buying new books | chilling in your room | logical | freaking out over little details | glasses | watching the rain | dancing in your room | two or three close friends | night owl | random sporadiac bursts of inspiration and motivation | academically smart, but not street smart
@.jaemericano [gigi]
small hairclips in your hair | letting your lover braid your hair | still using a night light | coming up with weird hairstyles while standing in front of the mirror | socks and sandals | caramel scented lip balm | hawaiian shirts | city lights at night | sitting by a campfire and singing along to songs | trying to cook recipes from pinterest with your lover but failing miserably | trying new foods when in a foreign country | eating cereal on a saturday morning while watching tv | catching fireflies | waffles | colorful plastic plates | sunbathing in the back yard | DIYing cute stickers to put on binders
soft: 15 | dark academia: 11 | edgy: 11 | seventies: 10 | preppy casual: 7 |
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In the coming days or weeks I’ll be sharing photos that the participants of “Sacred Body, Sacred Space - Stories of Trans Spirituality across Faiths” shared with me. Here’s a photo of Jude’s altar!
Jude is a queer neurodivergent ‘kind of pagan / kind of Christian kid living in the Bible Belt.’ After growing up in a Catholic household, they’re working on piecing together what they believe and what feels sacred to them.
Listen to Jude’s and others’ stories on Blessed Are the Binary Breakers, found on any podcasting platform. 
For the ep transcript and more links, visit this webpage.
[image description: two squares with a textured burgundy background. The first has two banners reading, “Sacred Body, Sacred Space - Jude’s story” and “featured on Blessed Are the Binary Breakers, an interfaith podcast of trans stories.” There’s a square photo in the center of a personal altar covered in pine branches and little figurines of owls, deer, and the like, as well as a votive candle and a book. There’s a small poster of an antlered deer among birch trees on the wall, and also a trans flag bearing an image described in the next square’s quote. Here is that quote, “”Sacred space is…the testosterone vials i keep on my altar…and the ‘my shots are painless’ sigil i scribble on every needle wrapper i get from the Walgreens. In the center of the wall behind my altar hangs the trans flag i bought from a fellow trans person on etsy, screen-printed with a cartoon angel with top surgery scars and the phrase TO BE QUEER IS TO BE HOLY.” / end id]
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emjs-good-out-here · 4 years
OC Aesthetics + Associations
I got tagged by @rebelfatebinder to fill this out for some of my OCs! Thanks for the tag! I’ve only done one here, but I’ll probably fill it out for some other characters at a later date, too!
I’ll tag: @undyingembers, @queen-scribbles, @serenbach86, @rannadylin​ and @supergenericteam​, if any of you would like to have a go!
Rules: bold what applies feel free to add options and edit! 
Kitty Briars (VtM:B)
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COLORS red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. cobalt blue.
ELEMENTS fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. magic. BODY   claws. long fingers. fangs. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. sweat. tears. feline. scales. fur. chubby. curvy. short. tall. average height. muscular. lean. piercing. tattoos. lithe. WEAPONS fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. venom. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. pyre. teeth/fangs. rifles. words.
MATERIALS gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
NATURE + WEATHER grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. sunflowers. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. poppies. galaxies. stardust. sky. rain. storm. sunny.
ANIMALS + MYTHICAL CREATURES lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. bugs. spiders. doves. robins. ducks. vultures. whales. dolphins. fish. octopus. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. rabbits. hares. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats. livestock. tigers. panthers. deer. foxes. bats. bears. crocodiles + alligators. coyotes. seals + sea lions
FOODS + DRINKS sugar. salt. bitter. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. soda. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. french fries.
HOBBIES music. art. watercolors. gardening/growing plants. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games.computer. phone. movies. theater.libraries. books. comic books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. flight. climbing. running. swimming. healing/medicine.
STYLE lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. sweater. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. duster. trenchcoat. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. eye contacts. makeup. ties. uniform.
MISC balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. kisses. diary. fairy lights. mental health problems. sadness. bittersweet. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. revenge.
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