#Oz {Phobophobia} {IC}
chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“Y’know all this talk about future selves, and alternate selves reminds me of a plot point in homes-” 
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
@superbeaucoupdevisages​ answered:
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 "...Bro? Can I just say that like...You're too good for this world? We don't deserve you? That you have earned a spot among the few select that are allowed to wear my jacket with permission? Because all of that is true. You ain’t even gotta do that shit, but the fact that you want to is the biggest bromantic thing ever."
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On his face, Oz looked very very flustered but in his chest he couldn’t help but feel a little guilt mixed with a other feeling, one harder to name, but he pushed them aside, Brian was talking about the them he knew not... The the past.
“Brian?! I- Um- It’s not that big a deal, I just wanna help you out more, you do a lot for me and the others so... Um you didn’t need to say all that but... Thank you, it’s awfully sweet of you to say...” Oz looked to the ground, one hand rubbing his other arm.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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Oz is getting popcorn to watch the other Oz’s fight, this is bound to be interesting 
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
🧍- @fullcfphobias (Oz v Oz showdown of the century)
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"Whoa did I miss something, why are we fighting? Is everyone else having showdowns with alternate versions of themselves??" Oz like many times felt a little lost.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
☕☕☕☕☕ for all of your monprom muses, even-
Under the cut due to amount of muses
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“Oh, this looks nice.” The tea gave off a sweet aroma and as Sawyer drank it they found it to be a overwhelmly sweet taste, it reminded them of saltwater taffy.
20% Health Restored
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“Oh hell yeah!” The tea tasted like a fruity mixed drink mixed with iced tea, the main fruit being passion fruit, the sort of thing you’d drink watching a sunset over the sea
75% Health Restored
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“This should be good.” Oz had to put in effort to taste anything, but he was happy to taste this, it tasted like a fine wine mixed together with the lovely salty taste of sea water.
50% Health Restored
Joy considered the tea before taking a sip, it tasted like mx of fresh mint & a floral scent brought to taste, it tasted like the water breathing potions the coven kept on hand.
25% Health Restored
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“I‘m not so sure about this...” Hope won’t be sure how to explain the smell and as she tasted it she started to gag, the flavor was odd, overwhelming, Hope would only be able to liken it to smell of tar or the taste of salt water on a dry tongue she spat out the tea.
10% Harm Done
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“How odd, it tastes like pink lemonade, mixed with a mana potion... Interesting.” 
25% Health Restored
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Vera knew how to drink tea like a proper lady, she enjoyed the smell of roses the tea gave off, drinking it she found the taste to be a mx of strawberries, roses and seaweed.
75% Health Restored
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“Oh gemme!” Moss drank it up, it tasted like pink flavored marshmallows to him. 
50% Health Restored
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Dahila slammed down the drink after one long, big goulp of it “IT TASTES AMAZING- Like if you combined the best energy drinks, dragon fruit and fresh fish.”
90% Health Restored
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He stared down at the cup, it was clear he had already drank it. “To be rather blunt, it tastes like blood... And metal, gold perhaps? My pallet isn’t strong enough to be sure. I suppose this must just be the result of tasting a tea meant to taste like a person.”
0% Health Restored
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Jun-Seo seemed to be licking the tea out of the cup before he was noticed. “Tastes pretty good to me, like a strong seaweed flavor with some cherry mixed in.”
25% Health Restored
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“...” He was holding the fancy pink tea cup, frowning. “It tastes like pink cotton candy and tuna...”
5% Health Restored
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“...It tastes like... Pink... Don’t ask me how pink is a flavor it just is, and a minor healing potion.”
30% Health Restored
“Uhh.” Jerry did try his best to drink the tea but it seemed to be leaking out of his mask “...I don’t actually have working taste buds...”
0% Health Restored
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D was sipping on the tea peacefully “...I’m not sure how to say this in a way that doesn’t sound really bad but... Sorta tastes like my girlfriend’s mouth and strawberry chapstick had a lovechild.”
10% Health Restored
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
@royalreef replied to your post ““Hey… Why was there a sudden up spike...”:
................ is now a good time to mention she has an oz double too.
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“Heh, that’s honestly pretty impressive, especially if it can do everything my body can. Can it?”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“Why... Why I am feeling a lot of fear in the air today? Hmm... It isn’t too bad, so can’t be that much of an issue.”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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No one had seen Oz for all of Halloween, he had been around the days before and rest assured he’d be back by dawn but he wasn’t around on the holiday itself. 
Oz wasn’t even in the apartment he’d invite his friends to from time to time.
He was in a old temple, it hadn’t been used in the last 1000 years but it still felt homey, felt safe and far enough away from paring eyes that Oz felt comfortable being true to himself.
Oz had always loved October for as long as had existed, but had grown to call it his favorite time of the year when Halloween came to exist.
It would’ve been hard to explain his friends, he’d feel guiltily to explain that why he’d get so giddy about Halloween, why he’d be more energic and sociable in  October was because he was feeding on the fear everyone subjected themselves to, human, monster, whatever.
It reminded him the feeling he’d have as his worshipers would subject themselves to their worst nightmares, would hunt down as terrorize others in the name of Dread.
It was a overwhelming feeling of total euphoria, like the greatest of highs hi friends would try and tell him about just much, much better. 
Honestly in this state it was so hard to behave in any sort of way he’d want his new friends to see, and... He didn’t want to hold himself from such bliss of the world’s fear, the one day of the year the worlds embraced Oz for all he was, horror, fear, terror, dread.
Of course the next day he’d have a wicked bad crush of emotions and physically since he’d be gong from people coveting him, what he embodied to once again shunning it.
But for now he was enjoying his evening, watching from afar, in the shadows, what others were up to.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Name: Brian
Age: 21
How well do we know each other?: "I'm pretty sure you've order my lunch for me at least 5 times because I fell asleep, so I'm sure that counts for something."
Do you have a pet name for me?: "Does Ozzie count?"
Do I have a pet name for you?: "If you do it's illegal you haven't told me yet. How could you?"
Are you attracted to me?: "10/10 hot best friend."
Why do you want to marry me?: "Look at you. Your face. It's good."
Big wedding or Small wedding?: "I'm pretty sure literally everyone in school will hear about it and end up there whether they were invited or not."
Do you see children in our future?: "Do animal children count?"
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Oz is quiet for a good amount of time, just... Standing there, staring at Bran.
“NEAT!” Oz took a step back and disappeared into the shadows.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“Hey... Why was there a sudden up spike in Capgras-Phobia around here?”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“That... Could’ve gone better.” 
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“Brian does have a point that everyone else seems to making out.... While we’re doing jack squat.” 
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“I probably shouldn’t ask a fellow Oz about my own worst fear. But also... Would actually be mine or just the fear I’m made up of the most?” Questions, questions.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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Oz is missing literally everything as he is too busy preparing for a day long marathon of The Owl House ending in the episode coming out tomorrow 
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
@royalreef​: replied:
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“Huhh??? What did I do????”
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