#Polly {Party Til The Break Of Dawn} {IC}
chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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Wait if I’m- I mean if Polly is dong this whole narrator bit, could she change the stat requirements? 
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chaoticsmultyverse · 2 years
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Polly had been having the time of her afterlife, but she knew probably better than most that good things had to come to an end sooner or later.
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chaosmultiverse · 1 year
So, given it was a yearly holiday that meant those within the student body who had been there for the last semester would have had a chance to see Miranda for themselves and perhaps one of them had a better idea on what the issue was, of course she endes up basically talking to every person who had been there during that time but a few stuck out in the fog of vague "I don't know, she gets withdrawn and upset."
Polly was always easy to get information out of, she was friendly and bubbly and as Dahila well noted didn't seem to understand the stakes of those around her.
"Huh? Oh yeah!- Last year was like this too, I- Well I hardly saw Miranda last year around this time she... Well at the time I thought someone had died or something."
Hope, Dahila knew well she had been at school last year, she had went to Prom with Damien after all, of course she would hel-
"I don't know anything about Miranda, don't bother her and don't bother me about it." That was all Dahila got before Hope had stormed off... Okay weird but not helpful.
He laughed in her face when she asked, honestly that surprised her normally he'd either play annoyed and mighty or actually be decently friendly, especially when it came to a shared friend like Miranda.
"I'm not telling you shit." Damien very bluntly answered, as he got back to playing with one of his pocket knives.
"I- Why not? I swear this has nothing to do with any duels to the death or attempts-"
"Dahila, full offense but do I look like I spawned fucking yesterday?-" a little given the spicey red baby nickkname "-Even if it's not some plot against me- which I totally don't buy it isn't- you might just wanna mess with Miranda when she's 'weak'-"
Dahila grabbed him by collar, normally she would have more backing a threat like this but anger in this case overtook logic
"WHAT ARE YOU SUGGESTING I'D DO, PRINCE?" The room was ice cold.
Damien quickly slashed at her hands, it wasn't enough to really hurt her but enough to make her flich and drop him, the room returning to its prior temperature.
"I dunno! I just know that you could do something fucked up, and I won't let that be on my watch. I don't care if you act like it doesn't matter to you she's royalty, I've heard of how that one can play out, so just... Let someone... Less likely to get her in a different mess help."
Damien left because Dahila allowed it, she had never wanted to hurt him more than right then, but no, that won't help.
What was helpful was knowing that Damien probably knew a little more than some of the others, good she already spied on him.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
a kiss shared during a game  ( truth or dare ,  spin the bottle ,  etc ) . for polly
Polly loved party games, loved them even more ahen her friends would play. At this party she was hosting a spin on spin the bottle, the person could either kiss the person the bottle landed on, or pick a prize from a small pile of cheap items goft wrapped, it added a lil more drama she felt if people could get cock-blocked by dollar tree items in sparkly gift wrap.
Even without being the one who had wrapped everything it would've still been a no brainier when the bottle landed on Miri on Polly's turn.
"Hey boo mind leaning forward?" Polly herself leaned forward to meet Miri who was sat across in the middle right over where the bottle was.
Polly's kiss was a little sloppy with how confident she held herself and the buzz's of a party swarming around her head. She held onto Miri's shoulders so she wouldn't lose her balance and fall over.
Polly soon enough leaned back, admiring Miri in her way back. "Well there, boo its turn to spin it now." She gave a wink.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
🔥 hex wants to know polly's hot take on mari ; smoke, toke, or edible?
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"Honestly? Depends on the context, though I can't say I've smoked it too much since I was still living at home before ya know, and now a days smoke just goes though me a lot easier, which on one hand makes the high easier to get but also smokes up a room fast, which almost no one likes."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
She is appearing outside the space-time continuum to stare at Vera and Polly both. They aren't safe either. Miranda will wound space-time just so they can join the fish orgy.
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"YESYESYESYESYES-" Polly has been hyped just from afar hearing of the fish orgy, chance to join in? She is jumping full force in!
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"Right... Sounds like a plan to me." Vera totally wasn't blushing, totally not caught of guard or anything, nope this was totally fine & expected
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
☕☕☕☕☕ for all of your monprom muses, even-
Under the cut due to amount of muses
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“Oh, this looks nice.” The tea gave off a sweet aroma and as Sawyer drank it they found it to be a overwhelmly sweet taste, it reminded them of saltwater taffy.
20% Health Restored
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“Oh hell yeah!” The tea tasted like a fruity mixed drink mixed with iced tea, the main fruit being passion fruit, the sort of thing you’d drink watching a sunset over the sea
75% Health Restored
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“This should be good.” Oz had to put in effort to taste anything, but he was happy to taste this, it tasted like a fine wine mixed together with the lovely salty taste of sea water.
50% Health Restored
Joy considered the tea before taking a sip, it tasted like mx of fresh mint & a floral scent brought to taste, it tasted like the water breathing potions the coven kept on hand.
25% Health Restored
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“I‘m not so sure about this...” Hope won’t be sure how to explain the smell and as she tasted it she started to gag, the flavor was odd, overwhelming, Hope would only be able to liken it to smell of tar or the taste of salt water on a dry tongue she spat out the tea.
10% Harm Done
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“How odd, it tastes like pink lemonade, mixed with a mana potion... Interesting.” 
25% Health Restored
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Vera knew how to drink tea like a proper lady, she enjoyed the smell of roses the tea gave off, drinking it she found the taste to be a mx of strawberries, roses and seaweed.
75% Health Restored
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“Oh gemme!” Moss drank it up, it tasted like pink flavored marshmallows to him. 
50% Health Restored
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Dahila slammed down the drink after one long, big goulp of it “IT TASTES AMAZING- Like if you combined the best energy drinks, dragon fruit and fresh fish.”
90% Health Restored
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He stared down at the cup, it was clear he had already drank it. “To be rather blunt, it tastes like blood... And metal, gold perhaps? My pallet isn’t strong enough to be sure. I suppose this must just be the result of tasting a tea meant to taste like a person.”
0% Health Restored
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Jun-Seo seemed to be licking the tea out of the cup before he was noticed. “Tastes pretty good to me, like a strong seaweed flavor with some cherry mixed in.”
25% Health Restored
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“...” He was holding the fancy pink tea cup, frowning. “It tastes like pink cotton candy and tuna...”
5% Health Restored
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“...It tastes like... Pink... Don’t ask me how pink is a flavor it just is, and a minor healing potion.”
30% Health Restored
“Uhh.” Jerry did try his best to drink the tea but it seemed to be leaking out of his mask “...I don’t actually have working taste buds...”
0% Health Restored
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D was sipping on the tea peacefully “...I’m not sure how to say this in a way that doesn’t sound really bad but... Sorta tastes like my girlfriend’s mouth and strawberry chapstick had a lovechild.”
10% Health Restored
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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It’s always the narrators controlling the rules of how these things worked, always these weird requirements or restrictions. Ohh you have to have like 20+ Money to date Vera, no you can’t get your kiss on with Miri because that’s only for the ending if the Player Character band has already fucked everyone.
But y’know rules are meant to be broken, I they already have been.
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A few times actually, it isn’t anything new. Hell there’s already been work arounds for both of the issues I’v- Polly has noticed.
So new rule:
Ro’s can date each other 
The only stat requirement is +20
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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Why yes, the amazing, talented and drop-dead gorgeous Polly could be the narrator, it was a job she was born for. And it tots would end well, after all aren’t I gr- I mean isn’t Polly great?
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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Polly would help
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If she wasn’t gossiping with Moss! 
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“ROADTRIPROADTRIP-” Polly seems to be pretty excited
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“I CAN’T FIX THIS, I DON’T HAVE THE NARORATING POWERS ANYMORE.” Polly was close to tears, she wasn’t sure of what emotion.
“THERE HAS TO BE SOMEONE ELSE WITH NARRATNG POWERS, I mean really I could swear there was a guy who did it in their route but I can’t really remember who. Uh anyone know?”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“At least I didn’t trip over my words when it came to making RO’s able to date.” She was heartbroken over how she flubbed her own joke.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“IN-CAR BARTENDER! IN-CAR BARTENDER! IN-CAR BARTENDER!-” Somehow Polly has failed to notice the cat’s new buff form in her excitement over having easy access to cool drinks, for then they park, she ain’t drinking on the road it’s bad form.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
1 and 2 for polly!
What’s your favorite strategy for avoiding tough situations?
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"Phasing though a wall or the ground, that can pretty much get out of any mess I get myself in. Best bit is no one can follow me."
2. How often do you do things just for the attention?
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"Do you think I act the way I do, flirt so much and love being the life of party so I can stay out of the lime light? NAH I love attention and a lot of the stuff I do is to get a little. But like can ya blame me? It'd be a crime if people didn't pay attention to this hot shit."
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