#Dahlia Aquino {Getting Stronger} {IC}
chaosmultiverse · 1 year
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“Did I hear something about me being allowed in the Coven?” 
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
a tentative ,  exploratory kiss between friends . + a kiss to prove you don’t have feelings for them . for dahlia because there's nothing weird about kissing ya homies
Dahila had been spending time with Miranda ather VR at camp, she had spent the whole morning on just one badge and felt a bit burned out so she knew that with Miranda she could rest for awhile and get to spend time with her dear friend.
She had been joking with Miranda about the Color Crew and their new cohorts in trying to sorce a date, Dahila did find it endearing but also really really funny when they failed. Either way that was how the topic lf romance came up.
Dahila had given thought to if there was any suitable match for herself outside of hell, and Miranda came to mind but no, that would be a mess, the LaVeys pretty much had been trying to win favor with the merkingdom from day one, they wouldn't allow an enemy to come in and date the heir, not to mention she didn't know what sorts of plans Miranda's own kingdom had for her... Still her name did come to mind, Miranda didn't have to try like so many others did to win Dahila over, she was admired without action by Dahlia.
Dahila made what she thought was a off hand comment "-I bet any of them would pass out if one of us just gave a friendly kiss, won't they?"
She had seen Miranda kiss some of her friends before, and it seemed to be something a few others did, it made sense to Dahila, for demons just raw physicality was pretty much nonthing, demons ideas of pain and intimacy were different, more tied to their souls and the less physical.
Something about what she said seemed to say catch Miranda's ears, Dahila wasn't sure what so she'd pry a litte "I mean, I've nearly knocked someone over once when I was testing their kissing skills so I guess in my case it'd be justified."
Dahila gazed at Miranda, who seemed... Unsure about something at least that's what Dahila could make out, until she spoke up, asking about what Dahila meant by 'testing someone's kissing skills'.
"Oh that's pretty simple, I have some demons within my army whose job is pretty much to be honey pots, if they can't kiss then how can they do their jobs? So I test it myself, it's not really a big deal like how some of the others here would treat it." Dahila was happy in this case to explain, it wasn't anything messy or secret, just some harmless leadership stuff.
Still it seemed to make the gears in Miranda's head turn, Dahila wasn't really sure with what though, maybe that was a very odd thing culturaly?
But then she asked if Dahila had ever considered 'testing' her friends.
If Dahila was a honest person she would say no, she hadn't, she had thought of kissing some of her friends in many contexts but not in the same context of how she'd test something meant to be weaponized...
But she knew that wasn't exactly the question being asked, it was a question related to the pior topic but wasn't that, and the answer to that question would be;
"Yeah sure I have, I mean who doesn't wonder about if their friends are good kissers? There isn't really a good way to know til you try."
Dahila couldn't help but find she was staring at Miranda's lips, she already knew that Miranda was in all likelihood a amazing kisser, she'd feel confident betting her soul on it... But yet she wanted to see where this was going, was... Was that selfish? She wasn't sure, but she was already here, doing it, not revealing her true thoughts... They were too dangerous.
Then Miranda asked for something that felt more like a dare from one of those party games, asked if Dahila could tell her if she was a good kisser. Dahila felt she could see more going on behind Miranda's eyes but she won't look into it, Miranda deserved her private thoughts, and deserved to not have her motives questioned... or maybe that was a excuse to not look into her own motives.
"Well I'd need to kiss you first." An a out, if Miranda wanted it, a catch to say 'oh well then I won't know' 'I don't want to kiss you Dahila' or anything to avoid doing it, she knew it had to be a friendly kiss, like the ones she had mentioned before but still... The weight of two crowns, even if one was more a war hlem weigh on every a small gesture between them.
Miranda gave her approval.
Dahila nodded and leaned in to kiss Miranda, she did feel her heart skip a beat but she pushed though, she held Miranda by the shoulders, keeping her steady but not too close, after all this was just friendly.
Dahila was a firm kisser, her teeth's overbite did dig a bit into Miranda's lips but broke no skin, Dahila seemed to use some sort of candy flavored lip beam, it wasn't a strong flavor but it was there along with the energy drink smells from Dahila's mouth.
Dahila hadn't been sure what she was expecting, she knew it'd feel good but she hadn't known the exacts, it felt like finally finding a firm but soft pillow, it was hard to find people who Dahila didn't feel like she had to treat like paper dolls or who were just as steely as her but... Miranda was perfect in that sense, it did feel like holding another but without fear, well no fear of physically hurting Miranda.
But it was the fear of worse pain that did make her pull away, not just melt into affection with Miranda and throw everything to thewind. that would behorrible to someone that meant so much to her, so she'd say nothing, that was better, less cruel.
"Wow yeah you're pretty good, if I had to rank it I'd say nine out of ten, and ten is basically impossible so you got the highest sorce I've given."
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chaosmultiverse · 1 year
So, given it was a yearly holiday that meant those within the student body who had been there for the last semester would have had a chance to see Miranda for themselves and perhaps one of them had a better idea on what the issue was, of course she endes up basically talking to every person who had been there during that time but a few stuck out in the fog of vague "I don't know, she gets withdrawn and upset."
Polly was always easy to get information out of, she was friendly and bubbly and as Dahila well noted didn't seem to understand the stakes of those around her.
"Huh? Oh yeah!- Last year was like this too, I- Well I hardly saw Miranda last year around this time she... Well at the time I thought someone had died or something."
Hope, Dahila knew well she had been at school last year, she had went to Prom with Damien after all, of course she would hel-
"I don't know anything about Miranda, don't bother her and don't bother me about it." That was all Dahila got before Hope had stormed off... Okay weird but not helpful.
He laughed in her face when she asked, honestly that surprised her normally he'd either play annoyed and mighty or actually be decently friendly, especially when it came to a shared friend like Miranda.
"I'm not telling you shit." Damien very bluntly answered, as he got back to playing with one of his pocket knives.
"I- Why not? I swear this has nothing to do with any duels to the death or attempts-"
"Dahila, full offense but do I look like I spawned fucking yesterday?-" a little given the spicey red baby nickkname "-Even if it's not some plot against me- which I totally don't buy it isn't- you might just wanna mess with Miranda when she's 'weak'-"
Dahila grabbed him by collar, normally she would have more backing a threat like this but anger in this case overtook logic
"WHAT ARE YOU SUGGESTING I'D DO, PRINCE?" The room was ice cold.
Damien quickly slashed at her hands, it wasn't enough to really hurt her but enough to make her flich and drop him, the room returning to its prior temperature.
"I dunno! I just know that you could do something fucked up, and I won't let that be on my watch. I don't care if you act like it doesn't matter to you she's royalty, I've heard of how that one can play out, so just... Let someone... Less likely to get her in a different mess help."
Damien left because Dahila allowed it, she had never wanted to hurt him more than right then, but no, that won't help.
What was helpful was knowing that Damien probably knew a little more than some of the others, good she already spied on him.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
☕☕☕☕☕ for all of your monprom muses, even-
Under the cut due to amount of muses
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“Oh, this looks nice.” The tea gave off a sweet aroma and as Sawyer drank it they found it to be a overwhelmly sweet taste, it reminded them of saltwater taffy.
20% Health Restored
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“Oh hell yeah!” The tea tasted like a fruity mixed drink mixed with iced tea, the main fruit being passion fruit, the sort of thing you’d drink watching a sunset over the sea
75% Health Restored
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“This should be good.” Oz had to put in effort to taste anything, but he was happy to taste this, it tasted like a fine wine mixed together with the lovely salty taste of sea water.
50% Health Restored
Joy considered the tea before taking a sip, it tasted like mx of fresh mint & a floral scent brought to taste, it tasted like the water breathing potions the coven kept on hand.
25% Health Restored
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“I‘m not so sure about this...” Hope won’t be sure how to explain the smell and as she tasted it she started to gag, the flavor was odd, overwhelming, Hope would only be able to liken it to smell of tar or the taste of salt water on a dry tongue she spat out the tea.
10% Harm Done
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“How odd, it tastes like pink lemonade, mixed with a mana potion... Interesting.” 
25% Health Restored
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Vera knew how to drink tea like a proper lady, she enjoyed the smell of roses the tea gave off, drinking it she found the taste to be a mx of strawberries, roses and seaweed.
75% Health Restored
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“Oh gemme!” Moss drank it up, it tasted like pink flavored marshmallows to him. 
50% Health Restored
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Dahila slammed down the drink after one long, big goulp of it “IT TASTES AMAZING- Like if you combined the best energy drinks, dragon fruit and fresh fish.”
90% Health Restored
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He stared down at the cup, it was clear he had already drank it. “To be rather blunt, it tastes like blood... And metal, gold perhaps? My pallet isn’t strong enough to be sure. I suppose this must just be the result of tasting a tea meant to taste like a person.”
0% Health Restored
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Jun-Seo seemed to be licking the tea out of the cup before he was noticed. “Tastes pretty good to me, like a strong seaweed flavor with some cherry mixed in.”
25% Health Restored
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“...” He was holding the fancy pink tea cup, frowning. “It tastes like pink cotton candy and tuna...”
5% Health Restored
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“...It tastes like... Pink... Don’t ask me how pink is a flavor it just is, and a minor healing potion.”
30% Health Restored
“Uhh.” Jerry did try his best to drink the tea but it seemed to be leaking out of his mask “...I don’t actually have working taste buds...”
0% Health Restored
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D was sipping on the tea peacefully “...I’m not sure how to say this in a way that doesn’t sound really bad but... Sorta tastes like my girlfriend’s mouth and strawberry chapstick had a lovechild.”
10% Health Restored
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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F-tier princess.
Miranda a F-tier princess?
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Dahila is on her way to have a little talk with Damian.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
15 for vera, salil, and dahlia
How often do your admit you were wrong?
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"Ugh... Probably not as often as I should. It's rare I do but... I do try to make a point of it if it's someone I should be treating with or expecting loyalty from."
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"Well, I'm right more often than not; even if others refuse to see my side of things. I'll admit I'm wrong on some things; when others admit they were more wrong and treated me poorly due their own bullshit."
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"I'd say pretty often honestly. It's a apart of being a leader, if I expect my torps to follow me into battle then I owe 'em honestly if I'm wrong on something. Better to own up to it than to try and act 'cool and pretend you weren't."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
💋💋💋 a kissie for polly and for vera and for dahlia-
Send me 💋 if your muse would kiss mine
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"Aww boo, right back at ya!"
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"Ah yes, my very kissy fishy."
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Dahlia.exe has stopped working.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
💭 + sacrifice (dahlia)
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“It can be one of the most noble and selfless things someone can do, to give up something of value for a greater cause... It can also be one of the most stupid, short-sighted and selfish things to do. Depends on the context, on the moment it’s used.
There’s stories of humans whom know that a loved one intends on trading their soul for something of real value, and the human does in their stead, but it depends on the story how it goes. Sometimes everything goes great for the one that gained and sometimes they can never move past what happened and trade away their own soul for the first person.
To get anything from a demon, you’ve got to sacrifice something to it, normally a soul. And most demons aren’t bothered by it, at least not much but... It’s hard to not feel guilt if people are sacrificing everything to you, for you.
...I’ve thought about it, for myself. If I were ever to sacrifice something, it’d need to do something big, it’d need to be for the many it’d be costly... And again it’d need to be for many, I don’t want a sole person to feel at fault.”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
💭 + for dahlia, on the aquino family
Send 💭 + a topic and my muse will tell you what they think about it.
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“Oh, my family, that’s pretty easy, I’m loyal to ‘em” There were a few moments of dead silence, Dahlia slowly realizing she needed to say more than just that.
“I mean, they’re the strongest- We’re the strongest ‘family’ in hell, which means a lot since really the only reason demons normally partner up and brother with children s for the stake of power, be it magical, demonic or more vague stuff like land or social power. And at the top of those families is mine, my mother has a great deal of physical power, strength within her body while my parent has a great deal of demonic power and powerful ties with leaders all over the place, both within and outside of Hell.” Dahlia’s voice was fond.
“...I want them to be proud, when they talk about me... They always tell me about the things they expect from me one day but,  wanna hear them be proud of me; right now.”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
[ TILT ] for dahlia
TILT ] sender uses two fingers to lift receiver’s chin to look them in the eye
Dahila had became distracted while she had been speaking with Miranda, she had been practicing needlework, something that she picked up from a camp badge and over time it became hard for her to make out Miranda's words, they were a pleasant background noise. This wasn't out of any malice or meaning to ignore Miranda. of course not, just a moment of Dahlias attention issues acting up.
It was when Miranda put her hand on Dahila's chin that she started to snap out of it.
She blushed as she realized what must of happened "Oh! Heh, I think I got too invested in what I was doing, can you repeat whatever you said?"
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
🧲🧲🧲🧲 for polly, vera, dahlia, and oz for taste-
Send 🧲 for a list of what my muse finds attractive about yours
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"Miri is like the best, like a Disney princess but y'know, actually really cool! And while I don't know what's considered attractive in a merfolk normally I think she's super hot. "
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"Miranda is a interesting mix of very affectionate and caring and well... Regal, in control, I find that to be appealing to me. She's a multi layered person, I doubt I'll ever feel like we've talked about everything there is to talk about, which is good I enjoy learning about people."
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"Miranda? Oh that's easy! Miranda is kind, she's smart, she's very cute and affectionate, her laugh is wonderful... She's wonderful, so in short my answer is pretty much everything about her is attractive!"
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"I think Miranda is a very interesting person and I find that attractive, I'll be the first to admit I haven't gotten too close to her but... She feels like she isn't 2D which... I'll admit is a issue I find with a lot of people so consider it a attractive trait. There's also how she's refined but isn't stuck up or well... Okay she is a little stuck up but in a way that isn't unfriendly, does that make sense? Even when she's comparing something to a 'better' version of t it doesn't feel like there's malice behind it, you know? And I think she's very beautiful."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
"Little thing" for dahlia!
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Dahila's eyes are starry while she looks at Miri "You're so strong!!" Dahila pointed to the tail as a example but she could tell as a whole Miri was on the buffer sde at least compared to a lot of humanoids.
0 notes
chaosmultiverse · 2 years
💬 + Miranda, for salil and dahlia :3
Send Me 💬 + a Name and My Muse will Talk About That Person
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“She’s... Simply not to be trusted, I don’t know what is gong on or what odd game my sister has decided to play but... I have to guess her... Wife? Would be involved, you don’t marry unless your loyal... Or so I’ve been told, marriage doesn’t seem to work out that way. My mother s an example and Dmitri‘s... Husband? seems to just be using him, so perhaps their union is more like these examples and less like the stories I’ve heard.”
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“Miranda is great! She’s... Sweet and kind, but doesn’t let people mess with her. It’s always nice to spend time with her, I feel like I belong when I’m alongside her, I hope she feels at least somewhat the same around me.”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
💬 + Damien, for dahlia
Send Me 💬 + a Name and My Muse will Talk About That Person
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“I used to just think of someone in the way, an enemy I’d cut down one day in battle over the fate of hell. I was so ready to kill him before I had ever actually met him...
And then I met him, and at first it was fine, he was just as I was told, flighty, hot-headed, full of himself... And then he wasn’t anything like  thought, he... Was sweet to people, he... Was a wimp, he hasn’t been trained to kill, sure he can kill a civilian no issue and hell he’s a scrappy fighter but... That’s just it, he isn’t some sort of warrior, and he isn’t sorcerer either... He’s just... A guy.
It’s clear his fathers have taught him some of the basics of ruling but not war... They’ve been keeping him away from it... That’s why he’s here I figure, to keep him safe and... Able to follow his whims outside of hell.
He’s my friend now, I’m in a band with him, he’s willing to go out of his way to help me and make me feel I belong here.
And my only option, is to convince him to betray his own blood or I have to...”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
💋💋💋 for vera and for polly and for dahlia :3c
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"The question is less how 'smoochable' she s and more- how many smoochs can she give? Which means, ten, easily."
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"Ten! Now Miri get over here so I can show what I mean."
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"I mean, she's the best, so it won't be far to rank her anything lower than a ten."
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