#P: Israel “Izzy” Hands x Black Pete
Fang/Lucius/Pete/Izzy — Modern AU, Fluff, Mall Santa And His Elves
Fang signs up to be the Santa Claus at his local mall every year because he has the time and likes making kids happy. Lucius is one of Fang's helper elves this year as part of his community service for getting caught pickpocketing. Pete is one of Fang's helper elves because he showed up as moral support for Lucius. Izzy is one of Fang's helper elves because he lost a bet with Fang. Somehow this leads to all four of them ending up in a polycule.
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Previous Ed/Izzy, Lucius/Pete/Izzy — Trans!Mpreg
Ed got Izzy pregnant (dub con max, not non con), but doesn't really have an attachment to Izzy or the child.
For whatever reason, despite knowing Ed has no interest in being a father, Izzy decides to keep the baby. He doesn't know why, he doesn't know how he's going to accomplish it, but Izzy knows one thing - he wants to be a good parent to his child.
Lucius and Black Pete see a new side to Izzy, as he struggles to work through his emotions, figuring he should at least practice being nice to people. They take him under their wing as the stress of pregnancy takes its toll, and the camaraderie slowly turns into romance.
Lucius and Pete really admire Izzy for all his ability to change. Izzy is obviously grateful to them for their help, but even more than that - he finds he can relax and laugh with Lucius and Pete, that romance doesn't need to feel like life or death. He starts to remember his love of actually sailing, when he listens to how badly Pete longs to be a pirate. He appreciates Lucius's raw honesty and boldness. When the baby comes, Izzy has two men more than happy to stay by his side. Well... Pete may actually be passed out on the floor, but the sentiment remains the same.
Bonuses: + Pete is also trans, so he bonds with Izzy over that, and can really empathize with how hard it must be for Izzy to have a baby. + Lucius is still poly, maybe has a bit of a side thing with Fang, but very much loves Izzy and Pete. Pete may have done it before, but he's feeling pretty emotionally and romantically fulfilled with Izzy and Lucius. + Pete loses his idol worship for Ed when he sees how he treats what any other pirate would die for- a first mate like Izzy Hands. + Izzy in labor, waffling between wanting to keep his labor a complete secret from Ed, and also wanting someone to drag Ed in so that Izzy can throw shit at him for making him give birth.
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Izzy/Pete(/Lucius) or Izzy & Pete — Pete makes Izzy a toe
I've seen a few times in fics where it's joked that Pete should make Izzy a toe like he made Lucius a finger but I haven't seen it actuly happen yet and I am DESPRIT. Just need more tender Pete and Izzy! Can be as friends or shippy but I would love shippy.
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Izzy/The Crew — The Crew Seducing Izzy
The crew make a bet to see which one of them can seduce Izzy, they all take turns trying their techniques, and Izzy is weirded out by their behavior.
Bonus: If Izzy figures out what is going on, and tries to turn the tables on them.
Fill: None Fill: Tumblr Art Post
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Stede/Ed/Izzy — Frenchie, Jim, Lucius, Fang & Ivan are protective OF Izzy, shovel talks, friendship
Lucius survived the Kraken and alongside Frenchie and Jim have seen Izzy's brittleness during the Kraken's reign. In the months where all they had was each other (plus Fang and Ivan) they've grown to understand and sympathize with Izzy's past actions (an asshole, but now a sad grieving one). And maybe they've all bonded during that time, with Izzy learning to be more unguarded around them, where they've created a semblance of friendship.
And when Stede gets back with the marooned crew everyone assumes the old dynamics would return. Stede and Ed did get together and the rest have gone back to normal except, there's been a shift with how some of the crew members treat Izzy. The ones who've experienced the past months with him have taken to defending him from the others. And when Stede and Ed start courting Izzy, the protective feelings they have switch into overdrive.
Frenchie, Jim, Lucius, Fang & Ivan have seen Izzy at his most vulnerable, have witnessed how kind he can be underneath that cold heart. And while he's still a bastard, they've come to see him as one of their own. Cue shovel talks & the rest of the crew getting the picture that Izzy is one of them now. Izzy tries not to cry at the revelation (he fails).
Fill: The Mending of Icarus [General | No Pairings, Background canon pairigngs] [TW: Sexual Content]
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Ed/Izzy, Izzy & Black Pete — A Different Kind of Right Hand Man
So, turns out, Pete wasn't lying -- either about serving on Blackbeard's crew or about being Blackbeard's right-hand man. Except... he wasn't his right-hand man in a traditional sense.
99% of the time, Izzy is the one keeping track of Ed's moods and helping him to manage them to the best of his ability. It's not perfect, but so far he's managed to keep Ed from killing them all in a fit of melancholy... or killing himself in the midst of a manic episode, so he thinks he's doing a fairly decent job of it. Ed is aware that Izzy has moods as well... but he's usually not in the right frame of mind to be able to help him with them while also keeping his own head above water. Enter Black Pete.
AKA, that one where Black Pete served as Izzy Hand's therapist while aboard Ed's ship... and did a halfway decent job of it.
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Izzy/Any — Bloody/messy kiss
After a raid, Izzy is messy. Maybe some gunpowder on his face but mostly blood. Other people's blood primarily but maybe he did get a minor cut.
Izzy is aware he's a mess, personally doesn't see it as an issue. It's a risk of the trade.
But he does make an effort when his bf comes up to lay a kiss on him. A brief effort before happily reciprocating.
Fill: Messy [Izzy/Everyone] Fill: Crimson and Shadows [Izzy/Lucius/Black Pete]
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Izzy + All the Couples — Third-fifth-seventh wheeling (Modern AU)
I had this idea several weeks ago, didn't know how to work it.
But Stede and Ed are dating, and even though Ed has met Stede's friends, Stede has yet to meet Izzy. Ed makes a date for all of them. It doesn't go... smoothly. Mostly because Izzy is one more smooch and canoodle away from slapping one or both of them. They aren't ignoring him, but the PDA level is excessive, even for someone who isn't as short-tempered as Izzy.
Izzy sneaks away, paying his bill at the bar before leaving.
Ed gets angry with him, texts/phones him, and Izzy does explain the whole reasoning. Izzy would've been more amenable had they behaved less like a date night, made it a friends' night out with even some of Stede's friends.
So Ed sets up another outing.
With another couple, Lucius and Pete. Who are also on the demonstrative side, but also - Stede and Lucius dominate the conversation for the couples, Izzy only getting a little bit of conversation in.
Izzy ditches them again. Ed harasses him by phone, Izzy states his case.
Another outing is made, with another couple - Jim and Oluwande.
+ Maybe add in another couple? Other couples. + Or... maybe Izzy has been having conversations with someone at the bar, for each time he's been leaving and paying his bill. And maybe Izzy hooks up with them, the bartender inviting Izzy to join him after his shift (which is conveniently soon).
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Stede/Ed — Gilligan's Island AU
Stede is an eccentric millionaire who runs a pirate-themed tour boat company. The crew are still his crew, only some may have falsely believed it was an actual pirate ship (hence early plans to mutiny).
Ed, Izzy, Fang, Ivan, etc. are actual pirates and decide to book a tour with the aim of robbing Stede and killing everyone on board. Only, a storm arises and they end up stranded on a deserted island.
Of course, there's no point killing everyone when you need as many hands as you can get, so Ed tells Izzy that they're postponing the plan until they can repair the ship and get off the island. But the longer they're there, the more Ed starts to like Stede. And eventually, Ed realizes that he could never kill Stede.
As a matter of fact, pretty much everyone but Izzy is content with the way things are. Jim and Oluwande finally realize they're meant to be together. Lucius and Pete have a very loving but open relationship. Fang occassionally hooks up with Lucius, but he doesn't have a hardcore romance. But he's happy anyway because he found an orphaned coyote pup who he's raising as his own.
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Gen — Black Pete actually was on Blackbeard's crew
He wasn't lying! It's just that, well, it was actually only for about 2 days or so, and he was so bad at it that he got kicked off almost immediately, which is why Blackbeard & Izzy don't bother to mention it.
Anyway, I want the harrowing (true) story of how Black Pete joined (and got kicked off of) Blackbeard's crew.
Fill: Infamous Conquest [Black Pete/Izzy (Past), Black Pete/Lucius] Fill: Relentlessly Sweet, Traditionally Piratical [Black Pete/Izzy] [TW: Implied Sexual Assault]
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