#P: Lucius Spriggs x Fang
Queen Anne's Revenge Crew — Blackbeard’s crew are all cryptids
Whether it was intentional, or because cryptids are the only ones robust enough to survive Ed’s idea of piracy, by the time the series starts Blackbeard and his crew are 100% different flavours of non-human. Blackbeard’s legend has only been enhanced by him and his crew really being able to do supernatural things. Keeping outsiders from finding out goes without saying. Humans are so quick with the torches and pitchforks.
Stede and his people are entirely human (except for Buttons, who is a sea witch natch), just for one reason or another not able to properly live their best lives in regular society. The Revenge became a refuge. Found family vibes abound.
Ed is completely besotted with Stede and enamoured with the way of life on the Revenge, and since he’s feeling so safe and happy he eventually just kind of… outs himself and his people to the humans. Izzy takes it about as well as can be expected, because what the hell were the last [however long they’ve been together] years even about if Edward’s just going to spill everything the second he falls in love? Fang is possibly not thrilled either, considering his thing with Lucius and Pete.
+ Jim may or may not be a hunter, but something about them sets off those vibes with Blackbeard’s people. The humans are kind of baffled as to why these big, bad pirates are giving the resident stabby gremlin such a wide, respectful berth.
+ Before the reveal, Frenchie is absolutely convinced Something Is Up with Blackbeard and crew. None of his friends pay him much mind, because it’s just Frenchie being Frenchie, y’know?
+ Izzy’s preoccupation with survival at the cost of actually living is taken up to eleven in this universe, since at this point in his life he’s a career criminal (and a deserter if we assume he was in the navy) AND a non-human. 24/7 threat assessment of everything that moves and most things that don’t.
Any and all ships welcome. Dealer’s choice how common knowledge it is that cryptids exist in this universe.
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1717. The Golden Age of Piracy. Wealthy UnderRealm Grifter William (Montague) Widemouth set out to find adventure and renown on the high seas. Things did not go as planned... Our Flag Means Pasta: An OFMD x Pastamonsters/Creepypasta Crossover AU
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v Characters and Lore Below v
Or, check out everything I have stored on this AU in the Miro Board I've created for it! I update it with time as I create more artwork, characters, and add to the storyline, and even make episode timelines!
Characters in this AU:
The 'Retribution' Crew
Mr. Widemouth (William Montague Widemouth) as Stede Bonnet / Ben Drowned (Benjamin Lawman) as Lucius Spriggs / Jeff the Killer (Jeffrey Sepulveda-Ramirez) as Black Pete / Homicidal Liu (Liu Sepulveda-Ramirez) as Jim Jimenez / Eyeless Jack as Oluwande Boodhari / Ticci Toby (Tobias 'Toby' Eren Rogers) as Frenchie / Seedeater (Eedie) as Wee John / Kagekao as the Swede / Dr. Smiley as Roach / The Rake as Buttons
The 'Queen Lucia' Crew
Grinny (Oscar Delgado-Reyes)* as Edward Teach / Shadowlurker as Izzy Hands / Masky** as Fang / Hoodie* as Ivan
*Grinny is an OC of @oakmovies , however, for this AU, he is essentially a nearly different character, as his lore and background are vastly different.
**Masky and Hoodie in this AU are NOT the same people as their versions in Marble Hornets, and are instead entirely different people with different backstories.
Other Characters
Smile Dog (Smilin' Sam Dogham) as Calico Jack / Nurse Ann as Spanish Jackie / Splendorman as Nigel Badminton / Slenderman as Chauncey Badminton / Ms. (Priscilla) Pencilneck (another OC of @oakmovies) as Mary Allamby / Nina the Killer (Nina Rodriguez-Hopkins) as Archie / Jane the Killer as Mary Read (Jane Tod Richardson) / Clockwork (Natalie Ouellette) as Anne Bonney / Pinkamena (Bi Qi/碧琪) as Zheng Yi Sao
Character Backgrounds:
In this AU, and in this given time frame, the UnderRealm aristocracy is made up entirely of either monsters or spirits who were born and raised in the UnderRealm. Anyone who comes to the UnderRealm from the Surface world (killers, cursed, undead, etc.) is considered other, an outsider, and of lesser status, and this gap created upholds the aristocratic monster class. People who are born half-human are also considered lesser, and unless they were born to a monster of already aristocratic standing, they have very limited options in life in the UR.
UnderRealm: Widemouth, Ben (see also Spirit), Seedeater, The Rake, Shadowlurker, Slenderman, Splendorman
Spirits: Ben (Human from UK, died, then UR as corporeal spirit), Kagekao (Demon; Japan)
Grinny (Mother - Mixed Taino/Spanish / Father - (Lower-class) Monster)
Smile (Father - UK / Mother - Cave Hound)
Ms. P (Father - UK / Mother - (Upper-class) Monster)
'Killer' Humans: Jeff, Liu, Toby, Dr. Smiley, Masky, Hoodie, Nina, Jane, Clockwork
Cursed/Possessed/Undead/Cannibal 'Humans': EJ (possessed/cursed/cannibal), Nurse Ann (Undead), Pinkamena (Cursed/Cannibal)
Lore (What's Different from PM/OFMD?)
Grinny/Oscar - The child of a feline-monster from the UnderRealm, and a half Taino woman from Puerto Rico. His mother was dragged to the UnderRealm by his father when she was a young lady, and lived in an abusive situation with him, until Oscar kills his father when he's 12. He runs away from home after this, and joins the crew of Captain Doyle (Hornigold for this AU - I have yet to draw another version of him for this AU, so here's @oakmovies rendition of him on IG). There, he meets Sam and Shadowlurker, and after they mutiny Doyle, he goes on to make a reputation for himself as the feared monster pirate Captain Grinny.
Jeff and Liu - Since Black Pete and Jim Jimenez in OFMD are not at all blood siblings the way Jeff and Liu are, but I was already set on them being these characters, I've created this backstory for them:
Jeff and Liu grow up with their family on a blood orange farm in St. Augustine, when one Christmas night, a gang known as the Siete Búhos attacks and kills their entire family. Instead of killing the siblings as well, they mutilate them, and set Jeff, and the rest of the farm, on fire.The two siblings manage to run away from the burning farm, and are taken in by a Satanic Nun.
The Nun raises them to master the art of killing, but only for the purpose of revenge. Jeff, however, has a different idea, and uses his new skills to rob and kill people for money. The nun acts to kick Jeff out of the convent, but Liu refuses to be separated from their brother, and leaves with him. Eventually, they meet Eyeless Jack, who gets them a job with Spanish Ann.
However, they find out that one of her husbands is the leader of the Siete Búhos, so one night, they get him drunk enough to restrain, torture, and kill him. After Ann finds out about this, she puts a price on Liu's head, and Jack has to escape with the two siblings, where they then join Widemouth's crew among The Retribution.
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Fang/Lucius/Pete/Izzy — Modern AU, Fluff, Mall Santa And His Elves
Fang signs up to be the Santa Claus at his local mall every year because he has the time and likes making kids happy. Lucius is one of Fang's helper elves this year as part of his community service for getting caught pickpocketing. Pete is one of Fang's helper elves because he showed up as moral support for Lucius. Izzy is one of Fang's helper elves because he lost a bet with Fang. Somehow this leads to all four of them ending up in a polycule.
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Fang/Lucius/Black Pete — Being cute
Doing literally anything. Hanging out, cuddling, working together, bathing, going on a date, whatever. I loved the part where Lucius was about to get his finger amputated and his boyfriends were so concerned. Adorable.
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Lucius/Fang(/Black Pete) — Ace Fang
He just gives me ace vibes.
Maybe Lucius has never encountered someone ace before, and needs it explained to him. Or he totally gets it from the start, and it is just their romantic courtship.
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Stede/Ed — Gilligan's Island AU
Stede is an eccentric millionaire who runs a pirate-themed tour boat company. The crew are still his crew, only some may have falsely believed it was an actual pirate ship (hence early plans to mutiny).
Ed, Izzy, Fang, Ivan, etc. are actual pirates and decide to book a tour with the aim of robbing Stede and killing everyone on board. Only, a storm arises and they end up stranded on a deserted island.
Of course, there's no point killing everyone when you need as many hands as you can get, so Ed tells Izzy that they're postponing the plan until they can repair the ship and get off the island. But the longer they're there, the more Ed starts to like Stede. And eventually, Ed realizes that he could never kill Stede.
As a matter of fact, pretty much everyone but Izzy is content with the way things are. Jim and Oluwande finally realize they're meant to be together. Lucius and Pete have a very loving but open relationship. Fang occassionally hooks up with Lucius, but he doesn't have a hardcore romance. But he's happy anyway because he found an orphaned coyote pup who he's raising as his own.
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Ed/Izzy, Any/Izzy — Ed gets jealous, possessive, that makes Izzy angry
Sometime post reunion, established Stede/Ed, Izzy is romantically or sexually with someone other than Ed.
Maybe Izzy/Ivan/Fang happened while Stede was gone and Izzy was emotionally vulnerable. Maybe Izzy/Lucius or Izzy/Roach. Maybe Jack turns up again, alive, and Stede throws a fit because he's banned from the ship, and Izzy offers to go "distract" him because Jack's a big ol Izzy simp. Maybe somehow Stede/Izzy is happening. Maybe it's a fling with some unnamed rando we don't care about.
In any case, Edward finds out about Izzy's relationship and goes all out possessive, jealous, you're mine see this x mark on your face, etc.
But Izzy doesn't react as expected, accepting anything from Edward and desperate for his attention. Instead, Izzy is mad as hell about it. Did Ed think about thier relationship or care to ask Izzy's opinion when he was pining over Stede? Has Ed looked twice at him in fucking years? What, so Edward's allowed to move on from the horrible unhealthy thing they became as Blackbeard but Izzy isnt allowed to try and find happiness of his own? Fuck off Ed.
Up to filler how it plays out from there.
DNW: non or dub-con.
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Stede/Ed/Izzy — Frenchie, Jim, Lucius, Fang & Ivan are protective OF Izzy, shovel talks, friendship
Lucius survived the Kraken and alongside Frenchie and Jim have seen Izzy's brittleness during the Kraken's reign. In the months where all they had was each other (plus Fang and Ivan) they've grown to understand and sympathize with Izzy's past actions (an asshole, but now a sad grieving one). And maybe they've all bonded during that time, with Izzy learning to be more unguarded around them, where they've created a semblance of friendship.
And when Stede gets back with the marooned crew everyone assumes the old dynamics would return. Stede and Ed did get together and the rest have gone back to normal except, there's been a shift with how some of the crew members treat Izzy. The ones who've experienced the past months with him have taken to defending him from the others. And when Stede and Ed start courting Izzy, the protective feelings they have switch into overdrive.
Frenchie, Jim, Lucius, Fang & Ivan have seen Izzy at his most vulnerable, have witnessed how kind he can be underneath that cold heart. And while he's still a bastard, they've come to see him as one of their own. Cue shovel talks & the rest of the crew getting the picture that Izzy is one of them now. Izzy tries not to cry at the revelation (he fails).
Fill: The Mending of Icarus [General | No Pairings, Background canon pairigngs] [TW: Sexual Content]
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Izzy/Any — Bloody/messy kiss
After a raid, Izzy is messy. Maybe some gunpowder on his face but mostly blood. Other people's blood primarily but maybe he did get a minor cut.
Izzy is aware he's a mess, personally doesn't see it as an issue. It's a risk of the trade.
But he does make an effort when his bf comes up to lay a kiss on him. A brief effort before happily reciprocating.
Fill: Messy [Izzy/Everyone] Fill: Crimson and Shadows [Izzy/Lucius/Black Pete]
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Izzy/The Crew — The Crew Seducing Izzy
The crew make a bet to see which one of them can seduce Izzy, they all take turns trying their techniques, and Izzy is weirded out by their behavior.
Bonus: If Izzy figures out what is going on, and tries to turn the tables on them.
Fill: None Fill: Tumblr Art Post
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