#PHEW this is long under the cut fair warning
aaron warner x ferrars! reader pt. 4
(continuation from part three)
who knew running a new country was so hard? spoiler alert: apparently everyone but you and your sister. your asylum days never looked so simple.
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a/n: hi… i’m back 🔥🔥 i’d like to start by apologizing for the stupid long wait. it was unfair to my readers and i swear i had no intention to leave people waiting. i genuinely forget sometimes people really like my writing </3 and i truly am grateful to the people who read. let’s jus say i have been busy and yet so unmotivated for the littlest things. i won’t bore w the details i’m sure y’all are jus happy i finally posted part 4. again REALLY sorry for the wait and pls enjoy. also now adding borders to my fics (ill edit the old ones too)
word count: 9k
warnings: few plot changes, fights and feuds, violence and blood mention, castle slander, angst, buzzcut aaron 😣😣😣
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things were finally looking up for the rebellion. you'd manage to overthrow the supreme commander and his army, the reestablishment no longer ruled over your part of the land - making it open to new possibilities of government.
you never wished you paid attention in your social studies classes until now.
there were so many regulations you had to learn, matters you had to discuss, and, of course, the never-ending paperwork. your least favorite part. it didn't help you were behind on learning the fancy terminology for topics. 'can't people ever just say what they mean?'
juliette's optimism for being a leader was diminishing every time she had to meet with castle on strategy. he poorly disguised his disapproval of leadership upon every encounter.
but you learned to ignore it along the way. it wasn't as if he was ever the perfect leader either, plus you'd get the gist of the whole leadership thing soon. you silently prayed.
in the midst of all the responsibilities, you had to keep aaron from killing kenji most of the time. they were originally getting on somewhat friendly enough terms, but that was before the incident occurred.
that day, kenji barged in with urgency into your room as you were looking over papers. he went on to say there was a 'serious' problem, and you worriedly assumed it had to do with the reestablishment. but it instead involved your boyfriend.
"seriously kenji? i thought we were under attack or someone died!"
"someone will die if you don't handle your boyfriend right now. hopefully better than you've been handling being supreme comm-" kenji was cut off by the click of a gun.
"i dare you to finish your sentence."
with the barrel to his head, kenji quickly defended his words with the barrel to his head. aaron and him bickered back and forth. kenji turned to you for help, but all you did was shrug and mouth 'karma.' then he hit kenji's head with said gun.
"okay, that's enough, can someone explain to me what the issue is here?"
"this is the issue." aaron then turned to reveal chunks of different sizes along the back of his head. you gasp at his ruined hair.
"oh my god, kenji what the hell did you do?"
"i gave him a trim just like he asked!"
this made another argument burst out between the two. kenji denying his mistake and aaron picking the gun back up and threatening to kill him.
"aaron put the gun down."
aaron reluctantly does so, but his glare at kenji doesn't drop.
"phew, thanks, princess."
"kenjii since you "trimmed" warner's hair, i think it's only fair that he does the same to yours." you proclaim.
kenji looks toward you in horror, "no way!"
aaron wastes no time in going to the bathroom and returning with a razor. he gives him a terrifying smile, "i'm only going to trim the edges."
kenji bolted out of the room a second later, complaining about favoritism on the way out.
aaron ended up having no choice but to shave the rest of his hair, leaving him with a military-style buzz cut. you would mourn the longer hair, but truthfully, it did nothing to tarnish his looks.
sector 45, after sending several invitations, finally received a rvsp for an international leadership conference held at your sector. from oceania, is what delalieu told you and juliette.
you started to come to the realization about the lack of history you knew about warner. sure, you knew him deeply now, but you knew so little about his past. castle made it evident when he mentioned to you and juliette his possible connection to oceania's leaders. castle, annoyingly, did not disclose anymore and insisted aaron needed to be the one to tell. yet, he judged how little you both knew about oceania.
warner being immersed into his work left little time for that. while aaron had been helpful in your learning some etiquettes, he'd been closing off his emotions since he father's death. even after many attempts of trying to get him to open up, he vowed he was okay. you had a slim to none chance of prying information about oceania from him.
you felt lost and angry. for being supreme commanders, you and juliette seemed to be almost always out of the loop. castle regarded you as experiments, seeing how two naive teenage girls could survive being leaders. the rest of the world wasn't any different.
you offered the idea of just reading castle's mind, but juliette thought it could lead to mistrust toward you. she believed you both needed to remain calm for the moment, which is what you have done so far. but you were getting a bit bitter playing nice for so long.
at times you felt juliette left you of the leadership issues. she insisted to be the one to tackle meetings and discussion with castle, she sometimes gave answers before even discussing it with you, and even delalieu seemed to report everything to her first before it got to you. you would never bring it up, and just wrote it off as her still getting the hang of everything. but in the back of your mind you worried it was only a foreshadow.
on the way to see the new headquarters, castle rushed to you. he begged you and juliette to reconsider taking warner with you to greet the guest downstairs. you had no clue what he was on about, but played along and told him warner wasn't needed. you quickly caught on to the situation.
you rushed back to your room, put on what you deemed appropriate clothing and freshened up your hair and face. you were still putting on your shoes when you left.
on the way, you thought about how odd it was juliette didn't even bother to inform you. even if you were busy, you both had pagers to contact one another for important events such as this one.
you hear sounds of greetings as you approach the reception. you luckily hadn't missed out on much.
you see kenji along side juliette and feel a pang of betrayal. juliette was subtly shocked and kenji was confused to see you. but you cover it up with a smile as you turn to see the guest.
"apologies for my delay, i was held up with some prior matters." you hold a hand out, "it's a pleasure to meet you, i'm y/n."
the guest introduces himself as haider, and you can't help but notice a glint of recognition as he looks you over.
but that was forgotten as you came to find out haider wasn't aware of the fact sector 45 had another supreme commander as it wasn't mentioned on the invitation. you told him it must've been a mistake, but you threw a questioning glance to juliette.
you felt yourself get lost as the meeting when on. haider didn’t make it discreet he knew warner very well. he made a brief comment on his relationship with the other supreme commander children.
“i’ve got to say, when i first heard about warner being involved with a girl — i had strong doubts. he has never been the relationship type. unless you count lena. oh, but i’m sure you know all about her by now. they were together for almost two-years after all.”
you had no idea who lena was, but you had a strong sense you wouldn’t like the answer. haider had obviously knew this, and faked ignorance with his comment.
“oh. he hasn’t mentioned his ex-girl friend?”
your heart dropped. you glanced at kenji and juliette from the side of your eyed and they held the same face of surprise. you did your best to remain unphased with a polite smile.
“must’ve just not been important enough to discuss. like right now. i’d prefer if we got back on track of the topic instead of digging into my personal relations.”
if haider was impressed or offended he didn’t show and shifted subjects. you tried your best to listen in as juliette spoke with him about dinner, but the thought of warner having an ex-girlfriend floated around in your mind for the rest of the meeting.
the second haider left the room, and you all burst into a discussion for the next step. dinner would be in less than an hour, and you were still filled in with little to no information about haider and his intentions. you knew the next step would be for you to talk to aaron about it, but you weren’t sure you could be alone with him with this newfound information about his past. you got juliette and kenji to come along with you to question him under the excuse that it would be easier than relaying whatever he told you.
before you three could do that, you didn’t forget their actions before this meeting. you knew it would be the worst time to discuss especially with how limited time was, but you spoke without thinking when you saw juliette heading towards the door.
“why didn’t you tell me about this meeting?”
she sighs and brushes you off saying it wasn’t the most important subject right now. but you already begin, so you thought you might as well get some answers, and pushed her for an explanation.
“we’re suppose to be in this together, how could you leave me in the dark—”
“because i didn’t think you could handle it, and quite frankly, castle agreed with me.”
“what?” you were dumfounded by her response.
“you’ve been so unruly lately, and i get it doing this whole supreme commander thing has been challenging — but i couldn’t afford anything with this meeting.”
“unruly? just because i don’t want to listen to every little thing castle says. news flash, he’s made it quite clear he doesn’t support us leading sector 45.”
“he knows far more than us, we should take what he says wisely.”
“j has a point y/n, castle has a lot of experience—” kenji intercepts.
“shut up! you’re just as guilty as juliette. i thought we were friends and then you help juliette hide this meeting from me!” you spit at kenji.
he stays silent, for once. but it says more than enough for you. you turn your bitterness back to your sister.
“was it his idea to only put down you as the supreme commander on the invitations, too?”
“yes.” she reluctantly admits. “castle wasn’t sure if the idea of two supreme commanders would go well over with orher sectors. i swear, y/n, i only found out once they were already sent.”
you didn’t care for reasoning. you were angry at it all. “i agreed to do this for you! it was you wanted us to do this together! ”
“and maybe i’m starting to regret that.”
your face dropped. juliette’s eyes widened as she realized the weight of her words. but it was too late to apologize.
you scoff, “alright. fine. go ahead and do it yourself. go and question warner about haider yourself and talk to castle and beg for his help for dinner. because i’m done being supreme commander. but it’s not like i ever was, right?”
you can’t help but leave a final comment before you stalk out the door, “you know what’s funny? i found out about the meeting because castle wanted me to tell you to not do it on your own, to bring warner, he said. guess you’re unruly to him too.”
with limited options of locations juliette, kenji, or warner wouldn’t be able to find you, you had to resort to being hiding in your old room you were once held captive in.
now less clouded by anger, you facepalmed yourself. perhaps just quitting being supreme commander had been a rash decision. you weren’t even quite sure if you could just quit like that. but you would rather be jobless than take back your words to juliette.
maybe she was right, you are quite unruly. but you had no plans to admit it to her.
you thought back to aaron. you wanted his comfort, but you still were upset about the ex-girlfriend situation. even if you said it was important, you had somewhat of a right to know when your boyfriend was in a past relationship.
you hated how castle was right about how much you lack knowledge about aaron’s history. and you know you should probably be there with kenji and juliette talking to aaron, but you were too prideful, and a little embarrassed to do so.
so you collected yourself as made your way back to your room (taking twists and turns to avoid anyone you didn’t want to see) to prepare yourself mentally and physically for the dinner to come.
unfortunately for you, aaron was sitting on your bed waiting for your return when you stepped into the room. you we’re unsure on how to greet him since he likely was informed about earlier events through juliette and kenji.
“oh my god, you scared me.”
“my apologies, amor. but i had to see you after you you didn’t arrive with kenji and juliette when they went to ask me about haider.”
you went into your closet as he spoke from your bed, picking out a nice dress for dinner. “got into a fight with them and it didn’t end well. then i dramatically quit being supreme commander.” you explained nonchantly.
he was taken aback, “you quit? just like that?”
“yeah.” you confirm walking out the closet with a lilac dress on arm, “you think this’ll be good enough, or it it too much?”
“you’ll look astonishing as always. but don’t change the topic, what happened to that headstrong nature of yours i admire? you can’t just give up after a silly fight.”
you groan, and toss the dress on tour bef next to him, “i really don’t want to talk about it right now. can’t you just tell me what shoes go with this dress?”
“amor.” aaron stands up and interwines his hands in yours, “please don’t shut me out.”
you bitterness rose back up at his words and you drop aaron’s hands. “that’s ironic coming from you.”
“amor, please don’t pick a fight with me.”
“castle once told me i didn’t know you as well as i thought. and he’s right, aaron. any mention of your past and you close right up.”
aaron sighs, “i’m not an open person, you know this. it’s harder for me to talk about my personal life than it is for you. but i mean it when i say i am trying for you.”
“really? then why didn’t you even bother to mention you knew haider. or how about the fact you have an ex-girlfriend! you know how embarrassing it was for someone from a different continent to tell you more than you knew about your boyfriend?”
“lena?” he asks furrowing his brows. “she was barely a girlfriend. haider likely only mentioned her to rile you up and it’s working, so please calm down.”
“oh my god. there you go again! you want to just sweep it under the rug, and i’m tired of it. all i want is a little more openness from you.”
“i have been open, there’s no one closer to my heart than you. please understand that just certain subject are—“
“hard to talk about, yeah i’ve got that.” you exasperated. “i just think it’s important to mention a two-year relationship.”
“it was purely physical.”
your heart stings. “so, physical relationships just mean nothing to you? everything physical we’ve shared hasn’t meant anything to you?”
“that’s not what i meant. i was different back then!”
you turn around, “just go warner. i’d like to be alone right now before dinner.”
aaron didn’t anything else, he knew your word was final. not because of his sense of your emotions, but by the fact you used his last name.
in less than an hour you managed to fight with every person close to you. and you had to see said people at dinner in less than ten minutes. somehow, you blamed castle for your luck.
delalieu knocked on your door to escort you to dinner. you weren’t sure of aaron had told him to or perhaps he had pity that you would be entering alone. either way you were happy to walk with someone you weren’t upset with.
luckily, you had arrived before the guests did. but unluckily, kenji, juliette, and aaron were already there. your usual spot was next to aaron and infront of juliette, kenji sometimes next to you or her. but juliette sat at the head of the table now, kenji to her right and aaron to her left. you had no choice but to awkwardly sit next to warner due to the limited seating. plus you’d rather not show haider theres issues amongst you four.
kenji and juliete silently conversed, your sister ignored you fully while kenji glimpsed at you with a small frown. you could feel aaron turn in your direction, but your gaze focused on the empty seat next to you.
haider arrived shortly, greeted aaron first with a hug, one aaron was visibly discomforted by. then discreetly spoke, both using arabic tongues. which none of you knew he had. ypu almost choke on nothing as he casually reveals aaron know seven languages. the rest of you greeted him curtly, and he took a seat in front of you.
haider wasn’t the only guest at the dinner, his sister nazeera showing up was a bit of a surprise to the rest of you.
nazeera is gorgeous, with her smooth carmel complexion, dark eyes and strong features. her face held diamonds percing; two on her eyebrow and one below her lip. she wore a wrap that covered her whole hair, and it did nothing to lessen her beauty — it enhanced it.
she stared at juliette before she turned to you. you were unsure of the expression she held, and part of you wanted to just find out yourself, but you knew better.
both you and juliette stood up to greet her, and she accepted politely. she gave aaron a mere nod then proceeded to sit down next to you, instead of her brother. but if anything it gave you more of a reason to not talk to the people beside you.
aaron started the conversation about her scraf, but kenji was the one who made an offhanded comment regarding her head scarf, which you learned was called a hijab, claiming it was banned to wear them since it was stabled with religion. nazeera didn’t shy away from answering, she stood her stance and didn’t care for reestablishment rules despite being a supreme commander’s daughter.
nazeera has a sharp tongue and kenji was not prepared for it. you tried to hide you smile as kenji got more flustered with his words. she was highly more likable than her brother.
“are all the other supreme commander kids like this?” you ask her.
“only the ones who aren’t insufferable.” she stands up from her seat, “so, no,” she tells you with a wink. nazeera then announces her departures and leaves the dining table.
you had a good feeling about her. and even though you and juliette were at odds, you knew she also admired nazeera already.
aaron and kenji bickered a bit before haider bid his goodbyes. aaron took the liberty of escorting him to his quarters. a job that likely should’ve been done by you or juliette, but frankly, you didn’t like the guy much to care.
now juliette, kenji, and you sat in an awkward silence. part of you wanted to mend things with your sister, but majority of you felt she should take the first step. kenji looked ready to say something, but held his tongue.
you figured it was the most you’ll get, so you mumbled a goodbye and headed off to your room.
half way there, you stopped. even if you felt you were the one in the right, you were ready to make the first move if it meant rehashing things with your sister and best friend. you rerouted back to the dining room.
before you could enter, you heard talking. you peeked through the slit of the open door and saw nazeera, juliette, and kenji talking.
suddenly, and ugly feeling boiled in your stomach. seeing them all conversing (mainly juliette and nazeera because kenji was mixing his words) made you realize how perfect the three looked together. almost natural. it made you think of how easy it would be to replace you. nazeera would be the one teasing and messing with kenji. nazeera would be the sister you imagined juliette wished she had instead — one who was confident, witted, and courageous. everything you lacked these days.
maybe they just didn’t need you nearly as much as you needed them.
you couldn’t even place your vexation on nazeera. you just met her today, and she was already someone you knew was amazing as she presented herself.
you never entered the dining room. you left before anyone could notice you dejectedly walking away.
the following morning wasn’t better. delalieu knocked on your just as the sun was starting to rise, your restless sleep did nothing to help wake you up. he informed you you’d been invited to accompany haider, and nazeera would likely be joininng. you nodded, thanked him, and sent him on his way.
as soon as the door closed, you grabbed the nearest pillow and screamed into it. haider was already being a pain, and it was his second day.
worst part was, delalieu failed to mention haider had also invited others.
you were unpleasantly surprised to see all three of the people you quarreled with arriving after you.
you weren’t sure who to walk aside. but on instinct you stood next to aaron before you could remember your vendetta. juliette was on one side of haider and you were on the other. nazeera and kenji followed closely behind.
it was unbearably silent the first few steps, there wasn’t a word uttered. the tension would’ve needed a axe to cut.
you couldn’t help but peek at aaron from the side of your eye. you quickly looked forward when you accidentally made eye contact. he sighed quietly after. you hated how badly you had to clench your fist to prevent yourself from latching it onto his.
haider broke the silence. he asked warner if he would be attending the continental symposium. you and juliette only knew briefly about it. no one ever mentioned the nature of the event to either of you.
but when juliette inferred haider about it, you both realized how big the event was.
“i wasn’t sure whether you’d both attend since the late supreme commander anderson has never attended public gathering.”
“we’ll both very much be there.” you add in quickly.
“of course, we aren’t hiding from the world,” juliette adds in, “when will it be?”
haider’s eye slightly widened as if she asked an incredulous question. but it made sense after he revealed it would be in two days. he innocently answered, but you knew he was satisfied having caught juliette off guard.
“it’s really my fault for that. juliette’s been so diligent with managing all other issues i thought it would be better if i took it off her shoulder’s and handled it. but silly me, i’d forgotten to keep her posted on the date.”
you jumped in with an excuse to defend your sister because even if you two weren’t on good terms, you wouldn’t let someone try to toy with her.
juliette looks to you grateful for the help, and you give her a small smile in return.
aaron added in, “she’s right, we’re finalizing the program with delalieu today, who is hard at work planning the details.”
you give his hand a tight squeeze as a ‘thank you’. but as you try to let go, aaron’s hand engulfs your tightly to stop you. you try to wiggle your hand a little, but eventually it it be.
you bite the inside of your cheek to keep you from smiling.
aaron asks haider for his plans during the remainder of his stay. he mentions catching up with old friends then goes on to say juliette and you must’ve received numerous invitations from the other kids of supreme commanders.
“we haven’t gotten the whole group together in far too long,” haider says.
you raise a brow, “whole group? just how many of you are there?”
suddenly everyone stops as haider’s demeanor goes from unauthentic sincerity to ice cold. it almost scares you.
he harshly grabs aaron’s arm,wretching your hands apart, and pulls him forward. haider asks angrily if he’s shared little to nothing about ‘them’ with you.
“you turn your back on us for this — this child? how stupid could you be? you have to know it won’t end well, i promise you that.”
“hey! let go.” you protest.
haider scoffs and ignores you. “i thought it couldn’t be true you’d fallen for a psychotic girl’s insignificant freak sister. i defended you, just to find out it all true. what the hell happened to you?”
you’d had enough shoved him away with your gift, hard enough to cause him to stumble back a little.
haider was stunned by the sudden force then notices the red aura from your hand.
“what did you just do?”
you shrug, “how could a child like me do something? but if you touch him like that again you’ll end up just like the last supreme commander. i promise you that.”
“is that a threat?”
“why don’t you find out?”
haider laughs, almost delighted by the fact you threatened to basically kill him. everyone else unintentionally lets out a breathe they didn’t know they were holding, especially juliette who had been ready to intervene.
haider requested to speak with aaron alone, promising to keep his hands to himself. you and aaron shared a look, and you knew he’d be alright. he gives you a smile that was made for you, and you return it.
the fight from the say before was long forgotten. you knew no matter how many fights you’d have, you’d do almost anything for him.
part of you still hoped for a grand apology, but this would be more than enough. now, you hoped to eventually make amends with the other two.
you walked off, not quite sure the destination. you figured you might as well go on a walk yourself since the planned one got disrupted. but a hand grabbed your arm to stop you.
“hey, uhm,” it’s juliette’s voice, “do you think we could talk? i mean..later because we’re all so busy and obviously you have stuff to do-“
“yeah.” you smile, “i’d like that.”
you both share heartfelt grins. you wave at kenji and nazeera from your spot and walk back toward the base. this time, with a happier kick in your step.
a good few steps in — you felt it, an abrupt change in the environment. it was almost too eerie, and you realized there was no one in sight, not even the guards who are meant to follow you from a generous distance.
you came to the conclusion it was no accident when the first shot punctured your shoulder. the second through your side.
you scream in agony to as you attempt to flee from the open, but more bullets ensue. you manage to block a few with your energy, but the pain was painful enough to leave some to hit your busy, such as your thigh. but the one that made you topple over was a bullet near the chest, in almost the same spot anderson once shot you.
you managed to block it before it was a fatal hit, but it hit you enough to be painful and draw blood.
you were half conscious, the world foggy and blurry in your eyes. you felt someone approach you and kneel down to tower over your defenseless body. a sudden pressure on your neck woke you up enough to understand this person was choking you to kill you.
you used whatever energy you had left to try and push the person off of you. the lack of oxygen and the increase of black spots made it hard for you to focus on pushing the person off.
your adrenaline kicked in to created enough power to get the man off of you. as soon as he groan in pain, you started to feebly crawl away from the perpetuator. your blood likely dragging on the concrete now. but they composed fast, and grabbed onto your ankle. you fid what you could and grabbed the nearest rock and hit them on the head with it. but ir wasn’t enough to stop them from grabbing you again.
at that point you were worn out, too tired to even move a muscle. the loss of blood was starting to make you woozy, and the bullets seemed far more painful than you remembered. you couldn’t register you were on the verge of death.
but the pressure on your neck never returned. instead came the noises of violent punches and broken bones. a new person crouched beside you, you knew they meant you no harm as they assessed your wounds and chanted assuring words.
in your deliriousness, you babbled on about how they looked like your friend kenji, one whom you fought with and missed so much.
“i’m sure your friend misses you too.” kenji responds, doing his best to keep you awake.
you blacked when another person, stronger than the first, carefully carried you and rushed toward the base.
in the medical bay, you were in and out of consciousness. you remember sara and sonya hurriedly tending you, kenji freaking out in the back, and aaron worriedly beside you. your first thought was, ‘where’s juliette?’
unbeknownst to you at the time, juliette was getting her wounds treated as well. she had been shot too, but not nearly as fatal as you. she was caught off guard alone as well, but her attacker only aimed to disable her. nazeera had been near by when she heard the commotion and saved her.
juliette was shot moments before you, and aaron believed it was worked as a distraction so your assailant could successfully kill you.
kenji was the one to find you. after juliette had been injured, he went to find you and arrived in the nick of time.
it took almost two days before you could wake up fully without passing out every minute. the first face you saw was aaron — who was already at your beside, holding your hand tightly — almost like he was praying.
when he noticed you’d woken up, his face became relaxed. he pecked you on the lips before badgering you with questions about your state. you assured him you were alright, and had to repeat it over and over.
your body still ached greatly due to the poison laced in the bullets sara and sonya explained to you. your wounds were healed, but there were still possibility of hallucinations from the poison.
after asking for your sister, sara had informed you of her situation, but quickly told you she was alright after seeing your worried eyes.
the culprits had been caught and sent to the holding cells, but they had refused to cooperate. meaning there was zero information on who was behind both your attacks.
aaron was monitoring you intently, when you sat up he rushed to help. he hadn’t stopped holding onto you since you woke up, as if you’d disappear if he let go. his eyes were red-rimmed, but you didn’t comment on it.
you felt bad for giving him a near-death scare again, and berated yourself for leaving yourself vulnerable. even worse, since your sister had also been hurt. aaron put the blame on himself for leaving you unattended.
no matter what you said, warner seemed distraught. his eyes told you there was more to the issue, he was holding back. as he remembered what the issue was, he grew distant. his grip on your hand loosened.
“is everything okay?”
“as long as you’re okay, amor.” he smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “i have to speak with you about something.”
“about what?”
“not here. let’s get you out of here and cleaned up before we talk.”
you nod. you were more than ready to get out the the med bay. your thoughts went to the coming symposium, with you and juliette being temporarily mia, there was likely a plethora of things still needed to get done.
you were happy to finally get a chance to shower. the grime and blood were now down the drain. once done, you changed and went back into your room where aaron was waiting.
before he could get a word in, you embraced him tightly, and he didn’t hesitate to hold you. after almost dying, you just wanted the comfort of aaron. kenji would call you crazy for putting ‘comfort’ and ‘aaron’ in the same sentence.
you kiss him, after what’s felt like forever. it’s not fiery or rushed, but deliberate and emotional. everything was gone from your surrounding for a moment, it was just the two of you. you felt safe. but then aaron pulled away from you, and held onto your hands.
“amor, i need to tell you something. it’s important.” his eyes are looking at everywhere but you.
“you can tell me anything.” you reassure.
he takes a deep breath, running a hand through his blonde hair. your nerves begin to spike, you’ve never seen aaron so hesitant to speak, he’s almost scared.
“i’ll start from the beginning.”
and he did. he told you the start of the reestablishment, their campaigns, ideals, and plans to take over. then, he shifts to the ‘unnatural’s’ and how after they were discovered, they were exploited by the reestablishment.
aaron tells you about two girls who were willingly given over to the reestablishment to be experimented and tested on. you were getting confused on where the conversation was going.
“aaron, why are you explaining all this?”
“because one of those girls is juliette.”
you didn’t know what to say, you were thrown into a loop you still weren’t fully comprehending.
“i don’t understand..”
“the parents you lived with weren’t your biological ones. y/n, you’re both adopted.”
your reality was warped in a matter of seconds. you never felt connected to your ‘parents’, but finding out you came from a different family?
“w-wait… so the people juliette and i lived with for almost our entire lives aren’t our parents?” aaron nods.
“so where are our biological parents? are they alive? wait… who’s the other girl you mentioned before?”
your head was jumbled up, you were trying to get so many answering at once while still trying to process.
aaron closes his eyes for a second before the green is visible again. “that other girl is juliette’s sister. but it’s not you, amor. you and juliette are not biologically related.”
you were frozen, as if time itself had stopped. you free from aaron’s hands and distance yourself. everything had change.
aaron keeps speaking, saying he only knew of juliette’s real sister and parents and sister until recently. castle was the one who told him the information to put the pieces together. castle was the one who urged him to tell you because the reestablishment was was coming, very soon.
“there was no record of you before you were adopted, i had always assumed it was only juliette adopted. it was only after you came here and i ran your dna, along with juliette’s, did i find yours different from your parents.”
juliette wasn’t actually your sister. the parents and girl you grew up with aren’t related to you at all. everytime you talked to aaron about were grateful for juliette as a sister, he knew the truth the whole time.
it took you five minute of speak again. you didn’t care for the rest at the moment, you still had to have another question of yours answered.
“if juliette’s biological parents work for the reestablishment, where are mine?”
“i swear, i had no idea-“
“please. just tell me.”
the more you heart, the more your heart shatters. to stay and watch over sector 45 while his father left to the capital, anderson had him prove himself. it started with emmaline, juliette’s real sister. he was in charge of her imprisonment and torture. but then his father sent him one more task before he was supreme commander.
anderson transported a man and woman to sector 45, aaron was commanded to get information, by any means, out of them. it went on for a year, until anderson saw no value in keeping them anymore.
his father ordered a public execution, and aaron did as he was told. only when finding a journal of his father just hours before you woke up did he get the identity of those people. your parents.
it was the final straw to send you spiraling. you don’t know if you got on the floor or started yelling first. aaron knelt down next to you, trying to soothe you, but it was only making it worse.
you don’t even feel the tears are running down your face. aaron apologizes over and over saying, no matter how many times you told him to stop. you could only keep saying ‘why?’ over and over.
‘why did you keep this from me?’
‘why didn’t you tell me sooner?’
when aaron tried holding you, you roughly shoved him away. his touch no longer felt loving. instead, it became poisonous.
“don’t touch me.”
“amor, please. i love you, so much.”
“you don’t know how to love anyone. you’re a fucking coward.”
the room was suffocating you. you felt trapped and had to get out of there. you got up and booked it out the door, not stopping when aaron called out your name.
you keeping running and let your legs guide you to your destination. the moment you spotted the white door, you came to a halt.
you barge in with no warning, startling the two people in the room. you take big step toward your target and, without hesitation, you slap castle.
“oh my god— what the hell, y/n!”
kenji’s presence does nothing to stop you, “did you have your kicks keeping secrets from us this entire time?”
castle sighs, now unphased by your violence, “i assume warner told you.”
“we trusted you! and all you did was keep us in the dark about our own fucking life!”
“what the hell is going on?”
“does juliette know?”
“i talked to her not long before warner went to you.”
‘oh god,’ you thought. you worried that was the reason juliette has lacked to see you since you’ve woken up.
“miss ferrars, it was not my intention to cause pain to your or your sis— juliette.”
his error struck a nerve, “no, but it was your intention to be a liar and snake, screw you.”
you stormed out in a rage, not before doing a 180 on castle’s desk. you hoped he’d have the worst time cleaning up.
you ran. out of his office and out of the compound. away from it all. you finally stopped after being knee-deep into a forest.
not caring for your surroundings, you sat down on the nearest large rock. it was then you realized how much energy you exhausted. you took in deep breaths to regain your breathing stability. the oxygen filled your lung helped to calm you down for the first time in the past hour.
with no one around, you finally had the time to think straight without anger and despair clouding your judgement. you weren’t even sure if you could exhaust anymore tears.
but it turned out you did. going through the events of the past hour, didn’t help with processing as you thought it would. it only made you relive the heart-ache.
took half an hour to calm down your sobbing. but it was oddly comforting doing it in a place no one would hear you.
you decided didn’t wanna focus on everything you learned. not on aaron. not on being adopted. not on juliette not being your sister. not on your parents being dead before you got the chance to meet them.
you focused on what you could control — the coming continental symposium. it would be in less than a day. you had nothing prepared, not even attire; much less a speech.
you had no idea how you could show up and presume your personality from before. how could you face the supreme commander kids in a state like this? your thoughts wondered to juliette on what her plan would be. but then it hit you; how was juliette handling it?
when you thought about it, you hadn’t seen her all day. she didn’t see you when you woke up, nor before you and aaron talked. she likely didn’t take this news lightly, especially regarding her sister.
thinking about juliette having a sister, that wasn’t you, was painful. your bond wouldn’t be the same. you weren’t blood, juliette no longer had a reason to stand by your side.
despite telling yourself not to, you thought back to warner. his betrayal hurt deeper than castle’s. how could you trust him again? you couldn’t. it was over.
time passed like nothing being amongst nature. the once light blue sky, turned orange with pink hues, signaling the end of the day. you knew you couldn’t hide forever. you had to find juliette.
if your theory was right then juliette was not in her room. you brainstormed possible locations when you bumped into kenji.
“y/n? thank god, everyone’s been worried about where you went, and juliette—“
“where juliette? i need to see her now.”
“y/n… warner told me everything. i know it must be hard for you both, but i think typu both need some spac—“
you snap, “just tell me where she is kenji!”
“she’s not in the best state.”
“take me to her. now.”
kenji reluctantly leads you to the door of anderson’s office. when you saw it was locked, you pounded on the wood relentlessly.
“c’mon, let’s just go.” kenji persists.
“juliette! open the door!”
“go away.”
“juliette, please let me in. i wanna talk.”
“i don’t wanna speak to you.”
“well, i do.”
“you’re not my real sister, so leave me alone!”
“fine,” you scoff, “hopefully you treat your new sister a lot better than your treating me right now.”
“fuck you.”
“fuck you too!” you throw back.
“…bad time to say i told you so?”
you rolled your eyes at kenji’s remark and walk away. your anger resurged, and you needed somewhere to blow off steam. training room had been unfortunate to be your victim.
when you saw no one in sight, you took it as a sign to proceed. in a matter of seconds, objects where tossed across the room through your levitation. weights were scattered, some broken, benches were bent out of shape, even a few treadmills weren’t so kindly spared. you’d feel bad about the damage later, but it felt so good in that moment to get angry.
it was dark outside when your adrenaline was closing to nothing. your only had energy to sit on a mat laid across the floor. you figured you’d take a quick power nap before going back to your room to sleep.
as soon as you closed you eyes, you were passed out. you’d hadn’t realized just how much of your energy you exerted.
aaron warner was getting back from his debriefing with delalieu, when the open door of the training room caught his eyes.
he was more than dismayed to see the damage done to what once was the training center. he was irritated that he’d have to replace basically all equipment. aaron assumed there was violent fight that happened, but then his eyes fell upon your form sleeping soundly on the floor.
now, he was more impressed than annoyed at the damage done. he would’ve been slightly proud of he wasn’t the reason for you to lash out so brutally.
aaron picked up your limp body in his arms, and carried you off to bed; taking advantage of holding you again. because he wasn’t sure the next time he’d be able to.
you were disoriented after waking up in your room, wondering how you ended up in your room when you’d fell asleep in the training room. you threw the possibly of sleeping walking to bed in, but then decides you didn’t care much for finding out.
it had been much later than you anticipated, and you were surprised no one woke you up. you dressed swiftly and headed out the door, despite a dreading feeling brewing in your gut.
first stop was to find delalieu, who actually found you first. he informed you the arrival of the newest guests and listened as he listed name. you stopped when he uttered the word ‘lena.’
“lena? as in warner’s ex-girlfriend?”
delalieu says nothing, but his eyes are looking at the ground. ‘so that’s a yes.’
great, you thought. you broke up less than twenty four hours ago and his ex already shows up.
then delalieu tells you juliette is already greeting guests, so your presence is not mandatory. he likely knows all of yesterday’s events, including your fight with her, so he’s likely trying to prevent conflict before the symposium.
a stronger person would’ve bitten the bullet and showed up anyway. but you weren’t that stronger person today. you would take to chance to avoid people you didn’t wanna see at any point.
perhaps it was a coward’s way, but you believed after everything, you were entitled to have at least one day.
you busied yourself in the office of your room; approving symposium plan and decor, looking through letters, and going through anderson’s old files — provided by delalieu.
kenji came to see you three hours before the symposium. you pretended to not here it the first couple times he knocked, but he was annoyingly persistent.
you weren’t mad at kenji, he didn’t know anything before you. but didn’t mean seeing him was easy, his presence always reminded you of juliette. you three had always hung out. now he was stuck in the middle.
kenji told you nazeera wanted to speak with you, so you granted her permission to enter. nazeera was quick to her point and told you the reestablishment’s plan; destroying sector 45. she advised you and juliette presented yourself strong at the event, to show everyone you’re a formidable enemy. plus, there was the possibility of sudden danger because of the plans the reestablishment had for juliette and you.
you found sudden danger was just always a given in your life.
you weren’t sure how you and juliette could show up united, you both were at odds and still processing everything you’ve been told. it would be nearly impossible to act as if nothing has changed.
were you even still supreme commander? you weren’t sure you ever ‘unquit’.
but, differences would have to be put aside. because everyone will be watching for your next move. and it may or may not lead to the demise of sector 45.
you missed just shooting and punching enemies.
kenji stuck around after nazeera left. you both discussed the danger to come. then, he filled you in on anything you missed, juliette’s buzzcut, warner sulking, the new guests, and, your favorite, lena being humbled by juliette.
apparently, she’d been ‘eager’ to meet you and asked juliette about your whereabouts. she referred to you as an ‘ex-girlfriend’ is what kenji told you. how she knew about the break up, you had no idea.
juliette looked her up and down before telling her you don’t waste your time with other insignificant to you.
you couldn’t help but laugh, maybe you were judging lena before knowing her, but based on that interaction; it told you enough.
once kenji left to get ready, you decided you’d do the same.
your nerves spiked the closer it got time for the big event. you spent a good hour deciding what would be best to wear. you hadn’t realized you relied on warner for fashion help until that moment.
you settled on a floor-length gown with beautiful embroidered and beaded details. you tried to avoid putting any accessories gifted to you by warner, but it was nearly impossible.
you attempted a makeup look, and you thought you did a pretty good job. and if not, kenji never frayed from being brutally honest to your face.
a guard knocked at your door to alert you that it was time. you cross your finger before exiting the room. time to face everyone you’d been avoiding.
everyone who was to go to the symposium was gathered outside the base, awaiting the vehicle to take them to the meeting location. as expected, everyone was dressed formally.
warner was quick to spot you and hurriedly walked to you. you power walked to get away from him, and hopefully find someone you liked at the moment. but, nonetheless, he caught up to you.
“i don’t wanna talk to you.”
“please, amor. hear me out.”
warner pulls you close to him, holding your hands hostage at his chest. you look into his eyes, and you can see how tired he looks. he’s hadn’t slept well, and it was obvious.
“what could you possibly have to say to me?”
“what could i possibly not have to say to you?”
“i’m sure you rather entertain you’re ex-girlfriend over day, glaring daggers to us.”
“you know that’s not true.”
“do i? i don’t know anything that’s true lately.”
“i love you. my hearts burns for you greatly, and a moment without you is one i can’t bare.”
“i don’t want to hear—“
“my heart has always been yours. i’ll never be able to take back everything i’ve done, but i refuse to lose you because of it.”
“you can scream or yell at me all you want, if it means you’ll stay by my side.”
his forehead presses against yours. his eyes are focused on every feature of your face that hes already committed to memory.
“say you forgive me, amor.” he whispers so vulnerably.
you want to kiss him. you want everything to be magically better after. you want to believe this is another challenge you both can overcome.
but you can’t. at least no so soon.
you’re holding back tears, but aaron already has one going down his face.
“i can’t.” you distance yourself from warner. “every time i see you, i’m reminded of your betrayal. reminded how much heart-ache you’ve caused me. it can’t be so easily forgotten, aaron. not when i still love you so much.”
you were thankful to be distracted when the guards informed you the rides were here. but your thoughts switched as you noticed you’d have to be enclosed with aaron, juliette, and kenji for fifteen minutes, especially when you had to sit next to warner because juliette was just as mad at him as well.
you the were first out given the chance. you were overwhelmed by the amount of people who showed. thinking about juliette and you having to speak in-front of them all was intimidating. and likely all of them hoped for your demise. fun.
now, juliette took the podium, and you were next to her. you two have yet to discuss anything, so you’ll have to wing your speech to match the tone of hers.
but before she could start, the chaos begins. numerous people being protesting and berating both you & juliette and sector 45.
it was all getting jumbled, but there were various ‘traitors’, ‘you’re just children!’, and ‘freaks.’
to defend juliette, you move to the microphone and angrily demand everyone to quiet down, you do your best to yell over the voices rioting.
out of nowhere, the stage you’re standing on explodes. you’re both launched ten or more feet back. then chaos ensues.
theres a ringing in your ear, making it hard to hear anything; only you witness it all from the ground. people running left and right, the stage was now on fire, and men in uniform started invading the premises.
you see juliette lying on the ground not too far from you. you croak her name, then aaron’s and kenji’s, but you’re not sure if you’re even using your vocals.
you feel yourself being dragged away, you’re unmoving. you feel numb, not able to identify which parts of you are injured.
it’s all happening on slow motion in your vision.
you can see the same happening to juliette. with your head above the ground you see a new perspective. you finally see your friends, some are lying motionless, others are running.
you find kenji helping others escape and aaron with him taking down as many guards. then aaron spots you being dragged away, and his eyes widen. he’s on the move to reach for you, but his distraction leaves an opening for a soldier to take him down from behind.
it takes five soldiers to hold him down, he’s yelling your name, and you don’t react. they finally hand cuff him, not wasting a moment to inject him with something strong enough to incapacitate him.
kenji follow the same fate, not being able to get away invisible before nazeera knocks him out.
a man stands in front of you, blocking you from seeing the scene. you recognize the black expensive boots immediately.
“seems we both have a habit of not staying dead.”
anderson lunges the barrel of the pistol against your head — then it all went black.
you were so sick of seventeen.
taglist — @ravisinghs-wife @tom-pls-fuck-me @valeridarkness @fallonaurr @whatsupb18 @letspretendimnottrash @heart-an0n @mrsspector-grant @kikilarast10 @nina357 @lupinswolfsbanes (some aren’t tagging D: ) tysm for the support <3
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faerune · 4 years
personality for Vera! (either all or whichever you feel like answering, don't want to overwhelm you!) :D
thank you so much ryley you’re the best 🧡 also asked by @solasan who is a bitch and needs to get out of my ask box (jk mol ilu)
alignment Chaotic neutral! Veers toward chaotic good most often much to some teasing from Judy who told her she expected Vera to be this big mean merc and how wrong she was.
MBTI Originally, I thought she was an ESFP but I think ESTP fits her far better — bold, original, direct, sociable, impatient, risk-prone, defiant.
tarot card The Sun — warmth, positivity, vitality, success, overly optimistic - for her life up until the end of Act 1. 
And then the Wheel of Fortune — destiny, a turning point, breaking cycles, resistance to change, good or bad luck, karma - for everything after!
zodiac Baby’s a Leo!
enneagram The Enthusiast — spontaneous, distractible, versatile, scattered
element Fire is absolutely her element and also matches her being a Leo!
color(s) you associate with them Bright orange, neon pink, the color of a sunset where it’s pastel pink, purple, orange and yellow, black.
theme song sushi for breakfast by BAYLI has been my Vera jam for a week now.
five positive traits
five negative traits
what heavenly virtue would you assign them? Diligence!
what deadly sin would you assign them? Greed or Pride!
what is their biggest fear? Poor thing just wants to matter. To be important. She saw so much death and anonymity of it that it terrified her. Kid in Heywood die early, get fucked up young, fall into debt with the big sharks of the city or sell their souls to a corp. She doesn’t want to end up like everybody else. 
Vera ultimately fears dying a nobody, just some Jane Doe in the morgue whose ashes they scatter into the Pacific without a thought. Mostly, because it confirms that nasty, heavy, sharp voice in her head that has told her since she was a child (one that sounds suspiciously paternal) — Night City doesn’t give a shit about you. Nobody gives a shit about you. That she has a choice of dying in the gutter or dying in a blaze of glory.
what is their biggest weakness? Prior to the game, she’s a little...too trustful of people from Heywood and those she admires. It’s why she gets involved with Dex because she’s so excited and starstruck that she doesn’t stop and think to consider the potential he’d fuck them over.
Other than that, she’s too impulsive and stubborn like I said in another ask. Bitch can’t sit still and think something through for 2 seconds because she’s so far up her own ass with “Well, something bad happened to [x] but I’m smarter and can handle this.”
do they care about their appearance? do they like it? Vera cares about her appearance a lot! The Valentinos strike me as a gang that really cares about their appearance (the aesthetic...chef kiss) and growing up in Heywood they were and influential part of what Vera wanted to grow up to be. She learned early that the way you present yourself affects the way people treat you and most important to her — how much attention they give you and make you remembered.
She really likes her appearance and puts time into it! Even clothes she wears to jobs - usually a jacket, a plain black croptop and highwaisted jeans - is carefully considered. Vera puts on a front in all aspects and fashion is of course no exception.
Also, if anyone fucked up her nails they are dead. Because she pays good money for those every two weeks. It’s kind of goofy but when she wakes up from being shot, her nails are all broken off and jagged and raw and because appearance is such an important thing to her it’s like...a thing she focuses all her upset on? Like she was dehumanized and dropped off in a dump just like she always feared she would be as a nobody Heywood kid.
are they confident in their abilities? Yes! Too confident that it often borders dangerously cocky but she does have the skills to back all her talk up. People aren’t afraid of facing her in a shooting competition for nothing. Or rather people aren’t afraid of her in general for nothing. Her papa crafted her to survive those streets and that’s about the only good thing he gave her. 
what is their opinion on cybernetics? Vera thinks it’s normal and that it’s weird when someone is completely ‘ganic. She sees it as leveling the playing field or rather playing at the level everyone else is at with implants since Heywood is chock full of them with the Valentinos about. Vera takes whatever advantage she can get!
Cyberpsychos and Maelstrom admittedly...scare her shitless because it’s another thing she has to watch out for both them physically and the possibility of that happening to herself.
do they have a good sense of humor? I’d say so! It’s a little dark at times (not as dark as say Johnny’s but she grew up around some real fucked up stuff that became normalized) but she’s a master of knowing how to tune it to the people she’s around. Little manipulator (even though she doesn’t see it that way).
how do they laugh? Fairly loud and very cute! She’s got a great smile and it’s admittedly easy to make her laugh if you know what gets her. It’s infectious and disarming - admittedly, she’s good at faking laughing too and uses it to her advantage because she knows that. That laugh is just a little bit more toned back and controlled - anyone who heard her real belly-laugh where she’s got tears in her eyes would be able to spot it.
do they smoke? Vera started up pretty young, maybe around 13, but she’d quit just after her mother’s funeral (~22 years old) and was in the years she was in Atlanta. Until Johnny’s engram rubbed off on her and she gave in and started smoking. She was under a lot of stress and the pressure caused her to pick it back up.
do they drink? Yeah! It’s pretty much the only vice she starts with at the start of the game. Vera grew up around in Heywood too. Deals were done over drinks and when she was a teenager everyone would sneak whatever they could from their own houses and they’d head up onto one of the roofs. Just drink and shoot the shit while the sun set. She loves going out and clubbing. It’s kind of just part of the culture. Vera only really starts drinking “by herself” during the game.
what kind of drunk are they? Fun loving drunk! Very flirty, loves to dance, the life of the party. It’s like Vera dialed up to 11. Her general habit of making bad decisions becomes very prominent when she’s drunk because the very reasoning and her cleverness flies out the window.
do they take any drugs? Noooo. Definitely not. She stays away from anything except w*ed on the rare occasion. Her mother struggled her whole life with addiction and Vera does not want to repeat her mistakes.
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wontshutup · 4 years
Chapter 2: Time
Intro  Chapter 1
So, Chapter 2 is here! I finally managed to sit down to write it. I’ve been going through a lot of changes around me so it might not be the best...Also, I think it might be going kind of slow. Well, hope you like it.
Notes: reader is gender neutral(if by any chance I mispronounced the pronouns, let me now), it is written in your POV and Five’s.
Warnings: I think none, but let me know if anything might be triggering. bad writing maybe. 
He wasn’t expecting that.
He didn’t really know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t a teenager about to burst into tears from a feat of laughter. He was very confused, baffled by their reaction, what was it they found so funny? His patience was running thin and was doubting himself, he started to wonder if this was a good idea, maybe he got confused, maybe it wasn’t them. A cold feeling rose upon his ears and neck, partly from embarrassment, partly from deception.
The youngster wiped a tear away and recomposed themselves, hands tightly clenching at their stomach for what Five believed was tummy pain from what just happened, he was waisting valuable time in this mockery. He started his step towars Klaus who was waiting for their orders in a nearby table.
“Wait! Aaaah I-I´m, phew let me” He turned towards them again, hands tucked inside his pockets as to hide his fidgeting. They let out a soft laugh, one that Five hoped was last, and recomposed, a smirk painted upon their features. “Aaah,Sit down old man, should I still address you like that?” 
Five’s relief overtook his exasperation, it was them. Finally allowing himself a little more confidence of what to do next.
He took the seat across them and looked at them. They were leaned on the table, elbow on top supporting their face, they looked at him expectantly, and that’s when he realized, he didn’t really know what to say, he didn’t have a right way to start.
He went through his mind, trying to carefully form his next sentence, eyebrows furrowing in concentration. He opened his mouth, closed it quickly, to which they raised their brows, encouraging him to speak. The silence becoming uncomfortably long.
 “We-” he started, only to be cut off by someone.
“You got yourself some company” the voice of the barista interrupted him just when he had made up his mind to speak.
He felt as the blood started to rise to his ears, resisting the yell at the guy.
“Yes this is an ex-collea-classmate! of mine,” they said catching themselves mid sentence. “I believe you have something for me?” they continued as if Five wasn’t even there.
“Sure thing, here, your pie and bitter black coffee,” he said with an emphasis in bitter
“make that two” Five spat out quickly, a hint of arrogance in his voice. He was clearly bothered by the sudden interruption and in dire need of coffee as the strong scent of his companion’s flooded his senses, making him the more aware of the situation.
“Please” added the teenager with an embarrassed look to which the young man nodded, eyeing Five quickly before going back to the counter. “You were saying?” they asked as they took a spoonful of the pie before them.
I need your help That was the first thing he thought, the only thing he thought, but he had to be reasonable, that was no way to approach them at the moment.
“How have you been?” he asked instead, out of compromise. It had been a fair amount of time since he had seen them, but being honest, he wasn’t interested in cordialities.
He looked at Y/N who looked at him with narrowed eyes, he knew they didn’t buy the clearly fake interest in them. A smug smirk painting across their face, as if mocking them.
“I’ve been fine, thanks, but why don’t you get to the point already?”
You couldn’t help it, it was just funny, unsettling, but funny.
“Does it have to do with the” you snorted “shrinkage?” you asked making circles in the air motioning to point out all of his young figure. 
He narrowed his gaze at you, clearly annoyed, you couldn’t really blame him for it though, not after braeaking into a laughing fit after confessing who he was, on another hand, it was payback for making you go through such an uncomfortable expirience. It was enought to go through the daily torments of your mind and the always alert mindset you brought yourself to keep at all times.
“It’s just, in case you haven’t noticed, you’re small” you took a sip out of your drink carelessly, enjoying the mix of the beverage as it went through you mouth with the amusement the situation brought to you, your eyes never leaving his face. His jaw clenched, clear sign that whatever had happened to him was not something he liked. Being honest, you weren’t being fair about the situation yourself but you decided to ignore the feeling.
“Yes, I have noticed” He said with a harsh tone. Appart from the down ageing he seemed to have some other matters going on, you decided to cut the banter.
“Now don’t get mad, what was it that you wanted to tell me?” you considered you had said enough to bother him, instead offering him a now nicer expression, encouraging him to speak.
You had gone through a lot of unpleasant situations throughout your life and knew that Five had many of his own, he had shared a couple of matters related to him with you and having de-aging being remarked to him wasn’t going to be of any help, god knows under which circumsmtances that happened and what he’s going through now.
His eyes moved as if reading invisble lines on your face, he was clearly thinking about what to say to you next
“Well, I-” after finally seeming to find the words he got interrupted once again.
“Oh Fivee!” Said a main in his 30s, he had medium lenght hair and big green eyes, somewhat of a cheaper version of what Jesus was meant to look like. 
“Not now Klaus” Five said to him exasperated. 
“Oh sorry little guy” he then looked at you “Hey! Aren’t you going to introduce us? I’m Klaus” he said, extending a hand with a big HELLO tattooed on it. You knew who Klaus was. Back at work The Umbrella academy was a common thing for your coworkers to talk about, they were all the rage in the 2000s department, however when ending up living in this time there was no trace of what The Umbrella Academy was instead, something called The Sparrow Academy had taken their place, but that was all you knew about them. He too seemed oddly familiar in actual timeline imagery, that exact image of him you had seen a lot of times while trying to avoid one of Destiny’s Children from giving you another pamphlet.
“Nice to meet you” you shaked his hand in return.
“So, should we leave?” he waved a paper bag in front of Five’s face.
“Actually Klaus, I’d like to stay” he nodded towards you.
“Oh, sure, I see, a little privacy” he nudged him in the shoulder. “About your coffee..”
“I already ordered one” Five told him in a way that seemed as if he was telling him to leave.
“Alright then, it was a pleasure to meet you..?” he fished for your name.
“Y/N” you smiled back.
“Beautiful name!, well it was a pleasure, hope he doesn’t bore you too much” and with that he left.
You returned your eyes to Five, he pinched the bridge of his nose, he looked tired, more than that, exhausted. Then a cup of coffee was laid cautiously in front of him, the smell stronger than your cup’s due to the new heat his drink emitted.
“Thank you” Five said under his breath to Ethan. He took the cup in his hands and took it to his lips, he was  letting the pleasant smell  engulf him for a moment.
“I need your help” he met your eyes, sincerity accompanying his words, like a plea. 
And at that moment you pulled yourself back to what was actually happening for a second.
He needed your help, what for? The last thing you knew he was dealing with wasn’t precisely friendly business and even worse, he hadn’t meddled with the kindest of people to be honest. Last news you had about him was that he had blown up the Comission or something of sorts, that sure angered the people in power. You knew that even if he wasn’t bad he was a dangerous man with worse enemies, and being envolved wasn’t any good.
 “I know you might have your doubts about me, but listen” he must have noticed the doubt on your features, now he had your attention. “I need you to trust me”  his eyes held yours firmly, insisting.
 You evaluated for a second. For a long time you did everything to stay out of trouble, getting away from everything related with The Commission...
“What is it exactly?” you decided to give him a chance.
He sighed in relief, whatever it was, it was clearly important to him.
“My family needs your help” he said regaining a bit of the confidence you knew in him, lightening the air between you. His family, that was something you could work with.
“Oh so now it’s your family and not you?” you went back to mocking him, to which he puffed out some tension, giving you a smug look.
“You’re insufferable kid” he grinned before taking another sip of his coffee, his eyes giving you a silent Thank you.
“Don’t” you warned him, taking a sip of your coffee, furrowing your brows “Aand now it’s cold”
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
Cum! BTS part two - ot7 x reader smut
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Please read part one here first.
Warnings for sexually explicit content: discussion of consent, voyeurism/exhibitionism, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, hitachi use, light spanking, dirty/degrading talk, cock ring, dry humping, attempted blowjob, handjob, ruined orgasm (m), orgasm denial (m), nipple clamps, BDSM, using a condom creatively, fingering, oral (f), doggy style, anal play (f), standing sex, sloppy seconds, technically an orgy/train, I think that’s it (phew!).  Sumary: an episode of Run! BTS in which the seven members compete to see who can make you cum first. This second part is 8.5k, part one was around 4.5k.
“We need to discuss new ground rules,” the producer says the moment you sit.
Almost instinctively, your legs tighten together uncomfortably. Yoongi, to your left, notices this and starts gnawing on his lip guiltily. The eight of you had been gathered around after the intense filming session the day before. You still felt wobbly and a little sore, though perfectly content. You knew the staff were concerned that it had gone too far, however, since they refused to even set up cameras before this conversation.
“Y/n, you were made aware of the safe word before filming. Why didn’t you use it?”
You shrug. “I was fine, honestly. I don’t think I realized just how much it would be until after you guys had already cut. But, if we’re changing this before we go again, could I please request something?”
“Of course,” Namjoon enthuses from your other side. “Anything that would make you more comfortable.” He looks tired. You had heard some of the make-up stylists for the boys whispering about how he had stayed up all night stationed outside your room in case you called out. You give him your brightest reassuring smile.
“60 seconds between orgasms is way too short if I’m going to be going for that long. I was thinking too, I don’t know if the fastest orgasm even suits the theme. Shouldn’t it be the most powerful orgasm, or most satisfying? I mean, it’s up to you guys, of course, but-”
“No, no,” Namjoon quickly interrupts, “what’s important is your wellbeing. How much time do you want between members?”
You’re a little taken aback by how forthright he’s being, but a glance at the producer’s small nod confirms it. “Uh, maybe five minutes? Even three would be okay, I know this is meant to be a competition amongst you guys.”
A soft voice from the far end of the meeting table pipes up. “Can I just say something? I know I haven’t had my turn yet, but I don’t think I want to take part unless I’m certain that Y/n is okay.” You crane your neck down to watch Taehyung biting his nails. “Yesterday was really scary.”
“Guys, I was fine,” you insist, “I appreciate your concern, but let’s just take this as a learning curve and move on. We still have five more people to get through.” A thought strikes you. “Wait, we don’t have to start from the beginning again, do we?”
“No,” the producer assures you with a wry grin, chuckling softly as you sigh in relief.
Yoongi, apparently over his guilt already, scowls at the news. “Dammit, I fisted her for nothing, it’s not even going to make a difference anymore.”
“Not for nothing, hyung!” Jungkook exclaims. “That was the best thing I’ve seen in years!”
You laugh. Although some of the members around him scold Jungkook for the comment, you’re grateful for his attempt at easing some of the tension. “I’m ready to get back into it, if everyone else is?”
“Don’t forget, Y/n,” Jungkook leans over and adds, “safe word is seagull.”
“No, it’s not,” the producer sighs, “Y/n’s safe word is red.”
Jungkook pouts innocently as he shakes his head. “I was talking about my safe word, producer-nim.”
Back on set, you fiddle absentmindedly with the tiny ribbon bow on the front of your panties as various crew members flutter and dart around the place, setting up lighting and audio equipment while a ticklish brush is swept over your face by an disinterested stylist.
You recoil when the soft hairs breach a little too close to your eye and accidentally bump into a solid object, hearing a low ‘woah’ behind you.
“Easy,” Hoseok soothes, hands pressing on your shoulders momentarily to steady you. “You’re meant to be weak in the knees after we’re done with you.”
“Hey, there,” you breathe out, taken aback by the brightness in his eyes and the way the light caught the golden sheen of his skin. Yesterday your interaction was somewhat brief, and you had had other things on your mind. Now, doing nothing but waiting around for shooting to begin, you were feeling a little unmoored under the full bore of his attention.
He huffs out a little air from his nose and gives you a soft smirk. “You weren’t wearing my pants this morning,” he comments.
Your cheeks flush at the intimacy of the comment. “I’m not sleeping in $2,000 Balenciaga sweats.”
“If you looked them up, you’d see they’re actually closer to three thousand.”
“Exactly,” you insist, “there’s no way I’m going to get those all wrinkly by sleeping in them.”
He lets his eyes slide over your form languidly. “You looked good in them,” he muses, “it’s a shame we don’t get to dress you up for this episode.”
You scoff, crossing your arms reflexively at his heated gaze. “Okay, Mister Nipple Clamps, what would you have dressed me up in? Leather?”
Hoseok laughs boisterously and claps his hand on your shoulder. “Hey, you’re the one that likes a little pain in the bedroom.”
“I never said that,” you defend in a slightly higher tone, giving him a cold glare.
“Oh, come on, Y/n, Yoongi’s hands aren’t that small, surely? Don’t worry,” he assures you lowly, “I’ll make you feel good.”
You swallow. The motion doesn’t go unnoticed by Hoseok. “You don’t have to bother seducing me, Hoseok, I’m apparently already going to have sex with you.”
He shrugs ambivalently. “Think of it like an extra part of my turn. The anticipation for what I’m going to do to you.”
“So, I should be starting your timer now, hm?” you fire back.
His tongue slips out to wet his lips as he smiles devilishly. “Every time you talk back to me, little lady, you’re just making it worse for yourself when I get my hands on you.”
“There are three others going after you, you know,” you mention conversationally, looking past him to watch the others join you, Namjoon hovering awkwardly behind Hoseok as he stands where Namjoon should be. “Don’t assume you’re going to have a lasting impression.”
He shakes his head disbelievingly, ready to retort, but Namjoon gently pushes him aside to second place. Down the line, as the pre-ordained order went, was Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jin, and Jungkook. To your right were the contestants who had already finished; a very bored-looking Yoongi and Jimin.
Suddenly, as the cameras finally start rolling, Namjoon glances back at the table behind him and gasps. “Oh, fuck! I forgot I was stuck with the cock ring. Shit.”
You snigger a little, but mask it with a cough. You certainly don’t envy him. He picks it up and sighs, reluctantly placing a hand over the front of his pants to begin palming himself. You stare at him as he does this.
“What?” he cries out defensively. “It’s hard to get in the mood out of nowhere!”
“See!” You turn your head to the front of the line to see Jimin holding his arm out triumphantly. “It’s not my fault I took so long, it’s just that it’s hard to go first! Producer-nim, you should let us each take a minute off of our times to account for it. It’s not fair!”
A overdramatic groan of disapproval catches your attention. At the other end, Jin shakes the hair out of his face and twitches his nose in frustration. “You’re just making excuses! If I was next, she would’ve cum already!”
Jimin pouts and crosses his arms. “Producer-nim,” he pleads in a whine.
You bite down on the inside of your lip to try and prevent yourself from sniggering at their antics. The producer rolls his eyes fondly at Jimin, then turns to face the end of the line. “Jin, we’ll give you the choice. Either Jimin and Namjoon get to take thirty seconds off of their time-”
“I said a minute! Producer-nim, you’re too mean-”
“-Or, you have to take Namjoon’s place and go next without any time advantage.”
Both Jimin and Namjoon sigh out a huff of air when Jin stomps proudly forward and hip-shoves Namjoon down the line; the former out of frustration and Namjoon out of pure relief. You can see his eyes flickering aimlessly around the room, focusing on nothing as he ran some mental marathon to work out a game plan.
“Okay, is that all?” the producer drones tiredly. “Anyone else want to make the game even more confusing than it already is?” After a beat of silence, he nods. “Okay, then, Jin can start when he’s ready.”
You turn to the eldest and cock your chin towards the bed in question, moving over there when he gives you a nod of confirmation. As you settle yourself on the slightly-too-firm mattress, one of the staff members helps him plug it in to an extension cord running along the floor, taped down to avoid the tripping hazard. Once he’s finally done, he returns to the side of the bed, wielding the massager toy like a blunt weapon, and you eye him warily.
He waves his other hand at you, and you scoot up the bed, until your head rests quite comfortably on the pillows.
“You can start when you’re ready, Jin,” the producer reminds him, and you glance over to see the six other guys making themselves comfortable on the floor at the edge of the room. Clearly they weren’t so convinced that he’d be done anytime soon. Namjoon didn’t even look like he was aware what was going on at all as he absentmindedly swung the cock ring on his pointer finger and stared intensely at it as if it contained the secrets of the universe.
You suck in a breath and jerk back as a sudden swat comes down on your left breast, stinging slightly as the thin lace does nothing to absorb the blow. “Hey!”
Jin stares down at you with a frown, swinging a leg over your torso and straddling you on the bed. “It’s my turn, not his. Look at me.”
You stare up at him with wide eyes as he places the vibrator down beside you and reaches around to unhook your bra, slipping it off and throwing it rather violently in the direction of the others. Jungkook recoils and holds his arms up in self-defence as he takes a mouthful of lace, spitting it out and chucking it onto the ground with an angry blush, staring at it like he’s scared it’s alive. Another swat rains down, this time on your right, and with the cool air tightening your nipples, it smarts even more. “Ow! Jin!”
The oldest member frowns in annoyance, raising his hips up off you to slide your panties down. “What did I say?” he asks rhetorically. Before continuing, he looks up and around the room. “Where’s the camera? Ladies, this one’s for you.” He blows a kiss with a broad sweep of his arm before bending back down to you. You return his pout with one of your own, but it drops when he shuffles down your body to pull the panties off of your legs, and takes a nipple into his mouth.
The sudden stimulation of his hot mouth on you rips a weak whimper from your throat, and you feel the triumphant chuckle vibrate slightly against you.
Jin laves his tongue and mouth over your breast sloppily, practically drooling over you as he sucks a nipple into his mouth, letting the sensitive skin graze against his teeth. You sigh out his name, and he finishes removing your underwear, chucking the thin sliver of fabric in the same direction.
“Come on,” you hear Jungkook scoff, but you don’t dare look.
“Jin,” you pant again as he swaps breasts, the wetness cooling against the one he left behind, but as his tongue swirls around the taut bud, a hand comes up to flick at your other nipple and pinch it tightly, rolling it between a finger and a thumb.
Your eyes have fallen shut in bliss, and you’re so overtaken by sensation on your top half, that you don’t even notice something solid slipping between your legs and pushing against you until it buzzes to life, the powerful steady vibration lighting up your previously-neglected clit. “Ah! Oh, right there, yes.” Your hips automatically begin to rock against the massager in tight circles, wanting more, and you wind a hand in the thick silk of his hair, tugging him up so that his face rested over yours.
You cracked your eyes open just enough to see his salaciously smug smile before he dipped down and took your mouth with his. You immediately sigh out into the kiss, lifting one leg up not only to open yourself out for him, but to hook your ankle around his lower back and ass, pulling him closer like you would if he was actually fucking you.
His much larger body pins yours down with ease, leaving one hand free to clasp your chin, tipping your head back further and parting your jaw so he can plunge his tongue into your mouth. You whine into his mouth as he tilts the wrist holding the vibrator, slipping it up through your folds so that it’s pressed snugly against your clit, and rocking it in little motions that drive you crazy.
You’ve stopped contributing to the kiss, brows knit and mouth wide open as the pleasure wells up inside you, but that doesn’t stop him from pillaging your mouth as he desires. Every nip and tug at the skin of your lips has a shot of electricity running through you, and every slow swipe of his tongue has you wishing he was burying that mouth between your legs instead.
“Are you close?” he mumbles against your lips, the sound almost completely lost as he refuses to let up for even a second.
“Uh-huh,” you pant dumbly, becoming more restless underneath him as you chase your high.
He makes a noise of acknowledgement, and sits up from you. You whimper at the loss of his mouth on you, but then you hear him fiddling around with something. Before you even get the chance to open your eyes to see what he’s doing, the intensity of the hum between your legs skyrockets, and you tense up, arching your back and latching desperately onto his forearm as you’re pitched suddenly over the edge.
You’re unaware of your surroundings, letting the sensation completely overwhelm you like being underwater. Jin continues to rock the massager toy against you as you cum, finally letting up when your open mouth turns into a frown and you begin pushing his arm away, twitching under the overstimulation the high-speed vibrations were giving you.
“Time?” Jin asks breathlessly, and you laugh weakly when he’s given the best time of the group, a mere 12 seconds faster than Yoongi. Lucky you, to have gotten the experts early on. Fuck. At least you hoped they were the fastest ones.
You hum blissfully when you feel a warm palm cup your cheek, tipping your head up slightly. Your eyes flutter open to half-mast, and through the narrow slit you see a somewhat ruffled Jin with sex-mussed hair crouching at the edge of the bed with a small paper cup filled with water. “Hmm, so romantic,” you muse sleepily. Just like getting out of a wave pool and still feeling that rocking, your legs are suffering ghost vibrations, and you’re grateful that Jin has gone to get the refreshments for you. A new addition to the production set was a table with a water jug, some electrolyte drinks with the brand names sharpied out, and some snacks. You had a feeling, as you let Jin gently tip the cup to your lips, that you’d definitely be needing it.
Once you’re done, you feel some of the energy returning to you, and some clarity to. You push up off the mattress and sit up slowly, wiggling your toes experimentally. Jin gives your shoulder one last squeeze before he goes over to brag to his competitors loudly.
You glance over and see Jimin sitting in the corner with a glum disposition. You catch his eye and wave him over, noting that you still have a couple minutes left before it’s Namjoon’s turn. Speaking of which, the man looks devastated, but you’ll deal with him soon enough.
“Hey, Y/n,” Jimin mumbles, sitting heavily on the bed with a sigh. He hands you the wad of fabric he has balled up in his hand, and you realize with a warm flutter in your chest that he’s gone and collected your bra and panties. Gratefully, you slip it on, watching Jimin zone off gloomily. “Choosing the blindfold was kinda a dumb decision, huh?”
You fight the urge to laugh, reaching out to ruffle his hair fondly instead. “Oh, Jiminie, you did fine with what you had.”
He’s not convinced. “That’s just code for, ‘yeah, Jimin, you’re an idiot, why wouldn’t you choose an actual sex toy?’ You don’t have to try and protect my feelings.”
You shrug, adjusting your bra straps, even though you’re sure you’ll have to get naked again in, oh, just under thirty seconds. “Don’t worry about it, Jimin. If you think the millions of fans watching will give a shit about the actual competition, you’re delusional. Nobody ever bothers to even read the rules anyway.”
He looks up at you from under his eyelashes. “You think?”
“Of course,” you insist. “In fact, blindfold was probably a great choice. I’m sure the more of my face is covered, the better. They’ll be wishing it was them.”
He smiles softly, hopping off the bed hastily as Namjoon swaps places with him.
“Hiya, Joon.”
He looks stricken. “I wish someone bad had gone before me, now. I know I’m going to lose. I’m sorry.”
Your gaze is caught by the producer over his shoulder giving you the go-ahead. “Just do your best, Namjoon,” you say, leaning back down again, “you’ll be fine.”
Without making eye-contact, he shoves a hand down the front of his pants with red cheeks, palming himself so that he’s hard enough to get the cock ring on. “God, this sucks,” he complains, “why did I have to have the worst luck on this episode out of all of them? I’m gonna lose my good reputation.”
“And what’s that?” you reply in good-humour.
His cheeks flush darker, and his hand slows down as he regrets bringing it up. “I don’t know, Big Dick Namjoon?”
Although he said it quietly, the rest of the members hear as well as you, and you can’t help yourself from laughing, clapping a hand over your mouth to muffle to sound. The others hoot and jeer, but you regain your composure, clearing your throat. “Namjoon, if you have a big dick, you have a big dick. What’s the problem?”
He pulls his hands out of his pants and sits down fully in a huff. “Fuck, I can’t get it up with everyone staring at me, okay? And I’m a grower, not a shower.”
Your eyes automatically drop down to the already sizeable bulge in his pants. Shit. You bite your lip as you look at the time. “Okay, everyone, turn around,” you command. To the producer, you ask, “am I allowed to help? I know he’s not allowed to fuck me, but is a blowjob okay?”
Namjoon chokes violently on his spit, but you can see the way he relaxes slightly as the members grumble and reluctantly turn to face the wall. The producer gestures for the rest of the crew, except for two cameramen, to follow suit.
The producer turns back to you. “A blowjob is okay if Namjoon is fine with it, but it will still be counted on his time.”
You place a hand on Namjoon’s shoulder. “Up to you, big guy.”
Taehyung and Jungkook snigger at the nickname, but to your surprise, Namjoon puffs up his chest a little and nods. “Y-yeah, I’d like that. If you’re fine with it.”
“Alright then, lie down,” you command. After he does as he’s told, you notice he’s already starting to tent his pants, and you grin at the sight, brushing your hand over it and watching him shudder.
Aware of time, you skip the normal foreplay and go straight to unbuttoning his pants and reaching inside. There’s barely any precum beading at his head, so you put your mouth on him without warning. You quickly regret the decision as he thrusts his hips up in shock, and his steadily growing cock slips down your throat. You pull off him, coughing and gagging.
“Shit, sorry, I’m so sorry,” Namjoon chants, collecting your hair behind your head so that he can see your face.
If asked, you’d say that you were just concerned about time, but in reality, it’s impatience that causes you to snap. “Fuck this,” you say, sitting up and wrapping a hand around him, the other forearm holding his abdomen down. With firm, efficient strokes, you get him to half-mast and then rip the cock ring from his limp hand, slipping it on before getting him fully erect.
He tips his head back and knits his eyebrows in frustration at the feeling of the ring, but seems more than content to let you take over. For someone who’s feeling a little camera shy, he’s probably much happier lying down with his eyes shut, letting you take what you want.
You slip your panties aside and straddle him, until your clit is rubbing against the edge of the cock ring. There’s a slightly thicker part on the front of it, and you think it might be a vibrator of some sort. Upon fiddling with it for a moment, you find a switch and turn it on, enjoying the sight of the muscles on Namjoon’s lower abdomen tense up violently as he lets out a deep sigh.
With one hand steadying yourself on the bed and the other holding his cock upright, you grind your clit against the vibrating cock ring. You’re still a little sensitive before, and the hum between your legs is far weaker here that what the hitachi could do, and soon enough you’re panting from the effort.
“He better not be fucking her,” Yoongi calls out grouchily. “It sounds like someone’s getting fucked.”
Quickly, Taehyung sneaks a glance. “Yeah, Namjoon.”
“What?” It’s Yoongi that speaks, but it’s all of the remaining members that are turning back around to sneak a glance at what’s going on.
“Hey!” Jungkook calls out. “That’s cheating! They’re not allowed to use his dick!”
Namjoon pants out a frustrated sob and puts his hands up to block his ears.
You speed up your efforts in the hope that he can be done with his turn soon. You know he’s already taken longer than Jimin by far. “It’s not,” you pant between desperately grinding, “penetrative, so it’s, fine. Turn, ah, turn back around.”
The youngest huffs and turns around with a scowl. The others do the same, and after what feels like an eternity, you feel yourself getting close. “Ah, okay, Namjoon, it’s almost over.”
But the leader still has his eyes clenched shut and his ears blocked, so you just ride the side of his cock until you reach a rather unsatisfying end, waving a hand at the producers to signal it as your hips come to a slow.
Once you get your breath back, you realize the vibrations are probably still causing Namjoon hell, so you gently rub his cheeks with your thumbs and peel his hands away. He opens his eyes, breathing shallowly, sweat matting his hair to his temples. “Is it done?” he asks weakly, and you smile fondly down at him.
“I’m gonna take it off now, okay?” After he nods, you reach down and slip it off as quickly and as painlessly as you can. The moment it slips past his head he swears loudly and a spurt of cum shoots up and over your hand. Almost instinctively, you wrap a hand around him and jerk him through his orgasm, surprised at the sheer amount of white coating your hand and his lower stomach, some even getting on the parts of his shirt that weren’t pushed up far enough.
When he comes down, it’s you that’s bringing him a cup of water, lifting his head up so he can swallow it down slowly. You clean yourself and him up with some tissues handed to you by a staff member, and begin dressing him again.
“Namjoon, are you still with me?” you question softly, relieved when he hums his affirmation. “If you were uncomfortable, you could’ve said red, you know. That safe word is for all of us.”
He arches his back a little to stretch his spine, becoming a bit more coherent. “I was fine,” he insists, “a bit nervous, maybe. I’m fine.”
“I’m sorry that I kinda took over,” you apologise as he sits himself up. “I figured you’d want it over with.”
He waves you off. “I’m sorry I didn’t do a better job. Now everyone is going to know Big Dick Namjoon is a pillow princess.” He holds a solemn gaze for a moment, before cracking you a smile to tell you he’s just joking.
You kick at his shins playfully. “Go on then, princess, send the next one over. I haven’t got all day.”
You dangle your legs over the side of the bed and lean back on your hands, appraising the group in front of you. Namjoon’s joined Jimin on the floor in the corner, apparently both men resigned to last place, Jin and Yoongi still puffing their chests out like the cat that got the cream. Taehyung and Jungkook look half asleep, and finally Hoseok is heading over to you, swinging the thin silver chain of a nipple clamp set ominously.
“You’re up next, huh?”
“The mood in this room has taken a hit, so I’m here to bring the sexual tension back up.”
“Is that so?”
He hums in affirmation and stands between your legs, glancing over to check up the time before staring back down at you. “Tell me, Y/n, do you like the clamps as they are, the natural weight of them pulling at your nipples just slightly?”
You shrug. “I’m not telling you. Find out for yourself.”
“Or do you want me tugging on them as I force another orgasm from your tired body?”
You can’t help your hips from shifting on the mattress and your tongue to dart out and wet your lips as his eyes darken mischievously.
“Good,” he murmurs, one long and delicate finger playing with the little tightener screw on one of them. You swallow at the sight. He glances up once more at the timer, then reaches down and unceremoniously tugs off your panties. You squeak a little in surprise, but by the time you react he’s already got your bra straps dangling off your wrists, and you automatically lob the bra away. “Get up on the bed properly,” he commands in a gruff voice, and you scramble to comply. “Hands on the bars of the headboard, you won’t like what happens if you remove them.”
You wrap your hands around two of the narrow but solid wooden posts and wait in anticipation, breathing shallowly in excitement.
Unlike the others, he doesn’t get on the bed with you, simply reaches out and grabs the nearest arm and leg and pulls you roughly to his side. You pick new bars to grab onto, but he takes one hand and spreads it further apart so that your chest is opened out fully for him.
He doesn’t even bother looking at you as he addresses you, focusing instead on loosening the screws on the clamps. “You will not speak, unless it is your safe word. You will not move, unless I tell you to. And you will not cum until I give you permission. Nod if you understand.”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nod with lidded eyes.
He glances up, almost in disdain, and uses one strong hand to push your thighs open. A scoff. “I haven’t even done anything, and you’re already dripping for me. Four men aren’t enough for you, hm? They didn’t give you what you needed?”
Tentatively, you shake your head.
“That’s what I thought,” he comments, reaching out to scrape a fingernail over one of your already-stiff nipples. You gasp and squirm away from the roughness of his touch, but he grabs onto it and twists it roughly. “I asked you not to move, didn’t I? I guess it was pointless of me to give you instructions. This whole time, you’ve never listened to anything my brothers have told you, isn’t that right? My little whore doesn’t even know how to behave. Well,” he says lightly, pinching the other one and watching you writhe underneath his ministrations, “every time you misbehave, those clamps are going to get one turn tighter. That’s what you have to do to a slut that can’t listen. Let’s get them on now, shall we?”
As you feel yourself growing impossibly wetter, a thought strikes you. So far, he hasn’t seemed at all concerned about time. And you remember the last person who wasn’t in a rush was Yoongi, and you knew how that one ended. You watch with wide eyes as he slips the pincers over your left nipple, screwing it up until it stays on by itself, a pleasant pressure. He does the same to the other.
“Jesus, we don’t have all day, hyung,” Jungkook whines impatiently, “Tae-tae and I still haven’t gone.”
Hoseok turns around with an unimpressed stare. “If you want to bitch to me about time management, I’ll rip these clamps off Y/n and see how much you like wearing them.”
Jungkook’s face goes pale. “I’d like to revoke my statement. Please continue.” Taehyung silently cracks a smile and punches a very frightened Jungkook in the arm once Hoseok turns back to you.
“Now,” Hoseok announces, “there were two different times you closed your eyes when Yoongi-hyung had ordered you to keep them open.” You bite your lip as he gives each clamp a solid turn, the gentle pressure becoming more of a dull pinch. “Then you didn’t use your safe word when you probably needed to.” Another turn on each, and your fingers clench and unclench the bedposts, wanting desperately to reach down and stop him. “And of course, today you kept looking at us when Jin-hyung wanted you to focus on him.” The turns were becoming more painful now, and even though he had done nothing else, you were beginning to pant. “Worst of all, you took off the pants that I so kindly gifted to you.”
“Hey!” you blurt out before he can reach down. “That’s not fair, that wasn’t part of the ga-ah! Ow! Dammit!” With a dark glare in his eyes he tightens each clamp a turn and a half, the pain causing you to squeeze your eyes shut. “Fuck, I’m sorry!”
“Sh, sh,” he soothes, breath tickling your cheek as he bends down. “Use your safe word if you need, little girl. That’s the only way I’ll stop.” With teary eyes, you shake your head firmly. “Okay, then.” Almost playfully, Hoseok hooks a finger onto the chain between the two clamps and tugs down, sending jolts of shock straight down to your core. Although it hurts, you’re so turned on you feel like you could just about come untouched.
Since you’re not allowed to talk, you settle for pleading with your eyes and a pitiful whine to really sell it. Hoseok smiles down at you. “That’s a good girl,” he coos, “so desperate for me to take care of you. You handled your punishment well, hm? You want your reward?”
You nod feverishly, hands gripping the posts tight enough to make your knuckles go white as you eagerly anticipate his touch.
With a shit-eating grin, he continues gently tugging the chain with one hand, and reaches down, dipping two fingers into your soaked core with ease and curling up to find your g-spot, fingering you roughly and almost immediately sending you into the most powerful orgasm yet. You cry out, tears finally spilling down your cheeks as he takes your blissful high as an opportunity to give the chain a tight snap, the clamps being harshly tugged off your abused nipples. You sob as the blood painfully rushes back into them, putting an overwhelming heat into your breasts, but still he uses his fingers to temper the pain with delicious pleasure, his free hand gently massaging your sore breasts one at a time.
You can hear the slick sound of his fingers leaving you once you finally relax and come to. With no energy left, you’re once again grateful to the mindful eldest, who rushes over with some water even though it was Hoseok’s turn. You hear Hoseok thanking Jin, something you’re currently incapable of doing as you greedily suck in the cool water in the largest gulps you can muster. Jin wipes the drops that spilt over the edges of the cup and down your chin and disappears again, leaving only Hoseok, who continues to massage your breasts, avoiding the nipples which are blooming a dark red.
“You did really well, Y/n,” he soothes, “I’m sorry if that was a little intense.”
You shake your head weakly. “Good. Really good.”
He chuckles good-naturedly. “So maybe I’ll have a lasting impression after all?” he questions teasingly, calling back to your earlier conversation.
“Depends on your maknaes,” you reply in a tired slur. “Who knows, maybe Taehyung’s got some freaky tricks up his sleeve with that textured condom.”
You share a laugh with Hoseok, then let him and Jin help you off of the bed to stretch your legs a little. Instead of getting back into your sopping underwear, a staff member hands you a fresh pair, the exact same design but beautifully clean and smelling of fresh linen rather than sex. You shakily step into the panties, holding onto Jin’s shoulder for support, and once you’ve clipped your bra on, you hobble your way over to the snacks table, gulping some more water and having some of the food splayed out.
“Come on, snap snap,” Jin cheers once you’ve finished. “Taehyung’s next, and I for one cannot wait to see him fumble around with a ribbed condom for ten minutes.”
You roll your eyes at him playfully and walk back to the bed where Tae is waiting awkwardly with the famed silver packet. “You got a plan to use that thing?”
He nods calmly. “I’m not gonna be doing anything exciting, sorry, but I don’t think I’ll take as long as Namjoon-hyung.”
You glance over to the man himself, who has his cheeks stuffed with a chocolate chip muffin that he had snatched from the table. “Yeah, I think your leader is pretty content in his defeat.”
Taehyung grins crookedly, then takes note of the time. “Alright, I’ll get going now if that’s okay?”
You smile softly at his formality. “Yeah, go ahead. Where do you want me?”
He bites his lip. “Okay, so maybe I don’t have a plan. Fuck, how do I-” he breaks off as he fumbles with the packet, ripping the serrated edge and pulling out a rolled-up slip of clear, colourless latex covered in oddly placed bumps. “On your back, I guess. Could you stick your legs over the side?”
You obediently scoot down until your butt rests on the supported edge of the mattress, jumping a little at the warmth of Taehyung’s palm rests on the inner skin of your thigh. “Is that okay?”
Instead of answering, Tae just stares softly at the juncture between your legs as he slips off the fabric. Gingerly, he leans forward, but instead of the wet muscle you were expecting, the slightly firm tip of his nose bumps ever so lightly against your clit. You sigh out, letting your head tip back against the duvet cover and staring blankly at the ceiling. God, you were exhausted, and you still had two orgasms to go.
Luckily, Taehyung was in no mood to mess around. You felt the strange sensation of the condom sliding between your folds, tucked over three of his fingers. Your pelvic muscles twitched when it slid over your overly sensitive clit, and the chuckle Tae responded with blew warm air over your heat. His voice is low with lust when he addresses you. “Do you want the condom inside you or over your clit?”
You suck your lip into your mouth at the thought. “Inside, please.”
Your legs automatically fell more open as he complied, and the feeling of the uneven texture pressing into you, with the stretch of three fingers ensuring heavy friction, was heavenly. Up until now, you had only been treated with fingers, and, in Yoongi’s case, a whole hand. But now, the new level of pleasure came from the deliciously bumpy slide as the ribbing plunged in and out of you.
Perhaps more so than the other members, Taehyung seemed unconcerned with being particularly sexual or teasing, instead going straight for the kill. You clutched handfuls of the soft duvet cover to anchor you as his head dipped down again to start nibbling at the sensitive skin just around your clit, occasionally darting his tongue out to lick a flat stripe directly on top of it, his fingers thrusting impatiently all the while, curled up just enough to drag against that rough spot inside of you.
You felt your legs begin to shake, and the coil inside you tighten. “T-Tae, I’m right there, oh god,” you puff out, and he doubles his efforts, giving your clit a final, harsh suck to send you over the edge.
This orgasm is still powerful, but you feel so weak that you barely move, just moaning out and wiggling your hips beneath him wantonly, breathlessly congratulating him on a pretty great time, earning a solid third place.
Once more, your loyal waterboy Jin approaches with a fresh cup, but you can barely drink it, quickly ducking out of the room to go pee and clean yourself up before you return.
Finally, you’re on the last person to go, but you’re a little worried that that person is Jungkook. The butt plug he’s wielding is pretty small, a little pink one with a small, user-friendly handle on the outside for ease of insertion and removal, but what you’re concerned about is that he’s allowed to fuck you. Of course, you’d given your consent upon signing the initial contract, and you knew they’d all happily not do it if you were really uncomfortable, but that wasn’t the problem.
The problem was how fucking excited you were to finally be getting fucked, even after four other pretty intense orgasms today. It clearly said something about you sex drive, that even as your eyes struggled to stay open and your legs trudged under you as if you were walking through glue, you had been eyeing up the way that the outline of Jungkook’s cock was very visible, straining against the fabric of his skinny jeans down the right side of his thigh.
Earlier, as you were finishing off the drink Jin gave you, you had seen Jimin teasingly running a finger over and around the outline, as Jungkook half-heartedly batted his hand away. You were certain that the moment your dwindling break time ran out, he’d be well ready to go. You sat back on the bed, panties already damp again.
Taking revitalizing deep breaths, you watch Jungkook closely as he approaches you wth a cocky grin, shaking his head. You frown at him, but he just gestures for you to stand up. “Come on, this bed’s getting boring. Now that all the toys have been used, the table is free. Bend over it.”
You bite down on the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from grinning in satisfaction as you hop off the bed and make your way over, jumping slightly as he gives your ass a little slap when you walk past him. As requested, you bend over the table and wiggle your ass at him.
“Man, I really made the right decision, huh? Look at you; you’ve had six other men get you off, but it’s never as good as a real cock, is it?”
You frown impatiently. Hoseok was better at dirty talk, and you just wished Jungkook would get on with it. “Hurry up if you want to win.”
You hear him laugh disbelievingly at you, rubbing a hand over your ass, grabbing a handful appreciatively. “Have a little patience. I’ve gotta get this in first.” By the way he collects your juices with a pointer finger before sliding up to your back entrance, you know what he’s talking about. Forcing yourself to relax, you whine as his finger breaches the tight ring of muscle and sinks down. He wiggles his finger inside of you and you feel your heels lifting off of the ground as your body begs for more.
“Shit, hyungs,” he calls out, “you idiots missed out. I can’t believe how tight she is. Maybe I should put the plug in her pussy instead and fuck her like this?”
Your walls clench around nothing and the muscles in your ass squeeze his finger at the thought. “Come on, I don’t care, just hurry up,” you plead, dissatisfied with the single digit.
Thankfully, he dips back down and slicks up another finger, sinking back inside you, beginning to stretch you out with scissored fingers. “Nah,” he ponders conversationally, “the plug is too small for her cunt, it’d probably slip right out with how wet she is. See, hyungs?” his voice grows louder when he stops talking to the camera and instead addresses the other members. “It’s all about strategy. They don’t call me the golden maknae for nothing!”
Yoongi huffs. “You haven’t even gotten started yet, and you’re almost at Hoseok’s time. Don’t act all cocky.”
“I’ll show you cocky,” he gruffly replies, before withdrawing his fingers. You sigh at the loss of contact, but soon enough a firmer object is being pressed against you, stretching you open.
Jungkook’s right; the plug is pretty small, even for your ass, and the pleasure comes from the way it jostles inside you as the youngest wiggles the handle playfully. “Seriously, anyone would think you didn’t want to fuck me,” you complain, “where’s your sense of competition?”
A ruffle of fabric and a solid hand on your hip is your only warning before Jungkook is driving into you with one merciless thrust. You cry out and rise up on your tiptoes again, but you can’t go far. He’s easily longer then the three fingers Tae fucked you with, and even slightly girthier too, and the stretch would be too much to bear all at once were it not for the fact that your abused pussy couldn’t be more prepared for him. Finally beginning to act like he was under a time crunch, Jungkook steadies you with one hand on your hip, and gives himself momentum by placing the other on your opposite shoulder, fucking you back onto him just as much as the thrusts into you.
“Fu-uck, oh god,” you moan out, grateful at the angle he chose, as every deep plunge causes his pelvis to strike against the outside of the butt plug and wiggle it around inside you. Your back is arched from his grip on your shoulders, and the extra pressure is pushing your front into the rounded table edge, providing the slightest tease of friction against your swollen clit.
You can’t help but pant as you’re taken exactly how you were hoping to be, and Jungkook’s so focused on fucking you with as much speed and depth as he can that the only sounds coming from him are groans and growls from clenched teeth.
With both hands keeping you steady on the table, you can’t reach down to palm at your tits or give yourself more clitoral stimulation, so you whine out. “Jungkook, so close, I need more.”
Without complaint, the maknae pulls out of you and hastily flips you over onto your back, before picking you up without warning. You squeal in surprise and wrap your arms and legs around him as he displays his strength, no doubt wanting to show off not only to his hyungs, but to the millions of ARMY watching. His brows are knitted in concentration as he lifts up your ass, lining himself with your entrance and dropping you back down, wasting no time before he’s using your hips to fuck you onto him.
This new angle means that your butt plug for the most part stays snug and still, but the increased proximity is making his pelvis grind right onto you, rubbing against your clit every time he speared you on his cock. “Yes, that’s it, oh, fuck,” you pant out dreamily, feeling the full wave of pleasure building inside you from your core outwards.
“Fuck, Y/n, you’re clenching so tight around me I can barely move,” Jungkook says, and reluctantly he tips you back so that you’re resting on the table, easing the stress on his leg muscles, and instead lifts your legs onto his shoulders so that he can plunge into you faster, a hand snaking down to keep rubbing at your clit. “Come on, cum for me, just one more, you can take it.”
Like on command, the drag of his cock inside you is too much, and you’re tightening impossibly around him, crying out his name in euphoric pleasure. He fucks you through the orgasm, chasing his own, and mutters a quiet swear as he pulls out and jerks himself off to completion, head tipping back as streams of cum land on the top of your stomach.
Once you catch your breath, and Jungkook has spent all the cum he has, the two of you come to your senses, Jungkook first. “Oh, shit,” he exclaims, “I’m so sorry, I should’ve asked if you were okay with me-”
Before he can finish his hasty apology, your hand dips down to trail a finger through his cum, collecting some of it on your finger. You send him a coy smile and he gulps, wide-eyed, as you bring that finger up to your mouth and suck the cum off, swirling your tongue and hollowing your cheeks. “You were saying?”
His mouth dangles open. “Uh…nothing?”
You chuckle and sit up, unable to stop yourself yawning, clapping a hand over your mouth as exhaustion takes its hold on you yet again. “Can you grab me a-”
“Tissue? Here you go.” You crack your eyes open again to see Jin with a cup of water as usual, and a box of tissues.
You laugh sleepily. “You know, Jin, if I didn’t know better, I’d assume this was you flirting.”
His eyes are bright. “Well?” You give him a shrug of confusion. “Do you know better?”
You shrug again. “Maybe let me wipe the other man’s cum from my body before you start wooing me.”
Jungkook, still hovering awkwardly beside you with his dick half-tucked away, lets out a gasp of offense. “I’m the other man? I don’t think I’m cut out to be a mistress, honestly.”
You scoff, cleaning yourself up. “You two are both dorks. Just let me get cleaned up and we can shoot the outro.”
“Good job everyone, good job,” Hoseok announces proudly, the group of you clapping to applaud the end of the episode. You all, thankfully, had been allowed to change clothes, which for you meant to hell with that fucking lingerie set, and into some real clothes. In some sneaky twist, Hoseok had managed to convince the stylists to make you wear his Balenciaga sweats with a plain white Gucci tee.
“Y/n, how did you find these past two days?” Yoongi leans over, adjusting the thick frames of his glasses. He seems completely separate from the man who bent you over and shoved his entire fist in you. You wondered how ARMY would react to that.
“Very fun, but extremely tiring,” you say to both him and the cameras, “I was really surprised by some of you.”
Jungkook and Taehyung snicker as Taehyung does a fist pump in the air. Whether it’s a seal of victory for himself, or a crude re-enactment of Yoongi’s turn, you’re not quite sure.
“I, personally, was really shocked at how Namjoon-hyung was so camera-shy,” Jimin mentions, “I hadn’t expected he’d be the one to struggle with that.”
Hoseok grins and claps a hand on the leader’s shoulder. “As we’ve learned from today, everyone, Namjoon prefers to watch.”
Namjoon laughs, squeezing his eyes shut in embarrassment. “I swear I’m not that bad at it in real-life. Please don’t be disappointed in me, ARMY.”
“What I found most interesting during shooting,” you butt in, “is how kind Jin-oppa is.” The other members make various noises of agreement, and the man himself smiles softly, cheeks puffing up. “I wasn’t surprised, because I know the guys are all so nice, but he was always very thoughtful. I don’t know how much will be shown on the main episode, but I really hope the editors put it in the behind the scenes. I think irrelevant of times, Jin is the winner of the title of best boyfriend for this episode.”
Hoseok nods strongly. “I agree, Y/n. Even when his temporary girlfriend was being fucked by other men, he still looked out for her.” He breaks his serious façade and cracks up at the look on Jin’s face.
“Hey!” the eldest cries out. “ARMY, when I date you, I won’t let Hoseok stick jumper cables on your tits.”
Hoseok’s mouth drops open in an ‘o’. “Seokjin-hyung, I think that’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever said.”
“Do you want to find out the winners and the losers?” the producer asks.
Jimin and Namjoon’s faces fall, and Jimin turns to latch onto Namjoon like a koala. “You don’t have to say the losers, we already know,” he murmurs sadly.
The producer laughs. “Alright, then, in first place is Jin, and in second place is Hoseok.”
Yoongi’s face crumples in annoyance as he loses his second place victory. “By how much?”
“You were third place by three seconds,” the producer replies.
He tips his head back in annoyance, then fixes an intense stare down the barrel of the camera. “I’m sure ARMY will agree with me that it’s about the quality, not the quantity. In that sense, I clearly won.” Without giving the other members a chance to defend themselves, Yoongi closes up the episode. “Run!BTS will be back!”
After a final chant of the title, the episode is over, and the credits roll.
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Notes from the Winter Solstice Meeting
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Phew! Just back from the winter solstice meeting on Mount Olympus. I promised you a report. I don’t have any solid news yet, sorry, but I did petition the gods directly, so we’ll see what happens! The transcript of my talk with the Olympians is below.
Notes from Winter Solstice Meeting 2019,
Mount Olympus
600th Floor, Empire State Building
New York City
We see an aging mortal writer in the midst of a great chamber. He is dwarfed by a semicircle of giant thrones inhabited by the Olympian deities.
Rick Riordan: Thank you for seeing me, O great Olympians.
Zeus: We understand you want . . . (checks notes) a reboot. What is wrong with your present boots?
RR: No, Lord Zeus, a reboot adaptation of my books about Percy Jackson.
Zeus: I knew that. Percy . . . Yes, he’s a good lad. Those movies, though –
Ares: Oh, gods! No. Just NO. I wanted to KILL somebody.
Hermes: To be fair, Ares, you always want to kill someone.
Athena: Mr. Riordan, we already rained fire and pestilence upon that studio.
RR: Yes, Lady Athena, and I appreciate that.
Athena: The particular division that made those horrendous adaptations has been dismantled. And the remainder of the company has been . . . (dramatic pause) acquired. (Glances at Zeus) Which corporate hydra did we send to devour it? Starbucks? Amazon?
Hephaestus: (grumpily) Disney. I made a very competitive bid with Hephaestus-TV, but I was rejected! Bah!
Athena: I remember now. The hydra of the Mouse God. A powerful force indeed! At any rate, Mr. Riordan, after your first movie experience, didn’t you swear on the River Styx that you would never go to Hollywood again?
RR: I may have made some rash statements to that effect.
Hades: We take oaths on the River Styx very seriously, Riordan. Don’t make me claim your soul before its time!
RR: No, Lord Hades. Of course not. I just thought . . . well, honestly, I’d be happy to just write books and ignore Hollywood forever, but my fans really, REALLY want me to try again, seeing as there are so many new opportunities now that Disney has acquired the rights –”
Artemis: I loved Frozen. Oh, gods. Elsa is Hunter Squad goals!!!
Ares: I preferred Mulan. The new live action version looks lit — like nuclear bomb lit.
Aphrodite: You are all silly. The Little Mermaid is the best. (sighs)
Poseidon: For once, I agree with you. (clears throat). But we’re getting off track. Riordan needs to appease his fans. That is something we gods can understand. What would you have us do, mortal writer person? A hurricane against Los Angeles? A tsunami? This is, after all, my son Percy’s reputation we’re talking about!
RR: No, Lord Poseidon, nothing so dramatic. The executives I have talked to so far have been interested. I think they’ve listened to me. But there are many people that must give their input. Many executives to speak with.
Hermes: True. The servants of the Mouse God are myriad.
RR: Right now, they are considering my words, and talking, and pondering.
Athena: That is wise. Such actions must be carefully considered.
Hermes: Ugh, but pondering, though. That could take months. Years. Decades.
RR: (sighs) True, Lord Hermes. It is a very long process. That’s why I was hoping you gods could give me your blessing. Perhaps send some good omens our way? Really, any support could help.
Zeus: (stroking his beard) We could get a hashtag trending on social media.
RR: Actually, my fans already did that, without me even asking. It shot to #1 worldwide on Twitter.
Demeter: (busily sorting different kinds of cereal in a large bowl) You could spend more time meeting with people in Hollywood.
RR: I have already done that. I’ve gone to L.A. twice this fall, each time for a full week of meetings.
Artemis: (winces) That is a lot of time in L.A.
Athena: Perhaps we could show Disney how beloved these books are. We could grant you tremendous success and years on the bestseller lists.
Hermes: (waves his hand impatiently) Guys, Riordan’s already got huge success. Those Percy books have been on the bestseller list for ten solid years. That should be a strong enough message!
Ares: Well, I suppose that leaves us no choice but a full frontal assault. I will summon the war chariots!
RR: That’s not necessary, Lord Ares! Just your blessings are all I ask. May I continue to negotiate and push for a new adaptation? Will you favor my efforts?
Absolutely! Those books have brought me incredible publicity. Er, I mean, they’ve brought all of us incredible publicity.
Ares: Hmm. I didn’t come across as a very nice guy.
Athena: Anyway, what would this new adaptation look like, Riordan?
RR: I have some very specific ideas, but it’s too early to say. We have to wait to see what the minions of the Mouse God are willing to consider. The most important thing is to do a faithful adaptation that makes the fans of my books happy. They’ve been waiting for over ten years, and I really don’t want to let them down.
Hermes: Yes, fine, but what’s our cut?
RR: Your cut? Um, well . . . you get lots of publicity. New readers hearing about you, learning your names and your deeds. I’ll even burn a sandwich in your honor.
Hermes: Peanut butter?
RR: Sure.
Hermes: You are a shrewd negotiator, Riordan. I will support you.
Zeus: Would you be willing to take some notes on the script, though? For one thing, I should be played by Brad Pitt.
Ares: No, I’m Brad Pitt!
Demeter: (looks up from her large bowl of cereal) No, Brad Pitt is mine! (blinks) Wait, what are we talking about?
Hera: (glances up from her Good Housekeeping magazine) Go back to sorting your Frosted Flakes, Sister. (narrows her eyes at Riordan) I always come off looking like the villain in your books, Riordan. Why is that? Why should I support you?
RR: Ah. Well, Lady Hera –
Zeus: Don’t be touchy, my dear. He took artistic liberties, that’s all.
Hera: Hmmm.
Zeus: Speaking of artistic liberties, what if – hear me out – what if we made Percy Jackson a teenaged vampire?
Poseidon: Never! But I think the story would work well if we made all the characters be in their early twenties. And we turned it into a sort of spy thriller meets romantic comedy.
Athena: Or perhaps you could just let the author do what his millions of fans want and be faithful to the source material.
Zeus: Well . . . I suppose you’re the goddess of wisdom for a reason.
Athena: Also, I want to be played by Brie Larson.
Hermes: Dibs on Benedict Cumberbatch.
Hades: I want Stan Lee to have a cameo.
Zeus: Stan Lee is dead; may the gods rest his soul.
Hades: You’re talking to the Lord of the Underworld, here.
RR: (under his breath) Suddenly an animated adaptation isn’t sounding so bad.
Aphrodite: I just want to know when the casting calls are.
RR: (confused) My lady?
Aphrodite: Well, I know I don’t have any acting experience, but I look perfect for the role of Aphrodite and my friends all tell me I’m very dramatic.
Artemis: You are Aphrodite, you nitwit.
Aphrodite: Don’t be rude! I just want an audition.
RR: Uh . . . okay. So then do I have your permission to keep pressing for a new adaptation?
Muttering and whispering among the gods.
Zeus: Very well, mortal writer person, but even with the gods on your side, this will be a difficult struggle, and it may be a long time before you get a clear answer. Unlike the Olympians, Hollywood does not work during the winter holidays. Everyone is out of the office until after New Year’s.
RR: Yes, Lord Zeus. But I must keep trying. For the fans! For the children!
Hera: (rolling her eyes) You’re as dramatic as Aphrodite. By the way, I expect my part to be played by Elizabeth Taylor.
RR: But she’s – (catches a warning look and a shake of the head from Zeus.) – I’ll see what I can do, Lady Hera.
Zeus: Excellent! Now if you’ll excuse us, Riordan. We have other business to attend to. These climate disasters aren’t going to create themselves.
Riordan exits, bowing and scraping.
Zoom out from Mount Olympus to an aerial view of Manhattan.
Fade to black.
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a-crimson-lion · 5 years
Further Discussion On Katsuki Bakugo
[Original Post Here]
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...I seem to have stumbled upon a rabbit hole which my hubris continues to lure me towards.
Because I genuinely want to have a discussion over your points (and I don't want to bog down my original post with too many reblogs), I'll move the discussions here.
[This isn't necessarily to flaunt my nonexistent superiority. I honestly think that you have a good argument going for Katsuki. I'm just seeing how my own analysis stacks on top of that. I'm no expert, but I'll give it my best shot. Also, spoilers for anyone else reading.]
Let's start with "I don't think Bakugo overestimates himself." This is an interesting point, which I believe does hold water. When I think about it, I realize that Katsuki actually suffers from a different problem, which I'll get back to later. As for "He's never shown to overestimate himself," that's... not entirely correct. As of late, I can think of at least TWO examples in the series where Katsuki could legitimately be overestimating himself. But first, let's address the basic issue.
9 times out of 10, Katsuki will UNDERESTIMATE his opponents.
This isn't without reason. Katsuki's strong, and he knows it. He's been strong since even before his quirk manifested, at least mentally. When his quirk kicked in, his strengths shifted to primarily physical, though he's still an intelligent person. However, even if he can gauge his own strength, he does an admittably horrible job of gauging others' strengths. Since he's been praised for nigh over a decade for having such a strong quirk, Katsuki's got the idea that he's among the best of the best. He might not be #1 yet, but he knows he's gonna get there eventually. The problem starts when he decides that everyone else is beneath him by default.
Don't tell me he doesn't underestimate others either when he tends to call everyone "extras" or just a crappy nickname (at least until he acknowledges them).
One instance where Katsuki distinctly underestimates his opponent is during the Battle Trial with Izuku. Granted, this is more of a hubris case than anything, considering Katsuki's absolute hatred for Izuku (that later does mellow out into begruding respect). The thing is, Katsuki knows Izuku has a quirk now. He knows his quirk is super strong (it beat his ball throw by 0.1 meters, after all) but there's still a part of Katsuki that believes Izuku is still a bug. He's still a worthless Deku, and to top it all off, Katsuki is convinced that Izuku hid his quirk from him since the start.
While his absurd self-centered persona is not the main focus, one must admit that Katsuki's hubris is a certain level of concerning.
So Izuku and Katsuki have a big showdown, and to Katsuki's surprise, Izuku pulls something else entirely. He manages to wreck the building above them, taking the explosion and allowing his team to pass. Katsuki thinks Izuku is looking down on him, but Izuku simply states that he wouldn't have used his quirk if he could have thought of someone else. And as Izuku collapses and the trial comes to a close, Katsuki is shaken by the fact that Izuku beat him. Worthless Deku beat Katsuki Bakugo, and he wonders if Izuku could beat him in other ways. Katsuki underestimated Izuku.
I've talked about Katsuki's obsession with strength previously, but the same idea applies here. If Katsuki wasn't so gun-ho on taking out the enemy (specifically Izuku) for the hell of it and actually tried to win the exercise, he might have been able to beat Izuku. But he's so caught up in his definitions of strength and victory that he ultimately falls flat, underestimating his opponent's capabilities to win, even indirectly. This dame idea comes back to bite Katsuki when Neito Monoma briefly takes possesion of Katsuki's headbands (granted, he does get them back later) because Katsuki didn't even bother paying attention to him, once again underestimating him.
Now, as I've stated before, Katsuki has overestimated himself at least twice. The first time was with All Might during the Final Exams. When All Might brings up his handicap weights, Katsuki has the gall to say that All Might's handicapping is "insulting." Katsuki knows that All Might is strong, he knows that All Might is the NUMBER ONE HERO, and suddenly handicapping himself is insulting? Granted, that's the same attitude he had against Shoto at the end of the Sports Festival, but just to put this scenario into perspective:
Katsuki is a 15 year old hero in training with a powerful quirk, a few months of experience, and versatile experience with his quirk among other strengths (including Battle Tactics).
All Might is an adult (age unknown) Pro Hero with a powerful quirk, years of experience, and, as a Young Katsuki once said: "No matter how bad things look, he always wins in the end!"
To put it simply, Katsuki is a Level 15 going against All Might, a Level 200 (whose handicap probably brings him down to Level 100).
Combined with Izuku (a Level 10 on his own), they might be a Level 30 (50 if I'm being generous) but All Might is still twice their skill combined, and Izuku and Katsuki's troublesome dynamic make it even more of a hinderance to fight against him. Katsuki even tries attacking All Might multiple times, even though he fails consistently each time, doing virtually nothing to change his strategy. It gets to the point where Katsuki gets straight up KO'd because he can't acknowledge that All Might truly is leagues ahead of him. Objectively, Katsuki knows that All Might is on another level, but subjectively? Shouldn't be too hard to beat him.
How would he have passed without Izuku again?
The second time Katsuki overestimates himself is actually fairly recent. Before Izuku and Katsuki head off to intern under Endeavor, they have a meeting with All Might. During that meeting, Katsuki remarks that he's be able to use all of One for All's quirks right then and there, whereas Izuku has only learned to *bloop* with his first new quirk.
Again, Katsuki is only focusing in the physical aspect of things, in this case OFA. We don't know exactly what All Might and Izuku told him about it, but I'd like to think they'd at least cover the basics of OFA's sentience. That, and the fact that since Katsuki is in on the All Might Tea Parties now, wouldn't he at least hear about Izuku's vision when he was undergoing the Black Whip episode? It's already been established that Katsuki has a strong quirk and is physically strong to an extent, but we've seen time and time again that his emotional strength needs some growing time. Plus, it has also been established that OFA gets a boost when it's motivated to save people. Katsuki has no such motives unless it benefits him. He's giving himself too much credit claiming he'd master OFA at that point.
Phew, that was long.
Otherwise, the rest of your argument is fair, homez18. Katsuki does fight to prove himself. He fights (and succeeds) to prove himself during the Entrance Exam. He fights to prove himself during the Quirk Apprehension Test (getting 3rd place and "losing" to Izuku in the ball toss, which pisses him off). He fights to prove himself in the Battle Trial (which is why he's so torn when Izuku wins). He fights to prove himself during all the events after that, like the Sports Festival or the Villain Attack at Camp. He does all that to prove himself.
The problem arises when he shuts out virtually everything else.
Yes, he should be mad at Shoto for not going all out at Katsuki during the Sports Festival, but he heard Shoto's backstory. He KNOWS Shoto hated his fire side, and saw how adamantly he refused to use it. He might not have heard what Izuku said to him in their fight, but Katsuki is so stubborn that he refuses to realize that people have issues beyond Katsuki. Not going all out against him is a personal slight. Being too weak is a personal slight. No one wins.
During the Villain Attack at Camp, Katsuki has every right to defend himself. But he's not defending himself. He's seeking out conflict because to him, fighting is the best part of being a hero. If he was truly defending himself, he'd have headed back to camp with Shoto, even begrudgingly so. Instead, he ignores Mandalay's warnings just because she brought up something about Izuku, and then narrowly avoids getting cut immediately afterwards, foreshadowing his poor choices.
TL;DR Katsuki tends to underestimate others more than he overestimates himself, and while he does fight with a warped sense of honor, it doesn't make his actions any more "noble."
Thanks for reading, homez18. I hope you enjoyed, and if you didn't? Well, that's on me I guess...
-Crimson Lion (24 September 2019)
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kinktae · 5 years
kinktae? i think you meant the sweetest & loveliest person ever 🥺💞💓
Anonymous said: rose deserves all the love and more rt if you agree 🤠
(warning: oodles of precious and dear anons under the cut)
yooniversus said: i faqing luv u (hehe get it) 💕💕💕🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🥺💕❤️💫💕💫💜💕💜💕💜💕💕💜💕💜💜💜💜 ok soddy i was just bored 
Anonymous said: i dont usually interact with fic writers but ur work is out of this world!!!!! the way you write dialogue makes it seem casual and natural flowing like how you would talk to a friend :)) connecting to the main character has never been a challenge for me, but with your writing its like i am the character instead of just some reader. i hope that you never stop writing as long as it brings you joy, and that this message makes you smile (even just a lil' bit) luv u!!
worldclasscassy said: i am so geeked over ur writing 🥰🥺
Anonymous said: uwu punch me daddy
Anonymous said: ur deada$$ one of the best writers on here, i don’t make the rules sis 🙈
into1995 said: heelo! sending all my love! 🥰 you have such a beautiful soul, please take care! we are here for you always. 💕
dejayoon said: take your time lovey! you deserve a break💜
Anonymous said: imagine waking up every day knowing ur rose...PHEW!! wish i could be that lucky 😪😪
lovesic-eunoia said: hey, sweetie. i know your anxiety has been making you feel like crAP and i'm here to tell you that it really does get better❤️, there's always gonna things that make you wanna quit trying to get better, but don't give up. anxiety doesn't rule your life, you do. i wish you the best through all of the ups and downs. you're a precious piece of life. much love ❤️❤️
Anonymous said: I love you
Anonymous said: saw u on my dash and my heart went lub dub
Anonymous said: I hope you take some time to yourself and enjoy hiatus! We love you!
evilkookie said: Your health is way more important than anything!! I wish only good and positive things for you and you feel better, take as long as you need for your Hiatus 💝💝
Anonymous said: I dont know if I'm late but take care of yourself bby! Health always comes first and I hope you'll be enjoying your time outside of tumblr! Will miss you but love you so much bby! -Bunny
miss-peys said: Hope all is well! I myself had to take a step back from school because my mental health was terrible! Hope everything is going okay in your personal life! Can’t wait for you to come back to tumblr, but please come back when YOU feel ready not because others want you to come back! Sending positive vibes your way! Can’t wait for you come back💜💜💜💜
Anonymous said: Rose my darling dearest I just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you and I hope you’re doing well 💜💫☁️
Anonymous said: hi jared ilu xoxoxo
Anonymous said: I love u and I hope ur taking care of yourself and staying hydrated!!
googie-kook said: How are you doing lovely? Miss you loads and hope you’re feeling better! Love from London! 🇬🇧 💓💓💓💓💓
Anonymous said: hi bby! im just coming in to tell you i love you! and you are loved!! and i hope youre taking good care of yourself and doing all those good things to keep yourself happy and healthy!! and im super excited for your spooky fic soon! sending you nothing but the best !!!❤❤❤
Anonymous said: i’m really happy that you’re taking a mental break from social media(tumblr). i had to do that a couple days ago and it really helps. anyways hope you get better and you take time to heal yourself. i love youuuuu🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Anonymous said: Ur meat is huge, keep going.
Anonymous said: how are you being doing rose? hope you're well
hyzzzan said: I'm glad you're still here 🥰💜
Anonymous said: You are so good and such a cute human bean oof (are we still saying ‘oof’?) it’s really frustrating cause I can’t make u feel the intensity with which I mean it. You are so so so so good, your stories just hit different. Like next level shit. Your characters, stories, yo skills I swear if only I was half as good as you are at writing maybe I would be able to make u feel the intensity of my feelings.. I hope writing these masterpieces brings you as much joy as reading them does to me💕💕
Anonymous said: Your stories are soooo good! I am in love with them.
Anonymous said: I MISSED YOU. seeing the "hiatus" taken off your blog just made me so happy. I hope you're good 🖤 happy Halloween 🦇
Anonymous said: I'm rereading all your fics and I keep falling in love with your writing. Thank you for quality content. Also, I hope you're doing good!
Anonymous said: Hi love! I'm so so sooooooo happy you're back! Hope you had a great break and noe you're feeling better. But take your time with writing, exams come first. I still can't wait to read your new stuff tho! (On a side note, we already talked in private but I'm still shy, sorry) ♥️♥️
Anonymous said: Hi omg are you back?? I missed you 🥺
Anonymous said: rose ur writing is insanely good and whenever im having a ton of anxiety i read ur writing to calm me down so tysm for being the best ever
said: You're BACK! I'm so happy you're back! I really hope you are feeling good and happy. Just wanted to send you a lil welcome back message with a little love
monohoed said: Hey, hope you been feeling better? I love everything you’ve written so far and just wanted to let you know! I’ve struggled w mental health myself and I empathise ♥️♥️
sydney--chan said: I fr think I might die when you post a fic again like no cap ive missed you and your writing so mUCH🥺🥺🥺
Anonymous said: so heyyy idk how to say it buttt ily~~ ★☆~
Anonymous said: hihi rose ilu sm and i hope ur doing well, pls take care of urself bb 🥺🥺💜
Anonymous said: .........you are like so beautiful
Anonymous said: HEY IM WUV U AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!! 💕💕 I love all your work and I hope the best for you!!!
Anonymous said: ummm ma’am??? you are so beautiful and I am so gay??????
Anonymous said: I followed you on twitter and you are pretty, funny, kind, and creative. Biggest friend crush uwu
Anonymous said: Omg you should be a model. You're so gorgeous, I'm jealous. If I ever met you in real life, my self-esteem will go down. But I love you too much girl 💕
mazeyoongi said: i haven't had much time or interest in reading fics lately because i am so busy between work & college, but every time you post a new story i HAVE to read it. no natter how busy i am or what is going on, i always read your new fics. they are ALWAYS so so so amazing and you manage to keep my interest from beginning to end no matter who or what it may be based on. thank you for giving us such wonderful work. you're amazing! 💓
Anonymous said: You're so pretty I- TAKE MY HEART PLIS I MIGHT JUST MAKE A TWITTER ACCOUNT FOR YOU 🥺🥺😩😩 -Bunny
Anonymous said: wtf the twitter video, jeezus you are freaking stunning
Anonymous said: you‘re so pretty lemme suck your dick, it‘s only fair
Anonymous said: low key your facial structure is like perfect?? i'm kinda jealous?? luv u b
dazedaurora said: okay but like how tf is everyone around here so pretty?! you're an absolute doll 💖
i-want-to-bite-your-head-off said: I haven't been on here in a WHILE but hi hope you're doing well and ily uwu
sapphireprinces5 said: Hello!! I just wanted you to know I really love all (and I mean ALL) of your stories. I really want to be a better reader for all of you amazing writers who share their art with us. With so many authors leaving, I really want to do my part better! So, you will definitely see more from me when you update!! Excited to see what you have in store for us ❤️
Anonymous said: Omg hi lovely!!! I just wanted to tell u that you are a precious human being and I hope u know that
ktgguk said: uwu I hope you had a lovely day, don’t forget to drink plenty of water 🧸💗 keep being amazing at what you do!!!
Anonymous said: You’re so consistent through your work and everything you write is a phenomenal masterpiece! I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how do you manage to always get such a high word count per chapter. That probably sounds so dumb and I’m sorry if this wastes your time.
justaregularcrazyfangirl said: So, hm... It's not an ask but i just read what you said about my little review and i just wanted to say that you managed to make me blush 😆 (urgh i'm not used to do this and it shows !) Anyways, i'm happy you found my review interesting 💜 I hope you have a nice day ~ "You nice, keep going" ! (And that's my cue to go and hide somewhere !)
Anonymous said: you're an amazing writer!!!
Anonymous said: pls rose u deserve ALL the love in this universe
Anonymous said: Ma’am!! We are your friends!!! That post was SO CUTE!!! Love U!! My heart is full of love and appreciation for your cute self
Anonymous said: I love you
Anonymous said: i love your stories for one, always have ever since I found you 🥺 you give me most of my inspiration to write and let my creativity flow but it’s so dang hard actually putting the words I want on the pAGE BENDK
Anonymous said: Do you ever read your own fics and be like "Damnnn I'm good"
Anonymous said: Oh are you sick 😥 Get well soon 💜
Anonymous said: Omg you speak French too?!! Is there anything you can’t do?!?! You’re such a smart girl 😭🤧💕
Anonymous said: I think you’re really cool and I wish I could be your friend. ❤️
Anonymous said: 💜💜💜 Hey love, idk if you've already deleted the app or it'll get barried in the inevitable avalanche of asks you're about to receive but I hope you can feel the love I'm sending your way nonetheless. You're my favorite writer and there's so question, i'll be here when you get back. Take as much time as you need and I'm very proud of you for taking the necessary steps to get better. That alone takes strength. I wish you the best of luck. -🌻
Anonymous said: Life is a pendulum between your fics and your ficsrec
Anonymous said: just wanted to slide in here to say i dont really like smutty stories, but damn yours be hittin different and im obsessed, so thank u for sharing ur work with us 🥰🥰
Anonymous said: hi! i’m a reader of your work and well, I completely understand where you’re coming from. exactly. 100%. so you take your time and love yourself like you know you deserve to. I support you!
bugznot said: whenever you decide to come back we’ll be ready with open arms. remember you are powerful but you can only take so much. breaks are necessary and important and i hope you are kind to yourself in this time
Anonymous said: Leaving this message for when you’ll come back: I hope you finally start to love yourself back, you take chances cause you believe in yourself and your abilities, you leap blindly because you have faith in yourself and you know where you stand. I hope you have learnt to love yourself, to demand more of others and you for yourself, because you are worth it. I hope you come back, rejuvenated and free of all those schemes that bring you down. Love you 💕
Anonymous said: Saw your most recent post and wanted to say that I hope you feel better soon. I understand how tough it is when it feels like you’re living a lie, but not to minimize your experience, I’m sure it’ll pass and you’ll feel more comfortable with yourself. We all love you here and are patiently awaiting your return. If you celebrate it, happy holidays! Hopefully it won’t be stressful for you and you get some time to relax! 💕
Anonymous said: take as much time as you need & don’t feel like you HAVE to write just because there are people waiting for updates. your real life & health always comes first but pls know that we’ll be here for you & only want the best for you. We’ll be patiently waiting for you & understand your struggles (or at least I do 🙃). pls keep your friends around you, stay in good surroundings with positive vibes & take care of yourself (& your dog aw). sending all the love to you!!!
peachishiz said: Hey Rose my love Dw u don’t gotta answer just popping in to say I love u so much and I hope ur doing good and stuff 🌸💕
Anonymous said: hi bby, i just wanted to say that i can’t truly say ik what you’re going through, bc every circumstance is different, but i really relate to you & what you’re going through. i teared up a bit bc i’ve had the similar thoughts & feelings (and i still do) but i think being open & vulnerable about it is the first step (& hardest) so i just wanna day i’m proud of you 🥺 i wish i let you know more how much i love and appreciate your fics, but i hope the time you take for yourself is healing 💜 Luv -⭐️
Anonymous said: Hope no matter where you go or what you'll do, you'll be happy with it. Lots of love and best of luck ❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said: dude honestly , taking that step to take care of yourself makes me extremely proud and i dont even know like that. When i first moved to Miami i think i felt similar to how you do , i held a lot of resentment for myself and the life i led and its a sentiment i dont wish on the worst of my enemies. Im sorry you feel that way , but you know you have the strength to pull yourself out of your slump , and that's quite the feat on its own. Good luck and i hope happiness finds you soon. - A.L.Á
Anonymous said: heeeeey, I hope you take lots of care during ur hiatus. Stay hydrated, eat some tasty food, make yourself a priority, reach out for help when you need to, and life is like a minecraft house, sometimes it gets burned down, sometimes it gets attacked but in the end you always have the opportunity to rebuild something new, that makes you happy and satisfied. u rock, u r wonderful and amazing, ily
Anonymous said: Hi! Just wanted to say that your writing is brilliant. It’s okay to be going through a tough time. I’m proud of you for recognizing that you need a break and taking one. The year is almost over: it’s the perfect time for a lifestyle change or a new beginning. Do what you need to do. We’ll still be here. Love you!
Anonymous said: You’re doing great sweetie! Keep going ♥️♥️
Anonymous said: im not sure if you still have the app or not or if you'll ever see this but i love you 💓 & i know idk you but to see you taking steps toward loving yourself is so beautiful ! im still on that journey myself 🤷🏽‍♀️ & it gets hard but you gave me some newfound energy just now. good luck !
Anonymous said: I am so proud of you. You’re so brave for accepting the fact that you are not okay, and doing something to turn that around. Now you’re walking the path towards betterment. I won’t wish for you to not fall back into that hole, but that when you do, I hope you come out faster and stronger every time. You made my life a thousand times better through your works, I hope through this hiatus, you’ll be able to do that for yourself. I am rooting for you ❤️
sydney--chan said: Hi babie🥺 please take all the time you need for yourself. I am proud of you for taking a step back and realizing you needed change. You are very strong and I cant wait for you to come back better than ever:)
Anonymous said: Ah, baby! Just the fact that you opened up and came with this decision shows that deep inside you care for yourself and you are also really brave. YOU ARE inspirational, your friends aren't lying. So many of us can't stop being stagnant and that's ok too. But you, you are doing so much and you are handling this better than you see it yourself. You are mature enough to see that things are wrong and that you deserve to heal. Everything that's wrong is going to pass. (1/?)
Anonymous said: And the cloudy days are going to be gone. I believe in you and I hope you believe in yourself as well. Treat yourself like you would treat one of the boys, for ex (I know it sounds silly but... lol). Imagine if they were feeling down and if they made mistakes. Wouldn't you forgive them? Make them see that it is ok? Wouldn't you want to cuddle and take care of them? Treat yourself like that, please. Treat yourself like you deserve to be taken care of, because you do. (2/?)
Anonymous said: Try to date yourself, you know. Take yourself on a date, buy you something nice when you can, try not to tell yourself things you wouldn't tell other person (cuz I know you are the kindest to people). And it is ok if somedays you can't handle things the best way, but you're just human and it is okay. Allow yourself to be imperfect. We are all trying hard in this life and we are all making mistakes. I am proud of you for trying. Keep trying to be better for yourself. You are precious and (3/4)
Anonymous said: I hope everything gets better for you as soon as possible. We are cheering you up, also while you're on hiatus. Come back whenever you feel like it and don't feel pressured to please others. YOU are the one who matters here and you're amazing af. We are going miss this bright star that you are but be patient with yourself and take your time. Please, seek a professional and take care of your health. You are lovely and loved. Everything goes, my love ♥♥♥♥ (4/4)
Anonymous said: I love you so damn much❤️
Anonymous said: I'm proud if you, I get that this was a hard decision to take, and you still did it. So, I'm proud of you. You finally understood that you are the n. priority, so please treat yourself like it. Even if you'll be gone for the whole year, I'm still super happy ti hear this. You deserve this, as you said yourself, you deserve the world. I'm sorry to hear that you're not doing good, but I know that you can make it better. Please, remember that you're not on your own: ask for help if you need it. Ily
lorengarcia-yut said: I just read your post and I just want let you know that we support you! Your health comes first, please take all the time you need. I feel for you, cause in a way I understand. Please take of your self! May God bless your life cause it’s gonna get better. Keep going, don’t ever give up, and please keep pushing. You deserve better than what you’re going through. Bless your heart ❤️
Anonymous said: 🌹 I don’t know if you will see this but I completely understand what you are going through. I have depression and social anxiety, and it’s so hard for me to get out of bed in the morning to go to school in a city where I don’t know anyone. I just want you to know that I will always support you and I hope that this time away will help to clear your mind of some negativity and bring you into a new year with hopefully brighter days 💜✨☀️
minigalixies said: i hope you come back feeling better, love ♡ so proud of you making the decision to put YOU first !! it’s a hard, but VERY important, decision that i hope benefits you sO MUCH !! i look forward to seeing your new posts when you feel better mentally + physically !! ♥️
Anonymous said: I hope this break provides you with everything you need. I hope life in general gets easier for you, you deserve it my love. Your mental health is way more important than providing us with content. Please take care of yourself, we'll be here for you if/when you decide to come back. I love you.
Anonymous said: hello im here to state a fact: your writing is perfect
moonchild-love-letter said: Hi, how are you? I hope you're okay. Actually, I hope you're better than okay, I hope you've been eating well, sleeping well, and spending your days chasing your bliss. Your writing is a piece of art, whenever I finish a chapter I always feel so happy and blessed to have found your blog. I hope that happiness returns to you ten folds. I hope your days are filled with love. Thank you for sharing your work. Thank you.
Anonymous said: BABY ROSE YOURE BACK!!!!! I’m ready to spend my 2020 supporting your 10/10 writing and you on your life journey. GONNA SMOTHER YOU WITH KINDNESS AND LOVE 🥰🥰
Anonymous said: i admire u so much for being confident enough to put ur mental health first. school causes me so much stress and anxiety and makes me slip back into my depression so fast. i look up to u so much. im glad ur doing what makes u happy. 🥺
tinievmin said: Okay so you’re my internet older sister now!!! Wow this is so cute 🥺🥺 Take care of your health, eat well, drink water, sleep, and be kind to yourself this year!!! Sending u love!!
Anonymous said: U ARE A BABY 😩😩😩😩😩😩
Anonymous said: WT FFFFFFF ROSE HAPPY NEW YEAR 🌟 u are backkkkk i miss u little bby 🤧💕
Anonymous said: While they say that army’s are toxic, i think I’ve never found so many people sharing one common interest with such an awareness and consciousness about complex concepts like loving yourself. I like to think that BTS deconstructed the cliché of “love yourself” into something more complex and difficult that u would pursue in life bravely, even through struggles, and not just a quote u find on aesthetic pillows. And I think you’re doing just that too with your stories and your journey. thank you💕
Anonymous said: hello! i'm a returning bts writer and so glad to see find you on here still!! i remember reading one of your earliest fics i love you
Anonymous said: You’re so talented!!
Anonymous said: hello miss rose how are you today? I thought id just come over to say hi and i love you so much you beautiful human being. I hope you and your little fur babies are doing well!💜💜💜💜
Anonymous said: hey, idk if you'll even see this, but i just wanted to say i'm in love with all of your fics. i don't even have a tumblr account, i just come to your page from google to read your stuff and see if you're doing well😳 i could say more but that robot verification keeps running out, so hope 2020 treats you well and you're an amazing writer!
pocketfullofsuga said: hey I checked who im following and it said you are one of my favorite tumblrs I mean they aint wrong though bby
5 notes · View notes
jovialyouthmusic · 6 years
Charlotte’s Choice
A Royal Romance AU fanfic
15a The Regatta part 2
Tumblr media
Charlotte wrestles with her Father’s announcement and Brad admits his true feelings.
Scenes of a sexual nature, not suitable for under 18s
@ao719 @agent-bossypants @andy-loves-corgis @sleepwalkingelite @boneandfur @blackcatkita @brightpinkpeppercorn @choicescommunity @darley1101 @drakewalkerrosenberg @debramcg1106 @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @goirishsunshine @gardeningourmet @katurrade @livingthroughchoices @likethetailofacomet @mrs-nazario @mind-reader1 @ooo-barff-ooo @silviasutton1989 @speedyoperarascalparty @zaffrenotes @missevabean @mrsdrakewalkerblog @cora-nova @missameliep @tanelle83 @endlessly-searching-for-you @jlouise88 @drakenazario @annekebbphotography @tabithacarlisle @furiousherringoperatortoad @notoriouscs @classylady1234 @wickedgypsymoon @carabeth @choices-fangirl @indiana-jr 
15a The Regatta part 2
Charlotte’s head swam. Inwardly she raged at her Father for not warning her what he was planning. Outwardly she had to appear as if she already knew. If her life had been complicated before, it had just multiplied in complexity. Of course she knew that she’d be required to take on more power and responsibility soon, but now it was upon her. Add to that the fact that her father was terminally ill, and she was left reeling. She suspected that this was her Father’s way of focussing her mind, of pushing her toward his choice. She smiled in front of the other nobles, she watched the race, but she was numb. She was waiting until she could talk to her father in private, and she suspected he would try to put that off or choose a time when she was totally unprepared.
It was Maxwell that won the race, with Anton a very close second. The young Beaumont positively bounced on board the Royal Yacht and beamed with pride as he sat next to Charlotte while drinks and nibbles were served. She tried her hardest to let his bubbly persona lift her spirits, but it was difficult. Eventually they were alone, and he leaned across to her, an uncharacteristically serious expression on his face.
‘Lottie, did you know the King was planning on involving you in State matters quite so soon?’ he asked in a low tone.
‘No, I did not’ she whispered ‘and I’ll be having words with him later. He could at least have told me before announcing it in front of everyone’ Max nodded
‘Well, as always, if you need a friendly ear, you know where to find me. I’m only sorry I can’t be more help’ Charlotte furrowed her brow in thought.
‘Well Maxxy, you could keep me updated on Court gossip – that might help me sway Council members If I need to apply leverage’ He grinned back
‘No probs Prinny’ he winked ‘Agent Max is on it. Drake said…’ and his eyes grew wide and he shut his mouth. Charlotte frowned
‘Drake said – what exactly?’ she asked. Maxwell squirmed uncomfortably.
‘It wasn’t anything really, I know you and he fell out – he was the one who told me he thought you’d been blindsided’ Charlotte sighed
‘I guess it just goes to show how well he knows me. I’m not quite so upset with him now, I’ll talk to him at some point soon – but don’t tell him that Maxxy’ The young man held up his hand
‘I pinky swear, my lips are sealed’ he said earnestly, and Charlotte linked fingers with him, smiling.
‘Okay, now we’d better circulate a little. Did you know Adelaide is here tonight?’ Maxwell grew pale.
‘Really? Oh God, don’t leave me with her, it’s embarrassing the way that cougar paws me after a couple of glasses of bubbly’
‘Don’t worry Max, you’re my escort for the evening and she’s not staying over on the yacht. You get a cabin all to yourself – just don’t go there until she’s left’
‘Phew, thanks Lottie, you’re a real pal.’ The two of them stayed side by side until dinner, when Adelaide left. All the other suitors were there, and all had cabins for the night. Although it was a large luxury yacht, quarters were cramped and there was little privacy for anyone save the King, whose suite was on the level just below the top deck, with a large cabin and attached study for State business. Charlotte was tired and about to retire for the night when Constantine, so far having avoided being alone with her, drew her aside.
‘Before you go to bed my dear, there are some papers for you to read and sign. I’ll set you up in my study and leave you to get through them all.’
‘Father, I was wanting to speak with you – in private’ she said stiffly
‘Of course my dear, follow me’ he said coolly, and led her to his study. He closed the door and at last they were alone. She wasted no time
‘Father, why didn’t you tell me about all that responsibility before you told the Press?’ she asked. She expected him to be angry or evasive, but his face remained calm
‘A Queen should be ready to serve her country, and you are so close to taking over that role now. I didn’t think it necessary to remind you that you have pressing duties.’
‘But I’m already swamped with the social season and the pressing matter of choosing a consort!’ she pointed out angrily.
‘All the better to find out who will assist or hinder you, my dear daughter’ he replied evenly ‘Each night from now on you’re going to have to attend to state matters, and I will send one of your suitors to assist you for a short while. They won’t be vital matters, but all the same it will be very telling as to how they behave. I expect you to test each one of them in a timely fashion.’
‘I still think some warning was in order, father’
‘Not at all, I wanted to see how you react under pressure, and so far, you’re doing very well. And don’t forget that you may not have me around for long to assist you’ He walked over to the desk and indicated a pile of papers ‘The sooner you begin, the sooner you finish, my dear. I expect them all seen to before morning. For tonight, you’ll be on your own to get a taste of the sort of thing you’ll be dealing with. Goodnight Charlotte, I’ll be in my cabin next door. When you’ve finished, close the door quietly, there’s a good girl’
The King left, and Charlotte fumed silently, regarding the stack of papers.
In the morning, Olivia sat at the dressing table in her cabin, looking at her reflection with a mouthful of hair pins. With a sigh, she let her long red hair down and started to brush it for the third time. There had not been enough room for her to bring a maid, and she couldn’t for the life of her get her hair to look right. She started again, gathering it together and twisting, poking the pins in again only for half of it to escape just as she heard a knock at the door.
‘Go away’ she growled, but whoever it was didn’t know when to quit, as the knock came again. She screamed with frustration and threw her hairbrush at the door. It opened, and Brad poked his head in cautiously
‘What part of ‘go away’ did you not understand, Brad?’ she growled
‘I’m sorry Livvy, I could have sworn you said come in’ he said innocently. He looked at the hairbrush on the floor ‘What gives? I was going to offer to take you into breakfast and have a quick chat about Lottie first, but’ he looked at her hair ‘you look like you’re having problems’ He stepped in, picking up the hairbrush.
‘Unless you’ve got some skill with a hairbrush and hairpins, you can turn right around, pretty boy’ she snapped. Brad rubbed the back of his neck and looked sheepish. Olivia rolled her eyes, having a flashback to their game of ‘Never have I ever’ in the hot tub. ‘Don’t tell me, you trained as a hairdresser. You’re a man of many skills’ Brad smiled lopsidedly.
‘Not quite, but one of my exes hated getting her hair cut, so she wore it up or braided a lot of the time. I got pretty good at updos and French plaits while we were together’ Olivia shrugged her shoulders.
‘Okay then, let’s see what you’ve got’ and Brad stepped forward as she turned to the mirror. Brad started to brush her hair. He had a gentle touch and she found it very soothing. In turn, he was enjoying running her hair through his fingers as he twisted it up and pinned it into a simple flattering style.
‘You have beautiful hair’ he said as he worked. ‘A very unique colour’ Olivia snorted.
‘Is that a polite way of saying I’m ginger? Believe me there’s not a negative comment I haven’t heard over the years’ Brad smiled apologetically.
‘You forget, I spent years living in Scotland, there are a lot of red heads there, it’s more common to not be a redhead. Your colour is very rich, and I can tell it’s natural’ Olivia softened a little. ‘How do you like the style?’
‘Thankyou’ she said stiffly ‘It’s adequate. And I don’t often get compliments’ Brad looked at her reflection quizzically.
‘Really? I find that hard to believe. You’re…’ he swallowed, remembering Olivia’s quick temper, but he pressed on boldly ‘Stunning’ Olivia pivoted on her chair, surprise in her eyes. 
‘You find me attractive, Brad? You usually run for the hills whenever I make a move on you’ She looked him up and down approvingly and he flushed.
‘I – you’ve threatened me so many times I don’t know when you’re serious’ he replied, and she pouted.  Brad’s palms were sweating and he felt light headed.
‘Just figures of speech darling’ she said ‘And I suppose I love teasing you. I usually take what I want, and you’re good at dodging’ 
‘Years of rugby practice I guess’ he grinned ‘and you’ve been throwing me at the Princess and warning me not to succeed, so I wasn’t sure where I stood.’ Olivia sighed
‘I think it’s unlikely that you’ll become Consort, that was never my intention’ she confessed ‘Part of me didn’t want to leave you behind’ Brad gaped at her ‘Even so, it also didn’t feel right to sleep with the guy I brought over to act as a suitor for Lottie, as long as she was enjoying your company’ Brad mind was working overtime at her confession, and his admittance of his true feelings,
‘I – then I can’t carry on leading her on’ he said ‘It’s not fair on her’ Olivia nodded. 
‘You’re probably right. So…’ she reached out and put her hand on his thigh as he stood in front of her ‘Why don’t you stop wasting time and kiss me?’ Brad swallowed.
‘Only if you promise you won’t disembowel me – or any of those other threats you’ve made’
‘I promise I will not attempt to maim, injure or kill you if you just shut the fuck up and kiss me’ she growled. Brad took her hand off his thigh and pulled her up to standing. Their lips crashed together, no tender exploration but a straightforward messy open mouthed kiss, tongues entwining immediately, his hand at the back of her neck and her nails scraping his scalp, bodies pressed together until Olivia started to push him back toward the bed and they half stumbled to it, Brad landing on his back and Olivia kneeling on the mattress, following him.
He had denied his feelings toward her for so long and now it was like a dam breaking, blood going to parts that had not been appeased for some time. He felt a low growl in his throat, kicking off his shoes and scooting up the bed, propping himself up on his elbows as she advanced on him.
‘How long since you had sex Brad?’ she asked huskily ‘I mean proper sex, no fumbling around with fingers and tongues, real hot pounding ball emptying sex?’ Brad groaned as she hiked up her dress and straddled him, grinding her groin against his as he grew harder by the second. He sat up to claim her lips, breathing noisily though his nose as their mouths fused together until they parted for breath.
‘Oh god Olivia – two weeks before you stepped into my bar?’ he panted, his brain having a hard time working it out as the blood flowed to his lower regions. She grinned, easing up and unbuckling his belt.
‘You must have blue balls, Brad’ she said, ‘I’m doing you a service’ She wasted no time pulling down his trousers and getting off the bed to tear his socks off before leaving them all on the floor in a heap, climbing back onto the bed ‘or do you take yourself in hand from time to time?’ She started to unbutton his shirt rapidly, raking her fingernails over his chest. His skin burned and lit the fire of passion in his belly.
‘Who doesn’t?’ admitted Brad as she stood to hike up her long dress and strip off her panties, slipping her shoes off at the same time.
‘Show me’ she demanded, and he shot her a confused look.
‘What?’ He asked.
‘Show me how you hold yourself’ she said, licking her lips and stripping his boxers off, making an approving sound as she saw his rapidly hardening member. Brad groaned and reached down, wrapping his hand around himself and drawing back his foreskin in a slow steady rhythm. She watched for  a while then advanced on him, coming up to the head of the bed and straddling his face. Happily he darted out his tongue and ran it over her full slick lips, tasting her with approval and probing with the tip of his tongue for the little button of her clitoris, surprised and gratified to find how swollen and engorged it was, and softly circled it, happy to feel her bounce away from him slightly with the intensity, so he softened the pressure as she lowered herself again, using the flat of his tongue to press gently on it. He felt rather than heard her moan, then she sat up and pivoted so he faced his feet.
He felt her lean forward and peel his hand away from his cock and bucked as he felt her lips around the tip, warm and wet. Slowly she worked her mouth around him, and he felt as if he was losing his mind with the double stimulation of the scent and moisture of her moist folds and the heat of her mouth. He pushed her hips up and away, and she pivoted so she knelt next to him.
‘Fuck Olivia, I won’t last long like that’ he panted ‘If you want me inside you it had better be now’ Olivia reached over to the bedside table and produced a foil wrapped package, ripping it open. She smiled archly as she rolled the condom over his length.
‘Oh Brad, you’re just perfect, nice and thick’ she purred, and straddled him, lowering herself onto the tip ‘I like being stretched’ Sitting up, she eased onto him slowly and he fought the urge to thrust up into her, hands resting on her hips, waiting for her to adjust and sink onto him. At last she settled with a sigh of satisfaction and tightened around him, making him gasp with delight, his fingers tightening into her flesh.
‘Oh that’s good’ he breathed, aware that the walls in the yacht were not good at sound insulation. He bit his lip as she rose a little, then slid back down. She threw her head back as she started to move, tilting and rolling her hips in an erratic pattern that kept him guessing as to when she would almost let him fall out of her, only to suddenly allow him to thrust up into her, or just tilt slightly to keep the stroke shallow, or crash down onto him. She stopped altogether as she pressed her lips to his, tightening her soft velvet walls around his cock rhythmically. He pulled away from her mouth, gripped her hips and flipped her over onto her back.
She snarled, showing her teeth and rose up to bite his shoulder, hands clawing at his back, fingernails raking top to bottom. She brought her mouth close to his ear.
‘Fuck me Brad, show me what you’ve got. Don’t be gentle, fuck me hard.’ she whispered, biting down on his earlobe. He waited for her to let it go, hissing at the sharp pain and started to drive into her in a frenzied rhythm, allowing a low grunt to escape on each stroke. She panted and gasped and writhed underneath him, meeting his every thrust with her hips until she started to tighten around him, a soft moan escaping her lips. He slowed a little and she pulled him close, pressing herself hard onto his groin and shuddering, gasping as he delivered the last few strokes that finally allowed him to erupt inside her, emptying himself with a deep guttural groan. He let his breath steady before he pulled out and collapsed to the side of her sweating, heart hammering and lay on his back listening to her panting slowing and evening out. He got up to get rid of the condom and clean himself up, returning to the bed to collapse next to her.
‘Well I think that’s me out of the running as suitor’ he panted
‘Don’t be silly darling Olivia gasped ‘We Cordonians - are generous people – we like to share’ He turned to her incredulously.
‘Olivia, I’m a one woman kind of guy’ he said ‘I can’t go back to Charlotte if I’m fucking you’
‘Who says you get to do it again?’ she said mischievously. He turned and looked at her. locking his eyes to her, blue to green.
‘Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t want to’ She gazed at him and opened her mouth, then smiled archly
‘It was fun, I’ll admit that’
‘You’re a fiery woman Olivia. Lottie’s fragile, and I’m afraid of hurting her - physically and emotionally. I’m in her bad books for defending Drake anyway’ She rolled over to face him.
‘I like a man who likes it rough, and I wouldn’t wish that on Lottie. You’re right, you can’t woo her, but you can still support her if she’ll let you. Do whatever you can to get her trust back and we’ll have to hope she forgives Drake too – or we’ll end up with a Severus on the throne.’
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Blue Scarf
Summary: Her scarf flies into Tom’s face and as if the awkwardness that followed wasn’t bad enough, he walks into her work too.
Pairings: Reader(?) x Tom Holland
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Some swearing.
A/n: Roses are really expensive, you guys. Who knew? But yeah, I don’t know how I feel about this piece tbh. Let me know what you think so I can make up my mind about whether I like it or not lol. And I know this one isn’t very Tom heavy but I promise my next one will be :D
The wind blew furiously today. She tugged her coat tighter around her and hunched her shoulders to protect her exposed ears from the chilly assault. Her face was numb; she couldn’t even feel the pain of the wind whipping her cheeks anymore. As she reached to grab the purse swinging wildly at her hip, a gust of wind caught the end of her scarf, blowing it behind her. Because it wasn’t wrapped around her neck, the force of the wind simply yanked it free, and suddenly her scarf was flying through the air.
She gasped and spun around trying to locate her neckwear. She caught sight of it zigzagging through imaginary obstacles. Its bright blue allowed her to track its path as she gave chase. She ducked and weaved past the people, finally coming to a halt as she witnessed her scarf get blown right around some poor, unsuspecting pedestrian’s face. She watched as they stopped mid-step, frozen for a millisecond but clambering to free themselves immediately. She rushed up to them, apologies on the tip of her tongue.
“I’m so sor– “
She cut herself off. Words simply left her brain as the stranger pulled the scarf down. Her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish.
Wow, you are gorgeous!
“Um… thank you?”
“You, uh, you said I was gorgeous,” she heard him say, registering the eloquent British accent.
As if he wasn’t stunningly attractive, he had to sound like that?
How is that fair?
“How is what fair?”
The perplexed expression on his face pulled her out of her reverie.
“You said ‘How is that fair?’ What were you referring to?” he repeated.
I said that out loud?
“Yeah, you did,” he said, puzzlement becoming bemusement.
Oh, shit.
“I – I was referring to… Um, see, what I meant was –,” she scrambled to come up with an excuse. Her mind failing her, she shifted her gaze to the floor, a blush creeping up her face.
An agonising, awkward silence followed.
“Uh, anyway…,” his smile faltered, the odd conversation losing its charm.
“Here’s your scarf,” he said as he looped it around her neck. “Now you won’t lose it, again.”
Pursing his lips together in a polite smile, he moved past her and continued on his way. She stood there, dumbstruck.
What just happened?
She turned around, catching a glimpse of his slicked-back curls.
“Thank you!” she called out. He kept walking though, not hearing her.
The bell on the corner of the door rang as she opened it.
“Morning,” her friend called, not looking up from her flower arrangement. “We got to get that Truscott Gala order done by four today. Are you okay to work register while I work on that?”
“Oh, morning, Stel,” she responded, coming out of her thoughts. She had been replaying her brief encounter with the pretty, British man in her head, feeling more and more stupid each time.
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” she said, pulling off her coat and exchanging it for her apron. She kept the scarf on.
“What’s up with you?” her friend finally looked up, giving her a questioning look.
Crossing the too-long apron strings, she pulled them in front of her and tied a bow.
“You would not believe what an idiot I am, Stel,” she replied.
“I would, but go on,” her friend prompts.
“I was walking to work today and you know how it was really windy? Well, my scarf blew away and it landed on this guy’s face,” she recounted as she walked over to the window, flipping the ‘Closed’ sign to the ‘We’re Open’ side.
“And Stel, oh my god, this guy was so hot. Like, crazy, too-beautiful-to-be-real, smoking, kind of hot. And –,” she paused, “He was British!”
“Let me guess. You totally embarrassed yourself, right? Am I right?” her friend guessed.
Sighing in defeat, she looked at her friend. “Yes.”
“Oh, it was so bad. The first thing I said to him was ‘Wow, you’re gorgeous’. I mean, what kind of creep says that to a stranger they literally just met?”
“Uh, you?”
“I know,” she cried. “It just got more awkward from there, and I think he got a little freaked out because I was being so weird.”
“Well, duh.”
“But then he did the sweetest thing. He wrapped the scarf around my neck and goes ‘Here’s you scarf, now you won’t lose it again’,” she finished, imitating his accent. She snuggled into the scarf, recalling the way he had leaned in to place it around her. She could still vaguely remember his cologne, something classy and subtle.
“Okay, you weirdo, you can keep dreaming about all the different ways you should have handled that situation, later,” Stel pulled her back to the world. “Right now I need you on the register, paying attention. I’m going to the back to finish these flower arrangements. Call if you need anything.”
With that, Stel collected her tools and tulips and disappeared into the back room.
Smiling at her friend’s words, she went about preparing for the day ahead.
“Have a lovely afternoon,” she handed the bouquet of carnations to the man, just as the doorbell chimed again.
Her eyes scanned the small shop, looking to see who she would next offer her help to when she spotted the newcomer. His back was to her but she recognised his slicked-back brown curls. She froze.
“Oh no,” she whispered under her breath. She quickly ducked beneath the counter, trying to think of an escape route. She whipped her head left and right, racking her brain for a solution. Stel was in the back, if she could just get her attention, she could make her deal with him instead. He wouldn’t even have to know she was here.
Dropping to her hands and knees, she slowly crawled across the floor towards the doorway connecting the shopfront to the back room. It was situated several feet to the left. Keeping against the wall, she prayed he wouldn’t notice her when she was no longer hidden by the counter. As she reached the edge of her protective wall, she hesitated before taking a deep breath and continuing out into the open.
“Please don’t see me, please don’t see me,” she muttered. She was almost there, only a few more inches.
“Excuse me?”
Hearing the familiar voice behind her, she squeezed her eyes shut.
She inhaled and stood. Her back straight and chin up, she pumped herself to turn around and face him. There was nothing else she could do at this point. This was it; she had to answer to the humiliation.
Oh, god.
But then at the last possible second, she squeaked, “Be right back,” and darted through the doorway.
Leaning against the wall, out of sight, she exhaled.
Phew, that was close.
“What are you doing?”
She jumped.
“Jesus, Stel! You scared me,” she whisper-yelled, hand over her heart.
Stel raised her eyebrow at her.
“Shit, Stel, it’s the guy! The British guy from this morning, he’s out there right now.”
She peeped around the doorframe. He was looking at the roses.
“What? Where? Let me see,” Stel exclaimed, scrambling to peer into the shop as well.
“Shh, he’ll hear you.”
“Oh man, you weren’t kidding. He is gorgeous.”
“Right?” she asked in agreement.
“Well get out there.”
“What? Are you insane?”
“No… now’s your chance to go show him you aren’t a total weirdo and get his number,” she stated, matter-of-factly. When she was met with an astonished expression, she nodded her head in encouragement.
“I don’t think –,” she began to protest but Stel shoved her out the door and into the shop. Her stumble caused him to turn towards her. She glared back at Stel before putting on her best customer service smile and walking behind the counter once more.
She could see the recognition dawning on his face and she cursed mentally. She was hoping he wouldn’t remember her but clearly he did. She could sense Stel in the other room, waiting to hear his reaction. She prepared herself for the worst.
“May I get a dozen red roses, please?”
Wait, maybe he didn’t recognise her after all.
“A dozen red roses?” he repeated, “Please.”
He really didn’t remember her.
She moved to where the roses were located, stepping past him. She caught a whiff of his cologne and was surprised to realise she was disappointed. He was probably buying the roses for his girlfriend. Why would he remember some random girl he met in the street when he already has a beautiful one to buy a dozen red roses for?
Picking out twelve of the best flowers, she returned to the counter. She bunched them into a bouquet, very aware of him watching her. She suddenly felt very warm, uncomfortably warm. Placing the roses down on the countertop, she unravelled her scarf. She put it by the register and continued the order.
Tying the bow, she looked up at him and plastered a smile on her face.
“That’ll be $38.95,” she said.
They completed the transaction and she handed him the bouquet.
“Have a lovely day!”
“Thanks, you too.”
He took the flowers and walked out the shop. She watched him go, sadness overcoming her. Stel came out and stood beside her.
“Man, I can’t believe he didn’t remember you.”
She began to clear away the scraps and cut-offs. Hearing the bell chime again, she looked up to greet the new customer. Her fake cheeriness dropped, replaced by shock, when she saw who it was.
“My mum won’t mind if I only give her eleven roses.”
He held out a single red rose, one she had wrapped into his bouquet, only moments ago. He also held the receipt, on it was scribbled some numbers.
She looked at him, bewildered. She tentatively reached out and took the rose and piece of paper.
“I – I thought you didn’t –,” she stammered.
“How many cute girls are there in this town who wear bright blue scarves?” he grinned.
“Call me.”
Then he left. She was dumbfounded. She looked down at the receipt in her hand. There was a name alongside the number.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
World’s Best Dad (Part 5)
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Summary: Dean and the reader have a late night talk and unexpectedly have a few guests over the next day...
World’s Best Dad Masterlist
Pairing: single parent!Dean x kindergarten teacher!reader
Word Count: 4,700ish
Warnings: language, implied future smut
A/N: The fluff is just going to end me one of these days...
“Your hair is really soft,” said Dean out of the blue as you curled up in his lap that night. Gracie was tucked away in bed, Dean making an open spot for you in bed as he reassured you it was okay for you to lean back against him. He had wrapped an arm around your waist as you talked about everything and nothing, his other one playing with the strands.
“Thank you,” you said, tilting your head back, moving your head from where it was tucked under his chin. “Thanks for today. I’m supposed to be the one taking care of you but I felt like you were the one in charge of that this afternoon.”
“I’m your boyfriend. It’s my job to take care of you,” he said, dragging his fingertips slowly over your scalp. “I think I had to have Sam take Gracie for a few hours when it happened to me. I was a wreck.”
“You love her so much. I think that’s the most attractive thing I’ve ever seen in a person,” you said, Dean chuckling.
“She’s my daughter. Of course I love her. I love her more than myself. She’s...simple. I never have to worry about her not loving me just as much back. You’re a different story though,” said Dean.
“I really like you,” you said, turning around in his lap to try and face him, his arm turning you back. “Dean.”
“See? That, you trying to be reassuring is...I don’t know what I did to even get it. I invited you over for dinner and proceeded to burn it and then kick you out and say that was it. I definitely didn’t deserve another shot. I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop,” he said with a sigh. “Just tell me there isn’t another shoe to drop.”
“Let me up,” you said, pushing on his arm. When you spun around his face was hard, staring at his lap. You rolled onto the other side of the bed and spread your legs, patting it. “Sit.”
He crawled into it without a word, the two of you leaning back as you tossed a blanket over his legs and wrapped your arms around him. He was tense but you nuzzled your cheek against the top of his head and gave him a hug.
“Mine,” you said, Dean’s head lifting up as he looked back confused. “You’re mine. My awesome, amazingly sweet and kind and funny boyfriend. My cocky charmer, my person I can have a full on freak out in front of and he just gives me a hug and tells me it’s okay. I haven’t had a best friend in a long time, Dean but I’m really glad that you’re mine.”
“I’m your best friend?” he asked, your head nodding as he formed a tiny, barely there smile. “I like my best friend too.”
“Sam?” you teased, one of his hands coming up to grab your neck and pull you down into a kiss. “Oh, you mean me.”
“Yes I mean you, dork,” he said, getting that soft look in his eye like when you caught him watching Gracie sometimes. “How’d I ever get you?”
“A five year old guilt tripped you into asking me out. It happens to the best of us,” you said. “We should really be thanking her.”
“What can I say, the kid’s good at fixing her old man up,” said Dean, snuggling into your lap, your fingers tracing near the small cut on his head that was healing nicely. “Hey, I get my head stitches out tomorrow.”
“Yes you do and you have a follow up with your doctor. You been changing your bandage like your supposed to?” you asked. Dean nodded and flung his leg out from under the blanket and over yours. 
“Put on a new one right before bed,” he said. “I’ve been good. Pretty soon I’m going to be able to throw you over my shoulder and tickle you until you surrender every time you tease me.”
“You realize being teased by you is more of an incentive to do it, right?” you said, moving a finger lightly under his jaw, watching him squirm a little in your lap.
“Mm alright you win,” he said, holding up his hands and tilting his head up at you.
“Oh you’re sensitive there, aren’t you?” you asked, doing it again, Dean squirming a little more as he arched his neck. “Admit it and I’ll stop.”
“I-umph-heh-o-okay-I-m-may be a little...” he got out before you had him bursting out laughing as you made easy work of his exposed skin. You patted his head when you finished, knowing you were in for it once he was allowed to run around again. “Don’t think I’m not counting every little thing you’ve been doing to me ya little rascal.”
“I’ll live in fear,” you said with a laugh, Dean rolling out of your lap and onto his side of bed, ready for sleep. You ducked under the covers and rolled to get the light, turning back into his raised up arm before it fell over your waist. “Night.”
“Night. Love you,” he said. The arm over you went as rigid as stone as you peeled your eyes open to see his wide. “I didn’t mean to...I said that out of habit...I’m not...”
“Dean? Babe, you worry about the stupidest shit sometimes I swear,” you said, burrowing into his chest. “I love you too.”
“You’re not just saying that? Like I didn’t fuck up again and ruin this by saying it too soon or-”
“Did you accidentally say it or did you mean it? I meant it,” you said, reaching a hand up to cup his cheek, trying to rub away the worry there.
“I meant it,” he said quietly, giving you a tiny smile. 
“Phew cause all the talk earlier made me think you weren’t going to let me in like that,” you said.
“You’re in there alright. Just play nice with the not broken things,” he said.
“You’re not broken,” you said. “You’re hurt and I don’t think you ever really let yourself heal.”
“It’s probably a good thing you’re really good at fixing me when I’m hurt then,” said Dean, moving to play with your hair again. You just nodded into him, feeling a hand on your back. “You’re not happy anymore.”
“You’re just really good and you told me you love me and I know how hard that is for you but I just wish it didn’t have to be that way for you. You don’t deserve to feel like that about yourself, like any of this is your fault,” you said.
“My life would be very different if she hadn’t left Gracie and me,” said Dean, brushing his lips against your forehead. “But I don’t think it would be as good. I’d never have met you, not like this anyways. I feel differently about you than anyone else. It’s a little like with Gracie at how easy it is and that’s terrifying.”
“I won’t hurt you, either of you,” you said, closing your eyes and relaxing into the curves of him. “Promise.”
“I believe you. Same goes for us,” said Dean, scooting down the bed an inch or so to get closer. “Night sweetheart.”
“Goodnight Dean.”
When you woke up Dean was still asleep, his breath hot on the back of your neck. You shifted and stretched, his arm over your waist tugging you back against him. He mumbled and you giggled, not sure he was aware he’d done that. When you went to move again though this time you felt his fingers curl under your waist, trapping you in place.
“Good morning, Dean,” you said, his head moving to rest against the back of yours.
“Who said you could get out of this bed?” he said quietly, his flirt masked by the sleep in his voice.
“Who said I want to get out of this bed?” you asked, earning a kiss on the cheek when he raised his head.
“Good answer,” he said, throwing his legs over yours. “Cause you ain’t leavin’ anytime soon.”
“Oh, you got something planned?” you asked, Dean pushing you away fast only to grab hold of you so you turned around and faced him, his hair stuck out every direction. “Hi.”
“Hi,” he said with a sleepy smile, pressing his lips to yours. He didn’t pull away though and soon you felt the heat in your cheeks as you lazily kissed each other awake.
“Well it looks like somebody’s have a good morning,” said Sam, chuckling from the doorway when you broke apart.
“Dude! If the door’s shut, don’t come-”
“It was open, jerk,” said Sam, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorframe. “Morning, Y/N. Gracie wanted to know when you two were getting up. It’s Sunday, you know, those people that raised us are in town to check on their handsome son and your injured ass?” 
“Sam, cut your brother...” you and Dean both heard from the hall as you threw him a panicked look. “Oh, didn’t know Dean had a friend over.”
“You said they were coming this afternoon!” said Dean, shooting you an apologetic look.
“And give you an excuse to hide away the woman that’s been taking care of you this week? Nope,” said Sam, watching the blush on your cheeks as you ran a hand over your face, hoping your lips weren’t too swollen from your mini-make-out session. 
“Hi,” you said with a red face, giving what you presumed was their father a wave.
“Hi,” he said, rolling his eyes at Sam. “Give the woman a little modesty, Sam would ya? No wonder you’re single.”
Their dad gave you a smile and pulled the door shut, dragging Sam away with him. Dean pulled his pillow over his face and groaned.
“So your parents are in town? That’s good,” you said, Dean moving the pillow away and looking up with sad eyes.
“I completely blanked. Sam mentioned it when we were driving home from the hospital. I’m so sorry, I should have given you fair warning and-”
“Do you not want me to meet them?” you asked, his head shake out of this world as he sat up and gave you a soft smile. “Hey, at least I was wearing a shirt. It’s okay.”
“Remind me to kill Sam later,” said Dean as you sat up and wrapped your arms around him.
“No, Sammy’s too valuable around here. Plus he had a little bit of a point,” you said. “Awful execution but still a point.”
“I’m not embarrassed of you, Y/N. I just don’t want to overwhelm you,” he said.
“Your dad looked like he wanted to laugh. This is already going a thousand times better than meeting mine did. Let’s get dressed so you can show me off,” you said, trying to roll out of bed, Dean’s arms catching you by the waist. 
“You owe me a cuddle later little missy,” said Dean, plucking a kiss on your lips. “I wasn’t done yet.”
“You can have all the cuddles you want,” you said, kissing him back and finally getting out of bed when he released you. Dean washed up while you got dressed, swapping out with him after about ten minutes before you helped him downstairs and he made his way into the kitchen on his crutches.
“Daddy, Grandma made me pancakes,” said Gracie, shoving a syrup covered piece in her mouth.
“Did she make me any?” Dean asked, getting an eyebrow raise.
“No, I made you a pandog,” said his dad, Dean’s eyes lighting up as you laughed and made your way to the fridge.
“That is still disgusting,” said a blonde woman who was coming out of the laundry room, wiping her hands clean. “You must be Y/N,” she said, giving you a hug.
“Yeah, hi,” you said, giving her a smile and Dean a shrug.
“You make Y/N one? You got to have one,” said Dean, sitting down at the table as his mother shook for you not to try it.
“Nope, Y/N you’re not on breakfast duty this morning,” said Sam, waving you over. “That’s for the old folks.”
“This is why you don’t get pandogs,” said Dean’s dad.
“Sam, I made you wafcakes,” said Dean’s mom, giving you a smile. “Y/N, you like cinnamon or blueberries better?”
“Cinnamon,” you said, taking a seat at the table when Dean’s father started pushing you over there.
“Been a while since we made the kiddos breakfast,” he said, the two parents moving around the kitchen like they’d never skipped a day. “Y/N, you want a pandog too?”
“Uh, what is it exactly?” you asked with a weary face.
“Only the greatest breakfast food on earth,” said Dean as he crossed his arms.
“It’s gross,” said Gracie, shaking her head.
“Yeah, I’m sticking with her. I’ll just have a wafcake?” you said, watching their mother sense your confusion.
“It’s just waffles and pancakes really. Not that sausage, pancake mix atrocity those two men eat,” she said, pointing at the mix of sausage and batter in a pan. “I’m Mary by the way.”
“John,” said their dad, raising his spatula. “You’re the poor girl who wound up with De, huh?”
“I guess I am, huh, De,” you said, catching his bitch face. 
“Just keep it up. A week and a half and you are so in for it,” said Dean, throwing you a smirk that you returned.
“So how’d you guys meet?” asked Mary. You glanced over at him, the same thought crossing his mind. 
You were Gracie’s teacher. Teacher’s should not be dating their students parents. You figured you could let it slide since you and Dean didn’t start dating until the last week of the school year and it was kindergarten, not like you were grading them on much of anything beside basic skills.
“Y/N’s, my teacher,” said Gracie, breaking the news for both of you. 
“Oh,” you heard both of the older Winchesters say as you kept your head down, waiting for their friendly smiles to disappear.
“Do either of you have a problem with that?” asked Dean, a little harshly as he put a hand on your thigh, rubbing lightly over the skin.
“No. Sam said you two have been together about a week. Even if you weren’t who cares? You’re a lot happier than last time we visited,” said Mary, bringing over a plate of food for you. “You got that, Y/N? You can lift your head up now.”
“I knew it had to have something to do with Gracie. No way would De ever land you on his own,” said John, dishing up a couple plates as Mary carried over the rest, both of them packing the small table full of food.
“You should have heard Dean when he called me to take Gracie for the night,” said Sam with a big grin. “‘Sam, I got a date with a gorgeous woman and you got to help me out and’-Ow!”
“Sorry, Sam, must have been kicking my leg,” said Dean with a glare.
“Jerk,” said Sam, leaning down to rub his shin.
“Bi...baby,” said Dean, remembering Gracie was in the room.
“No, he won me over with his sweetness,” you said. “Plus he had a nice car.”
“Chicks dig cars,” said Dean, moving his hand away when his father shoved his pandog creation in front of him. “Sure you don’t want to try some?”
“No, I wouldn’t want to take any away from you,” you said, deciding to avoid the week’s worth of grease in one meal.
“Your loss,” he said, the second he picked up the fork, the lights going off. “Well...it’s a good thing we already made breakfast.”
“Storm probably knocked it out,” said Sam, tilting back in his seat to look over the back fence at the neighbors house. “Looks like the block is out.”
“Uncle Sammy, you’re not supposed to do that,” said Gracie.
“How is the five year old the most adult one here?” asked John. You raised an eyebrow and he shook his head. “You get knocked down a few for willingly joining this crazy family.”
“Oh, she never had a chance once I made her mac and cheese for dinner,” said Dean.
“It’s a miracle he’s even dating in the first place,” said Mary, giving Dean a smile. 
“Is it tease Dean day and I didn’t get the memo?” he asked, Sam opening his mouth to say something witty but getting a hand slapped over it instead. “Don’t answer that.”
“How long are you guys in town for?” you asked. “Gracie graduates on Tuesday.”
“We know,” said John, ruffling Gracie’s head. “Big girl going up to first grade. We wouldn’t miss that for the world.”
“Y/N, won’t be my teacher anymore,” she whined. “I don’t want a new teacher.”
“You’re going to love your new teacher Gracie. You’re going to have lots of fun in first grade. You get a fifth grade reading buddy and you get to start learning a bunch of cool new stuff,” you said. “You’re going to have a blast.”
“Alright,” she said with a shrug. “Can I go play now?”
“Put your plate away munchkin and take a flashlight from the drawer. Be careful on the stairs,” said Dean, even if the house wasn’t all that dark in the day.
“Thank you for breakfast Grandma,” she said, sliding off her seat and doing as Dean asked, running up stairs fast and making him sigh.
“I swear one of these days she’s going to trip,” muttered Dean, taking a bite of food. “So, give us the inside scoop. Which teacher is she getting?”
“I’m not privy to say,” you said, knowing two weeks back where all of your students were ending up.
“I’m going to find out in two days. What difference does it make?” he said.
“Because it’s national tease Dean Winchester day,” you said, taking a mouthful of food.
“No, not you too!” he said, throwing his head back, cocking his head with a smile.
“Mr. Colt,” you said. “He’s cool. A few years older than me, makes a mean margarita. Gracie’s going to end up in the advanced reading since she’s ahead for her age. Her friend Matt’s going to be in there with her. That’s her best friend from what we gathered.”
“You guys keep track of that stuff?” asked Sam. You shrugged.
“I mean it doesn’t really make a difference but they work together well and support systems are important early on. We try to match them up with at least one good friend in the early years,” you said.
“Gracie and Matt are like glue,” said Dean. “Mom’s a bit of a bitch but his dad’s good.”
“She’s the definition of a helicopter parent. If they were all like you this job would be so much easier,” you said. “Matt’s mom’ll ease up once they get older. She’ll have to.”
“I’m glad Gracie’ll know someone. One less thing for me to worry about,” said Dean, getting to his feet to help clean up. As you helped him and Sam with the dishes, his parents wouldn’t stop smiling at you.
“I got to take Dean for his check up,” said Sam, spotting the time. “We’ll be back around noon probably if you guys want to figure out out what to do in the meantime.”
“Drive slow Sam, the weather’s still bad,” you said, watching the boys head off towards the hall. “And help him with his crutches out of the car. It’s wet out.”
“Y/N, relax, I won’t let his ugly mug get even more deformed,” said Sam, earning a whack from Dean’s crutch. “Stop! That one actually hurt.”
“Sorry,” said Dean sheepishly. “We’ll be back soon.”
When they left you went back to the kitchen to finish cleaning up, Dean’s parents watching you.
“Can I get either of you guys anything?” you asked, seeing their head shakes. “You sure?”
“When was the last time Dean actually smiled like that?” asked John to Mary. “When’s the last time he actually looked happy?”
“I think we have Y/N to thank for that,” said Mary. You shrugged, starting to realize more and more that Dean must not have been the most fun person to be around without Gracie in the room.
“I didn’t really do anything special. Just...kind of went on a date with him was all,” you said. 
“Well, he’s head over heels even if he won’t say it,” said Mary. “The teacher thing doesn’t bother us you know. Sam told us who you were last week.”
“Then why’d you ask?” you asked, John standing up and patting your head.
“Because we want to get to know you is all, kid,” said John, shoving the last of the dishes in the dishwasher. “We’re probably going to see you a lot so might as well know what you do.”
“You guys are way nicer than my parents were to Dean,” you said, seeing their eyebrow raises. “I may have told them off. I don’t know, I didn’t care for how they spoke to him or about Gracie.”
“Give it some time and I’m sure they’ll come around. The single dad thing probably freaked them out,” said John.
“Why does it freak people out though? I don’t understand. I don’t want to be with some guy who doesn’t love the crap out of his kid, some guy who would put some new date above them, who wouldn’t care about what their kid felt about bringing a new person in. Dean cares so much and prioritizes her and that’s a good thing. Why do people think it’s bad?” you asked.
“I don’t know. But I can tell why he likes you so much,” said Mary. 
“Grandpa, there’s water on the floor!” you heard Gracie shout from the top of the stairs.
“Of course there is,” said John, grabbing the towel off the counter. “Let’s hope she just spilled something and it’s not a leak.”
“So,” said Mary, waving you to follow her out to the family room and sit on the couch. “Tell me honestly how you guys met. Dean’s never going to tell me about this kind of stuff himself.”
“Dean Winchester is back, new and improved,” said Dean, busting in through the front door, minus his crutches, Sam behind him carrying a bag of what looked like lunch.
“He doesn’t need crutches and his concussion was downgraded to having a thick, stubborn head,” said Sam. “Aka, he’s basically got a boo boo on his leg now.”
“Like I said, lean, mean, Dean,” said Dean, picking Gracie off the couch and throwing her over his shoulder, hearing her giggle. “Who wants to go run around in the rain?”
“Is he on drugs again?” you asked, Sam rolling his eyes as you laughed at Dean who was running around the downstairs with Gracie on his back.
“Not that I’m aware of,” said Sam. “Power’s back on it looks like.”
“Yup, we were in the middle of a riveting game of Monopoly until it turned on about half hour ago,” said John. “Nearly had to throw Y/N out for stealing boardwalk from me.”
“You knew the terms of our negotiation, John,” you said. “I have two eye witnesses.”
“I know nothing little miss railroad baron,” said Mary.
“I can’t help if you guys suck at Monopoly,” you said, giving them both a smile.
“And boom!” said Dean, lifting Gracie down onto the couch, his gaze shifting to you. “Hi.”
“No, you shouldn’t-”
“Actually he did ask the doctor and he said it was alright,” said Sam, Dean bending down and throwing you over his shoulder.
“Alright, who wants to have lunch on the back porch, huh? Drag out a couple chairs?” he asked, carrying you down the hall, hearing more than one laugh at the two of you.
“Dean! Put me down!” you said, slapping his butt.
“Y/N, wait until we’re alone for that,” he said, setting you back on two feet, running his hands over your face to fix your hair. “Hi.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” you said.
“Oh, I know.”
“Y/N?” asked Dean that night when you were sitting down on the bed. “Can I ask you something?”
“Shoot,” you said, dipping your feet under the covers.
“Doc said I’m healing fast and that my stitches in my leg can come out Friday morning,” he said. “I was wondering if we could have that date night we talked about? Drop off Gracie with Sam, let us...go to that next place?”
“Yeah,” you said, giving him a smile. “Yeah we uh, we can definitely do that.”
“I’m probably going to suck,” he said. “Out of practice and all that.”
“Well if you screw anything like you kiss, I’ll be one satisfied woman,” you said, leaning over and planting a kiss on him.
“If you do the things with your mouth down there you do up here I’m going to have a heart attack,” he said.
“No you won’t, doc said your heart is healthy,” you teased, pulling back. “But I got work in the morning and I sure as hell am going to keep winding you up as long as I’m able to.”
“Night sweetheart,” he said, throwing an arm over you.
“Night, Dean.”
“Winchester,” you said a few days later around lunchtime, the door opening to see Dean standing there with a few hair clips and a pink bow in his hair. “Didn’t know I was going to see a hot princess today.”
“That’s super hot princess to you,” he said, pulling you inside and giving you a kiss. “All done with work finally?”
“I don’t have to go back until September,” you said.
“Perfect,” he said, picking you up as you kicked off your sandals, letting him carry you upstairs to where you saw he was playing with Gracie in her room. “Gracie, you want Y/N to hang out with us this summer?”
“Are you guys in love yet?” she asked. “Cause you said you’d tell me and I think you are.”
“Yes, Gracie,” said Dean, holding onto you a little tighter. “Y/N has a surprise for you too.”
“A puppy?” she asked, Dean cocking his head at her.
“You know Crystal Lake up north a little ways? My family has a camp up there and I thought we could go camping up there next week,” you said. “Your dad wants to teach you how to fish.”
“Teach you both how to fish,” he corrected. “And we can have all the smores we want for dessert. How’s that sound?”
“Can we go now?” she asked.
“No, munchkin, we got to go shopping first, get Y/N her mandatory Winchester flannel,” said Dean, giving you a peck on the nose. “We’ll go Sunday morning, okay?”
“Okay,” she said, Dean carrying you in to sit on the floor with them. “Can I play with Y/N’s hair?”
“Sure,” you said, pulling it out of the pony it was in, sitting with your back to her as Gracie started scooping it up. Dean looked like he wanted to laugh as he sat there with a silly grin on his face. “What?”
“Just, stay like that for one sec,” he said, pulling out his phone, taking a picture. “That’s going on the fridge.”
“Daddy, you too,” she said, Dean scooting over next to you. 
“Alright, big smile,” said Dean as Gracie flung her little arms around you and Dean. He showed you the picture and you immediately started to laugh at how ridiculous you both looked. 
“Can I take one?” asked Gracie. Dean nodded and handed her the phone as she told you both what she wanted.
Apparently a picture of Dean hugging you was what she wanted.
“Okay,” she said, giving it back and crawling up behind you again.
“You okay?” you asked Dean quietly, tapping his foot. He just smiled and gave you a nod.
“For the first time in a long, long time, I really am.”
A/N: Read Part 6 here!
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