#PK The Gang
tritoncattery · 3 months
Angelic Themed System Template
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⋆,.⁂‧₊˚⋆˚. ·˖.~♱~,‧˚˖₊⊹.⋆‧⁂.,⋆ ‧.˖·👁️__[System Name]__🪽⁺⋆₊‧ ⁑‧₊⋆˚\*⋆⋆.˳˚ .˚ ⁑⛧⁑˚ .⊹,‧˚⋆.\*⋆⁑
🌼*Overview*🕊️ ⚪*Body Age:txt*˚.⋆☼ 👁️*Collective Prns:txt*.˚⋆☾ 🧭*Sys Type:txt*.˚⋆☾ 🍦*Headcount:txt*˚.⋆☼ ⁂⁺‧₊°𖥔。₊⋆✧̣̇˚.,☄️˚‧₊⋆˚.✦ ⁑🪽⁺‧₊ 🌬️*Frequent Fronters*☁️ 🌫️*Name*☁︎*Role*☁︎*Activity*🌫️ 🌫️*Name*👁️*Role*👁️*Activity*🌫️ 🌫️*Name*☁︎*Role*☁︎*Activity*🌫️ ⁂⁺‧₊°𖥔。₊⋆✧̣̇˚.,☄️˚‧₊⋆˚.✦ ⁑🪽⁺‧₊ 💮*Boundaries*💮 🤍*Don't:txt*☼.˚⋆ 👁️*Do:txt*☾⋆˚. 🤍*Ask:txt*☼.˚⋆
How it looks on pluralkit:
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just-paradox-things · 8 months
I don't normally do stuff like this, but I might start!
Host of the Paradox System, here. We made this long Pluralkit template for our Matpat and thought we should share! Anyone is free to use or interact, just make sure you don't claim it as your own.
**|** ...
`Retrieving data...`
\> `General information`
`System information`
**[Quote in a cipher of your choosing.]** 👁️
\> `names.txt`{ “[NAME, NAME, NAME]”
\> `age.txt`{ “[AGE]”
\> `gender.txt`{ “[GENDER]”
\> `pronouns.txt` { “[PRONOUNS]”
\> `species.txt` { “[SPECIES]”
\> `Yes`
`General information`
\> `System information`
**[Quote in a cipher of your choosing.]** 🎮
\> `roles.txt` { “[ROLES(S)”
\> `subsys.txt` { “[SUBSYS]”
\> `verbality.txt` { “[VERBALITY]”
\> `Yes`
`General information`
`System information`
\> `Boundaries`
**[Quote in a cipher of your choosing.]** 🏆
\> `RPtouch` = true / false / prompt
\> `banter` = true / false / prompt
\> `sourcetalk` = true / false / prompt
\> `sourcemates` = true / false / prompt
\> `doubles` = true / false / prompt
\> `Yes`
~~*Pu*t a*nother *q*uote* here.~~
──═━ + ━═──
Here's what it looks like in Discord and on PK itself:
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I was going for a webcore ARG theme if that wasn't obvious. Feel free to make any changes, personalizations or alterations you so desire. Hope you enjoy, please rb with screenshots if you use so I can see what you do with it! I'm excited. :)
Template is in the comments for mobile in the form of a google doc.
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illmoraineakoi · 7 months
Or, continuing from this, consider:
Perhaps, the human-turned-Vessel isn’t alone when they wake up. Perhaps they aren’t the only Vessel left trapped in the Abyss. Perhaps, these others that look similar to what they now are can help them.
If they can communicate, it soon becomes clear that the others aren’t like themselves; they’re not human people shoved into these bodies. They seem to have been born into them like normal. They’ve been here for a long time.
If they can’t, the human still gets the impression it’s unique among them, through observing their behavior and their reactions.
Regardless, the others seem fascinated by them, how differently they act and behave. Maybe the others begin to mimic them.
Perhaps it’s the others who tell them of their memories, of the bright white light that they once saw shine from the top of the pit, calling to them, drawing them to ascend, that vanished before they could reach the top. Never returning. Maybe it’s that story, the insinuation that there’s a way out at the top, that provokes the escape attempt. Maybe the others are hesitant, fearful of the climb (of falling and cracking and breaking, irreparable, dying a slow painful death) but they chose to join them regardless, to help, the idea of freedom from this place too tantalizing for them to resist.
It’s easier to dig through several feet of hard dense rock with multiple ‘people’.
(Far harder to make a hole big enough to compensate for all of their horns.)
The result is the same: the sounds of their digging was heard by those in the Basin, and the King was notified. And given the area of origin, the King himself investigates.
He does not expect to come upon the sight that he does: a sub-adult Vessel helping another sub-adult try to wriggle through a hole carved through the hard basin stone, completely circumventing the sealed door entirely.
It is...almost amusingly ingenious of them. Had they not been Vessels, he would’ve been quite proud.
(Then again, if they hadn’t been Vessels, they would have never been in the Abyss in the first place. They would still be his children, carapace a healthy gleaming white, eyes full of emotion and thought, bodies full of life--)
As it was, the sight is neither amusing nor one to be proud of.
Instead, it is concerning.
Vessels should not have been able to do this. They should have the cognitive ability to do this. There shouldn’t have even been any left alive after so long down there, their bodies should have destabilized long ago…
So the fact that it was not just ONE Vessel but TWO that had managed to do this, to survive, to literally claw and dig themselves out of the proverbial grave he’d sealed them in, like the undead zombies he’d cursed them to be…
It was beyond unsettling.
He needed answers. He needed to figure out how they’d done this. All of it. How they’d survived, how they’d figure out how to escape, how they’d figured out how to cooperate, and most importantly: what it meant for the Pure Vessel plan.
His presence to them did not go unnoticed, and neither did the way they both seemed to freeze at the sight of him.
Their gazed locked for an uncomfortably long time, until he forced himself to break the standoff.
He unsealed the door with a wave of his hand, startling the two Vessels. Startling them. They startled-
There were more.
There were more.
Beyond the door, crowded atop the metal platform in a way that looked both uncomfortable and precarious, were at least a dozen additional Vessels. And that wasn’t even all of them, because he could see, deeper into the shadows beyond the platform, at least two other heads sticking up, likely from a lower platform. There could be even more on platforms even further down he couldn’t see.
He felt pinned by the weight of so many empty black gazes. They all felt accusatory, even though he could see that they weren't.
The situation, his concerns, had become significantly more dire.
One of the Vessels – one of the first two he’d seen, the one completely free on his side – moved. Stood, and moved to stand before the now open door, body hunched, ragged cloak membrane flaring a bit. It lowered it’s head, brandishing it’s horns towards him.
Defensive, he realized.
A defensive posture. Protective.
It held an old void-ravaged metal spike in it’s hand, the tip clearly blunted from when it had been used as a digging tool. As though it was ready to use it as a weapon should it need to.
The one still stuck in the wall was slowly wriggling back into the Abyss side of the hole.
There was something in his gut that was screaming at him, telling him that something was wrong, this wasn’t right, this couldn’t be happening--
He needed to figure this out.
It took quite a bit of coaxing, but eventually he was able to get them all onto solid ground out of the door and then to follow him back to the Palace. And it was during this time that he was confronted with the obvious fact that these Vessels were impure; very impure.
Impure in ways he hadn’t expected them to be.
They were remarkably physically stable, but they behaved unlike how he expected. They were wary of him, uncertain of their new surroundings, and yet also curious. Inquisitive. Upon arriving to the Palace, several heads kept swiveling to look at everything and anything with refrained fascination, while yet others did not seem to care in the least. There was one who particularly seemed inclined to get close and to touch things, to nose at them. Another seemed wary and uncomfortable with the wide open spaces. And yet still another to stare at him the entire walk, gaze hot with an emotion that he couldn’t read.
They had thoughts. They had emotions. And judging by the escape attempt, they were at least decently intelligent.
Vessels were not supposed to be like this. None of them were supposed to be like this. The Void was supposed to purge such qualities long before they ever hatched. It was supposed to make it impossible for them to develop such qualities as well.
He’d rechecked his work so many times before putting the plan into action. Looked at every future he could, despite his bluing foresight. He and Monomon had gone over everything with a fine-tooth comb.
This wasn’t supposed to be possible.
They weren’t supposed to be…
The first thing he does is write for Monomon, stressing that her presence within the Palace was urgent.
If Vessels could retain some innate qualities of livelihood, or if they could develop the ability to have such things despite their void nature...it jeopardized the entire Pure Vessel plan.
It was no longer a guarantee that the Vessel was empty like he’d assumed it to be.
He and Monomon would have to assess every new Vessel, run a plethora of tests on them. Figure out how, exactly, they were functioning and what, if anything, was inside of their heads.
(In the meantime, as he waited for her to arrive, he sends them off to the baths, because each one was utterly filthy from the Abyss. Particularly one who looked like they’d taken a dip into the Void Sea itself, somehow.)
(This turned out to be a mistake with at least a third of them. They soon became much more interested in playing in the water than cleaning themselves.)
Upon the completion of the assessments and the tests, all of which the new Vessels did not seem to enjoy, the data collected was exactly as the King had feared it would be. It showed, in undeniable terms, that every single one of the new Vessels not only had minds, but also an individuality about them. They had unique personalities.
They were still alive.
They were still his children.
Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
It was an agonizing revelation.
If all of these living Vessels were like this, then what did that say about how the ones littering the floor of the Abyss used to be?
Had he stood there, watching, as his children, still in possession of their personhoods despite the void infused into their beings, fell and died? Had he stood there, watching, and done nothing as they died?
He’d thought they were all empty. He’d thought that the ones who were incapable of climbing were defective, unstable, failures. Imperfect. That it didn’t matter, because they were nothing more than hollowed out corpses. Nothing more than void-corrupted bodies shackling a shade, devoid of thought, devoid of emotion, devoid of the ability to feel pain…
That there wasn’t anything left of the children they were supposed to be. That those children had died the moment the void consumed them, long before their residual bodies hit the floor.
He’d been wrong.
The models had been wrong, the predictions had been wrong, all of the work he and Monomon spent years developing and perfecting and working for months to make sure it was absolutely, perfectly correct…
It was all wrong.
And an uncountable number of his children had died because of it.
And he’d watched.
Likely, the only Vessels still alive were the ones he’d recently found, and the Pure Vessel. Why would any other remaining Vessels not come with the new Vessels in their escape attempt? No, the ones within his Palace, within the room he’d hastily set up as a sort of holding play room, were all that were left.
Two handfuls, out of so many…
Less than two dozen...
At this point, if the Pure Vessel was indeed born pure, and somehow remained so until now, it would be the biggest case of sheer luck he’d ever had. It would be the most extreme statistical anomaly possible. Somehow, despite everything about their work being wrong, they would have gotten what they needed out of it.
They only needed to confirm that it was still pure.
And if it was, they needed to isolate it from the other new Vessels, to prevent any potential influence from ruining it.
But there was also the matter of what to do with the new Vessels as well…
They needed care, and then tutoring. They had much they needed to learn, to catch up on. They needed to be taught how to read and write, how to socialize, manners and etiquette, personal care and proper behavior. How to be careful with any void they spill to not harm others. How to be royal children.
Plus whatever individual skills they might take interest in.
He does not know how to tell his Root.
No matter how delicately he tries to word it, how gently he tries to say it, the truth will hurt her. His mistake, his failure, will cause her pain. He does not know if she would even want anything to do with them.
Alive they might be, they were still Vessels. They were still a tainted, corrupted, disfigured mockery of how their children were supposed to be. Looking upon them as they were made his heart ache, he could not fathom how much the sight of them hurt her. Seeing them as they are, as Vessels, behaving and acting like normal bugs, possessing personalities like normal children, might be too much for her to bear.
But even if she could not give them her love as their mother, he would give them his. They deserved it, they’d deserved it long before now.
It would not be easy, figuring out how to manage and educate so many Vessels, but he would do his best to do so. To keep them safe, to offer them a comfortable life long overdue, to give them as much love as he’s able.
(The human-turned-Vessel is not sure what to think about this. They don’t understand the situation they’ve found themselves in. The King was calling them, and the others like it, his children, and it made them feel a bit uncomfortable. The others had been wary at first, but then accepted the role and designation of the King’s children fully and eagerly. They were struggling with this. They felt like an imposer among them, they were not like them, they were not the King’s child, adopted or otherwise.)
(At the same time, the others like them were treating them like a sibling. Calling them a sibling. Loving them like a sibling. They considered them a sibling, and the human-turned-Vessel wasn’t sure if they really understood that they weren’t. They felt like a hijacker of this body. But despite that...they enjoyed the bond they share with the others. They love being considered a part of a group. They enjoyed the companionship, they enjoyed not being alone. They found themselves wanting that love and affection the others freely give, but in doing so, they feel guilty. Their feelings are a flurry of conflict ions and uncertainty.)
(It did not feel right to simply accept it all without question. It felt like they were being greedy. Taking something they had no right to.)
(There was also the issue of the other that they had seen once before, but that did not join the rest of the ‘siblings’. They had clearly been the same as the rest of them, an identical creature, but they’d not seen it since that first initial encounter. Where they had seen and heard the King order it, like it was a servant. This concerned them. They did not understand why all the rest of the King’s children, the ‘siblings’ were always bundled together, yet that one was not.)
(It had already been outside of the terrible place. Beyond the barrier that looked uncomfortable like a door. Why?)
(There was so much going on in this place they did not understand, so much that seemed to be going on above their heads. It was unnerving. They didn’t like it.)
(They wanted answers.)
(And if they had to conspire with their ‘siblings’ against their new adopted ‘father’ to get information and figure out what the hell was happening, what they were, what that dark pit closed off from the rest of the world was...well…)
(So be it.)
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euclydya · 2 months
ohh, no. that's not good.
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alright guys. it's that time of Major wants to Fuck Around.
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choropilled · 1 year
oh hold on hold on im having crazy thoughts now
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g1-skywarp · 1 year
ok so i havent beaten verdies in ar yet, but i think i know a cheese method to defeat sage
because i found valencia in ao like a few weeks ago
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gg ez
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dissociating enough to watch an omori video essay as if i've never played the game and never experienced every spoiler in the essay
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tobisiksi · 5 months
if toritsuka and saiki were in first name terms everyone else WOULD FUCKIN LOSE IT
you're in first terms with the germ??????? we've been friends since the first episode??????????
kaido would be so pissed off
one thing is aiura who uses the others first name without asking, other thing is akechi who is his childhood friend but other completely different thing it's toritsuka
everyone probably know that they're friends or that they at least talk, in the episode were ku and tori tried to exorcize the spirit of the piano nendo and kaido were there when tori asked for help
(and probably everyone in pk saw at least once how saiki uses him as a punchbag)
but they don't know that they're THAT close
they would be even more confused if they saw Saiki smiling at him (he is smiling because Rei has to fast for 3 days)
or what if somehow toritsuka hangs out w the whole gang and they see how they start fighting and beefing with eachother
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positively-mine · 2 years
Showing off their s/o (Aren Kuboyasu)
A/n: Hi, it’s me. Sorry to those who have been waiting for a whole year for me but now I’m back. Proud to say that I finished school and my final year before it could finish me 🫢. I present to you the promised work 🙇‍♀️
SPOILERS! for S2 EP 19 (also if there’s error pls let me know)
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I can see him asking to walk you to school and back home
Definitely would hold hands with you while walking (in his head he’s probably like “to maintain my normal identity”)
Dude would 10/10 rub it in Kaido’s face that he has a s/o.
Remember that episode where PK Academy had to have their classes do a play?
He would insist that you take the spot of Princess Otohime (teruhashi’s role)
He’d still be ‘wowed’ by teruhashi but he has loyalty, please trust him
I think he’d be another sucker for those matching couple accessories
I headcanon that he would want matching earrings
If you don’t wear earrings, it’s promise rings
It’s so sickeningly adorable that kaidou’s throwing up in a corner
But also just imagine aren with promise rings 😍
Would ask you to eat lunch with him, doesn’t care that you have your own group of friends
He’d definitely spoon feed you, will be pouty (slightly) when you don’t let him feed you
I know it’s embarrassing but please deal with it if you don’t want to deal with a bratty aren for the rest of the day
Now, because you’ve never been in a gang (neither have I) there’s a rule that doing the above action is a way of showing possessiveness and showing to other people that you’re taken (?)
In a nutshell, I think aren would be a great boyfie. He won’t try to do much PDA (for your sake) but he’s open to it if he sees other guys
We stan a guy like aren
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tritoncattery · 6 months
Case/Detective themed alter template
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🔎Overview🔍 ┏⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼┓ -Role: -Pronouns: -Age: -Likes: -Dislikes: -Species: -Fronting Frequency: ┗⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼┛
🔎Boundaries🔍 ┏⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼┓ -Friend request: -Nicknames: -Ask to front: ┗⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼┛
🔎More🔍 ┏⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼┓ -Source: -Sourcemates: -Typing Quirks: ┗⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼┛
What it looks like on pluralkit
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puffyducks · 15 days
DCRC Week #14 (Part 1)
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Raw asf title panel btw. You know you're in for some crazy shit.
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Btw everyone this is Gorthan he's like the One singular relevant Evronian that you should know by name. That's for later but just remember that he reads Shakespeare I guess.
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SNOOZER ALERT. look at his fuckass slippers.
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Btw is it just me or does this guy kinda look like Launchpad. Like Launchpad if he got stuck on an Evronian prison planet I guess.
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BIG FUCKING GUY ALERT!!! Also good art alert god ough the cross hatching here...
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Ok so like. I can understand the gang of street Elvis impersonators. But a bunch of guys cosplaying as roman soldiers? What, do the gangs in Duckburg just do LARPing in their free time now???
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I mean... can you really BLAME him for thinking you were one of the criminals...
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Xerbian?? haha...... uh oh
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LOVE the creative use of paneling here, having him grab onto the negative space. I wouldn't consider myself an expert on comic book art by any means, but it's always cool to see fun stuff like this!
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No it's NOT plain to see, tf are you talking about 😭 what kind of gang brings in a giant fucking shredded purple guy to settle their disputes
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Donald has been acting like a tough guy this whole comic but he turned babygirl real quick here
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Y'know sometimes I'm hit with like a brief moment of clarity where I realize that I'm sitting and reading a Donald Duck comic about him fighting a giant alien and then having self-critical introspection about what it means to be defeated by fear. And then I'm like "damn that's crazy."
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Anyways now he's thinking about getting really buff
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Sorry I'll stop getting insanely fucking excited over this battle but like look at em go!!
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Small detail that I really love here is the switch to the more simple paneling style for the flashback portion, reminiscent of the old comics. A nice touch :3
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First of all. Rawest comic spread I ever did see. SECOND OF ALL. I think I looked at this photo like 5 different times before I realized that there's a tiny little Uno in the suit lol look at him
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Anyways RIP bozo + L + ratio + get Donald Ducked idiot. Trauma literally met one singular guy that broke through his mind powers and he just died instantly (or like I guess he survived and got taken back by the Evronians but like who gaf we're not gonna see him again GOODBYEEE don't let the door hit your ass on the way out)
And of course you all know what time it is... that's right... Angus Tales. yaaay... (ok Angus hate aside I actually do like the Angus Tales comics like they're pretty fun and they have a silly art style that I like)
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Never speak to me like that again or I'm filing a restraining order
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Why are all these people severely jaundiced
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I just TOLD you bro he has jaundice. can't you read
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I wanna shame him for being racist but like are any of us really surprised here
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Ok I will in fact be back again later this week to read Donald Duck Twilight. Which I specifically requested be paired with Trauma in the same week because I thought it would be funny 🦇
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tdlosk-confessions · 4 months
the whole reason i adore tdlosk as much as i do is because it’s a comedy and so well made but so much character potential is lost because everyone’s contained to comedy and you could make so many good points for ANY character but i think about aren specifically so much
i mean he was forced into a gang life from like the age of 5 or something, grew up with gang parents, fought people, likely witnessed and possibly even engaged in seriously injuring/potentially murdering a person, and was just overall desensitized to so much.
and then he made a sudden switch to being a “goody two-shoes” at PK and had to pretend to be normal. but he’s not. every time he’s shown he does something abnormal because of the life he was conditioned to, let alone the time he’s shown shirtless and has not only scars but GUN WOUNDS.
since tdlosk is a comedy, emotional potential isn’t explored often at ALL, but aren deserves the opportunity to get emotional. he’s been a hard ass all his life and now he’s likely got traumatic experiences following him around and keeping him from behaving or thinking like those around him.
it’s evident in the episode when he was seriously injured, went into surgery for like 8 hours, had his heart temporarily stop, and yet he seemed… unfazed.
and tbh that’s only scratching the surface. i could go on and on about different small things throughout his appearances that add up to show his difficulties with that major transition and the emotion and trauma he carries with him that he’s not given the opportunity to show or talk about ever.
sorry for the long paragraphs i got carried away but i just felt the need to share this 😭
[Confession 200 (wooo!! 200!!)]
I get what you're saying so much, I wish they would explore the emotional depth of aren too cause he has so much of a compelling backstory
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euclydya · 6 months
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she knows how to say exactly 2 words currently and they're these
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oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
OKAY im posting this crappy wip kubosai one-shot because ive been lagging severely on writing... sorry if its cringe, its completely unedited rn</3
this is roughly 1800 words.. the actual wip is about 4000 LOL but i skipped a couple parts so this is about half the wip i guess..
Kusuo was sitting at his desk with his legs curled to his chest, glaring at nothing, when his phone dinged next to him. Already not in the best mood, he sneered as his eyes snapped over to the device. The noise had disturbed one of his favorite pastimes; being moody for no reason and doing nothing, and the bright light was equally disturbing. When he looked over, it also shone the time as "1:36am" which ruined his blissful unawareness of how long he'd been brooding. His unusually accurate internal clock could have told him that, really, but Kusuo would never pass up an opportunity to be mad about something stupid.
His eyes softened significantly when he caught sight of what the notification actually was. A text from contact name "Kuboyasu Aren" with no contact picture. Yeah, that was how Kusuo kept all his contacts. Super boring and super normal.
He clenched his teeth, trying to bring his anger from before back after realizing how much and how easily his mood lifted just reading his classmate's name.
His phone had gone back to a black screen before Kusuo could read the actual contents of the message, so he begrudgingly unfurled himself from his position with a heavy sigh. He planted his feet back on the floor just a bit too aggressively and swiped up his phone as he stomped over to his bed to flop himself down on it.
When he finally turned his phone back on, the notification read “3m ago” and he clicked on it.
The message read, “hey princess when u wake up do u wanna hangout ??!? could i come overrr tomorrow please”
Annoying lack and misuse of punctuation, but Kusuo has learned that this tends to be the norm in texting, especially with other teenagers. In all fairness, the way Kusuo texts isn't very conventional either. He made fun of Toritsuka’s severe overuse of emojis once, and then immediately got ganged up on by all of the self proclaimed ‘PK psychickers’ because he tends to overuse emoticons in the same way. He doesn't know how else to express himself over text, alright? He learned to text only from his mom, Akechi, and Aiura and this is just how it turned out.
And for your information, the stupid princess pet name was just some silly thing Kuboyasu had gotten in the habit of doing lately. Trust Kusuo when he says it's much more embarrassing when he says it out loud, especially at school, than when he texts it, though knowing that his name in Kuboyasu’s contacts was “My Princess :)” was probably even worse.
Anyway, Kuboyasu had clearly made the assumption that Kusuo would be sleeping at this hour. Well, usually he would be. Kusuo LOVES getting his sleep in, but he just so happened to have taken a very long nap earlier that day, so he had a late dinner, and subsequently a late dessert. So, his usually abnormally fast metabolism hadn't quite been rid of all the sugar and caffeine he'd consumed not long ago. A series of unfortunate events, really, which culminated in him not being tired enough to sleep yet. At least he got to get in his usual ‘angrily staring at nothing for no reason’ time that he accidentally skipped because of his nap, although that did just get interrupted too.
So finally, he responded to Kuboyasu with, “I'm awake. (-.-;) Sure, I guess.”
Kuboyasu read the message and began typing unnervingly quickly after it was sent. “really ?!?!? also y r u awake lol i thought u would be asleep hours ago”
The poor guy probably wasn't expecting him to say yes immediately. Kusuo usually would argue about it for a bit before giving in to the teasing and pleading of his self proclaimed friends. It was way too late (/early) to play that game right now though, he knew he would just say yes in the end anyway. It had nothing to do with him actually wanting to see the dumb former punk who he had been unusually close with lately.
The taller boy just GOT him in a way other people never did. His undying loyalty and honesty was a refreshing contrast from many of the other people the psychic was often forced to be around. Loyal, honest, strong, romantic, protective. Not that those last few things affected the way he interacted with Kusuo or anything…
Kusuo replied again, “Yes. And I usually would be, but… too much caffeine. ( ̄^ ̄)”
Another quick response, “lol thats totally something u would do.. since ur up, r u down to call right now ?”
“To call? It's almost 2am. ಠ_ಠ Why are YOU awake anyway?”
“lol i know i know but im so bored… i just cant sleep.. we can be quiet on the call, but id like to hear ur voice right now :)”
Good grief, ew. How disgusting. “Hm… okay. ∩(。-_-。)∩”
(Don't you dare ask Kusuo why his internal monologue is so different from what he actually replies with. It's definitely not because he's an unreliable narrator who doesn't want to admit to himself or anyone that he actually wants to talk to a boy. Why would that be the case? Don't be dumb.)
Kusuo forgot to turn his ringer off before Kuboyasu could call him, so despite entirely expecting the phone call, the loud ringing startled him into dropping his phone on his face. How embarrassing, all-powerful psychic drops his phone on his face at almost 2am.
He scrambled to pick it back up and answer it so that the noise wouldn't wake up his parents. It would be really easy for him to just lull them back to sleep with his telepathy the second they wake up, but it would be inconvenient and his dad might complain in the morning. About either remembering waking up or just about not getting a good night’s sleep.
He finally clicked the answer button, luckily before his parents could wake up, and held back a sigh as he held the phone up to his ear.
“Hey, princess!” Kuboyasu was speaking in a whisper yell, probably also a room away from his sleeping parents.
“Hello.” He tried to speak in a way that wouldn't give away the fact that he was recovering from a smack to the face. Phone calls were a bit awkward for Kusuo, since microphones didn't pick up on his telepathy so he had to use his actual voice to speak over the phone. He always just hoped people wouldn't notice the extra rasp to his voice, but the late hour might work in his favor in this situation.
“So what have you been up to?”
“Nothing? Up at 2 am and you're just sitting there, doing nothing?”
“Yes, that's exactly what I've been doing. What else is there to do at 2am?”
“Well, I've been making the most of MY time, personally.”
“And how have you been doing that, exactly?”
“Thinkin’ about you.”
“... *snort*” Okay, how could that NOT make him laugh? He took the phone slightly away from his face and laughed into his hand.
“What?? It's true!” The idiot couldn't hold back his laughter either.
“Yeah, yeah, okay… whatever, you're such a pain…”
“Yeah? Am I?”
“And yet, you're here talking to me at 2 am just because I asked you to? Admit it, you love it.”
“Tch. You really need to get over yourself, you know that?”
“Well. Humor me for a bit longer, will you?”
“You're desperate.”
“For you.”
Kusuo muttered into his hand, “Oh my god.”
“I wish I could see your face right now, I know you're blushing.”
“Yeah, right. Not like you can prove that.”
“You want me to?”
“What do you mean?”
“You want me to come over there and check?”
Kusuo could hear the smirk in Kuboyasu’s voice. The jerk knew Kusuo couldn't say no to him. They both knew this game. Kusuo would deny him just for show, even though they both know he wants to say yes, and Kuboyasu would tease the truth out of him. Well, fine. Kusuo could play this game.
“You want to sneak out of your house and into mine at 2am just so you can check how successful your teasing is?”
“Mhm. Not just that, I would do anything to see my pretty princess’ face right now. I'm bored, you're bored, the only solution is for the knight to rescue the princess from this ailment, obviously.”
“You're an idiot.”
“You want to see me, I know it.” And he did. Kusuo could hear shuffling over the phone. That asshole was probably already putting his shoes on, knowing Kusuo would say yes. “What, you scared to prove me right? You don't want me to see your pretty pink face right now?”
… Kuboyasu was good at this game. He knows that husky voice is fucking irresistible. To Kusuo, at least. “... Okay, okay. Only so I can prove you WRONG.”
He knew Kuboyasu was smiling, but then the mood settled a bit. “You serious, Saiki? I know I'm messing with you, but I won't pressure you if you don't wanna sneak me in. I mean, that's kinda a lot to ask now that I'm thinkin’ about it. I really wanna see you, but I wouldn't make you do that.”
“Yeah, yeah, shut up, I've already made up my mind. Are YOU sure? You realize how late and dark it is, yeah? You can't just stroll the streets at 2 am, you're gonna get hurt.”
“Awee, you worried about me, princess? No need, your knight in shining armor can protect himself just fine.”
"... Fine. Just stay on the phone with me."
"Hm? While I walk?"
He figured Kuboyasu wouldn't want to have a conversation over the phone in favor of paying attention to his surroundings, but... Kusuo couldn't help but be nervous about his friend's safety at this hour. He just wanted to make sure he was fine the whole walk.
"We don't have to talk, just... stay on the phone with me..."
Kuboyasu snorted. "What, you gonna miss me in those, what, ten whole minutes?"
Kusuo scoffed quietly. "Don't be so full of yourself. I'm just making sure you don't trip and fall or something at 2am on the way to my house. Wouldn't want the blame to fall back on me." He somehow still managed to convey snark in his almost monotone voice despite his whisper.
Kuboyasu chuckled softly, as he snarked back teasingly, "You know I can take care of myself. Can't believe you're still worried about me~."
Kusuo did know that. It didn't change anything. And he WASN'T worried, he just knew that his various nuisances tended to get into trouble when he wasn't there to monitor them. He was always getting them out of trouble even in broad daylight, so there was absolutely no reason to think that walking alone in the middle of the night would prove to be an exception.
"Just shut up and don't hang up, alright?"
He heard the quiet creak of a door closing and shutting, barely drowning out Kuboyasu’s attempt at muffling his laughter. "Alright, sweet boy. I'm right here."
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