#this blog is a safe space for those who identify as a system
tritoncattery · 1 month
File/Digital themed alter template
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**[Exiting• • •]**
What it looks like on pluralkit:
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syspunk-safe-zone · 4 days
PINNED POST (Edited 06-15-24)
This is a blog for those who identify with Systempunk. Because endos are already invading the tag, I decided to make a blog to help defend it.
Disclaimer, we did not coin the systempunk tag. We just strongly identify with it and want to protect it. All credit for coining it goes to @/anti-endo-solidarity
WHAT IS SYSTEMPUNK? Systempunk (Or syspunk) is a version of other subcultures of punk such as cripplepunk, madpunk, neuropunk, etc. It's about solidarity and safety. Having a space to be who we are and support each other. It's about building a community and being able to feel safe in it. It's anti-endo because endogenic 'systems' have historically and continuously been harmful to the CDD community. More than solidarity, it's also a subculture punk movement. Meaning we are fighting against the stigmas surrounding our disorder and refusing to fit what society wants from us. i.e. being silent, unseen, killed off, only used for their horror trope, etc. We are fighting against the authoritative oppressive system of society. Systempunk is a place to be loud, to be you, to be safe, to refuse the societal narrative that we are evil and do not deserve safety, love, acceptance. (Reminder: Systempunk was coined by @/anti-endo-solidarity, not me. I do not intend to steal credit, just support the movement)
WHAT CAN YOU DO HERE? Feel free to use the ask box for vents, just to talk, submissions, poll ideas, advice, system things, anything and everything. Vent about endos, vent about system things, about trauma, about anything. We just ask that you use trigger warnings when talking about triggering subjects. We will often reply to submissions with commentary! If you do not want that, specify in your ask :)
WHO IS WELCOME HERE? All OSDDID and traumagenic systems are welcome here. Educated self diagnosis is valid. Questioning is valid. Not remembering your trauma is valid. Not wanting or not digging to find your trauma is valid. Trauma is how it affected you, not the actual action. All trauma is trauma. Endogenic and nontraumagenic systems are NOT welcome here. Neither are their supporters. This is OUR BOUNDARY. We are not comfortable with them. It is basic respect to adhere to DNIs. We do not go scrolling through endo safe blogs, therefore you should not be coming onto my blog.
IMPORTANT: We do not support harassment, threats, bullying, or any other forms of abuse. We do not support calling endos 'delusional', that's ablest. Block and move on, do not involve yourself, we are better than them.
ABOUT US: We are an adult DID system with multiple physical and mental disabilities. We also identify with the cripplepunk and madpunk movements. This is not our main blog, we will follow/like under a different blog.
TAGS: Rye Rambles - posts by Rye Devil Boy Tag - posts by Devil Boy Bandit Speaks - posts by Bandit
Vent Post - both from us or others through our ask box. Ask Box - all ask box replies will be tagged under here. Informational - posts that include important information. Endos Being Endos - posts about endos bullshittery CLAIMED SIGN OFFS: 🫶 Anon thethornzsystem 🍖🌾 Anon nebulaecollective Shattered-Sys Zomb-Bunny 🎵 Anon
IMPORTANT POSTS: Why are systems against endos? This is why.
Sysmed is offensive and inaccurate! This post helps explain it.
System is a Trauma Disorder, plural is an identity! Lean the difference
ENDOS ARE DANGEROUS they have historically and continuously harmed our community
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transfemme-sys · 1 year
Addressing A Racist Issue In The MOGAI Community (TW : discussion of racism, sexualization, and mentioned SA)
hey. this blog isn't active, and the part behind it isn't active in my system either, but i do still exist. this used to be a MOGAI blog, as i am someone who considered myself (and still do consider myself) a part of the MOGAI community. unfortunately, i kept losing motivation to make flags and the blog has since been abandoned.
that's not what i'm here to discuss. i'm here to talk about an issue i've noticed in the community that has been irritating me for a while : yandere related genders.
for those who don't know, a yandere is a japanese anime trope used to a describe an individual (most often, a woman) who is madly and unhealthily in love with someone, often going to extreme lengths to try and achieve that person's attention.
i am a japanese trans woman with BPD. those who self identify as yanderes most often claim its a label exclusive to those with BPD or OLD, but this is where i see an issue begin. out of everyone i've seen 'reclaiming' this label, *none of them are japanese*. they say the term yandere is harmful against those with BPD and OLD and romanticizes the disorder, which i don't even necessarily disagree with, but here's the thing; the term yandere, most often, is used to sexualize, oppress, and stereotype japanese women. i have experienced things like this myself, firsthand, and i'm sure i'm not the only one out there.
we are fetishized, treated like objects of nothing but attraction. every white weeb wants a yandere anime girlfriend, it'd be so cool to be loved like that to them, but they see a japanese woman on the street and catcall her and call her slurs. asian fishing white women love to cosplay yanderes, but constantly steal and appropriate japanese culture without a second thought to it. the white man may joke with his friends about his new japanese girlfriend, calling her kawaii and yandere and unique for showing even the slightest bit of affection and love for him.
i have never been called a yandere for my BPD. i have seen myself and plenty of others be called yanderes for being japanese. it is, in my opinion, not your term to reclaim. you are not viewed inescapably as 'nekos', 'lolis' 'anime girls', and yes, 'yanderes' in the way that we are. you are not sexually assaulted and harassed and hatecrimed for your BPD like we have been.
i ask, respectfully, that non japanese people stop self identifying with this term. please help spread awareness to this issue with me, share this post in any way you can. i am tired of experiencing constant racism even in safe spaces like the MOGAI community, and i ask that you help me bring an end to it.
thank you, and please be mindful of your actions.
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not to like drag you into syscourse but the whole reason we bacame anti endo was do to the amount of hate-harrasment we got from endo systems, we have had we to many endo systems tell us that we deserve our truama and-or that our trauma wasnt enough to make us into a systems + the amount of endo systems that tell us that we have it better/easier because we formed from trauma and that we can get a dignoses easier do to that then endo system (and some more private stuff we wont bother you with) it just made us really distust endo systems but we want to become pro endo but have no idea if its even worth it or even safe for us do to the trama we got form pro endo blogs
(had the courage to send this do to the ask of one other anti endo annon that wanted to become pro enod,also sorry this came out venty then i wanted to )
hey, thanks for coming to us with this. we’re really glad you did. we welcome any anti endo here who is willing to listen, learn, and be vulnerable with us. we’re all systems here, we’re all people, and we’re all capable of positive growth and change for the better.
this got long, and pretty heavy. so it’s going under a cut to spare those who aren’t interested. if syscourse is a trigger for your system, please scroll on!
we’re sorry to hear you’ve been hurt or harassed by pro endos in the past. we have, too. in fact, we have split an alter in the past due to a pro endo harassing us and spreading cruel rumors about us online. we’ve been called an abuser by pro endos due to our antiracist stance and activism. we’ve also been told by pro endos that we deserved the abuse that we went through as a toddler that caused our disorder to form. so we get that distrust, anon. we really, truly do.
it’s gotten so bad for us that we avoid calling ourselves “pro endo” outright. do we love, support, cherish, and believe endogenic systems? absolutely. do we want to uplift them and help them feel welcome in the plural community? without a doubt. but we cannot bring ourselves to call our system “pro endo” specifically due to the harm we’ve faced from pro endos in the past.
but the thing is, the harsh and violent words from a few pro endos should not reflect on the validity of all endogenic systems or endogenic plurality as a whole. some pro endos can be really mean, especially online. but that doesn’t change the fact that most endo systems are just out here existing, attempting to live their best lives and avoid being fakeclaimed and harassed by people who don’t know them. we have had the privilege of meeting dozens of endo systems in our time running this blog - nearly all of which were thoughtful, kind, and caring folks who don’t spend time harassing other systems in any way, shape or form.
anon, you can in fact be supportive of endo systems without ever interacting with them directly. you can educate yourself and attempt to learn more without ever calling yourself “pro endo.”
if this interests you, we’d really encourage you to try browsing some endo friendly tags on tumblr to get a feel for plurality without trauma and those who identify that way. (note: please block the “#radqueer” tag before doing this, as a lot of radqueers will clog the endo tags with posts. endogenic plurality has nothing to do with radqueers, despite some folks saying otherwise.)
the “#pluralgang” tag is absolutely amazing. you could also check out “#plurality,” “#actually plural,” “#endo safe,” “#endo friendly,” and “#endogenic.” by just scrolling the tags, you can try to expose yourself to some endo systems without committing to following anyone or interacting directly. maybe this could help you work through some of that distrust.
of course, if you do reach a point where you feel comfortable calling yourself pro endo, go for it! there are tons of amazing, wonderful pro endos here on tumblr who surely would welcome you into their spaces. but you don’t have to directly engage or identify with that specific label in order to be supportive and accepting of endogenic plurality. it’s okay to listen to others with different life experiences and support different system origins without identifying with the pro endo label.
we’re always here, happy to field any further questions you may have or provide resources if you’re hoping to learn more. and we truly are wishing you the very best in your future. we’re sorry this got so long, but we hope it can help put your mind at ease a bit, or at least help you feel a little less alone.
if any endogenic systems sees this and feels comfortable interacting with anti endos who are willing to learn, feel free to comment or reblog this post so anon can maybe find some endo systems who they can potentially follow without facing any backlash. no pressure, of course! again, we do think that everyone is capable of positive change, and past anti endos or ex anti endos should always be welcomed in our spaces with open arms.
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murruspins · 3 months
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Welcome to my blog!
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Hello!! Welcome to murruspins :3!
This is a special interest blog, however it also kind of acts like a diary. I write down what I’m thinking or hyperfixating on, same goes with my regular interests! This blog will also have alot of alterhuman content, as it’s a big part of my identity!
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About the owner of this blog…
My name is Murruyu! I’m a transfem enby, and would prefer if you used they/it/xe on me aswell as fem + neutral terms! If you don’t respect my pronouns, I’ll simply block you, no biggie! 🤍
My special interests are mcyt (hermitcraft & life series specifically), horror, metal music and bio! When I say bio and horror, I mean all aspects. I love horror games, movies, shows, etc. And I love all biology paths/subtypes! (Eg: wildlife bio, botany, palaeontology, and more!)
I’m the host of a minor bodied DID system, however I won’t get into that much on this blog, as this is my personal blog! However, I will talk about our physical disabilities because they impact my everyday life, and this is a diary blog after all! [I will mainly talk about my EDS and CFS]
As I said before.. I am an alterhuman! More specifically, here is a link to all my kintypes!
This list may be updated/edited in the future, but for now, these are all of my (known) kintypes! Some stronger than others. More specifically, I have a super strong connection to the feline clade, more so than my other kintypes. Obviously, due to being alterhuman, I do not identify as human. I instead identify as my kintypes, I may post about my alter-humanity frequently 🫶
I am ALWAYS looking for moots/friends!! Click here to see my interests + adult mutuals are okay, just no dms!
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• People who hate on ANY of my special interests. No offence, but you’re not welcome here, this is my safe space! [PS: being afraid of horror or animals is not the same as hating on them, if you have a phobia of something that’s completely fine! Just don’t insult my spintrest on my page 🤍]
• Anti alterhuman, Anti Age regression, Anti pet regression
• Endogenic systems, Profic/Proship/Darkship/anything that fits into that category.
• FURBY BLOGS!!!!! Furby centred blogs/Blogs with furbys as their theme/pfp dni. Moots r okay but please add a warning whenever you post them 😭🫶. I’m terrified of those little things.
• I’m autistic, I need tonetags! If you’re going to ask anything, I’d appreciate you using tonetags so I can understand you better! :3
• Adults may not ask to be my friends, No offence, just for boundary and comfort reasons, I am a minor after all. Mutuals are fine!
• I generally do not engage in discourse, if that’s something you’d like to know before following! This blog is focused on being diary, alterhuman and interest themed!!
• This is my main blog! If I’m active, it’s probably here. But my side blogs are…
> @liostims , my stim blog
> @lovesicksyndicate , our sys blog
> @faunafeature , my animal info dump blog
> @kiyoscove , my agere blog
> @murrupurrs , my petre blog
… Please keep in mind many of these blogs may be inactive, as this is my main!
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Finishing up/Extras…
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. . . Emoji games!
How these games work; ask via the ask option, and write an emoji + any other info you’d like, and I’ll answer! Just a small game for fun!
🐾 , info dump about a random animal I’m fixating on at the time! (Please include if you don’t want a specific animal due to a fear, for example: bugs).
🐈 , song of the day! ask and I’ll give you a song that’s been stuck in my mind recently, or just a random song off my playlist!
🐍 , daily check in! I’ll give you a small rant about my day so far, and tell you how I’ve been recently! (I’ll try to keep it positive.)
"(Therian/biology/metal/anything related to my blog) culture is…" asks are also always appreciated!! I love seeing them, and I love interacting with people!!
Blog tags . . . !!
#murru mews 🐾 | my general tag! Diary entries!
#murru hisses 🐍 | vent posts
#murru’s asks : replies to my asks!
#murru’s rants : rants!! Either in response to the emoji games, or just to infodump :]
#murru’s playlist : anything to do with music!
#murru’s toybox : anything to do with my collections!! I collect a lot of things, so this tag will be full of things in my collection :]
#murru’s games : an additional tag, just for my emoji games!
PS: blog creation date.. Jan 30th 2024!
Thank you for reading !
. . . Enjoy your travels, dear friend!
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madstronaut · 3 months
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The gif system in this post, regarding the feudal alignments within fandom?
Every member of a given fandom identifies with at least 1 of the 10 gifs listed.
The meaning of each gif is subject to interpretation to some degree.
My reblog was meant to be funny, but the more I look at the thread the more surprised I am at the amount of truth I see in it. Tumblr is a strange and beautiful place.
for you @deadbranch my chrome queen
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I have prepared to flex my worthless and expensive af haha jk or am i dual anthropology and [redacted] degrees to conduct a completely subjective, PhD-level ethnographic study of branchy's gifset curation, please observe:
Exhibit A: writers and their sixth sense when they intuit me, refreshing and revisiting their blog daily to check for updates to that one-shot/fic/novel/12-part-apocalypse-opera (not even joking about that last one).
alternately, those weird fuckers who send in creepy boundary-crossing anon asks. i love to hate them but they're kind of an essential part of tumblr
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Exhibit B: im convinced some blogs out there have excel spreadsheet JIRA queuebot steampunkesque contraptions running their shit because i have no idea how they make (and KEEP TO) regularly scheduled high quality posts??? a schedule??? on this HELLSITE? tumblr i love you i dont mean that on mondays
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Exhibit C: antis. no further comments.
i freely block antiblogs and and any that are brimming with negativity/hate
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Exhibit D: me, fanfic, and ao3, most days. no further comments
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Exhibit E: me, my imagination, and my fictional harem of blorbos, most nights. no further comments as well.
Also basically 98% of tumblr as is widely known
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Exhibit F: the caption speaks for itself. on tumblr exist still many bubbles of thought, ideology, poiesis, and praxis that go on as if impenetrable and untouched by a well-known phenomenon called Reality (also known as IRL, going outside, touching grass, etc.)
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Exhibit G: hot people who post random face reveals. STOP TITILLATING ME (yes, I had to google how to properly spell titillating)
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Exhibit H: the elder blogs. they post softly but carry big stick. they are the unspoken glue of their fandom communities. their fic/art/headcanon/etc. posts spawn a thousand more. thou shalt not speak a bad word against them. and yes, many of them are POC, so this gif pulls double duty, well chosen branchy my queen. and fuck i wish i could pull off hoops that big, anyway i digress
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Exhibit I: smut writers. they are brazen. they are shameless. they are worshipped and adored. this is the aftermath of their posting after causing tens of thousands of simultaneous la petite morts as the french say (is it la or le idfk and im too lazy/sleepy to google it rn). absolute fucking bloodbath
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Exhibit J: people who post their personal/professional/something-nal drama and air it out by tagging the larger fandom tags they're in, drawing in completely uninvolved (and often uninformed) people and getting these randos to do their dirty work for them
alternately, people who have zero interest or affiliation with said fandoms and their drama but gleefully follow along using the tags (nooooo i havent done that stop looking at me)
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I would like add one more if you don't mind:
Exhibit K: cozy, safe, well-curated, moderated, well-established boundaried corners of fandom and generally lovely spaces like yours <3 and many of my other moots' blogs as well
also, catblogs
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sophieinwonderland · 10 months
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I cut out the link since I'm blocked by the account. Tumblr doesn't give clear instructions on what to do if you get an anon ask about a blog that has you blocked, but this seems a safe practice to protect the individual in question.
I would also ask people not send me links to this particular blog in the future.
With that out of the way, non-western society isn't some monolith and treating it as such is itself western-centric.
Maybe there are some places where endogenic plurality is less stigmatized. I might question their conclusion that it's trauma responses being stigmatized as opposed to trauma accusations. Most childhood trauma is from family, and loyalty to family is a higher priority in many cultures than it is in the West. And admitting to being a traumagenic system is usually the same as accusing your family of abusing you which is going to be interpreted as a betrayal of your family.
But while some areas may be more accepting, on the other hand, there are also many non-western countries where people are tortured and killed in exorcisms for what's interpreted as spiritual possession.
Another thing they try to do is dismiss abuse over pluralphobia as simply existing at an intersection of other oppressed identities. I assume they're talking about how, for example, laws discriminating against people for identifying having a different gender than their AGAB just happen to oppress plurals too because of that intersection.
I find this intersection theory to be an interesting perspective from the SAME EXACT SYSTEM who months ago suggested that I came too close to "claiming transphobia" by pointing out a certain theme in an ask.
Here's a refresher for those who missed it:
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Yes, that's them.
The same exact system you linked.
The admin to The Survivor's Network.
This particular user, and their awful little bullying Hellhole of a server, has repeatedly tried to downplay and dismiss discrimination against endogenic systems, and systems in general.
They're the absolute worst.
I feel it's important to understand where these arguments are coming from and what their goal is. Anti-endos with a long history of attacking endogenic systems want to erase or minimize the harm they've done or are doing. To acknowledge all systems as being oppressed for being systems, rather than ONLY traumagenic systems due to general ableism, would require admitting that they were the bad guys all along.
But let's put get back to the topic at hand.
The position that plurals aren't institutionally oppressed is nonsense
The most stigmatized parts of DID isn't the trauma flashbacks or the chronic depression or even the lapses in memory. It is, and always has been, the multiplicity. There's a reason every horror movie about DID will focus on that and double down on the evil alter trope.
The evil alter trope is an evolution of stories about people being possessed, being werewolves, or being replaced by Fae or malevolent Fox spirits.
People with DID aren't stereotyped as murderers because they're traumatized, but because they're plural. In fact, one common complaint about DID representation you see all the time is that it tends to erase every other symptom and comorbid disorder.
The multiplicity is always treated as the defining problem with systems in society.
This is why forced fusion from therapists used to be pushed so hard, and has been so harmful to systems with DID over the years.
But DID systems aren't the only victims of this form of medical pluralphobia, even in disordered spaces.
The same is true of other plural and plural adjacent disorders and experiences. It's why Dr. Romme of the Hearing Voices Network has compared forcing voice hearers to get rid of their voices to be akin to conversion therapy to "cure" homosexulaity.
And yes, this is happening to non-disordered systems. Just a few months ago, a tulpamancer talked about their own experiences of being forced on antipsychotic medication to get rid of their tulpa.
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When the user tried explaining more to their psychiatrist, the psychiatrist actually increased their medication.
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This form of psychiatric abuse goes beyond simple social stigma.
And this conversion therapy approach to plurality is something that many plurals and voice-hearers have had to deal with for decades. And itself is an evolution of the exorcisms people associated with spiritual plurality have been subjected to for centuries.
I should also mention Cambriancrew has talked about medical staff over the past couple years reporting policies of denying care specifically to systems.
Plurals have never been named as a collective group until the last 30 years.
But we've ALWAYS faced this type of widespread societal oppression for our plurality.
From friends and family ostracizing and rejecting us or even targeting us for hate from others.
From psychiatrists abusing us or trying to cure us.
From religious institutions engaging in literal torture to get rid of perceived demons.
And from a society at large that repeatedly denies our very existence and our personhood.
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delphientropy · 3 days
as well as why! i'll add on as i go!:)
we do NOT condone harassment, please just block.
includes: pro/endos, radqueer, transID, anti good faith, and more!! XP
first off, so were on the same page, what are these and why are they bad?
pro/endos: try to demedicalize a dissociative disorder, claim you can be a system without trauma, more info here 👉 [X] [X] (both are carrds that link multiple sources)
radqueer: these are people who accept pro contact (aka WANT to act on paras) paraphilias (necrophilia, zoophilia, pedophilia, etc) and transIDs (transage, transrace, etc. these people claim to identify as a different race or even pretend to "transition" into being disabled like transautistic) or ARE them.
anti good faith: good faith identities are basically identities made in good faith. this tends to encompass "contradictory" identities such as lesboys and other mspec identities. anti good faith people police gender and sexuality identities and invalidate these peoples experiences and try to exclude them from spaces or tell them what THEIR sexuality is. dont be misguided into thinking you're doing good if you exclude these people, its splitting up the lgbtq+ community, and thats what they (TERFs, anti-lgbtq+) want us to do.
now onto the blocklist!:)
analog-transid (also transID, as implied in the name) (they run the blog alters-in-a-box which is one of those alter pack things)
maskaphiliax (also transID, also they have alfreds playhouse in their banner so please be safe)
parxgender (also ace exclusive, anti pan/omni, and anti mogai)
anti-lies (spreads misinformation that can be paranoia-inducing)
theinfernalcollective (claims that bullying isnt valid enough to be a system) (TRAUMA IS TRAUMA.)
disys (same as above)
permababy (transID, doesnt label themself as radqueer but does reblog it)
problema-non-grata (pro transID discourse blog)
thefakersystem (demonizes systems and those with personality disorders, anti good faith, fakeclaimer (literally, fakeclaims EVERYONE.) harasses people minding their own business, overall the worst asshole i think ive ever blocked. dear fucking lord.)
(people who make ID packs for people to "create" their own headmates, all are pro endo, radqueer, and transID)
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xxlovelynovaxx · 6 months
I think the thing we've lost sight of with the concept of "good faith" identities is that, crucially, you do not get to decide that someone is identifying as something in bad faith.
I've seen anti-mspec monos, anti-transmasc/male lesbians, anti-endos, anti-SAM users, anti-transfemmasc, anti-afab transfem and amab transmasc, anti-nondisordered system, anti-kin, anti-agere (even nonsexual), anti-sexual littles, anti-NPD and anti-ASPD, anti-self-dx, and so many more say "all good faith identities are welcome".
If you have "all good faith identities are welcome" followed immediately by "but x identities do not interact", you are not safe for all good faith identities. Full stop, period, no exceptions.
To take some more "controversial" identities, I know kin blogs that welcome "all good faith identities" but not endels because it's "unhealthily encouraging delusions". I know trauma-focused servers for littles that rather than saying "we are not equipped to handle sexual content" call sexual littles and their systems BOTH predators and child molestors for allowing littles to express autonomy as members of adult-bodied and adult-brained systems.
I know plural spaces that draw the line at identifying as a different internal identity than the body, especially when it comes to disability as one example. I know plural spaces that say headmates that have never once in their life been able to speak, while fronting and in headspace, are not allowed to call themselves nonverbal. I know plural spaces that say that fictives and soulbonds are appropriating from their own cultures and past lives if they keep their NAMES, even when the body is not even white!
You are not capable of determining if someone is identifying as something in good faith, because all good faith means is that they GENUINELY feel that is who they are. That's it.
If you think identities that someone genuinely feels like they are, are somehow harmful or morally wrong, say it with your whole chest. Don't hide behind nice-sounding politically correct words to say that you believe any identity that someone really feels is true is fine, EXCEPT those evilbad ones that are ACTUALLY really harmful and bigoted and bad and actually oppressing REAL women*/lesbians or gay men/trans people/systems/etc/etc/fucking etc.
And quite frankly, some of y'all need to remember that only actions can be moral, and bodily autonomy is a fundamental human right that is never immoral to exercise. Identity cannot be harmful because it is a feeling, not an action, and changing your body to affirm an identity cannot be harmful because it is exercising bodily autonomy. It doesn't matter if someone is getting plastic surgery to look like a doll or having a limb removed to help with their BIID or saying "I am x" because that is what their internal identity is.
You respect it even if you don't understand, or you're a bigot who is fundamentally anti-autonomy and therefore dangerous. Period.
(*Note: I only name women because it's incredibly rare for anyone to claim that people are oppressed "real men" outside of the context of marginalized men who are actually oppressed, and then the claim isn't "real men" but "marginalized men". Even in the rare exceptions, such as te/rfs claiming trans men prey on gay cis men, they are still claiming it's about the marginalization of "homophobia", but it is a common tactic of te/rfs to claim "real women" are being oppressed by trans people. If you see the word woman but not man in this specific context and blacked out and screamed misogyny at me, I really can't help you and don't think anyone can. I've also been on the internet long enough to know this disclaimer is worth making.)
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tritoncattery · 17 days
School & Graveyard Themed SP Display Name
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. 》[Name] 👻 [Age] 🏫 ⚰️ ✐ ●[pro] 𓉸 [nouns] 𓉸 [here]《 》[activity] ⚰️🎒 ✐ ○ [role] 𓉸 [role]《
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I had to add the . at the start of the template because for some reason tumblr did not like indenting the name section but it works fine on SP without it.
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anonbinary-culture-is · 6 months
Pinned Post
This is a blog for anonbinary people to talk about our experiences.
main @entropy-sea-system
this blog is mainly run by Firelight, I'm 25 (system is bodily 21), and use ey/em and some neopronouns. I'm genderqueer, alexigender, and genderflor, and id as some xenogenders, and anonbinary is one of my labels!!
The header and pfp are alternate anonbinary flags I and my headmate Rift made !!
This blog is sfw (mainly bc we would have no way of knowing ages of anons and are not comfortable with minors sending in nsfw asks) - which means no detailed talk of sexual acts (sexual attraction mentions that don't mention sex acts are not really nsfw, those are fine, also mentioning questioning regarding transition goals or dysphoria influencing sexual orientation or attraction is fine, we will tag it accordingly as genitalia mention or dysphoria if it applies, we also tag vent submissions as vent if anyone wants to filter these tags)
What is Anonbinary?
Anonbinary is a gender identity which means your gender is not binary or labelled as nonbinary.
One who is anonbinary may identify as genders other than binary genders and nonbinary, or may not identify with any genders at all. One may be fluid between anonbinary and genders that happen to be in the binary or nonbinary.
We will block rather than having a full dni list, sometimes we block for reasons unrelated to discourse also. That being said, this space is safe for all neurodivergent people, ppl who id w mogai labels, ppl w 'contradictory' labels (gaybian, mspec gay and lesbian, lesboy, turigirl, etc.), all system types. And if you disagree this page won't be one you want to be on anyway.
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- Account Introduction -
Welcome to the Dark Tavern. An account meant to be a safe space for anyone with mental illnesses and disorders along with any 'evil' alters or systems. There may be graphic or sensitive content here. So please tread with caution or ignore our post if you're sensitive to these things. There will always be trigger warnings here.
This blog is run by two alters named Spool and Citrus.
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- About Our System -
We come from a traumagenic, polyfragmented, and fictive heavy DID system. We are mentally and physically disabled. Our system is a RAMCOA survivor. And our system is strictly anti endo/nontraumagenic.
Disorders: Autism, CPTSD, ADHD, anxiety, OCD, questioning NPD, and undiagnosed DID and schizophrenia. We also have brain damage.
Main account: @thefluffystuffiesystem
Alter introductions: Spool❤️🪡 - Citrus
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- Why Did We Make This And Intentions -
Me and Spool are programmed alters who identify as persocutors. Things are hard. Especially when no one understands. So, we wanted to make a blog to help those vent, learn, and overall have a safe space.
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- Do Not Interact -
Basic DNI: Homophobes, transphobes, ablist, pedos, zoos, radqueers, racist, etc
Fetishist: Plurality, ddlg/abl/etc, age/petplayers, assault, etc
(Pro/neutral)endo/nontraumagenic systems, anti traumagenic, etc
18+/NSFW accounts + Interactions
Bot + Blank accounts
Accounts based around religion
If you believe in narcissistic or any sort of mental illness abuse
If you demonized or discriminate against systems/alters due to role, trauma, etc
- Thin Ice/GIA -
Accounts based around gore/graphic content (like fanfics and such)
Age regressors, pet regressors, and syskids (We just have sensitive content here, and we don't want you all to get scared or see anything you shouldn't)
Fans of our source + Sourcemates/Doubles
- Welcomed Here -
Traumagenic systems
Those with mental and physical disabilities/illnesses
Alters with problematic sources or demonized in any way
Therians and otherkins
Trusted singlets
Satanist or any anti/neutral religion
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- Extra -
As said earlier. You can vent, talk, or anything here. If it's triggering or sensitive, give trigger warnings. That's our only rule for now besides following our DNI.
Claimed anons: None
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ppd-culture-is · 4 months
It's sad to see culture is blogs have dni lists that exclude a certain minority that doesn't do harm (example being mspec lesbians, veldiagirls, endogenics systems) BECAUSE they identify with such. Not only do you divide the community but remove potential safe spaces for anyone who needs it. Like yes, you don't have to like those groups at all, but sometimes I get the urge to make other culture is blogs that are inclusive so others can feel safer in the community, y'know?
With that being said, this blog doesn't have a DNI. Just a BYI, even then this is still a safespace for anyone who has PPD, PPD traits, etc. However, I am a multigenic system (traumagenic mainly, but who cares) and bi gay (veldiagirl, too). I support your identities, because I know what it feels like to not feel welcomed nor supported.
Yes, this is directed at the culture is blogs that want me to promote them and then have me on their DNI. However, it's directed in a light hearted and informative sense. Not trying to be rude at all.
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endo-memes · 1 year
hey! im not trynna be rude, just wondering, what is an endo?
A very quick explanation is that endo is short for endogenic system (link leads to an explanation on systems in general). This, however, explains very little. Endogenic systems are systems who- at the absolute very least, regardless of anything else, not to their knowledge- are not formed from trauma. It is a system origin label that denotes their system comes from something else. Its name is derived from "endo" - "from within" and "genesis" - "origin".
It's one of the "main two" origins- almost all commonly-seen origins fall under either endogenic or traumagenic. Some more-commonly seen endogenic origins are spirit bonds, gateways, or just... being born plural. There's many, many ways to not be traumagenic- a quick look around the actuallyendogenic tag might broaden your horizons!
Unfortunately, some traumagenic systems believe all systems have to be traumagenic. They discredit all experiences by those that "claim" to be endogenic, or even those that do consider those experiences and identify as traumagenic. They claim that the idea of non-traumagenic systems existing discredits "real" (traumagenic) systems, and that even if endogenic systems were real, they should not use the term system. Some even go as far to harass anyone supporting endogenic systems!
We do not accept those last folks here, obviously. This blog is very much a safe space for endogenic systems, and non-traumagenic systems of all types!
Thanks for sending in a question, haha! - Mod Hive
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fluideli123 · 2 years
Okay, this isn't leaving me alone, and I have massive Raph brain rot thanks to the ROTTMNT movie and this video. So, I'm posting a whole ass analysis on Plural Raph because he is everything to me. 
First, keep in mind that some things I discuss are based on my Plural Raph headcanon, so personal bias is heavily implied. Secondly, this post will cover multiple plural experiences and terms, which all will be appropriately linked for the reader's understanding. Thirdly, I will not know everything about every System experience, so please take what I say with a grain of salt and correct/inform me when I am or could be wrong. However, with that said, stereotypes of an "evil alter" and the shitting on Plural identities based on their origin or other factors will not be condoned here. My blog is a safe space for all plural Systems, and I will keep it that way. 
With that settled, I will explore scenes in the show. I will explore the plural context of each moment to the best of my abilities to demonstrate a better understanding of why I love the idea of Plural Raph. 
So, let's dive right in!
(please forgive the underlined links and the underlined words that aren't links, I tried to fix it, but it didn't work lmao)
The first minor signs of Raphael being a part of a system are in the first episode, Mystic Mayhem, when Leo catches on to Baron Draxum using the third person to address himself. 
Leo: Oh, I see. You're doing that whole sinister talking in the third person thing.
Raph: Only Raph can use the third person!
Obviously, this isn't an exclusive Plural experience. Many singlets use the third person to address themselves (In this case, Draxum). Nonetheless, in these few seconds, it's implied that Raphael has used the third person before and currently is. Having a sort of a claim over the usage of it as well. This isn't the last time we see Raphael casually speak in the third person, as it is prominent throughout the whole series. 
If we were to connect this minor detail through the Plural lens, Raphael could be speaking in the third person for multiple reasons. 1) He's blurring with his possible headmates. 2) Raphael may be the Blanketself, Shell, or their Singletsona. 3) It's an unconscious reaction to being unknowingly plural. 
The first reason could easily be explained that by speaking in the third person, it could be used to encompass whoever may be blurring together/fronting without trying to pick apart who is who. They may be unable to differentiate who they are, so the System simply calls themselves Raph, but since they're all still separate people, they use the third person to highlight that fact. Plus, if we were to insert the claim here, the System may feel they have some kind of personal ownership over using the third person because they depend/use it. There could, of course, be other reasons, but this is personally the one that I could think of first. 
The second reason we will be divided into three different unique explanations because of the significant distinctions between Blanketself, Shell, and Singletsona. 
Blanketself would imply that Raph is the identity that mostly everyone within the System identifies with, which would tie into why they use Raph in the third person to encompass them as a whole/as parts since their headmates may all be facets of Raphael. A way I enjoy explaining this is from a post that states that "It's normal for singlets to have parts of themselves. But, in a singlet, those parts are united into one whole. One self that oversees and directs those parts. In a median System, those "parts" have their own complexity and their own sense of self. They may agree to...act as one whether together or through one facet, but they're independent enough that they can choose not to." How this correlates to Raph is easy. Suppose almost everyone in the System acts together as a shared identity of Raphael "Splinterson" Hamato. The System using the third person is an outward acknowledgment that they are one under a shared self but still individuals of that self. 
However, if we look at this through the terms of Raphael as the Shell for his System, then this changes everything. This could imply that Raphael is the most frequent fronter in his System, and either he uses the third person to hide the System's existence in plain sight, or he is the individual everyone else in the System acts as when fronting. This can indicate that when referencing "Raph" in the third person, the current headmate fronting is pretending to be "Raph" and is either purposefully or mistakingly using the third person while doing so. A simplified explanation is when someone is pretending to be someone else by saying their name, such as when someone is trying to mock someone else. "Oh, look at me! My name's Raph, and I just loooove being a hero! Look at me heroing! Wooo!" (It should be noted that, obviously, headmates don't have to mock the individual they are trying to fake to state their name as a sign that they are this person, it is simply an example.)
And, if we were to see Raphael as a Singletsona, it would mean many different things I would like the reader to entertain for a moment. First of all, a Singletsona can be someone completely fabricated, suggesting that "Raphael" may just be a persona put on by the System so as not to out themselves or pass as a singlet. Secondly, this Singletsona can be the one who fronts the most, meaning once again that Raphael may be the most frequent fronter, but also the fact that Raphael may be the one everyone pretends to be when they front. This is different than the Shell because it's a system's persona, not a protector or the being everyone else acts as/blends with, and doesn't have a tie to a certain kind of System. A persona can also be the Body; it doesn't have to be a headmate or a made-up person. Singletsona and Shell may overlap, but the distinction is important.
There are many different ways Raph is a Blanketself, Shell, and Singletsona, and many different experiences may happen that are not addressed here, so please keep that in mind. This is not an end-all; these are mostly vague and depend on the System Raph may be a part of/identify with. 
To quickly expand upon how this depends on the type of System and how it works, I believe Raphael is a part of a Diversian Median Mixed Origin System. With this in mind, I believe Raphael is an identity everyone within the System relates to on some foundation but is not entirely defined by and that Raphael is a headmate who frequently fronts nearly all of the time. However, since he's open about his Plurality to his family and April, he doesn't need the Singletsona except when interacting with others outside his close-knit family. 
Since, as it should be noted, some Systems may not want to be known as Plural outside those they trust. This falls into the curious case that communicating in the third person may also contribute to performing as a Singlet. Perhaps on missions or outside of safe spaces within their home. 
This then brings me to my last interpretation of the whole speaking in the third person ordeal. What if Raphael is unaware of his Plurality and is unconsciously using the third person because of this? Headmates can be aware of Plurality while others aren't, depending on amnesic barriers between systemmates, internalized Pluralphobia, and other experiences a system may go through, such as shitty internal communication. Plus, given the imagery and Plural Coding ROTTMNT Raph goes through within the TV show, I'd bet this one to be closest to canon because, with all due respect, I 100% believe Raphael is Plural with or without canon confirmation because of his coding. And for those who headcanon Raphael as a Dissociative Identity Disorder System, this may also fall into that possibility. 
And speaking of Plural Coding, let's take a peek at what I mean from the Episodes Man VS Sewer, which is heavily Plural Coded:
Raph: What took you so long?! You know Raph gets weird when I'm left alone.
Leo: You know how savage Raph gets when he's alone. He'll totally lose it if we don't find him fast. Clock's ticking.
Raph: Okay, Raph, you're a little lost, a bit scared, and very alone. *Exhale* TIME TO PANIC! *Starts breaking things* PANICKING, PANICKING, PANICKING! *Goes back to calm again* Oof, glad I kept that part under control. *Sees broken surroundings* Whoopsie-daisy. 
Raph: Don't lose it, Raph. *Exhales and quietly says* Please.
Raph: Savage Raph, hunt Sewer Monsters! 
Raph: No, brothers! Savage Raph, alone!
Raph: Clean Sewer Monsters, still Sewer Monsters! Savage Raph, destroy!
Leo: Lace Face. *Picks up ball* Guys, I know how we can get our brother back. The Midnight Special! *Throws ball*
Raph: Huh?
Mikey: Look alive, Leo! *Kicks ball* 
Leo: *Laughs* And trick passing! *Throws ball to Donnie*
Donnie: *Hits ball* Sports!
Raph: *Watching the ball* No! *Catches ball, voices changes back to Raph's most familiar voice* Yo! Did ya'll see that? 
Donnie: Raph! 
Leo: You're back, baby! 
Raph: Back? Uh-oh, did I get weird again?
Mikey: Super weird! Even by my standards.
Okay, there's a lot, but I wanted to point out the most important quotes first since there is a lot to unpack here that I'm sure most Plural Raph enjoyers and ROTTMNT fans would brush off that I am going to dip deep into. 
Firstly, please note the third perspective language again and how it changes from simply saying "Raph" to "I'm" as if the name "Raph" and the one currently speaking are different people in the first quote. This could connect to what I explained before about the POV language, whether that means a blend/co-fronting is occurring or if the current fronter is mixing up acting as Raphael. 
Secondly, the running theme is that leaving Raph alone causes something negative to transpire, especially one that involves Raphael becoming "weird." I would simply expand upon this with the fact that being alone triggers someone else (Savage Raph, as we come to learn) to the front. This can be considered a negative trigger for Savage since Savage showcases the need to protect from Sewer Monsters and survive the conditions presented to them at the time (the Sewer). 
If we wanted to label these characteristics, I would say Savage is a Protector (based on destroying outside threats) and Avenger (based on emotional state/actions rooted in wrath). 
Also, the idea that the term "weird" refers to Raph's change in characteristics and personality when switching leaves me to believe that canonly his family and even Raphael don't consider him a part of a system. Especially since Savage and Raphael hold amnesic barriers between them. 
Thirdly, although no one is canonly aware of the System when Man VS Sewer transpires, it is well known that "Raphael" becomes "weird" after a certain amount of time until a switch occurs. However, this time can be shortened by a negative trigger worsening, such as being told that Raph will be alone forever and not just for some time. 
However, even before this, there was a switch between either Savage or a possible different headmate. Raphael tries to calm himself before "suddenly" panicking and breaking things around him. This can be whoever is currently fronting trying to handle the negative situation healthily for specific unknown reasons before someone else switches in. Reacting to the stress of the situation by breaking things in the environment before the former fronter appears again to take in the damages they don't remember making. This means another headmate with amnesic barriers if this other systemmate isn't Savage.
And since this may be a different headmate that isn't Raphael and Savage, I would like to propose a thought for all you fellow readers regarding this information. At the beginning of the episode, there's a weird change between the third person and first person and switches between at least two possible headmates throughout the episode before Savage switches in. Not only that, but this imagery appears before Savage does: 
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This is similar to how some Plural Systems experience splitting. A negative trigger presented leaves "Raph" in fear, causing a split to transpire, creating Savage. I would like to offer the idea that the unknown headmate that reacted to the negative trigger before had been the one to split, and their reaction to the negative trigger becomes enhanced and used by Savage as a main coping mechanism. 
I am not sure who this other headmate could be canonly, but for head cannoning purposes? The one calming down the situation in a healthy manner could have been Mind since I see them as a caretaker. The one breaking things before the split? Possibly an older version of Red, since splitting can alter the systemmate that another was split from. I see Red as a protector as well. However, he deals with different triggers, especially if Savage split from him and takes the alone trigger he used to become triggered from leaving Savage the one to the front when it appears and him not to anymore. 
I would also like to talk about the fact that it isn't canonly shown that the System experiences dissociation when switching, so it's mostly up in the air for people to decide if they do or not within their interpretation of Plural Raph. 
Fourthly, I would like to point out that Savage doesn't know about "Raph" having brothers. While this could be because of the amnesic barriers or having been formed recently, causing a lack of memory sharing. Another explanation could be that Savage may not have access to memories that the Body or other Headmates do but has different memories, also known as Exomemories! It could also be possible that he has unstable memories, though that's up to interpretation. I think he does since he has the vibes of someone who can't recall anything but knows what Raph's brothers are saying is wrong.
And Lastly, for this single episode, at least since there's also Pizza Puffs, Hot Soup: The Game, and Raph's Ride Along, which are also heavily Plural Coded. (Which I will make a post about if asked.) Raphael has a positive trigger to the front, which involves playing ball! I can argue that it involves sports since Raphael also has a passion for boxing. Still, we haven't seen Raphael positively front because of that particular sport, so it's based on personal interpretation whether it's only balling ball or sports in general. 
WOO! That was a lot of information, and it wasn't even all of it! I have so many different thoughts, headcanons, interpretations, and possibilities for Plural Raph that I couldn't fit them all in this one post since it's already super long. But as I said before, if you want more Plural Raph analysis or questions, I will gladly provide them when I can! 
For those who want more Plural Raph content, I have an ongoing series involving the Shard System (Raphael, Red, Mind, and Savage) and a short fic between Red and Raphael! Another creator I would recommend is the beloved @goldenspecter with their captivating stories Dimensional Differences, Mind Meld Part Deux, and A Collection of Turtle Thoughts! We focus on different kinds of Plurality and some experiences, so keep that in mind while reading! 
Thank you so much for reading my takes and dumping my utter love for Plural Raph into a post since I don't often do! 
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apollortaylor · 8 months
why endos dni? /nm/genq
(Sorry for the delay in responding)
As previously mentioned on this blog, I want my blog to be a purely traumagenic system space. As a traumagenic system myself I believe I have every right to ask for a space that does not include those who have different fundamentals than me. I have seen so many people attacked for believing that trauma is the only way to form a system (this is what I believe as well) by self labeled endogenic systems who say they accept everyone. I have no problem with speaking civilly and being kind to those who disagree with me, as long as we can both agree that bullying from the safety of a screen is not okay.
The same way LGTBQAI+ individuals may want a community without straights to help them feel safe, this doesn’t mean I’m labeling all individuals who identify as endogenic a bully, I’m simply trying to eliminate the possibility of ever making this space hostile.
If you are an endogenic reading this, know that I have no right to tell you you are invalid. You may very well be experiencing the same things as I am with a different label on it. That being said, if you are an endogenic I ask that you steer clear of my blog to help those who don’t trust your community, that has repeatedly attacked them.
Thanks for the question/gen
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