bitofthisandthat · 1 year
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larahorse253 · 4 months
Other characters in Diavolaverse
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Tammy Ponyhead
Parents: Seahorse, Ponyhead
15 years old. The only child of Ponyhead and Seahorse. Ponyhead doesn't marry Seahorse or become his official girlfriend, but when newborn Tammy appeared on social media as the new princess, everyone guessed what was going on. Tammy herself has known this for a long time. Her babysitters take care of her most of the time, and Ponyhead's sisters also help out occasionally.
She is not interested in almost anything. Because of growing pains or something of adolescence, she always thinks that the world sucks. She makes friends with Diavola simply because their mothers are friends. She's taken Diavola to do all kinds of things, but couldn't find anything that interested her. She doesn't like couples, especially those who like to show affection in public(like Diavola and Kale).
Mother: Higgs
13 years old. The only son of Knight Higgs. His hobby is painting and drawing. Besides, he can also do some handwork. He hopes to become a court painter and paint for Diavola. However, his mother thinks that becoming a knight was the most honorable thing, so she forced him to participate in knight training from a young age. At one of trainings, he met Princess Diavola who played with toy swords. He doesn't know when he started to have a crush on her, and Diavola just defines him as "some knight's kid".
But when aske why he have a crush on Diavola, he could not tell himself. He doesn't like Kale, and unkind to him. Mostly because he's Diavola's boyfriend. Sometimes he thinks viciously, "it would be nice to screw up their date", but the thought of seeing two people show their affection in person kills him, so he end up staying at home drawing dark comics that allude to his romance.
Parents: Ruberiot, Foolduke
18 years old, son of Ruberiot and Foolduke. Always squints. it's said that no one's ever seen his eyes open. His parents both love performance, but he is more interested in plants, and currently works as a gardener at Mewni Castle.
He's easy-going. Nobody's ever seen him angry. He is a reliable big brother to the teenagers around. Hardy, for example, often open his heart to him. Besides, he is used to everything and never makes fun of it, even when he sees pigs can fly.
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pupcat · 8 months
Ponymonium and Friendenemies don't really have much to offer lore wise, but there's two small moments there that reminds me of Skywynne, specifically her spells.
In Ponymonium, King Ponyhead seem to have made food rain down from their cloud ceiling and Skywynne made a spell like it(unlike their spell however, Skywynne seem to only be able to make one food item rain down)
In Friendenemies, Tom resurrected Marco's idol Mackie Hand as a reanimated corpse and again Skywynne has a spell like it(Tom's ritual has less steps than Skywynne's but seem extremely exhausting to do but it may be because he is still a child)
Coincidentally, and this is why I want to bring them up, these are the same kingdoms allied with the Butterfly's for generations, since her son, the assigned envoy, successfully got their help for the monsters invading the Butterfly kingdom.
Could Jushtin perhaps gifted the Ponyheads and the Lucitor's her mother's spells as abilities in exchange for alliance? After all, you have to wonder what could the Butterfly's have offered for the Ponyheads and Lucitors to accept being allied with a warmongering genocidal queen, and have that alliance last for generations.
But those spells don't seem out of place on their respective kingdoms, having a spell to make food rain down from the sky seem natural for people living in the sky, and having a spell to resurrect the dead makes sense for demons to have.
Then again Skywynne never said she was inspired by them, I got the impression from her that she created them on her own, and if spells like those already exist she would have likely heard of them, but you know she is also secretive according to her aureole sign (but she is fine with writing down her stalkerish behavior), so I'm not sure what could be the case.
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a-friendly-robot · 1 month
[SPOILERS] Star's choice was wrong.
Seeing the majority of people agree that her choice was justified does not sit right with me. The necessity to dismantle the hierarchy does not justify the potential destruction of trillions of lives. Sorry, but reddit's seemingly merciless hatred towards monarchial structural authority just doesn't give star any right to destroy magic. Keep in mind, I'll be considering the realism (which includes logical deductions) of the situation and not what the writers want you to think. This post will value reality over the narrative convenience of the writers.
Entire Cultures were Destroyed Magic is a core part of people's cultures and traditions across the multiverse. It comes in all kinds of forms, like ponyheads' horns, the demons' powers, Brunzetta and her civilizations' use of magic, and potentially millions of other cultures across other dimensions that had ties to the realm of magic in some way. All of those cultures are destroyed since their most sacred foundation, magic, was destroyed.
Indirect Causation of Mass Death I'm not a "Star committed genocide," person, but she absolutely caused extreme levels of death. Cultures which relied on magic, for example Brunzetta's civilization, are no longer capable of defending against the larger, bloodthirsty, monsters which are not sentient enough to be reasoned with. The entire civilization was put in peril. Even if Brunzetta's culture was not put in peril, there are certainly dimensions where cultures were.
Lack of Consideration She didn't at all consider what her actions would lead to other than marco, which was extremely selfish in of itself. Considering that level of ridiculousness of the fusion of the two worlds, we know that ANYTHING could've happened. Although, it didn't cause the direct genocide of trillions of beings, star didn't take any point to realize that it could've. She knew the MHC relied on magic to stay alive, and she knew that the whispering spell kills beings of magic. (Season 1 finale guys, we watched that millhorse die LIVE.) She had no idea if ponyheads would stay alive, what would happen to her spells, the dragoncycles, she didn't even consider herself: What if magic was so tied to her nature that getting rid of it would eventually kill her, like a disease?
Imposition of Personal Morality She has no right to assert her choice of destroying magic upon others. It's almost oppressive in of itself to make the choice for everyone else--which is exactly why she destroyed magic in the first place, seems a little hypocritical to me.
"The source of oppression is the magic." Mmm... No? No..?? I'm sorry, but did hitler use magic to oppress and commit genocide against the Jewish people? Last time I checked, big corp don't use magic to assert their ideals on our politicians. While it makes sense that this was part of star's reasoning in her perspective, the reasoning itself is objectively flawed. I understand that this sort of reasoning is symbolic, but reminder this post is reality > narrative convenience. Distribute the magic instead. And if we want to argue in favor for narrative convenience: If the fusion of the two worlds was sourced from star's power, or the recreation of magic itself was also from star, then she's more than capable of splitting up magic and distributing it evenly. Evil will always be evil, magic or not.
"It was her only option." No it wasn't, next. Anyone who argues this is not worth arguing to. Sorry, not sorry.
She didn't consult anyone but two people. Maybe, just maybe, if we want to dismantle the oppressive hierarchy, we should probably start with more democratic approach? Idk, like maybe asking more than just her close friends? This option wasn't really possible to do, so maybe just not destroy magic assuming everyone was cool with having their cultures destroyed, having the choice made for them, potentially be the subject of genocide considering they won't be able to defend themselves.
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bawfulio · 5 months
My Thoughts on the Star vs Pitch Bible
So, a few months back, the pitch bible for Star vs the Forces of Evil leaked but nobody (including myself) really noticed. It wasn't until the recent major leak of multiple pitches and pilots for both released and unreleased shows that the svtfoe pitch bible was reposted. It was only then that I found out about it and downloaded a copy for myself. I have to say it's pretty... interesting to see what the show could have been
Below are my thoughts/reactions to the things I read
Echo Creek Academy was originally a boarding school? But Star still lives with a host family??? It does get called a private school later in the bible though…
Moon was originally named Moonbeam. Slightly less on the nose
Wand is stored in case by Queen until the princess turns 14 Star had apparently always wanted to go to an Earth school and longed for a normal life. Wonder why they changed it so that the Queen keeps it until then
The Diaz family was originally The Juans (note: Juan is apparently a Spanish given name but I did find census data indicating that it is used as a surname, commonly among Hispanic families)
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So St. Olga's darker nature doesn't seem to have been thought up yet.
Proto-Ludo is even more obsessed with the wand than canon-Ludo
So multiversal travel was through finding and entering cracks between worlds instead of dimensional scissors in the earlier drafts. Interesting
So Proto-Rafael and Proto-Angie were tree doctors/world travelers who were particularly obsessed with Mewni and were chosen as Star's host family because of this
Proto-Ponyhead was not just a ponyhead. She's just like that because she can detach her head from her body and fly around??? And they would cut to what her body's doing in at St. Olga's??? Apparently she also spied on Ludo for Star
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Yikes again….
Proto-Marco (aka Sol/Santiago) practiced Tang Soo Do, a Korean martial art that's based on Karate instead of karate itself. He's also pretty into Japanese culture which apparently makes living with Star more manageable
The "How it Works" sections all but confirms that the show was pitched as an episodic comedy about Star and Sol's adventures. This unfortunately means that all the worldbuilding, twists and plot hooks introduced much later in the show's life means that they were likely conceived of right at that late point in production. That does explain a lot sadly…
Also, Ludo uses a secret passage way to get between Mewni and Earth, which is apparently the only other way to travel between worlds No mention of the Monsters being the victims of colonization, oppression and genocide. They're apparently just "hideous and unintelligent" creatures who are "mostly gullible" and Ludo rules them because "he's smarter than them"
Toffee. We've had conflicting statements about his motives. He's apparently both "a Magneto-like villain doing the right thing in the wrong way" and someone who went to all the trouble of corrupting magic to "just get his finger back". With the pitch bible, I was hoping that, even if it's just an early idea that was scrapped, there would be some hint of what he was originally wanting out of his plan. And I got it Toffee, in the earliest form of the show, was just Ludo's advisor who planned to takeover if/when Ludo gets Star's wand. He wasn't a charismatic general nor rebel fighting to end the oppression of his race. He was just a guy that Ludo hired.
Admittedly, Toffee treating the whole deal like a 9-5 office job is kind of funny. No matter what; he clocks in and out on schedule regardless of any chaos or impending disaster, he sticks to his legally mandated breaks and puts in his 40 hours of week because he refuses to be paid a flat fee and Ludo won't pay him in overtime. Not to mention how he apparently he has a family he comes home to complete with a kid to take to soccer practice Still though, the fact that there is no hint of any greater mystery or conflict in his sections pretty heavily implies if not confirms that every mystery, plot hook, even the few answers we got via the finale AMA about Toffee and his motives were thought of the moment their respective episodes were written/the moment the question was asked on reddit
So the Proto-Diazes live in Echo Creek because of the mystery surrounding it and that it's a "weakening dimension"… It was mentioned earlier in the pdf that it's the place where the dimensional rift is particularly thin and accessible
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Star…. Star, just… Just don't
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YIKES. NEFCY WTF?!?! This does explain how the fantasy racism metaphor was written in the final show but still... Why would you have two of your very few poc characters in your pitch say this to the BLONDE WHITE GIRL MAIN CHARACTER???
Oh, hey it's the bully character from one of the og Star comics. Neat! Followed by Proto-Starfan who's not as concerningly obsessed
Apparently August (Proto-Alfonzo) and Proto-Ferguson had crushes on Star. Considering the shipping mess in the later half of the final show, it's probably for the best that it was dropped
Oh, hey it's another og comic character! Who is apparently Sol's cousin and was sent to Mewni in the foreign exchange program! Poor kid
Apparently there was another antagonist early on that would be after Star. That wanted to steal her hair for her collection. Eh….
So Cashew from the og comics would have been Sol's cat instead of Star's. Then was written out completely
And we end this pitch with some members of Echo Creek Academy's faculty, one of which is a prototype Skeeves. Kind of interesting that there could have been more presence from the school staff instead of just Skullnick.
If anyone wants to read for themselves, just let me know and I'll drop a link to the pitch in the replies
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artist-issues · 2 years
I feel like Luz’s palisman is a representation of what’s going on in the writer’s room for The Owl House ever since the end of Season 1.
Build up to a big reveal, get people guessing and hoping, and when it finally arrives, it’s…every animal, instead of committing to one. It’s a new creature with no previously-set-up lore or presence in the show…that is able to morph into anything.
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Not a little owl, to symbolize she found a place where she can belong as The Owl Lady’s only true apprentice. Not a little wolf-King-lookalike, to symbolize her commitment to her friends and call back to Eda’s line from the first episode. Not even a little bat or singular animal to symbolize how she’s her own person. Just a lazily slapped-together last-minute creature that might as well be called “Whatever You Want-o-Saurus.” 
Elaboration below the cut.
Kind of like how the show can just be about any character. Oh, you thought this was a show about Luz and Eda, and occasionally their sidekick King, with even more occasional appearances by her new schoolmates? Nope. We don’t pick three main characters to focus on—EVERYBODY needs angst. EVERYBODY needs trauma. All characters must have big reveal moments, love interests, crying scenes, and relearn the same lessons over and over again. By Season 3, Willow, who should have had less screen time than EDA HERSELF, not only has more screen time, but is simply learning the same old half-a-witch self-worth shtick that she learned in Season 1. 
Literally, it would be like if, in Star vs the Forces of Evil, the show zoomed in on Ponyhead, Heckapoo, and Eclipsa, (Hunter, Willow, Gus) and every scene included some reference to their emotional trauma, like a hammer hitting your head in the same spot over and over and over. Meanwhile, Star’s (Luz) screentime is limited but also solely focused on her self-hate for messing everything up, Marco (Eda) gets three lines of dialogue, and we’re treated to much more Glossarick (King) and Ludo (Collector) screen time, where’s he’s no longer funny but nobly self-sacrificial and confident.
Or if Gravity Falls, Season 2, gave Dipper (Luz) plenty of screen time to be an emotional prop for characters like Robbie, Soos, and Wendy (Amity, Hunter, and Gus) while he background-hates himself. Meanwhile Mabel (Eda) is almost written out except for being given two lines per episode about wanting to save Mermando from being turned to stone—oh, you don’t know Mermando (Raine) that well? It’s because he was just tossed in as a progressive love interest halfway through the final season—and Grunkle Stan (King) gets to be completely free of all previous character traits except “must save kids” energy while Lil Gideon (Collector) holds him hostage. Oh, and the interesting villain? The one we’ve been teased with and really are invested in seeing lose? Bill Cipher? (Emperor Belos) He’s just kinda crawling around in the background, powerless until we need to give Soos more emotional trauma.  What I’m saying is, sure, Stringbean looks cool. The Collector looks neat and clearly is meant to be child-murderer creepy (oh but you can still feel bad for him because we poured Trauma™ on him, too.) The big playtime set pieces are definitely going for Gravity Falls’ “Weirdmageddon” vibe. Every character gets a snazzy new haircut and outfit change every three episodes (or ten minutes.) 
But who the heck cares when the story is lazy, unrecognizable, carries itself like it has substance and commits to nothing—except the same old character beats from Season 1 but with more crying?
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hypegirl1 · 1 year
Marco diaz hdc! (fem!reader)
AN:The other day I finished SVTFOE(long story)and I can't get Marco out of my mind stop,I love this silly lil boy
Summary:Those are some headcanons with Marco,you are in Star's place(but instead of Star it's YN yk)
Warnings:None Genre:Fluff
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1.When you guys first met,he was kinda surprised about you,like,a magic princess from another dimension?-
"Who are you?-"
"I'm YN Butterfly!~"
2.It was hard getting used to live with you,magic 24/7,fighting with Ludo and his monsters,and being always in trouble.However,Marco got used to it,it was actually fun
3.He's always there for you,even at your worst,he tries everything to make you feel better,he hates seeing you sad
4.He worries about you soooo much,he's always covering your back and helping you to not almost die by trying a new spell
5.He loves going to your events,even if that means having to dress up all fancy and going to another dimenssion
6.You guys have so much conexion that it makes everyone think that you both are dating,even when Marco was dating Jackie
7.Movie nights with Marco's nachos are a must,he makes the best nachos in the entire galaxy
8.He doesn't get along at all with all your friends,but he tries! His relationship with Ponyhead is still in progress
9.He will always mention you in a conversation with anyone,friends,family,it doesn't matter,if he can talk about you,he will
10.Your parents love him! Maybe more than that one horrible relationship you had with Tom years ago?Probably more than that
"Marco!My man!How are you?"
"You are taking good care of YN right son?"
"Of course"
"That's nice,you better not break her heart or I'll break your bones"
11.Even after almost dying many times,he's still by your side
"Marco,why are we still best friends?"
"Like,you could have been crushed by that glass when Toffee kidnapped you,or when you had a tentacle instead of an arm,I almost killed you many times,why are you still my best friend?"
"YN,don't say that,even after all those things,I'm still your best friend,because I know that someway,you will find a solution to those problems"
"Awww romantic Marco!"
12.However,he kinda gets irritated by some stuff,like,why did you had to buy him a gift card that almost kills him?or infiltrating in a reformatory to end the patriarchy and almost getting brainwashed?
13.Every little detail or gift that you give him,he saves it as if it was gold.Even if you gave him a stone that looked like him,he would save it forever
"Marco Marco!Look what I found!"
"It's not just a rock,it looks like you,look!Those are your eyes,your mouth,and it even has your mole!"
"Yeah,it does look like me,thanks YN"
14.Just you disappearing for 0.1 seconds makes him lose his mind
This was kinda short,should I make more of these?
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cartoonfan1 · 1 year
My LGBTQ+ headcanons for SVTFOE characters
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Star Butterfly
Star is a bisexual with a preference for men, she’s a demigirl that uses she/her they/them.
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Marco Diaz
Marco is a bisexual with a preference for women, says cis male or bigender, but is a trans woman that uses she/her he/him, but secretly only like she/her.
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Thomas Lucitor
Tom is a panromantic demisexual with no preference, questioning gender and is testing out other identities excluding woman, but currently identifies as trans demiboy that uses he/him they/them.
me just mostly projecting onto Tom lol 😂
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Jackie Lynn Thomas
Jackie is a Pansexual with a preference for Women, she’s a demigirl that uses she/her they/them.
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Janna Ordonia
Janna is a Bi Demiromantic asexual with no preference, They are agender that uses she/her they/them he/him and neopronouns, but prefers they/them.
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Oskar Greason
Oskar is either a straight or biromantic demisexual, he’s a trans Demi boy that uses he/him they/them.
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Flying Princess Ponyhead
Ponyhead is a heterosexual Autoromantic ally, she’s a cis woman that uses she/her.
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Eclipsa Butterfly
Eclipsa is a straight demisexual ally , she’s a cis woman that uses she/her.
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globgor is a straight demiromantic asexual ally, he’s a cis male that uses he/him they/them.
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Moon Butterfly
Moon identifies as straight, but is bi-curious, she’s a ciswoman that uses she/her.
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River Butterfly
River is straight and still trying to understand the concept for Star and her friends, he is a cisman that uses he/him.
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As Heinous she identified as straight and forced herself in the closet because she was convinced it was wrong and disgusting by St. Olga, identified as cis woman and used she/her.
As Meteora will be sapphic either bisexual or lesbian, they will be non-binary and use they/them and she/her with a preference for they/them.
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Mariposa Diaz
Mariposa will either be a lesbian, straight ally or questioning, she’ll either be cis woman or questioning and identifies as a cis woman and use she/her.
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Hekapoo was homoromantic and omnisexual with a preference for women/femininity, she was a transwoman that used she/her.
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Rhombulus was a gay demiromantic, he was a transman that used he/him.
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Omnitraxus Prime
Omnitraxus was an Omniromantic asexual with a preference for non-binary, he was omnigender with a preference for Masculine and used all pronouns, but mostly he/him.
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Lekmet(rip) was a straight, gay or bi demiromantic demisexual, he was a cis (demon goat)man that used he/him it/its.
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Mina Loveberry
Mina is a lesbian, she’s a ciswoman that uses she/her.
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Ludo Avarius
Ludo is gay, he’s a cis man that uses he/him they/them.
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Dennis Avarius
Dennis is aroace, he’s a cis man that uses he/him.
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Yvgeny Bulgolyubov/Buff frog
Yvgeny is either a gay or straight asexual, he’s intersex and uses he/him.
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Toffee was a straight aromatic, he was a cis man that used he/him.
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Glossaryck was aroace, he was agender and used he/him because that’s what the world viewed him as.
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SVTFOE headcanons because why not
We haven't watched Star vs in a decent while, but we've been getting back on the hyperfixation so why not pour some creative energy into a headcanons list? This'll just be individual character headcanons, but if enough people like it I might post some duo/group headcanons! (and more character headcanons, hehe)
Starting off with our favorite whimsical princess, Star!
While she's had a few ups and downs in her own love life, Star is a master wingman! Even with magic-related hiccups, she'll still manage to get people together... somehow.
She would 100% collect those little Tsum Tsum plushies. She gets every single size she can find for each character she gets and stacks them up in pyramids in her closet.
Star is a very talented gift giver! She pays extremely close attention to what her friends like, and goes above and beyond for them any chance she gets!
Star's experience with hair dyeing is far more extensive than just that one episode where she had the alt/punk getup. She's done blue and pink highlights before! (I feel like her being as close to Ponyhead as she is warrants some silly hair dyeing headcanons)
Now it's Marco's turn!
Since Love Sentence is basically a One Direction parody, Marco is a die-hard 1D fan. You can't tell me I'm wrong. (He also listens to 90s and early 2000s boy bands though! He seems like he'd be an NSYNC fan.)
Unlike Star, Marco isn't the best at gift-giving. Not in the sense that he doesn't know what people like, not at all. He just spends so much time overthinking his gifts for people that he ends up screwing himself over. So he usually has Star go gift shopping with him to keep him from spiraling.
You can't tell me that Marco wouldn't get into drag after the first Princess Turdina episode. After that ordeal, him and Ponyhead bonded over her teaching him how to do his own makeup! He has a section of his closet dedicated to more feminine clothing that Star both lends him and buys for him! (His favorite fem thing to wear would definitely be sundresses)
During one of his stays in Mewni, Moon taught Marco some basic sewing! She also taught him medical stitching just in case something went wrong during one of his and Star's adventures.
Here's some for Tom, and then I'm gonna call it a day lol
He absolutely LOVES anything pink. He acts like he doesn't, but he can't hide it forever. He still has a bracelet that Star made for him back when they were together and it is the brightest, pinkest, most neon thing he owns and he'd never get rid of it for anything in the world.
Tom would be a damn good nail artist. While he usually paints his own nails plain black, he's done Star's nails before with gradients, stickers, rhinestones, the whole package. (Maybe he'd also paint Marco's nails for him...)
He's total drummer energy, no questions asked. I could also see him playing bass guitar, but he's still leaning more towards drummer to me. He also seems like the type of guy who used to be in a punk metal band.
While Tom would also be a die-hard 1D fan, I don't see him as the early 2000s boy band type. Though, I could see him being an on-and-off k-pop fan! That and j-rock (or any rock for that matter, I just think j-rock would be his favorite)
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klonoafan5 · 21 days
my ideas for a hypothetical svtfoe rewrite/remake
mewni is more of a fantasy world/dimension rather than ‘earth but magical’
star is more of a tomboy, preferring pants over dresses
she doesn’t like the growing pressure of being the heir of the throne and has no desire to be queen whatsoever
she also got her hair cut short because of how many times she would get it dirty or something stuck in it
the ponyheads do not exist. kelly is star’s friend now
star & marco’s relationship is platonic in the beginning, starting off as strangers but eventually becoming friends. marco teaches star what life on earth is like and star helps marco with his crush on jackie (she’s basically the wing/hype man)
yes i’m making starco a strangers to friends to lovers pairing
more under the cut
jenna is marco’s earth friend more or less - i see their dynamic as them sticking together as the ‘odd ones out duo’ (which later on becomes a trio when star shows up)
marco does confess his feelings to jackie only to find out that she only sees him as a friend (get friendzoned /j) but they do stay in touch 
mewberty is actually a thing and a part of every mewnian’s life 
the monster arm episode is more or less the same but with the arm itself affecting marco mentally, slowly making him not like himself (ie, acting more monstrous)
this reaches a boiling point where star tries to talk to marco about fixing the mistake she made only to find out that marco isn’t the one she’s talking to, but the arm who has fully possessed marco’s body 
star has a ‘i know you’re somewhere in there’ fight before dispelling it and the arm is gone now! (but the voice is still lingering and pretty much becomes a TKO/fleetway super sonic type of presence in his mind but shhh it’s a secret)
dark magic can grant the user more power but it does have the potential of corrupting one’s self when in use (unless you have a strong will/mind and/or a affinity towards it)
meteora does not retain miss heinous’ hatred for marco/princess turdina
the magic realm doesn’t get permanently destroyed in the end, but rather it gets purified/restored/comes back 
mina doesn’t die, she comes back like meteora does 
marco’s cheekmarks are either a side effect from using the wand or the blood moon ball (NO they don’t get their memories wiped of the event)
ALSO the blood moon gave marco and star a ‘bond’ that grants them abilities such as: communicating mentally, being able to sense when the other's in danger, etc
marco and hekapoo are just friends
marco does struggle with the whole ‘being a adult in one dimension only to become as a teenager again’ thing 
either toffee is eclipsa’s husband/ex (globgor got them to meet) or he attempted to date one of the butterflies/had a secret relationship with one of them that sadly didn’t last 
pink magic leans more towards the creative/defensive/healing side of spells, green magic is more destructive/offensive/harmful
funny idea: tom thinking that star and marco are dating and them being oblivious and saying things that only adds more to the 'they're dating' theory pile XD
glossaryck either stays dead permanently or dies but comes back
marco has a scar from getting stabbed
earth and mewni don't merge in the end
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SVTFOE rewrite Ep 2
Pony Head arrives on Earth to find Star and hang out with her, secretly on the run from attending Miss Heinous's School. She and Tom introduce Star, Marco, and Janna to the concept of dimensional scissors, and take them to the arcade dimension so they can procrastinate on doing their homework.
Sounds like a pretty fun idea. I do still like the idea of having Tom and Janna more involved from the start, and the implication that Ponyhead and Tom are actually closer friends than canon seems to imply is also intriguing.
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starblubberball · 4 months
Brittney and PonyHead are having fat speaks because they’re so MASSIVELY EXTREMELY USSBBW
[ Brittney ]
"Nnnmmphh... Mihshs'h Diahz... I'm f-feehlihn' veehry... Wheeeeze... hungry a-again... Coouuld I h-have... Huuuff... shoomee mohreh oh-ohf youhr choocoolaatee c-caakee?... Hrrrgh... And shoohmeeh m-more shohdah...".
The largely obese ex-cheerleader attempted to speak through her difficulties presented by her large, bean bag like cheeks and her visibly meaty chins, wheezing and panting through the tiredness that only speaking generated.
[ Angie ]
"D'awww, of course you can dearie! Marco is out with Star, so I don't think he would mind sharing some of his chocolate cake!~".
Ms. Diaz replied with one sweet smile buried on that squishy, fatty face of hers, wearing a slightly tight apron on top of her almost naked body, still counting on her stressed out bra and sunken in underwear.
Meanwhile, on the Cloud Kingdom, Mewni...
[ Pony Head ]
"Hnngh... N-Nnhh... B-flyyyhh... I dohn't'sh waannaa... Haaahh... S-Shound puushhy buht... Wheeze... W-Wheehreeh ahreh muuh n-neext'sh 50 nahchoh b-bohwlsh?... Puuufff... I'm shtahrviiiiiiihng...".
The massive pile of sky-blue-ish lard had a difficult time spitting out complete words without running out of breath, wheezing, huffing and panting between sentences like her... Probably non-existent lungs were being crushed under so much of that flab, sweating down cascades and moaning while demanding more "triangular" food.
[ Star ]
"A-Ahh, hold on Pony! We're almost there! Huff... Man... I knew I should have summoned Cloudy to get us faster to Pony Head's face... Phew... C'mon Marco! We still have... Hah... A few steps to waddle!".
The extremely obese magic princess spoke as she was holding at least 10 nacho and cheese stuffed bowls with a rubber helping hands spell, sweating up a storm and recovering her breath as she continued to waddle up Pony Head's massive flab rolls as she was being followed by her... More than pudgy squire.
[ Marco ]
"Gyaaahh... Staaaar...! I can't keep waddling that long, my legs hurt... Huuuff! A-And I think one of them just got stuck in... Gah... one of Pony's rolls again... Ooohh boy... Huff...".
Marco wasn't having the best time at the moment, carrying just two bowls on his pudgy, plump hands as he was waddling a bit slower than Star, with his extra tight red hoodie darkened by being soaked with his sweat, as his breath constantly cut and came back from how exhausted he was, just following the meaty, extra large princess up to Pony Head's blubber sunken face.
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Star Versus The Forces Of Evil DND
Star Butterfly: okay, she could be any of the spell classes. She has a spell book and can only cast memorized spells without it, just like a wizard. All of her family line has magic, just like a sorcerer. Her powers disappear when the land of magic is destroyed, just like how if warlock’s patrons died, they would lose their powers. And she is very creative, knows how to use a sword, and there is plenty of music in the show, just like a bard. I don’t think wizard makes as much sense as the others, as it’s repeatedly shown she’s not very academic. I think that any of the other three could work, but bard makes the most sense.
Marco: as said on my Mario post, you first think fighter but Marco doesn’t really use weapons, so he could be a monk. Of course, there is the magic part, but he does use some manic when he has the wand. Of course, a multi class could work. Six levels for monk and six for fighter.
Tom: So I think he could be a sorcerer or warlock. We never really get an explanation for where he got his powers (or for that matter, what the underworld is exactly). So depending on how you view it, he could be either. I’m gonna personally say sorcerer. I also love the idea of my OT3 being three of the classic archetypes (spellcaster, martial, and support)
Kelly: she’s pretty obviously a martial class, but it could be either fighter or barbarian. I personally feel like she’s more barbarian, because of the area she grew up on and how she deals with her emotions.
Jackie: Zoomer (Stranger Things reference for the win!) I’m honestly not sure. Maybe rouge?
Janna: rouge for sure. What with her constantly lockpicking, stealing, conning, and generally being a menace to society. Ponyhead: maybe bard, what with her being a party girl.
Moon: basically the same problem as with Star, and im split between wizard and sorcerer. She’s a lot more studious than star, but she also just fits the sorcerer vibe more. I’m gonna go with wizard.
Eclipsa: again, same problem as moon and star. I can definitely see bard as well, since she’s a bit more of a free spirit.
River: barbarian. He fits the stereotype of being not the sharpest tool in the shed and loves food.
Ludo: so in season 1 and early season 2, there’s not a lot to go off of. He doesn’t possess magic ( not yet, anyhow) and he obviously isn’t a martial class. But the episode “Ludo in the Wild” gives a clear answer: ranger. He has two animal companions and learns how to survive in the wilderness. When he gets Glossarick, he multicolored into wizard, but is still primarily a ranger. I suppose he could be a rouge, so he has one or two for rouge from before Ludo in the wild, one or two wizard, and then the rest ranger.
Toffee: bard fighter multi class. In the flashbacks, he is obviously a capable fighter, but in present day, he is very smooth and clever
Mina: do I even need to say it? Barbarian
If anyone has any request, just ask and I’d be happy to do it. I am in a ton of fandoms, so chances are I’ve at least heard of it. The only genre I’m not really in is anime.
Edit:nah I’m in anime now.
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SVTFOE Theory: If Sol Diaz and Marco Diaz were Twin Brothers...
[Note: reading this post is optional.]
yeah, I blame the pilot for this fan theory and fan headcanon.
that even if the pilot version of Marco was named Sol, but what if Sol and Marco were separate but were twins.
both Marco and Sol would have crushes on Jackie, but would also be rivals for her affection.
Sol could end up being jealous when Jackie chooses Marco, and well Star could be there for Sol as a friend, and as weird as it might be, Ponyhead could treat Sol a bit better than she does Marco.
like Sol could start out at first dressing the same as Marco, even if they both wear different color pants, but at some point Sol decides to change his hoodie to something that is less like the one that his younger twin wears.
it could make sense that in this theory, if those two were twins, Marco would be the younger twin.
it would also give Mariposa two older brothers instead of one.
and Meteora would only give the glare to Marco, but act sweet to Sol who views her as a perfect little angel and ignores the whole Marco saying that she keeps giving him dirty and hateful looks, which Sol could tell Marco that it is all in his mind and she wasn't giving him dirty or hateful looks.
the idea of Marco and Sol being separate characters and being twins, could work in a SVTFOE AU and Fanon Timeline.
maybe I will draw the idea sometime...and in the timeline where Marco and Sol are twins and are best friends with Star, in that timeline Star doesn't scapegoat the magic that her Mom and most of her family had misused in the first place...
I still love the show, I just can't agree with Star scapegoating the magic when it was her Mom who was partly responsible for hurting so many people, both Mewman and Monster...and she can't just place the full blame on Mina Loveberry either, she is only half responsible.
and scapegoating the magic, that Star's family had misused by their own free will, isn't right.
same goes for the whole Discord, Celestia and Luna solving a problem by turning Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy to stone.
there can be different forms of scapegoating, and Discord is the one who is responsible for bringing those three together in the first place.
and I'm pretty sure not sending Cozy to some form of Juvenile Hall For Foals and sending her to Tartarus instead, is just some form of twisted logic that Celestia and Luna have.
I mean yeah, even when we think about it, Princess Morbucks from the Powerpuff Girls and Gideon Gleeful from Gravity Falls being send to jail or prison instead in a Juvenile Hall For Children where they truly belong, was never truly questioned.
Gideon was lucky that some of the prisoners end up becoming like family to him and treating him like both a boss and the son they never had.
plus Mabel, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup are still partly to blame for Gideon and Princess becoming way worse than they were originally.
I mean, ya don't automatically need powers to be a super hero, plus if they tried to befriend Princess and try to help her become better from the start, she could of been like a Batman well Batgirl of the Powerpuff Girls, even if she isn't biologically their sister.
even if Mabel didn't want to hurt Gideon, she should of told him the truth instead of having Dipper do it.
at least it seems that Mabel and Dipper are friends with Gideon now.
in a Crossover, maybe Pacifica could understand that Princess is just lonely and the reason she acts the way she does is because not only because her Dad spoils her in the wrong way, but also because she is lonely doesn't know how to express it.
it is possible only some percent of those who do act like selfish and bratty snobs wont have a good heart deep down...
but as for those like Cozy Glow, Gideon Gleeful, Princess Morbucks and Pacifica Northwest.
they can have different reasons why they became the way they were in the shows they appeared in.
and besides Discord being part of the reason of Cozy's change, it could be possible that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo may have done something that broke Cozy's trust in them as well as twisted her view on friendship.
Cozy might be better off living with Sunset in the human world, and becoming friends with the human versions of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo...
anyway, even if we can still like SVTFOE, Gravity Falls, Powerpuff Girls and MLPFIM.
it doesn't mean we have to like the parts that we might end up realizing isn't okay, and seem not very much like the element of empathy...if Sunset is the element of empathy, she could be the one that can get through to and even reform Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis as well as being able to understand why they did the things they did and part of the reason could be from a deep emotional pain.
not everyone has to agree about that, plus Toffee from SVTFOE could have had some form of emotional pain that was caused by Moon's Mom who had misused the magic and ended up hurting someone he deeply cared about.
Moon breaking her promise to Eclipsa could be the misuse of magic, and the punishment for the extreme misuse would be the markings on her arms, which even Eclipsa has but her misusing the magic spell that got her those marks, could be different from Moon's.
like one who misuses magic in a small way, wont get those marks, but if it is in a extreme way that crosses a very big line, then yes.
Solaria likely created many dangerous spells that crossed a line, and the more she crossed them the more likely she was punished for it.
the marks may not only have to do with the spell that Eclipsa taught Moon, it could also be a way for magic to punish those who choose to use such a spell.
if Sol was part of the main timeline and was a twin of Marco, he would likely tell Star that destroying the magic wont solve the bigger problems and one of them being that Moon, her Mom had really messed up and hurt a lot of people for some Mewman Supremacy.
Sol could tell her that scapegoating the magic, isn't the way, might of got through to Star.
Star was mad at Moon, and she had every right to be, she had hurt so many people just to try to make Mewni go back to before Eclipsa became Queen again...but Mewni was probably already a broken caste system even before Eclipsa became Queen again, so even if some viewed Moon as a great Queen, she was likely not viewed that way by every Mewman.
anyway, the fan theory about Marco and Sol being twins, would be more of a what-if type, and this theory and idea might not be liked by everyone, and well maybe only a few people might like it.
anyway I think maybe later or tomorrow, I will make a second poll.
I will have to think over what type of poll to make, but maybe it will come to me when its ready, and it could be weirder than that first poll I made on here. XD
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contrasting-realities · 7 months
Star Butterfly as Emperor Belos AU
A while ago I made a post about a potential au where star butterfly was emperor belos, I thought about it a little and decided to write it down here
Warning: Mentioned Suicide attempt
Branches off from Cleaved, where things went horribly wrong after magic is destroyed.
I consider there to be 5 different ways that monsters interact with magic, some are made of the stuff and would instantly vanish after it was destroyed, another group would be heavily reliant on it to the point of death if it was removed, the third group rely on magic physically or for their daily lives which would be disrupted massively, the next used magic here and there but didn't it wasn't the primary thing they used, and the final group never used magic at all
So by destroying magic, Star accidentally eradicated the first two groups and made life hell for the third, however there was a far more personal consequence of her actions.
When she came back, she wasn't met by Ponyhead and when she asked about her, the ugly truth is revealed as Star and her family hadn't just killed her but her entire species and many more.
By attempting to stop the Solarians, Star had committed her own genocide, this was too much for her and the guilt began to weigh down on her mind.
Until, that strange misty rift that was in the finale appeared with no explanation, she hoped that somehow the destruction of magic wasn't finite or could even be reversed, which is why she ran towards it.
The same thing happened as in canon, Earth and Mewni fused, however this wasn't as good as it seemed at first.
Parts of both worlds were randomly erased or went missing and what remained was scattered on random parts of this newly fused planet, it left almost everyone confused, scared, in danger or even just straight up dead.
The long term effects were nasty. Both the Earth and Mewni governments were suddenly on each other's land with no prior knowledge of how this happened, sudden wars were declared everywhere due to the loss of secure borders which typically ended in a quick but brutal win by the earth nations (assuming their administrative capitals hadn't gone missing) due to their more advanced technology.
Many more people died and the Mewni royal family went into hiding after the US won the war against them (the fusion had left them particularly weak by bad luck).
The Earth governments had also went after the monsters, who also had their own nations in some cases, for the same reasons as the Mewman nations, but also because humanity had the same reaction that the Mewmans had.
Before you ask, no, nobody cared about any out group at the time because of the chaos and danger plaguing the world, this goes for everyone including the monsters and Mewmans, humanity did the most damage because they were the winners of these wars, simple as that. There was a lot of internal unity created by the wars on all sides, but that's it.
Star alongside her family and Marco were all on the run after the kingdom fell, and Star blamed herself for all of this, her impulsiveness and blindness to the obvious has led to the deaths of likely billions.
Marco had a similar reaction, even though he didn't have the full context at the time that happened, his family were part of those who had been erased.
They continued to be on the run until Moon was captured. She was arrested for her part in both the Solarian and Star's genocides. This is where Star couldn't take it anymore and ran off in secret, she found what remained of the well that led the the realm of magic and tied a large rock to her feet with the intent to die.
Instead, she woke up inside the in between realm that exists in the owl house, which is what remained of the realm of magic.
She was confused but tried to take her own life once again, but the green-black sludge just transported her somewhere else every time.
Star eventually figured out how the cubes worked and used it to watch the world she had left behind as there was nothing else left to do. (No, she couldn't meet the collector as he was completely locked up at the time and couldn't leave his mirror at all).
She watched both Mewmans and monsters get agitated at the Earth governments and start revolutions that often failed, she saw Marco looking for her but due to the destruction of magic in that reality she was unable to even speak with him and he couldn't see her.
Centuries passed and Star was stuck in the in between, watching what was left of both world, Mewmans were eventually fused with humans as they were biologically the same species without magic and they continued to fight with the monsters, who in tern fought back with the same hatred. The countless wars and genocides that followed eventually led to Star rationalizing her mistakes.
Mentally, she started to consider the destruction of magic as a good thing due to it stopping the Solarian warriors and being nothing compared to the fusion of the realms and blamed her second error for every bad thing caused by her, even shrugging off the initial deaths and even Ponyhead's passing.
One day, she found an alternate version of Earth that, while being a few centuries behind the one she knew, was untouched by magic... mostly.
There was a different realm, the demon realm where magical beings lived just like Mewni, and their inhabitants were visiting Earth and interacting with humans like she did.
Two people, Caleb and Evelyn, caught her eye. Evelyn was a witch and Caleb was a human, just like her and Marco... and Star began projecting onto them.
She started to think that Evelyn's recklessness would cause damage to Caleb (as the way humans reacted to magic in this different Earth was, well, murderous to say the least) or the rest of the world, so she intervened.
Caleb had a brother named Philip who was looking for him after he decided to stay in the demon realm, Star appeared to him one day inside a mirror and offered to tell him where his brother was and how to get there as long as he kept him from the demon realm all together. Philip actually already wanted to do that so it was a simple choice for him to make, ignoring the fact that Star was a girl in a magic mirror.
Star taught him how to build a portal and Philip arrived in the boiling isles to bring his brother back, which didn't go too well and culminated in a knife fight that led to Philip's death.
Star was once again horrified that he actions had led to another death and she decided that this would be her last mistake. She made it her goal to stop what happened in her world from occurring in this alternate Earth and believed that the only way to stop it was to eradicate every witch and demon before anyone did what she did (lots of psychological projection if you couldn't tell).
Through unknown means, she managed to break a mirror she was trapped in from the other side and set off on her quest to prevent the "destruction of the Earth."
Along the way she wrote a number of books called the Saga of Star Butterfly to document her adventures, which are about as biased as Philip's journal was (I'm not entirely sure why, just go with it).
Thanks to the time travel incident with Luz and Lilith, Star got her hands on the collector who was probably the only one who could teach her the magic needed for the destruction of the isles.
The collector also taught her another thing, his past and exactly what the Archivists were, godlike beings that traveled between universes to document what happens in them, but a few had a tendency to mess with other realities for their own amusement.
Star is now convinced that an archivist created that unexplained rift, as no other evidence of magic was found again. This filled her with rage and gave her a second goal, find the one who planted that rift there and get her revenge (she still partially blames herself for falling for what she should have known was an obvious trap out of desperation).
She took over the boiling isles after that and instituted much of the same systems that Belos would have, becoming the tyrant empress
That's all I have for now.
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noperopesaredope · 2 years
SvtFoE Rhombulus Rewrite (Pt. 5)
Me: *Falls from the ceiling and onto to floor*
Me: “Hey my amazing Chimeras, it’s been a hot minute, huh? About...” *Checks calender before ripping it up* “......at least a day.”
Sorry I’ve been gone for so long. I wrote the first few parts a while back during a week or so long hyperfixation spree before hopping to something else. But I’m mostly back now! Still might take a bit to get some of the other parts out, since planning the episodes out has been a bit of a challenge, and that will also be the case for the other parts. But I’m gonna try my best because I legitimately like this AU I’ve created and feel that the people who enjoy it deserve an ending. I can’t just create a character arc and not go through with it, after all! *Side-eyes the OG show*
So, this is Part 2 of Season 4 for my Rhombulus Rewrite! Thank you so much to everyone who has liked, reblogged, and followed along with all my past posts describing this AU thus far. If you do enjoy this AU, then please remember to like all of those posts! Now, I need to explain something important before getting on with the rest of this thing: I have two potential endings for Season 4 in my Rhombulus rewrite. That’s why I will be making a Part 6, which will have one of the alternate endings (this ending I have dubbed “Closest to Canon”), and then a Part 7, which will have the other, slightly more fun and good ending (this ending has been dubbed “Canon is My B*tch Now”). This post will be a continuation of the previous one, but the endings will split off at “Mama Star”. Hope you enjoy this part!
Season 4 (Part 2):
- So I forgot to add something important to my last part of the rewrite. Well, okay, the particular episode isn’t all that important, but the part I’m adding might be a bit important. So, as I said in my last post, in “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” (an episode that I made), it is revealed the the MHC basically want Rhombulus to spy on Eclipsa, so I decided to add some stuff to actually show that a bit, starting with “The Ponyhead Show!”
- Rhombulus might offer to host a small segment on the show as an excuse to follow Eclipsa around. In the background during certain scenes, we might be able to see Rhombulus hiding behind things or sneakily taking notes during Eclipsa scenes. He’ll also seem a bit nervous around he, probably due to feeling guilty about spying on her.
- Back to the actually ones that I should be talking about.
- I was not planning to add Rhombulus into “Cornball!”, but oh my god, I’m so glad I did. This isn’t even really gonna be a Rhombulus episode, but it’s gonna have some stuff for him in it. First off, he decides to check out the cornball match because 1) Star asked if he wanted to come and he had nothing else to do, 2) he really likes cornball, and 3) he was curious to see how this Monster-Mewman intergrated teams cornball match would go. He realizes he doesn’t really have a strong understanding of Monster-Mewman relations and wants to learn more about the whole mess, especially since he and the MHC are so highly involved in it.
- Rhombulus tries to find a seat, but some monsters recognize him and choose to avoid him. He then tries to sit near some Mewmans, but is not fully recognized and is seen as a monster. This is the first time Rhombulus has ever fully experienced what it’s like to be a monster in Mewni, and it shakes him a bit at how cold and even cruel Mewmans can be. This whole sequence is done without Rhombulus ever saying a word.
- He decides to just sit somewhere by himself behind the statium, when a small monster girl appears next to him and compliments his snake tails, saying they look cool. Rhombulus awkwardly thanks her, and compliments her tail as well.
- He then asks where the kid’s parents are (as this child is extremely small and should not be alone). The child casually responds that her mama is dead. This is a very awkward thing to hear, so Rhombulus carefully asks where her dad is. The child says “he got crystalized. I haven’t seen him in years, and I’m pretty sure I’m never gonna see him again. I miss him a lot.”
- Rhombulus softly asks why her dad got crystalized. She says that she doesn’t know. She and her auntie tried to find out, but they were denied. But whatever it was, she knows her papa is innocent, and someday, she’ll save him.
- This is important. Very, very important.
- One important thing about Rhombulus is that since he represents childhood, he is really great at getting along with little kids. So he asks if she wants to do something else besides sit around.
- The little girl jumps up at this, and she takes him over to meet her friends, who are joining in on the match. She asks if he wants to play too. Rhombulus says he’d rather just watch, but that he’ll cheer her on. She nods and runs off to join the game.
- As he watches the kids play, Star might ask Rhombulus what he thinks of all this. He pauses a moment before saying “kids are wiser than adults, aren’t they?” Star agrees.
- Before he leaves, Rhombulus asks the little girl what her name is, and she says that her name is Alita. He asks her what her dad looks like, and she tells him. Rhombulus then tells Alita that he knows the guy who crystalizes people, and maybe he can talk to him and see if they can let her dad go. Alita asks him to promise he’ll get her papa home as soon as possible if he gets freed. He pinky swears, and they part ways. This will come up again later.
- So I included Reynaldo in my all new original episode; “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”. And because he’s in “Meteora’s Lesson”, I might as well talk a bit about that. There is a chance Reynaldo will mention that Rhombulus visited, which Glossaryck will only barely react to, saying that he’s not surprised. Reynaldo also mentions that it’d be nice if Glossaryck came to visit him every once in a while, but Glossaryck basically waves it off. :(
- Rhombulus and Star will not get into a fight during “Junkin Janna”, and Rhombulus will actually appear to feel bad for wasting Star and Eclipsa’s time, and won’t be accusatory towards Eclipsa. So that’s that episode.
- I also decided to add a change that is both major and minor, because as you will see this season, I am changing more than just Rhombulus. Sure, I’m not gonna change everything that I don’t like about Season 4 or feel like they should have changed, but I decided to use this opprotunity to make a few things just a little bit better in my eye.
- This is that change: Kelly and Marco will not break up. Now, I will explain this decision more in my rewriting of the climax/finale, but I just want to stop the shipping drama and change things up a bit, as well as make most fans a bit happier in the process. Kelly was done dirty and deserves better. Starco ended up being a mess and it ended up ruining the impact of the finale for me. So I decided, why not just keep Kelco together?
- The next episode Rhombulus appears in is the extremely important “Cornonation” of course! Now, for this episode, a lot of things will stay the same and a lot of things will be different, particularly the ending.
- While the first half of the episode will remain mostly the same, little details all throughout it will be different.
- First off, Rhombulus won’t get very accusatory of Eclipsa. In fact, he might at some point take the rest of the MHC aside to try and convince them that Eclipsa is innocent. Hekapoo says that there is no way she isn’t the one who did it. Rhombulus swears that he’s been keeping an eye on her the whole day, and at no point did he see Eclipsa try to free Globgor.
- Hekapoo insists that there are no other person it could possibly be, so they will still need to keep an eye on her, which Rhombulus is very reluctant about.
- While guarding her, Rhombulus (while stroking his tails and looking away no less🤔) tells Eclipsa that, for the record, he thinks she’s innocent. She looks at him a bit funny, but thanks him. He also lets Star talk to Eclipsa alone with no questions asked.
- When Star comes back with Globgor, Rhombulus looks kinda nervous and afraid. Rather than Rhombulus proudly declaring that he will crystalize Globgor, Omni will prompt Rhombulus to perform the crystalization process, which he will be slightly reluctant about.
- While Eclipsa and Globgor see each other again and have that cute moment, Hekapoo will say “all right, enough stalling. Rhombulus, crystalize her.” Rhombulus will panic for a second, before starting to crystalize her, causing Globgor to break out, and the whole fight thing will ensue, with all that stuff being mostly the same.
- When Globgor says that the MHC can crystalize him, as long as they let his family go, Rhombulus will hesitate at this, clearly conflicted, before slowly aiming at Globgor. That’s when River inturrupts and makes the whole small speech about being a dad.
- Omni and Hekapoo protest this, saying that Eclipsa needs to be imprisoned for her crimes. But, in a surprising turn of events, Rhombulus speaks up against this, saying that the MHC (including himself) are pretty bad judges, and probably shouldn’t have a say in this. Plus, he’s pretty sure Eclipsa didn’t do it.
- Omni says that it is their duty to imprison the couple, but Rhombulus reminds them that actually, that’s RHOMBULUS’S job, and only he has the power to crystalize people. And he refuses to use it on them without at least giving them a fair trial or something like that.
- Everyone is slightly shooketh, and there is a pause until Eclipsa suggests letting the people decide. Then the whole scene plays out mostly the same, and it all pretty much works out. Omni and Hekapoo are a little moody about it, but accept this.
- After the cornonation, Globgor approaches Rhombulus in private room away from prying ears to ask him a small, simple question: “Why did you free me?” Rhombulus nervously chuckles, asking if he meant why he didn’t recrystalize him during the Cornonation.
- Globgor says no, and that Rhombulus knows what he really means. Rhombulus denies this at first, but he’s never really been good at lying, and Globgor pushes him into confessing that yes, he was the one to set free Globgor at the Monster Temple.
- Rhombulus admits he’s made mistakes in the past, and there’s probably a lot of people he unjustly imprisoned. He realized this recently and felt really bad about it, and because of his impulsive nature, while standing in the Monster Temple, without thinking, he decided to free Globgor. What was the worst that could happen? As soon as Globgor stormed off, Rhombulus immediately began to regret his decision, but didn’t know what to do about it. So he didn’t say anything.
- Globgor understands this, and thanks him for reuniting him with his family, even if it all ended up a little messy.
- I’m not exactly sure how to end “Cornonation”, but pretend I wrote down a good ending to the episode. Maybe some Mina foreshadowing or something. I’m such a good writer. Totally not just telling people to finish the rest themselves. Amazing. Fantastic. I’ll win all the awards.
- Instead of “Britta’s Tacos”, we should have gotten an episode centered around Tom and his trip, which will explain his decision to break up with Star. Wouldn’t come to the conclusion that he should break up with her, but would come to the conclusions that lead up to him choosing to break up with her. I’d like an episode like that. But I’m not gonna write it down, because I feel like someone else should do it. Still, pretend that in this AU, that episode exists.
- Sidenote: The B-Plot to that episode would be Marco coming back to Earth to introduce Kelly to his family, and maybe Star comes along? During that, we can catch up with the characters we left behind on Earth. The joke about Mariposa being a Starco baby will not happen, because ew wtf.
- “Gone Baby Gone” is a cute episode. But it is also expendable. Which is why I shall be replacing it with a different wholesome episode centered around Rhombulus character growth and also Alita. I’m not sorry.
- This new episode is called “Crystal Children”. The synopsis for this episode would probably be “Rhombulus follows through on a promise.” That’s basically the episode in a way. But it’s also so much more than that. It’s the near completion of his whole arc up to this point.
- We start out with Rhombulus talking rapidly in front of a bulletin board that looks more like a conspiracy theorist board. He is talking about ways they could change the justice system in Mewni. This part is a bit short, but very rambling and slightly confusing. He finally says, “so, watcha think?” and we cut to Hekapoo and Omni, who are sitting on chairs as his audience. There is a pause before Hekapoo says “no” while Omni says “absolutely not.” Rhombulus, clearly devestated, exclaims “WHAT?! But why!?!”
- Omni states that Mewni’s current system works perfectly fine, and there is no point in overcomplicating things and changing it. Hekapoo agrees, and Rhombulus is forced to pack up and go home.
- In the next scene, Rhombulus sitting in his lair and looking around at all the frozen monsters, which he feels bad about. He sighs and says “I wish I could free you guys. Then I could make up for everything.” He sits there for a few seconds before popping up and exclaiming “wait! I control the crystals! I can do whatever I want!” He runs over to a crystal and is about to unfreeze it when one of his snakes holds him back and reminds him that it’s probably a bad idea to just randomly unfreeze anyone, and he needs to think more carefully.
- They decide to instead freeze someone that they are much more sure isn’t evil. Rhombulus remembers Anita, and goes to look for her dad. He wanders around the lair for a bit before spotting him. Anita’s dad is admittedly pretty scary looking, and there is a moment where Rhombulus questions if this is really her dad. But he checks around, and it really is him. Rhombulus then has a moment of unsurety about freeing Anita’s dad, but he gathers his resolve and does it anyways.
- Anita’s dad wakes up in flight mode and immediately begins to scramble away from Rhombulus, who is also caught off guard. But Rhombulus manages to calm him down, and explains that he is taking him back to his daughter again.
- They then have a little escape adventure thing together (IDK I don’t have a full plan for this episode and really just wanted to get this post out) in which Rhombulus learns more about monsters and Anita’s dad (who will be named Crelin) learns about Rhombulus.
- It ends with Anita and Crelin being reunited, and Anita thanks Rhombulus for doing the right thing.
So that’s the end of this part! Hopefully my next part will come out soon!
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