hmmm-shesucks · 10 months
Nicky thinks the twins don’t love him, but then they both get ejected from a game for beating the shit out of a guy who illegally hits Nicky hard enough Nicky breaks his wrist.
Nicky thinks the twins don’t love him, but when Eric visits during Christmas, they lock him outside until Nicky stops crying because they fought.
Nicky thinks the twins don’t love him, but when it comes time for Nicky’s wedding, they look at him like he’s stupid because, of course, they are the ones who will walk him down the aisle. Once they are at the end, Aaron shoves Andrew out of the way so he can stand in the best man's spot. Andrew is just about to slam Aaron into the ground before Wymack loudly clears his throat from his spot in the front row (where the parents would usually sit), and they both straighten up. Andrew still kicks Aaron in the shin, and Nicky turns purple, trying not to laugh.
Nicky worries the twins might forget about him, but every week, they hold a group video chat to catch up, and once, when Nicky’s just had an awful day and can’t seem to keep it together, they don’t immediately hang up because he’s started crying.
Nicky worries the twins don’t care about him, but when he and Eric get in a minor car accident that lands Nicky in the hospital for a few days, they fly to him and camp out in his room until he’s cleared to go home.
Nicky worries the twins don’t love him, but Andrew sends him pictures of Neil and the cats, and Aaron sends him photos of the twins and Katelyn.
Nicky doesn’t think the twins love him, but he gets to stand next to Andrew at Aaron’s back when he gets married, and he is put in charge of organizing the not party for Andrew and Neil’s not wedding.
Nicky knows that the twins love him when they stop acting like they hate him and start treating him like they love him.
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mel-loly · 2 months
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-Thank you to everyone who is still here liking, commenting and reblogging my content, even though I'm not posting much “fandom stuff” anymore, you're still here! And I really appreciate that.. (and that makes me so happy, that as I showed in the “comic”, it moves me, so- thank you, really!!) :]💛
Also- a tip: there are also many other blogs that don't post fandom stuff, but when they do, they get more likes and reblogs than the original/other content.. So also give love to those people who have your original content, reblog, like, comment, because that's what they need! Recognition for your original content! And I know you won't regret it, and it won't hurt you to do what I said! In fact, you will be doing good and giving such love that many wanted and deserve.
A big kiss/p and a hug! Even for those who only like it when I post fandom stuff, I still love you so much, and I won't stop making this type of content, ok? I just want to give more voice to what I have to give as original, because that's what makes me happy and well ^^
-Melissa, Designer.
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jacarandaaaas · 30 days
Mirabel Madrigal & Creativity:
So something I’ve realized after watching the movie a couple of times now is how mirabels story can easily correlate with the experience of someone creative when you’re only considered of use if you’re academically smart.
Not only do they refer to the magic as “gifts” and “gifted” very common terms associated with people who are considered academically smart but also the fact mirabel is shown as an artist. Our first introduction to her you see her room is plastered in artwork as a 5 year old and even after the prologue you still see she’s kept her artistic side. the thing is mirabel is incredibly talented she draws, she sews, she embroiders, paints, plays the accordion too! These are all incredible talents to possess and yet do we ever see her getting praised for them in the movie? not really. because mirabel doesn’t have a “gift” a literal magic gift yes but also could be interpreted for a creative as academic smarts. Creative thinking is something mirabel possesses and its quite literally the answer in the end but because she’s not smart in the expected way i.e academics she feels she’s not worth as much as others in her family.
I like to think making her an artist was an intentional choice as I know a lot of fellow artists have had people tell us it’s not a “useful” skill to have in the real world. It’s not worth taking the time doing when you could be pursuing medicine or law or something that uses your brain. Even in the ending of the movie mirabel tells them they’re “more than just your gift” which I feel can relate a lot to people who heavily rely on their academic achievements they can forget it’s ok to not do 100% every time and these ridiculous standards are just wearing you down.
So in conclusion I believe mirabels story resonates a lot with the experience of being a creative person but your skills not being seen as valuable. I just love that they made mirabel an artist to show how talented she actually is! she shows that creatives are valued and appreciated and needed and deserve to be encouraged not shot down! so thank you mirabel valentina rojas madrigal for being my favorite artist <3
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en-yx · 4 months
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I wanna choke each of them because ibis keeps crashing on me. I was humbled so bad using a big canvas size
and here's colored ver. Of them
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tytoalbatross · 5 months
god damn i do not post often but can i talk about intentionality for a second?? one second please
i'm gonna be talking about bg3 but this really applies to any fandom space. people will, surface-level, agree that a Black character is not getting enough content compared to their white counterparts because it's. obvious . take wyll, who is several hours behind on voiced lines compared to other origins despite being one of the original five (before they added karlach and whiteified her too but that's another post). it's hard to deny cold hard facts
but then instead of engaging in content that uplifts Black characters and creators, they'll go right back to pumping out more and more content of just their white faves. on its own, it's not actively harmful, but here's what the implication is, whether they acknowledge it or not: yes wyll has less in-game content, yes his writing didn't get the attention it deserved, therefore i don't like him as much. it only perpetuates wyll's lack of content by contributing to his sidelining in fandom spaces
what i would love for fans who claim to be allies to do is to step out of the comfort zone of their initial favorites (which can, in fact, be biased!) and start pursuing content centering Black characters with intentionality. like all things, anti-racism (actively pushing back against racism rather than simply "Not Being Racist") takes practice and effort. you can't really agree with us that wyll needs more content, then in the same breath say that it's because of that that he's not interesting to you . the point was right in front of you doing a jig and you still missed it
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fierrochase-falafel · 8 months
A 'The Lightning Thief' Musical Appreciation Post (and recommending a documentary-of-sorts)
Message to all you TLT: The Musical fans out there! Just watched the new documentary-of-sorts by Wait in the Wings about the production of TLT and its journey through from small 1-hour play for middle schools to (still underrated) Broadway production, and I cannot recommend it enough! It has interview excerpts from Joe Tracz, Rob Rokicki, Stephen Brackett and Kristin Stokes as well, and both Kristin Stokes and Chris McCarrell have praised it if that helps your expectations.
Always nice to see this musical appreciated online and elsewhere, in all its camp glory. To all the TLT musical fans out there who have also been here and treasured this show and the community surrounding it, perhaps the real lightning thief was the friends we made along the way. Always glad to have found this community :)
Quick message for Percy Jackson fans that haven't seen the musical yet: Well, you might be wondering what to do after you've watched the TV series and boy do I have the content for you. This is a great musical for anyone whose a fan of the books; having borne the brunt of negative expectations after the unspeakable movies came out, this musical still captured people with its fun charm and emotional core for good reason. The soundtrack is out everywhere pretty much, it might not be your kind of media but I'd still give it a shot (particularly if you're into musicals)! I know I haven't gone into much detail here about why this musical works, although I'd like to say more someday; if you want more information, plenty of people on Tumblr have said things about it and the video above does go into why this musical is/was so loved by fans of it. For now I'll just say that it is very genuine and heartwarming, taking the emotional core of the Lightning Thief novel and adapting it for the stage in a way that commemorates and stays true to the novel (even with references to the rest of the novels in there, such as a Bianca di Angelo cameo in the Lotus Casino!).
Anyways, quick post here, just another reminder to always appreciate the TLT musical. Cheers!
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Commentary and Thoughts
So, I’m keeping this short and sweet for now-
Though this was due to one of my mutuals @just-animaxiz who sent me something and can I just say to go appreciate them? They’re amazing, and the content I’ve been reading from them is just perfection-
Now, I will say that I definitely have started to enjoy the possibilities of Spike and Randy getting more scenes together, and let me just- my next ask is going to be something special. I can’t say more than that but we need to give creators their credit when it’s due! Whether it’s liking their fanart, reblogging their content- COMMENTS for fanfiction please, kudos and likes are lovely but us authors thrive on comments and interaction!
I never thought I’d get into RC9GN but trust me there’s going to be a lot more where this came from. Also just- please let me know if you don’t want to be tagged but just a few of my followers and people I personally follow that deserve appreciation!
As mentioned before, animaxiz
Unfortunately that’s all l can do for now but still! Please do give them a look- they deserve it heh-
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duahauuoplanh · 1 year
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Wooyoung nailing the bridge of 2PM hit song “Without you” in their 15th anniversary concert just like he did in 2PM previous concert 6 years ago.
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earlgodwin · 8 months
tapping the mic to say 🎤 when do u think the real shift in cesare and juans relationship happened and when did it begin to sour (or the audience could argue there were always notes of sourness and love mixed in together that just developed as time went on to be less fondness and more envy on both sides) bc lowkey ive been thinking the rift began when juan was chosen to go defend rome against king charles's army in s1 and cesare was desperate to don the armour and go and so when juan came back defeated, he was so ashamed with himself but cesare felt petty vindication and in this essay i will...[the audience cuts me off]
"He's not making excuses for what he is anymore, and what he wants to be. He ultimately feels that killing Juan was the right thing for himself. It's something that he focused on and I think he can control his mind into having no second thoughts. And that's the only way you can rule in that era, really." - Francois Arnaud
you're right! it's a mixture of sourness and love because, while cesare resented juan's weakness and naivety, but i think he still cared for him at first because he feels obligated to protect him since he was his family. but mainly, rodrigo's vicious cycle of ambitions tore them apart as he made cesare believe he was inadequate, despite loving, admiring, and relying on him. rodrigo's deliberate self-delusion (he is aware that cesare is the driven and more competent one) and self-loathing prevented him from embracing cesare's true self. appointing juan to a task desired by cesare fueled the hatred and envy as he started thinking juan was rodrigo's favorite. eventually, his frustration towards juan led him to murder him because this is where he becomes the cesare borgia we read about in machiavelli's 'the prince.' and like i said before, juan shaped the rest of cesare's story till the end. he was the one who drove him to finally become what he always meant to be and take the path he was always destined to. it's why juan's death is necessary to him because it was also a way for rodrigo to release him from his position as a cardinal. he claimed to rodrigo that he killed juan because he brought dishonor to the family, but cesare pretty much did contribute to bringing dishonor to the family by not wanting to warn juan about ludovico's army coming his way at forli after machiavelli informed him about it. cesare could have spared his family from another failure but decided not to because his priority was to humiliate juan just to prove a point to rodrigo, that he is the better son. he even gaslit juan about it by telling rodrigo that he wasn't aware of the attack, which makes cesare self-contradicting, just like how he went all "we're borgias, we never forgive" while killing juan because he was well aware juan struggled all his life questioning himself if he was truly rodrigo's son or not and desperately wanted to belong. cesare very decidedly excluded juan because he wanted to even emotionally hurt him in his final moment, then later was begging for "forgiveness" from rodrigo, a borgia, after the murder. also rodrigo feels a great deal of guilt (as he was hallucinating and dreaming of juan in s3) for making juan envied by cesare which led him to the decision to murder him, as that was the only way for cesare to gain his father's attention and the papal army. and when rodrigo finally forgives cesare for his sin of fratricide, rodrigo also forgives himself of the blame he's placed upon himself and the guilt he feels for letting his ambition destroy his family. they finally let go of the past and rodrigo can finally embrace cesare for the person he really is and has always loved deeply.
"he loves his errant son, does he not? More than he loves his dutiful one." - Cesare Borgia
cesare was proven wrong after all the time he was thinking juan was the favorite. he came to the realization that even though rodrigo saw so much of himself in him, he still planned from the beginning to make cesare his true heir. this brought relief and a sense of validation after years of feeling inadequate. rodrigo always intended for cesare to succeed him in the church, which was the only way that truly mattered to him. he made cesare a cardinal, a prince of the church, with the ultimate goal of cesare becoming the future pope and king. when rodrigo shared his dream of creating a papal bloodline to be passed down to cesare and his own son, cesare's perspective shifted. he began to heavily care about the perceptions of others, which not only fueled his power hunger but also led to him becoming classist. he even felt ashamed of his mother when she offered him counsel and to join him in war, rejecting her because of her former occupation as a "whore." it was a chilling development in cesare's character and honestly he became more interesting to me than he was in the first two seasons.
"One thing that I've always said about Juan is that every action that he does is heartfelt and genuine. When it was the war against the French, he was there and he was going to go to war, even though he knew he was going to die. He saw them getting ripped apart, but he was there and he was going to do it. I believe if Lucrezia hadn't come over, he would have led all his troops into death. I don't think there's anything that he's done which was through general cowardice. In terms of his survival, he died how he lived, and that's laudable, in itself." - David Oakes
rodrigo sending juan to war against the troops definitely (and rightfully) triggered cesare because juan has no idea what the hell he is doing and even though juan is incompetent, he never asked for the position he was given, but he tried his best to fulfill his responsibilities. like when he showed bravery by willingly risking his life against the french, even after his troops were torn apart in front of his eyes, insisting to lucrezia that he would never accept defeat and that he will keep fighting because he'll never let king charles of france destroy rome and get rid of their father, but only surrendered because the prospect of him dying would upset lucrezia, and lucrezia told him she already had a plan to prevent this.
"It’s interesting that Juan’s attempt at relieving pain is through closeness and hugging and love. When he forgives Cesare at the end saying how they’re brothers and wants to be together, I think that’s genuine. That’s the first time you realize what he’s always wanted." - David Oakes
juan felt deeply isolated because he never had a peer, and unfortunately, he was too weak and succumbed to his darkness, impulsiveness, and insecurities. he had a deep love for his family, but he lost himself in the pressure of the role and even committed heinous acts to prove himself, unaware that it would make his siblings hate him. all he wanted was to be included in their world. however, he struggled intensely in expressing his feelings, which led to him being shunned. it is tragic because ultimately he longed to feel like a 'true' borgia and have a close relationship with his family, especially with cesare. but the lack of moral guidance and the weight of expectations pushed him to behave inappropriately, resulting in everyone pushing him away and his death going unmourned except by his father, the one's responsible for his failure and feels guilty for it.
byeeee i really went on and on answering this oops sorry zaynab!!! anyway i hope these insights help lol
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adityakumar05 · 3 months
Why Employees Need Both Recognition and Appreciation
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Imagine a garden where each flower represents an employee's efforts. Without proper care and attention, these flowers may wither away, no matter how strong their roots are. Similarly, employees need recognition and appreciation to thrive. These elements act like sunlight and water, nurturing their growth and inspiring them to bloom to their full potential.
Quantum Workplace research shows a gap between what employees want and what they get regarding recognition. Only 35% of employees receive recognition monthly or weekly, and 1 in 2 employees would like more recognition for their work. Employees who receive less frequent recognition want more—especially those who get it less than monthly. All employees crave more recognition, even managers!
Importance of Recognition
When you reward employees for their contributions, they feel ownership and pride—and are willing to work just as hard on their next project. Recognition connects them to the organization, elevates performance, and increases the likelihood they’ll stay. Recognition is about giving positive feedback based on results or performance. This can be formal, like an award or a promotion, or informal, like a verbal thank you or a handwritten note. All methods can be meaningful, especially if they’re done in a timely and genuine way. They’re also motivating and exciting—everyone wants their good work to be applauded.
As a CEO, it's crucial to understand the power of recognition. Acknowledging your employees' efforts not only boosts their morale but also fosters a positive work environment. Employees who feel valued are more likely to be engaged, productive, and loyal to the company.
Recognition vs. Appreciation
Recognition and appreciation are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings. Recognition is about acknowledging someone's achievements and performance. Appreciation, on the other hand, is about valuing someone’s inherent worth as a person. While recognition is performance-based, appreciation is more holistic and personal. Both are essential for creating a supportive and motivating workplace.
Tips to Keep Employees Motivated
At Think Your Media, we ensure our employees feel recognized and appreciated through various strategies:
●     Regularly acknowledging their efforts in team meetings.
●     Providing personalized feedback and handwritten notes.
●     Celebrating milestones and achievements with small rewards.
●     Offering opportunities for professional growth and development.
●     Creating a positive and inclusive work culture where everyone feels valued.
A survey shows, that 53% of people said feeling more appreciation from their boss would help them stay longer at their company—even though 68% said their boss already shows them enough appreciation. This highlights the importance of continuously fostering a culture of recognition and appreciation. By doing so, you not only retain your talent but also build a thriving, motivated team.
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Can we just talk about Elisabeth sladen for a second??? Can we talk about how a normal girl from Merseyside became a feminist icon by staring I'm a B list sci-fi show and never took that position lightly. Can we talk about how she became that icon not just due to the script but because in every scene she was in she took the blandest material and made it art? Can we talk about how everyone that knew her said she was the kindest, most down to earth person that always had time to support the crew and people that were supposedly "below" her on set? Can we talk about how she basically introduced classic doctor who to a whole generation?? (In an episode that butchered Sarah Jane's character by implying she was in love with the doctor but I digress) Can we talk about how in every ep she was in one close up was the most emotionally impactful storytelling you'd ever seen? Can we talk about how she was one of the most talented actors of postwar British television and continued to hone her craft until she was cruelly taken from us far too soon? Can we talk about how her icon of a daughter continues her legacy because she recognises how much Sarah Jane changed not just doctor who but British attitudes towards explicitly feminist protagonists in general? Can we talk about this???
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githling · 6 months
my art isn't getting as much exposure lately and it's kind of making me sad! :( it's discouraging but i still like to post
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ourflagmeansbts · 2 years
If you haven't seen it, I think this is a nice addition to your blog: A fan had made a Jeffrey Fettering shirt and tagged the actor. He replied and sounded very happy. ( dominicburgess / status / 1603177887808425984 )
Hey anon!
Thank you for this! It's very sweet, but not really BTS, so I won't tag it but for anyone interested here you go:
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GenitalPirate: My heart belongs to Jeffery Fettering! I was screaming and crying before I even got it all the way opened. ⁦@dominicburgess ⁩ you have merch now! 💖 Thank you ⁦@SHRAAAMP ⁩ for the best gift I have ever received! I love you! I wish to be buried in this. 💖
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illogicalvulcans · 1 year
@ staff i think us old timers deserve a badge for long-term hellsite residence. as a treat
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goldenhypen · 1 year
hi!! this is so late but I only just happened to stumble across your engeneblr survey & the results!! I just wanted to say thank you so much for not only coming up with the idea, but also distributing the survey and collating the results 😭 it was actually so interesting (& helpful) to read through it as a writer so again thank you soo much!! it must have taken you a lot of time & effort so I wanted to express my utmost thank you 🥹💖
not that you have to by any means, but do you have any intention of doing the survey again??
anonnie 😭😭😭 im crying 😭😭 this was so sweet and just made my day :( it goes to show how no matter how late, your words still mean so much 🥹 thank you for sending this in !! it did take a heck ton of time, but it was my pleasure :))
good question !! i actually haven’t rlly thought about it (cuz i didn’t realize sm time has already passed til recently 🥲) but! i think it would be a good idea to actually! it is a lot of work tho so i’ll have to think about it 😭 but it would be great to have an updated version cuz ik for sure things have changed since then. and if i did i would definitely take out some of the v unnecessary questions i included in there to make it a lot shorter for everyone being surveyed 😭 it was quite fun tho but a lot of work to put tgt 😕 if anyone else is interested in making it tho, pls do !! and lmk :>
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