POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P4
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“Someone turn the sun off,” Harry groaned as the alarm in the dorm went off-snatching Harry right out of his sleep. It had been hard to fall asleep on the cloud known as a bed-so Harry had taken all the blankets and moved to the floor-Gil joining him soon after.
“Good morning,” Gil said from above-having already woken up thanks to his body's alarm clock demanding he be up when the sun was. Harry glared up at Gil, who just smiled down at him. “it’s too damn early for yer sunshine ass.” Harry grumbled, taking a pillow and smacking Gil in the legs-burying his face in another pillow and hiking his leg up to go back to sleep.
“C’mon Harry, breakfast is about to be called and I wanna see what kinda eggs they have!” Gil whined, tugging at Harry’s limp arm. Harry just lay there-not caring for breakfast, fake snoring as Gil pulled his upper body up and shook him. “Harrryyyy,” Gil gave up after a few moments, sighing as he looked around the room.
10 minutes to breakfast, and Gil really really wanted to go eat, he was starving- running and sneaking around always made him hungry. Harry was nearly asleep when he felt himself get picked up and was suddenly blasted with cold water-that quickly turned heavenly warm.
“Gil tha’ fuck?!” Harry yelped, his boxers and tank top soaked as he sat under the showerhead-glaring up at Gil who just smiled, happy he had woken Harry up. “Shower-get dressed! The body wash smells like Uma!” Gil said, the last thing mentioned as an afterthought but it very much caught Harry’s attention. He groaned, standing and stripping his soaked sleep clothes, tossing them to the bathroom floor, and quickly showering.
The body wash didn’t smell exactly like Uma-but it was very much the same stuff she used. (though by the time it got to the isle-it was nearly empty) It made Harry feel just a bit less homesick.
A knock at the door made Gil get up to answer it after pausing the same cartoon he had been watching the day before. Gil greeted you with a cheer and you told him it was about to be breakfast, nodding when Gil said Harry was just getting a shower and they would be there in a few.
“Cool-see you there!” With that, the door closed and Harry shut off the shower, sighing as the hot water left him. Hot water-another thing these Auradon prats kept to themselves-for the isle to even get a warm shower-it took several barrels of boiling water.
Harry towel dried his hair, walking through the dorm naked as Gil stared at the cartoon, not caring for Harry’s nudity-having seen it more than once. Harry had long lost his shame-for more than one reason but he was also just comfortable with Gil. Harry shoved on a new pair of boxers and a ripped pair of black jeans.
He settled for something comfortable and casual, putting on a long-sleeved black shirt and a red flannel over it, attaching a silver chain to his belt loops, and putting on his multitude of rings. “Ye ready?” Harry asked Gil, fluffing up his hair and putting his eyeliner on as Gil nodded, already out the door by the time Harry tied his boots off.
“C’mon man wait up” Harry groaned, locking the door after him and jogging after gil, yawning as they made their way to the cafeteria. He could feel eyes on him, all ogling him, he peered at one girl with auburn hair-and she flushed as she locked eyes, and Harry couldn’t help but notice the wings that stuck out her back. He rose his brow at her and she squeaked, rushing off with a girl with long violet-black hair that was tied into a braid-she also had wings.
He never would’ve guessed fairies went to Auradon prep-he assumed they all stayed in neverland. Harry paused as he and Gil stepped into the cafeteria, mouths watering at the smell wafting through the air. “oh what is that?” Harry muttered, grabbing Gil’s sleeve as he went on his toes to get a better look-because being six foot one didn’t help seeing over the crowd of students who were rushing to get in line before the bell rang.
“I dunno, but it smells amazing-“ Gil muttered back, getting in line with Harry-smiling as you stepped in behind them. “Hey-what’s that smell?” Gil asked, and you peered around the line-beaming when you realized what it was. “French toast~” you hummed, rubbing your hands together as Harry admired your jet-black hoodie with designs on it that would make Frollo choke. “it’s one of my favorite breakfasts, it seems they pulled out all the stops too-I can see the cinnamon rolls from here~!”
Whatever cinnamon rolls were-they smelled fucking awesome.
Harry was practically drooling by the time they got to the front of the line-Gil’s jaw dropping as he took in the eggs lined up behind the staff in the kitchen-ready to be cooked to any students liking. “How you want your eggs darling?” a woman with a thick southern accent asked, her bright green eyes amused as Gil just gaped like a fish, looking over the menu full of egg possibilities. Harry snicked, planting his hand on Gil’s shoulder to peer at the menu.
How in the hell did this staff have time to make this many different types of eggs for-hundreds of students? “Just get the over-easy Gil, it’s what ye usually ‘ave at the chip shop in the mornin’” Harry muttered, and Gil let out an odd sound that Harry guessed meant thanks, Harry got the same thing-like Gil-the options were overwhelming and he needed something familiar.
Even if the eggs were fresher than hell and nothing looked more than five minutes old.
Gil got something called pancakes, and Harry got French toast; admiring the powder-covered slices of bread that smelled like heaven. They kept going down the line-picking out whatever they liked from the buffet. Hashbrowns, apple slices, grapes(Gil found a new favorite fruit, raisins be damned(they learned raisins were grapes just dehydrated)), bacon(one of the best things in the world Harry later decided), and one more thing that Harry would soon realize was heaven on earth.
Cinnamon rolls.
“Simanim rolls-“ Harry muttered, watching as Mrs. Potts slid a still steaming pan full of freshly iced rolls into the line and dishing one out each for him and Gil. Harry couldn’t help but notice the extra icing on his roll, but didn’t mention it, smirking as Mrs. Potts winked at him.
“Cin-na-mon-“ you corrected from behind, not in a condescending way-simply correcting his pronunciation. “Simanim-“ Harry tried again, unable to get his mouth around the words, and you laughed gently- sending a flush to Harry’s cheeks. “Don’t worry about it-I said nightbares until I was like-twelve, and I still say renember to this day,” You patted his back as you reached around him to grab a brown carton-the words on it catching Harry’s eye.
Chocolate milk.
He liked chocolate so far-and milk….milk had to be good here right? It wouldn’t be curdled or rotten like on the isle, because like hell bore-adon brats would drink that shit. Harry grabbed one of the cartons along with a bottle of apple juice and followed you to a table, once again sitting with Lonnie and another girl with a short bob and a big-ass ugly bow in her hair.
Bow girl squeaked-going pale as he and Gil sat down. “Jane,” you sighed, reaching out to stop her from leaving. “they’re fine-they won't hurt you-I promise.” Jane just stared, looking as if just a blink from Harry would kill her. Harry drew his gaze away-she reminded him of the pup(Carlos)-terrified of the smallest thing and looking as if a strong gust of wind would send her for the hills.
“You’re really pretty!” Harry heard instead of your encouraging words, and Harry snapped his head to look at Gil, pinching his exposed arm as Jane stared at Gil in shock. “Gil-“ Harry hissed, turning to Jane with a forced smile. “Sorry-he has no filter, no idea when ta’ shut up.” Gil just frowned, tilting his head.
“What’s wrong with what I said? She’s really pretty, ain't she?” Harry sighed, covering his eyes with this hand. He guessed all the smarts Gil had yesterday had left-and now only one brain cell remained. One brain cell Gil refused to filter his thoughts and always just blurted out the first thing that flew through his brain.
This time-it was saying Jane was pretty-so it wasn’t world-ending but still. Harry peered through his fingers at Jane-who was staring at Gil with her cheeks bright red, one of her hands reaching up to touch her face. “You-you really think so?” Jane asked, her voice quiet and-almost in awe. As if a boy had never thought or told her she was pretty.
“Trust me lassie,” Harry spoke up instead of Gil, who had his mouth full of eggs but was nodding anyway. “he’s got no filter between this” Harry pointed at Gil’s brain and then his mouth. “and this, ye heard Gil’s hundred percent truth.” Jane just stared at Gil, finally looking away after a few moments as he smiled at her-squeaking out something that sounded like ‘thank you’.
Harry huffed in amusement, cutting up his toast after spreading some butter and syrup on it(per your suggestion) and taking a bite. He paused, reaching out with his free hand to grab Gil’s shoulder. Gil turned to look at him, laughing at the star-struck look on Harry’s face. “Damn dude-that good? Want us to give you a moment with your breakfast?” Gil teased, laughing as Harry let out a quiet groan and then continued to devour his French toast.
You giggled, shaking your carton of milk and gesturing for Harry to do the same-which he did-following your lead in opening the carton and taking a sip.
This breakfast just had one miracle after the other-chocolate milk was almost as amazing as root beer. Harry licked his lips as he practically chugged the carton, not a chunk or sourness to be seen in his milk-only silky-smooth amazingness. You watched him amused as he tried the other bits of his breakfast-his eyes locking onto his still warm cinnamon roll.
“Go on~” you sang, using your fork to pull open your roll and show him the inside-wonderful gooey cinnamon paste mixing with the thick icing. “The middle’s the best part.”
Harry stabbed his cinnamon roll, making Gil snort through his egg, watching as Harry pulled apart the roll and speared the middle bit, shoving the very warm cinnamon bread into his mouth.
And Harry now knew what heaven was like-it was cinnamon, whatever the hell it was mixed with, icing, and warm sugar bread. A shiver actually went up his spine and he grabbed your hand; staring at the heaven-made dessert with wide eyes. You laughed, tears in your eyes as Harry stared at you with stars for eyes. “Gil, I think we’ve lost him,” you teased as Harry quickly went back to the blessing known as a cinnamon roll, tearing it apart with a ferocity only a boy deprived of sugar his whole life could have.
“We’ll see him in two to three business days when he comes down from-whatever this is,” Gil joked, waving his hand over Harry, who was completely enveloped in his breakfast, his arms crowding the tray-daring anyone to take his food.
“A sugar rush, that’s what this is.” you supplied, covering your smile with your hand as you watched Harry devour his breakfast, and soon there was nothing left and Harry was looking back at the line-swallowing as he found the section where the cinnamon rolls were. He knew he was allowed seconds, but he wasn’t sure if that counted for the cinnamon rolls-they might’ve only made enough for one per student.
Before he could think further, you were standing and skipping over to the line-holding up two fingers to Mrs. Potts who beamed and handed you a plate with fresh cinnamon rolls. Harry balked as you walked back over and slid one on his pate-spitting the other with Jane who had finally relaxed after seeing Harry experience a cinnamon roll for the first time.
All too soon-the bell rang-alerting students that breakfast had ended and it was time to get ready for class-which was in 10 minutes for Harry. Harry sighed, downing the rest of his chocolate milk and licking the icing from his fingers
You stepped in line with Harry and Gil to grab your book bags from your rooms, leading them across the courtyard to Auradon prep itself and showing them their lockers, handing them two slips of paper with their locker codes. Harry glared down at his code; he was horrid at remembering numbers-he would have to tattoo this shit on his wrist to make sure he remembered the damn thing.
But he opened his locker anyway-stashing the slip away in his pocket as he got out his 1st-period class books. First up-English. Fun. Harry sighed again, pausing in the middle of the hall as he watched you walk the other way. “Where are ye going?” Harry called, dodging a few students who were rushing to get to their class. You turned to face him, smiling a bit. “Attached already?” Harry sputtered and couldn’t help the flush on his cheeks as you laughed, shaking your head. “I’m pullin’ your leg-I have math, I’ll see you in chemistry!” with that-you were gone, off to your first class of the day.
Harry huffed, turning on his heel to catch up to Gil, pausing at the door of their classroom, most of the class had already arrived, leaving few seats for the two new kids. All those students turned to stare at them-whispering amongst each other as they did.
Harry forced himself to look down seeing a red-haired kid wearing forest green. No-no way-there was no damn way, of course, his first fucking class was with Pan’s kid.
“Ah-Mr. Hook and Mr. Legume-happy to have you with us.” Harry glanced up at his new teacher-who was a tall lanky man with soft brown eyes and a pointed nose, wearing deep greens and browns. “How about you take a seat right there.” He pointed at the set of seats on the opposite side of the room-far away from the Pan kid.
Harry breathed a sigh of relief, daring to glance back at Pan-who was staring hard at him. Harry smacked the back of his head as he turned away-feeling a dangerously familiar itch there. ‘gods please, not here,’ Harry thought to himself, begging whatever gods were listening to let himself keep a hold of his mind.
“Is it flaring up?” Gil asked quietly-it being the curse Harry’s father had passed down to him upon birth, a curse born of Neverland and madness; whenever Harry got particularly angry or stressed-his eyes would go red and he would lose touch with reality and himself, losing himself into violence and blood.
Only once did he fully lose control, and it didn’t end well for the person who had tried to take his little sister.
Harry nodded, biting his cheek to bring himself back down to earth-doing his best to ignore the Pan kid-if he looked at them, he was sure he would lose control and Gil would have to knock him out to keep him from hurting anyone.
And then he would surely be sent back to the isle, he wasn’t ready to face his father again-not after feeling freedom for the first time-it had only been a day. So Harry took several deep breaths, messing with the point of his hook(honestly how had he been allowed to keep it so far?) until that pressure at the back of his head went away.
Deep breaths until the whispers went away.
Harry jolted back to attention as the teacher, professor. Thatch the blackboard said, clapped his hands-pushing up his glasses as he welcomed his 1st-period class. “Good morning guys, welcome back, and welcome to” he nodded to Harry and Gil then-turning back to address the whole class afterward. “History of Auradon, now as I mentioned-we will be learning beyond Auradon-as I do believe learning the history of other nations and kingdoms give benefit to a growing mind-so! Today, we’ll start with the history before Auradon, before Fairy godmother and the other grand fairies of the land cast the spell to converge our many lands together to create the USA.”
Now, this was news to Harry, Auradon didn’t use to all be one kingdom? They were separate at one point? Harry could tell many other students in the room were coming to the same realization-gasping slightly at Professor Thatch; which he beamed at, happy to teach something new. “yes-you heard me correctly, Auradon used to be hundreds of separate kingdoms, all separated by sea, land, mountains, forests-everything was hundreds of miles apart until twenty years ago when our king Adam and the grand fairies made a deal to unite the kingdoms and create a strong singular kingdom to protect its people from Evil. At the same time-the isle was created, built from the ground up from an island that had long sunk to the bottom of the sea-the isle of the lost was actually originally known as; the Isla de muerta, or when roughly translated into English; the Island of Death.”
Harry perked up again-Isla de muerta, or more correctly known as Isla de la Muerte, was a legendary island from pirate lore-said to be cursed by Aztec treasure that had been cursed by the gods after Hernán Cortés angered them- the isle only to be found by those who already knew where it was.
Many of those cursed by the treasure-were now on the isle again without even knowing it-one being Hector Barbossa himself.
Harry-for the first time-was entranced in a history lesson, his eyes glued to the professor as he spoke energetically of how and when FG and King beast had created the deal and spelled the separate kingdoms into one. By the time the bell rang-Harry was actually disappointed-wanting to hear more from Professor Thatch.
The professor seemed to feel the same way, sighing as he clapped his hands. “Well-that’s it for today, by the end of this week we will have a quiz on this topic! Study hard and have a good rest of your day! And remember your homework!” Harry and Gil waited until the rest of the class had left to make their way out-wanting to avoid the chaos of the halls as they went their separate ways, Harry to math class(joy) and Gil to safety rules for the internet.
Harry felt a deep pit of dread collect in his gut as he traveled to his next class, swallowing hard as he stared up at the class number that hung above the doors. He hated math-he had always been horrid with numbers-but thankfully he never really needed it on the isle and skipping class was something ‘smiled’ upon at serpent prep.
He was sure if he skipped here, he would get in a lot of trouble. So Harry sighed, straightened his back, and stepped into the class-pressing his lips together as he looked around the room.
This class was set up differently than the last-history was almost theater like-with rows and rows of seats sitting higher up on each lever-this class had separate desks spread across the room. Harry was somehow the first there, and he stepped further in-swallowing as he made eye contact with the teacher. She was tall and thin, with long curly black hair and deep brown skin-her eyes golden brown-wearing soft yellows and pinks.
She almost reminded him of Uma.
She smiled, and Harry frowned back, feeling uneasy. “Harry right?” she asked, and Harry nodded, crossing his arms as she gestured into the room. “Welcome to math class sweetheart-take a seat-I don’t do assigned seating. I’m Jennifer Honey.”  Harry nodded again, muttering his full name-realizing she already knew it-and quickly took a seat at the back as more students moved into the room behind him.
Lonnie sat next to him with a beaming smile and Harry relaxed a bit-even if she was an Auradon brat-at least he had someone familiar in this class. “Hi Harry,” she whispered and he hummed back, his leg bouncing as Ms. Honey welcomed each student into the room, that warm smile still on her lips.
The teacher was nice-but as class started-Harry realized he was in for an infuriating time. Time and time again, his father, sister, Uma, and his uncle Smee had tried to teach him any sort of math-and time and time again, he just-couldn’t grasp the concept, he understood the absolute basics, but anything bigger than that? And he would fizzle out like a wet candle, burned down to frustrated tears and a pit in his chest.
Every once in a while-he would finally grasp a concept-like when Uma was attempting to teach him basic algebra when they were 13-and Harry practically jumped for joy for finally understanding-and yet the next day-it was gone, slipping through his fingers as he desperately tried to understand the question in front of him.
He gave up around 14, done with it all and done with how he just couldn’t get anything to stay in his brain. And as Ms. Honey started to write on her blackboard, Harry knew it would only end the same way it did years before, with Harry cursing himself out and tearing the math book to pieces.
Even now-the numbers and equations Ms. Honey wrote down were blurring in front of Harry’s eyes, turning to a mess of switched numbers and a headache at the back of Harry’s head. Harry sighed, looking down at his notebook and staring to doodle-knowing there was no point if he couldn’t even read the questions.
Harry noticed the small screen that sat under his math book on the desk, showing the blackboard Ms. Honey was writing on. Harry shoved his notebook over it, doodling until Uma showed up on the pages, her braids flowing over her shoulders and back as she rolled her eyes at his math class.
He missed her.
Soon a paper was shoved in his face by the student in front of him-and Harry’s blood went cold as he took it. A fucking test.
Great-just great-maybe he should’ve paid attention.
He felt that itch and pressure at the back of his head again as he stared down at the test-years of stress and frustration over math coming back in a single moment and Harry considered ripping the test up and telling Auradon math to fuck off. But he had to be on his best behavior if he didn’t want to make anyone suspicious and picked up a pencil, his hand buried in his hair as he glared down at his paper.
He couldn’t even understand the first fucking question-all the odd symbols and letters refusing to make sense. He tried to do something-get some numbers on the paper but he didn’t even know where to start-didn’t know what anything meant. He could barely recognize the words on the paper asking him the questions.
Eventually, he just gave up, he dropped his pencil and sighed; covering his face with his hands and just sat there-feeling Lonnie and Ms. Honey’s eyes on him as his leg continued to bounce, his hook that was attached to his hip bouncing with it. When Ms. Honey’s timer went off-everyone handed their tests back up to the front, Harry glaring off into a corner, shame burning in his chest.
“Remember, this test has nothing to do with your grade-I just wanted to see where you all stood so I can teach you all in the best way possible for you, now move along! I’ll see you all tomorrow!” and just like that-the bell rang and Harry was the first up, grabbing his bag and running out of the room-ignoring the burning eyes on his back as he rushed to his next class; life without magic.
He nearly slammed into Mal on his way down the hall, glaring down at her as she stumbled to regain her balance. She turned to glare at him but paused when she saw his eyes, her brows furrowing into heavily concealed concern. “Your eyes are red.” She whispered, his curse was something well known on the isle-some didn’t believe it-like Mal’s mother-but Mal had seen it time and time again when they were all younger, and Uma had been Mal’s friend and Harry hung around them to be with Uma.
Mal knew how dangerous it was-and how dangerous it could be not partially blocked by the barrier. “And?” Harry snarled, just wanting to get away from the school already-but again, first day. Wouldn’t do well to disappear only 2 hours into the day. Mal just stared, then shook her head, passing him up to go into the classroom.
Harry took a moment to force himself to calm down-which didn’t really work-and slid into the room, huffing as he noticed the only open seat without a name was the one next to Mal. And it was at the front of the class-great.
Harry stomped over next to Mal and plopped down-grumpily resting his chin in his palm as he glared off into a corner, ignoring Mal’s sigh as she got out her books. Harry realized the class looked like a kitchen, with a sink between him and Mal and the desks were practically cutting board counters.
“huh,” Harry muttered-snorting as he saw the teacher fly in-it was a short woman dressed in blue with small wings, jet black hair, and a round face. Mal groaned and slammed her face into the desk.
The teacher was fucking Merryweather-one of the three good fairies Mal’s mom detested. Oh how fucking hilarious-okay-all thoughts of horrid math were gone-now he got to enjoy Mal’s suffering.
10/10 day.
And they were cooking! Not only that-baking!!! Fuck yes best day. It was a well-guarded secret that Harry liked to cook, only Uma, Gil, and his sisters got the privilege to eat what he made-and even on the isle-he was a damn good cook. More than once he took over for Cook back at the chip shop when she was unable to make it, he never minded it-able to hang out with Uma and help her out at the same time.
Harry snickered as Mal hid behind her book-not wanting to be seen by the blue fairy, glaring at him as he laughed quietly. Her glare softened as she watched the red disappear from his eyes and she rolled her eyes-ignoring the fact that the tightness in her chest went away at the sight of it. She would never admit she was worried for him; they were enemies after all, and she would applaud for the day he got his ass kicked.
Never-no way would she ever admit to being relieved to see Harry relaxing, especially if it meant her suffering.
“Good morning students!” Merryweather said with a clap of hands and then smoothing down the apron she wore. “And welcome to Life without magic, today-bread! A staple in any home life, plus it’s delicious. Today we make the dough and tomorrow-we bake! Let’s get started.”
Harry decided he liked this class so far, getting his hands messy, flour in his hair, and watching Mal struggle to get her dough to pull together, everything was actually pretty fun. And by the end of the class-he and everyone else were putting their rounds of dough into the riser at the back of the class and they would bake their bread the next day as Merryweather said.
Harry cleaned up, snickering at Mal’s mess, she was covered in flour and was glaring at the mess of dough on her fingers-sticking to the rings she hadn’t taken off like Harry had. Harry grabbed his notes and slid them into his bag, looking up as Merryweather clapped her hands and gestured around the room to her students. “great job guys, for this week-your homework, is finding recipes you want to make and by the end of the week-you’ll make them for me during class-see you tomorrow!”
And once again, the bell rang and everyone filed out, Mal still picking flour and dough from her hair, grumbling as she followed Harry-using the wide berth everyone gave him and Mal to keep from getting pushed into the crowd. “And yer followin’ me why?” Harry asked, just wanting to get to lunch already and not be around her till remedial goodness.
Mal just rolled her eyes, skipping around and ahead-colliding with Evie who gasped at Mal’s appearance-tugging her off to a bathroom to fix her up. Harry felt a now familiar presence step next to him and he looked to his side to see you, giving him a small smirk. “How was your morning?” you asked and Harry blew his bangs out of his eyes-glaring at nothing as you pouted at his response. “oh, that bad?”
Harry shrugged, tilting his hook back and forth. “Not really, just math class sucked, I hate it-can’t understand it.” You nodded in agreement, waving to Gil as he ran up to walk on Harry’s other side. “History and life skills was pretty fun though, I got to make bread.”
You clapped; happy he had found something fun to do today. “Awesome! Bread is so fucking good, especially homemade bread, speaking of bread-lunch!” with that-you were off to the cafeteria-Gil and Harry close behind-Gil looking very excited for Lunch, he had been starving since Chemistry.
Today's lunch was every sandwich under the sun, from the bread to vegetables, everything was customizable, and several lunch ladies made every sandwich from the base up for the students. Harry blanked out for a moment at all the options then settled on a turkey sandwich with bacon~.
He grabbed a bag of chips, apple slices, and a root beer before sitting down with you and Gil at a nearly empty table; Jane and Lonnie once again joining them. “hi Gil,” Jane whispered, smiling shyly as he beamed back. “hi Jane!” he said with his mouth full, mayo and crumbs on the corners of his mouth. But Jane didn’t seem deterred at the sight, only giggling a bit.
Harry smirked behind his fist-knowing exactly what that giggle meant-he had heard it time and time again from the many girls of the isle who had crushes on him and Gil-the little bluebird had a crush on Gil-and he was oblivious as ever.
He shared a look with you and Lonnie, who both held the smirk as him, all laughing quietly as Jane continued to stare at Gil with pink cheeks and a shy smile.
Harry perked up as you suddenly gasped, taking out a box from your bag and setting it in front of Harry. “For you-leftovers from this morning~” you sang, laughing as Harry popped open the box and stabbed the cinnamon roll with a fork-grinning manically as he tore out the middle and stuck it in his mouth-his eyes closing as he savored the amazingness of the cinnamon roll.
“Thank you,” Harry said and absolutely meant it. Gil look surprised to hear that coming from Harry-but just laughed it off and went back to his food, asking Jane about what she liked about the school and her favorite way to eat eggs.
Jane seemed surprised to hear him actually talk to her but answered anyway-the pink in her cheeks getting darker as she twirled a short strand of hair around her finger-a small frown forming as she noticed her ‘ugly’ bob.
As Gil and Jane talked-Harry listened to you and Lonnie, well-not really listen-mostly zone out while he ate his sandwich and cinnamon roll. He took an apple slice, dipped it in the caramel provided(another thing he proclaimed was from heaven), and took a bite-hearing the crisp crunch of the apple as he bit it in half. Damn-who knew apples could be crisp? All they got on the isle were squishy ones they used to make cider.
Gross cider-but cider nonetheless.
All too soon lunch was over-it was only an hour long-and Harry realized they had remedial goodness right after it. Harry groaned, rubbing his face as he and Gil made their way to the class-the other vks behind them. All six of them were not excited about this-a solid hour with FG? With her-bubbliness and sickly smile? And baby talk!? Gods Harry would rather be in the isle stocks for three days again than do this-anything would be better than this.
The six vks filed into the room-way too many desks in there for just the six of them-Mal and her gang sat in the direct middle-spread out between the two inside desks. Harry and Gil sat at the back-nearest to the exit.
FG beamed at the sight of them-holding a wooden dowel and pointing it at the backboard behind her, where the words ‘welcome to remedial goodness’ were written. “welcome to remedial goodness 101~ as you know, im fairy godmother-and I hope through these classes; you will be able to make the correct choices and be your best while in Auradon.”
Mal and Harry let out quiet groans, Harry sliding down his chair and closing his eyes as Mal got out several pieces of scratch paper to draw on as FG began to write on the board. Things like ‘mouths are for smiling not biting’ and ‘sharing is caring’ were the first things to go on, and Gil made a small noise-wondering who had bitten someone already.
Probably Mal. She had the fangs for it.
“Let’s begin, shall we?” FG asked, now standing before two sets of questions, using her wooden dowel to point at the first one. “you see something you like at the market; do you A? steal it? B? buy it? C? break it? Or D; set the stand on fire?”
Harry audibly snorted at the last ‘answer-coughing as he laughed. Because oh my gods, that escalated so quickly! FG raised her brows at him, as if waiting for something and Harry shook his head, waving her eyes off. “I’m good-I’m good.” Harry giggled, patting his chest since he had inhaled spit thanks to his snort. Gil laughed quietly with him-getting the joke a bit late but laughing all the same.
Ja raised his hand, smirking as he did and FG happily pointed at him. “A, steal it.” Jay said-so sure that was the correct answer, and FG shook her head. “Incorrect.” Jay frowned-but-that’s-what? huh? Mal let her head drop-sighing a bit as she looked up from her drawing. She raised her hand and FG pointed at her. “B, buy it.” Mal grumbled and went back to her art as FG beamed and nodded.
“Correct~! Next question, you find a wallet with two hundred dollars in it, do you A? turn it over to the proper authorities? B? look for its owner? C? steal it? Or D; buy some new shoes with it?”
Evie’s hand popped up and FG nodded. “D, buy new shoes~” Evie sighed dreamily, imagining the shoes she could buy with 200 bucks. FG clicked her tongue and shook her head-and Evie frowned, but-new shoes? Mal once again sighed and raised her hand-answering with the ‘correct’ answer, which really was both A and B-which Mal did say. “A and B, look for its owner and turn it in to the proper authorities.” Mal muttered, ignoring the beaming pride on FG’s face.
Carlos let out an impressed huff, wondering how Mal was getting all these questions correct so easily?
“Wonderful, next one! You’re sailing the ocean and find treasure on an unmarked island, do you A? take it for yourself? B? leave it there? C? report your findings? Or D; mark it on your map and come back later for it with a permit?”
Gil and Carlos’ hands popped up, and FG pointed back at Gil. “B, leave it there?” Gil said-phrasing it like a question since he wasn’t sure that’s what he should do. Harry groaned, reminding himself never to let Gil go treasure hunting. FG smiled a bit and nodded. “Yes-that’s one of the things you could do, but the best thing to do is C or D, that way you could legally keep the treasure for yourself~!”
Gil let out a small gasp of awe, clapping his hands a bit as Harry sighed and let his head tip back-closing his eyes and wishing for the hour to be up already.
“If someone hands you a crying baby-do you A? curse it? B? lock it in a tower? C? give it a bottle? Or D; carve out its heart?”
Harry snapped up to stare at FG with wide eyes-both in ‘dear god that is the stupidest question in the world’ and ‘oh my god that got so dark so quickly
Evie raised her hand-and FG beamed, gesturing for her to speak. “Evie~” FG sang, her smile dropping as Evie just asked what was the 2nd answer again. “oh-okay, anyone else?” the vks were silent-unsure of the answer as Mal continued to doodle, her eyes drawn up as FG called her name gently.
“C, give it a bottle.” Mal muttered, dropping her eyes again as FG cooed at her. “correct, again~” Carlos let out an impressed whistle, turning to Mal as she rolled her eyes. “you are on fire girl?” he said as Mal scrunched her face up-wondering how they were failing to understand the questions. “just pick the one that doesn’t sound like any fun?” Mal said as if it was obvious, and it was-since everyone let out a small gasp and Evie muttered that it made so much sense.
Mal mocked them with a gasp of her own and went back to her art.
Gil perked up as he saw Jane walk past him and Harry-she smiled at him and squeaked in fear as she squirreled past the main four, Mal quickly noticed the resemblance between her and FG as Jane quickly shoved a clipboard into her hands-knocking Evie with her elbow to get her attention.
Harry opened his eyes as he heard a now familiar snort, smirking as he saw you walk by, looking down at him amused with several files in your hand. “That boring?” you mouthed to him and he mimicked shooting himself in the mouth, smiling as you slapped your hand over your mouth to keep yourself from laughing.
Gil smirked, glancing between the two of you as Harry kept staring at you, watching as you handed FG the files while FG introduced her daughter to the vks. “Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?” Jane nearly panicked at her mother's words, turning to her with a begging plea. “Mom, no!” Jane gasped, clenching her jaw as FG turned her to face the vks-the only one she didn’t feel a stabbing fear for was Harry and Gil-who just stared back. “It's okay. Jane, this is everyone~”
Gil looked a bit concerned, which sent her heart racing for reasons other than fear. “hi-“ she whispered to the main four, who were just staring at her, Mal practically staring into her soul. “that’s okay-don’t mind me, as you were!”
Jane quickly sped past them with a squeal, her cheeks turning pink as Gil said bye to her with that big grin of his.
FG went to put the files you had given her on the lectern when you grabbed her attention-signaling for her to lean down so you could talk. “Yes?” she asked quietly, nodding as you spoke. “They’re teenagers, not toddlers-don’t treat them like kindergarteners who can’t stop themselves from eating paste.” FG hummed; nodding-she hadn’t tried that! Maybe she would get more of a response from Harry and Mal if she did. “Good idea,” FG whispered back, sending you off with a wave.
You winked at the vks, mouthing ‘you’re welcome’ to them as you walked past, Harry’s eyes zoning onto the cookies you pulled from your jacket pocket as you walked out.
Harry caught the pack of cookies you tossed back at them-sharing a devilish grin with Gil who laughed quietly, you always seemed to have some sort of snack on you-most of which you shared with Harry.
“let's continue,” FG said, turning back to the blackboard. “you find a vial of poison;” Thank god she stopped with the baby talk. “Do you A? put it in the king's wine.” Oh, Harry would very much love to do that. His damn fault he was on the isle in the first place. “B? paint it on an apple?” Evie and Mal shared a giggle at that. “or c? turn it over to the proper authorities?”
With Mal’s advice-everyone was now sure of the answer and eagerly raised their hands, including Gil. Harry just let out a slow sigh from his nose, hiking his feet up on the chair in front of him and letting his eyes close, hearing Jay and Carlos rough around as Jay answered the question. “C, you turn it over to the proper authorities? Jay said all smugly, grinning as Carlos shoved him a bit. “I was gonna say that!” Carlos wined, yelping as Jay tugged him onto the desk and stuck his wet finger in Carlos’ ear. “oh but who said it first-who said it first?!”
Harry didn’t even open his eyes as the two tumbled about on their desk-FG hitting her dowel on the lectern to gain their attention. “boys, boys!” They stopped, staring at FG with wide eyes. “im going to encourage you to use that energy, on the tourney field.” FG said, gesturing out towards the field that was sitting just next to the school.
“oh no, that’s okay.“ Carlos said with a dismissive laugh, ushing Jay off him. “whatever that is-we’ll pass.” Jay just looked confused, wondering what the hell tourney was-Gil asked Harry the same question and Harry shrugged; not caring about it.
He had heard you mention it once or twice with Lonnie, but he was more interested in whatever Roar was, because he heard the word ‘swords’ once and his attention was officially drawn.
“I’ll be letting coach Jenkins know of your arrival at tryouts-which are right after school lets out. Okay?” Jay and Carlos sighed, nodding. “okay, let’s continue.”
Finally, the hour was up and the vks were getting ready to head to their next class, Evie and Harry had chemistry while Jay, Gil, and Mal went to math, and Carlos had history.
“Harry, Gil? if I could speak to you for a moment?” Harry let out a long sigh as he paused in leaving, turning to walk back over to FG as she waited for him and Gil to stand in front of her. “aye?” Harry asked, already tired of today. “I wanted you both to be involved in our sports as well, and I think Gil; you would like tourney, and Harry; you would like Roar-which is a fencing team.” Harry kept his reaction to a minimum-but he knew his eyes lit up at those words.
Fencing? Aka swords?! Sign him the fuck up. FG seemed to sense his enthusiasm and beamed. “wonderful, tryouts for Roar are tomorrow after school, in the amphitheater connected to the gym. Coach Jenkins is also in charge of it but the captain decides their team-so good luck to you, Harry. You may go.”
With that-the boys ran off-leaving FG alone with the files she had been given. She took the top one and opened it, the name at the top reading ‘Harry James Hook’
Harry James Hook; son of Captain James Hook. Age; 16, male, born April 21st, 1999. Siblings; Harriet and Calista Jane Hook. Classes; History of woodsmen and pirates, history of Auradon, internet safety, remedial goodness 101, math, English, chemistry, life skills without magic, and chivalry. Electives; N/A notes; Attached to Gil, does not seem to like the other vks much(especially Mal and Jay-seems to have less of a problem with Carlos and Evie), seems to have trouble with math’s/numbers, possible dyscalculia; please inform staff of this and have it dealt with accordingly. Permit given for hook, do not take-possibly emotionally attached. Reactive, fight before flight.
Warning; possible curse, Ms. Honey reported his eyes going red during math’s-due to the stress involved, Merryweather reported feeling intense magical pressure coming from his head, and Professor Thatch noticed a reaction to Tara Pan, red eyes, twitching in his left arm, heavy breathing, and tightness in the body(potential panic attack); suggested temporary solution-switch Harry out of that shared period for history of Auradon to prevent any potential fights.(keep eye on Pan and the lost kids, they might pick a fight and set him off) Research suggests this may be the madness curse, or the curse of the blood god, given to Captain Hook back when he lived on neverland from the fairies of Neverland, irreversible, violent, and dangerous. Stress and anger are possible triggers for episodes.
Harry is otherwise fine-but will need special care to keep him safe.
FG sighed, setting down the paper, oh that poor boy. “this is going to be harder than I thought,” she whispered, hoping she could keep a handle on these kids, hoping she wouldn’t have to do anything drastic.
She was just glad Harry seemed to like you already-you had a good head on your shoulders. FG looked up as her next class arrived, she had forgotten she had magical history after remedial goodness, she smiled and wiped the board clean-welcoming her new students.
-end of p4-
Whoooo boi-long one, hoped yall liked seeing Harry go to class~ and see more of my lil blood god curse(yes inspired by technoblade/ that one fic from 2017) up next-chemistry and tourney try outs~
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @imtryingthisout
@dai-tsukki-desu @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
POYW R!V2 taglist~!
@reallysparklychaos @tzurue
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weather-mood · 1 year
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Canon divergence: Louis says no to Lestat in the church.
Aka: Meme-board for Is this too much? 49k. Complete. Sequel in progress.
For ‘canon divergence’ for Saint Louis of the Vieux Carré @iwtvfanevents
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borzbois · 6 months
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that about 8 years again when I was 17 I read your fic put on your warpaint and the way you portrayed naruto and his tattoos inspired me to book a consult for a sleeve. This completely changed my life. I have now been with my tattoo artist who i now consider a big sister and have been working on a body suit! I have one sleeve and my back done and currently working on my other sleeve and my leg.
So thank you so much for your fic! I still go back and read it to this day 🫶
😭😭😭 This is??? Literally so sweet???
Thank you for sharing this :’’’) I’m so glad you’ve gotten to get some surely amazing tattoos!!!!
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hinasho · 1 year
I haven’t been this into a Disney live action since Cinderella 2015 and this into a Disney film in general since Moana 2016. TLM was just so gotdamn good
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akascow · 1 year
the Part of Your World instrumental always makes me so emotional im sobbing bro😭😭
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notwhileimcaptain · 1 year
i just saw little shop for the first time and an ashman ariel/eric duet would have gone crazy
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myatlantispoets · 1 year
I'm at the theatre watching the little mermaid and like. The movie just.stopped.we're barely 15 minutes in
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dearest-alexander · 1 year
This part in the POYW reprise just hits different.
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Ariel, making Eric smile and/or laugh.
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angesaurus · 2 months
Welp I read the first three Abby Jimenez books in 10 days (The Friend Zone/The Happy Ever After Playlist/Life’s Too Short) and downloaded the entire next series (Part of Your World, Yours Truly, Just for the Summer) to start 😂 had to buy POYW and JFTS but it’s fine!!!!!! Libby wait time was over 14 weeks 😩 the other one is on KU!
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murfeelee · 5 months
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IWTV INSP - MerMay Pt2: Siren Nature
"Something was very wrong with Louis. No one else would have noticed but the three royal Pointe Du Lac children had been tuned to each other and Grace could read the tightness in Louis’s walk, the note of falseness in his smile and eyes, and the subtle press of his lips that meant that he was in pain. Louis’s new friend, Mr Lioncourt, had disappeared a few days ago and Louis had been like a ghost ever since. Paul had noticed too, knocking on her door last night, and his theory was that Mr Lioncourt had stolen away Louis’s soul. Grace didn’t believe that, but something was deeply wrong and Louis had rebuffed any gentle attempts to find out what.....  "But when Louis had been at family breakfast the other week, days before Mr Lioncourt’s disappearance, Louis had been scratching and Grace had caught his arm. A bronze scale had come off his skin and Louis hadn’t noticed. Grace had palmed the scale discreetly, so that no one else would see...."
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-- Excerpts from Part of Your World, by @weather-mood
A [FREE SPACE] entry for @vamptember's MerMay VC event!
Just a heads up for those familiar with PoYW: for my gameplay, I've moved ALL of the siren scenes from the fic to Louis' official transformation at the end of the story, into Tidelines; so some of my next posts actually take place out of order from the fic itself.
What I really like about WeatherMood's PoYW fic is how clearly you can see the parallels between siren!Lestat's "deal" with Louis, and vampire!Lestat's "wedding vows" pitch. In PoYW, Les is the Sea Witch who makes a deal with the naive & lovestruck Little Mermaid--it's largely based on Hans Christian Anderson, but with a slight Disney twist. Louis knows Lestat is evil (he massacred Louis' whole ship crew), but Lou also has garbage taste in men. 🤦 But Lestat's deal throws Lou for a loop; it sounds too good to be true, cuz it is. Hans' Sea Witch is more forthcoming about their deal highly likely ending in utter doom; while Ursula deliberately withholds information (her plans to sabotage Ariel & keep her (& King Triton) as a polyp/slave).
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Likewise, vampire!Lestat knew good & dang well that Lou had no idea what vampirism really was or entailed; going in blind as a bat into a damned eternity off of nothing but a few "tricks" he'd seen Lestat do (and ofc he compartmentalized seeing Les eat the priests). He turned Lou & babytrapped him so Lou would/could never leave him; just like siren!Lestat traps Louis in a bad deal he knows is anything but temporary/amphibious enough to let Lou to survive on land.
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Lestat loves Louis, undoubtedly, but he's also a bonafide monster, ("Is my very nature that of the Devil?"). It's effed up, but Louis loves him, so what can you do. U_U At least Les isn't like Hans' Prince, who treated The Mermaid like trash & loved someone else entirely, only for The Mermaid to willingly die for him anyway, like GIRL. 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 Take that knife & go crazy! 🔪
- Stained glass windows by @deniisu-sims & Abuk0
- Toe claws & eel tails in beta by me
- (If anyone's wondering, I put Loustat in scale-patterned swimming briefs cuz in the fic they don't actually wear clothes. But my blog's PG-17 goshdarnit! 😅)
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dlsintegration · 1 year
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Using @iwtvfanevents's a meal to remember event as an opportunity to celebrate some of the sickos beautiful authors in this fandom 🧡 here's a list of some of my favourite recommendations, all of them Louis-centric and/or involving louis in a major fashion.
I will also be adding a song that I associate to each of them!!
canon/semi-canon compliant
Pour (E) by baberainbow / @baberainbowao3: Kicking this list off with one of my all times favorite, manages to capture their voices perfectly. You'll never go wrong with one of babe's fics, they're all canon in my head 🧡
song: holy terrain - fka twigs
Glass (E) by baberainbow / @baberainbowao3: Melting just thinking about this one. I can never be free of them.
Pieta (E) by baberainbow / @baberainbowao3: Gabrielle gives lestat something he needs and gives louis something he didnt know he needed 🧡 Gabrielle is so kind 🧡
song: let go - tinashe
song: mary magdalene - fka twigs
Tides (E) by @nlbv: Tides my best friend. had to stare at my ceiling for at least 10 minutes after that one and it doesn't lose its impact no matter how much I come back to it. Masterful grasp on both louis and lestat's characterization and the toxicity that permeates their relationship.
song: tear you apart - she wants revenge
Roadkill (E) by @baberainbowao3 and @nlbv: TELL THE AVENGERS TO PACK IT THE FUCK UP. This is the most ambitious crossover of our generation. Roadkill my wife my beloved my soulmate. Read it so many times i've managed to convince myself it was canon. and it is. What is a family meant for if not for going to the circus, commiting horrifying acts of violence and making plans for the future 🧡
song: savage good boy - japanese breakfast
someone buy me roses (E) by indigostohelit: Perfect dialogue, impeccably true to their characters, illustrates louis' religious hangups and repression in a subtle funny and intimate way.
song: save a prayer - duran duran
Amour Rouge (E) by revengefrnnk: Louis exploring femininity. Big big fan of putting that man in lingerie personally. 10/10 certified s1 deleted scene to me.
song: blood and butter - caroline polachek
Reformation (E) by verseau / @greedydemands (MODERN AU): The sacred texts. We all remember where we were. 10/10 will make you go through the full range of existing human emotions. I laughed. I cried, a number of times. I sweat, I danced. I got... a shot, I ate and... I had many epiphanies.
song: heaven - shygirl / be sweet - japanese breakfast
hold me tight, & fear me not (E) by boltcutters / @wordforworldisforest (TAM LIN AU): Me when I find a beautiful fairytale book in the evil yaoi section. Read if you love beautiful writing and if you want to find out what happens to lost little lambs that stray from the path.
song: i cant breathe - gwsn
Part of Your World (E) by weathermood / @weather-mood (LITTLE MERMAID AU): I never know where to start when praising POYW, from how real and alive the world feels to the sense of tragedy permeating Louis and Lestat's entire relationship, to how much it's made me miss the sea. Oh and also the monsterfucking ❤️
song: like real people do - hozier / sea, swallow me - cocteau twins
House of Gold (E) by dirtygoldensoul / @revolution-starter : I don't usually read A/B/O fics but I love this one so much, for many reasons, the main one being how bad the family dynamics get me... Can't recommend it enough 🧡
song: work song - hozier
Like a Heathen clung to the Homily (E) by @thelioncourts (SEX CLUB AU): One of my favorite insights into Louis' internality and his lingering religious trauma, and how it still affects him, chapter 4 almost made me cry... Can't wait to see where it goes next.
song: after dark - mister kitty
canon/semi-canon compliant
dirges (E) by boltcutters / @wordforworldisforest: Can't make my way into loumand territory without mentioning my beautiful wife dirges. Ziska if you read this know that you will be dealt with shortly. Loumand bed death allegation hours: CLOSED FOREVER.
song: posing in bondage - japanese breakfast
Alluvium (E) by serpenstkirts / @knifeeater: The best way I can describe Laïs' fics and how they make me feel would be to liken the experience to drowning into a lake and being grateful for the dark water filling your lungs. This fic is about eroticized latex gloves and finger sucking btw.
song: only seeing god when i come - sega bodega
vanishing point (E) by serpentskirts / @knifeeater: Motorcycle sex as religious experience. Day 67 of my campaign to get Laïs in that writing room.
song: sunset - caroline polachek / nascar - stella smyth
Selfsame (E) by @vampdf: 70s LOUMAND CRUISING ERA MY BELOVED. Number 1 on the list of the crimes Eli has to answer for. 1000/10. Died five separate times reading this. Rolin look at me. Rolin dont listen to AMC. You need this in s2. It is crucial that we get this. Louis deserves it.
song: a pill to crush - evelyn / sulk - tr/st
Prey Drive (E) by The_Lame_Goat / @iwtvdramacd18: Speaking of loumand's 70s insane bdsm practices 💔💔💔 s2 script just leaked. Is your eternal vampire marriage hitting a rough spot? Try our newest predator/prey large-scale roleplay!
song: lullaby - the cure / on the run - kelela
Mark Deep (E) by The_Lame_Goat / @iwtvdramacd18: Goat you have my blood on your hands. No added commentary needed actually. The damage this fic has done to me is irreversible. Read if you want some more quality t4t loumand insanity.
song: pang - caroline polachek
Rumpelstiltskin (E) by weathermood / @weather-mood: Most normal loumand roleplay night. Louis wakes up in a tower. I literally refuse to say anything else until you all read it for yourself and go through the sheer range of emotions I've went through when first reading it. #Their princess/captor slay is real and alive and thriving. This fic is also part of the NMHMRGPINE (No Matter How Much Rashid Gets Paid It's Not Enough) verse btw.
who is she ? - i monster / big bad wolf - shakey graves
the night island (E) by @vampdf (MAFIA AU): I don't know much but I know Armand was made to be a mob boss and Louis was made to be a mob wife. One of the most insanity-inducing byproducts of the career dom s2 teaser Armand scene(tm).
song: bitch bites dog - cecile believe
thy fearful symmetry (E) by mothmaiden: 70s era. One of the flrst iwtv fics I ever read. Never left my mind since. Delicious dynamics between the three of them, got me gasping and covering my mouth many times. Can't recommend enough.
song: soul control - jessie ware
Little Kidnaps in the Dark (E) by @gayvampiredivorce : The damage little kidnaps has wrought on my crops, my mental health, my friends and family can NOT be overstated. Masterful interpretation of the evolution of their relationship and dynamics through the haze of vampiric existence. Anne could never have done this.
song: when the sun hits - slowdive
Lethe series (T/E) by serpentskirts / @knifeeater: Quite simply one of my favorite series not only in that tag but in general. Every sentence Laïs writes pulls me into a dark void that I hope I'm never getting out of.
song: hopedrunk everasking - caroline polachek
Good to Love / Ruthless in Love (M) by themasterletters / @brightfelon (MODERN AU): Reading Toni's fics makes me feel like im a teen again, waiting anxiously for updates and calling up all my friends to scream and , am in love with all of Toni's readings of the characters but his Louis truly gets me. That fic doesn't only live rent free in my head it's also led me places I wouldnt go to with a gun. I have seen the best minds of my generation led to madness by toni's loumand. btw.
song: career boy - dorian electra / genghis khan - miike snow
A Potentiality for Corruption (E) by @vampdf: The thing is. I can't talk about Eli's fics without talking about Potentiality. However. Talking about Potentiality also happens to send me into a state of delirious hysterics. Daphne Du Maurier found dead in a ditch. Charlotte Brontë shaking and crying. Guillermo Del Toro found jobless. There's a new Gothic classic in town.
song: ptolemaea - ethel cain
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i bought a commission from @marskiiii for poyw R Rose and
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😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 LOOK AT HER~
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weather-mood · 21 days
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More shots from today
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nerdy-arty · 8 months
I love the art you make for each chapter of the POYW(B) fic! any chance we can see a sketch or doodle of what a flushed mermaid Sunny looks like? I'm curious to know what gets Basil so mesmerized about it, and your art is so pretty!! 🫶🫶
AAA I'm so glad you like it so far! I think the writing has improved a lot since EG (mostly because GF is taking more control over the prose LOL) and we're really passionate about the story haha
Anyway here is your flushed Snuuy
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Thanks for giving me the opportunity to draw heeem
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marciabrady · 2 years
some HOT disney princess takes that you'll hate or love but i fully stand by regardless. lets discuss~
singing/having a powerful voice is aurora's thing, not ariel's! ariel misses her concert in the beginning of the film, struggles with using her auditory voice to effectively communicate, and even gives it up to turn human. it means little/nothing to her and i think people just attribute singing to her, the same way sebastian and her father do, because it's a plot point in her movie meanwhile if ariel knew you all irl she would not be doing sing alongs like that. on the contrary, aurora is literally blessed with the SUPERNATURAL gift of song from birth by a magical fairy, uses it to express herself, and famously sings more than she speaks. so much of aurora's identity is tied into her song and i really think, if there was a singer or someone who owns the "voice" among the princesses, it should be aurora- besides, have you literally ever heard of a more divinely ethereal but also epic and powerful voice than mary costa's??? like don't get me wrong, jodi benson ATE but also after jodi, all the princesses more or less have a similar broadway sound but like no one else can do what aurora did
snow white should be the leader of the princesses. i love cinderella, i do, but snow white was literally the first and imo is the most groundbreaking female character, animated or not, of ALL TIME and she deserves her flowers. also, i think people are FINALLY coming around to see cinderella's value after years of "cinderella ate my daughter" weird misogyny masquerading around as feminism criticisms and i think a lot of that is centered around cinderella being an abuse victim and that's what's warming a lot of people to her...which i love, really i do. but snow white was also abused and, in her film, makes it a point to end the cycle of abuse. she was even the victim of a murder attempt, after which she continues to pick herself up and find shelter and work for her keep, and that gets lost so much and i think, whereas cinderella's dreams center around happiness, snow white singing of the fact that she's dreaming of the nice things someone would say to her and the way she needs grumpy to like her makes so much sense given her background and i literally never EVER see anyone discussing abuse when it comes to snow white. i think if people started talking her character more seriously and analyzing and appreciating it the way y'all do elsa, we would be saved from the heinously bad takes that get attributed to her (see: rachel zegler. that girl has not said ONE valid thing about snow white and her views are so embarrassingly stamped by pseudo online activism from the early 2000s by users that, not only don't realize how dumb they are but also think they're smarter than everyone else because they dabble in armchair psychology, and it's enough)
ariel collecting isn't leaned into as much as it should be tbh (and i'm talking as a serious pastime, not a parody of her never understanding human things that's contingent on her being a mermaid or being totally ignorant to humans)!!! like we get it, belle reads, but i think ariel collecting as a hobby is so much more interesting and well-rounded and nuanced. like, first of all, ariel collecting doesn't eliminate other hobbies, but actually promotes them! like she has books in her grotto, and we see her reading in poyw, but that's not the ONLY thing to her! she probably picks up on so many tiny details about like historical time periods or climates or dress patterns in a way that heightens life and reality and bridges people together because of all the studying she does and it's just soooo interesting to me, as we see things like the historical community evolve on tiktok and people who are fascinated with studying other cultures and the evolution of fandom in general, etc. also, i get this might be super super hot of a take but i think jodi performs certain songs better than she does part of your world...like i do love the song and i think it's more than worthy of being ariel's character's theme song but there's definitely some other bops in there that are just as good, if not better
belle should have a sequel where she gets to be unlikable for a change! even when she is unlikable in the film, it's never perceived as a character fault and linda woolverton's writing/the other characters in the film just blind hero worship and idolize belle and it's creepy tbh and i think it robs her of being a fully realized person that's treated like other people and can build human connections! like, everyone thinks she's stunning and wants a piece of her and never really takes her to task about her character flaws or even mentally challenges her and i think that's why she's so depressed? people only view her as being ultra desirable, whether it's the castle objects seeing her as a beautiful girl that can fall in love with the beast to the point where they ignore the really shady stuff she does, or gaston thinking she's the most beautiful girl in town and wanting to marry her, or even her fans thinking she's the smartest female character who ever breathed and is incapable of flaws. i think if we treated belle more as a person, maybe she could also have an arc in her movie and it wouldn't just be about the beast! also i think it'd be refreshing and we'd allow women to be people, too, and not this "smartest girl in town, but modest about it, prettiest girl in town, but unaware of it, loyal to her father but still stands up for herself, etc etc etc" unrealistic model. belle deserves EQUALS not just admirers who will never measure up to this pedestal they put her on
cinderella 1950 and cinderella 2015 are not interchangeable as characters or films!!! kenneth and lily did a HORRIBLE job at interpreting ilene woods's cinderella and the changes they made are shameful and the original character had so much more strength and realism to her, but in her own feminine way, and lily's character was a giant step back and is the epitome of making loud changes that result to NOTHING. the way the entire 2015 cast badmouthed cinderella 1950 on their press tour has always sat uncomfortably with me and so many people prefer it over the original one i just. also, cinderella looks best in pink! i LOVE aurora in pink, and we're omitting silver because that IS cinderella's color and nothing compares, but i just think she's so vibrant and cute in her pink dress and i love her with her hair down and it's just so much more fun and human and it doesn't get nearly as much attention as it should
they desperately need to age the content/demographics of the franchise up, like ngl them turning these women (and yes, i think they're women not little girls and the point of their movies is them BECOMING women) into like little nursery crib characters for babies and infantilizing them is creepy. also a HUGE segment of the fanbase is an adult one, like fans of the disney renaissance ladies are typically in the 20s-40s, not four year old's, and i just think disney is doing themselves a disservice by largely ignoring all the adult fans who collect these characters and make artwork for them and keep the princesses in vogue by writing about them and making social media content about them. like the avengers can really tap into their fanbase like that, meanwhile the best us princess fans have are like 8 dollar playline dolls?!?! where is our movie!!! where is our CONTENT. the 2003 princess party dvds will no longer suffice!
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
Few things! I’m trying to work on the next part of POYW but I’ve been so busy with the school year ending and getting things ready for my students that I’ve had no time to finish it. But I’d like to thank you for just hitting a huge milestone in my follower count. I don’t like to reveal it but I just saw the number and I’m very grateful for all of you. It’s extra special bc it’s my 21st today so thank you so so so much for that gift. Thank you for reading 💛🫶
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