i will always be an addison montgomery apologist. idc that miss girl has cheated on almost every man she's ever been with. she is a perfect angel who can do no wrong.
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proffesionalsimp · 2 months
"I don't think I have a type"
Also me:
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storiesofsvu · 3 months
Not a Dream
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Addison Montgomery x reader warnings: language, the briiiiefest mention of medical angst, pure fluff otherwise. This was requested AGES ago, not even sure who by at this point. I should really get better at noting that part before i answer the og ask lol. Anyways, have some Addison fluff!
This was queued but after today I need some validation serotonin so have this weeks early!🫶🏻
Take out dinner, a few bottles of wine and a night filled with gossip, trashy reality tv and old movies was nothing new for you and Addison. In fact, it was nearly a weekly function. It had started after one very long, too tough week at the hospital, you were her scrub nurse and just as, if not more invested in each of her patients, cases and surgeries. Out of the three of them, you lost one, nearly lost the second and had a serious complication come up with the third. While the remaining two ended up pulling through and everything was successful, it was needless to say the entire experience was a little too draining. So Addison asked if you wanted to join her for a drink and rather than bring down the morale at Joe’s, you ended up at her place where you could wallow in peace, eventually laughing over ridiculous stories and shows.
It was your ‘you’ time, but together, where you could relax and wind down from your high stress jobs, talk things through if you wanted, or just completely forget. It was how the two of you got to know each other, shared memories from your childhoods, told stories from your time in med school, Addison often commented how nice it was to have a real friend out in Seattle and you couldn’t help but agree.
You both felt completely at peace around each other, you knew you were safe, that you wouldn’t be judged for your pasts, that you enjoyed a lot of the same things and shared a lot of the same opinions. You worked incredibly well together, often bringing each other coffee in the mornings and sitting together for lunches. It was such a seamless and effortless friendship that grew stronger every day, which is why when the two of you fell asleep on the couch halfway through The Time Traveller’s Wife, you thought nothing of it. When the song played over the closing credits blared you awake you let out a soft sigh, feeling the warmth blooming through your chest at how secure you felt considering the vulnerable situation and nudged Addison’s side.
“Not letting you drive, c’mon, you know where the guest room is.”
She replied with a small groan but followed you off the couch after flicking off the television and disappeared into the guest room, lingering in the doorway just long enough to watch your bedroom door swing shut behind you. With a gentle sigh she retreated into the bedroom, still feeling the warmth on her skin where you’d head had been tucked into the crook of her neck while you slept. Her heart was a low strum in her chest, one that she knew matched the pace of yours, the two of you morphing into one single rhythm while entangled on the couch. As she pulled open the dresser to find the pyjamas you always left out for her she couldn’t help the way the corner of her lips curved up into a grin.
Falling asleep together wasn’t a problem at all. It was waking up and having to go your separate ways for the rest of the night that was the issue.
Addison woke up in the morning to the quiet clattering of you in the kitchen and the soft sound of summer rain beating against the window pane. She let out a relaxed sigh, rolling over in the bed to stretch out her body with a small groan, at least she didn’t have anything planned today for the rain to ruin. The last time she’d crashed at your place you’d left out a fresh toothbrush in the hallway bathroom and she was pleasantly surprised to find it still there, along with a face cloth and body towel in case she wanted to shower. Once she was finally refreshed, hair tossed up on the top of her head she wandered out into the main part of the house.
“Someone’s been busy.” She greeted with a small laugh and you glanced up from your spot at the island, a slightly shy smile on your cheeks.
“Oh, hey, yeah. I made breakfast.” You gestured vaguely across the island and Addison couldn’t help but chuckle again.
“I can see that.”
“I didn’t know what you liked, so I uh…” you laughed awkwardly, nearly wringing your hands, “likely made enough to probably feed a small tribe.”
As you watched Addison’s eyes sweep over the island you realized just how utterly ridiculous the entire thing was. Any overnight guest would be more than happy and thankful for a half toasted, plain bagel on the way out the door. Meanwhile you couldn’t remember if Addi preferred waffles or pancakes so you’d made both. And that wasn’t even the half of it. There were various fruits and whipped cream to be used as toppings if she didn’t want syrup, there was a plate of bacon, sausage, eggs done three different ways and two different types of hashbrowns. Bread was sitting in the toaster just waiting for her to wake up to be toasted (and not to worry, there were sourdough and multigrain options) along with a plate of sliced cheese, tomato, smoked salmon and red onion if she wanted to lean toward a breakfast sandwich option.
“I could have sworn we’ve had breakfast together before.”
“A cup of coffee from the cart and a pastry stolen from the nurses station does not count.” You offered and she laughed.
“Huh, you’re right. I guess it just felt like we regularly did.”
You occupied yourself with your coffee mug, taking a sip of the steaming beverage before you spoke again, “oh, and I picked up some of that oat vanilla creamer you like so much, it’s in the fridge.”
“God, you are just an absolute angel.” She beamed, stepping toward you to plant a kiss on the side of your head before effortlessly moving through your kitchen.
She didn’t have to think or guess, she just seemed to know exactly where everything that wasn’t currently on the island was. Addison plucked the perfect coffee mug from the cupboard, easily stepping over to the fridge to get the aforementioned creamer to add in the amount she wanted before filling up the mug.
“Plates?” She asked, turning back to you and you broke out of your trance.
“Oh, shit, guess I didn’t remember everything.” Both of you laughed as Addison turned toward another cupboard, managing to pull down to plates, passing one over to you before you grabbed whatever utensils you might need considering the amount of choices.
“Well, considering you put in such an incredible effort I think we’ve got to eat a bit of everything.” She stated, swiping a piece of bacon to munch on while she looked through the other plates, starting to fill up her own.
“Oh, Addi, no…” you protested and she tsk’d at you.
“Nope. It all looks amazing; I’m going to try all of it.” She slid a pancake onto her plate, “are you seriously telling me you can decide between sweet and savoury with all of this in front of you?”
“I guess you’re right.” You laughed, settling onto the stool across from her as you began to load up your own plate.
Now that you were focusing on eating the nerves jumping under your skin were finally able to calm down, knowing that Addison didn’t think you were as ridiculous as you felt. Especially as the two of you started to eat and she couldn’t possibly hold back her praise over how incredibly literally everything tasted, and honestly, she wasn’t wrong. You’d put way more effort into things than if you’d been cooking for just yourself and every little trick was a burst of flavour on your tastebuds.
“You know what it is?” She suddenly asked over a bite of pancake and you nodded as you put your coffee mug down.
“Once the batter’s started to solidify in the pan before flipping you add syrup right into the pancake.” You explained, “and real Canadian maple syrup from the farmer’s market, not store bought shit.”
“I guess you’re not wrong.” She laughed, examining her pancake before taking another bite and you felt your cheeks heat once again. “but I meant why I felt like a real, at home breakfast was something we regular did.”
“Oh?” You raised a brow in her direction and the smile she gave you was enough to make you completely forget how to speak.
“Because I feel like I’m home whenever you’re near me.” She reached out, briefly squeezing at your arm, “you’re just...perfect.”
“Okay, fine. I know how you feel about the whole perfection thing, but you are the most perfect that you could be, especially to me. You go above and beyond being an incredible friend every day.”
“I mean, I just want you to know how much I appreciate everything you do for me.”
“You know, I take it back.” She suddenly glanced back up and you felt the nerves starting to tingle though you again. “I don’t know if friends would be the right word for how I feel when we’re together. You know me so well, better than anyone else that’s for sure. You know what I need before I’ve realized it, whether it’s a surgical instrument or day to myself so I don’t get sick, you have this magical way of anticipating everything and sometimes I don’t think I’ve shown you enough appreciation for that. Because not only the things you do, but also you mean the world to me, I hope you know that.”
Your mouth felt too dry to speak, not wanting to say something you would instantly regret, so you simply nodded instead, earning a warm smile from the other woman.
“Good.” Her hand slid across the island and she squeezed at yours, warmth blooming through your body from the point of contact all the way to the tips of your toes. When she interlocked her fingers with yours your breath caught in your throat and you were praying she couldn’t feel your pulse racing. “when I say you make me feel like home, I mean it. I don’t have to worry about anything around you, I can just… be. I’ve never felt this comfortable in my life, you’re like a—”
“Sister to you?” You interrupted and Addison stalled, her posture stiffening as she contemplated pulling her hand away from yours but you shifted oh so slightly towards her so she left it where it was.
“I was going to say partner.. but if that’s the route you want to go.” She laughed, her cheeks tinging pink as embarrassment flooded over her, “I’m pretty good at backpedalling after I’ve made a fool of myself.”
You fought the instinct to leap off your stool, knowing that now was the time to dive full into the deep end and never look back. “What?! No! No! I just…  I never thought we’d end up together but here you are confessing everything to me.”
“You’ve thought about it?” She asked hesitantly, her eyes flicking back up to yours and you nodded once more, struggling to find your voice.
“Yeah… every day for the last month at least…” your voice was barely above a whisper, “hope that’s not too imposing… I thought I caught a vibe…”
“You did.” She admitted, a fluttering picking up in her chest, “I’ve been fighting off the urge to kiss you for weeks.”
“What’s stopping you now?” You blurted, apparently there was nothing holding you back anymore and she laughed softly, her thumb brushing over your knuckles.
“I guess nothing…”
Addison barely had to nudge at your hand and you were sliding off your stool towards her, your free hand pushing a piece of hair back behind her ear as you stepped between her legs.
“Hi…” You whispered and a grin took over her lips.
“If I’m about to wake up and this is some wild figment of my imagination—”
“Then it’s the best dream I’ve ever had.” Addison murmured, her fingers tracing the side of your face before leaning in to close the gap between the two of you and her lips met yours.
You practically melted into her, her arm winding around your waist, pulling you impossibly close while your lips moved with grace against one another. It was a slice of heaven both of you had been waiting far too long for, lips curving up into happy grins as the kiss continued. You both lingered, perhaps too long in the morning light, just to make sure it wasn’t some kind of wild hallucination fueled by too many rom-coms, and that you weren’t about to wake up on the couch while movie credits played. Addison’s fingers tickled at your cheeks and you couldn’t help the gentle laugh that escaped your lips as you pulled away from the kiss, only to lean in again and peck her lips.
“Not a dream.” You murmured.
“Definitely not.” She replied with a smile, “now how about you go turn on some Housewives and relax with your coffee.” She squeezed at your hand, “I’ll clean this up and get all the leftovers into the fridge.”
Reluctantly, you stepped away from her, noticing that the warmth in the room, blooming in your chest and shining all the way into hers didn’t dissipate with the distance between you this time. You refilled your coffee mug before crossing into the open living room, dropping onto the couch to pick up the remote.
“Please, pack up multiple containers for yourself to take home, lord knows I won’t be able to eat all of it.”
“Who said anything about me going home anytime soon?” Addison called over her shoulder, a wicked grin on her face, her words bringing a blush to your cheeks as you sunk impossibly deeper into the couch in a fit of giggles.
You were certain, if this was a dream, it was the best one, and the most realistic one you’d ever had, and there was no way you would be forgetting the feeling of Addison’s lips on yours. However it wasn’t, and you wouldn’t have to worry about remembering the details because ten minutes later she was joining you on the couch, peppering your face in kisses that tasted like maple syrup and strawberries.
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imthxtgood · 7 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Long live that look on your face...
Private Practice 06x06: 'Apron Strings.'
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wittygutsy · 3 months
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My favorite Matrix of women!
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augustvandyne · 7 months
addison montgomery x reader, private practice style pretty pls
i love a good “who did this to you?” lots of angst and care taker addison. giving you kisses when you’re stuck in a hospital bed.
i also love a little bit of addison crying on the shoulder of someone worried about you.
i love a good who did this to you moment as well. and i also live for the angst!!
tw: mentions of charlottes accident, mentions of past abusive relationship
who did this?
You couldn’t have possibly seen it coming. You thought you’d gotten away from him, but now it was evident you hadn’t.
Sam found you as you were leaving the hospital, and thank god he did.
You definitely weren’t in a good state at all, and you’d been out for a while. You’d had surgery done by Charlotte for internal bleeding and you were going to make it.
But again, you weren’t in a good state.
Addison found out almost immediately, as she was getting prepared to leave when Charlotte and Sam were rolling you inside from the entrance.
Charlotte had to tell Addison to get back because she was a conflict of interest.
You fell for Addison quickly after moving here a few years ago, and you obviously never thought your ex would find you.
You laid back in a hospital bed now, slowly coming out of consciousness.
“She’s waking up,” You recognize the voice to be from your best friend, Cooper.
“It’s a slow process, Coop,” Charlotte sighs upsettingly. “She’s been almost waking up for hours now.”
Your vision is blurry as you try to take in the bodies in the room. It only looked like there was Addison, Charlotte, Violet and Cooper in the room.
You feel wetness on your right hand, and you assume that’s where Addison is sitting. You can barely see Violet pacing back in forth in front of your hospital bed, as well as Charlotte trying to console Cooper on your left side.
“I don’t understand what happened,” You hear Coopers heart breaking, and yours breaks all over for all of them. You wish you could tell them.
“It had to have been someone from her past,” Violet says, her pointer finger and thumb digging into her eyes. She was tired.
You imagine Charlotte hollowing her cheeks in anger.
She wasn’t sure about you at first when you first moved back to LA due to you being Coopers closest friend and her being undeniably in love with him, but she came around to you eventually. And now, she was like a sister to you just like Cooper was a brother.
“We’ll find them,” Charlottes says in her southern drawl. “He or she. Whoever that may be. We’ll get her justice just like you did for me.”
You feel Addison’s grip adjust in your hand, and you know that hit a spot. Even thinking about something like that happening to you hurt her deeply.
“What do you think Addison?” Violet asks, but only receives silence. You haven’t heard Addison say a word since you had slightly woken. “Addison?”
You feel her lift her head and look at the other three people in your room before standing and exiting the room.
You see Violet exit as well behind her.
“I should,” Charlotte nods and kisses Cooper on the head before exiting as well.
“Y/n/n,” Cooper grabs your left hand. “You need to wake up soon, got it? You’re driving me insane, and you’re driving Addison insane. And.. although she won’t admit it, you’re driving Charlotte insane too. She cares about you too. We all do.”
You’re listening to what he says as you try to make out what is happening in the hall.
Addison has her hands on her hips and she’s looking up at the ceiling. Most likely to stop the tears from hitting her cheeks. She has her lips pressed together to stop any quiet cries from escaping her lips.
Charlotte says something that makes her bow her head, finally breaking and letting everyone else see the tears.
You knew Charlotte wasn’t one for PDA, so you were surprised when you made out her figure wrapping around Addison’s to comfort her.
“It’s going to be okay,” Charlotte rubs her back. “I care about her just as much. And I’m just as scared as you.”
“We’re all here for you Addison,” Violet promises.
You awake fully, your eye site still blurry, but clearing up, nonetheless.
“Guys,” Cooper widens his eyes, coming to the edge of the door, hanging onto the door frame.
Addison removes her head from Charlottes shoulder and is immediately by your side again.
“Y/n?” Her eyebrows are crunched up sadly, and you’re afraid if you speak she might start crying again. “Oh, my sweet girl.”
“We should leave them,” Violet suggests from the doorway.
Cooper and Charlotte nod, and reluctantly follow the woman out.
“I was so scared,” Addison leans her head down, kissing your scraped up knuckles. “My heart dropped when I saw you on the bed. I didn’t know what to do or say.”
“I’m sorry,” Your voice is scratchy. “It’s going to be okay.”
“It’s not, Y/n,” She shakes her head angrily. “Who did this to you?”
“My ex,” You squeeze her hand in reassurance.
“Who are they?” She asks with tears streaming freely.
“It was a man,” You cough. “He was abusive when I was with him and that’s why I moved here in the first place. To get away from him.”
Addison shakes her head, “I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”
You smile lightly at your girlfriend because you know she isn’t lying.
“Come here,” You move over in the bed, wincing slightly at the movement.
“Are you sure?” Addison asks. “I dont want to hurt you.”
“Addie, you won’t hurt me,” You laugh lightly. “I promise.”
She slides into the bed alongside you, moving so your head is on top of her chest and her arms are around you. She kisses you softly on the head.
You tilt your head up at her so she could kiss you on the lips, and she does.
“I love you Addie, thank you for taking care of me.”
“I will always take care of you,” She nods and the two of you fall asleep on the bed together. If you’re going to be uncomfortable, Addison may as well be uncomfortable with you.
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babyjakes · 7 months
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about the event | eun hosts a private practice blurb night for the month of march 2024!
dates and times | requests will be accepted over two weeks, from mon. march 11th to sat. march 23rd. the event will begin at 12pm cst on sat. march 23rd.
submission guidelines | the theme of this event is eun's new medfet au, private practice! check out the private practice au masterlist to find out more about the characters. more detailed requests are more likely to be chosen. please make sure your submission follows eun’s general request guidelines. please include the following in your request:
the doctor of your choice (levinson for nondark or soft!dark, hansen for truer dark) a nurse or specialist to assist a medfet theme or scenario medfet and other kink elements you'd like included a daddy!character for reader (if relevant)
looking for medfet inspo? | eun's providing a list of ideas below the cut!
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medfet prompts.
gynecology: exams, screenings, procedures orgasmic and sexual functioning: pleasure response testing, orgasm trials, forced orgasm therapy, toleration of penetration deviance and behavior: refusal to orgasm, breaking no touch/play rules, general brattiness/defiance medical bondage: restraints, dental gags, drugging/sedation watersports: holding kink, forced wetting/release, diaper play, catheter play medical tools and devices: injections, sexual enhancement drugs and topicals, dilators, speculum, thermometers, suction devices, vibrators, swabs and brushes, "penetration" (fucking) machines, response testing equipment, plugs general medical supplies: exam tables and chairs, scrubs, lighting, gloves, masks, machinery regression elements: being examined/inspected, surrendering control, being good for daddy and/or the doctor, sex as a regressive technique specific to andy's character: aftercare elements, trouble/help with regressing, providing comfort through exams/procedures specific to pete's character: bondage and medfet inventions, testing new equipment and treatments on patients
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
If you are taking requests. May I request Amelia X reader. Reader is her ex but they broke off( private practise , worked with Addison and all ). But reader left maybe to work abroad or the military. Fast forward now reader returns to Grey's Addison called them in , old flame,sparks . reader was always her safe place but they grew apart and had to grow(get sober). Just want Amelia to be happy, idk what the heck happened to Kai :((( I'm sorry if it's too much or silly feel free to if ore.
Somebody that I used to know
Summary: Even though years change people, the love for them stays the same.
Pairing: Amelia Shepherd x female!reader
Warnings: my medical knowledge is zero, talk of addiction, Scout doesn’t exist
Word count: 1997
a/n: Amelia deserves so much better
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Addison walks towards the break room, hoping to find Amelia there before it’s too late. She walks into the room, luckily seeing the youngest Shepherd sitting on the couch, coffee in hand, talking with Maggie Pierce. “Amelia, could I talk to you for a minute?” She says right away, skipping the pleasantries.
With a look, Amelia stands up. “Sure.” She chuckles quietly, slightly nervous. “What’s up?” She asks after Maggie leaves to room for the two.
“I called Doctor Y/L/N here to help me with a patient of mine, she’s arriving today.” She tells, trying to gauge what Amelia’s thoughts are about seeing her ex again. “I wanted to tell you before she’s here.”
“Okay, thanks for telling me.” And with that Amelia leaves the room. Addison sighs, rubbing her forehead. Suddenly she isn’t too sure if she did the right thing, but she really needs Y/N here, she’s the best in her field. She just has to hope everything goes smoothly.
“Addison!” Y/N’s voice calls out excitedly.
The red head turns around to see her doctor friend walking towards her with a bright smile. “Hey, stranger.” Addison laughs, meeting her half way to hug her. “I’m so glad to finally see you. How was the world?” She pulls away, her hands on Y/N’s shoulders to see how much she has changed over the years.
“The world was good.” Y/N decided to leave the practice in Los Angeles to join the Doctors Without Borders, traveling all over the world with them. “How’s Seattle? I didn’t think you’d come back here.” She looks around the hospital. This isn’t her first time in Grey Sloan Memorial, but it has been a long time since she was last here.
“Seattle is good. You know I go where babies need me, and this baby needs us both.” She nods her head forward, so they start walking. “The baby is two months old and his heart is incredibly weak. He won’t survive without a donor heart, but getting a heart that small will take too much time.”
“That’s where I come in.”
“That’s where you come in.” Addison smiles, she missed working with her. “His heart could become strong enough, if you fixed the veins around it.” They walk into a room full of pictures of the baby’s heart and veins.
Y/N looks through the pictures, at times picking one of them up to see it closer. The heart is compromised, and the baby won’t survive long if they do nothing, but the surgery Addison is talking about is incredibly risky. Fortunately, Y/N is a risk taker.
“I can do it,” she states, “but I’m gonna need a lot of help. His vitals need to be monitored closely.”
Letting out a sigh of relief, Addison nods. “I’ll get you anything you need.” She pauses for a moment, contemplating on saying anything. “Amelia is here, you know? Incase you wanted to talk to her.”
“Oh.” Y/N clears her throat, cleaning up the pictures into a neat pile so she wouldn’t have to look at Addison staring at her. “I didn’t know that.” She mumbles.
The now silent and tense atmosphere of the room makes Addison question whether she made the right decision. Amelia is one of the most important people in her life, she’s her sister, but she also cares about Y/N a lot. Their relationship didn’t really end on the best terms, mostly because of Amelia’s addiction, but the relationship itself was good. They both were happiest Addison has ever seen when they were together.
“I’ll make a surgery plan and then get back to you, okay?” Y/N states, not waiting for Addison to answer as she leaves the room.
Her mind is all over the place, which makes her walk through the hallways with less attention than usually, though she does greet the familiar faces going past her. However, she doesn’t notice the person walking right towards her with the same state of mind. So, they crash into each other.
All the pictures Y/N was holding fly to the floor. “Shit, I’m sorry.” She grumbles, kneeling down to gather them.
The familiar voice makes her head snap up. Amelia is standing over her, an indescribable look on her face. The exes stare at each other in silence, both unsure what to do. They both knew of the others presence in the hospital, but they didn’t think they’d bump into each other, at least not yet.
Her breath hitches as she looks over Amelia’s face. As much as she doesn’t like admitting it, she missed her. “Amy.” With a mumble, Y/N stands up, dusting off her scrubs.
“Amelia, no one calls me Amy anymore.” She says with a small smile. Y/N just nods, putting it to her mind. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”
Amelia scratches the back of her neck. “So, Addison called you.”
“She did.” The pictures are starting to crease in her grip. “There’s a..baby, obviously, uhm, and she needed help.” She clears her throat, looking around for an exit. “I actually have to make a surgery plan for tomorrow, so, I’ll see you around, I guess.”
Going to walk past Amelia, she stops once a hand takes hold of her arm. “Could we talk? Just the two of us, later today.”
The ask makes Y/N hesitant, but the way Amelia is looking at her makes her give in. “Okay.”
“Awesome,” a smile spreads on Amelia’s face, “coffee, after work?”
“I’ll see you then.” She lets go and Y/N walks away, Amelia’s eyes never leaving her back.
Amelia paces around the lobby of the hospital, her mind racing a mile a minute. She has always considered Y/N her biggest love, maybe even soulmate, if she truly believes in them. Seeing her again has brought the feelings back to the surface and she isn’t sure what to do with them.
Her thoughts come to a halt when she notices Y/N walking towards her. Instead of her scrubs, she’s now wearing her everyday clothes. She looks just as beautiful as she did all those years ago. And she decides to tell her so, “you look beautiful.” Y/N hums with a slight smile, her cheeks turn warm, but she pays no mind to it. “There’s a small cafe down the street.”
“Let’s go then.” As they walk side by side, Y/N bites the inside of her cheek, looking down at the pavement. The silence is uncomfortable and they desperately want to break it, but neither of them know what’s appropriate to say in a situation like this. “How have you been?” Y/N decodes to ask, glancing at Amelia.
“Better. A lot better actually. I’ve been sober for a long time, though it’s still hard sometimes. I got two new sisters, sort of,” she chuckles, “Meredith and Maggie. And I’m the head of neuro department.”
“I heard about Derek. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah.” Amelia sighs. “It’s okay.” She opens the door of the cafe for Y/N before stepping inside herself. At the counter, they order their coffees, and when it comes time to pay, Amelia pushes Y/N’s hand away from the machine. “My treat.” She pays both of their coffees.
“You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to.” They move to the other side pf the counter to wait for their coffees. “It’s the least I can do after,” she pauses, “everything.”
“It wasn’t completely your fault.” She looks away from her. “You were going through a tough time.”
“That’s no excuse. I hurt you and drove away one of the best things in my life.”
Being one of the best things in her life sounds like an exaggeration, but the sincerity in Amelia’s eyes makes her believe she really means it. “You’re also important to me.” Before the conversation van keep on going, the barista shouts their names. They take their coffees and find a quiet corner place to sit.
“So, what have you been doing all there years?”
“I moved around with Doctors Without Borders.” Y/N sips her drink. “Also studied a bit on the side.”
“And your love life?”
If Amelia was anything, she was blunt. If she wanted know something, she’d ask, Y/N usually liked her unfiltered talk. “Love life, huh?” She giggles with a shake of her head. “There were some flings and one time things, you know, to release stress I suppose. But nothing that stayed.” Amelia listens intently while she drinks her coffee. “And you?”
She shrugs. “There was Link and Kai, but just like every relationship I have had, they ended with someone’s heart broken.” Amelia has a grin on her face. She has already gotten over the past two relationships, but it’s still disheartening to have failed relationships.
“Hm, you’ll find your person.”
“Maybe,” Amelia keeps eye contact with Y/N, “I really hope so.”
Looking down, Y/N taps the mug in front of her with her nails, all the feelings around them getting overwhelming. “Listen,” she changes the subject, “could you be in the surgery tomorrow? I need someone to monitor her brain activity, and you are the best there is.” She lifts her head to give Amelia a teasing look. “Or at least you used to be. Have you gotten worse over the years?”
“Worse? Do you know who you’re talking to? I’m better than ever.” Amelia answers to the teasing look with a challenging look of her own. “What I’m hearing is, you need my help because you aren’t in the best shape.” Her elbows are leaning against the table.
“Oh, wow.” Y/N crosses her arms. “Your ego is still sky high.”
Amelia laughs, which Y/N giggle as well.
The surgery has been going on for six hours already, and the whole room is tense. Amelia and Addison are monitoring the baby’s health, while Y/N is rerouting the veins near the heart. The surgery is already nearing its end, but there’s still things to do.
Y/N lets out a sigh, shaking her hand to ease the pain in her wrist. It has stayed on one position for a long time. She can feel multiple pairs of eyes on the side of her head, there’s an audience in the viewing room. This is an once in a lifetime surgery after all. Double checking everything she has done, Y/N lifts her head to her friends. “Are his vitals good?” The two nod. “Alright, we’re ready to close.” She says shakily, not ready to relax just yet. But she can feel the relief coursing through the room.
The sutures closing the opening on the baby’s chest don’t take long, as the wound isn’t as big as on an adult. The moment the last suture is on its place, people in the viewing room start cheering, so do the doctors in the operation room. Addison and one other doctor take the baby to NICU, not before thanking Y/N though.
Walking out of the room, Y/N slumps down to a chair, taking off her scrub cap. Amelia sits down next to her. “Watching you work is seriously magnificent.”
Y/N laughs, “you’re being dramatic.”
“I’m not!” Amelia throws her arm around Y/N’s shoulders, giving her a side hug. “You’re incredibly and I love you.” Y/N turns to look at her. “Give me another chance? Go on a date with me?”
“Yeah?” Amelia grins widely.
“Yeah.” Y/N smiles too, her heart beating a hundred miles. She isn’t sure if it’s from the surgery she just did, or the fact that Amelia is looking at her like she’s the only person she cares about.
Amelia nods, feeling like she just won the lottery. “I’ll pick you up at eight, wear something pretty.” She kisses her cheek before walking off, going straight to Addison to tell the good news.
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horsetailcurlers2 · 2 months
they really had addison say “if i went missing, would anyone notice i was gone?” and “if i die, nobody’s really gonna care… well, they’ll care. but they won’t be broken” on two separate occasions years apart and then just never examined that further, huh?
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chippdhearts · 6 months
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Private Practice || Station 19 6x06 Apron Strings || 7x02 Good Grief
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ninus9607 · 2 months
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general-alder · 6 months
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swiftsdelucaa · 6 months
❨ RULES: My requests are currently open! I will write character x character and character x reader fics, mostly with female reader as a girl, but if you want a specific gender write it in the request. I'm ok with every type: fluff, angst, headcanons and smut, but I will not write minors x adults or poly relationships. If it takes me a bit long to post your fic it's because I have a life, school and other stuff to deal with so please be patient. Thank you ♡ ❩
-> ᴡʜᴏ ɪ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ғᴏʀ
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❛ 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘺 ❜
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❛ 𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ❜
➳ 𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒 𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑠
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❛ 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 ❜ | *𝘚𝘔𝘜𝘛*
➳ 𝐽𝑜 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑛
❛ 𝘔𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘵 ❜
❛ 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 ❜
➳ 𝐴𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑔𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑦
❛ 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘶𝘴 ❜
➳ 𝐴𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑙 𝐾𝑒𝑝𝑛𝑒𝑟
❛ 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭! ❜
❛ 𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘦 ❜ *SMUT*
➳ 𝐺𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒 𝑂'𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑦
❛ 𝘋𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴 ❜
➳ 𝐶𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑎 𝑌𝑎𝑛𝑔
❛ 𝘋𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴 ❜
➳ 𝑇𝑒𝑑𝑑𝑦 𝐴𝑙𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑛
❛ 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 ❜
➳ 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑎 𝐷𝑒𝐿𝑢𝑐𝑎
❛ 𝘖𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺 ❜
❛ 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘈𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 ❜
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imthxtgood · 5 months
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Grey's Anatomy 03x12: 'Six Days, Part 2'.
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anewkindofme · 2 months
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We didn't have enough of them and I'll whine about it for the rest of my life.
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augustvandyne · 7 months
oh here’s another addison thought
reader and addison start getting on, reader helping and assisting in surgeries. reader isn’t an intern tho.
reader gets a feeling addison likes her, addison does but she is Scared™️
and then addison goes to LA :(
and reader goes to her, last ditch attempt. “why did you leave me?”
angsty.. i like it
why did you leave?
You were Addison’s fellow. You were in your final year of residency when Addison made her big entrance, and you stood idly by as you watched everything with Derek, Meredith and her go down.
As soon as your options for fellowships opened up, you made sure you were to study under the Addison Montgomery.
She was kind of rude to you at first, as she was going through the final stages of her divorce, but she did finally open up to you and let you in on surgeries. And then, the two of you were closer than ever.
You did a lot of the surgeries with her, led them too.
Addison and you ate lunch together almost everyday, because all your other friends ate lunch while you were in surgery, so Addison would offer to eat with you.
“But Callie is sitting over there. You should go sit with her,” You would shrug and take a seat in the back of the cafeteria.
“I can’t leave you alone,” Addison huffed and sat beside you. “Besides, Mark will sit with Callie.”
You smiled appreciatively, “Okay. Only if you want to.”
You’d also go to the bar with her, and sometimes even get dinner with her if your schedules aligned. The two of you even got together for Christmas and exchanged gifts. Mostly because neither of you had any blood relatives in Seattle, and found comfort in each other.
She got you a necklace, and you would play with it when you got nervous. Addison would notice and try to comfort you, but she was beginning to think it was her that did it.
“Stop,” She removed your hand from your necklace. “You’re going to make a mark on the back of your neck from tugging on that.”
You’d let out a breath, “Sorry. It’s just the nerves.”
“Oh?” Addison lifted her brows, sitting beside you on the abandoned bed in the hallway. “What’s going on today?”
“An old friend is coming down to see me,” You shrugged. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Sure it is,” Addison swallowed down the negative thoughts and her own anxiety. “How long did you know them?”
“It’s a she, and I knew her my whole life before I moved out here. She was actually my first kiss.”
Addison nodded, pretending to be busy with the hair tie on her wrist.
“Hey, listen,” Addison turned her head, and she thought she might have told you about her ongoing feelings, but something else entirely comes out. “I’m going to visit a friend in LA next week. Could you watch over my patients? You’ll work under another neonatal surgeon while I’m gone. It’ll only be a day or two.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
She was gone for more than two days, and she didn’t answer any of your messages while she was gone. She came back almost a week later and she was different.
Addison told you about how she met a guy down there and that she missed her best friend, Naomi.
You stood by and tried to be supportive, you smiled and pushed the jealousy down, because even though you didn’t want to, you felt the same way she did.
She was tanner than when she left, and her red hair was a lighter shade now.
“It was nice down there,” She told you. “I think you’d like it. Because you love beaches.”
Your heart throbbed at the fact that she remembered something you told her the first time she talked to you.
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow, Dr. L/n,” Addison threw her gloves in the trash.
She barely called you that anymore, but right then she did, and it hurt like hell. For some reason you didn’t believe you’d see her the next morning. And your hunch was right.. because you didn’t.
You didn’t even know what you were doing, honestly. You just got the urge to leave Seattle for a few days, and you took yourself to LA.
You were at a local market when you spotted her.
She looked amazing. She’d cut her hair, and it was now to her shoulders. She was still tan like she was when you last saw her, but her hair was back to her normal red color.
She looks at you, and you think she might not even recognize you at first. Because truth be told, it had been almost a year since she’d left, and she’d built a life for herself out here.
Or so you hear through Callie.
You look down at the blueberries you were messing with, suddenly trying to look busy.
“Y/n..” Addison approached you, but you didn’t look up. “What are you doing here?”
“Um..” Your voice shakes, and you’re not sure if you’re going to be able to talk. “I needed to get out of Seattle for a few days.”
“I know the feeling,” She chuckles.
The sound of her voice and laugh makes your body tingle from your head to your toes.
“I’m sure,” You say bitterly, picking up a carton of blueberries so you can hopefully leave this conversation behind.
She just follows behind you as you make your way to the vegetables, “So.. uh.. how are you? How’s— how’s Seattle?”
“I’m fine,” You shrug.
“Are you still working in the neonatal field?” You see her hoist her bag higher on her shoulder from the corner of your eyes. “Is that why you’re here?”
“No,” You grit your teeth. “I’m here because I needed a few days away from Seattle, I told you. I didn’t mean to drive here, I just put my brain on autopilot, and it brought me here. I didn’t even think about you being here until now, okay?”
Your voice is soft and it’s scaring you because you hold nothing but anger for Addison. So the fact that you’re speaking in a sweet tone..
“It was nice seeing you,” You attempt to get her out of your head again, but it doesn’t work.
“Do you wanna.. I don’t know.. meet for drinks tonight?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” You clench your jaw, trying to keep yourself from saying something you know you’re going to regret.
“Y/n, look at me,” You hear Addison’s voice wavering like yours had only minutes ago.
You manage to pull your eyes away from the fresh produce and to her face, and it’s hard for you to look her in the eyes, but you manage.
Her hand comes up to touch you on the face, and when it does, you flinch at her soft touch. Your breath catches in your throat, and you have to swallow down the lump in your throat so you don’t start crying.
“Why did you leave?” Your voice breaks, and tears are beginning to fill in your eyes, much to your dismay.
“I needed a change of scenery—“
“No,” You all but growl, you sharply inhale and press your lips together. “Why did you leave me?”
Addison’s eyes flutter, and her own eyes fill with tears. You’ve struck her in a wound she was so desperately trying to heal.
“Y/n..” She wipes a stray tear with the pad of her thumb, her palm resting on your cheek. “I didn’t.. I didn’t leave you..”
“You did, though,” You try to turn your head, but her hold on you is soft and strong. “You left me, and I didn’t even get a goodbye.”
Next think you know, she’s pulling you into a hug, one of her hands now on the back of your head while the other snakes around your waist.
“I never meant to make you feel like that,” Her mouth is by your ear.
“It doesn’t feel that way,” You sob into her shoulder.
She pulls back, both her hands making their way to your cheeks, “I had feelings for you, Y/n. And I know it was immature, but— I— I was scared that you didn’t feel the same and I had to get out of there.”
As if your heart hadn’t broken enough times in your chest since this interaction had started, it somehow broke again.
“Addie.. I did— do feel the same. Didn’t you see?”
“I didn’t want to assume—“
You lean up and place a kiss on her lips, “Well stop assuming, and start living in the moment with me. This has been the worst experience ever. I hate the new head of neonatal, and I think she hates me too. I wish you would have just talked to me..”
“I will from now on,” Addison promises, staring into your eyes.
“What?” You smile softly, all of your pent up hate for her slowly melting away. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You’re beautiful, am I not allowed to admire you?” Addison tilted her head.
“No, you can,” You draw your brows together in amusement. “I like it, actually. But you want something from me.”
“I want another kiss,” Addison shrugged, shyness in her tone.
You laugh, “You’re adorable.”
“Thank you,” Addison nodded. “Now come on, I have a lot of people to introduce you to.”
“There it is,” You throw your head back.
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