stickeriffic · 1 month
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Disney Princesses: Retro Cute
Check out the Disney Princesses, brought to you in style of '90s Japanimation! Use these in your chats to give them a hint of nostalgia.
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alelelesimz · 11 months
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evil women. like if you agree
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bs-fangirl · 4 months
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Maui asking the real questions because the lack of Pua the pig was my biggest complaint about the first film!
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ntls-24722 · 13 days
Mostly music man on the mind. here's djmms to stave you off
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I wondered if the robot version of hanging by a silk thread would just be his butt hatch opening up to hang on by a rope contraption like this.
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And then we just have him as a discord kitten (don't even know what possessed me to make it). That and Sindeer and her mom, Nawi, getting excited about someone getting executed for adultery
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Brainstorming Regse and figuring out my least favorite part about character design: clothes. I at least got down a particularity about zebrapeople's clothes - the fronts are usually kept open. Since they keep their arms in a mantis posture, there's not much pressure to cover your chest most of the time.
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I figured it out eventually though, and actually remembered to make their(?) facial structure the way it's supposed to be, that and I figured out some of the facial particularities of the other two:
This is Regse, Pua, and Mauli, they're 3 zebraelf mailmen and they keep getting into dumb situations, be it with their own species or when they're off in the wilderness. Zebraelf genders are just their jobs - the reproductive caste is usually two genders for the drones and queens, but are sometimes wholly one gender whether you're either, and the workers are seen as the "in-between" third gender. Masculinity and femininity within workers are usually determined by your job description: Work in nurseries, obstetrics or as parents are typically seen as feminine because of their resemblance to/working alongside the egglaying queen, and most jobs with a lot of travelling or work in hospitality/entertainment is seen as masculine due to its resemblance to drones and their travelling fraternities. With the very drone-like travelling of being mailmen, these are zebraelf butches!
Regse is Pua and Mauli's grumpy boss, but they're all best friends. Pua is a nervous wreck who is unfortunately also an accidental agent of chaos and keeps making mistaken mischief. Mauli is a lot more laid back, and while she outwardly appears as a goody-two shoes, they purposefully cause mischief. Regse sees through her facade though, and chews them both out for whatever dumb shit they did this time
More of the secret music man AU.
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It's secret because I can't talk about it, because even I, the creator, don't know what it's about
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mockscreens · 1 year
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please like/reblog if you save!
more disney lockscreens here!
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artbyjasonleung · 4 months
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Pua from Moana 🐽
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capturingdisney · 11 months
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chaotictoon · 2 years
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Cartoon girls + Pet Pigs
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ienchanted · 1 year
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We ♥ PUA
Moana (2016)
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womeninfictionandirl · 2 months
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Moana by Kimberly Kha
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tlg-confessions · 2 months
I feel like we need to talk about Pua more often. He’s way too underrated
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gorchart · 8 months
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PUA (oc)
Artist: Silvia Gorchakova / Gorchart
Digital Illustration, Procreate, 2024
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devilsrecreation · 6 months
Pep Talk-A TLG fanfiction
The Pridelands felt unusually quiet. That’s how it seemed to Pua, at least. Though it felt different this time. He wasn’t basking on land or floating around in Lake Matope with his fellow crocodiles. He wasn’t even with his old hippo friend, Basi. He was alone and he wasn’t used to it.
It all happened so suddenly. What Pua thought was going to be another day of feeding his now former float turned into a mashindano between him and Makuu. Though he had much more experience and technique, he knew he wasn’t young anymore. Makuu was younger and more physically fit than he was. Despite using all of his tricks, Makuu was able to hold him down, forcing him to finally tap out and be banished from the float.
Now, it was just him.
Pua stopped when he got to an empty watering hole. He needed a drink, especially after what just happened. He faced his reflection and sighed somberly.
“Oh spirits,” he lamented to himself before taking a sip, “what do you suppose I do now that I’m on my own?”
“Hey, handsome.”
Pua’s head immediately rose upon hearing that voice. It was beautiful and so…familiar. He hadn’t heard it in so long—but no. It couldn’t be! That voice had left him long ago, yet he knew it anywhere. He found himself glancing at the clouds, being met with the head of a beautiful crocodile. Her skin was a slightly lighter shade of green and her snout was longer with brown spots at the tip. His jaw dropped.
The spirit grinned. Pua blinked.
“I must be hallucinating.” he said, “It can’t be you… can it?”
Kuimba took a moment to look at herself to the best of her ability. She nodded. “I think so. It’s wonderful to see you again, my love. Although, you look different. Were those wrinkles always there? You look….old.”
Pua returned the grin, chuckling a bit. That was his mate, alright. A tad ditzy, but she could still lift his spirits no matter how hard of a day he had. It was one of the many reasons why he had loved her so much. He quickly compiled all of his thoughts.
“It has been a while since you’ve completed your journey,” he answered. “Things have changed.”
Pua’s face fell upon saying those words. Kuimba took notice.
“Rough day, hm?”
Pua sighed. “You have no idea.”
“What’s bothering you?” Kuimba asked.
Pua took a deep breath. “Makuu challenged me to a mashindano.”
“He disagreed with my decision to not eat the fish in Basi’s watering hole. It was either that or I surrendered my leadership at that moment. I fought my best, but he was much stronger than he appeared to be.”
This time, it was Kuimba’s turn to be surprised.
“You mean you lost? My, that’s a first. You’ve never lost a mashindano before.”
“My strength isn’t what it used to be.” Pua replied. “It was inevitable.”
“Wasn’t Makuu the one that looked up to you?”
Pua did not expect his late mate to remember that, but it was true. He remembered it so clearly; how Makuu would always be right behind Pua whenever on a stroll when he was a hatchling, how he would copy his fighting style, how Pua took notice of it all and used to brag about himself to the other adults.
Yet it was so long ago.
Pua nodded. “He was. He’s all grown up now, as are the rest of the hatchlings.” Pua frowned, “I just wish I was a better role model back then. Perhaps his ego wouldn’t have been so big as it is now.”
Kuimba chuckled. “He reminds me of you!”
“Yes, he does.”
“Are you afraid Makuu wouldn’t be a good leader?”
“Of course not. I know he will eventually change his ways and come to respect the Circle of Life. I should know, I’ve been in the same position.” Pua said. He sighed. “But…that is not the problem.”
“Then what is?”
“Kuimba, I have been training my entire life to be a leader and I tried my absolute best to be a good one. It was my responsibility to do what was best for my float, no matter what happened. It’s been that way for a long time. But now that I have been banished, I…..”
Pua lowered his head sadly, averting his gaze from the spirit.
“I have nothing left to offer.”
Kuimba frowned. “Oh, Pua…but that’s just not true.”
Pua lifted his head again. “How so?”
“Well, think of it as a good thing. Now that you’re not a leader anymore, you have much more free time to do whatever you want. You can still spend some time with your old friends and even meet new ones.”
“Perhaps, but I still don’t see how I am of any use anymore.” Pua responded.
“Your wisdom, sweetheart.” Kuimba said. “You’ve lived a long life and plenty of experience to go with it. You can give others your advice whenever they need it.”
Pua thought for a moment, remembering everything that led him to where he was now. It was true, he had learned so much over the years. From all the sparring techniques he taught himself in his youth to lessons about the circle of life taught by his old friend and former ruler, Mufasa. He remembered using those lessons to teach Makuu and the other crocodiles. But would it be helpful to other animals as well? Would they even listen to him? He cocked a brow.
“Do you really think so?”
“Of course I do.” A gentle smile had formed on Kuimba’s face, matching her kind eyes. “Go, live your best life. You deserve it.”
That last line struck Pua harder than he thought. He thought about how he used to be as a young adult. He used to be so arrogant and cruel, caring only for his desires with no regard for the Circle of Life. That was until his first Kupatana as a new leader of the crocodiles when he learned his ways would not be acceptable if he were to keep his position. So many factors had turned him from an insufferable brute to the humble crocodile he is now.
One of those factors… was Kuimba.
How he had ever managed to win her heart was beyond him. She was absolutely perfect, from her natural beauty to her gorgeous singing voice to her kindness that made even the toughest creatures respect her. She had every reason to not be interested in him, yet she was. She was the one who taught him how there was more to life than fighting. How the land could be a beautiful place once he stopped and looked around. She got him to open his eyes. And now here she was, assuring him how he deserves to live the remaining years of his life in the best way possible.
Oh, how he loved her.
Kuimba once again took notice of Pua's demeanor. He had said nothing, only grinning warmly as his eyes began to get a bit moist. His eyes were focused only on her before she spoke up.
“Pua darling, what is it?”
“Nothing, it’s just…” Pua’s smile grew wider, “you look just as beautiful as the day I lost you.”
Kuimba giggled, “You still desire me after all this time?”
“Of course.” Pua replied, “You were the heart and soul of the float, after all. Life isn’t the same without you.”
“Really? You seemed to be doing just fine without me.”
“That does not mean I missed you any less.”
Kuimba’s smile flourished at those words. A sudden wind whistled in both crocodiles’ ears. She nodded submissively.
“It seems my time is up for now.”
“Your time?”
“As much as I’d love to, I can’t talk to you forever. I only came to give you advice.”
“I see,” Pua said, “will I ever see you again?”
“Whenever you need help, dearest. But I’ll always be watching over you.”
Pua smiled, “Until next time, my love…and thank you.”
Kuimba’s spirit faded within the clouds, leaving Pua alone again. Yet, he did not feel so lonely anymore. He was going to find a new place to call his territory, one fit just for him. He was going to help his former float in any way he could despite his banishment. His old life was behind him.
Now all he had to do was make a new one.
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ntls-24722 · 5 months
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He didn't just get pampered, he just straight up got adopted.
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When I had made the initial comic I kind of had in mind that the zebraman was in exile and that was why he was all alone in the middle of the night, shirtless and willing to go up to the 10-ton tree stone-crushing giant that has been known to kill and eat zebramen on sight. Not sure what crime he committed, but as a very human-like organism, he's useless without anyone else and he's forced to go to someone for help. Thankfully 2 of the Debu found him cute (mostly because he was alone) and have just continuously fed him since he just kept following them around (to the 3rd's dismay).
They even made a little vest with a rope at the back so they could scoop him up.
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Though, I think eventually they'd figure out that he's as smart as them, even with the language barrier (debu cannot physically speak most zebrapeople languages, and vice versa). Especially when he learned a lot of basic survival from them, and is replicating it...
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Small detail, but Zebraman expressions! Zebramen actually have 2 toned gums instead of lips for expression purposes - When you're always smiling, you can flash your bottom and top gum to actually add nuance to your expressions (But WHY are they always smiling?.... i need to figure that out). The top gum is lighter because it makes a bigger contrast with the strip between their nose and lip, they kind of have a cow thing going on there.
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What's funny though, is that a Zebraperson smile is a Debu's look of disgust. The raised top lip is to show the lighter gum in zebrapeople, but the raised top lip in Debu is to make the appearance that they're trying to cover their nose with their lip.
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Also, Zebraelves.
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Octapodal walking is less fast as hexapodal walking, but it's more stable, and while usually utilized for tree-climbing, you will sometimes see sick zebraelves walk like this on the ground to help with any dizziness.
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Mailmen zebraelves! I think I'm finally gonna give them the names Mauli(left) and Pua(right, with mohawk)
I was going to focus on them today, but I... didn't, obviously. Lol
Mauli is outwardly a goody-six-shoes, and that repuation has allowed her to get away with stuff when she actually did do something bad. Pua is very outwardly rebellious and her boss doesn't like her all that much, but Pua is just if Mauli wasn't seen as completely harmless. Their boss(Regse) sees through Mauli and indescriminately chews them both out, though
Regse doesn't hate either of them though. She has a weird motherly, older sister vibe for the two of them
Bonus comet
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drakvuf · 4 months
Nőmágnes képek
Jó hírek, fiúkáim! Nicholas Victor csajozási szaktanácsadó új bizniszbe kezdett!
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Megtanít nőmágnes fotókat készíteni:
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Ha balfasz vagy, akkor elmehetsz Nicholas stúdiójába, ahol már akár 35 000-ért nőmágnes fotókat készít róla.
De ha nem vagy csóró vannak itt jobb dealek is:
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"Ha van időd, anyagilag rendezett az életed, viszont hiányoznak az ÉLMÉNYEK, vagyis nőkkel kapcsolatban nem élted még ki magad és nem akarsz úgy meghalni, hogy NE ÉLNÉL."
Ki ne hagyjátok!
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sourtomatola · 4 months
Moana 2 trailer spoilers
"Why didn't you bring the pig last time?" -Maui
I'll tell you why
Cause the pig was BORING!! The pig is every other Disney princess sidekick that's cute but otherwise forgettable. I cheered internally SO HARD when the chicken came with her instead!
I had a chicken like Hei hei, so this was an amazing addition. An arrow is shot at him, *curiously and comically pecks at it*
What would have the pig done? The boring logical thing of squeal and hide Probably. He's cute, but predictable and dull. Would have added nothing to the trip other than an extra face.
Leave the pig at home, or give it an actual purpose. The chicken was at least comedy relief.
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