#Pancy Parkinson
meltsoul · 11 months
I've decided that my favorite characters from HP fanfics are Theodore Nott and Pansy Parkinson
This is like a declaration of love...or something.
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skyrigel · 3 months
Characters : Mattheo Riddle, Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini. Pancy Parkinson ( background )
How Slytherin boys will react when you ask them for break up.
Warning : might be toxic, alcoholism, possesive and obsessive behaviour, Reader feels they are too much ( in Blaise Zabini hc, you can skip that )
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Mattheo Riddle
He's not going to listen a word so don't even bother.
He will shut you up real quick in more than one way, speaking too loud, cutting you mid, changing topics and rushing to classes that don't even exist and his most favourite, kissing you.
He would kiss you so hard that every thought inside your head would evaporate in fuzzy vapour, the bubbles in your head popping with each moan that would escape your throat.
“You were saying something?” He would ask so wickedly, amused with the dumb look you have plastered on your face and relishing while your fumble within words.
“ I don't think it's important." He would take your hand, kissing the inside of your palm, his sweet words vibrating through your skin.
“ yeah, not important.”
Draco Malfoy
Ofcourse he would be a nonchalant bastard about it, despite the brimming tears at the inside of his eyes.
“ oh, fancy potter now, don't you ? ” he would snarl, accusingly, his voice harsh and contempt choking him.
Draco would do everything wrong, say the wrong things, do even more.
He would start by parading Pancy around, so desperate that he would also accept Miss Greengrass's date invite.
But he would also cry, as soon as the facade will crumble, he would grip the sink till his knuckles went white, face wet and red with tears that wouldn't stop.
Then a word with his mother would do the miracle and the next thing you know would be a very drunk Draco howling and sobbing his undying love for you, refusing to leave and would make everyone listen how much he loves you, and how you belong with him.
“ Draco.” you winced at the grimness left behind after dries tears, softening.
“ Go back to your dorm.”
“ kiss me night and i'll go.” Draco slurred, you were pretty sure you smiled as soon as he said 'fight' instead of night.
“ Yes!” He would lean down at you, pouting, and how much you loved this boy, all his tantrums, all his shenanigans. Your pretty, smart and silly boyfriend.
“Okay.” you breathed, pecking his cheek, tasting his tears and how much you hated it.
“ I'll be good...good for you.” he will be, you thought.
Tom Riddle
“ You decided that yourself ? ” Tom would whisper ever so dangerously, pressing closer, you could hear the pitch silence outside the tapestry.
“ It's not... It's not working Tom.” you knew he loved you but he was gone half the time, half the time with books that were too bold and dark, of magic that was malicious beyond your wits.
“ yeah ? ” He would smear his thumb across your face, kneading your cheek and you tried your best to stay quiet but the arousal that lurched inside you, just by his mere touch, sometimes just the way he looked at you, like he was part of your soul.
Tom would smirk, delighted when you moaned for him like that, he wasn't accepting at first how you drived his crazy just by existing. He wouldn't let you go, never ever.
“ I want to bury my soul into you.” His nose mapping your neck, taking your scent.
“ oh.” you trembled when his hands worked their way inside your shirt, cold rings blazing in your warm flesh.
“ But it will take time my darling.” his disappointment flushed when he looked up at you, breathless and hot under him.
“ so for now...” his mouth twitched, Head boy Tom Riddle, sinking to his knees, eyes glinting so bright. Oh how much he wishes to mingle your souls together, how much.
Theodore Nott
He's going to sensible, furrowing hard but listen when you tell him all the reasons how it could'nt work , he's considerate enough to pat your back, soothing you, when you break down in between.
“ If you need time baby, then I'll be patient.” he would say, kissing your forehead.
He wouldn't sit next to you in classes despite his soul wanting to crawl out of his body and embrace you.
Theo only sometimes snuggled next to you in armchair, you couldn't even blame him for it was too cold
He was on his best behaviour ignoring the totally 'accidental' beat ups of guys who were going to ask you or almost did, but in either way they never showed up.
“ I see you aren't dating anyone.” He would make no attempt to get up from your lap, discarding your homework with a swish of his wand.
“ shut up, or i will pour this ink pot on you.” you would bristle like a cat, it was inevitable not to card your fingers in his hair, scratching his scalp, he relaxed into your touch, chuckling.
“ It wasn't me.”
You sighed, looking at the bruised knuckles because your baby wasn't even trying to be subtle. He could have used his wand, phew.
“ c'mon, now can we please date again ? ” He would look up with puppy eyes, sticking out his lower lip to look extra cute. Shit, you shouldn't have told him that.
“ You guys stopped dating ? ” Draco asked, brow raised in question.
“ hey.” His fingers reached to trace your jaw, arching a little as you gaped a soft, ‘Theo’
“ Please, please, please.” He pleaded, his chin raised, as if he could claim your lips just like that.
“ Get yourself a room ! ” Pancy snapped, Theo only sneered while you looked away flushed pink.
“ Theo, stop.” you whined, when he got up, hawling you up in his arms as you wacked him repeatedly.
“ I've been a good boy.” he would mouth, smiling when you would hide your blush in the crook of his neck.
“ The only thing I am interested in breaking with you,” a pause, “ is my bed.”
Blaise Zabini
“ What did I do wrong ? ” that's his first question and you're already guilty.
“ It's just everything is so messy Zab, it's too much for me.”
He couldn't say anything more, the lump in his throat strangling each sound that passed between his cartilage.
“ Blaise...” you whispered when his whole face, that shined brighter than the whole sky withered away.
“ Hey...” you cooed and nudged him lightly and it was enough to break free the sob that grasped his chest, his whole heart. He hiccuped before large tears streamed down his coppery skin, gleaming in the basking glow of midnight.
“ Don't... please..d.. don't ” he sobbed harder, his whole body shaking.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him closer till your heart were crossed.
“ I am too much Blaise... Like a black hole.” you could never take away his glisten, never.
“ I love you.” he said, wrapping himself around you, closing his eyes as tear escaped and brushed against your clothes, love lorned and love sick.
“ I love you too.” because how could you not say it back ? When he loved you like you were the most precious one to him.
You will try, try your best and let him shine, protect him from your drakness, you have to try your best.
New Mattheo fic - Don't blame me
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crushingonevery1 · 9 months
Summary: your wait comes to an end as you begin ur journey at Hogwarts with your loving boyfriend and ofcourse your grandfather, along with ur magical family.
Warning: Slytherin reader. Pancy Parkinson rivalry. Very tiny bit of soft Snape ( tell me if I should add more of him).
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x fem! Slytherin!reader
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Getting off the train, you parted ways from the golden trio and the Weasley twins you were talking to. As soon as you stepped off the train you met one of your favourite people in the whole world.
"HAGRID!!!" He turned around from trying to spot you in the tiny students spilling out of the train and immediately with his loud voice replied
You immediately started crying and jumped into his arms, while he picked you up letting you cry in his arms trying to calm his own self down, not wanting to look soft in front of the students.
Hogwarts and it's professors, they were your family, they all played just as much of a role in raising you as your grandfather. You valued each and everyone of them and they all loved you just as much.
A lot of students paused to watch the scene unfold while others couldn't care less. Soon everyone made their way to the school.
Everyone was gathered in the dining hall while you along with Hagrid waited outside for your grandfather to call you in so you could be finally sorted into your house.
You felt so many emotions, there was so much going on you were almost overwhelmed. You were reuniting with your family after years of keeping in touch only through letters. You were suprising your bestfriend and boyfriend. You were gonna finally get sorted into your Hogwarts house. Right. Your house. It always bothered you Mr. Malfoy's obsession with Slytherin. What if you didn't get Slytherin, would they force you and Draco to split up? No they can't. They wouldn't. Would they?
Your thoughts were broken when you heard you grandfather's voice from inside the dining hall.
Tonight I keep the introduction short, I wanted to introduce you all with the only family I have. I, Albus Dumbledore, have a granddaughter, and today, she begins her journey like you in Hogwarts. We are here to encourage her through her sorting ceremony. I expect you all to be no different to her then to each other. She will be treated just the same as all of our other students."
"HERE SHE IS, Y/N DUMBLEDORE" presented Hagrid not containing his excitement opening the door for you.
The moment the door opened you looked around trying to find the pair of shocked eyes you longed to see all day. Spotting him at the Slytherin table,you gave him a wink loving the smile in his eyes. He couldn't help but give you huge grin with his eyes already tearing up, it's okay though noone would see, everyone was too shocked by the new unexpected student.
You made your way to your grandfather hugging him and all the other professors while crying your heart out. As much as Draco wanted to go there and comfort you and hug you and ask you why you didn't tell him, he sat there in his place, not wanting to interrupt your family reunion. He knew you waited for this for years, and he wouldn't let himself or anyone else ruin it for you. He sat there watching you with heart eyes knowing this was going to be his best year at Hogwarts, ever.
Parting from professor McGonagall, you made your way to professor Snape, if there was one person he has a soft spot for, it was you, he considered you his own daughter, he claimed he raised you, and infact he did.
"professor Snape" you nodded in acknowledgement making your way to him.
"Ms.Dumbledore." He nods back before you throw yourself into his arms, today would go down in history some of the students claimed. They couldn't believe they saw Snape laugh, not scold not glare but actually laugh.
Eventually once you were done with your greetings and cleaning your face from all the crying, the sorting hat was brought and placed on your head.
You wished in your head it wouldn't be anything but Slytherin not wanting to even so much as threaten your relationship with your lover. Soon the hat made its decision.
A wide smile made its way to your face and soon you got off the chair and sprinted across the room making your way to the teary love filled green eyes that were waiting their turn since the moment you entered the hall.
He stood up letting you crash into him immediately wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your neck. The tears he was holding back since this morning thinking of not being able to meet you for the next year finally made their way out. He hid his face in your neck and sobbed not willing to show anyone his vulnerable side other than you.
To say say everyone else was shocked was an understatement, not only did Draco have a girlfriend, but it was Dumbledore's granddaughter of all people.
The golden trio looked at each other all of a sudden doubting your intentions of befriending them in the train, and you could tell, but you let it be. They werent important right now.
The students around Draco, his friends (that you also knew very well) all cheered. The girl sitting two seats away, Pancy Parkinson as you recognised, had her jaw on the ground and she looked ready to get up and pull your hair out. But you didn't have to worry. Not at Hogwarts, not with your family around, not when your standing in the protective arms of the one and only Draco Malfoy. The boy who had promised himself that no matter what happens you were his. His responsibility, his to take care of. He wasn't going to let a soul near you if they meant any harm.
Ps: I'm very clueless of what to write in the coming parts so please please please help me out with requests of what you'd like to read. I'm not willing to write smut and can't promise the best when it comes to angst. So I'll keep my acc a lot more fluffy. Also please do tell me if I should post a little character background seperately cause I'm clueless if people actually wanna read that.
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lexiemalfoy · 2 months
Draco x reader (part 2)
Summary: You had just started your fifth year at Hogwarts. You're in Slytherin house and have a crush on Draco Malfoy.
Warning: there are some insulting remarks just saying.
Authors notes: please tell me what to write next or give me an idea because I feel like this is pretty boring right now but I don't know. Enjoy 😁
"why did you ask me here?" You questioned as Draco stared at you; his gray eyes locked on your face as you spoke. "I'm surprised you haven't guessed why." he said not looking away from you for a second. "I didn't want to assume anything." You said. You had guessed why he asked you as you were walking but you hoped that you were wrong. "So you haven't thought about it at all?" He new that you couldn't help but wonder why. "Ok, I have thought about it but I really hope I'm wrong." You whisper the last part, trying not to let yourself burst out crying. "Are you going to tell me what you think or just keep it to yourself?" "My first thought was that you were going to tell me your father had arranged for you and Pansy to get married or something." You said trying to prepare yourself if that was the case. "Y/n, no offence but sometimes you can be a bit stupid." You glared at him but then felt relieved that there was still a chance for him to be yours. "So what is it?" You asked; heart racing. "I asked you here because I have to tell you something very important but if you don't feel the same it will be very awkward." You looked him straight in the eye and tried your hardest not to smile. You new what he was going to say but didn't get your hopes up to much. "Ok, so what is this very important thing you need to tell me?" You couldn't help but smile at the serious look on his face. You always thought Draco just looked hilarious when he was serious, even when he was yelling at you for bumping into him or knocking something on the floor by accident. "Well," he said In a quiet voice. "I-I have to tell you that I have for awhile now had, Umm a-a crush on y-you." He looked down at his hands. You didn't say anything. You were screaming on the inside but stayed as calm as you possibly could. "Draco. Draco look at me." He slowly met your gaze; blushing slightly. "Draco, I have a crush on you too." You said with a comforting smile. Draco's usual smirk returned to his face. "Really?" "Yes of course I do how could I not," you said grinning. You were so happy that nothing could make you sad. "Will you come to my dorm with me?" Draco asked. "I will." You replied. Draco smirked.
You got up and walked back to the castle. Holding hands as you entered the common room. Everyone turned and stared as you walked past on your way to Draco's dorm. Pansy got up and walked over to you. ",what are you doing with my boyfriend?!" Pansy yelled. Everyone went silent to watch the drama that was about to unfold before them. "I'm not your boyfriend Parkinson." Draco sneered. "Well, can you at least tell me why? I mean I'm popular and pretty and she's gross and ugly." Pansy laughed with her gang of Slytherin girls behind her. You would normally have punched her in the face by now but instead you felt tears building in your eyes. You tried your hardest not to let it show. "Oh is the ugly rat crying?" Pancy said mockingly. You turned and ran out of the common room and down the hall to the room of requirement. Tears running down your cheeks. Draco looked at Pansy anger clearly showing on his face. "Why would I ever want you to be my girlfriend!? Your a horrible person, how dare you say that to y/n. Your lucky your a girl or I'd beat the s**t out of you." Draco ran out of the room to find you. He new you went to the room of requirement when Pansy was mean to you. As he walked into the room full of random junk and old furniture he saw you in your usual spot. A small corner fulled with books piled high to make a small cave like space the perfect size for two people to sit. A record player sat near it. You were playing y/f/s and crying in your corner. "Darling, are you alright?" Draco asked quietly. As he slowly walked towards you. "I'm fine just leave me alone!" You snapped. Draco took a small step back. You immediately felt bad. "I'm sorry, please don't leave." You reached out a hand for him to take. Draco smiled. He found you adorable when you were mad. He took your hand and sat down next to you on the floor. He raped one arm around you and held your hand in his while you cried into his chest. The music played quietly in the background. "Are you Alright now, darling?" Draco asked softly. You sat up a bit still leaning against his chest. Staring at the books piled high opposite you. "Why is she such a b-," you cut yourself of. "It's ok darling you can say it." "Why is she such a b**ch all the time for no reason?!" You say still sobbing slightly. "She just can't except that your mine and she's not." You look up at him smiling. He leans in and kisses you lightly on the lips and rests his forehead on yours. You moved your head away and nussle into the crook of his neck. Breathing slowly; taking in the sent of his cologne and cherry shampoo. He smelled so good!!!
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iris-qt · 3 months
𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚜
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"Something happens, and I'm head over heels..."
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✧ ᴛʜᴇᴏᴅᴏʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛᴛ x ʜᴜꜰꜰʟᴇᴘᴜꜰꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
✧ ʙɢ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ: ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ!, ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ!
✧ ᴡ/ᴄ: 3.2ᴋ
✧ ᴀ/ɴ: ʙᴀꜱᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴀᴍᴀᴢɪɴɢ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛ! ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀꜱᴇ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪᴢᴀʀᴅɪɴɢ ᴡᴀʀ ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ ᴏᴄᴄᴜʀ ᴅᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ 7ᴛʜ ʏᴇᴀʀ
✧ ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: ᴛʜᴇᴏᴅᴏʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛᴛ ꜰᴜᴍʙʟᴇᴅ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴡʜᴇɴ ʜᴇ ʟᴇꜰᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴜꜱᴛ, ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡꜱ ɪᴛ. ʜɪꜱ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ᴡᴀᴋᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴄᴀʟʟ ɪꜱ ᴡʜᴇɴ ʜᴇ ꜱᴇᴇꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ɪɴ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴇʟꜱᴇ.
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Sometimes, you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone to get what you want.
And if that means asking for help from your favorite gossip that slightly terrifies you, then so be it.
“Isn’t this just a bit too revealing?” 
You turn towards Pansy, tugging your borrowed mini dress down as she puts her hand on her hips, smiling, adding a finishing touch of maroon gloss onto your lips.
She steps back to admire her work, using her hands to frame you as you mock pose.
“Y/n. You’re a work of art,” she grins, putting on her own earrings. “And most people in art are naked, so just be thankful I didn’t insist on that.”
“You’re so merciful, Queen Pancy,” you fake a bow as she rolls her eyes grabbing your hand.
“Ok, ready? What was the one rule we went over?”
Your demeanor drops at the mere thought of him.
“I know, I know…don’t get distracted by him.”
Pansy sighs, shaking you by the shoulders. “He’s not the fucking Dark Lord, y/n. Say his name.”
You roll your eyes, annoyed at having to discuss the matter in the first place.
“Don’t get distracted by Nott.”
Theodore Nott.
You had to stop, but…
You’d loved him for a while
You’d loved him when he sat next to you on the first train to Hogwarts; picking scabs on his fingers out of nervousness. You’d distracted him with silly stories of your childhood. Of days spent creating little leaf huts for your ducklings and dreaming of adventure in the glades near your home. 
You loved him when you’d leave your table to sit next to him; leaning in close and sharing whispers about neverending topics. When he’d visit your dorm for a quiet night of reading and look around in awe at the cozy blankets and lamps illuminating his self-proclaimed safe space.
To say the least, you were head over heels for this boy. Head over heels for the way his eyes hid emotions if only you were worthy of revealing them. For the longest time, it seemed inevitable that Theodore Nott’s favorite person was y/n. 
Until 6th year, when Nott came back as a new boy. He’d grown what seemed like a foot and his face seemed carved of marble stone, only covered by his locks of dark hair. He was vastly desired and gained a multitude of new friends.
And he left you in the dust.
As Plato once said, "the measure of a man is what he does with power,” and Theodore Nott used that power to skyrocket his social standing until there wasn’t room for you anymore.
This year, however, was your year. The summer spent interning at the ministry had invoked a sense of confidence within you. You were always beautiful, however, you never usually showed it off.
This year, you’d decided to flaunt it.
Well, kind of..
Thank Merlin for Pansy Parkinson, your adoptive parent Slytherin.
You both headed down the stairs from the girl’s dorms, the music blaring and the raucous party already in full swing.
“Just as I planned: fashionably late,” Pansy smirks, leading you to the bar
 Every year, a different house hosts the back to school party, only for 6th and 7th years, although many lower years sneak in. This year, everyone was delighted that it was Slytherin. 
Slytherin was known for many things, and their ability to throw a rager was one of them.
You leaned against the counter, sipping a Negroni and surveying the party. You wanted to let loose and create a new image for yourself? Well, this back to school party was your chance.
Unfortunately, your eyes land on a certain boy, half obscured in the shadows of the outskirts. 
Theodore Nott was leaning against the wall, a wicked grin on his face as he nodded along to some Gryffindor girl’s words. Was it possible he became even more gorgeous over break? He seemed to have procured a perfect tan along with his longer dark locks that curled around his ears, framing his toned face.
It was sickening to look at him. Memories came flooding back of the numerous summers you’d spent with him; reading under a tree or laying under a blanket of stars. Your parents would let him come over for a few weeks, and those would be the highlight of your summer break.
And now, you feel sick to your stomach.
Especially when his eyes began roaming as if sensing you, and then they met yours. Dead eyes gleaming in surprise at the sight of you at a party. 
Theodore Nott knew you well, and he knew you were the type to spend a Friday night reading to your plants or whipping up a midnight snack in the kitchens after hours. He didn’t expect to find you drinking at a party, wearing the most sinful black mini dress that hugged you in all the right places. 
He simply couldn’t pry his eyes away.
You, however, glanced away immediately, feeling his stare a more burning sensation than the gin sliding down your throat. You swallow the rest of your cocktail in one gulp, eyes slightly tearing up at the feeling, and stride away, wanting to get as far as possible from Nott.
You knew you promised Pansy not to let him get to you, but that proved to be impossible. You looked back at Pansy who just realized you had disappeared when suddenly you ran into a figure, gasping as he spilled some drink on you. Looking up, feeling defeated, your eyes meet the hazel ones of a Ravenclaw boy named Roman Vaughn. Captain of the Ravenclaw quidditch team, top of the 7th year Charms class, wealthy, and an overall heart throb with his chocolate brown skin, silky black hair, and hazel eyes. 
He had grabbed your attention before, but you’d never acted on it. What were the odds you’d run into him of all people.
“Y/N! I am so so sorry here, let me find a napkin,” he immediately sprung into action, taking you by the hand and pulling you towards the bar for napkins. He grabbed a handful and began to wipe the drink from your chest, but then he realized he probably shouldn’t be doing that. He jerked away with a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his neck. “Anddd I keep making this situation worse and worse..”
You laugh, taking the napkins from his hand and dabbing at the stain that wasn’t even visible against the black fabric.
“Good thing it’s black, otherwise you’d be in big trouble, Vaughn,” you raise an eyebrow teasingly as he gives you another laugh.
“I guess luck is on my side tonight,” he smiles, eyes lighting up as if his words had a double meaning.
He asked you to dance, leading you gently to the dance floor after you both downed some drinks. And that's how you spent your night, taking shot after shot of vodka with Roman’s hands on your waist and yours in his hair, swaying to the beat. You noticed Pansy grinning at you while giving you a nod of approval. Her plan had come to fruition.
What you failed to notice in your newfound glee, however, were Theodore Nott’s eyes staring at your figure with a seemingly neutral look on his face. Within was utter turmoil.
He had ceased to pay attention to the Gryffindor girl in front of him, and absentmindedly handed her his drink, finding an empty chair to sit in. 
He was aware he had become power hungry, leaving you behind last year. The truth is, the amount of yearning Theodore felt towards getting his old life with you back was insurmountable. He had felt like he was floating in a beautiful galaxy whenever he’d been with you, sitting amongst scarlett poppies. You made him feel safe with your familiar scent of vanilla and honey, melting all his troubles away. 
Unfortunately, his efforts at getting you back were pushed down.
The trust you had for him seemed to have broken.
He tried once last winter, walking up to ask you if you wanted to stop by his home in Italy for winter break. He’d overheard you already planning a trip to Belgium with your best friends, so he backed off. 
Then, he’d attempted to ask if you wanted to visit the book shop with him on a Hogsmeade trip, but when he had approached you, a random girl came up to flirt with him and you’d walked off, scoffing.
There were a multitude of other failed attempts; each one corroding his confidence more and more. He would never fully give up on you, but as more time passed, the more he felt like you were lost forever. You were a dandelion spreadings its tufts, and there seemed to be only a couple left, clinging on.
Seeing you dancing happily with Roman Vaughn proved to him without a doubt that you had forgotten about him. You have moved on.
He sighs, wondering why he was so caught up with this when they were only ever friends.
Sure, there had been lingering stares and a hint of adoration in both of their eyes. Maybe a spark of a deeper feeling that they were both too young and stubborn to comprehend. 
He shook his head, drowning himself in more drinks to forget about this night.
To forget about you.
The next day, he was sitting in Charms class right in front of your two best friends. What he heard instantly soured the rest of his day.
“PLEASE, Hannah, you have to come on the Hogsmeade trip. Y/n is going with that Vaughn dude, so I’ll be walking around like a loser,” she pouts.
y/n going with Vaughn??
Theodore had assumed whatever they had going on at the party was just some temporary, drunken fun, but the worst possible outcome from his late night overthinking came true.
Y/n was going on a date with Roman Vaughn.
Theo scoffs to himself. Vaughn. Sounds like a cheapass beer brand.
What could y/n possibly see in him? Sure, he was tall, handsome, smart…ok…
Theo sighs, putting his head down on the table. Mattheo, knowing all about Theo’s current troubles and his undying obsession with y/n, pats him sympathetically.
Theodore understood that this was your decision and your life, so, despite how much he was compelled to, he refused to meddle with your love life. He didn’t want to risk being the one to make you sad. Again..
If this was the cost of his actions, he supposed he deserved it.
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The trip to Hogsmeade had arrived, and Theo felt as depressed as ever. He forced himself to roll out of bed and adorned himself in a brown sweater and slacks. His friends wouldn’t let him sulk around in their dorm during a Hogsmeade trip.
He was walking with the Slytherin gang, hands shoved into his pockets. Despite the mantra he kept repeating to himself, telling himself over and over again not to think about you and Vaughn, Theo couldn’t stop. He wondered what you were doing with him. Maybe holding his hand with your slender ones, always a bit of dirt stuck between your nails. You loved being outside and Theodore often felt like the magic of nature failed to reveal itself to him again after he stopped spending time with you. As if its beauty died with your absence. Makes sense. You could make any moment or setting beautiful. He was always happy if you were there.
“What do you think, Nott?” Mattheo elbows him, looking at him expectantly.
“Oh- Uh…what?”
“What’s on your mind that's more interesting than us, mate,” Draco raises an eyebrow.
“We were talking about hitting Zonko’s first,” Mattheo offered, grinning knowingly.
“Yeah, anything’s fine with me.”
When his friends were busy laughing at the steam coming out of their ears from candy samples, Theodore gave in to his intrusive thoughts and decided to sneak out and find you and Vaughn. Just to survey the area, make sure he was treating you right, of course. Theodore would always consider you his closest friend. 
He walked across the leaf-strewn autumn ground and spotted Roman walking into the 3 Broomsticks. You must be waiting for him there. 
He scoffs to himself again.
Of course the asshole made her wait.
He enters the 3 Broomsticks and sees Vaughn taking off his coat and sitting down at a table with his friends. Where was y/n? 
Theo stood there looking confused, wondering what happened to you. Did he ditch you for his friends? 
He walked out of the pub, stepping on crispy-looking leaves, absentmindedly enjoying the crunch.
Where could you have been? Perhaps you realized that you deserved better than Vaughn, but even Theodore knew that was wishful thinking.
He walked down a path leading down to a view of the Shrieking Shack where you and he used to sit and sip warm, spiced butterbeer on these cold autumn days. Often, he feels as if he’d give anything to turn back time. To stop him from letting you leave his life. Because life never felt the same after your departure. You were physically so close, yet so far.
He comes across a small field of poppies, red and blazing like fire with the orange leaves scattered about. You loved poppies even naming your pet ducklings after the flower. Poppy I, Poppy II, Poppy III, etc.
He laughed to himself at the memory. You always insisted you could tell them apart and to this day he didn’t know if you were bluffing or not.
He doesn’t exactly know what prompted him to, but he begins picking the poppies, intending on perhaps drying them and preserving them in a journal forever. Another remnant of you. Tying them together with a loose piece of wool from his sweater, he continues his trek to the vantage point and sees a figure sitting on the old log fence. Sighing at this obstruction, he walks closer nonetheless and notices that the figure is you. 
You were right there in front of him, sitting in the chill, scarf tied tight around your neck. 
This was his chance. His chance to prove that he could be better than Vaughn. Prove that he was worthy of a second chance; worthy of you.
He walks up to you, leaning back on the fence, forcing himself to make eye contact with you and pour his heart out.
Your eyes widen at the sight of him and you sit there, frozen, waiting for him to continue.
"Please just hear me out, ok?" he takes a deep breath.
“I know Roman makes you happy, and he makes you smile, and he’s smart and everything…I know you despise me for what I did, rightfully so, and you probably want to run for the hills right now. But, y/n, I adore you. Every second I have spent without you has felt like an endless cycle of agony. And, not only do I want you back as a friend, but I was wondering if you would consider being anything more with me. If not, that's completely fine. I suppose that's a conversation for another time. If you ever even want to converse with me... I know you’re probably on your way to meet Vaughn right now, but please reconsider. Please. And-”
You interrupt him with a suppressed laugh, putting a gloved hand to his mouth to stop his endless rambling. 
“Theodore, I’m not-”
“LOOK!” He gently takes your hand away from his mouth and desperately pulls out the small bouquet of wild poppies, holding them out to you. “Look, y/n, I haven’t forgotten, see? Remember the poppies?” He has an almost maniacal gleam in his eyes.
You can’t help but laugh at his actions, softly accepting the poppies from his hands. 
“How would I forget my favorite flower, Theodore?”
“And that's not all, I remember your favorite season is autumn because you love the warm colors and spices. I know you cry every time you rewatch that muggle movie, La La Land. I know you have a celebrity crush on the one middle-aged man from-”
“OK! I believe you, Theo, you know me too well,” you smile at him. “Can you...let me say something now?”
Theodore was certain you were going to tell him you had to leave to go find Vaughn. If anything, he had probably convinced you to go find Vaughn just to escape.
Nonetheless, he nodded, looking into your eyes with his own melancholy ones.
“I was never going to go on a date with Roman. I have no clue where you got your information,” you laugh, shaking your head. “I think you need a more reliable news source.”
“But…but your best friends? They said you were?”
“Oh yeah, I think they just assumed it because they saw him walk up to me, asking if I would go with him. They left before they could hear my answer.”
“And what was your answer?” Theodore picks at scabs on his hands, a bad habit you had noticed when you first met him on the Hogwarts Express. You move your hands to hold his, stopping him from picking his skin to death.
“I said no. I couldn’t force myself to have feelings for him, no matter how hard I tried.”
He looks at you, eyes wide with the happiest gleam. 
“Can we..start over?”
“Let's just resume where we left off,” and with that you lean your head on his shoulder as he leans his on yours, watching the autumn leaves fall to the ground. Watching himself fall for you even more; if that were even possible.
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2 months later
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You laugh as your snowball hits Theodore Nott clean in the face, turning his nose and cheeks even more rosy red. 
Your laughter is quickly stifled as his snowball hits you in the stomach, and you slip falling into the snow. Theodore runs up to you, laughing, laying down sprawled right next to you. He looks to the side, eyes a clear blue matching the light refracting from icicles. He gives you a kiss, lips cold yet comforting.
“C’mon, let's go inside for some hot cocoa,” he grins, watching your every breath.
You smile, nodding and standing up, helping him up with you.
“Good effort, soldier,” you salute teasingly, “but I think we both know who really won.”
He laughs softly as he envelops you in his arms, your chest pressed against his warm body. 
“Yeah. Me.”
You narrow your eyes, booping his nose as you start walking. Theodore had come over for the winter break, and you had loved every second of it. You both come across the icy pond where your ducks usually reside. You stare at it with a melancholic look, your ducks long gone since they had flown south for the winter.
Theo holds you even tighter, kissing the side of your head.
“They’ll be back,” he whispers. “Probably with wicked tans.”
You laugh at that, looking into his dead eyes, alive with a joyful light.
He can't believe all his wishes came true. They had all culminated and led up to this beautiful life with you.
“I love you, y/n..” he whispers.
“I love you more, Theo,” you smirk.
“I love you most.”
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dagnyart · 2 years
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A window to the past. Do you know these famous mirrors in your school WC where girls take group photos and do their make-up? Sometimes these mirrors are in the hall. Our favorite mirror in my school was in the first-floor hall. Everyone stops there on every break. It's something that hasn't changed for decades. I think in Hogwarts there is the same thing too. So it's the same habit from generation to generation. /more hp arts in my blog/
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neizu · 4 years
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with-love-anu · 4 years
For Stop 2, can I ask for a review for this song drabble :  https://writseo.tumblr.com/post/624478355204472832/messed-up-pansy-parkinson-x-reader (if the link doesnt work out, its Writseo > Masterlist > Miscellaneous > Pansy Parkinson Song Drabble ) thank you so much!! And also congratulations, that's so amazing that you got so big in followers !!
Thank you so much!
I loved this fic. It was the kind that make you think and disturb a little at the same time (as intended). I loved how you’ve described their relationship- how it develops slowly and eventually. How reader just falls for Pancy. I like how the readers know how toxic it actually is, how messed up it was.
Coming on to a bit of a critical review:
Writing Style: I think you tried to include so much happening all over span of months, years- and your writing style does do justice to it. At some places though I felt you zoning out of the narrative and into the character’s perspective, which broke my chain of thought and imagination.  
Flow of plot: I think the plot flowed pretty smoothly. The fic was how their love started and progressed and I think you’ve done a pretty good job at that. Maybe try out some italics a little more and change paragraphs for the effect?
Characterization: I think the characterization was pretty spot on, although I do feel you could’ve elaborated on how the reader loved and was intimidated by pancy at the very same time even in the later part of the fic.
Emotions: I adore how you’ve written just how much reader wants Pancy and cares for her. I do think that it could’ve done a tad bit better by adding how intense it all was. Like how soft they’re in the morning, how they hold hands and just how relieved and content reader feels with her; growing disappointment at her comments which slowly evolves into so much anger that reader couldn’t bite back harsh words. And how in one moment- anger changes to desire. How it leads to desperate kisses, clenching at straws to keep the relationship alive. How it all turns to 
Description: Like I said so many times before, I loved your description. How slowly and at pace everything moved. I think adding in some dialogues would’ve made it a little better, but then again, it depends only on you.
And I think that’s it! I hope this helped, the fic was amazing and a perfect drabble. Please don’t let my nit-picking get you down!
Join my 1.1 K Celebration!
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kosmoburets · 6 years
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lilymoonfiction · 5 years
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tova-art · 6 years
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Slytherin Aesthetic
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lexiemalfoy · 1 month
Draco x reader (part 3)
You had just started your fifth year at Hogwarts. You're in Slytherin and have a crush on Draco Malfoy.
I haven't posted in ages but I hope this makes up for it, please let me know what you think.😊
You and Draco quickly walked back to the common room hand in hand. Everyone was at dinner but so the common room was empty. Neither of you were very hungry so you just went to Draco's dorm. You've been in Draco's dorm before so you knew what he was like. He's a very tidy person. He makes his bed every morning and tidy's his room regularly. Draco was a prefect so he had a private dorm but when he had to share it drove him nuts. His roommates would leave there stuff all over the floor and while they were at dinner Draco would be tidying up their stuff. It pissed them of but this is Draco we're talking about, if they tried anything he'd let his father deal with it.
"Draco?" You said quietly. "Yes, darling." Answered Draco. "Do you think it would be ok if I maybe slept here tonight? It just because I share a dorm with Pansy and-" he cut you off. "Of course you can stay here darling. I wouldn't dream of making you sleep in the same room as Parkinson after what happened." He smiled softly as he slowly moved towards you. "So which side of the bed do you want?" Draco asked. He smirking at your red face. "Oh, I-umm," You were speechless. You didn't think you were going to sleep in the same bed as Draco. You thought you would sleep on the floor or something. Of course you were over joyed but there was one problem, getting your stuff without running into Pansy. Dinner was all most over and you could hear all the people who left early to finish homework already talking in the corridor outside the common room. "Can you come with me to get my stuff from my dorm." You finally said trying not to look to happy. "Sure." Draco said still smirking.
You quickly walked to your dorm with Draco. No one was there. "I'll just grab my stuff and then we can go." You said while collecting your makeup from the bathroom and throwing it in your bag. "Ok. Not to rush you but theres only three minutes until everyone is back from dinner, so is there anything else you need that I could get for you?" There were only a few things you still needed and they were your pajamas and clothes for tomorrow and you wanted Draco to get neither. If he got your pajamas he would be would probably ask if you wanted him to get you clothes for tomorrow and if he got you clothes for tomorrow he would see your underwear and you didn't want him to see them. "No, I just have to grab three more things and then we can go." "Ok, you sure?" "Yeah, I'm good."
You got everything you needed and went back to Draco's dorm. The common room was full of people chatting and finishing home work but no one noticed you walk with Draco in to his dorm.
"why do you think Pancy is such a bitch?" You ask. You were now sitting on Draco's bed; your back on his chest, eating the sweets his mother had sent him. "I don't know, why did you start crying when she was being mean? That not like you." You looked up at him admiring his face. "I'm not sure." You said. You were a bit confused at that your self. You had never burst into tears so quickly in your life. "I guess I may have needed to cry." "Why's that, princess?" "Well I probably needed to cry from being so happy but then I also probably needed to cry because I thought that you really liked Pancy and I felt really horrible when I thought that." You said taking a bite of the chocolate bar you were eating. Draco kissed your forehead. "I'm so sorry sorry you felt like that. I wish I had told you sooner that I liked you." "How long have you liked me?" You asked a soft smile on your lips. "Umm...do I have to answer that?" "Yes you do!" You giggled. "Ok. Ok. Since I saw you at the sorting in first year." "Aww thats cute." "It's not cute, I would have killed me to have to pretend to like that pig Parkinson any longer then I did." "And it killed me to think you might actually have married her." "Not a chance! I would have ran away from home if my father told me we had to marry." "If that happened where would you have gone?" You finished your chocolate bar and snuggled into Draco's chest. He rapped his arm tightly around you. "This will probably sound a bit weird but I was thinking that I could have gone to your house and told you what happened and I also had a dream were that happened and there was a lot of stuff that happened after you let me in." "Such as?" "Well let's just say it's a fantasy I would like to become reality at some point." He smirked at you. You looked down blushing very hard.
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chaoticmiracleworld · 7 years
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astohria · 8 years
AU where Pansy is secretly a huge fan of Harry and this kind of develops when she sees him participating in the Trizardy Tournament. Since then she keeps some photographs and articles of him, from Daily Prophet. And she's awfully keen no one finding out, especially Draco.
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