#Papa Elf
hockey-and-timbits · 7 months
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As for me, I can’t complain. Buddy comes up to visit from time to time.
—Papa Elf, Elf
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footballmanageraddict · 6 months
Christmas FM Experiment | FC Santa Claus | Part 4: Rudolph Red-Nosed Reindeer Crowned Best Player In The World
#ChristmasFMExperiment #FCSantaClaus Part 4: Rudolph Red-Nosed Reindeer Crowned Best Player In The World. The rise of @FCSantaClaus sees them dominate domestically and the @europacnfleague. And Comet and Rudolph share 152 goals in 2026. #FM24 Read here:
FC Santa Claus’ domination had extended from Finland into Europe as they won their maiden domestic title and topped the Europa Conference League league phase at a canter. But manager Kris Kringle wasn’t satisfied with that and wanted to take the club to new heights. The level of player we’re talking about was proven by striker Rudolph Red-Nosed Reindeer winning Best FIFA Men’s Player and World…
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valtianan · 2 years
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what we were in lothering was a lifetime ago
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Nonno and Nonna Mario Bros babysitting Bowser Jr. while Bowser x Luigi and Donkey Kong x Mario have an awkward double date at Punch Out Pizzaria 😂
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ride-a-dromedary · 8 months
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
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Thank you f1 for being canon compliant and putting Fernando in his habitual Santa suit
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velnica · 7 months
See you later, dear heart 💖(Fjora/Haurchefant)
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Vampire Peter Pan. That is all.
“Don’t you want to grow up?” Ashton, papa’s newest fledgling who was still in the “Weird Stage” as Ani called it as he realized what the promise of forever actually meant, asked with a frown at the broken crayon in his hand.
Alice hummed, head tipped to the side and tongue poked through the hole where one of her fangs had never came in as she assessed her family portrait. Ani’s hair was the wrong color. Purple was last decade.
“Why would I?” She asked lex reaching for the pink crayon on the table and trying unsuccessfully to layer it over the darker color already on the page.
Alice huffed, putting her crayon down to look at her new brother. “Why would I? Being an adult is boring. You and Ani still have to work and Papa is always complaining about boring grownup things. I get to color and watch my plays-“
“YouTube videos” Ashton corrected out of habit, shrugging when Alice stuck her tongue out at him.
“My shows,” she said. “I died of an icky cold before there were toilets and soap paints for bath time and pretty dresses anyone can get whenever they want. Now I have Papa and you Ani and the others as siblings and don’t have to worry about being hungry or cold or sick. Why would I want to grow up?” Alice scrunched her nose in distaste.
Well when she put it like that….
“Can I have that blue?” Alice asked pointing at an crayon that had rolled across the table.
Aston did the only thing he could do and handed it to her.
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theblogghoulette · 2 years
It’s so real guys
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In some alternate world, Prise was betrayed and became a dullahan.
Loved the line art so much, I decided to do some quick flats to go with it! ❤️✨
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hockey-and-timbits · 7 months
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Now, uh, go. Uh, get.
—Papa Elf, Elf
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fairygodpiggyart · 1 year
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This is a completely self-indulgent shitpost for my dnd group involving my Goliath ranger and an NPC who...might be a dragon...in disguise.
I did not know this when the courting began.
Anyway, one of our players joked about A Whole New World, and it unlocked a core memory from when I first went to visit @crazyelvisgirl ...and here we are LOL
Ovah, sideways, and undah 👀
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delicatefade · 6 months
Recommending Memories in the Dust by about2dance
Very cool head canons about Ancient Elvhenan in this short story by @about2dance Love the lore around hair, memory beads, and vallaslin-centered compulsion. Also, An'da is a great OC! Brave and sweet. A wittle smol sweet baby I want to hug. And the angst is sooo thick! Read on AO3 -> I also read this as part of my commenting sprint for @justleaveacommentfest
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grandpasauce · 1 year
Having papa!solas thougHts 😩
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star--nymph · 1 year
Hey! <3 1 for Artemis, 26 for Kass and Blaine, and 42 for Eury (or some combination of those if that's too many!)
How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have?
Ohohohoho. This can of worms you just opened up is hefty, Artemis hates his father. Loathes him. Would and will attempt to run him through if ever sees him again. Seth is a coward in his eyes; a weak shitstain of a man who puffed his medal decorated chest and then was too scared to stick around when his child turned out to be a freak of nature. He abandoned his family--his pregnant wife and child--and it wasn't for their sake, pretending like they were better off with out because of that fear. No, he left because he was just scared and wanted to protect himself. And then he disappeared while his family suffered. Was kidnapped, tortured, shredded, and murdered. Maybe he couldn't have saved them but fuck, if he had stuck around at least it meant he cared. That resentment in Artemis only grew when he become a father--a relatively young one, too. Dolly wasn't a choice, he didn't know about her, and she's an anomaly. She could absolutely end up killing Artemis one day but Artemis doesn't care. Dolly could turn out to be a full blown curse of nature and he still wouldn't leave her. The thought of abandoning her to the world like he was by his father boils Artemis' blood. So yeah, there is an influence there, in that Artemis is going to be everything his father isn't and at the same time everything he fears. He thought his baby boy was a monster? Okay, Dad, he'll give you a monster. In summary:
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Kass and Blaine
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
The Godkiller HQ is a former office building because that's all they could afford at the time. For the most part, it's not a bad place. They gutted one floor for training purposes, a second floor the medbay and the arsenal, a third floor for the interrogation/war room meetings, and then the upper levels are the living areas. The main living area is open concept with the kitchen and living room, loft above that leads to Blaine, Kass, Guest Room (later Asha's room), Amy's room, and Holly's room (which is combined with the surveillance). The living room has a door leading to Ryu's room and another leading to Utah's. There is also bathroom, another guest room, and a random scrap room that's also used for laundry. There is a stair case that leads directly to the roof as well. That's a lot but you asked for a home. As for Kass' personal taste/theme I guess? Kass is all sunset colors. Red, pink, yellows, oranges. Anything bright goes. I'm trying to figure out what in terms of fashion Kass is--cause she's kind of both very edgy rocker chick but also she likes very pretty clothing like dresses and mini skirts. Depending on her mood, she could be in damaged skinny jeans and boots or in a flowy summer dress. What she likes is comfortable above all else but most importantly, she always needs a leather jacket. Kass as a leather jacket for every color and if she doesn't, she'll go hunting for one. She just likes being cute, she likes being sexy, she likes her colors and glitter, she likes being able to move. She wants to feel good in her clothing and I think she's get a boost when she at least looks stylish even if she feels like shit. That said, her look for combat is all black, red, and grey--for good reason. She needs to blend in with her surroundings but her signature bright red jacket and power strips on her armor, braces, and boots key people in that she's not a civilian, but an active combatant. For Blaine, his colors are blues, useless leaning into muted hues or steel blues. He likes his pops of colors too, though. Yellows, greens, whites. I think his look is very casual and kind of loosey? Nice fitted jeans with baggy dress shirts, hoodies, sweaters. He has a lot of shirts that also have patterns too (yes he does have and happily wear Hawaiian shirts). He does that flannel over a graphic t-shirt look (the graphic is like 'local cryptic is my boyfriend', don't question it). Loves a good pair of high rise sneakers or boots. He likes wearing earrings and necklaces too. He also has a couple of bomber jackets and denim jackets. I think I'd call Blaine's entire look very...sleek? Homebody? Nerd? He does look a collar shirt under a sweater. Combat wise, Blaine is a greys and blues. Like Kass, his armor, boots and braces have subtle blue power strips running through to regulate strength and impact. Blaine's combat suit has external padding on the knees and elbows and over all has a close resemblance to a fencing uniform.
42. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
Freedom. I don't think Eurydice is aware of how much but she hungers for freedom and choice in her life. It's the saddest part of Inquisition because nothing that brought or kept here there was her choice. Eurydice stays as First out of Duty, she leaves for the conclave out of loyalty, she is forced into the position of Herald and the Inquisitor under threat of imprisonment by human hands. She doesn't want any of those positions and for most of her life, she's be forced into a very tight place by the people controlling her. The second she has agency, she doesn't keep the Inquisition. She disbands--she leaves. She hates being Inquisitor. So much of Eury's story is about her chasing freedom and being able to choose things for herself. She chooses to be a witch without a clan, she chooses to marry Cullen, she chooses to be a mother, she choose leave. Someone once told me that Eurydice felt more at home in an AU where she was a Avvar Augur than she ever did as Inquisitor and yeah, that's by design. She chose to be an Augur. Happy Ending in every story with Eurydice? She leaves and travels the world. No one is ever able to find her unless she allows them to. I think of a worse fate for Eurydice than her being chained to the Inquisition and Chantry for the rest of her days--except the fate where she chained to her father. This is why in the Fade her tombstone would read 'Possession': Eurydice doesn't simple fear being possessed by a demon, she fears any form of agency or captivity. She fears being a Tranquil, she fears being trapped in the Circle, she fears that she is an empty, heartless shell of a person like her father says she is. She fears objectification and dehumanization. There is no way out of she doesn't have a choice. And what Eurydice is willing a lot to achieve it? Gnawing her own arm off for one, which kind of feels like what happened in Trespasser anyway? Allowing the chantry to burn? Being exiled and hated by her clan even if she loves them with all her heart? The world? Well yes in the situation where Eurydice becomes a creature of the forest with no connection to anything or anyone besides her animals and her things and her space? Then yeah, the world can burn if it means her freedom? What does she care? The world is loud anyway. Gotta love that sense of self preservation that never goes away.
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act-iv · 2 years
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Primo doodle
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