#Parc Jean-Drapeau
drowster · 1 year
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Fall and winter from the same angle.
Parc Jean-Drapeau, Montreal, Canada
From my book ‘Saisons de Montréal’
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montrealmagique · 1 year
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ascle · 3 months
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⚜️ La fête nationale! ⚜️
Aujourd'hui, nous célébrons notre fête nationale!
À ne pas confondre avec la Fête du Canada (notre 14 juillet à nous) qui aura lieu dans 1 semaine, le 1er juillet.
Parce que oui, le Québec à sa propre fête. Pourquoi le Québec est la seule province à avoir une fête? Parce qu'on est meilleur ^^. Nah! Plutôt parce que nous sommes différents.
Remontons le temps. Tirez-vous une buche je vais vous raconter une histoire, notre histoire.
Bla bla bla fête du solstice d'été
Bla bla bla fête de la St-Jean
Bla bla bla les Français nous abandonnent face aux Anglais
Bla bla bla les Anglais dégage notre belle fête de la St-Jean parce que des Canadien-Français saouls qui foutent le feu partout c'est stressant.
Bla bla bla les Anglais sont vilains, les Français c'est mieux goût
Nous arrivons donc en 1834, le 24 juin, Ludger Duvernay se dit que ça serait géniale de faire une grosse fête avec une 60aine de ses potes. Ça discute, ça bouffe, ça boit, ça chante, bref un p'tit mardi pour Diane. Le lendemain, tout le monde se pop 2 Doliprane et on se dit qu'il faut remettre ça l'an prochain. Et ainsi va, jusqu'en 1837, l'année des 10 résolutions de Russell.
Qu'est-ce que?
En gros, le gouvernement du Bas-Canada (le Québec) en avait marre de ne pas être pris au sérieux par le gouvernement du Haut-Canada (les Anglo), alors on décide d'écrire directement au gouvernement britannique pour chouiner. On leur envoie donc en 1834, 92 résolutions Calimero où on dit que c'est pas juste et que les Anglais sont méchants. Les British mettent 3 ans à nous répondre avec un splendide PowerPoint de 10 résolutions disant en résumé: dans ton cul!
Comment je vous dirais ben ça... ça nous a un peu mis colère! Révolte des Patriotes, des gens sont pendus, ça ne se passe pas super bien donc, on l'a effectivement dans le cul. Tout ça va mettre une pause sur la fête pendant 5 ans.
C'est toutefois mal nous connaitre de penser qu'on va en arrêter là. Pour éviter l'assimilation il faut se regrouper. Des sociétés se créées un peut partout au Québec. C'est en 1843 que l'Association St-Jean Baptiste est fondée et invite la population à célébrer la fête nationale des Canadiens-Français. Un grand défilé est organisé dans les rues de Montréal. Les fêtes grossissent à chaque année. Un hymne est décrété en 1878: À la claire fontaine. Il faudra attendre près de 100 ans, en 1975, pour que Gilles Vigneault compose "Gens du pays" qui deviendra l'hymne officieux du Québec.
En 1925 la Saint-Jean devient une fête officielle et est déclarée, par la législature du Québec, comme étant un congé férié. En 1948, le fleurdelisé devient le drapeau officiel du Québec. Les fêtes se multiplient dans plusieurs quartiers des villes de Montréal et Québec, mais aussi un peu partout au Québec. Défilé, feux de joie, spectacles, jeux... Il y en a pour tous les goûts.
En 1977, le gouvernement dirigé par René Lévesque proclame le 24 juin jour de la Fête nationale du Québec. Cette journée sera désormais fériée et chômée.
Alors chers amis, comme on dit par chez nous: BONNE ST-JEAN!
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mistressemmedi · 6 months
Gross. We have reached the Miami/Vegas-ification of the Grand Prix du Canada/Canadian GP. They're bringing in Pitbull and the Chainsmokers to the Parc Jean-Drapeau for concerts on the 7th and 8th. Tickets are like $100/120 for general admission and $200 plus for VIPs...
Somehow I don't think this will make leaving the track easier...
Otoh are they going to get in trouble for the lack of Francophone performers?
Having done it multiple times, I just know the metro will be 👹🔪
I get that they're trying to make extra $$$ because cash is king and all, but one of the attractions of the Montreal GP is that you spend the day on the island and the evening jumping from event to event around Peel/downtown area... I don't think a concert like that is the way to go
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queermtl · 2 months
Queer MTL things to do: August 2024
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Montréal n'est jamais aussi effervescente que lorsque le Festival Fierté Montréal arrive en ville au mois d'août, agrémentant la saison des festivals d'été d'un éclat arc-en-ciel! Et comme tous les mois, Montréal propose une foule d’événements, de soirées et d’expériences uniques qui font briller toutes les nuances de l’arc-en-ciel LGBTQ+. Entre prestations drag et activités communautaires, festivals bien en vue et événements underground, voici notre sélection des choses les plus gaies à faire dans la ville. Pour rester à l’affût de tout ajout, suivez QueerMTL sur Instagram, X, Facebook et Tumblr! Vous présentez un événement? Écrivez-nous!
✨ Pour connaître la programmation complète du Festival Fierté Montréal 2024, qui se déroule du 1er au 11 août 2024, consultez l'horaire quotidien sur leur site Web et retrouvez nos suggestions triées sur le volet ci-dessous! Les événements officiels de Fierté ont une étincelle à la fin de leur description.
Montréal is never prouder than when Fierté / Pride comes to town in August, punctuating summer festival season with a rainbow flourish! And like every month, Montréal is stuffed to the brim with events, parties and unique experiences painted in all the colours of the LGBTQ+ rainbow. From drag to community, circuit to underground, here’s some of our picks for the best LGBTQ+ things to do in the city. For further announcements, including those not announced at time of publication, follow QueerMTL on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr! Got an event coming up? DM it our way!
✨ For a full line-up of Fierté Montréal Festival 2024, which runs from August 1 to 11, 2024, check the daily schedule on their website and find our handpicked suggestions below! These official Fierté events feature a sparkle at the end of the listing. 
🎥 Cinema 👑 Drag 🥳 Parties 🎶 Concert ✊ Activism 🏳️‍⚧️ Trans 🏳️‍🌈 Community 😆 Comedy 🎭 Performance 💪 Sports 👯‍♀️ Dance 🎤 Karaoke 🎨 Arts 📚 Literary / Educational 👠 Ballroom / Vogue
Jeudi 1 août / Thursday, August 1
📚 Literary Pride presents Queer Académie: The Finals, Théâtre La Comédie de Montréal ✨ 👯‍♀️ SUPERNATURE Fierté Edition waacking battle with Aleera, Flame, Kiddy Smile, Moodz, Munezero, NGL Flounce, Paolo Askia and Prince D.-Serious, Le Club Soda ✨ 🏳️‍🌈 Barbecue Saint-Michel en couleurs, Parc François-Perrault ✨ 🏳️‍🌈 Gay Speed Dating—PRIDE Edition, Pastel Rita 👑 Afro Drag with Aizysse Baga, Bébé Elle, BiG SiSSY, Ekitwanda, Ellisim, Envy the Clown, Kuntiana, Manny Dingo and Sahira Q, Esplanade Tranquille ✨ 👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Derek Wood presents Un affaire de Famille with Miss Behave, Mike Oxlong, Ben Addiction and Blueberry Moore, Cabaret Mado
Vendredi 2 août / Friday, August 2
🎥 Les Archives gaies du Québec present the AIDS in 4 Parts film loops from 21h00-23h00, Parc de l’Espoir ✨ 🥳 Pikete with CHIKA, Joya, La Niña Kiwi, mCherry, Moh Dafok, MUXXXE, Owen and Whorito, Esplanade Tranquille ✨ 🥳 Laylit x Fierté Montréal with Achraf El Abed, Anya Kneez, Manalou, Maya Tayara, MONSIEURMADAM and MNSA, Le Club Soda ✨ 🥳 Jhalak Montréal presents Bloc Bollywood with Bijuriya, DJ Deep, Kajol, Rameez Karim and Veils of Bollywood, Esplanade Tranquille ✨ 🐶 Launch of Weekend Pup Montréal, Bar L’Aigle Noir ✨ 📚 Literary Pride presents Transpoetry: An Evening of Poetry, Théâtre La Comédie de Montréal ✨ 😆 Des gags et des paillettes, a night of queer stand-up comedy with Mona de Grenoble, Charlie Morin, Coco Belliveau, Jessica Chartrand, Justine Philie, Saad Fennich, Sam Cyr, Tranna Wintour, Anne-Sarah Charbonneau and Maxime-Eve Gagnon, Théâtre Le National ✨ 🎶 Osheaga 2024 with Noah Kahan, Green Day, SZA and many more, Parc Jean-Drapeau 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Kiara, Jimmy Moore, Nana and Miss Butterfly, Cabaret Mado
Samedi 3 août / Saturday, August 3
🏳️‍⚧️ MTL Trans March / March for Trans Futures, starting at Station Mont-Royal ✨ 🏳️‍🌈 LGBT+ Family Coalition presents Brunch Familial LGBTQ+ with Barbada, Time Out Market Montréal ✨ 📚 Literary Pride presents The Safety Lit Workshop, Théâtre La Comédie de Montréal ✨ 📚 Literary Pride presents Diversity Spelled Out spotlighting BIPOC literary artists, Théâtre La Comédie de Montréal ✨ 📚 The Violet Hour Book Club reads Paige Maylott’s My Body is Distant: A Memoir, Archives gaies du Québec 🎭 10 Year Anniversary of Latino Burlesque Canada with Adriana the Bombshell, Lucinda Miu, Gay Jesus, Anaconda la Sabrosa, Miami Minx, Niko Lubie, Castro, Salty Margarita, Black Mamba, Cherry Topp, Dom, Lolita Blanca and Winona J. Fox, Jardins Gamelin ✨ 🎶 Lucky Love + Marilyne Leonard, Esplanade Tranquille ✨ 🎶 Osheaga 2024 with Noah Kahan, Green Day, SZA and many more, Parc Jean-Drapeau 👯‍♀️ FestiQueer Rimouski presents Set Queeré, a night of queer square dancing and traditional music, Centre communautaire Saint-Pie-X ✨ 😆 Tales of Gender Affirmation, comedy by trans, non-binary and queer performers, Le Basement 🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra 🥳 Transcendance with Miss Dupré Latour, DJ Sayana and the Transmasc Choir, Esplanade Tranquille ✨ 🥳 Weekend Pup Montréal hosts their Dance Pawty, Bar Le Stud ✨ 🥳 Lust Cove, Sweet Like Honey and Blush present FANTASME with DJ Tokyo Mamii, hadaxxah and Mansa, and pole and gogo dancers Aiko, Amethyst, Jinxxx, Tokyo, Dora Bones, Eden, Koshasha, Lia Jasmine, Mina Minou and Zaddy Paigne, Le Club Soda ✨ 🥳 Homopop presents Pleasuredome: Fierté Montréal Edition with West End Gays and Tommy Hart, Société des arts technologiques—Satosphère ✨ 🥳 Frky x Pride with Francis Engelhardt, Rafael Sanchez, Moka and Montrealhustleclub, La Sotterenea 🥳 La Piscine with Sandy Duperval, Rich Spence, Knox, Lady Boom Boom, Aizysse, Sasha and Skyler, Club LaCité 👑 Bingo du midi! with Miss Butterfly and BEA(Arthur), Cabaret Mado 👑 Jimmy Moore personifies Britney Spears, Cabaret Mado 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Kiara, Jimmy Moore, Nana and Miss Butterfly, Cabaret Mado 👑 Late Night with Jessie Précieuse, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
Dimanche 4 août / Sunday, August 4
🏳️‍⚧️ Jeunesse Lambda and AlterHéros presents Navigating the Tides of Identity: Voices of Trans and Non-Binary Youth, Pavillon Tranquille—Le Réfectoire ✨ 🏳️‍🌈 Museum of Jewish Montréal and Queer Moms Nite Out presents the Queer Family Craft Brunch, Museum of Jewish Montréal  🏳️‍🌈 Marginalized Majority hosts the 2SLGBTQIA+ Newcomer & Immigrants Meet-Up in the Park, Parc Jeanne-Mance 🥳 FeminiX + BBQ Lesbien with DJ Lady McCoy, DJ Kris Tin and Misstress Barbara, Esplanade Tranquille ✨ 🐶 Weekend Pup Montréal hosts a Poutine Lunch, Bar Le Stud ✨ 📚 Literary Pride presents War of 2SLGBTQ+ Words with Amélie Boivin-Handfield, Marie-Hélène Racine-Lacroix, Luc Arsenault, Leila Sofiane and Jordan Dupuis, Théâtre la Comédie de Montréal ✨ 🎶 Osheaga 2024 with Noah Kahan, Green Day, SZA and many more, Parc Jean-Drapeau 👑 Le Brunch aux Folles with Misty Waterfalls, Lana Dalida, Manu Syrius, Bar Social Verdun 👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash and special guests, Cabaret Mado 👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Lundi 5 août / Monday, August 5
💪 Club de Soccer LGBT+ de Montréal hosts a BBQ and Pride Match, Parc La Fontaine ✨ 🎭 Ciseaux with Geneviève Labelle and Mélodie Noël Rousseau, Cinquième Salle ✨ 👑 RÉZO and Équipe Montréal present The High Heels Obstacle Race with host LaDrag On-Fly, Sainte Catherine Street East between Alexandre-DeSève and de Champlain streets ✨ 👑 Rawxy et cie with Sasha Baga, Foxy Lexxi Brown, Adriana and Lady Boom Boom, Cabaret Mado
Mardi 6 août / Tuesday, August 6
🏳️‍🌈 T’es mon genre | Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi Centre-Nord presents the Villeray In Colors BBQ, Parc de Normanville ✨ 🏳️‍🌈 Italo Queer Montréal and ItalFestMTL presents the Italo Queer Montréal Festa Italiana, MEM—Centre des mémoires montréalaises ✨ 💪 Roundtable on Experiences and Prejudices in Sport with Ouissem Belgacem, Maison du développement durable ✨ 📚 Literary Pride presents The Bare Naked Truth of the Words, Théâtre La Comédie de Montréal ✨ 🎭 Jour J Impro, Théâtre Sainte-Catherine ✨ 🎭 Ciseaux with Geneviève Labelle and Mélodie Noël Rousseau, Cinquième Salle ✨ 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal 👑 Camping chez Sami with Sami Landri, BlackGold, Zoé Duval, Sam Bouchard, Christen Marlot, DJ Hermano, Kiara, Xénia and J4DE, Jardins Gamelin ✨ 👑 Full Gisèle with Gisèle Lullaby and special guests, Cabaret Mado
Mercredi 7 août / Wednesday, August 7
🏳️‍🌈 Égides, Dignity Network Canada and the Global Philanthropy Project present the International Symposium: Canada and Québec’s Role in Promoting Human Rights for LGBTQI People Internationally, Centre Phi 🏳️‍🌈 ExChange hosts the Intergenerational Art-Making and Dialogue Event, MEM—Centre des mémoires montréalaises 🏳️‍🌈 Pride at Work Canada presents ProFierté Montréal, Sid Lee 🎥 Queer Cinema Club of Montréal hosts a screening of Paris is Burning starring Venus Xtravaganza, Willi Ninja, Pepper LaBeija, Dorian Corey and Octavia St. Laurent, Cinema Moderne 🎨 GRIS-Montréal celebrates its 30th anniversary with Hors cadres : artists’ perspectives on gender diversity, Écomusée du fier mode ✨ 🎨 Drink & Draw by @Hommehomo, Bar Le Cocktail 🎭 The Poly Mic open mic, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 🎭 Ciseaux with Geneviève Labelle and Mélodie Noël Rousseau, Cinquième Salle ✨ 🥳 Soirées QUARTZ lesbian event with DJ Flip Phone and DJ Nath, Club La Porte 👑 Bobépine presents Céline Dion, Cabaret Mado 👑 Slaysians Pride Edition with Manny, Kajol, Komodo, Khann, Ad’horrible, Bijuriya, CC Chanel, EmmÖtional Damage, Joy Rider, Korra Anarchkey, Lia Jasmine, Ken Antonio, Suri Racha, Rico Love and Psyberia, Cabaret Mado
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Jeudi 8 août / Thursday, August 8
🎨 GRIS-Montréal celebrates its 30th anniversary with Hors cadres : artists’ perspectives on gender diversity, Écomusée du fier mode ✨ 🎨 Queer Bodies hosts life drawing community with Nicholas Bellefleur and Raphë, Esplanade du Parc olympique ✨ 🎶 ICI Musique presents Hits Battle with Catherine Pogonat, Claudine Prévost and Eugénie Lépine-Blondeau, Esplanade du Parc olympique ✨ 🎶 ICI Musique presents ImmiX with Antoniya, Elisapie, Marjo, Mitsou, Ouissem Belgacem, Passion Poire, Pierre Kwenders, Rossomodo, Sarahmée, Siibii and Lennikim, Esplanade du Parc olympique ✨ 📚 Violet Hour and Italo Queer Montréal presents Violet Hour: Here & Now with Matthew Fox, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Montréal ✨ 🥳 BLUSH presents Salade de Fruits : Happy Hour Queer, an event by and for FLINT+, Bar La Marche à côté 🥳 Tèt Kole dance party for queer women with DJ Nalee and Jolie Jei, Entre-Nous 👑 Fierté & Burger—Souper Spectacle with Eva Moist, Lady Boom Boom and Moh Dafok, Notre Boeuf de Grâce 👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Bière et Métal—Spécial fierté with RV Métal, Baron Camion, La Freak du Show, Jay Show and Wheelly Hot, Cabaret Mado 👑 C’est ma toune! : Edition party de nuit with Jessie, Bobépine, Lady Boom Boom, Tracy Trash, Johnny Jones and Walter Ego, Cabaret Mado
Vendredi 9 août / Friday, August 9
🏳️‍🌈 Community Days, the Village along Rue Sainte-Catherine Est ✨ 🎥 Les Archives gaies du Québec present the AIDS in 4 Parts film loops from 21h00-23h00, Parc de l’Espoir ✨ 💪 ACCM—AIDS Community Care Montréal presents the Friends for Life Bike Rally Arrival in Montréal, Parc La Fontaine ✨ 🎨 GRIS-Montréal celebrates its 30th anniversary with Hors cadres : artists’ perspectives on gender diversity, Écomusée du fier mode ✨ 🏳️‍🌈 Kinkster Land presents Explore BDSM with Kinkster Land, Esplanade du Parc olympique ✨ 🎭 Wiggle Room Pride Special: A Celebration of LGBTQ Performers with Rosie Bourgeoisie, Quinzy Chase, Olivia Killjoy, Tristan Ginger and Frenchy Jones, The Wiggle Room 🥳 Unikorn with Gia Woods and THELIMITDOESNOTEXIST, Société des arts technologiques—Satosphère ✨ 🥳 Hot Flash queer dance party, Bar Le Ritz PDB 🥳 THROB: Fierté MTL Pride with NOUR, B’UGO DAHLIN, Chia and b2b Ashou, Bar La Shop 🥳 Virtualis Pride Rave with D. Blavatsky, Neo Edo, Kris Tin, Grenadim, Casakobrae, Palladium, Katamina, Marmad and VJ Anarnas 🎶 Vivacious DJ set with Vivacious, Esplanade du Parc olympique ✨ 👑 Cabenuva presents Drag Superstars with Rita Baga, Sasha Colby, Brooke Lynn Hytes, Naomi Smalls, La Grande Dame, Venus, Alvilda, Mistress Isabelle Brooks, Black Peppa, Tenderoni, Denim and Sisi Superstar, Esplanade du Parc olympique ✨ 👑 MajestiX with Barbada, Adriana, Charli DeVille, Infernal Desires, Lady Boom Boom, Lulu Shade, Marla Deer, Mister Boogie, Moh Dafok, Rosa Golde, Sasha Baga, Suzie Slim, Taylor De Vil and Val the Freak, Esplanade du Parc olympique ✨ 👑 Le G Stop with Gisèle Lullaby, VIQ section, Esplanade du Parc olympique 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Carmen Sutra, Manny, Nana and Océane Aqua-Black, Cabaret Mado 👑 Late Night with Jessie Précieuse, Cabaret Mado
Samedi 10 août / Saturday, August 10
🏳️‍🌈 Community Days, the Village along Rue Sainte-Catherine Est ✨ 🏳️‍🌈 Kinkster Land presents Explore BDSM with Kinkster Land, Esplanade du Parc olympique ✨ 📚 Queer South Asian Women’s Network hosts the Montréal Live Book Reading & Queer Social Mixer with Alyy Patel, L’Euguélionne 🎨 GRIS-Montréal celebrates its 30th anniversary with Hors cadres : artists’ perspectives on gender diversity, Écomusée du fier mode ✨ 🥳 Discoño with La Goony Chonga, LIZZ, Jerico, G Mako and mCherry, hosted by House of Old Navy, Atlas, Keke Jones and Lily, SAT—Société des arts technologiques  🥳 MUNDO DISKO with B’UGO, Crystal Waters, France Joli, Heidi Lawden, Jamie 3:26 and Lost Heroes, Esplanade du Parc olympique ✨ 🥳 Bear-It presents Anges et Démons : Bear Playground with DJ TRND and Massimo Paramour, Société des arts technologiques—Satosphère ✨ 🥳 MPU presents MPU: Loud & Proud with Venus, Black Peppa, Kiki Coe, Sami Landri, Barbada, Frantastik, Jeffany and DJPØPTRT, Le Belmont ✨ 🥳 Queen & Queer Dance Party—Pride Edition with DJ Karaba, Sarahmée, Arielle Roberge and DJ Sam, Club Soda 🥳 La Piscine with Sandy Duperval, Rich Spence, Knox, Lady Boom Boom, Aizysse, Sasha and Skyler, Club LaCité 🎶 ÎLESONIQ with DJ Snake, Tiësto and more, Parc Jean-Drapeau 👑 Jimmy Moore personifies Taylor Swift, Cabaret Mado 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Carmen Sutra, Manny, Nana and Océane Aqua-Black, Cabaret Mado 👑 Late Night with Jessie Précieuse, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
Dimanche 11 août / Sunday, August 11
🏳️‍🌈 Pride Parade, Boulevard René-Lévesque ✨ 🏳️‍🌈 Native Montréal hosts the second Annual Indigenous Pride Brunch, Collectif MTL 🥳 Mega T-Dance with Diskommander, Ian Jackman, DJ Mohammad and Kitty Amor, Esplanade du Parc olympique ✨ 🎶 ÎLESONIQ with DJ Snake, Tiësto and more, Parc Jean-Drapeau 🎭 The Lucy Show with Tranna Wintour, Rola Z, Kyra Carlton, Mariam Khan, Elie Gill and Raquel Maestre, The Wiggle Room 🎨 GRIS-Montréal celebrates its 30th anniversary with Hors cadres : artists’ perspectives on gender diversity, Écomusée du fier mode ✨ 👑 Jimmy Moore presents Madonna: The Celebration Tour, Cabaret Mado 👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash and special guests, Cabaret Mado 👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
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Mardi 13 août / Tuesday, August 13
👑 Full Gisèle with Gisèle Lullaby and special guests, Cabaret Mado 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 14 août / Wednesday, August 14
🎭 The Poly Mic open mic, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 😆 Top It Off! Comedy Show with Sadie Moland, Notre Dame Des Quilles 👑 World … It’s Summertime! with Drag Race Philippines and RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs the World season 2 contestant Marina Summers and special guests Kiara, Moh Dafok and EmmÖtional Damage, Cabaret Mado 👑 Crystal Starz and Jessie Précieuse personify Kylie Minogue with Lady Boom Boom, Cabaret Mado 👑 Disney Villains with Val The Freak, Mike Oxlong, Démone LaStrange, Selma Gahd and Esirenna, Cabaret Mado
Jeudi 15 août / Thursday, August 15
🎭 Les Folies Draglesques with Miami Minx, Uma Gahd, Esirena, Malinka Molotov, Olivia Killjoy and Rosa Golde, Cabaret Mado 🥳 L’Orage presents Jeudi diversité !, L’Orage Club 👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail
Vendredi 16 août / Friday, August 16
🎥 Les Archives gaies du Québec present the AIDS in 4 Parts film loops from 21h00-23h00, Parc de l’Espoir 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Lady Boom Boom, Misty Waterfalls, Nana and Sasha Baga, Cabaret Mado
Samedi 17 août / Saturday, August 17
🎶 Missy Elliott’s Out of this World—The Experience tour with Ciara, Busta Rhymes and Timbaland, Bell Centre 🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Lady Boom Boom, Misty Waterfalls, Nana and Sasha Baga, Cabaret Mado 👑 Late Night with Jessie Précieuse, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
Dimanche 18 août / Sunday, August 18
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash and special guests, Cabaret Mado 👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Mardi 20 août / Tuesday, August 20
👑 Full Gisèle with Gisèle Lullaby and special guests, Cabaret Mado 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 21 août / Wednesday, August 21
🥳 Soirées QUARTZ lesbian event with Dirty Marquise, DJ Dracula and DJ Flowher, Club La Porte 🎭 The Poly Mic open mic, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 🎨 Drink & Draw by @Hommehomo, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 So EmmÖtional with EmmÖtional Damage, Suri Racha, Jay Show and Aizysse Baga, Cabaret Mado
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Jeudi 22 août / Thursday, August 22
🏳️‍🌈 i to i: Authentic Relating Workshops and Ecstatic Temple host Authentic Dating for men Montréal, Ecstatic Temple 🥳 L’Orage presents Jeudi diversité !, L’Orage Club 👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Sami Landri presents Le Sami Party, Cabaret Mado
Vendredi 23 août / Friday, August 23
🥳 The Dark Eighties dance party, Cabaret Berlin 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Gisèle Lullaby, Crystal Starz, Nana and Erica, Cabaret Mado
Samedi 24 août / Saturday, August 24
🥳 LEZ DANCE lesbian party with DJ Lili Manseau, Stock & Soda 👑 Jimmy Moore personifies Lady Gaga, Cabaret Mado  👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Gisèle Lullaby, Crystal Starz, Nana and Erica, Cabaret Mado 👑 Late Night with Jessie Précieuse, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
Dimanche 25 août / Sunday, August 25
👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash and special guests, Cabaret Mado 👑 Michel Dorion presents a Tribute to Marie Carmen, Bar Le Cocktail
Mardi 27 août / Tuesday, August 27
👑 Full Gisèle with Gisèle Lullaby and special guests, Cabaret Mado 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 28 août / Wednesday, August 28 🎭 The Poly Mic open mic, Bar Notre-Dame-des-Quilles 👑 PoP Corn extra beurre with Marla Deer, Gisèle Lullaby, Tracy Trash, Bambi Dextrous, Bobépine, Clay Thorris and Johnny Jones, Cabaret Mado
Jeudi 29 août / Thursday, August 29
🥳 BLUSH presents Salade de Fruits : Happy Hour Queer, an event by and for FLINT+, Bar La Marche à côté 🥳 L’Orage presents Jeudi diversité !, L’Orage Club 👑 Butterfly de nuit with Miss Butterfly, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Starz Wars with Crystal Starz, Cabaret Mado
Vendredi 30 août / Friday, August 30
👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Marla Deer, Tracy Trash, Nana and Bambi Dextrous, Cabaret Mado
Samedi 31 août / Saturday, August 31
🎶 Cigarettes After Sex, Bell Centre 👑 Jimmy Moore personifies Céline Dion, Cabaret Mado 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Marla Deer, Tracy Trash, Nana and Bambi Dextrous, Cabaret Mado 👑 Late Night with Jessie Précieuse, Cabaret Mado 👑 Érica et ses divas with Chibouki and Lady ZaZa, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail
🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud.
👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (514) 709-4678 for prices and signup information, Espaces des Arts.
🏐 Les Ratons-Chasseurs (Montréal’s LGBTA dodgeball group) holds regular events. Keep an eye on their Facebook for upcoming opportunities to join in and play. 
🕹Montréal Gaymers hosts regular gatherings including board game nights and gaming gatherings. Check their Facebook for what’s next!
🏃🏾Join the Out-Run run and workout club for people relating to the queer / sapphic experience. Details on their Instagram!
🐦 Bird lovers should keep their eye on Queer Birders' regularly scheduled birdwatching events and excursions. Join the Facebook group and get those binoculars at the ready.
👠 Twice a month on every second Tuesday, Bring It! hosts an OTA night of ballroom and vogue with commentator and DJ. Follow their Instagram for dates and details.
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calder’s trois disques sculpture in parc jean-drapeau, montréal
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aeolianblues · 1 month
I think they should play this at my funeral. What a moment. Billie says, ‘we don’t do encores, we just keep fuckin’ playing.’ But in the end, he does come out one last time, acoustic guitar in hand, to close the show the only way it should be closed.
Earlier in the set, Billie was shouting inspired about how right here, right now was the truth, everyone together in those grounds at Parc Jean Drapeau, singing together; that was real, that was the truth. In that moment, it was not the outside world, it was not all the meanings and memories this tens-of-thousands-strong crowd had attached to this band. It was just all of us, feet on the ground, singing together.
And yet it was more, wasn’t it? The fact that they meant this much to us. That we can never really sum up in words. I suppose, all Billie can really hope is that we did in fact, have the time of our lives. If not, it certainly wouldn’t have been for a lack of trying on Green Day’s part. Not when, right at the end, Mike and Tre come join Billie on stage in a warm and emotional embrace, betraying the love this trio has had for each other and for music over nearly the last 40 years.
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rorabrphotography · 6 months
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Biosphère, Parc Jean-Drapeau, Montreal, QC, Canada #montreal #canada #photography #creative #creativity #colorphotography #photography #color #colorphoto #colors #digitalphotography
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projectourworld · 1 year
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Still/In Motion: time-lapsed montages of starling murmurations. The photographs of Kathryn Cooper combine multiple high-resolution frames, in a modern version of chronophotography – which was used in early studies of motion in the Victorian era – to capture the fluid movement of migrating starling murmurations at roost sites across Yorkshire and Derbyshire. The dramatic shapes the birds create in the sky become a series of dynamic patterns revealing behaviour invisible to the naked eye. Part of an Exhibition at Montreal Biosphere, Parc Jean-Drapeau, 10 June 2023–20 May 2024 / Guardian #migrating #starking #murmurations #yorkshire #kathryncooper
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holyshit · 10 months
Tbh Kay I want afhf to be in canada in a city near you so you can go
pls that's so sweet, thank you 🥲🤧🫶 i highly doubt it will happen dfkfkf but i love you 💗 maybe in a far off future it will happen at parc jean drapeau so i can finally feel at peace singing hoth live
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montrealmagique · 1 year
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Parc Jean-Drapeau aka Johnny Flag
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leham-n-daavocado · 1 year
An F1 Day in Montreal
I had a work trip to Montreal and I headed out early, so I could actually do stuff in Montreal over the weekend and not just be stuck between work meetings/ conference, the work/ conference venue and the hotel. Unfortunately, my sister didn't want to meet me even though she lives near Montreal because of her schedule lol. She still helped me plan an F1 day though lol.
I went to Parc Jean-Drapeau and walked the F1 track! It was so great to have such a chill day there and walk around after all the crazy of going there for an F1 weekend. That's the hairpin! Looks like some of the grandstands and fencing are permanent. You can drive/ bike around the track. Lots of cyclists were on it. You can walk it too... but I decided I'd rather have the shade on the Parc Jean-Drapeau side.
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After that, I walked up Mount Royal and the strairmaster from hell lol. I made the mistake of walking from the train station and up the hill to the stairs, so by the time I started the stairs, my body was like no. The next day I was so sore, but the view was worth it.
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I finished up the day out by going to see Gran Turismo lol. My sister was like omg! Make it a race day, go see it! It was fun until a spectator died like what happened in real life but the film like just handles that death soooo poorly and treats it more as an obstacle for the character to overcome rather than treating it worth the proper care it deserved. It completely glossed over the dangers of racing and safety issues which I felt would have made the movie stronger, but probably took away the blockbuster feel it was going for. The racing line stuff annoyed the hell out of me because as someone who has watched motorsport and understands that you can't always take the line if you want to overtake and part of racing is to make your opponent take a bad line so you can overtake. And Geri as the mom... that was like a jumpscare. Between the Red Bull Ring feature and her, I was like I see what's happening here lol.
And of course, I stayed up to watch the Japanese GP.
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sophietdbquebec · 2 years
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17 février - Parc Jean-Drapeau
Aujourd'hui a été une journée plutôt tranquille. Il neigeait ce matin donc nous avons pris notre temps pour nous lever et pour déjeuner, et nous sommes partis vers 11h avec Alix et Romain pour prendre le métro direction le Parc Jean-Drapeau. Le parc est constitué de deux îles, l'île Sainte-Hélène, naturelle, et l'île Notre-Dame, créée avec la terre excavée pour construire le métro de Montréal. Il y a pleins d'activités possibles, des sentiers de raquettes, de ski de fond, de patin, mais aussi des infrastructures sportives (bassin d'aviron, piscine), un circuit de Formule 1, un musée et un parc d'attraction (ouvert uniquement l'été). Nous avons fait un petit tour des deux îles et nous avons repris le métro vers le centre-ville.
Nous sommes arrivés dans l'un des quartier les plus vivants de la ville, dans la partie commerçante de la rue Saint-Catherine. Nous avons mangé des bagels dans l'un des nombreux food-court de la ville souterraine. On peut se promener entre les centre commerciaux du centre-ville grâce à un réseau de sous-terrains, comme ça, pas besoin de ressortir dans le froid pour changer de magasin ! Romain nous a quitté et nous avons fait un peu de magasinage avec Alix, mais nous n'avons pas trouvé grand chose, soit c'était pour des ados, soit pour des personnes plus âgées. Nous avons quand même crapahuté à travers le centre-ville, nous sommes passées sur la Place des Arts, où se déroulent les nombreux festivals, spectacles et animations de la ville.
Nous avons fini notre virée dans une friperie qui ne payait pas de mine, la devanture donnait plus l'impression d'un squat. Une fois à l'intérieur, nous avons compris pourquoi elle était si réputée, la décoration est incroyablement kitsch! Il y en a partout, et pour tous les goûts, je vous laisse observer les détails sur les photos (il y a même Michael Jackson qui montre son bébé à la fenêtre dehors). Nous avons pris un thé et une limonade dans le café de la friperie et nous sommes rentrées.
Alix, Romain et Adrien sont allés faire des courses pour notre week-end en chalet, Blandine et moi avons joué à Hanabi. Demain matin, samedi, nous partons passer le week-end dans un châlet au bord d'un lac, je ne promets donc pas la publication quotidienne...
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ezurad · 2 years
Havent posted anything in a while so here's some 35mm pictures i took of Parc Jean-Drapeau
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gigisland · 25 days
IAM live @ Parc Jean-Drapeau, Montreal
August 29 2024
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chrisryanspeaks · 1 month
KAYTRANADA Announces TIMELESS North American Tour with New Dates & Special Guests
KAYTRANADA Expands ‘Timeless’ North American Tour with New Dates Featuring Special Guest Channel Tres Tickets for Berkeley, Denver, Houston, and Seattle Go On Sale This Friday, August 16th New Album ‘Timeless’ Available Now via RCA Records KAYTRANADA has announced new dates for his upcoming TIMELESS North American tour, set to kick off in September, where he will unveil his new live show. This performance, which he first introduced at European festivals such as Sonar, Parklife, and We Love Green, as well as at North American festivals like Outside Lands and The Best Day Ever, has been highly anticipated. Produced by Live Nation, the tour will bring KAYTRANADA's critically acclaimed new album, TIMELESS, to audiences across the continent. The journey begins in mid-September, with notable stops including the iconic Parc Jean-Drapeau in his hometown of Montreal, two nights at Forest Hills Stadium in New York, the Moody Amphitheater in Austin, and BMO Stadium in Los Angeles—marking his biggest headlining show to date. The tour will also feature special guest appearances by KAYTRANADA’s collaborator Channel Tres across all dates, with additional performances from artists like Amaarae, Sam Gellaitry, Kitty Ca$h, and Lou Phelps in select cities. Fans can sign up now at KAYTRANADA.com to access the Artist Presale, powered by Seated, starting Thursday, August 15th, at 10 AM local time. General tickets for the TIMELESS tour will go on sale Friday, August 16th, at 10 AM local time. TIMELESS has quickly become one of 2024's most celebrated albums, with NPR praising it as "a gift" and SPIN highlighting it as "the sound of a master getting back into the groove." Most recently, Kali Uchis released a remix of her song “Young Rich & In Love” by KAYTRANADA, adding to the album's growing acclaim. Check below for all upcoming KAYTRANADA tour dates and more information about TIMELESS. Upcoming Live Dates * = support from Channel Tres ^ = support from Sam Gellaitry # = support from Lou Phelps $ = support from Kitty Ca$h + = support from Amaarae > = not a Live Nation date 8/16 - London, UK @ Victoria Park London 8/17 - Cannes, FR @ Les Plages Electroniques 9/14 - Vancouver, BC @ Deer Lake Park * # 9/20 - Chicago, IL @ Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island * ^ 9/26 - Detroit, MI @ Michigan Lottery Amphitheatre at Freedom Hill * # 9/27 - Toronto, ON @ Budweiser Stage * ^ (SOLD OUT) 9/28 - Montreal, QC @ Parc Jean Drapeau * # $ 10/01 - Boston, MA @ Leader Bank Pavilion * # 10/02 - Philadelphia, PA @ TD Pavilion at The Mann * ^ 10/04 - New York, NY @ Forest Hills Stadium * ^ (SOLD OUT) 10/05 - New York, NY @ Forest Hills Stadium * ^ 10/06 - Columbia, MD @ Merriweather Post Pavilion * ^ 10/10 - Denver, CO @ Mission Ballroom * # > (JUST ANNOUNCED) 10/11 - Seattle, WA @ WAMU Theater * # (JUST ANNOUNCED) 10/12 - Houston, TX @ White Oak Music Hall * # (JUST ANNOUNCED) 10/16 - Austin, TX @ Moody Amphitheater * # (SOLD OUT) 10/17 - Dallas, TX @ The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory * # 10/18 - 10/19 - Miami, FL @ III Points Festival 10/20 - Atlanta, GA @ Lakewood Amphitheatre * # 10/24 - San Diego, CA @ Gallagher Square at Petco Park * # 10/26 - Los Angeles, CA @ BMO Stadium * + 10/31 - Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre * # > (JUST ANNOUNCED) Read the full article
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