#Party Decor with Water Beads
waterbeads1993 · 10 months
Magical Marvel: Unveiling the Wonders of Magic Beadz Jelly Water Beads – Over 20,000 Beads of Enchantment
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Explore the enchanted wonder that is Magic Beadz Jelly Water Beads! These beads give enchantment beyond belief with over 20,000 beads, diverse sensory enjoyment for all ages, and startling features like biodegradability and aromatherapy play. Discover the realm of DIY innovations, therapeutic relaxation, and unexpected expansion. Ideal for hosting memorable sensory playdates, educational play, and celebrations!"
15 Less Known, Hidden, and Surprising Facts:
Tiny to Mighty: Watch the transformation as Magic Beadz Jelly Water Beads grow many times their original size, turning a handful into an enchanting sea of over 20,000 beads.
Versatile Sensory Fun: These water beads aren't just for kids! Discover how they offer versatile sensory fun for all ages, making them a delightful and engaging experience for everyone.
Dazzling Color Palette: Immerse yourself in a world of color with a vast palette of hues, from vibrant primaries to soothing pastels, creating visually stunning displays as the beads expand.
Long-Lasting Magic: Experience the long-lasting magic as these water beads retain their enchanting size for weeks, providing extended enjoyment and playtime.
Aromatherapy Addition: Infuse a touch of aromatherapy into playtime by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oils to the water, creating a multisensory experience with fragrant beads.
Learning Through Play: These beads aren't just for fun; they're educational too! Engage in counting, sorting, and color recognition activities, turning playtime into a learning adventure.
Biodegradable Beauty: Marvel at the eco-friendliness of Magic Beadz, as they are biodegradable, ensuring that the magic is not only enchanting but also environmentally conscious.
Surprise Expansion: Witness the surprise expansion as the beads grow in unpredictable shapes, adding an element of curiosity and wonder to the enchanting experience.
Unique Party Decor: Elevate your party decor with these magical beads, using them as stunning centerpieces or decor accents, creating an ambiance that captivates guests.
Therapeutic Relaxation: Immerse your hands in the cool, soothing touch of Magic Beadz for a therapeutic experience, promoting relaxation and stress relief for all ages.
DIY Terrarium Delight: Explore the creative side as Magic Beadz become the perfect base for DIY terrariums, adding a touch of enchantment to your miniature garden creations.
Seed Starting Secret: Uncover the gardening secret as Magic Beadz can be used for seed starting, providing a unique and moisture-retaining environment for seeds to sprout and grow.
Non-Toxic Assurance: Ensure safety with the non-toxic nature of Magic Beadz, making them a worry-free option for play and creative exploration.
Home Decor Innovation: Innovate your home decor by incorporating Magic Beadz into vases and bowls, creating stunning displays that add a touch of magic to your living spaces.
Sensory Playdate: Arrange a sensory playdate and share the magic with friends and family, creating a shared experience that fosters creativity, imagination, and laughter.
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ravenquingvax · 4 months
Thinking about Vox Machina going to their first ever Pride event together... For some of them, it's also their first ever Pride event in general.
Scanlan has been too so many by now you'd think he would be bored of them... But he isn't!
He gets to be annoyingly pansexual in public without being deemed a nuisance!? Sign him the fuck up!!
He's flirting with everyone, he's wearing glittery face paint, he's running around with only a pansexual flag and tight glittery booty shorts on!!
He also makes sure that all of the rest of Vox Machina are safe and having a good time! Are they drinking? Well, Scan is watching over their drinks!
Are they mingling? Well, Scan is keeping a close eye on them to make sure they're not being harassed or anything!!
This isn't his first rodeo, and it sure as hell isn't going to be his last one either!! He identifies as a little nightmare to society and he will be getting his gay on!!
Pike has been to a few Pride events as a bisexual woman, and she's been to many as a voluntary healer and helper.
She likes the community and the silliness of these events, but her cleric training has her reluctant to join in with full reckless abandon...
That being said, she has the bi flag painted on her cheeks while she's hugging anyone who needs comforted!!
She's handing out snacks and water, she's healing injuries and listening to people's stories.
Pike is a Pride Mamma and she is fucking proud of it.
Taryon has never even dared to dream of attending a Pride event before - his dad wouldn't approve of it, after all.
So he's nervous and shy when Vox Machina take him to his very first event in Whitestone.
But he quickly warms up to it! There's so much colour and glitter and ribbons!!!
People are dancing and singing! Some are kissing!
It's absolutely wonderful.
Next time, He even wears the MLM gay pride flag around his shoulders as he and his new husband join the festivities.
Grog doesn't understand it.
But he likes parties and these events seem like parties to him.
Also, it makes his friends happy to come to these big events.
Someone asks him what he identifies as and he tells them he's not an object to identify.
He's flirted with by all types of people and tells them he's not really here for that either.
Grog is just Grog, and he is very happy to make his friends happy by watching after them as they let loose for once!
Also, the alcohol is amazing.
At some point he ends up with an agender pride flag and he doesn't know why, but Pike says that it suits him and Vax tells him to wear it as a cape because it'd look cool.
So he does. And he looks very, very fucking cool with it on.
Vex'ahlia has been struggling a lot to come to terms with her sexuality since she was a teen.
Growing up with her rather queerphobic father in Syngorn has left her scared to explore her bisexuality, but seeing her brother and friends open up and explore their own genders and sexualities has helped her.
Vex is quiet about it, but she wears her bisexual flag as a cape with pride and she wears her "i love my trans twin" shirt with even more pride.
She may even kiss a few folk!!
Vax'ildan is trans masc, enby, polyamorous and bisexual.
He has beads in the colours of the bisexual flag braided through his hair, he's wearing the nonbinary flag as a cape, his nails are painted with tiny trans flags on them...
And he can't stop smiling.
He's kissing so many people! He's dancing! He's singing! He's accidentally leading a whole ass macarena line through the streets! He's drinking fruity cocktails! He's eating cookies and cupcakes with the most ridiculously dirty decorations you could possibly imagine!
He's thriving and nobody can rain on his parade!!
(Though when he gets home, he will be plagued with the fear of his father seeing him like this and of the man's reaction.)
Keyleth is young and not very experienced in anything.
She is aware of the many different possible genders and sexualities out there, but she hasn't quite figured out what she is just yet - but that's fine!
Her friends tell her that they love her for her, that whatever she identifies as will be just as amazing as she is herself!
So she goes to her first Pride event nervous but curious, asking other people about how it was they figured out their genders and sexualities.
And maybe she even walks away with her own collection of new pride flags... She always did love green and purple, so the Asexual, Demiromantic and Agender pride flags are even cooler to the questioning druid.
The youngest of the group, Percy has no idea what he is.
Well, he knows he's a man, but he doesn't know why.
Nor does he know what his sexuality is quite yet, either.
He finds certain men hot, but he also finds Vex'ahlia hot.
And, well, some other women too - but mostly just Vex.
Vax'ildan and Vex'ahlia are both very hot, actually. It's been a bit of a problem for poor Percy.
Someone tells him he could be bisexual, or even demisexual.
But neither feels exactly right.
Maybe... Maybe both?
Yes. Both is good.
Also, the bisexual flag is pretty and both twins wear it well.
(This doesn't help Percy at all.)
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ntls-24722 · 5 months
Badlands Debu lore!!!
I cut out a lot of the text because it would be easier to understand if I just typed it out.
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Generally they have wider, shorter faces since there's not as much hard vegetation that they're munching on, so their tusks are smaller and a little weaker than usual. They're also Extra Wrinkly to keep in water since that's more scarce where they live. They have curly beards that actually extend onto their neck that're often held down by beads to show their full length - longevity is a big ideal for Badlands Debu and their hair shows it, for their pride and joy is never cut.
Also, general ideals for them are around the lines of loyalty, strength, and fertility. Resources are scarce and there is a lot of fighting over it, so loyalty and strength are both very valued, which is why a lot of badlands debu fashion is made with the intent of looking super badass - they wanna look strong! On the flipside, gluttony and greed is extremely antagonized, so stealing, waste, and generally overusing resources is extremely looked down upon in badlands societies, more than usual. Debu in general have to be very resourceful and not wasteful since it takes so much more resources to keep them alive AND because by default they live in such an arid environment, but the badlands societies cranks that dial up to 11 since they're in the trenches of said arid environment, and stealing can be seen as bad as murder.
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Beauty standards!
Badlands societies often practice polyamory, specifically polyandry, since the focus is not creating heirs but ensuring each child is able to prosper. Because it's generally expected for most people to already be in a relationship, if you want to join one, your attention is generally pointed to the one you're the same sex as. Where you're looking to see if the people in your role are old, if they've got a big hump - if they're living long and eating good, then that's a sign that you should be getting in on what they have going on. There's also the extra strength/Badassery that both parties expect of one another, though women have a particular expectation of looking particularly scary where the philosophy is that someone more menacing is better to have on your side.
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Alright, I said that clothes generally don't serve any purpose, but this does - this decorated caparison-saddle is really flowy, light in color, and helps shield the badlands debu from the burning sun along with catching a much-needed breeze :)
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Now that clothes are real again, I can go back to making Sindeer the original textile/clothing maker she was on top of being a hunter! She makes and sells these landscape stoles, which she often takes commission for to depict specific places, often the homes of her clients. Which, very related*:
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Valley debu! their faces are longer and hold stronger tusks since they're eating all sorts of hard land corals and "woods" up there.
Their big ideals are history, legacy, heritage - There's a lot more Debu due to the richness of the resources there, so there's a big thing of storytelling and showing off your heritage/in-group *(which is what Sindeer actually appeals to in her art) in these societies. Valley debu are actually known for commonly having an elder that literally had every good and bad thing that happened each year to the society carved/tattooed/pierced right onto their skin, who can even personally tell you personally what happened.
when they die, those pierced/modded areas of the skin are stretched/tanned into leather to preserve it. Which is metal as fuck, imagine owning a history textbook made of human leather
Funnily enough, there's actually a section of the leather dedicated to the elder where they basically get to choose how they go down in history. Valley debu are comnonly studied in Blour's modern day because of their extensive written, recorded histories, but I wonder if the archeologists can piece together whether the fantastical feats at the end of the book are stories or just tall tales...
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sam-monroe · 7 months
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Summary: Following after the film, Sam starts to realize that the time after his father's death only started to hurt him more than let him thrive. However, how can you thrive when you seem cursed to be doomed in misery? Characters: Sam Monroe, Robin Kimball, Adam and Ryan Kimball, various OCs to fill the gaps LOL Warnings: minor character death (? maybe can be considered major, but he's not from the film), teenage angst, sam re-emofying himself Ships: None Word Count: 6.9k words A/N: This directly follows after the film (with some time gap because funeral planning), and it does have a minor character death in it. I wanted to expand on Sam's story, and I really didn't like the "feeling lighter looking lighter" trope they had with him. Let him stay emo... :( Anyways, I hope you enjoy this. I'm currently crying over it for the 3428794237 time. VERY loosely based off Your Graduation by Modern Baseball. Edit 02.29.24: Major rework, adding details, fixing punctuation, etc etc. I'm sorry I'm a shit writer. Read here on ao3
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Normally summer breaks would be marked with back to school shopping, maybe a few more parties or something else to bring a close to the months of break from school. However, this wasn’t the case for Sam this summer. The summer wasn’t marked with the rushed supply shopping for all three kids, no. It was marked with another divorce and a funeral. Luckily, they didn’t have to move, and due to his stepfather’s shit talk of Sam behind his back, Sam didn’t have to see him anymore. 
Good riddance.
Unfortunately with grief things seemed to get better for the family, getting closer again, but Sam had felt so much more lost. He headed up the light wood stairs as they had come back from the funeral as the sun poured into the mostly white and light wood decorated home. He was wearing muted earth colors, having one of his father’s flannels on him as he felt so puffed up from crying so much. Even Adam and Ryan cried a little. His mother guided them to the kitchen to make a snack, but he moved to his room. He got the left door open, looking around at the walls covered in spray paint, Manson posters and other various things from magazines. 
Maybe his room could use a makeover like the house did. No idea what it would be changed to. He moved to his built in bathroom, moving the beads of the Sacred Heart to the side to get in the surprisingly clean bathroom. Compared to his room, his bathroom was always clean. He got to the sink to get some cold water on a washcloth before pressing it to his face. Hopefully this would help the swelling, and hopefully he didn’t cry again. 
He held the cloth there for a few moments before ringing it out to get it draped over the faucet before moving back out. There was a knock from his door and he silently came over, opening it. His mother was there, voice soft,” I’m going to make some sandwiches, do you want one?” “No… I was thinking of cleaning my room.” “You haven’t eaten since breakfast,” she gently prodded,” come on. The room can wait.” 
It still felt like a trap. How she was suddenly nice to him. He didn’t know if he should like it, but still, he was hungry and his energy felt nearly depleted. “Alright,” he grumbled, moving to follow her back down to the large kitchen. He sat at the little bar area in the middle of his half-brothers, sighing softly. 
Robin moved to get ingredients from the double door fridge, absently flicking the radio on to fill the silence. She got plates set up before getting started on the sandwiches,” what drink do you boys want with it?” 
Ryan chimed for apple juice which Adam nodded for and Sam was just quiet. She glanced at her oldest, voice soft,” Sam?”
He finally came back from the zoning out he was in as he looked at her. “Apple juice is fine.” After he spoke, his eyes dropped back down to the gray tile of the counter as she just opted to work on their lunch. 
Plates were soon placed in front of them before she moved to grab three glasses for juice. Getting them placed on their table setting, she got a bag of chips open and dumped into a bowl before placing it in front of Sam. “Now, eat up you three. It’s the best thing you can do after crying a lot. Your body needs the energy back.” Ryan and Adam didn’t have to be told twice, but the new kindness was still unsettling to Sam while he grabbed a handful of chips to place on his plate before munching on one. 
Eventually, Robin made herself a plate and leaned against the counter as she ate, watching Sam a moment. “What do you think you want to change in your room?” 
“I dunno … maybe everything. Maybe some doors for my closet.” 
“If you won’t break them, I can get a contractor to see about the space.” 
“I won’t … Can I paint the walls?” Glancing up, he gave a small shrug, popping another chip into his mouth afterwards.
“Anything but black.” 
He took a bite of the sandwich, thinking for a moment as he tried to think on what he even wanted to do. “I was thinking of a slate color.” 
Robin nodded a moment as she listened,” that would be nice, especially with all the windows you have there.” And it would hide all of the spray paint you sprayed everywhere. She took a chip, hiding her mouth with her hand while she chewed momentarily,” would you want new furniture? I don’t know if the wicker can be salvaged from the spray paint on it.” 
“I can paint it over… it just needs to be sanded and primed.” 
“Alright, if you’re sure, we can go get paint after lunch for the walls. Do you want to do your bathroom also?” 
“Yeah, a light gray.” 
“First, we’ll do your room then the bathroom.”
“Can we redo our bedrooms, Mom?” Ryan chirped out, grinning at her with some mustard smeared on his cheek. She chuckled as she came to wipe it off. “If you want, but Sam’s first because he’s the oldest.” And I hate the sight of that room. 
After lunch had been eaten and dishes were taken care of, she took a brief trip to get paint samples. Returning, she told him to make patches of the colors on a section of the wall to figure out which one dried best. He nodded as he moved back to his room, getting inside with the bags of four samples. He first moved to get all of the posters and images down around his room before getting the dresser pulled back from the wall holding his bathroom door in the corner. He got squares painted up and penciled on the wall beside them which color was what before he looked to his room. 
Well, might as well clean it. He began with gathering up the clothes, working in silence before he couldn’t handle it anymore. Getting music flicked on, he steadily worked on cleaning his room out. He gathered up the makeup he had stolen from stores, throwing it out along with the various materials he used for huffing. He started to go through his clothes, clearing out some of them. It felt like he had just started when he was called for dinner, but his room was finally cleaned for the first time in forever. Well, at least he could see the floor now.
It was strange to see the walls so empty. He brought the beads he had gathered to the side from the bathroom door down first before he headed down, stomach aching finally while he registered his hunger. Cleaning was a good distraction though ... Maybe the renovation would help.
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The time for his first day of school came, and god, he didn’t want to face the bullshit of introductions and trying to find his classes … Or getting shit on like usual. Alyssa tried to talk to him, but the summer had been such a shit show, he didn’t want to really talk to her. Not after she admitted to kissing his father when he was on morphine. He moved through the halls to get to his locker, and Nick came up to him, confused at his appearance. 
“Yo, what the fuck, dude. Where’s your piercings and shit?” His eyes were wide while a brow arched, glancing over him.
“Gone. Stuff happened this summer, okay?” 
“Yeah, dude. We were wondering why you weren’t at Lake Tahoe with us, it was so fucking fun dude. I was high most of the time or fucking,” he grinned lazily at Sam. 
Well, at least Sam’s guess of how that trip would have been was right. “I was with my father working on a house.” Sam shrugged absently, glancing over to Nick. You know … just before he died.
“Duuuude , that sucks. I bet that was boring.” 
He remembered demolishing the old house, thinking about how stress relieving it was. At least, when he had finally decided to help. “… It was kind of fun.” He shrugged as he swapped out a few textbooks for his starting class. 
“Sam, you hate your father. What the fuck? It was fun?” Brows furrowed as Nick looked over him trying to piece who his friend had become in a few months. No piercings, earthy tones, the blue in his hair had severely faded out and his hair wasn’t as styled as usual. Not to mention the clear lack of makeup.
Sam slammed the door shut as he looked down at Nick,” I said stuff happened. That’s all you need to fucking know. Okay?” There was the normal Sam.
“Chill out dude,” Nick rolled his eyes,” you know, this might be the year I finally dump your ass.” 
Irritation was already building up in Sam from the conversation,” then just fucking do it already like everyone else. I don’t give a fuck,” he moved past him to get to his science class, weaving through the crowd. 
As the school day progressed, Sam just isolated himself more and more, focusing on the work for once. He got to his car after the last class dismissal, getting inside with a slow sigh. He hit his forehead against the wheel for a moment before starting the car up. He could get some coffee. He got his window rolled down a bit before he lit a cigarette, starting to drive to the nearest coffee shop. 
Getting parked when he had his black coffee in hand, he just sat and smoked as music played. On day one, he lost his friend, nearly fought someone at lunch, and already got a threat of going to the principal. He sighed softly as he leaned his head back, shaking his head absently while taking a slow drag.
“Fuck this.”
It was never going to get better, was it?
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Unfortunately, it didn’t really seem to. As the weeks of the new year went on, he started to fight with his mother again. To Robin, it seemed like the summer with his father didn’t change him as much as she hoped as the winter break started to approach.
Sam just focused on his room, the walls now painted while the bed frame as it dried in the garage. His mattress was flopped on the floor for now as he laid on it after completing his homework. He had his headphones on with his eyes shut, absently holding some of his comforter as he had locked his door once again. 
He knew that the niceness from his mother was just fucking performative as he laid there. His eyes slowly opened to look at the ceiling as he thought things over. 
I will never be good enough for her, would I? What the fuck am I doing? Why did I destroy my room? All in the name of Dad's memory? No. Fuck this. This isn’t who I fucking am, he thought as he moved to pause the CD before making his way downstairs. Luckily they hadn’t donated much of what he had been through and he hauled the bags of clothing back up to his room. He dumped them near the mattress on the floor, some shirts spilling out before he left his room to hunt Robin down.
He found her in Peter's previous office on her computer, brows furrowed in concentration before looking up as her eldest entered. Here we go.
“Can I borrow $40? I'm going to the mall," he asked, arms crossing over his chest while his gaze bore into her slightly.
“Alright, be back for dinner.” She sighed softly, getting a $50 bill out for him. “Use the extra ten for whatever or food. I don’t have smaller bills.” Something was happening with him again, but she didn't have the energy to try to fight him back on it. Landing them right back to square one before the summer.
Sam took it from her, getting it shoved into his pocket while he gave a small grumble of thanks. "I'll be back soon."
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He got to the local mall before navigating his way into the Hot Topic he had definitely stolen from before. he had gotten a little too good at it, and the employees never knew... Though, theft wasn't unheard of in the store. What was another person using the five finger discount? This time, Sam was hoping he could find some new AP magazines for posters and maybe some new jewelry. Maybe I could get a job too. Then I would have more money for shit. 
He got past the metal doors, brushing absent strands of curls back from his forehead as he entered the dimly lit store. God, there was so much new shit. He started to look around, noticing there was a hiring sign out. He asked about it to an employee and was soon at the back counter filling out an application for associate while leaning against it heavily as the manager watched him on occasion after returning from her break. After he filled it out, he moved to flip through the stack of magazines on the side display case. He wasn’t so sure he wanted Manson everywhere again, but he could try to find maybe a Nirvana one or something. Anything to take up the space on his walls. He found a few that interested him before he moved to get to the jewelry racks until a cool looking pair of pants had caught his attention. Still, he knew that pair would eat up half his money. He started to look through the jewelry once again, grabbing a few rings and a necklace before moving to find the hair dye.
He looked over the items he had before calculating how much he had already spent before determining he could buy dye. Picking bright red, he made his way back to the register while smiling a moment. A nice change. Something different than blue. While leaving the store, he absently checked his phone for the time, making a soft sound. Still some time until dinner. Getting to the FYE store, he started to browse through CDs, quiet as his head absently bopped along to the music from the speakers. The hours started to pass as he began to look through CDs, starting to accumulate a pile of possible purchases. It wasn’t until his phone started to vibrate that he realized the time. He answered it as he grabbed a TOOL CD, heading to the register,” I’m checking out at the CD store. I lost track of time.”
His mother gave a slow sigh,” fine. Just be here in thirty minutes.” It wasn’t long before she hung up after that, and he soon paid for the CD silently with the employee. He tucked it into the Hot Topic bag, heading out with a small nod of thanks to the cashier. 
He felt a little better as he got into his car, setting the bag in the passenger seat as he started it up. He knew it just wasn’t a fucking phase. He had felt so miserable, and constantly like he wasn’t even himself while working on his grief. Not  He had experienced bad moments of a dissociative state, and God, he hated every single one. It was unnerving that he wasn’t fucking high but his body just doing it. 
A horn going off somewhere in the lot caused him to come back, breath soft as he backed up to head home. Maybe one day he could find more posters or tapestries or something. One day, his room will be back to normal and maybe he would feel better... more like himself again. He headed on the route to home, fingers tapping along the steering wheel. The drive had been uneventful and honestly, Sam didn't remember most of it while he parked in the drive way. He sat in his car for a moment, lighting a cigarette again to just have a few more precious moments before an awkward, silent dinner. Once he finished it, he soon came inside, heading up the steps quickly to toss the bag onto his mattress before heading to the garage.
He poked at the black painted headboard experimentally, pulling his fingers back to check his skin. Thank fuck it was dry.
Moving back inside, he got to the dining room where his mother and brothers waited for him before he sat down. He didn’t speak as he ate, his brothers chatting about school and their friends. He didn’t have any updates of his own, so why would he talk? His mother was more than happy to have silence from him instead, listening to Ryan and Adam as she ate. 
As soon as he finished his plate, he moved from the table to take care of it before he moved to the garage to get the pieces of his bed frame back into his room. He got some help from the live-in maid, Trish, getting the pieces into his room before he set to work on reassembling it. Setting the bed in the same spot as before, he got the mattress back on before he half-assed made his bed again. He would just kick the sheets around in his sleep, it didn’t matter if it was made or not.
Sam grabbed his CD player that was on the floor and got onto his bed once again, getting the new CD unwrapped and popped into it. Soon settled down on the bed, Sam was again staring at the ceiling. God, I would do anything to have weed right now. A flash of the summer came when he was about to sell himself out for money before he pushed that idea away as disgust came at himself. Why am I so fucked up? Besides, if I get a job, then I don't have to fucking do that.
Easy answer: he was nurtured into it. He thought of the previous years, and he hadn’t truly been happy since he was six before the divorce. Nothing ever seemed like it would get better. Not since his mother remarried that fucking asshole, not since he got half-brothers, not since he started using when he was twelve to just feel something. He was fucking depressed and it felt like no matter what he did, it was never good enough or that he wasn’t enough. 
Robin had walked in on him having a fucking scarf tied around his fucking throat in his broken closet and she still didn’t ask if he was okay. Instead, she went to her then second husband saying he needed a man in his life. He had lingered in the hall to see if maybe she would say something good, but there was no concern. Just disgust. He was disgusting to his family. He doubted that it had changed since George's death.
So, why should I try to make them feel better by conforming?
He shut his eyes slowly, letting out a slow breath, fuck it.
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Fighting with his mother was beginning to be a daily occurrence as Sam got a nose piercing and got his lower lip piercing again. Luckily, since he had taken care of his ear piercings, he was able to get some back into the lobes but not tragically not the cartilage. He started to swipe makeup once again from the drugstores, and he believed he felt a bit better. His teachers were surprised as he slowly looked like himself again, yet he wasn’t neglectful of the work this time. In fact, he was getting almost straight As now. He was sober even if begrudgingly, and left his shitty friends behind. In September, he did finally make a new friend, a boy who just moved from New Mexico, and he was just happy with that. 
He had gotten a little close to his history teacher, often lingering in the classroom after school ended to do homework and ask about certain eras. He was lingering now with Matt beside him as they worked on a science project together, each of them having an earbud from Matt’s pair as they listened to the TOOL CD. Matt moved his pencil to circle an area with the eraser on Sam's paper,” that’s supposed to be a different formula.” 
He looked at the formula, brows furrowing as he glanced over to Matt,” that’s the one we were given.” 
“It’s the work formula, not for the kinetic energy that you need.” Tilting his head, he leaned over again to get a better look at Sam's paper while brushing some dark brown strands back from his eyes.
Sam let out a slow sigh as he slowly melted to lay his head on the desk. “I can never get it no matter how much I try. I’ll pay you to finish it. I can’t focus. I give up." 
Mrs. Nellings watched the two of them with a soft smile as she heard the struggling while she worked on grading. It was still good to see Sam making some connection that was within his age group. She had certainly heard about his behavior through the years, but she couldn't believe that it was him now. Then again, he did lose a loved one.
Matt watched Sam with softening green eyes, patting his back,” it’s alright. I can do it. I know things have been hard again.”
That was still strange, being comforted and reassured. Still, Sam was reassured about it as he lifted his head, nodding. “Alright … But I’m buying us tacos or something.” 
“You know I can never deny my love for Taco Bell.” Matt dramatically said as he placed a hand over his heart as he watched with a brow arched up in amusement. 
“I was thinking more like a taco truck since … y’know. California. Maybe some elote too. Y'know, not that shit they slop around at the Bell.”
“Hey, don't talk about my beloved," he grinned, eyes lighting up at the mention of a truck. "Oh, fuck yeah. Just give me all the papers, and I’ll make a page so you can write it down another night.”
Sam nodded as he gathered up everything to give it to him for far better safekeeping than he could ever do himself," alright. I guess that'll work. I doubt I'm going to ever use physics ever in my life."
Placing everything into the project folder, Matt soon was shoving it into his backpack with a small shrug. “Never know, dude. Might be handy one day ... Buttttttt, I am hungry, so I’m demanding payment now.”
Sam snorted as he rolled his eyes briefly while getting up after zipping his bag up,” alright. Let's go then.” Motioning Matt to follow, he navigated through the empty halls of the school to get out into the parking lot. Grimacing at the familiar heat, he led Matt out He opened the trunk to throw his bag in after getting his wallet from the front pocket as Matt chucked his into the trunk with a grin.
After getting inside and getting it started up, Sam started the way to find one of the taco trucks, humming along with the CD in his car playing. 
Matt absently drummed on his thighs as he watched the passing scenery, glancing at him. “I did mean it, though. It is okay if you can’t grasp concepts. Not everyone’s brain is wired for physics or science and math.” He looked over to him again, a soft, reassuring smile on his lips before looking ahead to the road.
Sam glanced at him briefly, scoffing momentarily,” yeah, but I’m not good at anything.”
“That’s not true. You’re pretty good at art, and you’re very talented at writing. Maybe you could be a comic writer one day.” Matt's thick brows furrowed, letting his gaze return to his friend then as he tilted his head.
“I don’t know about that. I don’t have a story to tell.” 
Matt moved his hands up in a wild, grand gesture,“ You could scream from the mountain tops how parents shouldn’t be shitty. Show how much it damages someone.”
“There’s been enough media about that already.”
“Yeah, but I think your story is pretty unique.” Matt shrugged absently before looking out the window,” not every day or every summer you build a fucking house with your dad before he’s gone.”
“Yeah, and if I publish it, Mom’ll be pissed and screaming at me again for how I portray her and her exes.”
“It’s just the truth though. They’ve dragged you through fucking hell, dude. Yeah, you have your anger moments and you sometimes say shit that hurts, but it’s not purely malicious. It’s literally because you’re hurting.”
“Okay, don’t turn into Freud.” Sam shook his head, glancing at him.
“It’s the truth, Sam. I know you for you, and I’m happy I’m able to. People have beaten you down so fucking much you think you’re nothing and that isn’t right. You’re really the only person that actually started to talk to me after I moved here from New Mexico. Plus, I know the shit others say about you at school.” 
“You had a cool Metallica shirt. I had to say something.”
“And I appreciated it and now you’re stuck with me,” Matt laughed softly, grinning brightly at his friend. 
Sam glanced at him, a hint of a smile coming before he shook his head as he pulled into a lot,” more like you’re stuck with me.”
“Nope. You’re stuck with me, motherfucker. I annoy everyone.” 
“You’ve never annoyed me … Well, minus when I’m already irritated.”
“That doesn’t count because it’s usually your family or an asshole at school.” 
Matt leaned back, and Sam nodded,” yeah. Usually. I can’t wait to fucking graduate … Hopefully I’ll be able to move out fast.” 
“You can move out with me when we get jobs and shit. Maybe find a third person to bother the both of us.” He nudged him, grinning as Sam was able to park,” we’ll get you out of there, Sam. You deserve better … Maybe some therapy too. But for now, we get tacos and elote and have a good time.” He moved to slide out as Sam watched him, shaking his head absently before getting out. 
They got to the truck, getting in line as the after school rush hit food establishments around town. He was quiet as he looked over the menu, deciding on lengua tacos with a coke. It was such a good combo, he couldn’t help it. Too bad he didn’t have any weed to fucking ascend into another dimension for a bit. He looked to Matt,” what are you gonna get?” 
“Probably two beef tacos with jalapeños like normal. If it’s not broke, don’t fix it, know?” He shrugged as he looked up at Sam,” What are you gonna get?” 
“The lengua with the green sauce on it.” 
“Oh shit dude, you’re like a taco connoisseur.” 
“No, I’m not,” he snorted, shaking his head,” it’s just good. Especially with the onions and when you have a cold bottle of Mexican coke.” 
“Oh, dude, always the bottle,” Matt grinned again,” fuck it. I’ll try your order. See if you got a good palette.” 
“I don’t know about that,” he snorted, shaking his head as he got to the window. He at least knew how to speak the order in Spanish, three shitty years of it coming to his vague aid. He paid in cash, moving to the other window to wait for the order to be called out. 
Matt followed along,” this is gonna be so good.” 
“Yeah, they also have trays so we’ll get everything on one, then we can sit in the trunk of my car and eat.” 
“Sounds good, here, I’ll put our bags in the back seat,” he held his hand out as Sam fished the keys from his pocket, holding it to him.
Matt plucked the keys from his hand, grinning before he started the trek to the car that was a good distance from the food truck. Sam watched him as he absently listened for their order with arms crossed loosely to make sure he made it. Squealing tires soon filled the air as a car turned fast into the lot to barrel through to the other side, and Sam noticed before Matt did, calling out for him. 
It was a few seconds too late as Matt was hit by the speeding car that only sped off faster after the collision, a few people screaming as Sam immediately ran over to his friend. “Matt! Fuck. Matt,” he crouched down to see his friend covered in blood with body crushed from the tires. He didn’t hesitate to call for an ambulance, hand shaking. Matt was unconscious already, blood starting to stain his shirt on his side.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
He stayed beside his friend as the police lingered at the truck for eyewitness testimonies after securing the scene. Luckily, he was allowed to go with Matt to the hospital, watching him closely as he chewed on his thumbnail as he rocked a little. An EMT was focused on driving while another was in the back with them, trying her best to reassure Sam that Matt had a high chance of survival. Sam knew better. That speed and the sounds that came from the impact. Matt would be lucky if he bounced back. 
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At the hospital, he gave as much information as he could to the receptionist and nurse to contact Matt’s family, but he was soon sitting in the lobby. He pulled his phone out, shakily calling his mother then as he rocked back and forth again, fighting tears back. 
She answered in irritation coating her voice while she tried to fix a necklace,” where are you, Sam? It’s late.” 
“M-Matt got hit by a car,” he said shakily as he wiped his face. Fuck. However, his voice and tremble caused her to put the pliers down as her irritation melted to worry,” what? Are you okay? Is he okay? What hospital are you at?” 
“I’m at Healdsburg General … just in the l-lobby. I'm okay, but I don't know what's happening with him.” 
“I’m on my way, did you drive there?” 
“No. My car is in a lot … uh ... 34th Avenue near a taco truck. My spare key is in the kitchen.” He leaned back against the back of the chair, staring at the florescent lights until his eyes began to burn.
“Okay, I’ll get Trish to drive it home, but I'll come to you … Do you need anything?” She stood up, glancing at the clock. God, it was already so late.
“F-Food.” He whimpered out as he shut his eyes tightly leaning over his legs. 
“Okay, okay. I’ll be there in a moment. Trish will bring your car.” She moved to find Ryan in the back in the pool, calling for him to come with her as Adam looked up from his book as he sat at the patio table.
“Everything okay?”
“Sam’s friend got hit by a car and is in the hospital. I need to have Trish and the two of you help get his car back here while I go to him.” 
Sam was still on the line, hearing them as they started to move around the house quickly. Robin soon spoke again to him,” I’ll be there in about an hour and a half, maybe two with traffic. Okay?”
“O-Okay.” He quietly said, sniffling, hanging up only moments later as Robin moved to find the housekeeper. First, she would have to help her find the car before heading to Healdsburg, and hopefully somewhere close was a place that Sam liked to eat from.
Stacy watched from her reception desk, heart softly aching for Sam as she watched him sit with his head in his hands. God, he already seemed in shambles, and he had said he needed food. She absently told Denise she would be back before she moved closer to him, voice soft,” do you want some money for the vending machine while you wait?”
He looked up, nodding while she gave a soft smile,” alright. Hold on.” She moved to the staff room to get $10 out from her purse, pausing to grab some tissues as well. Making her way through the lobby, she saw Sam pathetically leaning his head against the wall, staring blankly at the doors leading into the main hospital. "Here, it's not much, but it's at least something to help you until they come."
He took the tissue box from her first, using up a few to blow his nose and wipe his eyes. “Th-Thank you.” 
“And as promised,” she held the bill out,” the machines are down the hall to the left.”
He nodded as he took it, straightening up then with a weakened thanks to her. He got to machines, looking over prices in the soft glow of the lighting before getting a Sprite, Doritos, and barbecue chips. He returned to the lobby, giving Stacy the change with a soft thanks once again before sitting down. Staring at the packaging, he tried to wrap his head around the evening, focusing on food to avoid his head from wandering too much as the harsh crinkling of the package soon echoed in the lobby.
The doctor came out only thirty minutes later, pausing while looking over paperwork. “Sam Monroe?” 
Sam lifted his head, giving a little nod as he straightened up. “Yeah?” 
“Is Matt’s family here?” Making his way over, Dr. Keller's tall frame gracefully weaved through other patients and family members before the blond was next to Sam.
“No … our families are a bit away. My mom said 90 minutes to two hours. I … don’t know how long it’s been, but I can try to call her.” He started to get his phone out from his pocket after rubbing the barbecue dust off his fingers. 
"You don't have to do that Sam." The doctor sat beside him, letting out a slow sigh as he gently placed a hand on Sam’s back,” unfortunately … Matt has passed away from his injuries.” 
Sam stared at him as he stopped, brows furrowing as he blinked rapidly,” I don’t understand.” 
“His ribs punctured his lungs in three different places, his spine was shattered and had a lot of internal organs bleeding from the hit.” 
Sam shook his head,” no. No. No. ” His voice started to get desperate," he can't be gone. He's the stronger one out of the both of us. He can't fucking die from a fucking car!"
Dr. Keller’s lips pursed as he watched as the tears started to fall again, pulling his hand back cautiously as he started to try to comfort him.
Standing up, Sam's hands started to shake,” Fuck.” God, I could really use a fucking blunt right now. Ignoring the doctor, he moved outside before he started to hit at one of the columns with his fist to at least avoid some public humiliation,” fuck, fuck, fuck!” His knuckles soon were bloody and aching from the concrete tearing the skin before he crouched down, tucking his hands into his chest. "FUCK." His shoulders started to tremble and chest began to ache as he started to sob, trying to stay quiet.
The doors to the ER soon opened, and Dr. Keller slowly made his way over after telling security that it was alright. He's just grieving. He's just a teenager. It's a lot for him right now. Leaning over to place his hand against his back gently, his voice was gentle,” come back in, Sam. I’ll get your hand bandaged up. You can’t have an infection or leave that exposed.” Taking a moment, he knew that the doctor was right, soon following in one of the side rooms to get his hand wrapped. 
Dr. Keller softly spoke as he started to clean the pale knuckles,” I can see he meant a lot to you Sam. I’m sorry we couldn’t have done more, but I’m assuming the car was traveling at a high speed.”
“It w-was,” he choked out,” it happened too f-fast. One m-moment he was heading to m-my car, and another he was on the fucking ground.” Breaths were unsteady as his brows scrunch in pain while his knuckles were disinfected, hissing out softly in pain.
"You're going great, Sam. I need to make sure it's cleaned up before I can put any ointment on it. Looks like you got some particles actually in the wound," Keller lifted up the cotton ball with his gloved hand, looking at the little specks of dirt he had cleaned off from the wound. "Unfortunately for hit and runs, it's common. It's rare that aid is ever given."
“Can I see him? ... Please?" Blue eyes lifted up to the doctor for a brief moment before watching the cotton ball be discarded. 
“I don’t suggest it,” he shook his head,” that would be the last memory you have of him. That impacts a lot of people more negatively than if they didn’t, even if they witnessed the trauma.”
“I’m going to see him at his funeral,” Sam grumbled out, wincing again as a gauze pad was placed on top of his knuckles.
“Yes, but with that, he is at least prepared for viewing ... wounds are mended with putty and makeup to make him presentable. Right now, it’s the early stages and frankly, he looks like hell. I don’t suggest it, Sam. Please.” Green eyes were gentle towards the teenager as he gave a soft pat to his forearm, offering a weakened smile to try to comfort him from the loss.
Sam watched him for a moment as he started to wrap his hand up,” … Okay… I won’t.” 
“Good. I promise it will be better in the long run for you.” He got the wrapping secured, standing,” come on. Let’s go back to the lobby.” As they got out, the families were there, and Sam moved to his mother who held a McDonald’s bag in hand,” Sam.” She held onto him as he buried his face into her shoulder, and the doctor moved to Matt’s family, delivering the somber news. His mothers started to cry, holding onto each other as his biological mother wept into her partner’s shoulder. 
Sam took a moment to pull away as they looked at him, Mary’s voice soft,” thank you for coming here with him, Sam. I know you meant a lot to him.” Sam only moved to hold onto her, and Jessica held onto the both of them. They soon ushered Sam to go back home and rest and they’ll tell him details for the funeral. He had waited long enough for them to just arrive. He took a moment, but Robin softly reassured him that it was okay and that there was nothing else he could do. However, she asked how much it would be to pay for bandaging his knuckles and the doctor dismissed it,” don’t worry about it Ms. Monroe. Just get home safely.” They gave another hug to Jessica and Mary before they headed out of the hospital. 
He somberly followed her back out as she passed the bag to him,” two cheeseburgers and fries with honey mustard. No pickles. I have a Coke in the car for you.” He nodded as she got him there, texting Adam and Ryan that they were on their way back before she restarted her car.
On the drive, he was slow to eat, but he ate everything. God. Winter break was going to be the worst. He shut his eyes as Robin glanced over at him, voice soft,” just rest, Sam. I’ll wake you when we get home.” 
He moved the seat back to lay down all the way back as she turned the radio off, letting him fall asleep. She was more worried now. Sam had at least been a bit more tolerable with having Matt around, but now he was gone. Not only was he gone, but the night was traumatic for her son. She only wondered how this would affect him and if he would be worse. She couldn’t handle the havoc of Sam anymore. She really couldn’t. 
When they were home, Sam at least took care of his trash before Trish gave him the key to his car,” I also found the original, it’s in the glovebox for now.” Sam just slowly nodded at the housekeeper, softly thanking her for her help. He moved up the stairs to his bedroom, getting the key on his shelf unit that had his CDs and record player before he moved to his bed after shutting the door. He thought a moment before working off his shoes and socks, getting at least his shirt changed before he crawled into bed. 
It never seemed to end. Would it? It felt endless. 
He got settled in bed, getting himself bundled up in his maroon comforter before he was asleep once again.
Winter break and the rest of senior year was difficult for him, but since he had clearly been through something, luckily most teachers were understanding and more than happy to help him. As he graduated, he only hoped that Matt was there. Somewhere in the crowd watching as he walked across the stage and out of high school. Maybe it could end now. Maybe it could be better…. Just maybe.
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waiitiridge · 8 months
I've finished redoing my doors and can now move on to more important things:
An Arrietty Birthday Party
The wee Gremlin is turning 5 and has requested an Arrietty themed party. As my friends know, I love to go all out for parties with costumes, DIY decor, and themed foods. I've already been gathering my supplies over the year for:
An Arrietty dress for the birthday child
Giant clothes pegs for hair clips
Wooden dowels and foam balls for pin swords for each guest
Fabric for belt pin sword holders for each guest
A tea cup and saucer for each guest
Fabric for giant flowers
Cardboard for a giant bug pinata for the kids to hit with their swords
Over the next week I have to smash it all out and make the the food.
Not sure how themed the food is but I'm going with classic tea sandwiches, fairy bread, zucchini loaf, and a watermelon star shaped fruit jelly cake. It is a tea party theme so we'll have jugs with fruity and herbal tea blends and maybe some blue pea flower fizzy water and cordial for some colour changing action!
Like last year, i want to do a scavenger hunt where i hide the treasures (this year it will be pin swords, belts, and their tea cups) i think I'll make a giant spool of thread to put the pin swords in and a sugar cub box out of cardboard for the tea cups. Maybe hibe an extra bug pinata with the belts in it by the spool of thead? Maybe that's the only pinata? But i also kind of want one filled with black pompom pipe cleaners and pastel star bead packets so each kid can make a sootsprite bracelet?
Idk, i have some time so please give me your thoughts if you feel like I'm missing something.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
more reincarnation au with dagoth ur dreams hee hee
voryn is sad but nerevar is there to comfort him. shorter bc my brain is running on empty the hamster is not turning in its wheel
A scene slowly came into focus in Voryn’s hazy mind. 
He was stuck inside his own body, unable to move or speak of his own violation, yet he could feel something pleasant bubbling away in his stomach, something like giddiness. He was being dressed in elegant robes and armor, before a golden mask was placed on his face and he finally entered the celebration. There was talking amongst the crowd, but he could hardly pay attention. The only thing he could focus on was the dunmer waiting for him. 
Voryn’s stomach was doing summersaults, flipping and turning with nervous excitement as he approached, golden mask on his face. The dunmer was dressed in wedding garb as well, his mohawk and long waves that fell down his back decorated with a variety of elegant ribbons and beads. Even with the golden mask on his face, Voryn knew who this was. Who it had to be. 
Ah, he and Neht were finally getting married after all this time. The excitement buzzy through his veins made him feel completely breathless as he took in the sight of his beloved ready to make his vows with him. 
Complex rituals followed. First they had to wait until dawn finally broke. When Azura’s hour began, finally the two of them could move. Next came ash, drawing up a circle around the two of them as the priest said prayers, though most of it had faded to white noise over the drumming of his heart. His hands trembled as they then made marks on each other with ash and water, saying their vows, hoping for a prosperous marriage, and he couldn’t help the laughter in his voice as he did so. 
Then, finally, it was time for the long vows to conclude. He removed his mask, gingerly setting it aside, while Nerevar did the same. His skin was still ashen grey, though Voryn would only realize later how unusual that was to dream of. Then, fine liquor was poured into two small glasses by Nerevar, his hands unsteady. Was his beloved just as delighted as he was, to the point he couldn’t keep his hands steady? Voryn put his hands on Nerevar’s to help steady the bottle of House Dagoth brandy, but that seemed to only make him tremble more. Finally poured, Voryn took one glass as Nerevar took the other, glancing briefly at Voryn who wasted little time in crossing their arms. It was time for the final vow: that the two of them shall never part, that their lives would be interwoven together just as much as their arms were. And then Voryn pressed his lips to the glass with a smile, drinking eagerly while Nerevar did the same. 
Despite their vows being finished though, Voryn knew they couldn’t retreat quite yet. They had to greet all of their guests after all, now as spouses, before they’d eventually retreat to Voryn’s bedchambers to consummate their marriage. How badly he wanted to just scoop Neht up and carry him off to make love until dusk fell once again, but he knew he couldn’t. They had to wait, just a bit longer. He wanted to do this properly, after all. With a firm hand on Nerevar’s waist he began leading him through the party, talking amongst the guests, when something seemed… Unusual.
He noticed that while he heard voices, none of the ‘guests’ moved their mouths. Their eyes were glazed over, faces pale. Nerevar was also reluctantly being dragged along by him, heels digging into the ground, and when he glanced down at the dunmer’s face Neht looked terrified. Against his wishes the body he was in only held him tighter, eyes narrowing as Nerevar’s mouth opened but no sound came out. His whole body was stiff in Voryn’s arms, face pale grey with a bead of sweat running down his forehead.
“What is it, Moon and Star?” Voryn’s voice came out of his throat as he leaned in close. “Impatient as you are, we still have to greet our guests… Look how happy they all are to see the two of us, bound together as one.” The corpses remained still, voices in the background only growing louder as if trying to drown out Nerevar and Voryn’s thoughts. “Or can you not wait for me, my beloved?” Nerevar’s tongue fluttered in vain in his mouth, still no sound coming out but looking more terrified than ever, trembling in his arms as Voryn’s nails dug into his side. “Here, my love,” Voryn leaned in close, mouth inches from Nerevar’s. “Let me soothe all your worries… Just relax and give in to me…”
Voryn’s eyes snapped open, looking up at the ceiling. He was sweating bullets, and somehow kicked the blankets off him. As he glanced out the window he could see it was still night, nowhere close to morning. As he listened in he couldn’t hear Nerevar shuffling papers in his room, so he assumed it must be fairly late if even the chimer was asleep. 
He laid there, trying in vain to still his racing heart, but every time he closed his eyes he saw the corpses, saw Neht staring back at him in horror and trying to get away but unable to move or even breathe. His stomach churned as he slowly rose to his feet, and shuffled down the hall.
It was improper for him to creep into the hortator’s room while he was sleeping. Voryn was well aware of that. If any ordinators caught him they’d surely accuse him of trying to murder Nerevar in his sleep. But Voryn wasn’t able to sit still after that dream; normally he could roll over and fall back asleep after some time, but he couldn’t relax when pins and needles wracked his limbs and his chest felt so tight. All he wanted to calm down was to see Nerevar’s beautiful, golden face alive and well and at peace. 
The hortator’s room was dark and pleasantly cool as opposed to how overwhelmingly hot his own room felt. Nerevar was curled up on the bed, his legs tangled in the sheets, holding a pillow firmly as if he was curled up with someone. Jealousy hit Voryn briefly as he longed to be under Nerevar, having the hortator curled up and sleeping so peacefully on his chest rather than the soft fabric. 
Voryn watched for a while, his fingers occasionally twitching with the urge to reach out and caress some of the hair from Neht’s gorgeous face. Seconds felt like minutes as he watched, before the clouds parted and moonlight illuminated his face. Then, beautiful blue eyes cracked open, looking up at him.
“Voryn…?” The hortator’s voice was soft and raspy from sleep, and Voryn felt his cheeks go hot.
“... I’m sorry.” Voryn whispered. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“Are you…” Nerevar’s words were slurred slightly. “Can you not sleep…?” Nerevar asked, yawning. “Bad dream?”
“Yes.” Voryn answered. “I just… Wanted to see your face.”
Nerevar smiled softly, rolling over properly and then moving the blankets up. 
“Come here.” The hortator invited him with a sleepy smile, barely able to keep his eyes open. 
“I-I couldn’t.” Voryn whispered back. He just wanted to see Neht’s face, not invite himself into Nerevar’s bed. 
“It’s no problem, ‘Ryn…” Nerevar looked content as could be, hair sprawled out messily, mohawk smushed from laying down. The lazy, soft smile on his face and long white lashes like clouds over sky blue had Voryn’s heart racing. “C’mere, I’ll help you fall right back asleep.” 
Hesitantly, Voryn climbed in the bed, before Nerevar got to quick work making sure he was comfortable, tucking the both of them under the blankets. Then, once he was satisfied Voryn was sufficiently cozy, he curled up like a cat on Voryn’s chest, sighing with contentment. Slowly, Voryn’s arms came to wrap about Nerevar, watching as Nerevar nuzzled closer. And just as slowly the anxiety began to melt off him, as his breathing evened out. 
“I’ve got you, Voryn.” Nerevar mumbled against him, taking Voryn’s hand and lacing their fingers together. “G’night…” 
After a few moments, when Voryn was sure Nerevar drifted off to sleep, he leaned in to kiss his head, holding him a bit tighter, a tear running down his cheek.
“Sweet dreams, Nerevar…”
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kookyberry · 9 months
"Vase Hacks: Creative Ways to Repurpose and Revitalize"
Vases are much more than mere vessels for holding flowers. With a dash of creativity and a sprinkle of imagination, these versatile objects can be transformed into captivating decor pieces. In this blog post, we'll explore a collection of ingenious vase hacks that will breathe new life into your old vases. Get ready to unleash your artistic side and give those dormant vases a chance to shine!
1. Terrarium Magic:
Turn your vase into a miniature garden by creating a stunning terrarium. Start by layering small rocks at the bottom for drainage, then add a layer of activated charcoal to keep the soil fresh. Finally, top it off with a mix of potting soil and your favorite plants. Succulents, air plants, and mosses are excellent choices for low-maintenance terrariums. Place your creation in a well-lit spot and watch as your vase transforms into a mesmerizing green oasis.
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2. Illuminating Beauty:
Give your vase a luminous makeover by turning it into a unique lamp. Purchase a lamp kit from your local hardware store and follow the instructions to safely wire the socket and attach the bulb. Fill the vase with decorative items like seashells, marbles, or colorful beads. Then, simply insert the socket through the vase opening, and voila! You now have a stunning DIY lamp that will add a warm and cozy ambiance to any room.
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3. Seasonal Sensations:
Celebrate the changing seasons by transforming your vase into a seasonal centerpiece. Fill it with an assortment of seasonal items such as pinecones, colorful leaves, or delicate spring blossoms. For a festive touch, add some miniature ornaments during the holiday season. This simple hack allows you to effortlessly infuse the spirit of each season into your home decor.
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4. Artsy Brush Holders:
Give your artistic tools a stylish and organized home by repurposing a vase as a brush holder. Whether you're a painter, a makeup artist, or simply enjoy the occasional craft project, a vase can make the perfect storage solution. Fill it with glass beads, pebbles, or even colored sand to keep your brushes upright and easily accessible. This practical hack will not only keep your workspace tidy but also add a touch of elegance to your creative endeavors.
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5. Delightful Dining Accents:
Elevate your dining experience by using vases as unconventional table accents. Fill tall, slender vases with water, add floating candles, and scatter some flower petals for a romantic ambiance during dinner parties. Alternatively, use shorter vases to display cutlery or napkins creatively. The possibilities are endless, and these simple hacks will undoubtedly impress your guests and make mealtime an extraordinary affair.
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With these creative vase hacks, you can breathe new life into your old vases and unlock their hidden potential. From transforming them into lush terrariums to repurposing them as functional decor pieces, the versatility of vases knows no bounds. So, don't let those forgotten vases gather dust in the corner; instead, let your imagination run wild and explore the endless possibilities that await. Get ready to revitalize your space with these simple yet ingenious ideas and let your vases shine in all their newfound glory!
Check out this kooky face vase!
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minhosimthings · 10 months
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Hold Me Without Hurting Me
Chapter 11: Hyssop and Hidden Feelings
A/N: In which an old friend fills your life with flowers again, along a bumpy sided road.
Pairings: Ceo!Jay × Ceo!fem!reader, includes rest of Enhypen and certain other groups
Warnings: angst-fluff, hurt/comfort, friends to enemies to fake dating to enemies to lovers, Mentions of food and alcohol, swearing, nothing much but it's a bumpy story, suggestive at the end
Story prompt: If I had a flower for every time I fell in love with you, I would walk in my garden forever. (This story is based on the language of flowers.)
A/N: I finally got my ass up and posted another chapter yay. I've been so busy nowadays so haven't been able to find time to write much so I'm sorry if this chapter isn't that good
7 years ago
Jay's hands were shaking and his mind was racing at the speed of an atom bomb bursting and spreading its debris. With clammy hands and untied shoelaces, his mind was only on one thing.
'Y/N's going to do it today and I'm not letting her'
The air around him felt suffocating as he glanced at his watch. Sweat and exhaustion didn't deter him, as he ran across the bridge, inching closer to you, standing nonchalantly on top of the grills, looking down at the trembling waters below, with an emotionless face. Your hands were gripping the bars tightly as your mind twisted itself into bits and pieces.
"Y/N no!" Jay cried out, as he reached you, putting an arm on yours, as far as he could reach. "No love, your stronger than this come on." He said in a soothing tone. As he looked back to this memory, he often wondered how he could ever had concealed his own tears.
Your tear stained face turned to him, blank expression on your face, and your grip on the metal bar getting looser. "Please Jay." You begged, feeling a sob come into your throat, "Please let me go, I'm begging you."
Your tone of voice was enough to break him into shards of glass.
"Y/N please we can talk about this." He begged back, his tears still enclosed in his eyes. "Maybe I'm done with talking Jay!" You cried, the imprisoned sob coming out of your throat, "I'm done Jay! Now please let go."
“You know if you jump, I’ll jump too.” “You wouldn’t.” “Oh, you don’t know how much I love you to not do that." You knew you couldn't beat him at his words.
"Y/N come on." Jay said, his words flowing like the calm evening wind, "Who will I have to pick Salvias with me I you do this huh? Who will I have to walk home with everyday? Who will I have to steal my chocolate and crash over at my place to rant about her new crush?"
A pathetic giggle leapt out of your mouth as you turned your body to Jay's and climbed over the bridge, falling into Jay's arms like an autumn leaf. "I'm here I'm here it's alright." Jay rubbed his hand down your back as you sobbed into his arms, his hands supporting your tired head, "Shh my yarrow shush now It's alright."
Current time
"Jungwon please tell me this looks good." You spun out of your room in your dress, posing uncertainly in fron of your assistant whose eyes went wide as his clapped his tiny hands together excitedly.
"It looks amazing Ma'am. This is the one!" He giggled, "I'm sure Mr Park would want to date you for real now." "Has anyone ever told you you're adorable?" You raised an eyebrow at him as he went red, "Don't worry Kayla will love you in that suit."
You checked yourself out in the mirror as your eyes traced the beautiful dress. Off shoulder with blue beads beautifully decorating the golden silk, it was the dress of your teenage dreams. Funny for Jay to have sent it to your room with the note "Get ready. It's party time."
Nevertheless you hadn't objected knowing that if you did this, you'd be out of this stupid fake dating deal. Yet something inside your heart ached. It ached for you to call out to Jay, to tell him you still remember everything about him, from his favourite song to his nickname for you.
My yarrow, he would call you.
Yarrow. The one flower whose meaning you never knew. Your mother never told you, and the book with the meanings sewed in never revealed its secret. You were convinced that Jay made the word up, until one day you saw a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the window of the shop across and realised that it actually did exist after having tea with the shop's old owner. Nevertheless Jay refused to tell you the meaning of it to this day. And as much as it angered you, you found it quite romantic, to be called by a name you knew not of.
"Jay did you maybe plan to tell me what this party was for or did that skip your big brain?" You questioned as the car moved speedily across the road. The hotel you were staying at was a big one, the size of two football fields to be approximate, and you had heard that there was a luxurious party hall just a few miles from the main hotel. Excited wasn't exactly a word you'd use to describe your current state, as you adjusted your tight fit dress, admiring the sheen coming off from it. You noticed numerous other cars parked outside of the party hall which, to have a description of it as 'grandeur' would be an understatement. It was big, bigger than the hotel, with mighty pillars supporting it, gold gleaming off of every corner, stone gargoyles keeping menacing guard.
"Come on Y/N." Jay opened his car door, "This party may be our only chance to break this deal." You swallowed the lump in your throat and climbed off the car, uncertainty clouding your thoughts.
Jay's arm felt like cotton at your waist. He was so afraid to touch you, to remind you that he used to be yours, and you used to his.
His yarrow.
No one else's ever. And yet there was that lingering bitterness in him. Why hadn't you stopped him? He wanted to turn back, knowing you'd love that, but why didn't you stop him?
"Woah this is-" you stared at the interior of the party hall, "-dramatic." Your words rang with nothing but truth as you stared at the brightly lit hall. Chandeliers draped from everywhere and huge curtains of what seemed like red silk decorated the seams with grandeur. People parading around with champagne clutched in their grimy hands stopped in their tracks as their eyes fell upon Jay and you.
"Mr Park! Welcome!" A raucous voice came towards your ear as you saw Mr Hwang from the meetings step forward, glasses of champagne in his hands. "Mr Hwang." Jay bowed curtly and took the glasses handing one to you.
God his perfume smelled good.
"And how do you do Miss Yang?" Mr Hwang's starry eyes directed towards yours, taking you off balance. "Oh I'm doing quite well thank you." You shot a polite smile at him, as you noticed, from the corner of your eye, Choi Minho, standing and glaring while sipping his champagne.
"Y/N come on." Jay tugged at your arm, making you turn your head towards his. "Y-yeah sorry." You quickly apologised, making your way across the crowd with Jay leading you. You noticed how the eyes turned to you viciously as if you were a fire spitting dragon threatening everyone in your presence. In a faint try to ignore them, you sped up and walked at Jay's pace, keeping your head down and looking at his shoes.
"Ignore the eyes darling." Jay whispered in your ear, one hand snaking around your waist, "They're just jealous." His words provided a sort of comfort to you as you finally reached up to a place to sit down.
Great, you thought, now come the vultures.
It had been exactly two and a half hours and you had downed twenty glasses of rose champagne. The sweet bitterness of the drink ran through your veins fast, like cold winter chill.
Winter, such a pleasant season.
All the flowers would wilt and you and Jay would have the task of settling the mud down. It was beautiful to watch the snowflakes fall like a crown on his messy hair, as he worked his hands through the cold mud. Good times, you thought.
The room kept melting into nothing as the voices of your boyfriend and all the guests bored into your mind.
Wait boyfriend? No not boyfriend.
Fake boyfriend, you reminded yourself as you drowsily laid an arm on Jay.
"Jay~" you let out an involuntary giggle into his chest, "wanna go home." Jay'd arm which rested on your shoulder shuddered as he felt you sink into him. He felt warm, warmer than he had before, as he looked at you rubbing your nose against his suit.
"Im sorry gentlemen." He stood your figure up gently, keeping a protective arm round your waist, "We'll have to continue the conversation next time."
"Jayy-" your mouth drawled as you snuggled into Jay's grip. He did have a comforting grip, which you wanted to melt into as he carried you to your bed.
This was familiar, you thought, his hands tracing your body, as if he was tracing lines of art.
Familiar, too familiar.
Jay settled you down gently on the bed and wrapped the blankets around you as your eyes fell upon his dimly lit face. His lips.
"Jay." You breathed out, inching closer to him, hands gripping his collar. "My yarrow you're too drunk." Jay recoiled from you, placing his hands on top of yours to shove the grip off of his collar. But you didn't budge.
The speed at which it happened shocked Jay, your lips swiftly landing on his, bringing back drunken memories for him. Your lips still felt like his childhood couch, where he had let you drift off to sleep as he cried himself to sleep about not wanting to leave you. 'God please let our paths intertwine again', a silent prayer used to leave his tongue. Your lips still lingered with the taste of Iris and Hyssop bundled up with lilac ribbon and handed off to Mrs. Next door for school credit.
Jay's hands unknowingly made his way to the slit of your dress, squeezing your thigh hard as you moaned with not a tint of holiness into his lips.
"Jay- want you." You whined, feeling his fingers grip your skin. "So do I darling." He responded, reaching up your thigh, making sure not to commit the mistake he had made years ago.
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innerpalaces · 5 months
CHAPTER 172: Tianxiang Upstairs
The Tianxiang Troupe was an opera troupe that had just arrived in Yuexi. They rented a large courtyard in the Yuexi capital, Dadu, and started singing operas soon after. Most of the nobles and officials found that this troupe, although otherwise ordinary, had a few outstanding martial arts actors and actresses, all of whom were beautiful in appearance and had captivating singing voices. In addition, the owner spent a lot of money and chose the most luxurious location and the most elegant environment. The stage was set up and for a while the Tianxiang Troupe became very popular in the city.
At this moment, most of the officials, ladies and noblemen were already seated under the extremely gorgeous stage, and the troupe backstage was also ready to step out. The clamor of gongs and drums filled the air. The martial arts student on the stage wore a velvet crown, a four-clawed dragon robe, and held a sharp silver spear. His jade-like face showed majesty and his heroic appearance won a round of applause as soon as he appeared on the stage.
This play tells the story of Liu Xiaochun, the son of Liu Chang, the traitorous prime minister of the former dynasty, who relied on his father's power to bully men and dominate women, causing harm to both parties. One day, Liu Xiaochun went out drinking and met Xu Ying, who was visiting his family tomb in the suburbs. Liu Xiaochun saw Xu Ying's wife Pei Lan, who was very beautiful, and ordered someone to abduct her and take her back to his mansion. He wanted to take her as his concubine, but Pei Lan refused and was locked up in Shuiyue Tower. Xu Ying summoned several friends and swore to rescue his wife and eliminate the villain. That night, they snuck into Liu's house quietly, just as Liu Xiaochun came out of the house drunk. After a fierce battle, they finally wiped out him and his minions, rescued Pei Lan, and escaped. This is a typical play in which a hero saves a beauty, punishes evil and promotes good. It has been around for a long time and is very popular.
The audience saw "Xu Ying" was neither fast nor slow, taking his time to ensure precision with each move, attack, defense, advance, retreat, and maintaining a stable stance. It was only when the duel with Liu Xiaochun began that the gongs and drums suddenly changed to a rapid tempo, the rhythm accelerated, but the atmosphere was tense, the passion rose sharply, and the audience applauded.
Not long after, Pei Lan who had been snatched away on stage, emerged with her long emerald satin sleeves fluttering slightly, and the tassels on her bun suddenly swayed, and infinite affection flowed out from her eyes like water. She tilted her head slightly and gracefully sang the lyrics of the song and her beautiful eyes were shining brightly. The audience watched and listened, and bursts of cheering suddenly broke out in unison.
The theater troupe, of course, distinguishes between private seats and ordinary seats. The ordinary seats downstairs are not so particular, and there are rows and rows of men and women, elderly and children. People watched the show attentively, whispering to each other from time to time, and the scene was extremely lively. There are seven private rooms in total, located on the second floor. Each room is elegantly decorated and separated by thin beaded curtains. People outside cannot see inside, but people inside can see the scene on the stage outside. Today, there are all ladies and madams from high-ranking families in this elegant hall, and there are guards standing outside, for fear that some unsighted person might bump into them.
"Miss, there is still no news today." A young woman said to the person sitting in front of the window with a hint of disappointment on her face.
That person smiled softly and said, "Really."
She has a porcelain-white face, lips as red as coral, and a pair of eye-catching dark eyes. She can be said to be a beauty and she enunciated every word very clearly: "Creating such momentum will eventually attract attention. We just need to wait."
"Yes." Zhao Yue looked deeply at her master. Today's Li Wei Yang's face has changed slightly from half a year ago. Of course, she has become more beautiful. However, Zhao Yue still likes the original Li Wei Yang because she could still see the smile on her face. In the past six months, Zhao Yue had never seen her smile sincerely.
"Princess Yongning's favorite thing is to listen to operas. When she was in the Capital, she invited almost all the opera troupes. People's habits will not be changed easily. But Tianxiang Troupe has been here for so long, but she has not been seen. It's really strange." Li Wei Yang's voice was very calm, as if she was deep in thought.
Zhao Yue frowned and looked at Li Wei Yang in confusion.
Li Wei Yang arrived in Dadu a month ago and has been secretly looking for opportunities to meet Princess Yongning. The other party still owes her a promise. Even if Yongning doesn't want to fulfill it, she will make her fulfill it. But Yongning is now the fourth prince of Yuexi's princess consort. If she wants to see her, she must hide from Yuan Yu's eyes, which is really not easy. Li Wei Yang doesn't think Yuan Yu is a fool. Although she has changed a lot compared to before, she is still easily recognized. Acting rashly will only make things worse, so she chose to start with Princess Yongning's preferences. However, Yongning is different from the ordinary nobles in the elegant rooms outside. With such an identity she will never come to such a place. Then, they can only spread the reputation of this troupe and let everyone in Dadu know about it. Only in this way can they have the opportunity to be invited to Prince Yan's Mansion and meet Princess Yongning through the cover of the theater troupe.
Li Wei Yang contemplated it while closing her eyes slightly, as if lost in her own thoughts.
But at this time, the gong rang signalling that the play was over. Backstage, the actors were busy taking off their makeup and rushing for the next scene. People came and went, the movements were fast, and there was order in the chaos. Only in a secluded small room, Wen Xiaolou, the martial artist who had just played Xu Ying, took off his makeup, but got into an argument with the troupe leader.
"Today, it is clear that the audience wants to hear Fang Jingtai, but you have to perform this play. What's the reason?" Wen Xiaolou's face, with bright eyes like water, dark eyebrows, and anger on his fair face, was even more stunning than his appearance painted with stage makeup.
He was originally an extremely handsome man and was born with a good voice. He had studied acting in a theater troupe since he was a child. In addition, he later learned martial arts from a skilled master for several years. Compared with ordinary actors, he was a bit more unique. His talents soon became the main pillar of the Tianxiang Troupe.
The troupe leader, who was over fifty years old and well-built, held a cigarette rod in his hand. Hearing this, he quickly persuaded: "What are you doing! You have the final say on how the play is performed, but of course I have the final say on what the play is. Forget it, just sing!"
"Don't lie to me. Everything was fine in the past, but when that woman came, everything changed! This is your troupe, but now you have to listen to her even for any piece of music. Does this mean she bought the troupe?!" Wen Xiaolou was obviously indignant, and even the slightly raised corners of his eyes radiated a sharp chill.
The troupe leader quickly looked around and said repeatedly: "Aiyo, my ancestor, please keep your voice down! You should know what kind of situation our theater group is in. Have you forgotten that in the past, when we were wandering around Yaozhou, we could only perform on a grass platform? While singing, there is no place for us to hide from the sun and the rain. When you meet those gangsters, they can't even give us a few cents. And now? We live in the best courtyard, you are on the best stage, and even the costumes are the most luxurious; what else do you want? If they pay for it, you must sing whatever they want to hear. How else can you make a living for yourself?"
Wen Xiaolou sneered and said: "Master, I advise you to think carefully. This woman's origin is unknown and her identity is a mystery. However, she came to our theater troupe out of nowhere and said she wanted to make us famous. She even paid a big price to hire a famous actor. Don't you think its strange? She has no connection with us, so why should she help us like this? There is no such easy thing in this world!"
The troupe leader frowned and said: "What do you know! She's just a fan of yours——"
"My fan? Did you see those people outside just now? They applauded me, cheered for me, and asked me to sing another song. These are my fans! You said she was doing it for the theater, did she ever listen carefully when I sing? Has she ever said a word to me? To be honest, from the first time I saw her, I felt uncomfortable all over. I always felt that she would bring us some kind of  trouble! "
The troupe leader looked at him in embarrassment and said: "I have already considered what you said, and I have also sent people everywhere to inquire about the origin of this young lady——"
Wen Xiaolou said eagerly: "Did you find out anything?"
The troupe leader shook his head and said: "Although people like us have low status, after so many years of wandering around, we can be considered good at reading people. She is beautiful, noble and graceful in her actions, and she is so generous. She must be from a wealthy family. But, why did this young lady from such a family come here alone? You saw it last time, there was a short-sighted person who wanted to cause trouble for her, but he was severely punished by her maid. Her maid—— her martial arts skills are so high that she is no ordinary guard!"
"Since you know that her background is not simple, you shouldn't accept such a generous gift from her!" A trace of anxiety appeared on Wen Xiaolou's face.
"I... Isn't there nothing I can do? If we refused to accept her money, how could our group be so popular?" The troupe leader dropped the cigarette pole and persuaded earnestly, "Xiaolou, let's not worry about her purpose. Just sing your own show well. No matter what, what can others take advantage of from small people like us!"
Wen Xiaolou was speechless. Indeed, what the class leader said was right. People like them are just actors from humble backgrounds, so how are they worth being exploited by others? If the woman had ulterior motives, from beginning to end, she has never asked them to do anything. Instead, she spent a lot of money to make them famous. However, it was really worrisome to let him just ignore it. He always had an intuition that this woman was not simple, and her purpose was not simple either. She was obviously not interested in the plays, but she would listen to every scene in the private room, as if she was waiting for someone.
An actor like him, was even lower than mud and couldn't afford to offend anyone. If this woman brought him any trouble, what should he do? This was what Wen Xiaolou was most worried about.
"Brother, don't say these says about her! I had an illness last time. If she hadn't asked a doctor to see me, I would be dead now!" At this time, the curtain suddenly moved slightly, and a girl walked in from outside.
This girl is a rare beauty, with a peach-shaped face and bright autumn eyes. She is wearing a plain skirt, but has a cheerful smile on her face. Her appearance in the dark room seems to bring a burst of fresh sunshine, and the whole room is suddenly illuminated. It lit up, and even the old and dim-eyed troupe leader showed a look of surprise. Wen Xiaolou couldn't help but get angry and said, "You haven't recovered yet, why did you run out?"
Xiaoman stuck out her tongue and said, "I always lie down in bed. I lie down so much I'm getting moldy."
Wen Xiaolou looked at her, with a hint of softness in his originally ruthless eyes, and said: "Silly girl, the doctor said you should stay in bed and rest well before-"
There was a look of disgust on the face of the troupe leader. Everyone in his troupe had to work. Once this girl got sick, she would be delayed for ten days to half a month. If it wasn't for Wen Xiaolou protecting her, he would have kicked her out long ago!
Xiaoman saw the leader's expression and said quickly: "Master, my health is almost recovered and I can go on stage tomorrow. Don't worry."
Just as Wen Xiaolou was about to speak, Xiaoman shook her head at him. Wen Xiaolou felt a pain in his heart and stopped talking. He could protect her for a few days, but he couldn't protect her all the time - Xiaoman was too sensible, so sensible that he didn't know what to say.
The class leader nodded, turned around and said, "Xiaolou, let's stop talking about this matter. I'm going out first!" With that, he opened the curtain and walked out.
Xiaoman looked at Wen Xiaolou and said disapprovingly: "Brother, that Miss Li is my savior. You shouldn't doubt her like this."
Wen Xiaolou's smile turned cold and said: "You silly girl, others may not be sincere when they treat you well. Aren't you afraid that she has ulterior motives?! Think about it -"
"Okay brother, no matter what her motive is, she could have just let me be. Even the troupe leader said that he has spent a lot of money on my medical treatment over the years and will never care about me anymore. She is not related to us, but is willing to give out money. Have you ever met such a kind person, brother?" Xiaoman's eyes flickered, but her voice was unusually firm.
Wen Xiaolou was almost speechless. Xiaoman had been an orphan since she was a child. After being adopted by a troupe, she began to learn to sing. However, because she went out to set up the stage in the rain one time, she accidentally a cold and because the theater leader refused to pay for a doctor it became a sore point in her heart. Later, the cruel theater leader actually left her on the street without caring about her life or death. If she hadn't been accidentally picked up by Wen Xiaolou, she might have died long ago. Over the years, she had endured every illness, for fear of becoming a burden to Wen Xiaolou. He knew that, but was helpless. No matter how he sings, no matter how much reward he gets, he has to give it to the troupe, and the rest will be very little. Not to mention hiring a famous doctor for Xiaoman, even going to the pharmacy to get medicine is difficult. He doesn't have enough money so he can only watch Xiaoman suffer. And Xiaoman was so sensible, no matter that her condition was getting worse, she still had to perform on stage, which made him even more heartbroken.
This time, if it weren't for the mysterious Miss Li, Xiaoman might never be able to open her eyes again. No matter how much he doubted her, what Xiaoman said was true. Wen Xiaolou sighed and said, "Forget it, I won't say such things anymore."
Xiaoman nodded and said, "I'm going to thank that lady."
Wen Xiaolou's brows furrowed even more tightly, and Xiaoman quickly stretched out her hand to massage his eyebrows, saying, "Brother, don't do this, you will get wrinkles."
Xiaoman is not his biological sister, but for so many years, he has regarded her as the closest and dearest person in the world. This kind of feeling transcends everything. He is just afraid, really afraid. He has turned nineteen years old this year, he might not be able to sing for much longer. He simply couldn't imagine what Xiaoman would do if he couldn't sing anymore? How was he going to take care of her? Because of this, he was so wary or Li Wei Yang's appearance. Their lives were already in danger. What changes would this mysterious lady bring to them? He was really scared.
However, looking at Xiaoman's innocent smile, he couldn't say refute her. How long Xiaoman can live, maybe ten years, maybe a year, no, maybe only a month, even he doesn't know, but no matter what, he is willing to do anything for Xiaoman's smile now.
Wen Xiaolou finally sighed and said, "Okay, but you just have to wait for me to go with you."
Wen Xiaolou has another drama next, but it is King Rouge. This play is about a woman named Rouge who joins the army on behalf of her father. Originally, Hua Dan was cast in the play, but later the troupe leader found that Hua Dan lacked talent and felt too weak no matter how she acted, so he asked Wen Xiaolou to play the role. Fortunately, Wen Xiaolou doesn't care about literary or martial arts performances, or whether he is playing a male or female character. At this moment, he was wearing purple clothes, wielding a golden sword and dancing with a whip. Following the intersecting music, his body rotated like a dragon or a serpent, spinning violently. Suddenly he jumped up and did seven somersaults in mid-air, and everyone cheered together.
It was rare for Li Wei Yang to watch a play, but looking at Wen Xiaolou who was working hard, she suddenly smirked. Zhao Yue didn't know what she was laughing at and couldn't help but look at her in confusion.
Li Wei Yang's eyes were cold, and there was a hint of sigh in her voice: "Do you still remember how miserable Wen Xiaolou was when we first saw him?" He didn't have enough money, so he knelt at the door of the medicine hall. He knelt all night, just begging the doctor to take a look at his sister. Unfortunately, no matter how long he knelt, the outcome would be the same. In the end, the doctor was moved by Li Wei Yang's money, but not because of Wen Xiaolou's sincerity.
"Miss, in fact, I have never understood. There are so many theater troupes in the world, and the Tianxiang Troupe is just a third-rate one. As for Wen Xiaolou, if we didn't hire people to praise  him, he will not be popular at all. Why did the lady choose them?"
Li Wei Yang listened to the thunderous applause from the audience, and seemed to be talking to herself: "Yes, why?" Along the way, she has heard countless tragic stories, but she has never been moved. She is not a philanthropist, it is impossible to save everyone, not to mention, who helped her when she suffered? However, when she saw Wen Xiaolou kneeling at the door of the medicine hall for the first time, she suddenly thought that she would make a bet with herself. If he knelt for three hours, she would save this person. However, Wen Xiaolou knelt in the ice and snow all night, far exceeding her expectations. Perhaps at that time, she suddenly became a little curious about the person Wen Xiaolou wanted to save.
Originally, she would not choose those famous troupes. Those troupes already had some backers and did not need her financial support, so naturally they would not obey her orders. In Dadu, she had no power, only money, and had to start all over again, so choosing the Tianxiang Troupe was safer.
Very quickly, the show on the stage changed. Li Wei Yang stood up and said, "That's it for today. We should go back."
Zhao Yue just wanted to speak, but saw the curtain lifted, and Wen Xiaolou walked in wearing his  costume. Zhao Yue frowned slightly, but saw Wen Xiaolou smiling and saying: "I'm sorry for disturbing the lady. It's just that Xiaoman and I came to thank you——"
Li Wei Yang's eyes fell on Xiaoman who was behind Wen Xiaolou. She just smiled. Such a pure smile made people feel heartbroken. "Thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have died." She thanked her sincerely.
Li Wei Yang nodded noncommittally, showing that she heard it.
"Miss Li, I will make money and return it to you one day." Wen Xiaolou said. 
Xiaoman listened and showed a look of disapproval. She felt that Li Wei Yang would not like to hear this sentence, because it was not gratitude, but rather sounded a bit disrespectful. She was afraid that Li Wei Yang would be angry, but the other party just said coldly: "It's up to you." After saying that, she walked out, and Zhao Yue quickly put on the cloak for her.
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lucalicatteart · 2 years
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 10: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
Yesterday's poll decided that The Adventurer should join the travelers on the larger river boat for a short lunch ...
"Before he even fully musters the courage to shout a 'hello', the large group on the boat initiates contact first, gleefully waving at him, whooping and shouting as they near his tiny raft in the water. Apparently, some of them were betting over whether they'd actually find any other travelers out on the river today.. He fumbles over his words a bit, as always, but somehow manages to successfully get himself invited onto their boat for a quick lunch..
After safely securing his raft to the side of the boat with some spare rope, he climbs aboard, stumbling into the excitement of some sort of celebration. A few of them explain that they're traveling for 'kahesallei', an old elven holiday recently re-popularized in some of the larger cities nearby. Whatever it's true meaning and origins used to be, the current significance (at least to those within the city walls) seems to just be mindless feasting, drinking, and gaudy decor. Most of the traveling group are strangers to each other, only brought together by catching a ride on the same tour/party boat, but the mood is light, quite friendly between them, and perhaps a bit drunk.
While the boat itself is relatively plain wood, it's been strewn with gold and orange banners, flags, shimmery tassels, beads, and bushels of dark green ivy braided with fresh herbs and wildflowers. There are flat round tables of food and drink, plenty of cushions to lounge on, and one random guy perched precariously on the edge railing of the boat, gently strumming a lute for background music..
The elderly ship captain hobbles over to The Adventurer, sternly explaining that, no matter what the 'silly' passengers say, he's only allowed to stay for an hour because he didn't pay for a boat ride ticket, and thus really shouldn't even be allowed on board. By the time The Adventurer has mentally processed this information, the captain has already returned to his little steering room, slamming the door shut with a displeased grunt.. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to confront him or question the rules...... But! Hey, at least he has one hour at the party.. How should he spend his time? "
Additional Information
the adventurer's current main goal: follow his map to reach the abandoned castle ruins and see the rare animal specialist about the mysterious egg he has
#paventure posting#polls#poll#choose your own adventure#LATE AGAIn I know.. I'm still in my weird unproductive spell. literally I've had the same 5 to do list items on my list#for 2 weeks now. I can't even do five simple things in 2 weeks lol. I did start some new supplements and change my diet since#my doctors are still trying to sort out what health issues are going on or etc. so maybe it's something with that#like accidentally on the new diet I'm not getting enough calories or not getting enough of some vitamin or something so it's made me oddly#brain foggy and just really tired and unable to focus well for the past few weeks or something..? ANYWYA. not really sure what#it is specifically but my functioning in terms of actually focusing on and completing tasks has been a lot worse . thus#chronically behind on things. which I am always chronically behind on things in some sense since I always have like 7000 projects#I'm working on at the same exact time and etc. lol. but like.. even more chronically behind than usual .. ToT#ANYWAY.. I'm suprised that the 'try to get a ride on the boat' option didn't get that many votes actually lol#Like.. treveling down a river in a tiny handmade raft is probably.. not extremely safe or efficient lol#But at least he gets to have lunch there. Just the hour that he's on the boat doing whatever will get him a lot further because the boat#is moving faster than his raft would be. It should still get him out of the river and back on track sooner. Because he still has a long way#to go to get to the abandoned castle. I know it's been a lot of days since I'm not keeping up well with actually doing these#daily or every other day - but technically in the story it's only been a little over a day since he left the Inn#The first day he just walked. the second day he saw there was a barrier in his path. then spent half the day building a boat. and now he'e#*he's where he is now. The trip is roughly 4 days and he's like.. a little over halfway through his second. Not counting any detours or#distractions he might run into. But at least at this pace he should be off the river before it starts to get dark#Thate the main thing. you want to get a good rest on solid ground. ideally. So long as nothing strange happens on the boat#but yeah! day 10.. of little elf man adventure... ALSO he is like early 20s I imagine. so he can drink hbhjbjh#I know the 'very quick simple ms paint style' is kind of chibi-ish so it makes people look young but he's not a boy#don't worry. I didnt want it to seem weird like some 10 year old kid walking into a party of drunk 30 year olds#like a toddler hanging out in a night club or whatever. It's safe and okay for him to be there. just for the record. lol#I mean maybe not SAFE safe. it's still a boat of like.. rowdy party goers who could easily fall over the edge into the water or whatever bu#but like.. safe in the sense that he's not a 6 year old being offered vodka by strangers at a party. etc.#despite his goofy nervous demeanor and chronic baby face syndrome he is indeed an actual adult somehow ghbj
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waterbeads1993 · 10 months
Unveiling the Liquid Magic: 15 Hidden Marvels of Khandhar Store Water Jelly Balls - Rubber Jelly Beads Extravaganza!
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"Enter the Water Jelly Balls from Khandhar Store and experience their watery wonder! Learn about 15 hidden wonders, ranging from DIY party decor magic to stress-relieving therapies. These rubber jelly beads are biodegradable and full of surprises, providing countless imaginative and environmentally beneficial options. Discover the delights right now!"
If You Want To Know More Details About Khandhar Store Water Jelly Balls - Rubber Jelly Beads Extravaganza!
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FAQs (Khandhar Store Water Jelly Balls - Rubber Jelly Beads Extravaganza!)
Q: How long do the rubber jelly beads retain their size once hydrated?
A: Khandhar Store Water Jelly Balls hold their size for a long time when they're hydrated. They are perfect for long-term sensory play or ornamental displays because of this feature.
Q: Are Khandhar Store Water Jelly Balls environmentally friendly?
A: Unquestionably. Since these rubber jelly beads are biodegradable, customers can choose an environmentally friendly option. Being environmentally conscious is a bonus when savoring their liquid wonder.
Q: Can the water jelly balls be scented for a personalized experience?
A: That's right, it is. Pour your chosen fragrances into your Khandhar Store Water Jelly Balls to make them become wonderful aroma orbs. An additional layer of sensory satisfaction is added by this feature.
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helloparent · 22 hours
The Greatest Indoor Activities for Kids of All Ages
Keeping kids entertained and engaged indoors can be challenging, especially when the weather doesn’t cooperate or when safety concerns limit outdoor activities. Here are some fantastic indoor activities for kids of all ages, ensuring they stay active, creative, and learning, whether at home or in preschool.
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For Toddlers (Ages 1-3)
Sensory Play
Activity: Create a sensory bin with rice, pasta, or water beads.
Benefits: Develops fine motor skills and sensory exploration.
Details: Sensory bins can be made by filling a plastic container with different materials such as dry rice, pasta, or water beads. Add small toys, spoons, and cups for scooping and pouring. This activity allows toddlers to explore textures and improve their hand-eye coordination.
Activity: Reading books together.
Benefits: Enhances language development and listening skills.
Details: Choose brightly colored books with interactive elements like flaps or textures. For toddlers, you can read aloud and encourage them to point at pictures, repeat words, and engage with the story.
Art and Craft
Activity: Finger painting and coloring.
Benefits: Encourages creativity and hand-eye coordination.
Details: Use washable finger paints and large sheets of paper for easy clean-up. Toddlers can explore colors and textures by using their hands to paint. Provide different tools like sponges and brushes to add variety.
Also Check: Preschools in Delhi
For Preschoolers (Ages 3-5)
Building Blocks
Activity: Constructing with Lego or wooden blocks.
Benefits: Improves spatial awareness and problem-solving skills.
Details: Encourage children to build towers, houses, or anything they imagine. You can introduce challenges, such as building the tallest tower or creating specific shapes. This helps in developing their creativity and engineering skills.
Interactive Storytelling
Activity: Using puppets or costumes to act out stories.
Benefits: Boosts imagination and narrative skills.
Details: Create simple hand puppets from socks and have your child tell a story using them. Encourage them to use different voices and actions for each character. This activity can enhance their communication skills and confidence.
Music and Movement
Activity: Dancing to music or playing musical instruments.
Benefits: Develops rhythm, coordination, and physical fitness.
Details: Have a dance party with favorite songs or create a band with homemade instruments like shakers and drums. You can also play musical games like freeze dance, where children dance until the music stops and then freeze in place.
For Early Elementary (Ages 5-7)
Science Experiments
Activity: Simple science experiments like baking soda and vinegar reactions.
Benefits: Introduces basic scientific concepts and curiosity.
Details: Create a "volcano" using baking soda, vinegar, and food coloring. Place the baking soda in a container, add vinegar, and watch the reaction. Explain the science behind the reaction to make it an educational experience.
Board Games and Puzzles
Activity: Playing age-appropriate board games or solving puzzles.
Benefits: Enhances critical thinking and cooperative play.
Details: Games like "Candy Land" or puzzles with 50-100 pieces are perfect for this age group. Playing these games helps children develop strategic thinking, patience, and the ability to follow rules.
Craft Projects
Activity: Making crafts like paper mache or beading.
Benefits: Develops fine motor skills and creativity.
Details: Create a paper mache mask using newspaper strips and glue. Once dry, let the children paint and decorate their masks. This activity not only fosters creativity but also improves hand-eye coordination.
For Older Kids (Ages 7-10)
Coding Games
Activity: Learning basic coding through apps and games.
Benefits: Teaches problem-solving and logic skills.
Details: Use apps like Scratch or Code.org to create simple games or animations. These platforms provide step-by-step instructions and projects that make learning to code fun and accessible.
DIY Projects
Activity: Building models or creating DIY projects.
Benefits: Encourages engineering skills and creativity.
Details: Build a birdhouse from a kit or create a simple robot with a DIY electronics kit. These projects provide hands-on experience with tools and materials, fostering a deeper understanding of how things work.
Reading Challenges
Activity: Participating in a reading challenge or book club.
Benefits: Promotes literacy and a love of reading.
Details: Set a goal to read a certain number of books per month and discuss them. You can create a chart to track progress and offer rewards for completing challenges.
For Tweens (Ages 10-12)
Cooking and Baking
Activity: Making simple recipes or baking treats.
Benefits: Teaches math, following instructions, and kitchen safety.
Details: Bake cookies or make homemade pizza. Involve kids in measuring ingredients, mixing, and decorating. This activity also encourages them to try new foods and understand nutrition.
Activity: Exploring photography with a digital camera or smartphone.
Benefits: Enhances creativity and visual skills.
Details: Create a photo scavenger hunt around the house. Give children a list of items to photograph, encouraging them to think creatively and explore different perspectives.
DIY Craft Kits
Activity: Using pre-packaged craft kits for projects like jewelry making or model building.
Benefits: Provides a structured yet creative activity.
Details: Use a kit to make friendship bracelets or a miniature garden. These kits come with all necessary materials and instructions, making it easy for kids to complete projects independently.
Also Read: Activities for Nursery Class
Expert Insights
Melissa & Doug, a popular toy brand, emphasizes the importance of creative play in child development. Their range of products, including puzzles and craft kits, are designed to foster creativity and learning in a fun way.
National Geographic Kids offers various educational kits that combine fun with learning, such as their science kits that allow children to conduct experiments safely at home.
LEGO Education provides resources and kits that promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) learning through interactive and hands-on building projects, suitable for various age groups.
Montessori Method advocates for hands-on learning and play-based education. Many preschools follow this approach, incorporating activities like sensory play and practical life exercises that can also be done at home.
By incorporating a variety of indoor activities for Kids, parents and educators can ensure that children of all ages are engaged and thriving, no matter the weather or circumstances. For more detailed ideas and inspiration
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maryelizagreg · 1 month
Fashion, interior and exterior decor, makeup and hair that is fall themed without being covered in ghost and bat motifs
Black and white
Nightshades, violet blue purple and cobalt, midnight, onyx
And orange / earth fall tones deep
Black, iridescent
Oil slick, silk , red iridescence/duochrome sparkling like holo nail polish toppers. Red duo chrome eye glitter.
Crystal glass chandelier, candle holder
Pearls, 1920’s - gatsby… Rhode Island, Marilyn
Green sequins white sequins pearl beading crushed, purple sequins lavender and darker, midnight blue sequins , red sequins
White eye liner, blue mascara
Moths butterflies
Brown eye shadow , dark vampy matte lips
Dark eyes
Retro hair frames 60s w/ headbands and silk head scarfs
A-line 50’s velvet/wool dresses diamanté and beaded channel knee high socks white and thin, black flats like Wednesday adams
Braided hair
Black glossy leather pouch with gold enclosure
Gold mixed metals all over
Black and off white frill type textures
Large sunglasses, small see through sunglasses y2k esc.
60s mod, swan lake, Lana del Rey, ballerinas
Red and maroon, purple/violet undertones
Off white cotton
Orange citrus pomegranate, Swedish holiday (grey floors, wooden snow flakes, white walls)
French provincial int/exteriors
Mexican hotel interiors ‘ Mexican home inspirated,
Day of the dead treats
Yellow under glow (snake eye)
Black metal
Lime green and lighter pastel green stuff is seeming popular too, though I’m not a fan, this can be used as accent pieces in small details of decor or under glow/refract lighting
Smoke and mirrors,
Carnival theme (Elvis movie inspired)
Now we’re getting more into themed parties, rather than just ‘decor’ trends
I think everyone loves a haunted mansion…
The move ‘the cure’ comes to mind as well with all the dark water, and strange ethereal, ‘garden-like’ mansion-esc scenery, it’s…
Dark water, midnight blue is drawing me in, in a horrifying way like,
It adds the perfect element of discomfort and beauty is, a black pool surrounded by stone
And then lit from within with small… mermaid things
White flowers hanging from the trees, thistle, tall grass that is sage or lighter
Harvest farm nearby, with hay bails and scarecrows, pumpkins, honey jam, butter in a simple French provincial style open-air kitchen…
Lavender harvests
Cooking on grey countertops in, off white pots, black pots, simple white clay.
Red flowers like pomegrenates, in a vase,
Crystal chandelier, and lighted fountains.
Wrap around lights in the trees like nightmare before christmas
Large bulbs, and smaller ones in the leafy branches, hanging messily about
Metal candle holders that look like paper bags, glass with burnt buttoms, black. To light the way.
Candle holders, with open glass doors, in all sizes
Accompany the picnic by the fire, roasting marshmallows
A photo area with a midnight sky backdrop, benches and yellow lighting, pumpkins stacked around and haybails
Holding in hand a candy covered apple, with a red satin ribbon, dark maroon tied to it.
Sparklers, champagne glasses, antique with decadent detail designs in them
And everyone smiles for the photos…
In their costumes?
Close the night with music, a show,
Disney land, and, Gaylord palms, and Las Vegas.
Just to see, fire works.
And then the day after, days at the spa.
Print your journals on dark paper, blue. With white ink, bind it with white string, and ribbons.
Keep tucked into the kiss marks she gave you on napkins,
The numbers of girls you never called on bar napkins
Mixed drinks all night, with fog coming off the tops,
Served at a bar that is pearlescent, and beaming light from it, in the dark…
Blurry, velvet seats
You listen to the ocean crashing and watch the fire works, capture a couple of Polaroids
Booking your flight to Hawaii…
A lonely flight, you find solace in the workings fo your mind which challenge you… expand and contract, with a nap
And process all your thoughts when you wake up crystal clear
I wish sparkling water taste as good as it looks…
There is nothing like a cleanse in a salt magnesium bath, laid with flowers, in a stone pot.
Boiling water, pouring in and steam escaping through the cracks
As winter sets in and snow fills the mountains, you watch from behind insulated glass
Slippers and a robe, brushing silky wet hair…
Chopping tomatoes by the sink… to make bruschetta.
A bike ride in the cold evenings downhill to the markets, just to look at the last of the flowers and fruits
Before winter solstice sets in….
And then its cranberries, and gold, and red ribbon all over again
White crystal lights in the tree, timei passes by slowly as snow collects on my porch balcony
Making, cappuccinos in the morning, in silk pajamas, topped with whipped warm, sugary cafe, oat,
Remembering the nutcracker and the ballet when u were a child,
Now i sit by the fire, and watch it on a 72’’ flat screen…
What i wouldn’t do to hear the orchestra in person, live under the trees,
Live in the caves in Italy, live- in the park, or in the performing arts center, i’ll take a balcony seat.
This isn’t football… season, i don’t need, to see.
Music all evening, all morning, and again and again. Falling deep into obsession, with every crevice, and rough circumferences that detail the edges, of your sound
I fall in love in every color.
Infinitely, as the record collection piles higher, and the vault, incessantly large.
All i ever really needed though was an empty room. To fill up, with my own muse.i wish it weren’t so lonely so i’ll share it with, whoever
It’s been a while since we’ve just talked over dinner,
I want to get home and read a book, in my cozy linen bed, framed with wood that smell like glue and, chalk paint.
Diffuse the essential oils of fall into the air, wipe my hands and my face with a warm cloth, and simple micellar water.
Drink a glass of ice water, close the lights out,
And close the shades to the midnight sky, swallowing me up with its beauty. Now, privacy and alone.
I curl into a comfortable position with my hair laid across the silk pillow behind me,
And drift, cast away my mind, to dreams
Of beautiful places, beautiful people, wonderful things
That e amour me
Silent until the morning…. And tomorrow, set out to walk along the tall grass, enjoying the wind whipping through, like Martha’s Vineyard, or, France, and England…
I love my quiet place by the sea, where i shower outside naked, and no body sees.
Dripping the water on my head, like a holy practice.
Once i have bathed, i lather myself in soft cream, dry to touch, smooth like babies skin… rub lanolin and rose, peppermint between my lips.
Drink tea, and bundle myself up, like a baby swaddled in cloth.
Watching the beautiful sea hit the dark rocks.
I don’t think anyone understands how much i love my earth, my planet, and all its glory…
I could spend ages, growing nonsense in my green house, misting them, and haulting to capture, photos of every lady bug, and butterfly that visits…
I hired a man to plant apple trees, among the white flowers, and large over hanging forestry… and i loved them, everyday.
The apples sat on my countertop, a childhood dream, come true… now making them into pies, for me and you.
The house of the scorpion…. Take me there, for a while…
And the house of Fridah Kahlo.
Walking the street markets of mexico, so perfectly amused. By the metal, and books, and paintings they sold.
Just like home in New Orleans.
I miss the big churches, so i went there. And enjoyed the street jazz, and the night life.
And then i went to San Francisco for similar reasons, just to see the city again and again, and again.
Riding the underground quietly alone, thumbing through Polaroids I’ve collected. Rocking swaying with the train cars bumps and lighting glitches, subtle warm, incandescent green light of the subway- with not much air to breath, something about it, you almost drift to sleep
Watching out the window, the scenery turn to dark brick tunnels.
And watching the cell signal on your phone, go missing.
Quiet at last in the tunnel, nothing but the train car noise, one smooth motion on the track.
In the darkness, and quietness there, i found myself drifting in and out of consciousness, holding my bag in my lap…
When i woke i wondered if anyone had stolen anything, how far had we gone, how long have i been in this tunnel,
It surely felt like two hours, i figure I’d get off anywhere and find my way around.
The white tile tunnels greeted me. Everyone walked much faster than i, as i stumbled up the stairs.
And then i caught onto a train trolly, for no reason, in particular. But just to feel the sun, as we rode down the street.
Once he let us off, i realized i was at the iconic park where the Beatles played, close by, the martin Luther king memorial grounds.
I laid in the park and looked up at the sky, watching the fog rolling in over the buildings tops, perfect white, clouds… moving so quick,
I looked around and, saw couples laying and picnicking in the beautiful park, i wondered what they did, where they come from, their college degrees, where they live.
Are they just here for the day, tourists. Or locals, a mix of both. How long had they been dating, are they dating at all, or are they just friends.
What is their life like…
I wondered while i walked to the bay, Hard Rock Cafe, always a favorite place. Striking up conversation here,
So many talkative, shop keepers, and such, around. Talking about soap, and chocolate, sea food, and fashion. Gay men, mainly.
I finished my dinner by the bay, in a crowded out door sea food restaraunt because ‘everyone loves it, you’ve gotta try it.’ … i stared at the wet brick floors as it rained, sitting beneath the white umbrellas.
My dinner cost more than a weeks worth of rent… and the waiters were young, young men with slick black hair, in white aprons. They looked skinnier than most boys I’d seen back home. Paler too.
Like something foreign to me, they were exhausted, but spoke quickly, running on, adder all or, something. So young, only 17, 18…
Serving hundreds, plates of crab cakes and lobster… and… sweating. Working, double, triple the pace i was used to back home.
I’m sure their life was much more interesting than mine, I’m sure they went out with their coworkers at night, and smoked and cranked, and were free
Their hearts and lungs damaged by cigarettes and alcohol but they didn’t care- it was speed and, hang overs and, wake up roll out of some shitty bed in some shit apartment do it all over again. Your best friends are line cooks, and bottles of alcohol…. The life of a server.
But you were free.
And i was not, though my clothes were nice, and perfect. My jewelry gold, my nails were clean. I was pale and empty, and thin. I put on my sunglasses, to cover the tears.
Another night alone in the hotel suite, decadent bed, marble bathroom, and i couldn’t of been more depressed…
San Francisco… the highlight of my night, were the pub personalities, and the street musicians.
Just watching. Though, just a tourist. I was so tired of standing on the sidelines of my life, i cried by the bay…. In my hard rock, sweatshirt.
And then someone snapped a photo of me, asked me to look more pleased. I asked to sea the seals, i don’t know why.
I was rather aimless, as i collected rocks from every beach we passed by… taking in the redwoods, and the rest that came with it.
And then back to Las Vegas, and then Chicago, New Orleans again.
I went home and met a girl, it didn’t work out, i figured out… not to waste time, falling for anyone… because they wont catch you if you do.
I got sick, and sought out solace,… and,,,, no one, really seemed to understand that place…. That i wanted to be in….
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How to Plan a Fantastical Garden Wedding
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Planning a fantastical garden wedding involves a blend of creativity, attention to detail, and a passion for nature and whimsy. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a magical garden wedding that your guests will remember forever.
Choosing the Perfect Venue
The foundation of your fantastical garden wedding is the venue. Look for locations that offer lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and natural beauty. Botanical gardens, private estates, or even a backyard with a well-maintained garden can serve as the ideal setting.
Tips for Selecting a Venue:
Ensure the venue has ample space for both the ceremony and reception.
Look for venues that offer various backdrops, such as arbors, pergolas, or water features.
Consider the logistics, such as accessibility for guests and availability of facilities.
Setting the Theme and Décor
A fantastical garden wedding calls for enchanting décor that transforms the space into a fairy-tale setting. Think about incorporating elements like fairy lights, hanging lanterns, and floral arches.
Décor Ideas:
Lighting: Use string lights, lanterns, and candles to create a soft, romantic glow.
Floral Arrangements: Opt for wildflowers, cascading bouquets, and flower crowns.
Furniture: Choose vintage or rustic furniture to enhance the magical atmosphere.
Accents: Add whimsical touches like birdcages, antique mirrors, and moss-covered decorations.
Planning the Ceremony
The ceremony should be the heart of your garden wedding, filled with personal touches and meaningful moments.
Ceremony Elements:
Arbor: Decorate a wooden or wrought iron arbor with flowers and greenery.
Aisle: Line the aisle with petals, lanterns, or potted plants.
Seating: Provide comfortable seating with cushions or blankets for an intimate feel.
Selecting the Dress
The bride’s dress is a central element of a fantastical garden wedding. Look for gowns that exude ethereal beauty and fantasy features, like the dresses offered by Andrea and Leo Couture.
Dress Features to Consider:
Ethereal Fabrics: Choose light, flowing fabrics like chiffon, tulle, or organza.
Fantasy Elements: Look for dresses with floral appliqués, lace details, and intricate beading.
Silhouette: Opt for A-line, ball gown, or sheath silhouettes for a dreamy, fairy-tale look.
Color: While white is traditional, consider soft pastels or even subtle ombre effects for a unique touch.
Andrea and Leo Couture offer a range of backyard-style and ethereal wedding dresses that are perfect for a fantastical garden wedding. Their designs often feature delicate embroidery, sparkling embellishments, and romantic silhouettes that harmonize beautifully with a garden setting.
Coordinating Bridesmaids and Groomsmen
Your wedding party should complement the theme with attire that mirrors the enchanting atmosphere.
Choose dresses in soft, pastel colors or floral patterns.
Consider mix-and-match styles for a whimsical touch.
Accessorize with flower crowns or delicate jewelry.
Opt for light-colored suits or tuxedos.
Add floral boutonnieres that match the bridesmaids' bouquets.
Consider whimsical accessories like bow ties or suspenders.
Crafting the Menu
A garden wedding menu should be fresh, light, and reflective of the season.
Menu Ideas:
Appetizers: Offer a selection of canapés, fresh fruits, and vegetable platters.
Main Course: Choose dishes that feature seasonal ingredients, such as grilled fish, roasted vegetables, and fresh salads.
Desserts: Consider a dessert table with an assortment of mini pastries, cupcakes, and a signature wedding cake adorned with edible flowers.
Entertainment and Activities
Keep your guests entertained with activities that enhance the magical atmosphere.
Entertainment Ideas:
Live Music: Hire a string quartet, acoustic band, or harpist for elegant background music.
Games: Set up lawn games like croquet or bocce ball.
Photo Booth: Create a photo booth with whimsical props and a floral backdrop.
Final Touches
The little details can make a big difference in creating a cohesive and magical experience.
Invitations: Send out invitations that reflect your theme, with floral designs and calligraphy.
Favors: Offer guests unique favors like mini succulents, personalized seed packets, or handmade soaps.
Transportation: Consider renting a vintage car or horse-drawn carriage for a grand entrance or exit.
A Beautiful Garden Wedding Starts With an Ethereal Wedding Dress
Planning a fantastical garden wedding involves a blend of natural beauty, whimsical elements, and personal touches. By focusing on the details, and making sure you have a matching wedding dress, you can create a magical experience that will be cherished by you and your guests. Let your imagination run wild and embrace the enchanting possibilities of a garden wedding.
For more information about Evening Gowns and Party Dresses Wholesale please visit:- Andrea & Leo Couture
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youweitrade · 2 months
Solar Floating Pool Light Flower Shape Swimming Pool Light Submersible Floating Lamp For Garden Pool Pond Decoration
Instructions for use of solar LED pool lights:
When using it for the first time, first turn on the black waterproof button on the lamp body (a mold test will be carried out at one time) or turn on the light with a remote control. During the day, the solar panel is exposed to the sun. It will automatically shine at night. Charge in the sun for 5-12 hours, the lamp can be on for 6-8 hours.
Use range of solar LED pool lamp:
It can be used in bathrooms, swimming pools, fish ponds, ponds, fountains, bath toys, garden channels, balcony courtyard lawn decoration, etc. As long as there is sunshine, you can use it.
Features: Built-in LED beads, seven-color RGB color mode, to create a beautiful Come with a 21-key RF remote control to switch] colors, adjust brightness or set timing Powered by solar energy, which is energy-saving and low power consumption. Made of high-quality] materials, can submerge the lights in water without any worries Perfect] for pool, fish tank, flower vases, wedding, Christmas, party, or other.
Product Description: Product name :LED diving light Color: White LED light source :6pcs RGB super bright LED chip class :IP68 Signal range :196in Size:3.22*1.41in Weight:0.36lb Includes: 1x lamp 1x remote control
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myaariworld · 3 months
What is Aari Embroidery :
 Aari Work is one of the Traditional forms of Aari Embroidery works. Aari gives the finest and dedicative output of the cloth.It is mainly used to decorate silk saree. In this the needle will be a pen shaped and also similar to the Crochet needle, there are other needles in Aari which is used to attach the beads and Mutias , these needles are very minute with bended edges.
Origin of Aari Embroidery:
  Aari was originated during 12th century and very popular in Northern India. At present it is vast needed technique to fulfill the beauty Aspects of the Fabric.
Quite naturally women are most curious towards their outfit.And they are interested in doing their own desing into their outfit.
Occasional use of Aari embroidery:
    Nowadays  Aari work is fast-moving trend in all types of garments to wear for wedding, Ceremoines, Parties Birthday functions and also for day to day outfits.
THE 4 STAGES OF Aari Embroidery:
Thread Works
Mirror work,Cut and Embossed Work
Ribbon Work and Velvet Work
1.Running stitch           6.Knot Running
2.Loose Running           7.Wheel
3.Water filling               8.Magic
4.Wheat                         9.Button Hole
5.Zig Zag                        10.Leaf stitch
    11. Plain load
    12. Patch Work
    13. French knot
    14. Cross Diamond
    15. Step Sequence Etc…..
Table of Content
The Ultimate Guide to Aari Work for Beginners
Introduction: What Is Aari work?
Materials Needed for Aari Work
Aari Work Procedure
The History Behind the Aari Work
The Basics of Aari Work
Tips for Maintaining  Aari Work
Materials Needed For Aari Work
The Things We Need To  Aari Work  are:
Aari embroidery wooden hoop
Aari needle
Thread cutter
Cotton, silk, Zari thread
Multi colour sequins, pearls, beads
Bullion, French,embroidery Wires
The Application of Aari Work
Aari Work is Considered as one of the most time consuming and tedious hand needle work. So, today artisans work on a cloth together as a group, making less time consuming and less costly, In modern days, sarees, lehenga, kurti, sherwanis, sometimes shirts and party wear gowns are also seen to be done Aari Work on them.
Tips For Maintaining Aari Work:
    As Aari work is costly and very intrinsic delicate work, it should be maintained with proper care. Generally dry cleaning is recommended for such fabric, though, gentle hand wash can be done to retain the newness of the fabric.
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