#Aromatherapy Play
waterbeads1993 · 10 months
Magical Marvel: Unveiling the Wonders of Magic Beadz Jelly Water Beads – Over 20,000 Beads of Enchantment
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Explore the enchanted wonder that is Magic Beadz Jelly Water Beads! These beads give enchantment beyond belief with over 20,000 beads, diverse sensory enjoyment for all ages, and startling features like biodegradability and aromatherapy play. Discover the realm of DIY innovations, therapeutic relaxation, and unexpected expansion. Ideal for hosting memorable sensory playdates, educational play, and celebrations!"
15 Less Known, Hidden, and Surprising Facts:
Tiny to Mighty: Watch the transformation as Magic Beadz Jelly Water Beads grow many times their original size, turning a handful into an enchanting sea of over 20,000 beads.
Versatile Sensory Fun: These water beads aren't just for kids! Discover how they offer versatile sensory fun for all ages, making them a delightful and engaging experience for everyone.
Dazzling Color Palette: Immerse yourself in a world of color with a vast palette of hues, from vibrant primaries to soothing pastels, creating visually stunning displays as the beads expand.
Long-Lasting Magic: Experience the long-lasting magic as these water beads retain their enchanting size for weeks, providing extended enjoyment and playtime.
Aromatherapy Addition: Infuse a touch of aromatherapy into playtime by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oils to the water, creating a multisensory experience with fragrant beads.
Learning Through Play: These beads aren't just for fun; they're educational too! Engage in counting, sorting, and color recognition activities, turning playtime into a learning adventure.
Biodegradable Beauty: Marvel at the eco-friendliness of Magic Beadz, as they are biodegradable, ensuring that the magic is not only enchanting but also environmentally conscious.
Surprise Expansion: Witness the surprise expansion as the beads grow in unpredictable shapes, adding an element of curiosity and wonder to the enchanting experience.
Unique Party Decor: Elevate your party decor with these magical beads, using them as stunning centerpieces or decor accents, creating an ambiance that captivates guests.
Therapeutic Relaxation: Immerse your hands in the cool, soothing touch of Magic Beadz for a therapeutic experience, promoting relaxation and stress relief for all ages.
DIY Terrarium Delight: Explore the creative side as Magic Beadz become the perfect base for DIY terrariums, adding a touch of enchantment to your miniature garden creations.
Seed Starting Secret: Uncover the gardening secret as Magic Beadz can be used for seed starting, providing a unique and moisture-retaining environment for seeds to sprout and grow.
Non-Toxic Assurance: Ensure safety with the non-toxic nature of Magic Beadz, making them a worry-free option for play and creative exploration.
Home Decor Innovation: Innovate your home decor by incorporating Magic Beadz into vases and bowls, creating stunning displays that add a touch of magic to your living spaces.
Sensory Playdate: Arrange a sensory playdate and share the magic with friends and family, creating a shared experience that fosters creativity, imagination, and laughter.
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cashbaebae-blog · 4 months
I could go for a full body rub down right about now.
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heartlilith · 11 months
Self Care
Self Care for the signs; use your moon sign & house placement (transit moon and house placement work as well, you can even use your venus sign if you're feeling up to it)
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*TW: mental health disorders are talked about throughout
ARIES MOON/ARIES VENUS/1H MOON/1H VENUS: For these natives, I imagine a lot of energy swirling around the head and face. Stress can lead to overthinking, headaches, acne breakouts, and in more serious cases; vertigo, migraines, and hair loss. Exercise can really help these placements dispense of all the extra energy. It doesn't have to be something intense like body building or running miles (although it can be), it can be as simple as walking in nature or playing a sport with friends. Playing catch with your dog or playing a game of basketball. Other than exercise, Aries and 1st house placements can benefit from a spa day; whether at an actual spa or at home doing a skin care routine and a face mask. Guided meditation is great for these placements too in order to quiet the mind chatter. One last simple thing these natives can practice is turning off their phone for an hour a day; they're so involved in the world around them and sometimes that's a good thing but other times it can be very draining. Tune out the world and tune into your body.
TAURUS MOON/TAURUS VENUS/2H MOON/2H VENUS: Stressed out Taurus and 2nd house placements can struggle with their self esteem whether that shows up as arrogance or insecurity (Moon and Venus here can signify fluctuating self esteem). They also tend to hold a lot of stress in their shoulders creating soreness or even bad posture. Extreme stress can cause these natives to either withhold or indulge in things; usually in terms of food, money, or material possessions. This can lead to disordered eating, stinginess, overspending or possessiveness over their belongings, they do this to feel a sense of control in the midst of chaos. Taurus/2nd house placements would benefit from a massage either at a spa or from a loved one. Since the 2nd house rules over material possessions it's important for these people to reconnect with their element; Earth. Connecting with the Earth can look like gardening or caring for house plants, playing with animals, a simple walk outside, or nourishing their body with fresh fruits and vegetables. Since the 2nd house and Venus rules all things pleasurable, playing up the senses can really benefit these natives. Soft blankets, nice smelling candles or aromatherapy, listening to relaxing music, eating sweets or drinking warm tea are all things these placements can do to relax.
GEMINI MOON/GEMINI VENUS/3H MOON/3H VENUS: Gemini and 3rd house placements are very efficient people, normally. They are great multitaskers and great socializers. Stress with these placements usually shows up mentally at first then it starts to effect them physically. Their body is directly effected by their emotions, like Virgo. Stress can show up as restlessness, anxiety, shakiness or in more serious cases; anxiety attacks, becoming withdrawn, and dermatillomania (Gemini rules hands). In order for these natives to relax, they must take their air energy and create something tangible with it. Journaling is a great way to do this, also painting or blogging. Since Gemini rules the hands, a lot of stress can be relieved by keeping them busy. Knitting, crocheting, video games, playing instruments (double points if these activities connect the brain and hands in some way). Gemini and 3h placements would also benefit from breathing exercises, reading nonfiction books (Geminis love to learn), or even just venting about their problems to a trusted friend.
CANCER MOON/CANCER VENUS/4H MOON/4H VENUS: For people with Cancer or 4th house placements, stress can show up primarily through emotions (surprising I know). Cancer feels all the feels, good or bad. Stress can show up and create sadness, anger, anxiety, pessimistic behavior and being on edge. In worse cases; depression, an anxiety disorder, and rumination. In terms of self care, it's important for Cancer/4th house placements to get in touch with their inner child. This can be achieved by spending time with children, looking back at photos with happy memories, blowing bubbles, watching their favorite children's movie or eating their favorite meal growing up. Since the 4th house also rules family, spending time with blood or chosen relatives is important too (even pets!). Since Cancer is a water sign, taking a bath and staying hydrated are great forms of self care for these individuals. To cater to their nurturing side, taking care of someone else (a relative, loved one, a pet, even a plant) can help them forget their own problems which is great but if this is the only thing they do it can create a habit of avoidance to their own problems. One last thing Cancer/4th house placements can do for self care is cook themselves a hardy meal since Cancer rules the stomach and because, well, they deserve it.
LEO MOON/LEO VENUS/5H MOON/5H VENUS: For Leo and 5th house natives, stress can show up and drain these peoples' sunny disposition; like clouds covering the Sun. Stress can lead to them becoming uninspired, unmotivated, lazy and even bitter. In more extreme cases, Leo/5th house placements can slip into depression, ice out loved ones and hobbies, and become unsure of themselves - which leads to a lowering of self esteem and makes them second guess who they are. High blood pressure and heart palpitations isn't uncommon when these people deal with extreme stress over a long period of time. In order to relieve this stress, Leo/5th house placements can benefit from acupuncture or cupping (Leo rules the back and spine), a massage, or even reiki as a form of self care in order to move their stagnant energy around. Exploring somewhere new, going to an art museum, or going out with friends to a party or out to eat can inspire these natives and get them motivated to create again. Other forms of self care for Leo/5th house placements is reciting affirmations in the mirror daily, affirmations they know to be true about themselves. Pampering themselves in some way can boost their self esteem; whether that be getting their hair done, going shopping, or treating themselves to their favorite meal. Practicing self care for these natives is extremely important in order to keep their sun shining.
VIRGO MOON/VIRGO VENUS/6H MOON/6H VENUS: Virgo, virgo, virgo, always worrying your pretty little head off. I can say this btw I'm a Virgo moon and know this all too well. This goes for 6th House placements too, they are the busy bodies of the zodiac. Like Gemini and 3rd house placements, Virgo and 6th house placements feel stress mentally first and then physically. Stress can make them physically ill; stomach aches especially. When these natives are stressed, it shows up physically as digestive issues, stomach aches, disordered eating and even skin picking (dermatillomania). Mentally, these people can become cold and short with others. Virgo and 6th house placements can also become reactive to situations and look at things quite negatively. In my opinion, it's hard for Virgos and 6th house placements to get in the habit of self care since they are very sacrificial and put people before themselves. They also have a million and one things to do and want to get them done or else they can't relax. Self care for these people should be activities where they can unwind while still feeling productive. Exercise in any form is great for these natives because they love health and wellness. Yoga in all forms is PERFECT for Virgo/6th house placements since they're the epitome of mind, body, and soul (what effects their mind, effects their body, and then effects their soul). One last self care activity for these people is reading a book. Learning and relaxing? A Virgo/6th house placement's DREAM.
LIBRA MOON/LIBRA VENUS/7H MOON/7H VENUS: Libra and 7th house placements become stressed when things aren't harmonious. Relationships, work, their health - if it's not balanced, they really feel it. Stress for these people can show up as acne breakouts, becoming unmotivated, neglecting their physical appearance, and passive aggressiveness. In more extreme cases, these individuals can isolate themselves, be on the verge of tears all the time, and become volatile. Self care comes in the form of facials, baths, getting dressed up for a date. Libra/7th house placements want to look and feel good. Buying gifts for themselves or receiving gifts (big or small); especially clothes, makeup, skincare products, hair care, jewelry, candles, etc. Like Taurus/2nd house placements, they like things that satisfying their senses. Other forms of self care for these natives are spending time or talking one-on-one with a friend, family member, or partner whether that's for receiving advice, venting, or simply distracting them from their issues.
SCORPIO MOON/SCORPIO VENUS/8H MOON/8H VENUS: Scorpio/8th house placements feel stressed when they're lacking connection; emotional, physical, mental or spiritual. They might not like to admit it but they need a shoulder to cry on too. These people are also prone to mood swings so sometimes it's hard to pinpoint why they're feeling the way they do. These natives feel emotions strongly, just like the other water signs and house placements. Stress can show up as a low libido, dark eye circles from lack of sleep, and anger that comes on fast. In more extreme cases, they can experience depression, intrusive thoughts, and develop phobias. In order for Scorpio/8th house natives to relax, they need to channel their emotional energy. This can be hard, especially because sometimes they don't even know what's wrong or what exactly is stressing them out. Writing, painting, sculpting, any form of art is extremely beneficial to these people because even if they can't put a finger on why they're feeling a certain way, they can still express it in other ways. Other forms of self care can include taking a shower, swimming, taking a bath - anything that connects them back to their element. Having sex, reinventing themselves through dying their hair or changing up their wardrobe, and even witchcraft can help them incredibly. Diving into taboos and embracing them can do wonders for these people.
SAGITTARIUS MOON/SAGITTARIUS VENUS/9H MOON/9H VENUS: Do Sag placements even get stressed out..? Just kidding of course they do! These natives become stressed when they feel trapped, bored, and stagnant. You can always tell when they feel a certain way because they will tell you, bluntly and unapologetically. Sagittarius/9th house placement's symptoms of stress is restlessness, becoming impulsive, and being straight up mean. These placements need stimulation and will do things, good or bad, to get it. Self care comes in forms of traveling, learning, and winning. Whether down the street or to a different country, these natives benefit from exploring somewhere new. To them self care is indulging in their wants, and they WANT to explore new places and learn new things. Eating their favorite country's cuisine, going to a new place (a store or a park or a vacation), or reading a book are all forms of self care for them. Sagittarius/9th house placements would even benefit from planning a vacation even if they never take it. Other forms of self care for these individuals is playing board games or sports with friends, gambling (in moderation), eating good food, having a few drinks, throwing a party. They need to indulge, just a little bit.
CAPRICORN MOON/CAPRICORN VENUS/10H MOON/10H VENUS: These natives will never let you know that they're stressed out because they can handle it, they can handle anything and everything all the time, right? NO, but they want to be able to which creates more stress - they literally stress about stress. For them, stress can show up as feeling tightness and soreness in their body, lack of sleep, and disordered eating from trying to gain a sense of control. In extreme cases they will throw themselves into work because they can't feel the stress if they're distracted... this leads to endless problems which, guess what... leads to MORE STRESS. Capricorns/10h placements, take a day off. The world will still go on if you rest. Other than that, these natives benefit from stretching, yoga, meditation, a nice hot bath or shower. They need to slow their roll. One self care activity that benefits them the most is laughing; funny movies, seeing a comedy show, playing with their kids or telling funny stories are all things that can remind them that play is just as important as work. Have fun you guys, you deserve it the most.
AQUARIUS MOON/AQUARIUS VENUS/11H MOON/11H VENUS: Similar to Capricorn/10th house placements, you guys have a good poker face when it comes to being stressed out. What's different though is that instead of throwing yourself into work, you fake a smile until you're all alone... that's when the symptoms of stress take over. Anxiety, loneliness, sadness are all things these people experience when stressed out. They have plenty of friends and support systems but no really gets them, at least that's how they feel. In extreme cases, Aquarius/11th house placements can experience depression, depersonalization, and feeling more and more alienated and different than everyone else. Self care for these people includes meditation, journaling, walking barefoot outside, even hugging a damn tree - anything that pulls them back down to Earth. Planning a day with friends or loved ones to do something spontaneous or adventurous can really help these people. They need to get out of the "box" they put themselves in. Other forms of self care include things that are wild, fun, and get the blood pumping; playing paintball, video games, snowball/water balloon fight, pranks, partying and letting loose with your friends, and creating silly YouTube videos. The best self care for them is connecting with like minded people and having stimulating conversations or doing things that are crazy and silly.
PISCES MOON/PISCES VENUS/12H MOON/12H VENUS: When these natives feel stress, like Cancer/4th house placements, it comes in the form of emotions. Sadness, passive aggressiveness, and even shutting down emotionally in order to not feel anything at all. Pisces/12th house placements feel things so strongly and on every level - so for them, it's better to shut the emotions off because that's easier than dealing with it head on. But, those suppressed feelings will always come back to bite them. Stress shows up as lack of faith and trust, the inability to focus and stop daydreaming, and mood swings. Since the 12th house rules the subconscious mind, sometimes they don't realize why they feel stressed or unbalanced, like Scorpio/8th house placements. These individuals benefit from swimming, visiting a body of water, jumping in a puddle, or even going outside to feel the rain in order to reconnect with their element. Anything art; painting, sculpting, knitting, singing, creating is probably the best thing they can do to channel emotions. I always joke and say Pisces/12th house placements love "old lady activities" but I think it's true. Knitting, playing bingo, spending time with children, baking are all things that can really help them. Other than that, self care for these natives can be as simple as taking a nap to tune out the world. Or giving yourself alone time in a judgmental free place to do what you want. I think the theme here is to tune out the world and tune into yourself, however you can achieve that.
*Note: No placement in astrology is exempt from experiencing mental health disorders, just because I didn't mention it for every sign doesn't mean it can't happen to them, it can. If anyone ever needs someone to talk to, my ask box is always open.
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Yandere Logan Howlett With A Feral Partner
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He's obsessed with you. You will be his world. He will shower you with his love and protection day in and day out. He will become very overprotective of you. You will become his, and if anyone touches you, they will feel his rage.
His obsession will be even worse. He will make absolutely sure that you are safe. When he is calm around you, he will become more playful and even a bit childish around you, enjoying the time the two of you spend together.
He would keep an eye on you, not letting you be alone for even a second. He would never let you out of his sight due to his concern that something bad might happen to you. If you get even a scratch, he will get angry at the object/person that hurt you.
He's possessive of you. He doesn't want anyone else to have what's his. He wants and needs to be the only one for his partner in all aspects - emotionally, physically, and romantically. He would do anything and everything to keep you by his side.
He would also be very affectionate with you. He would be very loving and caring towards you. He would constantly be giving you kisses and cuddling with you. He would do everything possible to make you feel loved and safe.
He would make sure you were eating and drinking enough, making sure you didn't starve yourself or become dehydrated. He would make sure to check up on you to make sure nobody is trying to take advantage of you. If someone harms his partner, he becomes extremely angry and may even get violent. He will protect you at all costs, even if it means putting himself in danger.
He would be very patient, understanding, and considerate towards his feral partner. He would try his best to empathize with you and understand how you feel because he cares deeply about you. He would make sure that his partner feels heard, validated, and accepted for who you are. He would take the time to learn about what triggers his feral partner in order to avoid causing any distress.
He would also make sure that you feel safe. He would use calming techniques to help stabilize you, such as talking to you in a calm voice, using aromatherapy, playing soothing music, or creating a cozy and comfortable environment for you. He would also provide reassurance, support, and comfort, letting you know that he is there for you no matter what.
He would help his feral partner learn and develop coping mechanisms to manage your emotions and impulses in a healthy way. He would also try to encourage you to express your feelings openly and in a productive manner so that you can build your relationship.
Despite all the patience, understanding, and accommodations, there may be times when he could feel frustrated or overwhelmed by your behavior. However, he would strive to communicate his needs and concerns to you in a respectful manner to resolve any conflict that may arise.
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realpokemon · 1 year
trying to live a [heal pulse] [aromatherapy] [hold hands] [play nice] life in an [explosion] [explosion] [explosion] [explosion] world
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Spiritual showers
Turning your shower into a more spiritual experience can be a wonderful way to start or end your day with mindfulness and tranquility.
Here are some ways to make your shower more spiritual:
1. Set an intention: Before stepping into the shower, set a positive intention for your experience. This could be to wash away stress, find clarity, or simply be present in the moment.
2. Use aromatherapy: Incorporate essential oils or scented shower products with calming or spiritually uplifting scents, such as lavender, eucalyptus, or frankincense.
3. Practice mindfulness: Focus on the sensations of the water and the sound of it falling. Be fully present in the moment, letting go of distractions and worries.
4. Meditate: Consider using your shower time for a short meditation. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and clear your mind as you feel the water cleanse your body and spirit.
5. Visualisation: Visualize the water washing away negative energy or stress, leaving you refreshed and renewed.
6. Affirmations: Recite positive affirmations or mantras while in the shower to promote a sense of inner peace and self-empowerment.
7. Gratitude: Express gratitude for the water, which is essential for life, and for the cleansing and rejuvenating effects of your shower.
8. Gentle movement: Incorporate gentle stretches or movements to promote physical and spiritual well-being while the water flows over you.
9. Sacred symbols: Consider placing meaningful symbols or objects in your bathroom to create a sacred atmosphere.
10. Music or chanting: Play soothing music or chant softly to enhance the spiritual ambiance and promote relaxation.
Remember that the key is to create a personalized experience that resonates with your spiritual beliefs and intentions.
Experiment with these suggestions to find what works best for you and adds a spiritual dimension to your shower routine.
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jaybug-jabbers · 11 months
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Gelatopod - Ice/Fairy
(Vanilla-Caramel Flavor is normal, Mint-Choco is shiny)
Artist - I adopted this wonderful fakemon from xeeble! So I decided to make up a full list of game data, moves, lore, etc. for it. Enjoy! :D
Abilities - Sticky Hold/Ice Body/Weak Armor (Hidden)
Pokedex Entries
Scarlet: Gelatopod leaves behind a sticky trail when it moves. A rich, creamy ice cream can be made from the collected slime.
Violet: At night, it uses the spike on its shell to dig into the ground, anchoring itself into place. Then it withdraws into its shell to sleep in safety.
Stats & Moves
BST - 485
HP - 73
Attack - 56
Defense - 100
Special Attack - 90
Special Defense - 126
Speed - 40
Lvl 1: Sweet Scent, Sweet Kiss, Aromatherapy, Disarming Voice
Lvl 4: Defense Curl
Lvl 8: Baby Doll Eyes
Lvl 12: Draining Kiss
Lvl 16: Ice Ball
Lvl 21: Covet
Lvl 24: Icy Wind
Lvl 28: Sticky Web
Lvl 32: Dazzling Gleam
Lvl 36: Snowscape
Lvl 40: Ice Beam
Lvl 44: Misty Terrain
Lvl 48: Moonblast
Lvl 52: Shell Smash
Friendship Level Raised to 160: Love Dart (Signature Move)
Egg Moves
Mirror Coat, Acid Armor, Fake Tears, Aurora Veil
Signature Move - Love Dart
Learned when Gelatopod's friendship level reaches 160 and then the player completes a battle with it
Type - Fairy, Physical, Non-Contact
Damage Power - 20 PP - 10 (max 16) Accuracy - 75%
Secondary Effect - Causes Infatuation in both male and female pokemon. Infatuation ends in 1-4 turns.
Flavor Text - The user fires a dart made of hardened slime at the target. Foes of both the opposite and same gender will become infatuated with the user.
TM Moves
Take Down, Protect, Facade, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rest, Substitute, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Helping Hand, Icy Wind, Avalanche, Snowscape, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Struggle Bug, U-Turn, Mud Shot, Mud-Slap, Dig, Weather Ball, Bullet Seed, Giga Drain, Power Gem, Tera Blast
Other Game Data
Gender Ratio - 50/50
Catch Rate - 75
Egg Groups - Fairy & Amorphous
Hatch Time - 20 Cycles
Height/Weight - 1'0''/1.3 lbs
Base Experience Yield - 170
Leveling Rate - Medium Fast
EV Yield - 2 (Defense & Special Defense)
Body Shape - Serpentine
Pokedex Color - White
Base Friendship - 70
Game Locations - Glaseado Mountain, plus a 3% chance of encountering Gelatopod when the player buys Ice Cream from any of the Ice Cream stands
I'm not a competitive player, but I did my best to balance this fakemon fairly and not make it too broken. Feel free to give feedback if you have any thoughts!
I have a huge bias for Bug Pokemon since they're my favorite type, and at first I wanted to make it Bug/Ice, since any intervebrate could be tossed into the 'Bug' typing. But ultimately I decided to keep xeeble's original idea of Ice/Fairy. There's precedent of food-themed pokemon being Fairy type, and Ice/Fairy would be very interesting due to its rarity (only Alolan Ninetails has it). Its type weaknesses are also slightly easier to handle than Bug/Ice imo
The signature move is indeed based on real love darts, I could not resist something that fascinating being made into a Pokemon move, even if the real games may possibly shy away from the idea. (Honestly it could be argued "Love Dart" is based on Cupid's arrow so Gamefreak might actually get away with making a move like this though.) Its effectiveness on both males and females is a nod to snails/slugs being biological hermaphrodites. I can see this move also being learned by Gastrodon and Magcargo in Scarlet/Violet
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dark-corner-cunning · 8 months
The Magickal Properties of Carrier/Base Oils
In ancient times, our ancestors revered the power of oils, utilizing them in sacred ceremonies, rituals, and magickal workings that spanned centuries. Today, we have the privilege of carrying on this tradition by creating our own blends using the same flora & fauna that have been cherished for millennia. The practice of crafting sacred oils connects us to our roots, offering a meaningful way to honor the past while enriching our present-day experiences.
Carrier/base oils play a crucial role in the world of magick and holistic practices. These oils, derived from plants, seeds, and animal fats, are believed to possess unique energetic properties that can enhance the potency of essential oils and other magickal ingredients we add to them. Whether used in aromatherapy, massage, ritual work, or spell work the choice of carrier oil is significant, as each oil is associated with specific magickal attributes, such as grounding, protection, or amplification of intention. Understanding the magickal properties of carrier oils can empower practitioners to create custom blends that resonate with their intentions and desired outcomes, adding an extra layer of enchantment to their craft.
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Magickal Properties of Carrier/Base Oils:
These plant and seed-based oils come from my own grimoire based on my own traditions and practice.
Almond: Prosperity, Money, Wisdom
Apricot: Happiness, Contentment, Love
Argan: Healing
Avocado: Love, Lust, Sex Magick
Borage: Higher Mind, Truth, Clarity, Legal Matters
Canola/Rapeseed: Neutral Base
Castor: Protection, Absorbs Negativity
Coconut: Purification, Cleansing, Protection
Corn: Abundance, Luck, Divination
Evening Primrose: Psychic, Glamour, Clarity
Flaxseed Oil: Beauty, Protection
Grapeseed: Fertility, Money, Strengthening Mental Abilities
Hempseed: Meditation, Psychic, Healing
Jojoba: Healing
Meadowfoam Seed: Protection
Neem: Fortifies, Protection
Olive: Healing, Fertility, Protection
Peach Kernel: Fertility, Love, Fae Magick
Peanut: Grounding
Pomegranate Seed: Divination, Love
Pumpkin Seed: Health
Rosehip: Self-Love, Beauty, Glamour
Safflower: Sex, Baneful
Sesame: Hope, Faith, Positivity
Shea Butter: Calming, Longevity, Patience, Healing, Soothing, Beauty
Sunflower: Happiness, Health, Wisdom, Sun Magick
Vegetable: Neutral
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gayou01 · 2 years
Astrology observations pt 16 (SPICY EDITION)
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-people with Pisces, Taurus, Libra and Cancer placements (namely venus, mars and the moon) tend to put a lot of importance into aftercare. Not receiving it can straight up ruin the experience for them
-People with Gemini, Scorpio and Sagittarius mars and Lilith tend to have a promiscuous/player image projected onto them whether they actually sleep around or not
-people with Taurus and libra Venus put a lot of importance in the atmosphere during sex (like lighting, candles, aromatherapy, lingerie, etc). They have to feel physically comfortable in the bedroom
-mars, venus or Lilith aspecting uranus can indicate being interested in polyamory, group sex, queer experiences, or just having a lot of sex partners during your lifetime. Either way your sexual experiences or fantasies will be seen as unconventional by many
-a favorable aspect between mars, Venus and Jupiter can indicate a high, almost insatiable sex drive. It can also indicate being well-endowed if the native is a guy
-people with Capricorn mars are all about control, so they may be into sensory deprivation, whether it’s done on them or they do it to their partner
-People with mars in Pisces or mars in aspect with Neptune can easily become addicted to sex itself and/or porn if they’re not careful.
-People with Leo and Aquarius mars may like the idea of getting caught having sex. The latter can go as far as fucking in a public space
-People with mars or Lilith in the 10th house tend to have very high standards when choosing sex partners, and are likely to get accused of sleeping their way to the top
-people with Gemini mars are good at giving massages in general including handjobs
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sundrop-writes · 16 days
Eager Little Puppy
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Isaac Lahey x Gender Neutral Reader
You offer to help Isaac relax. He agrees, thinking that you have something entirely different in mind. But when he finds out what you have planned, he really can't bring himself to mind.
(Or - you fuck Isaac's brains out to help him relax.)
Isaac Lahey x GN!Reader. Friends with Benefits. Smut/PWP.
Word Count: 2,700
Teen Wolf Masterlist | AO3 Link
Full list of warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: this is primarily a smut fic; the reader character is completely gender neutral - there is no mention of the reader's genitals and no description of what kind of genitals the reader has, and the only pronouns used to refer to the reader are you/yours; use of Y/N; most of the fic focuses on Isaac and acts the reader performs on him; there is dom/sub dynamics - the reader is more dominant and Isaac is more submissive; there is a slight passing mention of Isaac's abusive past (and how it makes him stressed out, so he is eager to use sex and submission as a way to relax and ease his mind); marking kink (the reader giving Isaac love bites and hickies); anal fingering - Isaac receiving (mention of Isaac being an anal virgin before this); oral - Isaac receiving; praise kink (reader praises Isaac and he loves it) - the reader calls Isaac 'good boy', 'pretty', and 'puppy'; lots of dirty talk; use of a dildo on Isaac (anally); passing mention of blood (the reader licks Isaac so hard that he bleeds and then licks it); Reader swallows Isaac's cum - I think that's it?
A/N: Just another random fic I wrote while on hiatus because I can't get enough of my baby Isaac, and I feel like he would love being called by the nickname Puppy (and that is now forever what I refer to him as in my head). He just looks like such a puppy lmao. He has big puppy dog eyes, he's constantly looking to others (like Scott, Erica, and Derek) for guidance and validation, he's eager to follow even though he's strong and could be a leader. He is an eager little puppy lapdog and I love him so fucking much. I just wanna pet his hair like a sweet little puppy and praise him and also fuck his brains out. Hence, this fic. Anyway, if you're a fellow Isaac lover, I hope you enjoy this fic!!
When you had suggested ‘relaxing’, Isaac thought you meant taking a bubble bath, some candles, aromatherapy.
Perhaps reading a book curled up in bed with some gentle music playing in the background. You seemed like the type of person to enjoy those things. He had no clue what relaxation even was - it’s not like he had a lot of time to relax, going straight from his father’s house of horrors to Pack life with Derek, nearly being killed every other week. 
Of course, that was exactly why you had suggested this. 
You and Isaac had been friends for a while, flirting back and forth for even longer, and fooling around for only a few short weeks. He knew that you cared about him a lot, and he was grateful that you actually thought about these things. That you actually considered the toll that stress took on him. 
He just had no clue what he was getting himself into when he agreed to a ‘relaxing’ evening with you. 
He certainly hadn’t been expecting this. 
Being laid out on your bed, completely naked while you were still mostly clothed, the lights delightfully soothing and dim, the covers so soft against his skin while you took him on the ride of his life. His body was covered in your spit and teeth marks, sharp suction spots where you had latched on and made him moan. Unfortunately the marks were already healing, making you regretful and even more determined to make him remember you by the distinction of your touch alone. 
Still, you dug your teeth in, providing the perfect little bite of pain to go with the pleasure, especially now as your fingers well-lubed fucked up inside of him - making your impression in his previously untouched hole for the first time. You pushed your fingers deep inside of him, fucking him with precise, certain movements while your mouth worked on his cock. 
He felt like his mind was slowly melting between his ears, every single known thought escaping him - but he had a distinct feeling that’s exactly what you had wanted. Because now he couldn’t worry, he couldn’t stress, he couldn’t even spend a single moment thinking about anything that had been plaguing his mind for the past few months. He couldn’t even be insecure about the whorish moans he was letting out or the way he was angling his hips toward you, silently begging for more. 
This was entirely relaxing. 
You moaned around his dick, encouraging him - causing him to let out another loud moan. 
It made you smile internally, feeling that in the way his body gave in to you, the way his needy hole flexed around your fingers, opening up to you but clenching slightly - telling you how badly he wanted more, needed more, even without words. 
You pulled off his cock with a wet pop, causing him to let out a shuddering moan of disappointment as the now spit-slick sensitive organ was exposed to the cool air. His dick fell against his stomach, smearing precum against the smooth, porcelain skin there while you eased another finger into his greedy hole. Now, fucking three of your fingers in and out of him, something that made Isaac part his thighs and wiggle his hips down into your touch, of course - desperate for more, even unconsciously. 
“That’s it - such a good boy for me.” You purred, grinning down at him. 
He was so pretty like this. 
His face dropped back against the fluffiness of your pillow, his eyes fluttering closed and his mouth gaped open as he let out the prettiest soft sounds. His lips were swollen and spit-glossed from where you had kissed him, something that made him breathless and wrecked. His nipples were puffy and swollen from where you had bitten and worked them, making him so frenzied and frantic, his stomach heaving with little breaths, desperate to get air into his lungs as you continually punched it out of him by fucking your fingers up into him. 
His long, thick cock gently bobbed against his stomach, leading down to a nest of blond hair that covered his heavy balls, smeared wet with the lube that you were fucking him with. 
Somehow - even in such a sinful state, he looked so damn angelic. 
He was severely enjoying the thickness and the rhythm of your three fingers, you could only imagine how much he would like what you had for him next. 
“Such a pretty thing, aren’t you?” You couldn’t contain the praise, not when he was this good, not when you felt the affection swelling up inside of you. He let out a loud, rattling moan at this, and you knew that you had struck gold. “Such a pretty boy. You like it when I remind you how fucking good you are, huh?” 
“Please,” Isaac choked out, his throat clearly dry and strangled from all the moaning he had been doing. “Please - more.” 
You locked eyes with him, and saw nothing but glassy, empty headed pleasure swimming there. And while his needy body flexed tightly around your fingers, you knew exactly what he was begging for - like a fish on dry land gulping desperately, you knew exactly what he was struggling for. 
More of your praise. Something he likely didn’t even know he had wanted before this, now lighting his body on fire. Now something he was desperate for more of - something he would likely need to survive from now on. 
“You want more, pretty boy?” 
You teased him, gently skimming your thumb along the underside of his cock, tracing a thick vein that made his muscles jolt. He nodded his head frantically, breathing thickly again, his eyes falling shut as his head fell back once again, eagerly waiting for you to comply. 
“Yeah? You’re gonna get everything you want. Cause you’re such a pretty boy - you deserve it all. Such a good boy, such an eager little puppy-” 
The nickname was something you had teased him with before. When you had found out that Derek had turned him, you insisted that if Derek and Scott were well-trained, full-blown wolves, then Erica, Boyd, and Isaac were just ‘puppies’. Newbies. It was something meant to taunt him, belittle him. But you had always seen the spark in his eyes when you said it. 
And now, feeling the way his hole clenched around your touch, feeling his hips fuck down against you, seeing the little pulse that shifted his cock as a bit of precum leaked out - you had known that you were right. 
Isaac was just an eager puppy waiting to be fucked. 
“Please, please!” He gasped out, whipping his eyes open and looking down the length of his body at you. “Hnng, I need it!” 
He wasn’t even entirely sure what he was begging for - it was pure static between his ears, a senseless TV signal that only became slightly clear when your voice cut through the snow. 
“Hey, shhh, it’s okay, puppy.” You said, smoothing your free hand across his stomach, purposefully avoiding any contact with his cock. “I’ve got you.” 
He reached out and grabbed your wrist, and your chest swelled with just how sweet he was - how loving and affectionate, even when he was clearly desperate to be fucked. 
“Such a sweet boy,” You continued to praise him, petting that hand across his torso, reaching to gently flick his nipple, exhausting more moans from him as you did this. “Such a sweet little puppy, aren’t you? Just an eager little thing desperate to be fucked, huh?” 
Isaac’s moan in response turned into a little howl of disappointment as you pulled your fingers out of him completely. You were almost hurt by the way his lip quivered and his brows furrowed - you would have been more upset if you didn’t know that you had something better in store for him. 
“Y/N-” He began to argue, his voice absolutely sour, but you cut him off. 
“I’ve got you.” You told him firmly, leaning in and kissing across his chest, ending this by laying a kiss on his mouth, causing your clothed body to roughly brush against his cock for a moment - which made him whine. “I’m gonna take good care of you, puppy.” 
He let out another guttural moan at these words, and watched with wide, curious eyes as you reached to your nightstand. His eyes widened when your hand came back with a cock - a six inch, bright blue, veined dildo. He felt a slight twist of anxious intimidation in his stomach at the thought of taking the object inside of him, but it was quickly washed out by pure need when his hole clenched around nothing and he realized how terribly empty he felt now that your fingers were gone. 
“Do you trust me?” You asked, reaching for the lube that you had dropped on the bed beside him earlier, slicking up the cock with more than a healthy amount. 
“Yes.” Isaac told you honestly. 
“Good.” You grinned at him. “Cause this is gonna be so good for you, baby.” 
You then put it between his thighs, using one hand to tease the tip of the lubed up dildo along his slightly gaped hole while you reached your other hand, still very wet with lube, to his cock. You took a good grip on him and began slowly jerking him off while you eased the first few inches of the cock into him. 
Isaac let out a loud moan, tossing his head back, his thighs tensing as he was already overwhelmed with pleasure. It was just a hint of what was to come, but it was so good to be stretched open around something so thick, something that filled him up so well. 
It was just a slight burn in his muscles as his body ached to accommodate something thicker and wider than your fingers - but there was a feeling, something deep in his stomach that was aching and curious for more. His cock was slowly warming up with pleasure as you touched him, turning his brain into even more of a soup as he gripped at the sheets beneath him and prayed that this feeling would never have to stop. 
“More!” He cried out, angling his hips further into your touch. 
“Such a greedy puppy, aren’t you?” You cooed, your voice edging on mocking as you sped up the pace of your hand on his cock, easing more of the dildo into him, indulging in the beautiful sounds he let out. “Just can’t have your pretty hole filled fast enough, can you?” 
Isaac let out a moan in agreement, and you pushed forward until the last of the cock was finally inside of him, leaving him furled around the base and gripping it tightly, echoing out a pretty gasp as he was fully filled. 
The six inch dildo wasn’t huge, but it was the biggest (and only) cock he had ever taken inside of him, so it made him feel absolutely full. It made him feel like he was being split open in the best way possible. It made his mind melt right down to liquid butter, made his cock pulse with pleasure in your hand. Isaac felt a sense of bitter cruelty when you closed your grip around the base, making his dick throb harder and ache. 
“Good?” You asked, clearly meaning to check on his well being.  
Isaac wanted to voice a complaint about you not making him cum fast enough, but he knew that wasn’t what you were asking about. 
“S-so good.” He choked out, trying to angle his hips back and fuck himself on the cock. 
“Good.” You replied, a wicked grin forming across your lips. “Now you’re gonna get exactly what you need. You’re gonna get your dumb little puppy brains fucked out,” 
Isaac didn’t even have a moment to question these words before you were pulling the dildo out of him slightly and fucking it back into him as hard as you could muster. This started a brutal, rough pace of hammering the toy between his thighs, not even giving him a moment to feel empty before he was full again - something that would have been painful if not for his incredible healing abilities and the pain tolerance that came with it. No, this wasn’t painful - this was just bliss. 
Pure, mindless bliss at your hands, having his hole fucked at such an intense pace - something he always needed but never knew to ask for. 
And then, your mouth was on his cock again. 
He let out a purely inhuman sound, a deep growl that dissolved into a whine like the puppy you accused him of being when you took him down to the base all in one go, smothering his cock in the impossible sauna wet heat of your mouth in seconds. 
You only relented your pace of fucking the fake cock into him for a moment to concentrate on not gagging on his impressive seven inch thickness, giving a few hard gulps around the tip of his cock as it settled in the back of your throat. Something that drove him absolutely insane between the pressure of your throat on his dick, smothering him in wet heat, and the feeling of the fake cock fucking into his asshole, filling him up so good, wetness smearing between his thighs, making him feel so perfectly raw as you continually fucked him. 
You pulled off his cock and replaced your mouth with your hand, kissing along his hip, digging your teeth in and leaving another harsh bite that would heal too soon for his liking. Isaac had a passing thought about getting a tattoo of your teeth marks on his skin, but it was drowned out by you licking up the bit of blood that sprouted there before you began talking again, your voice a bit more rough than before from having his cock nestled so tightly in your throat. 
“You like getting fucked and filled, puppy?” 
You purred against his skin, your voice full of spit, so perfectly syrupy. Isaac didn’t have a moment to even contemplate answering, not with the barrage of sensations overwhelming him, quickly drawing him closer to his orgasm. 
“You like having your pretty cock sucked while your needy little hole is filled up? Hmm? Are you gonna cum like this? Are you gonna cum from being fucked like the needy little puppy that you are?” 
One of these days, that nickname was going to kill him. 
“Please, Y/N, please!” He chanted out, his breath barely making it back into his lungs every time the force of you fucking the dildo into him forced a sharp moan out from between his lips. “Please, ‘m gonna cum, please lemme cum, please-!” 
Him asking for permission to cum was the thing that truly drove you insane. 
“Cum for me, puppy.” You told him, reaching to sweep the tip of his cock back into your mouth, eager to taste him. 
You continued to fuck him hard through it, creating a beautifully sloppy sound in the room as the thick plastic toy destroyed him, fucking into his needy hole utterly relentlessly. It was only a moment later that he came, his shaking thighs stiffening and his back arching off the bed. 
You were barely able to hold him down as he shoved more of his cock into your mouth, shooting thick spurts of cum across your tongue and down your throat, so perfectly driven mad by all the sensations you had delivered to him. You sucked him through it, not stopping until you were satisfied that you had every single last drop of his release. 
When it was over, you popped off his cock, and he was still panting, desperate to catch his breath when you eased the dildo out of him - causing a gentle moan from him - now slightly disappointed at the feeling of being empty and wondering if he would ever be the same again without that fullness inside of him. You put it aside to be taken care of later and crawled up Isaac’s body, draping yourself over him to capture his mouth - causing an odd delight to him as he tasted himself on your tongue. 
“Well,” Isaac sighed against your lips. “That is one hell of a way to relax.” 
You couldn’t help but to laugh at this.
A/N: Please keep in mind, this is a oneshot, and there will not be a follow up or a 'Part 2'. So if you are going to comment, please comment about the body of the material that has been written.
I would love to write more about Isaac in the future, and I do have another smut fic for him in my drafts, so if you're an Isaac lover, definitely follow me and look out for that. And go to my Teen Wolf masterlist for more non-smutty stuff about him that is currently there. But for now, this is a singular, closed off story and there will not be a follow up to it. I hope you have enjoyed it if you have read this far, and thank you so much for reading!
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waterbeads1993 · 10 months
Unveiling the Magic: 15 Astonishing Facts About CiaraQ Water Beads Pack (50000 Beads)
Explore the fascinating world of CiaraQ Water Beads Pack, which are 5000 rainbow wonders for imaginative décor, spa replenishments, and sensory play. Uncover unexpected information and let your imagination run wild now!
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FAQs About CiaraQ Water Beads Pack (50000 Beads)
Q: What makes CiaraQ Water Beads Pack stand out among sensory play options?
A: The CiaraQ Water Beads Pack is a distinctive and captivating option because of its vivid rainbow mix, adaptability for a range of uses beyond sensory play, and its spa-like tactile feel.
Q: How can CiaraQ Water Beads be used for plant care?
A: CiaraQ Water Beads are a great option for taking care of plants because they release water gently. They give plants a steady supply of water, which keeps them hydrated and healthy.
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redwinewhiteroses · 23 days
How to embrace your sensuality?
Nurture your mind, body and soul
Pick the image you are drawn to the most.
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Image 1
You should be patient with yourself and be really gentle with your body. Stop for a moment and appreciate your body and notice how far you've come and extend a lot of gratitude for yourself. You truly deserve that. You are called to nurture your body, nourish your body and treat yourself well. You should eat more healthily if that is not what you are doing right now. You should feed good things into your body from thoughts to actions and food and drinks. You can take a long bath with essential oils and bath salts. You should also ground yourself in nature, so you can go on a nature walk, hiking, or do some gardening or do yoga and meditate outdoors. Aromatherapy can help connect more with your body and to rejuvenate your senses. Cooking a good meal at home and unwinding with a glass of wine or a comfort drink is encouraged here.
Indulgence is also implied here. Letting go of all inhibitions and letting go of all control every once in a while is advised. Go ahead and be absolutely wild and feral and be yourself wholeheartedly. Also you are advised to eat something you love, drink something you love or experience something that your body really loves. If there's a particular experience that your body really loves, you can do that. For some it could be a healing massage, going to the spa, manicure or pedicure, acupuncture or even self pleas*re. Indulge in your senses in a calm and safe environment. Give your body the safety it yearns for and love yourself from within, love and embrace all parts of yourself without shame or guilt.
Embrace romance, wear your heart on your sleeve. You should embody love and romance. Imagination and creativity is implied here, so it is advised that living a romantic daydream or diving into a world of your own creations at times will help you heal your senses. Listen to love songs and cheerful music and live a colorful and unapologetic life at all times.
Cuddling is also implied here. So you could hug your loved ones. Have some cosy cuddle times with your loved ones. Feel the warmth of love and emotions and let your senses sit in that experience. Give and receive gentle, compassionate love. Sorround yourself with peaceful, happy emotions and nurture your feelings and heart. Reading poetry or expressions of love can really help you.
Random messages: Soft lavender, Endings, Passion, Rubies & pearls, Muse/Poetic/Sensual(Literally got sensual here... Ahhh the coincidence)
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Image 2
Letting go and having a good cry can help you release the tension of your body. If you feel like you've been holding everything together for so long at the detriment of your health and peace, your advised to just let go of your sadness. If you need a good cry, go ahead and do it without restriction.
Also good sleep and rest is encouraged in the cards. To connect with your senses and to nourish your body, you should sleep well. Wearing comfortable and feel-good pajamas to sleep, doing skincare or meditating before sleep will really help. Having a small night time routine and cultivating selfcare rituals will help you connect more with yourself. Meditation can help you feel more in tune with your body, so you should try doing that.
Also you can create a small sanctuary for yourself in a cosy place in your room or house, so you can enjoy a peaceful retreat at the comfort of your home. You can find peace and calm your nerves spending uninterrupted time alone by yourself for a couple of hours.
You should also go on spontaneous adventures that awaken your senses. This could be a car ride with the windows down, music on or a picnic in the park listening to the birdsong. Having fun with friends or loved ones and engaging in childlike activities will help your body and mind. You can play board games or play sports with your friends or family. Being cheerful and embracing the warmth of positivity will benefit your senses. Spending time under the sun and feeling the sunlight will enhance your mood.
Also you should dress up well or put some effort into your outfits if you love dressing up, since it will help regulate your mood better. Some of you in this group might be into cosplay, if that's something that you enjoy, you should definitely do that. It can help heal your senses. If there is a particular aesthetic you like, you can dress that way because it will help you feel more connected to your body.
Random messages: Going with the flow/Freedom/Sagittarius energy, Aggressive/Reflect/Slow down, Senses, Flare, Welcome home(We got senses here too...)
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Image 3
You should try doing activities that increase your confidence. You should let go off all worries and regret and focus on what's ahead you.
Your body needs sunlight and a breath of fresh air. Outdoor activities will heal your senses and renew your strength. You should try outdoor sports, meditation or yoga or just working out. You are also encouraged to find and pursue passions and hobbies that involve your senses, like painting, singing, dancing, pottery and playing musical instruments etc. If you already have hobbies or recently found a new one, enjoy yourself to the fullest while doing them. Letting go of worries, guilt and shame about your body and directing that energy to optimistic and loving thoughts about yourself will drastically help strengthen the connection to your body.
You can try various sensual experiences that lifts your energy like dancing wildly, singing along to music and so on.
If you like retail therapy, which is basically the fancy word for shopping to reduce stress, I suggest you do that. If you enjoy the process of browsing through catalogues finding skincare, books or clothes etc.. go ahead and create a therapeutic experience out of it. If you enjoy going to bookstores, go through the books, take your time and feel the peace and quiet when you do that. If shopping for clothes enhances your mood, be present and be happy and grateful while doing that, because it can heal your senses in a way. If you like to pick ice cream flavors or particular food items from a menu, enjoy those experiences with joy and gratitude.
You can heal your senses listening to all sorts of music, books and movies. So trying new genres or variations of things you already love.
Once in a while you can connect with your body and heal your senses through fantasizing and wishful thinking. Not always but if you feel like it, fantasizing will help your imagination and creativity. It will help you feel good about yourself and lighten your mood. All these things will heal your senses and create harmony in your mind, body and soul.
Random messages: I want more, Bubble tea, Stop wanting/Act like it/Act for it, Forgive and forget, Ultimate happiness/Completion/Full moon
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Thanks for joining me for this reading!
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mochatsin · 7 months
MC as a Dating Sim Character Part 2
An AU in which the seven brothers knew you as a dating sim character from a game they love to play so much. Though the game glitched and was shortly deleted after. The demons end up finding out that their beloved character is actually alive… or came to life?
Thank you for all the love you guys gave to the first part of the Reverse!MC AU.
The seven would sit you down and ask you questions, ones specifically catered to you to check if you were the same character they played. It ranged from your basic interests to something that were more personal. To them, they’re just lore that they got by playing through the game. But to you, those were some deep secrets that you never tell anyone unless they were your closest friends. 
It felt weird to sit in a room with several strangers that seemed to know everything about you. It was like you were bare to the world and to everyone, unaware that you were a video game character. In your perspective, those storylines and game events are memories, things that actually happened to you. Now you’re surrounded with demons that assume they know you.
Satan is the first to notice how uncomfortable you look when Levi tries to prove that he knows your lore, reciting it all perfectly and you’re confused on how they knew this personal information. The fourth born is the one that tries to stop his brothers from saying more than they need to, and a few got the hint to keep shut. There’s some things that should come from your mouth, not theirs. 
This is what the demon’s gathered. As far as you know, everything you’ve experienced was real. You don’t know about the game they say you came from, but you know the other roster of datable characters as if they were also real people to you. Some of them were your friends, and it’s beginning to dawn onto them that you’re more than just some character now. You’re your own person with more complex feelings than codes can ever give. No more scripted lines that make your responses predictable. 
The royals say that you should stay over in the House of Lamentation for a while and when you asked what room you’ll be staying in, the brothers started talking all at once on why you should pick their room. 
If you want to admire a collection of model cars and luxury brands, ‘The Great Mammon’ is willing to let you bunk with him but it’s not because he wants you to stay or anything. Levi has a lot of games and shows you both can enjoy (because your character profile already stated what you’ll like) but his bathtub may not give enough comfort as a bed would.
Asmo offers his gigantic bathroom and promises you can sleep with the finest silk linen sheets with some calm inducing aromatherapies. Satan is cursing under his breath when he recalls how his new books took up more bedspace, his pigsty of a room can hardly offer you anything but clutter.
The twins are happy to let you stay with them, Beel would promise you some of the best midnight snacks and Belphie is willing to let you borrow his cow pillow to make sure you sleep well. Lucifer had to intervene with the brothers, shutting down their offers (even when he himself has so much to give) and states that you will be occupying the guest room for the time being. At least it gives you the much needed privacy.
While you try to adjust to your life here in Devildom, Lucifer makes the arrangements for you to stay at the House of Lamentation. It’s best to focus first on getting yourself comfortable in this new world before everyone sorts things out with how you got here. To players, your file was corrupted and glitched in the game. To you, your vision went blurry and you passed out before waking up in Devildom shortly after. 
You still have the same personality that you had as your old game model, so the brothers have a vague idea of how to approach you. Though they needed to constantly remind themselves that you’re not just some character anymore. Before you could even visit their rooms, they cleaned up their ‘mess’ which meant hiding all the merch products and photos of you. Now that you’re real, it’s quite embarrassing and awkward if you found this. Levi had the hardest time hiding an entire shelf of merch. 
The demons, especially those who were so invested in your lore, made sure not to romanticize or make light of your stories. Regardless of how your background was well-written for character development, it was still very much real to you. Levi needed to personally note to himself to be more sensitive about it when he heard you talk about your backstory. It’s different when it’s coming from a game and when it’s coming from you. 
All those voice recordings they have saved needed to be archived or put somewhere more private. Mammon accidentally had it played while you were around and he ran away so fast before you could even react to your own voice. There was a reminder from Lucifer at the end of the day in their group chat to be more mindful about any saved ringtones or voice packs. It’s best to replace them for now. They don’t need it as much anymore now that they can just talk to you, it was much better than any recording.
If you ever said any catchphrase or lines that you normally say in the game, they always get caught off guard and turn to you immediately. At some point, Satan managed to complete your sentence when you spoke the first line and he tried to play it cool but you can see how flustered he was behind the book he was hiding from. It just so happens that he memorized some of your home screen lines and blurted it out. 
Asmo helps you get some better clothes, there’s no way he could just let you wear the same thing everyday or any sort of hand-me-downs. He brings you around Majolish and several shops until you find what sort of outfits would suit you. Watching you come out in different outfits, showing him some of the clothes you both picked out makes Asmo so giddy inside. Maybe one day he can try to get one of your old in-game outfits sewn or something inspired by it, he has the money and talent to make you shine.
Since you came from a game, you belong to neither realms and it was better you stayed in Devildom surrounded by people willing to take care of you and know about your situation. You’re now the new transfer student now in RAD with one of the seven always tailing you behind your back. It’s perfect timing because Diavolo was planning an exchange program and you’re just the last student they needed!
The only problem was that since the game you came from was quite a big hit before, it’s undeniable when some of the students or other demons seem to recognize you. You looked like that beloved character that suddenly went missing, you even sound like it too. This sort of unwanted attention can be uncomfortable when they get too close to your liking.
Beel is always the one looking after you if any demon tries something funny, making sure they all back away from you. There was one point that a demon kept insisting you were that game character and poked your face, resulting in Beel almost hurling them to a wall. 
Belphie is always dozing off next to you in classes, but his murderous glances are always enough to make the rumors quiet down during your first few days. You think that most of the time he’s just sleeping, but others swear that they can feel his piercing gaze hiding behind those bangs. 
The seven are all fascinated by you now that you’re here. Those days were spent where they were wondering what happened to you in the game, now they knew why. For some unknown reason, you just came to life. Their own favorite character is now living with them but they knew seeing you in that light could be harmful. They needed to remember you’re not just some character anymore. You’re you now.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 4 months
If Vaggie and Charlie had to do something and left Lucifer to babysit, how would the average outing between Lucifer and Sammy go?
Hi, lulus-rubber-duck!
Get ready for the most wholesome grandpa - grandson date of all time!
Apple Seed 20: Mamas Need Sleep
Charlie: Alright, Dad, are you sure you're okay with watching Sammy for the weekend while Vaggie and I go down to Sloth for a little break? *glances at Vaggie inch-worming her way to the door*
Lucifer: *proudly puffs out his chest as he holds Sammy on his hip* Not to worry, Charlie! Your old man's got it all under control! *pulls Charlie's undone bowtie out of her mouth to save it from the goat-like wrath of becoming food and ushers Charlie and Vaggie out* Don't you girls worry about a thing. Sammy and I will be just fine.
Charlie & Vaggie: *give zombified grunts and groans as responses while heaving themselves into the limo with Razzle at the wheel*
Lucifer: *watches as the limo pulls away before turning back into the hotel and strolling leisurely up to his room with Sammy still on his hip and whistling a little tune that morphs into a lip trumpet and vocable singing*
Sammy: *giggles and squeals as Lucifer flies him up to grandpa's room and set down on the bed*
Lucifer: Sammy, my boy! Papa's about to teach you all about.... *roots around in his closet and pulls out a little baby suit that's identical to his but has a little duck around the hat and stitched on the breast pocket* FASHION!!!!
Sammy: *coos and reaches out for the suit jacket with a smile*
Lucifer: And then! ICE CREAM!!!!
Sammy: *squeals in delight*
-Later That Night-
Charlie: *rolls over in a super plush and comfy bed in a hotel suite in Sloth, the scent of aromatherapy whisps through the air as gentle music plays in the background, and grabs her phone* Should probably check on Dad......
Vaggie: Babe... sleep...
Charlie: Know.... Know.... but baby check in....
*opens her messages and gets bombarded with picture after picture of Sammy wearing a little suit, ice cream smeared all over his face, playing with ducklings in the pond, flying around while laying on Lucifer's belly, covered in marker scribbles with "Luv U Mamas" written across his forehead, and him sitting in a bathtub with a giant inflatable rubber duckie with Lucifer wearing swim trunks and sitting with him*
Vaggie: Babe.... you good?
Charlie: *teary eyed* My baby~
Vaggie: *leans over to look at Charlie's phone and tears up* Our baby~
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sunnpii · 3 months
Haii it's @yourreality-mp3 's main blog‼️ do u have any Yuri hcs?:3😈
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this is jus a doodle + a few hcs to have something next 2 the doodel.........ihave many more under the cut :3c ..........
- first off . autistic. hits her withmy fucked up autism beam (shes actually so autistic coded its absurd i cluld go on all day about it but we're not heree for that🤔🤔🤔🤔maybe ill save that for another post if u guys r interested) undiagnosed specifically liek she has no idea
- was definitely a weird kid when she was younger (probably creepypasta style weird kid specifically)
- as a kid was also the type to read/watch horror stuff without a care in the world during the day and then as soon as it turns midnight shes shitting herself playing fnaf 4 irl (she probably developed more horror tolerance as she got older tho)
- constantly stays up WAY past the night and into the morning, both accidentally and not accidentally (she has insomnia liek i put in the pic so a lot of the time she cant fall asleep at a reasonable time even if she tries. shes just given up atp)
- sometimes has difficulty wording stuff in a more casual way when she speaks, which makes her sound liek way too formal when she doesnt need to be. in social situations she has to like actively run what she wants to say over in her head to figure out a more "normal" way to say it
- not TERRIBLE at drawing but its not like her number 1 hobby or anything; drew a lot in middle school but doesnt as much anymore (i think natsuki would be pretty good at drawing but we'll savee that for a natsuki hcs post)
- witch perchance guyss do we fw witch yuri
- DEF was a """"gifted kid"""" (specifically in reading) back in elementary school and then got slapped in the face with gifted kid burnout in middle-highschool .noo im not projecting haha what are u talking about what a preposterous suggestion guards take him away
- the type to have an online persona thats like a millionbillion times different than how she acts irl
- dislikes april fools day
- favorite season is fall with winter in close second, then spring, and lastly summer (she cant stand the heat)
- owns Many candles. perhaps Too Many (im not sure if this is canon or not but i think it IS canon she enjoys aromatherapy so i think itd be pretty par for the course)
- and finally........ her fav color is maroon ^.^
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wordsinhaled · 1 year
got struck with an AU in which dream owns a weird little candle shop called Lucid Dreams Candle Co. (or something similar) and makes his own scented candles, incense, reed diffusers, and so on
there’s an aromatherapy relaxation room in the back, where you can go to have a quiet moment or a nap in a dimly lit space that smells lovely and has relaxing music or binaural beats for sleep playing from secreted-away speakers. there’s a workshop space where dream actually makes his products. and above the shop is dream’s little flat, full of mythology books and plants...
except it’s a wonder he can keep the plants alive at all, and that he runs a shop where so many people go for their self-care needs. as far as his sister is concerned dream always looks too pale, always drawn and tired and she thinks maybe if he opened his curtains or spent more time in his own aromatherapy room or perhaps went on holiday to the seaside for a bit it might do him some good
hob works part time at the inn across the street while going for his doctorate. he wanders into the shop one day on a break - in the middle of dream massaging a customer’s temples, as a demo, with an essential oil blend he carries that’s meant to help with migraine. “just a little will go a long way,” dream is saying quietly as hob enters, and hob’s attention snaps to him because who has a voice like that?
hob ends up staring at dream’s fine-boned hands, and at him, in general, because who is he.
until he hears that voice again, but this time it’s dream saying, “how may i help you?” in a tone that simultaneously has hob imagining all the ways this beautiful stranger could help him, thank you, and thinking that maybe he’s made a mistake and the shop is actually closed, or something (after all, it’s mostly empty)
“er,” he says, “no, just looking. around, i mean… looking around.”
“ah,” says the man.
and dream lowers his hands gracefully from the other customer’s face, rings up their little vial of essential oil, and then suddenly he’s at hob’s side, noiseless as a shadow. “is there something in particular you’re looking for?” he asks, very gracious and a little imposing and impossibly, almost ethereally beautiful.
people like this don’t own shops, do they? hob thinks. they walk the runway at paris fashion week and ride around in stretch limousines and most definitely do not cross paths with exhausted graduate students of history. god’s wounds.
“well,” hob starts… and stops. truthfully he’d just wanted a break from the monotony of his usual lunch, which consists mostly of revision or reading for class. “i suppose i don’t really know.”
and for some reason, the stranger smiles, as though he has been set a puzzle or a challenge that pleases him. it transforms his face, makes his eyes glimmer. “i am dream,” he says. “welcome to my establishment. i believe you may enjoy one of my newer creations...”
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