#Paul Bellanger
clubartaesthetic · 9 months
♡ "If you go, I'll stay
You come back, I'll be right here
Like a barge at sea
In the storm, I stay clear" ♡
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admireforever · 7 months
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lounesdarbois · 6 months
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Le gage de solidité d'un positionnement, d'une marque, d'un produit, d'un business-model, est l'abondance de clientèle anglo-saxonne. Exemple dans la restauration à Paris : quel est l'indice infaillible qui marquait le potentiel du nouveau marché du bistro-cantine modèle "Bouillon" début 2000? C'était la soudaine abondance de clients anglo-australo-américains. Le référencement tardif de Chartier dans les guides de voyage anglo-saxons fit exploser l'affluence. Les premiers bouillons parisiens remontent à 1860. Chartier fondé en 1896 était la seule enseigne du genre encore existante début 2000, c'est-à-dire que cette cantine a mis 110 années pour percer vraiment la glace et voir la floraison en 15 ans des nouvelles cantines populaires: Chartier Montparnasse et Chartier Gare de l'Est, Bouillon Pigalle, Bouillon République, Brasserie des Prés, Brasserie Dubillot, Bellanger… Et leurs versions bistronomies plus pointues Le Baratin, L'Ami Jean, Le Comptoir, Quedubon, Le Verre volé, le Repaire de Cartouche, Racines et surtout Le bistro Paul Bert. Ce modèle va désormais s'exporter dans le monde entier. Au moment de la généralisation des pizzerias dans les années 80 si propice au "déjeuner de trente minutes chrono", la cuisine française a souffert de cette image statufiée Bocuse, Escoffier, Le Bec Fin. Nous n'avons jamais mangé de "canard à l'orange et au sang" et n'en voulons à aucun prix. C'est cette cuisine proudhonnienne populaire toute d'intelligence, de vitesse et de simplicité qui rendra justice au pays. Le Français met longtemps à comprendre qui il est par rapport aux autres, mais quand il le comprend et reste loyal il rencontre de beaux succès.
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aliusfrater · 27 days
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victor hugo, les misérables / supernatural, the born-again identity / blythe baird, to live in the body of a survivor / velimir khlebnikov, collected works, vol. three: selected poems, tr. by paul schmidt / supernatural, heartache / heather havrilesky, ask polly: help, i’m the loneliest person in the world! / juansen dizon / richard siken, crush / supernatural, the purge / pavana पवन / nothing — acd (abcessive compulsive disorder) / glen martin taylor, but i am safe in here. / camille-félix bellanger, abel / humaneflies / supernatural, out of the darkness, into the fire / virtualplushy / mitskileaks / rumi / supernatural, advanced thanatology / zentai, full body catsuit / franz kafka / supernatural, the scar / sue zhao / janet fitch, white oleander / supernatural, the girl next door / germboyfriend, it's all a blur, the person you are and the person you were / traaumaa / anne boyer, what resembles a grave but isn't / supernatural, behind the scenes of the bunker set / filmnoirsbian, how to draw a circle / blnxpc, arrow poem / a worn down marble statue at laurel hill cemetery in philadelphia, usa / dalton day, one-act play in which grief is the only person without dialogue.
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philaet0s · 2 months
not my usual content, but i went to the musée d’orsay and to the louvre today and i fell in love with a few pieces of art, so i wanted to share them here
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in order:
eve après le péché (eve after the fall) - eugène delaplanche
mort de francesca de rimini et de paolo malatesta (death of francesca de rimini and paolo malatesta) - alexandre cabanel
la vierge, l'enfant jésus et saint jean baptiste (the virgin, the baby jesus, and saint john the baptist) - ferdinant humbert
coin d’appartement (a corner of the apartment) - claude monet
la vierge adorant l’hostie (the virgin adoring the host) - jean auguste dominique ingres
abel - camille félix bellanger
dante et virgile - william bouguereau
l’amour et psychée à demi couchée - antonio canova
la jeune martyre (the young martyr) - paul delaroche
le tépidarium - théodore chassériau
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simena · 2 years
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Paul Bellanger-Adhémar 
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psalm22-6 · 4 months
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Comoedia, 5 February 1934 (note the picture of Harry Baur by the masthead!) So I learned that the 1934 Les Mis film premiered two nights before a far-right anti-government riot! And you can feel that there was a crisis about to happen in this account of the movie's premiere:
A rough start to the night: there’s the taxi driver’s strike and there’s the parliamentary crisis. The latest information passed from mouth to mouth and most journalists arrived late, bearing the most recent news. “So Emile Fabre is jumping ship?” [Fabre was the director of the Comédie-Française and was apparently being pressured to leave.] “It’s a scandal!” “It’s disgraceful!” “What folly!” “And who is replacing him?” “George Thomé.” [Thomé was a musician as well as the former director the Sûreté.] “Seriously?! They’re going to be cuffing the Comedie-Francaise.” Emile Fabre makes his entrance, followed by his charming daughter. He is just as soon surrounded and interrogated. “I don’t understand! I don’t understand!” “No one understands.” “There is too much to understand.” Our editor-in-chief, who has not always been fond of Emile Fabre, is spotted by his side; he shakes his hand cordially and I note that Pierre Lazareff [editor-in-chief of Paris-Soir] notes this effusive sympathy. A political star enters!...M. [François] Piétri [briefly the Minister of Finance]…thoughtfully and hurriedly, he passes by on swift feet which recently exercised a wise retreat that was, if I dare say, a step ahead of wisdom. He joins Mme. Piétri….It’s impossible to get him to open up!... Caught up in the commotion of the crowd, I hear this brief dialog between a political columnist and a deputy: “And how are your ‘misérables’ doing?” “They are waiting for their Monseigneur Myriel!” The huge Marignan theater is too cramped for this crowd of guests. Luckily Jean-José Frappa and his second in command, Mme. Audibert, thought of everything, took care of everything… And everyone is able to get to the coat check and find his place easily. Because the taxi strike and political events delayed hundreds of people, who then arrived all at once and with haste, this was not an easy task. Who was there? Tout-Paris...I randomly noted with my pencil: Messueirs Paul Abram, Achard, De Adler, Berneuil, Archimbaud, André Aron, Arnaud, Louis Aubert, Aubin, Kujay, Kertée, Azaïs, Bacré, Barthe, Baschet, Baudelocque, Harry-Baur, Bavelier, Robert de Beauplan, Antonin Bédier, Pierre Benoit, Mme Spinelly, Charles Delac and Marcel Vandal, Léon Benoit-Deutsch, André Lang, René Lehmann, Bellanger, Mag Bernard, Tristan Bernard, Jean-Jacques Bernard, Louis Bernard, Dr. Etiënne Bernard (all the Bernards!)...Bernheim, Bernier, Guilaume Besnard, Bétove, Bizet, Blumsteien, Mme Rocher, Boesflug, Pierre de la Boissière, Bollaert, Bouan, Boucher, Robert Bos, Pierre Bost, Paul Brach, Henry Roussell, Charles Burguet, Pierre Brisson, Simone Cerdan, Henry Clerc, Albert Clemenceau, Pière Colombier, Germaine Dulac,Henri Diamant-Berger, Julien Duvivier,Jean Epstein, Fernand Gregh, Mary Glory, René Heribel, Tania Fédor, Alice Field, Jacqueline Francell, Mary Marquet, Florelle, Marguerite Moreno, Françoise Rosay, Becq de Fouquière, Jean Servais, Vidalin, Maria Vaisamaki, Orane Demazis, Rachel Deviry, Rosine Deréan, Jacques Deval, Christiane Delyne, Renée Devillers, Jean Chataigner, Germaine Dermoz, Léon Voltera, Robert Trébor, our director, Jean Laffray, Lucie Derain, Paul Gordeaux, Jean Narguet, Parlay, Suzet Maïs, Antoine Rasimi, Renée de Saint-Cyr, Jean Toulout, Mady Berry, Yolande Laffont, Jean Max, Parysis, Charles Gallo, Léo Poldès, Jean Fayard, Edmonde Guy, Mario Roustan, Paul Strauss, Cavillon, Emile Vuillermoz, Josselyne Gaël, Charles Vanel, S. E. Si Kaddour ben Gabhrit, the duke and duchess of Mortemart, Madame Henry Paté, Marcel Prévost, Louise Weiss, Alfred Savoir, Henri Duvernois, Paul Gémon, magistrate Maurice Garçon, magistrate Campinchi, Sylvette Fillâcier, Jean Heuzé, Pierre, Heuzé, Mona Goya, Simon-Cerf, W.E. Hœndeler, Georges Midlarsky, Michel, Nadine Picard….and others I must be forgetting…pardon me!....Silence!....
In the glow of the half-light from the screen….there are applause! Not since les Croix de bois has a movie been so highly anticipated and now it is time for the verdict….Raymond Bernard can be sure that the audience is rooting for him. Our eyes are full with light and pretty colors. This Paris night is practically magical…and departing from that magic, we are plunged into the great river of les Misérables, into the furious waters of this social storm. Luckily André Lang and Raymond Bernard have made the trip for us. What contrast!  From the spectacle of an elegant and distinguished gathering, we move to the misfortunes of Jean Valjean.
The audience picks up on everything that could be an allusion to the present times. But of all these allusions, one stands out. It’s the lament of two gossips, at the moment when the barricades are rising. “What sad times!” “We’ve barely made it through the cholera…and here is the Republic!” Thunderous applause and mad laughter. When, on the barricades, the Republic calls on us to act, the spectators think of other promised actions which haven’t happened and they forget to applaud. But the whole audience is prodigiously virtuous; whenever a good deed is shown on the screen, when some sentence about the heart graces the white canvas, it is punctuated by applause. After the first film, stop!... Time to eat! There’s a mad dash to the punchbowl. In the haste of this day of crisis and running late, many in the audience did not have time for dinner….the buffet, in the blink of an eye, is emptied and the dry drinks make vindictive and impassioned discussions flow. High and low, here and there, everyone was speaking of the Parliment's chances and the intermission bell sounds in an atmosphere charged with electricity. The two other parts of the film, cut by another intermission, each end with a double ovation for Harry Baur, both in the lobby and in the theater. The little Gaby Triquet is passed from person to person towards a chocolate eclair, which she leaves a trace of on the cheeks of Harry Baur. And then as usual everyone rushes to the coat check.  Then we go to the fifth floor of the Marignan building. There, in an unoccupied apartment, dinner waits for us. There are more than a thousand of us around little eight-person tables. Ten thousand meters of film, that will make you hungry! Three orchestras pour out waltzes, tangos, and other tunes, while the masters of the hotel fill up our cups. And that continued to six thirty in the morning, in an atmosphere of charming cordiality as each person attested to the pleasure of seeing French cinema accomplish such a feat. Bernard Natan and Raymond Bernard were too surrounded for me to speak to them. Besides, what could I say to them that they haven’t already heard ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times that evening, which was the apotheosis of cinema and of Les Misérables. -Jean-Pierre Liausu
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dagonet · 3 years
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Mixte, S01E04
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genevieveetguy · 5 years
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Il faut que tu apprennes à manipuler ta mère.
Sibyl, Justine Triet (2019)
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orpheuslament · 2 years
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I guess that I miss you. I guess I forgive you.
Famous Blue Raincoat, Leonard Cohen / Cain slaying Abel, Peter Paul Rubens / Cain leadeth Abel to death, James Tissot / Cain and Abel, Titian / Abel, Camille-Félix Bellanger
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admireforever · 8 months
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henry-cavs-tudor · 2 years
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Rare photo of Def Leppard during Rock of Ages video shoot, 1982.
©Jean Paul Bellanger
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elo0343 · 4 years
Si tu te sens à bout, si tu as pris des coups, si la vie te saoule et si te te sens seul, faut que t’écoutes le Stupéflip CROU
Stupéflip, qu’est-ce que c’est que ce truc ? C'est pas n'importe quoi : ça fout le feu, fait le fou, ça t'handicape quand tu ne l'as pas. C’est un truc qui te fracasse la tête à base de caisses claires qui claquent.
C’est beaucoup de travail (comme pour un album d’Astérix).
Le CROU-stille dans ta bouche comme une cracotte ou un Granola.
Le crou qui creuse comme une pelleteuse, fait des trous dans l'crâne, tue les oreilles comme une agrafeuse.
Né en 1972, le CROU  Stupéflip a pour objectif de terroriser la population et par la même instaurer une nouvelle ère... L’ère du Stup.
Composé de 894 membres, le fondateur est connu sous le pseudo de King-Ju. ( Mais aussi Pop Hip, Flip, l'épouvantable épouvantail, et Rascar Capac). Membres principaux, on peut aussi citer Cadillac (Stup, Casimor, Aqaq) et Mc Salo (Mr Michel, Jean-Paul III).
Stéphan Bellanger, fondateur a un rôle réduit en apparence : celui de simple patron de la menuiserie. Il reste néanmoins le membre le plus dangereux du Crou.
Depuis 2003 et leur premier opus, cinq albums ont vu le jour. Mélange de hip-hop, de rap, du punk, de pop, des beats electros, des cris, des sons avec un certain don pour les jeux de mots et un goût prononcé pour les déguisements.
Après 5 ans d’absence et avoir été mis dehors de leur maison de disque, le CROU annonce en octobre 2016, la sortie d’un album courant 2017. Le truc est vivant dans les têtes même s’il est cramé dans les FNAC. Pour ce faire, le groupe décide de financer leur projet via un site de financement participatif sur la base de dons des internautes avec un objectif de 40 000euros. La campagne se clôt avec 427 972 € récoltés, dont 145 000 € en seulement 48 heures, soit le record européen de levée de fonds sur Internet pour un groupe de musique.
Plus qu’un groupe, le CROU c’est une construction mathématique, un truc pataphysique qui pique comme un aspic. Stupéflip, les lapins, la menuiserie, l’ASFH… Le son est paufiné à la menuiserie et l'ASFH, Association de Stup-Fanatiques (il est formellement interdit de demander la signification du H) à but non-lucratif est interdite aux fans en toc. Ce groupement propose des solutions très radicales, un truc brutal, torture mentale, penthotal, la totale. Quant aux lapins, ce sont les adeptes du CROU et de sa stup religion.
Bien qu’il n’ait aucune actualité à ce jour, la force de leurs entités est tellement puissante que les adeptes lapins ne peuvent que leur être fidèle et de ce fait : Le Stupeflip Crou ne mourra jamais !
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simena · 2 years
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Paul Bellanger-Adhémar
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krinsbez · 2 years
Random Sherlock Holmes Thought
OK, so, i recently read Volume II of Bellanger Books' Sherlock Holmes: Adventures Beyond the Canon, a collection of "canonical sequels", IE pastiches that are sequels to stories in the canon. I must say the stuff I liked VS stuff I didn't ratio was much more weighted to the former this time. Anyways, it comprised... -"The Great Detective (A Poem)" by Rosie Mower, a short bit of verse by a then-ten year old relation of one of the participants. Pretty well done, honestly. -"The Adventure of the Empty Cell" by Kevin P. Thorton, a sequel to "The Adventure of the Empty House", in which Col. Moran contrives a (temporary) escape. Bit too downer for my tastes, but not bad. -"The Case of the Mysterious Horseman" by Roger Riccard, a sequel to "The Adventure of Silver Blaze", when Col. Ross asks Holmes to investigate threats against an American he's doing business with... I can’t say it’s a spoiler, but I’ll put it at the bottom*, under a cut
-"The Adventure of the Third Traitor" by Craig Janacek, a sequel to "The Adventure of the Second Stain", in which Holmes and Watson set out to find the man responsible for leaking knowledge of the letter to Lucas in the first place. Things escalate quickly. Not generally a fan of Holmes-does-espionage stories but at least this one keeps him the role of spy-hunter. It's also a bit much, but all in all not bad. -"A Frail Thread" by Jacquelynn Morris, a sequel to "The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez". This one isn't a mystery. Instead it alters the ending slightly to give one character a happier ending. Eh. -"Mercy Unwilling To Trust" by Thomas Fortenberry, a sequel to "The Adventure of the Naval Treaty". In which being more horrible things happen to poor Percy Phelps and his wife. Not sure about this one. There's a bit where they seem to be setting up a joke but the punchline is never delivered, also. -"The Officer In The Duke of Wellington's Regiment" by Tim Symonds, a sequel to "The Adventure of the Three Students". In which Gilchrist spectacularly fails to take advantage of  the second chance he's given at the end of the original story to redeem himself. Also, there's a bit where he narrates a segment in third person, which was weird. And it ends on a cliffhanger. -"The Fear of Retribution" by Craig Stephen Copland, a sequel to The Valley of Fear. I cannot explain this one succintly, but it's not bad for all that it does a bunch of stuff that annoy me. "The Case of the Stratford Poisoner" by Mark Mower, a sequel to "The Adventure of the Norwood Builder", which was fun and did not at all go where I expected it too. -"The Musgrave Burden" by John Linwood Grant, a sequel to "The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual". Blech. This is one of those "everything you thought you knew was wrong!" dealies, though at least there's no villainization of existing characters here. It also turns in part on a difference in modern and Victorian sensibilities. -"Another Man's Poison" by Paul Goodenough, which you don't find out what it's a sequel to until the end. This is a weird one that makes no attempt whatsoever to maintain Original Flavor. Also, didn't quite grok what happened at the end. Didn't care for it. -"The Mysterious Client" by Derrick Bellanger, a sequel to "The Adventure of the Dancing Men". This is a very fun one that I cannot explain without spoiling. Suffice to say it's connection to the original is somewhat superfluous, but I don't mind.
*The Lone Ranger!
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uneminuteparseconde · 7 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Octobre 09. Project Pitchfork – Petit Bain 10. Carbon Sink + Belmont Witch + Gauchoir + Sissifioul – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) (gratuit) 10. Futuroscope : cinéconcert sur des films du Bauhaus (fest. des cinémas différents) – Grand Action 12. Casio judiciaire – Chair de Poule (gratuit) 12. Peter Kernel & Their Wicked Orchestra + Tiny Feet + Adam H. – Petit Bain 12. Mlacoler Culkin + Rouge Gorge + Passenger of Shit + Tabatra$h (Serendip Lab fest.) – Les Nautes 12. Techno Thriller + Axel Larsen + Svezia Inferno + Haydée – La Java 13. Heimat + Stakattak + Marietta + Moyo + Iueke – La Station 13. Zëro + Heliogabale – Batofar 13. Part Chimp – La Mécanique ondulatoire 13. Urs Graf Consort + Marius Loris & Blanca Camell Gali + Grammata – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Shifted + Artefakt + Giorgio Gigli – Concrete 14. Apulati Bien + Accou + Radiante pourpre + O.Xander + Théo Muller b2b Calcuta – La Station 14. Forest Swords (Biennale Nemo) – Badaboum 14. Wardruna + Dayazell – La Cigale ||COMPLET|| 14. Elsiane + Jad Wio – La Java 14. The Pilotwings + Goto80 + Constance Chlore + Bill Vortex + Tryphème + Franck Gérard + Sauk from Mélodies souterraines (Serendip Lab fest.) – Les caves Lechapelais 14. Eloïse Descazes & Eric Chenaux + Le Fruit vert – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14. Totorro + Faire + Julien Gasc – théâtre Antoine-Vitez (Ivry/Seine) 14. Bas Mooy + Clouds + Verset Zéro + Yan Kaylen + Paulie Jan + Terdjman – La Machine 14. UVB + Yann Cook + Anthro + Run X b2b Herrmann + Kuss – tba 15. Daikiri : cinéconcert sur "Epileptic Seizure Comparison" de Paul Sharits (fest. des cinémas différents) – cinéma Le Grand Action 16. Micah P. Hinson – Point FMR 17. Les Hôpitaux + None – L'International (gratuit) 17. Robedoor + Chicaloyoh – Olympic café 17. Unsane + Pamplemousse – Petit Bain 18. Soft Kill + Minab + Dead – Supersonic (gratuit) 18. Richard Francès & Konpyuta + Cycloptik + Sneakhead (Serendip Lab fest.) – La gare XP 18. Loth + Ave Tenebrae + Le seul élément – Olympic café 18. Red Axes + Poison Point – La Station 18. Me Donner + Andcl + Otim Alpha & Leo P – L'Époque 19. Nosfell – Café de la danse 19. Pharmakon + Ensemble économique + Deeat Palace – La Station 19. Robin Fox & Sean Baxter + Thomas Ankersmit (Biennale Nemo) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 20. Avenir + Affreux Beat – Le Zorba (gratuit) 20. Marylou Guerra + Gaël Segalen + Blason – Le Génie d'Alex 20. Gary Numan – Trabendo 20. Mattias Aguayo & The Desdemonas + La Mverte + Casse Gueule – La Maroquinerie 20. Otto Von Schirach + Distorsion tropicale + DJ Diamond 999 (Serendip Lab fest.) – Petit Bain 20. Bogdan Raczynski – Batofar 20. Bader Motor – Doc 21. Hypnobeat + Josh Cheon + LAAM + CIA débutante (Serendip Lab fest.) – L'Esplanade 21. Jarboe + Father Murphy – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 21. AZF + Von GDK + Waldman – Sacré club 21. Codex Empire + Pär Grindvik + Parfait + Setaoc Mass + Shed – Dock Eiffel (Aubervilliers) 23. Sly and the Family Drone + Grid – Olympic café 23. Mogwai – Grand Rex 24. The Dream Syndicate – Centre Barbara FGO 24. Kenny Larkin & Erik Truffaz jouent Miles Davis + Gui Boratto & Ksenija Sidorova jouent Astor Piazzolla + Marc Romboy & Tamar Halperin jouent Henry Purcell + Arnaud Rebotini & Céline Scheen jouent John Dowland + Maud Geffray & Lavinia Meijer jouent Philip Glass – La Cigale 25. Gazelle Twin + Vatican Shadow + Powell (Biennale Nemo) – Gaîté lyrique 25. Lite + Bennasr Alghandour – Olympic café 25. Rinji Fukuoka & Michel Henritzi + Trou aux rats + Yves Botz & Bruno Fernandes + William Nurdin – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 26. N.M.O. + Aufgang (Biennale Nemo) – Hasard ludique 26. King Dude + The Ruins of Beverast + (D O L C H) – Petit Bain 26. Cent ans de solitude + The Dead Goldfish Ensemble + Club Dilletante (Serendip Lab fest.) – Gare XP 26. Sete Star Sept + Maria Bertel & Mariachi – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 26. Uriel Barthélémi & Mathieu Sanchez : We are Stellar (Biennale Nemo) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 26. Alexandre Bellanger & Marek Jason Isleib (fest. En chair et en son)  – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 27. The Breeders – Gaîté lyrique 27. MoE + Dead + Chafouin – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27. Don Vito + La Confraternita del Purgatorio + Bob Cooper – La Comedia Michelet (Montreuil) 27. David Fenech & Tamara Pitzer (fest. En chair et en son)  – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 27. SNTS + W.LV.S (The Driver vs Electric Rescue) + Minimum Syndicat + Hemka – La Machine 27. Paula Temple + Blawan + Len Farki + Thurman b2b Julian M. + Avalon Emerson + SHDW & Obscure Shape + Madben + Maxime Dangles + Mark Höffen + Präri (Big Bang fest.) – Les Docks de Paris (Saint-Denis) 28. Peter Hook & The Light – Le Trianon 28. Bo Ningen – La Maroquinerie 28. Jerusalem in my Heart + Oiseaux-Tempête, Mondkopf & G.W. Sok – Centre Barbara-FGO 28. Big Brave – Gare XP 28. Delacave + Ventre de Biche + Le Prince Harry – Gibus 28. UVB76 + Omega Point + Vox Low... (fest. Rou(x)-teur) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 28. BlackNox + Cocoon + Paradis Noir + Super Stoned (Biennale Nemo : Optical Sound) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 28. Spacelex + Waterproof + Botine + Musique chienne (Serendip Lab fest.) – Wonder/Liebert (Bagnolet) 28. Tommy Four Seven + VSK + Oake + Stephanie Sykes – Concrete 29. Omar Di Bongo + Raymond IV + Sacré numéro + Couloir Gang + OKO dj + Opaque (Serendip Lab fest.) – Wonder/Liebert (Bagnolet) 30. Boss Hog – La Maroquinerie
Novembre 01. La Cabine : cinéconcert sur "Mimesis" + Hélas – La Station 02. The National + Ride + Chassol + This is the Kit + Moses Sumney + Mina Tindle + Ethan Lipton & his Orchestra + Kevin Morby (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 03. Jungle + Kamasi Washington + Polo & Pan + Isaac Delusion + Sylvan Esso + Cigarettes after Sex + Andy Shauf + HMLTD + Rejjie Snow + Tommy Genesis (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 03. The Residents : In Between Dreams – Centre Pompidou 03. Skullflower + Kleistwahr + Jean-Marc Foussat – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 03. Amelie Lens + Anetha + Präri – Rex Club 04. Run The Jewels +  Talaboman + Badbadnotgood + The Blaze + Bicep + Sigrid + Princess Nokia + Jacques + Loyle Carner + Tom Misch + The Black Madonna + Sônge (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 04. Toumani Diabaté + Memo + Gaspi – Cabaret sauvage 06. John Maus – La Maroquinerie ||COMPLET|| 07. Godspeed you! Black Emperor – Elysée Montmartre 07. Max Cooper (Biennale Nemo) – Gaîté lyrique 08. Vincent Epplay (fest. FAME) – Médiathèque musicale de Paris|Forum des Halles (gratuit) 08. Zola Jesus – Point FMR 08. The Wedding Present plays "George Best" – Petit Bain 08. The Horrors – Trabendo 09. Annabelle Playe (Biennale Nemo) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 10. Red Zebra + Pour X raison – Supersonic (gratuit) 10. Golden Oriole + Lotte Anker + Réservé aux insensés (fest. Coax) – Centre Barbara-FGO 11. Keith Fullerton Whitman + Chris Watson [+ Biosphere : ANNULÉ] + Éliane Radigue (diff.) – Maison de la radio 11. Rien virgule + Mette Rasmussen & Julien Desprez + Sarah Terral (fest. Coax) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Liars – La Maroquinerie 14. Shannon Wright – Gaîté lyrique 14. BJ Nilsen + Thomas Tilly + Les Acharnistes – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Igorrr – La Maroquinerie 16. NSDOS + Watchin' with Milesdavisquintet ! (Biennale Nemo) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 16/17. Kristoff K.Roll : A l'ombre des ondes (fest. d'Automne) – La Pop 17. Trisomie 21 + The Saint-Cyr + Rendez-Vous – La Machine 17. Dälek – Batofar 17. Up-Tight + France – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 17. Transglobal Underground feat. Natacha Atlas + Asgaya – Le Tamanoir (Gennevilliers) 18. Mr D & The Fangs + Nick Grey & The Random – Supersonic (gratuit) 18. Max Richter : Sleep – Le Studio|Philharmonie de Paris ||COMPLET|| 18. Essaie pas + Nova Materia + Colombey – La Maroquinerie 18. Kristoff K.Roll : A l'ombre des ondes (fest. d'Automne) – La Pop 18. Operant + Verset Zero – Olympic café 19. Ulver – La Machine 19. Agnostic Front + Bishops Green – Gibus 19. Thurston Moore – Café de la danse 21. Sun Kil Moon – Gaîté lyrique 21. Metz + Decibelles + Drahla – Trabendo 21>24. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – Espace Pierre-Cardin 22. Annabelle Playe & Hugo Darcier + Robert Piotrowicz + Floris Vanhoof (fest. Bruits blancs/Biennale Nemo) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 23. Carl Michael Von Hausswolf + Julien Ottavi + Jean Philippe Gross (fest. Bruits blancs/Biennale Nemo) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 24. Ensemble Ire (Kasper Toeplitz & Franck Vigroux) + ErikM + Benjamin De la Fuente (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 23. Sophia + Dead Horse One – Espace B 23. Clan of Xymox + My Great Blue Cadillac – Bus Palladium 23. Modeselektor (dj) + Tijana T + Simo Cell – Rex Club 24. Emma Ruth Rundle – Espace B 24. Laibach – Trabendo 24. Arnold Dreyblatt + Prescott + Borja Flames (BBMix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. Zombie Zombie + Aufgang – Le Tamanoir (Gennevilliers) 25. Stranglers – La Cigale 25. Mount Kimbie – Trianon 25. Mark Lanegan – Café de la danse 25. Protomartyr + Pierre & Bastien – La Maroquinerie 25. Etienne Jaumet, Peter Kember & Céline Wadier : La Monte Young Tribute + Colleen + Accident du travail (BBMix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 25. Dynatron + Christine + Mlada Fronta – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 25. Phase fatale & Silent Servant – La Machine 26. Quator Tana joue "Mishima" de Philip Glass – Collège des Bernardins 26. Ropoporose + Die!Die!Die! – Batofar 26. James Holden & The Animal Spirits + Groupshow (Andrew Pekler, Jan Jelinek & Hanno Leichtmann) + Paalma (BBMix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 27. Marilyn Manson – Bercy|Arena 28. Chapelier fou – Le 104 28. John Zorn & Abraxas + Autoryno + Garth Knox – New Morning 28. Totorro + La Jungle – Badaboum 30. Simon Fisher Turner : The Picture from Darkness (Biennale Nemo : Optical Sound) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) (gratuit)
Décembre 02. Carl Craig + Bambounou + Chloé + Fabrizio Rat (fest. Marathon!) – Gaîté lyrique 02. Frustration + Komplikations + Plomb – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 03. Depeche Mode – Bercy|Arena 08. Punish Yourself – La Maroquinerie 09. Plug (Biennale Nemo) – Le 104 (gratuit) 09. Pascal Comelade, Ivan Telefunken & Charles Berberian + Sophie Agnel & Jérôme Noetinger (dessin) (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 10. Chocolat Billy & Sam Mary (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) (gratuit sur résa) 12. Snap + Martin Messier (Biennale Nemo) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 12. Zayk + Hyperculte – Centre culturel suisse 12. Le Club des animistes (Vincent Epplay & Ravi Shardja) (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) (gratuit sur résa) 14. Diemo Schwarz : musique pour "Wolfson" d'Anne Ropers (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 15. Jessica93 + Bryan's Magic Tears – La Maroquinerie 15. Déficit des années antérieures + TWVSTCG (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 15. Oiseaux-Tempête – Paul B. (Massy) 15/16. Éléonore Auzou-Connes, Emma Liégeois & Romain Pageard jouent "Musiques de table" de Thierry De Mey – La Pop 16. Ensemble électron (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) (gratuit sur résa) 16. Marius Loris + Les Hôpitaux (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) (gratuit sur résa)
Janvier 23. Uriel Barthélémi (Biennale Nemo) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 26. Alex Augier + Paul Jebanasam & Tarik Barri + Daniele Ghisi + Rune Clerup + Alexander Schubert (Biennale Nemo) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 30/31. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – L'Apostrophe (Cergy-Pontoise) 31. Doplereffekt & AntiVJ : "Entropy" (Biennale Nemo) – L'Avant-Seine (Colombes)
Février 02. Uriel Barthélémi, Gaspar Claus & Maude Trudet (Biennale Nemo) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 03. Nils Frahms – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo ||COMPLET|| 15. Franck Vigroux & Laurent Gaudé : "Le Chant des ombres" – L'Ecam (Le Kremlin-Bicêtre) 16. Radian + David Rothenberg & Scanner (Biennale Nemo) – La Dynamo (Pantin)
Mars 07/08. Ryuchi Sakamoto & Shiro Takatani (Dumb Type) : "Dis.Play" – Maison de la Culture du Japon 23. PurForm + TRDLX (Biennale Nemo) – Grande Halle de La Villette 23. Pierre Henry + Anabelle Playe + John Chantler + Bill Orcutt + Anthony Child (Présences électronique) (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 24. Alva Noto & Anne-James Chaton : Alphabet (Biennale Nemo) – Grande Halle de La Villette 24. Else Marie Pade + :such: + Bellows + Phonophani + The Caretaker (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 25. Jacques Lejeune + Chris Corsano + Ben Vida & Marina Rosenfeld + Mads Emil Nielsen + Gravetemple (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last newsDes concerts à Paris et autour
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