#Paul Schnee
Keine Lust
Reggio Emilia 2024-07-21 from IG nina.viktorova (gifs by me)
In which we see Till and Flake happily skipping along, until Till sends Flake off, which he does with a few extra skips 🥰
The guitarists do some synchronised guitaring and Richard shows his 'Keine Lust' gesture
And i was today years old when i realized what "Keine Lust vom Schnee zu gehen" means (at least, if i understand Till's mimicking correctly) 😊
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howlingday · 17 days
Weiss: People always say the customer is always right, but that's not true at all. The real statement is that "the customer is always right in manners of taste".
Weiss: In other words, the customer is always right about what they want to do or what they want to buy. The customer decides whether or not they want to come into the store.
Weiss: The customer does not dictate any goods or services price. How the equipment works. If they're food isn't fully salted, that does not constitute a full refund!
Weiss: Customers are not always right! Customers are bitches and they belong in Hell! I and whatever staff I am working with are not machines, but people with thoughts and feelings, both of which revolve around putting you in Hell!
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endlich-allein · 1 year
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Thank you for last night Munich! Photos Jens Koch & Paul Harries @ rammsteinofficial
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landschaftsmalerei · 9 months
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Winterlandschaft, 1879 von Paul Gauguin (1879, Öl auf Leinwand)
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notmaplemable · 2 years
Schneecaster Omake: My Type
Blanche: Do you have a type Willow?
Willow: A type?
Blanche: You know, like a kind of person your really attracted to.
Willow: ...
Blanche: You don't have to answer right now if-
Willow: Blond himbos with a heart of gold.
Blanche: ...Same.
Willow: And short girls with black and red hair who love cookies.
Blanche: ...That's oddly specific.
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moonage-gaydream · 7 months
A snippet of a video I took while on my quest to complete the GOLDEN FREEMAN achievement in Left 4 Dead 2, which has you goin' across all the various levels to find golden crowbars.
Also you'll notice I've got mods which replace the original L4D Survivors' models with some characters from Team Fortress 2, namely Miss Pauling, Demoman, Heavy and Soldier... and another mod which replaces the katana with Myrtenaster, the rapier/revolver used by Weiss Schnee from RWBY.
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When Paul Newman failed to be nominated for an Oscar for SOMEBODY UP THERE LIKES ME, the film’s director, Robert Wise, and the producer, Charles Schnee, had a “Noscar” designed for the actor. The following year Joanne Woodward won the Oscar for THE THREE FACES OF EVE, and the two posed with their loot.
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wortsturm · 7 months
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[ #wortsturm ] — 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
In einer kalten Winternacht, kurz vor Mitternacht, hörte man den alten VW Golf seine letzten Motorgeräusche machen. Es nieselte leise der Schnee und schnell war der rote Wagen bedeckt mit kleinen Eiskristallen. Das Smartphone in die Höhe gehalten - kein Empfang. Doch am Ende der Straße kam eine Silhouette zum Vorschein und sie wurde immer größer, die Nähe baute sich auf. Erleichtert und keinesfalls misstrauisch atmete er aus. Es war zwar spät, aber vielleicht war ja ein Förster oder Jäger unterwegs. Seine Gedanken täuschten ihn, er war zu gutgläubig. Nun stand also die Gestalt vor ihm, wirkte selbstbewusst und mächtig. In nächster Sekunde sackte Trevor zu Boden mit einem Dolch in der Schulter. Es sollte sich rausstellen, dass sich sein Leben von nun an änderte. Das Blut trat warm aus der Wunde und ehe er sich versah, wachte er in einem Wohnzimmer auf. Es war warm und herzlich eingerichtet. Es roch nach Lavendel und Tanne. Er blinzelte und versuchte sich zu orientieren, da erblickte er auch schon seinen gegenüber. Eine junge Frau, die sich scheinbar um seine Verletzung kümmerte. Verwirrt sah er sich dann doch um. Es hingen Runenschriften an der Wand und überall standen Kräuter sowie Pflanzen herum. Das Knacken des Feuers im Kamin rundeten den ganzen Charm ab. Nach kurzer Zeit stellte sich heraus, dass ihn eine Hexe aufgenommen hatte. Die Wunde tat nicht weh, kaum zu glauben. Doch einen Blick zu dieser und tausend Fragezeichen bildeten sich in seinem Gesicht - die Wunde hinterließ schwarze Adern drumherum. Doch was sollte das bedeuten? Wird er sterben? Nein, im Gegenteil. Er wurde mit einem „für immer“ verflucht, ein Untoter, eine verfluchte Seele als Dämon. Was das alles noch für ihn bereit hält, das weiß gewiss nur die Zeit.
// offen für plays und talks, 21+, mdni \\
// instagram: wortsturm_ \\
// faceclaim: Jensen Ackles, Paul Wesley \\
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nonhumanresources · 9 months
A List Of Books/Stories About Transformation
You ever seen those titles of extremely specific essays? If this was one of those I'd call it "A List Of Books That Contain In Whole Or In Part Some Amount Of Transformation, Or The Changing Of Oneself To Another That Has In Some Manner Been Fundamentally Altered From The Self You Used To Be." That was the original title but I didn't want to be mean.
I was rambling far too long about post TF on one of warmer-hotcakes's posts and they mentioned not being able to find stories with a positive relationship to transformation (as well as transformations that are permanent) so I wanted to put a few down in a list!
Granted, these are incredibly inconsistent in pretty much every way other than being SFF but hey, we take what we can get here. Plus they weren't wrong it is VERY hard to find these kinds of stories, half of the list at this point is self published novels on Amazon written by people I've met by chance in TF circles, to give you an idea. So, to pad it out I will add more tangentially related TF stories.
If anyone happens to have more stories feel free to comment them and I'll add them on! I will also add to the list sporadically if I feel like it.
Anyway, without further ado:
Wolven by Di Toft is about a kid finding a werewolf out in the woods. It's been years since I read it but it's got a fun dichotomy between a villain and a protagonist both suffering from partial werewolfication and the ways they deal with it.
Thousand Tales by Kris Schnee is a self published series of books set in the near future where an AI runs a video game that allows people to be "uploaded" into it. There's a lot of books that don't need to be read in any specific order focusing on different characters and is generally a more lighthearted approach to the topic than most, and also it has furries in it. There are books about people who upload immediately, people who do eventually, and people who never do. Not quite the same as adjusting to changes IRL but this is my list and I get to shill whatever I want. Also, it's some of the highest quality writing/editing I have seen in a self-published novel (especially TF novel).
How To Be A Hero: (And Part Time Dragon) by S. Blakeway is a book about a hero who gets defeated and turned into a wyvern by the Dark Lord. Her eternal torment is interrupted, though, by said Dark Lord sending her out on a quest, during which she has to navigate turning back into a wyvern every few days. It's fun and silly and has lots of TF and the author is a very nice and cool person. Go buy this one and the sequel and help me bother her into finishing the trilogy please.
Perspective Flip also by Kris Schnee and Shifting Tails by Paul Lotor are a pair of short story collections. These are more of a soft recommend; both include cases of protags adapting to transformations, and generally involve positive stories, but not all of them are great. Perspective Flip is generally good but Shifting Tails especially has stories that lean very far into the horny side of things as well as topics I was very much not into, but some of them were admittedly very enjoyable. Being horny isn't bad, of course; it's moreso that there is less "story" and more "hey wouldn't this TF be hot." To be fair, sometimes they are, but sometimes they stray far away from my interests, so take that how you will.
Wereworld by Curtis Jobling is something I read as a kid but I'm gonna be honest I remember almost nothing about it. However it is about therianthropes of all types and I like that so it's going on here. They even have sharks!
The Dragon and the George by Gordon R. Dickson. Full disclosure, I have not finished reading this one, and I do not believe it has permanent TF, but it does feature a dude who astral projects into a dragon and is generally a fine book.
The Dangers Of Wearable Technology by Serathin Sabertooth (gods I hope that isn't a pen name, that would be so cool). This is one that I don't really recommend? Which is odd, you might say, for a list of recommendations. Correct! I just have a complex relationship with it, which I will include in a post here so that I don't flood this list with unnecessary words.
That's all I can think of at the moment, but like I said, feel free to send suggestions my way and I'd be happy to read em/add em to the list! Obviously it's pretty short right now and I'd love to bulk it up as much as possible for all us COOL NERDS
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Tritt vor dein Haus,
schirr deinen scheckigen Traum an,
laß seine Hufe reden zum Schnee,
den du fortbliest
vom First meiner Seele.
(Paul Celan, aus: Zwiegestalt)
Foto: by Todd Hido
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brokehorrorfan · 6 months
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Sci-Fi Chillers Collection will be released on May 21 via Kino Lorber. The Blu-ray set features three sci-fi/horror films: The Unknown Terror, The Colossus of New York, and Destination Inner Space.
1957's The Unknown Terror is directed by Charles Marquis Warren and written by Kenneth Higgins. John Howard, Mala Powers, Paul Richards, and May Wynn star.
1958's The Colossus of New York is directed by Eugène Lourié (The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms) and written by Thelma Schnee, based on a short story by Ray Bradbury. Paul Christian, Paula Raymond, Cecil Kellaway, and Kenneth Tobey star.
1966's Destination Inner Space is directed by Francis D. Lyon and written by Arthur C. Pierce. Scott Brady, Gary Merrill, Sheree North, and Wende Wagner star.
All three films have been have been scanned in 4K by Paramount Pictures. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
The Unknown Terror audio commentary by film historian Stephen Bissette (new)
The Colossus of New York audio commentary by film historians Tom Weaver, Larry Blamire, and Ron Adams
Destination Inner Space audio commentary by film historians David Del Valle and Stan Shaffer
The Colossus of New York interview with film historians Tim Lucas and Steven Bissette
Destination Inner Space interview with film historians Tim Lucas and Steven Bissette
The Colossus of New York theatrical trailer
In The Unknown Terror, a millionaire (John Howard) leads a remote jungle expedition to find the legendary “Cave of the Dead” where his wife’s (Mala Powers) brother had disappeared long ago. Instead, they stumble upon a mad doctor who has created a horde of foam-spewing, fungus-covered monster-men. In The Colossus of New York, when a brilliant scientist (Ross Martin) is accidentally killed, his preserved brain is transferred to the body of a giant robot so that it can continue to serve mankind. But when it gains awareness of its own hideousness, this steel colossus embarks on a rampage of destruction. In Destination Inner Space, when an object of unknown origin is detected in the area of an underwater laboratory, scientists investigate and come face to face with the object—an extraterrestrial saucer! They board the craft and discover a mysterious cylinder, which they take back to the lab for closer inspection. It is then that events take a monstrous turn!
Pre-order Sci-Fi Chillers Collection.
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mosertone · 1 year
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Paul Klee - Karneval im Schnee 1923 Watercolour, 24 x 23.5 cm.
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little-alien-duck · 9 months
books of 2023
this is a list of all the books I read in 2023! my goal this year was 36 (an average of 3 per month) but I finished grad school this year so ended up reading a lot more than I thought I'd be able to. the goal for next year is just as many as I can!
1. The Codebreaker by Walter Isaacson
2. S by JJ Abrams and Doug Dorst
3. The Alice Network by Kate Quinn
4. Even Though I Knew the End by CL Polk
5. The World We Make by NK Jemisin 
6. Doctor Who: Genocide by Paul Leonard 
7. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens 
8. My Remarkable Journey by Katherine Johnson 
9. The Case of the Dragon-Bone Engine by Galadriel Coffeen
10. Words Without Borders edited by Samantha Schnee, Alane Salierno Mason, and Dedi Felman 
11. Doctor Who: A Day in the Life edited by Ian Farrington 
12. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (reread) 
13. Lost Mountain by Erik Reece 
14. Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin 
15. Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie 
16. Dyke (geology) by Sabrina Imbler
17. Full Dark House by Christopher Fowler 
18. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig 
19. The Name of this Book is Secret by Pseudonymous Bosch (reread) 
20. Walden and On Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau 
21. Born a Crime by Trevor Noah 
22. Star Trek Voyager: Pathways by Jeri Taylor
23. Nineteen Ways of Looking at Consciousness by Patrick House 
24. The Rabbit Hutch by Tess Gunty
25. Doctor Who: War of the Daleks by John Peel 
26. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie 
27. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (reread) 
28. The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion 
29. Doctor Who: Alien Bodies by Lawrence Miles 
30. Little Men by Louisa May Alcott 
31. The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell 
32. Little Weirds by Jenny Slate 
33. Jo’s Boys by Louisa May Alcott 
34. The Neon Bible by John Kennedy Toole 
35. A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik 
36. Old Babes in the Wood by Margaret Atwood 
37. Doctor Who: Kursaal by Peter Anghelides 
38. The Disordered Cosmos by Chanda Prescod-Weinstein 
39. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie 
40. Doctor Who: Option Lock by Justin Richards
41. Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead 
42. Major Labels by Kelefa Sanneh 
43. Doctor Who: Divided Loyalties by Gary Russell 
44. Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver 
45. Lost Time by Józef Czapski
46. The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik
47. Peril at End House by Agatha Christie 
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lewdshippingstories · 2 years
Current list of ships I want to write for:
Ochako and mineta
Mash and Zeus
Kamoshida and Ann
Katara and zuko
Nami and absalom
Greg and Connie
Mash and boggart/boggard
Anna aoi and Goh Saruwatari
Ryuuko matoi and mankanshoku barazou
Chiaki nanami and juzo sakakura
Blake belladonna and whitley schnee
Master roshi and pretty much all of the main girls from dbz
Kitagawa Marin and gojou kaoru
Bulma and king cold
Kali belladonna and whitley schnee
Bulma and beerus
Cheelai and beerus
Chichi and freeza
Tohru and shouta
Kyoko kirigiri and Leon kuwata
Tifa lockhart and red xiii
Tifa Lockhart and Don corneo
Yor forger/ briar and Murdoch swan
Tea and Solomon(yugi's grandpa)
Asuna and nishida
Zelda and rauru
Starfire and glgrdsklechhh
Serena and meyer
Goro Akechi and Sakura Futaba
Goro Akechi and Takamaki Ann
To love-ru girls and the principal
Ranma satome and principal kuno
Hinata hyuuga and the raikage
Mary Jane Watson and Paul rabin
Miko Kubota and Mike simms
Nagatoro and Sakura's stalker
Haru and sugimura
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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John Wayne and Montgomery Clift in Red River (Howard Hawks, 1948)
Cast: John Wayne, Montgomery Clift, Joanne Dru, Walter Brennan, Colleen Gray, Harry Carey, John Ireland, Noah Beery Jr., Harry Carey Jr., Chief Yowlatchie, Paul Fix, Hank Worden. Screenplay: Borden Chase, Charles Schnee, based on a story by Chase. Cinematography: Russell Harlan. Art direction: John Datu. Film editing: Christian Nyby. Music: Dimitri Tiomkin.
You know those social media posts that ask you to name the movies you've watched more than five times that you would still watch again? I don't respond to them because there are too many movies that fit the category for me, but Red River would certainly be on my list. Each time I watch it, I have a little different reaction. Sometimes, for example, I'm glad when the character of Tess Millay (Joanne Dru) shows up, because it's kind of a relief from all that male bonding of the cattle drive. Other times, she annoys me. She's the "Hawksian woman" of the movie, the character embodied so well by Jean Arthur in Only Angels Have Wings (1939), Rosalind Russell in His Girl Friday (1940), and especially Lauren Bacall in To Have and Have Not (1944) and The Big Sleep (1946). The Hawksian woman talks back to men, asserting her place in the world they dominate. But Tess Millay just talks, and even talks about how much she talks. Moreover, she's obviously there primarily to serve as a reincarnation of Fen (Colleen Gray), the woman whom Tom Dunson (John Wayne) loved and lost when he left the wagon train at the beginning of the movie. Still, even this bit of unnecessary narrative linkage is forgivable in a movie that offers so much. There is, of course, what I think of as Wayne's best performance as Dunson -- some prefer his work in The Searchers (John Ford, 1956), which I find too artfully staged by Ford. Here he shows he can do everything from Hawks's characteristic swiftly overlapping dialogue to the paranoid trail-boss martinet to the tough guy hiding his tender side. And there's Montgomery Clift's remarkable movie debut as Matthew Garth; Red River was filmed before The Search (Fred Zinnemann, 1948), though the latter was released first. Clift, who was stage-trained, seems to have instinctively learned that movie acting is done in large part with the face, and he uses his eyes particularly expressively -- he reminds me of the great silent film actors in that regard. The scene in which Garth and Cherry Valance (John Ireland) handle each other's guns is one of the great homoerotic moments in movies, but it's prepared for by the way Clift and Ireland look at each other when they first meet, sizing each other up. And then there's one of the great supporting casts in movies, including Walter Brennan, Noah Beery Jr.,  and a whole lot of cattle. (Hawks, who also produced the film, graciously gave Arthur Rosson, the second unit director in charge of the cattle drive scenes, a co-director credit.) Dimitri Tiomkin's music added immeasurably to the film, but surprisingly went unnominated by the Academy, which took notice only of Christian Nyby for editing and Borden Chase for the film's story. (It was based on his story in the Saturday Evening Post, and was turned into a screenplay by Charles Schnee -- though a lot of the dialogue is so Hawksian that I suspect the director deserved a screenplay credit, too.) Naturally, like most Hawks films, it won no Oscars.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Kenneth Feinberg, a powerful D.C. lawyer appointed Special Master of the 9/11 Fund, fights off the cynicism, bureaucracy, and politics associated with administering government funds and, in doing so, discovers what life is worth. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Kenneth Feinberg: Michael Keaton Camille Biros: Amy Ryan Charles Wolf: Stanley Tucci Lee Quinn: Tate Donovan Priya Khundi: Shunori Ramanathan Dede Feinberg: Talia Balsam Karen Donato: Laura Benanti Frank Donato: Chris Tardio Darryl Barnes: Ato Blankson-Wood Gloria Toms: Carolyn Mignini John Ashcroft: Victor Slezak Law Student Barron: Logan Hart Law Student Patel: Vihaan Samat Law Student Nguyen: Laura Sohn Bart Cuthbert: Marc Maron Defense Lawyer / William: Alfredo Narciso Plaintiff Lawyer / Gary: Jason Kravits Oliver: Clifton Samuels Older Man (Speaking Spanish): Louis Arcella Attorney 2: Melissa Miller Translator: Ana Isabel Dow Tom Schultz Sr.: Ian Blackman June Schultz: Connie Ray Senator Kennedy: Steve Vinovich Senator Hagel: Bill Winkler Michael Myers: Jeff Biehl Katherine Wolf: Stephanie Heitman 9/11 Mother / Cathy: Deborah Hedwall Blue Collar Man: Tom Bruno Airline Lobbyist: Bradford How Large Fireman: Chris Cardona Richard: David Fierro Laura: Lynne Wintersteller Don: Jon Wenc Jim: Wass Stevens Myrna: Zuzanna Szadkowski Maya: Gayle Rankin Joan: Catherine Curtin Janice: Shernita Anderson Graham Morris: Andy Schneeflock Jose: Brandon Hernandez Carlos: E.R. Ruiz Usher: David Edward Jackson Ruth: Johanna Day Victor: Joseph Ragno Fedex Carrier: Panama Redd Mail Woman: Kay Walbye Fay: Miriam Morales Airline Lobbyist #2: Stephen Reich James: James Ciccone Anthoula: Anthoula Katsimatides Dancer: Jaime Verazin Dancer: Alessandra Marconi Dancer: Lindsey Hailes Dancer: Marc Heitzman Dancer: Jacob ‘Seven Feet’ Melvin Dancer: Jeffery Duffy Meeting Attendee: Billy Lefkowitz Film Crew: Director: Sara Colangelo Producer: Max Borenstein Casting: Kerry Barden Casting: Paul Schnee Original Music Composer: Nico Muhly Costume Design: Mirren Gordon-Crozier Editor: Julia Bloch Production Design: Tommaso Ortino Director of Photography: Pepe Avila del Pino Executive Producer: Nik Bower Executive Producer: Deepak Nayar Executive Producer: Ara Keshishian Executive Producer: Kimberly Fox Unit Production Manager: Charles Miller Executive Producer: Edward Fee Executive Producer: Allen Liu Producer: Marc Butan Producer: Anthony Katagas Producer: Michael Sugar Producer: Brad Dorros Producer: Sean Sorensen Producer: Michael Keaton Set Decoration: Olivia Peebles Makeup Department Head: Ivy Ermert Makeup Artist: Diane Calfee Makeup Artist: Charles Zambrano Visual Effects Supervisor: Eran Dinur Executive Producer: Mary Aloe Set Medic: Bop Tweedie Choreographer: Mark Stuart Production Accountant: James Stayne Producer’s Assistant: Anthony Santos Producer’s Assistant: Laura Pilloni Production Coordinator: Amanda O’Reilly Assistant Production Coordinator: Marilyn Majich Location Assistant: Cenia Hampton Payroll Accountant: Catherine ‘Annie’ Eklund Stand In: Dillon Egyes Production Assistant: Michael Egues Dialogue Coach: Jessica Drake Production Secretary: Dana Darby Post Production Accountant: Nathaniel Carota Script Supervisor: Erika Sanz Corbacho Music Editor: Suzana Peric Music Supervisor: Rupert Hollier Music Supervisor: David Fish Location Manager: Dennis Voskov Assistant Location Manager: Brit Smith Location Scout: Tom Sexton Location Assistant: Lindsey Lambert Location Scout: Eric Jordan Nussbaum Location Assistant: George Marro Location Scout: Sarah Crofts Color Assistant: Ben White Digital Intermediate Editor: Samantha Uber Digital Conform Editor: Josh Perault Finishing Producer: Michael Maida First Assistant Editor: Gordon Holmes Post Production Assistant: Dillon Henry Assistant Editor: Dan Grbic Colorist: Sam Daley Additional Editor: Tariq Anwar Costumer: Kaitie Galligan Assistant Costume Designer: Caitlin Doukas Key Costumer: Sawyer Devuyst Wardrobe Supervisor: Jillian Daidone Set Costumer: Mary Caprari Costume Coordinator: Talia Brody-Barre ADR Voice Casting...
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