#Charles Schnee
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When Paul Newman failed to be nominated for an Oscar for SOMEBODY UP THERE LIKES ME, the film’s director, Robert Wise, and the producer, Charles Schnee, had a “Noscar” designed for the actor. The following year Joanne Woodward won the Oscar for THE THREE FACES OF EVE, and the two posed with their loot.
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thebestestwinner · 1 year
Top two vote-getters will move on to the next round. See pinned post for all groups!
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brokentrafficknight · 6 months
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The collective Arc brood!
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lintuwaterfall · 9 months
Tis the season
for the many different Christmas Carol movies to play
and this random idea appeared in my head
Weiss - Scrooge
Ruby - Ghost of Christmas Past (youthful innocence)
Yang - Ghost of Christmas Present (loud, jolly, but is aware of reality)
Blake - Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come (dark, forboding)
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Berg Schnee Fels, [Edited by Charles Spillmann, Librairie Marguerat, Lausanne], 1958
(via typoswiss)
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radiantrookie · 1 month
VA's in both Red vs Blue and RWBY
Lindsay Jones:
Ruby Rose
Red vs Blue:
Vanessa Kimball
Chain Girl
Female Simmons
Arryn Zech:
Blake Belladonna
Red vs Blue:
Dr Emily Grey
Barbara Dunkelman:
Yang Xiao Long
Red vs Blue:
Katie Jensen
Caboose's mental image of Donut (Season 14)
Bonus: Mama Boomstick (Death battle)
Miles Luna:
Jaune Arc
Red vs Blue:
Felix (Isaac Gates)
Johnson MacGruff
Sigma (Restoration)
Lavernius Tucker (Save the Date PSA and Season 12 Teaser Trailer)
Franklin Delano Donut (Season 11: S.O.S.)
Jen Brown:
Pyrrha Nikos
Lisa Lavender
Red vs Blue:
Agent Carolina
Malcom's Mom
Samantha Ireland:
Nora Valkyrie
Red vs Blue:
CT (Connie)
Burnie Burns:
Taiyang Xiao Long
Red vs Blue:
Leonard Church (Alpha/Epsilon)
Lopez the Heavy
The Warthog
Red Zealot
Yellow Church
Omega AI
Theta AI
Shannon McCormick:
Red vs Blue:
Agent Washington (David)
Lopez 2.0 (Dos.O)
Agent Iowa (Mike)
Kathleen Zuelch:
Glynda Goodwitch
Red vs Blue:
Agent Texas (Tex/Allison)
Joel Heyman:
Bartholomew Oobleck
Red vs Blue:
Michael J Caboose
Gray G. Haddock:
Roman Torchwick
Red vs Blue:
Locus (Samuel Ortez)
Donald Doyle
Ryan Haywood:
Peter Port
Red vs Blue:
John Elizabeth Andersmith
Diesel (Originally)
Kerry Shawcross:
Neptune Vasilias
Floyd the Geist
Pyke Rite
Red vs Blue:
Charles Palomo
Agent Utah
Agent Georgia
Michael Jones:
Sun Wukong
Red vs Blue:
Chain Guy
B.B. Ghanoush
Ashley Burns:
Coco Adel
Red vs Blue:
Female Lopez
Female Church
Elizabeth Maxwell:
Winter Schnee
Little Weiss'
Red vs Blue:
Agent Ohio (Vera)
Anna Hullum:
Raven Branwen
Red vs Blue:
Female Sarge
Dylan Andrews (Restoration)
Shane Newville:
Russel Thrush
Atlesian Knight-130
Red vs Blue:
Gavin Free:
Scarlet David
Red vs Blue:
Pounder McJones
Maggie Tominey:
Melanie Malachite
Miltia Malachite
Red vs Blue:
Female Donut
Jessica Nigiri:
Cinder Fall
Red vs Blue:
Simmons's Pink Lieutenant
Katie Newville:
Emerald Sustrai
Red vs Blue:
Jen Taylor:
Edit: Thanks to @joltning for telling me about Agent Utah and Agent Georgia
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bestworstcase · 9 months
i guess there is always the question of to what extent the fractal-ozlem pattern will hold true for every endgame romantic pairing and the secondary question of whether the tension between salem and ozpin in jaune's character will eventuate as a return to form (salem) or as transformation (ozma).
but for what it's worth
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<- i find this a lot more persuasive than the weiss developments in V9
it's a bit thorny all around. by design. i think he's probably intended to be puzzling. the simplest answer is jaune ecloses as the hero and saves cinder but that coexists uneasily with what's going on with cinder and salem, to say the least. not to mention the thematic treatment of fairytale heroism.
he did save neo, so there's that.
rolls over
jeanne d'arc heard the voices of saints and angels guiding her way. i suppose there's an argument to be made for the recording pyrrha left him, but given the importance of salem's piety and apostasy, jaune's distinct lack of religiosity or… belief in anything greater than himself is worth reconsidering maybe. why is he here? he cheated his way into beacon just to prove to his family that he was worth something. now he's just here for his friends. what becomes of salem if she's faithless? if she's cynical?
salem is not a cynic. she's a shattered idealist. there will be no victory in strength. mankind is strong, wise, and resourceful, born into an unforgiving world and yet even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change. passion and ingenuity and resourcefulness. hope breathes fire into the hearts of the weary. hope is mankind's greatest strength. your faith in mankind was not misplaced. it's important not to lose sight of what drives us: love, justice, reverence… and so we must press on.
take all that away from her. what is left?
even cinder believes in something, in destiny as a monster to fight. "i refuse to starve."
she poses a thematic challenge to jaune's cynicism in that she puts a spear through weiss schnee, her own personal symbol of everything she's fighting against, in direct response to jaune telling her nothing matters to him except that his friends live. and then he manifests his semblance. and then cinder murders penny and he can't save her and it's his sword covered in her blood. and now he has to live with that forever.
snaps fingers
the tree is the tower. the lovable idiot stuck in the tree. that tree is death. the reason jaune is so narratively weird is he's anti-theme salem. in cheating his way into beacon he put himself in her tower.
jeanne d'arc was instrumental in charles vii's campaign to push the british out of france. vacuo just had a short-lived civil war instigated by isolationist monarchists claiming descent from vacuo's royal line, one of whom was top of her class at shade and "would have been a fantastic huntress" if she hadn't dropped out. and her semblance is the inverse of jaune's and she mirrors him in a lot of ways. she might be the summer maiden.
i am so far out on a limb here but
the anti-theme salem's ozma ii would be the maiden of destruction.
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joltning · 5 months
cause I saw some people talking about it
rwby and rvb characters who have the same voice actor! utc bc spoilers obviously lol
*this post does not include all and does not mention characters w/o names. ex if they are credited as “Scared Soldier” I won’t put them, even if they have a prominent role in the other show.
Ruby Rose / Vanessa Kimball - Lindsay Jones
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Blake Belladonna / Emily Grey - Arryn Zech
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Yang Xiao Long / Katie Jensen - Barbara Dunkelman
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Jaune Arc / Isaac “Felix” Gates (& Cronut) - Miles Luna
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Pyrrha Nikos / Agent Carolina - Jen Brown
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Nora Valkyrie / Agent Connecticut - Samantha Ireland
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Professor Ozpin / Agent Washington - Shannon McCormick
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Roman Torchwick / Samuel “Locus” Ortez & Donald Doyle - Grey Haddock
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Glynda Goodwitch / Agent Texas - Kathleen Zuelch
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Neptune Vasilias / Charles Palomo (and also my two niche favs but no one gaf but me) - Kerry Shawcross
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Professor Oobleck / Micheal J. Caboose (previously) - Joel Heyman
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Winter Schnee / Agent Ohio - Elizabeth Maxwell
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Leonardo Lionheart / Diesel (Zero) - Daman Mills (sorry you’re only allocated to mid characters sir)
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nogoawaytism · 11 months
My second thingy for Nitpick November, because I'm not gonna do this consistently the way God intended.
It's just so... interesting to hear RWBY stans bitch about any sort of criticism regarding how certain male characters are treated. Apparently if any of us commit the unforgiveable sin of saying something like "I wish Sun/Adam/Mercury/Ironwood was treated better by the narrative + explored the unique themes that are a part of their identity as characters." rwby stans freak the fuck out and start whining about how RWDE only wants a show about a white male character. And I'm like
*looks at the vast majority of the cast, especially the heroes*
*looks at V9*
It's just so... interesting how these double standards work, because I guess a white male character getting the spotlight is ok when it's Miles's self-insert.
Meanwhile, Sun has a Chinese allusion despite being a blonde, Ironwood was modeled after Jason Rose who is half Asian (Oh wait, I bet we don't count mixed people). Interesting.
Also, Sun is an established, in-universe minority, an abuse victim thanks to Blake, which is frequently downplayed because Blake is a girl and a main character, and is therefore perfect, and Sun is evil because he isn't psychic, and expressed attraction to a main character. How evil.
Also, Ironwood is a veteran with PTSD facing a horrible situation, a triple amputee, and the only one of the cast who actually has a feasible plan. Oh wait, losing his arm made him lose his humanity, what an evil bastard. He probably lost over half his body on purpose.
Also, Adam is an established, in-universe minority, a former child slave, who has the SCHNEE FUCKING DUST COMPANY logo burned onto his fucking face. Adam should be a good faunus, and not complain at all about faunus oppression, otherwise he's a fucking nazi.
Also, Mercury was trained for an extremely dangerous job as a young child, and abused so badly to the point where he LOST BOTH LEGS. Man, white men really do be the worst.
Yes, two of these characters are villains, and yes, we should hold people accountable for their actions instead of inborn characteristics. Oh wait, y'all already did that when you bitched about them being "white men", while almost every important non-white character has been presented as a villain at some point, and the two non-white characters in our main cast, Ren and Oscar get treated so poorly compared to the other heroes. Sure, complain about how RWDE "wants to center white men" while Ren's mental state and feelings are invalidated at every turn. Sure, complain about how RWDE "wants to center white men" while Oscar the literal child that got dragged into this war is constantly the one bearing the brunt of physical abuse that we haven't seen our other characters experience + half of that physical abuse is by characters who ARE heroes and by Hazel who got the last-minute redemption treatment. Sure, complain about how RWDE "wants to center white men" while y'all treat this show like the best shit to happen to media since Charles Dickens when *checks notes* it's written by white men, which isn't inherently bad in my opinion, but in this case they write every fucking issue in this show in such an insensitive light, and are still horrible xenophobic people. Miles and Kerry ARE stereotypical horrible white men, but y'all still defend their stupid writing while bitching about white men abused by the narrative.
Oh, and might I add: the fuckers saying this stan Coco. I wonder what her allusion is.
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So you mean to tell me, that expressing just a little bit of tact about Adam being a branded child slave, or Ironwood losing three limbs and being traumatized, or Mercury being abused and losing his legs, is super duper evil, but this Nazi insert is an absolute slay queen. Y'all really made a doodoo with this one, whoopsies!
Anyway, take the historic moment before Mercury rightfully whooped this Discord light mode-looking mf who's also a Nazi:
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brokehorrorfan · 6 months
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Sci-Fi Chillers Collection will be released on May 21 via Kino Lorber. The Blu-ray set features three sci-fi/horror films: The Unknown Terror, The Colossus of New York, and Destination Inner Space.
1957's The Unknown Terror is directed by Charles Marquis Warren and written by Kenneth Higgins. John Howard, Mala Powers, Paul Richards, and May Wynn star.
1958's The Colossus of New York is directed by Eugène Lourié (The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms) and written by Thelma Schnee, based on a short story by Ray Bradbury. Paul Christian, Paula Raymond, Cecil Kellaway, and Kenneth Tobey star.
1966's Destination Inner Space is directed by Francis D. Lyon and written by Arthur C. Pierce. Scott Brady, Gary Merrill, Sheree North, and Wende Wagner star.
All three films have been have been scanned in 4K by Paramount Pictures. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
The Unknown Terror audio commentary by film historian Stephen Bissette (new)
The Colossus of New York audio commentary by film historians Tom Weaver, Larry Blamire, and Ron Adams
Destination Inner Space audio commentary by film historians David Del Valle and Stan Shaffer
The Colossus of New York interview with film historians Tim Lucas and Steven Bissette
Destination Inner Space interview with film historians Tim Lucas and Steven Bissette
The Colossus of New York theatrical trailer
In The Unknown Terror, a millionaire (John Howard) leads a remote jungle expedition to find the legendary “Cave of the Dead” where his wife’s (Mala Powers) brother had disappeared long ago. Instead, they stumble upon a mad doctor who has created a horde of foam-spewing, fungus-covered monster-men. In The Colossus of New York, when a brilliant scientist (Ross Martin) is accidentally killed, his preserved brain is transferred to the body of a giant robot so that it can continue to serve mankind. But when it gains awareness of its own hideousness, this steel colossus embarks on a rampage of destruction. In Destination Inner Space, when an object of unknown origin is detected in the area of an underwater laboratory, scientists investigate and come face to face with the object—an extraterrestrial saucer! They board the craft and discover a mysterious cylinder, which they take back to the lab for closer inspection. It is then that events take a monstrous turn!
Pre-order Sci-Fi Chillers Collection.
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byneddiedingo · 5 months
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Born to Be Bad (Nicholas Ray, 1950)
Cast: Joan Fontaine, Robert Ryan, Zachary Scott, Joan Leslie, Mel Ferrer, Harold Vermilyea, Virginia Farmer. Screenplay: Edith Sommer, Charles Schnee, based on a novel by Anne Parrish. Cinematography: Nicholas Musuraca. Art direction: Albert S. D'Agostino, Jack Okey. Film editing: Frederic Knudtson. Music: Friedrich Hollaender. 
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How do I go about fleshing out a city and making it feel lived in? Especially when the main protagonists are royal/wealthy and don't see the city from the ground level
A character arc is identified by a few key character elements: namely the Lie and the Truth. The Lie is the false reality they believe at the start of the story, and the Truth is the true reality they discover. This can be an internal lie and truth, such as they are worthy of being loved, or an external truth, like the war is not a way of spreading their nation's greatness to other countries. The revelation from the lie to the truth is the turning point in the character arc, when they start to shift from their Want to their Need. When it comes to building a city, the lie is the glitz and glam they can see from their ivory tower. The truth is the scum and muck that they've never noticed before but was always there. Using LA as a great example, it's a city that looks like a paradise of celebirites, hot people, movies, television, music, and everything else. But LA also has low income housing too. Many flock to LA to chase their dreams, only to end up working minimum wage jobs. Artists successful and failed have higher drug usage percentiles in a big city like LA than other cities. So you need to ask yourself: what is the idealized image of the city. How do those outside the city look at it? Then ask yourself: what is the grim reality of the city? 19th Century london had work houses, child labor, people worked in extremely hazardous work environments where carelessness could lead to getting mangled in a machine, or going home with a lungful of soot. Charles Dickenson famously had a problem with 19th Century London's classism, which is why he often focused on poor working class protagonists.
I would suggest looking at movies and television that involve noble and/or royal characters and take notes on how their old world views get torn down by other characters. Zuko had to defect from the Fire Nation entirely and slum it through the Earth Kingdom to truly see the faces of the people hurt by the Hundred Years War. Amity had to meet Luz in order to realize there was a path forward that didn't involve joining the Emperor's Coven. By season 2, she doesn't even want to join it anymore because she's now searching to find what she wants to make of her own life. Weiss Schnee is a pampered spoiled heiress that was taught to be racist toward Faunus. But by the time she returns to her homeland of Atlas, she flings a random guy into a dumpster for saying racist comments about Faunus. By learning about these characters and how they make these kinds of changes can help you in writing your own characters.
As for designing the city: every memorable location needs a landmark or something about it that makes it recognizable. If it's a fantasy, you definitely want to think about defensibility. A huge seat of power for a royal family needs high walls to defend itself. Even if you're in more of an 19th century Victorian-styled setting, there could still be walls from long ago. Look at other fantasy cities. The Northern Water Tribe resembles an arctic venice, using channel locks to raise and lower the water levels to keep out outsiders, and ice doors to let allied ships in and out of the city. Ba Sing Se is instantly recognizable by its ring structure and its 100 foot high walls. Republic City is most recognizable for the giant statue of Aang in Yue Bay. The towns and cities in Attack on Titan have high walls for necessity to keep out the Titans. Likewise, any medieval fantasy world with ogres and trolls running around is going to want walls to protect the everyday commoners from harm.
Magic or technology can also change how a city is structured. Think again about how Earth Benders are imprisoned on a metal tankard in the middle of the ocean to rob them of their power. Public transportation like a bus or blimp is going to radically change how one gets about town. How many and how quickly can get from one side to the other. Are there hard restrictions on who is allowed where? Is a petty cobbler going to be carried out of Wellington Park by the police so the rich don't have to look at him? In Howl's Moving Castle there is both magic and technology. We see steam powered locomotives, but there's also flying machines powered by magic and the eponymous castle itself uses a fire demon as a power source.
Does your city have to protect itself from flying enemies like faeries, dragons, witches, demons, vampires, griffins, or anything else like that? Walls are great at stopping armies, but stopping a gargoyle from just flying over your walls is another thing entirely.
What about your city's economy? A city on the water is going to rely on shipping, sailing, fishing, and trade. A city in the mountains is going to rely on mining and smithing. An old city likely started as a fort or military outpost, like Paris or London. Other times, cities pop up because a resource was discovered there, or a bunch of people had to migrate all at once and all chose to settle in one area. That's how you end up with a city named Swedesville in the middle of the United States. And a big city especially is going to need to be extremely rich, and probably needs something to lure more people to it. But large cities also cause their own problems, such as traffic jams, higher rent, and crowded streets.
You also should ask yourself your city's backstory and history. Both the glorious stuff the state WANTS you to learn in history class, and the not so pretty stuff that also happened. For instance, my city was named after a lesser-known hero of the Revolutionary War. He was propped up as pretty important when I was in middle school, but aside from his role in the war, we weren't taught much about his personal life. I'm willing to bet he has a skeleton or two in his closet. Every city has a past. What defines yours?
I hope this helped you piece together an idea of what you want to do or where to start looking. And good luck with your writing!
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Tumblr Capitalist Bastard $howdown Masterpost
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The Brackets
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Round 1
Left Bracket
Uncle Pennybags vs Grunkle Stan
Ebenezer Scrooge vs Scrooge McDuck
The Onceler vs Spamtom G. Spamton
Mr. Burns vs Mom
Byakuya Togami vs Seto Kaiba
F. Scott Fitzegerald vs Hero Bossman
Bryce Tankthrust vs Vera Orblein
Vlad Masters vs Jacques Schnee
Right Bracket
Mr. Krabs vs Papa Louie
Moneybags vs Tom Nook
Wario vs Flintheart Glomgold
Mr. House vs Cave Johnson
The CEO vs Steve Cobs
Robert Cyger vs Kunikazu Okamura
Lex Luthor vs Rufus Shinra
Lord Business vs Charles Foster Offdensen
Round 2
Left Bracket
Grunkle Stan vs Scrooge McDuck
The Onceler vs Mr. Burns
Seto Kaiba vs F. Scott Fitzgerald
Vera Orblein vs Vlad Masters
Right Bracket
Mr. Krabs vs Tom Nook
Wario vs Cave Johnson
The CEO vs Kunikazu Okumura
Lex Luthor vs Lord Business
Left Bracket
Scrooge McDuck vs The Onceler
Seto Kaiba vs Vlad Masters
Right Bracket
Mr Krabs vs Wario
Kunikazu Okumura vs Lord Business
Losers Bracket
Useful Tags
#capitalist bastard showdown and #polls - for all of your voting needs
#info and #masterpost - genuinely useful information
#capitalist bastard propaganda - officially sanctioned propaganda
#other competitions/contests - proud sponsors of our competition
Rules for submissions (Currently CLOSED)
Official playlist I made for fun (might make collaborative but you’d probably have to DM me for the link)
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oliverwoods-stuff · 1 year
I've seen others do this for Pride month so
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bitter69uk · 7 months
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“The John O'Hara novel that seemed perfect for the movies, plus the role that seemed perfect for Elizabeth Taylor - and this is the garish mess it became,” is how the reliably terse Pauline Kael dismissed Butterfield 8. “Daniel Mann's direction is maybe even worse than the Charles Schnee-John Michael Hayes script. With Laurence Harvey; Dina Merrill, doing a noble wife to end all noble wives; and a vacuum on the screen that is said to be Eddie Fisher.”
Almost no one has a good word to say about this lurid, wildly entertaining 1960 melodrama (including leading lady Taylor herself) – so of course Butterfield 8 is absolute catnip for me and it’s the March 2024 selection for the Lobotomy Room cinema club devoted to Bad Movies for Bad People! To its advantage: Taylor is sublime as wanton high-priced, high-class New York call girl Gloria Wandrous (tagline: “Gloria is the glamour girl who always wakes up ashamed!”). And the script co-authored by John Michael Hayes (the genius behind camp classicks (sic) Torch Song, Peyton Place, The Carpetbaggers, Where Love Has Gone and Harlow) features dialogue like “Face it, mama! I was the slut of all time!” and “I’ve had more fun in the back of a ’39 Ford than I could ever have in the vault of the Chase National Bank!” The opening moments alone are spellbinding: as Edward Margulies and Stephen Rebello recount in their 1993 book Bad Movies We Love, “Taylor awakens alone in her married lover’s bed, wraps herself in only a sheet, lights a cigar, drains a glass of whiskey, discovers her torn dress on the floor, brushes her teeth with booze, finds an envelope with $250 cash, scrawls “No Sale” in red lipstick across a mirror, leaves the money and instead steals the absent wife’s mink coat, calls her answering service and hails a cab to the apartment of … Eddie Fisher (by then, he was the real life Mr. Taylor).”  
So, join us on 21 March 2024 to watch Butterfield 8 over cocktails at Fontaine’s in Dalston! In my intro, I’ll provide context on Eddie Fisher leaving his then-wife Debbie Reynolds for Taylor in 1958 (the red-hot showbiz scandal of its time) and how Taylor almost dying of pneumonia helped win her a “sympathy Oscar” for her performance in Butterfield 8 in 1961!
Lobotomy Room is the FREE monthly film club devoted to cinematic perversity! Third Thursday night of every month downstairs at Fontaine’s cocktail lounge in Dalston. Numbers are limited, so reserve your seat via Fontaine’s website. Alternatively, phone 07718000546 or email [email protected]. The film starts at 8:30 pm. Doors to the basement Bamboo Lounge open at 8:00 pm. To ensure everyone is seated and cocktails are ordered on time, please arrive by 8:15 pm at the latest.
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INSANITY (Hellaverse x isekai male reader)
Winners (Part 3):
•Nancy Drew (Nancy Drew)
•Nick Sturniolo (Youtuber/Sturniolo triplets)
•Chris Sturniolo (Youtuber/Sturniolo triplets)
•Matt Sturniolo (Youtuber/Sturniolo triplets)
•Italy (Hetalia)
•Harrier "Harry" Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
•Ian Hecox (Smosh/Youtuber)
•Anthony Padilla (Smosh/Youtuber)
•Jung kook (Bts)
•V (Bts)
•Jimin (Bts)
•Suga (Bts)
•RM (Bts)
•Jin (Bts)
•J-Hope (Bts)
•Paige Bueckers (Paige Bueckers)
•Megan Thee Stallion (vmas)
•Chappell Roan (vmas)
•All the Venezuela's people who died and suffered because of Maduro's tyranny (Venezuela)
•The monk (rain world)
•The survivor (rain world)
•The hunter (rain world)
•The watcher (rain world)
•The Gourmand (rain world)
•The Artificer (rain world)
•The Rivulet (rain world)
•The spearmaster (rain world)
•The saint (rain world)
•??? (rain world)
•Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
•Marcelyn (Adventure Time)
•Jeremy Heere (Be more chill)
•Alice Dyer (Magnus protocol)
•Phoenix Wright (Ace attorney)
•Mia Fey (Ace attorney)
•Miles Edgeworth (Ace attorney)
•Eddie Brock (Venom/Venom the last dance)
•Chell (Portal)
•Jake Seresin (Glen Powell)
•Lewis Hamilton (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Charles Leclerc (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Franco Colapinto (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Carlos Sainz Jr (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Yuki Tsunoda (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Daniel Ricciardo (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Mclaren (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari)
•Charles-Haden Savage (Only murders in the building)
•Oliver Putnam (Only murders in the building)
•Mabel Mora (Only murders in the building)
•Madoka Kaname (Madoka Magica)
•Wei Wuxian (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Wangji (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Wei Changze (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Cangse Sanren (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jiang Fengmian (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jiang Cheng (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jiang Yanli (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jin Ling (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Sizhui (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Xichen (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Qiren (mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Twilight Sparkle (my little pony)
•Applejack (my little pony)
•Pinkie Pie (my little pony)
•Fluttershy (my little pony)
•Rarity (my little pony)
•Rainbow Dash (my little pony)
•Hua Cheng (tgcf/Heaven official's Blessing/ghosts)
•The Knight (Hollow Knight)
•Flandre Scarlet (touhou)
•Remilia Scarlet (touhou)
•Sakuya Izayoi (touhou)
•Ruby Rose (rwby)
•Yang Xia Long (rwby)
•Weiss Schnee (rwby)
•Blake Belldonna (rwby)
•Jaune Arc (rwby)
•Pyrrha Nikos (rwby)
•Nora Valkyrie (rwby)
•Lie Ren (rwby)
•Yami Yugi (Yugioh)
•Sonic (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog)
•Tails (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog)
•Knuckles (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog)
•Link (Legend of Zelda/Botw)
•Zelda (Legend of Zelda/Botw)
•Eddie Munson (Joseph Quinn/Stranger things)
•Wynonna Earp (Wynonna Earp)
•Harry Potter (Harry potter)
•Hermione Granger (Harry potter)
•Ron Weasley (Harry potter)
•Rock Lock (Black tumblr/Black lives matter/bnha)
•Shuri (Black tumblr/Black girl magic/Black lives matter)
•All Might (bnha/My hero academia)
•Deku (bnha/My hero academia)
•Tahliah Debrett (Fka Twigs)
•Shen Qingqiu (svsss)
•Luo Binghe (svsss)
•Osamu Dazai (bsd/bungou stray dogs)
•Atsushi Nakajima (bsd/bungou stray dogs)
•Chuya Nakahara (bsd/bungou stray dogs)
•Princess peach (Super Mario)
•Pricess Rosalina (Super Mario)
•Princess Daisy (Super Mario)
•Siffrin (In stars and time)
•Odile (In stars and time)
•Homer (The odyssey/Poets on tumblr/Writeblr)
•Arsenal's crew (arsenal/arsenal fc/arsenal wfc/woso)
•ThunderClan (Warrior cats)
•WindClan (Warrior cats)
•ShadowClan (Warrior cats)
•RiverClan (Warrior cats)
•SkyClan (Warrior cats)
•Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Mikey Way (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Frank Iero (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Ray Toro (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Bob Bryar (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Matt Pelissier (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Jarrod Alexander (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Pete Parada (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•James Dewees (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Jamie Muhoberac (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Rhea Ripley (wwe)
•Gordon Freeman (Hlvrai)
•Azi (Scavengers reign)
•Spock (Star Trek/Ds9)
•Michael Huang (tpot)
•Cary Huang (tpot)
•Satomi Hinatsu (tpot)
•Bae Seok-Ryu (Love next door)
•Kris (Deltarune)
•Professor Hershel Layton (Professor Layton)
•Joy (Pixar)
•Anger (Pixar)
•Sadness (Pixar)
•Fear (Pixar)
•Disgust (Pixar)
•Envy (Pixar)
•Anxiety (Pixar)
•Embarassment (Pixar)
•Ennui (Pixar)
•Miriam (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Roland (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Qwydion (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Lacklon (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Neb (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age)
•Ralph (Wreck it Ralph)
•Felix (Wreck it Ralph)
•All the Ukraine's people who died and sufffered beacause of the war (Ukraine)
•Sayori (ddlc)
•Yuri (ddlc)
•Natsuki (ddlc)
•Lottie (Yellowjackets)
•Abraham Van Helsing (Dracula daily)
•Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh Penguins)
•April Ludgate (Aubrey Plaza)
•Commander Shepard (Mass effect)
•Maia (Roblox)
•Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug)
•Adrian (Miraculous Ladybug)
•Sakura (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
•Alex Hirsch (Gravity falls/The book of Bill)
•Niall Horan (One direction)
•J.Martin (Motogp)
•Earth Wind and Fire's crew (Earth Wind and Fire/21st of September)
•Tamsyn Muir (Gideon the Ninth)
•Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal)
•Darius Bowman (Jurassic World Chaos Theory/Netflix)
•Brooklynn (Jurassic World Chaos Theory/Netflix)
•Kenji Kon (Jurassic world chaos Theory/Netflix)
•Yasmina Fadoula (Jurassic world Chaos theory/Netflix)
•Ben Pincus (Jurassic world Chaos theory/Netflix)
•Sammy Gutierrez (Jurassic world Chaos theory/Netflix)
•Charlie Spring (Joe Locke/Heartstopper)
•Carolina Hurricanes (Hockey/Nhl)
•Steven (Steven Universe)
•Greg (Steven Universe)
•Connie (Steven Universe)
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