#Paulina Flores
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atlantisgifs · 4 months
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CECILIA SUÁREZ as PAULINA DE LA MORA house of the flowers / la casa de las flores
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cec1l1a · 7 months
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Cecilia Suárez para Blancopop, 2022.
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graphicpolicy · 2 months
Mini Reviews: Phoenix, Witchblade, The Rocketeer Breaks Free, Biker Mice From Mars, and the Powerpuff Girls!
Mini Reviews: Phoenix, Witchblade, The Rocketeer Breaks Free, Biker Mice From Mars, and the Powerpuff Girls!. 5 debuts this week! #comics #comicbooks
Sometimes, the staff at Graphic Policy read more comics than we’re able to get reviewed. When that happens you’ll see a weekly feature compiling reviews of the comics, or graphic novels, we just didn’t get a chance to write a full one for. These are Graphic Policy’s Mini Reviews and Recommendations. Logan Phoenix #1 (Marvel) – Stephanie Phillips, Alessandro Miracolo, and David Curiel showcase…
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joehreyes · 2 years
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aesukhia · 10 months
someone please tell me that paulina and maría josé get back together and stay together until the end of the show
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valcarcel · 8 months
I think I'm a mix between Paulina and Julian De La Mora 🙃
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cinemedios · 8 months
'Tiempos Futuros', Me Ahogo Aunque No Llueva
Durante los años más recientes el cine latinoamericano se ha estado abriendo paso por el mundo a través de festivales y salas en todo el mundo gracias a historias tan innovadoras como personales, por eso hoy hablamos de 'Tiempos Futuros', el debut como director de Víctor Checa.
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latinotiktok · 8 months
Pretty please can you recommend some Spanish-language shows that are actually good? Everything I find on Netflix is meh
Por Ahora it's web series about a couple of 30 something years old argentinian bastards that are navigating adult life and kinda suck at it. Very funny. It's a dark comedy, kinda bizarre at times.
División Palermo
Another comedy bc i am in that mood!! "The plot follows a group of people who represent a social minority and together they form a neighborhood protection guard."
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Los Simuladores
A group of people that dedicate themselves to solve people's problems thats it. thats the plot amazing showstopping 10/10 you HAVE to watch it. There are several versions of it but as an argie myself no one else could have done it like THEM the og's
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La casa de las flores
Loved this showwwww it's funny, it's messy, it has great musical moments. Paulina best character.
Forgot to add abt the plot aaaa; but basically a rich family has SECRETS deep secrets they hide from each other, and someone is ready to reveal them all 😈
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If anyone wants to add more please feel free to do so!!
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garbinge · 3 months
Opening Up (3)
Angel Reyes x OC Isabeth ‘Izzy’ Flores 30 Day Fic Challenge (20/30)
Word Count: 3.2k A/N: Sorry I missed uploading two days! I've been in a bit of a mental rut and just haven't opened my laptop but back at it with the rest of these 30 day fics :)
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Angst. Trauma. Bad Thoughts. Series Finale Spoilers. Mentions of blood, violence, abuse, assault, murder. Arguments. Heavy topics discussed.
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @narcolini @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @kmc1989 Continuation from Wanderlust (1) and Library Day Care (2)
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Despite the summer months being well and over, the sun hadn’t really gotten that memo. The coastal heat in La Paz was still just as brutal in October as it was in June. Angel spent most of his day outside in that heat, but he didn’t mind the slightest. This job brought him everything he needed. Besides the paycheck, the job gave him a place to live on premise. A modest two bedroom cottage that although could have been toured in less than a minute due to it’s size, was exactly what the two Reyes boys needed. Maverick wasn’t exactly in the market for a huge room being only 2 and with the extra cash Angel was bringing in and using to spoil his young son, it would have soothed the desire anyways. It was much better than the house he had been renting before, and now he only paid a fraction of that, only having to shell out for the utilities, not the space itself. The location of the ranch overall felt like he was in his own planet, so far away from the world he used to be in. It was peaceful, it was beautiful, it was honestly everything he could ask for, but it didn’t stop the memories from sneaking their way in. As he’d work in the field, throwing seeds or harvesting things, his mind would suddenly start to sneak away from the task at hand. At first it’d be peaceful, thinking of Maverick, how his day at the library was going, how big he’d been getting. Then it’d move to dinner, what he planned to make or pick up, then it’d quickly go from there to the kitchen in his childhood home, where he’d remember his mother cooking for them, talking to them about the steps she’d take to make the perfect meal, he’d see himself, as a kid, at that kitchen table watching his mother intently, then see his brother, not far off from Maverick’s age on the seat across from him. It’d be almost instantly where the scene of stabbing the knife into his gut flashed in his mind, which would follow by the gurney with his father being brought out, and his mother on the floor of the carniceria. He’d try and shake the thought, bring himself back to the nature surrounding him and his list of tasks. When it’d be time to move onto the livestock pastures, or repairs, he’d be relieved. Those two tasks tended to keep his mind off his thoughts, it’s why he’d always jump at the mention of them.
As he’d head down to his truck to drop Maverick off at daycare, he’d always stop into the main office to get his list first. The de Valle family had welcomed the Reyes boys with open arms. The matriarch of the family, Paulina, always mentioned how her and her mother would gladly watch the boy if ever needed while Senor de Valle himself even mentioned bringing him to the few school field trips that would come to see the farm. They’d often ask him down to dinner on the weekends, and sometimes he’d oblige and join the family and other farm employees. 
Currently he should have been picking up today’s list and making his way down to his truck with Maverick to drop him off at daycare but, today was a little different. Angel had already woken up early to get started on a few things that were always better to get done before the sun was up. With Maverick asleep, and a baby monitor on full blast at his hip, doing the work in the few fields in his backyard was his way of getting a jump start on his day. Until the thoughts got the best of him and time became nonexistent. Angel stood practically frozen as he remembered the blood all over the floor, it became like a wallpaper in his brain, EZ’s voice echoed in his head. “Tell your boy about me. Tell him about mom.” It was then that the bloodied wallpaper in his head turned to a different one, one with more memories tied to of him as a boy. The shop, where he practically grew up, ruined by one instance. He couldn’t help but to worry that what his mind was, ruined by the instances that he could blame no one but himself for. Selfish worry quickly turned outwards as he thought about his own kin, how would he grow up, would he be ruined by the memories of his past, the memories his father gives him? It was then that the crying from the baby monitor pulled Angel back to the weeding he was currently doing. As he came more to it, he saw the sun rather high and it was at that moment, he realized, he was late. 
Quickly he ran back to his cottage, mere feet away and went to the bedroom where Maverick had woken up rather crankily. “It’s okay, shh, it’s okay, daddy’s here.” Angel quickly bounced the boy up and down in his arms before moving to get him changed and ready for the day. His eyes constantly glanced at the clock now as the minutes passed and the later he became. 
His normal entrance into the library of holding Maverick’s hands and lifting him a couple inches off the ground was not possible in this moment, he replaced it with a quick pace so he could get to the children’s section quicker. 
“You’re late.” A familiar voice spoke up without even looking at Angel. Izzy was heads down into some paperwork at the children’s circulation desk, the sign in sheet still sitting on the counter but looking almost full. 
“I know, I’m sorry, I got–” Angel stopped as he realized what prevented him from being on time. “I lost track of time.” He moved Maverick to one arm as he quickly put his information on the sign up sheet. 
“You know, I pass the ranch on my way into work. We could pick Maverick up for you. Even drop him off.” She still wasn’t looking at him, her focus was on the stuff in front of her as she moved a few stacks of papers around and continued writing things down. 
“I couldn’t ask that.” He shook his head, adjusting Maverick in his grip. 
She smiled at that, “Good thing you didn’t ask.” 
“Izzy.” He said as his head fell to the side begging for her to be serious for a moment. 
That made her look up and almost widen her eyes as she took in the sight of him. He had dirt everywhere, his shirt, his face, his arms, and his eyes looked tired and tormented all at once. 
It was instinctual to ask immediately if he was okay or what happened, but she bit her tongue and just stepped out from behind the desk to take the young boy into her arms. 
“I live in La Huerta, right of 286. I pass El Ranchitos everyday, it’d be no issue to add 5 minutes to my commute to pick Maverick up and drop him off.” Her voice was sincere but serious too. 
Angel clearly didn’t know what to say, so Izzy just kept talking. “Look, you don’t have to make the decision right now, I’ll bring him home tonight and you can let me know then. I’m happy to do it.” 
Angel just nodded, still stuck in whatever frozen state his body was in but just when Izzy was about to ask him if he was okay to drive he was quickly planting a kiss to Maverick’s head and moving right back the way he came in. 
Izzy pulled up to the ranch to see Angel waiting at the entrance, leaning on his truck. He pointed to where she should park and jogged over to her driver’s door and opened it for her. 
“What service they have here at El Ranchitos.” She joked as she stepped out of the two decade old Xterra. 
“It’s what they hired me for, welcoming service.” Angel joked back and looked over the car. “Nice ride.” 
“Thanks, it was my dad’s.” She hung off the door frame of the car as she looked at it. “Been through a lot but I keep her as up to date on repairs as I can.” 
Angel peaked in through the open door to see both kids in the backseat and waved. Maverick kicked his feet and giggled, waving back quickly at his dad and then pointing to the girl next to him and saying her name a few times. “Abrielle, Abrielle, Abrielle!” 
Angel let out a chuckle. “You guys have time for a quick tour of the farm?” He turned to ask Izzy. 
“Yea, don’t see why not.” She shrugged and closed the door before opening the back seats to get the kids out. 
“You can let ‘em roam. Maverick kind of knows where to and where not to go, Abrielle will stick close to him anyways.” He said as they began the trek up the dirt road. 
Angel showed them the livestock barns, the open grazing fields, showing the kids horses, goats, and cows. He let them sneak into the garden, and made each one of them promise to not say anything because Senora De Valle took her greenhouse very seriously. And after that, he picked a couple strawberries for the kids as well as Izzy. They ended their tour at the general store, which was closed but Angel had a key. 
“Figured, you could grab whatever you wanted for dinner.” Angel lifted his hands up and pointed around the store. “My treat, as a thank you for today.” 
“I thought that’s what the tour was for.” Izzy was already looking around at what she wanted to grab for dinner for her and her daughter. 
Angel just laughed and shook his head, grabbing his own food and then placing a hundred dollar bill near the cash register, which Tatiana, the store manager would have known was Angel’s doing. 
“We can eat up at my place, it’s a two minute walk from here.” Angel pointed up the hill.
Izzy nodded, giving her young daughter a piece of food to hold and eat as she trekked up the hill. 
“Holy shit.” Izzy mumbled under breath as she reached the top of the hill to see Angel’s small cottage, more open fields, and the most beautiful sky as the sun began to set. 
“Ain’t bad, right?” Angel laughed before nodding his head so the woman would follow into the home. 
It wasn’t long until the kids were passed out on the couch, the remnants of their different dinners all over the bar counter where Izzy was currently sitting sipping the last of her soda while Angel leaned up against the back counter of his kitchen, the fridge directly to his right, and the living further out to his right. 
“You want a drink?” Angel used his foot to kick open the fridge, and leaned forward slightly to look in at what he had. “Have beer, wine, water…” He began to name off. 
“Cerveza, por favor.” She spoke so fluently it took Angel by surprise hearing it, he was so used to talking to her in English. 
He grabbed one for himself and pointed to the sliding door connected to the living room. “Sit outside?” He asked, already walking over. 
Izzy followed him, still in awe of the view he had here. 
“It’s pretty amazing isn’t it?” He plopped down on one of the lawn chairs that sat on the small patio deck. “Hard to believe this is my life sometimes.” 
“I get that feeling.” Izzy was nodding as she slowly moved down to sit in the chair and looked out across the field. 
“I’m sorry about this morning.” Angel brought the beer just shy of his lips before he apologized and then quickly brought it to his mouth right after to stop any other words from coming out. 
“You think anymore about my offer?” As hard as it was to not look at how beautiful the sky was, Izzy pried her eyes away to look at Angel. 
“Feel like all I ever do is think.” Unlike her, Angel couldn’t look over at her, his eyes were still looking out at the field, the very field where everything started this morning. 
“Well maybe you should turn that thinking into talking.” Izzy had a bit of an attitude in her voice, not a harsh one, but more of an obvious one. 
This got Angel’s attention. His head snapped to look at her, a confused frown filling his face, clearly picking up on the tone. 
“All I’m saying is, it’s not good to keep it bottled in. The thoughts. You gotta get them out.” She shrugged, casually bringing her legs up to sit criss crossed in the adirondack chair. 
“And you?” Angel matched the tone she had earlier. “Who do you talk to?” 
“God–sometimes.” She tossed her head back and forth and smiled “Myself.” She nodded so confidently. “I journal.” At those last two words she had pointed her hand with the beer in it like it was a forgotten thought. 
“You tellin’ me I should journal?” His eyebrows were furrowed but also raised. 
“I’m tellin’ you,” she mocked his language before returning to her own, “that you need to do something. Keeping it inside is going to kill you.” 
Angel laughed at that. The idea that now, where he was at in life, his thoughts would be the thing to kill him. Not an enemy, not his club, not the cartel, but his own fucking thoughts. 
“You suggestin’ I talk to you?” His voice had humor in it, it was deflection and Izzy knew it which is why she didn’t give in to it. 
“Doesn’t seem like you have many other options.” She turned her head to sarcastically look around. 
Angel smirked again, deflection still coursing through everything in him. “But you talked to yourself, or God.” He was leaning forward now, his hands resting on his knees, almost as if he was antagonizing the girl. “Oh and your journal.” He pointed to her copying exactly what she did earlier. 
Izzy stood up, finishing the beer in a huge chug before turning around and staring Angel down directly in his eyes. “I did that shit because when I came here, I had no one. It was me and my newborn. So yea, Angel, I made due with what I had.” She broke her eye contact and went back inside, tossing the empty bottle in the recycle bin and moving to grab her daughter from the couch. 
“We’re gonna head home.” She stepped back out onto the patio, her bag on one shoulder, and an asleep child on the other. 
Angel realized he fucked up the minute she was getting up. His head was starting to hurt between the thoughts and what just occurred. And now the headache was filled with regret and stress. 
“Give me a minute, let me just put him in his crib and I’ll walk you to your car.” Angel didn’t let the woman answer, just stepped inside and quickly moved Maverick to his bedroom before meeting Izzy back outside. 
The walk down to the car was silent, only the sounds of the birds and bugs as the night started to settle around them along with the crunches of the dirt below them. As they approached her silver SUV, the sounds escalated to car doors opening and the clicks and snaps of car seats and seatbelts. 
“Hey, look. I’m sorry.” Angel spoke up when Izzy was turning back around from strapping Abrielle in and lightly closing the car door. 
“Don’t worry about it.” Refusing to make eye contact she moved from the back seat to the driver’s door. 
Angel grabbed the door as she opened it, hoping his hand resting on the frame would get her to stop for a minute and look at him. “It’s just hard. I come from a place of not being able to trust anyone, trusting the wrong people, and just keeping a lot internal so it’s just tough for me.” 
Izzy turned around now, her body was inches away from Angel, the tension growing immensely as she stared up into his eyes, trying to fully grasp what he meant and was saying.
“My father was killed by a cartel hit squad, the person that killed him was looking for me, because I was pregnant with his child and planning to run away.” 
It was a sentence that lacked any detail at all, it was simply fact and really only said to make a point. Angel was lost for words, he could tell Izzy had a past, but he hadn’t expected it to be that dark. 
“So when I say I get it, Angel, I get it.” 
It was then Angel realized that she already knew, she knew where Angel came from without him having to say a word. She might not have known the names and the logistics but she could pick out the similarities between them easily.
“I was in an MC–motorcycle club, we had a deal with a cartel–worked for them, it ended bad. Lost my family, everyone except Maverick.” Angel offered up his story, similar to Izzy’s lacking all the detail but just something so she knew he was open to talking to her. 
The silence felt heavy and very apparent to Angel after he spoke up. His thoughts racing a mile a minute, was this the wrong decision, should he not have said anything. But then Izzy cut through that tension. 
“Looks like we have a lot in common.” Her face was still stiff, it was a side of the girl he hadn’t seen but he realized it was likely a part of her that was entirely who she was for a while based on what she told him. 
“If you’re up for it still, I’d love to take you up on what you said, picking Maverick up and dropping him off?” 
“Depends.” Her looked hardened even more. “Are you done?” Angel wasn’t sure what she was asking and apparently his face said that for him because she spoke up again. “Is that part of your life done, Angel? The MC, the cartel?” 
He felt sick thinking about it, all the death, the blood, the loose ends tied up. “It is.” 
“I can’t get involved in that again.” Her face had loosened up from his answer, but she still wanted to make her point clear. 
He nodded and then frowned. “Involved?” 
That’s when a small smirk flashed across her face for a moment when she looked down at the ground but then straightened out when she looked back up at him. “Yea my offer depends on if you plan to actually treat me to a proper dinner on your back patio.”  Angel’s eyebrows raised, a little in shock and the corner of his mouth turned up as he nodded.
“Yea, yea I think we can arrange that.”
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 5 months
Plot Bunny: Paulina Chávez (Winx) + Titans + Rachel Roth/Raven?
Okay but I love this so much?! Thank you anon you made my day!
Marisol Flores!
Mad Scientist obsessed with Gotham somehow got Poison Ivy's blood and experimented with it on his daughter
One day she lose control over her powers (that are basically just trying to protect her... also, they're "conscious"? It's like, they sort of have their own mind) and kills her father
Runs away and meets the Titans (early s1, TBD when)
Will eventually take the name of Dragonfly
Too Much Powerful and Sweet Girlfriends with Rachel 🥺
FC: Paulina Chavez
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dear-indies · 8 months
i was planning to use Star Slade for an oc but they deleted their instagram ... can i get some alts? she's in her mid 20s, would prefer that they're indigenous (indigenous + asian would be great but im open to anything) and have alternative / goth vibes! ty
The only Indigenous and Asian faceclaims I know if in/around that age range:
Chase Sui Wonders (1996) Tahitian, Chinese, Japanese / Unspecified White - her Generation resources could work!
Morgan Holmstrom (1997) Metis of Cree descent / Sambal Filipino, Ilocano Filipino.
Amber Midthunder (1997) Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux, Hudeshabina Nakoda Sioux, Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Dakota Sioux, Norwegian / Thai-Chinese, English.
Ava Jules (2000) Kānaka Maoli, Filipino, Portuguese, Italian.
Stephanie Poetri (2000) Patawomeck, Irish, Scottish, English, French, German, Swiss, Dutch / Minahasan Indonesian, Batak Indonesian, Chinese.
Indigenous face claims that could work / have alt vibes:
Sky Ferreira (1992) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] / Ashkenazi Jewish, Ojibwe, Cree, Chippewa Cree, Cheyenne, White - has Chronic Lyme Disease - has been in the industry for a while so has a bunch of younger roles/resources.
Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs (1993) Mohawk - is also queer - has a younger role in The Sun at Midnight.
Hannah Marks (1993) Muscogee, White / Ashkenazi Jewish, Sephardi Jewish - in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.
Na'ku'set Gould (1995) Mi'kmaq, White - was around 21 at the end of Degrassi if I can math.
Coty Camacho (1995) Mexican [Mixtec and Zapotec] - is pansexual.
Tia Wood (1999) Plains Cree, St'at'imc, Whonnock.
Sivan Alyra Rose (1999) Afro Puerto Rican, Creole / Chiricahua Apache - is genderfluid (they/she).
Anna Lambe (2000) Inuit - is bisexual.
Paulina Alexis (2000) Nakoda Sioux.
Renata Flores (2001) Peruvian [Quechua].
Ava Raine (2001) Samoan, Black Nova Scotian.
Quannah Chasinghorse (2002) Hän, Gwich’in, Sicangu Oyate Lakota Sioux, Oglala Lakota Sioux.
Hope this helps!
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smashpages · 2 months
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Can’t Wait for Wednesday | Top Cow unsheathes a new ‘Witchblade’ title this week
This week brings new comics and graphic novels by Marguerite Bennett, Giuseppe Cafaro, Stephanie Phillips, Alessandro Miracolo, Kelly Thompson, Paulina Ganucheau, Gerard Way, Shaun Simon, Chris Weston, Melissa Flores, Francis Portela, Joe Matt, Mike Maihack, Jason Aaron and more.
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cec1l1a · 7 months
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Cecilia Suárez, Festival de Cine de Málaga, 2024.
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
Corrupted Rangers Overwhelm in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #113
Corrupted Rangers Overwhelm in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #113 #comics #comicbooks #powerrangers #mmpr #darkesthour
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rotzaprachim · 3 months
nothing could have prepared me for the arrival of Paulina de la mora casa de Las flores in zorro 2024 as an evil milf with a cruella de Ville streak
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