#festival de málaga
lescroniques · 3 months
L'ombra del sol emmarca la història d'un retrobament entre germans
canalsur.es el-carabobeno.com Aquesta cinta veneçolana està dirigida per Miguel Ángel Ferrer i protagonitzada per Ángelo López, un actor sord amb unes qualitats innates per a la interpretació. Tots dos han mantingut una trobada amb la comunitat sorda de Màlaga…[…] (canalsur.es)
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programapilototv · 3 months
Teaser trailer de 'Nina', la nueva película de Andrea Jaurrieta
La segunda película de Andrea Jaurrieta, que se presentará este próximo lunes en la Sección Oficial del Festival de Málaga a competición, ha desvelado su teaser trailer. La película se ha rodado durante 6 semanas en diferentes localizaciones de Mundaka y Bermeo (Bizkaia). En ella, Nina (Patricia López Arnaiz) decide volver al pueblo costero donde creció, con una escopeta en el bolso y un…
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cec1l1a · 2 months
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Cecilia Suárez, Festival de Cine de Málaga, 2024.
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zoevaldes · 3 months
Censura y autocensura. La libertad del escritor. Con Zoé Valdés e Ignacio Martínez de Pisón - ZoePost
Por Centro Cultural La Malagueta/Festival Escribidores. Nacido con la vocación de servir como puente que refuerce y revitalice el vínculo entre América y Europa, en torno a las letras y la cultura, el Festival Literario de América y Europa ESCRIBIDORES ha sabido consolidarse rápidamente como una referencia entre los eventos de su naturaleza. Del 7 al 10 de febrero de 2024, tras los éxitos…
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squeakowl · 7 months
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Florence performing at the Cala Mijas Festival in Málaga, Spain, on the last night of the Dance Fever Tour on September 2nd, 2023 (Photography by Bianca de Vilar) (source)
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fabartists · 2 months
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Kerem Bürsin x Turkish Airlines x vanity fair en el festival de málaga ✨️ 🔥
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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Andalusia Day
Andalusia Day or ‘Dia de Andalucia,’ is celebrated every year on February 28 in Spain. Andalusia is located in the southernmost region of the country and on this day in 1980, the people of the region voted to make it an autonomous community in Spain. The word ‘autonomous’ implies the power of a community or territory to self-govern and make its own decisions without outside interference. Although a few nationalist groups prefer to celebrate on December 4, February 28 is the officially recognized date for Andalusia Day.
History of Andalusia Day
On February 28, 1980, the people of Andalusia organized and held a referendum, titled the ‘Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia referendum.’ The purpose of the vote was to decide on the independence of the Andalusian community. The referendum was successfully passed and from that day, Andalusia became autonomous.
However, a few nationalist groups choose to celebrate Andalusia Day on December 4, a date which marks the demonstrations to demand independence that took place in 1977. Andalusia Day is celebrated as a community public holiday where businesses may close to participate in the festivities. It is, however, only celebrated in Andalusia and not the rest of Spain.
Some schools may also close for a week to participate in a ‘Semana Cultural’ or ‘Semana Blanca’, which means a cultural week or white week respectively. Schools also celebrate the Friday before Andalusia Day with a traditional Andalusian breakfast of sliced toast drizzled in olive oil and a cup of orange juice. Students also color in pictures of the symbols of Andalusia.
Andalusia Day is usually observed by families in intimate gatherings, although festivals and other social activities also mark the day. The people of Andalusia usually decorate their buildings with the national flag, as well as green and white bunting.
Andalusia is located in Southwestern Europe, south of the Iberian Peninsula. It is largely an agricultural community, though, in recent times, it has seen exponential growth in industrialization. Andalusia has eight parts to it, Almeria, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga and the capital city of the community, Seville.
Andalusia Day timeline
1918 Flag of Andalusia
The flag of Andalusia is designed by Blas Infante, a writer, historian, and politician also referred to as the father of Andalusian nationalism.
1977 Demonstrations for Independence
A public protest takes place to demand Andalusian autonomy.
1980 The Statute of Autonomy
The ‘Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia’ referendum is passed into law.
2007 Parliament of Andalusia Awards
The Parliament of Andalusia grants the Medal of Andalusia to Miguel Báez Espuny and honors José de Sousa Saramago, with the title, ‘the Favorite Son of Andalusia.’
Andalusia Day FAQs
Does Andalusia have a president?
Yes. The current president of Andalusia is Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla.
What language is spoken in Andalusia?
Spanish is the official language, although you will find different dialects depending on the region.
Is Andalusia a small community?
Andalusia is home to over eight million people so, a relatively large population considering its size, a little over 87,000 kilometers square.
How to Observe Andalusia Day
Spend time with friends and family
Celebrate with color
Use the hashtag
For all the wonderful Andalusian people, celebrate this special day by taking the time to spend with friends and family. Also take a moment to reflect on what being part of a community means to you.
Decorate your home, office, or place of business with colors representing Andalusia. The colors of their national flag are dark green and white.
Spread the sense of pride in the community on Andalusia Day by using the hashtag #andalusiaday on all your social media platforms. Start an online conversation.
5 Fun Facts About Andalusia
Largest population
Land of the vandals
Caves of Nerja
Christopher Columbus
Andalusia’s hinterland
Andalusia is one of the autonomous communities in Spain with the largest population.
Andalusia means ‘land of the vandals.,’ and refers to a German tribe that settled there in the third and fourth centuries and were considered destroyers.
In Andalusia’s Caves of Nerja, the earliest-known artwork in human history was found.
It was from Andalusia that Christopher Columbus embarked on his famous journey of discovering America.
Andalusia’s hinterland is the hottest region of Europe.
Why Andalusia Day is Important
It’s a declaration of independence
It’s an opportunity to have fun
It reminds us of the value of community
The day is a joyful reminder of the fact that Andalusia is a self-governing community. It’s a celebration of the region’s history in achieving sovereignty.
Andalusia Day affords individuals the chance to partake in activities. Look out for community events such as cultural week or festivals that pay homage to this day.
Andalusia Day promotes a great sense of community among Andalusians. The shared history helps to break down barriers.
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daltony · 3 years
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Posted by Manolo Cardona on IG.
Hoy se estrena en sección oficial del festival de cine de Málaga nuestra película AMALGAMA DE Carlos Cuarón. Película de la cual me siento muy orgulloso y donde tuve el honor de Actuar y producir. Hoy los acompaño desde la distancia por temas de trabajo pero bien cerquita de alma y corazón a esta familia que amo con locura @rodartepop @unlunar @daltonyco Ya me contarán las aventuras ! ✨❤️ Gracias a Mexico 🇲🇽y República Dominicana 🇩🇴 donde filmamos nuestra película y mis socios y compañeros de aventura @carloscuaron.sliva @jorgelomba @juanchocardonam @hijomiogarcia @1111films @lokalproductions #BesosCosmicos @cinepolismx @cinepolisdistribucion @francardona11 @maryzubi @willyquiroga07 @jaferies y a todo el equipo detrás de cámara que lo hizo posible en los dos países @franciscruzrd @dgcinerd @clarovideo @clarord @annelramo @gisellemadera y todos y todas los que hicimos esta maravilla de proyecto.
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adriandelaya · 4 months
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Alicia Maguiña Málaga y Abelardo Vásquez Díaz bailando marinera limeña en el primer Festival de la Marinera de Miraflores (1962). Extraído de la revista 'Íntima' (Colección de Ángel Eduardo Pinzón).
Alicia Maguiña Málaga and Abelardo Vásquez Díaz dancing marinera limeña at the first Miraflores Marinera Festival (1962). Taken from 'Intima' magazine (Angel Eduardo Pinzon's collection).
- Adrián Elías Vega Salinas.
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jartitameteneis · 1 year
Grande Blanca Portllo. @ElCineEnLaSER El discurso de Blanca Portillo sobre la belleza, el físico, el oficio y el escrutinio a la imagen de las actrices
La intérprete recogió el domingo, la noche de los #Oscars, el premio del Festival de Málaga en vaqueros y camiseta. Merece la pena escucharlo
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losjavis · 1 year
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unseen fotos de los javis (+ john cameron mitchell) en el Festival de Málaga 2022
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highsocietyhq · 2 years
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With the third anniversary of the end of the Spanish-Portuguese war coming up, the Bourbon-Anjou family wants to invite royals and politicians from all over the world to enjoy the many festivities of Spain in August. The programme decided this was the perfect opportunity to move out of Regina into the beautiful seaside city of Alicante. The guests are encouraged to travel around Spain to experience the different festivals and events that take place all over the country throughout the month of August and will be given a list of events that they can take part in if they wish to.
WEEK ONE ( 1.8.-7.8. ) 
4.8. -7.8. Somontano wine festival 
7.8. Traída del Agua, Gran Canária 
WEEK TWO ( 8.8.-14.8. )
12.8. Bourbon-Anjou summer ball, Madrid
WEEK THREE ( 15.8.-21.8. ) 
13.-20.8. Feria del Málaga 
15.8. Noche de Vino, Cómpeta 
WEEK FOUR ( 22.8.-28.8. ) 
31.8. La Tomatina 
28.8.-1.9. Bullrun, Segovia
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oldadvertising · 1 year
SARAZÁ, María Elena. Málaga, Fiestas deportivas de invierno, 1953. by Halloween HJB
Poster for the Winter festivals and celebrations in Málaga, Spain, January and February 1953, which includes horse racing, regatas, motorcycle and bicycle races, etc.
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thecinelovers · 2 years
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Película: Stockholm País: España Director: Rodrigo Sorogoyen Año: 2013 Género: Romance. Drama | Drama romántico Una noche, en una discoteca, ves a una chica, te enamoras de manera fulminante y se lo dices. Aunque no te hace mucho caso, pasas con ella el resto de la noche. ¿Qué ocurriría si, al día siguiente, no fuera la chica que parecía ser? Una noche, en una discoteca, se te acerca el típico chico que dice que se ha enamorado de ti. No le haces caso, pero después compruebas que no es el típico plasta, es simpático, encantador y realmente se ha enamorado de ti; así que pasas el resto de la noche con él. ¿Qué ocurriría si al día siguiente no fuera en absoluto el chico que parecía ser? Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpWlEv3r9_k Película Online (HD):  https://ok.ru/video/3706020170295 FESTIVALES:
2013: Premios Goya: Mejor actor revelación (Pereira). 3 nominaciones 2013: Festival de Málaga: Mejor director, actriz (Aura Garrido) y guión novel 2013: Premios Feroz: mejor película drama. 4 Nom., incluyendo mejor actriz 2013: Premios Forqué: Nominada a Mejor actriz (Aura Garrido)
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disamedia · 1 year
Rodez (Excerpt) • Stefano Miraglia (FR-IT, 2017, digital, 3') from Collectif Jeune Cinema on Vimeo.
2017 / 3' / silent / distributed by Collectif Jeune Cinéma catalogue.cjcinema.org/fr/film/rodez-1110 derives.tv/constellation/miraglia/ stefanomiraglia.eu
Une exploration de la cathédrale de Rodez et de ses vitraux : figures en prière et imagerie scientifique. Une étude sur la couleur, la répétition et le clignotement, composée de 292 photographies.
An exploration of Rodez Cathedral and its stained glass windows: praying figures and scientific imagery. A study on color, repetition and flickering consisting of 292 photographs.
"A stunning piece of ecclesial psychedelia!" Sarah Bliss
Screenings & exhibitions: 2022/07 La Karavane, France 2021/07 Non-event [online] 2021/07 Cinema Zero, Italy 2020/08 Kino Otok, Slovenia 2020/07 Hambre Fórum [online] 2020/07 Dérives, France [online] 2020/06 Seek the sun, France [online] 2020/05 ICDOCS, USA [online] 2020/02 Les Inattendus, France 2020/01 Maratona di Visione, Italy [online] 2019/12 Les Inattendus Warm-up event, France 2019/11 Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival, Turkey 2019/11 Vidéo/Bars, France 2019/10 Panorama Internacional Vol #1 at Cine Tornado, Brazil 2019/10 Balkan Can Kino at Meme Gallery, Greece 2019/09 Mirada efímera at Museo MAR, Argentina 2019/06 ABOPevent #6b, USA 2019/06 Traverse Vidéo Hors Les Murs, France 2019/05 Panorama Internacional Vol #1 at O Sítio, Brazil 2019/05 Montreal Underground Film Festival, Canada 2019/05 L'Oeil d'Oodaaq (Rennes), France 2019/05 ABOPevent #6, USA 2019/04 Traverse Vidéo Hors Les Murs, France 2019/04 Ibrida - Festival delle arti intermediali, Italy 2019/04 L'Oeil d'Oodaaq (Saint-Malo), France 2019/04 Spectral Film Festival, USA 2019/03 Traverse Vidéo, France 2019/02 RPM Fest, USA 2018/12 Panorama Internacional Vol #1 at Pinacoteca Ruben Berta, Brazil 2018/11 Filmmaker Festival, Italy 2018/11 Nomadica, Italy 2018/10 Transient Visions, USA 2018/10 Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux, France 2018/09 The Unseen Festival, USA 2018/08 MARFICI, Argentina 2018/08 Strange Umbrellas #21, UK 2018/05 Fracto, Germany
Bio: Stefano Miraglia (Málaga, 1988) is an Italian-Spanish artist, curator and writer based in Paris. His activities focus on artists’ film and video. Often composed from diaristic and archival images, his films explore the notion of collage in cinema, combining noise music, photography, documentary and abstraction. His work has been presented internationally in exhibition spaces such as the Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (Taipei), Fabrica research center (Treviso), Le dôme (Montbazon), Centrum (Berlin) and in numerous film festivals such as Prismatic Ground, ICDOCS, Vienna Shorts and Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris - where his film Anoche received an award in 2017. Since 2018 he has curated and presented several programs of experimental and artists’ films. Stefano is the founder and principal curator of Movimcat, an online project for the dissemination of artist’s cinema. Since 2019 he has been working on the rediscovery and reappraisal of the work of Ellis Donda. Stefano Miraglia is a member of the French association of art curators C|E|A.
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fabartists · 2 months
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Kerem Bürsin en el festival de Málaga ✨️
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