tigers-eyes-26 · 1 year
Colors Chapter 4: The end
The next night Waluigi didn’t show up. Pauline was the mayor and his employer she could do what she wanted. She knocked on his hotel room.
“Who is it?”
“Who do you think?”
“Go away!”
“IF you don’t show up you are not going to be paid for tonight.”
“I don’t care!”
Pauline blew out a puff of air. Fine if money wasn’t going to draw him out, she had a pretty good idea what would.
The next day a poster was slipped under his hotel door. Waluigi’s eyes bulged when he read it. He slammed the door open. Pauline, who was walking away, turned coolly at the commotion. “FINE, I’m only doing this for my adoring fans and not for you!” 
She looked at him through hooded eyes. “Perfect.” She turned and sauntered down the hall with a proud look on her face.
Poster of the upcoming Dance Show Case was everywhere! The tickets were sold out. Waluigi spend weeks practiced his most difficult dances with the Mayor. The band practiced the handpicked music, the lights were designed to be as flashy as possible. It was all coming together.
Waluigi was relaxing in the green room an hour before the biggest performance of his life. He had a black dress shirt, purple dress pants and white dress shoes. His purple sequined vest was laying next to him on the couch he was sitting on.  An assistant was behind the couch massaging his shoulders. Pauline walked into the room. She had on a silver sequined top, disco ball earrings, a red skirt that was down to her knees and black heels. She looked at the scene disappointed. “Ashely, you can leave.”
“Oh, ok Miss Mayor.” She scuttled past the mayor and out the door. She pouted at Wally. “She has more important things to do.”
“Than give the star of the night a massage!?” He crossed his arms and slouched perturbed. Pauline took the assistant’s spot. She gripped his shoulders and started to dig her thumbs into him. “Wah!” Waluigi flinched with the pressure.
She didn’t let go. “You are not going to get the knots out if you don’t work hard on them.” He grit his teeth together and let her continue. “I’m going to approve of the Casino, with only one caveat….”
“Oh?” He squeaked out.
“That you come to check up on the establishment every year.”
“AH!” he exclaimed in pain and surprise.
“Your fans would appreciate to see your face every once and a while.” She continued to dig at a knot that was next to his shoulder blade. Waluigi gripped at the chair his knuckles turned white. “With you being a partner in Wario Inc. I would rather you and not Wario come to check on it.” He squeezed his eyes closed so that tears wouldn’t leak out. “By the way, why is it called Wario Inc and not Wario and Waluigi Inc?”
“There!” Pauline finally let go of his boney shoulders.
Waluigi gently rubbed at the spot that she had been working on. He straightened his back and moved his shoulders around. “Huh?” His shoulders actually felt better.
“Your welcome.” She smirked down at him. He gave her a stink eye. “I’m going to give the band a pep-talk before the show.” She sauntered out of the room.
The show was fantastic, sensational, electric. There was Cha-cha, Samba, Salsa, Swing, Jazz, Lindy hop, Disco and many more dances were put on display. Every trick was performed to perfection. Everyone enthusiastically applauded, cheered, and was awed at the show of expertise. Waluigi was having the time of his life! Sweat dripped down his sideburns but he hardly cared how exhausted he was. He played it up for the crowd, posing for them, and encouraging them to cheer louder for him.
At the end of the last dance, Waluigi dipped Pauline down low. She winked up at him he almost dropped her, instead he spun her up. They both bowed, and the stage was showered with roses.
Waluigi waited for the next helicopter. He had his purple polo and white shorts. His purple fedora wasn’t going to fit in his briefcase, so it sat proudly on his head with a new red rose tucked into the white band around it. He looked up to the sky and grumbled about the upcoming travel ahead of him.
“What no goodbye?” Waluigi whipped around to spot the Mayor in her red pantsuit with a purple sun hat. She got into his space and pouted in his face.
He coolly smirked at her. “Didn’t want to break my fans hearts.”
She smarmily rolled her eyes at him. “c’mere.” She opened her arms to invite a hug.
He scratched the back of his head. “Not really the hugging type.” He deflected. She yanked the front of his shirt to get him off balance and into her arms. “Wah!” he felt her put something in his back pocket. He jumped out of the embrace. “HEY! Hands off the merchandise!” He checked his back pocket. It was a check. His eyes bulged at the amount.
“Your cut of the money from the show case and from the sell of the instructional videos. More will be coming your way soon.”
He gave her a distrustful look. “My cut eh? What percentage did I get exactly?”
“50 percent.”
“Only 50? Your holding out on me toots.”
“The other 50 went to pay the band, the light and sound tech, The camera men and the editors, for distribution, the elect-.”
“I get it! I get it!” He patted the air with his hands to get her to stop her list. “You pay your people well.” He folded his arms. “If I were you, I would pocket a big lump of that.”
She crossed her arms indignantly. “I did get some of it, I was in the performance if you recall?”
He tapped his chin with his finger. “mmmm…. Can’t say that I do….” She moved to punch him in the arm he slipped out of her range, with a big grin. “All I remember was people screaming my name.”
“You Jerk!” She swung again this time contacting his shoulder.
He rubbed the throbbing spot. “Ow!”
“It’s what you deserve you scoundrel!” she balled her fists at her sides and glared at him.
He smiled and slunk closer to her. “Scoundrel, eh?” He wrapped his arms around her locking her arms to her sides “I wouldn’t have you think of me any other way.” she looked up at him with a mix of curiosity and daring. He studied her face. The wind picked up blowing Pauline’s hat off the building. They didn’t seem to notice. Caught looking at each other as their goodbyes. The wind grew stronger blowing her brunet hair back. Stronger still it blew his hat down into his eyes, effectively breaking their staring contest. Waluigi let go of the Mayor and held on to his hat, annoyed.
They both turned around to see the wind was actually coming from the approaching helicopter. It landed. He gathered his briefcase. She yelled over the drone of the blades. “See you next year!” He saluted back at her not wanting to yell over the sound. He jumped into the flying machine and was off. Pauline waved until it was a fair way off. Next year, hopefully sooner, they would see each other again.
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tigers-eyes-26 · 1 year
Colors Chapter 3
Their dance that night was a more subdued affair. Pauline couldn’t stand the atmosphere it was choking. Waluigi counted the steps out loud. She took a step closer to him instead of out. He raised an eyebrow. She whispered to his ear “I’m sorry,” She kept up the steps but kept close to him as they stepped forward and backward. He didn’t answer still counting the steps, but his eyes kept on her. “I’m just a curious cat.” She gave him a small smile. He took a step back spinning her to the beat. They came back together. “That’s sweet you had someone to help you.”
“Ok lets do that again.” He addressed the cameras. They reset.
She continued to whisper so the cameras wouldn’t catch it. “I wasn’t so lucky.” He heard her but kept counting. “I need to tell you something.” Again, he spun her around. “But only after the cameras are off.” He nodded slightly.
“Now lets go a little bit faster.”
She waited for the lights on the cameras indicating they were on to go off. She turned to a scowling Waluigi crossing his arms. “What is it you need to tell me about?” She opened her mouth to answer but he cut her of immediately. “The people are robots.”
It was Pauline’s turn to scowl. He again didn’t give her a chance to answer. “I’m smart too sweetheart. They all dress the same. They are all the same age. There are no old or young people around. I maybe skinny but I am no weakling and it required me to put way more effort to swing those ladies at the club around than it is you.”
Pauline opened her mouth again, and again was denied to speak. “So, what’s the point of telling me they are robots?” He bent into her face a little.
She glared at him not wanting to try to speak again until she was sure he was done. She took a breath. “That wasn’t what I was going to talk to you about, but Yes they are.”
Waluigi gave a small fist pump “I knew it.”
“Even though they are robots. They have personalities and are very much alive and need to be treated like any other people.” She gave him a pointed look. “Capisce?”
“Yah, yah, yah,” He flippantly agreed.
Pauline decided not to continue to argue but switched topics. “What I really wanted to say is I’m sorry about digging into your life without sharing my own dirt.”
Waluigi mulled over what she said. Was he curious about her? Did he really care about what she was going to say? Ehh…What the heck it would be interesting. “Ok Shoot, what dirt do you ~wish~ to share?”
“As you can probably tell from how I speak, I’m from Brooklyn.”
Waluigi held up his hand sharply. “Don’t tell me! You knew the Mario Brothers before they came here.”
Pauline sputtered a little. “I Did…”
“You better not tell me you dated one of them!” He pointed an accusatory face at her.
“WHa! I bet you dated Luigi didn’t you!?” He crossed his arms and mumbled. “That timid freak somehow gets all the hot feisty babes.”
Pauline stamped her foot. “NO! I went on a date with Mario, it was to thank him.”
“Even better! Thank him for what!? That runt is always saving the damsel in distress. It’s like he has a radar or something! So, what did he save you from? A thug? The Mafia? A handsy fan?”
“No!” She shouted; she took a breath to calm her anger. She quietly continued, “From a gorilla…”
Waluigi burst out into laughter. His laughter stopped when the air was forced out of his lungs. He was suddenly on the ground with a stiletto on his chest, his arm having been captured by Pauline. “Listen buster! If I’m going to continue my story you better listen!”
“…Okay..” He wheezed out. She let his arm go and sat down near his head.
“We think a super shroom got into our world and made it to the Brooklyn Zoo. He wasn’t your average gorilla. You’ve meet DK before, haven’t you?”
Waluigi was still catching his breath but nodded.
“It was his father. We’ve sat down and had a conversation about it. Apparently, animals who eat the food from here get really intelligent. DK and group have their Island as a refuge for all those animals that end up here.” She glanced at Waluigi. He was laying on his stomach with his hands on his face. His face was giving her an unimpressed bored look.
“Anyways that’s not important to our story.” She moved on. “The Mario bros went missing from the community and everyone searched for them. Eventually everyone gave up. I didn’t. I found a pipe and ended up here in a magical world with robots that practically worship everything New York. They had modeled themselves off of 1920s Noir films and 1950s business magazines.”
Waluigi sat up in a cross-legged position. “So, they worshiped you, a girl from the magical place they only had pictures of.” He threw up is arms in frustrations. “What a dream!”
“Hey! It’s not all sunshine and roses! Not everyone thinks I’m doing a good job as mayor. I can’t blame them I never studied political science. I was a bar singer!”
He scoffed, “Cry me a river!” He stood up and brushed the nonexistent dust off his pants. “I would kill to be in your position.”
She looked up at him with a playful face. “Is that a threat?”
“Wah! That’s not my style, I don’t like to get my hands dirty. Plus, that would make me infamous.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Aren’t you already infamous?”
He crossed his arms and glared down at her. “What do you know about me?”
“I heard from some reputable sources that you tend to cheat.”
He snorted. “Is that source Mario?”
Pauline got up from the floor and into his face. “So, what if it is?”
“He’s just a jealous ex.” He grinned victoriously at her.
She huffed.
Waluigi chuckled, “This is why I don’t tell people things; it can be used against you.”
“Is Mario telling the truth or is he spreading a rumor?”
He didn’t answer. He examined his hand nonchalantly. “I’ll never tell.” 
“Grrrr your infuriating!” She went to punch him he slipped out of the way. She continued to throw punches and Waluigi continued to slink out of her reach, cackling at her efforts.
He slipped out of the door with a playful cry of “Ciao!”
The next night after their recording session.
“I have asked around if anyone here knows of your reputation.”
“And no one knows about you, all they think is you are a smug grumpy dancer.”
“Yah, So what?”
“So, you don’t have much of a reputation here. You could be whoever you wanted to be.”
Waluigi mulled that over. “Why do you want me to be such an upright citizen?”
“Its what friends do.” she said casually.
“Oh, so we are friends now?” He raised an eyebrow and smirked, “I thought this was only a business relationship?”
“It was at first but now I just want to help.”
“~just wanna help~” He mimicked. “Like some hero to save the wayward grifter. I can see the headlines;” he spread is hands over his head as if outlining the headlines. “Mediocre Mayor turns hardened Mushroom Kingdom criminal into goodie New Donk Citizen.”
The barb got under her skin, “I’m not doing as a pollical ploy!”
“It probably makes you feel so ~good~ about yourself!” He hugged himself and gave a faux relaxed face.
“I’m not doing this for me! I’m doing it for you!”
She was losing her cool and Waluigi could sense it. “Why do you care about me!?” He threw his hands up in the air.
Her mouth clamped down, she blushed. Why did she care?
Waluigi didn’t give her a chance to explain, “Am I just some kind of entertainment for you?” he accused.
“Everyone has their reasons for helping. Mario does it for the attention of the princess. Luigi to prove he’s just as good as his brother. Wario for the money. What’s yours, honey?”
She rolled her eyes at his cynical comment. “I told you already! You’re my friend, Wally, I help friends.” Waluigi opened his mouth, but it was her turn to not let him speak. “Do you not think you are worthy of friendship?”
A shadow passed over his face. He tried to rebound. “I-I am Great! The Greatest! Everyone should be dying to be my friend! I…Just…I don’t…need any more friends….right now….” He quickly reasoned.  He…He needed to go. He turned sharply and speed walked out the door, blushing. Pauline watched him go, feeling victorious.
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tigers-eyes-26 · 1 year
Colors Chapter 2
Waluigi sat across a round metal café table from the Mayor. She had a dark purple wide brimmed hat to shield her from the sun. He wondered how many red pantsuits she owned. Waluigi had on a purple polo. His only pair of fancy clothes were still dirty, and he wasn’t going to meet with the Mayor in his working overalls. So, his tennis clothes would have to do.
“I’ve been told you are looking to open a casino?” She glanced up at him and took a sip of coffee.
“My…business partner is going to be opening a casino, he sent me to do the paperwork for him.” He played a little bit with his coffee cup.
She hummed. “After all the paperwork is done you going to leave town?”
Waluigi’s eyes widened. Wah? Is this broad asking me to stay? He took a sip to cover his initial reaction. “It depends….” The ball was now in her court.
She set her cup down. “Seeing you dance last night and seeing how much my people loved it, it’s a shame you don’t open up a dance studio.”
He smirked at her complement. “Yes, someone around here needs to teach these people how to dance. Unfortunately, I’m not the teaching type.” He took a bite of a croissant roll.
She looked up at him through her lashes, “You can’t even teach me?”
He nearly sputtered. What a con-woman thing to do! He swallowed his bite with a cough. He put on his biggest leer. “I can teach you anything you want to know, darling.”
“Good you teach me how to dance, we’ll record it and use it to teach the other people.” She took another sip looking satisfied.
He narrowed his eyes at her. “Now lady, I’m a busy man.” He made his voice sound exhausted. “I still haven’t found the right place for the casino! I need to find employees; Wah! I still have to think of a good poster to promote……”
“I can help you find people to do that for you.”
He got her right where he wanted her. “Yes, but they wouldn’t do that for free.”
“Of course not.” She eyed him intently waiting for what this was going to come to.
“Just like them I am not going to teach for free.”
Her eyes sparked. “So, you’ll do it?”
He narrowed his eyes at her, “For a price….”
“Name it, and we’ll see.”
“Those people you mentioned can they do their jobs for half price?”
Her blue eyes gave him a death glare. “No, I wouldn’t have my people get less than what the earn.”
Waluigi pouted. “Then are you willing to pay me enough to pay them, and then some for my instructions?” He threaded his hands across his face to explain. “I came here with money from my business partner, but I don’t think he would appreciate me using it to hire people to do my job. I only have enough personal money to stay here for about a month.”
Pauline grit her teeth. Was she willing? She would love to see her people dance to her music other than jumping and swaying. Was it worth it? He was good she knew that. She had heard from the ladies he had danced with they would be interested to learn more. This was one thing that would get the economy flowing. She gave a sigh. “How much would your ‘instruction’ cost?”
He paused in thought. How much should he throw out here? “100 coins an hour.”
Now it was her turn to sit and think. She could always sell the tapes to get some of the money back. She stood up and extended her hand to the man in purple. “Deal.”
He raised his eyebrows in surprise. She was supposed to negotiate him down! Well, he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. He stood too and shook her hand. “Deal.” She had a good firm handshake.
“Let’s go find those you need to hire, and our instructions can begin at 6pm tonight.”
The day was spent looking at the best places for a casino that was narrowed down to two places. Then Waluigi shared his ideas to an artist about the promo posters. After that meeting with a hiring agent about the workers needed at the prospective casino. This was going to be a breeze! Waluigi knew his good looks would come in handy.  He had an hour to wash his nice clothes, eat some food, primp a little and head out to meet Pauline.
She again was in her sequined red dress. She had a remote in her hand. Several cameras were set up in different angles. To his surprise there was no camera men behind the cameras. Pauline noticed his head swivel around to the cameras. “I figured you wouldn’t want a live audience.”
He frowned. “Actually, I want an audience to scream my name.” He shrugged, “but this will do.”
She smiled at his response. “Should we get started?” She opened her arms.
He slunk up to her holding her hand and waist. “Now for the basics.” He addressed the camera.
A week into their arrangement Waluigi walked out of an office holding the new poster design for the casino. He took a long step out of the office only to bump into Pauline.
“Wah!” he had dropped some of the poster papers he was carrying.
Pauline kneeled down to help pick them up. She examined one. “These are looking good.”
Waluigi swiped it out of her hand before she could look at it closer. “Of course, with my brilliant ideas and their umm… talent.” He generally motioned to the design office door.
“I’m heading to lunch right now care to join me?”
“Wah!? Not only am I secretly dancing with the Mayor, but NOW she is asking Me out on a Lunch date!” he barbed. “Be careful Madam Mayor people may start talking.” He shifted his eyes around looking invisible gossip mongers.
Pauline smirked and continued walking down the hallway. “You coming, or what?” He jogged to catch up to her.
Lunch wasn’t anything fancy just some sandwiches from a corner dinner. They sat at a booth in a far corner away from people.
“So, Wally tell me about your ~mysterious~ business partner.”
Waluigi swallowed the bite he had taken. “Well….you see….” He scratched his cheek. Stalling. Wario didn’t have a good reputation, he didn’t know if that reputation had made it to New Donk.
“C’mon you can tell me.” Pauline bat her long eyelashes at him.
He wasn’t going to fall for it. “Let’s just say he isn’t as handsome as me.” He ended the conversation with taking another bite of his sandwich.
Pauline breathed out in frustration. “I’m not stupid you know; I saw the small print on the posters.” Waluigi frowned as he chewed. “Wario Inc. is the owner of the new casino.”
He finished his bite. “Ok ~Smart One~ what do you know about Wario?”
Pauline crossed her arms. “He’s dishonest, greedy, and will probably swindle hordes of money from my people with this casino of his.”
Waluigi raised his arms in a shrug. “Yah so, that’s what a casino does, sweetheart.”
Pauline’s lips made a straight line, her cheeks red, her eyebrows making it clear she was angry.
“What do you want me to do, Weh? That’s just how the guy is. You’re the mayor you have power you can refuse his business permits, or whatever.”
Pauline let out a breath. “Do you have his number? I can talk to him myself before I decide what to do.”
Waluigi looked to the side and dug into his pocket. He produced a small address book. He opened it up to the first page. Pauline read the page and gave him a confused look. “Smelly?”
“That’s him alright.” She got out a little planer book and a pen from her inside suit pocket. “Just a fair warning, he isn’t going to be honest over the phone either.”
Pauline blew out a sigh. “Then why do you hang out with the likes of him?”
Waluigi crossed his arms and leaned back against the seat refusing to answer.
She leaned forward placing her hand on her cheeks, she scanned him with her big eyes. He refused to look at her. “You are clearly better than him.”
“That’s obvious.” He scoffed.
“C’mon Wally, I’m not going to publish your life story in the news.” She frowned at him.
Waluigi threw his arms up in annoyance. “Wah! You are one nosy lady!” She still looked at him expecting an answer. He slammed his palms down on the table. “IF you must know, He was there when I came into this crazy magical world!” the shout echoed over the diner. Waluigi could feel the other patrons’ eyes on him. He sunk into the chair.
Once Pauline had recovered from her surprise at his outburst, she gave the other patrons a pointed look, telling them to mind their own business. The quietly turned back to their food. She leaned in closer and quietly said, “Why don’t you leave him.”
With the most serious face she had seen on him, he simply said “I can’t.” Suddenly he had gathered his things, stood up, and turned to the door. “Wait!” She stood up. He paused his exit. “Will I still see you tonight?”
He didn’t turn to her. “I can’t let my fans down.” He slipped out the door.
Chapter 1:
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tigers-eyes-26 · 1 year
Colors Chapter 1
Waluigi tossed a coin to the helicopter operator. It had taken many forms of transportation through out his journey to this miserable city, and finally he was done traveling for a while. He hefted his large briefcase and ambled off to find a way off the top of this building.
Wario was right this place was full of….people…weh.. customers. These people didn’t look right to him. their heads and hands… they were all too small. They all looked very bland. What’s up with their fashion? All had gray business suits. No color? Waluigi sneered at the rush of people around him.
He made it to his hotel room it was ok…. still bland but comfortable. He stretched out all his kinks he had acquired during his travels. It was annoying being tall and traveling. Why didn’t Wario just travel himself if he was the one that was going to start a business here? ~Oh right~, he’s a lazy slob. They would take one look at his ugly mug and deny him any permits he needs. Waluigi had finesse and looks. He could just smile and wink himself through any paperwork. He got dressed in his best. Purple dress pants, vest, and a white-collar shirt. He brushed his hair.  Wally looked at himself in the mirror and twisted his mustache practicing his smiles. “Wah! What a handsome man! Whahaha!” He was ready.
He confidently sauntered toward the City Hall. A spot of color caught his eye. A tall curvy brunette dame in a red pantsuit. He slunk in step with her. She side-eyed him keeping her face forward, barely acknowledging him.
He smiled at her regardless. “Wah! I must complement you on your fashion choices!”
Her black heels kept clicking onward on the sidewalk. “You must be new here.”
He chose not to hear her condescending tone. “I am, and I’m looking for someone like you to show me around.”
“Sorry,” She wasn’t sorry, “I’m busy.”
His smiled faltered a little. “Yes…like everyone else in this city.” He mumbled under his breath. He picked his smile up again. “How about after work?”
She scoffed as the only answer.
Waluigi slid in front of her. She didn’t stop her walk. He adjusted and started walking backwards. “Look lady, you seem smart and like the only one here that I can get along with. I just want to know about the best places in this city.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “We have people who can show you around.”
Before Waluigi could rebuttal, his back hit glass. He looked up, they had walked to the art deco City Hall doors. He opened the door for her and bowed as she passed him. She walked in with purpose.
“Oh, Hello Madame Mayor!” The gray clothed secretary at the front desk greeted her.
Waluigi’s jaw dropped in disbelief. She was the mayor!?! He had harassed the mayor and would probably be denied permits now.
The Mayor smirked over her shoulder. “Suzie here can point you to people who can show you around.” She entered an elevator with an amused smile on her red lips.
Waluigi rubbed his hand down his face. He looked at the eager small face of Suzie.
It was a long day of meeting with realtors and looking at potential places to put Wario’s new casino. even if the people looked bland at least they had personality through their speech. After at the last place, Waluigi and a blond realtor walked back to the center of town. “Is there any place here to buy colorful clothes?” he asked exasperated at all the gray.
“Sure, da Crazy Cap Shop.” As they came to a corner, she jerked her thumb at the bright yellow and purple shop.
His eyes lit up at the shop. Finally, some color! “Wah! Hey, thanks lady!” He raced to the shop.
“Fuhgeddaboudit.” She shrugged as he darted across the street. She figured he could find his way back to his hotel by himself and continued home.
Waluigi had been eyeing the hats that the men wore around the city, but he couldn’t stand wearing something gray. WAh! The perfect one! A purple fedora hat with a white band. He could dress it up a bit with a pin or something else. He tried it on and made several faces in the mirror to see how it looked.
“Hurry up will ya!” The cashier cried out from behind the register. The bland man wore a bright yellow suit with an equally bright purple tie.
Waluigi glared at him but made his way up to check out. “Why such the rush?”
“I’m closing early. Gotta see Mayor Pauline’s performance tonight.”
Waluigi paid for the hat. “She performs?”
The man incredulously gasped “You must be new here!”. Waluigi eyebrows flattened. “She’s the best singer in the whole city!”
“Mmm… I better see for myself.” He placed the paid for purple fedora on his head.
“Sure, she sings at the city hall auditorium in….” The shopkeeper looked down at his watch. “The next 30 minutes! Geez I gotta get this place closed up. Shoo shoo!” The man shoved Waluigi out the door.
“Wah! Hey!” he protested but ended up out on the streets. “Hmph.” He adjusted his hat and straightened his vest. “Let’s see how well this lady sings.”
Waluigi entered the auditorium, it was covered in dark red velvet carpet and the dark walls were decorated in gold. It would be a nice place, only it was packed from wall to wall with people swaying to the tune. On the stage was Mayor Pauline in a red sequined cocktail dress that framed her body perfectly. She was singing a jazzy slow tune with the band members in red behind her. Her eyes would periodically close, showing off her shiny purple eyeshadow, as she poured passion into her song. He had to admit she was good. But what bothered him was the audience, just swaying. Jazz needed to be danced to! The current song ended. The crowd went wild, jumping, cheering, and whistling. 
Pauline bowed her head gratefully. After a bask in the cheering she started to snap out an upbeat rhythm the band followed her lead. Waluigi swiveled his head to see if anyone was going to dance to this song? Nope, they jumped in place and clapped. That was it!? Wah! He couldn’t stand it! He shoved his way to the middle of the floor. He grabbed the closest lady and twirled her to get the other people out of his way.
“Whoa!” she exclaimed.
“Try to follow my lead, Toots.”
He twirled, lifted, and flipped the lady in the gray dress suit. He intentionally used her to smack into other audience members making them step away, creating space for him to dance. Eventually the rest of the people started to “oooh” and “aww” at the fancy dancer and his moves with his stiff partner. One of the spotlight operators took notice too and shifted his light to the circle that had formed in the crowd. The song came to an end, and Waluigi finished by landing in the splits.
Again, the room erupted in cheers, claps, and elation, but his time it was focused on him. Waluigi flashed a winning smiled. “Wah!” he cheered as he jumped up out of the splits.
“Me next! Me Next!” A woman who was part of the circle around him cried and jumped forward into his space. Waluigi didn’t mind. The cheers and recognition were enough for him. He could dance all night.
And he did dance all night. After every song a new woman would want to try to dance with him. He obliged. After hours the set was done. Suzie ascended the stairs to gift a bouquet of red roses to the mayor.
“Thank you, New Donk City!” Pauline cheered. She took one rose and tossed it to Waluigi. He caught it between his teeth and gave the singer a smolder.
“Oh?” She cocked an eyebrow at him.
People rushed out of the Auditorium all buzzing. Waluigi followed the flow of people. He caught words of some of the conversations. “Amazing!” “How did he do that?” “I want to be twirled like that.” He smiled at all the women who he caught looking at him in awe.
 A hand gripped his arm stopping him from exiting the building. “Wah!?” He looked at the man that had stopped him, again nothing really set him apart from all the others in the city.
“The mayor wants to see you.” The man announced.
“Wah? A little old me??” He joked with the man but got no response. Waluigi lightly smacks the mans hand off of his arm. “Alright already, I’m not going to run away.” The man just stoically eyed him. Waluigi crossed his arms and waited next to the statue of a man. After all the regular people had left the building, the singing mayor herself appeared. She had a long black fur coat tied over her red dress.
Waluigi opened his mouth to complement her, she flicked out a card in his face. “I have a proposal for you, meet me tomorrow at this café. 11 am sharp.” She walked out to a black car parked right in front of building. She paused before getting into the back seat. “Good night,”
“Good night….” He dumbly replied. The man shoved Waluigi out of the doorway and locked the door after him. “Wah! I can get out myself, thank you very much!” The man just glared and walked off leaving Waluigi to think about his meeting with the mayor tomorrow.
Authors notes: I had a dream about this and had to write it down. This is like 4 months in the making. This is part of my AU. I still don't have a name for it yet.
Next Chapter:
the Link below is a story that kinda explains my AU or my Headcannon.
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