#The new donk people freak me out man
tigers-eyes-26 · 1 year
Colors Chapter 2
Waluigi sat across a round metal café table from the Mayor. She had a dark purple wide brimmed hat to shield her from the sun. He wondered how many red pantsuits she owned. Waluigi had on a purple polo. His only pair of fancy clothes were still dirty, and he wasn’t going to meet with the Mayor in his working overalls. So, his tennis clothes would have to do.
“I’ve been told you are looking to open a casino?” She glanced up at him and took a sip of coffee.
“My…business partner is going to be opening a casino, he sent me to do the paperwork for him.” He played a little bit with his coffee cup.
She hummed. “After all the paperwork is done you going to leave town?”
Waluigi’s eyes widened. Wah? Is this broad asking me to stay? He took a sip to cover his initial reaction. “It depends….” The ball was now in her court.
She set her cup down. “Seeing you dance last night and seeing how much my people loved it, it’s a shame you don’t open up a dance studio.”
He smirked at her complement. “Yes, someone around here needs to teach these people how to dance. Unfortunately, I’m not the teaching type.” He took a bite of a croissant roll.
She looked up at him through her lashes, “You can’t even teach me?”
He nearly sputtered. What a con-woman thing to do! He swallowed his bite with a cough. He put on his biggest leer. “I can teach you anything you want to know, darling.”
“Good you teach me how to dance, we’ll record it and use it to teach the other people.” She took another sip looking satisfied.
He narrowed his eyes at her. “Now lady, I’m a busy man.” He made his voice sound exhausted. “I still haven’t found the right place for the casino! I need to find employees; Wah! I still have to think of a good poster to promote……”
“I can help you find people to do that for you.”
He got her right where he wanted her. “Yes, but they wouldn’t do that for free.”
“Of course not.” She eyed him intently waiting for what this was going to come to.
“Just like them I am not going to teach for free.”
Her eyes sparked. “So, you’ll do it?”
He narrowed his eyes at her, “For a price….”
“Name it, and we’ll see.”
“Those people you mentioned can they do their jobs for half price?”
Her blue eyes gave him a death glare. “No, I wouldn’t have my people get less than what the earn.”
Waluigi pouted. “Then are you willing to pay me enough to pay them, and then some for my instructions?” He threaded his hands across his face to explain. “I came here with money from my business partner, but I don’t think he would appreciate me using it to hire people to do my job. I only have enough personal money to stay here for about a month.”
Pauline grit her teeth. Was she willing? She would love to see her people dance to her music other than jumping and swaying. Was it worth it? He was good she knew that. She had heard from the ladies he had danced with they would be interested to learn more. This was one thing that would get the economy flowing. She gave a sigh. “How much would your ‘instruction’ cost?”
He paused in thought. How much should he throw out here? “100 coins an hour.”
Now it was her turn to sit and think. She could always sell the tapes to get some of the money back. She stood up and extended her hand to the man in purple. “Deal.”
He raised his eyebrows in surprise. She was supposed to negotiate him down! Well, he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. He stood too and shook her hand. “Deal.” She had a good firm handshake.
“Let’s go find those you need to hire, and our instructions can begin at 6pm tonight.”
The day was spent looking at the best places for a casino that was narrowed down to two places. Then Waluigi shared his ideas to an artist about the promo posters. After that meeting with a hiring agent about the workers needed at the prospective casino. This was going to be a breeze! Waluigi knew his good looks would come in handy.  He had an hour to wash his nice clothes, eat some food, primp a little and head out to meet Pauline.
She again was in her sequined red dress. She had a remote in her hand. Several cameras were set up in different angles. To his surprise there was no camera men behind the cameras. Pauline noticed his head swivel around to the cameras. “I figured you wouldn’t want a live audience.”
He frowned. “Actually, I want an audience to scream my name.” He shrugged, “but this will do.”
She smiled at his response. “Should we get started?” She opened her arms.
He slunk up to her holding her hand and waist. “Now for the basics.” He addressed the camera.
A week into their arrangement Waluigi walked out of an office holding the new poster design for the casino. He took a long step out of the office only to bump into Pauline.
“Wah!” he had dropped some of the poster papers he was carrying.
Pauline kneeled down to help pick them up. She examined one. “These are looking good.”
Waluigi swiped it out of her hand before she could look at it closer. “Of course, with my brilliant ideas and their umm… talent.” He generally motioned to the design office door.
“I’m heading to lunch right now care to join me?”
“Wah!? Not only am I secretly dancing with the Mayor, but NOW she is asking Me out on a Lunch date!” he barbed. “Be careful Madam Mayor people may start talking.” He shifted his eyes around looking invisible gossip mongers.
Pauline smirked and continued walking down the hallway. “You coming, or what?” He jogged to catch up to her.
Lunch wasn’t anything fancy just some sandwiches from a corner dinner. They sat at a booth in a far corner away from people.
“So, Wally tell me about your ~mysterious~ business partner.”
Waluigi swallowed the bite he had taken. “Well….you see….” He scratched his cheek. Stalling. Wario didn’t have a good reputation, he didn’t know if that reputation had made it to New Donk.
“C’mon you can tell me.” Pauline bat her long eyelashes at him.
He wasn’t going to fall for it. “Let’s just say he isn’t as handsome as me.” He ended the conversation with taking another bite of his sandwich.
Pauline breathed out in frustration. “I’m not stupid you know; I saw the small print on the posters.” Waluigi frowned as he chewed. “Wario Inc. is the owner of the new casino.”
He finished his bite. “Ok ~Smart One~ what do you know about Wario?”
Pauline crossed her arms. “He’s dishonest, greedy, and will probably swindle hordes of money from my people with this casino of his.”
Waluigi raised his arms in a shrug. “Yah so, that’s what a casino does, sweetheart.”
Pauline’s lips made a straight line, her cheeks red, her eyebrows making it clear she was angry.
“What do you want me to do, Weh? That’s just how the guy is. You’re the mayor you have power you can refuse his business permits, or whatever.”
Pauline let out a breath. “Do you have his number? I can talk to him myself before I decide what to do.”
Waluigi looked to the side and dug into his pocket. He produced a small address book. He opened it up to the first page. Pauline read the page and gave him a confused look. “Smelly?”
“That’s him alright.” She got out a little planer book and a pen from her inside suit pocket. “Just a fair warning, he isn’t going to be honest over the phone either.”
Pauline blew out a sigh. “Then why do you hang out with the likes of him?”
Waluigi crossed his arms and leaned back against the seat refusing to answer.
She leaned forward placing her hand on her cheeks, she scanned him with her big eyes. He refused to look at her. “You are clearly better than him.”
“That’s obvious.” He scoffed.
“C’mon Wally, I’m not going to publish your life story in the news.” She frowned at him.
Waluigi threw his arms up in annoyance. “Wah! You are one nosy lady!” She still looked at him expecting an answer. He slammed his palms down on the table. “IF you must know, He was there when I came into this crazy magical world!” the shout echoed over the diner. Waluigi could feel the other patrons’ eyes on him. He sunk into the chair.
Once Pauline had recovered from her surprise at his outburst, she gave the other patrons a pointed look, telling them to mind their own business. The quietly turned back to their food. She leaned in closer and quietly said, “Why don’t you leave him.”
With the most serious face she had seen on him, he simply said “I can’t.” Suddenly he had gathered his things, stood up, and turned to the door. “Wait!” She stood up. He paused his exit. “Will I still see you tonight?”
He didn’t turn to her. “I can’t let my fans down.” He slipped out the door.
Chapter 1:
Next Chapter:
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polygon-streams · 5 years
May 2nd 2019- Donk Souls
Summary: Pat plays Dark Souls again with our lovable protagonist, Magnum Kong Jr. New environments and monster types are explored (and some cool hats)!
Pat starts in and makes a face at the camera. Eyes wide, staring in glee, the game boots up
Pat acknowledges new subs, mocked the “Hey boy!” clip as it played
Snorkel_the_Dolphin is a rare game historian on twitter, subbed to Pat
Since MK was finished last stream, we’re doing Donk Souls for this stream
Typically saves parts ahead of where we were last stream, so that he has played that part of the game before stream; didn’t this time
Boots on music: Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze soundtrack
I forgot what the character looked like until he panned back to the game lmaoooo
Recap: we are on the road of sacrifices, w nasty lil bird freaks in it (they sprout from the ground and show one of their wings)
“Luckily, we have the biggest fucking hammer in the world to hit them with” (It’s actually a mace)
Pat thinks he’s gonna switch his primary weapons to be a sword and the big hammer
Pat appreciates whistling, especially w vibrato
Brushy is very good at whistling, so can Faith. Pat asks which one can whistle deeper, then tries to whistle deeply. Deepest whistle is throat singing, in Pat’s opinion
Fun fact: Pat used to be able to throat sing, but won’t on stream bc it’s very loud and he thinks he can’t anymore (I don’t care if he can) (I want to see a throat-singing Pat)
Loves the bird-people noises coming from in-the-game
Pat games over: “I got sloppy”
Pat talks about the “Thank you Sonic for 200” tweet (i don’t know what that is). People upset about bad appearance of Sonic, but Pat doesn’t think it’s gonna make a difference bc the script will still be bad. Would be more angry if your perfect image of Sonic is put in a terrible movie
Got over for uncanny valley for Pikachu bc the script seems fine, and proportions are still the same, just moved to a different format
Asks brushy if he’s allowed to have a fursona. Pat thinks he has a bird-sona. A crow or a tired dog. Maybe a borzoi, but doesn’t think he’s elegant enough
Hot take: borzoi’s are the dumbest dogs. Pat loves this
Dipped for a bit here
Doesn’t like rowdy DK music. “This is stressing me tf out”. Sets the music to be more chill. Appreciates pan flute of new song
Talks about spaghetti tech. Proper way to eat spaghetti involves swirling spaghetti between a fork and a spoon. Makes it more convenient, so that spaget doesn’t slide off. Pat has never had rare spaghetti, but has had al dente penne. Al dente spaghetti sounds hard bc hard to wrap around fork
Got a new hat, but dirty af
Finds new crab boss. “Crab hit hard!” Pat loses 1st time, but wins and gets swamp ring
Had to leave for a bit here
Someone got the voice actor for snake to say that “pee is stored in the balls” in his solid snake voice. Pat approves this, so that actor can make the most of the voice
Destroys a man’s book collection because he wouldn’t come back to his camp because he was “too stupid”. Then comes back to kill him.
“I would never put on a ring to make me smart. Magnum jr. would never do that”
The music in this part of the stream slaps in particular
“Cool hat logan”
Mentions how it started to rain outside and how it’s nice to be comfy inside!
Drinkin’ a real piece of shit beer here tonight
“It’s not a bud light it's a budweiser, bud heavy”
Mentions how here’s never had coke and pepsi together before but wants to and probably will soon, perhaps on stream
Goes to fight crystal sage (a boss he hasn’t beaten yet)
Only coke he enjoys is mexican coke rn (which is arguably the best)
Someone knocks on his door so he goes to see who it is, causing chat to go piss crazy
Comes back and says “what did you do faith” she said she drinks grinch soda, or groda, causing her to get timed out
Looks for good armor but refuses to wear one because the ass. is. not. open.
“Let’s go fight a bowass”
The music then turns to what i can only describe as what a classy clown would listen to. Still slaps tho
Has a boss fight that looks like a big ol whack a mole fight with the crystal sage
Makes a small mistake and dies “I got so stupid”
“This time we’ll just be 5% less stupid and 100% more victorious”
Mocks the boss enemies in a new york accent “ya think you’re better than me? Just cuz you know how to read some magical runes you think you’re better than me?”
Makes the sub “yee” noise when he gained a new sub
Watched The Matrix last night and said it held up and was still a good movie
Defeats the boss and sets a bonfire
Mentions how he loves keanu reeves and how he's essentially just doing what he wants
Also mentions how he already got tickets for the new John Wick movie
Says they did a really good job making it seem like a violent, horrible experience to wake up from being in the matrix.
Says he doesn’t really know which way he’s going and he’s just going!
“Hey who’s that?” as he jumps down from a cliff to attack an enemy
“I got the knives in my back, fake friends”
“I know they’re fake friends because real friends would stab me in the front” pat,,,no
Gives an update to his bathroom and says workers are still working and are isolating the ceiling problem and he hopes it’ll be over soon
He really did “hewwo” to us huh
Thanks dark souls for giving a good level design in a fight “love it, yes, excellent, perfect”
Sighs and says you can not pet the dog
Moves to a shield to help in fighting
Chat spams donuts
Memeshart begs for pat to go in a building, but Pat’s just gonna keep exploring
Finally goes into building after exploring
I have to do something urgent right now!
Character says “Redayy be careful”; Pat mocks it (I dunno what he actually said, that’s just what it sounded like)
He goes to level up Magnum jr., and buy stuff he couldn’t buy previously. Bought a really big hat that was totally worth it. Unfortunately, it covers up Magnum Jr’s face. Realizes he can’t level up yet bc he has more souls to burn
Pat admits he has not had a lot of Japanese soft drinks, largely bc people probably don’t bring them overseas much
Finds himself in a Dark Souls treasure nook, w red water. “Is this the blood-loss water?”
Pat got worms!! But the worms don’t want the fire Pat was gonna use them for. Needs to switch the torch w the worms. He also got bees
Pat recites the Bugs sound button as it plays
Gonna wrap up soon bc Thomas is live and we’re gonna raid him
Pat got two Christmas Lizards in game
Goes to fight a giant ice lizard boss, not knowing what he’s doing. Regrets this decision and leaves
Brushy got spaghetti, possibly related to earlier convos in the stream
Pat likes the gross-out art in Dark Souls. Likes that it’s a Japanese developing team taking a Western take that look diff from other Western games
Finished his wrap-around of the area, and decides to cut the stream, but will resume DS on the weekend!!
End of stream!
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thiscrimsonsoul · 5 years
What did the mun think of Endgame? I was, sadly, very disappointed... They ignored Loki, Vision, Heimdall... Thor's depression and ptsd... no comment. They gave Tony a family just to kill him and including IW, they killed the two main women of each team (Gamora and Natasha) in the exact same way, same music, only to add that "Girl Power" moment later. Wanda fights a Thanos who didn't take anything from her. Whilst fighting this Thanos, they weren't the Avengers; they were the preventers!
{out of parikash}  So… I had a lot of problems with Endgame, but not as many as you might think or the ones you might think. This is gonna all be random, so let’s just get started, haha.
First of all, yeeeeah, I agree with you. No mention of those characters at all. Or Pietro after Ultron. So it struck me upside the head like a two-by-four to realize that some people seriously dislike or even hate Wanda because they think Pietro and Vision died and she didn’t care. Like… the fact that Pietro and Vision were never mentioned again in the MCU after their deaths (unless you count two seconds of his name on a baby’s shirt for Pietro and one indirect and possibly not even a reference to him at Tony’s funeral for Vision) are taken by some people as IC insensitivity from Wanda. Like… they think SHE doesn’t care. And that just like… hurts. Because she does, she cares a shit ton. See… I never ever took that as IC, or even real, haha. My brain automatically filled in like well okay… she does mention them, they do have funerals, she does cry for them… it just happened off camera between movies or during downtime where we didn’t get to see. That was 100% what I always assumed. So to learn that some people actually blame Wanda IC for not reacting at all to their deaths after their movies ended… that really shows the gross mishandling of their characters that MCU has engaged in, in my opinion. Yes, I went there. XD So yeah… I loved the way they handled Natasha’s and Tony’s deaths, but other characters also deserved such attention.
The portrayal of Thor’s depression and PTSD was… absolutely disgusting to me. I’m just gonna lay it out there. My heart broke for him, and he’s not even a favorite character of mine. To have a character break down that much and have it be perceived by other characters as annoying, crass, gross, funny, pathetic, or somehow negligent on his part and placing blame on him… was just… a slap in the face to anyone who has ever been broken down by trauma or grief in their lives. It sent the message that, if you react this way to trauma in your life, you’re lazy, no one will like you, you’ll be a failure, you’ll be a walking joke. And that is really not forgivable, Disney. Like honestly. What the flying fucking pancake. I would never treat any character I have ever written anywhere the way they did Thor. Boo. Not cool. Not acceptable.
Okay… Tony and Natasha’s deaths… here is where I’m going to lose followers haha. Let’s take Tony first.  I… was… never a fan of Tony until after Endgame, and I really didn’t understand him until I recently watched the first Iron Man movie. Yes… I haven’t seen 2 or 3. Yes… I didn’t watch any of them until after Endgame. I had no interest. I didn’t like the man at all. It wasn’t until Endgame that his death made me rethink him. His death, the way he interacted with Morgan, his message at the end… they all made me stop and go hmm a bit. In watching Iron Man, I suddenly realized that he had a very similar personality to and functioned mentally in the same way as a character I created over a decade ago. That character was also loud, crass, ran at the mouth, jokes that were funny, overly defensive, a little off, drank too much, the whole shebang… and it was because he had been traumatized during a war. Other characters around him accepted and understood that he was this way and why he was this way, and they gave him a lot more leeway and understanding than they would someone who had not been traumatized. To still other characters looking in, it was confusing as to why this totally abrasive asshole was being given all these free passes by his friends. Anyway, my point was that as soon as I realized that Tony was at his core the same type of character, I suddenly understood him a lot better, and that helped me to like him more.
In writing Wanda, that made me consider the nightmare/premonition she conjured in his mind in a different light. If you remember in Ultron, right after he wakes from his dream, Wanda is there and she looks… surprised. It’s canon that she saw all their nightmares, Lizzie said it so I buy it, haha. I have actually used her mulling over what she saw in Tony’s head as the bass for IronWitch (which I know is an extremely controversial ship, but somehow I make it work… off Tumblr though, I don’t need that kind of anti-ship hate on her blog), because Wanda was expecting something far more selfish and petty from Tony than what she got. And she doesn’t just see visions, she experiences what they’re thinking and feeling too. So she felt a lot of unselfish things from him that day that really confused her. The man who murdered her parents because he doesn’t care who he kills or he’s so rich that he doesn’t care who he sells his weapons to… which is who she thought he was… wouldn’t have had the kind of vision that he had. It changed her opinion of him, and I headcanon that that’s why she was able to tolerate him a lot more easily than Pietro.
Anyway, my tangent in going into this was that… his death actually made me, a late-comer to the movie-verse of Marvel, really examine his character and the core of his values and soul. In a good way, heh. I thought his death was good. BEFORE YOU KILL ME LET ME EXPLAIN, HAHA. I don’t mean I’m glad he died, because I’m not. That sucked, Morgan’s sad face sucked, everything about that sucked, haha. But… the way in which he died, the sacrifice he made, the way in which he was loved and honored afterward… I liked that. From a writer’s point of view, it felt like a very honorable and virtuous ending for a character who always had strived to be such and felt like he fell short. Well that time, he hit the bar, heh. I liked it. BUT I WILL COME BACK TO THIS ONCE I’M DONE WITH NATASHA SO HOLD THIS THOUGHT, haha.
Natasha… Okay, just like Tony, I didn’t overly like her until she died, haha, but whereas with Tony it was because I had misunderstood the character, with Natasha it was more a case of her completely flying under my radar. Bitch had been making me like her for umpteen number of movies and I hadn’t ever REALIZED it until she went and DIED on me and then I realized I LOVED her. XDDD I shit you not, I was literally like oh no I think I liked that character that just died, haha. It was a weird feeling. But not necessarily bad. What was bad, was the fact that it didn’t need to happen. I mean… was there a problem with just reversing our own timeline and grabbing the stones before Thanos snapped? I feel like there was a reason why we couldn’t’ do that, so I’ll let that one go, but even so… could we not have gone back to maybe when Thanos got the soul stone and taken it from him? Or I mean, my point is there were other options. Of course that would have screwed Gamora fans, haha, but I’m sure there was another way of getting that stone. But… that aside… new paragraph because long…
…as with Tony, I thought her death was well done. It was an emotional, honorable, brave way for again… a character who had often thought she wasn’t good enough or that she had too much red in her ledger. Well it all got erased at that point. It was a great venue, I thought, to showcase her and Clint’s relationship (which incidentally, have you ever seen a more beautiful display of platonic love in a really valid way before? Just ugh, it was amazing), to show how much they loved each other and how much that they were equally willing to sacrifice to set things right. Their commitment to saving the world regardless of what it meant for them was incredibly profound, poignant, and I thought the whole scene was really well done. If she had to die, I think it was a good death deserving of everything else we saw from her up until that point.
If… she had to die. If… Tony had to die. Here’s… where I start to get pissed off, haha. As I said, I feel like there were ways around Natasha dying. And with Tony… I mean… again, it was for an IronWitch thing… but I wrote a little ficlet off Tumblr about Wanda continuing to power the arc reactor herself after Tony did the snap. Now… granted… she couldn’t hold it forever and eventually got tired and distracted by her emotions and Tony ended up dying anyway and it was super sad, BUT… lol… the point was… I believe Wanda could do that. I believe Carol could’ve done that. Or, hey, you’re telling me they couldn’t find any kind of a temporary power source to fuel the arc reactor until they can fix or replace it? how many freaking times did Tony almost die from removal or failure of the arc reactor in Iron Man alone??? I’m not buying this, Marvel! Okay, maybe he died of a combination of the reactor failing and that he got fried by the power going through his arm and torso and head. Okay, that I buy. HOWEVER… HOW MANY OTHER CHARACTERS DID THEY BRING BACK IN SUCH RIDICULOUS WAYS BEFORE TONY AND NATASHA, AND YOU’RE TELLING ME THEY’VE GOT NOTHING THIS TIME? Some seriously ri-DONK-culous shit has happened in order to bring characters back in the MCU. I don’t buy for a second that there’s no way to do it. I just don’t. I personally can’t think of a way to do it, short of just grabbing another Tony and Nat from another reality into this one, haha, but I’m sure one of those giant brains at MCU could have thought of something.
Okay I ranted about Tony and Natasha enough. Now on to Steve. First, let me expression  my deepest sympathies to Captain America fans everywhere. They did him so wrong. I mean oh my holy gracious gravy pants, what the hell even was that?! First of all, in my opinion, someone who would selfishly go back in time to get what they want from a woman who otherwise had moved on and had a family and a life of her own and passed away already peacefully… was not worthy to wield Thor’s hammer. Worthy… to me… means… some kind of higher justice or morality that extends beyond self and into the greater good. There was nothing good about what Steve chose to do. It was selfish, it was really inconsiderate to this woman he claimed to love, and so much for all that junk about not being able to alter too much in the past or in alternate timelines, we have to just do pointed things and get out. Well Steve completely altered HIS OWN TIMELINE. Like. So why can’t  we go grab a mind stone somewhere for Vision? Huh? Why can’t we yoink a Nat or a Tony into this timeline? Why couldn’t we have brought back Pietro? For someone who was supposed to lead, keep order within, and direct prudently a team of people who have all lost and suffered and regretted things… he basically just said to them well nuts to what you want but Imma get what I want so see ya suckers. It was such a shitty thing to do and honestly I pretend like it didn’t even happen. Because no. Steve up until that point through umpteen number of movies would never have done what he did at the end of Endgame. He would have wanted to. He would have thought about it. But he would not have done it. That’s what makes him worthy. He doesn’t do what he wants, he does what serves the greater good, or truth, or justice. MCU dropped the vibranium shield on that one big time.
Okay all morality and character development that got trashed aside… sending Steve back to his timeline would have… changed… a lot more… than him just growing old? He wouldn’t have been encased in ice. Wouldn’t have been found decades later as a young capable person to help out with all the events of later movies. Civil War would never have happened. Lots of things wouldn’t have happened or would have happened differently because Steve would not have even been there. By all rights, when he came back old, everyone else there but Bucky should have been like… who the hell is this guy? They would not have had the history with him anymore. Am I wrong on this? I would love someone’s opinion because this really bugs me that they let this big of a plot hole go.
Now about Wanda... I do understand why that had to be set up that way, but as her mun, I can’t tell you how infuriating and heartbreaking it is getting inside her head at the moment at which Thanos casually tells here “I don’t even know who you are.” Like… here is a girl full of pain and grief and rage who has been so wronged by this guy… and he’s like… who dafuq even r u? At that moment she must have felt like exploding. Her feelings and pain were completely invalidated in that moment. Just… ugh, so painful for her. BUT THEN… MCU ROBS HER OF THE CHANCE TO KILL HIM. Wanda had Thanos. She was going to kill him and basically win things for everyone. But nope. We can’t have a woman do it, we gotta save that honor for Tony, heh. No offense to Tony, it’s just irritating to me heh. LET HER DO THIS, MCU. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? LET WANDA BE THE STRONG VENGEFUL WOMAN SHE IS AND KICK THIS PURPLE RAISIN’S ASS. It was like they felt they had to do the fans a service of having that confrontational moment but then decided no okay lol but we have a better ending for Thanos so bye bye Wanda. That’s honestly what it felt like and I really hated it.
Aaaaand I have ranted ENOUGH about this, haha. I’m so sorry, I kindof let loose lol. Hope I answered all your questions though!
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tigers-eyes-26 · 1 year
Colors Chapter 1
Waluigi tossed a coin to the helicopter operator. It had taken many forms of transportation through out his journey to this miserable city, and finally he was done traveling for a while. He hefted his large briefcase and ambled off to find a way off the top of this building.
Wario was right this place was full of….people…weh.. customers. These people didn’t look right to him. their heads and hands… they were all too small. They all looked very bland. What’s up with their fashion? All had gray business suits. No color? Waluigi sneered at the rush of people around him.
He made it to his hotel room it was ok…. still bland but comfortable. He stretched out all his kinks he had acquired during his travels. It was annoying being tall and traveling. Why didn’t Wario just travel himself if he was the one that was going to start a business here? ~Oh right~, he’s a lazy slob. They would take one look at his ugly mug and deny him any permits he needs. Waluigi had finesse and looks. He could just smile and wink himself through any paperwork. He got dressed in his best. Purple dress pants, vest, and a white-collar shirt. He brushed his hair.  Wally looked at himself in the mirror and twisted his mustache practicing his smiles. “Wah! What a handsome man! Whahaha!” He was ready.
He confidently sauntered toward the City Hall. A spot of color caught his eye. A tall curvy brunette dame in a red pantsuit. He slunk in step with her. She side-eyed him keeping her face forward, barely acknowledging him.
He smiled at her regardless. “Wah! I must complement you on your fashion choices!”
Her black heels kept clicking onward on the sidewalk. “You must be new here.”
He chose not to hear her condescending tone. “I am, and I’m looking for someone like you to show me around.”
“Sorry,” She wasn’t sorry, “I’m busy.”
His smiled faltered a little. “Yes…like everyone else in this city.” He mumbled under his breath. He picked his smile up again. “How about after work?”
She scoffed as the only answer.
Waluigi slid in front of her. She didn’t stop her walk. He adjusted and started walking backwards. “Look lady, you seem smart and like the only one here that I can get along with. I just want to know about the best places in this city.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “We have people who can show you around.”
Before Waluigi could rebuttal, his back hit glass. He looked up, they had walked to the art deco City Hall doors. He opened the door for her and bowed as she passed him. She walked in with purpose.
“Oh, Hello Madame Mayor!” The gray clothed secretary at the front desk greeted her.
Waluigi’s jaw dropped in disbelief. She was the mayor!?! He had harassed the mayor and would probably be denied permits now.
The Mayor smirked over her shoulder. “Suzie here can point you to people who can show you around.” She entered an elevator with an amused smile on her red lips.
Waluigi rubbed his hand down his face. He looked at the eager small face of Suzie.
It was a long day of meeting with realtors and looking at potential places to put Wario’s new casino. even if the people looked bland at least they had personality through their speech. After at the last place, Waluigi and a blond realtor walked back to the center of town. “Is there any place here to buy colorful clothes?” he asked exasperated at all the gray.
“Sure, da Crazy Cap Shop.” As they came to a corner, she jerked her thumb at the bright yellow and purple shop.
His eyes lit up at the shop. Finally, some color! “Wah! Hey, thanks lady!” He raced to the shop.
“Fuhgeddaboudit.” She shrugged as he darted across the street. She figured he could find his way back to his hotel by himself and continued home.
Waluigi had been eyeing the hats that the men wore around the city, but he couldn’t stand wearing something gray. WAh! The perfect one! A purple fedora hat with a white band. He could dress it up a bit with a pin or something else. He tried it on and made several faces in the mirror to see how it looked.
“Hurry up will ya!” The cashier cried out from behind the register. The bland man wore a bright yellow suit with an equally bright purple tie.
Waluigi glared at him but made his way up to check out. “Why such the rush?”
“I’m closing early. Gotta see Mayor Pauline’s performance tonight.”
Waluigi paid for the hat. “She performs?”
The man incredulously gasped “You must be new here!”. Waluigi eyebrows flattened. “She’s the best singer in the whole city!”
“Mmm… I better see for myself.” He placed the paid for purple fedora on his head.
“Sure, she sings at the city hall auditorium in….” The shopkeeper looked down at his watch. “The next 30 minutes! Geez I gotta get this place closed up. Shoo shoo!” The man shoved Waluigi out the door.
“Wah! Hey!” he protested but ended up out on the streets. “Hmph.” He adjusted his hat and straightened his vest. “Let’s see how well this lady sings.”
Waluigi entered the auditorium, it was covered in dark red velvet carpet and the dark walls were decorated in gold. It would be a nice place, only it was packed from wall to wall with people swaying to the tune. On the stage was Mayor Pauline in a red sequined cocktail dress that framed her body perfectly. She was singing a jazzy slow tune with the band members in red behind her. Her eyes would periodically close, showing off her shiny purple eyeshadow, as she poured passion into her song. He had to admit she was good. But what bothered him was the audience, just swaying. Jazz needed to be danced to! The current song ended. The crowd went wild, jumping, cheering, and whistling. 
Pauline bowed her head gratefully. After a bask in the cheering she started to snap out an upbeat rhythm the band followed her lead. Waluigi swiveled his head to see if anyone was going to dance to this song? Nope, they jumped in place and clapped. That was it!? Wah! He couldn’t stand it! He shoved his way to the middle of the floor. He grabbed the closest lady and twirled her to get the other people out of his way.
“Whoa!” she exclaimed.
“Try to follow my lead, Toots.”
He twirled, lifted, and flipped the lady in the gray dress suit. He intentionally used her to smack into other audience members making them step away, creating space for him to dance. Eventually the rest of the people started to “oooh” and “aww” at the fancy dancer and his moves with his stiff partner. One of the spotlight operators took notice too and shifted his light to the circle that had formed in the crowd. The song came to an end, and Waluigi finished by landing in the splits.
Again, the room erupted in cheers, claps, and elation, but his time it was focused on him. Waluigi flashed a winning smiled. “Wah!” he cheered as he jumped up out of the splits.
“Me next! Me Next!” A woman who was part of the circle around him cried and jumped forward into his space. Waluigi didn’t mind. The cheers and recognition were enough for him. He could dance all night.
And he did dance all night. After every song a new woman would want to try to dance with him. He obliged. After hours the set was done. Suzie ascended the stairs to gift a bouquet of red roses to the mayor.
“Thank you, New Donk City!” Pauline cheered. She took one rose and tossed it to Waluigi. He caught it between his teeth and gave the singer a smolder.
“Oh?” She cocked an eyebrow at him.
People rushed out of the Auditorium all buzzing. Waluigi followed the flow of people. He caught words of some of the conversations. “Amazing!” “How did he do that?” “I want to be twirled like that.” He smiled at all the women who he caught looking at him in awe.
 A hand gripped his arm stopping him from exiting the building. “Wah!?” He looked at the man that had stopped him, again nothing really set him apart from all the others in the city.
“The mayor wants to see you.” The man announced.
“Wah? A little old me??” He joked with the man but got no response. Waluigi lightly smacks the mans hand off of his arm. “Alright already, I’m not going to run away.” The man just stoically eyed him. Waluigi crossed his arms and waited next to the statue of a man. After all the regular people had left the building, the singing mayor herself appeared. She had a long black fur coat tied over her red dress.
Waluigi opened his mouth to complement her, she flicked out a card in his face. “I have a proposal for you, meet me tomorrow at this café. 11 am sharp.” She walked out to a black car parked right in front of building. She paused before getting into the back seat. “Good night,”
“Good night….” He dumbly replied. The man shoved Waluigi out of the doorway and locked the door after him. “Wah! I can get out myself, thank you very much!” The man just glared and walked off leaving Waluigi to think about his meeting with the mayor tomorrow.
Authors notes: I had a dream about this and had to write it down. This is like 4 months in the making. This is part of my AU. I still don't have a name for it yet.
Next Chapter:
the Link below is a story that kinda explains my AU or my Headcannon.
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