philosophybits · 10 months
Though silence is not necessarily an admission, it is not a denial, either.
Cicero, Paulus
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Der Apostel Paulus, c. 1617. von Guido Reni (Undatiert, )
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wonderfull-star · 4 months
“School for little vampires” fans! Is there any chance at all of reviving this fandom? And I mean not only in terms of popularity but also in terms of the continuation of this show itself. For example, the creation of a film, game, comic book or even anime based on it. And it doesn’t matter if some studio or the fans themselves do it. Since the idea of ​​this animated series itself has enormous potential for popularity. Why do I think so? Okay, here are some facts why:
The main characters are children/teenagers. And this is already the main sign for success. Remember the Disney who decided to cancel the “ Wander over Yonder” not only because of low views but also because the main characters are adults. Well, as we know, in our time, the main success is precisely those cartoons where the main characters are children/teenagers (there are, of course, exceptions, but there are actually quite a few of them). I don’t think it’s worth explaining why these shows are popular because the reason is obvious.
Often, most of the cartoon episodes take place at school. And here is another main bonus to success for the animated series. I think many of us agree that most of the cartoons, films and anime that we all watched were somehow related to school. This has long become a classic. After all, it is in a show about school that most love relationships between characters take place(and this is what we will discuss now)
Love relationships between characters. SHIPS. And there are plenty of them in this cartoon. After all, there is a main couple in this cartoon-Oskar and Sunshine. Well, like in other fandoms, there are various disputes and disagreements over couples, the main ones being OskarXSunshine and OskarXGothetta. That’s it. The presence of a couples in animated series also greatly influences its popularity. Since they are an integral part of discussions in fandom.
Interesting characters with their own personalities. The more the creators of the cartoon show other characters and their character traits, the more interesting the show will be and will attract not only children but also more adult audiences. For example, what I remember most about this cartoon is Stoker and his constant dirty tricks. The show was completely different without him. I can definitely say that Stoker is a REAL troublemaker. I especially like his relationship with Oscar. They often argue and even fight, but I wouldn’t call them enemies either. In a word, they are frenemies✨. And I just love it. There's definitely never a dull moment with Oskar and Stoker! I can say the same about Paulus. Just a real walking comedy. Well, what would a cartoon be without this clumsy old man Van Helsing?? Usually such versatile characters are found in cartoons and anime. After all, it is there that such categories of characters are found: the main character, the quiet one (in this case the main character is the quiet one), the best friend who is secretly in love with the main character, the nerd, the bully, the youngest of all, the oldest of all.
This is a show about vampires. Many people like to read or watch something about vampires. And usually they involve love between a vampire and a human, which is a favorite cliche of many.
In the end, I want to say that this show has great potential for popularity. Well, if you consider that many people like to create anime based on vampires, it’s quite strange that no one decided to just take on the idea of ​​​​creating an anime about vampire children who study at school. What an awesome anime that would be 🤧
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dunebrainrotmtg · 8 days
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Magic the Gathering cards reimagined with Frank Herbert's Dune novels and movie adaptations.
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masha-nikita · 4 months
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Paulus and von Reichenau with cats is nice enough :)
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ilterzouomo · 12 days
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kemetic-dreams · 6 months
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When they arrived at Salamis, they proclaimed the word of God in the Jewish synagogues. And John was with them as their helper.
 6 They traveled through the whole island as far as Paphos, where they found a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet��named Bar-Jesus, 
7an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. The proconsul, a man of intelligence, summoned Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God.…
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god-is-good · 1 year
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fabiansteinhauer · 1 year
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Paulus, nicht Cassius
Die Passagen in den Digesten sind adressiert, sie tragen eine Adresse, die durch arabische Ziffern für Diskretion und Präzision sorgen sollen. Ob die Passage wirklich abgeschlossen ist, ob ihr Sinn vollständig ist und nicht überschwappt, ob nicht etwas hineintropft kann fraglich sein, die Adresse ist trotzdem diskret. Interpretiert man viel, nehmen die Zahlen nicht zu, in der Adresse steigt die Passage nicht auf, nicht ab. Wird die Passage wenig interpretiert, nehmen die Zahlen der Adresse nicht ab. Die Adresse macht einen Schnitt, und das als Vorgabe, die als Adresse leicht und identisch wiederholbar ist. Sie ist also auch präzise. Ob das System hat, das ist fraglich. Adressiert ist es aber auf jeden Fall, es adressiert auch, ist auch adressierend.
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nihmue · 8 days
"Broeders en zusters, we zijn dus niet langer gebonden aan het aardse, om volgens aardse maatstaven te leven. Als u wel zo leeft, zult u zeker sterven. Als u echter uw zondige praktijken doodt door de Geest, zult u leven."
Romeinen 8:12-13
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v-ceulemans · 13 days
Homilie voor de 9e zondag door het jaar B
Zittaart/Meerhout/Rosselaar/Hulsen – zaterdag 1/zondag 2 juni 2024 lezingen: Deuteronomium 5,12-15       2 Korintiërs 4,6-11           Marcus 2,23-3,6 Broeders en zusters, nu we weer de tijd door het jaar zijn ingegaan, vervolgen we de lezing van de brieven van Paulus aan de christenen van Korinthe. In de passage die we vandaag hoorden voorlezen, hoorden we zijn bespiegelingen over hoe het…
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tanganterbukamedia · 14 days
”Berfirmanlah, Sebab Hamba-Mu Ini Mendengar.”
Kisah pemanggilan Samuel dimulai dengan sebuah kenyataan pahit: ”Pada masa itu firman Tuhan jarang, penglihatan pun langka” (1Sam. 3:1). Mengapa pahit? Sebab, tidak ada komunikasi antara Allah dan umat-Nya. Bisa jadi itu disebabkan karena anak-anak Eli ternyata tidak mengindahkan Allah. Sebagai imam mereka bertindak semaunya sendiri. Dan Eli sebagai pemimpin umat Israel enggan menegur mereka.…
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Apostel Paulus, 1627-9 von Jan the Elder Lievens (1627, oil on canvas)
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erikvelema · 1 month
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mrclmlt · 4 months
Nota de Esclarecimento da Paulus sobre a Bíblia Sagrada Edição Pastoral
O documento ressalta a responsabilidade da Editora com a publicação da Sagrada Escritura
Recentemente, passou a circular na internet conteúdos de caráter difamatório e calunioso sobre a Bíblia Sagrada Edição Pastoral, de modo peculiar, em referência à nova versão da Sagrada Escritura publicada pela PAULUS Editora.
Tais conteúdos, baseados em convicções pessoais, ignoram fatos essenciais para a boa compreensão do tema e a responsabilidade da Editora com a evangelização do povo de Deus, que confiante à missão segue as diretrizes da Doutrina Social da Igreja.
Em nota, a Assessoria de Comunicação da PAULUS esclarece que realiza a publicação da Sagrada Escritura e de muitos outros conteúdos religiosos em consonância e mediante aprovação da Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB), conforme previsto no § 825 do Código de Direito Canônico.
Além disso, a Editora conta com o trabalho de alguns dos melhores biblistas do Brasil, formados em instituições referentes, como o Pontifício Instituto Bíblico de Roma e a École Biblique de Jérusalem e com muitos anos de dedicação ao tema.
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masha-nikita · 4 months
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The Marshals and flowers series.
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